The Sapphire Star
100 posts
Just a weeb who wants to write for those who not many write for
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the-sapphire-star · 8 months ago
finally! Someone analyzed it. I was wondering about it so much. Especially since this is the episode that opened my mind to their personalities to a greater extent
“Choromatsu Rising” Analysis
Alright, so here’s the Osomatsu-san EP19 post that no one asked for. I usually don’t do this but I just wanted to analyze “Choromatsu Rising” and I’m curious to see what others think!
The analysis is below the cut. Warning: EP19 Spoilers
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the-sapphire-star · 8 months ago
First Meeting
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A groan left Osomatsu when he saw that his horse lost. 'Man, this is why I stick to pachinko' he grumbled in his head. He looked at the little paper in his hand.
"Now, what do I do? It's too early to head back home" he whined, wanting to stay out longer
"Why not just bet on one more horse?" Jyushimatsu asked
Osomatsu narrowed his eyes at his little brother. Yeah, because it was that easy. "Yeah sure, you got couple more yen I can barrow?" he asked to which Jyushimatsu shook his head rapidly, "well, there's the answer! I don't have money and neither do you" he sighed once more, "let's just go, I'll try pachinko tomorrow"
Jyushimatsu stuttered as he tried to warn his older brother, but it was too late. As Osomatsu turned around to leave, he bumped into someone else so comically that they both fell back on their butts. Jyushimatsu went to help his brother who was about to shout at the person who he bumped into, only to stop when he saw it was a cute girl.
"Ow, that hurt" she muttered and then looked up at the guy who she bumped into, "Oh, sorry about that" she chuckled
Osomatsu smiled and pushed Jyushimatsu away, "Oh no problem, it was my fault" he said as he hurried to help her up. As he did, he took a quick look over at the girl while she patted the dirt off her clothes.
She was so cute! (H/L) (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes, and (S/T) skin. She wore a (F/C) sweater over a white shirt and a cute blue skirt. Pretty normal for a day out but she looked so damn cute in it.
"Oh, sorry you lost" she said, bring him out of his head. He blinked at her in question, and she pointed to the paper in his hand, "your horse. Sorry you lost"
Osomatsu glanced at his paper, remembering why he was angry a while ago, and scoffed, "oh don't worry about that" he laughed, "no big deal, nothing to worry about" he rubbed the back of his head and then gave her a smile, "so what brings you here? You don't seem like the type to be here"
The girl shrugged, "dad, asked me to come" she answered, "he said he was too busy with work but that he really wanted to come and bet on one of the horses" she rolled her eyes, "so he told me to come and try out my luck with his money"
"Oh really? So how lucky are you?" Osomatsu asked as he wiggled his eyebrows at her. Jyushimatsu rolled his eyes at his older brother. 'I thought we were leaving'
She chuckled at his actions, "Are you asking about right now or with the horses?" She asked, "cause I'm liking my situation right now"
Osomatsu's eyes gleamed as a blush rose to his cheeks. Jyushimatsu's eyes widened at the fact that a girl, any girl, was flirting with his shitty older brother.
The girl giggled and showed him her paper, "but my luck with the horses is pretty good too" she said and Osomatsu's eyes widened when he saw that she had bet on the winning horse. He's had his small lucks with the horses too, but with the way she's talking, it was as if she rarely came here. The girl smirked as she watched his eyes turn to stars, "do you want it?" she asked. Osomatsu snapped out of it and starred at her in shock, "I don't really care about these things and dad could use a break from all this" she said as she nudged to paper towards him
Osomatsu stared at her with wide eyes. Jyushimatsu couldn't believe his ears either. Was she new in town? There was almost no one in this town who didn't know about him and his brothers at this point. Let alone anyone who would be so nice to give them a winning chance at anything! It almost brought tears to his eyes!
"Hellooo?" she called bringing him back again, "you want it or not?" Osomatsu blinked in confusion as his mouth opened and closed, not sure what to say. The girl chuckled and took his paper and replaced it with hers, "it's not a lot but at least you won something, right?" she said as she started walking past him
Osomatsu finally snapped out of it and turned to her, "Wait!" he called and ran up to her, getting her attention. She turned around and smirked at him, "uh, um, thanks for this" he gestured to the paper, "w-what's your name?"
The girl turned around and gave him a wink, making both Matsu's eyes widen, and their cheeks redden. "My name's (y/n) (L/n)" she chirped and walked over to the boy in the red sweater, "and what's your name?"
"Oh, I'm Osomatsu Matsuno" he said very excitingly, making (y/n) smile happily at him
"Well, I hope I see you again soon, O-So-Ma-Tsu~" she sang and turned to walk away.
Jyushimastu gasped and jumped back to his spot next to Osomatsu. "Did that just happen?" Osomastu asked with a goofy grin, to which Jyushimatsu just nodded his head strongly. Osomastu's smile grew as he clenched his hands, scrunching up the paper, "the others won't believe this" he said just as happily.
Jyushimatsu, again, shook his head rapidly. 'No way they'll believe us' he thought
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"Come on, Karamatsu!" Todomtsu whined, "we have been here for hours, when can we go?"
The two Matsunos have been at the clothing store for hours. The second oldest Matsuno had been looking though the racks, saying he's looking for the perfect clothes for himself, but to no avail yet. Todomatsu agreed to go, thinking he could get some clothes for himself. But he had chosen his clothes, bought them and now they were in their bags, and all that was left was for Karamatsu to choose his own clothes.
"Not just yet my brother" he said, not taking his eyes off the clothes, "these clothes just aren't right" he grumbled, "how will I impress my Karamatsu girls with these clothes? They have to be right, or it just won't work"
"Then let's go! You can try again tomorrow" Totty cried out
Karamatsu only hummed in thought. Yes, he could leave but if he did, he could miss the opportunity to find something really good right now. "I don't know..." he grumbled
Totty was about to scream at his brother when all of a sudden, a shimmering shirt was nudged on Karamatsu's arm. The two turned their attention to whoever was holding it and they saw a cute girl with (H/L) (H/C) and (E/C) eyes looking up at him a bit shyly.
"Sorry for being so forward, but I happened to overhear your little problem" she said with a small smile. The two blushed at her and listened attentively. "I wouldn't suggest this, but I did notice your pants and thought you might like this shirt"
Todomatsu and Karamatsu looked at his pants to see that he was wearing his sparkly pants...again.
Karamatsu smiled at her, "You're totally right! That is a great shirt!" he said happily as he took it
Todomatsu narrowed his eyes at his brother, "Yeah, no way in hell" he muttered quietly, but loud enough for Karamatsu to glare at him
"Do you work here?" Karamatsu asked, "I would certainly come by more often if a cutey like you were here" he said with a wink, "especially when you seem to understand my taste in fashion so well"
The girl blushed and waved her hands, "oh no, I don't work here" she smiled, "I just thought you needed help" she said and then glanced at the pink covered boy next to him, "your brother seemed ready to explode"
"Oh don't worry about him" Karamatsu said quickly before Totty could say anything, "what's your name beautiful?"
The girl's eyes widened at his forwardness, "(Y/n) (L/N), nice to meet you" she said
"I'm Karamatsu, the pleasure is all mine" he said eccentrically, Totty only rolled his eyes at him
The girl chuckled, "Um, I have to go but I hope to see you soon, Karamatsu" she said sweetly and walked off, but she turned back before that, "and I bet you'll look good in that" she said and walked off
The two brothers' eyes widened, and Karamatsu blushed as he watched (Y/n) walk away. "NO WAY!" Todomatsu yelled as he grabbed his brother's shirt, "A cute girl wants to see you again!? You!?" he screamed. Only for Karamatsu to have a smile on his face, not listening to his younger brother.
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"Nyaa-chan was as cute as ever!" Choromatsu fawned as he walked out of the concert hall. "So was Totoko"
It was one of those days where he just got to be by himself, without his brothers to judge or ruin the moment for him. "Oh, I wonder what souvenirs they have" he said out loud and ran to where they had all the merch at a table near the exit. He would do another Meet&Greet but he didn't have enough for that this time around. That and he was still embarrassed from when his shitty oldest brother did.
He'd have to give it a little longer before he did that again. He was pretty sure Nyaa-chan still remembered that incident.
"Let's see here" he wondered as he looked around the table. As usual, there was more stuff for Nyaa-chan then poor Totoko. "What to get? What to get?" he muttered. Then he saw a small figure of Nyaa-chan at the corner of the table...the very last one, too!
Choromatsu reached over to grab it. Only for his hand to bump into a smaller one's. He was about to yell at the person to get lost it was his, but his mouth closed when he saw a girl look up at him in surprise.
"Oh, sorry, were you going to buy it?" she asked
His cheeks grew pink as he gave her a once over. Her pretty (H/C) hair was up in a (short/long) ponytail and her (E/C) looked at him all innocent-like. He blinked when she spoke up again.
"Oh, uh, you can have it" he said happily
"But, you were going to buy it, right?" she asked
Choromatsu waved his hands, "Oh don't worry about it!" he chuckled, "there's always next time"
"But this is a limited edition Nyaa-chan model" she said making him freeze in his spot. She realized that he did not know that, and she chuckled. She picked up the model and placed it in his hands, making him shake his head and look at her, before she picked up a, smaller, Totoko model.
"What? But-"
"How about, you take Nyaa-chan and I take Totoko-chan" she said happily. "I don't mind, I like them both"
Choromatsu couldn't believe it! Someone was doing something nice for him? Not even his brothers would be this nice to him! His cheeks turned red and small tears appeared on the side of his eyes, making her look at him in question.
"Um! What is your name, please?" he asked, rather aggressively, making her jump
"I-I'm (Y/N) (L/N)" she replied, "Nice to meet you..."
"Choromatsu Matsuno!" he replied to her with a very low bow
"Oh, well, it's nice to meet you, Choromatsu" she replied with a smile.
Choromatsu turned red all over and was close to exploding in happiness. (Y/n) Smiled at him once more and bowed before walking off to pay for her figurine. Once she was gone, Choromatsu couldn't help but swoon and fawn over the girl, gaining weird looks from the other people around him. Until he realized that no way was anyone going to believe that he just talked to a cute girl.
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'Where are all the cats?' Ichimatsu thought as he walked around the streets. It was strange. Ichimatsu almost never had any difficulty finding cats. Usually, some of them showed up on his window and he'd give them some treats.
He needed to get out of the house anyway. His brothers were getting on each other's nerves, so it seemed like a good time to get out while he still could. But for some reason, he couldn't find the cats even with a bag full of cat treats and the memory of the map the Riceballs gave him a while ago.
'They all must have found a place with good food somewhere else' Ichimatsu thought somewhat sadly as he continued to walk and look around. Up until now, he thought that he was the best place for them to get treats but looks like they found some place else.
"Good kikies" the fourth Mastu stopped in his tracks when he heard a very sweet voice from the alley right next to them. He was about to keep walking when he heard a couple of meow's coming from that same alley. He smiled lightly and walked in, forgetting about the voice already.
As he got further in, he stopped when he saw a figure crouching down, their back facing him, in front of a big pile of cats. "cute kikies" they coo'd
From where he stood, he could see that they were giving the cats treats, same as what he was going to do. He looked at the group of cats sadly and was about to turn to walk away, when one of the cats saw him and ran to him. 'ESP Kitty?'
The figure turned to follow the cat, and noticed Ichimatsu standing there. The boy flinched, his mind already thinking the negative of the situation. 'She's probably gonna scream and report me' he thought shakingly, 'she's alone in an alley and a random guy is standing behind her like a creep? Yeah, I'm getting my ass reported for sure'
The girl looked at him in question and then noticed the sardine snacks in his hands. She then smiled at him, "are giving the cats food too?" she asked, surprising him, "no wonder they've looked well fed for strays" she pet one of the cat's heads, "come on over. I bet they're still hungry, I didn't really bring a lot of snacks"
In his confusion, Ichimatsu got a good look at her. She had (h/l) (h/c) hair and she had a (f/c) shirt and black leggings with running shoes. Looks like she was out for a run and decided to feed the cats while out here.
The girl looked over at him when he didn't move. She then got up and walked over to him. He flinched lightly when she got closer, making her chuckle. "I'm not a biter" she said lightly and grabbed his hand to drag him over to the group of cats. Stiffly, he opened the bag of sardines and started giving them to the cats one by one.
The girl smiled as she watched the cats go up to him in comfort, as if they knew him personally already. As Ichimatsu fed the cats, he slowly started forgetting about the cute girl next to him...that is until he ran out of sardines and the cats all moew'd as if thanking him before they dispersed and walked, or jumped, off.
"Bye, kikies!" the girl smiled as she waved at them, making Ichimatsu jump, remembering that she was there. "You have a way with cats" she marveled as they walked out of the alley, "I bet they all know you really well by now, huh?" Ichimatsu only nodded as he led the way out of the alley. "Aw c'mon, cat got your tongue?" she asked with a light tease
Ichimatsu blushed lightly, "I-I always give them treats" he said
The girl gasped, "aw, you're so sweet!" she said and brought out her hand, "I'm (y/n) (l/n)" she introduced, "and who is the cat savor of the city?" she asked, only making him blush harder
"Ichimatsu Matsuno" he said as he shakingly brought his hand up to meet hers.
"I gotta go, but I hope I meet you again soon" she said as she brought out some headphones and placed them on. Ichimatsu's eyes widened, and small stars appeared in them, when he saw that she had on cat ear'd headphones without a care in the world. With a final wave, she jogged off.
Ichimatsu stayed froze for a while, his hand still in its outstretched position. Once she was out of sight, she brought his hand close to his face as if inspecting it. He had just spoken with a girl...and he even touched her! After maybe 5 minutes of staring at his hand, he stiffly walked back to his house, hoping that he does see her again.
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"Hussle, hussle! Muscle, muscle!"
Like every other day, Jyushimatsu was at the park, either practicing his swinging or playing with the kids there. Today, a little (h/c) haired boy ran over to him as asked him if he could teach him how to pitch and swing correctly.
Jyushimatsu being the silly, nice, person he is said he would if he paid him. The boy nodded and said he'll pay him if he managed to pitch and swing correctly. With a little thought, Jyushimatsu agreed.
So here they were, running laps because the boy, who is named (Brother name: B/N), messed up a swing. "Hustle, hustle! Muscle, muscle!"
"Why am I running laps!" (B/n) yelled angrily
Jyushimatsu stopped running and looked at him, "I don't know, pros run laps when they mess up don't they?" he asked as he picked up his bat
"I don't know!" (b/n) yelled, "let's just focus on pitching instead, for today" he said. Jyushimatsu agreed and did his best to explain how he should pitch correctly, only gaining a confused look from the little boy. He was about to try throwing the ball when he heard someone calling for him.
"(B/n)! (B/n), there you are!" a girl ran over to them and leaned down to catch her breath before glaring at the boy, "you're supposed to let us know when you want to come to the park! Not just walk out on your own!"
"Sorry, but I knew that this guy was going to be here for a bit today, so I had to get here before he left" (B/n) said, gesturing to the yellow clad guy next to him with the huge smile.
The girl looked over at him and noticed that he was just staring at her. She sighed and brought her hand out, "I'm (Y/n) (l/n), I'm his older sister" she introduced herself. Jyushimatsu brought up his sleeve covered hand and shook it rapidly, making her chuckled
"I'm Jyushimatsu Matsuno" he said, his smile not faltering, "(B/n) just asked me to teach him how to pitch, so I'm teaching him now" he said, clarifying what the little guy told her, "is he playing?" he asked
(Y/n) shook her head, "no, but he wants to. He's gonna enter the baseball club at his school later"
"But I need to practice first so I don't suck getting in" (B/n) grumbled as he crossed his arms
"I don't think you have to worry" Jyushimatsu said, "you're good for someone who's never played before"
The little boy's eyes widened and a huge smile spread across his face, almost rivalling Jyushimatu's own huge smile. After that, they agreed to practice a little while longer, while (Y/n) sat at a bench, watching them. After a little longer, (b/n) got so sleepy that he when he sat down next to his sister, he fell asleep.
(Y/n) giggled and Jyushimatsu helped her pick him up so she could get a good grip around him. "Hey, thank you for taking time to teach him" she thanked him
"It's no trouble at all" Jyushimatsu said, waving his sleeve around, "I always come to the park to play around...well almost every day. Sometimes I don't"
(Y/n) chuckled, "well, I hope I see you again" she said and walked away with (b/n) in her arms.
Jyushimatsu waved as she walked away and then turned to get his stuff when he suddenly stiffened up. "Did I hang out with a girl!?"
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"What a great haul!" Todomatsu sighed as he sat down on a bench. He had just gotten some really good looking clothes, the day was great and none of his annoying brothers were around to make him mad. "I gotta take a pic of this once-in-a-lifetime day" he said as he brought his phone out. Then he realized that he forgot his selfie stick at home. Oh well, outstretched pic it was.
He tried to take a picture, but he wasn't liking how it was coming out. He wanted everything he bought to be in the picture, but it wasn't possible.
As he tried over and over again, he didn't notice the girl who stopped walking and saw that he was struggling. After maybe 10 minutes of trying to get the perfect picture to post, he then noticed her looking at him. She flinched and bowed.
"I'm sorry for staring" she said quickly and looked at him, "I just noticed that you were having trouble taking the picture" Totty looked at his phone and then back at her, as if asking if that was all. "if you want, I can take it for you" she said
Todomatsu took a quick second to take her in. She had (h/l) (h/c) tied back so it was out of her face, she had (e/c) eyes and she wore a mask over her mouth, not uncommon around these parts. And she was wearing a simple (f/c) track suit. Totty didn't see anything wrong with her offer so he smiled and lent her the phone, "okay, sure" he said and got in position as she took his phone
With a quick couple photos, Totty asked her which ones looked the best, and with her help, chose the best and posted them on his social media.
"Wow thanks" he chirped once they were posted, "if it wasn't for you, I probably would've just given up and went home without taking a good selfie" he laughed, "hey, what's your name? Maybe I can tag you on it. You know, credit the camera person. I'm Todomatsu" he added quickly, leaving out his last name for obvious reasons
The girl's eyes widened when she realized she didn't even introduce herself yet, "Oh, sorry about that. I'm (Y/n), nice to meet you" she brought down the mask and smiled at him, "you don't have to add me or anything, I was just happy to help
"Well, your help was greatly appreciated" he smiled at her, "well, I better get home. My poor mother will be needing my help with my brothers soon" he said
"Your brothers?"
"Yeah, they're a handfull and I help mom out around the house" he lied
"Oh, well, I shouldn't keep you, then" she smiled at him, "nice to meet you"
"Same, I hope to meet you again" he said with a wave. 'Oh man, she was really cute' he thought as he walked off, then he paused when he realized something, 'damn it! I forgot to get her phone number!' he internally panicked, 'now I really hope to meet her again!'
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the-sapphire-star · 7 years ago
So adorable! ❤️
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the-sapphire-star · 7 years ago
This got me feeling some type of way ಥ‿ಥ
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the-sapphire-star · 7 years ago
BTS reaction: you yelling at them
BTS reaction: you wearing tiny shorts
BTS reaction: you saying they are bad in bed
BTS reaction: You grabbing their hand to massage your head
BTS reaction: When he sees you in the audience
BTS reaction: Finding out you have chronic pain       
BTS reaction: Seeing you in the audience (Sexually) 
BTS reaction: Them yelling at you
BTS reaction: You flirting with another member
BTS reaction: Someone touches you
BTS reaction: You being a Cellist
BTS reaction: You are his mistress but he loves you
BTS reaction: You giving him a blowjob
BTS reaction: Finding out you have a stutter
BTS reaction: Teasing them in public
BTS reaction: Members hearing you
BTS reaction: You see eachother at the airport (LDR)
BTS reaction: Finding out you are a furry
BTS reaction: You rapping fluently
BTS reaction: You wearing sexy underwear
BTS reaction:  You having an Eating disorder (S)
BTS reaction: You wanting to do their makeup
BTS reaction: Accidentally making you flinch
BTS reaction: You are scared of people
BTS reaction: You overworking
BTS reaction: Finding out you have a daddy kink
BTS reaction:You having a spanking fetish
BTS reaction: Find out you are pregnant
BTS reaction: Accidentally slapping you
BTS reaction: You disobey them
BTS reaction: A member walks in
BTS reaction: You denying them sex and teasing them
BTS reaction: You accidentally giving them a boner
BTS reaction: Teasing on the bus
BTS reaction: You feeling useless and worthless
BTS reaction: You having a nightmare
BTS reaction: You saying a dildo is better than him
BTS reaction: Eating you out
BTS reaction: Calling them daddy in public
BTS reaction: Teasing them at dinner with members
BTS reaction: You being insecure about being chubby
BTS reaction: They see you in their sweatshirt
BTS reaction: Catching you touching yourself
BTS reaction: Accidentally cutting/ burning your finger
BTS reaction: Finding out about your choking kink
BTS reaction: Moaning in their ear
BTS reaction: Seeing you dance
BTS reaction: You call them oppa in bed
BTS reaction: A guy flirting with you at the bar
JUST A SLAVE (M,S)– pt (1) (2)
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the-sapphire-star · 7 years ago
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the-sapphire-star · 7 years ago
SUGA: Defend you
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You and Yoongi had been dating for a while now, that you moved in with him so every morning you would wake up to his face. This morning was no different. You slowly woke up and Yoongi was staring at you as he slowly stroked your hair and took your hair out of your face. He smiles down at your face.
“Morning babe.” He said in his low morning voice, you smile saying morning back. As you slowly sat up, and looked outside the window from your bed. Yoongi traced your back looking up at you, smiling.
“Would you like to come to work with me today? It gets a bit lonely.” Yoongi said, as he sat up with you. You look at him nodding happily, he rarely let you come, so you were happy to go alone. Yoongi turned to his side looking at his alarm clock, he itched his head. Yawning a bit.
“We will pick up breakfast on the way.” Yoongi said, getting up as he started to get changed, you got up as well and got changed.
You and Yoongi was heading out and fans surrounded you, Yoongi held you close and made sure you was safe. But it didn’t stop you from hearing horrible comments that people were yelling at you. Yoongi noticed it and was about to say something but you stopped him. By simple shaking your head. Yoongi got in the car with you and drove off.
“Why didn’t you let me say anything? They shouldn’t be saying that about you.” Yoongi said, you looked away not answering. Yoongi decided to leave it and carried on driving. Once you both arrived, you both got out. He lead you to the studio.
“I am glad you came. Now, I get to spend time with you.” Yoongi said holding your hands, you nodded kissing his cheek. Yoongi smiles at you, as he lead you into the studio. He sat on chair smiling.
“Make yourself comfortable babe.” Yoongi said smiling, you nod throwing yourself on the couch behind him. Yoongi began to work, and you decided to go on your phone. You went onto twitter and saw some nice comments that some army left. But then you noticed that some of the fans, was being a bit harsh. Yoongi noticed your reflection from far away, he qucikly turned around raising an eyebrow.
“What’s wrong Y/N?” Yoongi asked, You looked down hiding your phone. Yoongi noticed and stood up, holding his hand out.
“Give it here Y/N.” Yoongi demanded, you looked at your phone and then handed it to him. Yoongi sighs taking it and looked at the phone and sighs angrily.
“You shouldn’t listen to them babe. They are just jealous.” Yoongi said putting your phone on his desk. You looked away nodding. Yoongi sits beside you and pulled you into his chest, stroking your hair.
“Please don’t pay attention to them. You are far too precious. To have this. So please do not pay not attention to them.” Yoongi said, you nodded smiling hugging him tightly. Yoongi smiles down at you kissing your head.
“Come on babe, lets forget about everything. Let’s just head home. I want to spend sometime with my girlfriend.” Yoongi said pecking your lips, you nodded quickly and headed off with him. You both walked out big hit studios and yet again. There was fans there. Yelling all types of things. Yoongi pulled you to his chest as he pushed though the ground.
Suddenly you heard something nasty againist you and you looked down yet again. Yoongi noticed this and he had enough.
“Oy!Who said that?!” Yoongi yelled, angry. You gently pulled on his arm to say for him to stop, Yoongi shook his head.
“No. I will not stop. This is my girlfriend. She deserve respect and love from you guys. If you love me, you will love her.” Yoongi said as everyone went slient. Yoongi pulled you into the car and drove off. You said that he didn’t need to do that. Yoongi shh'ed you quickly and looked at you.
“No one should talk to you like that. I should have stuck up for you sooner. They should not get away with it. I love you and I will always love you. They should understand that.” Yoongi said smiling at you kissing your head.
“You are mine. They should learn that.” Yoongi said pulling your close, you knew he would always protect you.
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the-sapphire-star · 7 years ago
Friend: I love that one character.
Me: Which one?
Friend: He has a scar on his left side.
Me: …
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Friend: His father is dead to him.
Me: *literally?*
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Friend: He has a sister.
Me: …
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Friend: He is a teenager.
Me: …
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Friend: He’s a prince.
Me: …
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Friend: He has powers.
Me: …
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Friend: He fought against the protagonist-
Me: …
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Friend: but they became friends.
Me: …
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Friend: His smile is the purest and could cure cancer.
Me: …
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Me: Could you be a little MORE specific?
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the-sapphire-star · 8 years ago
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© More than tomorrow | Editing allowed, must credit. Do not crop logo.
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the-sapphire-star · 8 years ago
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Happy birthday to my favorite person in the whole world. Happy birthday Min Yoongi ♡
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the-sapphire-star · 8 years ago
Yoongi as your Boyfriend
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Request: So then I'mma make some requests…😏 Suga as your boyfriend? (U bet I’ll be back soon)
Hey could you do a yoongi as a boyfriend pleaseeee !!! 😁
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy!
Super chill couple
Keeping your relationship private for at least the first six months
Not getting introduced to the boys until then
Simply because he wants to make sure you’re both committed
Deep conversations at 3am
Making him come home from the studio when he doesn’t want to
Whining when you get out of bed any time before 12:00 pm because that’s “cuddle time”
Movie dates
Stay-at-home dates
Minimal and shy pda
Most often just holding hands
Until he’s jealous of course ;)))
Honestly not that much cuddling
And he prefers when you initiate pda because he’s lowkey too scared you’ll reject him
Him saying he’s gonna make you breakfast in bed
Him coming back more than an hour later with a cup of mac ‘n cheese
“Here is your breakfast now eat this amazing and delicate meal I have prepared”
Lots of takeout and left over nights
Your name literally being replaced with “babe”
“Babe, can you hand me my coat?”
“Do you know where my beanie is, babe?”
Has a bunch of cute emojis next to your name in his phone
Yet he would never admit that
And he gets all blushy every time it pops up in his notifications
Telling him an entire story thinking he can hear you when he pulls out an earbud and says, “huh?”
Like when you do something cute, he won’t say anything
He’s just got this huge gummy grin on his face that wont go away no matter what he does
Sooooooo many songs inspired by you
So many
That’s most often his anniversary and birthday gifts to you
And they have to be absolutely perfect before you can listen to them
He comes to you for advice on what to do with his next song or set of lyrics
Going to the studio at ass o’clock because you’re his muse
Giving him back rubs when he’s overworked himself
(which is often)
Speaking of which
Rough sex to the fucking max
Like holy shit where did this come from
Yet he’d enjoy being sub sometimes
It’s like a 60-40 thing
Studio sex
Slight public teasing (mainly when he get’s jealous)
Probably not very kinky
Just lots of changing positions
And music playing in the background
Back to the fluffy stuff
He’d love to lay his head in your lap
Sitting in comfortable silence for literal hours upon end
Just because you don’t need to be doing anything to be happy
You just need to be together
Running your hands through his hair
Him telling you to stop and that it’s embarrassing
Highkey literally loving it
Lots of really long and emotional texts that usually end with:
“I know i’m bad at expressing my emotions, but I really do love you.”
And things like that
And yes, at times he can seem cold or tired
But he’s a very passionate and hard-working guy
So that would very much play into his relationships
And if he loves you, he loves you with every fiber of his fucking being.
-Admin Yeonie
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the-sapphire-star · 9 years ago
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Yoongi likes to have some maknae love
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the-sapphire-star · 9 years ago
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InuYasha: Hogwarts Houses ➳ Slytherin
“Or perhaps in Slytherin, You’ll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means, To achieve their ends.”
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the-sapphire-star · 9 years ago
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InuYasha: Hogwarts Houses ➳ Gryffindor
“You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart”
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the-sapphire-star · 9 years ago
So having this at my wedding. Think this could be first dance material.
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the-sapphire-star · 9 years ago
I couldnt tell you how hard it was to record this part WITHOUT laughing at Miyano and Dazai’s animation. Gosh I love this anime. Although I kinda wish Chuya would show up already. It is one of the one animes I still wont drop just yet cause I love the manga alot from what chapters I have read. I also started to read a bit of the light novels so lets see where this adventure goes, haha. 
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the-sapphire-star · 9 years ago
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