#Iceman still red as tomato
nyree2712 · 1 month
Top Gun - Incorrect Quotes 17
Iceman: *Eating something* This tastes amazing!
Maverick: Can I taste?
Iceman: Sure
Maverick: *Kisses him hard* You're right is good
Iceman: *Blushing furiously* Why are you like this?
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pollyna · 2 years
Fanboy's brain has a thing, it's not a thing hijo it's ADHD you have to take this once a day and it's going to get a little easier, that doesn't really work well with the other thing he has, jeez 'Boy it's fucking insomnia man not an immunosuppressive disease!, and sometimes it results in waking up at ass hours because the bed is too hot, too cold, he's thinking about the new weapons specs and he has to prepare the dessert because Captain Mitchell has invited them all for the 4th of July's barbecue at his house.
How early is it he doesn't know but Payback is still asleep on the couch, why he's even sleeping on the couch?, but it's a matter of a second split though before he's thinking about how much flour, sugar and vanilla he has to use to make his favourite cake. He's going to put the cake in the oven when he realises that he didn't turn on the oven and if he does it's going to wake Pay and a tired Reuben is a pain in the ass he doesn't want to have today. So maybe, he could take it to Captain Mitchell home and use his oven.
It's seems like the most logical plane of execution all the way down to his superior's home, five streets by his temporary quarters. He rings the bell once, twice and he and his uncooked cake are a second away to turn around and sit on the porch, to wait maybe half an hour before trying again, when someone who is definitly not Captian Mitchell opens the door. The man on the other side is too tall to be Maverick, his hair are too light to and his eyes are blue. Definitly not Maverick but wait he know this face he's-
"Admiral Kazansky sir, I'm sorry to wake you up. I was searching for Captain Mitchell home, I probably end up-"
"Lieutenant Garcia at ease please, it's six in the morning, it's not a little to early to visit your captain?"
"Six in the- Oh, oh sir I-"
"Come Lieutenant, let's have breakfast and maybe by then you'll have found your words back. Captain Mitchell is still asleep, probably will be for another hour or so. It's that a cake?" he asks walking around the house in what Mickey now realises being pajamas pants and a grey t-shirt.
The next hour it's like living in another universe where Admiral Kazansy, call me Ice or even Tom there's no Admiral when I'm home, put his cake in the oven, makes him breakfast and close both eyes and ignore all the photos he's taking. Fanboy has to record this, for posterity, his own sanity and to sent them out to group chat because Admiral Thomas fucking Iceman Kazansky is making him breakfast and he's cheeks are red as a tomatoes because his voice is just smooth and perfect and, for once, Mickey wants just to listen to him talking and to not say a word. When he was in seventh grade Mickey wrote an essay about the Navy, the pilots and wanting to be just like Iceman and when he was sixteen the admiration evolved in a crush and it helped him undertake he wasn't straight, at all.
One of yours lost his clock this morning Mav he says looking over his shoulder to a very sleepy captain. At least this one just lost the clock and not his mind Ice he answers before smiling at Mickey, just a couple of hours earlier, eh Lieutenant? But his answer get lost in Captain Mitchell kissing Admiral Kazansky on the mouth before whispering Good morning babe.
Click, another pic, for posterity, himself and his sanity. He fall in another universe, for sure.
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bamfdaddio · 4 years
X-Men Abridged: 1964
The X-Men, those wacky mutants that have sworn to protect a world that hates and fears them, are a cultural juggernaut with a long, tangled history. Want to unravel the tapestry? Then read the Abridged X-Men!
(X-Men 3 - 8) - by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
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Fantastic Four 28
The X-Men’s sophomore year basically serves as a recruitment drive for  Professor Xavier and Magneto: both our heroes and those nefarious villains try to recruit various mutants (The Blob, Namor, Unus the Untouchable), all with absolutely no success.
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We also meet Magneto’s home team, the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. (Later on, they would drop the ‘evil’, because why would Magneto call himself evil? He believes he’s doing the right thing.) The Brotherhood consists of:
An acrobatic toady;
A white-haired speedster whose entire personality is that he loves his sister;
A fashion victim with nebulously defined disaster powers;
A creepy, sexist illusionist, who is by far the most useful on this squad. He is literally the only reason Magneto briefly conquers a country.
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i, too, enjoy towers of mashed potatoes (X-Men 4)
Magneto is fleshed out more: he still remains fabulously extra, but he develops an obsession with owning strongholds and/or land. In this year alone, he owns one island (1), one manor (1) and one asteroid (1). He also briefly takes over the nation of Santo Marco. Magneto also does some astral projection, because magnets can... do... that? (Just go with it.)
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he is just so ridiculous <3 (X-Men 7)
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magnetic intensity indeed. like toad and rogue, I would fall in love with magneto in a heartbeat (X-Men 5)
While the Toad’s and Mastermind’s loyalty to Magneto is never questioned, Pietro and Wanda, meanwhile, show plenty of reluctance in following the mutant despot. They even help the X-Men once or twice, but ultimately remain loyal to Magneto because he saved Wanda from an angry mob. (The mob is traditionalist rather than racist: They want to burn her because she is a witch, not because she’s a mutant. So it’s fine.) 
However, this year does mark the first appearance of anti-mutants sentiments: a crowd attacks Hank after he saves some kid from a water tower, simply because they suspect he’s a mutant. I always thought it was Claremont who introduced this theme, but apparently, he merely expanded on something Lee started. It also introduces the conflict between Xavier’s views and Magneto’s: the hippie professor believes in peaceful coexistence, the flamboyant villain in the dominance of homo superior.
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they were so mean, Warren, they even took my glasses! (X-Men 8)
It’s also the first example of Professor X opening up his home to a villain in an attempt to reform them. The Blob, petty and churlish, refuses, but I have to admit I would read the fuck out of a What If? where the Blob accepts Charles’ offer.
This year also lays a lot ground for the X-Men themselves, fleshing them out. Hank becomes loquacious and smart, Warren reaches peak himbo and Bobby establishes himself as the jokester. Scott, meanwhile, becomes a lot more emo, tormented by his uncontrollable powers and his love for Jean. She also loves him, but neither of them actually does anything about it. In other character development, Jean straightens her hair.
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in 2021, I aspire to have the same confidence as Warren goddamn Worthington entering a fucking room (X-Men 4)
Meanwhile, Charles is apparently also crushing hard on Miss Grey. (Which is fortunately dropped and mostly forgotten about, because ick.) That, combined with the fact that almost every male character notes how sexy either Jean or Wanda is, really does show how badly all of this aged. I haven’t really read old Fantastic Four or the Avengers, but I do hope Sue and the Wasp have a trifle more personality than this.
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don’t fret, Jean, the only competition you have to worry about is Magneto (X-Men 6)
But! Charles does other weird stuff too! In a shocking display of extreme teaching methods, Professor X pretends to have lost his powers so the X-Men can prove themselves against the Brotherhood in space. Cyclops nearly dies, but despite that, Professor X graduates his X-Men! He then leaves and puts Cyclops in charge. Solid leadership skills all around.
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this is just adorable (X-Men 7) 
Oh yeah, the X-Men also fight Namor and the Fantastic Four, and Iceman starts his bromance with the Human Torch. For those keeping track in the future: this is the point where the young X-Men are time-abducted for their All-New X-Men capers. (X-Men #8, to be exact.) Bobby also has an unhealthy obsession with eating icecream.
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it’s 1964, do you know where your teen-age mutant hoodlums are? (X-Men 4)
Must reads: X-Men #3, the introduction of the Blob, and X-Men #4, the introduction of the Brotherhood. The rest are all variations on the same themes and... not that great. 
Didn’t you take Art History? This era is characterized by cheesy, cheesy writing and the kind of art that seems better suited to a Disney comic than a superhero epic. Stan Lee tends to overexplain everything we see in the art. Despite Kirby’s style not really being my cup of tea, he does effective work and some of his spreads are actually gorgeous. Check this out.
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so… daddy longlegs is not a mutant? (X-Men 3)
Best new character: The Blob. Hear me out.  He is a different kind of villain than most of the villains introduced in this era: he is petty and small-minded, rather than megalomaniacal and dramatic, which makes for a nice change of pace. Then there’s the fact that he looks grotesque and that even the X-Men, who should know better, mock him and body-shame him. (Nice going, calling him ‘fatso’ while he probably even couldn’t lose weight if he tried, because, you know, it’s his mutant power). He is like a foil to the Thing: mean and selfish where the Thing tries to be heroic and rise above his circumstances. The Blob is an unhappy man who does unhappy things; some authors have realized that he’s more than just a fat joke: there’s something inherently cruel about his mutant power.
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then again, Fred does call Jean a cute tomato, so maybe he deserves everything the X-Men throw at him (X-Men 3)
Most audacious retcon: Nobody seems to have a grasp on how strong Professor X and Marvel Girl are. One issue, Jean can toss around a crowd of women, the next, she can’t pick up Hank.  Charles seems to be just as strong as the plot demands. 
Ugliest Costume: The Scarlet Witch. Pink and red? O honey, no.
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wanda, what is that headpiece (X-Men 4)
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pollyna · 2 years
Sarah meets Tom in January, outside a very discreet queer pub in New York during Christmas' holidays and they decide to get married in February. Only Slider and a friend of Sarah, Olly? Molly?, are present and when the judge say you can kiss your bride Tom kisses her cheek and thanks her. A week later Sarah is back to school, studying to become a lawyer and taking a minor in art, and Tom is back to his post. They don't wear a ring but they share a black bracelet they chose after they signed all the right documents.
Tom calls her from deployment around the world when he can, Sarah studies and gets her degree and then she passes her bar exam and Tom flies commercial to be there, Slider with him and Olly, Molly?, more happy then ever to see them both. People call her Mrs. Kazansky and Tom has to take her hand in his before she punches someone and their parents too. Everytime Tom hears someone saying Mrs. Kazansky he can't help but straight out his uniform because where his mom is the General follows. But, for once, they aren't talking about his family.
Between a deployment and another they buy a house, big enough to have two bedroom, a study and an art room they make in a garage that's almost always empty, a garden where to host barbecues during the fourth of July and a livingroom with a couch big enough to serve as another bed in case Slider or one of their friends wants to stay for the night. Sarah's room is on the left side of the second floor and Tom's on the right. They're both almost thirty five and their life is better than they would have thought. Sarah works all the cases she wants because she is a very good lawyer that learned a thing or two about stern looks from Tommy and Iceman starts getting promoted so fast they stop throwing a party everytime or they'll spend all the time celebrating. They still have to go around Sarah's house and plays the happy couple, answering questions about babies (that Sarah doesn't want and that Iceman doesn't care abour, at all), about their anniversary (they spend the last one going out to dinner and then to dance because they are allowed to have fun, okay? Two before the last Tom tried to take Sarah up in the sky but she almost fainted after seeing the plane so they end up going out for a hiking and eating icecream for dinner), the sex (that makes Tom red in the face and Sarah giggling because if they only knew) and why don't they kiss in front of other people (Tom is shy).
Once Ron tried to make one of them explain what type of marriage they were in, loveless and sexless?, and Sarah has looked right in his eyes for so long the pasta in his dish has gone cold. This one, she finally says pointing her fork directly at Ice's face, is still in love with Mave-rick drawing rainbows and writing Mr. and Mr. Kazansky-Mitchell on every piece of paper he can find but doesn't talk about it with him because everytime Pete is around he gets stupider than usual and for me? I got to finish my studies, married someone my dad likes, who cares about me and remembers my favourite ice cream without having to remember him every two minutes. 'S strange but good strange.
The food is pretty good too Slider added because Ice's face was red as the tomato sauce, Sarah was laughing and he wouldn't want the night to be ruined by awkward conversation.
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