#Icefir (Me)
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mummer · 1 year ago
i dont really consume zombie media because of my dainty taste so im curious if anyone knows of any where the zombies are specifically a metaphor for war/soldiers/armies/et cetera ? i feel like theyre more about general “social ills” but again idk much abt the genre. please hit me up
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allstarsstorymode867 · 2 years ago
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The curses that crush you, the prayers that forgive you both shined inside my heart In a collapsing world, a gradually dissolving voice will bloom the flowers of life -Nigredo, Magia Record Anime Episode 13
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icefir-windbreaker · 1 year ago
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Drawtober Days 11 and 12: Nightmare and Scream
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warriorofthought · 1 year ago
Dragon racing
Summary: You and prince Bucky decided to do a dragon race.
Word count: 2.641
Warnings: no one
Prince Bucky x Princess Reader 
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The people of your kingdom were mad with joy that the strange but beloved Prince Bucky was coming to your kingdom. 
The day the prince descended from the sky on his dragon Belrath, shaking the earth and flattering your mother with compliments, you felt annoyed.
Seeking comfort and peace, for the first time in the hours since his arrival, you went to the Mountain of Snowflakes.
What you didn't know was that the object of your wrath was just a few feet away in the shadows.
"I see you have taken a liking to my favorite resting spot."
The prince's familiar voice spoke to you as he leaned against the wall, his bluish eyes twinkling mischievously.
"It's nice here. Quite and an amazing sight" you answer.
"I don't often get visitors to my little hideaway. I like that you found it." The Prince spoke warmly, the corners of his lips curling in a smile.
"You are a Skylar, the symbol on your jacket is your family wappen, correct?"
"yes" you nod.
"And who may I have the pleasure of speaking with?" he took a few steps closer, his eyes scanning them up and down.
"Y/n" you answer simply.
Bucky paused for a moment, his eyes narrowing at the recognition.
"Ah yes, you are the daughter of Queen Rajendra?"
You nod confirming.
"I've heard quite a bit about you."
His smile returned.
"What are you doing with yourself up here? It's nice to see you are out of your mother's shadow."
"what have you heard?" You ask slightly curious.
A slight twinkle appeared at the corner of his eyes as he looked down at you.
“I heard you’re quite feisty.”
"Yeah, it can be true" you answer.
“A trait we both seem to share.” Bucky spoke softly into the shadow.
His eyes trailed over you lightly, but you saw him smirk.
“You do have a bit of a reputation.”
"Have I ? Which one?" You ask and walk over to a dragon who was watching you both.
The massive beast shifted its weight, its eyes narrowed in curiosity as it regarded you.
Bucky's eyes remained on the pair of you for a few moments, before he spoke again.
"The one that you're a bit of a wild thing. That, and you're a troublemaker." he teased.
"But it's nice to talk to someone who isn't afraid to be bold." he added with a sly smile.
You chuckle " I don't make so much trouble" you say sarcastic.
"I don't believe that for a second."
He leaned against the wall, his arms folded across his chest.
"So, why the sudden interest in a place like this? Are you looking for a bit of trouble to stir?" He couldn't help but smirk.
"Maybe. Do you want to race with me, a dragon race?" You ask with a mischief gaze at him.
Bucky’s smile only grew wider as he considered the offer.
“Well now that’s an offer I can’t refuse, though you do know my dragon is faster, don’t you?”
"oh, don't underestimate my dragon, I think he can keep up with your dragon, maybe even a little bit more." You say with a smirk.
“Very well, let’s see if this little dragon can keep up with my Belrath.”
Bucky’s face broke out into a devilish grin.
“I won’t be too easy on you.” he added with that same mischievous tone.
"don't be. That wouldn't be funny"
Bucky shrugged and turned abruptly, beginning to walk out of the massive cavern.
"Belrath is waiting outside."
He turned his shoulder to see if you were following.
You follow him and as you walk outside you call your big ice dragon.
For a moment, Bucky stares over at you and your massive dragon. If he was impressed by the sight then he didn't show it, however, a slight smirk was still evident on his lips.
"I have to say, I've never raced against an icy dragon before."
He mounted Belrath and waited for you to do the same.
You chuckle " it would be funny" you say and smirk then you sit up on icefire.
"Well, I suppose we should get started then, unless you want to back out?"
He smirked widely, watching you mount Icefire. Belrath rumbled a low grumble- as if to say they wanted the race to begin as well.
"I never back out" you answer and give icefire a signal to go in the sky
As soon as Icefire took off, Belrath took to its own speed. The massive beast surged up into the clouds with tremendous speed and force.
The Prince was quiet as his eyes remained fixed on the massive white dragon that flew alongside them.
The ground became a blur below.
Then you make a very rare and risky turn around Belrath and Bucky can hear your giggle.
Belrath gave a loud hiss as it felt the icy wind brush past it.
Bucky was quiet for a moment, his face twisting in an almost mischievous grin as he heard the laughter.
He looked forward, he could see the snowy mountains looming closer and closer.
You give icefire a signal to be as wild as he wants and you tighten your grip on the seat.
Belrath roared a deep, throaty rumble as its talons reached out in front of the other dragon in a wild manner.
The prince grunted as he struggled to keep control of his dragon.
In a moment of pure instinct, the Prince gave his dragon a deep command: 'burn.'
Belrath's head swerved sharply towards Icefire, as a small, orange flame shot at the Icy dragon.
Before you can comment anything to icefire he handles himself and dives into the sea before overtaking Belrath.
As the Icy Dragon dove into the water, Belrath roared in defiance as it chased the dragon down.
The prince's face twisted in concentration as he fought to keep control of his massive dragon.
He could hear your laughter above, as if you were enjoying yourself.
Then you both land at the same time on the massive mountain road.
Bucky sighed with relief as Belrath touched the ground. He jumped abruptly as he dismounted, the dragon still breathing like a raging fire.
He walked over to you. As he approached, all of the humor in his eyes faded into a serious expression.
"That was a foolish gamble, but I like that."
He paused for a moment.
"You've got fire in you, the same as me." He said with almost a chuckle.
You chuckle slightly and get down from your dragon. You softly pet icefire before icefire relax.
Belrath let out another low murmur as Bucky turned his attention back to the large, white dragon beside him.
He looked at you curiously, his face shifting in a thoughtful manner.
"That dragon of yours is quite impressive, where did you find your beast?"
"Deep In the mountains "
Bucky's eyes stayed on the massive, white dragon. He seemed oddly interested in the creature.
"Hmm...That's quite interesting. Most of the dragons we find in the mountains look much different than yours."
"He is different, he spit blue fire" you answer proudly.
Bucky couldn't help but smirk, as he stepped closer to the beast.
"Blue fire? Now that's an interesting sight indeed."
He ran a hand against the creature's face.
"How old is he?" Bucky  asked curiously.
" i think he is maybe 100 or a little bit older"
"And how is it that you tame such a beast?"
Bucky  stepped back from the creature, his eyes still studying it as he spoke.
"Taming dragons from the mountains can be extremely difficult."
You shrug your shoulders " icefire has seen me playing with the wolfs and then he followed me"
"He chose you." Bucky spoke softly as he looked down at the dragon.
"That's impressive, I don't know how many could say their dragons followed them on their own accord."
You nod.
"That's good to hear." Bucky stepped back from the dragon and looked over at you.
"Your dragon seems very different to anything I've seen. I suppose he's as unpredictable as you." Bucky paused.
"Or are you more of a force of the wild like Icefire?"
"maybe both" you answer with a slight smirk.
Bucky let out an amused chuckle.
"From this encounter alone, I would say you're the more unpredictable of the two."
He gave you a sly smile.
You chuckle slightly.
"You're a bit like me, aren't you?"
He couldn't help but smirk, as he looked over at you.
"A bit of a wild thing. You don't always listen, and you aren't the kind to be a follower."
He paused again.
"I have to admit, that's quite attractive."
You shrug your shoulders " you can ask mother if I'm difficult or not. " you utter, referring to your mother, Queen Rajendra.
A light chuckle left Bucky, as he looked away for a moment.
"I have heard quite a bit about you from your Mother, as well."
His face twisted up in a sly grin, as he turned back to you.
"She says nothing about you is ever easy."
You scoff "i don't cause much trouble"
"Then you must have an interesting definition of trouble."
Bucky's eyes trailed over you slowly.
"The stories that I have heard about you are the exact opposite of what I'm hearing now."
"what have you heard?" You ask slightly curious.
Bucky's eyes stayed on your face, as he paused for a moment before answering.
"That you're difficult, hard to handle, feisty." He paused for a moment, his face turning teasing as he spoke.
"And that you've given your mother numerous headaches."
He smirked, as he awaited your response.
"she is sometimes just too emotional" you utter and roll your eyes.
Bucky chuckled at that.
"I don't believe that for a second."
His face twitched into a playful smile, as he continued.
"I think you must make her incredibly frustrated, in which case I would say you can be a pain in the arse."
He smirked again, a playful, almost seductive glint in his eyes as he spoke.
"What makes you the most annoyed is that you enjoy it."
You try to suppress your smile. " not my fault that they don't understand fun"
Bucky took a step closer, his face turning into a smirk.
"Fun? I'm sure your mother would argue that what you do is nothing more than pure mischief."
"Which, I would completely agree with."
He paused, then let out another amused chuckle.
"And yes, I do believe you rather enjoy it."
"Has my mother told you that you should stay away from me because I'm too much trouble?" You ask curious.
"I believe she did, yes."
He took another stride forward, his eyes still looking down at you with a sly grin.
"She warned me about you, and I believe she may have been onto something."
"about what warned she you, for example, that I would steal your sword if I liked it or rather that I rarely follow rules." You ask and tile your head slightly.
"She warned me about how much of a wild thing you are. How you don't often listen and don't care much for rules."
Bucky paused for a moment, before continuing.
"And she did tell me you loved to steal things." He chuckled slightly, his lips turning into a smirk.
"And you didn't steal my blade, did you?"
"Oh, don't worry, Prince. Your sword is still on your hips" you say with a hint of mischief in your eyes that you couldn't suppress.
Bucky's smile widened. The prince took another step closer, his eyes staying intently on your face.
"Well, you're quite an interesting character. What else have you stolen from me?"
He raised an eyebrow in amusement, as he looked you over slowly. His eyes shifting up and down, before settling on your face again.
"Who said I have stolen something?"
"Your face is a dead giveaway, my lovely dragon rider."
Bucky chuckled as he said that, still looking over at you with a twinkle in his eyes.
"What did you steal?" He repeated with a teasing grin.
"your necklace, dear prince" you say amused and hold it up.
Bucky let out a low grumble, as he stared at you and the necklace in your hand.
"Are you going to give it back, or are you just going to tease me?" He asked with a sly grin.
His eyes stayed fixed on you for a deep moment, as he glanced up at the necklace.
"Don't make me use force, my sweet sweet dragon rider..." Bucky said playfully.
"sure you can have it back" you answer and you hold out the necklace to him.
Bucky took the necklace from your hands, the prince couldn't help but notice the small grin on your face as you gave it back.
He examined it for a minute, before giving you a playful, suggestive smile.
"Would it surprise you to hear that I didn't even notice it was missing?" He asked with a smirk, as he glanced at you.
You grin slightly “Oh I know you didn't notice it, that's why I did it.”
Bucky chuckles softly and steps closer to you, then his hand wraps around the necklace in your hand and before he can react you pull him against you. You hear him slightly gasp, then your eyes meet and for you both stop the time. 
Your hands intertwined softly, the necklace still between them. “You know I have missed you, Princess. You should definitely decide to come with me to my kingdom, my heart always longs for your teasing.”  Bucky says, his voice has a lovely undertone.
“You missed just my teasing? Nothing more, Prince Bucky?” You slightly pout.
He grabs you on your hips and pulls you closer, now you both stand so close that nothing fits between you both, you can feel how his chest moves as he breathes your scent in.
“Oh, i have miss you so much, my love. Not just your teasing, your whole being have i missed and your wild side.” he whispers with a gentle undertone in your ear. 
This sends a shiver down your spine.
“I have missed you too.”
Bucky reaches his hand to your face and slowly caress your cheek. 
Bucky's face softens a bit, as he sees you lean slightly against his hands and he smiles at you, his eyes shining with a deep affection.
He then leans towards you and kisses your forehead in a gesture of tenderness and adoration.
You can feel his strong and warm body against yours and it fills you with a feeling of safety and comfort.
Bucky hugs you again, this time his grip is tighter and warmer and he presses you against his chest more tightly.
You feel his heart beating rapidly against yours and he is breathing slowly, as if both of you are just enjoying the moment of being together without any further words.
Then you take his necklace and put it back around his neck. “There, it is back at his place.” you whisper softly and pet his chest.
“Come, my princess, it's slowly getting dark, we should go back to your castle” Bucky smiles gently at you as he sees how your hair slowly begins to move through the slightly windy evening air.
“Alright, we both should probably go back, you are right.” You nod.
The Prince pulls you closer to himself and places his hands on your shoulders, gently stroking your hair with affection as you both walk back to the castle.
You can feel his warmth and strength around you, making it feel like he is protecting you from the world.
He leans his head on top of yours and whispers to you:
"I am yours, and you are mine…”
“Always and forever “ you end his sentences.
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vivacissimx · 11 months ago
I know you have analysed them a lot but what is your fav part of rhaelya? And what's a fic idea you would like to write about them?
oh Rhaegar & Lyanna are the reason I joined fandom for the first time, so you know my love for them is special 😅 as for my favorite part: I have probably talked about this before but I'm very touched by the concept of 'human connection in a hurricane.' It's about how chaos causes panic & panic can overwhelm us but it's true purpose is clarity. In the mire of asoiaf political intrigues and betrothals, Rhaelya represents that clarity. In general, I find Rhaelya to be more similar than not (for all the icefire chatting). What do you do when you love your father but he's the reason you can't go home? If the people who love you can't help you or save you, does that turn you cruel or empathetic towards the world? When do/don't we trust?
There is also the obvious which is that Rhaegar & Lyanna fall in together because the other is what they admire. It may seem like a random & sudden pairing but really there's a mirroring from the beginning. Rhaegar sings a song to an audience which doesn't understand—Lyanna cries for a reason her family doesn't get either. Their coming together is about hiding the Knight of the Laughing Tree's identity and in that moment they see each other. Lyanna jousts for Howland—Rhaegar does it for Lyanna. Ostensibly the latter are chivalrous acts (defending the weak/honoring the maiden) but because they're not performed within the usual paradigm as expected these actions are a) reviled and b) reveal what truly motivates the two: Compassion. Justice.
I am also partial to the complication of returns/how leaving a place that is no longer safe is a love story/the moments that beg you to run headlong into them and you, human as can be, make that choice. All of these are part of Rhaelya's story. It's true that Lyanna left her family who she loved. People will say ah she was young, she was stupid, she was blinded by Rhaegar's charisma; but again, this is a moment about clarity. About certainty. Justice is about what happens in the future. Lyanna ran to the future & left behind only those whose love mattered less than their ability to possess her.
Rhaegar I have recently longposted about so it's clear how I formulate him. On the Lyanna part I've definitely said this but basically once the war kicked off there was no way for him to transport Lyanna anywhere without further endangering her and/or him family with Elia—you need to understand that Rhaegar loved his children to understand him at all. That he loved his mother, his father, had seen them broken down & turn apathetic or even cruel towards the world. You need to understand that Lyanna represented a shining light of hope against this backdrop for him. I am also one of the people who believe that Rhaegar & Lyanna's sexual relationship only started after Brandon/Rickard were executed so clearly this is a complex but also painfully simple story about the human heart for me. I love people at their most human. Affirming people's dignity during suffering or crisis is an ethical duty I feel I have towards others. And GRRM did exactly that for Rhaegar and Lyanna, so how can I not love them? I'd ship Rhaelya if I was born in a small Bavarian village in 1753, etc etc.
As for the fic I'd love to write, there are two:
Rhaegar riding through the Riverlands on his way to the Ghost of High Heart. He's with Myles Mooton, Arthur Dayne, Richard Lonmouth, Oswell Whent. They stop at the Inn at the Crossroads. Everyone's laughing and drinking, Myles is flirting with the one pretty barmaid while Rhaegar is ContemplatingTM—Bess is her name. Bess boasts about all the ladies and lordlings who stopped at their inn recently & gives a description of what sounds like Brandon and Lyanna Stark. They enjoy riding out on their lil horses. But, Bess says, the Northern lord didn't like the look of our little lordling so they didn't stay long & haven't been bacj. The girl was kind though! She gave a few coins for the boy after slipping away from her wroth brother. Suddenly, Rhaegar's tuned in and the little lordling is trotted out...
A toddler with black hair and blue eyes. Soon after, the plans change.
Their first meeting including Rhaegar nerding out a bit over meeting a crannogman after Howland uses lite magic to try and help them escape. Benjen & Howland trying to take responsibility for being the KOTLT and failing. Lyanna not just a winter maiden but a stubborn Northern bitch hardened by winter (it's the iron underneath baby!!). Sussing each other out during a long silent stare down. Maybe somebody even cracks a Joke? That kind of thing.
OK long answer 💀 sorry but I can't help myself!
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rhaegars-cervix · 8 months ago
i understand why most people dislike/don’t gaf about the icefire prophecy in hotd but that could never be me. i’m having a ball up here
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bonefall · 2 years ago
Bones, can you help me translate these names in clanmew?
Hmm... well, I can't do the direct translations for you (mostly because then I'd have to translate everyone's, and then it would defeat the point of encouraging people to take a swing at it on their own!) BUT I can go through a couple of the words here I know are missing
Here is a preview from the moth post which is going to come later this month!
Flare/Confident/Perpendicular = Akeye An emotion and a shape, describes things that 'stick up,' like the wings of Plumes and Butters. Not like "raised hackles," more like fluffing one's fur out or puffing your chest.
Since they wouldn't have flares as in flashing fire signals, "flare" in Clanmew is a shape and an emotion. It's holding things up, standing out, having confidence. Like "to flair."
They actually have a few species of poppy in the area, but I'm gonna chance that this OC is the bright red poppy that produces painkillers as seen in the books. The word for Papaver somniferum is Liafi.
Poppyflare = Liafiakeye = Sleeping Poppy Confidence!
There's a few types of spikes, and a few types of manes.
So in spike types, the simplest word here would be Bach, 'bristle,' the 'spiky' texture of hair. On the same note of texture, Chych is 'coarse,' like the flared mane of a boar. There's also Kik, spike or spine, the things seen on hedgehogs.
There could also be a new word here, prickle, Beki, tiny stabs that come from stinging nettle or the uncomfortable bristles on some caterpillars.
And next, onto the manes.
They have a bunch of different 'shapes' that manes come in, with each of the big cats of the Great Clans displaying a different characteristic one that didn't translate into English.
There's the classic Raofa, the Lion Mane, which is a mane that encircles the entire neck. ThunderClan sees a lot of cats with these, but it's also the defining trait of a 'family' of moths, and sometimes seen on red stags.
Then there's the Gaofa, the Tiger Mane, which I like to translate as "cravat." This is a mane that ONLY grows off the neck. This is also seen in red stags. (i like this a lot because there could be a phoenix wright stag with a raofa and a miles edgeworth mane with a gaofa)
The last of the mythical mane types is the Saofa, the Leopard Mane, which is the type of mane I draw on Graystripe and his family! IT could be translated as 'ridge' or 'mullet.' It's a mane that runs down the back but nowhere else, the opposite of the Gaofa.
But if Spikemane doesn't have a 'mane' as much as he has several fancy tufts, the word for that is Wraofa, the Boar Mane, better known as its translation 'ruff.' It's what Doestar had, a very fluffy neck that didn't really fit any of the distinct mane types.
And if all that fails, the base word at play here was tuft, Aofa, which is just a fancy clump of fur!
First off, there's three words for teeth! Take your pick! There's Groq for the back teeth, Koss for the front, and Ki for canine fangs.
I will also be adding some for the cool factor; Agloss, saber. For any teeth that extend outside of the mouth, like snaggle teeth or those of muntjacs. There's also the tusks of boars, Goqeb.
And for blizzard, a ferocious snowstorm, the new word for this is; Os'hauoo
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godzilla-reads · 2 years ago
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Happy End of July, my friends! What have y’all been reading this month? I read 15 books this month, bringing my yearly total to 100 BOOKS!! Can you believe it?!
Anyway, here’s the list of books I read this month, with my Top 3 Starred.
• Riders of Fire and Ice by Brett Salter
• The Tiger Rising by Kate DiCamillo
• Jack in the Green by Charles de Lint
• One Foot in the Green by Brett Manning
• Icefire by Chris d’Lacey
• Tell Me a Dragon by Jackie Morris
• Something About a Bear by Jackie Morris
• Wake: The Hidden History of Women-Led Slave Revolts by Rebecca Hall and Hugo Martínez ⭐️
• Queen of the Sky by Jackie Morris
• The Super Secret Monster Experiment by Tian En
• 100 Mighty Dragons All Named Broccoli by David LaRochelle and Lian Cho
• The Horned God: Weird Tales of the Great God Pan edited by Michael Wheatley ⭐️
• M is for Monster by Talia Dutton ⭐️
• The Tale of Benjamin Bunny by Beatrix Potter
• The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies by Beatrix Potter
Did you enjoy your books this month?
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visenyaism · 2 years ago
“go back to succession” is a DEEPLY funny attempt at a snappy comeback bc the roy family deals with the exact same themes as the targs 😭
i wanna know if me and whoever’s been sending this have the same succession opinions or what. like who in THAT family doomed by their constant failed ambitions to succeed to the highest seat of power is bloodline ordained to be CEO like does that framework exist ONLY with icefire targs or does it extend to other media
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mummer · 1 year ago
should i have a newsletter i feel like i could do it but im not sure i want to be the kind of person who’s like, read my newsletter. i guess that’s why i have a tumblr blog.
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allstarsstorymode867 · 2 years ago
All-Stars -Story Mode- REWRITTEN
I had decided its time to for this All-Starverse to get a redo. I had finished writing this down so let me know what you think. Enjoy!
-The Prologue-
Once upon a time, long, long, long before our beloved home was created.
There lived ancient beings that referred to themselves as the watchers and caretakers of the prime universe that was once whole and lovely, it had a name once, it was called “The Original.”
The ancient race that looked over the Original, Fijis, are the most mastered and powerful ones that today’s date can not tell from their excellence in the ways of magic and knowledge.
To make the Original to be a comfortable realm to live in, they extended the regions of the prime dimension big enough for life to thrive in other words and stars held aloft in the night skies as the moons and suns rule their night and day as whole.
But one Fiji was the most talented of her kind, Kimiko the Dancer. She would make worlds for other beings that are mere mortals compared to her kind so magnificent and great through her heart and soul. It won the hearts of her masters and fellow students alike for her wonders and magic.
She was granted as the next master to watch over the Original with her fellow colleagues, as she was content with her accomplishments and valor, she had failed to realize that her beloved friend had grown envious at a dangerous rate as she failed to recreate magic of her own time and time again.
Her friend’s jealousy grew more disastrous with each passing eon until one fateful day.
The fabric of the Original’s reality begins to collapse as darkness has begun to enter and corrupt its foundation; her friend, Matilda, has released the darkness from her heart as it forms and crystallizes everything it touches.
New races that were created were vile and corrupt:
Hallows, beings that had lost their hearts and minds after being crystalized.
Crystallines, originally as the whole as dark and corrupt beings made to trick their victims into giving up their souls.
And the most dangerous beings that were created by these crystallines that we now referred to as…
The Grieves.
Monsters that were once innocent beings but turned after they were too corrupted by the crystallines. Turned and transformed into beings to bid Matilda’s command.
With the Original falling apart into nothing, the desperate Kimiko tried to reason with her friend but couldn’t.
The bitterness and cruelty created by envy had finally gotten to her friend as she now fully crystallized and transformed into the most dark and twisted entity that will forever tore the Original astunder:
The Broken
The empress could only laugh as she took in the crying Fijis as they kept trying to rebuild but the darkness she created could only feed on everything as the Original was violently being broken up into near nothing.
Pieces of the Original had now been reduced into new, smaller universes that the Broken minion army entered and conquered one world after another in the era of sorrow and chaos.
As the last resort to save not only her kind but what was left of the Original: She had relied on one strange being that had been introduced.
Human warriors known as knights.
She powered these humans with the stones that are not meant to be used until this very moment.
The stones that are weapons that the race of Fijis will never use until this day.
The weapons of magically great power and hope:
The Crystal Stars!
X ⭗ ☆ △ ▣
Kimiko leading the group, battles are won with surprising results:
Half of the Crystalline population had been exposed to the stones’ power of light, purifying them and switching sides upon seeing the results of their kinds’ actions.
Splitting the Crystalline race into two:
Pure and Corrupted Crystallines.
With the even odds, they lay siege against the Broken’s tyranny as Kimiko’s five knights; all but one had been crystallized as the result of using the stones’ magic.
Against one fateful battle, lead by the one knight who calls himself Mage, convinced his brothers in arms to use all they got to defeat the empress in a final confrontation.
Thanks to them, they had trapped the Broken inside a crystal and had her banished permanently within the confines of the mountains up high.
The battle proved to be a price to pay.
One by one, the five warriors that gave their lives had been extinguished.
Four warriors’ bodies transformed into their respective gems and scattered into the void.
As for the fifth one, battle had taken a toll on him as he was transformed into stone.
Not much left of the Original was salvaged, but Kimiko and Fijis had decided to take the full responsibility of watching over the fragmented universes as she rebuilds what was still standing from the Original into her personal domain for the surviving races:
Furthers, Avians, Reptilians, Marines and Insectiras.The remains of the Original became our home known as The Cathedral for use as a sanctuary to thrive.
Kimiko was made the overseer of the watchers and a queen of the Cathedral as peace and harmony has reigned for many generations ever since.
“Crystal Stars…”
Icefir had finished reading the book as her green glowing eyes peered down at the page, teasing her curiosity. Through the gas mask she wore with the witch’s cap shadowing over her eyes.
“When did I hear about those artifacts before?” She questioned herself as she closed her book and laid back against the tree that is strangely growing inside what appears to be a church along with vegetation of plants that seems to be making the place their new home. Vines and branches sprouting out of the cracks and holes of the stone walls and flowers blooming on them.
Letting her imagination take her away into her own little world as she looked up at the ceiling as the bird called its sweet melody.
“I gotta find out more about the stones.” She finally spoke her mind out loud as she turned to her side and then grabbed a fabric and then put it around her neck as her bracelet’s gem glowed softly.
Cloak covered her shoulders as it was short enough to reach over the shoulders but barely past over them as her aqua cyan and black spandex jumpsuit shines in the light as she stood up and then walked away from her favorite cherry blossom tree as its leaves and flowers are oddly glowing their own light before a breeze picked up and the flower pedals were taken away in the wind.
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thebnha-auhoard · 1 year ago
Day 4: You in there?
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Her Quirk searched this… War torn city. Her hands weaving the air as the rubble accumulated around her Field. Orbit brings truth to her name. The blind Vigilante steps with purpose. If Borealis found her own son. She could too.
The Roar of anger and cackle from All for one is haunting and familiar. But… different. Her hands reach up.That nose. The chubby cheeks. Oh those horns and the scar under the chin from her baby accidentally scratching himself.
"Izuku." She whispers. "My Baby. My little boy. What have you become"
And a Scream tears the air.She steals herself in the resounding boom of air.
"IZUKU MIDORIYA. THAT IS YOUR NAME. ARE YOU STILL IN THERE?" She speaks in a louder voice than she has had in years "MY BABY. COME HOME. I FOUND YOU."
Another scream and She tugs his jacket to her."Come home. Come home my Dragonlet." She pulls hard at the thrashing boy.
"Fight the Mad King. I know you can, my son. Tell me you're in there still. Fight for your Hoard, fight please."
The Screams continue and she runs to catch him from the air. Claws scraping her arms as he thrashes. "I am here! I am here! GET OUT" She winces at his desperate screams "you can do it. You are here. I know you can my sunshine."
His body falls limp in her arms. Her heart almost stops in fear.She hears gasps from around the crater. And a whisper "his eyes. They are green again" Inko pulls him into her arms. Her poor boy shaking in sobs
"Mama. Is that really you? No. Your Dead. He said I killed you" relief flooding her body. He is alive. He is here!
She runs her hand along his cheek, her thumb catching on that tiny scar.
"Oh my baby. Yes yes. I would know my baby even as blind as a bat." She soothes "you are my little Dragonlet. Oh how I am so happy you are found."
"Even if I am… a villain"
"Yes. Even then"
"Can… you meet my Hoard? They are broken. But good. Still good. They named me!"
"Oh? Did they name you?"
A tiny Pause "Midori."
Inko laughs wetly "Oh My! So close to the family name!"
"Izuku. Izuku Midoriya" it was slow. Like he was tasting sweet candy. "Like the other dragon? Like Explosions Hoard?"
Inko laughs again "yes Izuku. Exactly like him""Guess I have a sister now too"Inkos mind stalls
"What?""I gave him a girl I rescued. Eri. I couldn't… he felt right. He was so kind with Shoto and Explosion and the IceFires… he was the only one in my mind."
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icefir-windbreaker · 1 year ago
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Drawtober Day 7: Treats
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katz-afterhours · 1 year ago
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Finished scene from my RP with @icefir-windbreaker
*Note that I added a pink and gold color scheme to fit Amity’s choker form plus Primis’ unique magical girl outfit*
I might draw more in the upcoming months if work/learning to drive doesn’t start screwing me over 😓
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dwampyverse-content · 2 years ago
Welcome To My Blog!
Hello everyone! I’m Dwampyverse-Content, but you can call me whatever my blog title is or DVC, and I go by she/they pronouns. My main blog on here is IcefireStudios000, and you can find me on AO3 under the similar name Icefire_Studios. (both linked in my blog description)
This is my blog devoted to the Dwampyverse. Generally all things PnF, MML, and HnG. (though it’s mostly MML, can you guess my favorite) I write fanfiction and occasionally draw fanart, something I’m just getting into more recently at the time of writing this. However I mostly just look at other peoples stuff on here so far lol.
If you’re curious, feel free to ask me about any of my AUs. I love rambling and I would be happy to share :) Here’s a link to that Masterpost.
FYI: If you want to see all my fanfiction and fanart in one place you can go to #Icefire Studios Fanfiction and #Icefire Studios Art to check it all out regards of fandom.
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ragnars-tooth · 2 years ago
Good luck to everyone around me I'm about to reread icefire instead of doing anything productive
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