I tell myself “you got this” all the time, even with tears in my eyes.
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x-heesy · 1 year
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Ooh yeah
Ooh yeah
Ooh yeah
Ooh yeah
I'm back, oh yeah
I'm back, oh yeah
I'm back, oh yeah
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
I ain't different, I'm just waking now (yeah)
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
I ain't change, I just make money now (yeah)
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
I ain't different, I'm just waking now (yeah)
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
Only difference is my bank account (yeah)
I like that you don't like me (muah)
I like the fact that you don't like me (ooh yeah)
I like the fact that you don't like me (ooh yeah)
I like the fact that you don't like me
I'm getting used to the feeling
Bitch, I like that (I like the fact that you don't like me, muah)
Spend it then I get it right back (Muah)
I'm not famous,
I'm just like that (I like the fact that you don't like me, muah)
I might pull off in a new Jag' (Skrrt)
I don't wait in lines, I don't wait, ain't got no time
But if you wanna talk, then you can wait in line (oh yeah)
No, you is not my kind (hey, muah)
I'm the greatest of all time
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
I ain't different, I'm just waking now (yeah)
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
I ain't change, I just make money now (yeah)
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
I ain't different, I'm just waking now (yeah)
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
Only difference is my bank account (yeah)
Tia and Tamera
Wockhardt in my elevator
I'm a Ozzy, not Sharon
Throw money out the terrace
Break her back, like a Kit-Kat
Break my wrist, 'cause my watch fat
I buck before you cock back (oh yeah)
They want that heat, I drop that
I got some Fiji rocks (oh yeah)
I get that ZZ Top (wow wow)
Don't do Louie, only DROPDEAD (wow wow)
Posted, where the guap at?
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
I ain't different, I'm just waking now (yeah)
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
I ain't change, I just make money now (yeah)
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
I ain't different, I'm just waking now (yeah)
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
Only difference is my bank account (yeah)
I like the fact that you don't like me (ooh yeah)
I like the fact that you don't like me (ooh yeah)
I like the fact that you don't like me (ooh yeah)
I like the fact that you don't like me 😂😂😂💣
@bigbonzo 🫶🏽 #Phuckit4phun #idgaf 🤪
Jirachi by ITSOKTOCRY 🫵🏾☣️🫵🏾
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mstudi0s · 2 years
🍍shed your tears🍍
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You are allowed to be upset. Please remember to hold space for yourself whenever you need to. At the end of the day we are still human and there are things that are going to upset us and make us feel down and it is ok to ne upset with those things and give yourself that time alone to just release those emotions in whatever way best suits you. Whatever way, get those emotions out and bring you back to a state of peace and remembering that you are still valued, loved, worthy, and enough no matter what you are going through. No matter how much time you need to he alone, whether that an hour, a day, a week, or then some, take it. The world can wait. 🍍🍍🍍
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tussive · 2 years
I only smoke weed when I'm stressed
If I do the math, that's between every breath
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roseepsiche · 2 years
Fa strano pensare che tutte le cose che credevo di non superare alla fine le ho superate. Non parlo di successo nè fama, ma parlo di emozioni, sentimenti.
La fine di una relazione è sempre dura, che tu venga lasciato o che tu sia lasciato.
Nei primi mesi non fai altro che pensarci, pensarci, pensarci. Non fai altro che rimuginare, non fai altro che ripensare ai bei ricordi, alle cose che andavano bene, ai momenti in cui non ti rendevi conto che pian piano stava tutto crollando a pezzi.
Nei primi mesi non fai altro che piangere. Piangi per ciò che credi di aver perso, piangi per ciò che sareste potuti essere, piangi per tutti i ricordi che avreste potuto creare ma che ormai non potete più avere.
Nei primi mesi ti mancano le sue chiamate, i suoi messaggi, le frasi stupide che ti diceva, le mani nei capelli, sul volto, sulla schiena, sul seno.
Nei primi mesi credi che forse restare insieme non era così sbagliato.
I mesi successivi, però, anche se a stento, realizzi che la vostra separazione era la cosa giusta. Non c’era motivo di stare insieme se non eri più felice.
Nonostante questo ti arriva un messaggio e ci caschi, e credi che le cose possano tornare quelle di prima, che tu possa essere felice nonostante le complicazioni. Ma tempo qualche mese e torni alla realtà, e ti separi di nuovo.
La separazione riporta ai primi mesi della rottura. Ti riporta alla luna di miele che vivevi, dove non vedevi niente se non il tuo amore riflesso. Ritorni ad uno stato di malinconia dove ti manca, ma questa volta sai che non funzionerà.
Ti dai altri mesi di tempo, vi scambiate due messaggi, vi vedete un paio di volte; ma quando vi abbracciate non senti più il cuore che batte. Quando ci abbracciate non senti più il calore nel petto, le farfalle nello stomaco, la tua anima che si scioglie grazie al calore che ti porta. Tutto ciò che provi è freddezza; ti rendi conto che non provi più nulla e sei solo legata al ricordo che hai di voi in un passato ormai lontano.
Passano altri mesi e ogni tanto ci pensi, alla vostra relazione. Ogni tanto ci pensi ai mesi di tira e molla. Ogni tanto ci pensi a tutte le lacrime versate, i pianti interrotti, i singhiozzi smorzati e il dolore al petto.
Ogni tanto ci pensi a quanto tu avessi paura che venissi dimenticata.
Però pensi anche a quanto, in realtà, non ha più importanza.
Ormai non importa più essere dimenticati, non importa più essere speciali, non importa più essere accarezzati da mani apparentemente calde.
Non importa più perché ora stai bene. Ora stai bene e sai che le rotture fanno parte della vita, e per quanto possano fare male ti insegnano sempre qualcosa. E no, l’insegnamento non è chiudersi in se stessi per evitare di essere feriti, ma è amare e farsi amare. Lasciare che le persone possano conoscere il tuo cuore, affezionarsi e vivere.
L’insegnamento è che dopo una rottura non ci si dimentica, non si cancellano i ricordi, ma semplicemente si impara a convivere con essi, gioiosi o dolorosi che siano. Si impara a convivere con essi e a prenderli per quello che sono: ricordi. Ricordi che ti hanno fatto stare bene, male, e che contribuiscono a creare la persona che sei oggi. Sono ricordi che vivono nel passato e nel passato rimangono. Sono ricordi che non possono cambiare ma che ti accompagnano per tutta la vita, e questo non significa che siano dietro di te, a tenerti d’occhio come se fossi una preda e loro un predatore; ma sono lì con te e ti accompagnano, ti scaldano e ti fanno andare avanti.
È normale soffrire dopo una rottura ed è normale credere di essere senza uscita, all’inizio. Ma la verità alla quale spesso non si crede dopo essersi appena lasciati, è che tutto passa. E passa davvero. Non vuol dire che sarà facile e che dovrai eliminare tutti i ricordi, foto, video, memorie di voi per poter superare questa fase, ma prima o poi passa e potrai ripensare al passato, rileggere messaggi o riguardare delle foto senza la lacrima che ti scende dal viso, senza pensare “ma se…”. Ripenserai o riguarderai queste cose quasi forse con un sorriso, e penserai che stavi bene, sì, ma certe relazioni sono fatte per avere una fine.
Tutto passa, ma bisogna darsi tempo e ascoltarsi.
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Tough Boys
Imagine if you please,
A little tiny boy of 4 years,
4 years young,
With a wise and old heart,
Who falls a scrapes his knee,
While chasing a flutter by,
And he cries.
You wouldn't tell him,
To pull himself together,
Dry up his tears,
Boys don't cry,
I hope you wouldn't anyway,
You might hold him tight,
Till all his feelings spill out in tears.
So why do we,
Tell with certainty,
For men,
To become tough Boys,
And not to cry?
We leave them to drown there broken hearts,
In bottles of whiskey alone,
In the shadows of the night,
When there mother's die,
We expect them to carry the coffin of grief,
With quiet dignity,
And not break down,
Not break out,
Because that's not polite,
Or quiet,
Or comfortable.
When there sisters are raped,
We demand there emotions,
To be shown in violence,
And violence alone,
Not tears,
Or fears,
Because the tears,
And fears belong,
To women alone.
When the final act of the lives,
Is being played,
We demand they say the lines,
We wrote from them,
And all those lines are brave,
We demand them to be brave,
Not shed a tear.
All the tough boys,
Going around with broken hearts,
All the tough boys,
Are going down to the river,
Down to the river,
Down to the river,
To find an answer,
An escape.
My heart breaks for all the tough boys,
Who were told so very young,
Dry up your tears,
Be a man, my son.
It will mean nothing,
But I see the tears in your eyes,
And you find the courage to let them fall,
I love you all the more.
I love you all the more.
I love you all the more.
All my tough boys.
#mensmentalhealth #mensmentalhealthmonth #mentalhealthmatters #MensMentalHealthMattersToo #MensMentalHealthSupport #poem #poetsofinstagram #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers #poetrychallenge #poem #writing #amwriting #author #publishedauthor #publishedpoet #martinacollender #martinacollenderpoetry #itsoktocry #mentalhealthawareness #waterford #writingcommunity #writersofinstagram #martinacollender #martinacollenderpoetry #writer #ireland #God #writinglife
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The heart endures a lot.
I’m starting to realize that the sadness inside you never really goes away. you start feeling like you're okay; you're doing good and it is at that moment it pops in saying ‘hey’ as if it never left. And now your heart is heavy again. It is at that moment that you wonder if it is ever going to be alright again.
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purity-culture · 13 days
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lichenhaunt · 11 months
Yo Gabba Gabba all my bands are SILLY!
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It's ok if you need a break.
It's alright to feel overwhelmed.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting some time to yourself, or to leave an environment where you don't feel safe.
If anyone else says otherwise, *fuck them*.
They don't make the decisions for you.
If seems they do, I hope you're feeling alright.
M is here for you. ^^
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andymerzcounselling · 2 years
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thefurryandtheyoung · 2 years
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artistanx · 2 years
My current project... lots of work to do yet but he's slowly getting there. I've had a few requests to draw something like this but I want my final piece to convey a feeling in honour of mens mental health.
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x-heesy · 7 months
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𝚂𝚠𝚊𝚐 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚊𝚕𝚊 𝚕𝚎𝚇
Ooh yeah
Ooh yeah
Ooh yeah
Ooh yeah
I'm back, oh yeah
I'm back, oh yeah
I'm back, oh yeah
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
I ain't different, I'm just waking now (yeah)
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
I ain't change, I just make money now (yeah)
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
I ain't different, I'm just waking now (yeah)
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
Only difference is my bank account (yeah)
I like that you don't like me (muah)
I like the fact that you don't like me (ooh yeah)
I like the fact that you don't like me (ooh yeah)
I like the fact that you don't like me
I'm getting used to the feeling
Bitch, I like that (I like the fact that you don't like me, muah)
Spend it then I get it right back (Muah)
I'm not famous,
I'm just like that (I like the fact that you don't like me, muah)
I might pull off in a new Jag' (Skrrt)
I don't wait in lines, I don't wait, ain't got no time
But if you wanna talk, then you can wait in line (oh yeah)
No, you is not my kind (hey, muah)
I'm the greatest of all time
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
I ain't different, I'm just waking now (yeah)
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
I ain't change, I just make money now (yeah)
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
I ain't different, I'm just waking now (yeah)
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
Only difference is my bank account (yeah)
Tia and Tamera
Wockhardt in my elevator
I'm a Ozzy, not Sharon
Throw money out the terrace
Break her back, like a Kit-Kat
Break my wrist, 'cause my watch fat
I buck before you cock back (oh yeah)
They want that heat, I drop that
I got some Fiji rocks (oh yeah)
I get that ZZ Top (wow wow)
Don't do Louie, only DROPDEAD (wow wow)
Posted, where the guap at?
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
I ain't different, I'm just waking now (yeah)
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
I ain't change, I just make money now (yeah)
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
I ain't different, I'm just waking now (yeah)
They say "Fendi, you so different now" (yeah)
Only difference is my bank account (yeah)
I like the fact that you don't like me (ooh yeah)
I like the fact that you don't like me (ooh yeah)
I like the fact that you don't like me (ooh yeah)
I like the fact that you don't like me
@len0r @bixlasagna @bethanythestrange @luna---zylum @frenchpsychiatrymuderedmycnut @bigbonzo @boanerges20 @inbetweenneeds @seanisnothing
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tussive · 2 years
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leakism · 6 months
been addicted to the style like its cocaine
been like hank hill baby i sell propane
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