darksides-dutchess · 10 months
Remus in that goddamn button-up shirt and vest sweater, is doing wonderful horrors to my mind and soul guys please hear me out-
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maiteo · 9 months
first that fuck ass draw then porto losing to sporting for the first time in 7 YEARS
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clouisluvr · 2 years
part two to dating sean diaz headcannons maybe??
hi beautiful people❤️ i hope you’re all doing well, im sorry about how long this has taken it’s definitely overdue🫠 im gonna try and keep slowly making my way through requests so bare with me! hope you guys enjoy this <3 also please cutely pretend to not see any potential typos LMAOO
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incoming summoning of all sean diaz lovers …
- sean is the type of boyfriend to buy you so many squishmallows but be pretend jealous at how many hugs you give them😭 jokingly says you probably love the squishmallows more than you love him but will still always buy you more when you see them together at costco trips
- a slow kiss enthusiast! sean prefers a more sensual and intimate make out sesh rather than a fast and rushed one, definitely has his hand cupped on your cheek, with the other resting on your thigh as his thumb gently rubs the skin there. will stop for a second to make deep eye contact with you and tell him he loves you before leaning back in😵‍💫 (i Fear i need him expeditiously..)
- if u have/want piercings he’d totally get them with you! cute matching septum/nose piercings methinks
- one of yalls fave things to do would be chatting shit ab bad tv LMAOO. like yall are always tuned into love island, too hot to handle etc. you both pretend it’s Insufferable but really you love hatewatching it (unfortunately daniel cannot watch with yall, esteban tells him its too inappropriate😭)
- MARIO KART MATCHES ALWAAYSS!!! after friday sleepovers yall will spend saturday mornings after breakfast playing! sean gives meeee… luigi or link main vibes? i think hes pretty good at it tbh, lowkey competitive but will happily throw the match the second you pout ab losing (unless ur an s tier mario kart player in which case yall will race against each other all day LMAO) oh and Ofc daniel plays with you guys but i think daniel would be absolutely HORRIBLEE at mario kart, everyone just lets him think hes good LMAOO
- in my last sean post i said that he prefers small displays of affection in public but in private he’s a lot more comfortable with touching you. nonstop cuddles, kisses every part of you he can see. loves for you to straddle or lay on top of him, will rest his hands on your hips or small of your back. likes for you to be kinda laid on top of him as yall laze around for a while, he basically uses you as a weighted blanket. sean loves doing nothing with you - sometimes just being quiet in your presence is perfect for him. unfortunately for sean its rare that he gets to be as affectionate as he wants with you because daniels alwaayss hovering around yall, and if not daniel, its esteban making sure his bedroom doors not closed😭
- esteban definitely works extremely hard and slightly struggles to make ends meet but would still wanna spoil sean and daniel -so any family trip he manages to save up for you are absolutely invited! sean would happily be a slightly cringe couple at disneyland with matching mickey ears, (not the kind of couples that cling to each other in the line for rides though LMAO). and every time daniels too short for a ride, sean will always always tease him and you have to give him a lil whack on the shoulder and then comfort daniel. when esteban (eventually) takes sean and daniel to see puerto lobos, he invites you along. you’re considered a part of the diaz family so esteban wants to share where he comes from with you and his sons :’) lots of long beach days with sean and daniel there!!! sean probably gets a lot of art inspiration from seeing you by the beach, probably having a playful water fight with daniel. he thinks you’re in your element when you’re being totally carefree. your joy is radiant for sean and inspires some of his greatest artworks :’)
- i think sean would need some reassurance from his partner. karen being an absentee mother has most likely given sean some abandonment issues so he’ll tend to feel anxious and insecure from time to time. genuine love and patience from his partner will help sean continue to open up and feel more secure in his relationship with you
- arguments with sean would be … a bit terrifying ill be real! the man is scary when he’s mad, i think he’d try his best to keep his emotions under control but frustrations get the better of us sometimes and he may end up saying something hurtful💔 he instantly feels guilty and apologises profusely but also understands saying ‘im sorry’ isnt always enough to take away the hurt caused. if you give him the silent treatment for a bit, i imagine he’d actually turn to daniel for advice! i think daniel would actually give weirdly helpful advice LMAO. he’d probably tell sean to start the conversation off by giving you something you like, like a choc-o-crisp. it sounds stupid at first but sean would probably attempt to bake you something (and fail horrendously) but seeing the effort he puts in to try and make things right is the perfect first step to resolving the argument :’) sean would definitely value communication in a relationship and wouldn’t want you to hold back about any potential problems!!
- you’d become a bit of a motif in seans artwork! he’d unintentionally draw some of your features or favourite interests in the background of his art, it becomes a sort of signature. you’re his muse!
- couples costumes for halloween are a must. for oct 2022 yall would show up to parties (and trick or treating with daniel) as miles morales and spider gwen!!
- i think the diaz family have a family game night every now and then that you obviously attend! they don’t hold back with you though, they will stack uno cards against you like crazy if you’re about to win😭 and daniel most definitely cheats at monopoly and takes extra money from the bank, to which sean always complains🤭
- during yours and seans early days of dating, he’d probably go out of his way to keep you from meeting his dad and daniel. not because hes ashamed of them.. more so he knows how embarrassing they can get and he doesn’t want you to think he’s weird. he’ll explain this to esteban after inevitably being badgered to bring you over for dinner one night, to which his dad will tell him that if you’re really right for sean and genuinely like him, you’ll accept his family too. besiiidees how ‘embarrassing’ can they really get? well .. i think your first time meeting seans family would be a bit disastrous. sean would insist on cooking dinner, i think he’d attempt lasagna but would leave it in the oven too long. as you arrive, daniel is probably in the midst of attempting another zombie costume project whilst sean and esteban freak out over the burnt lasagna now setting the smoke alarm off. once you arrive and knock on the door the muffled chaos from inside goes SILENT followed by the sound of some rushed movements and whispers. sean lets you in with a slightly panicked smile and despite the smell of smoke wafting into your nose, the ear piercing ringing of the smoke alarm harshly hitting your ears and the sight of his little brother drenched in what you hope is fake blood, you smile back at him and lean in to give him a sweet kiss on the cheek and all of seans worries about you coming over are instantly soothed.
- seans the type of boyfriend to be totally down with a pamper session. he’ll happily let you play aesthetician with him, applying multiple face masks, plucking his brows, waxing his legs, shaving his face, doing his makeup etc. sean seems like the type to have relatively clear and healthy skin but he’s left glowing after yalls little spa sessions!
- lyla ADORES you. you guys are probably incredibly close friends (actually i think lyla most likely introduced you and sean) you and sean are aware of lyla’s fear of her and sean not being friends one day, so you both make an effort to not leave her out of things. you guys definitely go to concerts and new movies together and make a bunch of amazing memories.
- sean has a polaroid of you in the back of his phone case❤️ his lockscreens reserved for his dad and daniel!
- absolutely adores you borrowing his tshirts or hoodies… he loves seeing you in his clothes but more so loves how they always smell like you after you wear them. if you’re bigger than sean he’d love borrowing any cute graphic tees or hoodies you had too.
- i think sean would spend christmas eve with your family and you’d spend christmas day with his! sean would paint you the most beautiful portrait of a candid photo of you, alongside a personalised photo necklace (these are so so cool - you can place a customised photo inside of the necklace, and you see it once you look inside the heart pendant!!) it’s probably of a picture that esteban took of the two of you during your holiday in puerto lobos. its one of the most beautiful meaningful gifts he could have gotten you, and you wear the necklace every day.
- i think when sean falls for someone he doesnt fall fast but once he does fall, he falls VERYY deeply in love. you bring him so much happiness and he loves expressing that through big and small gestures. randomly surprising you with flowers during the week, suddenly being overwhelmed with a wave of songs that remind him of you prompting him to make you a mixtape, writing you love letters, absentmindedly finding himself doodling you on a post it note mid class and handing it to you. sean loves you with all his being and shows it to you every day.
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bbms-bb · 7 months
Nov 6
me, tess, and nina hung out today. i felt happy, i havent felt that in a while. maybe i dont need mei or jaime. i can just hang out with my art club friends. i still feel that pit in my stomach. they asked me if i was okay. should i tell them?
oct 15 - 102
now (nov 6) - 92
Nov 9
i gave in and told them what was happening with mei and jaime. i dont wanna be here anymore. whats the point of living if you suffer even at this age?
they better not tell anyone.
Nov 11
okay.. maybe i wasnt so clear the last entry.. i told tessa, nina, and felicity about the situation, our conversation went something like this:
P: and i feel like its my fault.
T: what.. how is this your fault?
N: i knew something was off about that girl.
F: im so sorry.. if it makes you feel better ill beat her up tommorow!-
P: no! i mean- no, just, please dont tell her..
T: why not? she's like and evil witch who's slowly poisoning your life!
N: Jaime too, i get its unintentional but he hasn't even bothered to at the least talk to peppi, even less wonder how its affecting her!
P: i dont want to do anything about it because their still just friends, but even if they were more than that, it would feel wrong because i care about mei and jaime!
T: caring about jaime is reasonable, but why do you still care about mei?, youve known her for less that 3 months and you trust her already?
the rest of the conversation was alright when i changed the subject
once they left i was wondering why is still care about mei. i had bigger things to worry about. do i?
Nov 18
okay so i shouldve put this down at the start but i couldnt write it down without crying.
this sounds pathetic but i dont think i trust my diary even though its an INANIMATE OBJECT.
god what is wrong with me.
ive never told anyone about this, only my mom knows.
it happened when i was in my mom's hometown in mexico for the summer, i went to go run some errands or my mom, since it was a small and safe town (or so i thought) it was common to see little kids walking around alone, i was ten at the time, so i guess i was one of those kids, i was headed to the grocery store when i was pulled into an alley by a middle aged man, i tried to scream but her covered my mouth. he started running his hands through my body, he was unbvttoning my jeans when my mom's friend, doña petra, who had a store infront of the alley ran in and knocked him out with a broom, then called the cops, she walked me home and told my mom what happened. i never walked out alone in mexico again.
thats it.
Nov 22
i just realized what a mess im becoming. i havent taken the time to get ready, and i would, i just never have the motivation to. everyones been asking me if i was okay, even jaime, he was the last person id expect to ask if i was okay! whats wrong with meeee..
Nov 26
im so tired of everything, im almost failing most of my classes.
tessa and mei got into an argument about me after tess sent a text to mei instead of me.
it went like this:
t: i still cant forgive mei for what she did, you still want jaime right? ive got a plan to destroy mei.
m: who is this?
t: tessa, is this not peppi?
m: penelope is so dead.
nov 27
mei told me this at school.
m: okay listen here you little sh*t, if you dont stay away from jaime im going to make your life hell.
p: i thought you knew i liked jaime.
m: does it look like i care? i never cared about your feelings! you were the only obstacle keeping me away from dating jaime. those nasty rumors about you? that was me! now that he's practically head over heels for me, its gonna be ba breeze getting rid of you! especially now that i have evidence that YOUR the bad guy here! oh, btw im jaime's girlfriend now, just thought i should let you know! byee!!
oh sh*t.
Dec 3
its heather day! since heather is one of me and jaime's favorite songs, we celebrate heather day every year! we exchange sweaters and jokingly talk about people we were jealous about (classmates, celeberties, fictional characters, etc..) while we eat ice cream. i skipped out on the ice cream since i didnt want to gain weight (lost 4 pounds since nov 6 :DD) it was still really fun though! i wanted to talk about how jealous i was of mei, i was jealous of her hair, her clear skin, her flat stomach and hourglass wait, her straight teeth, and that she had jaime, and i didnt. as soon as i thought of mei, jaime started talking about how he had canceled plans with mei to be here, i was preparing myself to hear more about mei until he told me how much he'd missed hanging out with me.
did i hear that right?
i woke up feeling a bit better than i usually do, i checked my phone to see around 25 dms? something big mustve happened, i usually only wake up with around 3 or 4, at the most 5. first i checked the "girlfriends <3" groupchat, which had 4 messages.
one from akilah
A: penelope, why would you do that to mei?!
three from jensen
J: peppi pls tell me mei is just joking.
J: you guys were best friends!
J: peppi?
two from nic
N: why would you do that to mei?!
N: never speak to me again.
one from leticia
L: jaime was so happy with her, why?!
two from jack
J: W move mei had it coming
J: #jaimexpeppiforlife
two from jazmine
J: your a nice person, but what you did to mei was too far!
J: say one more thing to her that isnt sunshine and rainbows and ill make sure you never see the light of day again.
two from olivia
O: mess with her again and your gonna regret it
O: slvt.
and 8 from jaime
J: i hope you fall in a hole and die
J: i knew you were trying to hurt mei.
J: idek what to say anymore.
J: i wish we never met.
J: dont EVER talk to me or mei again.
J: our friendship is done.
i was already crying when mei sent me a message
M: have fun at school today f**kface <3!
today isnt gonna be pretty.
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feitanxo · 9 months
Introduction posttttt
ok i’ll start by saying that i am one of the most chaotic people in the world jus ask my best friends.
i love reading like really really really really love it. if i dont read i will die.
this introduction will probably be long-
my favorite fandom is shadowhunters. I LOVE THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS SO MUCH
Im so in love with Jace, he’s so perfection.
I also really love music, BUT THE ONLY MUSIC I LISTEN TO IS ABEL’S.
Or nah, king of the fall, reminder, call out my name, less than zero, curve, earned it, double fantasy, after hours, how do i make you love me, shameless, angel, scared to live, six feet under, hurricane, love me harder, wicked games, valerie, coming out strong, smile, snowchild, party monster, i feel it coming, thursday, over now, one right now, starboy, popular, die for you, creepin’, save your tears, out of time, K-POP, heartless, unfazed, dark times, in your eyes, power is power, can’t feel my face, sacrifice, i heard you’re married, moth to a flame, lust for life, one of the girls, the hills, false alarm, and more.
My favorite thing is to read while listen to his music.
well, its already obvious, but my favorite game is genshin impact. i play on asia server with the UID 870141767, pls add me i have no friends :(
was that a bit much..? nah
i have more than 1000 fictional crushes but childe’s my lifelong favorite
i also play pjsk (ISTG MY SISTER TOLD ME TO PLAY) and my darling is toya <3
idk if it seems obvious but im oddly attracted to fictional males with blonde/red/ginger hair. (fuji, cale, jace, childe, etc)
i like reADING AO3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i spend 25 hours on ao3 a day lmao
my otp is zhongchi, capichi, malace, chiscara, and more
there’s so much drama (“trauma”) in my life (do yall get it?????)
i love creating chaos.
and i also love watching animee
my favorite anime is hunter x hunter cause feitan is hawt as hell (which is also my name btw)
my pronouns are he/him yeah
UhhHhHhBBYUGSYBGUX anyone wanna be friends???????????????
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kamil-a · 2 years
its not about winning at girl. its about the boyfriends you make along the way.
this is like peak toxic elliot. hysterical but also uncomfortable!!
-elliot stay is what happens when you do communicate (discovering youre into your gf yelling at you to take care of yourself) and nonstay is what happens when you don't communicate (getting relationship advice from peter white)
-the WHOLE arc hes been so restrained, like, can you move in with meeee nooo sorry sorry i asked that im such a jerk!! and then the last second its like. you WILL drink the potion. and then later on he’s like You WILL move in with me. i cant STAND it anymore.
-afterward peters like ohhhhoho making her drink the thing is only delaying the inevitable though BOYS SHE HAD 1 DUTY POINT SHE WOULDVE JUST STAYED ANYWAY!!! 
-on an "alice’s will sneaking around backwards to make things happen to her" level, this was probably her own ambivalence, though.
-she describes elliot’s medicine kiss as feeling assaulted and it’s so so so uncomfortable to read. i definitely felt physically bad a little bit as i was reading it. 
-but it feels, yknow, not out of nowhere? it’s like you big idiot you asked PETER for RELATIONSHIP ADVICE. "you have to force kiss your gf" THATS WHAT I THOUGHT YOUD SAY YOU STUPID RABBIT!!!
-its a little bit like. alice looked so firmly away from Elliots Questionable Actions And Traits that it all sprung up at once as soon as the pressure was on. and a lot a bit like qr's coercive quota had to be filled lmfao. but you know
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-endless witchery
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-babe it’s 202th turn time for your awful vial. (repeats forever)
-really not giving her the credit of even letting her choose
-the longer she stays the more duty points she could accrue theoretically and duty points win over any medicine!! it’s a losing gamble!!
-the wider the pool of characters who also make alice drink the potion mouth to mouth gets the funnier it becomes that julius ends his route by feeding her coffee like that. like she already decided to stay on her own he was just feeling like he missed out. obviously the winner is vivaldi for her incredible "the love between us made the bitter medicine taste like roses" maneuver
-ace isn't in the finale at all because he's on his way he just got lost cmon hes like okay i went to go give julius all the alice/elliot gossip and how she totally turned my dance offer down and now im walking home from the tower im almost there - oh it's over???
ace later, probably: you’re still a traitor btw ^_^ alice: TO WHO?!?!? IM HATTER NOW ace: ^__^ not a castle issue not a hatter issue not a park issue but a secret fourth thing....
-elliot DID realize alice was lying to him. he is smarter than she counted on him being.
-i posted the b/a/e pics last night but like its a huge power move for alice to express her actual insecurity with her own relationship and blood telling her “thats a good thing, actually, youre just bragging” and immediately she NO U!!!!! ‘s him so hard he gets all caught out being affectionate and sulks. 
-blood being accused of having affection for anyone: >:0
-really at the end of the day blood had a very good point though. if you feel you cant Do anything substantial for your boyfriend and he just enjoys your love and company for some crazy reason.... thats a good thing! that’s you being loved. i hope she learns that lesson.
-and she’s gonna be a hatter girl now so that’s more of her worries put to bed.
-TWO OF A KIND SIBLINGS BLOOD AND VIVALDI elliots like can i kidnap my gf and bloods like sure just dont half-ass it and then vivaldi watches the kidnapping go down and is like how DARE you.... carry her over your shoulder and not romantically in your arms
-you knowww theyre gossiping about it in the rose garden.
-elliot voice im sowwy for kidnapping you . to my house. im so so sowwy Do you hate me
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alternateanonymous · 9 months
well, what
is new. Nothing, i am still the same fucking person. Everyone in my life has always said its my faultt, its my fault. Anmnd i tried not to belive them,., honestly i did but then now... i do belive that it is my fault because it is, and everyone in my life has told me, You're toxic, your manipul;ative, you hurt me. But thats not it but it doesn't matter what i think because everyone is going to belive wha they want. They aren't gonna try and understand you and if they do they are going to hate you in the process of trying to understand me. I make everything worse. I do. I understand why people use me, its because I have nothing else to give them,m. no friendship that is uniqyue, nothing cool like that. I am just boring and nodby gives a fuck like that about me. I fuck everything up/. With the people closest to me i just fuck up. I have to deal with this alone. I can't tell anyone about this because they won't understand and it is just my job to fix my self on my own. I don't want to pay someone to fix me when i have all the resources to fix myself. It just means i am not doing enough, I am not thinking enough. Like why am i thinking aout this. It is just bad, 1 year should be enough to change someone, 1 year and a half should be enough to change someone. but it doesn't matter, because people will know you for YYWEARS FOR YEARS and switch up on you. They will leave you. They will lerave you and not care about you and it won't affect them. Everyione is better off without maggie anyway. Shhe is ugly and seriouisly doesn't add anything. Iid anything she just takes away from the fun and makes it woorse. ASSO FUCK HER. Stefan I implore you for trying to help me but i don't wanna fucking kill you. If i loved you anymore I wouuld let you leave because you shouldn;''t be with me. I shouldn't be with you. You don't want this. You don't deserve this, and frankly you can't accept the other side of me nor do you want to. FUCK HER RIGHT. Fucke me. you can do whatever you want, you can fucking bend your ass over backwards right, but it doesn't matter righjt? "She's always gonna think this" "she''s so stubborn" She's so manipulative and toxic.., WELL FUCK MEEEE FUCLK IT FINE ILL BE TOXIC IL;L BE MANIPULATIVE YOU THINK I WANT TO BE THESE THINGS NO. FUCK EMMEMEMEM, THAT'S JUST HOW I FEEL DUDE. tHAT'S JUST HOW I FUCKING FEELS. tHAT'S WHAT I BELIVE BECAUSE EVERYONE 9IN MY FUCKING LIFE HAS TOLD ME I AM WRONG AND I NEEED TO CHANGE AND I AM NOT GOOD ENENOUGH AND I DON'T DESERVE TO THINK I AM GOOD ENOUGH. FUCK THAT. YOUY'RE WROPNNG.
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skygent · 3 years
An Excerpt from Chapter 1 of Amity Blight: Powerful Witch, Awesome Girlfriend and Unintentional Samus Aran Cosplayer
Art by Sunati!
As the Blight family airship, The Profundity, flew through the clouds, Amity struggled to change into the strange undergarment her father insisted she needed to wear. The purple fabric was soft but seemed to radiate magic and was decorated with lavender accents and was so extensive it even had gloves for her hands and booties for her feet.
“Dad, what is this for again?”
“Think of it like a second skin, it’s supposed to protect you from whatever we may find out in Titan’s Shadow.” He explained from his cabin as the passenger carriage shook. “It’s your last line of defense in case your hazard suit is compromised. I call it a zero suit.”
As Amity zipped up the suit, she turned around and smiled at her old home away from home. When she was little her parents hated leaving her home with any kind of sitter when they went on business trips, so they had a small passenger cabin set up in what used to be the ship’s parlor.
It was a little spartan when it came to its features, with only a simple bed, bare metal walls, and a few teal-colored light rails above her bed and at its sides, to keep the Bandersnatch away of course.
It had been so long since her last trip on this ship that there was still an Azura plushie by the foot of the bed, right where her father had set it before carrying her back into the manor and tucking her into bed after they returned from a neighboring isle late one night.
A night that felt like it was a lifetime ago.
She smiled at the plush, remembering how her father had got it for her one day while out of the market with her mother before she picked up her scroll and took a picture of it for Luz.
Look, I found an old friend!
After a few minutes, her girlfriend answered.
Sooo cute! I love her, I’m glad you reunited!
A follow-up message quickly appeared.
How’s it going so far?
It’s fine. I was just getting changed. She typed with a grin before examining herself in the mirror and taking a picture of herself before sending it to Luz with the caption:
Bring your daughter to work day uniform. How do I look?
After a brief delay, she received her response.
Hnnng, like the most gorgeous witch on The Isles.
Amity blushed and turned to the side before she took another picture.
How about from this angle?
Her girlfriend’s response was immediate.
Amity please, I’m trying to study! this is torture!
The lavender-haired girl giggled as typed out a reply.
Am I distracting you? 😉
Luz replied with a gif of a small bird sweating profusely.
Then came a follow-up message.
…can you bring that outfit on our trip?
Amity waited a few minutes before replying to that one, content to keep her beloved guessing.
Maybe I will…maybe I won’t…
Luz’s responses came flooding in, making Amity cackle.
You killed meeee
The last message was accompanied by a black and white picture of Luz looking up at the sky with her tongue hanging out and her eyes closed with the words ‘RIP Luz Noceda’ written elaborate cursive.
Cause of death? Amity wondered.
Gay panic. Very tragic. Affects millions.
Amity snickered before she decided to deploy the coup de grace. She pulled up one leg and tucked it behind her as she raised one arm and made a v-shape with her fingers before closing one eye and taking the picture as her father knocked on the door.
“We’ll be landing soon. Make sure you put your hazard suit on as well.” He warned as Amity typed in a caption before sending the message.
Gotta go. study hard, love you! xoxo
Luz’s reply was a quick sketch of a chibified version of herself with a ghost leaving her body with the words you got it, babe, love you more! following the image.
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softpatts · 4 years
꒦꒷ִֶָ· . the obey me characters preferred nicknames (as well as their reactions because i cant stay on topic)
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warnings: none !!
fandom: Obey Me!
ᜊʕ っ◞ ˕ ◟c ʔ.. ♡︎ 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠: ayee im,, not dead ^^; im soso sorry for not posting- havent had much motivation to write latley,, as you can probably tell !! so again,, sorry !! but have these,, kinda shitty headcanons ~ !! <3
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- hes really old fashioned with pet names
- will automatically call you "Darling",, no i dont take criticism
- as the relationship progresses hell call you more,, such as sweetheart,, doll,, mine,, pos s i b l y babydoll though im a bit iffy on that one
- hes just a sucker for nicknames like those,, the old sappy ones,, and god the way he says it fits perfectly,, just the slight accent he puts into it is,, mWAH
- as for him,, he doesnt have any preffered nicknames,, but something about the way his name sounds coming out of your mouth
- god he loves it so much
- though besides his name his favorite would probably be darling/my love
- it seems so intimate and he loves how hes the only one you call that,, nobody else
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- weve seen what this man calles MC,, his human,, he likes most nicknames as long as theres "my" in front of it
- though the ones he called you most are stupid,, idiot,, dummy,, you can see the pattern
- while that i s how he expresses his love,, if he sees its bothering you even the slightest bit hell stop right away
- hes pretty rough with affection,, but he wILL call you doll,, no doubt about it
- and the way it soUN D S AAA it sounds so pretty and god its just,, wow
- when it comes to calling HIM nicknames,, he loves being called baby (or baby boy,, but hell never admit to that one)
- no matter how long you two have been together hell get extremely blushy n flustered whenever you call him that,, hell tell you to shut up,, spoiler alert he doesnt want you to
- please keep calling him that he loves it akdhsk
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- hes extremely akward with it at first,, and youll probably have to bring it up first
- i feel like hell call you his "irl waifu" alot,, or hell call you his "henry"
- though in the private of his or your room,, hell call you really sappy names like princess,, baby,, or anything with "my" in front of it,, though he only really calls you baby when youre teasing him
- hell stretch out the "y" n say it in a really whiny voice aA
- the first time he called you princess was one night,, after staying up for days on end,, he finally crashed,, he was close to passing out while leaning against you
- though before he fell asleep you heard him whisper a soft "night princess" AND OH MY GOD AKDHSK
- switching to him now,, he loves it when you call him handsome,, or your prince
- every time itll make his heart soar and hell turn into a fumbling blushy mess,, like mammon he wILL call you stupid,, and tell you to shut up
- theres been many occasions where hes accidentally called you a really cheesy cutsey nickname in front of mammon,, and god he never lets it go
- hell tease levi endlessly,, mocking him in a wierd voice that you assume was supposed to be levis..?
- but no matter how much he gets teased for it,, he loves being called pet names
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-hell definitely call you kitty,,, doesn’t matter where,, in the bedroom,, in front of his brothers,, even in the presence of Lord Diavolo himself
- he thinks it fits !! seeing as he likes cats,,, and likes you even more,, what better than to call you his kitty??
- I feel like he’s also the type of person to call you baby,, but in a really deep n fancy voice,, fancy?? I think that’s right AKDHSK
- but he loves your reactions,, no matter if it’s getting extremely flustered,, or you doing it right back to him !!
- the first time Lucifer heard him call you kitty,, mans spit out his drink- he was,, surprised to say the least??
- after that it just pissed him off,, so aye another reason to keep calling you his kitty !!
- he enjoys any nicknames,, though if you call him master- WOOH lemme just say this man will go feral aA he loves it,, he’ll get flustered if it’s in a public setting though- he’s all for calling you embarrassing nicknames but when you flip it around all of a sudden he’s against it 😞
- (just saying,, thats a lie- he loves it when you call him that in public akdhdk he likes people knowing he’s yours as much as you’re his !!
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-he calls you baby,, precious,, cutie,, all tho s e akdhsk 
- hell do it in a real,y high pitched,, almost baby voice n it’s sweet at first,, but gets annoying when he wONT SHUT UP
- if he knows it annoys you,, no he won’t stop,, he’ll do the opposite in fact,, he’ll do it even more !!
- if you start getting “angry” he’ll drape himself over you n try to kiss you while saying “you know you love meeee” drawing out the e
- when he does that the others swear he drunk,, actually drunk?? no,, love drunk?? yes,, yes very much
- he loves you,, and he’s not gonna stop showing you exactly how much he loves you !!
- now that’s what he calls you,, but ypu calling hIM nicknames ><
- he lOVES LO V E S it when you call him things like "pretty boy" "cutie" "handsome"
- they just make his heart flutter,,, and though he may get those all the time,, them coming from you just makes it an absolute gift
- hell often retort back with one of your nicknames
- "what are ya doing handsome??"
- "nothing really cutie~ i was planning on going to this new salon that opened up though,, would you like to come?"
- something about you calling him nicknames just,, mwah !!
- he also loves when you call his personality pretty,, or compliment his personality/traits,, hes used to compliments about his physical body,, but hi m and what he can actually do makes his heart flutter,, and hed actually get somewhat flustered !!
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- He definitley calls you sth food related,, his creampuff,, dumpling,, honey,, sweetheart,, just really sweet n nice nicknames,,, he loves the way it sounds when he talks to you
- the first time he called you that was in the kitchen,, he had heard satan talking about these things that were common in relationships called "pet names"
- so you walked into the kitchen one night n it was the first thing that came to his mine
- "hey there creampuff,,"
- wh a t
- you had to do a double take,, but,, after a few seconds you answered
- "is something wrong??" please he thought he made you uncomfy,, or satan was wrong,,,
- "no !! i just,,, wansnt expecting that from you"
- hell call you nicknames ALOT
- first thing in the morning,, randomly in the hallway,, just anytime hes able to hell call you nicknames,, its gone to the point where hell rarley call you by your actual name
- he loves it when you call him "my man",, "baby",, "sweetheart",, but his favorite would have to be "my love"
- nicknames with "my" in them make his heart flutter
- the first time you called him a nickname he froze up and got all blushy
- he didnt at all exepect that,, and you sounded so casual??? what???
- he pulled you over you him,, wrapped his arms around you,, and rested his head on top of yours
- he didnt let go for,, quite a while
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- belphie isnt actually one for nicknames,,, he doesnt think it makes any sense,, why should he call you anything other than your name??
- though if you ask,, or it comes up at all that you want him to call you something,, hell do it without hesitation- aksjak
- he calls you sleepyhead. No i dont take criticism- it doesnt matter if you nap as much as him or not hes calling you sleepyhead
- i feel like he also might call you his light,, or his sunshine,, just because of how he met you,,, n how at some points you seem like the only good thing in his life at that moment,,,
- "i love you, my light,, more than i could ever tell you."
- as for you calling him nicknames,, he could really care less,, as long as its from you he loves it
- one of his favorites is "my moon" you just,, came up with it one day,, and he stuck with it,, and its gotten to the point where hell barley answer to his own name,, which can get him in a bit of trouble
- "belphie !! get yer ass up and help me with this !!"
- "belphie."
- "hm? Oh were you saying something?"
- "yes i called your name like a hundred times or somethin !!"
- sometimes he just doesnt answer you when you call him by his name,, and hell wait and stare at you until you until you call him by his nickname
𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑠 🏷️:
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molly-vasquez · 2 years
this guy who ive dated for 2 days kissed me
@clover-exe2009 ok heres some tea gimmie some advice
so, hasler and we started dating right? im still trying to get over a beak up, right? but im gonna be deadass with u he legit, on the way out the door fucking kissed me on the cheek, but bro, i realized that im the one who likes being affectionate while the other isnt, i love that, it just brings out peoples soft side and its adorable, but kisses, unless your reading a fuckin fanfic DONT HAPPEN ON THE 2ND DAY OF DATING FOR ME 😭
idk what to do- im legit paying someone to get me and caleb back together but hes fuckin it all up, idk what to do, gimmie da help my man, advice, im to scared to tell him "hey, that was weird" but hes to affectionate for meeee
i wanna be begging for affection not getting it so soon, it took several months for caleb to even hug me yet he gave me INSTANT BUTTERFLIESSS but i felt nothing, i feel nothing to this guy, i legit just wanna caleb 2 man, i just want a caleb 2, plus hand holding, thats all i want but what do i dooooo gimmie advice people pls
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
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Pairing : Jimin X Reader (Ft a lil Tae)
“There’s a bow on my panties because my ass is a present!”
About- Honestly, you were just trying to prep gift bags for your company’s holiday party! But Jimins stressed, and needs a little brain reset sooo….I guess we’re prepping gift bags later!
Or- The company has quite a few deadlines to hit before you guys close for the holiday! Jimin’s in charge of talent and everybody’s fucking up…but in your line of work it’s a domino affect! So if his crew falls behind ultimately everybody’s behind! Hints Jimin’s stress and frustration....
WC: Sneak peek (1k)
WARNINGS: (FULL THING): Teasing, light edging, dirty talk, top/bottom OC, top/power bottom Jimin, hand restraints, unprotected sex, over stimulation, fingering (F receiving), biting/marking kink, VERY light degration kink (he playfully calls her a “little bitch/slut” once) light come play, light spanking
FINAL NOTE: This is a stand alone smut drabble within my OT7 poly universe called “7 DEEP”. Short AU SUMMARY: Your husband Namjoon and yourself run a successful Adult Film Entertainment Company called “Onyx” with your 5 best friends from college who you also happen to be in an open relationship with! P.S. If you’re new here Kookie joins the party a little later….
*Pierced Jimin/Red haired “Dope” Era Jimin meets 2020 Jimin!?
*Also it should go without being said but Jimin, IS Westernized, he’s from LA in this ffs!
*In true Rocki fashion I decided to do holidy prompts late af & did not finish in time for the main Holiday but w/e! Note, there is some backstory here bc this was set to be the 1st of 3 holiday prompts!** ___________________________________________________
Sunday, December 14TH, 4PM 
“Alright, so you wanna hear some bullshit?!”
K, well that’s apparently Jimin, musing around a mouth full of fries! I love how no one even bothers to knock, give notice they just show the fuck up! Whenever...
I swear it sounds like your running a damn liquor store because there’s an obnoxious amount of bells and mistletoe hanging above the door almost acting as a doorbell at this point. Just casually Fa-la-laing together, echoing throughout your entire apartment every damn time the door opens! Honestly, your slowly regretting giving Jin and Tae free reign with decorations because that shits annoying as all hell!
Gaze still focused on your original task, not even looking in his direction “Don’t trip over the-“ There's a loud thud, followed by an obscene groan, accompanied by an even louder “Fuckkk!” Which solidified he did in fact trip over the ....
“....Box with Jin’s other Christmas tree in it ...” The words kinda died off your tongue at this point because well, clearly the warning did not fare well! “If anything’s broken I’m totally snitching just so we’re clear” Sassing over a half empty glass of spiked eggnog.
Now that you’ve finally looked at him, you find yourself hiding a smirk behind your cocktail as well! The boy is fine, you’d give him that! Looking like a model off duty, in his low cut white v, neck hidden beneath a distressed leather jacket! Topping off the look with a pair of chunky combats and disrespectfully tight dark wash denim jeans! I swear they damn near looked painted on, aviators resting on the bridge of his nose! Gucci backpack slung over his shoulder, Starbucks in one hand, and some brown bag full of grease in the other! Jimin recently went back red, looking dangerously close to the same 18 year old you met, at UCLA almost years ago now!  Just a boujier version, it’s like this Jimin’s from Calabasas instead of the Bay! Though your down for both options if we’re being real!
Not that Jimin’s not equally as good of company as well, you were honestly just expecting Tae! The two of you were starting to put together the gift bags for next week's holiday party! Hints the hot ass mess all over the floor of your living room, it’s a disgusting pile of shopping bags and boxes! Everything from Amazon to Saks Fifth, at this point you aren’t even sure where the fuck your floor starts or ends! One thing you do know for damn sure is Hobi’s going to have an aneurysm If he sees it! Sooo, hopefully Tae shows up sooner than later...
It’s become a tradition, or at least since the companies been profitable enough to do so! First off, you’re love language has always been a combination of “Gifts” and “Acts of service, so shit like this is essentially second nature!
However, quality time has slowly slipped its way into the mix over the past couple of years as well! Especially considering it’s almost a luxury for the seven of you at this point but you try not to complain! I mean Namjoon and yourself just did an interview last week for Forbes 30 under 30 for fucks sake! But anyway, like I was originally saying this little party is your way of trying to give your staff a combination of all 3 said love languages!
Above everything else you all work your asses off well, aware this is far from a 9-5, yet they give you their best constantly! Yeah, it was built on the backs of you and your boys but it wouldn’t be were it is now without everyone else! So, with that being said the schedule is as follows! 
1.Bust ass and hit all of your year end deadlines by December 22nd. 
2.The holiday party is on the 23rd...
3. Thennnnnn....after that the companies closed until the 2nd of January! 
Well kinda, if we’re being real the 7 of you never fully stop working, but you damn sure plan to try! I guess it’s the beauty and the curse of having damn near everything accessible on your phone! I swear this morning Joon was washing your back whilst you read him the latest profit/loss update from Jin soooo......that’s that!
Everyone else however....off duty with pay!
Which brings us back to the original task at hand before Jimin showed up,prepping the gift bags that get handed out at said holiday party! The invite list is pretty exclusive honestly,outside of your staff, and there plus one, the other guests are typically the immediate crew/ talent used throughout the year on various productions! Oh, there’s also special little packages mailed out to a couple of the company's sponsors as well! So all together were looking at at least 100 gift bags give or take! Of course at this stage you guys go all out but that’s not what it’s about! It’s legitimately the thought that counts!
Little gestures like this just remind people that you care,that they’re on your mind even if they aren’t currently doing you a favor! That’s what sets Onyx apart, all the little things you do without even thinking about it! Coffee, donuts, catering on set for long shoots,or even the little kits Jimin brings with him to set for the models! Fully stocked with soothing cream, heating pads, the full nine! It’s actually sad how much of a rarity it is in your line of work! 
Obviously, it goes without saying that those types of gestures aren’t feasible for everyone....However there’s companies worth more than you that do amples less!
But anyway back to Jimin and Tae! As I mentioned when the door originally opened you were expecting a mop of silver locks as opposed to red! Baby boy ran out to pick up the custom gift bags from this Indie vendor in WeHo. Hint’s why you were expecting Tae instead, now, why Jimins here I have no damn idea! Clearly we’re about to find out and apparently it’s “Some Bullshit!”
Honestly outside of checking his OOTD you didn't truly look at him. Far too busy propped on top of your oversized dining room table sorting through a manusery of  “Thank you” cards!
Eyes flicking to the left ever so slightly as you hear him shuffle closer “I-yeah sure what bullsh-wait are you eating my DoorDash?!”
It’s the way you constantly have to remind yourself that jail will not be like Orange is in the new black! Because I swear you damn near chucked this martini glass at that fire engine red dome of his!
Jimin just shrugs, a little nonchalant and unenthusiastic, almost as if he’s inconvenienced actually...
“Mmm, depends on perspective” He deadass just stuffed two more fires in his mouth! You're literally going to strangle him! It’s borderline painful how hard  your jaw tick, eyes narrowed in his direction!
Brows arched so damn high your gonna end up needing Botox from the permanent crease embedding within your skin. “Perspect-your literally eating-“
Holding a solitary finger in your direction “Tae just text me and said look at your phone and text him back...with like, a million pouty faces. Also, different note, who changed the decorations I placed on the mantle?! “
Jimin’s hand is now resting on his hip, legitimately angry about these damn decorations! I think his neck even did a couple rolls in the process, and I’m willing to bet,before he leaves they will be swapped out again!
A frustrated groan attempts to leave your throat  though it goes unacknowledged as your lacking any ounce or bite! Far too fond of both of your boys to truly be agitated at the moment! Actually that’s a lie, you high key wanna punch Jimin but it’s fine ....
“That, would be Jin, he said they clashed with the table decor” Pointing to all of the gold, and maroon colored decorations donning the marble coffee table “So, if your pissed go curse him out because I could give less than a damn! Now where the fuck is my phoneeee”
Hopping off the table causing your oversized UCLA Alum hoodie to hike over your ass. Said ass is covered or barely covered considering your cheeky, red, ruffle little panties are in fact assless! A cute little bow perched right on top of your tailbone, as if to direct the eye where to go….
Jimin is now choking on stolen fires and yeah there’s a smirk on your face as you grab your phone!
Mmmmhmmmm...and to think, maybe if he wasn’t being such a brat you’d let him unwrap one of his gifts a little early!
“Baby now he’s calling meeee” Anddddd he’s whining, wiggling his phone like it’s on fire! Ya know, moments like these in fact remind you that Tae and Jimin are the youngest!
“Oh for fucks sake!” Huffing in his direction snatching the phone and bag of Five Guys away in the process!
“Yes baby?” It’s actually terrifying how quickly your tone, and entire demeanor just switched! Somewhat reminiscent to how you’d see a mom scold one child then baby talk another all in the same breath! 
Jimin without a doubt noticed too, lip jutting out in a pout and no matter how many times you roll your eyes you still find yourself leaning forward kissing it right off! He moans into it and you Instantly taste the tangy seasoning from your fries, especially once he tries to swipe his tongue past the seam of your lips. The feeling of that tiny piece of metal playing in his mouth almost distracted you, but alas...the notion immediately reminds you why you were irked to begin with! Without even thinking you lean back into nipping at his bottom lip, though...this is Jimin we’re dealing with here! So whatever you thought you’d achieve is now dead, because a needy little whine just rustled in the back of his throat 
Speaking of love languages,there’s another called “Physical Touch” which has the words Jimin Park written all over it. So with that being said you really should’ve already been prepared for whatever’s about to unfold.
It’s subconscious at this point, head dropping down to the crook of your neck, nosing up a vein like a neglected puppy! Squeezing your waist hard enough to damn near engrave his thumb print in against your hip bones! Well, clearly he doesn’t want you going anywhere anytime soon!   
So what do you do instead? Place the bag of food on the bar, hold the phone in one hand and bring the other up to play in his freshly dyed locks! I swear this man is a second away from purring so maybe he’s not a puppy after all. Suddenly his ring clanned fingers trickle down your spine heading south, flexing his palm to squeeze down around the swell of your ass! Shifting you forward so your chest to chest...
So, here you are trying to cater to both of your boys at once...lord help you!
“No, of course I wasn’t ignoring you, I was just busy-yes Tae. You wanna put what in a what,Now?”
Hiii, as I mentioned above this was kinda last minute, I wrote out prompts on the 21st, then adult life kicked in. I actually had my own little office Christmas party to plan (Nothing on this scale obviously because well, we know the way the real world is rn) However because of that I couldn’t truly work on this until the 24th. However it’s been a long time since I wrote/wanted to write so I opted to just post it anyway! Hopefully the full thing will be up by the 28th at the latest.
I have also attached the overall masterlist for this AU!
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Diluc.. I miss the living hell out of you.. WHEN IS YOUR NEXT INTERACTIONN. But at the same time I dont think we are ever going to get some of that crumb. BUT there is an exception since he is a wine industry owner righ? BET we might see him when he makes exchange and stuf but I CRAVE MORE CRUMBS.
Koharu has the love language of a Crow + Physical affection so she is one to collect trinkets and cool bobs during her travels or random common objects like rocks that remind her of them: (Note: Koharu house can be represented as Howl's room from Howl's moving castle, full of trinkets but it has meaning)
Fay holding a blue rock: What's this?
Koharu: A rock, its blue just like you.
Koharu: I have many more but I can't seem to find one for Mona and Diluc.
Fay: You have more??
Koharu: Yeah like this twig that looks like its a ballet dancer. Or these leaves with pretty patterns.
Fay: ..Can I see them?
interest piqued! Fay will treasure this rock for so long.
"Fay? Is that trinket new?" Koharu asked, pointing at the charm attached to Fay's pants.
"Oh yea, it's that rock you gave me... so I can remember our friendship." Fay lifts it in her hands and admires the weight of it before being thrown off balance by Koharu. "Wha!?"
"You love meeee!" Fay keeps the two of them upright, but only just as her excited friend swings around her neck.
"You're gonna make me fall, Koharu." Fay chuckles.
"Don't care, too happy."
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tommysparker · 4 years
Take A Break [Tom Holland x Reader]
Slightly inspired by Take A Break from Hamilton: An American Musical. Mostly inspired by me being a stressed student who just wants someone to cuddle with. 
Special shoutout to @greenorangevioletgrass for beta-reading and generally being an awesome friend! Love you broadway bestie bro <3
Warnings: fluff. just fluff. Also Haz’s famous pancakes make an appearance
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“Well, look who finally came out of their cave.” Harrison exclaimed, peeking his head out from the corner of the kitchen. 
You scowled, partially from his comment, mainly from the blinding sunlight pouring into the house through the sliding doors. Who needed sun when you had the light of a computer screen? “Shut up. I only came down for food, and I’m only accepting pancakes so either get to it or piss off.”
The dirty blonde boy only grinned before disappearing behind the wall. Prick. 
“Darling, you’re up!” your boyfriend exclaimed, standing up from his spot on the living room couch and walking over to engulf you in a hug. “I missed you this morning,” he muttered into your neck as he kissed it sweetly. 
Shit, it isn’t morning?
 “Been workin’,” you replied lazily, melting into his warmth.
Though you and Tom have been together for a while now, and usually sleep in the same bed, lately you’ve been sleeping in the spare bedroom to keep the madness that is education confined into one space. He says he doesn’t care about the mess, but you insisted that once you catch up on everything you’ve been neglecting, he has all the power to hold on to you and never let go for a whole week. Tom fully planned to hold you to that promise. 
“You should take a break, you’ve been working day and night for three days now,” he hummed, planting another kiss next to your ear. 
“Baby, you know I can’t--” 
“Oi! You two love birds can get it on later. I’m not letting your sex life get in the way of my famous pancakes being eaten.” 
You rolled your eyes fondly, pulling yourself away from Tom’s embrace, immediately missing having his arms around you. “I’ll take a plate to-go, thank you.” 
Tom whined at your response to his best friend. “Nooooo, stay with meeee.” 
“Tom I--” 
“C’moooooonnnnn, take a break!” 
“Take a break and get awaaayyy-!”
“I swear to god if you start singing Hamilton I will not hesitate to burn you like Eliza burnt those letters.” 
“Wait, but wouldn’t I be Eliza 'cuz I’m telling you to take a break but you being Alexander refuses to-- hold on. Are you gonna cheat on me next time I leave the house?-- Ow!” Tom ended his ramble short to rub the back of his head, Harrison standing behind him holding up a spatula. “Dick.” 
“Shut up, my pancakes are getting cold.” You giggled at the exchange, padding over to the kitchen counter where a fresh plate of pancakes sat, your boyfriend hot on your tail.
“The least you can do is eat down here,” Tom remarked, wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling your head from behind. He knows how stressed you can get when it comes to deadlines, especially when said deadlines have passed and you still haven’t got the assignment turned in, and he hates seeing you so worked up. Also can’t a man just miss his partner? 
During the lockdown period, Tom had gotten a lot more attached, meaning he always wanted some form of affection. So, the times you did crawl out of your hideout, he took full advantage of the time-slot. 
You leaned back into his chest, turning your head to place a light kiss on his cheek, completely ignoring his claim. “You’re adorable when you get all needy.” 
That earned an embarrassed groan from your lover. 
“Please Y/n, just stay down with us for at least two hours. I can’t take much more of his whining,” Harry pleaded, a teasing smile aimed at his older brother, to which he responded by flipping him off. 
Regardless, all the boys agreed on wanting you to spend some time with them for a little while. 
You sighed, thinking oh what the hell. A few hours won’t hurt anyone. 
The minute you agreed, Tom picked you up, your body laid over his shoulder, and marched straight to the couch. “Tom what the hell-- put me down!”
“M’kay,” he responded cheekily, dropping you on the sofa before laying on top, trapping you between his body and the large cushions. He grinned at your protests, simply resting his head on your chest and holding you like you’d disappear any second. “Shush, I’m cuddling.” 
“I can see that,” you remarked, raking your fingers through his hair, earning some hums of approval from your human weighted blanket. As much as you would have preferred to be in Tom’s position, you did admit it was nice to sit back and relax a little. Maybe you should take breaks more often. 
“Hold on a damn second, someone has to eat these bloody pancakes!”
I really hope you enjoyed this! I know its short, but it’s my first fic on tumblr and I was running on one hour of sleep so...yeah. 
Feedback is always welcome! 
Tagging some people who will hopefully like this: @greenorangevioletgrass @soraitmnt @angel-spidey @farfromparker @allegra-writes @parkerpeter24 @tetralea @theactualprincessofeverything @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh
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bee-cried · 4 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
Has your character ever broken someone's heart? Have they ever made someone close to them (friend, s/o, etc.) cry? How has this situation affected their actions in the future?
Okay okay okay
Now lemme just skim through my docss....
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Collin uh...
What's this boys last name????
Im pullin up the doc-
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Bro... I made these characters in like 2014, don't get on me about how off beat they are.
And yes i have multiple documents about who they are what's their motive (not feat Doja cat).
Because I'm writing a series for them
And they were once my paras
They still are my paras
And yes they are heavily inspired by the Powerpuff girls
But um...
I'm scared as shit to share anything about them
Cause as you can guess... That might be a spoiler ooOoo
😐 i mean...
Im prolly never gonna share this story past getting 1000x people to beta read it only to have the first chapters scrapped
Ye thats y this story has never been shared past... Some out of context photos like here with the gang ...
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thats from my google plus hey days 😀
Brooo look at how my art used to be
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That is very much Lillian, Bella and Justin.
I guess all I'm trying to say is
I need help
This shit is hard to write by myself
And thank you oc fairy but i think we both know
Deep down
Don't nobody care about my paras/oc's buh me
Until i can get the story out, I'm...
So yeah. Is Collin a heart breaker?
Did he get his heart broken?
Who is he dating?
Why did he date?
What was the reason?
Collin reading over this shit
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He'll be okay, issa part of life.
His very boring heterosexual cis life
Woah y did i just get very political out of nowhere
Being on that damn twitter.
I- okay
I think i should go now.
Thank you oc fairy 😀😊
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karmawonders · 4 years
(sorry for typos im on mobile dont hate meeee)
Now that i finished Sayaka's search history
... you know what time it is!!
Bring On Kyoko Sakura!
🔥🍎Kyoko Sakura's Search History🍎🔥
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hair condiotonwd and shampoo cheap
apples cheap
arcades where i can get in for free
dance dance revolution
how to live on your own
why do i push people away
why am i always hungry
why was my father insane
excommunication and its affects
why is this girl mildly infuriating and infactuating at the same time
how to look cool without seemingly trying
cheap hotels
places where its safe to sleep in urban areas
is it gay to live with your bestftiend and lowkey have feelings for her
how to know if you accidentally joined a cult
how go leave a cult
rumors regarding disappeances
apples large
apples sfw
cheap places to buy food
pickpocketing 101
gyah usually i tried to kinda make a timeline placed order.. butttttt that kinda didnt happen. im a clown. 🤡
i really wish kyoko got more development tbh!
We dont really learn much about her or her character, like.
we got her past and what she wished for, but when it ces to current interests it was hard tonfigure out. oh phooey, at least i know what imma gonna do with my Waifu Momoe!
sorry this one feels a bit short 😭
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macklives · 5 years
session 81 end
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wow, okay, first things first
shes so fucking cute holy shit i love her so much i dont even know where to begin??
i mean i guess its because im so used to troll snark and the way they just? banter constantly? seeing someone who is a literal ray of sunshine is so refreshing and wholesome and pure. god she’s great. shes a cat, she knows her stuff. she’s strong and theres also this guys???? who shes scared of?? and tells her what to do??? yeah no, idk who it is but let her make her own decisions lol
maybe its just over exaggeration or whatnot, and hes not bad but first impressions do a lot to me and right now the only thing i know about this guy is that AC needs his approval for everything. i guess ill see where that takes us. hopefully nowhere bad. but AC seems like she can take care of herself and knows how to be a good decent troll and i love her for that. wow it literally took me one dialogue to like her. damn, that was fast. jesus.
you know who else is great?
yeah i know right. and that whole trial thing, which yeah i guess half the time i was confused by what the fuck is going on since i still cant grasp the idea of how alternia works, but i enjoyed myself with lemonsnout and how terezi roleplays and how much she gets into it. seeing a character that passionate about something is so sweet and nice.
god this was just a nice overall session
which i say, while i completely forgot about the banter TA and karkat got into
right, that happened. oh my god. they both literally stomped all over each other, dissed one another, still made up in the end because apparently thats their friendship and i guess it just works like that. depends on the friends you have, i guess.
its funny though, not gonna lie
and karkat as of now is just being a prick and honestly? 
like more than usual, which i guess is weird to say but i mean from present time to beginning of hivebent karkat. not that its uncommon for him to be a prick, he is, but seeing him go through the non-linear pattern with john is mmmmh interesting to say the least. though we havent seen his first trolling, just him constantly going “oh god what did i say, i was dumb” u know, not in those words but thats basically what he means. 
ooh im gonna analyze, i feel like analyzing right now my fingers have already typed so much as it is MIGHT AS WELL
and our candidate will be *drum rollll* karkat wow predictable (its below the cut because this is literally irrelevant now to the session)
okay, lets lay out the shit we have already. as i said before, the way he talks presently to john (meaning in the future) is so different than how he speaks to everyone now. of course the “i hate the world” personality is still there, and hes still just regular karkat, but karkat talking with john is patient to some extent and tells him what he needs to know for the game, lowkey kinda chills out once they started talking about movies or growing up as huh, didnt he say larvae or smth?
okay that whole grub thing makes sense now as i just wrote that but i am still confused as to what the FUCK that is implying because i dont think it crossed my mind this much, im repressing it for now until it comes up later. 
anyways, back to what i was saying. he was so DIFFERENT than the way he’s acting now which is bitch and moan and like? stfu karkat lmfao. i mean, its not THAT big of a difference in character, because i know he’s still his grumpy old self, and theres a lot of potential.. for growth? not sure if we’ll get it but i like to assume we will get character growth from these characters with fucking 8000 pages talking about them. but a story needs that growth and with karkat being just a straight up angry dude, in MY EYES, he should.. have growth, no? idk HOW he will grow, but im basically just taking what i have right now which isnt much but i analyze things for fun sometimes so let me be.
that being said, because its so early on, im not sure where homestuck is gonna go and i dont have much to go on but being in the psychology course shit happens when you have limited information and you gotta pin point what makes a person a person and how do they cope with things to grow further into life. many of my assignments involve limited info so honestly, not that hard.
but it is something that ive noticed, the way karkat is different as he grows which possibly means the whole veil thing happens later later on in his life and we havent yet seen that small growth become patience and not whining every time he doesnt get what he wants. but growth is common and it mostly likely happens to everyone, so its not like wow this is a surprise and a plot twist, more of something that i just wanna write for the sake of writing it. i hope that makes sense? i dont exactly know where im going with this. i just mean that im basically going to analyse karkat a tiny bit so idk how to otherwise explain it but you’ll get where im going with this as i type more lmao. 
anyways, so karkat literally said “pretend i dont think highly of my friend’s talents” as if he’s visibly trying to force himself from all emotions and bash on those who do (reference: “stop being sensitive, its repugnant” or whatever tf he said while TA replied with “hypocrite”) i take that as a key word. so honestly, while that was the smallest thing ive gotten from this session, its the thing im most curious about actually and i actually havent mentioned lol. because what ive learned in psych, which this is just common knowledge but i did an assignment on it so like?? could be useful?? is that people who hold off their emotions tend to hold off others as well, so there is no chance of mirroring each other. in other words, if someone is happy and starts to laugh and goof around with another, the emotions will mirror that other person subconsciously. like an addictive laugh. theres also another way to show mirroring, which is to mimic another person's actions, allowing another to establish a sense of empathy and thus begin to understand another person's emotions. in this case, im using TA and karkat as example. people who suppress emotions tend to see emotions as a bad sign and if somebody else portrayed any sign of it as well, they’ll basically say “gross what are you doing” because theyre so used to concealing it away, that they dont want others to think theyre into the whole mushy shit. so they pretend to hate it, pretend to not even be slightly affected by general sensitivity..
which basically means karkat is a softie, and even if he’s a prick right now, meeee thinks john, from earlier convos, is growing on him because john himself knows how emotions work and while i dont think troll culture does know much about it, considering the BLOOD AND CARNAGE thing, he is in fact growing and even if thats obvious, and you all know it, i am new to homestuck and am trying to see that for myself. its noticeable to some degree. he may always still be a jerk, but i am waiting to see how he slowly starts to accept things around him and to finally show what hes hiding inside. even if its just going up by a few percentages, i see its there and im hoping VERY HOPING he has the biggest character growth!
in other words, why else do i think this?? well nobody who watches romcoms can be that fucking aggressive. you need some sap in you to like it.
on that note, ill probably analyze alternia’s system and rules in another post later throughout these next few sessions because i feel it needs to be talked about and the way everything just.. is so different and doesnt seem right, you know?
thats it for now goodnight
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