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shuckstruck · 2 months ago
new year new me. i’m finally living on my own again. i’m sleeping in my condo for the first time!!! I’m so fucking happy!!!!
i’ve cried several times today: both because I was sad (mostly for leaving my mom’s dogs- especially angus, who I’ve raised since he was a puppy. Not to mention Oliver, who’s been especially sad bc of Siri’s passing.) and for happiness (I’m a first time homebuyer! this is the first place I’ve ever owned!! my finances are in the red but I’m going to figure it out!!!).
Either way, I’m so excited to finally be on my own again. I’m a different person when I don’t live with my mother.
My tipsy mother said I have to drink the champagne she bought me on the floor. like she did when she bought her house, and like mothers before me. AND I DID. on the floor of my bedroom- and my cat got up to butt his head into the back off mine when he heard my voice <3
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poorlemons · 2 months ago
A little look-back through 2024, how fun!
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Certainly a range going on, dungeon meshi, moomin, rottmnt, and whatever is happening to Rhode. I don't think I really drew much during Jan, all things considered.
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A failed attempt at amphiburary- school took over, or something- and a lot of oc art! overall I did more art that month and while some of it bugs me, and i dont have pleasant memories attached to it, i still like a lot of what I did. Got experimental 'n stuff!
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Its all OC art baybe!! and some stuff included that I never posted. Rhode (the ginger with glasses) is my special little guy and I had plenty happening in a rp thing I do. You can see how his nose hadn't reached its full evolution yet.
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Again with the oc stuff! Rhode persists! March was the eclipse, which honestly I forgot happened this year... man that feels like so long ago. Also, I did some stuff with my magical girl ocs, a rare treat! I honestly really like that art set I did, the magazine idea was cute
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I did a lot of mostly complete artworks these two months, but theyre 90% oc art so I figured i could shove them together. You can see me experimenting with coloring and rendering in some of these. Also, I visited rottmnt again for a lil bit in June! Honestly I was having a great time drawing me and my friend's ocs
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And so I discovered Reigen. Plus some more rhode n other ocs. But mostly it was Reigen. Mob psycho is great, i had a great time watching it. Kinda wanna go back and rewatch it but all for another day.
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didn't draw as much in august, i had a really fun trip I went on that I spent the month preparing for! Love ren fairs. But what i did draw was (drum roll) oc art! Rhode, Lamp, Ann and otheres- theres a decent variety here. Still mostly Rhode, though.
September-October (and so my Michael obsession begins)
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So um. Michael, amiright? honestly i have so much fun drawing both michaels, its a damn delight. ive been so happy at the reception of them from everyone too- i draw michael solely for myself but i do like it when my work makes others happy
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Honestly some good michael art from november. plus the creation of Clear Image AU! I have less to say about these last too months, since itd be less looking back and more recapping what is basically yesterday.
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And so ends the year.. More michael, some Lyf, some oc art, all the fun stuff. Plus... a little sneak peak at the expert testimony animatic im working on in the upper righthand corner.
Happy new years, fingers crossed for a better 2025 for everyone!
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maythray · 1 year ago
you make me wanna play animal jam again.............where do i sign up brother........
Okay everything I'm gonna tell you is for aj classic, download link is here -> https://classic.animaljam.com/en
Once u get the app you can make an an account (button is at the bottom of the main menu). It'll send you though a little tutorial (not too terrible! Would suggest going through it at least once if you've never played) but then you can get right into the game afterwards!
(extra info under the cut)
Few things you'll wanna do after you make a new account:
Set up an email tied to the account
this can be done through either the settings menu, or the little gift icon by the bottom of the screen.
this can allow you to change your chat settings from the regular safe chat option (preset list of possible words) to safe chat plus (any words that fit the filters)
2. Enter me for the invite a friend system :)
There's a system in game where you're able to get rewards for referring a friend, and I recently just started doing this and would love if you helped..
You can do this through the buddy menu (icon in the top left of a tiger and monkey), and then clicking the green "how did you hear?" button. Enter my username (rem4eva) and that's it baybe!
3. Do the journey book!
This can technically be done whenever, but I personally think its a good way to familiarize yourself with the areas in the game. This is a scavenger hunt of sets of animals/plants in the background of each land. Plus it gives you some neat items to start off with.
The book icon won't be on your UI at the start, you have to find and click on one thing to activate it. Easiest are the termites in Sarepia Forest (to the left of the spawn on the tree, right next to the butterflies).
Other info:
It'll take a few days for your username to be approved! Don't worry if you're "New Jammer" for a while!
UNFORTUNATELY most of animal jam is locked behind a paid membership. Its not required to get one (most of the years I've played without one!), but it definitely opens up the game significantly. Just wanted to warn about this ahead of time! If you find you like the game enough you can always get a membership for yourself :)
The AJ wikis are EXTREMELY helpful. This is an old game and has a LOT within it. If you're ever looking for extra info on something, feel free to look around the wikis!
Classic Wiki -> https://animaljam.fandom.com/wiki/Animal_Jam_Classic_Wiki
Thisll be for your general game info!
Item Worth Wiki -> https://aj-item-worth.fandom.com/wiki/Animal_Jam_Item_Worth_Wiki
This will be to check the worth of items! Much of AJ is trading and buying, being able to know what can get you what is very helpful and essentially needed at this point.
Have fun and be yourself :)
If you have any other questions that come up while playing, feel free to ask!! Id love to help :)
(Additionally if any other players see this and have anything to add, I'd greatly appreciate it! I'm not so caught up with what its like to start out new since I've had the same account for YEARS!!)
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palegoopbearlight · 4 years ago
Lumiere x Fem!reader
~Changed times~
Summary: Lumiere the talking candelabra from beauty and the beast becomes human again only to find his lost love in the croud of remembering people, but one problem remains. Plumette
Warnings: none i dont think, maybe a bit sad I guess
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There you sat in gastons pub, head in the clouds as usual. You had been worried for a while ever since your friend belle had gone missing, you knew her father hadn't done anything even though others had tried to convince you other wise. He loved his daughter why would he do anything to her? You asked yourself that question on repeat.
You hummed to yourself alone in the pub, baybe two or three others were there, luckily no gaston. Hes always tried to use you to get to belle no matter how many times you told him to go away, mid thoughts a loud crash and yelling had come from outside. You gasped standing and raced to the town center when you saw almost everyone causing drama ripping things off stone walls to use and turn into weapons. You were beyond frightened, what was happening? Why is a riot happening? You didn't know the answer untill you looked around to see belle in a lovely yellow dress being man handled and pulled into the "crazy wagon" you called it. (Along with her father)
"No no!" You yelled as you ran towards her to try and help "what are you doing! Why is she off to the crazy house what had she done?"
The intaker looked at you with deep eyes and said "witchcraft." You gasped at his saying and then proceeded to beg him to let your friend go but no luck. You noticed everyone in the town getting on their horses and into their carriages leaving the village to hunt down the beast you remember hearing about from belles father.
You knew the only way to stop any more destruction you had to stop gaston first. But before that you had to help your dear friend escape.
//in the castle//
"Maybe she will come back..." chip sighed as he looked over to his mother Mrs, pot.
Mrs pot gave a sad smile. "I believe she will..." cogsworth scoffed and interrupted. "No she won't. This is the end for us. We won't be here much longer. As midnight approaches the last pedal is going to fall and we will be rubbish." He shook his head as he was hit in the back by lumiere "oh shut it you dont know if she will or not. I have a feeling she will. I beg that she will." He turned to plumette with a soft smile "I must kiss you again my love.. I hope she can come back so I can have that opportunity." He gave his charming smile and plumette chuckled "oh mon chér." She spoke only to be interrupted by the sound of angry villagers. Lumiere looked out the window to see them and glared yelling. "MAN YOUR STATIONS!" He rushed out with the others to find a good spot to sit untill time to attack.
Gaston had a deadly look on his face as he and others broke down the doors to the front castle they all steped in and raised a brow at the odd silence when lefou sat the tea cup and pot sitting on a tray. He smiled and slightly bent down. "You must be the talking tea cup" he then turned to the pot "and you must be its grandmother"
"Grand mother!" Mrs pots shouted "attack!" Just then every house supplies had become alive and started to attack the villagers. Lumiere had plumette spread gun powder everywhere as he lit it on fire causing explosions or other smaller ones. He fought well still with hope belle would return
You stayed behind to try and help belle as she explained her story and to why the beast was a good guy and not a monster like he's thought of. It almost brought tears to your eyes untill you gave a few more pushes on the door and it still didn't open. You breathed heavily and leaned back against the door
"Belle...this door isn't opening..I cant save you.." you gave up defeated but belle wasn't done yet. She looked at her father and pulled out the rose from her pocket and explained how and where she got it and that made you cry because of house sad it was. Moments after silence you heard the lock click unlatch. You pushed off the door and turned around to see belle quickly getting out of the carriage. You gasped holding onto her nearly breaking her as you jumped into her arms. "Oh my friend I've missed you!" You both confessed then turned to her father "go hurry before gaston does something drastic" he qoughed, you and belle nodded to eachother and hopped on her horse. You both rode as fast as you could to the castle where you noticed ruckus was emanating from. The castle gave you a wierd feeling. Like you've been there before. You gulped and quickly followed belle inside. "Dont hurt the objects there people!" Belle explained to you as you looked around shocked at the sight infront of you. You grew a confident face and nodded, she ran upstairs and you ran to find a weapon. Once you found one that wasn't alive you used it against the other villagers to protect the objects. You didn't kill or seriously injure anyone but you were doing your best to keep from doing that. Lumiere fought from the second floor railing as he looked down to see who was left only to see a beautiful girl he automatically knew from sight.
"Y.n?..." he whisperd to himself shocked malling off the railing and being caught by her aswell. "Oh dear are you alright?" You spoke to the candle but no response from the shocked golden man. You raised a brow confused and set him down going back to your fight when he said your name again. "Y.n..." you froze and turned around looking at the candelabra. "I-.." you couldn't answer untill you god a good look at his face. Even though it was golden you knew that face anywhere, "lumiere?..." you spoke your eyes began to water and your legs began to shake. You were face to face with your long lost love from over 20 years ago, who was now a candle. "Y.n i-" he spoke only for you be be pushed out of the way by a full grown man continuing the fight. Lumiere gasped as he rushed over to try his best to help you.
Once the fight was over the instruments cheered amd celebrated but that died down quickly once realizing it was too late. You were unconscious on the second floor somewhere and lumiere had lost you somewhere mid battle. He was worried he wasn't going to see you before he turned full candle and he was right. He wasn't going to it was too late.
He looked over to plumette giving her a sad nod goodbye then looked at cogsworth who was becoming his full clock
"Goodbye my friend..it was an honor working with you..."
He took one last breath and turned into the candle he was designed to be.
Upstairs you felt yourself wake up not long after they all turned to objects. You sat up and rubbed your head where you were hit. It was sore but you managed to push through it standing up and walking out of the room you were in. You stumbled for a moment but immediately remembered lumiere, you ran downstairs as fast as you could picking up pace with every step. You made your way to the outside to see frozen object that were 9nce people. Your hands raised to your mouth in shock and sorrow. You looked around and finally spotted him. You slowly approached and lifted the candle in your hand as a few tears slipped from your eyes.
"Ive waited all these years and finally found you...and now you're already gone.." you began to cry hysterically setting the candle down and putting your face into your hands. Your crying was ceased when you turned around to see the castle forming into its beautiful white and gold state. You smiled moving away and down the steps to get a better view of it, it made you feel slightly better when you heard his voice again "see my friend we beat the clock!" Your eyes widend and your mouth gapped open. You made your way up the stairs when you heard him say another woman's name. When he came into full view he was kissing another woman... and she was gorgeous. You felt insecure for a moment watching her pat smoke from lumieres head. You wanted to speak but hundreds of other village members came back to see their family members. You were lost in the croyd now towards the farther back. By time lumiere turned back he couldn't see you. He didn't know you were there, but you were, watching every loving moment he had with her like he did with you all those years ago.
Tears dare struck your eyes again but you took a deep breath turning to walk away. On such a happy day it lead to you being heart broken again.
"What was i thinking...I see him after 20 years and he's a candle. Then He becomes human again and chooses someone else over me...already?...no dont be rediculouse hes probably already known her. 20 years its been of course he would want a new companion.."
You felt replaced even though you haven't seen him in 20 years.. "if that pot lady can go back to her husband automatically why couldn't I go back to my lover...I notice shes been loyal to her husband...why couldn't lumiere be loyal to me?.." you were thinking illogicaly while lumiere was in the castle searching for you. But when he had not been able to find you his heart broke yet again. He made his way back to the others upset he worried he wouldn't see you again. And you were already on your horse going back to your village home heartbroken.
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disaster-bay-leaf · 4 years ago
First of all, I MISSED YOU SO FREAKING MUCH I hope you're doing ok and finished your assessments or at least are less burdened by them
Now with the pretty askss ~
Angel, melody, perfume, valentine, parchment, oasis ✨
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We shall kick this periods bitch ass so hard together 🔥🔥🔥 i believe in u baybe 💕
and yes!!! we shall reign supreme over uterine pain
angel - is there anyone you’d do anything for?
hm hard question but i suppose that my sister and grandma as well as some of my close friends:3
melody - favourite artists?
oh god thats such a hard one because my music taste is like,,, all over the place b u t here’s a list:
Mother Mother, Måneskin, Hozier, The Amazing Devil, Barns Courtney, Go_A, GRANRODEO, K/DA, Matt Meason, The Mountain Goats, Lil Nas X, Radiohead, Zaz, girl in red, Melanie Martinez, I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME, p!atd, tessa violet, Queen, Alphaville, Saint Motel, Boney M, Cigarettes After Sex
and i should probably stop at this dhsjsjjsjs
perfume - favourite scent?
for perfume i love citrusy scents and as for non-perfume then the smell of freshly mowed lawn, gasoline, my best friend’s hair shampoo, the ForestTM, the ground after the rain (petrichor,,, immaculate), a burning campfire based on conifer wood, my grandma’s best tomato soup, sushi, the crispy scent of a cold winter morning, and the old vintage smell of my school building (,,, with an honourable exclusion of the toilets).
funfact my school was a psychiatric hospital in the 40s and like,,, fitting
valentine - best gift you’ve ever received?
ill be cheesy here - probably the libra necklace my best friend gave me for my birthday that i wear every day and live in constant fear of it breaking hdjsjsjjs
but also all the little funny trinkets (you know, small shit like glasses in the shape of 2019 for new years, some yo-yos, a funky kite in the shape of a plane, funny hot wheels cars) that my late aunt gave me when she visited and i loved her very much so,,, yeah
parchment - favourite book?
oooooooh youve hit a deep rabbit’s hole my friend i have s o many✨✨✨
the lord of the rings, all v.e. schwab books (though im attached to vicious and the shades of magic series in particular), the portrait of dorian grey (same here!!!), memory police by yoko ogawa, the tale of two cities, alice in the wonderland (favourite childhood book - i love trippy shit), inkheart, Witches’ daughter/the daughter of witches (?) (its a polish book by the title “córka czarownic” so im having problems translating) and probably many more that ive forgotten
oasis - dream destination?
hm i always wanted to visit Rome? but also i crave some day visiting tasmania and going hiking and scuba diving
thenks for the ask bebe🤍🤍🤍
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michiiilada · 5 years ago
Intro To Mel!!
//because i just realized i’ve never done a proper intro//
Hello guys! It’s me again, Mel. I’ve gotten my blood drawn today so I won’t be able to draw for the rest of the day cause my arm really hurts but I’ve taken this time to make myself a lil intro sheet!
As you all know my name is Mel! I’m an 18 year old artist who’s graduating from high school this year //woo woo 2020 baybe//. I was born in Québec, Canada and moved to Washington State when I was three years old. I am Mexican, Filipina, and Japanese and am reading fluent in Spanish although I can sorta read French. Some interested outside of drawing are medicine and emergency medicine along with music and dancing!
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I did dance for this year with my highschool and loved it! I had to quit early due to some chronic hip issues I recently developed and I miss it a bunch.
As for music, I have yet to really release anything of me singing yet but I do love to sing. I also love playing my plethora of instruments which include: bass clarinet, clarinet, guitar, bass guitar, and ukulele. :) I’m not big into composition but I do want to start making my own music!
As for medicine, I hope to do EMT work starting next winter once I get my certification to do so. Healthcare has always been a big part of my life as most my family works in it. I love helping people and making people feel better in any way I can so I’m sooo excited to start this soon! I plan to move onto nursing school once I decide I’m tired of EMT work haha.
Another thing I’m very into is environmental care! When I was in sophomore year I had the chance to work as a sorta park ranger with the SCA! The Student Conservation Association, I originally took the job for the money but feel in love with conservation and environmentalism in general. I’m lucky to live in a state that really prioritizes its conservation of natural beauty and I will never take that for granted. I do plan on traveling to Australia to visit the Australia Zoo due to the wonderful conservation work they do over there :,).
If you have anymore questions for me feel free to send to my inbox over on this blog! I love making new friends and meeting people from all over the world :,DDD
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gimmeyoon · 5 years ago
Tag Game
tagged by: @ddaenggtan whom I love and is one half of two spider-man’s pointing at each other
:: nickname(s): B, BayB, Sherbert (Based on my real name this is risky), Bob (Because my phone autocorrects BB to Bob and so my best friend and I call each other that).
:: bias: In BTS, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jungkook (Because I am a whore)
:: blood type: I genuinely do not know, I think A+ .....
:: favourite food: Tofu and rice from a very specific Chinese place near my undergrad school OR from Sticky Rice, Asparagus, Pasta of any type, Tofurky sandwich
:: birthday: March 11, 1997
:: zodiac: Pisces Sun, Aries Moon, Sagittarius Rising
:: pronouns: she/her
:: hair length: OKAY right now it is SO LONG I’ve had short hair since I started senior year of High School, and now, 6 years later, my hair is an inch or 2 past my shoulders (I think I should cut it)
:: height: i am 5′3″ and one time I said “tall people should always be afraid��� as I stood on a stool because BEING THAT HIGH UP IS SCARY 
:: a crush: I have a new crush every room I walk into I am hopeless also what ever happened to Alex the regular that I blushed around why did he stop coming to my Starbucks Alex I miss you
:: what do you like about yourself: I like my style and my confidence. I took me a really long time to feel good about myself, but I feel like I’m finally as confident as everyone always thought I was. I like my creativity and how empathetic I am. 
:: left or right handed: I am right handed but live in fear that I was supposed to be left handed based on my mom’s haunted memory of taking the marker out of my left hand as a child and putting it into my right and immediately regretting it.
:: list of 3 favourite colours: CURRENTLY: pastel pink, neon green, and pastel purple
:: (right now) eating: nothing, but I have a Mediterranean grain bowl from Panera in front of me  for later so I could use their wifi
:: (right now) drinking: Starbucks venti iced coffee with soy, light ice, and 3 pumps of cinnamon dolce syrup.
:: i’m about to: start planning for Spring semester which starts tomorrow! 
:: listening to: my Korean music playlist, which is named 음악, because Google translate told me that’s how you write music in Korean, if it’s wrong please tell me I don’t want to be embarrassed. It’s my most listened to playlist and more specifically I am listening to Tell Me What To Do by SHINee
:: kids: Does my cat count? I call her my baby and her name is Mochi. Or is this like do I want to have them? Yes, I have wanted to be a mom since I was very little, but that’s also maybe because of child hood trauma that we do not have time to unpack, anyways I always pictured myself as a mom but like not as a wife? So kids even if I’m a single mom. 
:: get married: LMAO according to the above I am not like that invested in it, but also I am down to get married one day. I’m genuinely happy alone and I don’t actively seek out romantic relationships BUT ALSO I WANT TO BE LOVED DAMN IT. Idk one day but no time soon.
:: recent phone call: My mom because she face timed me and I could tell it was a butt dial and I was right. 
:: (have u ever) dated someone twice: No. I am the type of person that is done when I’m done and my mind isn’t going to be changed. Also I never liked anyone I dated that much OOP.
:: been cheated on: Probably, like they swore to the end that they didn’t, but he immediately started dating the girl (my best friend) that I swore he was cheating on me with SO LIKE EMOTIONALLY YES.
:: kissed someone and regretted it: Literally one of my boyfriends, and yet even after regretting the kiss I DATED HIM WHAT THE HELL
:: lost someone special: Yes. No way to make this entertaining or funny sorry.
:: been depressed: We are thicc into the effects of seasonal affective disorder SO YES (I’m sorry that effects my work on this blog and is proof that being depressed TM does not make you a better artist I CANT DO SHIT RIGHT NOW)
:: been drunk and thrown up: OKAY so yes, the first time was my freshman year of college and I WAS WASTED, and then not again until MY SENIOR YEAR where I would be LEGALLY ALLOWED TO DRINK. I learned the hard way that when I am out and my friend says WHO WANTS TO DO SHOTS if my immediate answer is yes, it should be no, because I never want to take a shot unless I am already too drunk. 
:: had glasses or contacts: I have both! I’ve had glasses since the first grade and I got contacts in the 7th grade, which I prefer because I like seeing in my peripheral.
:: had sex on the first date: well as a Virgin TM, no
:: broken someone’s heart: Yes, and I am not sorry OOP
:: turned someone down: Yes, and it is always awkward I hate it
:: cried when someone died: Yes, every time
:: fallen for a friend: Yes, refer back to I have a new crush every room I enter 
:: (in the last year have you) made a new friend: YES, I moved to a whole new state and made friends on this here website
:: laughed until u cried: Yes and its one of my favorite emotions
:: met someone who changed u: I think everyone we truly get to know and meet changes us in some way.
:: found out who your true friends were: Yes and that shit hurted
:: found out someone was talking about you: Probably, I am pretty oblivious to things like that, so I could genuinely never realize. 
:: lips or eyes: Eyes I guess. I’ve never thought about it but I guess I think more about eyes than lips when it comes to a person. 
:: hugs or kisses: Kisses are great but HUGS hit DIFFERENT. You can kiss random people and it means nothing except hey you’re hot, but THE THOUGHT of the person I love hugging me tight EUPHORIC
:: romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous romantic gestures
:: hookup or relationship: Relationship, even though like to think I’m a bad bitch that can’t be locked down, I also need to be comfortable with a person before I can be intimate.
:: first best friend: from birth until the beginning of high school, growing apart from her was worse than any break-up I’ve ever had and I still think about how my mom held me in the car while I cried about the end of our friendship. 
:: surgery: nope
:: sports i joined: I did Softball and basketball until high school, played JV volleyball for one year in the 8th grade, and then after that I was a Cheerleader.
:: do u believe in yourself: Sometimes. Recently when Fall semester ended I thought I did really poorly on my final papers, but when I presented in both classes people were really impressed. I had even started to wonder if trying to get my PhD was unrealistic. I think it was the reminder I needed that I am smart and strong and I can do most things if I set my mind to them, so I’m dedicated to believing in myself in 2020.
:: miracles: I don’t know. Maybe. I hate to take a strong stance and say no, but I’ve also never seen one. 
:: love at first sight: I believe in like at first sight, but not love. Love is a verb and requires work. Love is so much more than just seeing someone, it involves looking into their soul and saying I recognize the light in you and I love it. 
:: heaven: I was raised religious but idk man. It’s crazy because of how strongly I felt about this 6 years ago.
:: do u have any pets: My parents have a dog that I lived with until 6 months ago and I have a cat. I want another cat uwu.
:: do u want to change your name: No, I love my name. But my alias on here, I think about changing it all the time.
:: what did u do for your last birthday: I went out with my friends, and did really cute makeup, and was really feeling myself. 
:: what time did u wake up today: I got to sleep in since I had the day off, so 10:00 am.
:: what were u doing last night at midnight: Sleeping my dude, I passed out at like 10:00 pm
:: something i can’t wait for: my whole life I’ve been waiting to live the life I want to live, and I know this is a sad thing to say, but I still feel that way. It’s hard to change my mentality, but I’m very future focused. 
:: last time u saw your mum: AHHH recently! My parents came up last week and I got to see them for the first time since November, and my mom cried WHEN SHE WALKED INTO MY APARTMENT 
:: what is one thing u wish u could change about your life: I wish I could finally make a solid group of friends where I currently live, but I am very nervous about it and I don’t put myself out there ooof I also would like to stop procrastinating the things I want to do like my YouTube channel and I want to stop being depressed and I want to go to NYC more often
I’d like to tag…. @strawbxxymilk @honiboyyoon @helpitskpop @sketchguk 
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knuckleduster · 6 years ago
i dont usually do these but why not lets have a laff 
got tagged by sadhbh love you 
Nicknames: dont really consistently have like a nickname most people just use my name. people used to call me variations of my urls online but like. i just go by my name now. some people shorten it to ruub but that only works in dutch really. sometimes people call me ruby and its cute i guess
Height: allegedly im like 6 feet
The last thing I googled: tuin der lusten jeroen bosch
Favourite musicians: i like a lot of music so im just going to promote a bunch of people ive been listening to lately: girli, moodkiller, dorian electra, GFOTY, kim petras, zebra katz, boy sim, lizzo, charli xcx, also as always the wonderful jungheim (stream her music and also donate to her kickstarter if thats still up)
Song stuck in your head: im listening to neck contour by girli right now so i guess its that!
Following: 1146 people el o el
Followers: 775 right now! thats not a lot but ive been getting a lot more lately i was stuck at 700 for the longest time and im finally nearing 1K (makes a few posts fishing for notes)
Do you get asks? not often enough but when i do its usually from very sweet people
Lucky numbers: 2
What you’re wearing: double denim baybe
Dream trip: ummm. i wanna go to new york really badly but also like so many other cities 
Instruments: ive played the guitar for like. a looong time but im getting rusty so i gotta do it more often -___- also im like half decent at making computer video game music i just still gotta import all my stuff to my laptop (my old one is a ruin)
Languages: english and dutch are both practically fluent, english a little bit less w speaking but im improving and have been mostly understandable for years. i was pretty okay at french but i just let that slip and now i can still read it but its a struggle. i could probably still translate latin if i tried. and also instinctually i just understand german both spoken and written but like structurally i dont know anymore
Favourite songs: hmmm. again im just gonna go and say songs i think you should stream right now on spotify which are: liquify by moodkiller, a figure 8 by cowgirl clue, flamboyant by dorian electra, day month second by girli
Random fact: im supposed to be writing a paper right now wish me luck with that cause i hate it
not tagging anyone bc im a forgetful bitch and can barely remember what my own twitter url is!
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writinginthebunker · 6 years ago
Fever Dean
Set during Stanford era, Dean gets sick and calls up Sam for some much needed comfort.
1500 words or so
Along a winding road dipped in infinity and brushed with stars drove a lonely young man in a frayed leather jacket. The heater in his vehicle continuously kicking on and off, he would have to fix that later, he hadn't seen another soul since he passed the last little sleepaway town, opting not to stop. He was somewhere on a long stretch of road in Colorado, or was it Kansas, he couldn't tell anymore. He had stopped paying attention miles ago, his attention to the road had been dwindling the last few days. He couldn't find the energy to focus anymore.
He had so little money he'd been dozing in his car every night, if he kept driving the heat kept on in the freezing temperatures. More often than not snow would cap his vehicle, he would brush it away in the morning before leaving.
Removing the Led Zeppelin casette from the car's tape player he placed it carefully back into it's case and dropped it into the casette bin. Though the heater pumped out warm air at full capacity a shiver rolled through his body, looking at the time he found a side road and pulled over.
The man tried to get comfortable, burying himself in flannels and all the blankets he had at his disposal, to no avail. The more the heat abandoned the car the stronger the tremmors became.
Unable to get warm the man sat up on the bench seat, leaning his fresh out of the oven forehead onto the frosted window. He swallowed his saliva, feeling it catch on his throat on the way down. The cold and weary man glanced at his phone charging on the cigarette lighter, grabbing it gingerly he flipped it open. Another shiver rolled through his body, his jaw quivered as he eyed the small device.
His body ached, it begged for a comfort or solace, a rough cough forced its way out of his tired lungs. He didn't need help, but his body ached for it. His large fingers fumbled on the small device, finding his way to his contacts, selecting carefully and hitting call, despite the late hour, the low bars, the busy lives, after a few rings, he answered.
"Hiya Sabby." He said, pinching the bridge of his nose,
"Hey, Dean, how's it going?" Sam asked,
"I'b okay," he said, "just calling to see how my, hi-huhow-he-hitchooo, how my little brother is doing." He said, wiping his nose on his tattered sleeve,
"Sounds like you have one hell of a cold, where are you?" Sam asked, concern twinging his voice,
"Doesd't matter." He said, because truly it didn't. He was in the middle of nowhere in a breaking down Impala, shivering through another lonely night. He just wanted some company is all.
"Yes, yes it does, Jess and I can-" Dean cut him off,
"No, Sabby." He sounded tired, "I'm ok, I just wanted to hear your voice, that's all. I shouldd't have called."
"Dean-" he hung up the phone. He buried himself back in the blankets and placed his phone back on the charger, muffling another sneeze or two in the process. He laid back against the window as his phone light up with a call.
"I'b fide Sabby," he greeted, ignoring pleasantries, he wasn't feeling well enough for them.
"No, you're not. You only sneeze like that when you're really sick or shoved your face in a cat. You can't hide this one."
"Sorry Sabby, I shouldd't have called."
"You're an idiot."
"Sorry," numbing guilt was all he could feel, bothering Sam, at Stanford, where he was trying to get away from this family, from this life. "I shouldd't have bothered you."
"Dean, stop it. Now really where are you?"
"Id the middle of nowhere, id the Ibpala, I he-ha-hatchoo, he-hishew, sorry, I'b od the side of a road, baybe ub, Kadsa-ha-ha-Kadsas. Or Colorado? Hetchoo! I'b really dot sure."
"You're staying in the Impala?"
"I dod't have the modey for a hotel, beed feeligg bad for a while, thigk I might be rudding a fever, hkshh" He admitted quietly between sneezes "jusd tryigg to get to the dext hudt."
"Dean," Sam whined, "you need to stop and rest,"
"I cad't, the heater for the Ibpala is havigg problebs, I need to keep movig or it doesd't stay warb." He felt himself offloading onto his brother, knowing he shouldn't.
"Dean I'm coming to get you. Figure out where you are. Call me back when you do. I'm packing a duffel and leaving now." He hung up. Dean sighed, he screwed up. He shouldn't have called. He sneezed again, looking around for signs, unable to see anything he started the car back up and continued driving.
"I'b in Kadsas city Sabby," he said after calling his brother back, "I guess I got further thad I thought."
"Okay Dean, we were in Ohio visiting Jess' family, so I'll be there in a few hours okay? Don't go anywhere."
"Sure thig Sabby." He said quietly, coughing into the crook of his arm. The boys hung up. Dean found a place to park on the outskirts of town and texted Sam a location. He plugged the phone back into the charger and turned off the Impala. The remaining heat resonated in the air like music, fading quickly as it leaked out of the bodice of the Impala, leaving Dean shivering and huddled in the back seat. He sneezed violently into his sleeve, pulling blankets up further around him. The scratchy wool barely making a dent in the chill wracking his beat up body.
Dean didn't know how much time has passed, but he heard a rapping on the Impala window, he turned, not to find Sam but instead an officer of the law, Dean groggily rolled down his window,
"Yes, officer?" He croaked out,
"You can't sleep here son, I'm gonna need to ask you to leave. I'll let you off with a warning this time, don't let me catch you out here again." Dean nodded, pulling his tired body back into the front seat and driving away.
Driving through empty city streets he found a new location, buried behind some trees in a park, and he curled back up in the back seat, sweat now pouring off of his body.
The next rapping on the window he heard was a familiar face, he opened the door and climbed out of the frigid Impala.
"Hiya Sabby," he said as his yournger brother pulled him into a giant hug. Dean felt the heat his brother provided and nuzzled in,
"Hi Dean." He said, not letting go. This was the first he'd seen his brother since leaving for Stanford last year,
"He-xxshooxxshoo!" Dean sneezed, trying to turn away, unintentionally spraying his brother. "Sorry Sabby." He said sheepishly,
"Dean quit apologizing and get in my car, come on."
"I deed to grab my stuff frob the Ibpala."
"I've got it, get in the car." Dean didn't have the energy to fight, and got into the small vehicle.
He opened up the passenger door to find multiple quilts, a box of tissues, some cough medicine, and other medical supplies strewn about the cab. Sam gathered the pile of clothes and blankets Dean had been sleeping in and threw them into the back seat, locking up the Impala and popping into the driver's seat. Pulling a thermometer from his pocket he stuck it in his brother's mouth.
"Under the tongue." He said firmly, wrapping blankets around him. "We're going to a motel." Dean just closed his eyes and focused on not letting the tickling sensation building in his nose out. The thermometer beeped and Dean took it out if his mouth, letting the sneezing fit overtake him. Sam just frowned and grabbed the tiny device from his brother's shaking hand.
"104.5" he read off, Dean still stuck in a sneezy loop. "Here" Sam said, holding a tissue over his brother's red nose as he continued violently convulsing.
"Thangks Sabby," he said when we was finally free, taking the wad from his brother who had patiently held it there during the fit. He handed his brother the Nyquil from the driver side door,
"Drink up." Dean grimmaced but nodded, taking a shot of the vile liquid.
"That should cover be, I cad just go back to the Ibpala and sleep this off add you cad go back to Jess add Stadford."
"No way, I know you, I'll be here until your fever breaks at least." Dean frowned,
"I'b sorry."
"Stop it. How many times was this reversed? I'm here, get over it and stop apologizing."
"Okay Sabby," Dean said, finding his eye lids heavy and sleep on the horizon.
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vampyre666-archive · 6 years ago
I dare u to do all of these!!
☝ - How tall are you?
5′4″-5′6″?? idk really✔ - Sexual Orientation
Panromantic asexual if we’re getting into the specifics. gay if we’re not🚬 - Do you Smoke?
no bitch im 15
🍷 - Do you Drink?
nah again am 15
♒ - Do you Take Drugs?
bitch do i look like?? asdfhgas am 15!!
😳 - Age you get mistaken for?
like 10 ahsfdhga💉 - Have Tattoos?
no…✏️ - Want any tattoos?
yeah!!! i dont know any specifics but i want one or two
✂️ - Got any Piercings?
nah ✌ - Want any piercings?
yeah i do!! theyre called like a  double ear peircing or smtn?? idk 👌 - Best friend?
all of my mutuals 💖💖💖♥ - Do you like anyone?
like, as in a crush??? rn it’s only michael myers afsdjagsd🎤 - Top 5 favorite bands?
mother mother, tally hall,the red paintings, gorillaz and ghinzu🎶 - Top 5 favorite songs?
Ibeyi - River, chris garneau - love zombies, tally hall - fate of the stars, mother mother - Born in a flash and Ghinzu - dragster wave!!!
😒 - Biggest pet peeve?
being asked a lot of questions ahsfdgs (ofc i dont mean like this,, i’m talking about having to explain every single thing i do)📝 - Story from your childhood.
I once naruto ran into my couch and broke my nose lmao💬 - I wish…
I wish I could be stronger, to protect my siblings.‼️ - Something you’ll change?
How pathetic i feel hopefully…💦 - What makes you horny?
uhhh bitch??? masks i guess ashfdgahsd🌟 - A wish you’ll wish for?
The ability to shapeshift???🔥 - Something spicy you like?
jalapenos?? i dont like the texture but the taste is muy bien👃 You hate the smell of ….
incense, sage and things that spell very strongly or chemically??👊 - Something you hate?
people who can’t mind their own fucking business :) (dont worry this is about my parents adgajhsd)🚶 - Are you single?
Single as a stick baybe!! I’m just lookin’ for someone to love,,,💬 - Can we text?
I prefer to talk on like discord or tumblr message bc i dont want to have to worry about my parents finding out that i’m talking to people online💌 - Fan mail me?
Idk who you are but i love you boo 😘😘 you’re prob the best person ever so!!💍 - Marry me?
*gets down on one knee* yes babe i will marry you!! ( this makes no sense but agsfdasdj)💘 - Be my tumblr crush?
anything for you 😘😘😘💭 - Favorite foods?
Pizza!! and bottlecaps and anything cruncky!!☀ - Story about your day.
actually a pretty bad day but :))) its okay!!💘 - Top 5 celebrity crushes?
Mads Mikkelsen, Jeff Goldblum, Christian Slater, Rami Malek and Winona Ryder!!🎥 - Top 5 favorite movies?
Halloween (1978), halloween 4, They’re watching,Verónica and The nightmare before christmas!!📺 - Top 5 favorite TV shows? 
Criminal minds, The blacklist, Law and order: special victims unit, Hannibal and The x flies✏ - Random fact about yourself.
Im g a y ✈️ - Where are you from?
The U S of A babey!!!🚀 - Where do you wanna visit?
Japan, germany, new york and texas !!
😍 - Do you have a crush? 
Yeah and it’s Michael myers, unfortunately…��� - Something you hate eating?
Tomatoes!! and lettuce!! gross and bad🙈 - What makes you shy?
Being complimented!! i love ya’ll i just get super red super quick  :)💃 - Can you dance?
No!! i cant. thanks :)💏 - Do you love anyone?
I love a Lot of people. 👟 - Favorite shoe(s) to wear?
My high top converse babey!!🌴 - A island you would visit?
Hawaii🌎 - A country you would visit?
Japan!! germany!! 🌀 - Favorite type of weather?
Cold but not too cold🔮 - Do you believe in luck?
Sometimes, when i’m lucky!!! (get it????)📱 - What kinda phone do you have?
idk what it is Exactly but its an old ass android!!📅 - Favorite time of the year?
Winter and fall!!📚 - Career goal you want?
i dont even know man🍴 - Favorite food(s) to eat?
Anything cruncky!!!🍭 - Favorite Candy?
Bottle caps, peanut m&ms🍇 - Favorite fruits?
Apple?? idk im not very fond of them afshgdhasd🚘 - Dream car(s)?
a 1965 black ford mustang!!🚔 - Have you ever been arrested?
nah am good boy 🚑 - Have you ever driven in an ambulance before?
yeah i have when i was like 5?? i had some weird cough thing that made me not breath so,,🎫 - Do you have a license?
no i dont🚼 - Do you have or want kids?
I have an extreme fear of becoming like my parent’s so its fair to say that i dont want them!! 🔞 - Are you under 18?
Yeah babe i’m 15!!🐶 - Do you own a pet?
No :(( i want them so much asgfdjh😔 - Something that makes you sad?
that there are people out there that genuinely think that it’s their kids fault that they hit em😡 - What pisses you off?
Abusers😏 - What turns you on?
Masks :))😈 - Are you a freak?
I mean, i’m a bit strange, perhaps downright weird sometimes, but a freak?? i think that’s going to far.💪 - Do you work out?
Nah :(
Thank you for the ask!!
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ranchman · 8 years ago
jeez ive been kinda absent but im gonna do this so i dont forget about it (i kinda aready did) but oh well. tagged by my boy @retroplantdad​
THE LAST: 1. Drink: juice baybe
2. Phone call: probably my manager
3. Text message: rice emoji
4. Song you listened to: idk it was sad tho. i think it was somethin by russ
5. Time you cried: i think like the last day of school. not graduation tho

HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: no......... ??? idr
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: OH yeah
8. Been cheated on: uh. hopefully not
9. Lost someone special: alot
10. Been depressed: who tf not depressed
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: naw
2. pink
3. emerald green
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: YA
16. Fallen out of love: i dont know her
17. Laughed until you cried: alot
18. Found out someone was talking about you: i think... idk he kinda hates me now so?
19. Met someone who changed you: yea!!!!!!!
20. Found out who your friends are: YES
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: actually? i have but im almost positive hes got me blocked now
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: def all of them
23. Do you have any pets: nah
24. Do you want to change your name: yes! hopefully soon
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: oh i remember i was sick!! i stayed home and my parents made tons of food
26. What time did you wake up: like 11
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: eating. im p sure. or drawing
28. Name something you can’t wait for: this beautiful 89 vw cabriolet that im genuinely considering buying

30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my entire being?
31. What are you listening to right now: tool
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: tom.............
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: everything
34. Most visited Website: mmm. idk bout tumblr anymore but ive been on amazon alot lately lol
35. Mole/s: alot. mostly on my arms and belly
36. Mark/s: as in scars: a whoooooole lot on my shoulders n face but i dont have any birthmarks
37. Childhood dream: i wanted to be a vet
38. Haircolor: like this nasty reddish blondish brown
39. Long or short hair: short. gettin too long
40. Do you have a crush on someone: ya :^/
41. What do you like about yourself?: trick question. moving on
42. Piercings: just 3 on each ear
43. Bloodtype: A
44. Nickname: piece of shit, fucker, gaylord
45. Relationship status: very sad
46. Zodiac: libra
47. Pronouns: he/him/his only ples and thanx
48. Favorite TV Show: its always sunny is really good
49. Tattoos: no but hopefully real soon
50. Right or left hand: right
51. Surgery: def getting that eventually
52. Hair dyed in different color: yeah
53. Sport: just marching band, maybe drum corps soon
55. Vacation: anywhere but the south
56. Pair of trainers: uh like a fav? i dont have one
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: nothin
58. Drinking: nothin
59. I’m about to: go to work
61. Waiting for: paycheck
62. Want: paycheck
63. Get married: YEAH
64. Career: storyboard artist perhaps or a concept designer. or art teacher
65. Hugs or kisses: both v intimate, both v good
66. Lips or eyes: eyes. but lips are good too
67. Shorter or taller: im small man
68. Older or younger: im the younger of my friends so?
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: neither
71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: hook up turned relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant:V hesitant, but impulse kicks in almost immediately
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: i think?
75. Drank hard liquor: yeah
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: naw
77. Turned someone down: ye
78. Sex in the first date: probably not
79. Broken someone’s heart: yeah....... not good
80. Had your heart broken: alot
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: not rly idk if thats rly bad but :^/
83. Fallen for a friend: the only ppl i fall for are friends so? yeah
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: lmao
85. Miracles: naw
86. Love at first sight: no
87. Santa Claus: no
88. Kiss in the first date: uuuuuuuuuhhhh undecided
89. Angels: not even the scary ones
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: i have SO MANY and i love them all so much
91. Eye color: green
92. Favorite movie: oh i def dont have one, but my fav genre is probably the rly sad ones (bonus if theyre gay/foreign)
i tag @spastikchildren @chibilicious-chibi @chocoboybuttfeathers @ literally anyone who wants to do this but i am. so tired
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