thiziri · 9 months
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thoughtsandbones · 1 year
"Imagine they're just about freezing right now..."
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!MedicDoc
Song inspo: C*cks*cker - Tyler Bates and All These Things That've Done - The Killers
I grew up with the OG MW2 game, so there are some references to the old one, so kind of a mix of both the OG and the new timeline...
All rights reserved to the rightful owners of Call of Duty Modern Warfare.
(FYI: bold sentences... are like this... are supposed to describe redacted data/info to the plot... ;] ..
Part 2
When the door clicked shut and knew that he had walked away and free from his prying eyes you could relax.
You could relax.
But you don't... You cannot. The fact this masked man knew your name. Not the name you tell people, not the name you've used since were a teenager. He knew your birth name...
Enough mind games. You observe the infirmary. It was bleak. Bare to the bones. Just one old, very old bed. Empty cabinets. An old desk with an even older chair.
"Great" You mutter. You sit yourself on the floor crossed legged. Taking the weight off the aching feet. Closing your eyes and breathing in and out for four each time.
Tilting your head back and placing your hands behind you. Embracing the calm before the storm. Taking out your phone scroll through and removes your AirPods from their pocket, you plug in try to lose yourself
Edge Hill - Groove Armada plays
<CUE FLASHBACK> Siberia, Russia, October 12 2010 Day 3- Never again will I complain about the cold when back home. You think. As you breathe out, the misty cloud escaping your mouth becomes lost in the Russian atmosphere. You and your Captain are crouched on the edge of a mountain, deep in Russian territory, you taking a swig of water from your flask whilst the Captain smokes his fifth cigarette of the day. "Break's over Blue." said the Captain, hoarsely in his thick Glaswegian accent. "Copy Cap" You reply You get up slowly, assess your surroundings. The new blue and white camo sniper rifle dangling near you on your left. To your right is your Captain, frost and ice covered his beard, mouth taking one last drag of a cigarette before tossing it into the space below. The both of you slowly shimmy your way off the edge and start climbing the side of the mountain with your ice axes and snow grip shoes. One wrong move or if the ice breaks - you're dead. Looking above and see the Captain has nearly disappeared, the snow and wind has mostly covered him, but you can hear the noise of his axe and grips as they slice into the ice beneath him. You follow through, carefully and slowly. "Still with me Blue?" Captain asks over the radio "Yes sir, just on your six" You reply back
You've nearly made it to the top until a Russian jet soars way above making you slip when the ice gives on your left foot, the ice and rock crumble from the jets low swing by. The ice axe breaks off from where you firmly picked it in, causing you to slip further. "BLUE!" Captain yells over the radio Looking above you see the shadow of a man peering down at you. Your body slides against the ice, you struggle to gain grip with your shoes whilst trying to pick back in the ice with your axe. Finally, the axe sticks and your find your footing and resume the journey back to the top. the seconds count
"Blue, do you copy!?" "Yes sir, I copy" You panted "Think the Russians are onto us eh Cap? You add squeezing out a laugh A slight chuckle mixed with relief is heard on the radio "No, think they're out testing their new toys" He says gazing at the skies, on the lookout for more jets "Keeps them distracted from us then" You say smirkingly You hear the Captain give out a sign of agreement "Those bastards won't even know what'll hit 'em" the Captain rejoices
The door of the infirmary opened wide and abruptly.
Captain Price walked in and saw you laying on the ground eyes closed shut. Headphones in.
Not aware of your surroundings.
He goes over to you, standing about an inch away from your head casting a shadow over.
You could sense the shadow, even with your eyes closed, eyes wide open, you swiftly swing round and get up. Taking your AirPods out and tucking your phone away in your back pocket.
"My apologies sir" You blurt out
"Corporal" He sighs, head shaking as he looks down and then around the infirmary "Listen.." he starts staring at you with eyes mixed with pity and sadness
Here we go. You brace yourself
"You've had shit month, and I mean shit show of a a couple of months" he continues, his hands placed onto his hips as he walks to the left of you, gazing at the sky through the murky window, one that had turned orange and pink. A beautiful sunset indeed.
"I haven't told anyone about your time here over decade ago. Christ, it's weird seeing you kids grow older" He says looking over at you. You give a weak forced smile.
"Your history is yours to tell." Prices continues "But Ghost knows your name, but he's assured me that he won't tell anyone" Prices says now staring back out into the window.
"How did he know in the first place" you interject
"That's classified" Price quirks back
You run your tongue against your teeth making a sucking sound as you inhale as well.
Classified. Of course.
"Listen, I just received word that your licence has not been revoked and you are still a doctor" Price chuffs "Leavin' the good news till the end of course" he said giving another chuckle
Those words envelope you like the warmth of a sun beam. You are still a doctor. The past several years have not gone to waste. You are still able to practise medicine (do a surgery maybe...) and not have to bow down some old male military doctor who butcherly puts the soldiers together. With glue... flesh and infected... gross
"I've go' your room key" that familiar coarse voice sounded from the left of you
The Ghost. There he was again. Standing in the doorway, staring at you again
"Ah Ghost" Price exclaimed, "Perfect timing" he added whilst moving away from the window and into the
You couldn't help notice a glance Ghost gave at Price and then a smug look back at you (even though you could only see his eyes, you could tell how they show more expression than any other part of the face...)
He walks towards, his tall stature making the room feel smaller. You instinctively straighten up. Planted your feet on the ground. Anchoring.
Showing him, and of course Price, that you mean business. It's time to reignite the person you were all those years ago.
They didn't call you Blue for nothing... ;)
He holds out his left hand, a brass key attached to navy tag with the embossed gold cross partially worn off. You hold out your right hand to receive the key.
"Doctor's quarters" he says leaning in towards you, placing the keys against your palm, his gloved hand lingering for far too long on yours - ungloved.
Of course he would've been eavesdropping when Price was talking to you.
You return a mischievous stare at him, pursing your lips as you take in this unknown person. Who are you behind that skull. Both the mask and the bone.
You take the keys and grab your pack and duffle.
"Thank you all, I shall be turning in. It's been a long day" You say, hoping they will be your final words for the day. You move past Ghost, who shifts his weight from one foot to the other.
You say your final goodbyes and make your way to ~your quarters~.
When you open the door you notice the room is a lot nicer and more orderly. The boots are swiftly taken off, and placed on the floor on the end of the bed.
You notice fresh warm towels on the edge of the bed. You quickly glance to another door in the room and rush towards it.
The ensuite bathroom is a glorious sight to see even though it was minimal, it beat the communal shower blocks a millions times over.
No communal showers ever
Reaching for the pin that held together your hair, you tug at it and the bun unravels into a slick braid held at the end by a tiny clear elastic band. Taking the braid a part, running your nails into the scalp for slight massage and to stimulate the follicles. The pin and the elastic placed on the bedside table.
After a quick unpack and a lovely shower, you change into your oversized t-shirt, walking back to the room, you see through the window the sky now dark, and as your eyes focus, you can see a star or two up in the night sky.
You pull the blinds close and sink yourself down in the bed. It wasn't much. Your feet sore and throbbing after a few weeks of getting back into shape and breaking in new boots is always a right of passage...
Back with the 141 eh. Well, their doctor. But you knew the challenges they face daily and they'll need the help.
Price was right, last few months were a shit show. Your career and livelihood hanging on a thread. But that is all over now. You can focus on this new path.
This was all that you needed. You are always grateful that your feet aren't freezing like they were back in the mountains of Siberia.
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
Yield to Me: Clandestine F*cks [Avenger!Loki x Fem.Reader] 18+
Part of the Clandestine F*cks Collection [Link] A link to my regular Masterlist is HERE Summary: (5) A group training session presents the unexpected opportunity for a stolen moment with Loki in the showers. (w/c 2.1k) Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Language. Smut. Dirty talk. Descriptions of fighting. Loki thirst. Semi-public sex. Fingering. Descriptions of masturbation. Teasing. Secret/Established relationship.
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The smell of fresh sweat hung heavy in the air of the training room. Every inhale was thick with moisture; the chime of uneven pants echoing as the group collectively caught its breath. “Take five.” Steve shouted, as Wanda groaned beside you. “That’s not it?” she hissed, throwing her speed rope to the floor, “I am done for today…” “But you haven’t even had the chance to beat me up yet..." you quipped, eyes flickering to Loki bending over to pick up his water. You began to stretch your aching arms; the next part was always intense. You widened your legs and laid your palms flat to the floor as Wanda chattered beside you. Peering between your calves, you found the gaze of your secret lover mere feet away. You leant to the right, extending your hamstrings as he pursed his moistened lips. A silent ooo from his mouth shuddered through you as he tilted his head to the side; that narrowed gaze simmering with mischievous lust as he watched you intently. Biding his time.
Thor broke the stolen moment with an oblivious smack to Loki’s chest, willing him to rise. You stood up straight, shaking your legs out and trying to concentrate. You needed to concentrate. Steve took to the centre of the floor, looking as fresh as he ever did. “We’re mixing things up today. Some of you have become too comfortable with your sparring partners. Nothing breeds complacency like familiarity, so get into the following pairs…” You shot Wanda an overdramatic grimace as she rolled her eyes in resignation. “Wanda and Sam…Thor and Scott...Loki and Y/N…” the list went on. You squeezed your eyes shut; a real grimace now cast over your features. Reluctantly you opened them, finding Loki already by your side. A smug one-sided smile pressed against his dimples as he tried to contain his amusement. Annoying, he was no less handsome in his tight black gym clothes than he was in his finery. You felt the soft scrape of his bicep against your arm, the toned muscle firm through the fabric as it met your bare skin. “Don’t” you said quietly, hoping the warning in your voice was clear as you pre-empted a sultry remark. After his brother had almost discovered you naked in Loki’s bed a few days ago, you had agreed it was best to keep your distance for a time. Avoid suspicion. But apparently the captain had other ideas. “I was only going to say that I’ll go easy on you, sweet thing” he smirked, his eyes alight. “I know how you love being on top of me, so I shall try and accommodate.” You sighed as Steve started the timer, getting into position for hand-to-hand combat. He gave the starting signal. Through your raised fists, Loki’s looming figure circled you with arms dangling casually at his sides. You jabbed, his forearm immediately flying up to smack it away. Again, lower – jab – he smacked it effortlessly away.
The tight spandex of his top clung to his torso, his iron abdominal muscles flexing distractingly with every graceful swipe of his hand. “Come on darling, you can do better than that…” he murmured. God he was so smug. You threw a jab for distraction while lunging from the side with a flattened palm aimed for your lover’s neck. Loki parried your fist away, twisting fluidly under your outstretched palm and catching it to the side, curling it behind your back. You fell to the ground as he held you tightly; “On your knees, Agent...” he sneered, trademark venom dripping from his tongue. Out ‘there’ treat me like you would anyone else, you’d said. You winced as his grip tightened, the room spinning as he flipped you on your back to the floor with a thump. Would anyone else be so inconveniently turned on right now? You pondered the question as Loki swung one leg over your body, lowering his solid frame to render you powerless under the firm straddle of his hips. In a flash your arms were pinned upwards as you struggled beneath him. His thick thighs squeezed the sides of your ass through your leggings, the smallest graze of his crotch against your mound. Loki lowered himself to your ear, his breath making you shiver against the growing heat of your skin. “Does this bring back fond memories, kitten?” he whispered, a knowing smile flickering on his lips. You took a breath as the sounds of sparring pairs around you filled the air. Loki’s hair was a tangled mess from his earlier exertions. A thin sheen of sweat clung to his brow, that itching smile curling at his lips. He remained a neutral distance above you, given the circumstances. No one would suspect a thing. It made you want him even more. “Do you yield?” he muttered above you, eyes sparkling. “Laufeyson, that’s enough.” Steve yelled, “I think Y/N’s tappin’ out, we’re almost done anyway...” Loki released his grip on your wrists, shooting you a wink as he jumped to his feet. He extended his hand, raising you up with a bounce. “A pleasure sparring with you, my lady” he murmured with a short bow, his gaze lingering a moment too long before he spun away towards the locker rooms. “Aaaaaaah-aaaa I’m dead, you’ve fuckin’ killed me, man...!” Scott’s theatrical voice cried out from across the hall as Thor huffed a rebuttal of innocence. Steve turned abruptly, captain-mode activated, running towards the two men lying entangled on the floor. You took the opportunity to slip out the side door of the gym unseen, making your way towards the communal locker rooms. A facet was running; the sound of heavy pressure hitting tiles as you grew closer, opening the door. You crept towards the noise, steam billowing as you peered around the corner. Loki stood soaking wet underneath one of the showerheads, water pooling around his feet as he faced the wall. He was in the middle of smoothing his hair, jet black strands sodden together as the stream cascaded down his naked body. Droplets clung to every sharp edge of muscle, rolling seductively across the landscape of his broad shoulders, his strong back, his perfect ass- “Are you sure this is wise, pet?” his purr echoed around the communal shower as he reached forward to turn the water off. You walked to him, colliding just as he turned to face you, pushing his soaking body against the wall with a needy kiss. You wanted to consume this infuriating man. Your tongue slid between his lips coated with burning desire that wouldn’t be tamed with words.
“For one who claims to crave secrecy, you certainly are playing with fire...” he murmured between wet kisses, your hands sliding over his dripping torso. Hot breath fanned your ear as he groaned at your touch. It had been days since your last fix of him; and it showed in the mess of arousal inside your yoga pants. “Darling, you do realise a dozen pairs of inquisitive ears will be entering this locker room at any moment?” His words sent shivers down your spine as the cool wetness of his skin pulled against your t-shirt. Beside his clean body you could smell the tang of your own sweat sharply in your nostrils. Loki’s eyes smouldered as your hand grasped his twitching manhood. He moaned in frustration, brow furrowing as he attempted to resist your advances. “Darling, behave…” he growled, as you pouted beneath him. He swiped your hand away from his tempting crotch, sliding one glistening arm around your waist. The god spun you gracefully to switch positions: your back meeting the slippery wall with a sharp squeak. “As much as I would rather make you cum endlessly over my cock...I’m afraid that under the circumstances this will have to suffice” he murmured as his hand slipped under your loose t-shirt. In seconds, those long fingers found the waistband of your leggings and manoeuvred inside. You felt the fabric stretch down to your pelvis against his wrist, wilfully relenting. A wave of adrenaline surged in your body as Loki’s fingers slipped inside you, gliding easily into your dripping pussy, as wet as his sodden curls. He silenced your echoing moan with a kiss, the imprint of his bare torso soaking into your top as he gently curled his fingers deep inside your core. His palm pushed upwards against your swollen clit, your brow creasing as you let out a silent cry of pleasure against his cheek. Your sweat-dampened hair slid against the tiles with every move of his hand, making your toes curl inside your trainers as he bent you to his will. “Is this what I do to you, darling?” he muttered tauntingly in your ear as you writhed, grasping at his wet biceps to steady you. “I had no idea just how desperate you are for me...or maybe I wouldn’t have teased you so much out there...” His fingertips massaged your g-spot in circles, the place only he had ever known how to find. “Ahhhhh Lokiii…” you groaned, earning you another silencing kiss. “...or perhaps I would have teased you more.” he continued, using one naked thigh to nudge your legs wider, “do you want me to moan for you again darling, is that what you truly crave?” He slid another finger inside you, the triangle thrusting expertly as the side of his palm edged your clit with every press. “Ohhhhh, Y/N…” his breathy groan simmered in your ear, “I’ve thought of nothing but your heavenly pussy for two whole days...” You swallowed, the vibrations of his voice making your belly sizzle. “This morning I edged myself thinking of you for an hour…” he whispered, the husk of his voice making your breath hitch. A section of hair laden with moisture fell from his temple, splattering against your cheek gently as his naked body pressed to yours.
“I stroked my cock to the thought of us doing all manner of deliciously naughty things, pet…” he growled, “I came close to Valhalla so many times beneath my own hand…” The thought of Loki lying in his luxurious bed; legs spread, rubbing his cock, eyes closed, thinking of you was...electric. You felt a coil inside you tightening under the work of his nimble fingers, manipulating your desperation with finesse. “...but I didn’t, darling. I restrained myself” he murmured, releasing another soft moan against your ear. “I’m saving all of it for you. Delaying my...gratification. Making myself desperate. Oh kitten, I have so much hot seed ready to fill you when I next ravish this insatiable cunt of mine” Loki purred thoughtfully, before gently biting your lip. “…. she is mine, isn’t she?” he goaded, circling your clit with his thumb. You moaned against him, teeth grazing his shoulder before your head fell back against the tiles. “That’s what I thought.” Loki smirked; his voice thick with dark desire as he edged you over the point of no return. You began to see stars, looking at him wide eyed as droplets of water rolled down his cheekbones, falling to your chest. “L-l-loki” you stuttered, keening your hips up to meet his hand as he grasped your ass. “Yessss that’s it, darling. That’s my girl...” he cooed gently, his dirty whispers making your core scream, “yield to me.”
He pulled you close, rocking you gently over the threshold. His knuckles were soaked with your juices, buried deep inside your channel as he vibrated his hand. The final flourish devastated you, releasing your climax with his lips pressed to yours as he swallowed your groans. “Loki…” you whispered vacantly through staggered breaths, running your hand through his slick, wet hair. From down the hall you heard the rumble of chatter, the exhausted group descending now that training had officially ended. Loki's fingers eased out from between your thighs, flicking towards the shower handle without missing a beat. Water spurted from the head once more as he shrugged, stepping backwards under the re-animated stream. You ran your eyes down his perfectly chiselled body, amusement dancing in his eyes as he enjoyed your attentions. Reluctantly you edged across the communal shower, the soles of your trainers splashing lightly. Ten more steps and you reached your locker, throwing it open just as the bustling group came through the door. Words of empty greeting passed your lips as they busied around you. Gym clothes were thrown to the floor as the men stripped in stages; you and Wanda throwing each other a knowing look. They had showers in their rooms, but that didn’t stop the boys enjoying some good old fashioned male bonding after practice. For all their many quirks, shyness was not one of them. You shut the locker, hoisting your gym bag as a bare-chested Steve looked you up and down. “Gee Y/N you were working out harder than I thought, good job…” he said, noting the wet patches of cotton left by a soaking god of mischief on your chest.
“I guess so” you said, throwing a look towards the showers as Thor whipped his naked brother on the ass with a smack of his towel. The sound of Scott’s laughter rang around the tiles, steadying himself against the wall where you had been brought to ecstasy minutes before. Loki spun towards his brother with a grimace, seidr glowing from his fingers as Scott’s laughter grew louder. Steve rolled his eyes, patting you gently on the shoulder before taking his leave. “No shenanigans in the showers, fellas…” he yelled, as you and Wanda began to walk to the exit. No shenanigans indeed, you thought with a secret smile.
- Tags @lokischambermaid @lokisninerealms @lady-rose-moon @mochie85 @michelleleewise @vbecker10 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @xorpsbane @ravenwings73 @holymultiplefandomsbatman @sititran @lulubelle814 @dead069ssworld @dustychinchilla74 @toozmanykids @brokenthelovely @mcufan72 @lokiprompts @loopsisloops @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @mischief2sarawr @november-rayne @peachyymallows @imalovernotahater @trickster-maiden @ficitve-sl0th @absentmindeduniverse @gigglingtigger @moonlightreader649 @animnerd @yelkmelk @demoiseller @chantsdemarins @wheredafandomat @thedistractedagglomeration @lokis-little-love @itsybitchylittlewitchy @lokis-tigress @ladymischief11 @mischief2sarawr @lyn-soso @ozymdias
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mythicalmongoose · 2 years
So, trauma and Cobra Kai… Or, more specifically, mostly trauma and Daniel, I guess.
And, PLEASE, if you disagree so hard you absolutely must discuss it with others, don’t call me names and vagueblog about how “embarrassing” my opinions are. Just reply to the dang post or start a private group chat like an adult. This fandom ain’t that big. Stuff that specific gets back to me and is depressing/anxiety inducing to read. At the end of the day, these are fictional characters and I am not.
So, anyway, I don’t think the writers are failing Daniel by not addressing his trauma. I feel like fandom kind of overestimates how much events from the movies affect him as an adult. Anonymous asks are still off because of the last time I had an unpopular opinion, so let’s goooo…..
Trauma is a big, broad subject and, to be perfectly honest, my opinions on this subject might be largely fueled by my inability to figure out wtf people mean when they use the word, “trauma” these days. The word feels like it’s lost its meaning, tbh. And being frustrated by that feels like such a slippery slope bc you don’t want to gatekeep trauma. You don’t want to risk invalidating people’s experiences. But, at the same time, it’s frustrating to see the word bandied about for any and everything that’s even mildly unfortunate… And then used for meme purposes by people already playing fast and loose with the word.
One of the super fun conditions on my medical chart is c-ptsd. Which I’m mentioning just as context for where I’m coming from and not, like, “Do you even have a doctor’s note, bro? You can’t sit at the table with the ptsd cool kids without a doctor’s note.” Everyone’s circumstances are different. If something from your past is impacting your ability to function in your day-to-day life, you know it. You’re valid.
That said, Daniel is a fictional character. If you identify with him because you can project your own problems onto him, again, totally valid. But Daniel, in my reading of the character, is not an especially traumatized dude.
When we meet him in the show, he is THRIVING. Great life, loving family, a job he loves, wealth. And, while there was, unarguably, a significant amount of karate-based drama in his past, there is no indication that it meaningfully impacted him in a negative way.
When he’s blindsided by Cobra Kai, that’s completely reasonable. As is his response to most of the karate supervillains reemerging from his past. Like, the threat is RIGHT there. It’s healthy human behavior to react to that. Less healthy is how Daniel approaches those problems. But, imo, that comes more from a place of grief. Specifically, complicated grief, which is its own thing.
Daniel doesn’t have flashbacks apropos of nothing or outwardly innocuous triggers based on high school, Silver, ect. I imagine that death matches and being dangled off a cliff take their toll, but that feels like something Miyagi would have spotted and helped him address. Which is the healthy thing to do. To take traumatic events and move past them or use them as a sort of stepping stone that shapes you in some positive way. Which tracks with how lost Daniel seems in knowing how to deal with the events of CK without Miyagi.
Cobra Kai outliving Miyagi is untenable. It’s in trying to maintain Miyagi’s legacy that he gets mired in the past.
Being bullied for several months in high school is a story that Daniel exaggerates to his family in a, “When I was your age, I used to walk to school in the snow uphill both ways” fashion. Which isn’t something I associate with trauma. Talking about or making jokes about their trauma to cope, sure. This doesn’t read like that, though.
He doesn’t talk about Silver to people, but I’ve always felt like this is because he’s ashamed. He wasn’t gaslit. He barely knew Silver. Being tricked into punching 2x4’s wasn’t the part that affected him. He’s ashamed of that part of his life. He genuinely upset Miyagi; he feels like he betrayed him. For all his hatred towards Cobra Kai, the fact that he joined them isn’t something he likes thinking or talking about. And, shit, we all have that. Not karate drama, but periods of our life that we’re not proud of, moments you really don’t want to bring up unless pressed. Especially now that the person you hurt the most is no longer around.
Which is already plenty depressing and complex without insisting that it was also traumatic in other ways? I don’t think alarm bells going off when you see the unhinged man who bullied a high school kid returning to Cobra Kai to teach children is a response that screams unprocessed trauma. Again, that’s exceedingly reasonable. Which is, perhaps, why it bugs me so much that people harp on Johnny for not being sympathetic enough.
Johnny grew up in Cobra Kai. Kreese was his sensei/father figure. I don’t think Silver registers as particularly egregious in a way that warrants him suddenly turning into a character with a way higher emotional IQ than the one he’s got.
People complaining that they wrote Johnny, Kreese, and Terry with considerable trauma-based issues as if this is something unfair to Daniel is what gets under my skin more than anything. It feels very, “Hey guys, mom said it was my turn to have the trauma.” Like it’s a desirable thing to have. Which is all well and good in fanfic, but demanding a character have trauma that’s explored and addressed because it’s not fair that the writers address the trauma of other characters is just… Ugh. It reminds me of the, frankly alarming, number of people who have told me that they envy the traumatic things I’ve been through because they feel I have more life experience than them. A lot of the talk I see around Daniel and trauma feels romanticized or fetishistic in a way I have a hard time putting my finger on.
Johnny’s c-ptsd and Kreese and Silver’s PTSD  is not the writers playing favorites. Daniel has his own, no less compelling, problems and I feel like those are already being touched on in ways that are plenty emotional… As evidenced by the fact that I have cried no less than twice over how much he misses Miyagi this week. It was that time of the month. Don’t look at me. It’s sad, okay?
/wall o stream of conscious text that was hopefully coherent.
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iwaasfairy · 4 years
On the topic of step daddies, I can't stop thinking about Oikawa stealing not only Ushijima's wife but also his daughter. He thinks that getting his rival's wife is enough but then, there is no greater satisfaction than corrupting Ushijima's little princess and the apple of his eye. Ohh and if he is feeling a little devious, he likes sending Ushijima videos of him reducing the other's man's baby into his little c*mslut. Oh and sometimes, he'd invite his friends too. Revenge is sweet when she's bouncing on their c*cks with the olympic medal her father failed to win. 🥲
(holy shit this is like the most detailed and explicit thirst i sent here 😅, sorry. I know you are busy answering stuff related to your quiz. I hope you don't mind me sending this)
aahhhh tahediezygr this sent me into orbit for a while ngl ˭̡̞(◞⁎˃ᆺ˂)◞*✰ i sCREAMED jHDBZ reading the ‘invite his friends’ part bc i’m always a sucker for a good gangbang but for now have this,, older oikawa being a little shit. (i don’t mind at all love pls this was amazing!!!)
tw age gap, degradation, dubcon filming, (1) daddy, praise
If you could manage to open your eyes for longer than two seconds, maybe you’d see the fire in his eyes as he grinds his hips into you. Pelvic bone brushing against your puffy, overly sensitive clit as the sound of his skin meeting with yours fills the room. You look so dazed and fucked out on his cock, eyes rolling back each time he pounds into that tight pussy just the right way. He spent enough time figuring out how to ruin you completely for this moment after all, your tits bouncing with each deep thrust and pretty cock pushing into your walls.
Your chest heaves as you whine out some noises that might or might not be his name, before he finally takes a little mercy on you, breaking the silence. “You gonna cum again, pretty girl?” Instantly you bop your head, whining when he starts pushing in faster but just as deep. It all feels so good, and truth be told, you have no clue how long he’s been at it by now, but you never want him to stop. “Yeah? Gonna cum again on his cock while you’re crying for more like a cockhungry slut?”
He knows you can’t really hear him when he uses his strong thighs to pound into you harder, legs spread wide open and limp, your fists hanging onto the pillow beneath you. “Tooru, Tooru— hmng, oh ‘m -kgh- gonna cum, gonna cum again,” your voice almost gives out at the words, eyes tightly shut and back arching from the bed into more of his touch, more of his cock stretching you open so perfectly it’s making you lightheaded, coil in your belly wound so tight. You try to push back into his rhythm so cutely, mouth dropping open to let out little noises. “S’good, feels— ah-Tooru!”
“Yeah, you know who owns this tight, little cunt? Can you say it?” he grunts, grabbing your face with one hand to brush his thumb over your lips, pushing in. You instantly suckle on the digit as you sniffle, bone seeming to peek through the knuckles as you hang on. Bounced on his cock, tummy showing enough of an outline of where his cock is ruining your insides that it only makes him grunt, thumb sliding back onto your tongue until you gag. He pulls out when you cough for air, mouth dropping back open. “Say my name, baby, tell him who’s in between your legs right now fucking you stupid. Who’s making you feel this fucking good?”
“Oikawa Tooru -hmh,” you babble, as he grabs onto the medal hung around your neck to squeeze it tighter around your throat, pulling enough to watch the metal dangle from his fist above your tits. The video must be getting pretty shaky at this point, but he doesn’t fucking care anymore. You sure as hell don’t. It’s almost like you want your daddy to know you fell apart around him. ‘Again’ he hisses, and you reply, even more whimpered and desperate than before. “Oikawa Tooru, Oikawa -hng-fuck Tooru! Cumming,” you cry, letting go of the pillow to grab at his neck and pull him down into you, back curving so beautifully off the bed. He drops the phone to reach between your legs and circle your clit as you come apart around him.
Wet, slick sounds and the ruthless pounding continuing until you cry out a string of unintelligible words at the overstimulation, clinging so hard to his wide shoulders and letting him fuck into you just a bit longer. He chokes out your name as he slows, filling you with hot, white strings of cum. He takes a moment to catch his breath, looking at the marks the band of the medal made around your throat, before he pulls out and sits back between your legs. He quickly picks up the phone to send the recording, then tosses it aside to settle into your arms when you wrap them around his neck and bury your face into his. “Thank you, daddy.” He smiles when he pulls back to watch your puffy eyes, lashes still clumped together like little flower petals with your tears. You didn’t notice, you never do.
So when his ringtone suddenly sounds, you bristle, only to whine when he breathes into your hair to ‘let it ring’. What you don’t know can’t harm you, and you’ll never know about the tens of furious texts on the other side of that device. Well, until you have to go home for spring break probably.
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heliosthegriffin · 3 years
Prison changes a man...
Ruby: I can’t believe it, Jaune’s coming back from prison today!
Nora: Yeah! Finally fearless will take his place as team JNPR’s leader.
Temp Leader: Um, actually he was expelled, so the team name is-
Nora puts a finger to the their mouth: Shhhh... You’re not our leader.
The temp leader bows their head in shame.
Weiss: How in my glorious amount of wealth did that dunce get re-accepted back into Beacon! He’s a criminal with a record! I swear the hunters institute standards get’s lower and lower every semester!
Blake, Yang, and Nora all glare at her, while also sweating at the mention of a criminal record.
A strong breeze then comes by and knocks Weiss flat on her back, breaking her aura, her combat heels then break as she gets back up giving her a sprained ankle.
Ren staring off into the distance: It will be nice to have our friend back, right Pyrrha?
Pyrrha smiles slightly: Yes, it will be. Provided their are no more rats in the walls like last time.
Ren smiles thinly: Yes, I’ve made sure to remove any complications.
Pyrrha: I imagine Nora was quite eager to help.
Ren: Heh, only so much. I find it easier at times to work alone, but I’ve learned the benefits of teamwork, one reason I am relieved that Jaune is to be returned to us.
Pyrrha: As it naturally should be. 
Ruby notices Blake's bow twitch.
Blake: Do any of you hear that?
Ruby: Hear what?
Blake’s focuses: It sounds like... music?
Yang: What kind of music?
Blake: Rap?...And pop? Wait, I can’t hear it anymore there’s to much noise.
Everyone then notices the sound in the distance, that of a bullhead cutting through the air.
Ruby is the first to see it as a black speck on the horizon that moves closer and closer. It was a eerie kind of bullhead, painted entirely black and dangling a something beneath it.
The group goes silent as suddenly they can hear something playing in the distance.
-Kn-ck kn- ope-
Blake: There it is again.
-So, c--l, me-
Ruby nods: Yeah, I see what you mean.
Weiss scowls: It sounds so crude.
Nora through up the horns: Fuck you prude!
Weiss gasps and falls over offended, breaking her other combat heel.
Ren shrugs: I could take it or leave it.
-First we gon-....-We gonna roll!-
-Mi-- yo-
The music kept coming in clipped.
-Do-t give -- you’re --- strong.-
-So, ---- -- maybe.-
Finally the Bullhead was flying above them, with the mysterious box hanging beneath it.
Several men in black spec op gear come down on ropes from the Bullhead.
They form a perimeter and search the area, sweeping it for something.
They then give the all clear sign to the bullhead, which slowly lowers the box to the ground.
The heavy metal box hits the ground hard, the earth sinking under it’s weight.
The spec ops: Go go go! Do it quickly!
Several of the Spec ops go up to the box with crow bars and keys, before unlocking the numerous locks and chains around the box, then wedging open the box.
One of them comes up to Pyrrha and Ruby: Are you The leader of Team Ruby and Pyrrha Nikos?
Temp Leader: Wait I feel I should be involved with this.
Ruby: Yes I am.
Pyrrha: May I help you?
Spec Op Guy: Yes, please sign here, yes and thank you. Ok, then. He’s your problem now. If you’ll excuse us. AAHHHAHAHAH!
Then the spec’s off ran off to the Bullhead screaming like little girls, and climbed up the ropes and flew off at mach speed.
Blake: That was unusally.
Yang: Yeah, those guys were a little off.
Ren’s ears twitch: Huh, the music’s stronger now.
-Knock knock, open up the door, it's real-
Though it was still muffled through the metal.
Then the Temp Leader went up to the metal door, putting their hand on the metal door, it was vibrating hard on their hand.
The metal door then was thrown over, knocking the temp leader off the cliffs, and opened to show the inside of the box.
-X gon' give it to ya (what)-
-So call me maybe!-
Nora and Ruby cheered.
Nora: Fearless leader!
Ruby: Other Bestie!
Jaune walks out of the box: Hey guys, what’s up?
Everyone goes silent.
As they all repeated the same phrase in their head. 
Jaune got swole!
As he stood a taller than ever, with ever the tallest of them there, Pyrrha, only coming up to his pecs, while he was now thicker than ever, his arms thicker than Nora’s thighs and his thighs thicker than Yang’s shoulders. All while covered in slabs of dense, angry muscles, and thick nets of pulsating veins and hot blood that moved under his skin.
His Goliath size form moved out of the box, shaking the ground and knocking dust up into the air, only stopping for second as he was caught by several chains attached him to the box, only for him to keep moving tearing apart reinforced steel chains like cobwebs.
The metal piece falling to ground with a series of plinks.
Jaune scratched his head awkwardly: Oh, uh, how’s it been. Oh, right I forgot to turn off the music.
He pulled out his scroll and the music stopped.
Jaune: Sorry, forgot to turn off my work out track.
Yang broke out of her daze first: Yeah, uh, you look like you’ve hitting the gym.
Jaune: Ah, thanks, I wasn’t sure If I’ve made any gains.
Yang went up to him and gave him a friendly tap on the arm: Yeah, I wouldn’t worry about that.
Ruby: What’s that thing on your neck?
Jaune puts his baby arm thick fingers around a metal collar on his neck.
Jaune: This? It’s an aura suppressor.
Blake: You need someone to unlock that, I can’t imagine it’s comfortable.
Jaune: Nah, It’s fine. It broke yesterday, but I got really used to it.
Blake: Whatever makes you happy.
Nora leaps on top of Jaune’s back that would give a gorilla envy: Fearless leader! I have so much news to tell you! Onward to the cafeteria, we’ll discuss it over pancakes.
Jaune: Ay-ay, my Queen.
Then Jaune quaked his way to the cafeteria, with Ren, Pyrrha, and Ruby following closely behind.
Yang and Blake carried Weiss in a stretcher, as she broke her legs when Jaune knocked her off her feet when he started moving.
Weiss moaned in pain: I don’t get it.
Yang: Get what?
Weiss: How he got so ripped in three days!
Blake’s eyes focus in on Jaune’s back, which listed a series of x’d out names where listed: I don’t think that’s only thing you should be focusing on.
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Mr. Kant
Plot summary: A teacher in a Berlin prison helps one his four students graduate. The inmates find a way to express their gratitude …
[Sorry, English is not my native language. If something sounds funny or doesn’t make sense let me know.]
Sometimes work sucks. Hard. Being searched everyday for contraband going in and out of this prison in Berlin was an irritating hassle. The bureaucracy and paperwork alone could have been reason enough for me to quit. Working with my students themselves was fine actually. Sure, at times there were witty comments during class but that was not much different from any high school I had taught. There was one incident when I was leaning over a student’s shoulder explaining the correct way of placing commas when Torres grabbed a handful of my right butt cheek. “If you were in prison I’d take real’ good care of you, Mr. Kant.” They knew I was gay and liked to tease my about it. There was no real malice behind it though. Out of surprise and fear I froze for a moment although I have to admit: When I was in the shower later that day I found myself fingering my hole imagining him f*cking me on his bunk bed. With his cell mate watching us.
My subjects were German language and literature but really I helped the inmates wherever I could to attain their GED. Just last week Fuchs tried to pass the official exams but realistically I did not have high hopes for him. A real shame considering how smart he was.
When I entered the class room my students were already waiting for me. The usual four. The students wore their prison uniforms. Unlike the bright orange overalls you might know from American prisons here in Germany they were a bit more, well, subtle: blue pants and simple gray sweaters. I walked to my desk and sat down, opening my satchel. “Alright, let’s see. Today we’re gonna continue with Goethe’s Faust…” “Mr. Kant”, Fuchs interrupted, “I have something to say.” He was 26 years old with shoulder long bleached blond hair and a fairly slim build. With a grin he picked up a piece of paper from his desk and held it toward me. From this distance I couldn’t make out what it was so I took a few steps closer to him. And there it was: his GED certificate. My jaw dropped to the floor. “I did it, Mr. Kant!” I was so overjoyed I started to laugh and immediately embraced him. Instinctively I kissed his cheek. Oops, a step too far. But it didn’t matter in all the excitement. “This is amazing! Congratulations!” “Thank you, Mr. Kant. I couldn’t have done it without you”, Fuchs replied and hugged me back. When we let go he was still smiling. “Seems, I should have tried to smuggle in a bottle of champagne”, I joked.
A moment passed. “Well, it’s gonna be hard to go back to teaching now but I guess that’s what we’re here for.” I turned around to walk back to my desk when Torres remarked: “Actually, we a have a little surprise for you, Mr. Kant. To thank you for what you’ve done for us.” Torres was a native Spaniard, 34 years old. He had a short buzz cut of black hair, almost shaven, and a five o’clock shadow. It was obvious he worked out. He continued: “Hansen?” Hansen was a rather quiet man but by no means shy. His body reminded me of a professional soccer player. He wore his dark brown hair in an undercut that curled up a bit on top. After he had gotten up he walked over to the door and locked it. I had no idea what this was about. I gulped. Where on earth did they get the keys? If the guards found out about this, they’d be screwed. Me too, probably. Seeing the fear in my eyes, Torres spoke again, with a calm voice: “Don’t worry, Mr. Kant. Everything is gonna be fine.” Karaman picked up two chairs and put them in front of my desk, one behind the other. A German with Turkish heritage, Karaman was 36 years old with a short beard and a bit burlier than the others. A bear if you will. Black hair covered his forearms and a bit of his chest hair peaked through the collar of his sweater. He pointed to the chair in the front. Reluctantly I sat down and he sat down behind me. He took both of my hands and held them crossed behind the back of the chair. Fear gave way to confusion. While I was wondering what they were planning on doing Torres said to me: “Sorry, Mr. Kant. Unfortunately we don’t have any music for this.” He stepped right in front of me and slowly began swaying his hips back and forth. Was he starting to give me a lap dance? It felt awkward and everyone chuckled at first. He turned around shaking his ass. His pants were not tight-fitting but I could get a hint of his butt. Maybe his thick thighs bulging in his pants gave it away.
He turned around once more and took off his sweater, revealing his white undershirt. He flexed his muscular arms with a seriousness in his face. I couldn’t help but notice that his body was nicely shaped. His arms looked strong and were accentuated by single veins. After he had taken off his shirt, too, I admired a tribal tattoo covering his left shoulder and chest. He lifted his left arm and shoved his armpit on my face. It tickled my nose. “Lick it”, Hansen suggested with a devious smile. I frowned and turned my face to the side. A silly idea. Clearly they were teasing me again. Torres chimed in: “Come on, don’t be shy, Mr. Kant.” Gently he guided my face back by my chin. My nose was in his hair. It was hard to deny but it smelled nice. It was hard to describe, it was somehow … dark? Hesitantly I opened my lips and licked his armpit. A little salty, a little sweet, too. Karaman chuckled a little, leaving me feeling a bit embarrassed.
Torres opened the buttons of his pants. God, where was this going? He pulled his pants down a bit exposing his white briefs. Continuing his dance, he started thrusting his crotch toward my face. I laughed a little. This was so stupid. “I thought you liked c*ck”, Torres insisted. I hesitated to reply: “Well, erm, I do but …” Before I could finish my sentence he pushed his d*ck right onto my face. I recoiled: “What are you doing?” Torres pulled down his briefs just a bit. I could see base of his d*ck’s shaft. I’m not going to lie, I was transfixed by this. Softly he pushed his crotch onto me a second time. I didn’t resist again. For a moment I closed my eyes. God, I love the smell of c*ck. I loved the smell of his c*ck. I placed my lips on what was exposed, not quite kissing it. Karaman let go of my hands. I rested them on his knees instead. He pulled even closer.
Torres grabbed my chin again and guided it upwards. “Open your mouth.” I looked up to his face and did what I was told. His smile turned into an expression that almost looked like he was angry. His right hand around my throat he opened his lips a little bit. A strand of saliva dangled from the tip of his tongue and landed in my mouth. I swallowed his spit, somehow feeling grateful. He got closer and spit again into my mouth, this time more forcefully. Aggressively pulling the hair on the back of my head he licked me, starting at my right collar bone continuing over my cheek just next to my ear. And then—he kissed me. On the lips. Everything up this point was very frisky but I instinctively knew that this was crossing a line. Nervously I looked around. The other inmates didn’t seem to care. Fuchs watched curiously, his head tilted a bit to the side. Hansen even had his hand down his pants. While I relaxed a little I noticed that I had been clutching Karaman’s upper thighs. I turned my face sideways to look at him but suppressed the urge to apologize.
When I turned back around Torres was still standing before me. The outline of his c*ck was now clearly visible. It was semi-hard and pointing to the right side in his briefs. Biting my lower lip, I couldn’t help but imagine what it looked like. Torres pulled down his underwear, his c*ck springing out of it. He moved closer until it was touching my face. Moving a little side to side the smooth foreskin of his c*ck brushed against my closed lips. I opened my mouth to suck him but Torres stopped me: “Lick my balls.” So I redirected my head, first kissing the part where his balls bordered his body. Then I licked the balls themselves, slowly. While his trimmed p*bes and closely shaven ball hair brushed pleasantly against my tongue his c*ck grew to a formidable size. It was bending slightly upwards. I looked up as if to ask for permission to suck his d*ck which Torres seemed to understand and confirmed it with a nod. His c*ck tasted so good. I may not be good at deep-throating but I love to suck d*ck. Karaman behind me shuffled a little. He had opened up his pants and guided my right hand to his crotch. I fondled it a little bit but impatient as I was I slid my hand down his briefs stroking his soft d*ck.
Torres pulled back and took a step aside. Only then I noticed that Fuchs was standing beside him, jerking his c*ck. He moved towards me and moaned as I closed my lips around his d*ck. He held my head with both of his hands when I took my hands away from Karaman to hold his shaft with my right hand and play with his balls with my left. I could see that his p*bes were slightly wet from sweat, so I licked them, too. He turned around and held his muscular butt cheeks to my face. “Lick it, Mr. Kant”, he demanded, so I brushed my tongue on and around his hole all the while stroking his d*ck. At the same time Karaman stood up and placed his balls on my right shoulder flicking and rubbing his soft d*ck against my neck. I turned my head to see what Karaman was doing. His balls were unusually large and hairy. I started to kiss his cut d*ck when Hansen suddenly exclaimed: “Wait, hold up!” He was standing a few paces to the side with his hard c*ck in his hand. Quickly he stepped before me and started skull-f*cking me. Ten seconds later he began grunting loudly. Warm c*m filled me that I could feel was shot with a high pressure, some of it oozing out of the side my mouth. He came a lot. He mustn’t have come in a long while. The characteristic taste of c*m gave me a kind of natural high. I hesitated to swallow to savor every moment. I stroked his d*ck forcefully to milk him of every drop. Hansen stooped down and kissed me softly. “Thank you, Mr. Kant.”
“Get up!”, Torres commanded. I began to like being told what to do. He guided me to my desk where I sat down. “Take off his clothes”, he said bare-chested to the others curtly, standing between my legs. Hansen got dressed and gave me a smile before leaving the classroom while Fuchs and Karaman untied my shoes and removed my socks. After giving me a kiss Torres lifted my sweater and shirt and took them off. I opened up my pants which Fuchs and Karaman then pulled down. Torres gently pushed me back. While I was lying there in my boxer shorts he raised my legs and took off my underwear. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to see your c*nt”, he said softly. I felt exposed, vulnerable. He just looked at my whole for a moment before starting to rim me. I closed my eyes to focus on the sensation. When I opened them again Karaman and Fuchs were standing to the left and right of my face with nothing but their black boots on. Black hair covered Karaman’s chest and stomach. His bushy p*bes framed his c*ck nicely. Fuchs also had chest hair which surprised me a little although his fur was not very dense. I grabbed their c*cks and jerked them. Not after long I started sucking Karaman’s still semi-hard d*ck. His hair tickled a little. I could feel his c*ck growing inside me. The rimming stopped while Torres was taking off his pants. When he was done he placed his sweater under my ass. A thoughtful gesture. His c*ck was prodding against my hole. He leaned over me, our chests touching. “Open up your c*nt for me.” He pushed gently. He whispered into my ear: “Relax.” There was something about his voice that made it easy. He pushed a bit more and slowly he entered me. He sighed. When he was completely inside he told me: “Your c*nt feels so good.” Then he really began f*cking me. Being filled with his large c*ck was a heavenly pleasure-filled pain. Thrusting his c*ck into my c*nt he held up my legs. I moved on to sucking Fuchs’s d*ck.
Torres pulled out and told me to turn around. Karaman got onto the table, spread my cheeks and spit onto my hole. I arched my c*nt towards him, eager to receive him. He lay down on top of me pushing his hard c*ck into me. He didn’t f*ck me evenly. Rather his thrusts forward were fast and forceful and accompanied by a low grunt. His c*ck grew wider towards the base which was a very satisfying feeling. His sweaty stomach rubbed against my back. After a while he stopped and ordered: “Move aside.” I rolled over while he turned around to lie on his back. I climbed on top of him. With one hand I grabbed his d*ck while I licked his furry sweaty chest. He grabbed my head and pulled it to his left armpit which I gratifyingly licked as well. At the same time Torres was fingering me. After I was done I sat down on Karaman’s c*ck. He began f*cking me again, grunting. He started moving faster when he suddenly stopped deep inside me. “F*ck, I’m coming!”, he said with a sour face. I could feel the warm liquid dripping from my hole. While I was leaning forward with him still inside me, he gave me a passionate kiss. I loved the idea of being filled with his c*m. On my knees I moved back a little to suck his c*ck clean. With my ass high up in the air Fuchs rimmed my c*mmy hole. He told me: “Come down here.” I got off the table and stood in front of him. Fuchs took my arms and held them tight behind me, kissing me while our d*cks rubbed against each other. In the corner of my eye I saw Karaman, now dressed. He slapped my ass before leaving the room. Abruptly Fuchs turned me around lifting my right knee to rest on the table. “Do you want more c*m in your c*nt?”, he asked. I nodded. “Say it!” “I want your c*m inside my c*nt.” Before I could finish my sentence he pulled the back of my hair and started f*cking me. Fast. “Your c*nt is so tight. It’s begging to be f*cked.” He slapped my ass. Then his movements became slower but deeper. “Do you want that load?” “Yes. Please, shoot me your load inside me!” He pulled out and sat on of the chairs. “You have to earn it.” I sat down on his c*ck, repeatedly getting up and down again. Then I heard a soft splurch. Fuchs grabbed my thighs strongly and kept me down. He was breathing heavily, pressing his face against my back. “Clean it up”, he said in a stern voice. I got up, his c*ck sliding out of my hole and knelt in front of him. Single droplets of c*m were still on the shaft of his c*ck that I diligently licked clean.
Torres stood behind me. He placed his boot on my butt cheek, pulling it a little aside to see more of my hole. “Turn towards me”, he commanded. Kneeling before him I started sucking his d*ck again. Fuchs got dressed. Before leaving he grabbed me by the chin and spit into my open mouth. “See you tomorrow, Mr. Kant.” It wasn’t long until Torres told me sit down on my desk again. I lifted my legs to expose my c*nt, anticipating him to f*ck me. We were alone now. “Do you want it?” I nodded. He began f*cking me. He leaned over, his chest touching mine. He started out by biting my neck tenderly but proceeded to kiss me. It was strangely intimate. We locked eyes when he said: “I love your c*nt.” I suddenly felt so relaxed with him. Then he began moaning. “I’m coming!” He let out an “Aaah” as though he were in pain. A few thrusts more and he fully leaned onto me. He looked into my eyes and brushed a strand of hair out of my face saying: “Thank you for what you done for us, Daniel.” I was surprised. Never have I heard an inmate using my first name. Still inside me he kissed me once more.
We put on our clothes, silently but not awkward. I was still processing what just had happened. On my way to the door Torres grabbed my from behind putting his arms around my waist. With a knowing smile he said: “We should make this a graduation tradition, Mr. Kant. I think I could get used to that.” I chuckled softly. Sometimes working in prison wasn’t so bad after all.
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majesticyoon · 4 years
Author ; MajesticYoon 
pairing ; Seongwha x Reader x Namjoon
Word count ; 2029
Rating ; 18+
Summary ; You and your boyfriend Seonghwa want to spice things up in the bedroom by him blindfolding you. And of course you being so obedient you agree to letting Seonghwa blindfold you. But is it really him in the bedroom with you? 
“ You’re so cute “ I heard my boyfriend Seonghwa say. “ stoppp you’re making me blush” I said. “ I can’t help it that you’re so cute.” I laughed and pecked his lips. He gave me a confused look. “ what?” “ y/n what was that? I want a real kiss.” I smiled and leaned in giving him a kiss. I tried to pull away but he grabbed me by my neck and pulled me in closer. Before things got too carried away I pulled back and looked at his cute pouty face. “ y/nnnn” he whined leaning in again. I pulled back. “ Seonghwa stopp, remember you have a friend coming over I have to start dinner.”  he pouted again. “ fine”  Laughing at him I stood up and went to the kitchen to start dinner. 
About ten minutes later Seonghwa came to the kitchen and sat on one of the chairs. “ babe you don’t have to cook so much.” “ what why?” “ he just texted me and told me he wasn’t coming over.” I sighed. “ You are so lucky I haven’t started yet” I glared at him. He came closer cautiously with a sly smirk on his face. “ what’re you doing “ I asked. “ Nothing baby I just thought maybe we could have some fun “ he said as he pulled me by my waist and planted kisses on my neck. I felt his hands slide down to my womanhood and rub me through my pants. I moaned. “ are you sure your friend isn't coming?” He nodded his head and pulled his lips from my neck. “ I’m sure baby” 
“ then have your way with me daddy “ I whispered in his ear. I heard Seonghwa growl. Lifting me up he puts me on top of the countertop and swiftly pulls down my pants along with my underwear. “ take off your shirt “ he says in a demanding voice. I took off my shirt along with my bra. “ You know the deal, baby. Arms crossed above your head. No touching and do NOT close your legs understand?” I nodded my hand. I heard a loud smack that was soon followed by a stinging sensation coming from my pussy. “ use your words baby.” “ Yes daddy. I understand” Smirking at me he immediately starts to eat me out. “ Ahh… daddy” I moaned out. He shoved two fingers in my aching hole and I moaned out loud. I soon felt my high slowly reaching up and I clenched on Seonghwa's fingers. Before I could cum I felt him snatched his fingers away and slap my pussy hard making me jump in shock. “ Hold it.” He said. “ Thank me after each slap” 
He smacked it again “ Thank you daddy “ I whispered. And again “ Ah- Thank you daddy”  going harder and harder. I whimpered “ Thank you daddy “ each time. One last smack landed on my pussy before I came hard. “ ahhhh ffffuuckk “ I gasped hard and loud shaking and trembling all over the counter. Seonghwa held my legs open watching as my pussy spazzed and my cum dripped all over. I saw as he brought his hand down and rubbed my clit over stimulating me. “ No no nooo P-please d-dadd-yy no “ I cried out. “ You know you’re not supposed to cum without permission baby. Now you’ll be punished” He rubbed harder and I was close to cumming again. His phone ranged and that’s when he stopped. I was left panting on the table.
I looked over at him to see him smirking at his phone. “ Baby go wait up stairs for me. “ “ why?” He glared at me. Walking over to me fast he picked me up by my neck making me sit on the counter with my legs dangling off of it. “ Don’t ever question me. You know that. Now go upstairs and get ready for your punishment. Understand?” I nodded my head. “ Good girl.” He said as he gave me a deep long passionate filled kiss. I moaned into and he bit my bottom lip and pulled away. “ Go.” I jumped off the counter on wobbly legs and made my way upstairs to our room. I sat on the bed waiting anxiously. Ten minutes later Seonghwa came in and went straight to our closet. He came out with our box of “ toys” and set them on the nightstand near the bed. “ let's try something different babygirl” “ like what daddy.” 
“ Lay on your back” I did as told. “ arms above your head.” He takes out a pair of fluffy white handcuffs and handcuffs me to our headboard. Then he goes back in the box and takes out an all black blindfold. But before putting it on me he grabs a black bandana. “ Since this blindfold might come off, let's secure you. yeah baby?” I nodded my head cautiously. He put on the bandana before letting the blindfold around my head. “ can you see anything?” I shook my head no. “ Perfect. Here’s what’s going to happen baby. Tonight you’re allowed to cum. Your punishment is that you won’t stop cumming. Do you like how that sounds?” I nodded my head. I felt a smack on my boob making me jump up. “ Use your words baby.” “ y-yes daddy” 
I felt Seonghwa come on the bed and hover over me. He peppered kisses all over my face before he finally took in my lips. This time when he kissed me it was more aggressive and urgent. Pulling away with my bottom lip between his teeth he let’s go and starts to suck on my neck. I could feel the dark marks already forming. He finds my sweet spot and I moan out. “ mmm “ I felt him smirk probably proud of his work. Moving down he takes a nipple into his mouth. Running his tongue across it while pinching my other one making sure it doesn’t feel left out. “ Mmm yes daddy” 
I felt him move lower until he was above my pussy. I got shy as I could practically feel his eyes on me. I knew he was admiring it because I was still wet and dripping from my last orgasm. “ don’t forget to say thank you babygirl” I nodded my head as I panted desperately waiting to feel his tongue. Soon enough I felt his tongue take in my aching bud and suck on it. “ Ahhh T-thank you d-daddy” He kept going and I kept moaning and whining. Two of his fingers easily slid into me. “ Ahhhh Fuck yes! “ He smacked the inside of my thigh. “ AH- Thank you daddy!” The combination of his fingers going in and out of me at a fast pace while he licks and sucks over my clit made me go crazy. “ Daddy- I h-hav-ve to c-ccum “ “ Mmmm “ He moaned on my pussy. His fingers went fast and I took that as a sign to cum. “ AHHHH- Tha-ank you-u daddy… t-ha-ank yo-u dad-ddy ahh “ I said as I came all over his face. He kept moaning and licking my juices up making sure to get every drop. His now cum filled fingers went in my mouth as he continued to eat me out. I moaned and whined on his fingers. I gasped, taking them out of my mouth. “ Nooo dad-dy i-im too sesssiitiveee mmm…” I moaned. I squirmed around as I tried to remove his face from my pussy but every time I moved his tongue would follow me and his fingers went deeper into my mouth. “ MMMMMMMMMM” I bit down on his fingers hard as I came for him again. He once again licked me clean.
Removing his fingers from my mouth I tried to catch my breath while he held down my now shaking legs. “ Thhha-ank y-ou daddy”  Still feeling the effects of my orgasm I keep moaning and whining. Out of nowhere I felt something being placed in me. I recognized the plastic feeling as one of the dildos he likes to use on me. But which one is it? To answer my question I then felt it vibrating. “ Ohhhh-ahhh-ahhh”  “ You like that baby? You like having this vibrating dildo in this tight little slutty pussy of yours?” “ Y-yess da-daddy” “ Say thank you, whore.” after he said that the vibrations of it went high and I jolted up. My butt rising off the bed while my pussy clenches on the vibrating dildo in me trying to make it go deeper. He pulls me back down and keeps my hips in place. “ I said. Say. Thank you. You slut” “ AHH- T-HANK Y-OUUU D-DAD-DADDY” 
“ Good girl.” I felt his dick enter me. Hearing him moan due to how wet and tight I was but also because of the dildo vibrating giving us both pleasure. As he started to thrust into me I moaned out, “AHHHH-MMMM” He kissed me to shut me up. This is something he normally doesn’t do. But I loved it. I loved having him and his big dick in me, along with one of his favorite toys, while I feel his wonderful skillful tongue in my mouth fighting with my tongue for dominance and control. “ Tell me how much you like it slut” He whispered in my ear. His voice sounded deeper than usual. But since that’s what happens when he's extremely into something. “ I l-lov-ve it d-addy. “ “ Keep going. Praise me slut.” “ ahh- i love h-how much y-yo-u fill up my tttighht pussy. Mmmm- Yo-ur di-ck is so big ahh dad-dy i neeeed tooo cu-uuuummmmmm AHHHHHHHHH” I came on his dick. He moaned and kissed me again. Hungrily and eagerly, sucking on my tongue and lips. As he kept thrusting and the feeling of the vibrations  I screamed and shook violently. I squirted all over his dick, hard enough to push his dick out along with the vibrating dildo. My hips coming off the bed as I writhe and screamed on the bed. I could feel the handcuffs scraping against my wrist but I didn’t care. I was feeling too much pleasure. “AHHHHHHHHH” I screamed as he pushed his dick in me again. His thrust was more aggressive and started to get sloppy. “ W-where do I cum?” he asked me. “ In me p-please in me!! Please fill me up da-DDDDDYYYYY AHHHHH YESSSS!!!” I screamed and came again as I felt his cum in me. “ AHHH- AHHhaaa fffucckkk fuck” He moaned whispering the last part. He collapsed on top of me. Both of us moaning still and while trying to catch our breath. “ kiss me” I whispered. He grabbed my neck and pulled me down closer to him kissing me deeply. Our tongues fight and twirl around tasting each other. 
I felt him pull out of me and I whimpered. I heard him get off the bed. “ Did you like that baby?” I nodded my head. “ You forgot to thank daddy for the pleasure you felt” “ thank you daddy” “ You’re welcome babygirl.” He took a nipple in his mouth again making me moan. “ Would you like daddy to take off the blindfold?” “ Yes daddy” slowly and softly he removed both blindfolds. I let my eyes adjust to the dim room. As I looked around I saw Seonghwa on one side of the bed and I smiled at him. Then I looked around the room to see another man standing on the other side of me. I looked down to see him fully naked with his dick wet. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. “ Seonghwa what’s going on?” “ Say hi baby” “ H-hi” “ This is the friend that was supposed to come over. “ “ Hi princess” I heard the man say. “ who’s-who’s he?” I stuttered. “ Let me introduce myself to you. My names Kim Namjoon and you were by far the greatest fuck I’ve ever had. Never have I ever had a girl squirt that much on me before. “  He said as he introduced himself. “ Say thank you baby” I heard Seonghwa say.” T-thank you “ “ of course sweetheart.” I suddenly got all shy. “ How about we have some more fun baby?” I nodded my head yes. “ open your mouth baby and suck his dick. “ I opened my mouth and waited for Namjoon to put his dick in my mouth. He smiled at me. “ Open wide slut” I heard Namjoon say. 
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rimalupin · 7 years
Suitors’ Back to School “Horror Stories”
Back to school time… -.-‘
It’s August now, which means that summer is nearly over and school is just around the corner (For those of us who are still in school, that is.). In honor or maybe distress of the “Back to School Season,” here are some scenarios of the MidCin suitors’ disastrous first days! I just wrote these situations for laughs: I genuinely hope that everyone doesn’t just have a good/decent/disaster-proof first day of school, but that you all have a great school year! <3
Now, let’s go to school with the suitors! 😊
*Warnings/Notes: modern day high school/college/uni AU; overly ridiculous and EXTRA situations; some cursing; high-key Lid shipping
He was running late, so he grabbed the nearest shirt he could find and headed out the door as soon as he got changed.
Unfortunately, the shirt Alyn chose got shrunk in the wash, so now he has to walk around school in a VERY tight shirt.
Halfway through the day, he gets so uncomfortable that he takes his shirt off for the rest of the day. Taking pity on his brother, Leo offers Alyn his favorite sweater a.k.a. the one with the broken zipper.
Alyn is humiliated that he has to walk through the halls and endure his classes basically half-naked for the rest of the day (however, the other students and staff members don’t seem to mind at all, huehuehue~.).
He never should have trained Sebastian to be his alarm clock: the darn parrot kept on squawking “TIME FOR SCHOOL, DAMMIT, TIME FOR SCHOOL” throughout the entire morning EVEN AFTER LEO WOKE UP.
Eager to leave the house in order to get away from that loud parrot, Leo dashed out the door with his school books and bags – breakfast could wait ‘till later.
After that whirlwind of a morning, he finally gets to school. He meets up with some friends, makes an extra copy of his schedule at the library (even though he’s already memorized his classes by heart), grabs a quick bite to eat at the cafeteria, and then heads to his first class.
Everything was going smoothly until everyone heard a THUD at the window. Being the closest to that window, Leo nearly fell off his seat from the initial shock. Once he calmed down a bit, he opened the window and peeked outside: a red feather sat on the edge of the windowsill.
Suddenly, Sebastian flies through the window and into the classroom, knocking over school supplies and screaming “TIME FOR SCHOOL, DAMMIT, TIME FOR SCHOOL.”
Before the bird could cause any more chaos, Leo grabs Sebastian and heads out of the classroom. Once he’s outside of the school building, he tells the bird, “GO HOME.” Thankfully, Sebastian listens, and he flies away while squawking “TIME FOR SCHOOL, DAMMIT.”
He had everything prepared for the day except for his schedule. He searched his entire house for it with no luck.
Suddenly, he hears the sound of paper getting shred coming from his bedroom. As he walks into the room, he sees his cat, Michel-freaking-angelo, destroying the schedule.
Ohhhh, that demonic cat is DEFINITELY not getting any treats tonight.
Since Giles’s printer ran out of ink, he decides to print his schedule at school.
Once he arrives at the campus and drops off Sid near the entrance (*See under “Sid” for that story.), he runs to the library, prints his schedule, and sprints out the door with the piece of paper in his hands.
It seemed like a good enough day for Giles, considering that Leo was his classmate for all his classes.
It wasn’t until the end of the day that Giles realizes that he grabbed a copy of Leo’s schedule, which Leo had failed to pick up before his first class. Whoops.
So much for “perfect attendance”… xD
He snoozed his alarm clock for a few minutes b/c he needed a little… more… sleep…
And then he realizes that his first class starts in half an hour. AND IT TAKES HIM APPROXIMATELY AN HOUR TO DO HIS HAIR.
He resolves to just deal with his bed head later and super-condenses his daily routine (minus the hair care) from and hour and thirty minutes to about ten minutes. Once he’s ready, he grabs his school bag, shoves a piece of toast into his mouth, and heads out the door.
He’s almost at the school building with ten minutes to spare before his first class. He turns a corner when suddenly WHAM: he and another student collide against one another, Louis falling on top of the latter YES, I JUST USED LOUIS HOWARD IN AN ANIME TROPE. DON’T JUDGE ME. xD.
Louis is about to apologize to the person when he realizes whose arms he just fell into…
“JESUS CHRIST, HOWARD. Look, man: I like you, but even this is a little too much for me.”
Thanks to his little encounter with Sid (*And a little something else~. See under “Sid” for that story.), pictures were taken and people gossiped about their “romance,” causing Louis to cringe and Sid to merely smirk and tease the former whenever the rumor was mentioned.
He had driven a few blocks away from his house when his motorbike decided to act up and lose gas. Even worse: the bike stopped in front of his ex’s house – a.k.a. the a**hat that nobody likes - and Sid and his ex were NOT on good terms.
Instead of leaving his bike to the mercy of his merciless ex, Sid walked it to Giles’s house, which was further away from the school. Luckily, Giles was nice enough to offer Sid a ride to school.
Once they got to campus, Giles dropped off Sid near the entrance while the former looked for a parking spot. Sid turned a corner when WHAM: Louis was suddenly on top of him (*See under “Louis” for that story.).
Later that day, Sid’s ex confronts him in the cafeteria during lunchtime, screaming about how he “left me for Louis,” causing everyone to stop and stare at them. Sid was frozen at first, embarrassed by the sudden public humiliation even though what his ex said wasn’t entirely true.
Not wanting his ex to have the last laugh, Sid says, “At least I left for someone better.” Then, he grabs an unsuspecting Louis by the waist and pulls him in close, their faces inches away from each other. He whispers something into Louis’s ear, and the former nods.
Suddenly, the two of them are kissing in front of everyone, which earns them some “Ooohs” & “Aaahs,” and a ton of pictures. Once their mini make-out session is over, the enraged ex storms away as the crowd applauds Sid and Louis.
As the couple walks away, Sid whispers to Louis: “Thanks for playing along, Howard.” Louis angrily whispers back, “You owe me big-time, a**hole.”
“Aww, we’re already giving each other nicknames~.” “Shut the f*ck up and go to class already.”
He was carrying most of his textbooks in his arms since he didn’t have enough room in his backpack. He had a few minutes to spare before his first class, so he hurried to his locker to drop off his books.
He’s almost reached his locker when BAM: he’s smacked in the face with another person’s locker. This causes him to almost drop his books.
“Owww. Watch it, will you-?”
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry!”
Albert stops, his mouth agape: he just got smacked by his crush!
He literally doesn’t know how to react as his crush is worrying over him. Albert finally snaps out of his trance as his crush remarks, “Oh shoot, I think I just broke your glasses.”
The glasses’ bridge was broken, leaving half of Albert’s frames dangling towards the floor. Luckily, his crush offered him a piece of tape to keep the glasses together.
Although Albert is happy that he (quite literally) bumped into his crush (or, in this case, their locker), he now has to wear his glasses as if he’s Harry Potter from the first movie (Pre-“Oculus Reparo!” a.k.a. Before Hermione fixes Harry’s glasses.).
This morning was hell for poor Nico: he overslept, nearly put shampoo on his toothbrush, put his shirt on backwards, and almost forgot his backpack. 
Despite that, he somehow managed to catch the bus and get to all his classes on time. However, his bad luck didn’t end just then.
In the middle of the day, he was almost late for one of his classes, so he grabbed his stuff and made a beeline for the other classroom. He got to class on time; however, when he opened his bag, he didn’t find his school supplies.
Turns out that Nico and Albert both have similar looking backpacks.
Nico also happens to find Albert’s personal journal ohoho~.
Nico returns home while reading Al’s journal lolol at the end of the day only to be greeted by Albert’s harsh voice:
“Why, you brat! I can’t believe we bought the same backpack!”
And now an angry Albert is chasing Nico around the house because he doesn’t want Nico reading what he wrote about his crush. Oh boy...
He was helping his art teacher set up the room for the next class since Robert got to the room early. 
As Robert finished distributing the art supplies to everyone’s stations, people began to file into the classroom. Once class began, Robert took a seat along with everyone else.
Suddenly, one of his classmates gasped. “Robert, are you bleeding?!” Surprised, Robert looked down at his white shirt: there were streaks of red forming on the left side of his chest.
The room immediately erupted into panicked chaos: people were running around the classroom looking for towels and first aid kits; some students stepped into the hallway to get better phone reception for calling 9-1-1 and the school’s nurses; and a select few actually fainted at the sight of the “blood.”
Telling everyone to calm down, Robert reached into his left shirt pocket. Turns out that his pet hedgehog Amber somehow got some red paint stuck on her body and had managed to stealthily climb up Robert’s shirt and into his pocket.
Although Robert was thankful that everyone was looking out for him, he was honestly so embarrassed that he made all his classmates worry for no reason.
The clothes he had planned to wear for the day somehow got lost in either Nico or Albert’s closet, and the boys forgot to organize their clothes over the weekend, so Byron had to compromise.
The only things left for him to wear were a formal suit and tie and a snowy owl onesie.
He had to save his suit for an event at the end of the week, so he went with the owl onesie.
He honestly didn’t mind wearing it until he realized that everyone was staring at him. People even asked to take pictures with him.
Despite Byron’s calm composure, his cheeks were red for the entire day due to the embarrassing unwanted attention he was getting.
The truth is that everyone was staring at Byron because he somehow managed to make a silly and fluffy onesie look rather stylish. A bunch of students even wore onesies at the end of the school week to commemorate Byron’s first day of school outfit (What a trendsetter~.).
Being the new kid on the block, he decided to explore the neighborhood with Luke before his classes started. Once Rayvis got back home, he changed his clothes, grabbed some food, and gathered his school supplies before walking to school.
Upon entering the campus, everyone stopped and stared at Rayvis. He frowned at them all. Is this how they greet newbies here? he thought to himself.
He suddenly noticed an underclassman getting cornered by a gang of upperclassman jocks. Rayvis was about to approach the group when he heard something growling beside him: it turns out that he accidentally brought Luke along with him for the walk to school.
With a mighty howl, Luke dashed towards the group and jumped in front of the bullies, blocking them from the innocent underclassman.
Rayvis arrived at the scene just in time to hear one of the bullies say, “Just get rid of the stupid dog.” Rayvis narrowed his eyes at the bully and coolly replied: “He’s actually a wolf. Now, I suggest that you all leave before he does more than just growl at you.” With that, the bullies ran away.
He extended a hand to the underclassman. “You’re safe now. Let me help you up.” Instead of accepting Rayvis’s hand, the underclassman began coughing and sneezing rather violently. Pointing at Luke, they managed to say a few words: “Dog… Allergies… Nurse…”
Leaving Luke to wait for him outside, Rayvis rushed the underclassman to one of the campus’s infirmaries. He stayed with the student, feeling that he owed them an apology for almost killing them with an allergy trigger. 
In the end, the student told Rayvis not to worry about their allergies and thanked him and Luke for saving them!
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slummmerican · 5 years
"JOSH, WHAT THE F U C K DID YOU DO?! WHAT DID YOU F U C K I N G DO?!". The way Brandon’s voice carried through his mind made it feel like he was standing in the apartment, hollering with panicked shock as he’d been the night in the motel room but as the twenty seven year old lit up a Marlboro and opened up his laptop, he reminded himself his mind was echoing the words of a twin brother that’d been six feet under the dirt for the last ten years. This was just another one of them mind-trips he’d become familiar with experiencing after something triggered his guilty-conscious and tonight, it’d been triggered through sticking Tav Bello in the upper arm with a decent enough shot of speedball, the anonymous blackmailing challenge had oddly enough replicated the very secret he was being threatened of exposed on - - with someone who almost played a part in himself or at the very least, been the inspiration and well aware of the truth all these years. Inked appendages worked against the laptop, typing in his password then pulling up the pictures. A heavy exhale being made through his nostrils seconds before he’d clicked on the very last picture the Nash Twins ever took together, a picture that only existed because the twins were intentionally hoarding up the bathroom before school to piss off their little sisters. There was nothing more energizingly comical than two girls old enough to depend on a face-full of makeup being locked out of where the make-up was, before school. The smirk that formed on his features was short-lived, the visual reminiscing soon fading from the day in the bathroom with Brandon to the day at the motel, set two days after the house-fire that killed both parents and sisters: the having barely escaped brother successfully getting into contact with the wanted for questioning but couldn’t be found sibling he’d probably should’ve set up instead of agreeing to talk one on one before going to the station. That probably would’ve saved his life, got some justice served to the deserving, .. B u t t…. "Josh, what the f u c k did you do?! WHAT DID YOU F U C K I N G DO?!". "As the older of the twins continued to repeat the same eleven words, he buried his face into the palm of his hands, body now rocking back and forth ever so slightly from the edge of the rippled mattress in an overcome tick. “ I didn’t know you were in the house, B.. I swear.” The words flowed from Josh’s lips in a thick and almost mono-toned fashion, the lack of empathetic remorse was enough to make anyone’s skin crawl; here he was two days after his kid sisters and parents got smore’d in the fire he started, higher than the Colorado rockies and not shedding a single tear. Had Brandon not been blinded by the false sense of immunity his own loyalty reflected, he would’ve seen just how f u c c k i n g emotionally f u c k e d Josh really was; he wasn’t troubled or rebellious, he was goddamn detatched. The red flags had all been there, just nobody bothered to look. In the cold light of day, when Brandon began to rack his memory for any type of significant emotional moment of Josh’s, the only ones that came - -- were when it had to do with his heroin and sometimes, that girl Jackie he was dating. Not when he stomped on a kid’s face in a fight after school and hospitalized him, not when he got arrested any of the several times or even pushed their sister down the steps and broke her arm… When he was almost out of heroin,when he couldn’t find his heroin… When he did a shot of heroin, when he was high off heroin: the only rageful, saddened, cheerful or true content affecting ones. That almost made Brandon puke, “….I can’t believe you f uckin’ did this, what is wrong with you, man?... Our sisters burned to death… Why? Cause you got kicked out, told your heroin couldn’t come in the f u ck ing… “ He stopped, needing to breathe from the pace his words were being delivered. Having fallen silent and half-uninterested in the little breakdown the older was having, Josh had been fiddling with the change in his pocket while leaning his shoulder against the bathroom door-frame, vision steadied on the bottle of dangling from the hold of his left hand. “B shut the f u c k up, had nothing to do with my dope, had to do with that whole family being nothin’ but silver-spoon suckin, bible thumping cunts. Had to do with me hating them all, always in my f u c k’in’ business, pretending to give a shi t, just to talk sh it later to their friends or siblings.. Listen, I needed help and instead of tryin’ themselves, they sent me to a motherf’uckin’ strange dude in a small room.. What parent does that s h I t ? Talk about droppin’ the ball there, love my ass.” He pushed off the wall with the bottom of his Osiris, now heading over to drop on the mattress to the right of his twin, shaking the bottle outward for him to take. “Here, have a few shots with me and just.. Chill a minute then we’ll figure sh it out… Here.” ;His self awareness finally ripped him free of the flashback just for a few seconds, enough for him to take a few drags off the bad habit smoldering to ash in between his finger and to wipe at a few tears formed. “F u c k me, man.” He muttered out loud, a harsh clearing of his throat disrupting the peace and quiet his loft apartment didn’t quiet have enough of. The one night he didn’t want to be alone -  he was, wasn’t that some poetic karma served?  There was nothing about reliving this night that did anything positive for him, all it did was smack the unhealing wound of bitter truth until it was bloddy and raw.  Losing his brother definitely was the hardest thing he’d ever went through and to top that experience off, the responsibility he had on this, over the course of the last ten years almost  thrown him off the deep end, finished the family tree.  Mainly the reason he usually didn’t interact with many unless the atmosphere involved drugs, booze and music or the conversations were casual and full of pointless topics.  These triggered trips down guilt-mountian were hard to climb back to the top from. He had a few more episodes of tug-o-war between self-awareness with the present and his mentality on the past: he re-lived a few bouts of that night, mostly the highlighted parts of their heart-to-heart while Josh pretended to drink from the bottle Brandon’d become almost too eager to and then he reached the ending, one he couldn’t pull out from despite his efforts… The ketamine and liquid morphine that the whiskey’d been spiked with kicked in pretty quickly, their conversations began becoming jumbled, Brandon’s words became less coherant and then he’d become unconscious, nearly falling off the edge of the bed as his upper half inclined forward. “Woah, I got you… “ Josh’s movements were quick and almost graceful as stood up and pushed the other backward against the mattress, now collecting the syringe of 50cc fentynal from his back pocket, “I’m really sorry for this B, man.. I don’t /wanna/ do this sh*t but I mean…” He paused as his fingers uncapped the tip and he searched for protruding enough vein, the one on his upper left arm sufficing. Upon the needle tearing through the sensitive flesh and filling from entering the vein, Josh took a moment to brace himself, “Least you’re gonna be with ‘em.” And that was it, it was over with one quick push of the plunger, the older twin had officially been pushed into a fatal overdose: the first symptom being shown was the nose-bleed and then as the shallow breaths began with heavy rise and falls of his chest, Josh perched  on the mattress and pulled his older twin into his lap for a tight embrace, his jaw tightened to suppress the sobs that came with the tears saturating his face and the hem of his shirt. “You’re okay, I got you… It’s okay..” Cheek rested against the now convulsing twin, Josh began small back and forth rocks – having fallen into a what’d be several hour daze. “ I love you, big brother.”  
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monkeyblooddesign · 6 years
Peeker Mastiff
I'm having enormous fun writing up the City of Great Lunden bestiary section...
Peeker Mastiff
"These black (and occasionally dark brown) mastiffs are always hungry and salivating. They growl at anything and are always straining at the end of their thick leather leashes. Their collars are made of tough leather lined with generous spikes, and a dangling badge bearing their ward emblem hangs below. When the Peekers see trouble, they let the dogs off the leashes and yell things like “Kill him, Rex!”, “Maul her!”, “Bite off his c*ck!”.When a Peeker Mastiff makes a successful bite attack, they shake their heads violently whilst dangling off their victims. This shaking requires the victim make a Saving Throw or be off balance and fall prone. There is a 25% chance they drop whatever they were holding."
Woof, woof! :D https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/monkeyblooddesign/the-city-of-great-lunden
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woodsyboxingandlife · 7 years
Roy Moore Is a P.O.S.
This Roy Moore character, I won’t even call him “Judge” because for lord’s sake, he was tossed from his seat, on two occasions, his case and how the public at large isn’t responding to the piling on of allegations, on the record, against him, is raising my BP.
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This Moore clown…no, that’s too kind, too benevolent a characterization of an apparet predator…
This Moore fella is now running for a Senate seat representing the citizens of Alabama, sweet home to about 4.8 million people, too many of whom feel, polling tells us, that they don’t see Roy Moore as being anything other than deserving of the Senate seat given up by the current Attorney General, Jefferson Sessions.
They don’t see him as I do…which as a piece of shit. OK, I’m going with that one…harsh, reserved for the truly deserving…piece of shit.
Ouch, harsh Woods, some who have stumbled onto this, thinking I am writing about the latest great white hope in the heavyweight division or what have you. Nah, if you haven’t heard or read, this guy Roy Moore, who was a judge and then a DA in Bama, has a high regard of himself, to the point that he thinks he’d make a fine Senator. He is heading towards a place where he’s going to be the only one seeing himself as Senate material, as a continuing stream of allegations, and first-person publicly delivered accusations by women that declare that Moore, a grown man, engaged in at best unseemly and at worst straight-on sex assault of young ladies, if we are being politically correct, “girls,” some of them, if we are not, dribble out. One or two a day, now…
Five ladies, it was reported, said that Moore, who was bumped from his spot as Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court after two years because of overt religiosity, a refusal to respect the separation of church and state, was a super creep.  But he still had that high assessment of self—he twice attempted to win the Governor job, and was rebuffed in the primaries. He got a second chance as Chief Justice in 2013 but again fumbled, after three years, showing blatant bigotry towards gays, by enforcing a state ban on same-sex marriage, which the Supreme Court invalidated.
So, if you are boiling it down, Moore finds it unlawful for two men to marry—but now a steady stream of ladies have come forward to relay that the man, now 70, was in decades past fast and loose with his own conduct. Moore, in the days following the allegations storm, admitted he’d date teens when he was in his 30s. They were over 16, he stated. Ewww, came the calls from a dare say a strong majority of decent minded beings, though many in and outside Alabama were dismayed when polling showed a devoted flock wouldn’t stray from their man Moore. These pro Moore stalwarts looked down on the aggrieved women who’d been harassed and seduced and/or molested by Moore back in the day, and said their sharing of the misconducts was nothing more than conspiracy politics, smear tactics by persons who apparently just deemed him such a titan of righteousness and political acumen that they decided he’d need to be character assasinated to remove him from the playing field.
So, to this point, people who’ve accused Moore of misconduct are painted, basically, as Hillary Clinton supporting Libtards. They’ve been dismissed and discounted, critiqued by Moore defenders who try to sound like Columbo when they say they find it strange that they are crying as they relay a story from 30 years ago. As if to say, how could being molested decades ago really, truly, actually bother someone so much today. You will not be surprised to know that most of the defenders are men, and painting themselves as being empathically deficient at best. And sub moronic cavemen at worst…
Some of these defenders, they seemingly just don’t comprehend how their defending of this track record of molestation reads to us with normal conscience levels. One guy brought on to cable news to be a Moore surrogate noted that Joseph was an older dude and Mary wasn’t of legal drinking age, so, c’mon, Moore was just boys being boys back then. It was the 70s, that is an excuse that comes up time and again.
It was no boys being boys, what Beverly Young Moore, a Trump voter, told media two days ago. She was 16, Moore age 30, an ADA, someone looked up to as a pillar of lawfulness. This was no horseplay gone awry when he drove with her, stopped, locked the doors, grabbed at her chest and tried to force her head to his groin. Rape attempt, is what she described. Yes, publicly, which some of these mega morons blinded by the disgraceful political climate that we are mired in point to as a point against her credibility.
She just wants attention, and money, they say.
That seems plausible to them, maybe, because that is maybe how they think…they find it so foreign that maybe someone would be holding on to such a painful memory that they go beyond their comfort zone, their fear of being disbelieved and ridiculed and shunned within the community.
"And he looked at me and told me, 'You’re just a child, and I am the district attorney. If you tell anyone about this, no one will ever believe you," Nelson said. Moore was, a paper reported, then an assistant district attorney in Gadsden, in northeast Alabama, from 1977 to 1982. You choose your description of Moore, will you? I won’t take issue with it, I bet, if you see this situation as I do.
I heard a whopper today that steams me. A lawyer Moore pays to cover for him said, "I've been with him in probably over 100 different meetings and been around probably in excess of 10,000 different ladies in Judge Moore's presence and not once, not one time, have I ever seen him act even remotely inappropriate against any woman."
Jesus H. C-Word, this man has a valid law license?
Friends, back in the day, I used to smoke pot. It was more illegal then. And can I assure you, in that time frame I didn’t spark it up in front of my mom and dad, or the principal, or any other person who I figured wouldn’t be A-OK with my deviation from lawfulness. Yeah, I hid it. As, common sense would tell you, and if you are half a sentient being or not someone being paid by Roy Moore, is what someone who seemed to be a serial perv/molester would do.
They’d sneak and slither and use their sneaky creepy methods to get their victims in a place safe for them to attempt their attack.
This Moore story is yet another one which cements the stark and sad state of where we are as a nation. We are citizens united, we are, too many of us, in our division…polarized by mind sets that virtually render us different species. 63 million people said yes, this guy who was accused of molestation or harassment by 11 women, who has a track record of stiffing vendors, playing the system by declaring bankruptcies, and defrauded innocents by promising a high level education experience and delivering an adult-ed night school status one, this is the guy we deem Presidential material. Who was on tape bragging about hitting on a married woman, and how he can walk up and grab a lady’s pussy because he is rich and famous and immune from blowback. This EXCEPTIONAL nation elected this crude con man, who walks around painted on orange spray tan year round and doesn’t get the memo that he looks like a buffoon, is an ethical black hole and you have to go back to our civil war experience to offer a similar era of instability of national morale.
Too many of those same Trumpers, it seems like, cannot ponder that this Moore off the rails story is anything other than a vast left wing conspiracy to make it so a Libtard gets the Session seat. That “reasoning” defies common sense, and points to an outbreak of madness. Because, c’mon it isn’t sane. As if we needed more evidence of that. Those that wish to hold on to power, at pretty much any cost, will over-look egregious examples of misconduct and duplicity and lying under oath to adhere to the higher power that so many of these politicians look up to, their God, their framework for living, their personal Constitution…enriching themselves, by securing and holding on to power, and the trappings, be it monetary, or ego-massaging, which come with it.
Oh, and let’s not even delve deep into the concurrent shit shows that are giving the DC follies a run for the money. The Cosby-Weinstein-Louis CK-(insert fallen idol of the hour-day here) quagmire is confirming what so many women who’d been targeted by “important” movers and shakers/liberty takers had figured out: sooo many guys use their power like a weapon. They dangle the possibility for upward mobility, or maybe even dispense with that, and just assume because they are well-known public figures they deserve to treat people like items on a buffet line. They do’t see a person, they see a tray of orange beef.
The ingredients missing in the Moores and the CKs and whoever is outed as a perv piece of shot tomorrow are…empathy.. decency…integrity..humility.
All these guys saw something, which was actually a SOMEBODY, with a feelings, and went after it. With rude voraciousness…they didn’t care or consider their actions would cause alarm, dismay, fear, terror, post traumatic stress. The millenials get smacked down for being entitled; this conduct that we’re hearing has been a Hollywood staple isn’t that the height of toxic entitlement. Aesthetic train wreck Weinstein because of his powerful seat didn’t need to match up his appeal level with a potential romantic or sexual partner, he’d be the sole arbiter if there was a “love” connection, because he saw not a human being, but a vessel to serve him, to please him. How Trump sees his office, I think.
Mark these words: Roy Moore will step down from his quest to serve his ego and be elected to the Senate. Might not be tomorrow, or the next day, but it will happen. And we can take some solace in that. Because our system of communication is not totally broken. People don’t often enough seek news, but corroborative evidence. The “news” they get from Fox News isn’t news, it’s a hit of an opiate,  to soothe them, quell their anger at the state of society, and offer them alternative targets to puncture, so that their angst can dissipate for the moment, and they can avoid for another hour their disgust at the man in the mirror and the fallacy of the validity of the American dream.  But truth still can win…it sort of seeps to the fore, caterpillar quick, and has to be lobbed to persons who don't even realize it but are actively avoiding it. The Roy Moores, the pieces of shit who deserve a jail stint more so than a Senate seat, still eventually do get what is coming to them. Of that, I still have faith.
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