meltedmush · 3 months
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LBH: Mom…?
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LBH: Mom…?
LBH: Mom!
LBH: Mom!!!
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LBH: Mom, wake up!
LBH: Don’t scare me!
LBH: Mom!
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LBH: I brought back the porridge you wanted!
LBH: Mom!
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LBH: Mom.
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I didn’t realize how much angst I drew over this past week,, 😭
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kakanoonoo · 17 days
Luo Binghe's scars are such a nice metaphor for his and Shen Qingqiu's conflict. They are the emotional damage Shen Qingqiu has caused him reflected in the physical damage, not just in being there but in how they were made.
In both instances of stabbing, Shen Qingqiu didn't mean to actually hurt Luo Binghe. Instead he pulled out his sword to wave around performatively, the same way that his words and actions that hurt Luo Binghe emotionally were also a performance, this one to play along with the original narrative. Shen Qingqiu doesn't actually hate Luo Binghe for his demonic heritage just like he doesn't actually intend to stab him, but he nontheless scars Luo Binghe with both sentiment and blade.
On Luo Binghe's side, the first time he takes the sword stab from disorientation and belief in Shen Qingqiu's care for him, and simultaneously suffers a sever blow from Shen Qingqiu's seeming sudden hatred. The second time he grabs the blade himself, resigned to being hurt by Shen Qingqiu the same way that he now is resigned to his hatred.
Two instances of two types of damage, all unintentional but permanent.
(The novel itself also makes use of this metaphor (Vol.2 near the end of chapter 11) to help Shen Qingqiu realise the harm that his assumptions and actions have caused Luo Binghe, and to further his character develpoment in seeing Bingmei as his own person: Bingge would not just stand there, taking the damage and then cherishing the scars.)
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danmeireader · 11 months
sometimes i think about changing my blog title because it feels a lil too specific, bc i love a great many things about mxtx books!
but i just went through some character tags here (why tf would i do that to myself??????? lesson learned lol) and now i'm glad no one can stumble across my blog and think i hate bingge
did he do crimes? yes! but the personal offense some people took is just. fucking hilarious.
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apolloknightly · 7 months
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LBM man messing with LBG
Don't hit the old man (I say as Dan (not to be confused with spooky future Dan) is 25 years old as Danny is 18
(hilarious thought that Dan (let's call him by his middlename, Andrew), only became a ghost two years prior because of an experiment gone wrong, as Danny was 4 years prior.
Which makes Danny look at Andrew and go "lmao I've been half dead longer than you"
But does mean shenanigans of Andrew having to deal with a teenager/adult thing causing shenanigans after saving others)
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danmeiconfession · 8 months
LBM is a lot more mentally unstable than LBG, because of SY's careless actions, where he first loves him and then went back on his every word and threw him into hell, and I wish people acknowledged it more.
Not only did LBM try to destroy the world purely to capture 1 single person and make sure SY could not leave him by there not being any place to leave to, but he is also insanely jealous from severe abandonment issues that he can hardly even take SY being polite to people. He even commits severe self-harm for years by destroying things in his own dreamscape on purpose to harm himself.
LBG is certainly also not mentally stable, but he is by far not as bad as LBM is.
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danmei-confessions · 8 months
LBG and SJ aren't comparable, LBG is 100x worse than SJ he has raped woman,killed countless people and tortured people SJ's only crime was abusing kid(s maybe we just don't have any evidence to claim that he abused anyone other than LBH) that's it even LBM (SA,killing/destroying poor cultivators(cores) to feed XM and beating woman) has done worse things than SJ. So stop comparing them SJ was bad but LBH (both versions) are worse.
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sirladysketch · 5 months
Posting an SVSSS outline for a fic that I will sadly never have the time to write in the hopes that maybe it'll inspire someone out there. <3 Summary: Due to a system error, SY transmigrates into SQQ five years after Binghe fell into the Abyss. With no system, no support from his martial brothers, and no telling when the blackened protagonist will come to get his revenge, SY must find a way to survive.
Original LBH/SQQ|SY, background LBM/SQQ|SY
SY wakes up to hear the system going into a blue screen (power source missing, external power source corrupted), and finds himself in the world of PIDW as SQQ. After speaking with his martial brothers, he discovers it’s been 5 years since the immortal conference where Binghe fell into the abyss. 
SY knows that this means that his return is imminent, but can’t help feeling like he’s gotten the short end of the stick- why send him to a role where he could have made a difference if he’d had more time? On top of that, the peak leaders don’t believe him when he tries to warn them that everyone is in danger, and he is subsequently put under house arrest for rest after his severe qi deviation.
A young disciple from Mu-shidi’s peak is tasked with helping his recovery, tending to his needs while he has to meditate and re-ground himself. SY quickly learns that the boy is not going to let him leave, but is willing to listen and help him talk out his fears/what he might be able to do to save the sect and cultivation world at large.
After a few months of seclusion in the bamboo house, SY has figured out how to act enough like SJ to be permitted to go on short trips to the foot of the mountain as part of his recovery./to help settle his nerves. While in town, SY thinks he sees LBH, which throws him into a panic. The disciple takes him back to the peak with the assurance that there is nothing to fear, but suggests that maybe he would feel better if they traveled somewhere remote for an actual vacation.
After listing off a few places like small towns and hot springs where SQQ knows LBH found wives, he settles on a small town SY has never heard of and should probably be safe, but then he feels guilty about essentially abandoning the peak inhabitants to their fate and fleeing. The disciple says that he can make sure that the peak remains safe, but in turn SY has to agree to do what he’s told. SY reluctantly agrees, knowing the disciple is just humoring him.
By the time SY finally agrees to leave, it’s too late; LBH arrives at the bamboo house and is ready to fight, but then the disciple steps in and soundly forces LBH to make a withdrawal. The disciple then reveals himself to be Luo Bingge, and demands that SY return with him. SY freaks out to the point of qi deviation and blacks out.
When he wakes up, he’s in the bamboo house and everything is quiet. For a moment he thinks it’s all a bad dream, and then the door to the bedroom opens up and it’s another SQQ. This SQQ turns out to be another version of SY from another reality, and somehow he ended up married to a softer version of the protagonist. SQQ says that Bingge brought him here to ‘learn how to love him.’
SY and SQQ talk for a bit about transmigration, coming to terms with being gay, and talking about the trauma of being unable to grieve for their last life. SQQ offers sanctuary, saying that LBM had beaten LBG before and they can keep him safe. SY ultimately decides to go with LBG since they’d been together for months and the disciple never hurt him and definitely saved him from a fate worse than death. And besides, he always thought LBH deserved better, so why not him? 
SQQ wishes him luck and gives him a talisman from his system to get in touch if he ever changes his mind, and LBG takes him back to his world to learn how to love him. 
SY and LBG have a beauty and the beast montage and the harem starts getting dispersed, but SY is still having panic attacks that send him into qi deviations, dreaming about what almost happened back in the first PIDW world. He thinks that Binghe is hunting him down, even more angry than before since he’s been denied his revenge AND he got beaten by an imposter.
LBG swears he will protect him; <more stuff happens and SY is slowly coming to terms with the fact that he might actually be gay for Binghe, lol>
Showdown of Other LBH vs LBG, shit starts to go down and SY tries to use the token from the other SQQ to get LBM to help; ends up doing a system reset and he wakes up in the bamboo house with YQG sitting by his side, anxious about the qi deviation. The dream is already beginning to fade as he asks after LBH, who is apparently still in the woodshed where he left him….
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fairydust-stuff · 9 months
SSSVS Shen Jiu,fanfiction thoughts
So, I've heard some discussion about how there are very few SJ fics where he repents, apologizes and how this angers people etc....
So my thoughts are, that's because atonement, being good was never the point of SSVS.
The system
SSVS isn't concerned with morality as much as how much you give into the system. SJ dies because he stopped fighting the role he was assigned he excepted being the scum villain. It's not just about how he abused a child. He did this due to a clear choice to stop trying to be good. After he failed to save his worst enemy. He accepted his role.
While it is a little annoying that SY gets to fight the system in Sj's place coming from an entirely different background without the trauma/ baggage that encourages those from lower classes to enforce the system.
He is none the less the one who starts to find ways around the system. He cheats and eventually gets rid of the system or at least not have to operate within its narrow confines. ( he's also not a good person but this thing is already too long).
A lot of fans forget this cause abused child, but um LBH has always been a hateful misanthrope who realized playing at being a white locus got you protection and sympathy.
Much like SJ he survived by lying. But while SJ pushed aside all weakness. LBH played it up for manipulation purposes. He was never a good person but LBH was always better at playing the system than SJ. (I argue LBH not being some white lotus still does not mean he should have been abused by SJ.) just pointing out that he's amoral.
Even SY looking at his flashbacks from his life with his mom called him a "blackened lotus" even then. a lot of fans like to blame the sword but even before he got his hands on it. LBH was always just a little bit off as a person. LBG is simply him with the gloves off and the claws and depression on display.
Furthermore even after getting SY love as LBM he never actually becomes a good person. He is ashamed because he raped SY but he never even tries to atone to Ning Ying or anyone else for murder, treachery, lying etc....
Because that was never LBH's arch, it was always about his place in the system, not his morality or how well he lived up to the role of ideal love interest. So many fans judge him through this lens but that's not the point.
LBH was born with more advantages,from the beginning due to being the protagonist. But this luxury came with a harmful role pushing LBH into a role where he was an ideal for other people. Despite the fact it made him miserable. Everyone including SY wanted a stallion protagonist a power fantasy. They could live though LBH just wants to be a house husband. He doesn't want to be emperor of the world.
LBH isn't a good person but he rejects the system and his role in it and seeks his own happiness.
Basically, why are SJ fanfic writers being asked to heap more judgment than other stans on our fav by our own of all people?
LBH gets to wish he could murder anyone who gets close to SY without invoking his wraith and be happy in his cottage-core life. Why isn't SJ allowed to do the same?
While I don't hate SJ atonement fics. Due to the nature of the novels, it's just not a requirement for me personally. Also sometimes, I just want to read about my favs without them being tortured and weepy for being bad people.
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mikkeneko · 8 months
lmao rip @ your one shot doc being full of what are, in fact, not one shots 😂 in that same doc tho, is that a sequel/bonus chapter to your cult of the lamb fic i see? 👀
yes it is! 'Immortal Lamb Crusader Way sequel' is the header. It would be an outtake from Immortal Lamb Crusader Way setting feat. the Bingge vs Bingmei swap. Nothing is written for it but a few notes:
Bingge vs Bingmei extra, but with the Lamb LBG and LBM come out of a dungeon into the wrong instance. LBM finds an evil dark castle, a horde of miserable, brainwashed followers, and no shizun. maybe a trophy statue of killing HWW? LBG finds a weird flowery paradise with a much smaller flock, no wives, and a strange follower in his house with a form he's never seen before. The stranger takes his pulse, tuts at him for using his powers wrong, and forces him to do something that immediately makes him feel better. (something like: LBG had been relying on corrosive curses a lot, which built up a lot of corrosion stacks, which increase his power but are painful and cloud his thinking. SQQ chides him for not wearing the right fleece while doing this, which allows him to build stacks while clearing the debuff from him. SQQ pushes him to sit down and throws the fleece on him, LBG almost immediately feels better and is taken aback. He was not aware these alt. fleeces existed.)
So far I don't really have enough to write on, but I am thinking that with the Sins of the Flesh DLC that's about to come out, maybe that would provide further inspiration!
WIP ask meme
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truly-morgan · 1 year
[og!LBH wants shizun for himself too]
Bing2Qiu | Scum Villain Self-Saving System 08-07-2021
What if once lbg (bingge) goes back to his original world he just... doesn't want to stay there. Yes, he has many wives, has all the power and gold he might want, but he doesn't have /him/.
Why couldn't his shizun be like /him/.
So he goes back to this weird alternate universe but hides instead to see what he could do to snatch this sqq. He hides his presence and tries to look for anything that could allow him to take him.
but it is really hard to do when this fake lbh is always around him.
But this observation also made him realise just how different this sqq was from his own shizun. everything from how he act around lbm (bingmei) and the other disciple, the way he talks, moves. Some of it is really similar, yet different too, while other parts were just flat-out different. He seemed more gentle and loving and he wanted /that/. This isn't what he knows and he wished he had received that.
of course, despite doing his best to hide, he couldn't really escape lbm notice, but sqq managed to convince him to not do anything about him.
"If he wanted to do anything to us, he would have done it immediately" he was not 100% confident about this statement, but he was indeed curious as to what lbg wanted to do. Was he back for revenge? Was he here to do him harm? Maybe he was back simply because he was also curious?
It was easy to put his arrival to the back of his mind since lbg didn't make any trouble, he was just... somewhere there.
Then one-day lbm had some trouble taking care of in the demon realm and he was anxiously straightening sqq robes. "Everything will be alright binghe, shizun is not in danger and you will be back by tomorrow anyway"
He was certain that if lbg wanted to hurt him, he would have done so already.
So now he was alone in his bamboo house, drinking his tea.
When he was sure lbm wasn't lingering around anymore he set his cup down.
"You can come out now" He simply said, looking back to the door when he heard steps.
He offered a small smile to the demon lord, pouring another cup of tea for him.
"Why don't you join me?" he offered.
It took a moment as if lbg was a bit confused by his way of acting. Why was he so calm and nice after what had happened? But he did walk to the table, sitting opposite to sqq.
It was a bit weird, than to sit and drink tea with "his" shizun the way he never did in the past (he had it poured on him instead).
"So... why did you come back?" sqq finally asked, not running around the bush, this is what he wanted to know. lbg doesn't answer right away, looking at him. He wasn't exactly sure. He really wanted to take him back home, but what if... this sqq hated it? And became sad and unable to love anymore if he takes him away from this lbh? He can clearly see how happy sqq is with this other lbh. He can see how, despite showing some annoyance and strictness sometimes, this sqq always smiles and looks in love when he looks at his husband.
Would he also look at him the same way if he were to take him back home?
"Did you want to take revenge for what happened last time?" sqq finally asked?
"No!" lbg quickly replied, before catching himself to keep his usual composure.
He did think about it, but this wasn't it, he wanted to take him back with him, not hurt him.
"I want to take you back" he finally said, now more sure in what he really wanted to do.
"What if I say no?" sqq asked, drinking some more tea.
He felt too calm himself, knowing that he could very well do it if he wanted to. "You can try, but I know my binghe won't let it happen so easily and will do anything to get me back" he pointed out.
lbg was a bit struck by how sqq referred to lbm. /his/. Couldn't /he/ be his too? sqq looked at him a bit more. He was so similar to lbm, yet there were differences aside from the scares, he simply needed to look closer.
"Why don't we talk a bit for now and see what I can do later?" he suggested.
and sqq did just that, talking more about it, about anything coming to mind. How thing were doing here, how well the peak was doing, what kind of problem he gets into sometimes.
He also asked about how thing were doing for lbg. After all, the novel was not going over everything all the time. lbg was also rather intrigued by how sqq simply seems to just... know so much about his life when he never meet him before that one incident. He did try to get answer out of him about it, but would only get brushed off about it being a lucky guess sqq clearly knowing more than he would let him believe.
They were surprised when lbm came back, lbg keeping his calm despite being ready to fight, having understood this lbh was ready to do anything for his shizun.
lbm mood immediately darkens, hand reaching for his sword "What is he doing here?" he asked.
sqq simply got up, joining him to pull him into his arm, patting his head to calm him down. "Don't be angry, shizun invited him for tea so we could talk".
lbm did look betrayed by his shizun when he heard that, but was quickly comforted with a kiss. "Nothing happened, we simply talked for a while, he isn't here to do anything bad... theoretically".
The end made lbm frown, pulling sqq closer in his arm, glaring at lbg.
"Why is he here?"
"To take him back with me"
sqq had to pat lbm arms to make him release his hold a bit, not wanting to die suffocated. "He won't do it" he reassured, "I decided he could live with us for a while as we think about this situation".
both binghe looked surprised, as sqq had only now decided this. lbm was about to argue, but sqq kissed him quickly, stopping him. "It will be alright" he whispered to him, "He won't do anything," he said, giving lbg a glance, the message clear to him.
lbm would follow his every instruction, but if he did anything, he wouldn't mind unleashing him.
And this is how lbg started officially living inside the bamboo house with them, instead of roaming in the shadow.
It was a bit awkward and both binghe would often get on each other's nerves, yet sqq always managed to calm them down. He was a bit amused by how lbm would try to egg lbg by being overly touchy with him, but he had to stop him so a battle wouldn't start (he would love for his house to keep standing in one piece).
with time lbg also tried being closer to sqq. He really wanted to force himself in sometimes but ended up always waiting for sqq to allow him. of course lbm wasn't too happy, but since sqq was the one saying so he tried letting it go (of course, he would be really needy and need lots of cuddles)
with the time sqq passed with lbg, he started understanding more why everyone seemed to love him so much too (which didn't stop his love for lbm either).
slowly lbg became a normal part of their routine and sqq really enjoyed it. It was a bit weird by time, when they would both battle about him, but it didn't change how he had still gotten attached to lbg.
clearly, the man had sometimes moments where he seemed to his original shizun in him, but he would always manage to calm him down and reassure him that no, he was not going to treat him badly, he is safe here with him.
Eventually, their disciples found out and were rather confused, yet seeing their shizun this calm about it did help a bit. But there came a time when it was to be decided what to do with lbg, could he really stay here.
"I think he should stay with us" sqq admitted to lbm once when they were having tea late in the evening a lbg trained with some disciple.
"Shizun will always love you" he said when he saw lbm about to argue, "But I think... lbg also needs to be correctly loved the way he is looking for" he commented.
He felt like maybe lbg wasn't fully gaining what he wanted with his many wives. otherwise, why would he have come back after what happened? sqq had read all the difficulties the original pidw lbh had gone through, he wanted for him to also be happy.
it was a bit hard for lbm to accept, but he could see how his shizun really wanted to do this and had also gotten attached to lbg. As much as he wanted to keep him all to himself, he didn't want for his husband to be sad.
He buried his face in his neck, hugging sqq close to him "shizun better not forget about me or I will push him away" he mumbled against his neck, making sqq chuckle, patting his head gently "Don't worry".
And this is how they ended up officially adding lbg to their relationship. It was a bit hard to explain to everyone who he was, but it went somewhat alright (some were still suspicious of him, since they alright weren't too good with lbm).
sqh nearly had an attack at hearing that his original son had also fallen for his cucumber bro, but happy that his second (?) son would also have a nice ending.
ngl I just wanted to have sqq loved by two binghe, more love for him ksjdbvhusbdf maybe I can write some steamy stuff when I come back from work
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baoshan-sanren · 3 years
I saw your post about svss and you pointed out a bunch of interesting things and it got me thinking... there are plenty of fics about og!lbh meeting sy( !sqq ) but what is your take on this? How do you think things would go down between them and what kind of relationship do you imagine they'd have? After Bingge vs Bingmei do you think og!lbh would wanna find his own Shizun (sy) / or would he try to take sy!sqq back? Thanks for this blog btw! It's an absolute danmei goldmine!
lmao I see a lot of those fics too but I’ve never read any bc I just can’t see LBG and SY together in any context that doesn’t involve making one (or both) of them extremely OOC. Mainly, I can’t see SY ever willingly remaining by LBG’s side. In the LBG vs LBM extras, the only pity he feels for LBG is solely caused by LBG’s physical resemblance to LBM, or the physical resemblance to the person SY actually cares for. I mean, there is no need to imagine how SY would react to being pursued/forced to exist alongside LBG because we already see it play out in SVSSS. Before SY finally realizes that the boy he raised turned out very different from PIDW LBH, he spends like a dozen chapters (if not more) trying to run away from him. And SVSSS LBH is no alternate dimension stranger either, but a man SY had raised himself, and knows better than he ever could have known PIDW LBH just from airplane’s shitty writing. 
I’m putting the rest under read more, bc idk if you thought I was kidding about writing essays about SVSSS (I wasn’t).
The LBG vs LBM extras are actually my fave extras. So many people start SVSSS expecting to get a romantic relationship between the two mains, but technically, this relationship only begins after the novel ends. SY even clearly states that the entire time they had spent in the Demon Realm post the events of the last chapter (not quite a month if I remember correctly?) they had not even as much as kissed. The fact that the first physical intimacy of sexual nature SY experiences post all the misunderstandings and misery of the novel is with LBG and not LBM (as well as the first time he is aroused by the activity) is a big deal for A LOT of reasons. The main being that SY enjoys himself only up to the point where he realizes the person kissing him is not LBM. 
Mxtx makes it a point to tell us that SY and LBM have terrible sex. For one, this is a fairly realistic scenario, flying in opposition to all the novels where the lead is somehow born with magical knowledge on how to provide mind-blowing sexual gratification under any circumstance. With the “protagonist's golden-halo” firmly in place, any other author would have made him a veritable sex god without any consideration for the fact that LBM wouldn’t know the first thing about kissing someone, let alone anything else. LBG, on the other hand, has the experience gained from his 300+ member harem. In the extra, it takes him literally no time to push SY’s buttons. I believe he even says something like “Why would you stay with him (LBM) when my technique is so much better?” For LBG, who clearly doesn’t understand that any relationship which purports itself to be based in affection or love does not require continuous application of sex in order to exist or remain stable, SY choosing to stay with LBM makes absolutely no sense. 
It always blows my mind when people talk about SVSSS like it’s perpetuating some “dangerous ideas” about sex and consent (but it does make me better understand why mxtx chooses to literally lead the readers by the hand through those same themes in TGCF, because they obviously didn’t get what she was saying in SVSSS). The number of narratives in which the bad guy is terrible at sex and the good guy is somehow a sex encyclopedia on two legs (and there are no realistic reasons for either scenario) are a dime a dozen in every genre, in every language. Mxtx steps back and says “no, actually, sex has nothing to fucking do with love, and the ability to receive/give pleasure has nothing to do with either goodness or villany” and then she gets lynched for it by people who have no reading comprehension. 
Literally the only thing LBG has going for him is that he can turn SY on in 0.5 seconds and that he physically resembles LBM. And while the latter does ping on SY’s radar, it only incites pity. He obviously does not give a shit for the former, because his relationship with LBM, his affection and love for LBM, his decision to marry LBM has literally nothing to do with sex. This actually might be healthiest aspect of their relationship, that all the groundwork, including the plethora of misunderstandings, was laid down before they had a mutually consensual sexual experience together. And it is a stark contrast to PIDW LBH’s relationship with sex which is unhealthy in a dozen different ways, and mainly transactional in nature, from being a means of obtaining loyalty, affection, or a sense of self-worth. 
So basically, a relationship between SY and LBG is, in my opinion, as unrealistic as airplane’s original PIDW plot. Although SY did admire PIDW LBH enough to read the entire atrocity of a novel (that literally ended up killing him), I think we’re all supposed to understand, without being told, that those things we admire in fiction are rarely ever things we’d be willing to experience in real life. 
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pawsomepurrson · 3 years
I am searching for a svss fic about shen jiu. It is on ao3 and was still ongoing when I read it.
LBG has met LBM and SY and is searching for a kind shizun. Meanwhile the other peak lords reincarnate and discover that SJ wasn't who they thought he was. It is basically reincarnator vs transmigrator.
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silverstark · 3 years
I want to read more fic about Bing-ge after the LBG vs LBM battle. You're telling me the master of three realms and three thousand wives settled contentedly back into his life after seeing something that made him want to cry with envy?
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agaxso · 3 years
I wonder how lbg's first papapa was like, because as far as we know lbm was hideous the first time with sqq and there's no reason he would've been better with a woman.
iirc it was one of the Huan Hua sisters, right? was it Wanrong? idk but there's no way he was good the first times and yet there's no indication that he wasn't. I get that he's a stallion protag, but like... lbm technically was supposed to be one too??? or was changing the genre the reason his technique was garbage? lol
actually thinking about it, his first time may not have been good for Wanrong (assuming it was her), but because it was seen from his perspective, he may have had the impression that it was good and that her being vocal was an indication that he was right... as well as for every other reader.
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danmeiconfession · 7 months
'SY gets better over the course of the book. He doesn’t hurt any of his disciples again (barring LBH because of the system).'
'Got better'? Abandoning the peak and the disciples under him completely is what you mean by getting better? He left his disciples to fend off for themselves. They had to use their allowances to use for their peak repairs. When MF genuinely cried about it, SY was annoyed by it. but when LBH 'fake cries' he gets coddled.
SY used LQG to beat up his disciples, cos they bullied LBH. QJP disciples are not the only ones got hurt bcos of SY. Just bcos he didn't hurt them himself, like how he hurted MF and others doesn't mean he isn't responsible for it. He indirectly used LQG to beat up BZP disciples. That is also abuse.
I've heard a lot of ppl claiming 'SY was teaching them a lesson'. Ofc, it isn't abuse for you ppl cos he isn't hurting LBH—a protag! He is hurting NPCs and they mean nth to you!
Leaving his disciples emotionally weak is also a form of abuse. It's mental/emotional abuse. just cos it didn't left a physical scar doesn’t mean it isn’t abuse. The perfect example is your beloved protag. He is emotionally unstable. That instability has what made him merge the realms. LBG was sure his shizun hated him. But it isn’t the case for LBM. SY always left him confused.
If SJ was there and had seen all of his disciples—including LBM, he'd thrown up blood! He'd have whacked them over their head with his fan for being weak!
But SY doesn't care! Except for LBH. And even tho he cared for LBH, he still made him emotionally unstable.
Like it or not SY is an abuser and will always be, for me atleast.
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Bing2qiu (Bingge x SY x Bingmei) AU where Bingge comes to their universe after he was nearly assassinated by his harem (because they have had ENOUGH of their selfish arrogant husband who doesn’t care for any of them) and, because of said assassination attempt...there’s no point in him going back.
Bingmei wants to laugh at him because: sure he may only have his one husband instead of hundreds of wives, and he wasn’t amazing in bed (improving every time though!!) but his Shizun would never hurt him! They were happy together!!
But Shen Yuan is a softhearted man and takes pity on the OG protagonist. And tells Bingmei to be nice because he’s going to be staying with them (to Bingmei’s astonishment) because well...he can’t go back! He could never be around his own wives without knowing they attempted to kill him (difficult, but not impossible since the story is no longer being written) he would never see his children again either.
Then Bingge ends up sleeping in the side room (Bingmei viciously suggested he might be more comfortable in the woodshed, not wanting him in the house. SY smacked him with his fan and told him he could sleep in the side room again if it means so much to him) and then they try to awkwardly settle into a routine. Bingmei and Bingge still bicker over everything (ranging from “why do you make every meal for him??” to how Bingmei neglects his duties as a Demon Lord so he can play house)
Considering my own headcanon that Airplane accidentally made LBH gay via projection (and yes, gay. Even LBG isn’t attracted to women, he’s just desperately closeted and refused to even consider the option of men until Bingge vs Bingmei) I think LBG would really crave LBM’s role. Being patted and kissed and praised and for reasons more than just abandonment issues! He had a constant stream of affection from his wives...but why were they all less appealing than this man?! SHEN QINGQIU of all men!!
Disbelief or not, he gradually steps up as a “second husband” (by LBM, if he called him that to his face LBG would stab him) and accepts his feelings for SY and makes his own love confession (which I’m sure would be very moving) and ends up even trying to get along with Bingmei (helping with Demon World stuff, etc)
I imagine a situation where he runs into a marriage plot that he recognizes and Bingmei tells him if he touches the girl he can have her...but he can never return to Shizun after having disgraced him by having an affair. And he realizes...he doesn’t even want her. He didn’t want her from the start... he just liked the attention she gave him, and gracefully declines and returns home to his and Bingmei’s husband.
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