i-ate-your-dog-srry · 2 months
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deathsmallcaps · 11 months
I’m going to rewatch the original Charmed, but after should I watch
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noemilivv · 7 months
Hi 👋,
If you're still taking requests, I absolutely loved the most recent one you did with Lucifer, Adam and Vox proposing and marrying their s/o.
If possible could you do one similar to that but for Husk and Alastor?
If not, it's totally cool and I'm loving your work 😊
hellooo, dw i’m still taking requests haha, yeah i can do that for you!! the first part was undeniably fun to write so obviously i’ll do it again for ya haha
Warnings: None(?)
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Alastor Proposal + Wedding Headcanons
Alastor never really knew what love truly felt like, until he met you, from that alone — he knew you were the one
His proposal was simple, but still very gentlemanly, his shadows were his band, playing some of your shared favorite songs, and Alastor stood in a different suit than the one he normally wears, a black version with a red streak instead of the white line that goes down the collar
He stood in the center of your room in the hotel, awaiting for you to get back from work, with a bouquet of spider lilies in his hands and a ring box in his pocket.
When you arrive, he has a soft and gentle smile on his face, in contrast to the big grin he usually shows, he didn’t feel vulnerable or at risk with you, so he could wind down with you
He hands you the bouquet and gets down on one knee, taking your ring out of the box, holding it to you, as his other hand takes yours in his and kisses the back of it
“My dearest and truest love, you have made me feel more alive than I ever have, even in my years on Earth.” He started, his radio affect softer than you’ve ever heard it, it’s unlike him, given he usually has a more cheery tone.
“You have showed me what love truly feels like, what in feels like in here —” He said, putting a hand to his heart, “That being said, would you make me the happiest man in Hell and be my lawfully wedded spouse?”
You and Alastor have a wedding almost immediately, thanks to his magic staff.
The ceremony is like any other, other than the fact your soon-to-be husband has a massive fucking grin on his face that did not falter the whole time, other than when you came down the isle, and it seemed to inch up his face more.
When it came to the kiss, he does turn you both around as he does not enjoy displaying affection infront of others, but he also won’t break tradition, so…
The reception is nowhere near boring, he knows how to have a good time, there’s excitable jazz music that has a good chunk of guests swaying and moving their feet
He also may or may not freak out some family members of yours…but that’s okay!
He also does not wish to be in wedding photos, due to his opinions on modern cameras and tech, but will for you, and either way, he knows his grin fucks up the photos in contrast to your beauty so he doesn’t really see the point tbh — but he’ll most likely make you guys use an old camera for effect
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Husk Proposal + Wedding
Husk genuinely did not care to get married, well, he would be fine if you did, but he was content the way you both were, but he knew how much of a romantic you were so…
Quite frankly, he probably had the laziest proposal out of everyone I’ve written for for this, while you guys were laying in bed, bitch asked you if you would ever wanna get married and proceeded to basically chuck the ring box at you.
You and Husk were in your shared bed. It was late, you were just about to doze off for the night, until you heard Husk’s gruff voice pipe up.
“I have a question for ya.” He said, staring at the ceiling with you on his furry chest. “And that is?” you ask, popping your head up in curiosity,
“Would you ever wanna get married?” He asked, looking down at you, a soft and subtle smirked played on his lips. “Oh!- Uh, probably!” You answered, a bit thrown off by the question.
“‘Kay, great.” Husk muttered, plopping the ring box in between you two. “Husk, what the fu-”
Yeah before you could finish he was already asleep 😛
Husk mainly leaves wedding planning to you, not cause he’s a dick, but it’s just not his thing, he will help out when need be though
At the ceremony, Husk is holding back a couple tears, only a few though!
He never saw himself as the sentimental type, and he knows he didn’t really have the desire to do this in the first place, but now? He knows he made the right choice, even if it was at 2 in the morning.
The reception is chill, it’s kinda just sitting around and chatting, and yes there’s a bar, and Husk is pissed he can’t work it.
There’s chill jazz music in the back, but it’s not like Alastor’s where it had people swaying, it was more soothing, and it wasn’t like Adam’s where people were absolutely bopping to music either
You guys still don’t know if you’re having a honeymoon, Husk is still way too tired and way too hungover to make that decision.
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astridthevalkyrie · 5 months
your match is made | xavier x reader
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“I know,” he continues, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear, “that the people in our classes, the nobles, the folks in the marketplace, they all hold me in high regard.” “Xavier,” you try to argue weakly, already feeling your heartbeat speed up from where this conversation is going. The thought of losing him, of losing your best friend, your prince, your everything, it is paralyzing. “Please don’t—” “I know that my weapon of choice is a longsword.” “Stop,” you whisper. But he doesn’t, and he looks directly into your eyes with an open, honest sincerity written all over his face. Like this is his truth, even though it is yours. “And I know that you have known me all your life, and I feel that I have known you for even longer than that.”
cw: fluff, like that's it that's literally it this is so fluffy
word count: 6.6k
a/n: lyric credits used in this fic: téir abhaile riú by celtic woman <- fire song btw, listen to bless your ears, it also sets the vibe of this fic very nicely tbh. jeremiah's my favorite boyfailure.
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Lanterns hang from every available line in and around the town square, brightening any block lucky enough to fall under its horizon. In every corner and roadblock, there are carts littering the streets, dozens upon dozens of merchants calling out their best prices on their finest goods, all the way from fabrics stitched by the very same threads used for the royals’ robes, to common sweet chocolates that all the teenagers are purchasing in bulk to share with their friends and younger siblings. There is room to move around, but there is not a single area that is not bustling with people, either trying to purchase steamed corn from the stalls or simply enjoying the festivities with their families. And in the center of it all, the bards play with such finesse that their fingers may as well be the source of the music rather than the instruments. 
Such is the celebration of lights, a celebration of the light. Of Philos, of this miracle that humanity has been gifted with. Every year without fail, the people gather in the town square to commemorate this historic occasion, and every year without fail, it is the grandest jamboree you have ever bore witness to.
“C’mon, Xavier,” Jeremiah protests out loud, “what would be the point of having the crown prince with us if he refuses to pay for our meals?”
Xavier simply shakes his head, the serene smile never leaving his face as he denies Jeremiah for the third time tonight—he clearly derives great pleasure from doing it. “I’d hate to rob you of the chance to participate in Philos’ market tonight of all nights.”
Jeremiah groans at his right, and from Xavier’s left, you giggle. It’s the same routine every single year, and at every occasion to be honest, and yet Jeremiah never stops trying to emphasize the difference in his wealth versus the royal family’s. Xavier, who you think would give his last dime to an ant if it looked hungry enough, looks like he loves refusing Jeremiah more than participating in any one of the activities tonight. 
The spicy aroma of rice cakes fills your senses then, and you let out a longing sigh as you look to the stall decorated with steaming bowls on all sides. “I’m starting to get hungry too, now.”
Both of them follow your gaze, where the vendor is hurriedly turning this way and that to discuss prices and accept payments, while three of his chefs work in the back, delivering more as the demand increases. Xavier hums quietly, then takes out a small black pouch from his pocket.
“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to eat.” He holds out the bag for you to take, but before you can, Jeremiah scoffs, loudly.
“Oh, that’s sick.” He points an accusing finger at the prince. “That’s sick! If you keep playing favorites, you’re going to get betrayed when you take the throne, I hope you know. I swear I’m going to lead a revolution against you myself.”
“Do you really think my grandis knight would ever let you harm me?” Xavier shoots back, and you beam as Jeremiah rolls his eyes, snatching the pouch straight out of his fingers.
“I’ll take this, and I’m going to get two”—he holds up two fingers for emphasis—”two bowls, and I’m not sharing. Your grandis knight can split her portion with you.” With that, he stomps off in a huff, leaving Xavier with his head tilted and a confused expression on his face.
“I don’t understand. There should be enough coins for three bowls.”
“He’ll get you a bowl.” You raise your voice enough for Jeremiah to hear as he walks. “He’s very grateful that you offered your money, isn’t that right, Jermy?”
Jeremiah makes a rude gesture without even turning back to face you, and you laugh, grabbing Xavier’s wrist to follow him. If it were any other member of the royal family, they’d be getting swarmed right about now, and would likely require at least ten guards to stand around them at all times to ward people off. That is how the king and queen sit, a few blocks away from the main festival, up on a platform elevated high enough that no one could think to climb it, with Lightseekers both in front of them and on the ground, safe and observing the celebration from a distance. Philos’ crown prince is different. Xavier is out in the town with the common folk so frequently that he’s almost lost all the celebrity status his title comes with. Of course, that makes him popular in an entirely different way. The people in the market always seem happy that someone of such high status would lower himself enough to walk and talk amongst them.
His hand slips lower as the two of you go after Jeremiah, warm fingers intertwining with yours. You think little of it, reckoning he doesn’t want to get separated with so many people around. Xavier isn’t one to shy away from touch, at any rate. Once you spar with someone enough, it’s only natural to become physically comfortable with one another. He places his hands on your shoulders when he wants to guide you somewhere, bandages your cuts with his own calloused palms, presses his lips to your forehead to check whether you’re sick or not. In the face of all that, him holding your hand while running through a bustling crowd is hardly surprising.
Jeremiah is waving the pouch in the air hopelessly, trying to be noticed amongst the rest, when the vendor spots the two of you. “Xavier!” he calls happily. “Good timing, I have a fresh bowl ready just for you!”
“Unbelievable,” your chestnut-haired friend mutters under his breath, elbowing you as you laugh at his misfortune. Xavier steps closer, and you see him hold up two fingers to ask for more. When he points over, you wave to the vendor, who waves back before calling out instructions over his shoulder. In almost an instant, he has three steaming bowls filled with rice cakes ready for you to take. Your mouth almost waters at the sight. 
Xavier picks up one of them to offer to you, which you take gratefully. Taking a few steps to the side to avoid crashing into anyone, the three of you find a relatively less crowded place to dig in. 
Before you can take a heaping sip from the spoon, he gently takes your wrist and blows on the hot broth, meeting your eyes with a soft, concerned look. “Be careful.”
“I’m always careful,” you remind him teasingly, but blow some air of your own onto the spoon before finally digging in. As the flavors explode inside your palate, you hold back a moan at how good it tastes.
“Miss Knight!” a high-pitched voice calls out, and you turn in time to see a tiny pink blur moving past people’s legs. 
“Adelaide!” You hand your bowl to Jeremiah, who passes it to Xavier without even blinking, and kneel down to catch the blur in your arms. “Look at you, you look so pretty! I love your dress!”
The little girl’s eyes light up at the compliment. “Thank you! Miss Knight,” she bounces up and down eagerly, “I made something for you!” In her hands, she holds out a product of one of the several craft stalls set up for the children during the festival, a simple but elegant flower crown that she holds out like a grand prize. And from how your heart melts, it may as well be. 
“Oh, how beautiful. Thank you so much. Would you put it on for me?” You tilt your head down, and she places it on with all the care a child of six years would have. You know you’ll have a difficult time getting it out in a while after the flowers tangle with your hair, but you don’t mind at all. Adelaide is your favorite person to visit whenever the three of you come to town, the daughter of the seamstress who makes your uniforms, and you’d do anything to see her smile the way she is now.
“You look like a princess,” she says in awe. Your cheeks warm, and you stand up, gesturing to the other two.
“Speaking of which, you remember Xavier and Jeremiah, don’t you?”
Her small hands grip your dress robes as she hides behind your legs, peeking out at them. Xavier, with both his hands occupied holding your bowl and his own, merely smiles encouragingly at her, while Jeremiah waves. “Hiya, Adelaide. Your dress looks awesome!”
From the corner of your eye, you see her face turn bright red, and right as you’re about to coo inwardly about her adorable little crush, you hear someone calling her name. All your heads turn, as an older blonde boy, out of breath, almost pushes past people in his rush to run to her. 
“I told you not to run off like that! You could get lost—oh.” He stops short when he sees you, blinking as the color returns to his cheeks after his run. “H-hi there.”
“Hi, Neville.” You smile at Adelaide’s older brother, who’s almost always around when you visit. “Enjoying the celebration?”
“Definitely—I’m sorry I haven’t come to see you, I was helping Mother with her stall, a-and I didn’t know your master would give you the night off.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t miss this for the world. And the grandis knight is at the king’s side, he could hardly stay to train me on such an important night.”
“Right.” He stands with his hands on Adelaide’s shoulders, only staring, seemingly forgetting why he’s there in the first place. For a few moments, no words are said at all.
Right when you’re about to cough awkwardly, he snaps back to attention. “Um, would you like to dance?”
“She can’t,” Xavier says immediately, almost making you jump. He’s almost right behind you, looming over your shoulder and staring Neville straight in the eyes with an expression you’ve never seen on him before. 
“Xavier!” The blonde bows clumsily (and unnecessarily) before straightening up, an unspoken question in his eyes. He looks between you and Xavier, and while you hadn’t been planning to agree to his request in the first place, you look at Xavier curiously as well. He’s never before dictated what you do during the celebration, whether you’re with him and Jeremiah or with some of the others in your class. 
“She can’t,” he says again, a bit more softly, “she can’t, because…” He takes one glance at you, then down at the two bowls in his hand, then looks back up. “She’s already going to dance with Jeremiah.”
“What?” both you and your supposed dance partner question at the same time. 
“You’ve been meaning to ask her to dance the whole night.” Xavier’s blue eyes fall on Jeremiah, with a pointed gaze. “This song is about to end, I think now is as good a time as any.”
“But I’m eating!” he whines, shaking the bowl in his hands as though to beg Xavier to take pity on him.
“I’d be happy to dance with her before Jeremiah steps in—” Neville offers, but he’s cut off by Xavier again, and this time his voice is icier, and his eyes are narrowed on Jeremiah who’s pouting at him.
“No, I think Jeremiah should do it now before it’s too late.”
Whatever message he’s trying to get across, Jeremiah clearly understands it, groaning and taking one last sip before grabbing your hand and tugging you to the main grounds. You’re only slightly irked that no one actually waited for your answer on whether you wanted to dance or not. But you’re more confused than anything else. Just a few minutes ago, both of them were fine, what could have happened so soon to make Xavier sound so cold?
“Have you really been meaning to ask me to dance all night?” you try asking, but Jeremiah only rolls his eyes.
“Please shut up. I already have to deal with His Majesty the Oblivious Idiot tonight, I can’t deal with both of you.”
“What are you talking about—”
“Miss Grandis Knight!” one of the bards, the violinist, waves to you. You’re momentarily distracted, smiling at her. It’s quite nice, if maybe a bit egotistical, to hear anyone call you what you’re trying so hard to be even when you haven’t achieved it yet. “Coming to dance?”
“I am!” you shout back cheerfully. “Give me a good one!”
She thinks for a few seconds, then makes a motion to the other musicians. Placing the violin against her collarbone delicately, she begins to pluck a familiar tune, one that has you lighting up and has the crowd cheering. Even Jeremiah grins as the two of you face each other, both of you well versed in proper dance etiquette from taking the same classes growing up. 
First, he bows, mimicked by the other men in the large circle that’s formed, extending a hand to their dance partners. Then you, and the other ladies, curtsy, and with a light step you take his hand and begin the dance. The bards begin to sing the contagious melody, as you and Jeremiah step in place, back and forth, your arms extending then coming together, before he twirls you under his arm. Both of you are laughing for no real reason, perhaps aside from how frivolous this is compared to the fighting techniques you’re usually partaking in together.
The song builds, and builds, and his hands slip to your waist, helping you leap across him before he ducks his head dramatically. The violinist calls your name, pointing at you to sing the next verse. Through your giggles, your cheeks warm at the attention, but you oblige.
Swishing your dress around you, you bounce off Jeremiah, pointing at him with a flourish. “Come now and follow me down, down to the lights of Galway where—” Your eye catches Xavier’s, who’s watching you as though you’re the main event. With everyone else’s attention already on you, you’re not sure if you can possibly take any more, but something about his gaze makes your chest feel lighter, as though in this celebration of lights, the real light is the one staring at you, the one who has eyes for no one else. “There's fine sailors walking the town, and waiting to meet the ladies there!”
The bards take over the song again, yet the spell doesn’t break. As Jeremiah twirls you again and hands you off to the next man, switching dance partners easily, you beckon Xavier towards you, urging him to join. 
The night is young, you try to convey to him wordlessly, and I don’t want to be without you.
He steps forward, as you switch dance partners again. While you hadn’t meant to dance in the first place, it makes you feel lightheaded in a good way. The movements you have to do are light as opposed to rough and unforgiving on your muscles, and the alternating hands on your body handle you as gently as possible instead of trying to seek out all your weak points. 
Your head tilts to the side, trying to see if Xavier entered the fray or not. You’ve lost sight of him, in a different part of the circle now, and you can’t search properly without breaking the formation of the dance and ruining everyone’s fun. The next person you spin into ends up being Neville, who chuckles shyly and tells you, “Not bad, Miss Grandis Knight!”
His moves are far more stiff than Jeremiah’s, but far be it from you to judge when he hasn’t had formal training. The important thing is that he tries, and you still have fun, and besides, the song is ending now. You’re almost back to where you started in the circle, just one more spin and—
A familiar, calloused hand grazes yours, skimming down the side of your arm. You gasp at this touch, far more coarse than the others, and the only one to leave you breathless, not least because it’s accompanied by the striking blue of Xavier’s eyes. 
When he extends and brings you closer, it is more than just natural. Xavier is of royal blood, it is almost as if he was born to do this. Your feet step with his without you having to look down, so familiar with his balance and pace from years and years and years of sparring together. And not even once do you break away from his piercing gaze, because you’re nervous that if you do, he might just disappear.
The song comes to an end, with a final step forward and your hands on Xavier’s chest, and everyone erupts into cheers. The noise surrounding you makes the silence between you and him all the more deafening.
As the two of you simply stare at each other, breathing in sync, one of his hands reaches up, first resting on your cheek before then making its way up to gently adjust the flower crown that had slanted on your head while you were dancing. Once he fixes it, his head tilts down, just enough that his nose brushes against yours, and a smile forms on your lips.
“I am very pleased you joined, my liege.” Your eyes shine in gratitude.
Xavier opens his mouth to respond, and that’s exactly when Jeremiah chooses to slump against his shoulder, yawning. “Oh man, I’m spent. When do we go back to the academy?”
Xavier looks mildly disgruntled. “This is going to go on for hours,” you tell him, frowning, “we can’t leave now. Besides, the fireworks will start soon.”
“Another dance?” the crown prince suggests, sliding your palm into his. 
Jeremiah gives him an unimpressed look. “Give it a rest.”
Stepping past the two of them, you look at all the tables mostly occupied by children being distracted by someone painting little butterflies and stars on their faces or the tiny flutes that are passed out for them to blow into. One of the pastry vendors is handing out baked goods for free, and while you didn’t actually get any chance to eat earlier, you want to find something to actually do. You’re not tired after dancing; on the contrary, now you’re restless and brimming with energy. 
“Come on,” you declare readily, taking both their hands and pulling them into the ruckus. Your boys have little choice but to come along with you. Your feet will start to ache soon too, you’re sure. But for now, while they don’t, and while the way Xavier was staring at you is still burned into your mind, you want to enjoy yourself.
Once again, his fingers tangle with yours, clinging to your hand warmly—a stark difference to Jeremiah’s, which you have to grip onto harder to make sure he doesn’t get left behind. He whines and complains the whole time, telling you he’s sore all over and that the three of you should try and beat the rush by leaving early. You’re used to this routine every year, so you’re not fazed. Nor is he serious, because even though you could physically force him to stay, Jeremiah never tries to leave until you and Xavier are good and ready.
As you run, different students in your section call out to you and Jeremiah. People are just slightly more hesitant to address Xavier directly, but you’ve never understood such a thing. The last thing he is is intimidating. Well, maybe place a sword in his hand and he becomes slightly fearsome (to everyone except you). There’s still no need to pretend that Xavier ever struts around demanding everyone show him the highest respects. He’s the furthest thing from arrogant.
It makes you feel proud, really, knowing you’ll be in the service of Philos’ greatest king.
“Xavier!” someone finally calls out. For a second, you’re thrilled, until you see who it is, and your face falls.
The title of grandis knight comes with a certain authority. Not one that you actually have yet, of course, but people respect the current holder of the position, and as his prized mentee, that respect teeters down to you most of the time. 
Keyword being most.
Just a few months back, you and Lillia had been close friends. You weren’t as close to her as you were to Xavier and Jeremiah, but she was still someone you confided in. You knew a few personal things about her, and she knew a few personal things about you. It was nice to be able to talk to someone who wasn’t a guy, or your trainer, or one of the older students. Just another girl around your age training to become a Lightseeker.
But you should have realized that the respect you garnered by swearing to be the future king’s bodyguard came with a reasonable risk of betrayal as well. And yes, betrayal is a strong word. Technically, nothing happened. There is no accusation you can level at her. At least not without someone calling you hysterical, and that’s hardly needed when you’re already a woman seeking the highest position in the court, second only to the king himself.
It had come down to one night, with just you and her sitting and talking about nothing in particular, when she had leaned in and asked you something.
“So do you like anyone?”
It had been a quiet night, and the two of you had been the only ones awake, holed up in an old classroom, so you hadn’t thought any consequences could come from speaking truthfully—or at least, what you had genuinely believed to be the truth.
“Not really.” You’d shrugged, leaning back on the desk you were sitting on, putting your weight on your palms. “Most of the people in our section aren’t really my type.”
“Really?” Lillia had smiled slyly. “Not even Xavier?”
Your nose had wrinkled—not in disgust, just confusion. “Xavier? Why?”
“What do you mean? You two spend all your time together. You’re always sparring. Doesn’t romantic tension build up after something like that?”
“Maybe if we were equally matched,” you’d huffed, shaking your head, “I always beat him, I certainly don’t feel any tension. Besides, he’s going to be king. And I’m trying my best to be his grandis knight. We could never be in a relationship even if we wanted to be.”
“So you don’t have any interest in him?” she’d asked, a little more forcefully. You’d thought nothing of it at the time. 
“I mean…” Your stomach had twisted a bit uncomfortably and you’d averted your gaze. “If you had a sword to my neck, if I had to choose someone…”
And it had forced you to think about it. A far off scenario, if he wasn’t going to be the king, or if you weren’t going to be the grandis knight, or maybe both. It had been difficult to see Prince Xavier as anything else, but…it wasn’t impossible. If you were both just students, or partners, or even if you worked at that bakery that he loved to frequent. 
If you were just a normal person, and he was as common as everyone else, the first thing you’d thought you’d notice about him would be his eyes. It’s what you notice about him most of the time regardless. He has nice eyes. They have a sincerity in them that most people lack. And he looks at you a lot, so you would know.
He’s not bad to look at either. And he’s kind. A good leader. With a precious heart. And skilled fingers—
Blinking out of the hypnotic thoughts you’d fallen into, you’d hidden your suddenly flustered state as best you could and simply answered, “I suppose if I had to choose to love someone, I’d choose Xavier.”
And that had been that. Or so you thought. Everything had been alright, at least.
Until the next morning, when you’d walked out of your class and seen Lillia’s arms around Xavier’s neck. 
For a second, it had felt like Philos stopped turning on its axis. 
It wasn’t like Xavier had reciprocated. But that was only because he had been too polite to shove her away, and it would’ve been inappropriate to engage in anything further. Crown prince or not, he was still a guy, and obviously a pretty girl pressed into him in such a way would interest him.
And Lillia had caught your eye, and smiled triumphantly, as though to say well, if you don’t want him, then…
Even though you hadn’t said you didn’t want him. Well, you had said you weren’t interested, yes. But you had also told her that if someone held a blaster to your face if you didn’t cherish someone, then you would cherish Xavier. And maybe that hadn’t been a confession, but it hadn’t been you giving her permission to pursue him either. Not that she needed your permission, because it wasn’t like you had a claim on him, and it wasn’t supposed to make your chest burn that he, even for a second, looked at anyone else the way he looked at you.
You hadn’t confided your weak feelings to anyone else after that.
“Hi, Lillia,” Xavier says, snapping you out of your thoughts. You didn’t even realize until now that the three of you had approached her. “What’s this booth for?”
“Oh, it’s amazing,” she gushes, wrapping her hands around his arm and tugging. Your eye twitches. “She’s a fortuneteller. For just a few copper pieces, she’ll answer any one question you want to know about your life.”
“Really?” he asks softly, and all your gazes shift to the woman who bows her head to the prince, sitting in her chair with a purple drape over the small table in front of her. “I’m not sure what I’d want to ask.”
Lillia smirks in a way that makes you uneasy. “Well, I asked about my future partner.”
“Partner? For sparring?”
“For marrying, you dolt,” Jeremiah snorts, “c’mon, Xav, sit down and let’s see which unlucky soul gets to be queen of Philos.”
You’re nervous that he will, and you’re nervous that you won’t like the answer. Because it wouldn’t be you, you’re sure of that. And you shouldn’t want it to be you. That doesn’t mean you think he should be with her, either. What business did Lillia have pursuing Xavier, at any rate? She was training to be a Lightseeker too—but of course, the average knight did not have the same restrictions the grandis knight did—not that it matters because you have no say regardless—
But Xavier shakes his head. “No, it’s okay. My future partner will simply be…whoever the kingdom deems the loveliest of the lot.”
Your heart both inflates and deflates at his response. On one hand, you hadn’t wanted him to have his fortune read, for fear of heartbreak. On the other hand, a part of you had foolishly hoped that he would have the same option to love like everyone else did.
“You should do it,” Jeremiah nudges you with his elbow. Before you can protest, Lillia’s eyes light up.
“Oh, yes, you should! Here, come sit.” 
“Um, I don’t know.” Warily, you gaze over at the fortuneteller, who merely gives you a serene smile. “Is she going to give me someone’s name?”
“No, just a description. She told me my future partner would be someone of noble descent.” Lillia beams, showing off her too-perfect teeth, and suddenly you feel inadequate. You know what she’s implying, even if Xavier doesn’t. After all, there are very few people who would match that description.
So, not wanting to seem like a coward, because the king’s sword is anything but a coward, you step forward, sitting down in the leathery chair. You’re about to reach for your pocket to take out the copper pieces, when Xavier reaches over and places them in the fortuneteller’s palm, giving you an encouraging look that makes your heart sink. Perhaps you should have listened to Jeremiah earlier and called it a night.
When the woman takes your hand, she closes her eyes, running her thumb back and forth against your calluses. Your breath gets stuck in your throat, and you try not to move a muscle. For some reason, it feels like if you so much as twitch, you’ll get the wrong answers, and you’re not even sure what the right answers are. 
Her eyes open, piercing yours with a startling gaze. “Fascinating,” she murmurs, “I see three things about your lover.”
To hear that word—lover, instead of spouse or partner, makes your entire face feel hot. Lillia giggles, saying something under her breath that you don’t catch but makes you feel violent tendencies nonetheless.
“First, he is someone held in very high regard by all around him.”
Oh no.
“Second, a longsword is his weapon of choice.”
Oh no.
“And third, you have known him all your life.”
Well, she may as well have just screamed Xavier’s name at the top of her lungs.
Everyone is silent for a few seconds. There is a heavy pause in the air, because who else could she be referring to? Who else fits that exact description? All Lillia was told was she’d be with someone of noble descent, which could be at least a few people. The painful beating in your chest is onset because there is only one person that your fortune fits. 
You know it, he knows it, even Jeremiah and Lillia know it. 
So you do the only thing you can do. You calmly stand up, offer the fortuneteller a tight-lipped smile, and turn on your heel and run.
Behind you, a few different people call your name, though you note distinctly that Xavier isn’t one of them. After that, even if other people are still recognizing you and trying to get your attention, you can barely think straight enough to identify their voices, let alone respond. You run, out of the town square, out of the festival, out of the sight of anyone who could possibly perceive you.
You run as far as you can before your legs start aching, which, unfortunately for you, takes a long time with your endurance training. By the time you feel even a twinge resembling pain, you’ve already made it a far distance away from the celebration, near the seamstress’ shop. 
With gritted teeth, you heave yourself over the fence, knowing you’re more than welcome in her garden. It’s luscious, orange and lavender chrysanthemums in the center stealing the spotlight from all the other flowers. Instead of going towards them, you curl up next to the lilies, because you already feel unremarkable enough.
It’s not that you think Xavier would be disgusted by you. The two of you are friends—but that’s exactly it, the major problem of having feelings for him. Besides the fact that you are supposed to brandish your sword in his name, you cannot like him because you’d rather die than lose your best friend. You couldn’t even say how long you’ve known him, but you do know that he’s the best part of your life. Not for anyone would you bow your head. Not for anyone would you lay your life down. You’ve observed Xavier for years and years and there is not a single other person in the royal family that you would follow into any battle, through any world, past any planet. 
You groan, burying your face in between your knees. At some point in between the months Lillia first asked you about him and now, you’ve gone beyond just considering him as more than a friend. You’ve even got past having a measly crush on him.
You’re in love with Xavier, and it’s awful.
Breathing slowly, you gaze up at the night sky, where the fireworks have still not made their appearance. The wind teases the flowers around you, making them tilt a little to the left, which is oddly how you feel too. Not uprooted, but bent, just like a flower. 
With a blade of grass in between your fingers, you follow the direction the flowers are blowing in, only to find yourself staring at shining ceruleans.
“Xavier!” you gasp, eyes widening with a start. You move to stand as a reflex, but he raises a single hand, and you stop.
There isn’t a single bead of sweat on his face. He is breathing a little raggedly, and his uniform is stained with some sap he must’ve not been able to avoid from the bushes on the way over. His face—well, his face is pristine as always, there isn’t a moment when the prince of Philos looks anything less than dreamy. But it’s not his features you’re gazing at, but the concerned expression upon them, directed straight at you, with caring eyes and pinched brows.
You almost want to cry just at the thought you’ve worried him.
“Are you alright?” His voice is quiet, cautious, fragile. Like you may break if he’s too forceful in his questioning.
“Yes, fine,” you reply automatically, though you suppose you now have to make up a story for why on Philos you ran away like a child, especially because he sits next to you, knees raised in the same manner as yours.
“I was merely…overwhelmed, by the crowd.” The explanation sounds weak even as your tongue speaks it, but you cannot think of any other reason for your actions. At least this is easier than the truth. Anything is easier than the truth.
For a few seconds, there is silence, and as uncomfortable as this already is, you can’t bear it. So you turn to look at him, and you realize with burning cheeks you realize he is staring right back. You don’t even think he’s looked at the blossoming flowers even once; his head seems to be fixated in your direction.
“I know you constantly score better than me,” Xavier says softly, “but I am not foolish.”
With a hesitant hand, as though he’s asking for permission, he reaches up to once again adjust the flower crown on your head. Your heart falls, and you really should’ve known better to think Xavier could not read you like an open book, especially after a fortuneteller quite literally did read you like an open book.
“I know,” he continues, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear, “that the people in our classes, the nobles, the folks in the marketplace, they all hold me in high regard.”
“Xavier,” you try to argue weakly, already feeling your heartbeat speed up from where this conversation is going. The thought of losing him, of losing your best friend, your prince, your everything, it is paralyzing. “Please don’t—”
“I know that my weapon of choice is a longsword.”
“Stop,” you whisper.
But he doesn’t, and he looks directly into your eyes with an open, honest sincerity written all over his face. Like this is his truth, even though it is yours. “And I know that you have known me all your life, and I feel that I have known you for even longer than that.”
Your lower lip trembles. Never once did you take him for the cruel type. There is no rule nor reasoning for this, to utterly expose your feelings even more and mock you for them, and if you sit here any longer you’re afraid you will begin to sob, and then not only will your friendship with Xavier be at risk, but your future position as well. The grandis knight cannot be weak. The grandis knight cannot shed tears for such silly matters as love. 
To preserve your role, to preserve your reputation and your dignity, you make to stand, to run even farther this time, but Xavier holds your wrist before you can, tugging you back to face him. There is no cruelty in his expression, in fact there is a tenderness as though he is somehow touched by your very clear devotion to him. 
His finger tilts your chin up, unwittingly making you demand a respect you don’t believe you deserve right now. His brow is pinched, as though he’s upset that you would let anyone, even him, turn you soft as a dandelion.
“I also know,” he breathes, “that this kingdom finds you incredibly lovely.” 
The world seems to stop.
“As…” Xavier’s hand rests itself on your cheek, and the most beautiful smile lights up his face as he murmurs, “Do I.” 
You lean in the same time he does, and faintly you hear fireworks erupt as you kiss the prince of Philos for the first time. 
The world is quiet, and so, so, so loud. Blood rushes to your face and to your ears, and you ignore it by placing both your hands on his cheeks, whimpering softly at how good he tastes. Every burning feeling and sensation you’ve felt in his presence these past few months, and really, your entire life, all seem to explode in this moment. The world is blue, and white, and Xavier.
His lips move so gently against yours, once again acting as though you are fragile, but it feels good this time, the idea of being something so precious as to require care for him. His thumb rubs soft circles into your cheek, you can barely pull away from him to assure him that he can be more forceful if he wishes, more wanting, more greedy. 
“Please,” he whispers against your lips, asking for what you aren’t sure, but you nod your head regardless, because you’d think you’d give him your very soul if he were to ask.
When you do pull back, he is looking at you so longingly it makes you more breathless than even dancing you did earlier. His gray-blonde hair nearly conceals his eyes, so you brush it from his face, breath hitching at his proximity. You’ve always known that he’s the apple of everyone’s eye, but you’ve never had the privilege to admire him so closely before.
“I don’t need a fortuneteller to tell me who my partner is.” Xavier rests his forehead on yours, eyes closing. “Whether it’s for sparring, or marriage, or anything else. You are the only one I want with me, through everything.”
You’re surprised you can even muster words when you shyly respond, “Likewise, my liege.”
His eyes shine, and the two of you finally look up to admire the fireworks bursting across the sky in incredible explosions of color. They pale in comparison to the eruption within you, but they are magical nonetheless, and you lean your head against his shoulder to watch.
A gentle kiss is placed on top of your head. “I know we only celebrate this once a year. It is a special time. Still…” He meets your gaze again, and the corners of his lips turn upwards. Tonight, there is only you and him now, you’re sure of it. “Would you mind terribly if we were to ignore the fireworks?”
Maybe one day you will learn to resist him. You sincerely doubt it, though.
“Not at all. But the seamstress and her kids will probably be back soon.” You place a begrudging hand on his chest, not wanting to stop him, but trying to act proper regardless. “Neville checks on the garden every night. He might see us.”
Xavier seems to consider this for a second. 
“Oh well,” he mumbles, leaning in to kiss you again, “what a shame.”
He doesn’t sound very sorry at all, and amidst the soft glow of moonlight, you surrender to him, lost in your very own little celebration of lights.
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a/n: if i had a nickel for everytime i’ve written a character x reader story where they’re at a party and they dance together but then leave to have a nice moment by themselves i’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?
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lunarkoii · 9 months
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✧ Vector to the Heavens ✧
This took me almost 6 months to complete and isn’t even the only version I made lmfao maybe I’ll post the other one if I ever decide that I like it enough. Anyway, this battle destroys me every time I play it and the song is an absolute masterpiece and overall it may just be my favorite battle in video game history tbh
309 notes · View notes
evanpeterswhoresblog · 8 months
Sirius Black x rockstar! f!reader
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warnings: smut, p in v, rough sex, like pretty rough guys he bites you till you bleed, underage drinking, underage smoking, a lot of smoking tbh, drunkish sex, kinda has a plot so yeah lmk if i missed anything
summary: you and your band mates decide to go out to a pub, where you end up meeting the most handsome boy you’ve ever seen.
word count: 4.2k
a/n: guys i’m so bad at these summaries holy. this is probably my favorite fic i’ve written. the flirting and the tension like omg. trust me. also, let’s pretend The Runaways are british and let’s pretend everything id accurate hahaha. enjoy ;)
“Do you think we’ll be recognized tonight?”
You turn to your bandmate, Joan, and shrug. “It’s fifty-fifty.”
“What pub are we going to again?” She asks.
“The one where they let underage people in, of course, you’re still the only one who’s twenty-one in the band you know,” you reply.
The other two members of your band, Sandy and Lita, are ahead of you, engulfed in their own conversation. You slide your hands into the pockets of your jacket and try to keep up. You’ve been in the band for a few months as the new lead singer. Their old one left to start her own band, claiming it to be more successful. Yet your band is the one that’s gotten sold-out shows, interviews on television, and pictures in magazines. Sometimes you like to think it was fate that she left, and you just so happened to be in town the night they were holding auditions. The fans surely enjoy your voice more, they make you out to be the leader even though you’re only seventeen and the newest member. You don’t mind though, and neither do your bandmates.
It’s almost ten when you arrive at the pub and thankfully no one has recognized you yet, or they have and simply haven’t said anything. There’s no one at the door to check IDs just like Sandy had said. The four of you enter fast and find a table. The music is loud, the lights are low, and people are dancing all over. You like it, a lot.
“Drinks?” Lita questions a few seconds after you sit.
“You know it!” Joan replies.
“I’ll be right back then.”
Sandy takes out a pack of cigarettes. “Care for one?”
“Obviously,” you answer, holding your hand out. She hands you one, you’re quick to light it and stick it between your lips, inhaling a deep breath of smoke. “How come the police haven’t found this place?”
Joan rolls her eyes. “They have.”
“And? Why don’t they shut it down?”
“They have people who come here, of course, sons, daughters, you know that sort of thing. It may be illegal but it’s trustworthy,” she explains. ���Why do you care anyway?”
You shrug. “Just curious I suppose.”
Lita arrives back at the table, four glasses held in her arms. You take yours fast, eager to taste whatever liquor she got for you. It’s bitter, with a hint of sweetness in it. Based on the color as well, your guess is some sort of vodka mix. You drink it despite the awful aftertaste it leaves in your mouth. The cigarette between your fingers helps a bit. The four of you talk for a while and enjoy the peace of having no fans around.
“You should go to the bar y/n,” Lita says after some time. “Or well it might be too late now, but when I was there, I saw a boy your age, remarkably handsome.”
Sandy laughs. “You’re trying to send her home with someone already?”
Lita nudges the other girl with her shoulder. “No, I’m only trying to get some new song material.”
“We’ll see if there’s any potential,” you say, taking the last sip of your drink and getting up. You brush down your hair. “Do I look alright?”
“You’re always beautiful,” Joan answers, letting out a cloud of smoke.
“Wish me luck.” You chuckle before heading to the bar.
With every step you take, you feel eyes on you. Most belong to older men who shouldn’t even be paying you any mind. You’re used to the feeling of being watched, with all the fans and paparazzi that corner you before and after gigs. So, you move through the pub without a second thought about it.
In the back of your head, you curse yourself for not asking Lita what the guy looks like. For a moment you question how you’re supposed to find him, but then your curious eyes find one guy who stands out. He’s leaning on the wall, a glass in his hand and a cigarette between his lips. Based on his face, you figure he can’t be more than nineteen. And oh, how right Lita was. His hair is dark and long, almost reaching his shoulders. He’s dressed in a simple white tee shirt and baggy jeans. Despite the distance, you swear you can make out a sliver of a tattoo on his shoulder. He’s gorgeous, almost too gorgeous.
You approach him carefully, thinking of different opening lines in your head. Would it be wrong to use your fame to get him to take you home? Probably. But you’ve seen Joan do it plenty of times. She always says it’s simply a tool and that you should use it to your advantage. You’ve never done it though. Perhaps it’s your little amount of consciousness that remains that tells you it’s wrong. You don’t know and the alcohol in your system doesn’t help. So, when you reach him, you say the first thing that comes to mind.
He looks at you, the cigarette dangling between his lips. “Hello.”
“How old are you?” You ask, immediately feeling stupid for such a question.
“What are you a cop?” He chuckles.
You feel your cheeks heat up. “No uh... sorry.”
“It’s fine love, just not a very good pick-up line,” he replies. He takes his cigarette out, his eyes locked on yours. “Especially since you look like you’re sixteen.”
“Seventeen actually.” You correct him.
“Ah, well there’s something we share then.”
Something about the way he’s looking at you comforts you. There’s no recognition in his eyes at all. You can tell. To him, you are just another girl. Not the lead singer of The Runaways. Just a simple girl.
“You can try again if you’d like,” he says. You look at him, confused. “Try another pick-up line.”
You gently smile and think for a few seconds. Nothing better comes to mind.
“Come here often?”
He laughs. “Somehow I think that was worse than the first one.”
“Sorry. Usually, I’m better at this sort of thing,” you reply. You put your hands back in your pockets, suddenly feeling very hot with embarrassment.
“Don’t be sorry, it’s cute.”
There’s a moment of silence. He takes a sip of his drink; you stare at his hand. The way it looks wrapped around the glass makes your stomach fill with butterflies. You hate how much you want him to take you home. You don’t even know his name. But he’s handsome, so much so it makes you unable to think straight. You need to know more.
“Are you from around here?”
He nods. “Born and raised in London. You?”
For a split second you wonder, if he’s from London how come he doesn’t know who you are? Sure, your band isn’t on the same level of success as Queen or ACDC but you’re also not underground. You push the thought away.
“Originally from Westchester but now I’m here in London for... work,” you answer.
“Work? I thought you were seventeen.”
“Yes but, eighteen next month. I already finished school.”
He takes another drag of his cigarette. “Wish I could say the same, I still have another year left. Though, I rather enjoy school, gets me away from my dear parents.”
“Oh, where do you go?”
You notice the way he shifts his posture. “Out of the country, you wouldn’t know of it.”
“Like a boarding school?”
“I suppose you could say that.”
You look around the pub, a slight feeling of awkwardness blooming within you. You don’t know why you’re so nervous. You’ve done this before. You decide to blame it on the cheap vodka because really, you’re better than this.
“So, what’s your name then?” You ask after a few more minutes.
“Does it really matter?” He replies, catching you a bit off guard. He flicks the ash off his cigarette, his dark eyes on yours. “All of it’s the same.”
“I don’t know what you’re referring to,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Don’t play dumb love, I know this isn’t your first time. I’m sure you’ve chatted up many other lads and had them take you home.” There’s something about the tone in which he speaks that has your knees almost wobble.
“Why would you think that?”
He sighs, leaning over to a small table discards his cigarette in an ashtray, and leaves his glass. When he leans back on the wall, now with both of his hands-free, he buries them in the pockets of his baggy jeans. He looks down at you with an expression that could send your morals far out of mind. You want him, terribly. And you think he knows this.
“Besides the fact that you said you’re usually better at this, you’re also possibly the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” he eventually answers.
You can’t help but roll your eyes. “I highly doubt that, but nevertheless thanks for the compliment.”
“I mean it. Most girls I see still wear those long skirts and sweaters, but you, you’re dressed like you could pass as a rock star.”
Your face heats up once again. You know he’s right. With your leather jacket, flared jeans, high-heeled boots, and small tight top you know it’s clear what kind of person you are. Your makeup only adds to it, black smudged eyeliner and glitter on your eyes. It’s a toned-down version of what you wear on stage. He doesn’t need to know that though.
You give him a smile and shrug. “Rock is my favorite genre, what can I say? You sort of got that look too though, not quite as intense.”
“Not a gentleman?” He chuckles.
“No.” You laugh, shaking your head. “At least I hope not.”
“I see. You don’t fancy the good boys. Well fortunately for you, I’m a bit of a troublemaker. At least, that’s what my schoolmates and family say,” he mentions. “What’s wrong with the good boys anyway? They could treat you like a lady.”
“Too gentle, I’m not a fan of it,” you answer honestly.
He smirks, sending warmth straight to your core. “So is your intention to get me out of here and treat you... not gently?”
“My intention is simply to buy you another drink, maybe enjoy a dance or two. What happens at the end of the night is not particularly on my mind right now. I’m more focused on learning your name. Why? Is that what you’d fancy?” You counter, looking up at him through your long lashes.
It has the effect you hoped for because he stands up straight, his back finally off the wall. He offers his hand to you, and you take it softly in yours. It’s so much bigger, so much warmer. You try your hardest to kill all the thoughts of where else you’d like him to touch you with his hand.
“Sirius Black,” he introduces himself.
“Like the star?” You question without thinking.
“Yes, like the star. Now what’s your name.”
“Y/n y/l/n,” you say.
“Charmed. So, how about that drink?”
You smile. It’s going to be a good night, you know it.
The next few hours go by in a flash. You and Sirius drink more than you probably should and dance to the many different songs that play on the jut box. A few different times throughout the night you find the eyes of your bandmates, each of them giving you big smiles and thumbs up as they watch you with Sirius. At one point Joan makes a lewd hand gesture, and you barely get a chance to see Lita smack her. It’s past twelve when you find yourself outside the pub with Sirius sitting on a curb sharing a cigarette.
“I hate these bloody shoes,” you mumble as you dig your heel into the pavement. “They make my feet sore.”
“Then why do you wear them?” Sirius asks, amusement evident in his tone.
You exhale a long breath of smoke, passing the half-burnt cigarette back to him. “I dunno. Beauty is pain.”
“For some, but I’m sure even without those things you’re just as pretty. Actually, I would bet pounds on that being true,” he replies.
“I think I’m rather plain without all this. Would you think the same of me without my makeup and outfit?”
You watch him smirk. “I should think you look even prettier without all of that on. Especially the clothes.”
Your stomach fills with butterflies for the thousandth time tonight. Your shyness left hours ago when you took your first shot. So, instead of simply blushing and looking away, you stand and look down at him with your own smirk.
“Quite the charmer. How about you find come back to mine and find out for yourself?”
He takes one last drag of the cigarette before standing, flicking it to the pavement, and crushing it beneath his sneaker. You watch helplessly as he releases a cloud of smoke, his hand now held out to you.
“I’d quite like that. Lead the way.”
You don’t know how you keep your composure the whole way home, especially with Sirius’s hand handing yours the entire time. On the train, as you sit, your head on his shoulder, he rubs his thumb across your knuckles. It’s a gesture that makes you glad you aren’t standing because your legs feel like jelly. And on the walk up to your apartment, he lets go of your hand and instead places it on the small of your back. You almost fall down the stairs at the contact.
Once you’re inside you immediately take off your boots, leaving them somewhere by the front door. Your jacket follows, only it’s hung on one of your kitchen chairs. When you turn to look at Sirius you find his eyes wandering all over your apartment, examining the details you assume. His sneakers are off, his hands are in his pockets.
“You must have a special job, this place is wonderful,” he says.
“My mates help me with the money, it’s not all mine,” you reply. It’s true, they do help you earn money from performing. You step closer to him, your hands behind your back. “And it’s really not that big. One bedroom, one bathroom, and one very tiny living room combined with the kitchen. But it’s more than enough for me. Would you like the tour?”
“Of course, if the tour starts in your bedroom.”
You can’t help the blush that takes over your face. “Follow me.”
The walk is fast, with every step you feel your heart rate increase. You’ve done this a few times, but for some reason, this time feels different. Perhaps it’s because all the other guys can’t compare to Sirius’s beauty in the slightest. Or perhaps it’s because you already like him a bit more than you should for a one-nighter. You don’t know. And you don’t care to know because you’re about to reach your door.
You open the door fast, letting him in first, and closing it behind you. It’s dark, the only lights coming from outside your small window. You don’t reach for the lights though. Instead, you step closer to the boy, the sound of your breathing suddenly far too loud for your liking. His silhouette moves closer to you as well. It’s almost like there’s an invisible force pushing the two of you together, and you find yourself liking it.
He touches you first. One of his hands finds your waist, he guides you to him faster. Soon enough, you’re practically pressed against him. You can barely breathe from the proximity. You’ve never felt something this intense. You look up at him, your bottom lip between your teeth.
“Still want me to not be gentle?” He asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
“I want you to ruin me,” you say, pressing one of your hands to his chest. You’re happy to find his heart is racing just like yours. “Don’t hold back.”
Before you can even think of another thought, his lips are on yours. You kiss back instantaneously, your hand moving up into his hair. It’s soft, like you expected. He’s far from gentle with his kissing, and you’re glad. His lips move fast on yours, his teeth scraping your tongue. He bites down on your lip so hard you whimper, and the metallic taste of your blood clouds your senses.
Still, despite the pain, when he pulls back you almost whine from the loss of contact. But his hands move fast to pull your shirt up. You help him get it off, then move to his. Through the darkness, you can see the few tattoos he has on his chest and shoulder. They’re dark, they’re beautiful. You run your fingertips over them as he leans back down and connects your lips once again. You begin to guide the two of you towards your bed.
When the back of your knees hit the mattress, you allow yourself to fall back onto it. Sirius doesn’t follow you though. Instead, he stands between your legs at the foot of the bed and begins to undo the buttons of your jeans. You watch in awe, lifting your hips to help him drag them down your legs, leaving you only in your bra and panties. You sit up, your eyes on him, as you start undoing his belt.
After his jeans are on the floor he pushes you back down on the mattress, climbing over you this time. You kiss him deeply, dragging one of your hands down his warm back, and weaving the other through his hair. That warmth deep inside you has grown, consuming you entirely. You can feel the wetness between your legs, surely staining your panties. You’ve never been so turned on by a guy in your life.
He suddenly parts your kiss, his lips beginning to move down your jaw and neck. You moan, throwing your head back to give him more access. When he bites down on you, so hard you can feel a stinging from it breaking skin, you pull at his hair, sounds of pleasure escaping your swollen lips.
Eventually, after leaving many hickeys and bite marks on your neck, he pulls back entirely and flips you over onto your stomach. You smirk against the mattress as you feel him unclip your bra. To help get it off, you lift yourself on your hands, and the straps quickly fall. You throw it off without even thinking about it. You’re about to turn back but Sirius presses a hand between your shoulder blades, silently telling you to stay as you are. You don’t hesitate to comply.
You feel him move and instinctively you lift your hips in the air. He places a kiss on your back, it almost makes you shiver. Then his hands are on your hips, pulling your last piece of clothing off. You normally would feel some sense of vulnerability at this point. Completely naked with your ass in the air. But the alcohol mixed with the utter need you have for Sirius takes control. You feel him shift.
“Do you have a rubber?” The sound of his voice makes you squeeze your legs together.
“Unless you have a disease, you don’t need one. I’m on birth control,” you answer, looking over your shoulder at him.
“No diseases I swear,” he says.
“Then proceed.”
You get up properly on all fours, the anticipation killing you. When he positions his tip at your entrance, you inhale sharply. He rubs his cock through your wet folds for a few seconds, brushing against your clit ever so slightly, before thrusting inside you in one quick, hard motion. You can’t help the moan that leaves you. He’s big, stretching you in a way that’s on the brink of being painful. It’s perfect.
He fucks you hard, very hard. Each thrust hits that spot inside you that makes your legs shake. At one point, your arms give out and your face presses against the mattress. Your hands twist in the sheets, your moans muffled by the bed. Sirius doesn’t like this. He twists one of his hands in your hair and pulls you up, the pain only adding to the building of your orgasm.
“Sirius,” you gasp. “Fuck Sirius.”
He’s relentless. He fucks you through your first orgasm, not faltering for even a second. He only stops when you can’t hold yourself up anymore, pulling out and flipping you onto your back. You scratch your nails down his back as he begins to fuck you in missionary, your lips on his.
You don’t know how long passes by the time he tells you he’s close. What you do know is that your second orgasm is not far either. With tears in your eyes, you let him switch positions once again, this time you’re on top of him. Your muscles are weak and sore, but that doesn’t stop you from riding him as well as you can. Sweat covers your body, and incoherent words drip off your lips. You can barely take it anymore.
“I-I’m almost there,” you mumble.
“Me too love,” Sirius replies, his breath ragged. “Finish us both off.”
You struggle to hold yourself up, a tear rolling down your cheek. “I don’t know if I can.”
“You can, just a few more minutes,” he assures you, running one of his hands through your hair.
Much to his word, in a few minutes, he finishes. Hard. He moans your name in an indescribable tone, and his cock pulses inside you so intently, it causes your second orgasm to occur. As this happens, you lie on his chest, both of your breathing very uneven. He holds you tight against him.
Eventually, you roll off him and stare at your ceiling. You try to comprehend what just happened. Never in your life have you experienced something so intense. Most of the time when you told guys to be rough with you, they’d be turned off. But Sirius... You turn to your side to face him.
“Want a smoke?”
It’s safe to say, you don’t let him go all summer. You spend every second you can with him. Most of the time in your sheets, but a good amount doing other things. You paint his nails black, teach him how to wear eyeliner, and how to dress more like yourself. You enjoy every second you get with him.
He never does discover your fame, at least he never says so. You think he would know. Each time you go out you try your hardest to be unnoticeable and you always hide away magazines and switch the channel whenever something about your band is shown. But he never does say anything. Sometimes at night, you sing to him softly and you always laugh when he tells you that you should take it professionally.
You learn how much he hates his family, except for his little brother. You learn he loves Queen and David Bowie. You learn his favorite color is ironically black. You learn as much about him as you can and with each fact you do learn, you only fall more for him. But you never speak of it. You know the inevitable ending.
On the night before he goes back to school, the two of you lay in your bed, a thick silence between you. As usual, you pass a cigarette back and forth. Only this time, there are no words accompanying. Until he speaks.
“For once, I’m not looking forward to going back.”
You turn to your stomach and look at him. “I wish you didn’t have to go.”
“Me either,” he agrees. He holds the cigarette to you; you take it fast. “I can phone you if you want. You know, while I’m there. Or send letters.”
“Do you think that’s a good idea?” You question.
“I think I really fancy you, and I don’t want to leave on a bad note.”
You give him a weak smile and press a kiss on his bare shoulder. “Oh, Sirius.”
A few months later...
“Five minutes till show time,” an assistant tells you.
You’re sitting in your dressing room backstage. Joan, Sandy, and Lita all have their own space now. You find it funny how much The Runaways have blown up since the summer. Now, everywhere you turn you see yourself in a magazine or a news article. You can’t go anywhere without being recognized, or without the paparazzi showing up.
As you look in the mirror your mind travels back to Sirius. This happens a lot. Right before a concert, you think of him. Sometimes you wonder if maybe he’s out there listening. You haven’t heard from him since he went to school. You aren’t angry, only a bit sad. You’re mostly grateful though. He inspired most of the songs in your number-one album that got the band all the new attention.
You stand from the vanity and sigh. Tonight, your performance is being televised worldwide. Beside the door is your guitar, you pick it up as you begin your journey out to the stage. You’ve got a good lineup, even a small intermission for a happy birthday song. You hope wherever he is he hears it.
After all, it is November 3rd.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
i'm really embarrassed to make this request because I'm like, the person who least knows how to use tumblr and i've never even made a comment, but I love your writing so I'm going to try request
can you do jax, caine or raghata (whatever you feel most like writing) x a goth reader who is actually a very sweet person? (the kind of person who looks like he eats bats for breakfast and kicks puppies, but it will be really affectionate and kind) also it would be cool if the reader played eletric guitar, but that's just my ego that is proud to play speaking for me, it's not really necessary
sorry if I wasn't really clear, if the request is cringe or if my english is bad, it's not my first language so i'm trying my best
Jax, Caine, and Ragatha x sweet!goth!reader !
This isnt a weird request at all! Actually this is pretty tame/normal(????) Compared to some requests (trust me I've gotten requests that are far weirder than this that I didnt even bother publicly denying because the subject material was just so.....
You know?
Written on mobile!!
Gonna do this request then let my phone charge and then get back on requests!! Been slacking a little this week
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Honestly I think caine absolutely LOVES your style. Like obviously you may look a little funky since you know, digital world.. but I think he would still be allured by your looks... he is totally thrown for a loop when you reveal your personality though.! Not that hes complaining, though, he has a sweet tooth, you know
He WOULD use that line, too
Oooo if you're able to do your makeup and it's not just a part of your face he would love to sit with you and help you
I dont think she would hate goth fashion, but I do think she would be a little intimidated by how intense you look... I mean, you look like you're into really intense stuff
You're not
I think she would feel really... really bad.. when she gets to know you and finds out you're one of the sweetest people shes ever met
Likes listening to you play your electric guitar.. sometimes makes song requests!
Loves playing with your hair
I think she would let you dress her up and do her makeup, if you offer
Getting this out of the way; OUR FAVORITE HC! THE FIDGET HC!! if you have any dangling accessories jax is going to fidget and play with it
Torn between making jax the type to tease you or think it looks cool...
Both, I can see him doing both
Its thinly veiled hints of him being into your aesthetic/style
You kind of see the gears working in his head when he realizes you don't act at all how he thought you were gonna act
So sweet.. so kind...
Such a.. vulnerable target for his pranks!!/j
But actually../hj...
I think he would be into goth people tbh Idk why it just dawned on me
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mooniania · 1 year
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HARDLY EVER SMILE (without you)
༺☆༻ :-‘๑’-✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༺☆༻ :-‘๑’-ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ✩
Pairing: Soobin x gn!Reader
Sypnosis: You are typically the quiet girl that no one talks to and who has a hard time showcasing any emotion, so what happens when a very good-looking guy starts to pay attention to her?
Word Count: 1,274
Genre: Not sure if this a drabble or oneshot but either way 😞 Angst (never thought i’d see me write angst tbh), slight fluff, one sided love
❀ Warnings: ANGST, kissing and that’s it but if you find anything else please let me know 😋☝️
❀ A/n: This is again inspired by a song i will link it down below so listen to the song while reading if you want 🙏 and i might write a part 2 but i’m not sure so if you want one let me know in my asks or in the comments. Feedback is very much appreciated please make sure to like and reblog.
Inspired by:
༺☆༻ :-‘๑’-✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༺☆༻ :-‘๑’-ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ✩
Typical you, you never went out, you didn’t have friends, and you were always blasting music; that was just the way you did things. That was until you met him. He just had this beautiful smile, laugh, and lips. The day you laid eyes on him, you knew he was the one.
You met him on the first day of your senior year in high school; he was in your history class. You never cared too much about school; you just went and left. When you saw him as he walked into the class, you instantly fell for him. Something about his aura was different than the other guys', and lucky for you, he sat right next to you. You found out his name was Soobin. And as much as you tried, you just couldn’t stop looking over at him, and he seemed to catch on because he had flashed you a smile and slightly bowed his head. You did the same, catching yourself also flashing him a smile, which was unusual of you; you hardly ever smiled. You felt strange. You knew you felt some way towards him, but you couldn’t pinpoint the exact feeling; it was something you’d never felt before.
He continued to sit beside you every day. He hardly ever said a word to you until he tapped you on the shoulder and asked, "Hey, may I borrow a pencil?" I forgot mine." He looked nervous as he said it. What was he nervous about? "Sure, here you go," you say as you hand it to him. His and your fingers slightly brush against each other, and you swear you felt an instant connection. "Thanks," he said, flashing a smile before you could say, "Your welcome." teacher started talking, which meant class had started, so you didn’t even bother.
Ever since that day, you guys have had small talk. Every time you guys did talk, you heard girls whispering about you: "What is that freak doing talking to a good-looking guy like him?" "Look at how she’s all over him; she never smiles unless she’s with him." "She obviously wants him." You would be lying if you said they didn’t get to your head. I mean, as you were walking out of your history class, you even heard his friend ask the same thing: "Why do you talk to her?" "She's so freaky." Soobin stayed quiet, which hurt your feelings just a tad bit, but what could he have said?
He still continued to talk to you, probably even more than he did before. He was a sweet and caring person; anyone could tell that even before having a conversation with him. You and him started getting closer as you guys continued to talk to each other; he even offered to tutor you when he overheard the history teacher saying that you might fail the class. You were not only grateful but also happy that now you would get to spend even more time with him outside of school.
You guys met at the library to study, but that study session didn’t even involve that much studying; you spent most of your time chatting. You both found out that you both had a huge thing for music, and you spent most of your time chatting about your favorite songs and artists. As time went by, you both realized how much you two had in common, and you began to fall even more for him, imagining his beautiful lips against yours and his soft voice soothing you after a long, hard day. You really liked him at this point; you could say you loved him, and you felt that he might feel the same way about you.
Months have passed, and your friendship with Soobin has grown into what you think is more than a friendship; you just had to know for sure if he liked you back. I mean, he has invited you to places like the carnival, where you both went on rides together having the time of your lives, and that one time when you both went to the coffee shop and got mistaken for a couple by an old lady, how you both started to blush intensely while telling the lady that you are "just friends." You were just friends, but you wanted to be more than that. He made you feel happy and free; he has helped you experience and feel things you hadn’t felt before. Before you met him, you were described as cold and rude, but now you couldn’t help but smile every time you were with him; there was just something about him.
You guys both continued to do "study sessions," where you guys would both study for like 30 minutes and then after that talk and hang out. This time, Soobin had invited you to his house at 6 p.m. for the study session. This was the first time you would ever go to his house, so you were nervous. You took the bus to his house. His parents were wealthy of some sort, so he lived pretty far from where you lived, so it wasn’t like you could walk. But you didn't mind taking the bus; you found it comforting.
As you arrived a tad bit early, you felt as if your heart was about to burst from your chest. You had never felt this nervous in your life. You were near the gates when you spotted Soobin standing in the driveway. You thought he was waiting for you until you quickly realized he was with someone else—a girl. You watched as he hugged this girl, holding her by her waist, and you also watched as she stood on her tiptoes and placed a peck on his lips, and how he reciprocated her peck by pulling her into a very long kiss. You immediately started to tear up. You stood there, watching them giggle and continue to kiss. You knew he wasn’t yours, so why did you feel this way? Why did you feel as if your whole world just came crashing down?
You walked away before they could see you. I mean, if they had seen you like that, it would be completely embarrassing. How would you even begin to explain the fact that you were crying because, this entire time, you had feelings for a guy who had a girlfriend? You walked to the nearest bus stop, and you immediately burst into tears again when you saw a message notification from Soobin pop up on your phone.
Soobin 💗 6:10
"Hey, are you almost here?"
You had accidentally clicked on the notification, and now he knows that you’ve seen the message. You wanted to scream. You had never let someone into your life, let alone a guy in your entire life, and the one time you finally let someone in, he broke your heart. It wasn’t like he meant to break your heart; you were the only one to blame for letting yourself believe that someone could ever like you. You decide to leave him on seen. You don’t have any idea what to say to him, so leaving him on seen was the best option.
When you arrived home, you went to your room and reminisced about the memories you two had together. Looking back, he never showed any signs of liking you; it was only your illusion. As you remember the way you saw him kiss his girlfriend, seeing how much passion he was putting into that kiss, you can’t help but think how you would give up all your life for just his kiss.
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stevie-petey · 1 year
Sweet Nothing
summary: you're in the kitchen humming, and steve couldn't be more in love with how you love him.
paring: steve harrington x fem!reader.
rating: general, this is just fluff and lots of sentimental thoughts tbh.
warnings: some slight cursing, use of y/n, steve being a teen boy towards the end and making a dirty joke. 2k words !
before you swing in: this is my first steve harrington fic and my first y/n fic, so please bear with me ! i did my best, i just really love the mans and wanted to try my hand at this. this fic takes place just after season 3, and the reader has been involved with all the stranger things adventures since season 1 :) - also, if you can't tell from the title, this is based off of sweet nothing by taylor swift. this song makes me want to romantically hold someone's hand. hope you enjoy !
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The sound of you humming greets Steve when he enters his house after a shift at Family Video. His exhaustion fades immediately when he hears you and a smile spreads across his face. He walks towards the kitchen; you haven’t heard him come in yet, too distracted with the meal you’re making. 
Steve approaches you from behind and wraps his arms around you, nuzzling his nose into your neck. You lean into him as he begins peppering sweet kisses against your neck and bare shoulders. The late August heat doesn’t allow you to wear anything else but tank tops and shorts these days. 
“Hi, sweetheart.” He whispers into your ear, kissing your earlobe before pulling away. “What grand concoction have you created here tonight?” 
You shift so that Steve can see the chicken you’ve just stirred into the pasta. “I’m about to start on the salad, I figured you could eat some greens.” 
“I’m not eight–”
“You act like you are.” 
“Last I checked, this is my home–” 
You cut off Steve’s complaining with a kiss, which he happily accepts. Technically he’s right, it is his house, but ever since the two of you got together Steve has never failed to remind you that whenever his parents are away, you’re more than welcome to barge in at random. You thought he was exaggerating originally, but the first time his parents were gone he demanded that you spend the entire weekend at his place.
Since then, you’ve taken Steve’s word and you now use the empty space to your advantage to spoil the boy whenever you can. The two of you have had a rough summer, and you involuntarily shudder at the memory of the Russians from just a month ago. 
Steve notices your sudden discomfort and nudges your side. “Hey, you all right?” 
“Yeah,” You shake your head as if to dispel the memories. “Anyways, it may be your house, but we both know you’d die of starvation without me.” 
Steve raises his hands in surrender, knowing that you are absolutely correct. Before you came into his life, he would spend these lonely nights staring at the empty refrigerator, his stomach growling. Before you, a lot of aspects of Steve’s life were empty. 
You set the stove burner down low so the meal can simmer and you can start on the salad, but the smell of sweat and dust makes your nose scrunch up in displeasure and you turn to face your boyfriend. “Steve, light of my life, man of my dreams, body with my favorite pair of lips attached… you reek.”
The man in question acts as if he’s been shot, clutching at his chest dramatically and gasps for air. “I’ve been hit! God, Y/N, you’ve killed me.”
You grab the wooden spoon you’d been using for the pasta and wave it threateningly at Steve. “Either you shower and we can eat this lovely meal together or I leave. You choose.” 
Steve groans dramatically but complies, giving you a mock salute and running upstairs to his bathroom to rinse off. 
“You’re no longer a part of the Scoops Troop!” You shout up to him, giggling when all he says back to you is “can’t a man live?”
It doesn’t take Steve long to get cleaned up, and by the time he comes downstairs wearing a worn hoodie and sweats, you’re putting dinner on the table. 
Steve whistles. “Well, isn’t this domestic?” 
You roll your eyes at him. “I’m only here for your kitchen, remember that, Harrington.” 
“I’d argue that you’re here for my beautiful, deadly attractive, daring good looks.”
“In your dreams, bud.” 
You begin making Steve a plate and beckon for him to sit, and Steve’s heart warms as he watches you scoff at all his jokes, easily keeping up with his sarcasm, and then dote on him as if it’s in your second nature. He can’t believe he got so lucky to be loved by you. 
Everything is so easy when it comes to you, and Steve adores the partnership you've formed through years of trust and hardship. While he can’t say he’s necessarily glad that it took almost dying at the Byers’ house for the two of you to meet, he has to admit that it led to the best thing in his life. 
“Here you go, love.” You gently place a plate in front of Steve, and God he’s so in love. 
The two of you eat mostly in silence, and the meal is incredible because everything you do is incredible (in Steve’s unbiased opinion). There are a few teases here and there, Steve compliments the meal until you’re crying from laughter, and it’s all just lovely. The house feels warm, and Steve never imagined that his home could feel warm.
Once you both finish eating, Steve clears the table and begins to wash the dishes while you dry them. Though you’ve only made dinner at the Harrington house a few times before this, you and Steve have created a solid routine. You cook, he cleans, and then afterwards you both watch a movie. It’s simple, but it makes Steve melt inside; it feels like a home.  
He gets lost in thought as he rinses the dishes, and you’re once again next to him, humming a familiar tune. After everything he’s been through, Steve would do it all again if it meant he’d have you by his side, cooking dinners and groaning at his movie choices. 
This summer, when Robin first met you, she was convinced that Steve was paying you to be with him. Originally he laughed at her teasing, but when he comes home to you in his kitchen humming, he thinks that maybe fate was being too kind to him. 
Here you are, dutifully drying off the dish Steve has just handed you, your hair pushed behind your ear as you focus on your task, your eyebrows slightly scrunched as you inspect your work; Steve is struck by how beautiful you are. You’re his. What did he do to deserve you?
“Lovely, if you want me to dry the plates off, you need to rinse them first.” 
Steve breaks out of his thoughts and sends you a sheepish look. “Sorry… got distracted, I guess.” 
You frown. “What, is my humming not entertaining enough for you?” 
Despite not wanting to, Steve chuckles. “No, I promise I love hearing your grating voice.” 
Gasping, you throw the towel you’re holding at Steve and he easily catches it. You’re still clutching the rag, and he uses this to his advantage, pulling at the towel so that you’re close to him as well. You end up face to face with him, and even after months of being together you can’t help but blush. 
“You planned that.”
“Sure I did, sweetheart.”
You wait for Steve to do something else, but he seems content to just have you close to him as he gazes at your face. You’ve had boyfriends before Steve, and whenever they stared at you it always made you feel uncomfortable. With Steve, it feels safe.
During your towel endeavors, a strand of your hair falls in your face, and Steve gently pushes it behind your ear. He’s looking at you so tenderly that it makes your bones ache, but there’s also an uncertainty that you’re unfamiliar with. Before you can ask him what’s on his mind, Steve begins to speak. 
“Did you know that you’re the only person who has never wanted something from me? You just… you see something within me that’s already there, and you accept that part of me without demanding more from it. It’s enough for you.”
Though the words make you want to kiss the life out of Steve, a part of you wonders what’s sparked this topic. “Where’s this coming from, love?”
Steve sighs, struggling to string his words together. “I-I don’t know, I just– we spend hours together every day, and from the moment I met you I have never once felt like I needed to put on this act in front of you.”
“An act?”
“It sounds dumb, I know–” Embarrassed, Steve attempts to pull away but you grab his face and coax him to look at you.
“Shh, no, it’s okay. Talk to me, what act have you felt like you’ve needed to put on for other people?”
You watch Steve’s face, the way he struggles to find a way to express his fears, and all you want to do is shield him away from it all. “I have this… this fear that if I’m not someone interesting, or cool, or–or funny, or anything less than entertaining, then– then I’m not good enough. I mean, that’s pathetic, right? Being so afraid that being myself will bore the people who I want to love me.”
Steve’s words sadden you and your first instinct is to immediately tell him that he’s wrong, that he shouldn’t ever feel such a burden of not being enough. He’s more than enough, he’s everything to you, but you also understand where this fear has come from. You think about how often his parents leave, the kids at school demanding this specific persona from him, the way he clutches at people who are nice to him in hopes of them becoming his friend. Steve has been beaten and broken down through the course of his life; you can’t go back in time and fix that, so you tell him the only words you believe he needs to hear. 
“I don’t think it’s pathetic, Steve. It’s human, and I love you all the more for it.” 
Surprise crosses Steve’s face. “You… you love me?”
You laugh, nodding your head and you drag a finger across his cheek, admiring the way his stubble feels against your skin. “Of course I do. Why wouldn’t I?” 
“Because I’m so madly in love with you, and luck was never on my side.” Steve is smiling so wide you’re afraid he’ll hurt himself somehow. He’s glowing and happy and you truly believe he’s never looked so beautiful. 
“Luck or not, loving you comes easily to me. You’re frustratingly loveable, Steve Harrington.” 
Steve bats his eyelashes at you. “Obviously.” 
He’s happy again, back to his overly confident self, and you love him even more somehow. Steve is always showing you new sides of himself, some more vulnerable than others, and you’re honored he trusts you with these sides of him. 
Later that night, you’re laying on his chest as a random movie plays. You honestly have no idea what Steve put on, you had tuned him out when he was explaining how Robin demanded they watch the film and the lore behind it that apparently they needed to know. He had looked too pretty while speaking, so that was all you focused on. 
Now images flashed on the screen in front of you and your eyes began to feel heavy. You’d come straight from your shift at the arcade to Steve’s, eager to prepare the dinner you had in mind. 
You glance at the clock and see that it’s almost ten. While it was summer, your parents still requested that you come home at reasonable hours; they let you stay at Steve’s for days on end, so you couldn’t really argue with them about a curfew. Fair was fair. 
Lifting your head up, you poke at Steve’s chest. “I gotta go home soon, Harrington. Don’t forget.”
Steve shoos your hand off his chest, eyes still on the screen. “Yeah, yeah.”
“Steve Harrington!” You grab a pillow and hit his chest. “Did you just shush me?” 
“Well clearly it didn’t work–”
You jump on top of Steve and start shaking him. “I made you a lovely dinner tonight, I even made your plate, and now you treat me like–”
Your words are cut off as Steve wraps his arms around your waist and flips the two of you so that he’s now on top. He begins to tickle you and you squeal with laughter, desperately trying to get away from his cruel attack. 
“St-stop!” You gasp for breath, but Steve continues on. “Please! Steve, oh my GOD!”
Steve smirks. “I always love making you breathless and begging.” 
His words don’t help the situation and you’re left defensiveness against him. Your ribs start to hurt from laughing so much, and Steve joins in, so proud of himself. You can’t help but think of how he’s such a moron, but he’s a moron that you love.
“I’ll stop if you tell me you love me again.” 
You try to catch your breath, but he continues to tickle you and it’s hard to get the words out, but you do your best. “I-I love– that tickles, you asshole!” 
“That’s a weird way to confess your love for me, Y/N.”
“I love you!” You finally manage to force out, and immediately Steve keeps to his word and stops tickling you. He remains above you, smiling all smug, and you struggle to steady your breathing. “You’re evil.”
“Yeah, well.” A soft smile graces Steve’s face. “You love me, anyways.” 
You reach out and tangle your fingers in his hair, bringing his head down so that you can kiss him. It’s slow and sweet, no heat behind it; these kisses are your favorite to receive from Steve. “I do love you.” 
“Good. Now, shall we get my lady home?” 
Steve helps you stand up, gentle with you as always, and he helps you fix your now crooked top and ruffled hair. He holds your hand, guiding you out the door, and opens his car door for you. You had brought your own car here, but even without asking you know that Steve wants to take you home himself. He’ll pick you up some other time so you can have your car back. For now, he’s gotta take care of his girl. 
“I get my own escort home? Wow, who knew Steve Harrington was such a gentleman.”
“Hardy har har.” 
You get in the car and buckle yourself in, watching as Steve fixes his mirrors and begins the slow drive back to your house. “Careful, love. You wouldn’t want people to think you’re getting soft for me.” 
Rather than sarcastically respond like you expect him to, Steve hums and shrugs his shoulders. “Sweetheart, I think we’ve established that I’m too soft for all of it.” 
You’re quiet for a moment, contemplating how to respond before simply saying, “I’ll be careful.” 
It’s three words, but to Steve it’s everything he could ask for. He smiles at you, reaching over the counsel to hold your hand, and you drive in comfortable silence the rest of the way home
done ! thank yall for readin, i hope you guys liked this, and i really want to write more depending on how this does. i just think steve harrington is neat.
bye <3
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pleasantlyinsincere · 6 months
Hi, I was wondering if you know what music John was a fan of in the late 70’s? I’m aware of him being excited about the B52’s, and I’m assuming he liked David Bowie and Elton John’s music in part because they were his friends in addition to obviously being talented. And I think I read once that Julian turned him onto Queen but tbh that may be me misremembering a fanfic lol I just wonder if there’s anything out there that describes what John’s music tastes was in those days or whether he preferred to stick with his favorite classics; early rock and roll, girl groups ect. Like what did he think about the punk scene in NY?? Or the close harmonies a la Fleetwood Mac that dominated the charts? Just things I think about haha.
Hi, thanks for the question. I know that I skipped through a book called John Lennon: 1980 playlist by Tim English before, that may be a good source for you. Here's some random info, that I remembered where to look up. I think Julian introducing John to Queen comes from the SPIN magazine interview in '75:
[Julian] likes Barry White and he likes Gilbert O’ Sullivan. He likes Queen, though I haven’t heard them yet. He turns me on to music. I call him and he says, “Have you heard Queen?” and I say “No, what is it?” I’ve heard of them. I’ve seen the guy … the one who looks like Hitler playing a piano … Sparks? I’ve seen Sparks on American TV. So I call him and say, “Have you seen Sparks? Hitler on the piano?” and he says, “No. They are alright. But have you seen Queen?” and I say “What’s Queen?” and then he tells me. His age group is hipper to music … at 11 I was aware of music, but not too much.
But then there is also an anecdote, I think by Tony Barrow, that John didn't want to sign Queen to Apple years earlier? However that may be a lie, or John just didn't remember.
Yoko gifted John a jukebox for his birthday in '78 and apparently John filled it with the old music he liked. Elliott Mintz says there was quite some Bing Crosby. And I remember John also putting some new song by Dolly Parton in there.
"Yoko gave him this old-fashioned jukebox and John stocked it with Bing Crosby records. People kind of expected him to have rock 'n' roll records in there, but it was almost totally Crosby stuff. There were 3 songs which John played over and over. I still remember them. They were Crosby with a jazz quartet from the 50's, I think. He would banter and talk in the songs and John thought that was just the end. The songs were Whispering, I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter and Dream a Little Dream of Me. Yeah, those were the songs, I can still see John listening to them." - Elliott Mintz
“The one modern song I remember him listening to was ‘The Tide Is High’ by Blondie, which he played constantly. When I hear that song, I see my father, unshaven, his hair pulled back into a ponytail, dancing to and fro in a worn-out pair of denim shorts, with me at his feet, trying my best to coordinate tiny limbs.” - Sean Lennon
One night we were playing at Max's (Kansas City) in New York City, and I was waiting for everyone to leave the club so I could go back in and pick up my gear. We were sitting in the van waiting and John Lennon and Ian Hunter from Mott the Hoople came staggering out and looked over. John Lennon saw it was me and stuck his head in the window. He was kind of drunk and stuck his face right against mine and went 'yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah' because he recognized it (Devo's song Uncontrollable Urge) as being an updating of She Loves You. That was one of my most exciting moments ever. - Mark Mothersbaugh on John coming to a DEVO gig in '77
PB: John, what is your opinion of the newer waves? Lennon: I love all this punky stuff. It's pure. I'm not, however, crazy about the people that destroy themselves. Playboy interview, 1980
I like pop records. I like Olivia Newton-John singing "Magic" and Donna Summer whatever the hell she'll be singing. I like ELO singing "All over the World". I can dissect it and criticize it with any critic in the business...But without any thought I enjoy it! That's the kind of music I like to hear. - John
John Lennon raced into Yoko Ono’s home office in the mammoth old Dakota building with a copy of Donna Summer’s new single, “The Wanderer.” “Listen!” he shouted to us as he put the 45 on the record player. “She’s doing Elvis!” I didn’t know what he was talking about at first. The arrangement felt more like rock than the singer’s usual electro-disco approach, but the opening vocal sure sounded like Donna Summer to me. Midway through the song, however, her voice shifted into the playful, hiccuping style Elvis had used on so many of his early recordings. “See! See!” John shouted, pointing at the speakers. The record was John’s way of saying hello again after five years. [...] It was just weeks before his death in December of 1980, and his playing the Summer record was an endearing greeting -- and one that was typical of John. Of the hundreds of musicians I’ve met, John was among the most down-to-earth. Corn Flakes with John Lennon (And Other Tales From a Rock ‘n’ Roll Life) by Robert Hilburn
"I'm aware of ... Madness. "Don't do that. Do this." (As on the spoken word intro to "One Step Beyond".) I think that is the most original thing actually because it's so peculiar. ... Out of all that mob I think that was one of the most original sounds. Very good drumming, very good bass and all of that." Andy Peebles interview
And things I don't have quotes for right now: I remember Bob Gruen had given John some video compilation of punk bands, that John enjoyed watching. In one of the last interviews John said Hungry Heart by Bruce Springsteen was a great song. There are the albums John asked Fred Seaman to buy on his shopping lists. Some are printed in The John Lennon Letters (Though I'm not sure that means he liked them, but at least was interested in.) Lot's of Bob Dylan talk in the diaries and parodies. Many anecdotes about reggae bands. In the Double Fantasy studio recording John references quite some songs and artists, when he tells the musicians what they are aiming for in the songs.
76 notes · View notes
harrysfolklore · 2 years
Def Dua!! i feel her and Harry would get on so well irl 😹
this is definitely one of my favorite works i’ve ever done ! i hope you like it as much as i do
all the amazing and beautiful manips here were made by @wannawhispa who’s the coolest and most talented ever
if you want exclusive blurbs SUBSCRIBE TO MY PATREON
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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liked by harrystyles, niallhoran and 298,736 others
yourinstagram MY ALBUM JUST HIT #1 IN THE UK AND I’M OPENING SHOWS FOR ONE DIRECTION NEXT WEEK !!! my life is a dream right now ❤️
view all 32,826 comments
ynfan1 I’M SO PROUD OF YOU !!
niallhoran Ayeeee welcome abroad !
onedirectionfan1 i can’t wait to see you at my show
harrystyles Soooo excited ! :)
ynfan2 she’s getting so big in the industry, i’m proud
liked by onedirectionfan1, onedirectionfan2 and 3,827 others
onedirectionnews Harry sent a message for YN’s sister Rina !
view all 964 comments
onedirectionfan1 my babyyyy
ynfan1 i love their friendship
onedirectionfan2 best duooo
ynfan2 i love them
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liked by ynfan1, ynfan2 and 1,726 others
ynupdates YN during her set in Belfast tonight ! #TakeMeHomeTour
view all 327 comments
ynfan1 my babyyy
onedirectionfan1 her set was so good
ynfan2 she’s gaining sooo many fans
onedirectionfan2 i love her songs i’m definitely becoming a fan
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liked by niallhoran, yourinstagram and 1,026,763 others
harrystyles Ready to go on stage.
view all 42,642 comments
onedirectionfan1 hi harryyyy
ynfan1 she’s so prettyyyy
niallhoran She’s stealing our spotlight
yourinstagram you annoy me
onedirectionfan2 i love this friendship
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 6,937 others
harryupdates Harry spotted hanging out with YN in London today !
view all 986 comments
ynfan1 a reunion i didn’t know i needed
harryfan2 ahhh they were the best of friends back then remember ?
ynfan2 i’ve always shipped them tbh
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liked by harrystyles, selenagomez and 1,037,863 others
yourinstagram bartender of the night 😍
view all 59,973 comments
ynfan1 BEST FRIEND ???
harryfan1 omg are they dating ??
niallhoran My mates ❤️
arianagrande love you angels
ynfan2 the 😍 emoji they’re sooo dating
harryfan2 IT couple already
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liked by yourinstagram, nickgrimshaw and 3,937,973 others
harrystyles Happy Birthday, my love x
view all 60,826 comments
harryfan1 AHHHHH
annetwist Happy birthday gorgeous girl ❤️
↳ yourinstagram i love you annie 💖
yourinstagram I love you, angel boy 🤍
harryfan2 this is like the perfect couple
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liked by kaiagerber, yourinstagram and 4,286,863 others
harrystyles HARRY. STYLES. //12.MAY.17//
view all 74,023 comments
jefezoff 🙌🏻🙌🏻
yourinstagram SO PROUD OF YOU MY LOVE ❤️
ynfan1 around the same time yn is releasing her album, my babies
annetwist ❤️
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liked by harrystyles, shawnmendes and 3,927,726 others
yourinstagram all the albums i have to sell in order to kick @harrystyles out of the #1 spot
view all 59,937 comments
niallhoran 😂😂😂
harryfan1 that’s what happens when the #1 male and female artists in the industry are dating
harrystyles Heeeeeyyyyyy x
↳ harryfan2 i love them so much
jefezoff I’m buying yours
↳ yourinstagram thank you jeffrey
↳ harrystyles If I don’t sell albums we both lose our jobs, mate.
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liked by harryfan1, ynfan1 and 4,826 others
harryandyn Harry and YN at the Dunkirk premiere tonight !
view all 964 comments
harryfan1 AHHHH
ynfan1 the IT couple does it again
harryfan2 they looked soooo hot
ynfan2 the fact that the #1 singers in the world are dating will always be so hot
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liked by harryfan1, ynfan2 and 6,937 others
ynupdates “He couldn’t be here tonight because he’s currently on the road touring, but I know he would like me to thank you for your giving him this award, and i’m definitely not jealous that he won it over me, they’re going to the same shelf anyway” - YN accepting Harry’s Brit Award for best music video tonight !
view all 985 comments
harryfan1 PLEASEEE
ynfan1 i love them so much
harryfan2 yn won best female artist also they’re really the most successful couple in the industry
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liked by yourinstagram, cindycrawford and 2,880,287 others
harrystyles Hong Kong, Live On Tour.
view all 45,205 comments
harryfan1 SO HOTTT
jefezoff 🙌🏻
yourinstagram I miss you, my angel boy 🤍 I hope you’re enjoying tour
↳ ynfan1 AWEEEE
↳ harrystyles I miss you every day x
↳ harryfan2 they’re disgustingly in love that’s so cute
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liked by harrystyles, lizzobeeating and 4,082,873 others
view all 95,726 comments
ynfan1 MY BABIES
shaniatwain Love, love, love ! ❤️
ynfan2 they need to perform together more often
harrystyles Always x
harryfan2 COLLAB
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liked by harrystyles, sza and 3,026,837 others
view all 87,265 comments
selenagomez ❤️❤️
harryfan1 i lost my mind when she said “i would love to dedicate this to my angel boy h” THEY’RE SO IN LOVE
harrystyles I’m the proudest guy in the world right now. You deserve this more than anyone, my love. Can’t wait to see those in the shelf x
niallhoran Congrats my friend 🙌🏻
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liked by yourinstagram, maggierogers and 3,220,408 others
harrystyles FINE LINE. THE ALBUM. DEC 13
view all 86,704 comments
harryfan1 OMGGGG
gucci ❤️
↳ ynfan2 she’s so excited i can’t
annetwist So proud 👏🏻👏🏻
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liked by harrystyles, yourinstagram and 298,736 others
latelateshow Spill or Fill? Find out what everyone’s favorite couple went for in the link in our bio. #LateLateStyles
view all 15,927 comments
harrystyles That was fun, let’s not do it again.
↳ yourinstagram agreed
harryfan2 name a more iconic couple
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liked by harrystyles, jennierubyjane and 3,936,863 others
yourinstagram when you find out that you have the #1 album in the world. I LOVE YOU, LOVE OF MY LIFE, i’m so proud of you and i will never have the words. PINK AND BLUE FOREVER 💓💙
view all 72,827 comments
ynfan1 AWEEEE
sza congrats ❤️
harryfan1 i’m crying this is adorable
harrystyles How does it feel to know that an album full of songs about you is #1? x
↳ yourinstagram pretty good tbh, feeds my ego and all
↳ harryfan2 BYE I LOVE THEM
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liked by harrystyles, theestallion and 5,927,762 others
yourinstagram MOONLIGHT. THE ALBUM. OUT NOW 🌖🤍
THANK YOU to my team, co-writers and producers for helping me create the album of my dreams.
thank you to my family and friends for supporting me and listening to my endless rants about i wanted to craft the perfect album.
and thank you to my angel boy @.harrystyles, for inspiring me to be the best artist i can and giving me a love to write about.
view all 98,625 comments
dojacat congrats my friend 🖤
harryfan1 saved 2020
harrystyles I’m so proud of you, and I love you. The world already knows how sappy you make me.
↳ ynfan1 if they ever break up i’ll stop believing in love
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liked by sza, yourinstagram and 6,722,835 others
harrystyles DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. Practice social distancing. Watermelon Sugar Video Out Now.
view all 130,233 comments
harryfan1 BEST VIDEO EVER !!!
yourinstagram SUMMER ANTHEM !! 🧡
↳ ynfan1 girl that song is literally about your goods
jefezoff 🙌🏻🙌🏻
harryfan2 this deserves to be a #1 hit
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liked by harrystyles, bellahadid and 5,926,625 others
yourinstagram LISTEN UP KIDS !! h has the chance of hitting #1 on the billboard hot 100 for the first time ever ! stream watermelon sugar so i can be a happy girl with a happy boyfriend 🥰
view all 97,625 comments
ynfan1 YEEES
harryfan1 not yn doing more promo than harry’s team
jefezoff Are you trying to steal my job?
↳ yourinstagram i already did
harrystyles ❤️🍉
annetwist Let’s go 👏🏻
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liked by harrystyles, jefezoff and 5,827,762 others
harrystyles You’re the reason why Watermelon Sugar exists. Thank you to everyone who helped to make it #1 x
view all 92,872 comments
harryfan1 IM CRYING
ynfan1 the it couple does it again
yourinstagram this is all YOU my love, you make me and all of us who love you so proud 🥲
↳ harryfan2 she’s so right
gemmastyles The first of so many ❤️
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liked by harryfan1, ynfan1 and 302,963 others
mtv Gucci boy and Versace girl have arrived to the red carpet ! ✨ #Grammys2022
view all 23,973 comments
harryfan1 OMG OMG
emmachamberlain bury me with this
↳ ynfan2 SAME
harryfan2 ugh just look at them, posing for the grammys together with 3 nominations each and ready to slay their performances. THE INDUSTRY’S POWER COUPLE
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liked by harryfan1, ynfan1 and 5,826 others
harryupdates Harry and YN at the Grammys !!
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ynfan1 my grammy winners
harryfan2 im so happy him and yn won
ynfan2 i screamed when yn said “i would love to thank harry, even tho i literally just took this win from him” I LOVE THEM
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liked by zendaya, harrystyles and 6,937,927 others
yourinstagram GRAMMYS RECAP !! 🤍🦋 i love sharing this moments with you @.harrystyles
view all 102,973 comments
taylorswift ❤️
lizzobeeating the loves of my life actually
harrystyles First of so many together x
↳ ynfan2 SO RIGHTTTT
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liked by sukiwaterhouse, yourinstagram and 9,620,978 others
harrystyles Grammys, March 2021.
view all 286,907 comments
harryfan1 OMFGGGGG
rosalia.vt ❤️
jefezoff 🥺
harryfan2 you don’t understand they’re the modern brad pitt and jennifer aniston minus the toxic part they’re the moment
mtv We love a couple who breaks the internet ❤️
extra: yn attend’s harry’s msg shows
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liked by harryfan1, ynfan2 and 6,862 others
harryandyn Harry at YN’s show in London tonight !
view all 986 comments
harryfan1 his entire family was there too 🥺
ynfan1 that’s why miss girl was extra giggly tonight
harryfan2 his face while she was doing the pretty please dance, same
ynfan2 best couple ever
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liked by harrystyles, jennierubyjane and 5,027,635 others
yourinstagram COACHELLA WEEKEND ! ready to support my angel boy 🦋🤍
view all 84,827 comments
ynfan1 SLAYYYY
annetwist Have fun, kids ❤️
harrystyles Butterfly girl x
↳ harryfan1 JUST STOP
bellahadid let’s gooo 🤘🏻
ynfan2 she’s in the middle of her world tour but flew to the states to support him MY BABIES
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liked by yourinstagram, maggierogers and 7,659,053 others
harrystyles Harry’s House. Out now.
view all 109,728 comments
ynfan1 i love it already
yourinstagram my boyfriend is the #1 in the game and i’m so proud of him 🥲
↳ harryfan1 AHHHHHH
jefezoff ❤️
harryfan3 my baby i love him
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liked by florencepugh, harrystyles and 6,927,762 others
yourinstagram we love movies that feel like movies
view all 85,837 comments
ynfan1 SLAYYYY
florencepugh i love YOU
↳ ynfan2 yn x flo is the ultimate duo
harryfan1 YEEES
gemmachan ❤️
harrystyles You’re my only housewife, sorry Alice
↳ harryfan1 HUH?
taglist: @cucciolafaerie @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @daydreamingofmatilda @ivyproblems @ayeshathestyles @stylesmygucci @gimsaysay @rosaliedepp @dontworrysunflower @milfrrynation @manifestrry @iceebabies @harrystylesrecs @pleasingrryyy @harianaswhore @noitsmebecky @abeanontoast @grapejuice-rry @vrittivsanghavi i @msolbesg @tati813 @sad1esgf @ivegotparticulartaste @eviesaurusrex @itsgabbysblog @theekyliepage @watermelonsugacry @be-with-me-so-happily @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @musicforcinemas @harrybabyyyyyyy @tinydeskwriter r @noooovaaaaa @tenaciousperfectionunknown @mxltifxnd0m @rach2602 @balletdancerry @b-reads-things @juiceboxrry @lomlolivia @itsgigikay @goldensstateofgrace @missmielyhoran @fdl305
1K notes · View notes
shurislover · 7 months
meg the stallion headcannons
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a/n - i’ve never written for Meg before so let’s see how this goes and these are just my personal thoughts on how i think she’d be in a relationship. hope yall enjoy 😊 im not sure if anyone has done headcannons for her either.
also this will probably be a mix of sfw and nsfw but honestly it’s mainly fluff.
divider - @firefly-graphics
tags - @oceean @beautybyfire @notapradagurl7 @onyxstones-world @blkgworlamplified
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you’re her plus one for EVERYTHING , no matter if it’s a fashion show, basketball game , award show she always has you by her side.
she really loves having you around, even if it’s just to sit in complete silence, she’s satisfied as long as you’re there.
extremely clingy but you love it. she either has to be near you or touching you at all times tbh personal space doesn’t exist to her & if she’s away doing shows or photoshoots you’re on call with her all day long.
“ baby we are in the house you don’t need to hold my hand “ “ what if you like disappear?” you laughed at how serious she was “ you’re cute but baby i’m not going anywhere gimme kiss “
her lockscreen is of you and her on you guys first date, and it’s been her lockscreen for as long as y’all been together and she refuses to change it to anything else.
absolutely loves spending money on you, even though half the things she buys YOU DONT NEED.
definitely surprises you with vacations when she has a decent amount of time off from work. “ my love , pack maybe 2 weeks of clothes our flight leaves in about 5 hours “ “ GIRL WHAT ?” “ y/n we don’t have time for this pack up and let’s go “
gives you all the deets on new projects or songs she’s working on, so you always know all the words to her songs before they drop & gets all the new merch before anyone else
HUGS ? megan loves hugs, every chance she gets she’ll hug you. in the kitchen cooking ? she’ll hug you from behind and kiss your cheek. coming home from work ? she’ll run from wherever she is and jump on you. you’re her comfort person.
her favorite thing to do after a make out session is resting her forehead on yours and just stare into your eyes, she always says “ you have the most beautiful brown eyes i’ve ever seen, i get lost in them everytime “
now she knows when she’s pissed you off because you’ll give her the silent treatment, but that never lasts long , she does this pout and she KNOWS that’s your weakness so the moment you look up at her face , your face instantly softens.
megan loves when u have rough day at work because she thinks it’s so cute to find you knocked out on the couch, that means she gets to carry you to bed , slip on your pajamas and bonnet and tuck you in then leave a goodnight kiss on your forehead.
her favorite names to call you are :
“ babyyyyyyyyy “
“ my loveeeeee “
“ beautifullllllll”
“ princessssss”
wifeyyyy “
She cares about you very deeply & does not play about you. The day she dropped a hard launch photo dump on instagram the hate you got was horrible. It wasn’t even coming from her fans it was other people & Megan always reassured you :
“ Dont listen to them. You’re the most special person in my life, someone i hold very dear to my heart. Those people don’t know you, they don’t know how amazing and wonderful you are. They don’t know about the love we have & fuck them !!! You my baby and that’s all that matters.
she knows how to fluster you out in public and every single time you fold.
she’ll walk up behind you while you’re mingling with friends and whispers things in your ear like “ i can’t wait till we get home “ “ you look so good i could eat you out right now “ “ we should have another round of last night “ & once megan walks away you have about 5 minutes to say your goodbyes and hop in the car
now meg may be the dominant one but she LOVES when you put her in her place. she loves when you take control
she’s a B R A T . a brat to the T ! and it’s you’re fault because you spoil the fuck outta her. so once she hears that word “ no “ it’s a wrap first she’ll catch an attitude then she stops talking to you & lastly she goes and hides in your shared bedroom until you change your mind
“ baby please let me in “ silence “ pleaseeee ill give you a kiss “ silence “ “ fine , ill buy you that chanel bag despite you having it already in every single color “ you listen as the door unlocks and she’s just there cheesin like a kid on Christmas “ thank you baby “
big baby at heart.
loves when you tell her she’s pretty in between kisses . she starts blushing then hides her face
one of her favorite memories with you is when she had a really bad day at work so you surprised her by setting up a fort with all her favorite snacks and drinks and ordered in from her favorite restaurant and binge watched all her favorite anime
A HOODIE STEALER ! especially when she travels for work all your hoodies seem to go missing.
loves that you let her be outside and enjoy her time with friends because at the end of the day she’s coming home to you. everyone thinks you should have a problem with her twerking when in reality she’s been doing it long before yall got together and it’s her favorite thing to do so why have her stop.
little does she know you already have a ring picked out for her and can’t wait till the day to make her your wife.
63 notes · View notes
green-planets · 7 days
StEx Appreciation Month Day 13: Flat Top!
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Face Claim: Mark Davis, Richard Mylan, or Delano Willemsen
Favourite Song/Scenes: I will never recover from Flat Top's intro in the spoof show. Between him almost rolling off the stage after throwing his brick (Rusty catches him and pulls him back), the “C'MON BIG BOY!”, the way he points at the Rockies when Dustin says “They're not rocks, they're aggregates!”, and the hyper aggressive dancing during the ‘Aggregates are Really Great’ segment, it may just be the greatest Flat Top performance ever (thank you Richard Mylan, you're my new favorite Flat Top!)
Okay now that that ramble is out of the way, he's extremely entertaining during Poppa/Momma's blues, I love how he teases and antagonizes Poppa/Momma and Rusty, he's so goofy when he worships Greaseball during Pumping Iron, I love the moment when he realizes that Greaseball isn't a good guy, He looks so torn when the gang is beating Rusty up and when he give Rusty his helmet back!!! Gutwrenching
Favourite Costumes: I've grown extremely fond of Flat Top's London costumes and the detail put into them (brick on a chain should be brought back!!!) I do like the versions with the brighter, more prominent graffiti designs and it's funny when he has random graffiti written on his face. I still like the Broadway/Bochum shoulder boxes better (load that guy up with bricks!!)
Favourite Ships/Friendships: Flat Top x Dustin, Flat Top x Rusty, Flat Top x Zero. Friends with the freight crew (except Lumber and Porter-- he has one-sided beef with them), Rusty, and the coaches. Best friends with Dustin and Ashley. Tried befriending Greaseball's gang but that didn't work out so well
Headcanons: He had so much fun being a little shit with Slick up until she betrayed Rusty (afterwards he's super wary of her). He was also expecting to be booted out of the freight crew's found family after his behavior during the races but they welcomed him back with open arms
Unpopular Opinion: A lot of people say he's unnecessary to the plot (which is true tbh) but the show feels so empty without him :(
22 notes · View notes
ask-frater-imperator · 3 months
// now that I'm able to post spoilers, here's my thoughts on rite here rite now a few hours after I saw it.
First: a little context.
I went with my mother, my ghestie and my best friend who knew nothing about ghost besides the ranting she heard from me weekly.
They will probably be seeing this- so I'm not going to expose their accounts or anything.
With that, here were my thoughts:
The post credit scene and mummy dust is just
Implanted into my head now
Mummy dust bc me and my friends went batshit crazy hearing and watching it
I'm like "oh yeah they better do kiss the go-goat I need to see that live." THEN THE INTRO STARTS
I had my ghestie friend and another of my friend that had no idea of any of the ghost lore
I really hope they make a DVD version or something bc i would sell my soul for it
I'm kinda disappointed they didn't use the boxer fit for anything much..
We all saw copia get on the hot air balloon and is like WAIT WAIT FUCK. NO. NO. and then he wakes up
Seeing his mother die
Also if the new guy isn't terzo I
I may just die
When the post credit ended everyone in the theater was like please wait, no-
honestly so funny and ppl were so nice
I don't like I've ever met a rude ghost fan tbh AND I DONT PLAN ON IT!!!
And my thoughts after reading it again:
I honestly don't mind if the new papa isn't terzo, Yes, his album is my favorite with many good songs, but if the theory isn't right then oh well
There is a confirmed DVD and digital release. Just no idea when I will be getting the DVD, and I will be passing it down for generations to see/j
Me, my ghestie and my clueless friend were all holding hands for at least 3/4th of the movie, the reason I will remember mummy dust the most is because me and my ghesite went feral.. and my other friend was, well, clueless. TOBIAS LET MARY GOORE THE FUCK OUT. FINALLY!!!
The shirt I wore was literally copia being crucified with a crown of thorns, I WAS EXPECTING HIM TO DIE. but, I am very glad he didn't, I'm honestly stoked because now he does have the power he wanted, and I can totally rp that..
(The shirt I wore)
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When mummy dust was done, we were all simping for copia.. (pls dont judge us. We are just little guys../j)
I had to hold back a scream when the mummy dust solo started, I love the ghoulettes..
I was so sad when copia was like: "no, no, no encore." Bc I really wanted to hear kiss the go-goat (it was one of my favorites when I first got into ghost)
Then I said over to my friends something like: "Yeah, i need them to do an encore.. NEED to hear, kiss the go-goat live, or I will sob." And of course, THE INTRO TO KISS THE GO-GOAT STARTED. Me and my friends and I just lit up with joy, trying not to cry from what I had just said and what happened.
I remember Square Hammer and the midair splits. The whole theater gasped at the same time. At that point, I was in tears for the 273673rd time. I saw copia do the pose he was meant to, and cried even more.
He went to the hot-air balloon, and everyone was silent. We all saw him wake up, and then sister on the floor.
I remember my friend (clueless one) commenting about copias dramatic crying over sisters' bodies. "Oh yeah, that guy knows how to act!" Joking in a good way, I laughed through my tears.
I don't remember when, but when Copia talked about taint tickling, she audibly, but quietly gasped and whispered something as I just nodded.
It felt like you were there in the audience, like you were right there in the pit. I'm so glad that this movie is making so much in box offices. It was like an unholy experience I will never forget.
25 notes · View notes
scp230kinnie · 2 years
pls do music tastes for stardew valley bachelors🙏🙏
- someone you definitely don't know
Before we begin I want everyone to know I did see the requests for other fics/hcs and I’m working on them but it has been a little hard cuz of exams 😭 will have them finished as soon is I can
I love shartstew valley omg 😻😻
I definitely don’t know you or anything 😻💪
May I introduce to you all
Characters: Alex, Elliott, Harvey, Sam, Sebastian, Shane
Warnings: cringe
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Modern music
Not Harry styles or anything I think he would hate him
He probably listens to imagine dragons and rap music
He secretly listens to country music
His favorite songs are believer by imagine dragons and high hopes by panic! At the disco
He probably listens to pierce the veil secretly tbh
Emo music is his guilty pleasure
He listens to Eminem while he works out
He also probably doesn’t listen to music very often
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So obvious but classical music
Like if it has piano or violin he loves it
He also listens to opera
Like he won’t watch it but he likes hearing the voices
He has his music going when he’s writing or he’ll have it playing quietly while he does stuff in his shack
His guilty pleasure is EDM music
He swears he hates it and insists he’s a man of culture
But he does listen to EDM
Not very often tho
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I like to think he doesn’t really listen to music that often
But if he were to I think he would like smooth jazz
He has it playing quietly in his little hospital sometimes along with the elevator music that’s probably playing
He also listens to 80s rock music
Not very often tho
Usually just when combing his moustache or reading
Not really music but he also likes to listen to ocean noises
Usually only when he REALLY can’t sleep
Which isn’t very often
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Rock music
Of course
He also probably listens to whatever music his own band makes
His favorite artists/bands are måneskin, Paramore, Ozzy Osbourne, and Metallica
He also listens to ABBA
His all time favorite song is dancing queen
He secretly listens to KPOP
Specifically the girl groups
But he totally fanboys over Felix from SKZ
It’s not really a secret because I can guarantee Sebastian knows
He also tries singing along but he doesn’t know Korean so he just says gibberish and hopes it’s close
He also likes listening to whatever openings are from his favorite shows lol
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My one true love
Listens to emo music duh
Jk he likes metal, rock, and nu metal
His favorite bands are being me the horizon, Pierce the veil, motionless in white, evanescence, and asking Alexandria
His favorite Song is dark passenger by motionless in white
He is not open to new music
He’s the typa guy to go “come on turn on something good instead of this trash” when you’re listening to anything that’s not within his music taste
He insists his music taste is better than everyone else’s
He doesn’t say it out loud, but when he sees someone in public wearing merch from one of the bands he likes, he really wants to ask them to name 3 songs
I still love him tbh
Late night K-POP karaoke with Sam
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He listens to SoundCloud rappers
He doesn’t make any but he kinda wants to
His favorite band is Green day
His favorite song is Superman by Eminem
I feel like he would put in headphones on the way to work every morning and listen to music
Aside from that I don’t really feel like he listens to music that often
His guilty pleasure is country music
Claims it’s the worst thing he ever heard but secretly shazams any songs
Probably sits in silence with his own thoughts most of the time
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Okay that’s it lmk if y’all want the bachelorettes lololol
I hope you enjoy person i definitely don’t know
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Felt like making an MLP next gen lol (something something, inner child or whatever)
[[Link to the base i used]]
Characters from left to right
Daisy bell - fluttershy x tree hugger
....yeah, i know that you were probably expecting a different ship considering neither fluttershy OR tree hugger have curly hair. I gave daisy curly hair because tree hugger's design makes it look like she has wicks or some other black hairstyle and that leads me to believe she may be black. Anyway...daisy's special talent is grooming animals and i imagine she probably smokes weed in her spare time
Hailey - applejack x rainbow dash
In all honesty, i'm not really too invested in shipping in the MLP fandom though considering how it's implied RD and AJ got married in the series finale i decided to keep that with my next gen because i feel it makes sense. I chose the name "hailey" for this character for a multitude of reasons: 1. That's the name i chose for ALL my rainbow dash next gen kids ever since i was twelve, 2. It's a pun on "hail" as in the weather condition and 3. "Hailey" just SOUNDS like it could be a farm girl name. Basically hailey's thing is that she earned her cutie mark after getting bit by a vampire fruit bat as a child and therefore has a pair of bat wings. Personality-wise she's pretty much your typical "manic pixie dream girl" type (ramona flowers from scott pilgrim immediantly comes to mind, i've never read those books and i'm just going off of what i've heard)
Pastel dream - twilight sparkle x flash sentry
I admit this is a bit of a generic choice but tbh this was one of the first ships i EVER had so i feel it deserves a place in my next gen. Basically twilight and flash got married though their marriage didn't last very long and they got divorced a few years after pastel was born and twilight eventually got with big mac, pastel was very fucking angsty about having a new stepdad and only really calmed down after her little sister lavender was born. She's emo and also believes in aliens, her special talent is interpreting dreams (also, yes i know she doesn't really look THAT much like her parents. I'm just kinda tired of people ALWAYS making their flashlight fankids straight up just twilight but orange and i wanted to do something different)
Lavender web - twilight sparkle x big mac
Yeah i only really put this ship here because of the semi-infamous fanfic "the spiderses" and her personality is no different, this lass just LOVES her some spiders.
Rosemary - rarity x braeburn
This was actually the very first MLP ship i ever got into! At the time, i hadn't watched the episode braeburn was in and didn't know he was basically male applejack. 8-year-old me just saw him in the gameloft app and thought "wow that's one handsome horse! I must ship him with rarity because she's my favorite character!" So i put the ship into my next gen because of how much sentimental value i have for it. Anyways....i imagine rose to be somewhat of a "southern belle" type, her special talent is writing romance fiction and she's got the flirty nature to match! She's slightly inspired by blanche from the golden girls, i do admit.
Chocomint ice - pinkie pie x minty
To be honest....i only really added this ship in because of how often they're shipped in G3. I don't really have much to say about her other than she's based on the song "aoi-chan is going to eat chocomint no matter what" (bit of a mouthful of a song title but y'know...it's a japanese song so it's probably much shorter in the original language lol) also her bangs are modeled after the titular aoi-chan in the song's music video
I don't know if i'm going to do anything with this AU, but if i do: i'll probably include celestia x mirror!sombra and luna x discord
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