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ramenwithbroccoli · 11 months ago
tbh it sucks so much we're limited by language barriers and other stuff. there are so many things and themes i'd like to mention, but only a bunch of people will understand. if a classic is written in a language different from english it's a hassle to get people from other counties to read it. sometimes it's translated without a care, sloppily, from a language that wasn't even the original one. sometimes it isn't even translated at all, left in obscurity
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wasalwaysagreatpickle · 5 years ago
Thursday 6 May 1830
11 55/..
But lay down again for 1/2  hour 
And long while on the pot 
Fahrenheit 63˚ at 7 3/4 and very fine morning – wrote note to Madame de Hagemann dated ‘Wednesday evening 5 April [May]’ saying I very much regretted not being at home when she called yesterday but if they were disengaged some evening should be very happy to see them tomorrow Saturday or Sunday. – 
Breakfast at 8 1/4 – left my note to ‘Madame Madame de Hagemann’ for George to take, and off (walked to Rue Saint Victor at 8 50/.. – bought back knife, and plumeau, and looked at paillassons, and got to my apartment at 10 - then called on M Audoin – not at home and went to my menisieur Rue Copreau about paint – bought bottle of sirop de groseille so thirsty had a glass of this sirop and water by me, drinking perpetually – my rooms have west aspect so no sun, yet Fahrenheit hanging over my chimney piece was at 70˚ - the woman brought me my green paint – from 11 10/.. to 12 10/.. painting my flower shelves – 
Wrote 1 1/4 page to Mariana then an hour’s nap – at 2 George brought me letter from Mariana (Lawton) 3pp. the ends and under the seal – she was suffering from violent headaches which she thought must be rheumatism – no chance of her being able to leave Charles his loss of memory and other faculties very apparent – she seems determined to keep little Mariana – hopes the thought of building at Lawton is given up – several letters have passed about augusta cottage at Leamington the purchase 4200 exclusive of furniture – £2000 to paid on taking possession, the rest to remain on mortgage – but difficult for Charles to borrow £2,000 for he can only give a bond jointly with his brother which security nobody seems to like –  Mariana fancies that if Charles lives 2 or 3 years he might easily pay it off – 
‘yet now and then a feeling comes over me to think that it is selfish to wish him to save on my account – his indifference or at least apparent indifference, as to my future concerns so far from making me more anxious about them seems to inspire me with the same sort of unconcern and I sometimes think that if I alone was interested in them, I should let things quietly take their own way – my habits are not extravagant ones, I believe I could live when many would starve, and though the income I have lately had to spend upon mere fancies amounts to nearly half what may ultimately be the only resource, yet if I am driven to it, I have no doubt but I should make it do. Not one half of my income have I ever spent upon myself, so that others would feel my poverty perhaps more than I should myself’ - 
This sentence struck me forcibly – sat musing upon it – copied it to Mariana and then made some brief remarks – said she had evidently mistaken that part of my last ‘on the subject of what might well be named to Charles respecting your future provision….. It is little more than a year since I saw you – I must see you again by and by’ – do not think the account of Charles a good one – things must soon fall into her management and with no more than proper attention to economy she will find a surplus at the year’s end – ‘and whether this might not justly and without any undue selfishness be applied to the improvement of your settlement, I leave you to judge – at the time of your marriage, you were believed to have a certainty of five hundred a year and a prospect of five more – Mary! I could write much if I chose, much that might rouse you from that unconcern which has more despondency than virtue in it – but I know you better than you know me; and I shall continue to see you next year’ not to name this – fear Charles ‘will not like to have his tête à tête broken in upon – nous venons – at all rates, set your mind at ease – if you cannot come to me, I shall go to you – That is clear, is it not? ……. How very very much I should like to talk to you a little! I am sick of writing – I know how and why you so mistake me, and yet I dare not help it …… I wish Miss Maclean had come – I am too lonely – my poor aunt is all goodness, but something still is wanting – were all my mind thrown on my paper; how different would be my pages! you are not happy to think me unhappy – you are not happy to think me too happy – I have never told you when my heart was sick of solitude – I have scarcely written one word since I saw you last that all the world might not read – why? you told me you should know all without my telling it, and I have always passed over in silence every moment or regret and every wish and every hope that might have [inflamed] my pen too strongly – But no more’ – 
Wrote 3pp. and one end – then dawdling over 1 thing or other and not off from my apartment till 5 3/4 – had to walk to Place Maubert then got into a fiacre – went snail’s pace and home at 6 35/.. dressed – dinner at 6 50/.. – read the paper – came to room at 8 1/2 – wrote all but the first 4 lines of today – coffee at 9 25/.. – talking to my aunt of her going to Shibden and of the necessary of my seeing Mariana her mistaking me etc. etc. came to my room at 10 25/.. at which hour Fahrenheit 68 1/2˚ - 
Sat writing copies of notes first to Mrs de Hagemann then to Mr Saint Romain about coming to us tomorrow evening cannot have them all at once -
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tcm · 6 years ago
Francois Truffaut: The Actor by Susan King
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Film directors on occasion have walked from behind the camera to appear in front of it. Part of the fun in watching Alfred Hitchcock movies is to see his wry cameos. The late Agnes Varda was a delightful presence in her documentaries such as in the award-winning FACES PLACES (2017). John Huston, who won Oscars for the direction and screenplay of THE TREASURE OF THE SIERRA MADRE (’48), received a supporting actor Oscar and Golden Globe nomination for THE CARDINAL (’63) and another Golden Globe nomination for CHINATOWN (’74).
And Vittorio De Sica, the Italian neo-realist master of such Oscar-winning foreign films as THE GARDEN OF THE FINZI-CONTINIS (’70), also received a supporting actor Oscar nomination for A FAREWELL TO ARMS (’57). Even French New Wave maverick Jean-Luc Godard has an uncredited role in Montgomery Clift’s final film THE DEFECTOR (’66).
Fellow New Wave pioneer Francois Truffaut acted in four feature films before his untimely death at the age of 52 in 1984. He made his acting debut in his haunting THE WILD CHILD (’70), which was inspired by the 19th century journal of Dr. Jean Itard revolving around his work with the Wild Boy of Aveyron, a feral child found in the forest. Itard named the boy Victor and attempted to civilize him.
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Truffaut took on the role of the serious-minded doctor and Jean-Pierre Cargol, a young Gypsy boy, made his debut as Victor. The filmmaker’s daughter Laura Truffaut told me in a 2000 Los Angeles Times interview that he thought it would be easier to direct newcomer Cargol if he took on the role of Itard and also, “because he felt it wasn’t a great role for a professional actor.”
Her father, she noted, “was much more interested in the child than Dr. Itard. I think he worried that unconcsciously a professional actor would feel slighted or neglected by him.” Truffaut gives a poignant performance. And his good friend Alfred Hitchcock was so impressed with his turn, he sent Truffaut a funny telegraph asking the director for the autograph of the actor who played Itard.
He next starred in his brilliantly funny valentine to filmmaking DAY FOR NIGHT (’73), in which Truffaut gives a charming turn—he actually smiles in this movie—as a film director named Ferrand. He is so obsessed with cinema that film stock probably pulsates through his veins.
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And while Itard had one charge, Ferrand must keep his cast together during the filming of a less-than-impressive romantic drama “Meet Pamela.” There’s the infantile leading man (Jean-Pierre Leaud of Antoine Doinel fame); Jacqueline Bisset as the British actress recovering from a nervous breakdown; an Oscar-nominated Valentina Cortese as an aging actress who can’t remember her lines; and Jean-Pierre Aumont as a veteran leading man with a secret. Truffaut won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film and was also nominated for his direction and screenplay.
Four years later, Steven Spielberg cast him in his best-known role in the blockbuster science-fiction classic CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND (’77) as Claude Lacombe, the compassionate, charming and even wide-eyed French scientist who is leading a UN investigating team on a series of unusual UFO activity. Truffaut was one of Spielberg’s idols and was thrilled he agreed to do the part. “I am not an actor; I can only play myself,” he told Spielberg, which was exactly what the filmmaker wanted.
Bob Balaban, who played the scientist’s translator David, recalled his experience working with Truffaut in a 2014 Los Angeles Times interview. “I got the job because I could speak French; at least what’s what my agent must have told them I guess,” Balaban explained.
Because his French was rusty, he basically lied about his prowess with the language. “I had a crash course in Berlitz, went on vacation and met Truffaut and explained to him in my very halting French I had lied to get the job, which he thought was very funny,” said Balaban, He wrote about his experiences in Close Encounters of the Third Kind: An Actor's Diary.
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Truffaut kept a tape recorder in his room and would practice simple phrases like “Hello, how are you this morning?” during the evening. “He was so embarrassed he would speak inadequate English. He was an adorable, fun, loveable person but rather proper and just didn’t want to get caught speaking in a language he couldn’t be understood in.”
I witnessed an audience boo at the end of a screening of his dour drama THE GREEN ROOM (’78). Based on three Henry James short stories including “The Altar of the Dead,” the drama revolves around a World War I vet who writes obits for the local paper. Obsessed with death, he has a room in his house that is a shrine to his late wife. After the room is destroyed in a fire, he finds a chapel in ruins where he not only honors his wife but all of the dead he has known. Needless to say, things don’t end well for Truffaut’s Julien Davenne.
According to his costar Nathalie Baye, Truffaut almost shuttered the production because he feared he was giving a bad performance. She recalled that “he would say to me, ‘It’s madness; it will never work.’ And he came close to wanting to stop everything.”
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Though some critics gave the film strong reviews, Truffaut didn’t fare as well. The New York Times’ Vincent Canby stated, “Truffaut does not make it easy for us to respond to Davenne.” And Time Out believed the film failed because of “Truffaut’s lack of range as an actor which his not helped by the script’s purple prose.”
I have seen GREEN ROOM a few times since 1979 and admire it more as I have gotten older. And though Truffaut the director miscast Truffaut the actor, we should admire that he took himself out the comfort zone as an actor. He doesn’t give a great performance, but he gives a brave one.
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thegothicviking · 6 years ago
1, 2, 18, 19, 22, 24, 47, 50, 55 😏, 63, tut mir nicht leid bejbøh
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?:
- Sometimes..
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?:
- It depends if it’s outside or inside.. I am more afraid of the dark in a closed room than going out in the night/after dark. Think I am a 3 or 4 while being in a dark room/pitch black room and a 2 or 3 while being outside (because then I can run away or hide)
18. Who would you really like to punch in the face?:
- My ex bf,
- The guy who bullied me for 10 years and also…
- Sometimes Richard Z. Kruspe. He just has that “bratty attitude” sometimes that I really dislike!
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?:
- Till..obviously..and he would have to fuck me, lick me, fish with me and teach me how to pick up nice chicks.
- Schneider would feed me strawberries while being naked and he would also have to strip for me, dress up in his military uniform and fuck me, teach me how to play drums just so that I could annoy my older sister during family events.
22. Do you have a secret talent, if yes, what is it?:
- I don’t think any of my talents are secret anymore. I can bellydance (sort of)
- I used to be able to walk run on my knees (don’t think I can do that now though)
- I can play the recorder (a proper wooden one with a deeper sound)
- And I can twist some of my fingers across other fingers (the middle finger over my ring-finger and also the other way around without cheating, guess I have to show a picture at some point).
- And I know the entire Elder Futhark Runes/Viking Alphabet without cheating.
- I can scream like they do in old school horror movies and oh and I can scream like a monkey.. …. …. yeah…
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your dispospal:
- Meh. I am not a fan of sandwiches. Next!
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?:
- How did you manage to stay alive/survive all the bad thoughts/suicidal thoughts? Or
-Did it really got any better for you/me?
50. What is the most unusual conversation you have ever had?:
- Waaaay to many to mention or even remember at the top of my head but I can tell that everyone has been with either you (@uberwolken )
- or my bestie/“wife”
- or my friend Christina.
- Although I have had some weird ones involving my ex bf too. I remember once that he told me (while being sober) ; “You have beautiful colors in your mouth” and I just plainly said to him; “Djeez. If you want a bj you can just ask! ‘Beautiful colors in my mouth’?? Wtf is wrong with you? Are you high or drunk?”
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?:
ugh..I get this question every single time;
- Russian english accent (I think. And you love it!)
- German english accent (I think. Thanks Schneider for “teaching” me!)
-Swedish Skåne dialect (which is the ugliest dialect/accent next to Danish)
- Swedish Gothenburg dialect (I love it so much!!)
- Swenglish/ Swedish english dialect (like that interviewer who asked about Rammsteins Mutter album in 2000/2001/2002?
- Bergen Dialect (Bergen is a city in Norway) and also Stril/Sotra dialect (Sotra is an island close to Bergen and half of my family comes from there)
- Stavanger dialect (Stavanger is another city in Norway)
- Oslo/bokmål Norwegian (but I f*cking hate it!)
- Some spanish but..not really a accent or a dialect. Just wanted to brag a little.
63. Which is cooler dinosaurs or dragons?:
- Dinosaurs of course. I have liked them ever since I was a kid and saw Jurassic Park III (I saw the 3rd one first).
- And also because Dinosaurs really existed you know! 😉(but bearded dragons and komodo dragons exist now and are also cool).
Tusen takk/tack så mycket Bejbøh!
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eropandasennin · 2 years ago
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I posted 4,261 times in 2022
75 posts created (2%)
4,186 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 116 of my posts in 2022
#panda's thoughts - 42 posts
#youtube - 31 posts
#bayonetta 3 - 5 posts
#panda's posts - 4 posts
#bleach tybw spoilers - 4 posts
#bleach spoilers - 4 posts
#naruto spoilers - 3 posts
#bayonetta 3 voice change - 3 posts
#bayonetta voice change - 3 posts
#mature - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 109 characters
#that's technically baragon from godzilla: final wars (millenium era) and not og baragon (showa era) but still
My Top Posts in 2022:
Almost Every Gaming Youtuber in the late 2000's: "Hey did you know Sephiroth and his theme song, One Winged Angel, are overrated? Kefka from Final Fantasy VI is a MUCH better villain and his theme, Dancing Mad, is WAY better and has more depth?"
Me, after rewatching the Cloud VS Sephiroth fight in Advent Children for the tenth time: "What's that? I can't hear you over this awesome guitar riff dude. Guy just sliced a building in half!"
31 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
I really miss having good talks about nerd stuff without it devolving into mudslinging. Doesn't matter if their take on a subject is widly different from mine (not politically though, I know where I stand on that), I would still like to have a fun discussion about it.
Like, a discussion talking about fanservice in anime, how both men and women are portrayed in that regard, is it damaging the image of anime and so forth. That would be cool but no, it always comes back to the dreaded "culture war" eventually. Pathetic.
47 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
More of "I have a type yes":
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54 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
So Konami just had it's first Silent Hill related...anything that wasn't a pachinko machine in...hold up
*checks notes*
10 years! Holy shit it's been that long...and no, P.T. doesn't count...kinda. Anyway, to make up for it (and probably for Contra: Rogue Corps) they decided to go ALL OUT with this franchise with 3 games, a movie (oh goody), a interactive series (could be fun?) and lots of merch.
First up is a remake of the classic Silent Hill 2. While I rather had seen a remake of the first game (that technically got a re-imaging on the Wii but still) as I think SH2 still holds up really well it is cool to see the game with next-gen graphics.
If they keep the rest of the game intact and add more stuff and locations (and fix the combat) this might be, not a replacement but a good version of the game to enjoy. Especially because the only proper way to play the original SH2 is either the PS2 version, the PC port or the Xbox version with extra content added. Don't go for the HD Collection on this one guys.
Next up are 2 brand new SH games: Silent Hill Townfall and Silent Hill F. Nothing is really know about these yet (except that F takes place in 1960's Japan) so we only got 2 teaser trailers but they look pretty dope either way.
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63 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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124 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
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deadcactuswalking · 4 years ago
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 14/11/2020 (Ariana Grande, Little Mix)
We’re in a similar situation to last week where despite two massive albums – Little Mix’s Confetti even debuting at #2 on the album chart behind Kylie Minogue’s Disco (which was unprecedented but completely understandable since Kylie is massive here) – are both released, but there’s a very muted impact on the chart, mostly because of silly UK Singles Chart rules. In fact, you could argue there’s more impact from smaller releases from Giggs and The Kid LAROI, but that’s just how streaming goes. Since this chart doesn’t include radio, hip-hop has more of a chance in many ways to debut on the chart than the type of pop Kylie makes but its longevity is seriously impaired. Also, ageism doesn’t exist on the albums chart but on here it is in full effect. Regardless, we have 12 new arrivals, mostly from the aforementioned artists, so let’s start. Ariana Grande’s “positions” is still #1 – you can chalk that up to lack of competition – and welcome to REVIEWING THE CHARTS.
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Dropouts & Returning Entries
Before we get to the songs debuting on the UK Top 75 proper this week, let’s have our brief little musical rundown, starting with the drop-outs as there were a fair few, namely “Go Crazy” by Chris Brown and Young Thug (a pretty damn big hit for the both of them), “West Ten” by AJ Tracey and Mabel (again, a very big hit, one of the biggest of the year making its exit), “Only You Freestyle” by Headie One and Drake lasting longer than I expected or it probably should have, “Loose” by S1mba and KSI leaving perhaps prematurely, “808” by Da Beatfreakz, Dutchavelli, DigDat and B Young, “5AM” by M Huncho and Nafe Smallz (Thank God) and a couple of our high debuts and returns from last week, like “motive” by Ariana Grande featuring Doja Cat – but we will see more of Ariana today – and the charity single “Four Notes – Paul’s Tune” by Paul Harvey and the BBC Philharmonic, as well as all three of the returning Halloween tracks, including “Thriller” by Michael Jackson. Oh, yeah, and as anyone could safely predict, all of the Bring Me the Horizon songs are gone, even “Teardrops”, which means we officially have 100% less metalcore on the chart, and I’m surprised to say I’m genuinely disappointed. In terms of returning entries, we have “Before You Go” by Lewis Capaldi making a return to #71, “All I Want for Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey re-appearing for the first time this year and remarkably early to #60 and some returns from album boosts, those being “Magic” by Kylie Minogue peaking at #53 and “Happiness” by Little Mix doing the same at #43. The biggest fall this week was “Ain’t it Different” by Headie One featuring AJ Tracey and Stormzy dropping out of the top 10 to #31, probably because it had its streaming numbers cut as many songs do after they’ve reached more than 10 weeks in the top 40. The biggest gain however was for “SO DONE” by The Kid LAROI just missing out on the top 40 at #44. I can honestly see this becoming huge. Oh, and “Whoopty” by CJ is now in the top 40 at #39. Joy... Let’s just get straight to these new songs.
#75 – “WITHOUT YOU” – The Kid LAROI
Produced by Blake Slatkin and Omar Fedi
So this kid LAROI released an EP that attaches to a mixtape he released earlier this year, Frick Love, which has been reissued as a sort of deluxe edition, without there even being a debut studio album to reissue, just a mixtape. Either way, this new hybrid deluxe version, repackaged as Frick Love (Savage), has been considerably more successful than the original mixtape so far, probably off of the back of that “SO DONE” single. Awful cover art aside; I did not listen to this project because I am not interested at all in some Australian emo-rapper’s EP, especially if it’s going to Marshmello, Machine Gun Kelly and YoungBoy Never Broke Again on it. This kid LAROI said that this is his favourite song off of the release because, and I quote verbatim: “I just like it, I don’t know, it’s kind of, dude, I don’t know, it’s a little different, it’s like a little, uh, acoustic vibe, uh, I just like it.” It’s nice to see this new generation of musicians be so articulate. Well, this is a pretty trite song with rote acoustic guitar strumming that is pretty conventional of softer emo-pop, but this song doesn’t come with infectious choruses, emotional bloodletting or even more than a single verse. Instead, it’s just absolute garbage with a guitar riff I swear I’ve heard before. There’s no development to this increasingly exhausting ballad other than this kid LAROI crooning and moaning in a pathetic Auto-Tune falsetto some clearly misogynist lyrics that he only picked up from Juice and other rappers. This kid shouldn’t care about making wives out of hoes, he should be studying. I’m almost offended by this on a personal level, or at least the principle that this kid at seventeen years old could go on about heartbreak that probably didn’t happen and use it to excuse and disguise clearly lazy, sexist lyrics. At least with other emo-rap it feels genuine and angsty. This is just disposable garbage that his audience will eat up like fast food, and it comes from such an insincere place that I can’t excuse it.
#66 – “ALWAYS DO” – The Kid LAROI
Produced by Omar Fedi, Khaled Rohaim, Donn Robb and Haan
Just like that, he’s back, folks. Okay, well, he starts off this song by saying he’s drinking again, which he can’t do for another year according to Australian law. I’ll take that as a complete lie he’s hogged from his mentor Juice WRLD and clearly not understood why that led to his downfall and death; the glamorisation of drugs in Juice’s music was unintentional and misconstrued that way by record label yes-men and some of his fans, who ate up the music and maybe didn’t grasp the message Juice was clearly advocating for. So, you’re just going to blindly lie to your fans – ALL of which are children – about substance abuse with very little commentary around it other than how it affects this fake relationship for the sake of making “relatable” hits that ultimately go against everything Juice would have wanted? Delightful. When other rappers talk about a bitch, they have a casual, disposable tone that suggests they’re groupies and whilst this is such an accepted form of misogyny in music, which also annoys me for the record even if music I adore expresses as such, it at least shows that the rappers don’t care or use the women as a line-filler or flex. When this douche says the word “bitch”, he means it. It comes with such vile, toxic bitterness that I’m convinced the Kid LAROI just hates women. Not even specific women, just the concept of “woman”. Sigh... can someone take this disrespectful toad off the charts – and quick?
#64 – “Buff Baddies” – Giggs
Produced by Trooh Hippi
Speaking on not respecting women, British rapper Giggs is here with his second mixtape. He’s got a couple more tracks on the chart, this is the first and it’s all about “buff baddies”. “WAP” has led to men thinking they can be extra horny as well and I’m not going to shame any kind of sex positivity but when Giggs talks almost exclusively what the women are doing for him and doesn’t have a lick of personality to it, it feels less absurd and over-the-top than it does just gross. It doesn’t help that his delivery is almost comically blunt and completely charmless over this non-existent cloudy trap beat, and there’s no hook or chorus to speak of, so this is just completely worthless. This reminds me of Dean Blunt’s Babyfather projects, you know, the mixtapes where he actively makes fun of this type of rap and even then is miles more interesting and charismatic? God, what an awful track.
#63 – “I’ll Call You Back” – dutchavelli
Produced by Big Zeeko
Oh, and dutchavelli released an album too called Dutch from the 5th, so we have more to come from him as well. Look, I’m tired, I’m fed up, I just want this episode to be done with and maybe I’m not in the right mood to listen to snooze-worthy generic hacks in modern hip hop all have their own mini-album bombs. Just maybe. I’m not sure if that excuses the clear lack of quality and effort in any of this, or the fact that the billion-dollar company I use to listen to the product of billion-dollar companies apparently can’t have an app that works and allows me to listen to said product. To be fair to dutch, this is a more introspective track with melancholy piano loops and pretty basic trap-drill percussion, but I do like some of the lyrical content here, where he talks about how even though he feels distant from his loved ones as a big star, he really wants to keep in contact and he details some of his struggles in a really heartfelt way. His delivery is emotive and even when it’s heavily Auto-Tuned, you can tell he’s pretty frustrated with the conflict between his newfound popularity and keeping up to standards with his personal relationships. He’s not always perfectly on beat and honestly the song kind of goes nowhere, but I like the lyrics about his childhood and his mother, and I especially think his breathless, stiff cadence when he pleads with his girlfriend is pretty effective. As a song though, I don’t think I’ll be going back to this at all, which is a shame.
#59 – “Get Out My Head” – Shane Codd
Produced by Shane Codd
Shane Codd is an Irish producer, singer and DJ from Dublin who amassed a following from his playlist showcasing classic trance and house hits from the 1990s and 2000s, which he became infatuated with as a child, explaining why his first and only song is already on the chart, albeit just at #59. That “Trance Anthems 90s-00s” playlist does have some bangers (I’m not going to complain about Alice Deejay, Moby or Zombie Nation), so does Codd follow in the footsteps of these classic trance acts? Well, no. No, he doesn’t. This is a house-pop song if anything, but it’s not like I know all the ins and outs of this stuff. I have a friend that does know a lot about trance; I don’t even think she’d like this. It’s pretty lazy, bizarrely-mixed house with a lot of focus on those classic 90s pianos that do sound straight out of that diva house and Eurodance era (in fact, this is practically a Eurodance song), but without much character to speak of. For a first song, it is impressively professional but not to the extent that the percussion sounds any less cheap or tinny, or that the chopped-up vocals, from some generic female singer as always, are charming. This is exactly what I think would happen if you fed a robot tropical house music, a couple FL Studio plug-ins and a “Trance Anthems 90s-00s” playlist, and told it to produce some kind of cohesive result in return. It’s telling that this soulless dreck charted, but hey, if he’s got the following and any kind of budget, he could improve considerably and this isn’t that bad on principle. It’s just wearing influences not on the sleeve but as make-up, to cover up the lack of artistic dignity or progression the guy has, not that I expect him to (it is only his first song after all). Next.
#56 – “Say Something” – Kylie Minogue
Produced by Jon Green and Richard “Biff” Stannard
I'm not a big Kylie Minogue fan but I can admit like anyone who's not too far up their own ass that she has a lot of classics, a lot of bops and most importantly to this show in particular, a lot of bonafide smash hits to her belt. My personal favourite is "The Loco-Motion" but her 2014 album Kiss Me Once was a big factor into my appreciation of this type of inoffensive dance-pop (that indirectly made me eventually start this series), especially the lead single "Into the Blue". Speaking of lead singles, this was the lead for her 2020 effort, Disco, but it didn't actually chart until this week interestingly. Well, with that said, there must be a reason the big lead single from July didn’t chart until November, and the second single, “Magic”, did, so I’m not expecting prime Kylie here, and I’m not expecting myself to write positively about it either because I had to restart Spotify like five times before being able to actually play the song so I’m pretty annoyed with these billion-dollar companies right now... and, yeah, okay, with the synthesized choir and the staccato synth bass, I can understand how this feels less alive than other songs she’s made, particularly because this feels like a rather dumbed-down revision of 1980s pop with some really awkward vocal mixing and a chorus that never really hits. Kylie doesn’t sound great here at all either, and the guitars are just kind of garish, especially in the first verse. It doesn’t help that this is a messy song structure-wise, and that the title drop in the chorus is neither cathartic nor worth waiting for. There’s also a bridge-outro that never leads back into a chorus, so the song just floats away sadly into nowhere. Yeah, it’s safe to say this is a disappointment, especially from a lead single but it does make sense that at this point in her career Kylie and her team may be artistically stagnating. It’s been more than three decades; I’m just impressed she’s still putting out music.
#54 – “Plugged in Freestyle” – A92 and Fumez the Engineer
Produced by Charlie Mockler
It’s not often that the engineer gets lead billing, let alone an engineer whose stage name is entirely based on the fact that he is an engineer, and didn’t even produce the track. Anyway, it’s not actually unusual for YouTube and radio freestyles to chart, in fact the GRM Daily Duppy freestyles have charted before for both J Hus and Aitch. It is unusual for viral Irish drill tracks to chart however, but this did get traction as a viral video as well as the absurdity of Irish drill, which is now a rising phenomenon. A92 is an Irish drill group and all of the four members present here get three verses each, leading up to either 12 verses overall or just one big collaborative verse depending on how you count these things. You may notice at this point that I’m stalling, mostly because the Spotify app still refuses to function correctly once again. It’s not like I’m missing much in terms of unique bars or even cadence. I expected a delivery or flow that was more energetic from the Irish, just saying. There’s a lot of pointless censorship when it’s pretty clear what they’re saying, and the guys are obviously lipsyncing in the video so it’s not like this is some impressive off-the-cuff freestyle. I do like the incredibly deep voice Dbo has but it’s not interesting enough to carry his uninteresting flow and this really minimal, basic drill beat that works for its intended purpose to carry the bars but it does not make an impression further than that and by the end of the track, it’s just dull. I do admit to really liking the fourth guy Offica’s verses here because he has a lot more energy and intriguing flows than the rest of them; if any of this group get a solo career off the back of this I’d expect it to be him, or at least I’d hope so. Overall, though, I’m not a big fan although I don’t think this is bad, just unremarkable. If I thought it was bad, I think this episode would end up being posted posthumously anyway.
#52 – “Zero Zero” – dutchavelli
Produced by The Fanatix
Oh, hey, look! It’s more of the same. I imagine if you follow the US charts, you’d soon get tired of the trap garbage that somehow ends up on there in the lower reaches of the chart when it could be given to more promising mainstream-adjacent acts that end up just popping up on the Bubbling Under. Whilst I don’t really have the same problem with this chart, I am growing tired of UK drill music at this point and its indignant refusal to be interesting. It’s not like I have an issue with the music itself because I can usually ignore it, but does all of it really HAVE to chart? When it was new and relatively interesting I welcomed it but the sparse drum patterns, badly mixed 808s and “menacing” pianos are all very much getting on my nerves at this point in the year, especially when the chart is flooded with this stuff. For every weekly pathetic house-pop tune we get, we also get at least three drill “bangers”. Maybe the charts have just made me cynical. I should probably maybe rest before trying to continue this episode – I’ve given a notice on Twitter that grants me more time so I suppose I’ll get back to you when I’m not mindlessly ranting about drill music.
Alright, so I haven’t slept but Spotify has decided to function for now, and I guess I might as well use this opportunity to write about the last few arrivals. We all have our “off” days, and this was one of mine so I apologise if this episode isn’t up to scratch – even if admittedly, I’m telling myself that more than anyone else. Oh, and this song is actually kind of fun, with his really elegant strings that are backed up by some hard-hitting drill percussion that actually makes for a pretty hard beat here, especially with those extra sound effects. Seriously, props to the Fanatix for this, and dutchavelli actually brings a lot more energy than I expected, even on the ad-libs on the chorus, though of course, the content isn’t anything new. He is finding new and funny ways to talk about crack cocaine trafficking though, so I commend that. The skit is kind of pointless but I’m sure it makes sense in the album. That was quick! In fact, I’m going to try and be quick before I fall asleep.
#49 – “Spin this Coupe” – Abra Cadabra
Produced by H1K and Zenith
I’ve restarted Spotify so many times and I’ve restarted my computer at least thrice. This desktop app still refuses to function and this is a recent but bloody persistent problem. Maybe I should just re-download the Spotify app, but it does aggravate me that it does this when I’m supposed to be, you know, REVIEWING THE CHARTS. It’s not like it’s down for other people either, it just likes to freeze on me for no reason other than my own suffering. There’s a Dave song coming so I’ve kind of been raring to get to that but just to keep myself in check and on routine I suppose I need to listen to this garbage. I didn’t mind Abra Cadabra on the “BLM” song from a few weeks ago and I do like the semi-introspective tone he has lyrically here, showing some kind of self-awareness about the gang violence he discusses in his music. Lyrics like that are few and far between however and more often than not it’s just uninspired gunplay and some flexing over some drill type beat. I swear I’ve heard that exact same hi-hat sound and pattern so many times, and other than some overly-energetic ad-libs that make this shoddily-mixed track even uglier sounding, Abra Cadabra is not selling any of this, even when he does a more rapid-pace, energetic yelling flow. He’s not saying anything memorable and he’s only vaguely on beat. I mean, it’s fine but I’m sick of this already. There’s a preview of another song on the YouTube video for this song and I thought it was just another verse. Come on, lads, think of something else.
#35 – “Straight Murder (Giggs & David)” – Giggs featuring Dave
Produced by KeyzMusic
What an odd title. It’s like if I called this show REVIEWING THE CHARTS (Cactus), like we know your names, guys. Is this how they want to credit Dave as a co-lead artist or something? I’ve got no idea but this is our second and final track from Giggs’ Now or Never and thank God, it features Dave, a British rapper I really enjoy. His album PSYCHODRAMA was one of the best records I heard last year and I’ve consistently liked most of his stuff, specifically his brand of cool, relaxed flows and blunt, admittedly corny punchlines with a lot of conscious influence and cleverness that most of these drill guys wouldn’t dare to try and implement in their singles. He and J Hus form a crossroad between the mainstream British rap scene and more underground or alternative acts; he strikes me very much as a more accessible male Little Simz, a sharp lyricist with a lot of unique charm who knows how to have fun. In fact, the one thing I don’t think Dave can do convincingly is rap on a drill beat, or at least one like “Paper Cuts” where he just sounded sloppy. He also had a feature on a D-Block Europe song that was just comical, so I can’t say his recent efforts have been as good but that performance of “Black” at the BRITs really cemented him as one of the best British musicians in the charts right now for me and a lot of other people, so this acts as kind of a comeback single for him, even if it is just a throwaway feature track – there’s a reason this debuted so high. I do think this could stick around as well since Dave does have longevity. I still bump “Funky Friday” more than two years later, although to be fair that did hit #1. This won’t, but is it good? Yeah, this appeals to the part of me that just wants bars over a pretty solid, atmospheric trap beat, and Dave does sound checked-out at times but that’s always been a part of his casual, sliding delivery. There is a lot of empty space in his verse but it’s always played out for comedic effect I feel and while this is a flow he’s definitely used before, the sheer length of this verse means it would be difficult for him to have more hits and misses and yeah, his delivery makes nearly all of these lines hit. Compare the amount of Genius annotations on his verse to how many are on Giggs and you can see why I like this guy a lot more. He may be blunt but it has layers and layers of charm to it, and some of these bars are more than they look to be on the surface. Even his opening line about taking orders can be explained in various different ways: he knows about taking orders but he “doesn’t know” about taking orders, suggesting he doesn’t like taking orders, but what are these orders? They could be taking orders from a boss and now he’s a boss but they could also be about drug trafficking or sending out hits, and then he really “doesn’t know” about taking orders, if you catch my drift. Other than that, he uses his “Streatham” flow to mostly flex but there’s tons of wordplay and I appreciate that more than the boring matter-of-fact structure of verses that half of these other UK rappers have. He’s just effortlessly spitting here and I’ll take that any week but especially this week. Welcome back, Dave, I’m excited to see what you’ve got in store for your next album. Oh, and Giggs is here but who gives a –
#23 – “Confetti” – Little Mix
Produced by TM5
Surprisingly, no Little Mix songs penetrated the top 20, or at least no new ones. In fact, this is our only new song from the girls thanks to silly UK chart rules, and, really, it’s just here because it’s the title track. I can’t say much about Little Mix because I feel there’s nothing to discuss. The new album is something I have not bothered to listen to out of pure disinterest, and this title track... doesn’t seem like a title track. You’d think a title track would be a bit flashier than some dated DJ Mustard hyphy-like beat with pretty pitiful trap percussion and plastic vocal production that makes the girls sound admittedly less inhuman than usual. In fact, they sound more human here than ever, maybe because they’re surrounded by one of the stiffest R&B instrumentals I’ve ever heard, and partly because some of the background vocal melodies are actually pretty catchy, even if the chorus makes it clear that none of it matters since the non-existent pay-off is not worth any of the similarly void build-up. This is a fine, rather understated song where the girls mostly just flex – which is pretty unheard of for a dance-pop track – so I have no issue with it but this could have actually been good... and was once again watered down by manufactured factory-sealed production. Speaking of talented women being let down by production...
#22 – “pov” – Ariana Grande
Produced by Oliver Frid, TBHits and Mr. Franks
So we got the obviously planned pop smashes out of the way from Positions so now it’s time to see what the fans are really gravitating to and to my surprise, it’s the closer. This is the fan favourite from the record and is just now charting because “motive” dropped out and it’s clear why this one is the preferred track. It takes somewhat of an introspective outlook but very much through an immature, lovestruck tone running through the track and its really sweet lyrical content, where she just expresses how much her partner loves her to the point of her even feeling some bizarre envy in the chorus, as she wants to reach a level of self-love comparable to how her partner feels about her. She wants to see why her partner loves her this much despite what she perceives as tragic flaws. By the bridge, she reaches a conclusion that there isn’t any emotional baggage coming with this relationship anymore, a natural book-end to her “leaving her baggage at the door” in the opener of the album. I love the vocal melodies here, with her multi-tracked cooing really shining beautifully amongst the flourishes of strings and more subtle pianos, with trap-adjacent snapping percussion that is actually well implemented and adds a sense of casualness to the song that would otherwise perhaps seem too melodramatic for Ariana. Also, the last line in the chorus is admirable and it works as a perfect closer to the record.
So there is a single good song here, and that is “pov” by Ariana Grande which snags Best of the Week, and, sure, while I like Dave on “Straight Murder (Giggs & David)”, Giggs royally screws up so it can only get the Honourable Mention. For Worst of the Week it’s going to The Kid LAROI just in general for both “WITHOUT YOU” and “ALWAYS DO”, with the latter only being slightly more tolerable. I guess I can give the Dishonourable Mention to Giggs as well for whatever “Buff Baddies” is. Sigh... here’s this terrible week’s top 10.
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Thank you for reading my uncharacteristically cynical and just mean ramblings on pop music this week. You can follow me @cactusinthebank on Twitter, I promise I’m not as angry on there. See you next week for hopefully something better than this.
0 notes
newflanagansonthebloch · 6 years ago
Day 8, April 14, 2019: Hoi An Eco Tour and Da Lat
Unfortunately due to some flight changes on the part of Vietnam air, our original plan of a late flight to Da Lat was moved up to the afternoon. While this decreases our time in Hoi An, it did not prevent us from completing the Hoi An area Eco Tour, a piece of the Vietnam trip my grandmother really enjoyed when she visited last year.
Our tour guide from Jack Tran Tours was Viet and he greeted us with a smile and sense of humor bright and early at 7am. He took us on a short van ride to our beach cruiser bikes for the day. We hopped on and peddled out of the main city past rice paddies and new highways. Our first stop on the tour was a home belonging to three women in their early 60s: 61, 62. 63. One was widowed young when her husband died of a moto incident at 24. Another had a son. This is likely the one who also has a grandson who just turned one. Birthday decorations remain outside from the previous evening.The last woman never married. The three live together in a very basic home. They sleep on what westerners would call a rather antiquated bed, without a proper mattress. In addition to getting paid for hosting tourists like us, these woman make money by farming and selling their crops at the local market.They wake up at 2am to begin to water their crops, which they do by hand except for when it’s really really hot. These women have about 700 square meters and they grow mustard seeds (which take a week) as well as onions. Morning glory, lemon basil and more. Many of these plants require growing and then transplanting over to a new part of the farm for replanting. They fertile the soil with seaweed from a nearby fish farm, as well as cow or water buffalo dung. Two of the women are home when we visit. The oldest is 63 but looks far older. She is permanently hunched over—a direct result of her watering the garden which she can no longer do. That doesn’t stop her, she is still hustling about. A younger one is working and watering and urges us to take a try at watering and then planting. She too is slight and looks older than she is. Some of her teeth are missing, but that doesn’t stop her from smiling. Before departing she hands us a bag of fresh herbs and lettuce for our upcoming lunch. Talk about organic growers. 220 families around these parts once grew food for a living. Today, about 130 continue to farm and 90 or so have moved to work in the tourism industry. Farming is not a particularly lucrative trade. Despite being expert exporters of rice, just growing rice is a hard salary to live off. A 49 hectare dawn may yield one crop after three months. These 3 months earn the family less that what they can live on. After all a farm this big might yield 400kg in seed but after shelling, only 280kg of rice. If we assume 1 dollar = 2kg, for three months work and a whole harvest, only $150 might be yielded from this harvest. Most people supplement this farming income with other crops tourism etc. the Mekong delta which we’ll visit later this week is the largest and main exporter of rice in Vietnam. Unlike here they can harvest not two, but three crops of rice per year.
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We get back on our bikes and cycle past a number of shrimp farms, and of course more rice paddies. Near to a large traffic circle and the highway we dismount once again for the most touristy part of the trip—water buffalo riding. This is when I learn that the only animal Kerran has ever ridden is a camel! The coolest part about this stop is actually the nearby brown cow (they don’t have black and white ones here) and the day old calf following it around as it learns to walk. After our carnival-like bull riding experience we get back on our bikes and cycle toward the river. We pass the countless beach side hotels and wave hello to the ocean. Like Danang, more resorts are popping up often. Our guide Viet’s wife works part time in one hotel doing laundry, but not for the next six months as she had their first child six days ago!
On the river side, we board a boat and take off our shoes as instructed. We are in Coco River, names for the long necked bird (is egret) that you can see everywhere. Coconut cake and sliced pineapple await us for a morning snack. We begin sailing away from land toward the open bay. Our first stop is a small fishing boat. A jolly woman rows from the back while a man throws a net out repeatedly. The net is beautiful as it’s tossed. We board their boat and see that they’ve just caught one small fish. Kerran tries and does well on his first try. I kind of suck at it. We don’t catch anything but the experience is cool. Admittedly this is pretty late in the AM for this.
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We get back on our bigger boat and sail on. We pass the fishing village of a Cua Dai (another name for the river) where Viet grew up. This is a village with about 5000 people. In 2000 about 90% of people worked in fishing. Today, only 40% work in fishing and the majority of others have moved to tourism. Viet is one of five kids—his brother is in construction but all three sisters work in hotels as chambermaids, doing laundry etc. All of the girls stopped school at age 12 while the boys continued. Today however schooling is compulsory for both genders until age 18. Similar to our first guide, Viet got electricity in 1993. He remembers the whole village circling around the two televisions in 1998 to watch a soccer match. In 1999 UNESCO names Hoi An a historic world heritage site. Tourism has been growing exponentially ever since. In 2017 Hoi An saw and estimated 2.5M tourists. Last year there were 3.8M. There are 150,000 people living in Hoi An! Viet thinks about 70% are from China and Korea, and this is less good as most reside in Chinese owned hotels in nearby Danang.
We sail onward toward the water coconut forests. These plants aren’t endemic to the area and are originally from the Mekong delta and used to help prevent erosion. The coconut forest was also a hiding place for about 140 Vietnamese during the American war. Only about 40 survived, half of which were heavily injured. In this place about 1000 people died, including the Vietnamese soldiers, Americans and locals. In wet season they hid right in the water eating fish and the oysters that dot the palm trunks. In dry season they covered themselves with mud to camouflage themselves from the Americans. Today it’s a beautiful area (well, the parts that aren’t littered with trash). The crew of our own boat demonstrated how to use circular basket boats made of bamboo. They are waterproofed with tar and cow dung. The Vietnamese originally created these (based on a Welsh boat) because the french taxes the length of boats and this significantly decreased the cost. Today they cost about 200-250 US dollars. The staff do a demonstration, cheekily singing Gangnam style as they go. Then we get in and it feels as if we’re on a tilt a whirl. After this bit of touristy and somewhat gimmicky fun, Viet also boards the boat and we sail through the forest. We pick up garbage as we go and eventually reach an area without too much litter. Both Viet and the boat rower start using palm leaves to create some very impressive origami. He also constructs two fishing rods and baits them with an oyster from the palm leaves. We are going fishing for crabs. Kerran lures the crab in with his bait and we scoop the black crabs with purple pinchers into what looks like a leftover gasoline or washing detergent canister. We catch a few but they are all quite small so we ultimately let them go.
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We then board the big boat again and head toward our last stop to try another type of fishing. Nearby the beach we board the small basket boat once again to get to shore. On shore is a large contraption used for reeling in a giant net. Typically these fisherman are out from 5pm to 3am but our host is up and about for us. He’s heavily tanned from being in the sun and has use only of one arm and yet he manages to reel in this heavy thing. The large net has holes in very strategic places and he strategically moves the net to get out the fish. This morning we catch nothing but small babies so we let those go.
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Back on board the bigger boat the crew is making us lunch. As always with these touristy things, there is more food than we can handle. We start with spring rolls, then get a calimari salad, grilled mackerel, tons of rice, traditional morning glory and the pancake spring rolls I had last night. Dessert is mung bean cookies. I am completely stuffed. We sail back to shore and Viet boards a small van with us back to our hotel. The driver could be a NYC cab driver—he’s a bit aggressive and swerved around tour busses. I am genuinely fearful for the motorbikes on the road!
We’re back to the hotel in time to freshen up before Hoai picks us up at 1:25pm to take us to the airport. We bid farewell to Hoai and take the one hour flight to the mountain region of Da Lat.
Boy are we glad when we get here. It’s cool!!! Our guide, who insists we call him Frankie, meets us at the airport. He’s clearly more outdoorsy than the other guides, and much younger, just a few years older than we are. He studied law and English at university but after a year of attempting to practice law in Saigon after university, he was itching to come back and become a guide. He says his mom was not thrilled! He has both a ten year old and 1 year old girl.
We check in at the Dalat Palace Hotel, originally built by the french and finished in 1922. It has all the charms of a historic hotel but admittedly, is in need of a bit of a renovation.
We freshen up and meander into town where a bustling night market takes place. This weekend is also a holiday weekend so Vietnamese tourists are everywhere. The night market here is less touristy and more authentic-people selling warm weather clothes and countless foods. You can easily identify the Vietnamese tourists because they are dressed in hats and scarves. It’s probably about 65 degrees.
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We eat a bit off the main drag at a small restaurant called Trong Dong. When we arrive we’re the only ones there but a few other couples wander in. There are only about 7 or 8 tables here—each covered with a plaid table cloth that is then layered with a white one. It’s quiet and cute with an extensive menu of Vietnamese food. We learn at this dinner that Da Lat produces wine (it’s okay). I get a delicious clay pot of spicy pork.
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We’re exhausted after dinner and meander our way back through the night market toward tour hotel which is perched on a hill and overlooks the towns lake. We stop to take pictures of an impromptu dance session and the boards of people eating and enjoying the market. This city is funky—it’s both beautifully adorned with flowers (earning it its name of the flower city) and also somewhat kitschy with lights all around. We’re ready to explore!
0 notes
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i am looking for treatment centers for my son in Florida and i am in Virginia and when i read insurance info every one of them takes state financed insurance? what is this?
Insurance on a 2003 SAAB 2.0.?
I am 16 and i really like this car. It is Turbo charged, which i really am not worried about.. i am a very careful driver.not looking for speed.. and never been in an accident. how much do you think the insurance would be a month??""
Insurance on this type of car?
I am planning on buying a 1993 Mitsubishi 3000GT. I own a little hatchback and wanting to dramatically upgrade! lol I only have liability, full coverage is to expensive right now. But anyways, the car is red (some ppl say that matters, idk if it does), V6, and really sporty. On liability, how much do you think its going to cost per month???""
Cheapest auto insurance rates?
i dont care what is covered and whats not, i don't care if i have a damn five thousand dollar deductible, i just want to be legal! How can this government mandate that we all must purchase insurance with some ty[e of non-inflated public option. Please answer the first question, and not the second...""
Would it be cheaper to insure a VW Golf for an 18 year old as a name driver on my parents insurance ?
I hear that a VW Golf is really expensive to insure for an 18 year old. Would it be cheaper if the car was insured for my parents and I was a name driver on that insurance ?
How does car insurance work?
I'm looking at getting car insurance but I'm confused how it works i want to pay monthly but u cannot afford to pay the deposit and a month in advance PLEASE HELP! xD
Business insurance for cleaning business?
me and my friend want to start our own small cleaning business as a contractor and agencies who gonna get us work asking for insurance can anyone tell how much will it cost me and what do i need to get insured as we have general cleaning equipments, car and steam clean machine only. earning very less initially so cant afford much. please guide us. thanks""
Insurance for tuners ?
Getting a car soon and wanted to know how insurance works if you tune it uo...like say a geo tracker with an RB26DETT in it...yes i no its close to impossible...would they charge more or what....i no they dont cosmetically but like adding a turbo would they add to ur insurance??
Mortgage company wants us to pay hazard insurance premium up front?
I am getting an FHA home loan. My mortgage company sent me a good faith estimate stating that my hazard insurance premium will be included in closing costs, but that I will also be paying a monthly hazard insurance payment, the same goes for the mortgage insurance. They are also wanting us to put $591 into hazard insurance reserves. What is this all about? Is this normal? I was pretty positive that when you got insurance you just paid your premium monthly, not up front and then monthly also? Help me understand what is going on here.""
Health Insurance for a newly married healthy couple ?
Amongst the following companies which offers Good and Hassle free Health Insurance for a newly married healthy couple sum assured around 5 lakhs per annum. Apollo DKV Bajaj Allianz Cholamandalam HDFC Ergo ICICI Lambord Iffco-Tokio National Insurance New India Insurance Oriental Insurance Reliance Health Royal Sundaram Star Health Tata AIG United India Insurance. Reply with confidance with suitable reason why you suggest this company. Reply immediately.
Opening a company (California)?
What does one must have to register a small company in California specializing in recruitment/staffing employment? What type of Insurance (General Liability, Work Compensation) Approximate Cost. Tax id What is the approximate annual cost?""
I quit my job to take another job. I need health insurance for 90 days before my new coverage kicks in.?
If I buy short-term insurance, my pre-existing condition (ADD) will not be covered for 1 year. So, do I buy health insurance for 1 year and not take my new employers? By the way, Cobra will cost me $794 a month if I decide to get it. That's crazy! I'm 25 years old, have had health insurance my whole life, perfectly healthy except for ADD... Maybe Obama should try and fix the system for those who still have jobs before he creates new problems. What 25 year old can afford $794 a month for Cobra? What do I do?""
""I need good, affordable health insurance. Any suggestions? Do any exist specifically for Nursing students?""
I already looked into StateFarm and they quoted me at near $200, and that's just way too much. I need something that's gonna be less than $100.""
Hey how much will car insurance be when i start driving at 16?
ok heres the thing,ill be 16 years old when i get my dl,our insurance is mercury,and i am gonna drive a 1991 civic hatchback,or a 1992 integra any clues o how much per month""
Ok how much would car insurance cost?
I'm asking this question for my 16 year old friend Gabby her parents just bought her a BMW 328i xDrive Sedan for 37,000 so she is wondering how much insurance is going to cost because she is in the proccess of trying to convince her parents to let her pay insurance or payments shes comparing which will cost less so insurance?? how much $$""
Can insurance cost less on a motorcycle with a restriction kit ?
I want to know will insurance cost less on a 600 bike if you put a restriction kit on it. Also will it make a 600 a good first bike to start on. I know some motorcycle licenses have 33 HP limits and people still can get 600's and put restriction kits on them to keep the power down to make them good first bikes.
""Auto Insurance, im swtiching companies but im worried about lienholder. Help?
i have Capital One as my auto lienholder and as of right now allstate as my insurance. I was sent a letter by allstate that they are going to cancel my policy as of 12/17 for ...show more
Does auto insurance cost more in Las Vegas than los Angeles?
Does auto insurance cost more in Las Vegas than los Angeles?
""I got into a car accident with no insurance, but it was 100% his fault.....?""
I was just wondering..... I got into a car accident that was 100% his fault. I have no insurance and he did. My car got impounded and was wondering a few things.... If the police report says its his fault, would his insurance people fix my car or get it out of impound or anything? Or am I just screwed because I had no insurance?""
Is there a free health insurance in usa? arizona?
Is there a free health insurance in usa? arizona?
Why would a African America have to pay more for car insurance?
Me and my friend writes for the school news paper. We did our own investigation like the local news will do sometimes.We both at two different times went to see a local and same agent for a car insurance quote . We are both the same age, No record of bad driving, No criminal record, also wanted insurance on the same car and same gender. The only different variable was race. I don't think time would of played part since it was only 1 hour apart. This offends me how the car companies can do this. I wondered why? Any information or missing links that can help us write this story?""
Best place for car insurance? (uk)?
I passed my driving test a couple of days ago and i need to insure my car. I realise the insurance is going to be 'through the roof', but can anybody reccomend places worth trying where i might get the best quote? thankoooooou""
How to get my auto insurance licsence?
How to get my auto insurance licsence?
Is there insurance for?
is there insurance for rabbits or is it just for cats and dogs? my rabbit is about 3 years old and want to get some insurance for her if i can.
Thought I found a solution to high car insurance... Not so sure now?
He-yo.... I'm guessing any young newly qualified driver out there would of already found out is the shear cost of getting yer car insured. I know as I'm 18, male which supposedly makes me high risk so the cheapest insurance I got was 3820 and that's only for third party, and the car is only a 1.2 litre Renault Clio. My instructor mentioned that he heard a scheme that's being done for young new drivers, companies called: Young Banana & Young Marmalade The idea is that these companies have merged together with insurance companies to fill a gap in the market which is us young drivers. The scheme is that you buy a new car or a nearly new car with these guys and the car will come with affordable insurance. I had a look at it and decided to get a quote just out of interest with a new car. So I selected the nearly new car category and went with the new shaped Renault Clio. You can select to buy the car straight away or get it financed over a period of months with 60 being the longest, I got 150 monthly payment as the average which is just payment for the car. The first years insurance came as 1635, (got all excited and jumping, over - reacting) provided that your parents have a good record they are added to the policy for free. I was thinking that it was too good to be true, new car, affordable insurance. But then could be too good of a deal to go without some hidden catches. I dunno what makes me suspicious about these sites but the more I investigate into it the more I feel that this could become quite expensive. Here are the websites in question: Young Banana - http://www.togreenstreets.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=16&Itemid=32 Young Marmalade - http://www.youngmarmalade.co.uk/index.php When I investigated Young Marmalade in more depth it was the insurance that got to me cause my first initial thought was that you pay for the insurance continually with them as long as you own the car, but it looks more like a 12 month deal that has to be renewed each time.... The car as well comes out cheaper then its usual retail price (if new) or usual price for its mileage (if nearly new) so I started to think that theres a one off payment at the end of the contract to own the car.. What do you guys think of this?""
Whats the cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old?
I'm getting towards the point where I'm going to be driving soon whats the cheapest car insurance I can get
What's the purpose of insurance?
What's the purpose of insurance?
""Pregnant, parents health insurance?""
I just found out that I am pregnant, and i am currently under my parents health insurance, I am 20 and a full time college student, will my parents insurance drop me because I am pregnant? If I quit school they will also drop me right?""
Which is the best child insurance plan for my 2 months old child ?
I need help in knowing the best LIC's insurance plan for my 2 months old child. Please help me out! I need so that after 15-20 years of age, I have enough money for his studies.. and in case something happen to me he is secured.""
Do you need insurance for a 50cc (49cc) scooter in California?
Do you need insurance for a 50cc (49cc) scooter in California?
Is health insurance haram?
Hey, We're supposed to write an essay on any topic of our choice and show it relates to well being and opportunity in Canada while addressing inequalities (that part is optional). I'm thinking of writing on Private Health Insurance in Canada. But first i wanna know if health insurance is haram. Also what can I focus on on in terms of health insurance. Should I focus on their good side/bad side, etc. Any suggestions?""
Can someone else put insurance on my car?
I have two cars and one of them is parked right now due to gas prices. So I took insurance off of it for the time being. One of my friends car is messed up and she does not have a ride, I am thinking of letting her borrow my car until she can get hers fixed. So can she put insurance on it and drive it?""
How can I afford a car and insurance?
I am going into my second year of college and would like a car. I don't have a job. I have applied many places, but no luck. I don't have time during the year to work since I am a full time student, so I thought this summer I could save money if I had a job. My parents can not afford to buy me a car and provide insurance. I just want that independence.""
Should i go on my mothers car insurance ?
Ok so i have been looking around for car insurance because im about to get a car.... but the lowest rates i found were Progessive which was 7000 for 6 months and State Farm which was nearly 5000 ..... so if i go on my mothers insurance will it be lower ? by how much ? or will it be the same ?
Insurance low balling me?
The top of a dead tree fell from neighbor's yard, onto my car. Speared the back window and ruined my back seat. Large dent on the roof. Random dents and scratches all over the car. My full coverage insurance company, USAA, declared the accident covered under comprehensive insurance. Deemed unrepairable. I purchased my car for $5k, near $6k after 2years of financing is paid off. This accident just happened after 4 months of payment on the car. I have $3k left to pay. 1999 Honda Civic EX Coupe. KBB valued at: retail, $5.1k. private party, $3.3k. My insurance claim payout will be $2.6k. Which leaves me roughly $500 in the hole. I do not have gap insurance, and I wasn't even aware of gap insurance until this accident (at which point I came across that service while researching insurance info). It would cost me upwards of $5k easy to replace my Honda with a same or similar model from a car dealer. Is there any way to get more from my insurance claim? Is there any way to get more from my insurance claim?""
How much insurance do you guys pay for a Harley (v rod)?
I am planning on buying a hd v rod soon and I'm 21. I've been driving my car for almost 6 years and have a clean driving recorrect (if it matters). I was wondering how much people pay for motorcycle insurance?
How much is commercial car insurance?
I am doing a project for school and need to know a ball park range of the annual cost of car insurance for a courier service. here's some info: -2 cars -6 drivers -cars will not travel more than 20 miles per trip -liability limit $500,000 -uninsured/underinsured motorist limit $500,000 -General liability coverage: 1,000,000 **these do not have to be exact but the rate you give me is for other limits, just tell me those limits. I have no idea so any info you have and can back up would be awesome! THANKS!""
Insurance for learner drivers?
I am going to put on the insurance of my Granny's brand new Kia Picanto next month to practise driving as well as having lessons. My grandparents, parents & me are going to be insured and I just wanted to know what the cheapest insurance company for learner driver's were. I have already used comparethemarket.com but some were very expensive. Are there any cheap insurance companies for learner drivers? I am aged 17""
I'm looking for the lowest car insurance I can find?
nationwide offered me 200/monthly liability allstate 123.00/month esurance 89/month Any idea if I can find the next lower one?
Are you supposed to have car insurance at 15?
i just thought of this just now and i remember having to pay for auto insurance at 15 just for a school permit for school and back and i hear some people dont have insurance was i right to pay for it or was i tricked because he says you have to be 16 and said he'll accidentally put that i am and say it was a mistake to the company, i think this is a trick but idk and again others dont pay for insurance but were they just too cheap to do it and risk the consinquence? or did i get tricked back then by my insurer""
Any 18 Year old drivers with car insurance?
I'm 18 and I cant find any insurance under 7K and this is clear ageism. Are there any other young drivers who are sole policy holders with cheaper insurance?
Unemployment Insurance Florida Notice of Determination . Denied?
I got a Notice of Determination in the mail from Florida Unemployment Compensation. Section 2 states: Benefits are payable because: The discharge was for reason other than misconduct. Section 3 states: The employer is not chargeable since the employment was in the base period. The last job I had I only had for 3 weeks. The job I had before that, I had for three years. Before the Notice of Determination I received Wage Transcript and Determination It says I am eligible and states my weekly benefit amount and when my benefit year begins and ends. My next to last employer is in the base period. I have already received on check for one week. and I am scheduled to claim my weeks for this coming Monday. I went to the Florida Unemployment website and went to the link and put in my info for info about my claim and it says nothing about me being denied. If my last employer is not chargeable and not in my base period, does that mean my next to last previous employer is chargeable, since they are in my base period? I have received no explicit letter saying i am denied. My bottom line question is: does the Notice of Determination by saying that my last employer is not chargeable mean that my unemployment claim is denied?""
Car insurance question ? And leasing a brand new car question HELP!?
im planning on leasing a brand new bmw 08 , but the lease says $357. Ok, in the end what do i have to pay? im talking about after paying the down payment.. how does the insurance work? Every month do i actually pay 357 or is there taxes including, and insurance.. im confused about the insurance part cause do u pay with bmw insurance or lik for example geico..... i dont get it.. someone help.. how ddoes it all work wat are the final costs of a monthly leasE?""
Can my husband leave his life insurance to his mother?
My daughter was recently married to the man of her dreams . Well as it turns out he is not such a great guy after all. My daughter changed her life insurance policy beneficiary from me (mom) to her husband as she should. Her husband on the other hand has decided that he will leave his mom as his beneficiary for good. They are really fighting about it, and I think he can't leave everything to his mom anyway. Will his mom really get everything if by some horrible event he passes. He is in the military and will be deployed very soon, so this is a real concern.""
Can you renew a car's registration with non-owners insurance?
I am driving a car that has no insurance that is owned by someone else. Obviously because of no insurance the secretary of state won't renew the tags. Will they renew the registration if I show them my non-owners insurance?
Got a speeding ticket in friends newly bought car and he didnt have proof of insurance?
so my friend recently bought a car from someone and i drove it and got a speeding ticket in it. do i have to show HIS insurance for the car or that I am insured? and if i do have to show his, then how do i get proof the insurance on the car was being transfered over to his? he already had insurance on his other cars that are his parents.""
What are the recommended coverage i should have for auto insurance?
i don't know anything about auto insurance, so im trying to figured out what i should include in my policy, not just standard, but recommended coverage, so that if anything happen the insurance company can't say this or that doesn't covered...im a person that rather be safe than sorry later... so far i have statefarm in Florida, and here are my coverage and limit so far: liability bodily injury 10/20, property damage 25 per accident. no-fault coverage comprehensive collision uninsured motorist bodily injury 10/20 is there anything else i need to add or missing? is there different between the personal injury protection and no-fault coverage? is my limit enough? my friend has 50/100 limit and pays much lower premium than me (about 40% less).""
""In CA, would my mom's car insurance cover my car?""
I live with my mom in California and we both have cars. I just bought mine recently under both mine and my mother's name but do no have it insured. My mom does have insurance though. I got in a little fender bender a couple days ago but when the report got filed, I got a citation for not having my own car insured. What I mean to ask here is, if my mom has car insurance and my car is under her name as well, would her insurance cover me, therefore leaving the citation void?""
How to get my auto insurance licsence?
How to get my auto insurance licsence?
""If the mandate to buy health insurance wont stand the supreme court review, why am I forced to buy...?
car insurance in the state of California?
Car insurance lapse payments?
My car was towed because I had a lapse of payments on my insurance. The cop told me i could get my car back in a day. My question is will i be able to get on a new insurance plan bring it to the DMV and re-register my car? Anymore information on this topic will be great. fyi i live in CT, USA.""
""Out of these cars, which one will have the cheapest insurance?
Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005
Best way to file claim for Allstate home owner's insurance?
My husband and I have minor storm damage to the roof over our master bedroom. And now water has managed to get into the wall and is making the sheet rock bubble up, as well as causing cracks in the ceiling in that one particular spot. Allstate sent an insurance agent out and they said that after our $1,000 deductible they are only willing to pay about $400 over the cost to fix it. So...should I get a contractor to assess and give me a quote, and then re-file a claim with the insurance adjuster? If so, how should I go about doing that?""
Cheap car insurance for young male drivers?
where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for a young male driver??
I'm not gay but need health insurance?
In my state (ct) my boyfriend can not add me to his health insurance policy because we are not a homosexual couple. We live together and have for a long time, but because we have the option of getting married I can't have coverage. While I am happy that Ct takes homosexual relationships into account, I feel heterosexuals are being discriminated against. We are not religious and in no hurry to marry- we are very happy. Any thoughts on the legalities here or how to get around this?""
I have a full uk car licence what do i put on my moped insurance?
my licence is full uk car and i done my cbt but when i look online to do insurance quotes and select licence type it always colmes up full moped, provisional moped, full motorcycle, european moped etc and no full uk car what licence type shall i put because of this ?""
Help Car Insurance help?
Im 16 and im gettin a 2003 cadillac CTS when i get my licences and i have a few questions. The car is $10,932 how much would the down payment be also how much monthly plus insurance?""
Where can I find information about female car insurance? Is it really cheaper than for men?
Where can I find information about female car insurance? Is it really cheaper than for men?
Cost to insure brand new Range Rover Sport at 17 years old?
To start off, money is not a problem in this situation for me so dont tell start saying - Its unreliable - It'll be too expensive etc... Anyway! just wondering what a brand new range rover sport would cost to insure as a new driver with a full UK license as a named driver whilst im 17 years old? Thanks""
""I have the title to and own my car, does ohio still require that i carry state minimum insurance?
i heard on a radio show that if you had the title to your car you don't need to have collision or comprehensive insurance
How can I locate the Insurance Company that provides coverage for a California resident?
How can I locate the Insurance Company that provides coverage for a California resident?
Whats the best auto insurance for a 20 year old girl with a 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee?
What would be the best and the cheapest auto insurance for a girl 20 years old with a 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo with 6 cyn 4X4 and a security system???? Which one would you consider the cheapest auto insurance?? She got a speeding ticket on 8/8/08 too going 45 in a 30.
Can you swap your bike for a hire bike with insurance?
I have a hire bike with my insurance while my bike is in repair, the hire bike is perfect and really fits my needs perfectly, is it possible they could swap mine for the hire bike even if it means paying money for it""
What % of my budget should health insurance be?
Me and my bf are trying to figure out if we have enough money to move out on our own. We are full time students. Once we get married we will be making about 26000 a year after tuition and books. We can get an appartment for about 600-700 in our area, no car payments, car insurance will be 150 to cover both of our cars...what i'm not sure about is the health insurance and food costs...does it sound like we have enough to scrape by on our own?""
""In the UK how much do you think it will cost approximatley to get a car,lessons,insurance, etc etc.?""
I just was after an estimate so i have an idea of how much money i need to earn by july when im 17 i only want a small car such as a KA or corsa, it doesnt have to be new or anything.""
""I heard that car insurance is cheaper if i include my spouse, why ?""
i would imagine car insurance would cost more then there are more people using a car, not the other way around""
How much woul motorcycle insurance cost if.........?
45 years old, driving for 29 years have all other liscenses exept m, suzuki gs550""
What auto insurance to get?
Im 17. Drive 1993 bmw 318is e36 black Car title is on my name Still live with parents Barely make 500 a month and still need to get new paint job and new tires. Ive calculated and turns out thats around 1k. So what auto insurance would be good for me? At least so it covers the damage done by me to other people.. not to expensive please. East Tennessee
What is the average car insurance payment for a 20 year old female?
Im thinking of purchasing a 2008 dodge avenger. Ive never had car insurance in my own name before. I have no accidents on my record and nothing else in my name. Also, i have no major violations.""
Does my mom need to add me to her car insurance?
So, I never got my permit. I have been waiting to turn 18. In the state of Florida. I do not need a permit 18 or over. My thing is . Her car insurance won't let me be on her insurance without a drivers permit or licence. I'm stuck now. I was wondering will the dmv require me to be on her insurance in order to take the drivers test ?""
Does the Affordable Care Act regulate health care or insurance?
Does the Affordable Care Act regulate health care or insurance?
Health insurance from a broker?
HI, I need to take out a health insurance policy for myself because my work doesn't offer any. I called a local insurance broker who offers that service in addition to others like life, business, etc. My question is, is there any negative reason to buy from him verses going online and buying a policy by myself? I think I'd get more info from a broker right? Thanks""
Student car insurance help. Anybody else in this situation?
I have recently passed my test and am picking up a car I have bought in two weeks' time. The car is only a little 1.0L Vauxhall Corsa 2002, paid 2000 for it. I've been looking on insurance websites - namely Compare The Market, and the cheapest quote I've found is 2436 (250 excess)! I am wondering if anyone can recommend an insurance company which will allow me to hold my own policy (not a named driver) for 2000 or less. Any suggestions?""
So many health insurence companys .I need to find a good health insurence I would like your help for a good co
health insurence and dental,with eye glass too .I want my own instade of through a company as a employee""
How to get my auto insurance licsence?
How to get my auto insurance licsence?
0 notes
Cheap Insurance companies for a Piaggio NRG 50?
"Cheap Insurance companies for a Piaggio NRG 50?
I just bought a Piaggio NRG 50 and wondering who is the best company to get insured with and how much will it cost at the least? Thanks!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Does anyone know of a car insurance that can give you a policy without a down payment?
I live in miami fl my car insurance expired on 2/26/12 i don't have money for the renewal does anyone know of any car insurance company that can except me with out a down payment please i need help and at this ponit i need to take what i can for my car before it to late???
Why exactly do women pay lower insurance rates than men ?
Where should i look to get the proper licensing to be able to sell car insurance in the state of california?
Where should i look to get the proper licensing to be able to sell car insurance in the state of california?
Auto insurance quotes?
What website you recommend to get instant multiple quotes for multiple cars, without agent or a representative involvement?""
I need cheap auto liability insurance can anyone recommend a good company?
I need cheap auto liability insurance can anyone recommend a good company?
Accident no insurance?
I was in a wreck today but it wasnt my fault my insurance is about a month late the other driver has insurance full coverage what is going to happen
would it be more expensive for car insurance for a brand new car or a used car.
How will canceling my auto insurance effect my credit?
I have insurance right now on my car that is quite expensive. I've had it for a month but I found a cheaper one I'd like to switch to. Will it effect my credit or anything of that matter in any way?
What does maternity and complications of pregnancy mean for insurance coverage?
I am looking into getting health insurance and the policy I am currently considering says that maternity and complications of pregnancy are covered as any other sickness. They are in the same section on the same line so I am wondering if this means they cover maternity expenses or if they only cover complications like any other illness. Any help would be great. Thanks!
How Much does car insurance cost for 16 year old male in Alberta?
For a 2003 saturn vue, how much can i expect to be paying for car insurance?""
Are health insurance premiums that I pay and are deducted from my paycheck paid with after-tax dollars?
My health insurance is through my employer but I have to pay part of the premium and it is deducted from my paycheck each pay period. I am filing my taxes and am being asked if the premiums are paid for with after-tax dollars. Any answers?
Can I lose my job for not having insurance?
I have heard so many different things. But I called my job today and I found out that they are offering insurance but it is to high to buy for me because it would cost $30 per week. ...show more
""Fast Cheap car, cheap to insure for 18 year old any ideas?
I am trying to find a fast used car (0-60 in less then 6.3 seconds w/ a manual tranny ) i would like it to be around $6k and cheap to insure (i am 18) I have thought about 1993-1997 ...show more
Do i need to have insurance if i don't use a car?
Please tell me - do i need to have insurance when i don't use a car? I'm buying car next week but after that i'm going abroad for a month and nobody will use this car. I would like to know if i can keep car in garage for this time without insurance and buy when i go back? Maybe its comuplsory to have insurance for all time when i'm cars owner?
""Cheaper car insurance, please help!?
I am paying about 250$ on my car insurance and i cant afford it anymore. Mine is a 2000 model car and i need a cheaper insurance. Please help. I am in the Northern Nevada.
Does anyone know of Grange Insurance Company?
My insurance agent recommends that I switch to Grange because they will give me a much lower rate than what I currently have, with the exact same auto insurance coverage. But, I have never heard of this company.""
Would the health issues I have impact my insurability or rates for life insurance?
I'm a 51-year-old female. I've been on disability for six years for chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and panic disorder. I also have mild hypertension. I'm on meds for all these conditions. BUT I've never had, nor have any family history of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, any sort of breathing problems or major organ dysfunction. I would think it might even be a plus in terms of insurability that I rarely leave my house!""
How much life insurance should we get?
My husband and I both work; our income split is about 60/40, he being the higher paid. We will both turn 50 within the next year. No children living at home. No substantial debt: Car loan: $185 monthly Student loan: $102 monthly Mortgage: $2,000 monthly No other debt. We never carry a credit card balance. We have about 3 months worth of savings in the bank. Should I base our life insurance on how much we make, how much we have in debt or both? We are living paycheck to paycheck, and if either one of us were to die suddenly, the other would only have a few months to sell the house before we could no longer make the payments. In this market, I don't think that's realistic. I was thinking that we would need enough to pay for a funeral, pay off the smaller two loans, and still have enough to live on for at least a year if the house doesn't sell. Does that sound right? Or should we not worry about paying off the loans...just calculate enough to replace the other's income for XX many months? If so, how many months should we plan for? Finally, at what rate is life insurance taxed? Is it added to your income and then taxed at the rate for your total income for the year? or is there a flat rate tax? (I think I know the answer to this one, but I want to make sure).""
In need of Medical Insurance?
I'm 18 and a Student and I dont have any medical Insurance is there a way to get I can apply for some aid I dont have a job, Live in California""
I got a car insurance quote from State Farm that?
is double that of the quotes I got online (from brokers). Is it better to go with State Farm or one of the cut rate insurance companies? I mean in the event of an accident and getting paid. I also rent a lot of cars and will be using the insurance I buy for those. And, not get the insurance that the rental companies over charge for.""
Why is car insurance so expensive?
Im 20 and i pay 63 a month for just the very basic essentials to not get a ticket, ive never needed my insurance nor has it done me any good. My parents pay for a whole bunch of different coverage and when they got into an accident with a drunk driver, the insurance company didnt pay for anything and they hired a lawyer to protect them from having to pay my parents anything. Why do we need insurance in the first place and why is it so costly? I think its really just a scam.""
Insurance company stepping over the line?
I was rear-ended last Friday. The lady who hit me was totally at fault, and admitted it to her insurance company. I have filed through my insurance company, gave them a verbal and recorded statement and my vehicle has been assessed with damages over $5000 dollars. Here's the catch....the insurance company of the lady who hit me calls me daily (leaves messages) asking me to talk and give a second recorded statement to them even though they know I have already given my insurance company one. I have talked to my insurance company about this...and they said legally I do not have to talk to them at all....I am not filing through them and that's that. Is this standard or is the other insurance company trying to be sneaky?? Thanks!""
Whats the best health insurance for a pregnant mother?
best health insurance thats practically freee......
Is car insurance cheaper in Delaware the PA?
I am going to be moving from Pennsylvania to Delaware in the upcoming months. I will need to change my auto insurance and was wondering for anyone else that has made this move, is it cheaper to insure in Delaware(Wilmington) then in Pennsylvania(suburbs)?""
What happens if i cancel by car insurance?
I have recently turned 17 and can start driving in the UK. There is obviously a large difference between insurance quotes for my car depending on whether i hold a provisional license or a full license. While i am on a provisional i can get a quote for 620 with Quinn-Direct but this will go up to 2000+ after i pass my test. What happens if i buy my insurance then cancel it when i pass my test and get a quote from elsewhere, (I can get one for 1400) will i get a percentage of my money back or will it just be lost? Cheers Rob""
Cheap Insurance companies for a Piaggio NRG 50?
I just bought a Piaggio NRG 50 and wondering who is the best company to get insured with and how much will it cost at the least? Thanks!
Who has the cheapest auto insurance in california?
I need full coverage. Low downpayment.whatever it takes to get my licence and tags. I don't care if its barneys insurance and feed store. I just need my tags and licence
What are some good insurance companies to contract with as an independent broker?
What are some good insurance companies to contract with as an independent broker?
Buying insurance online?
If I buy a Progressive insurance plan online, would I be able to print out the proof of insurance online as soon as paid for it with my credit card?""
Can I move to nevada and keep California auto insurance for 6 months?
I am considering moving to las vegas area and would like to know how long I can live there and keep my CA drivers license, CA registration, and CA auto insurance.""
How much should i insure my house for?
My house and land (combined purchase) cost $185,000.I have stainless steel appliances, (combined D/W, microwave, fridge, electric stove, central air and water heater. Furniture (contents) not purchased as yet and will be added later. How much should i insure my house for? *Note -land is not to be insured* Any suggestions on what i need to do, types of coverage and flaws to look out for? THKS for your kindness""
What is the cost of an insurance for a 250 cc scooter? (Louisiana)?
I know that there are many options, but a vague answer is fine. I just want to know if it will be around 100$ or 500$.""
Who makes the best affordable medical oxygen concentrator?
portable preferred
How does one go about getting insurance?
ok I know there is some different insurance types out there like health car etc etc but i want to know how do you go about getting it! see I'm 15 years old I know i shouldn't worry about this now but it just seems like a good idea to ask the question now this one lil question has plenty of other questions with it how many different insurances do you need to have? what should you look for in Insurance? how much is insurance? what is an insurance rate? and the title of this question how does one go about getting it? on that last one I really need a detailed answer because I am 15 I just got back in school so my brain is a bit mushy and not so quick XD and way like I said I'd really like a detailed answer on that last one heck if ya role play it out with your self for me then that would even make it easier so the more questions you answer in this (with a good answer mind you) the more likely I am to choose you as the best answer!
""What is a good but cheap body shop around the riverside, CA area which will work on an nissan altima?
i wont use insurance on it so it must be very affordable. theres alot oof scratches
How to Improve a Car Insurance Company's Offer?
Someone hits my car while I parked on the street, the lady hits 2 cars. My car value is 11,000 (my car is one way) and the other car value is 2,000. The lady's insurance only cover up to 10,000. So I only can get 84% of the 10,000 (so i got $8461) How I ask for more money?""
How much will car insurance cost?
i know you cant exactly guess the costs but can you give me an estimate? i live in va im 17 years old i have 3.81 GPA i am a female how much does it cost a teenager each month?
What do u think if a young man married a woman 74yrs older than him. and its his frist marraige. and her 21st?
i herd this on the radio and i wanted other people's opinions!
Estimate: How much is insurance for a 15 year old?
My son is turning 15 and we want to get him a car...we really like the 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee. He's a Straight A student...I heard that honor students get a discount it that true? How much is insurance a month on a Jeep Grand Cherokee for a 15 year old Honor Student. I know no one will no for sure but please take a good estimate.
Tricare/ER Insurance Question?
I lived in Arizona last year and still am in the Tricare West system (out of Luke AFB), although I now live in Ohio. I hurt my ankle several weeks ago and still can't bend it certain ways, and am beginning to suspect a hairline fracture...if I go to the ER (nowhere near any military facilities, especially not with hospitals), and put down my insurance company, will Tricare pay for it (including poss. X-rays) even though I'm still in the Tricare West system? Or should I submit the papers to get a PCM in the North region? (No matter what, I'm assuming I don't need a referral from my PCM to go to the hospital/get X-rays, is this correct?)""
Is this the best way to go about cheap car insurance at 17?
Get insured on my mother's car for a year then get my own when the insurance drops.
Does anybody know a affordable health insurance in los angeles? needed to see a physician.?
Does anybody know a affordable health insurance in los angeles? needed to see a physician.?
""Pregnant and no health insurance, what can i do?
Im 6 weeks pregnant and i dont have health insurance. I have a full time job and my husband does also but I cant get health insurance through either company. I know we make too much money for medi-cal but what other insurance company can i contact in California?
Is there better insurance than Medicare?
I am 65 and in good health....I need better health insurance than Medicare. I don't want suplemental insurance besides Medicare. I would like to ask if anyone knows of something better!
How much does insurance cover?
I have blue cross shield insurance I am fourteen how much would I be for Invisalign On my bottom teeth? I got braces on my top years ago The insurance covered all of my tonsilectomy we paid nothing out of pocket.
Can i get car insurance in my cousins name?
My cousin lives in Luton and I live in London so can I get car insurance with his name as first driver and me as second driver? Also how will it work because we're going to have different addresses? How will road tax and permit work? My cousin is 21 years old and I'm 18.
Will my child automatically get added to my car insurance when he gets his license?
My 18 year old son is getting his license tomorrow. And I was wondering, when he gets his license through the DMV... Will he automatically get added to my car insurance? If so when? Is there anyway to prevent him getting placed on my insurance without me doing so. My rates would be a killer. Thanks""
What are insurance rates on a 1992 camaro?
i want to buy a camaro but need to know if insurance will cost too much on a 1992 convertible camaro?
Does insurance compaines cover the person or the car at fault?
The girl that parks right next to me in my apartment swiped the side of my car. she is now claiming her friends park her car sometimes, but she knows she didn't hit my car. Personally her car is her responsibility and I feel like even if a friend of hers was parking when the incident happend, she is responsible for damages because its her car. Would she be responsible? Can I take her to court if she doesn't have insurance? And if she does have insurance would they cover this? I also have good pics.""
Gieco Car insurance $$$ for new drivers?
I'm turning 16 real soon but with these new laws i wont be able to drive until I'm 17, but anyway I'm saving for a car probably like 2k-3.5k range.....ive already saved up 1k but i was wondering how much i need to save up to pay for insurance and gas. (im a guy, b- average in school, ill be buying a sedan, I live in CT if that helps) thanks.....if u could just give me a general price range that would be fine i just have no idea how much it is.""
How much for motorcycle insurance??
I've tried goind to ceico and progressive but no luck. I just want a ball park quote for a 19yr old. I want the 2008 kawasaki ninja 250r since its a good first bike to start with and its cheap. I am planning on taking the safety class course so hopefully it won't be that much and I'm only going to ride it on the weekends for fun, not as a daily driver. what would be a good estimate for a 1 year insurance?? I want one year so I won't have to pay every month and worry about not being able to pay my truck as well. thanks for your experience.""
Cheap Insurance companies for a Piaggio NRG 50?
I just bought a Piaggio NRG 50 and wondering who is the best company to get insured with and how much will it cost at the least? Thanks!
California auto insurances?
There's a car under my parent's name and under their policy. i'm 19 and i have my license for a year now. Since i am on my winter break now and i would like to drive it sometimes. However, i'm not under their policy nor any policy. So, i am driving their car and if 'm involved in an accident, will i be covered under my parent's policy? And i heard that if i am involved in an accident i will be covered by my parent's policy for the first time only, so is this true?""
How do you compare insurance for Yamaha R6 and Ninja 300?
I just want general idea of motorcycle insurance cost between these two bikes.
Best health insurance in Texas?
Best health insurance in Texas?
What's the average state-farm-auto-insurance quote?
For a young woman getting her first car under her name with good grades (good student discount)? I'm trying to find out for a friend getting her first car
""I am a guy and turning 16 soon, on average how much money would insurance cost me for a 2004 Ford Mustang?""
I am a guy and turning 16 soon, on average how much money would insurance cost me for a 2004 Ford Mustang?""
Do you have double health insurance coverage?
My wife is starting a new job and she is already on my insurance. We are thinking of having her on two insurance plans (Blue Shield HMO and Blue Cross PPO). We want to do this because we get so many medical bills, despite already having insurance. Will the secondary coverage cover a lot of those? How does that work?""
Car ratings for cost of insurance?
rating numbers car insurance companies use for insuring cars and other transportation.
Who has the cheapest auto insurance in California?
I have a second car that has been inop and I want to sell. I only need insurance for about a month.
What is some really good but not exspensive auto insurance?
my daddy is with progressive and its really high on him and he is looking for a better and less exspensive auto insurance any suggestions.
Car insurance?? please help. I am 17 and have been told that I cannot pay car insurance monthly!! ??
I am really worried now as I simply cannot afford the lowest quote of 1600 all in one go. My car is a citroen ax 1.0 if that helps? Are there any other 17 year olds out there who do pay car insurance monthly if so how??
How can I drive my new car home without insurance?
I am buying a car and will need one-day insurance to get it back home, however I am 20 years old and no-one will cover me. How do I get the car home without trying to find someone over 20 to drive it for me?!""
""Life insurance terms cash value, dividend, loan to value, interest rate?""
I don't know much about life insurance. This is for a whole life policy = $50,000. Could you explain what these terms and numbers mean about this policy? cash value of $7,000 Loan to value of $6,000 interest rate of 8% dividend of $60""
Do I need to pay car insurance?
I recently fall behind payment on my car insurance, they said I need to pay the late payment plus the new payment for the new 6 months, how can I work it? I have no cash to cover all of it?""
Which insurance can my family get for this?
My sister is severely schizophrenic, and my mother is the only one in the family willing to deal with (ahem, work with...) her. However, my mother has HIV and stomach cancer, so we don't really know when she's going to die, but we're taking every precaution in the meantime. Which insurance can our family (my siblings and I. Our father is deceased.) get to ensure that my severely schizophrenic sister receives 24/7 inpatient medical care when my mother dies? We live in California, if that makes a difference. (and *don't* even bother with take classes and learn how to live with her. We all have our own lives, we've all decided she needs to be hospitalised permanently.) If there are no insurance plans that can ensure this, about how much would it cost to have her admitted and her care maintained? (An amount please, not just a whole lot .) Thanks. C=""
What's a cheap car insurance company for drivers with alot of points.?
What's a cheap car insurance company for drivers with alot of points.?
What is a good affordable health insurance company?
I am 21 yrs old, with no existing health conditions, but I make too much money to get coverage from the state. My employer does offer insurance but it's very expensive and the coverage isn't worth the amount of money they want me to spend.""
Can your school actually check out your health insurance?
My school is telling me I need health insurance, but I cant afford it, can i just give them my old insurance information? Can they actually check to see if its real?""
..new driver in CA? insurance?
does the DMV automatically alert your insurance company that theres a new driver? or do you have to yourself? and if i havent yet, what happens if i get pulled over? should i not be driving?""
What is average cost for auto dealers insurance for a year in NYC?
What is average cost for auto dealers insurance for a year in NYC?
Cheap Car Insurance - Please Help?
Hello in June I will be 17 years old! Obviously like all 17 year old males I want a car! I'm not massively fussed about the car as long as it doesn't cost to much! Today I have been looking at cars such as; FIAT CINQUENCENTO Perodua Nippa EX and a few other cars bellow 1l I live in Northamptonshire and my postcode is NN1 *** on comparison websites i cant find insurance for less than 3500 when that is miles out of my price range! If anyone knows any insurance sites or extremely cheap cars to insure for 17 year olds then please reply to this. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks
A question about insurance on a car?
ok i live in england, and i am 27yrs old, i drive and have my own insurance which is fully comp, as i am over 26 i can drive any car third party, my boyfriend is just starting to learn to drive and since neither of his parents drive, hes going to have to get his own car with his own insurance on, which is obviously going to be quite high as hes a new driver, hes 20yrs old. we got told that if he put me on his insurance as a second driver then it would work out a bit cheaper for him, but im wondering if this is true, as i can drive his car anyway on my insurance, so im not sure if its legal to go on his or if they will let me. any advice would be appreciated.""
What is cheap full coverage car insurance?
What is cheap full coverage car insurance?
""Car insurance help, high price?""
I've just recently passed my test and am trying to insure a 3dr Renault Clio Grande, it's a 1.2 and is a MK2 X-Reg. I've tried all the comparison sites, moneysupermarket, confused, comparethemarket etc, I've been to insurers directly and tried as I'm aware of these comparison sites adding their own extra on as sort of a finders-fee . The cheapest quotes I've had are well over the 5000 mark, usually being around 5600-6400. Do any of you know of a cheaper insurance choice for myself, even trying with iKube etc I was quoted 6000 despite the tracker apparently lowering my premiums - Also, I understand due to the boy-racer fad my premiums will be higher, but I have drove for over a year anyway on my provisional in a car with no dual-control support and never even been close to having an incident.""
Cheapest car insurance? Does anyone know?
Paying no mind to the jibber jabber they say on TV what car insurance do you know is cheap?
I give my dad my whole paycheck but he hasn't been paying my car insurance?
I am 22 yrs old and live at home with crazy, controlling parents. I work part time and go to school full time. I have no credit, etc etc so they make me live at home and go to school nearby. My job (which is with my mother) recently cut my hours down to part time, but I was lucky because they laid off many people. I get paid around $450 every 2 weeks. My parents are constantly crying about money and I closed out my bank account so as to give them my full check with the understanding that they would help pay my student loans and car insurance. I got into a car crash where I was rear ended and I was the driver, so I received no fault. One month later, I was rear ended AGAIN and again, no fault because I was not at fault for either accident. It came out that I HAVE NO CAR INSURANCE and that my dad was not paying for any insurance because I am not even listed as a driver! I also have no health or dental insurance! (He is a psychiatrist, a doctor, and makes decent money. My mother is a social worker) So now since I have been in 2 accidents and no insurance, my dad won't let me drive and either he or my mother drives me to both work and school. However, they pay for my brother to go away to college and his health insurance, phone bill, and car insurance without question. When I ask why they won't put the car in my name and give me insurance, they say it would be $4,000 a month, which I know is very far from the truth. They also say they are working on getting me car insurance, but the accident occurred over a month ago. How long does it take to get car insurance so I can drive myself places?? What is my best course of action in this psychotic situation?""
Cheap Insurance companies for a Piaggio NRG 50?
I just bought a Piaggio NRG 50 and wondering who is the best company to get insured with and how much will it cost at the least? Thanks!
What is the best car insurance around?
I am planning to enroll my new car. I want a complete coverage but at a reasonable cost. I don't wanna be spending too much just for my car insurance. Help please...Thanks a lot.
How much will my car insurance cost?
So im 18 years old . soon im going to drive a 1999 Mitsubishi eclipse gst ( automatic ) I have only been pull over when I was 17 years old for no driver license or permit, driving with no insurance, and blasting loud music, and I did paid the ticket on time too witch was 340$ so I was wondering can I still get a permit or driver license? Because some people said that I can't take it till im 21. Also some people say that i'll have to pay like around 400$ per month for insurance. is that really true?""
Car totaled. Other drivers fault but have no insurance.?
I was the designated driver for my friends. Was driving friends car home and got in a car accident. Other driver ran the red when I turned. She admitted to it to the police but my friend has no insurance. Will he be penalized and will he receive any sort of compensation from the other drivers insurance for totaling his car. He also has $1200 left with his finance company. Will they charge him anything even though he will pay the remainder off?
Will my insurance rates go up because of this?
I cancelled my Esurance policy and went to State Farm. I received a cancellation email afterward. My policy with Esurance is set to cancel completely on the 8th but I got an email today saying my policy had lapsed. Will my insurance rates with State Farm go up because of this?
Got in an accident with no collision on my car insurance?
I got in an accident at and intersection the other day. i was heading north ready to turn west(my left) at the intersection. the other driver was heading south with her left blinker on ready to turn east (her left). so when i saw her blinker o n i figured it was safe to take my turn now. but in the middle of my turn she decides to keep going straight rather than turning left like her blinker had indicated. therefore she hit me in my rear passenger side with her front passenger side. she did not have much damage. however my car is fairly warped up in the rear end. it may even be totaled although it is drivable. i am just waiting for the appraisal right now. when we began speaking to the cop i mentioned that she had her blinker on, but she denied this. i alerted my insurance company and they filed a claim. i heard from her insurance company and they sent me to get and appraisal. i sent the accident report to the police station the rmv and my insurance yesterday. I do have insurance but i have no collision so i am real scared that it they put me at fault for some reason that i may be in some deep water. i am almost sure the damage to my car is at least a $5,000 fix. what are the odd of them ruling it her fault? and what are the odds of them ruling it my fault? also...how do you think think my damage will be fixed or covered? any help is much appreciated! thx!""
Health Insurance For Full Time College Students?
I overheard another student in class talking about how she gets free health insurance coverage because she is a full time student? Has anyone else heard of any programs or companies that do that? if so can someone give me some links to the sites of those companies? (Because since im no longer in the class with the girl, i cant get it from her)""
A question about car insurance?
whats your opinion, why car insurance is so high?. do you think the accidents on the road and up goes your insurance are young drivers, drunk drivers, junk cars on the road, or do you think its something else?i been driving since 1967 and i was in only 1 accident, so thats a pretty good record, i think, but iam going to town tomarrow, and i dont know whats going to happen before i get back home. anymore, iam always glad when iam back home, and off the road, but i guess your not even safe walking along the roads these days.thanks folks.""
How much do you think my car insurance might cost? HELP PLEASE!?
I'm a new driver. I'm 26 years old. I want full coverage. I live in New Jersey. The amount of the might be 8,000 and Nissan 2007-2010. If anyone have any advice for me, that will help me choice the best car insurance. It would be appreciated. I'm still open to a different car.""
Car Insurance - Do I have to pay it all at once?
It's that time...I'm looking at cars. But as a student, I'm trying to keep costs low because currently I don't have tons of money. What I'm wondering is, for the car insurance, do I have to pay it all at one time or could I pay it in monthly installments?""
Will my home owner insurance go up if I make a claim? How much?
I live in Massachusetts. Let's say a homeowner has a flood, and claims a $3000 loss, minus a $500 deductible. Will they be punished severely with increased rates? What will it cost them? Will it make a difference if the damage was someone else's fault (e.g. in a condo where a first floor unit could be flooded by a broken water heater on the second floor, or by a fault in the building's plumbing which is owned by the association?) Will the insurance company send their lawyers after the party at fault, and in that case would they not raise the rates on the claimant? People tell horror stories, usually about car insurance, where the rates go up so much you pay the insurance company back for the whole claim. But I pay all of $220 per year for $30,000 in personal property coverage. If I claimed a loss of a few thousand dollars, how much could they really raise my $220 premium?""
""Does car insurance go down when you move to a different state, if so how do i lower mine? (see details)?""
I used to live in LA and my car insurance was 46.00. Well, I went to progressive and did a quote with my new address which is in TX and my car insurance quote is for 26.00. How do i go about getting these new rates since I no longer live in Louisiana.""
Wondering how much is car insurance?
i am wondering how much is car insurance a month for a small car if you know an estimate please write it down
Do you have to pay insurance for the driver or the car?
my friends keeps telling me her parents wont let her get he license because it is 2,000 dollars a year to have a licence, for like insurance. Don't you only have to pay for a car? like if she was to not own a car and just borrow her parents when needed would she still have to pay insurance? I am so confused haha""
How much would car insurance cost if you have two tickets?
So I just got my second speeding ticket today... -.- My first ticket was going 58 in a 35... (reckless driving) Ironically my second ticket was 58 in a 35 too... (reckless driving) I am 18 and live in the state of Virginia... I own a 2005 Nissan Xterra SE... Can anybody estimate how much my car insurance is gonna go up? Like how much my insurance will be every month now? I have state farm insurance by the way... If anymore information is need please ask me so I can get the estimates... I'm actually very scared to tell my parents... So I'd just like to know all this information before they do...
Auto Insurance Questions?
In the household there are 3 cars, but 18 driver is only listed under 1 car,(mom) If the other 2 cars are on the same house (but different names auto insurance) he can drive those car with no insurance coverage problem right?""
How much is the insurance for a '01 pontiac firebird?
i wanted t know how much the insurance is for a teen on a '01 firebird?
Can I use my friend's car if i am not added to his insurance in Mn?
I have a friend who has an extra car. he let me drive the car. He has a liability-coverage on the car and I don't have any car insurance before. Is it okay to drive? Liability insurance comes with cars or drivers?
Would motorcycle insurance be cheaper if I get an M1 now and not drive?
Should I get motorcycle insurance under my parents name? Or should I just get the license and wait? Anyone know a good/cheap company for insurance? I'm 21 and live in Toronto. Thinking of getting a 2007 CBR1000RR.
What is the cheapest car insurance company to go with at 16. could someone give me a estimate?
my car is a 2000 Pontiac grand prix. all i need is state minimum.i live in ohio
What make and model of car is cheap to insure?
Hi. I am learning to drive and need a car to practice/run around in. I'm looking for one I can get that has been used, cheap to insure (group 1 - 3) and cheap road tax (Band A-C). Any cars that I have found cheap insurance and/or cheap road tax is only so if its bought new at 1000s of pounds. My maximum is 1000 for the car itself. Any makes and models please? thank you""
How much will AAA insurance go up if I get my license?
my mom and dad have AAA and I am 16 and I want to get my license. but my dad is telling me to just wait until i go to college since he will buy me a car then. he says the insurance will go up $1000 per month but i cant believe it. how much does the insurance usually go up after I would get my license. I wouldn't own a car and I wouldn't be registered for one.
With pretty good insurance what would the average cost to have?
a hospital monitor my heart over night? I have been having chest pains and went and got a EKG done my doctor said he thinks I am fine I may have just pulled a muscle. But I am having shortness of breathe and my chest has been just a little sore for over week and a half.
If a health insurance company can't deny my pre-existing condition...?
Why should I buy insurance at all?
Is it a legal requirement to have caravan insurance?
Is it a legal requirement to have caravan insurance like it is car insurance? Thanks for your help!
What trackers reduce car insurance for young drivers?
I have heard of trakers that are said to reduce car insurance, can anyone name the trackers and how much they are said to bring the quote down by? Many thanks""
Cheap Insurance companies for a Piaggio NRG 50?
I just bought a Piaggio NRG 50 and wondering who is the best company to get insured with and how much will it cost at the least? Thanks!
0 notes
liveonlinematches · 7 years ago
Posted by means of James Salmon on January 25, 2018
Take a look at cricket is in a captivating position.
In some ways, it’s as aggressive because it has ever been. Prior to now two years, 4 separate groups have held the #1 score; South Africa, India, Australia and Pakistan. Pakistan had been atop the desk simply 15 months in the past – they’re now 7th. India have held the esteemed place for over a 12 months, however steadily by means of a minor margin. There’s no doubt that there’s quite a lot of competitiveness a few of the best Take a look at enjoying countries, and has been for a while now.
However does that imply all is easily? Competitiveness and equality is, for many sports activities, a fascinating consequence. It ends up in better passion, extra entertaining suits, and a typically higher general product. Take a look at cricket seems to be a somewhat aggressive area in this day and age, however in fact, issues may well be higher. The full effects might glance shut, with any of the highest seven groups in a position to overcome some other on their day, however a better research unearths there’s one main benefit; enjoying at house.
The concept that of a house flooring benefit is ubiquitous throughout sports activities, and cricket is not any other. The ease, although, is extra glaring in our recreation because of the character of the fixtures. The place in nationwide leagues groups more or less exchange between house and away video games, cricket is a global recreation, and as such it’s required that whole collection’ are performed in the similar workforce’s house nation.
This isn’t an issue, and it’s completely logical that the house workforce would acquire a bonus, however lately this benefit has been a long way too vital. Let’s check out the proof.
The most productive Take a look at cricket workforce on the earth, proper? Total they most probably are, however let’s check out their fresh effects at house in comparison to away. At house prior to now 5 years, they have got a fantastic file, successful 20 video games, drawing 5, and shedding only one. In the similar length, they have got play 25 video games clear of house, successful simply 8, drawing 8, and shedding 11.
  It’s additionally price noting that except video games in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, through which stipulations undergo some similarity, they’re Five-1-1; leaving them with a file of simply 3 wins, seven attracts and ten losses outdoor of this area. Obviously an excellent cricket workforce – no less than at house. Clear of stipulations to which they’re accustomed, they’re mediocre. However they aren’t on my own.
South Africa
For a 12 months and a part between mid-2014 and the beginning of 2016, this used to be the highest ranked Take a look at workforce on the earth. They’re not there, however they haven’t ventured a long way, sitting in 2nd place at the back of India. For years this has been a workforce with an incredible tempo bowling lineup, some terrific batsmen, and a couple of holes. Once more, although, the overpowering theme surrounding their effects has been associated with location.
In South Africa prior to now 5 years, they have got received 19 out of 27 suits – of the opposite 8, they have got drawn 4 and misplaced 4. Those are obviously somewhat dominant numbers. In comparison to their fighters, South Africa were cast clear of house, however nonetheless they have got break up their 18 video games simply 6-Five-7. In different phrases, prior to now 5 years they have got received over 70% of video games at house, and feature only a 33% win fee at the highway.
Australia are lately ranked 3rd within the ICC Take a look at ratings. They’re some distance from the dominant power they had been within the 2000’s, however nonetheless a cast cricket facet – specifically at house. Prior to now 5 years at house, they have got performed 32 video games. Of those, they have got received 23, drawn seven, and misplaced simply two. Once more, improbable numbers, and a sign of simply how tough to overcome this facet is at house. That is even supposing the workforce has been going via a large number of adjustments during this time period, and has didn’t choose a constant beginning lineup – one thing which is published a lot more of their file clear of house.
On this identical time period, they have got performed 30 video games outdoor of Australia. They’ve break up those 10-Three-17. For 5 years, this workforce has been nearly unattainable to overcome at house, and but misplaced greater than part in their video games outdoor of the rustic.
New Zealand
The Kiwis have completed a perfect process of bettering their cricket program within the nation, and it has paid dividends as they have got labored their manner as much as fourth position within the Take a look at ratings. Unsurprisingly, this has been in large part at the again of spectacular house performances. Prior to now 5 years they have got received 13, drawn seven and misplaced simply 3 video games at house. Unsurprisingly, this file swings round clear of house, the place they’re 6-Five-14 on this time.
England are languishing in what’s an excessively low 5th position on the earth ratings by means of their same old, however they, like every groups, can lay declare to being dominant at house and deficient at the highway. In 35 suits around the previous 5 years in England, they have got received 21, drawn 5, and misplaced 9. At the highway you’ll be able to just about turn this file on its head; they’re 6-Nine-18 in 33 video games.
The full image
There are seven groups in Take a look at cricket who’re considerably forward of the remainder; the 5 discussed above, plus Sri Lanka and Pakistan. With out going into element in regards to the latter two, the craze is way the similar. So here’s the place we stand. Underneath are the house and away information of the dominant seven groups in Take a look at cricket during the last 5 years.
House: 118-33-35, win fee of 63.Five%
Away: 49-37-96, win fee of 26.Nine%
A house flooring benefit is something, however it is a little ridiculous. Best hardly ever do groups win at the highway, and in the event that they do it’s typically for one among two causes; both they’re a a long way, a long way higher workforce than their opponent, or they aren’t enjoying a long way from house. India can’t win a sport clear of the subcontinent, Australia and England business Ashes outcome relying on who’s enjoying at house, whilst the Kiwis and South Africa greater than halve their win fee outdoor of their very own nation.
A few of that is inevitable. Groups are used to stipulations in their very own nation, don’t need to trip, and feature the gang at the back of them. This occurs in each and every recreation, and isn’t a topic.
What is a matter is when groups get to dictate the type of pitch they play on. Ten years in the past, brazenly admitting to asking a curator for sure stipulations would nearly be considered as akin to compare solving; these days, captains speak about it with the media as although it’s their proper (see Faf Du Plessis discussing the South Africa vs India collection, or this Cricinfo piece in regards to the Indian workforce control). Why this has modified is any person’s bet, and it definitely isn’t to the good thing about cricket.
Excluding this, the most productive groups merely want to recover at enjoying in stipulations to which they aren’t accustomed. In fact it is smart that groups play higher of their house stipulations; it’s what they’ve grown up with, what they observe on, and what they play maximum on. However in global cricket in this day and age there appears to be a willingness to be a dominant workforce at house and a mediocre workforce at the highway, which doesn’t make for excellent cricket.
Two issues want to occur. Originally, the pitch must be ready utterly independently of the house groups needs. This doesn’t imply Indian pitches will turn out to be speedy and bouncy, or that Australian wickets will turn out to be gradual, cracking turners, because the stipulations aren’t conducive to that. However permitting a workforce which already has a bonus to additional that doesn’t create just right cricket. Secondly, groups want to center of attention extra on practising in stipulations to which they aren’t accustomed – easy, and there’s indubitably they do put into effect this type of observe, however obviously there must be a better center of attention on it.
As it’s, Take a look at cricket has 5 groups which might be realistically bunched somewhat tightly on the best of the arena ratings, and some other two who aren’t a long way at the back of. That is nice for cricket, however what isn’t is a chain being a foregone conclusion due nearly only because of the positioning through which it’s performed. It’s, no less than, just right information for punters, who can with a bit of luck say something; by no means guess towards the house workforce!
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