mfw orym, guy with a missing dad who fucking despises him to the point he refuses to remember his first name and notably cares deeply or is overprotective for the vast swath of his surviving all-female family members starts talking about how "important the relationships between fathers and sons" are
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aphel1on · 3 months
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the longer i look at this panel the more deranged i feel about it. this is environmental storytelling at its finest.
the eodio stand-in doll in particular makes me crazy. where did it come from? did thistle just pop into the village like "hey ungrateful wretches, one of you needs to make me a life-sized mannequin, For Reasons". did he make it himself? seems quite unlikely, yet the possibility haunts me. i mean, i guess there could've been one just lying around the dungeon somewhere. it's the act of replacement itself that really gets to me. (edit: it's been pointed out to me that the eodio doll also could have been left behind as part of delgal's escape plan. slightly different kind of madness but tbh, just as funny-sad to me if that happened and thistle went Ok, Guess That's Eodio Now.)
both the wives are there too. we know very little about them, which makes me tend to assume thistle wasn't all that close to them, but they're still included. when did they end up here? did he kick their souls out of their bodies at some point, or were they among those who left their bodies voluntarily to try and escape? when did yaad become an effective orphan, delgal an effective widower? women in the margins of the narrative, tell me your stories!
and the fact that they're surrounded with the living paintings, which thistle habitually wanders through to relive the past. this truly is his inner sanctum, his place of utmost comfort... and it may as well be a tomb.
that panel is so creepy when you first see it. just a sense of "ohh jeez, there's a lot to unpack there".
and actually, yeah, it remains creepy from pretty much any angle, but the more you think about it the more it's also tragic.
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this is where many of thistle's happiest moments took place. everything he had in that picture is now gone. first he lost their warm regard, then one-by-one their bodies became hollow shells. before the end, none of the people here needed or enjoyed food anymore. the dinner table, as a center of both family life and nutrition, became obsolete.
a line from someone else's excellent post about thistle has stuck in my head ever since i read it: "to eat is to live, but to eat together is to be loved". to me, this is the sentiment and symbolism at the core of everything that happens in dungeon meshi.
it makes this bit all the sadder and more disturbing.
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there's several things to note here:
thistle has gone from seated and eating with them as part of the family, to a lonely and ominous figure hovering over delgal's shoulder
eodio is conspicuously absent from view, and his body would have been a husk by now, but yaad says parents, which forces me to assume that they are sitting at the table with eodio's soulless body, hidden under yaad's speech bubble
they're not actually eating anything.
those plates are empty. you could assume that they've already finished eating, maybe, but yaad refers to it as sitting around the dinner table. in fact, he compares it to what he's currently doing; sitting at the dinner table watching the touden party eat, not eating anything himself.
it paints a pretty grim picture. for some time even after the fantasy had fallen apart, even after there was no need or desire to eat, they kept gathering around the dinner table. at that point, i'd guess only so as not to provoke thistle's wrath.
but even that last happened a long, long time ago.
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this is a callback to what senshi said in the golden kingdom: the reason the people keep maintaining their fields and silverware and so forth is that they need to do so in order to stay sane.
paradoxically, the dinner table is the most striking evidence of thistle's insanity, and at the same time, it's the only anchor to sanity he has left.
he kept enforcing the ritual of dinner together long after it lost significance. when even that was impossible- because almost everyone's souls were gone- he kept their bodies at the table anyway. it's fine. it's fine! he's protected them, physically, just like he set out to. they're all still breathing. at a glance it looks like they could wake up and resume dinner at any moment. like this, it's easy to pretend.
isn't that what being a dungeon lord is, at the core of it? rejecting reality, staying in the prison of one's impossible desires. it's just one long game of pretend.
thistle did all this to protect his loved ones. no matter how obsessive and twisted he became in pursuit of that over the years, his core motivation never changed. this is all he has left of that dream: his loved ones' bodies gathered around the locus of their happiest memories together. like this, he can tell himself he's succeeded.
when eodio's body vanished with delgal's soul in it- when he couldn't even have that anymore... well.
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i want to reach through the screen and shake him. no, they're not, thistle. THISTLE, NO, THEY'RE NOT! the doll of eodio is the closest thing to him in this panel, underlining the point. when that final illusion was shattered, he became completely unable to cope with reality.
therefore casually forgetting the creepy eodio doll isn't real.
thistle isn't stupid. eodio's body vanished at the same time as delgal's soul. shortly after, more adventurers came pouring in than ever before. deep down, he knows what happened. if he didn't, being confronted with the truth by mithrun wouldn't have made him panic so hard he summoned chimera falin to the first floor.
yet still...
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he absolutely can't admit that to himself. he is clinging to the last scraps of the illusion with everything he has.
this is a dungeon lord at the end of desire. this is a lotus-eater machine left running long after its conclusion. this is mithrun lying listlessly in his bed, his replica lover having given up any pretense of being human. the illusion is all that's left. (an illusion is all it ever was.) thistle and the citizens of the golden kingdom- they're ghosts just as much as the ones who wander the dungeon floors. and if it weren't for thistle sealing the lion away, he would've been eaten by it long ago.
all of this encapsulated by that single panel of the dinner table.
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thevelaryons · 5 months
I’ve always found it interesting that of the lowborn/bastard women in the DotD, Marilda is the only one who doesn’t get slandered and insulted in the Westerosi history books.
Speaking specifically about the women who were rumored to have had affairs with noblemen, the women (Sara Snow/Alys Rivers/Nettles) in particular get derogatory descriptions for various reasons. The men they are linked to all either die or are unable to do anything about the rumors (Sara: her rumored lover Jace dies and her brother Cregan is far away in the North when those rumors become a thing in the South years later/Alys: her rumored lover Aemond dies and her son is obviously too young to do anything about the insults people are saying about his mother/Nettles: her rumored lover Daemon dies). Regardless of whether any of the rumors were true or not, it's still the women in the relationships who were described in a negative manner. Even men like Aemond or Daemon don't get as slandered, despite their more controversial actions.
Sara may or may not have existed (the fact that her existence alone is doubted speaks for itself) but in the history books she is described as an "unwashed" bastard. Even the fact she was a virgin at the time of her affair with Jace is called into question. Alys gets descriptors like "slattern" and "cow". She is reviled as a seductress and witch who would sacrifice her own children. Nettles gets insulted as well, both by characters around her and the maesters/septons recording the histories. Beyond the classism, there is also a racial angle to the insults with her skin colour always being at the forefront when she gets called "dirty" and "creature". It’s unfortunate but Westerosi society is unfair to women, especially those of a lower social class, and so they do often have to rely on the men in their lives, whether that’s a male lover/husband, their father, brother(s) or son(s) as a source of protection. Characters like Sara/Alys/Nettles don't get that protection.
Then you get to Marilda's descriptions in the book, and it's completely clean. Not a single insult is uttered against her despite her supposed involvement with two different Velaryon men. Whether her affair was with Corlys or Laenor, it occurred at the time when they were married men. Laenor is dead by the time when he's claimed to be the father of Marilda's sons. But Corlys is alive and well. Not to mention, he's a very well respected figure in Westerosi society. That being said, I can’t see Corlys doing any major PR control here since he does not have the means to do so.
Alyn, however, could ensure his mother did not get negative remarks. He's the one said to have fostered close ties to the Citadel and a positive relationship with the Faith. On more than one occasion, he was anointed by the High Septon himself, which is something that's typically reserved for the King or his Kingsguard. So I think Alyn might’ve used that influence to his favor.
While Alyn does seem like the type who doesn’t care much about what others think of him, he clearly respects his mother so I doubt he would want her to have a bad reputation. Even concerning the rumors of Alyn's potential affairs, the maesters are somewhat dismissive about them and call the rumors "unreliable". They don't give much credence to what third parties are saying on such matters. As for Alyn's mother, she is spoken of with nothing but respect and even flattery at times.
History is truly written by the victors.
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lolhex12 · 7 months
i'm probably extremely late to the party but i just realized how deep Andrew's sacrifice and Aaron's betrayal go when it come to the Twinyard's dynamic like??
Andrew, after having spent years alone in the foster system and suffering through the trauma that comes with it, he finally found Cass, a woman who genuinely cared about him and wanted to be his mother - someone he was willing to sell his soul (and body) to the devil for and endure the abuse Drake put him through bc that was just the price he had to pay for Cass' love, care and kindness. all bc he dared being selfish and wanting something for himself for once. he loved her and wanted her love back so bad to the point he would cut himself to cope with being in that house when Cass wasn't looking.
after accepting this new reality of his and resigning himself to the pain (psychological, emotional, physical and self-inflicted), he found out he had a twin brother who looks EXACTLY like him yet got to live a (to his knowledge) stable loving life with their birth mother. that Andrew got thrown away while his carbon copy had everything.
he hated the revelation so he put it out of his mind, went back to Cass' where Drake found out abt Aaron and ran his mouth abt having both twins for himself and... it's not like Andrew hated nor loved or felt any kind of attachment to his brother (who was still basically a stranger to him), and yet he knew, bone-deep, that 1) no one deserved to go through what Andrew had (especially someone 'untouched' (so to speak) who looked like him; as in, the picture in Andrew's mind resembled a young, still innocent, 7y/o Andrew who had not yet fully grasped or learned how to deal with just how cruel the world could be when thinking abt Aaron in the same position), and 2) he didn't want to give Drake the satisfaction.
so, Andrew, after having endured however long Drake's abuse in Cass' household and cutting himself to cope with it, all for the right to stay with her, he gave it all up when he received Aaron's letter asking to meet and rejecting the offer with a 'fuck off' bc he could not risk Aaron getting too close and going through anything remotely similar. he didn't owe his brother anything, nor had they made a deal by that point, yet Andrew, despite not really knowing Aaron, could not risk getting him into his own shit. and so, all those years of pain and sacrifice Andrew had to endure went down the drain bc he wanted to protect a stranger wearing his face, out of his own volition.
Andrew then did sth that landed him in juvie and thought everyone's safe now bc Drake can't get to Aaron anymore, until Aaron visited Andrew in juvie and Andrew noticed the bruises on Aaron's arms and Andrew realized Aaron might not be as safe as he'd thought after all.
ALL that pain and sacrifice thrown away to protect his twin and the fucker still wasn't safe?? mother dearest count your days.
so he got out of juvie early on good behavior (which was a bitch to manage but what was he to do when he had to leave to protect his brother?) and adopted into the Minyard household to see who was hurting his stranger of a brother, for whom Andrew has already given so much up?
Aaron, as we know, agreed to Andrew's deal, not expecting his brother to commit matricide bc of it. a deal which to Andrew seemed simple enough: 'l'll protect you and help you get into med school and become a doctor and all you have to do is stick together with me' (aka not let anyone (women in particular) get between us).
so, after all that sacrifice, after sacrifice, after putting his life on the line by participating in Tilda's car accident, getting his brother clean, curating his friend group to a drug-free environment (later also putting his own reputation with the team on the line by violently getting matt clean for the same reason), getting him a scholarship to get into med school and become a doctor (as agreed), THIS FUCKER could not even hold up his own end of the deal while Andrew literally checked every box and then some for his idiot ungrateful brother.
meanwhile it took Aaron seeing Andrew get sa'd, killing his abuser, and years of joint therapy to begin to comprehend just how much Andrew endured, sacrificed, risked and overall did for him without Aaron even realizing. bc Andrew doesn't do what he does for recognition or gratitude, he does it bc that's what's been agreed to.
this is not meant to diss Aaron's character but simply put the entire situation into perspective from Andrew's POV. like, no offence to Aaron but Andrew legit bent over backwards for him and Aaron's response was just "ure a psycho, i choose Katelyn" (or at least that's how Andrew viewed it)
all that being said, Andrew definitely could've communicated the situation and his intentions better, or at least explain how much those deals really meant to him, but unfortunately he wasn't quite there yet (if ever) <- in other words: it wasn't Aaron's nor Andrew's fault. shit's just shit sometimes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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dollypopup · 1 year
thinking about how class is never addressed with Penelope, especially with Madam Delacroix. how Theo gave Eloise a well deserved dressing down about how her privileges as a well off white woman with a powerful family shield her from consequences that he would likely lose his livelihood or life over, in particular when she went to check on him after the Queen threatened her.
thinking about how Penelope came to Madam Delacroix with a proposal she literally couldn't turn down. how she'd already written of her favorably in one breath and besmirched the modiste across the street in another. how she showed Gen that she had the means and fortitude to ruin women like her with just one sentence. how “I have proved to you how I can help you in your business, now I’d like you to help me with mine.”
what was she meant to say, No? Gen told her she'd keep her secret. Gen told her she'd never tell. and Penelope came to her anyway afterward, about how she's been sloppy as LW, about how she'd been spotted once so she'd be spotted again. about how this was a business venture and they would both benefit. that they could be partners.
about how, then, Gen finds out that the Queen of England is involved and chasing after them. how Penelope came to Gen's HOUSE, uninvited, in the midst of the Queen's cat and mouse. how terrified she was. that Penelope dismissed her concerns as 'you were aware there were risks when you signed on to this' and how Gen replied 'yes, risks, but not The Queen of England' because she knows that Penelope would be given more grace than she would be. because she knows women like Penelope would *always* be given more grace than she would be. that they always have been.
i wish Genevieve Delacroix had given her a reality check. i wish she pointed out that Penelope masquerades as a working class woman, putting on a fake accent and maid's clothes, cosplays her way into Gen's world, this privileged white woman from a scandal ridden family she besmirches herself, who makes her own money and does not have to worry about overhead or paying for a storefront or a home for herself, who gets to keep all her wages, who gets to leave it, all the while assuming they are equals with equal struggles. that she wears Gen's working class life like a costume and peels it off as soon as she's home
when will we finally acknowledge that, yes, Penelope works, but she is not a working woman? that, yes, Penelope's family has fallen on hard times, but they are very much a 'distinguished family' who live in a huge house in the middle of a rich neighborhood, titled, that Penelope is a lady with a lady's protections and privileges. that Penelope is invited to all the fancy parties Gen would never be considered for. that Penelope wears the expensive, sparkling dresses Gen makes for her, mends for her, that she herself would never have a reason to wear
that Penelope pretends her way into a working world, is more than happy to do so for a day, a night, an excursion: and then disregards so many people who try to survive in it. and is never once asked to recognize that in herself
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aidansplaguewind · 4 months
curious why you don’t like bdsm? i want to change my mind
First, this is going to be long.
That's kind of an odd question because the way you ask it is as though it's something literally everyone is into. Like saying, "I'm curious why you don't like sex."
It just doesn't do anything for me. It doesn't turn me on. It doesn't make horny. And, I try not to kink shame here so keep in mind you DID ask why I don't like it. As in ME, personally. And when someone asks, I tell the truth and the whole truth.
It's always seemed a little ridiculous and silly to me. I mean, I do like to draw out orgasms as long as possible/orgasm denial to a point, which is one particular thing that can sometimes be considered BDSM but I don't know why because to me that DOES seem like something everyone should do. The longer the delay, the more powerful it is. I don't like quick orgams. I mean, I don't DISLIKE them, they're ok, but good God are they nowhere close to what they can be if you delay them. I don't know why anyone would wanna settle for that when they could have so much MORE! It's one of the reasons I prefer my own fingers or non vibrating toys to vibrating toys. Because they make you cum too fast and it's not as strong.
I don't get why people DO like BDSM. For one, I have a big issue with being tied up and shit. I was abused as a kid and I've yet to meet anyone I trust enough to let them have that control over me. Cuz who knows what they'd do, right? And I wouldn't be able to stop them. And if you reverse it to where I was in charge....nah. I'm cool with my guy being on the bottom and letting me lead in that sense of submissiveness but I'm just not terribly turned on by completely dominating a man. It's just not my thing.
And just the terminology, Dom and sub...just no. I know cringe is a fading word now but that shit legitimately makes me cringe. It sounds so fucking corny.
I have no desire to engage in a kind of sex where a possible handbook or contract may be needed. Where guidelines have to be set, where there is a list of rules. It feels so unsexy, unromantic and unreal. Not spontaneous at all.
I'm sure you've figured out by now that I am NOT a fan of Fifty Shades of Grey. And, while I'm sure not everyone who engages in BDSM signs a contract, if you're doing it safely to protect both parties then there are usually always rules. Because people can actually get hurt engaging in bdsm.
And that's another thing, I don’t get any satisfaction out of causing people pain. Nor do I get any from pain. My life has been painful enough on its own. I want my sex to be fucking pure pleasure. Mind blowing pleasure.
And to be honest with you, there is nothing you or anyone can say to convince me that a Dom male can be trusted and is someone who doesn't enjoy harming others. NOTHING you can say. Met too many men in my life. I don’t want a man like that. Men that like having that much control are gross. Period. They can't be trusted. Controlling men are a huge turn off for me. Fucking HUGE turn off.
Personally, I feel like anyone who NEEDS that much control, male or female, has some much deeper issues at play.
For people out there that think sex is always boring without BDSM, then you haven’t had good sex yet my friend. Sex can still be plenty kinky, nasty, and all that without bdsm.
But the simplest answer to your question is that nothing about BDSM makes me wet, so why WOULD I like it?
What I'd like to know, is out of all the people on Tumblr who say they're into it, how many have actually participated in it outside of reading fanfic about it? And the reason I ask this is that, something in fan fic might get you hot but the reality can be SO much different.
There are things I've read about Petyr doing in fanfic that have turned me on but if he tried doing that shit to me in reality it would scare the shit out of me. One thing in particular that I know many women get hot for but I won't say the word on here because I didn’t put a trigger warning.
So, if you haven’t ever actually done it, think about what I just said.
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utilitycaster · 2 years
My head has been spinning recently just thinking about the sort of backlash that Laura and Marisha would get from fans if Imogen and Laudna didn't end up together.
For example, I can imagine them roleplaying a conversation in which one of pair reveals they have a crush on someone else in the party, and the other supports them fully in that endeavour. I can only imagine the people who would say "she looked away when she said that line so she's lying!!!" or "they're just denying their feelings for each other"
C3 is the first campaign I've managed to catch live, so I'm not sure if this sort of shipping happened in C2 or C1. I feel like Beau/Yasha would be most likely to have caused similar reactions, but even then, I don't think I've seen this amount of protectiveness over a ship that is this vague. Marisha and Ashley at least made it clear from e1 that their characters had (at the very least, one-sided) romantic interest.
Hi anon,
I've gotten a few questions to this effect and have declined to answer some because it does feel a bit like borrowing trouble, even though I will fully admit some of my private DMs look not unlike this. So I'm going to try to answer this with as much sensitivity and thoroughness as I can despite a number of frustrations (not with you, to be clear) and let this serve as my answer going forward unless anything drastically changes. I am making it non-rebloggable, under a cut, and will be blocking any clownery.
Let's rip off the bandaid right away: for some reason, and I have my theories but they are unconfirmed at in some cases, rather ungenerous, Marisha and Laura's characters have been heavily shipped in all three campaigns despite a chemistry I would call middling at best. I think the most generous way to put it is that while Ashley was working on Blindspot, they were often the only two women at the table (though one must look a bit askance at how Veth is often ignored as a female character, despite unambiguously being one). So I suspect that a lot of it comes from simply wanting an F/F romance between main cast PCs during Campaign 1 and having no good options, and then...remaining fixated on that particular cast dynamic, despite, as stated before, chemistry that has never particularly impressed me.
I did not watch Campaign 1 live, so I don't know what the discourse was at the time. I did watch Campaign 2 live and your prediction is accurate. The ship that caused similar reactions was actually Beau and Jester; you can still find people who claim it was a "mistake" to pursue Beauyasha instead and that Beauyasha "came out of nowhere" and was "for the straights." You are also entirely correct that people will grasp at the weakest of straws to support a ship, though, in all fairness, this is not remotely limited to femslash shippers but is a general shipping problem. (The worst offender during Campaign 2 for that, in my opinion, were people who shipped Caleb and Jester and who became creepily obsessed with Laura's expressions late in the game; that is also incidentally still the ship that I think has the most parallels to Imogen and Laudna in terms of canon character relationship vs. fanon perceptions.)
I do expect that if Imogen and Laudna do not get together, for whatever reason, there will be considerable denial. We've already seen some misplaced vitriol towards Ashton, and the response among shippers towards Imogen has, as I've pointed out over the past two weeks, been wildly inconsistent and deeply ungenerous in a desperate attempt to twist her actions in favor not just of the ship, but towards a highly specific idea of the ship as soft girlfriends against the cruel world, instead of a complicated codependence with the potential for becoming something more. I and others have also pointed out that the ship has gone from "they are already in love" to "a QPR would also be totally cool" which is rather unkind to QPRs.
I should also acknowledge the elephant in the room. I am well aware that I am probably public enemy number one on the Imogen/Laudna server where they come up with such bon mots as "bone-dry takes". I suspect this is because I genuinely enjoy both Imogen and Laudna as individual characters and write about them a lot, but in doing so, acknowledge the cracks and tension within their relationship. So on some level, even though the ship could absolutely still happen, they've already kind of started with some of the behaviors you mention, which is rather disappointing.
Anyway, I think this is all to say that this is a general problem in shipping across the board that is not confined to Imogen and Laudna nor F/F ships, but because that specific ship is both, as you say, vague, and yet has an extremely popular and extremely narrow fanon interpretation, it's in particular focus this campaign. I think you're correct that there will be backlash should it not happen, though I would be pleasantly surprised and deeply humbled if there is not. Fortunately I have found that Critical Role is fairly impervious to fandom backlash in terms of the decisions they make in-game, because let's face it, people will push back on anything, including such necessary parts of story as "dramatic tension" and "conflict." If you listened to them you would make the world's shittiest story, and because there are frequently multiple conflicting ships, you can't please everyone. I'm here to watch a story, and I do think ships are intrinsically part of character arcs, so if the ships serve the characters, whatever they are, I think it will be a worthwhile endeavor.
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angerinthenation · 1 year
Is Hip Hop Dead?
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A Commentary by Idris Salaam (Boscoe from The Bronx - Bigboscoe Productions)
Is Hip Hop Dead? On Life Support?
If you refer Hip Hop to only as Rapping, then, in some ways, yes it is dead. I mean, just think about it. We are in the period right now where we didn't have a song chart until, out of the blue, one did. (I still they did that because it showed the quality of music finally hit rock-bottom). A lot of entetainers of this era were saying fans were tired of the same stuff, and that's why the record sales were going down. We've had artists having to cancel shows because they can't fill arenas. There's but so much ass the "Bitches" can sell, just like there's but so much money "Niggas" can have and jewelry to flash.
So, if you only looking at it in terms of Rapping, yes, Hip Hop is Dead.
But, are you talking about Hip Hop or are you talking about rapping? And this is where people seem to be confused.
Do they realize Hip Hop comes in many forms?
• Hip Hop is music other than just Rap: Listen to the sounds that crafted the genre. (The samples from Funk, Jazz, Blues, Rock, Soul, etc). Listen to the Instrumentals of past songs. The rhythms. Before 2000, Hip Hop had music for everyone, not just the ones who love the stereotypical "I'm a real nigga/Bad Bitch" scenario.
• Hip Hop is living a particular lifestyle. The fashion, the style. If you look at how Hip Hop is portrayed in Asia, it's almost idenitcal to Hip Hop in its purest form. In fact, pure Hip Hop strips women of the Bad Bitch persona. The men become more Masculine and protective.
• Hip Hop is art (Graffiti). There's a whole Culture of Art revolving around Hip Hop. (Phase II, Dondi, Blade, Fab5Freddy, IN, Comet, etc). There are museums across the country displaying Hip Hop art.
• Hip Hop is the DMC: Turntable battles and performances. (DJ Craze, Roc Raida, Perly, Sonic Jewel, ISP, Jazzy Jeff, etc). These competitons consists of drumming (Using a record to create an entirely different beat), body tricks, etc. Even the parties are amazing as you will hear some of your favorite songs being flipped an entirely different that even the original artists couldn't do. And yes, turntablists have music on the market. The mainstream doesn't play it for obvious reasons.
• Hip Hop is understanding the Culture: What do you know about Hip Hop? Do you know the hostroy? Listen to some of the rhythms that birthed the genre: The Jubilaries (The first rappers) James Brown, The Last Poets, Parliament-Funkadelic (The sound of the West Coast's "G-Funk" was birthed from), Electronic. Research the Culture and how it came about. The Black Spades, the Casanova Crew, The Zulu Nation. When you get to Hip Hop (it was called B-Boying), start learning about Kool Herc and his crew, the Godmother MC Sha-Rock (The Funky Four + 1 More), Grandwizard Theodore (The Fantastic Freaks), The Cold Crush Brothers. Theres plenty more.
In today's society, people refer to Hip Hop as just Rapping, when Rapping it's just one element. We have to blame this on the mainstream as they have dictated the way Hip Hop is being interpreted. And just because you're a rapper doesn't mean you represent Hip Hop. There are many songs across each genre where people are rapping. But does that make them Hip Hop?
We allowed outside forces (the same forces that tried to shut hip hop down in his early days) to dictate what hip hop is. We allowed them to call anything with a rap verse, "Hip Hop." And because we decided to "Get the bag," we also decided to go along with it.
If you're only into listening to Rap hits, then yes, Hip Hop is Dead to you. But if you want to see how Hip Hop is still living it's best life, step outside of the Rap World you live in and explore Hip Hop in a whole. Just like 80% of the ocean hasn't been mapped, the same can be said of Hip Hop.
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
(Not so) Micro BL (mostly) Reviews
It's that time again; I've been watching things and I want to talk about them. So here I go.
These are all shows that I watched but for whatever reason did not (or am not, in the case of the currently watching ones) liveblogging week to week. Mostly they're binge watches so make of that what you will. I would love and welcome discussions about any of them, if anyone wants.
Watched - New to Me
Tonhon Chonlatee - Did I watch this entirely for Khaotung? Yep. Am I sorry? Not really. Did I wind up shipping Na and Chonlatee way way harder than Tonhon and Chonlatee in spite of myself? Oh, most def. So when are Neo and Khao gonna get a BL, huh?
I am glad the horrible former faen trope is slowly dying out, though. Really couldn't stand Amp, but then again I was way more offended by the attempted SA followed by literally nothing (and by the fact that Amp was somehow worse than the person actually trying to SA Chonlatee, like no. NO nononono). Also incredibly incredibly annoyed with the whole "I will kiss you to prove I'm a man who isn't afraid of women" thing. Nope, sorry. It was dumb, I'm calling it out as dumb, Ton is just lucky Chon loved him too much to keep staying mad at him because that's a dumping offense, my friend.
I liked Chon's spine, though. Khao is so tiny and fox faced that it would be very easy to play into that and have Chon be this sweet, spineless little thing that can't stand up for himself and that  Ton has to protect constantly. And in some ways he does, although I think the show does a really good job of showing that Chon is more than capable of taking care of himself. I liked that.
Honestly I just feel like the writing failed both Pod and Khao. They did what they could with what they had, but Pod especially could have had so much more. There was so much meat there that they just…didn't let the man chew, and I saw nothing that made me think that he couldn't.
The chemistry between them was good though, even if I am one of the (few? Idk I have no idea how people see this show) people who liked Na for Chon better. Na was actually my favorite character, and in the end I'm pretty sure I was only watching for him. Final verdict 5/10. I would probably have forgotten about it already except I keep coming across that set of gifs. You know the one. A+ gifs, 10/10 no notes.
The Warp Effect - This was my second drama ever from Jojo, and I loved it so much. I enjoyed all the characters, especially Jean and Mollie, and I loved the relationships and the way that Alex had to navigate his new (to him) adult life as an asshole after (essentially) passing out as a fairly earnest, well-meaning seventeen year old. I adored the things the show had to say about sexuality, about gender, about the way people who don't conform to expectations (in whatever way that is) are treated.
I loved how it continuously pointed out the hypocrisy towards women in particular (there are several examples of this, but I am thinking particularly of how Jean was treated after the party vs. how Alex was. I love that the show made a point of explicitly stating how messed up the disparate reactions were, and how unfair. I also liked that despite following Alex as he goes on this journey, the show never attempted to pretend that he was the wronged party in that situation. Neither did Alex himself, which was refreshing). I'm not used to that from my shows, full stop.
I loved how queer friendly it was. I have read over and over again that it is one of the queerest shows people have seen, despite focusing mostly on a het dude. And you know what? They were right.
I spent eleven episodes loving this show with everything that I am, so enthralled with it that I did nothing else but binge it over the course of like a day and a half (if it hadn't been a work night I probably would have stayed up just to finish it, that's how hooked I was). And then…the final episode. I have to say that it disappointed me.
I am one who puts a lot of stock in an ending. A great ending can elevate a drama for me, a bad one can kill it stone dead. The Warp Effect didn't kill things, but it disappointed me. It felt like the show was saying something really interesting about forgiveness using Alex and Jean, about how sometimes you do things in your life that can't be forgiven. That sometimes things happen and the best you can do for the person you wronged is to step the fuck back like she's asked you to and let her try to forget.
But nope, Alex gets to go back in time and wisely fix all his friends problems and never have that awful encounter with Jean. And everything ends in a pat, happy way that kind of set my teeth on edge. If not for the fact that Jean (my darling) didn't deserve what happened to her I might have disliked it more, but the truth is that she didn't deserve it, and I'm happy for the unambiguously happy ending for that and that alone. No clue how prevalent this opinion is but knowing how my opinions tend do go I'm guessing not very, ha. Final score 8/10 - yes I docked it two points for the ending, I said they can make or break things for me.
Step By Step - I will watch any and every office BL that I am given. Do you hear me? Any. And. Every. Except A Boos and A Babe, oops (does it count if I tried because it was an office set BL and then just bounced off hard? I'm counting it).
Anyway, tangent. The point I'm making here is that I was never going to not give this a shot. And I am glad I did. It wasn't my favorite thing but I was happy to see it actually tackle the realities of what it look s like when you're dating your boss. The way that all the crap rolled onto Pat was very true to life, if painful to watch, and I appreciated the show for going there.
I was also kind of unimpressed with the time skip BUT that's only because it happened in the dreaded episode eleven and I would have liked more time with the 2 years later Jeng and Pat. Ah well, it was still cute. 7/10
Enchanté - Watched this because I was curious about Force & Book after I bounced off of A Boss and A Babe (and since they are in one of my most anticipated dramas of the year, possibly as the main main couple but definitely as one of them). I was curious if I would bounce off of them here as well, because if so that probably wouldn't bode well for the future.
And? I liked it. I liked the bickery romantic tension between them (I blame my misspent youth and all those slap slap kiss shows from when I was a wee, impressionable thing too long ago to want to talk about). I was highly annoyed at the beginning when it seemed like eight hundred different men wanted to date Theo (as well as incredibly baffled why Theo was so damned into this dude who wrote two whole sentences in a book with him. But I have no romance in my soul so I was willing to let that part go) because I start to get twitchy at two, let alone literally every guy he talks to. But once that mystery started unraveling and we started learning what was going on with all these dudes, I liked it a lot more. And I don't know if Be My Favorite has made me appreciate Gawin more (yes, definitely) or if I was just way too hard on him in Not Me (maybe, idk I still think he was kind of drippy), but I really enjoyed him in this one, too. Yes, even with the singing. Gawin for me is a rarity because frankly, he can actually carry a tune. I will never understand what's with making all these BL boys sing and dance. Sometimes you just aren't a triple threat, and that's okay.
Anyway remember my endings problem? Yeah, didn’t love this one. I mean, fine, chase your love interest all the way to fair Paris because he's having a crisis about his parents (and honestly, that part I really liked? I liked how selfish he was about it. Idk it just worked for me), I would have let him run off and found someone else but as I said I have no romance in my soul. 7.5/10
Naked Dining / Zenra Meshi / 全ラ飯 - Cute, but. I found myself really really annoyed by all the misunderstandings. This never happens to me, I love a good misunderstanding or three, but my gosh there just comes a point when you need to stop making assumptions and talk, my guys. Food porn was good, though. 6/10
Hello Stranger - Baby's first Pinoy BL! So I guess this is in the same vein as Gameboys, but I did not see that one, and I found this charming. The leads were adorable, and I do have a fondness for shows told almost completely via skype. Look, I still haven't seen enough of them for the novelty to have worn off. The mix of Tagalog and English was a little hard to adjust to at first but after a couple eps I got there. It was just a cute, breezy little thing that was easily digestible and I'm happy I watched it, although to be frank I probably won't put it into my rotation. 8/10
Dear Doctor, I'm Coming for Soul -
While I really enjoyed most of it, I feel like it fell apart for me at the end and I'm having a hard time articulating why.
I think it might be the reincarnation bit. While I get what the show was going for there, what are we saying, exactly? Is Tua gonna wait now until Prakan is of age before showing up to be his boyfriend again? Are they gonna go back to phi and nong until then? Or is Tua gonna watch Prakan like he's straight out of a Police song without speaking to him for the next 5/6 years? My problem isn't even really with the idea that Tua and Prakan will continue to meet in all of Prakan's lifetimes until perhaps Tua's time as a reaper is over and they can be reborn in the same timeline again and maybe be together for real. I think it's the idea of them both waiting around for Prakan's minor clock to expire that's doing it. I feel like Goblin did this trope better. Personally I loved Tua and Prakan being together until he passed, and for me, I think that the show would have been stronger overall if they had left it at that and not done the end bit with the new Prakan.
That said, the child actor who played young!Prakan was stellar and I hope that he has been getting steady work. I have to say that in a lot of the Thai dramas I've watched, the child actors have been standouts.
Other than that, I did really enjoy the drama. It was interesting and I liked seeing Yacht play a character that wasn't super Pond-esque for once. I did feel watching Between Us that he could do better, if given the material (not his fault, Between Us had too many side couples, both he and his partner did what they could with what they had), and I'm happy to see I was right. Metha actually became one of my favorite characters - he had a whole arc from conflicted asshole to loosening up and remembering that he actually loved his friends/realizing his uncle had manipulated him into hating Prakan for his own personal gain, and Yacht did a really good job with playing both the asshole and the decent dude beneath.
I saw a lot of comments complaining about Prakan's inability to be mature regarding Tua's job, but I think that for the most part it was actually fairly believable a reaction, especially after his mom died. And it would be hard for me to deal with the idea that death can be around any corner no matter how hard I try to prevent it, let alone someone for whom that is their entire job.
I was annoyed, however, by the weird ep 11 (I think, might have been 10) "Nuch could die" plot, simply because it was so late in the game, took up so little time, and seemed like a plot device just to get Metha to finally tell her he loved her. Annoying and pointless. Wasn't needed - he could have done it a million other ways.
Enjoyed the couple of Kheeta and Nathee as well - Nathee was another one that did a 180 as the show progressed, but unfortunately I believed his less than I did Metha's, mostly because I just don't think the actor is as good. He was kind of a weak link in Between Us too, although I think I enjoyed him in Even Sun? I can't remember (and just as I said that I did remember, and no, he wasn't one of my favorites in that either. But the less said about Even Sun the better, really). Still, the whole plot for them is one of my bulletproof tropes. It would take a lot for me not to be into it.
Overall though, I enjoyed it. It kept me extremely engaged and made me cry more than once, and up until the last let's say half episode it really worked for me. 8/10
He's Coming to Me - Seeing everyone talk about this lately made me want to rewatch it, and aw, I forgot how much I loved it. It truly is a gem of a show, and I am glad that a lot of people are talking up how good it is lately. Ohm especially really shines.
What a gem this show is. I really enjoyed the slow burn between Med and Thun, and I liked that it went hand in hand with Thun's realization that he was gay. Really enjoyed how supportive his friends and mom were about it, too. Just a really lovely group of people all around.
Another thing that was fun was the mystery of how Med died. I liked that once Thun decided to help him find out he was all in, willing to help him pretty much no matter what. I honestly don't know if I guessed the mom thing or just remembered it from before but that was a kind of hilarious twist - well mom, I'm in love with your ex who's been a ghost for twenty years. Blessings?
The one thing that knocked this down for me was the whole story with the grandpa/uncle. I think I will never get used to these dramas downplaying things that seem like a pretty big deal to me. Manipulate your student into committing literal crimes and nearly drive him crazy with the pressure of holding up an impossible standard? It's okay, you have trauma too so we understand! Deliberately sabotage your son's happiness so that you can make your marriage scheme become reality? All's well that ends well! Plot and then actually go ahead and murder your own nephew, or at the very least orchestrate events so he could die? We can't change the past, all we can do is hope for a better future! Clearly I take these things too seriously.
Overall though, I really did have a good time. I thought that the chemistry between everyone was excellent, not just the two main characters but the entire cast, and I think the eight episode run time worked in its favor because it kept the show from ever feeling bloated, or like they were trying to find things to do to fill time. And the ending, while bittersweet in its way, is perfect for them. All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable show, and I'm very glad I decided to watch it again.
Currently Watching, Sans Liveblogging
Laws of Attraction - I am LOVING this. I did not expect to from the trailer, but nope. I'm hooked. It's got plenty of time to off the rails I guess, since it just started, but I'm not even sure I will care if it does, so long as our very cute lawyer keeps smiling and flirting (and then trying desperately to gtfo of the room whenever Tinn gets to close the whatever killed his ideals (mom was murdered and then the murderer got off? Drunk driver who got released due to a slick lawyer? It's definitely mom based, and I am very curious). The chemistry between the two leads is very very good, too. I've not seen them in anything else, but I might check out To Sir, With Love because I like them that much. Also Silvy Pavida is in this, and she was one of my favorite things about The Warp Effect. I gave out a little cheer when I saw her, and I hope she's in the show more.
Stay by my Side - Cute, has all the tropes. It's Taiwan so I expect it to be solid. Reminds me a bit of Master's Sun kdrama, but BL. That is not a criticism - I freaking love Master's Sun. Although our ghost repellent isn't aware that's what's happening in this one. I'm enjoying it a lot.
3 Will Be Free - I'm working my way through this, and am way more invested in Mae than the three main characters. Oops? If anything happens to her I will lose it.
The Jungle - MIX VILLAIN ERA GO. If it goes too far in the womanizing direction I will probably drop it, but otherwise I will stick around just to see if I am right and Hunter is the worst of the lot. It has a cast mostly filled with actors I like, and I have to admit I got a kick out of watching Lookjun play a character in love with Off's character again. Also they're giving Nanon the Gun Atthaphan treatment and having him play two people. Whee.
Wedding Plan - It's MAME. Enough said. No telling if at some point I'll have to drop it, but well. MAME. I hope the lesbian couple does more than coo at each other, though. Even if the cooing is indeed very cute.
Looking Forward To
At this point I think we all know, but just in case we don't:
Only Friends
Dangerous Romance
Only Friends and Dangerous Romance are neck and neck in the race to get a premier date. My ideal would be to have them both released in August so I can have max messiness and angst to finish out my summer.
23.5 is on Q5 so I expect we won't see it for a while, but I'm waiting and very excited. We need more GL and I adored Milk and Love in Bad Buddy - I shipped ink and Pa so hard and watching it become canon was one of the best times I've ever had. I'm also pretty jazzed that it looks like there's a second GL couple as well. Both View and June are actresses I like and I'm just very ready for this.
Also I watched the GMMTV 2023 lineup again and I think Last Twilight is now on my list too. Like I'll watch stuff like Cooking Crush when it comes out but I'm not really jazzed about it, lol. Last Twilight however has moved into my "I think I'm excited for this one" list. 
If you made it this far, congratulations. I'd offer you a prize, but I have none. So instead, here. Have a dancing Chonlatee.
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The first thing to remember about the damage done by the US supreme court this June and the June before is that each majority decision overturns a right that we had won. We had won a measure of student debt relief thanks to the heroic efforts of debt activists since 2011. We had won reproductive rights protection 50 years ago with Roe v Wade, and we won wetlands protection with the Clean Water Act around the same time. We had implemented affirmative action, AKA a redress of centuries of institutionalized inequality, step by step, in many ways over the past 60-plus years. We had won rights for same-sex couples and queer people in a series of laws and decisions.
What this means is that the right wing of the US supreme court is part of a gang of reactionaries engaging in backlash. It also means we can win these things back. It will not be easy, but difficult is not impossible. This does not mean that the decisions are not devastating, and that we should not feel the pain. The old saying “don’t mourn, organize” has always worked better for me as “mourn, but also organize”. Defeat is no reason to stop. Neither is victory a reason to stop when victory is partial or needs to be defended. You can celebrate victories, mourn defeats and keep going.
Each of those victories was hard-won, often by people who began when the rights and protections they sought seemed inconceivable, then unlikely, then remote, and so goes the road of profound change almost every time. To win environmental protections, the public had to be awakened to the interconnectedness, the vulnerability and the value of a healthy natural world and our inseparability from it. To win marriage equality for same-sex couples and equal protection for queer people involved changing beliefs, which was achieved not just by campaigns but by countless LGBTQ+ people courageously making themselves visible and audible in their communities.
To recognize the power of this change requires a historical memory. A memory of rivers catching fire and toxic products being dumped freely in the 1960s. Of laws and guidelines treating queer people as criminal or mentally ill or both in ways that terrorized them and made them largely invisible to the public eye. Of women dying of or damaged by illegal abortions or leading the bleak lives to which unwanted pregnancies consigned them. Of the way the Ivy League universities in particular were virtually all white and all male into the 1970s. Of how inequality was so normalized that first people had to see and believe that women and Bipoc people should have equal rights and access to and a role in the places of power that decide the fate of each of us, the nation and the world. All that changed – not enough, of course, but a lot.
Memory is a superpower, because memory of how these situations changed is a memory of our victories and our power. Each of these victories happened both through the specifics of campaigns to change legislation but also through changing the public imagination. The supreme court can dismantle the legislation but they cannot touch the beliefs and values. We still believe in these rights. We still recognize the harm and the destruction they were meant to prevent. If you didn’t believe that equal access and rights were wrong yesterday or last year, you don’t have to believe it now. Not just because those rights were denied by six justices, at least four of whom are so utterly corrupt in how they got their seats or what they’ve done while seated that they should be forced to resign.
Last year’s attack on reproductive rights has produced its own backlash, with many states working to protect those rights, many elections seemingly pivoting on voter outrage about the Republican party’s brutality toward and hatred of women, and Republicans scurrying away from their own achievement and its hideous impacts. If the Republican party deserves admiration for anything, it’s for their long view, understanding of strategy and tenacity.
The building up of an illicit rightwing supreme court took many years, and took fundamentalist Christians holding their noses to vote for Donald Trump because they understood that meant getting the justices to overturn Roe v Wade. It meant building power from the ground up to take state legislatures to gerrymander electoral maps and sticking vicious clowns like Jim Jordan into bizarrely tailored districts. It meant chipping away at voting rights, achieved in part by the supreme court’s attack on the Voting Rights Act in 2013 and its 2010 Citizens United decision that let a filthy tsunami of corporate dark money into electoral politics, thereby overturning two of its own earlier decisions.
While each of the issues under attack need their own campaigns, voting rights and free and fair elections are crucial to all of them. Don’t forget that the only reason we have such a conservative government, including the supreme court, is voter suppression. If we truly had equal access to the ballot, American voters would choose more progressive candidates and pass more progressive legislation. That’s why what the public wants, believes and values so often differs from what the politicians chosen by dark money and voter suppression give us.
One of the striking features of recent years is the baldfaced Republican effort to prevent Black people in particular, but also young, poor and other non-white demographics from voting. Baldfaced because it acknowledges that they are unpopular and that they’ve given up the goal of being in power because they represent the majority. As they become more marginalized through their own extreme and unpopular views, they have to use more extreme means – now including trying to steal and overturn elections – to hold onto power.
This is as true of climate action as anything else: a new Yale 360 poll shows that “57% of registered voters support a US president declaring global warming a national emergency if Congress does not take further action” and “74% support regulating carbon dioxide as a pollutant.” The problem isn’t the people. It’s the power, and history shows us that when we come together with ferocious commitment to a shared goal we can be more powerful than institutions and governments. The right would like us to feel defeated and powerless. We can feel devastated and still feel powerful or find our power. This is not a time to quit. It’s a time to fight.
Rebecca Solnit is a Guardian US columnist. Her most recent books are Recollections of My Nonexistence and Orwell’s Roses
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myastrouniverse · 3 months
June/2024🌘♉️I wasn’t raised to be fascist.
♃︎ < 🚑 Overturn Supreme Ct ruling Citizens United. It can be done IMMEDIATELY on several premises. First, it had ALREADY been ruled in the lower courts that political commercials are considered electioneering because we don’t CHOOSE to be exposed to their propaganda. Documentaries are different than political commercials, because we CHOOSE to and even pay to receive the information. Everyone seemed to understand this but Hitlery Clinton and the Clinton mafia, which brought the decision to the Supreme Ct. The Supreme Ct essentially determined that they could NOT understand the difference between being forcibly exposed to political propaganda via ads/commercials and choosing or even paying to be exposed to political information thru various channels of information. Since the Supreme Ct could not understand the nuance, or rather, overlooked the logic of the argument from the lower courts; they made an ACTIVIST decision to expand the rights and privileges of corporations, which in effect, deliberately violated the rights and freedoms of the individual. In particular, they defined money as speech. Meaning that those whom have the most money, determine what is true and what is false, if they can get the general population to believe their LIES. The Supreme Ct also went out of their way to define a group of corporate shareholders as an individual. Again, by defining money as speech and corporations as individuals, we have given billionaires in this country a free pass to do whatever the fuck shit they want to do to workers, without any consequences. UNDERSTAND? The Supreme Ct has used the CITIZENS UNITED (2010) ruling, as way of unraveling ALL our freedoms and protections as individuals, in their subsequent rulings for the past FOURTEEN YEARS. THIS IS HOW WE GOT HERE. Okay? America is NOW, on paper, considered a corporation and yes, Obama made himself CEO. This what most of you do not understand. Obama made himself CEO under the irrevocable 24 chapters and provisions he set up for himself and his corporate buddies in TPP. The DNC is considered a corporate organization and its shareholders determine the outcome of elections now. That is why we haven’t had a REAL primary since Hitlery sabotaged Bernie in ‘16. Many local chapters of the Democratic Party took the DNC to court, which ruled that under Citizens United, the DNC had the legal right to steal the election from Bernie, because the shareholders wanted Hitlery to basically murder us all. Corporations have been murdering their workers and getting away with it. My coworkers were murdered at Spectrum in December of 2019. I was attacked in my home but survived. The PEOPLE of the USA, must DEMAND our political leaders REPRESENT THE PEOPLE, by overturning Citizens United. By doing so, again, all subsequent rulings based off Citizens United would also be reversed. The Supreme Ct justices and their allies must be charged with HIGH TREASON for participating in this charade. This is the ONLY logical way to save and preserve democracy. Otherwise, we are ALL going to die at the hands of deranged fascist billionaires and their herd of animal sycophants.
🌘 < ♆︎ If you think AOC is going to be able to charge our Supreme Ct justices, without overturning Citizens United than YOU are an idiot. The ONLY reason she is speaking out against the Supreme Ct right now is to feign like she cares, but again, that mexi-scum cunt bar whore, won’t do a fucking thing.
🌘 ☌ ♂️If you want to make liberals racist, keep promoting ignorant unqualified women of color into high positions of power, in order to protect fascists with dementia; for their personal benefit. It’s dangerous when you consider how unstable people are at this time. Maybe the REAL racists are the people hiring and using ignorant whores, to shield old fascist politicians.
🌘 ☸︎ ♄︎ If you cannot find a solution, you don’t understand the problem. People need to start fucking doing their own homework.
🌘 ☍ 🎸 Yes, every time I see Kamala Harris or AOC, I think, these women are a bad example and should be in jail.
♀️ ☸︎ 🦚 I got a few early birthday presents today. I haven’t had a birthday party in nine years. It was nice. Any kindness comes at a shock to me, because I am almost never treated like a human being.
🌞 < ♅︎ I don’t have to participate with this corrupt corporation we are pretending is our government. Understand? No one has any authority over me, because our laws are made without the pursuit of justice. Understand?
Amy Denio - National Holidays
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Jasper Johns, Flag, from Lead Reliefs, 1969
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kandpalmeera · 4 months
Divorce Lawyers In Dwarka Delhi
In British India, the legal option of divorce was first recognized and used in 1869, primarily by Christians wishing to separate amicably. No law in India could allow for or formally define divorce. To facilitate the filing of divorces under the Hindu Marriage Act, the Hindu Marriage Act was created later in 1955. Divorce Lawyers In Dwarka Delhi can assist you in navigating the complexities of divorce under this legislation, ensuring your rights are protected throughout the process.
Legal provisions for Divorce:
Either spouse in a marriage may file for divorce under Section 13(1), which lays forth the conditions. Following the 1976 change, the grounds for divorce outlined in Section 13 of the Act and the judicial separation provided in Section 10 are comparable. In addition, the parties may choose to reconsider their divorce by choosing judicial separation. Saving the venerable institution of marriage and promoting reconciliation are the goals. Additionally, the Act gives wives, that is, women, certain grounds for divorce upon which they may file for divorce.
By Section 13B, a person may file for divorce with the approval of both parties. A year must pass from the date of marriage for the parties to decide to end their union with mutual consent. They must demonstrate that they have been living apart for a year or longer and are unable to cohabitate.
Best Divorce Lawyers In Dwarka Delhi
Selecting the best divorce attorney can assist you in making crucial decisions during the divorce process. Your life is mostly altered by the outcome of the divorce process. You must take the time to locate the top Dwarka divorce attorney to handle your case. People might ask close friends or family members for suggestions when looking for a divorce attorney. The Sharks of Law is one of the professional associations that provide legal services. It would be appropriate to handle the situation more easily if you hired a knowledgeable and experienced attorney. Our attorneys are extremely knowledgeable about particular circumstances. Our Divorce Lawyers In Dwarka Delhi handle even the most difficult situations involving property and financial splits since they are knowledgeable about the numerous methods and strategies of divorce. Sharks of Law can provide you with a divorce lawyer in Dwarka, Delhi.
There will be good and terrible in any field or job. It is up to you to find the best attorney by conducting the necessary research. The top attorney available to hear your concerns is Sharks of Law. Our Divorce Lawyers In Dwarka Delhi will provide you with an unbiased evaluation of your chances of success. The Sharks of Law is skilled at managing:
Specializes in family or matrimonial law
Collaborated with specialists in the fields of forensic accounting, custody and parenting, and CDFA
Excellent familiarity with divorce law and relevant experience
Expert Bargainer — Save plenty of time even if you decide not to engage in the drawn-out legal dispute
Reasonable: When handling customers’ divorce cases, be fair and truthful.
Compatibility: Divorce attorneys who are amiable and skilled make sure you feel at ease discussing the matter.
Complete Transparency — Attorneys are honest about the cost of a divorce or the likelihood that a judge will decide your case.
Competent in handling divorce situations
You would be working with the top divorce attorney to handle the matter sensibly.
Sharks of Law is the top service-focused professional law office, specializing in offering prompt and efficient legal assistance. Experts possess extensive knowledge in several legal and training domains. At the Sharks of Law, our staff offers specialized answers to any legal issue. Skilled solicitors effectively understand how to combine legal expertise with creative problem-solving. Sharks of Law teaches individuals about legal issues and promotes critical thinking. We provide Legal Consultation. You can find a lawyer here.
Email: [email protected] Help Desk: +91–88770–01993
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sumit01231 · 4 months
Divorce Lawyers In Dwarka Delhi
In British India, the legal option of divorce was first recognized and used in 1869, primarily by Christians wishing to separate amicably. No law in India could allow for or formally define divorce. To facilitate the filing of divorces under the Hindu Marriage Act, the Hindu Marriage Act was created later in 1955. Divorce Lawyers In Dwarka Delhi can assist you in navigating the complexities of divorce under this legislation, ensuring your rights are protected throughout the process.
Legal provisions for Divorce:
Either spouse in a marriage may file for divorce under Section 13(1), which lays forth the conditions. Following the 1976 change, the grounds for divorce outlined in Section 13 of the Act and the judicial separation provided in Section 10 are comparable. In addition, the parties may choose to reconsider their divorce by choosing judicial separation. Saving the venerable institution of marriage and promoting reconciliation are the goals. Additionally, the Act gives wives, that is, women, certain grounds for divorce upon which they may file for divorce.
By Section 13B, a person may file for divorce with the approval of both parties. A year must pass from the date of marriage for the parties to decide to end their union with mutual consent. They must demonstrate that they have been living apart for a year or longer and are unable to cohabitate.
Best Divorce Lawyers In Dwarka Delhi
Selecting the best divorce attorney can assist you in making crucial decisions during the divorce process. Your life is mostly altered by the outcome of the divorce process. You must take the time to locate the top Dwarka divorce attorney to handle your case. People might ask close friends or family members for suggestions when looking for a divorce attorney. The Sharks of Law is one of the professional associations that provide legal services. It would be appropriate to handle the situation more easily if you hired a knowledgeable and experienced attorney. Our attorneys are extremely knowledgeable about particular circumstances. Our Divorce Lawyers In Dwarka Delhi handle even the most difficult situations involving property and financial splits since they are knowledgeable about the numerous methods and strategies of divorce. Sharks of Law can provide you with a divorce lawyer in Dwarka, Delhi.
There will be good and terrible in any field or job. It is up to you to find the best attorney by conducting the necessary research. The top attorney available to hear your concerns is Sharks of Law. Our Divorce Lawyers In Dwarka Delhi will provide you with an unbiased evaluation of your chances of success. The Sharks of Law is skilled at managing:
Specializes in family or matrimonial law
Collaborated with specialists in the fields of forensic accounting, custody and parenting, and CDFA
Excellent familiarity with divorce law and relevant experience
Expert Bargainer — Save plenty of time even if you decide not to engage in the drawn-out legal dispute
Reasonable: When handling customers’ divorce cases, be fair and truthful.
Compatibility: Divorce attorneys who are amiable and skilled make sure you feel at ease discussing the matter.
Complete Transparency — Attorneys are honest about the cost of a divorce or the likelihood that a judge will decide your case.
Competent in handling divorce situations
You would be working with the top divorce attorney to handle the matter sensibly.
Sharks of Law is the top service-focused professional law office, specializing in offering prompt and efficient legal assistance. Experts possess extensive knowledge in several legal and training domains. At the Sharks of Law, our staff offers specialized answers to any legal issue. Skilled solicitors effectively understand how to combine legal expertise with creative problem-solving. Sharks of Law teaches individuals about legal issues and promotes critical thinking. We provide Legal Consultation. You can find a lawyer here.
Email: [email protected] Help Desk: +91–88770–01993
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meera1990-tiwari · 4 months
Divorce Lawyers In Dwarka Delhi
In British India, the legal option of divorce was first recognized and used in 1869, primarily by Christians wishing to separate amicably. No law in India could allow for or formally define divorce. To facilitate the filing of divorces under the Hindu Marriage Act, the Hindu Marriage Act was created later in 1955. Divorce Lawyers In Dwarka Delhi can assist you in navigating the complexities of divorce under this legislation, ensuring your rights are protected throughout the process.
Legal provisions for Divorce:
Either spouse in a marriage may file for divorce under Section 13(1), which lays forth the conditions. Following the 1976 change, the grounds for divorce outlined in Section 13 of the Act and the judicial separation provided in Section 10 are comparable. In addition, the parties may choose to reconsider their divorce by choosing judicial separation. Saving the venerable institution of marriage and promoting reconciliation are the goals. Additionally, the Act gives wives, that is, women, certain grounds for divorce upon which they may file for divorce.
By Section 13B, a person may file for divorce with the approval of both parties. A year must pass from the date of marriage for the parties to decide to end their union with mutual consent. They must demonstrate that they have been living apart for a year or longer and are unable to cohabitate.
Best Divorce Lawyers In Dwarka Delhi
Selecting the best divorce attorney can assist you in making crucial decisions during the divorce process. Your life is mostly altered by the outcome of the divorce process. You must take the time to locate the top Dwarka divorce attorney to handle your case. People might ask close friends or family members for suggestions when looking for a divorce attorney. The Sharks of Law is one of the professional associations that provide legal services. It would be appropriate to handle the situation more easily if you hired a knowledgeable and experienced attorney. Our attorneys are extremely knowledgeable about particular circumstances. Our Divorce Lawyers In Dwarka Delhi handle even the most difficult situations involving property and financial splits since they are knowledgeable about the numerous methods and strategies of divorce. Sharks of Law can provide you with a divorce lawyer in Dwarka, Delhi.
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mintsworkshop · 4 months
Higher Education Freedom of Speech Act and The Jester's privilege
If they want the freedom to do and say whatever they want - let them have it. But only if they wear silly, jingling hats.
The Higher Education Freedom of Speech Act has gone into power through the king's assent (whatever that is) in early May of 2023 after a legislative limbo that lasted a few years. Since this bill seeks to protect people from any repercussions regarding their 'challenging of conventional ideas' and 'voicing ideas and opinions', it makes academic institutions legally responsible for upholding freedom of speech by not discriminating against viewpoints. Immediately it seems rather questionable, as many have pointed out, whether there truly aren't any views that may be discriminated against in an academic setting - such as Holocaust denial.
In response, now-accused of bullying MP Gavin Williamsion stated that such speech would still be prohibited under different Bills and that this merely concerns freedom of speech within the law. MP David Davis cited four examples of problematic no-platforming which, curiously, are one member of his own Party and three others who have had hooplas regarding the rights of trans people and how they presented them. I am not interested in these individual's views in particular, but one might get the idea that there is a certain group of people that are the motivation for this law. Ein Schelm wer Böses dabei denkt - as the Germans like to say.
It should, then, come as no surprise that Kathleen Stock had nothing but positive things to say about this bill. The Bri'ish philosopher who has left her university position has been criticised by the philosophy undergrad student Christa Peterson of the University of Southern California numerous times. In response to this criticism, Stock would continously accuse her of defamation while calling her obsessive, a troll and exhibit an overall refusal to engage with her criticisms and points - something any reasonable person would expect from an academic. Repeatedly, she has retaliated against university students criticising her; criticism that was largely in response to her e-mailing every single student of the Sussex philosophy department about her being Gender Critical, ironically urging them that abuse and harassment of an individual are not acceptable.
This may seem as nothing but hypocritical to a normal observer (or perhaps a sign of mental unwellness) but the based and CRT-pilled are, of course, aware that this is nothing if not business as usual.
Academia, as a whole, is a very selective and elitist institution for better and for worse. While this Bill seems to seek to solidify a right of a certain group of people to be part of this illustrous circle; discriminating against unfounded views, lack of evidence and lack of training and/or knowledge is a key part of academia as an institution and science as a whole. This form of what one might call discrimination of speech is, fundamentally, part of the essence of academia. One may only wonder whether we will have academic Flat Earth Congresses in the future lest the university be sued. I, for one, am looking foward to it.
So much for the idealist form of this discrimination. In parctice, people are excluded from academia and its processes for a number of reason that have nothing to do with their scientific endeavors. I have no doubt that there are hearing- or visually-impaired people who are excellent in their field - and yet you will only rarely find them in academia. Miranda Fricker and Charles W. Mills have written poignant works about this discrimination against women and black people respectively. Through and because of their work, it is apparent that academia is (perhaps) last but (definitely) not least a structure that reproduces hegemony while pretending it is not. Class and social issues that are omnipresent in our society do not magically vanish within one institution. When one makes accusations of, or points out, racism, homophobia, or other types of discrimination, this nexus of domination is the most apparent and vitriolic, as the social structure is built in such a way that makes those not affected by these types of violence and domination blind to them. As Mills said: „White supremacy makes White people deny what is in front of them.“ While transphobia and racism are hardly the same – both structurally as well as historically – I am under the impression the cognitive distortion can be quite similar.
Any underprivileged person is keenly aware of the fact that there are things they cannot say in many social contexts. Being reprimanded or fired for calling a customer dumb (even when it is objectively true) is an everyday occurence for those who do not sit in the comfortable position of university tenure and have grown fat with content. But the speech and freedom of peasants is not what’s at stake here: It is the speech of an elite group of people that gets to see a university from the inside in the first place.
Academically, the problem with racism or transphobia is not that they are dehumanizing and demeaning, but, rather, that they are empirically false. As Christa surmises in her (long, researched, and cited) article: "When you dismiss the actual, peer reviewed research on the matter in favor of obviously statistically incompetent Twitter threads and start saying anti-gay hate groups "have some relevant expertise" about how trans kids should be treated, you do look like you have an agenda."
This brings us to our other issue: All of this is, objectively, very funny. Stock, purpoting to be a serious academic, quoting the American College of Pediatricians and, when it is pointed out to her that they are a conservative hate/advocacy group that promotes gay conversion and lobbies against abortion, not retracting her statement, but saying ‚they are onto something in this case‘ is hilarious. Her encouraging her followers to Follow the Money while the Spectacle around her person and position have landed her a book deal and her most cited year in her career, is hysterical. Long we have now struggled with the problem that Donald Trump or Alex Jones are incredibly funny, but, unfortunately, potentially quite dangerous for marginalized people.
Perhaps the problem today is not that these people are incredibly silly, but that some take them seriously.
Take, for example, Jordan Peterson’s monologue about the question „Do you believen in God?“. He, correctly, asserts that the language that someone uses already betrays a certain ideology or framework of reference. So does asking such a question to begin with, may I add. But instead of simply pointing out this arguable fact, he asserts there is „mysteries“ in these words; „what do you mean ‚do‘?“ (?????) To say such a thing with a straight face while routinely denying the implications of adopting (read: making it up) that Chaos is a black, feminine dragon and Order a white, masculine serpent is so fucking hilarious, I don’t know how else to put it. I could talk about J.P.‘s unintended comedic genius for literal hours. But I can’t because some people are tricked into believing him to be a serious person.
To solve this conundrum, medieval societies had the genius idea to let some people say whatever they want for the comedic delight of other people in exchange for their credibility and what I would call epistemic dignity: Nothing they said or could say in the future should ever be considered or met with anything but a laugh. Fittingly, the French, German and Spanish called this what it is – liberté du fou, Narrenfreiheit, libertad de bufón: The freedom of the idiot.
I have to commend the fact that this serious issue is, once again, brought to the forefront of our societies. One can only imagine how the Weimar Republic would have turned out if we would have honored this tradition and mandated the NSDAP to wear the funny, jingling hats. At least, their victims would have heard them coming.
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myragewillendworlds · 10 months
Those election results are terrible. I've never informed myself much with your country's politics but from the outside (like news reports) it always appeared like the Netherlands is very progressive and open-minded with little footing for right-wing groups to gain power. Very much an image of a neighbour role model. Obviously the right-winged groups exist everywhere even in the "better" ones (the whole of Europe seems to be shifting to the right), but I really feel sorrow and I hope they will not reverse too much progress or cause too much damage. Is there anything in particular you are worried about now with their majority?
And do you think the whole of Europe is getting too comfortable with the right, now with immigration and Islam extremism being addressed again? Maybe I am too paranoid.
We have had right-wing, largely conservative Christian cabinets for the past 6 years. Prior to that, from 2002 to 2010 we had cabinets led by a Christian party and MP. The idea of the Netherlands as the great tolerant, progressive country is a farce. (Of course, compared to the political state of a country like the US, we are still relatively very socialist/left-wing. Someone like Biden would probably be a conservative right-winger here.)
The big winning party is more populist than that it is purely right-wing, in that it also has quite some socialist stances regarding health care, education and minimum wage. But Wilders also denies climate change, blindly supports Israel for anti-Islam reasons only, and is a Putin-cuck who wants to "fight all this russiaphobia" and cut off all help to Ukraine. He wants our king to publicly revert his prior apology speech regarding the country's colonial past. He wants a "Nexit", despite the grim outcome of Brexit and the lack of a majority here that wants this. He wants to get rid of the parliament, so it'd be easier to push through his unconstitutional bullshit. He wants to end all Islamic education on the basis that Islam is sexist and homophobic, but he's supportive of Christian schooling (that has been in the news for similar problems plenty of times) and felt no reason to sign the decree that would outlaw Christian schools denying homosexual students or teachers as well as outlaw (generally Christian) conversion therapy, nor does he feel anything for cementing the right to abortion further for proper legal protection. It's always like that with the populists, they'll manipulatively claim to fight for women's rights, LGBT rights, or some other minority group, but when it comes down to it they will actively block any progress made in those groups' advantage. He's a known dictator-type too in his party; countless of people have left the party over the years citing the same issues, that he allows for zero disagreements or otherwise differing opinions. Well in the past, when he first formed his own party, I was interested in him as he was one of the few people who dared to speak up about the problems we have with mass immigration and islamization (and those sure exist) but as it's turned out over the years, he's just a populism-spewing cunt, a hypocrite, a Russia-paid bitch, a manipulative opportunist, a science-denier, a megalomaniac and arguably a racist.
It's also a common pattern that left-wing parties always let this national research institute calculate the costs and economic effects of their plans, usually showcasing the ways their program would actually improve the lives of (particularly lower class) citizens, while right-wing and populist parties continue to refuse to do this. Deep down they must know that it would just reveal the obvious truth: that right-wing plans serve only to make the rich richer, and populist drivel serves no one at all.
Still, every election tons of people cast their dumb fucking "protest-votes" on him, now to the point where it's made his the biggest party (instead of, idk, a proper fucking party with actually effective plans), and after all these years of him accusing other politicians of incompetence and lying to their voters, I'd love to watch him go down as completely incompetent and a liar to his voters himself. The political system here isn't like in the US, he'll never have as much power as Trump did, nor have the power to surround himself with yes-men or appoint fucked up right-wingers in powerful positions for life. He'll still have to deal with the voices of the other large parties, as well as the entire opposition, as well as the parliament that verifies if any law changes are constitutional before they would ever be applied. None of his extreme ideas would make it through. And on a larger scale, types like him and the current Italian MP still have to deal with Brussels, too. Though with that said, these election results did leave me feeling worried, for my own well-being and that of many others, and particularly for his anti-climate stance and Russia-affiliation.
Which is all just a long rant and not particularly a clear answer to your question. But yes, the whole of Europe is getting too comfortable with right-wing populism, and it's concerning, because they have no answers to the existing problems and only care to serve their own dubious agendas.
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