#IPS Officer
rightnewshindi · 2 months
आईपीएस अधिकारी राजेश पंडित ने महिला इंस्पेक्टर के साथ किया दुर्व्यवहार, सीएम तक पहुंची बात तो हुए निलंबित
Odisha News: ओडिशा में डीआईजी रैंक के एक वरिष्ठ आईपीएस अधिकारी पंडित राजेश उत्तम राव उर्फ राजेश पंडित को कथित दुर्व्यवहार के आरोप में निलंबित कर दिया गया है। डीआईजी पर कैपिटल पुलिस स्टेशन की एक महिला इंस्पेक्टर के साथ दुर्व्यवहार करने का आरोप लगा है। दिल्ली से लौटने के बाद मुख्यमंत्री मोहन चरण माझी ने राजेश पंडित के खिलाफ कार्रवाई करने का निर्देश दिया था। गृह विभाग की तरफ से मंगलवार को जारी…
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dhallblogs · 2 months
Nitin Agarwal IPS appointed as new BSF DG.
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New Delhi: Kerala cadre, Nitin Agarwal IPS has been appointed as Director General (DG) of the Border Security Force by the Central government.
ALSO READ MORE- https://apacnewsnetwork.com/2023/06/ips-officer-nitin-agarwal-appointed-as-new-bsf-dg/
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newspatron · 8 months
Beyond Exams: "12th Fail" Shows Success Takes Grit, Not Grades
Did "12th Fail" resonate with you? Share your thoughts, ask questions, and let's rewrite the script of success together! #12thFail #BeyondExams
Welcome, fellow dreamers! Have you ever felt the weight of societal expectations pressing down on you, particularly in the realm of academic achievement? Have you ever stumbled, fallen, and questioned your potential in the face of failure? If so, then prepare to be uplifted by the powerful message of “12th Fail,” a film that transcends entertainment and ignites a fire within. Forget textbook…
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18 आईपीएस अफसरों के स्थानांतरण, 11 जिलों के कप्तान भी बदले
उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार ने देर रात 18 आईपीएस अफसरों के स्थानांतरण कर दिये। 11 जिलों के कप्तान भी बदले गये हैं। कानपुर रेंज के आईजी प्रशांत कुमार (द्वितीय) को ईओडब्ल्यू में आईजी बनाया है, उनके स्थान पर झांसी रेंज के डीआईजी जोगेंद्र कुमार को कानपुर रेंज का आईजी बनाया गया है। वाराणसी के डीआईजी अखिलेश चौरसिया को भ्रष्टाचार निवारण संगठन भेजा गया है, उनके स्थान पर प्रोन्नत हुये बदायूं के वरिष्ठ पुलिस…
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banglakhobor · 1 year
মাত্র ৮ বছরের বাবাকে হারিয়েছেন,মিষ্টি চেহারার দাপুটে এই পুলিশ গড়েছেন বিরল নজির
Success Story: ১৯৫৮ ব্যাচের আইপিএস অফিসারদের ট্রফি সেরা মহিলা বহিরঙ্গন পরীক্ষার্থীর জন্য, শ্রী উমেশ চন্দ্র ট্রফি ফিল্ড কমব্যাটের জন্য, ৫৫তম ব্যাচের সিনিয়র অফিসারদের ট্রফি সেরা টার্ন আউটের জন্য এবং বাঙালিদের জন্য পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকার ট্রফি। Source link
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parul655 · 1 year
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gyanjan · 2 years
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ecrivainsolitaire · 11 months
Open Art Guild – Testing the boundaries of collective IP ownership
Experimental release: Dr. T’chem’s Office (authorised for personal and commercial use)
I’ll try to keep this brief (you can read the full thesis statement here) but as we all know, intellectual property law is broken. It’s being exploited from every side and art workers are more vulnerable than ever to automation, copyright theft and myriad other unforeseeable forms of theft from the proletariat. We as a collective need to come together and work towards the creation of a better future.
The Open Art Guild is my proposal for the first of many steps towards a far away but necessary goal: the eradication of intellectual property as it pertains to the arts. It’s based on the open source standard and the creative commons, and the goal is for us to start creating a future where we stop thinking of artworks as private property to hoard, and start sharing the responsibilities and the benefits of their creation with the collective. And as I am proposing the idea, I should give the first step.
Which is why I am announcing the release of my short story series, Dr. T’chem’s Office, into the Open Art Guild license. This is an episodic HFY comedy series about the office hours of a sleazy yet well intentioned xenoanthropologist in charge of human integration into the crew of a spaceship, who happens to find them fascinating. You can read the first few instalments here:
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
The basics of the license go as follows: I’m giving any artist permission to use the assets of my artwork (in this case, settings, characters, plot lines and other unique concepts) both for personal use and for commercial use, provided they commit to crediting the original artist, giving away 30% of any profit back to the hands of the collective in the breakdown the guidelines specify, and giving the same license to any works they create derivative from this series. Any artist can join the Guild by remixing existing artworks in its database or voluntarily submitting their own works. For the time being this prototype model will have to rely on the honour system, but I have outlined the basic guidelines for a platform dedicated to facilitating the Guild’s business and income redistribution.
The purpose of this experiment is to test whether this system is financially viable, what modifications it needs, and how to enforce it. It’s also a way to study what the community thinks of this model. To summarise the implications, here are the pros and cons as I see them.
- All fan art, spin-offs, third-party merchandise and other forms of adaptation become automatically authorised and monetisable, provided both the original artist and the remixer are active members of the Guild.
- All adaptations are automatically non-exclusive and must give away the same rights as the original, diminishing the incentive for massive corporations to try and scam an artist out of their intellectual property.
- It effectively unionises freelance artists of all fields to balance out negotiations with non Guild entities.
- It encourages artists to continue their output in order to reap the benefits of the Guild, by using the redistribution system as an incentive, instead of the current status quo where artists are actively fighting market forces all by themselves in order to make enough time and resources to work on their craft.
- It provides a safety net where everyone is invested in the continuous welfare of everyone else, giving a sense of class solidarity and facilitating donations and shared resources.
- It motivates artists to invest in each other, as the growth of one means the growth of the whole Guild.
- Eventually, if the project succeeds and the proposed platform comes to exist, it would effectively create a universal basic income for all Guild members, as well as a self sustained legal fund to protect their assets from IP theft by non Guild entities.
- It will give you complete control over whether your art can be used for AI dataset training, on an opt-in, post-by-post basis, so you don’t have to wonder who might be stealing it. If the platform is created, all works whose creators have not authorised to be used for this will have data scrambling features to make sure thieves can’t use them.
- It will require all Guild members to permanently renounce to 30% of their profit, in order to build up the funds and distribution system.
- It will have to be built entirely on trust of the collective, at least until a platform can be established, which may take weeks or may take decades depending on lots of unpredictable factors.
- Leaving the Guild will require all artworks shared with the collective to become Creative Commons; once you renounce your right to monopoly of your IP, it’s permanent, no way to go back. This is necessary in order to prevent asset flippers and other forms of IP scabs to join the Guild, extract other people’s assets and then scram.
- Due to banking regulations entirely out of our hands, some artists will have participating in the redistribution. If the platform ever becomes a reality, one of its main goals will be to remedy this immediately.
This proposal requires a high cost, but it provides an invaluable reward. If the system works, it will empower all artists to profit from their work and protect it as a collective. If it doesn’t, all that will have happened is that you will have created a lot of Creative Commons art, which financially isn’t ideal, but artistically is extremely commendable. Even in the worst case scenario, corporations will not be able to hold your art hostage with exclusivity deals. To me, the benefits vastly outweigh the costs, but I do want to emphasise: there will be costs. This is an effort to subvert the entire way art has been monetised since the 1700s. It will require a lot of work, a lot of people, and a lot of time, to make it work. But I believe it can work. If you believe it too, you are welcome to join the Open Art Guild.
Please do read the guidelines for the Guild and the guidelines for the platform before you start creating, and give me whatever feedback you have. If it’s good, if it’s lacking, if I’m overstepping legal boundaries, if you can find loopholes, anything. I tried to make it airtight but I’m not a legal expert. This is not my project, it is a project for the proletariat. Everyone should have a say on what they’re signing on for. And regardless of what you think, share it with all artists you can. This will only work if as many people as possible participate.
Doctor T’chem’s Office’s license
This work has been released under the Open Art Guild license, and has been approved for reuse and adaptation under the following conditions:
For personal, educational and archival use, provided any derivative works also fall under a publicly open license, to all Guild members and non members.
For commercial use, provided redistribution guidelines of the Guild be followed, to all active Guild members.
For commercial use to non Guild members, provided any derivative works also fall under a publicly open license, with the explicit approval of the artist and proper redistribution of profit following the guidelines of the Guild.
For non commercial dataset training of open source generative art technologies, provided the explicit consent of the artist, proper credit and redistribution of profit in its entirety to the Guild.
Shall this work be appropriated by non Guild members without proper authorisation, credit and redistribution of profit, the non Guild entity waives their right to intellectual property over any derivative works, copyrights, trademarks or patents of any sort and cedes it to the Creative Commons, under the 4.0 license, irrevocably and unconditionally, in perpetuity, throughout time and space in the known multiverse. The Guild reserves the right to withhold trade relations with any known infractors for the duration its members deem appropriate, including the reversal of any currently standing contracts and agreements.
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rightnewshindi · 2 months
आईपीएस अधिकारी संदीप धवल होंगे बिलासपुर के नए पुलिस अधीक्षक, अधिसूचना जारी
Bilaspur News: बिलासपुर में पांच माह बाद ही पुलिस अधीक्षक विवेक चहल (Vivek Chahal) का तबादला कर दिया गया है। अब यह जिम्मेवारी आईपीएस अधिकारी संदीप धवल संभालेंगे। संदीप धवल (Sandeep Dhawal) की नियुक्ति को लेकर सोमवार को अधिसूचना जारी कर दी गई है। वह इससे पहले टीटी एंड आर में एआइजी के पद सेवाएं दे चुके हैं। पहली बार एसपी की मिली कमान संदीप धवल 2016 बैच के आईपीएस अधिकारी हैं। उन्हें पहली बार जिले…
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dhallblogs · 2 months
IPS Archana Shivhare Appointed as IG, CRPF.
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New Delhi: 2002 batch IIPS Archana Shivhare of Gujarat cadre has been appointed as Inspector General (IG) in the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) for a period of five years.
ALSO READ MORE- https://apacnewsnetwork.com/2023/08/ips-archana-shivhare-appointed-as-ig-crpf/
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breitzbachbea · 3 months
rubs hands. time to go through all the bullshit I wrote with a headache and under a timelimit and examine it again and entirely rewrite it. I hate when I have to do it with a scene, because it is like pulling teeth, but I looove looking at the end-result. I love looking at it and think Nobody knows how BAD you once were as a scene.
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rejectclone · 1 year
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What’s this, a collab sticker seal set between Bikkuriman and some weird grody looking fellas from the deep, DEEP future of 408X?! ✨🍫🌃
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gamesception · 1 year
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So I finally got around to seeing the new Pixar movie, Elemental, and it's pretty great actually? Like, I know the marketing made it look very generic. The trailers seem to give the whole movie away, make you feel like you've not only already seen this movie, you've seen it a dozen times. But believe me, that's not true. There's a lot more going on with the main character and her relationship to her family and her culture and the pressure she's under as a second generation immigrant trying to honor the sacrifices her parents made for her sake. And the love interest water guy who seems so deeply mediocre in the trailers actually has a lot more going for him as well, putting so much effort in and so much on the line. Like, yes, it's a different-worlds odd-couple romance with a kind of strained racial / immigrant metaphor, but it's a really good and earnest and heartwarming version of that.
And it Just Looks Breathtaking - the colors, the use of transparency, the water and fire effects especially, the way the characters are always flickering or bubbling or flowing, every part of them always in motion even when they're standing still. If you're an animation fan you'll be watching it in awe wondering 'how is that even possible', which, I mean after having the same feelings watching Spiderverse 2, it really is a rich summer for animation.
Sure, from a business perspective Elemental looks like such an obvious mistake. And maybe from that angle it was. I mean, to spend so much money on an original movie with an honestly rather subdued plot and concept - like, there's a reason romance movies are generally relatively low budget affairs - and then to throw it up against Spiderverse 2 of all things? The executives at Disney are out of their goddamn minds. But as irrational as Elemental's budget might have been, every penny of it is on display. If you're an animation fan you really shouldn't miss the chance to see it on the big screen
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slicedblackolives · 6 months
btw I just watched the zone of interest and it’s become very clear to me that I’m one of the little children who were playing in the pool at the hoss’ garden party
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redreadretale · 6 months
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wutbju · 7 months
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Those drapes. Those lamps!?
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