#INTERACTIONS — alex karev.
wvsteria · 2 years
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karev was nearing his lunch and was on his way to the hospital cafeteria. the food wasn’t gourmet, and wasn’t any better or worse than grey-sloan’s food. but it was decent enough. all he needed was something to get him through the next 6 hours of his 12 hour shift. as he walked down the steps, he noticed someone trip and drop something. immediately he stopped to help. “might want to watch out for those steps there. they bite.” he joked as he knelt down to gather the items. 
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emily-prentits · 1 year
wouldn't jo/alex and jo/lexie both be jolex.
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neverafters · 1 year
        ☾   —   do you always have to be so pessimistic  ?
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❝ i'm not pessimistic , i'm realistic. there's a difference, ❞ he defended himself. alex was very aware of the reputation he had at seattle grace mercy death hospital. @sordidery was . . . something else , so optimistic , it was like she had an ethereal glow around her. it was almost enough to turn his frown upside down . . . almost. ❝ not all of us can have sunshine shining out of our asses all day , crain. ❞ but that was the type of company he kept , wasn't it ? meredith and cristina weren't like that , they were dark and twisty. but izzie and jo , and now nell. no one was that happy all the time.
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lavendaers · 5 months
@wvsteria meredith grey for alex karev
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"are you new here?" meredith questioned the other, brows raising slightly. there was something about the stranger that felt familiar to her and yet she couldn't remember his name at all.
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coreofgold · 11 months
@wvsteria for Alex Karev
"No.. . I'm not sick, I just look it." Wen Ning explained. He wishes he could get sick; But he can't feel temperature, or illness or. . .pretty much anything human.
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bad-surprise · 2 years
i still have 20k-ish words left to finish my novel so why i am already planning out the sequel
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tragcdysewn · 2 years
closed starter for alex karev!! ( @impcrfct​ )
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“the amount of holiday prep i need to do is ridiculous.” feyre griped to the man next to her. she wasn’t quite used to some of the holidays in this world yet, despite her false memories. “i swear it ends up being more and more every year.”
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Better Late Than Never
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Pairing: Alex Karev x Reader
Summary: After years of being gone, Alex makes his return to Grey Sloan Memorial.
Warnings: Mention of Jack Gibson and light cursing.
She's baaccckkk!!!
“Dr. Y/L/N.” 
“What is it Griffith?” The brunette looked up from the tablet in her hands to see the new intern smiling back at her and panting like she just ran two miles. Y/N cocked an eyebrow and the intern who seemingly forgot her reason for searching for the OBGYN in the first place.
“Oh! There’s a really handsome man looking for you. Well, I overheard him asking Dr. Hunt for you down in the pit but he got brushed off so I offered to bring him up but he said he knew this hospital like the back of his hand. Which is weird now that I think about it.” Griffith tilted her head to the side causing her curls to bounce on top of her head as she thought back to her interaction with the man.
“Did he give you a name?”
“I didn’t ask but he’s right-” 
“Here.” For a second the doctor’s heart skipped a beat at the sound of a very familiar voice. A voice that she tried so hard to forget over the past couple years. 
No no no, it can’t be him she thought.
“Griffith I need you run down to the lab to collect Mrs. Henry’s lab workup.” Alex hung his head and the intern could visibly see her superior trying her best to ignore the man that called out to her.
“Y/N you can’t igno-” 
“On it.” The intern glanced between the pair before speed walking down the hall to the elevator. Alex sighed, he knew that she wasn’t going to be happy to see him but he didn’t expect her to ignore him either.
“Y/N please, can we talk?”
Rolling her eyes at him Y/N walked past him to go check on her patient but that only made him follow her. Alex securely took hold of her arm and pulled her into the nearest on-call room.
“Alex! What the hell?” Breaking away from him she wasted no time in putting as much distance between them as possible. 
“Y/N I know you don’t want to see me especially after the way things ended between us but I just want to talk.” 
“It’s been years since you left me to go back to Izzie and now you want to talk. Alex I’m only going to say this once, fuck you. I don’t want to hear a word coming out of your mouth because when you were supposed to talk to me you left. You took your things and took off leaving me a freaking letter filled with bullshit.” Alex listened to her release all her anger on him that she definitely had pent up over the years.
“I meant everything in that letter Y/N. I loved you and every single thing we had built together-”
“Oh please, you wouldn’t even know what love is even if it slapped you in the face Karev. If you had loved me, loved us and what we had, you wouldn’t have left. We would’ve come up with a way for you to meet your kids and be a part of their lives but you took off instead. You didn’t mention them to me, you just found out and left me in the dirt.” Hot tears pricked at her eyes as all the hurt, frustration and anger rushed to the surface but she’s not going to let them fall. Alex Karev didn’t deserve another tear of hers.
“You didn’t deserve that.” 
“I didn’t deserve that but yet still you did that to me!” Alex felt a stabbing pain in his chest hearing and seeing how much pain, how much she’s hurting over the way he left. After all, they were three days away from getting married and starting a life together.
“I’m sorry.” 
“It’s a little too late for apologies.” A moment of silence fell over the room giving Y/N the time to get a hold of her emotions. Alex couldn’t help but take in her appearance after being away from her for years. He had to admit, her beauty never changed but the thing that struck him was the wedding band that she wore on her left hand.
“How are they?”
“Mhm?” Alex snapped back to reality at the sound of her voice.
“Your family, how are they?” She couldn’t help but to be curious about the kids and what they looked like. A smile graced his face at the thought of his kids back home.
“They’re good, the kids are growing nicely.” 
“And Izzie, how is she?” 
“We’re no longer together, we had gotten remarried and tried the whole apple pie family life but that only lasted for two years. I’m just sticking around for the sake of the kids.” His smile faltered, breaking that news to her. When he left he had hopes of working things out with Izzie and they did but it wasn’t the same and he knew that. He knew that his heart was back in Seattle with Y/N but he didn’t want to not be part of his children’s lives. Clearing his throat, he pointed to the rock that sat on her ring finger.
“You got married?” 
“I did, I married Gibson” Y/N’s lips curled up into a smile at the thought of her husband Jack.
“Gibson from Station 19? Wow, okay.” Alex didn’t see that one coming, he stuffed his hands into his pockets as he continued.
“He uh- treating you right?” 
“He is.”
“Good, good, you deserve it.” Y/N could see that he’s still wrapping his head around it and just as she was about to say something her pager went off.
“I have to go, they need me in the pit.” She brushed past him but stopped with her hand on the doorknob.
“Alex, although it took a while, thanks for finally coming to talk.”
“Better late than never, right?” The pair chuckled at that statement because it’s true. Now she was finally able to bury what they had.
“But I should get going, take care of yourself Karev.” Y/N opened the door and ran off leaving him in the cold room. Just as the door closed shut behind her, Alex found himself saying the three words that he wanted to tell her all along.
“I love you.”
Grey's Taglist:
@freyathehuntress @meeksmusic83 @graniairish @lorenakaspersen @sergntbarnes @sketch-and-write-lover
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fan-of-many24 · 1 month
It’s you I want
(George O’Malley x gn!reader angst Alex Karev x gn!reader fluff)
Details: Nurse Y/N has fallen for Dr. O’Malley, but is overlooked time and again.
(Reader is described as shorter than Karev and O’Malley)
Word Count: 3.28k
You worked as a nurse at Seattle Grace for the past four years. You’ve seen your fair share of interns, some have stayed, some left, some are obnoxious and arrogant, and others are so passive that they get flushed out.
At first, this is what you thought would happen with George O’Malley. There were many times when you were at the nurses station, watching him get overshadowed by his fellow interns. You felt bad for him, and there was his whole puppy thing going on, so there were times when you would help him with his scut work, giving him pointers here and there.
After a while, you felt your feelings grow from pity, to friendship, to admiration. George was sweet, and caring. He would tell you about his family during downtimes, and you would talk about yours. You felt a connection with him that you haven’t felt in a while. But he also talked to you about Meredith. He would talk, and talk, and talk some more. He would gush about her beauty and her intelligence, how funny she was, every single quality was attractive to him. She was everything you weren’t. You knew nursing was in no way lower than being a doctor, but you felt somehow smaller than her.
But even with his feelings for Meredith you couldn’t put aside your own feelings for George. How he would bring you coffee in the mornings, buy you a little snack whenever you were having a rough day, hold you while you cried if you lost a patient. It was so hard to not fall for George O’Malley, and tried as you might you did.
You were venting to another nurse about your feelings for George.
“I just can’t get George out of my head,” you sighed, “he’s just so damn cute and so caring.”
“Y/N, honey, you have to tell him.” your friend responded.
“I can’t,” you shook your head, “not when he has eyes for someone else.”
A sweet voice butted in, “Who has eyes for someone else?”
You jumped and swiveled in your chair to see George standing there, leaning against the station. The other nurse took the opportunity to get back to her work. Your cheeks heated and eyes widened, “How much of that did you hear?”
“Not much, just the end part about having eyes for someone else.” George explained, “So who’s the lucky guy?”
You breathed a subtle sigh of relief to this, “Nobody, really, it doesn’t matter.” You tried to go about your work.
“C’mon, Y/N,” he groaned, “this is the first time you’ve expressed interest in someone!”
That he knew.
You could tell he wasn’t about to let this go. You looked around, hoping to get an idea of what to say.
Eventually your eyes land on Dr. Karev talking to Dr. Stevens.
“Karev.” You stated, hoping he believed it.
George widened his eyes and shook his head quickly at that. “Alex? Really? He doesn’t seem like your type.”
He’s not.
“I don’t know something about him,” you lied, “he’s just so dreamy.”
You internally vomited. Alex Karev was a manwhore and hellspawn. He’s slept with half of the nurses, and insulted the other half. He hadn’t done either in his short interactions with you, luckily, but that didn’t help your opinion of him.
George was silent for a few seconds, blinking a bit rapidly, before he smiled at you.
“How about I set you up on a date with him?” he suggested.
Now you were gonna vomit.
“Oh no,” you shook your head and your hands, “no need, besides I don’t think he’d go for someone like me?” Your chest tightened in dejection.
“Someone like you?” George asked in surprise, “Y/N, you’re amazing! I can’t imagine anyone would turn you down.”
You bit your lip, chest tightening even more. George didn’t realize how he was squeezing your heart, threatening to destroy it. You thought about it for a second before you closed your eyes.
“Fine,” you sighed.
“Alright!” he jeered, “Y/N, I know what it’s like not to be noticed. You deserve this, even if I don’t really understand your interest in him.”
You sighed once more before George gave you two thumbs up and backed away before rushing off.
Once he was out of sight you groaned and dropped your head into your hands.
You heard the swivel of a chair once more, “you’ve gotten yourself into a big mess here, Y/N.”
You turned your head to look to your friend again, “Who knows, maybe Alex will help me get my mind off George.”
Not letting your mind linger on the thought much longer, you went back to work checking in on patients and updating charts. Before long you forgot about George’s suggestion, focusing completely on your work.
The end of the day came and you were getting ready to punch out before a knock on the desk alerted you to the presence of someone in front of you. You looked up to see none other than Alex Karev. Your eyes widened and you saw George not too far behind him giving you two thumbs up.
“Y/N,” Alex smiled, “a little birdie told me you may have taken a bit of an interest in me.”
You gave him a thin smile back, blinking at his boldness.
“Did they? And what do you think of that?” you asked, hoping for rejection.
“I think,” he leaned in, “I should take you out to dinner.”
Your cheek flushed. You weren’t used to someone taking an interest in you, let alone be so forward with it.
“Um, yeah, sure.” you stammered, smiling shyly.
“Drinks tomorrow? Meet here at 8?” he suggested with a sly smile.
“Sure,” you agreed, “it’s a date.”
Alex smiled and knocked once more, walking away.
Your heart was beating faster than you thought it would. Unexpectedly so.
“Sooo…” George inquired, worried.
“We’re getting drinks tomorrow.” you smiled a bit wistfully.
“You’re going on a date?” George asked incredulously.
You recoiled a bit at that, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing just…” he trailed
“No, go on.” you insisted, getting a bit heated, “what do you mean?”
“You just don’t seem like his type.” he admitted.
You blinked at him a few times and licked your teeth.
“Am I undateable?” you urged, nodding your head.
“What?!” George almost shouted, “No, that’s not what I meant.”
“That’s what it sounded like.” you countered, “I’m not a nun. Men find me attractive.”
“That’s not what I’m saying, Y/N.”
“No, you’re just surprised that he would go on a date with me.” you stated roughly, “You know what George, I’m heading out.”
You clocked out, grabbing your bag and rushed away.
The drive home had you stewing, angry punk music playing over the radio. When you got home you slammed the apartment door closed, thinking of George’s reaction to your date with Alex. He was the one who suggested a date, why would he do that if he didn’t think it would happen? Where did he find the audacity to tell you that you weren’t Alex’s type? You had listened to him go on and on about Meredith, so why was he acting like this when something romantic was happening to you?
All of these thoughts ran through your head before another solidified within your mind. You were going to treat tomorrow like an actual date. Whether you were originally interested or not, you are now. You went to the bathroom to prepare for the next day, shaving, exfoliating, and a face mask. You went to bed determined to make the date successful.
The morning came and you had a shift right before the date. You wore your scrubs but packed your best outfit for after, making sure that it wouldn’t get too wrinkled.
You went about your day as you would usually, except for avoiding George here and there. Any time that you would see him approaching you shot him a look that led him away. You were still pissed off and didn’t want to see him.
The day came to an end and you changed into your outfit. It fit you in all the right places, putting your best features on display. You looked into the mirror, fixed a few pieces of hair and sighed. You were actually anxious, and not in a I-don’t-wanna-go way but in a I-want-this-to-go-well way. Thinking about it throughout the day you realized that Alex Karev was attractive, and even though you had heard bad things about him, he hadn’t done anything to you. You were starting to get a bit giddy.
You walked out to the nurses station and saw Alex waiting for you in a nice pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a flannel. When he looked up to see you, a small smile spread across his face. He took a few steps to meet you where you were, a small gesture but one you noticed.
“You look,” Alex breathed, “good.”
You blushed and smiled under his gaze, “you do too.”
Alex scratched the back of his neck and let out a small chuckle.
“Joe’s?” you suggested.
“Yeah.” he smiled, “let’s go.”
You both walked in comfortable silence, shoulders bumping now and then.
When you got to the bar it was a bit crowded but not too loud. You scanned the bar for seats and locked eyes with George, who was sitting with Meredith and Christina. You quickly looked away and found a booth in the corner, away from the crowd.
You tugged on Alex’s sleeve and nodded towards the booth. He nodded back before taking your hand and leading you through the crowd of people. The action was shocking to you, and made your heart race. Once you got there, Alex sat you down and asked what you wanted. You gave him the drink, he nodded before going to the bar to order.
You sat there and stared at the table, feeling your cheeks with the back of your hand, surprised to feel them flushed. You smiled to yourself, surprised. So far Alex was nothing if not a gentleman and you were a bit happy you decided to go on the date.
After a beat you could feel holes being bored into your skull, you turned your head to see the trio from earlier staring at you. Meredith was staring with amusement, Christina with curiosity, and George with an expression you couldn’t read. They all looked away quickly, Christina and Meredith giggling a bit and George silent. You shook your head, not letting them get to you, and Alex returned with your drinks and a basket of peanuts.
You thanked him as he set your drink in front of you and took a small sip. He nodded and smiled in response. You decided that if this date was going to be successful you had to be bold.
“So, Alex,” you started, “why ask me on a date?”
He looked at you curiously, a mischievous smile playing on his face.
“Well, one, you were interested,” he counted off, to which you rolled your eyes, “and two you’re… admirable.”
You blinked back at him, smile splitting across your face, “Admirable?”
“Yeah, I don’t know,” he shakes his head, “your presence is commanding. You have the respect of the doctors, of your peers, hell you have my respect. You advocate for your patients and you actually care for each and every one of them. You’re admirable.”
You sat there a bit stunned. Alex admired you. He respected you. He saw you. He saw you. For the first time in a long time you felt appreciated and proud.
“Now you,” he insisted, “why me? I mean I do have a reputation.”
You didn’t think he would ask you that, which was a bit stupid considering you just asked him. You thought for a second. Why were you excited earlier? Why not turn down the date? Thinking back on your interactions with Alex Karev, you had an answer.
“One,” you numbered, mirroring him, “you’re pretty easy on the eyes.” He chuckled at your admission.
“And two, you work hard. Harder than most. Sure you walk around all cocky but I can see that you don’t just want to be a doctor, but a good doctor.”
He looked away smiling, scratching his neck again, a nervous habit you noted.
As the night went on, the conversation flowed rather freely. You both talked about interesting cases, hobbies outside of work, traded funny stories. You didn’t expect it but the two of you clicked rather easily. He wasn’t afraid to express his attraction to you and you liked the attention. He made you laugh. Really laugh, even if it was teasingly at your expense. You ribbed him just as hard, to which he would laugh. You couldn’t tell if it was the alcohol or the attention or just Alex, but you were genuinely enjoying yourself.
It was getting late and as you were just getting off your shift it was time to go home. You and Karev walked out the bar together, arms touching, practically holding hands. He hailed you a cab and opened the door for you.
“Thank you for tonight,” you started, “it was… really great.” You smiled up at him, cheeks flushed.
“I had a good time too,” Alex admitted, “I would, uh, like to do it again sometime.”
“Me too,” you agreed.
You bit your lip a bit sheepishly before leaning forward and planting a kiss on his cheek. He looked a bit shocked but smiled.
“See you later, Alex,” you waved goodbye, closing the door and giving the driver your address.
You closed the door to your apartment and leaned against it, covering your mouth and smiling a bit. Being around Alex seemed… easy. He was more caring and thoughtful than he looked. It wasn’t hard to like him. The conversation never got boring. As all of these thoughts ran through your mind, you realized something. You hadn’t thought of George almost the entire night. Maybe, you didn’t need to.
You took a shower, letting the hot water run over you. All you could think about was Alex and when you’d see him next. You had the next day off, but you would see him when you worked next. The idea of it planted a smile on your face and butterflies in your stomach. That night you went to sleep content.
The next few weeks had you floating. You and George were talking again after he apologized but that’s not why. Alex Karev was the reason. He would come visit you at the nurses station, flirting and joking. On the occasion that you had lunch at the same time, you would eat together, sharing your food at times. You went on a second date and then a third. After the third, you felt bad about how everything started. About not being honest with Alex. After work one day, you pulled Alex aside into an on-call room.
Your heart was going to beat out of your chest. What if this hurt him? What if he thought you were pathetic? What if he wanted to break things off?
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” Alex asked, “are you okay?”
The concern in his voice made you feel even worse, you were pacing a bit.
“I have to tell you something,” you sighed, “I haven’t been completely honest with you. And it’s eating me up.”
“What is it?” Alex placed a hand on your shoulder.
You looked into his eyes and frowned before looking down.
“So our first date,” you started, “you know how George told you I was interested in you? I wasn’t. I had feelings for George and he walked up on me talking about it and asked who I was talking about and I said you and I didn’t expect him to set us up. But I really did want to go on that date with you and I really did enjoy it, and it’s not just me getting over him I really really like you, and I felt so bad not being honest.”
“Y/N-“ he interrupted.
“Please don’t hate me.” you pleaded.
“Y/N!” He put both of his hands on your shoulders, “I know.”
“What?” you breathed.
“I know you had feelings for George,” he confessed, “I could see the way you looked at him. I was surprised when he said you had feelings for me. I figured I’d ask you out, you’d say no, and that was that. But you said yes, and I had the best time. And then we went on a second date and suddenly, you didn’t look at George the way you used to. I don’t care if you had feelings for George, as long as I’m the one you want now.”
You smiled up at him wistfully, bringing his face down to yours for a kiss.
You had kissed before, but they were just a few quick pecks at the end of the date. This was something more, it was soft and deep. Passionate but not lustful. It was everything you could have ever hoped it would be. The two of you broke away and you looked up at him, arms around his neck, “Alex Karev, you are the one I want.” He smiled before leaning down and kissing you again.
That day was the day your relationship with Alex truly started. He introduced you officially to the rest of the interns, aside from George, who you already knew. You’d sit with the five of them during lunch from time to time. There were times when you would catch George looking at you weird or rolling his eyes at you and Alex.
All of this came to a head one day when George caught you as you were about to leave. You were going to have a movie night with Alex, the two of you holding hands about to walk out the door.
“Y/N,” George called as he jogged up to you, “I need to talk to you.”
You looked to Alex and told him to go ahead, giving him a kiss on the cheek before approaching George.
“What’s up George?” you asked.
He pulled you aside into a on-call room for a bit of privacy. He looked around and took a heavy sigh.
“Break up with Karev.” he stated, as if he were mentioning the weather.
“I’m sorry, what?” you almost shouted.
“Look, Alex isn’t right for you,” he explained, “I didn’t realize it before but.. Y/N I want you. I need you.”
You stood there, staring at the man in front of you, trying to find any hint of a joke in his expression. When you couldn’t find any you felt a wave of anger wash over you.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you actually shouted this time, “you need me? I fucking pine after you for months, listening to you gush about Meredith, and now that I’m happy with Alex you fucking NEED me. No. No, I can’t, George. You are far too late. Alex actually sees me. He’s direct and makes me feel secure. He’s loving and caring and funny and I can’t go through what you put me through again. I can’t.”
You turned around and left the room, slamming the door behind you. You sped out the door and into the parking lot, seeing Alex waiting for you by his car. You walked up and wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close.
“What was that about?” he asked.
“I’ll tell you when we’re home, you’ll thank me later.” you smiled up, kissing him.
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she-karev · 5 months
Mama Bear (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev’s Sister Imagine)
Previous Chapter Here
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Three of Three
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Canon Season and Episode: Season 19 episode 9
AN: Hey guys, here’s the final chapter, be warned there is a pretty intense verbal fight ahead if your in the mood for a good scrap. The GIF above is Amber's outfit for the dinner party I hope you enjoy.
Summary: Amber and Andrew go have dinner with Owen, Teddy, Ben and Bailey that quickly turns sour as they fight with Altman and Hunt.
Words: 4965
January 13th, 2023
I walk out of my closet wearing my navy-blue blazer dress over my black lingerie and gold heels clacking the hard wood floors of our bedroom. My long blonde hair is down and wavy with an extra fluff to stand out. My makeup is done especially well with coral lipstick, nude eyeshadow and cat eyeliner. I’m in front of the oval standing mirror next to the closet in our bedroom putting the buttons through the loops so it can close fully. The dress is long sleeved, double breasted with big gold buttons and it reaches my knees giving me a businesswoman with style kind of look.
Andrew is still in the walk-in closet getting ready and I realize I forgot something, “Hey babe? Can you grab me a belt on your way out? It’s the gold one with a lot of circles.”
He comes out two seconds later in his blue thermal shirt with his leather jacket on and dark jeans. He tosses me the belt I asked for and I put it on completing my look sensing my husband’s eyes leering at me.
“Wow you look like a million bucks.”
I groan at how this dress is tighter on me post baby, “I feel like a million bucks stuffed inside a mini-Coach wallet. If there’s dessert we’re leaving because I’m afraid one piece of carb will make this dress pop and then Hunt won’t be mad about the ear after I gave him a peek at the goods.”
“You look gorgeous and that dress is tight in all the right areas, don’t worry.”
I walk toward him and give him a grateful kiss, “Your sweet. I wish we wouldn’t have to go to this thing but I’m desperate for human interaction even if it’s hosted by the parents of the child who bit ours. Twice.” I walk to the bed putting my things in my black crossbody still feeling mad at Hunt for allowing his daughter to bite mine again. I thought the ear pinching would soothe my anger but it didn’t.
Andrew looks at me slightly amused and slightly worried, “Will you try to behave? And leave Hunt with at least one good ear?”
I sigh but comply, “For you yes I will.” Carina walks inside the bedroom in her pajamas carrying Lucy in her arms, “Hey thanks so much for babysitting again.”
“Oh, it’s no problem it’s gonna be a fun night with me and Lucy isn’t that right booboo?” Carina babbles at the baby who stares at her blankly. She turns back to us with a smile, “I’ll call you if there’s any problems and I left the ringer on in case you call.”
I nod, “Okay I left breast milk in the fridge in case she gets hungry, she loves her little green dragon but in case she loses it we have about 10 more in the closet and I changed her about half an hour ago. Also, if she gets difficult just turn on-”
“Moana and sing along to her.” Carina repeats with a grin, “I know everything there is to know about babies cognata. Remember that you have two sister in laws who are OB’s.”
“Exactly I mean she’s basically Mary Poppins with a medical degree.” Andrew says to reassure me and turns me to face him, “She’ll be fine with her Zia Carina for the next two hours, maybe even three if we’re feeling crazy. We have about 18 years to go, let’s have at least one night as a couple instead of parents. Okay babe?”
I sigh and look at Lucy who looks content in Carina’s arms who nods reassuringly. I’m still worried but I know I need one night with my husband before I forget what I felt like pre baby, “Okay let’s hurry while I’m still brave come on let’s go.” Andrew quickly hands me my black coat and grabs the car keys. I stand in front of Carina and lean down to face Lucy with a smile, “Okay sweetie mommy and daddy will be back have fun with your Zia we love you.” I kiss her head and Andrew does the same.
“Love you bambina.” Andrew rushes me out of the house, no doubt thinking I’ll change my mind and turn around. And he was right to as every cell in my body aches with each step I take and not just from being away from my child for the night. I get the feeling that something really bad is about to happen at dinner.
Andrew and I exited the car parked outside of Owen and Teddy’s house. I carried the roasted peppers in a glass dish that Andrew made for the Hunt’s despite my insistence it wasn’t what they deserved. He already finished making them though so it was either eat it with them or throw it away and I am not one to waste good food. We spot Ben and Bailey walking down the sidewalk a few feet away from us, also carrying a dish.
“Hey.” They greet us back, “You brought something too?”
Bailey nods with a grin, “Yes ma’am apple pie my mother’s recipe what about you?”
“Roasted peppers on olive with lots of garlic.” Andrew goads as we walk with them, “You haven’t known what true Italian dishes taste like until you tried my peppers.”
“Trust me he’s not being arrogant he’s stating facts. The smell alone takes you to the land of pasta. I just wish we weren’t sharing that with Hunt and Altman two hours after their kid bit our kids.” I bitterly add.
“Yeah, that makes two of us.” Ben agrees, “It better be a good spread they have because I am holding as much back as I can.”
“Well at least you get to drink through this nightmare.” I groan, “I’m breastfeeding and I don’t want to risk damaging my baby with copious amounts of wine and vodka laced in her milk. Unfortunately, Altman doesn’t have to worry about that because I can smell the wine in her liver already.”
Ben chuckles, “And the rage in the air when she and Hunt are in the same room.”
“If this night goes bad, can you pull a Backdraft and start a fire so we can escape the dumpster fire that is a dinner with Hunt and Altman?”
“Were our spouses this grouchy when we decided to marry them?” Andrew asks Bailey who chuckles.
“Mine wasn’t but I think we both know the answer about yours.” We stop outside the door where Andrew rings the doorbell and Owen Hunt answers.
“Ben, Bailey, DeLuca’s. Enter at your own risk.” I try to keep a pleasant face as I enter the house with Andrew where Teddy greets us.
“Come on in.” She notices the dishes we brought, “Oooh look at that.”
Bailey hands her the dish, “Apple pie, my mother’s recipe. Maybe you can think of it when you are approving budget requests for the clinic.”
Andrew chuckles, “And I brought roasted peppers to start as appetizers.”
“Thank you, you shouldn’t have.”
I fake chuckle, “No we really shouldn’t have.” I thrust the dish against Owen’s stomach roughly and he takes it with a groan. I noticed that his right ear is bandaged at the top with gauze due to my handiwork from this afternoon. The sight gives me a sick sort of satisfaction that I keep to myself and Owen clears his throat to converse with Ben instead as we hang our coats.
“Hey, I heard there were some fires down in south Seattle. You been on those?”
“Uh, no, no, no. Uh, we have a little girl now, so I sit the crazy stuff out.”
Teddy laughs, “That never stopped Owen.” I grin slightly at his wife also giving him a hard time.
Owen looks peeved but grins, “Ah, please excuse her. She's exhausted after one day of the job that you and I did for years.”
“And how did that work out for you career wise?” I ask venomously with Andrew clicking his tongue no doubt feeling awkward.
Teddy purses her lips but keeps being the host, “Wine?”
“Uh, by wine, can you mean bourbon?” Bailey asks.
“Good idea.” Owen and Teddy walk to the kitchen and we follow.
“Cheese and crackers are on the coffee table.” Altman informs us.
“Oh, fantastic.” Ben says, “I'd love a bite.” I snort at his use of that word causing Bailey to smack us both on the arm telling us to knock it off. I keep a straight face as I enter into the belly of the beast.
The tension is still in the air even as we sit comfortably in the living room waiting for the chicken to come out of the oven. We’re sitting on the couch next to Warren and Bailey with Owen and Teddy sitting across from each other in the armchairs. We’re talking about the challenges of parenthood and I try as hard as I can to keep the biting incident to myself even as I talk about what raising a baby has been like for us so far.
“I feel like a cow.” Andrew chuckles at that, “Oh you think it’s funny I’m a baby’s own personal soda fountain? Be glad you got the Y chromosome buddy because your body is still the same and you don’t have hormones to mess your mind up as well.”
“Well, I have bipolar disorder so I know a thing or two about adjusting bodies and messed up minds.”
“He’s got you there DeLuca.” Hunt tells me.
“Yeah, you don’t give an opinion here.” I snap and Hunt frowns at that as I continue, “You two ladies have already done this how long is it gonna take before my boobs come back to normal.”
“Never.” They both answer in unison.
I whimper at that, “I mean don’t get me wrong she’s my daughter, I love her and I’m glad I had her. I just really miss my perfect boxing body.”
“Hey, come on you still have it.” My husband holds my hand in comfort that I appreciate.
“How is Lucy doing anyway?” My mood turns sour at Hunt’s question, “Is she with a babysitter?”
I glare at Hunt who looks uncomfortable at my obvious disdain that Andrew notices and decides to intervene with an answer, “Um no, my sister is living with us while she and her wife are separated. She’s watching Lucy right now. I think she’s trying to fill the void of having an estranged wife with being an aunt. I mean don’t get me wrong I’m glad she’s helping I just didn’t expect to raise my baby with my wife and sister. Which now that I say it out loud is wrong and incestuous.”
“Well hey I grew up in a hell house I wish I had a hot, cool aunt to spend time with me.”
Andrew looks at me with a raised eyebrow, “Hot?”
I roll my eyes, “Come on your sister is a knockout I’m not gonna deny what’s obvious. Will I do anything? Hell no. I just think it’s nice for my daughter to have what I didn’t, someone by her side. I mean God knows there are kids in this life that are gonna attack her and make her feel less worthy than she is because those kids are either dicks or their parents are.” I turn to Hunt so he knows what I’m talking about, “Isn’t that right Hunt?”
Hunt sips his bourbon with a frown as the others sit around awkwardly after I called out the elephant in the room, “Well I’m still a little woozy from the blood loss due to my ear being pinched through so what do I know?”
“Not much as it’s been shown recently.” I grin maliciously with Andrew next to me tapping his fingers against my thigh clearly uncomfortable.
Teddy chuckles awkwardly, “Yep I definitely should have brought more wine.”
Bailey speaks up, “Okay people we are here to have dinner as friends and as coworkers but as of late some things have happened that have caused both of your families to be in the middle of a slight conflict. We need to clear the air and get it all sorted and get it out there before the oven dings because I for one am in the mood for a night without children present.”
“Absolutely, I completely agree.” Andrew nods looking at me as I stare at the coffee table for a moment before nodding, “Okay so how should we start?”
Bailey clears her throat and turns to her husband, “Ben do you want to be mediator?”
Ben coughs out his bourbon he was sipping and looks at Bailey surprised, “Me?”
“Yes you.” Bailey confirms with a ‘duh’ tone, “Diane trained you to talk to people through much more dire situations than this didn’t she?”
“She did and conflict resolution was a part of the Crisis One training.”
“Well there you go so…” Bailey motions to the four of us and Ben looks around awkwardly before starting.
“Um well you four have known each other for years and you respect each other and even consider yourselves friends so let’s remind you of that. Amber?” I look at Ben who speaks in a mediator tone, “You always say that your grateful to Hunt and Altman for saving DeLuca’s life that day because you would not have married him and had a beautiful baby girl with him if they did any less.”
I remember that day clearly as it was one of the worst days of my life. We were broken up at the time but it didn’t change how I felt about him it just changed how I viewed him. I felt terror and anxiety when I got that call and waited for five agonizing hours while he was in the O.R. when they came to me and told me he made it I felt like singing hallelujah! I am extremely grateful to them as Bailey reminded me and my resentment lessens just a tiny bit.
“…Yeah, I might have said that a time or two.” I admit.
“And we all know your not a flatterer and don’t kiss up to attendings like normal residents.” Andrew smirks at that as Ben continues, “So can we assume that came from the heart?”
I press my lips together as I admit once more, “It did.” Hunt looks at me grateful for that.
“And Hunt.” Ben turns to Owen, “You’ve expressed on more than one occasion that DeLuca when she was She-Karev was one the most promising and intelligent residents you’ve seen in her class?”
“Well there wasn’t a doubt about it.” I look at him touched, “And I’m not just saying that because Glasses was also in her class.” We chuckle at that memory.
“Okay good there we go.” Ben grins and pours more bourbon telling us he’s done to my surprise.
“That’s it?” Bailey asks and Ben looks up at us.
“We kind of thought you were just getting started.” I explain with a chuckle.
Ben shrugs, “Well Miranda wanted this spat resolved before the oven dings so I decided to rush it and besides it seems like you both got your digs in so your even.”
Teddy hmm’s, “Okay so I guess you skipped the conflict resolution part of your training. And besides Allison is three she didn’t know what she was doing biting happens. I was gonna have my husband talk to her and make sure this doesn’t happen again but as of late he’s skimmed on his adult responsibilities.”
I scoff, “The way you bite your husbands head off I can see where she would get the habit from.”
Teddy sighs, “Amber, I apologize for what Allison did and I promise you I will try to keep this from happening again.”
Andrew steps in surprising me, “Mmm that’s what you said last time and I have a feeling you were too busy hating your husband to do something about your problem child.”
Teddy stops sipping her wine to look at him offended, “What did you just call my daughter?”
“A problem child.” Andrew repeats this time sternly, “A child who is difficult to control and discipline and your kid fits that description after she bit both of our daughters. Twice.” Teddy scoffs at the insult, “Am I saying things that aren’t true or did someone else sink her little teeth into our five-month-old baby? Have our frustrations not been clear?”
“Well, your wife made her frustrations clear when she almost tore my husband’s ear off.”
“Are you jealous I did it before you could?” I coldly ask Altman who widens her eyes and I turn to Hunt to vent as well, “And you know what Hunt? You didn’t give me much choice when you weren’t willing to have an adult conversation but I guess you’d have to be an adult to do that instead of acting like a child.”
“Oh, I’m a child?” Hunt asks frustrated, “You called my daughter a devil spawn and brat does that sound like being an adult DeLuca?”
“You what?!” Teddy exclaims in shock and I turn to her ready to tear her down.
“Because she was being a brat and devil spawn!” Teddy’s mouth gapes at my brutal honesty as I continue, “How do you expect me to react when your child attacked mine?!”
“Okay people let’s calm down please.” Bailey tries to mediate but it falls on deaf ears as we’re too busy fighting.
“We apologized DeLuca you don’t want it to hear it and accept it that is on you.” Hunt coldly tells me.
“Your gonna lecture her on accountability? Really?”  Andrew asks mockingly, “You bitch every hour and every day to your wife about how you lost your job after you committed murder! You think you have the high ground when it comes to taking responsibility really?”
“That wasn’t murder!” Hunt explains in anger and I roll my eyes at him ranting again, “I did what I did to give soldiers who were denied proper medical care after serving their country and getting sick as a result the chance at a dignified death instead of slowly dying in pain in a hospital bed and leaving their families with more debt! Do you want me to be sorry for that?”
I hit a breaking point as I slap the coffee table in anger, “OH MY GOD! I…” I take a deep inhale to control myself, “You have not said one thing that none of us in this room or the hospital don’t already know Hunt so listen with your good ear when I tell you to shut up!”
Teddy speaks up, “Amber, watch the tone you use with my husband because as mad as I am at him-”
“You shut up too!” Teddy quiets and looks shocked at me turning on her now, “You’ve been bitching at him nonstop since the day you guys came back and believe me it hasn’t been easy.”
“Well, you know what I am sorry that I am angry DeLuca!” Teddy yells, “Our lawyers bankrupted us because of my husband so I am sorry if that can make a woman lash out at her idiot of a husband!”
“Oh, just say it again Teddy!” Owen yells after that insult.
I scoff at this display with DeLuca stepping in angry as well, “No Altman what you and Hunt should be sorry for is for turning into a couple of toxic, self-absorbed, rage consumed assholes that none of us can even stand to be around anymore!”
I clap in solidarity, “Preach it honey!”
Ben clears his throat as he and his wife listen clearly uncomfortable, “Okay you guys come on let’s just-”
“I mean at this point with you two fighting nonstop Allison is gonna spend a decade on a therapists couch wondering why she can’t form a healthy relationship and that will be because of you two.” Andrew scoffs and continues, “I mean is it any wonder with parents like you two why your kid is so screwed up?”
Altman sips her wine before narrowing her eyes at us, “Oh and you two want to talk about screwed up kids? I mean how do you think Lucy will feel when she finds out what genes she’s inheriting from both of your sides? Or how her daddy went insane in front of the whole surgical floor?”
“Excuse me!” Andrew bellows out next to me and I react quickly. I stood up and grabbed the glass of wine right out of her hand to throw it in her face in pure rage causing her to gasp. I’m too busy tearing Altman down to see the others’ reactions but I can guess their shocked.
“Amber!” Owen admonishes me but I ignore it.
I put the glass down the coffee table with a hard clink and point a finger at her as she processes being doused in white wine, “You will never, NEVER! Talk about my family like that or so help me Altman I will destroy you! My husband has bipolar disorder and he works hard to treat it. Yeah, he made mistakes but he tried to save a child from a human trafficker while you let the whole hospital hear you whoring yourself to a neurosurgeon while you were engaged.” Altman looks at me shocked but stays quiet, “And yeah, I’m screwed up, I’m a product of my upbringing. I’m a bitch, I acknowledge that. I had to be a bitch to survive my life growing up. A crazy mom, crazy brother, foster care, private high school I have had to be a bitch to survive all of that but now I am not a bitch for the sake of surviving anymore, now I am a bitch for the sake of my family. I know that and I am proud of that and do not apologize for how I reacted at your husband when your little brat bit my baby and when you just shamed my husband for his mental illness. And you know Altman you can judge all you want but I would rather be a protective bitch than-”
Owen tries to stop me again, “Thin ice here Amber very thin!”
I ignore him again so I can continue, “I would rather be a protective bitch than a sad, angry, pathetic drunk stuck in a dead marriage who was second choice for chief and third choice for a wife!” Altman is stunned in silence at my rant with tears glistening in her eyes that don’t incite pity in me. I turn to Andrew who is still sitting there with a blank face clearly agreeing with my rant as he didn’t step in at all. I notice Hunt barely spoke up confirming my points of her deteriorating marriage as he didn’t try to stop me while I was attacking his wife, “We’re leaving.” Andrew nods and stands up to follow me as we get our dish and coats so we can leave the house with our heads held high after the dumpster fire blew up.
We sat in the car in silence with the engine off trying to reel from the events of five minutes ago.  I exhale as my nerves die down from giving Hunt and Altman a piece of my mind. I can sense Andrew also trying to mentally recover from the dinner that never was. He’s in the driver’s seat rubbing his temples before speaking first.
“Well, that was fun.”
I chuckle lightly, “Yeah I think I really won the new chief over with that wine to her face.”
“It was a very iconic drink to the face moment.” Andrew grins and holds my hand, “How bad do you think it’s gonna be tomorrow?”
I groan at that reminder that we have to work with them tomorrow, “How about we take Lucy, get on a plane and live out the rest of our days in Bora Bora? We can run a clinic there and never have to worry about crazy white people ever again.”
Andrew laughs at that suggestion, “That would be nice but I’m pretty sure your brother and my sister would kill us for leaving them to deal with the Hunt’s who will take their frustrations on us out on them.” He leans over to kiss me in comfort, “We’ll be okay babe. I mean we’ve handled a lot worse than an angry chief. We can survive anything as long as we’re together. That’s the advantage we have over Hunt and Altman and we can handle anything they dish out at us.”
I look at him in awe over his ability to ease my worries even after I insulted the chief in her own home. I cradle his face brushing my thumb across his stubbly cheek, “I love you.”
He grabs my hand from his cheek and turns his face to kiss my palm, “I love you.” He turns to the road and starts the engine, “Are you ready for a night of Moana with Lucy while she drinks breastmilk again?”
I grin at that before an idea comes to me, “Actually can we make a stop.”
The door opens revealing Alex inside the house in his casual wear surprised to see us on the other side of the door holding the peppers we were originally going to eat at the Hunts. I grin at him and see Jo approaching the door holding Luna also looking at us surprised.
“Hey guys.”
“Hi.” Alex looks at the dish I’m holding and back at me, “Is there a reason you guys came to my house at 11 and brought a plate of peppers?”
Andrew tsks, “It’s a long story but basically, we need a night to hang out with adult friends and no children present. The last ones we were with were…less than welcoming.” Alex raises an eyebrow, “We’ll explain more, can we come in and eat this dish with you guys? We kind of have to fill the time somehow and your our best option.”
Jo steps forward, “Who are we to turn down free food? Come in, let’s talk in the kitchen.” I thank Jo as we entered their house feeling safer here than we did at the Hunt’s.
“And then I called her a sad, pathetic drunk who was chosen second for chief and third for wife. And then we left.” I finish telling the story as we sit around the dining room table eating the peppers with French bread and red wine that I’m not drinking opting for mineral water. We got to eating and talking once Jo put Luna down to sleep in her room. Jo and Alex look shocked at my last insult as they chew the food.
“Wow I wish I could’ve seen that.” Jo says, “So her exact words were Lucy might get the crazy gene since her dad went insane? She said that?”
“Yep.” Andrew confirms bitter as he sips his wine, “I was there and so were Ben and Bailey, you can ask them and they’ll say the same thing.”
Alex shakes his head at that clearly as mad as I was, “Now I kind of wish I took the chief job, then you wouldn’t be in danger of getting abused or fired.”
I shake my head at that, “Well to be fair how would you have known your sister was gonna go all ballistic on the chief of cardio after she insulted my family?”
“I think you let her off easy after what she said.” Jo says and I realize as a person who suffers bouts of depression she also feels triggered by Teddy’s comment like Andrew. I look at them in sympathy and decide to point out what me and Alex already know.
“You know neither of you are insane right?” I tell my husband and sister-in-law who look surprised by my change of subject, “You had mental health problems but you faced them and you’re better. It doesn’t make you weak if anything it makes you stronger.”
Alex nods holding Jo’s hand and looking at her with love and support, “Damn straight. Altman wouldn’t know how to face her problems if it bit her in the ass. Don’t listen to what she said and don’t believe it.”
Jo scoffs offended, “Well it was a new low of hers and that is saying something. It makes me wish I was there when you threw that drink in her face. I wish you recorded it.”
“It was very iconic it was like a fight at my family reunion.” Andrew says with a grin and I lightly push him, “Are you sure you’re not Italian?”
“Only by marriage.” I shove a whole slice of bread with a pepper in my mouth moaning in satisfaction at the taste and texture, “They really did not deserve these peppers.”
“Nope, not one bit.” Alex agrees with his mouth full, “It kind of makes me wish I married into an Italian family.”
Jo nods taking a bite of the bread, “Me too. So, what’s the plan after tonight? Are you gonna ask Avery for a face transformation or are you gonna take a really extended vacation?”
I sigh and remember what my husband said to me, “I don’t know but we will figure it out together. Besides what is she gonna do fire us? I’ll just go over her head and gang up on her with my attending brother, sister and husband.” They look at me amused, “It’s the one time I would use nepotism in my favor.” I hold up my water for them to clink their wine glasses against it as we enjoy this impromptu dinner party of ours.
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Alex Karev literally being the world's worst human being and getting looped into pediatrics because he's a shithead who was insubordinate to a much more talented and experienced (female!) surgeon and dismissed the validity for a more "intense" and lucrative field (like plastic surgery) but then discovering that he's actually really good with the kids and cares about helping new moms and parents and he develops a genuine respect and bond with Addison and through these interactions he becomes a more compassionate, honest, reliable, and genuine person.
Character arc of all time perhaps.
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readingslover · 1 year
Chapter 14
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As George slept in his bed, Amory sat next to him, playing with his hair as she read an artice. Suddenly, Izzie barged into the room, waking the boy up.
“Seriously?!” She went to sit next to the boy, the short girl looking confused. “Move over.”
“I’m sleeping…” The boy mumbled.
“Oh, shut up.” The tall blonde complained.
Just a few seconds after, Meredith came into the room as wel. “Seriously?!”
“You know, this is a very small bed for four people…” The boy complained as the dirty blonde flopped on the bed as well, making Amory put down her article and move voer.
“You know, it would be helpful if you started knocking. Who knows what you would’ve walked into…” The short girl suggested, blushing slightly.
“He’s a neurosurgeon.” Meredith went on.
“I look fantastic. I shaved my legs.” The former model went on as the couple was sandwiched in the bed.
“He’s a brain surgeo, how could he be so brainless.”
“Hello? Seriously?!” Izzie complained
“Seriously?!” Meredith followed suit.
“Shhh, sleep.” The boy hushed them, ready to get back to his sleep
“Did I do something wrong last night?” George asked, after thinking over the situation of last night.
Amory paused what she was doing before turning to face him. “No, no. It’s not something you did. I just… Can we talk about it after our shift? When it’s just the two of us?” 
“Yeah, yeah, sure. Just if it was something I did I want to know; okay.” Amory nodded before turning to Bailey who was coming into the locker room.
The resident standing in the doorway, waiting for her interns when Cristina walked up to her putting on her coat. Her hair was still dripping wet from the rain outside, which made Bailey raise her brows as she saw the drops falling on the floor. “You’re dripping.”
“I’m back. I just wanna make that clear. I’m back, I’m ready to work.” Cristina immediately told her. She already feared that Bailey would send her back home.
Suddenly, Addison came up to the doorway from the hallway. “Has anyone seen Dr. Shepherd this morning?”
“His name’s on the OR board. He should be here somewhere.” Bailey replied and Addison nodded before walking away to find Derek.
Cristina was still standing in front of her resident. “I’m good. I’m ready to scrub in. I’m 100% on top of my game.” Cristina made sure Bailey knew that.
“You just got discharged. Pace yourself.” 
From the corner of her eye, Amory noticed a small interaction between Izzie and Alex. Izzie made eye contact with Alex, but didn’t say anything. She still needed to ask what ad happened last night. 
“i’m paced. I’m paced.”
“Mhm. Rounds people.” Bailey instructed as she looked up from her clipboard. Her interns gathered around her and then they followed their resident to the patient.
When they walked into the room they noticed a woman, most likely to be the patient’s wife, sitting on a chair doing some knitting while her husband laid on the bed. “Henry Lamott, age 42. Is scheduled with Dr. Shepherd for a spinal implant to control the pain of his herniated disk. He’s allergic to all pain medication...” Cristina presented while Mr. Lamott turned up the volum from the television.
Corny music and woman moaning and giggling could be heard, making the interns turn to look at it. “Is that…?” Cristina started.
“Porn,” The patient’s wife completed, making Bailey stare at it too.
“Porn? As in porn?!” The resident was suprised.
“Alright…What are we watching?” Alex commented, not being able to hold back his smirk.
“Karev, go stand in the hall. Mr. and Mrs. Lamott, I’m sure you are really nice people and what you do in the privacy of your own… look, we can’t have porn in here, this is a hospital.” The older woman scolded.
“It’s for my pain. My doctor says it releases endorphins in the brain and helps keep my pain at a manageable level.” The patient explained.
“Really?” George asked, mesmerised by the film.
“George, hall!” The resident ordered and the intern turned to leave, hiding his crotch area with his lab coat. As he walked through the group, Amory smacked the back of his head and shook her head lightly.
“What is this?” An amused Izzie asked the wife.
“Nasty naughty nurses… 4”
At a particularly attention grabbing scene, all interns except for the shortest one tilted their head.
“That does not look comfortable.” Cristina pointed out.
“Trust me, it’s not.” Meredith replied, making all the interns look at her in shock..
“Get in the hall, Amory seems to be the only one with enough maturity to stay!” The resident ordered.
After the examination, near the nurses’ station, Bailey gave instructions to her interns. “Madden, O’Malley and Karev, you’re in the pit today. Stevens, there’s a cardiac patient waiting for you up on two. Yang, keep an eye on the Lamotts. I don’t want any problems. Go!”
As George and Amory entered their emergent patient’s room, they asked for a chart as the nurse presented, “Pet Willoughby, 25 years old, GSW to the chest, immediate return of 860 cc’s of blood.”
“Oh, man, this hurts.” Pete groaned out, looking down at the gaping hole in his chest.
“He’s out over 200 cc”s in the past hours.” The nurse finished.
“They never tell you in movies how much it hurts to get shot.” Tha patient joked.
“Okay, Pete, we have you now, okay? We’re going to take care of you.” Amory reassured the man with a tightlipped smile.
“Push morphine, two milligrams.” George instructed. “Alex, this is my case.”
“Morphine, five milligrams.” Alex ordered. “You didn’t even call him.”
“I was here first.”
“You got here first because I let you.” 
As the two boys bickered, Amory actually focused on the patient. “Do you have chest films?” She asked the nurse.
“You always get the surgery, today I’m getting a surgery. There’s only room for two interns.” George argued.
“Come one, guys, knock it off, or at least not in front of our patient.” Amory pleaded as she worked.
“He’s one of seattle’s finest, you’ve got a whole police force watching you.” The nurse told them. Amory looked out of the window to find a group of palice officers watching them.
“Page Dr. Burke, please, let him know we’re bringing him a GSW.” The female intern requested as she wheeled the man to the elevator, the two boys following her shortly behind.
“You got shot on the line of duty?” Alex asked the ma as the three interns rolled him towards the elevator..
“First month on the job. Can you believe my luck? The guy pulls out a gun and I freeze up. I’m the rookie who got shot. I’m never gonna live this down.” The patient replied, the pain visible on his face.
“Sure you are.” George reassured him.
“You think?”
“Yeah, you’ll get to be the rookie who got shot and lived to tell the tale.” The girl smiled down at him and he gave her a halfhearted smile back.
Once the elevator doors closed behind them, Alex asked the two. “So what’s the deal with Izzie?” Amory laughed slightly, bewildered at how he could be so oblivious.
“She shaver he legs for you.” George bluntly explained.
“And?” The other male intern asked, still oblivious as to what the big deal is.
“And you didn’t even bother to kiss her goodnight.” Amory raised her brows at him.
“She shaved her legs for you and you didn’t even follow through?” The patient asked.
“See, Pete here is a wise man.” Amory joked.
“Hey, I follow through. I walkway follow through.”
“You didn’t last night…” The girl pointed out.
“Mind your own business.” Alex complained, making Amory roll her eyes the the man’s unnecessary rudeness.
At that, George became defensive. “Mind her own…? She had expectations, woman have expectations, and you didn’t meet hem. Okay, I live with these women an every time you guys don’t meet their expectations I have to hear about it. I didn’t get any sleep last night so, you know, it is my business.”
“George gets it. It’s not that hard Alex, but just so you know you screwed up with her. You’re gonna have to do a lot to make up for it.” The short girl said to Alex.
Suddenly, the lights went out and the elevator stopped abruptly in it’s tracks, George grabbed Amory’s waist instinctively. “You okay?” He asked looking at her features.
“Yeah, fine, thanks.”
“Dude, we’re not moving…” Alex pointed out the obvious.
“Really? You think?” The other man replied.
“Okay, Pete, don’t worry, someone’s coming, but I really need you to stay calm or you might worsen your injury.” The girl said to the patient in a calm matter.
As Alex tried to open the elevator door, George read the instructions, and Amory distracted the patient. “If the elevator should stop, do not become alarmed. Press the button marksed alarm to summon assistance.” He recited. “If they don’t want us to be alarmed, why call the button alarm?!” He pressed said button repeatedly.
“That didn’t work the last ten times you did it. Get it in your head, we’ve lost power, we’re stuck here.” Alex complained.
When Amory heard their patient moan, she turned to check his vitals. “His pressure’s falling.” She whispered to her fellow inters. “Guys, there’s a lot more blood in the bag, we need to get him to the OR fast.”
“Okay, you’re whispering, don’t whisper.” The patient begged. “I don’t wanna complain here, but I’ve got a bullet in my chest and whispering isn’t a sign that imma be okay, you know? It’s bad, it’s bad right?”
“Pete, someone should get us out of here soon, alright? We just need you to stay calm, okay?” Amory gently asked, but she couldn’t contain the nervousness on her face. Once she saw someone open the doors she kept going. “See, they’re already trying to open the doors.”
Through the small opening of the elevator doors, they heard Dr. Bailey “What…? Amory, what did those two do?”
“Nothing.” The three answered in unison.
“He’s not looking good…” George informed.
As their patient started hallucinating, they had to physically to keep him from moving, Amory speaking to hil. “Pete, het, it’s Dr. Madden, what are you doing?”
“I need to get home.” He kept trying to stand up.
“Pete, you’re in the hospital…”Alex explained.
“I need to get home. I need to get home.” The patient kept repeating te same sentence over and over.
“What’s his blood pressure?” The attending asked from outside the elevator.
“He’s too agitated, we can’t get a reading.” Amory answered, chewing on her lip with stress.
“How’s his pulse?”
“It’s threadyn but still here.” George informed.
“Do you have any instruments?” Burke kept trying to evaluate the situation.
“Just a code box and some gloves.” Alex spoke up this time.
“You didn’t bring an open chest tray?”
“No, we thought…” The taller intern tried to explain.
“We don’t have time for excuses. O’Malley, blood pressure?”
“I’ve taken it three times, i can’t hear systolic over fifty… He’s gonna die.” The intern realised.
“No, no… We don’t say that, not yet.” The girl said, trying to kepe herself calm.
“Intubate him, I’ll be right back.” The atteneding requested, getting up and leaving.
“Wait, where are you going?” George asked, while Burke tried stood up.
“To get instruments ready. You are going to have to open up his chest.” At that, all three interns shared a worried look, knowing it was well over their skill set.
After the attending left, George seemd to panic slightly. “When’s Burke coming back? When’s Burke coming back?” He whispered slightly as he manually ventilated the man.
“I… I don’t know.” Amory whispered back, panicking a bit as well.
“Will you just shut up!” Alex snapped, clearly panicking as well.
Once the man came back, he spoke to them. “Hey! this isn’t gonna be too sterile but we can try. Prep and drape the patient.” He unstruceted them, giving them the drapes, gowns and other needed material, which they hurried to ge ton.
Once they were ready, Alex turned to his friends. “We’re really gonna do this…”
As Burke extended some surgival instruments to Alex, he looked up. “Take these.” As the boy seemed to freeze, he repeated himself. “Karev, take the scalpel.”
At the boy’s lack of reaction, George encouraged him. “Alex! Come one. Alex!”
They waited burn once again, the boy would not step up. “Okay, forget it, I’ll do it.” Amory reached for the tools. “What do I do?”
“Make a large anterior lateral and midaxilarion incision in the fifth intercostal space.”
The girl found the space and asked again, adrenaline coursing through her veins. “How large?3
“As long as possible, you’ll need to get two hands in there.” The attending instructed. “It need to be long and deep. Use the scissors if you have to.”
“Okay. Okay.” She took a depe breath and prepared for the procedure she knew an intern shouldn’t be doing.
Just once she was about to cut, the man made her stop. “But be sure you don’t cute into the lungs or heart.”
“How… how can I be sure of that?” She asked, nervous.
“You just have to be sure.”
The girl nodded and closed her eys for a second, taking a depe calming breath. At that moment, she felt as in a bubble, the world outside not existin, and the nervousness left her body. “Okay.”
Some time taler, chest having been cut open, Amory informed the attending. “Dr. Burke, I dind’t cut the heart or the lungs!” She sighed with relieve and she could hear her boyfriend do the same.
“Good, Madden, really good. Now, check for injuries and do a pericardiotomy.”
“Okay, I’ll need some lap pads, forceps, metzenbaums and satinsky clamps.” She asked, het voince now steady and secure.
“Yes, you will.” He answered with a small smile, pride in his eyes.
After some time, the girl informed. “I removed a small clot from the percardium. No obvious injuries.”
“The vitals?”
“BP is still  to low register on the monitor…” Alex answered.
“We need to cross clamp the aorta.” Burke told her. “You might want to get O’Malley to assist.”
“Okay, George, help me out here. Put your hand right where mine was.” She instructed and he did as told. “Yeah, like that.” 
“Stick your hand and dissect down until you feel two tube-like structures.” The attending told her. “The oesophagus will be more medial and anterior.”
“Um, I feel one tube that is easily collapsible. The other is more muscular and… spongy. I can feel the spine right underneath it.
“Yes, you’re touching the aorta.”
Amory looked at her boyfriend with a look of ecstasy. “I’m touching the aorta.”
“Wrap the index finger of your left hand around it and O’Malley needs to apply a satinsky with his hand.”
They did as told, working in silent synchrony until the boy called out. “Got it!”
“Wait, I think… I think I can locate the bleeding.” The girl warned with a smile. “I thnk it’s coming frmo the inferior vena cava.”
“Can you find the lesion?”
“Um,... yeah, I think I feel it, but it’s too far in to repair…”
“How big is it?” Bruke kept trying to guide her through the procedure.
“Pretty small, the size of a dime, maybe a bit smaller?”
“Okay, Madden, I want you yo use your finger and use it to cover the whole.”
The girl felt around for a while, speaking up soon after. “I think I can feel his heart filling more. It’s… beating a little stronger.”
“Excellent. Keep your finger there.”
Okay, now?”
That’s it, Madden.” The cardio surgeon told her.
“That’s it?” Realisation came to her and she tried her best not to hop as she smiled wide. “George that’s it! We did it!”
“We did, Amy. We did.” He gave hera look of adoration, as Alex stared at them, disappointed in himself.
“Dr. Bailey, you can tell the firemen to get my guys out of there.” Burke instructed. “Madden, O’Malley, you just flew solo.”
“Thank you, dr. Burke.” She smiled up at him.
Once the interns left the elevator, the whole of the present police force congratulated Amory and George. However, as the rush left her body, the small woman could feel the anxiety from the situation taking over her body, and excused herself to the washroom. SItting on the toilet, bathroom stall locker, she allowed herself to have impending panic attack she could feel taking over.
At the end of the day, the group of interns were sitting at joe’s, waiting to see wether Derek would show up. If he didn’t, it’d let Meredith know he’d chosen Addison.
“He’s not coming.” The woman said. ‘You don’t think he’s coming.”
“He might come.” Izzie said.
“I hope he does, he’d be stupid not to.” Amory shrugged, trying to make Meredith fele better.
“yeah, you never know.” Cristina shared.
“He’s definitely coming.” George intervented, earning himself a kick from Izzie.
“What? You want her doing tequila shots all night?”
“You’re right, I’ll be the one cleaning the vomit.” Amory shuddered at the memory of Meredith’s last hangover. “Well, today I’m refusing to be sad, George and I flew solo.”
“Yeah, I touched a heart today, Prony.” He teased Cristina.
“Okay, I’m very sorry, but George and I are leaving now. If you need anything just call.” Amory grabbed the boy’s hand and got up.
“We are?” At his girlfriend’s suggestive look he corrected himself. “We are.”
Once they got homa, they ran up the stairs to Amory’s room, taking their jackets off in the process.
They started making out, but before things could escalate George stopped. “You sure you want to do this? If you don’t want to…” He got cut off by Amory’s lips pressing on his.
“I’m sure. Just, take it slow, okay. It could be harder than we both think, since I haven’t done it since the incident.” George tried to say something in between but Amory wouldn’t let him. “I trust you. I know you wouldn’t do anything that I don’t wanna do.”
“Okay, if you need me to stop tell me.” The boy sais, cupping her face with his hand.
“Okay. Did… Did I kill the mood?” She scrunched her nose up with fear.
“You could never, even if you wanted to.” He kissed her and, just like that, they both had one of the best nights of their lives.
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prophecey · 7 months
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INDEPENDENT + MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE MULTIMUSE . current muses can be found under the cut, but all former muses are available by request. KT + twenty nine + minors / personals DNI.
this multi-muse blog is private and very selective with low to moderate activity and will be heavily plot and dynamic based. if you don't interact ic or ooc, i will softblock.
plotted interactions are preferred. romantic ships will require plotting and ongoing ooc interactions as well as ic interactions. familial and platonic ships are just as important.
i will be using basic formatting on this blog. threads will be small text with bold and italics for emphasis. if you want me to change/simplify my text for any reason, just ask. i prefer to write longer length replies.
muses are from various media, some that contain mature themes i will tag everything with the #TRIGGER CW format, but if i miss something, please send a dm so i can fix it. there may be sexual themes present on this blog but nothing will be explicitly written.
don’t be a dick! in character drama is fun, but keep it between our muses. if you unfollow me, please soft block. i will not interact with anyone that writes problematic themes or uses problematic or deceased fcs.
graphics belong to me unless stated otherwise. not affiliated with any of the media, characters or faceclaims represented on this blog. all content is my own creative property so do not use my lore without permission.
alex claremont diaz. rwrb, bridgerton. taylor zakhar perez fc.
andrés cordero. tsitp oc. maxi iglesias fc.
anthony bridgerton. bridgerton. jonathan bailey fc.
ben de vaillant. bridgerton, modern royalty. damian hardung fc.
conrad fisher. tsitp. christopher briney fc.
drusilla elmsworth. bridgerton oc. alisha boe fc.
evie grimhilde. bridgerton, modern royalty. sofia carson fc.
harry bingham. tvd, the society. alex fitzalan fc.
indira petrova. bridgerton oc. aubri ibrag fc.
josephine "posey" lovelace. bridgerton oc. kristine froseth fc.
kieran night. original demon lore. maxence danet-fauvel fc.
luna castillo. original familiar lore. sofia carson fc.
neil josten. all for the game. froy gutierrez fc.
rebekah mikaelson. tvd, bridgerton. claire holt fc.
rosalie hale. twilight, bridgerton. simay barlas fc.
sophie beckett. bridgerton. courtney eaton fc.
tris prior. divergent, thg. daisy edgar-jones fc.
violet bridgerton. bridgerton. ruth gemmell / rose williams fc.
allie hayes. off campus. scarlett leithold fc.
andrew minyard. all for the game. conor doherty fc.
campbell riley. tvd, grey's. abigail cowen fc.
daniel le domas. ready or not, bridgerton. adam brody fc.
dean di laurentis. off campus. matthew noszka fc.
elena gilbert. tvd, grey's. nina dobrev fc.
feyre archeron. acotar. simay barlas fc.
garrett graham. off campus. felix mallard fc.
grace le domas. ready or not, bridgerton. samara weaving fc.
hope mikaelson. legacies. danielle rose russell fc.
isaac lahey. teen wolf, tvd. daniel sharman fc.
jeremy gilbert. tvd. froy gutierrez fc.
john tucker. off campus. ken bek fc.
josie saltzman. legacies. kaylee kaneshiro fc.
liv parker. tvd. penelope mitchell fc.
lizzie saltzman. legacies. jenny boyd fc.
samantha larusso. cobra kai. mary mouser fc.
steve harrington. stranger things. joe keery fc.
steven conklin. tsitp. sean kaufman fc.
summer di laurentis. off campus. madelyn cline fc.
tyler lockwood. tvd. michael trevino fc.
valerie tulle. tvd. elizabeth blackmore fc.
REQUEST MUSES (plotting required!)
alex karev. grey's. justin chambers fc.
azriel of velaris. acotar. berk cankat fc.
cassian. acotar. alperen duymaz fc.
demetri alexopoulos. cobra kai. gianni decenzo fc.
jasper diggs. original character. hugh dancy fc.
jean moreau. all for the game. archie renaux fc.
landon kirby. legacies. aria shahgasemi fc.
luke patterson. jatp. charlie gillespie fc.
mat hatter. original character. alex fitzalan fc.
nell crain. thohh. alycia debnam carey fc.
scarlet graves. original character. sandra bullock fc.
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jobrookekarev · 1 year
Hi! Thank you! Would you be willing to write something about Alex comforting Jo and being there for her?
Title: And I Wouldn't Marry Me Either.
Words: 1,315
Summary: Alex comforts Jo after she and Link have an argument about her not accepting his proposal. 
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy.
Relationship: Alex Karev/Jo Wilson and /Atticus Lincoln.
Rating: General Audiences.
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Lost Love, Crying, Marriage Proposal.
Read at AO3
Read at FFN
AN: AN: Anyone else listening to "You're Lossing Me" on repeat and crying?
Alex watched her. From the moment he got back to Gray-Slone he watched Jo. He watched her as closely as he did when they were married. Maybe more so now.
She hasn't given him so much as a second look after their first interaction. He came back as Chief of Surgery and head of Peds after Altman's heart attack. Jo made it very clear that she wanted nothing to do with him. She had a life without him and she did. She had a wonderful life without him. When Alex turned up, he found out that they were together and he was happy for her. Truly happy for her. He wasn't about to tear that away from her. And try and rebuild their relationship to get back what he had given up. To try and get between her and her happiness. 
She had a three-year-old daughter who was her heart and her light in the dark darkness.
She was in a relationship with Link, they lived together, and were raising their kids together. She was in love with her best friend. Link loved her wholeheartedly and they were happy together. Link was someone who had loved her for the longest time and knew everything about her and loved her. He treated Jo like the princess she was and doted on her daughter. 
She had her happy ever after. The family she had always wanted. The partner she always wanted and the life she deserved. She had everything he had ever wanted for her. 
So he watched her. 
From the outside looking in, she had the perfect life. However, once as he started watching her more closely, he realized it wasn't as perfect as it seemed. It was like looking behind the scenes. It soon became evident that she wasn’t happy. Jo wasn't in love with Link and her fairy tale life wasn't what she wanted. He wished he could tell her it was okay to not keep up the facade, but it wasn’t his place and she was strong enough to make her own decisions. He just wished there was something he could do to help her and be there for her. 
He was standing at the nurse's station in the maternity ward. As their patient had overlapped today. He and Jo had finished a case together. Although they don't have many cases together. Jo tried to avoid him at all costs, but in this case, she had specifically asked him to help her and he knew why. She wanted the best for her patients. Jo had given him a glowing recommendation and assured the parents that their baby was in good hands. He knew the mother was in good hands too. As Alex had watched her work and although she was just a resident, under Carina’s guidance and training, she was the second-best OB in the hospital. 
The baby was at high risk for complications and had Down syndrome. The mom’s labor and delivery was difficult. It ended with a C-section and a NICU stay for the baby. However mom and baby were recovering well. They had just given the parents an update together and the relief on their faces was worth the stress and tension between them. 
Now, they were writing up the charts together, side by side. Alex saw Link walk up to them. He sent Alex a glare as Alex took a step away from Jo as a courtesy. Jo rolled her eyes and set Link with an annoying look.
“Jo, can we please talk?” Link asked in a low voice full of irritation. 
“I’m not gonna change my mind, Link,” Jo whispered, not bothering to look up at him.
“Please?” Link asked, begging her with a hand on her back, ready to take her somewhere where they could talk in private.
“Fine,” Jo said, her voice matching his now as she let him lead her away. 
They both walked together down the hallway. They disappear into the supply closet around the corner and shut the door. The nurses watch them go too. Alex has seen that look across Jo's face and he knew she wasn’t going to make out with Link. They were gearing up for an argument, a big one at that.  
Alex stuck around and finished his chart work. He was done fifteen minutes later, but they still hadn't emerged from the supply room. So Alex waited around for Jo to come back out. Link came out in a huff, his jaw set as he slammed the door behind him, but Jo didn't come out. 
Two, three, five minutes passed and Alex wandered over to the closet. Alex pressed against the door as he heard Jo crying. Before he knew what he was doing, Alex pushed the door open. He walked around to the back shelf and saw her sitting against the back wall sobbing into her hands. Jo looked up as she saw him, her eyes full of tears and her lips quivering
Jo quickly shook her head, her voice breaking. “Go away.”
“Not until you tell me why you're crying,” Alex said quietly as he bent down in front of her.
Jo just shook her head again as she cried harder and buried her face in her hands, but she told him through her sobs. “He wants me to marry him. He's always wanted me to marry him. And I know he would ask, but I still didn't see it coming. He proposed last night and I said no and we've been fighting ever since. But I just can't marry him. I just can't.”  
“I’m sorry,” Alex whispered as he sat down next to her, shoulder to shoulder.
Alex felt somewhat responsible for her refusal. He knew why she didn’t want to marry Link. She was so hesitant to marry him, as she believed it would doom their relationship, but she did and they were happy. Until he took that happiness away from her. Jo just shook her head and leaned into him as he quickly wrapped his arm around her, holding her. Jo’s tears still fell and he grabbed a tissue box from the shelf near them and offered her a few as she took them and wiped her cheeks. However, the tears still fall. 
Jo stopped, she turned and awkwardly hugged him before they found their familiar positions. He let her crawl into his lap and he wrapped both of his arms around as she buried her head in his shoulder and cried. He rubbed her back and put his chin on her head as he tucked her into his arms. He was determined to let her know she was safe in his arms. He had held her like this before when they were together and he would hold her like this whenever she needed him too.
“It's also that I realized I don't love him,” Jo said, wiping her eyes as shook her head, refusing to meet his gaze.
“What, why not?” Alex asked, his eyebrows knitting together, he had seen her smile at him and he was sure she loved him.
Jo looked up at him with a heartbreak in her eyes. “I do love him, but as my best friend. He’s the only one who's always been there for me, no matter what. And I want to love him romantically, I do, but I can't. I don't think I could ever love anybody again. I don't love him, I love….”
The words die on her lips, but as she stared into his eyes he knew what she wanted to say, but never would. 
“Jo I,”
“Don’t,” Jo screamed at him, pulling away and slapping her hand to his chest. “Just don’t Alex. Don’t break me again right now” 
Alex nodded, but he had to watch Jo’s heart break again as she closed her eyes. Jo just cried and cried and cried.
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lavendaers · 2 years
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meredith sipped from her glass before turning and looking down the bar. she felt a slight tinge of recognition, but had no idea where that came from. she thought about standing up and just leaving, but instead she stood up and moved a few seats down the bar. “weird question, and this isn’t a pick up line or anything, but do i know you?”
@impcrfct​ meredith grey for alex karev
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munsonshire · 1 year
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Updated 12/07/24
Alice in Borderland
Anne With an E
Marilla and Matthew (parent headcanons)
Dead By Daylight
Detroit Become Human
Alice (as a daughter or child friend, no dating cuz she's a child)
Game of Thrones
John Snow
Arya Stark
Sansa Stark
Jamie Lannister
Grey's Anatomy
Alex Karev
Christina Han
Derek Shepherd
Meredith Grey
MCU - Marvel
Loki Laufeyson/Odinson
Bucky Barnes
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Yelena Belova
Prince Caspian
Once Upon a Time
Killian Jones
Mad Hatter
Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
Elizabeth Swan
Stranger Things
Steddie Masterlist
Ronance Masterlist
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Robin Buckley
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Joyce Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Fruity four
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Teen Wolf
Ways of saying I love you
Stiles Stilinski
Dating hc
Isaac Lahey
Dating hc
Liam Dunbar
The 100
Bellamy Blake
John Murphy
The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon
Carl Grimes
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