onaccountofanabsence · 7 months
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immoralist !! this is when noah played guitar in immoralist in 2014. davis rider deathcore band!
i think its really cool cause the people here still have ties to bad omens: orie mcginness, jordan allen, davis rider.
the only one i’m not sure about is the drummer (second in the first photo)
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onlyhurtforaminute · 2 years
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I moved a stranger among ordinary people, like a man who has risen from the grave.
The Immoralist, André Gide, 1902
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beljar · 2 years
My eyes filled with tears and I wept long and hard, unable, and unwilling, to stop.
André Gide, from The Immoralist, 1902
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kaggsy59 · 2 months
"What would there be in a story of happiness?" #gide #parisinjuly2024
Whenever there’s a reading event of some kind coming up, I love to make a pile of options, but almost always fall right off the wagon and pick something different! Today’s book is a good example of that; I chose so many possibles for Paris in July, and as soon as I’d published an image, I remembered some other books I could pick. And although I’d already read one fiction title for the event, I…
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veryslowreader · 4 months
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The Immoralist by André Gide
The Forgiven
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queerographies · 7 months
[L'immoralista][André Gide]
Clicca qui per acquistare il libro Titolo: L’immohttps://amzn.to/42W5yAzralistaScritto da: André GideTitolo originale: L’ImmoralisteTradotto da: Mario Ajazzi ManciniEdito da: FeltrinelliAnno: 2024Pagine: 176ISBN: 9788807904561 Michel, giovane abbiente e antichista erudito, più incline allo studio che alle passioni, decide di sposarsi per compiacere il padre. Durante la luna di miele in Tunisia…
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chaotic-history · 10 months
French travel novels set primarily in Algeria with beautiful prose and morally questionable main characters who feel trapped by the meaninglessness of daily life >>>
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1thousandminus7 · 1 year
When an anime that's mediocre at best has an absolute BANGER of an OP
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hautaaja · 1 year
"Oh, shameful? There's no more shame in it than allowing oneself to be sounded. I need to know everything and particularly what is most carefully hidden. I must bring Boris to make a complete confession; until I can do that, I shall not be able to cure him." "You suspect then that he has a confession to make? Are you quite sure - forgive me - that you won't yourself suggest what you want him to confess?" ... "And how do you know he doesn't invent?" "And even if he did invent!... All the inventions of a diseased imagination reveal something."
from The Counterfeiters by André Gide
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onlyhurtforaminute · 2 years
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nem0c · 1 year
But shall I confess that the figure of the young king Athalric was what attracted me most? I pictured to myself this fifteen-year-old boy, worked on in secret by the Goths, in revolt against his mother Amalasontha, rebelling against his Latin education and flinging aside his culture, as a restive horse shakes off a troublesome harness; I saw him preferring the society of the untutored Goths to that of Cassiodorus - too old and too wise - plunging for a few years into a life of violent and unbridled pleasures with rude companions of his own age, and dying at eighteen, rotten and sodden with debauchery. I recognised in this tragic impulse towards a wilder, more natural state, something of what Marceline used to call my ‘crisis’. I tried to find some satisfaction in applying my mind to it, since it no longer occupied my body; and in Athalric’s horrible death, I did my best to read a lesson.
André Gide, The Immoralist
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so-na-gi · 2 years
the devil works hard but the person whose name pops up whenever i look up whether my library has the translated version of a 20th century french novel works harder
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mumblingsage · 2 years
But I intended to make this book as little an indictment as an apology and took care to pass no judgment. The public nowadays will not forgive an author who, after relating an action, does not declare himself either for or against it; more than this, during the very course of the drama they want him to take sides, pronounce in favor of either Alceste or Philinte, of Hamlet or Ophelia, of Faust or Margaret, of Adam or Jehovah. I do not indeed claim that neutrality (I was going to say ‘indecision’) is the certain mark of the great mind; but I believe that many great minds have been very loath to...conclude--that that to state a problem clearly is not to suppose it solved in advance. 
-Andre Gide, in the preface to The Immoralist, which was first published in 1921; the English translation I read was printed in 1954. 
Which at least gives some hint on how little “the public nowadays” has changed over a century.
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golgafrincham · 2 years
After the wing of death has brushed you, what used to seem important is so no longer; other things are instead, things that didn't formally seem important or that you didn't even know existed. The accumulation of all acquired knowledge in our mind flakes away like a cosmetic and in places lets us see the bare flesh, the authentic being that was hidden.
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