satanstrousers · 7 months
Growing up, I always thought that the central calling of a Jew was to be good. Even when it was hard, always try to be good, and failing at that, try to be better.
There's a term, אור לגויים, meaning "light unto the nations". It's a weird phrasing, but I always understood it to mean "lead by example". People should see you, a Jewish person, as always choosing the moral, kind path, even at detriment to themselves, in a way that makes people want to emulate them and be better.
I've realized growing up that many Jews, especially those deeply entrenched in the religious or Zionist community, see that responsibility in an inverse way. WE set the standards for morality, so if we say it's ok, it's ok. Jewish people are inherently moral, and therefore all actions taken by Jews, in defense of Jews, must be just. In fact, it's actually anti-Semitic of you to assume there's another way we could be going about this.
This is not what Judaism is, this is not what we're here to do.
We are better than this.
We always have been, and we always will be.
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eulchu · 11 months
Just from what I've gleaned: They did something that fucked with/removed an accessibility setting, multiple CCs have either expressed frustration (Tubbo yelled at chat earlier) or have announced they're taking a break, chathoppers are getting worse and the mods aren't happy, spreen's character got labelled as dead without his knowledge (he didn't care but. still), and a lot of the fans are not enjoying it because it's apparently super angsty and their CCs aren't having a good time. The last part got back to the admins and apparently hurt their feelings, and q went live and basically guilt-tripped his audience
Oh also he apparently bribed rubius to come back. you know, the guy who went on a transphobic rant like two weeks ago
There's more I'm sure but this is what has broken containment and made its way back to me
anon 2: yeah multiple ppl have made statements saying they're not streaming because "You all know why" and that they don't think its fair they should be harassed for competing. Ppl are getting harassed for being too good, for being not good at certain things,, for even just having a glitch and ppl are harassing them for "cheating" it's BAD
anon 3: Yup once again at a time good for South America and USA so french ppl are mad. They've paused lore and the teams are very favourable to Spanish streamers so it seems like Q is trying to lure people like spreen and rubius back again. This has upset other CCs, the French streamers are annoyed they're having to be up at 3am and etoile got fed and up and dropped out, cellbit apparently said he was probably going to drop out due to the uneven teams, fans are going insanely toxic about the competition aspect and Tubbo yelled at his chat again, CCs are already complaining about being tired because it goes on for so long every day (apparently foolish and Tina looked dead by the end yesterday), Quackity had to go live to tell fans to chill and also talked about how it was disappointing people weren't giving the competition long to breathe and we're just giving up already etc
Two days in, of a two week event 😁
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box Series— Cruel Weather (Part Two)
requests: “I was wondering if you’d maybe do something about sissy getting seriously hurt (like a landing in the hospital kind of bad?) I honestly just really want to see all the boys protective and worried about her” and “Hi!!! Im absolutely in love with the penalty box series, and i was wondering if we could get a small blurb with sissy getting injured? ik you did a thing depicting how the boys would react, and im intrigued to see how that would play out:)”
requests based off this ask: how the boys would react to sissy getting hurt
warnings: major car accident, crying, surgery, broken bones, coma, mentions of throwing up, panic attacks, mentions of dying, arguing, mentions of getting drunk
word count: 3.6k
General Series Masterlist
part one — part two — part three — part four
Trevor woke up a little after seven the next morning by Jamie shaking him awake and handing him an iced coffee.
“I bet your back feels great,” Jamie laughed at his best friend’s weird sleeping position.
Trevor stretched and they both winced at the amount of pops there were.
“Depending on how long she’s in here, I might get used to it,” Trevor said. “Thanks.”
Jamie nodded in response and yanked the chair from underneath Trevor’s legs to sit in.
“Mama Hughes is forcing everyone to eat breakfast. We got yelled at for the lack of food, by the way,” Jamie said, getting a small chuckle from Trevor.
“Of course we did.”
“So they all went out and I was permitted to bring you coffee and check on you, and they’ll bring us something back,” Jamie told him.
Trevor nodded in response, “Has anyone heard from Quinn?”
Jamie took a hold of Y/N’s hand at the mention of her best friend’s name, “His flight didn’t take off until close to six, so he should get here around nine, nine thirty. How’s she doing?”
“Same as last night,” Trevor sighed. “If a doctor came in, I slept through it.”
“I’m surprised you slept,” Jamie commented.
“I didn’t wanna disappoint her,” Trevor said low. Jamie understood what he meant. If Y/N heard that he was a wreck and didn’t take care of himself at all, she’d lecture him and feel tremendously guilty.
“How was everyone at the house?”
“It was quiet,” Jamie said. “Scarily quiet. I think everyone was worried they wouldn’t hear a phone ring if they spoke too loud. Jack talked to Quinn, but that was about it. Jim and Ellen slept in my room, and the rest of us all slept in the living room and semi watched the Hunger Games.”
“Alex’s idea?”
“Jack’s,” Jamie answered. “I think it was for Luke.”
“He’s been keeping all of us sane,” Trevor said.
“He’s channeling Sissy,” Jamie smiled.
“She’d kill you if she knew you called her that,” Trevor said in a fake warning tone.
“Good; maybe she’ll wake up,” Jamie joked, and luckily, got a real laugh out of Trevor.
“I needed that.”
“We both did.”
Both boys sat in a comfortable, well… as comfortable as they could be given the situation, silence as they watched the steady up and down movement of Y/N’s chest. Sure, she needed a machine’s assistance, but she was breathing.
The silence was only broken by everyone else filing into the room with food for the two boys. Cole and Alex had stolen some chairs they found in the hall for people to sit in, and made sure to grab an extra for when Quinn arrived.
A nurse came in and checked on all of her vital signs and medication outputs before telling the group that everything looks okay.
“Do you know when she’ll wake up?” Cole asked.
“It’s not an exact science, but she should be waking up within the next couple of days,” the nurse answered politely. They thanked her and returned to their silence when she left.
“Okay, somebody say something. I’m going to go insane,” Luke piped up.
“Remember our senior year?” Alex asked, a hint of mischief laced in his voice.
“Oh god,” Cole groaned into his hands.
“We were all a mess,” Trevor laughed.
“Sissy especially!” Jack called out.
“She was the biggest menace out of all of us,” Alex said.
“She’s still a menace,” Jamie pointed out.
“She was worse,” Trevor told him.
“Much worse,” Luke agreed.
“That was an interesting year to say the least,” Ellen said as she smiled at the boys reminiscing.
“Do I even wanna know?” Jamie asked.
“Give him a glimpse, Z,” Jack said.
“You know how at parties she’s a runner and we tend to tie her to one of us?”
“That started after I tripped and sprained my ankle while chasing her around a lake. The only reason I caught her and we made it back is because she puked in said lake and decided to get in it to, and I quote, ‘give herself a bath.’”
Jamie started laughing, genuinely laughing, and it was so contagious that the rest of the group did, too.
It was needed. They knew she was going to wake up soon, and they thought they all deserved a little laughter. It died out quickly, and the reminder of why they were all in a room together was too strong.
“We were supposed to facetime tonight,” Cole said suddenly.
“At eight,” Alex added.
“What movie was she gonna make you watch?” Jamie asked.
“She said it was a surprise,” Cole whispered. He was scared that if he talked any louder, his voice would crack. Him and Alex hadn’t seen her with the breathing tube, yet.
“She keeps a list on her phone of movies she wants to watch with you,” Trevor told him. “I have her phone, if you want to know what tonight’s plan was.”
Cole shook his head, “I’ll let her keep her surprise.”
The group swapped stories, which felt a little weird, but it was something to pass the time. Even in a coma, just stories about her brought smiles to everyone’s faces.
“I don’t even know where she ended up after the party before our draft day,” Jack laughed.
“Sissy and Z ended up sleeping on my floor,” a new voice said in the doorway. Quinn.
Trevor stood up immediately and the two boys, arguably the two most important people to Sissy, stared at each other. Quinn nodded, and somehow Trevor knew what he meant. He met him the middle and the two of them hugged each other the tightest they ever had before. If anyone were to understand just how hard this accident was hitting them, it was the other.
Jamie stood up as well and offered the chair closest to Y/N to him. He sat down and took his best friend’s hand in both of us, just as every other person who has sat in the chair before him.
“Do you want a moment alone?” Trevor asked.
“Yeah,” Quinn croaked. He was already a mess, but seeing her made it all come crashing down. He was no longer focusing on getting to Y/N. He was here. And it was so much worse than he imagined.
Everyone quietly shuffled out of the room and into the hall. Quinn gripped onto Y/N’s uninjured hand for dear life and allowed himself to cry. Only it wasn’t just crying that he was doing. He was full on sobbing with his head down on the thin mattress.
“I just saw you. Last week we were doing our yearly group workout before training camp and now you’re comatose because of how your depression medication mixed with the anesthesia. When Trevor called me to tell me-“
Quinn got too choked up to continue, but he needed to get it out. He didn’t even know if she could hear him; he just needed to say it.
“To tell me you slipped into a coma, I thought he was calling to tell me you died. I thought I was going to have to hear over the phone that you had died and I lost the most important person to me forever. I couldn’t sleep. I know you’ll scold me for that, but I couldn’t. I tried. I just kept waking up from nightmares about life without you.
“You’ve been in my life since I was seven years old. You’ve practically been my sister since day one. I’ve protected you from so much, and I couldn’t stop this from happening. You’ve been through so much, and now you have to go through this, and I won’t be here. Trevor and Jamie are great for you, and they’ll take good care of you, but it won’t be me. It physically can’t be and the thought of that makes me sick.”
Quinn jumped at what happened next. He wasn’t completely sure he didn’t imagine it, that’s how surprised he was.
“Sissy?” he whispered.
This time, Quinn was sure it happened. Y/N’s unconscious form lightly squeezed his hand. Quinn tried to not get his hopes up too high. He knows that movement doesn’t always mean the person will wake up soon, due to the fact that he heavily researched comas the second he was told, but it has to mean something.
“Trevor!” Quinn called out, making sure his voice didn’t portray that it was an emergency.
His tone wasn’t much help, because with the situation at hand, Trevor immediately assumed something was wrong. He ran into the room with his eyes wide and heart racing harder than ever.
“What’s wrong?! What happened?! I don’t hear anything and she looks fine. Well not fine-“
“She squeezed my hand!” Quinn cut him off.
Trevor’s eyes widened at the news. Everyone else overheard the announcement from the hall and came flooding in, as well. Jim told everyone he was getting a nurse to check if it meant something, or if it was a subconscious movement. After all, even years long coma patients can slightly move to external stimuli.
After a few quick trials, it was concluded that she wasn’t squeezing hands as a response, because she would do it at random times, and a few minutes later stopped doing it all together.
It was a false hope.
“I’m sorry,” Quinn said. He was absolutely defeated.
“Don’t be sorry, Quinny,” Jack sighed. “She was squeezing your hand. She squeezed Trevor’s, and she squeezed Dr. Walsh’s hand. She’s in there. She’s just not awake yet.”
“When did you get so wise?” Quinn teased him.
“Z and I were talking about that this morning,” Jamie said.
“About me being wise?”
“Jimmy here said you were channeling Sissy,” Trevor smiled. “I told him she’d kill him if she knew he called her Sissy.”
“I am seeing a bit of Sissy in you lately,” Jim pointed out to his son.
Jack smiled to himself. It was the biggest compliment he could ever receive, in his opinion.
“It’s a twin thing,” Jack joked.
“Definitely a twin thing,” Luke played along.
— — —
It was getting harder than it was yesterday to sit in a room and listen to the heart monitor beep. The more they looked at her, the more frail and broken she looked. It was taking a toll on everyone and it was only day two.
Jim and Ellen went to get everyone lunch, and Jack decided that everyone needs to shower so they’ll take turns going back to Trevor, Jamie, and Sissy’s house. Jack thought Trevor would put up the biggest fight, but it was actually Quinn.
“I just got here!” Quinn argued.
“And you’re all worked up,” Jack tried to reason with his big brother. “You need to-“
“I need to be with her,” Quinn cut him off firmly. “You all saw her last night. You all got to race here the second you got the call while I was stuck in my house going out of fucking mind and you have the nerve to tell me that I need to leave her after only a few hours to take my third shower in the last twenty four hours?!”
“You’re right. I’m sorry. I just thought-“
“Stop trying to be Sissy!” Quinn yelled.
The energy in the room went still. Everyone was frozen in place. Jack’s eyes might have been wide, but they were full of hurt.
“You’re not Sissy. No one will ever come close to her. She’s lying in a hospital bed, you’re perfectly fine and bossing people around! Well guess what, Jack? I’m not fine! Taking a shower isn’t going to take away from the fact that the person I would take a bullet for is suffering and will be for a long time!”
“You think I’m fine?!” Jack fired back. “I haven’t been fine since Jamie called! I had to tell everyone! I had to call Alex, and Cole, and Luke, mom and dad, and you! I had to make sure Trevor didn’t go catatonic for the entire time Sissy is in the hospital! I had to make sure Luke didn’t fall apart at the seams when he passed by her and Trevor’s room! I’ve been taking care of everybody with no one to help me! I didn’t sleep last night because every time I closed my eyes, I saw her dying in my arms and you think I’m perfectly fine?!”
Jack’s knees started to give out, and if it wasn’t for Cole and Alex catching him and easing him into a chair, he would’ve collapsed on the floor.
“I know she’s your best friend, but she was mine first. I was the one there for her when you left. She kept telling you that she was fine. What she didn’t tell you was that she cried herself to sleep in my bed every night for weeks,” Jack said through tears. “She’s been in my life longer than anyone else’s here. So no, Quinn, I’m not fine. But she won’t be fine if she finds out that everyone important to her fell apart over her, so I’m doing what I can for her.”
“Let’s give the brothers a moment alone with her,” Jamie said. “We can all go to the house to… do things.”
Everyone remained silent as they left, leaving only the three Hughes boys alone. Quinn sighed and took a seat next to Jack.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
“Me, too,” Jack whispered.
“Did she really cry in your room for weeks?” Luke asked as he got up to sit in the third chair next to Jack. All Jack did was nod.
“She didn’t tell me,” Quinn said glumly. He felt like the worst brother in the world.
“She didn’t want to make you feel guilty,” Jack shrugged. “I’m just glad she moved with us when I went. I don’t even want to think about what could’ve happened to her.”
“She would’ve popped back up into our lives eventually,” Luke said.
“Yeah, but in what state?” Quinn asked.
“Hopefully better than this one,” Luke answered.
— — —
Tensions had died down once everyone came back and the brothers were handed food and politely demanded to eat by Ellen. Lunch was really dinner, because it was just after five.
Y/N remained the same. The nurses checked vitals, administered pain medication, and whatever else they did while they kicked everyone out the room to give them space to work. Everything they did, she still stayed unconscious, and left the group with the constant reassurance that the delayed emergence therapy was working and she should be waking up “within the next few days.”
After Jack and Quinn’s argument, Quinn made sure to make sure Jack wasn’t falling apart while trying to help everybody. He was prepared to fly to Jersey to be with him, so he felt that he should keep his word and be there for him now. If Jack noticed, he drew no attention to it.
The nursing staff kicked everyone out at eight when normal visitor hours ended as opposed to their late night stay the night before. No one wanted to go, but she was stable, so no one fought too hard. Everyone left to the parking lot, leaving only Trevor and Quinn in the room.
“You can stay-“ they both started speaking at the same time.
“She’s your best-“
“She’s your girlfriend,” Quinn cut Trevor off. “You’re her world. Trust me on that. Just call me first if anything happens, alright?”
“Alright,” Trevor smiled.
There wasn’t much for Trevor to do besides worry until he passed out at some ungodly hour, so he put on The Hunger Games to feel like Y/N was watching it with him. The doctors said that the closer she got to waking up, the more she could potentially be aware of external stimuli, and Trevor was too optimistic to not believe it. So, he put on her favorite movie series and hoped for the best.
Everything was fine the entire duration of the first movie. There was nothing but the sounds of the movie and Y/N’s steady heartbeat monitored on the machine.
Everything was fine.
Until it wasn’t.
Well passed one in the morning, the once steady beep was blaring at what felt like a mile a minute. Nurses and doctors came flooding in and immediately began shouting words that Trevor didn’t understand. What he did understand was that he was being ordered out, but that didn’t mean he was going to listen. Instead, he remained in the doorway, helplessly watching while the hospital staff tried to get Y/N back to her original state.
The excessive beeping stopped, and Trevor desperately wanted it to return because the sound that took its place made Trevor sick.
Y/N flatlined.
“No!” Trevor wailed and dropped to his knees.
A nurse immediately went towards him and started to push him out of the room in an attempt to calm him down as the doctor in the room pulled out the defibrillators.
“Sir, you’re having a panic attack,” the nurse told him calmly. “I need you to breathe.”
“My girlfriend just died!”
The nurse was right. Trevor was hyperventilating so much that he could no longer deny what was happening to him. His head felt heavy, his ears were ringing, and his chest felt like it was burning.
“I have to call Quinn!” he shouted out. He probably interrupted the nurse, but he was so out of it, he couldn’t tell. “I have to call Quinn, I have to! You have to let me call Quinn!”
“Okay, Trevor, is it?” She continued when he nodded. “We’ll call Quinn, but we need to focus on you right now before you get hurt.”
Trevor continued to fight with her and caused quite the scene in the hallway. The next thing he knew, he was being held down and given a shot. Then it went black.
— — —
Quinn threw up when he hung up the phone.
Sissy flatlined. She died. They barely got her stable in time. His world almost ended.
Alex was the one that found him and got him calmed down enough to talk to him, the only thing was that he didn’t. Quinn could already be a quiet guy, but he had gone silent. Alex couldn’t even get his attention.
“Quinn!” Alex shouted. He grabbed his face in hands and looked directly into his eyes. “Now is not the time to shut down! What happened?! What happened, Quinn?!”
All the commotion brought the attention of the others, but Jack and Luke were the only ones that stepped into the bathroom.
“Q?” Jack asked calmly. “Quinn, what’s wrong? What happened? Is Sissy okay?”
Quinn shook his head.
“Quinn, how much worse can she get from being in a coma?”
Nothing. Jack put his hands on his brother’s shoulders, “HOW MUCH WORSE CAN SHE GET FROM BEING IN A COMA?!”
Ellen pushed everyone out of the way, including her middle child, and stood close to Quinn.
“Give him room!” Ellen shouted, shooing Alex and Jack out of the small bathroom. “Let’s give him some time to breathe before we hound him!”
It took twenty three minutes for Quinn to get to a state of mind where he could actually speak coherent sentences he was in so much shock. Everyone had gone downstairs, Quinn included, and waited. Jack got him water and sat next to him while Ellen comforted him on his other side.
“Quinny, just answer me this— is Sissy okay?” Luke asked. “Just move your head. You don’t have to speak.”
Luke was shaking. Quinn took notice and his big brother mode kicked in.
“She’s stable,” he said.
Everyone let out a breath they didn’t know they were holding. The fear of the worst had captivated every single one of them. What else would send Quinn into silence?
“Then… what- what uh… what happened?” Jamie asked awkwardly, terrified for his answer.
“She died,” Quinn said in monotone. He was still in shock.
“No! No, no, no! Quinn, you just said she’s stable!” Jack shouted at him.
“She is. They barely got to her in time,” Quinn said, a little more lively this time. “She died. But she’s stable now.”
Quinn caught his little brother’s eyes— they were clouded by fear. No, fear wasn’t the right word for it. He looked terrified.
Quinn was so focused on Jack that he failed to notice Jamie. In fact, everyone was so focused on Quinn that they failed to notice Jamie. Jamie, who felt like the weight of the sun just landed on his chest. Jamie, who didn’t hear anything past “she died.” Jamie, who was against the wall with his knees pressed to his chest and couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t think. He hadn’t known Y/N for as long as the others, not even close, but he loves her. He loves her just as much as anybody else. She’s one of his best friends, and he doesn’t want to live in a world without her. He lives with her! In the very house they’re in right now. Where he just got the news. And suddenly, he’d rather be anywhere else. Jamie made a break for the door, but Jack caught him and turned him to face him.
“Jimmy! Hey, look at me,” Jack said urgently. His hands were on Jamie’s shoulders to keep him in place. “She’s alive. Sissy is alive. Y/N is alive.”
Jamie leaned backwards and slammed his head against the wall. He closed his eyes and wiped his hands down his face.
“Thank fuck,” he said through tears.
Jack put a comforting hand on his shoulder and pulled him in for a hug, “Yeah. Thank fuck.”
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evelili · 4 months
As an immigrant child, your new fic had resonated with me. It made me tear up eating dinner with my family.
When Saffron said, “This selfish desperation to know that I haven’t lost my connection to my home." It instantly took me back to being constantly teased by my friends for not being 'in tuned' with my culture like how they were, or how I desperately tried speaking in my native tongue with my parents, despite having a very clear american accent and them constantly assuring me that speaking in english is fine. My grandmother had passed earlier this year, she was the grandparent that I knew the least. I started asking about her from her sisters as my mother isn't in the state to answer anything, I've tried so hard to pick up the pieces of what her sisters have told me to construct an image of her personality. She used to constantly ask me to call her so when I read about Saffron talking about how video calls have were never the same and never enough, it hit me like a load of bricks.
Your fanfiction is so tremendously beautiful in describing the feelings I have felt all my life. How I know that where I am right now isnt home, but my actual home has been so unfamiliar after my grandmothers passing. I have constantly felt like I have disappointed her, so when Sunset confessed to the same thing, I couldn't hold my emotions in anymore. The ending with Saffron talking about how she would be waiting for Sunset to come home if she was her mother made hope that was true with me and my grandmother, if I were to ever reunite with her again when I pass away myself.
Thank you so much for writing this story. It was the most comfortable yet intense stories I have ever had the blessing to read. I am sorry for rambling and I hope this entire message makes some sort of sense? I hope whatever you're dealing with gets solved to the way you have hoped it would.
You have also made me see dal in a new light, it was never a food that I used to like, but I am willing to give it another shot lol
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i looked at this ask earlier and had to take some time to process how to respond to this. i think tho i still dont really know how to, so i hope thats ok!
first of all, thank you so much for being comfortable enough to tell me ur story. it really means a lot that you would open up to me, a stranger, and the fact that you did so bc something i made had an impact on u quite actually moved me to tears. im a bit of a soggy mess rn lol. thank you again, truly.
second, i want to express my empathy for you and your situation with your grandmother. my grandad passed away before i could graduate, and it was during the height of lockdowns, so i hadnt seen him in a while. i didnt go to visit him in the hospital, so theres always this feeling of "what if i had called more? what if i had tried harder to visit? what if i spent more time with him?" that doesnt really go away. and, as a kid of 2 immigrant families, i can also really empathize with feeling a disconnect from your culture--when ur not surrounded by ur parents culture but u also visibly dont look like ur "from" the one u were raised in, it can feel really alienating, even though you havent done anything except just. exist in this sort of inbetween?
all of this i guess is to say that, i put a lot of my own experiences into this fic. and it's almost relieving in a way to know that u saw what i put there, and that this experience is something that other people have felt as well. thank you so very much again for reading ;v;
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uroboros-if · 4 months
id like to ask about some general in lore things for uroboros, since im currently hyperfixating on it and i NEEED to perfect my oc for it. my main question is, like, theyre kind of outcasted and look down upon by most deities, right? do you think there would be any of that with their fathers? of course not as bad, but maybe just like. some internal conflict, or even the slightest bit of disappointment in their child? or are they fully supportive, if just a bit confused
AND ALSO, this one is purely for design purposes: how strict is the modesty of the gods? i know most of them wear robes, but do some gods dress like the greek gods (artistic nudity, lesser clothing, ect), for example? or would that be looked down upon?
I know bad hyperfixations get, so I have to answer this one!
I answered something similar previously but I am lazy to look back, but to reiterate and add on to it: they are completely supportive.
First, let's remember that the main reason other deities see MC as inferior is because they do not know what they are meant for. This is usually revealed during their emergence, but for them, it is not so clear. Not being able to wield immense power is only a symptom of their meaninglessness, not the source of resentment. If MC serves no purpose, they do not contribute meaningfully to the world—the sole reason for existence for deities.
Rafaele is concerned for MC. While he accepts that MC may never have their meaning reveal themselves, he believes there is a possibility they have not yet discovered it. He hopes that it will make itself known one day! However, he is content for them to simply exist. He does not actively seek to know it.
Nero, on the other hand, rejects this idea for meaning. No being, not even gods, need a reason for existence. The Chaotic Universe itself is proof of that. If you can remain with him and Rafaele to enjoy the world they have crafted together, he doesn't need more. Having you play a hand in it would simply be a bonus, which he feels you do already in tremendous ways that others cannot see.
So, too long didn't read, they have no internal conflict about it!
As for modesty, there is no real requirement. Some of the second-generation gods like to show more skin! It is only the first generation of gods who prefer to robe themselves conservatively. Nudity is not inherently taboo among deities.
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Ohh! I do allow anxious MCs to exist already, but for them to fear being an experiment would be very interesting! I will definitely have to consider it.
Salvatore's own thoughts on MC is... complicated.
Anyway, I hope this is all useful to you! Thanks for sending an ask, Anon!! <3
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sherrendipities · 2 months
lola's post fr has me thinking what kind of pet i ammmm 🥺 i always likened myself to a puppy bc when i get so excited n giddy (ie every time Daddy or Sir talk to me hehe) i Feel in my SOUL like a lil pup that's jumping on their owner in excitement. also tail wagging. if i had a tail she'd be wagging aggressively every time they so much as look at me !!
buuut. that said. hard agree with lola that i'd yellow at being told to bark. idk that's like. blegh :p doing it, i mean!!! i love seeing other adorable lil subs barking, but i think i'd just feel weird for me.
fetch is smthn i never even considered? i've always thought it'd be cute to be asked to fetch things for a Dom, just in the sense of being able to service them in day-to-day life. like if we're snuggling and you ask me to "be a good girl and fetch my phone/a glass of water/ etc," i'd jump up n be soooo eager to serve 💕 though if what ppl mean is the inherent act of playing fetch as erotic play then idk it'd feel silly and it'd take me out of the moment lol. i think it'd be super fun to watch another sub do it!!! ugh now i'm imagining laying my head on Daddy's lap, his hand gently petting my head, while he makes another of his subs play fetch hehe 🥰 one of our common friends is the world's cutest lil puppy (u kno who u are xoxo) and it'd be such an adorable look on her!!!
that said, i'm a giant cat person n i have some cat tendencies lol. genuinely the more im thinking of it the more im like ohhhh i rly am kitty. i could make a list fr. like hear me out:
nuzzlinggggg omg. yk how cats rub their cheeks on things incl their owners as a scent marking thing?? v me core. wanna feel his cock rubbing against my cheeks before i start licking n taking him into my mouth 🥰 but also i love love love hands cradling n caressing my face!!! i always thought of it as a hand fetish thing (it is lol) but it also lowkey feels like i'm a lil kitty getting her cheeks pet
i love making biscuits!! sort of lol. but fr one of my most frequently recurring fantasies is laying down with someone, our legs tangled together, my head in the crook of their neck, n my hand running up and down their chest 💕 n now that i think abt it, very kitty coded. we've all had a kitty snuggling us n started purring n making biscuits. bonus points that i dont scratch u while doing it (well, maybe a little if u want 😋)
i am a purring machine lol. am i vastly disappointed i can't make the exact sound of a purring cat? deeply. but when i'm rly relaxed n cozy n very horny, i have to actively hold myself back from mewling nonstop 🥺 just tiny lil whines every time i sigh out a breath. n i for one think i deserve sooo many pets n that i shouldn't have to suppress that urge ever !!!
i 1000% have the energy of a kitty that loves snuggling. like why would i sit anywhere except ur lap?? if ur sitting anywhere i'm right there fr.
last but not least is the obvious fact that i own multiple sets of kitty headbands lol. they're just so cute n i used to wear them out all the time !!! i have puffy curly hair n i always loved the look of two cute lil kitty ears poking out from the bushes hehe
bonus point: my aforementioned fav puppysub mutual n i are both Daddy's pets, n i think the image of Daddy owning a kitty n a puppy who like to play with each other is tremendously cute. i rest my case your honor.
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puckthedrama · 3 months
pt 2.
as well, he needs to rehab as hard as a recovering movie star and bulk up like a bear before hibernation in order to truly advance to his true potential and it will take tremendous mental and physical strength and dedication to do so. now, if i had a gf, a long distance one at that, does that not become a distraction? if sammy is as toxic as people say, is that not mentally draining? truthfully, if im jack hughes, ofc id want to have fun and enjoy myself and he should, but does having her around bring support or will she be an anchor to what, frankly, needs to be a career year for him. and before anyone cries jealousy, note that none of his exes once encountered an aota of the amount of bad things said about them, im not a disgruntled fan girl who thinks he’s gonna date me. ofc superstars do this all of the time and some ppl do take longer to develop, but most of the leagues best had all proven themselves more at the same age then jack (think mcdavid, crosby, ovi, pasta, mackinnon, matthews) it’s one thing if this was a one off disappointing year , but if i had only 1/5 seasons with over 65 games played and only one playoff win and 1 year ish of true superstar caliber play, the last thing i would need, whether i liked it or not, was a relationship where you both engage in some pretty toxic behaviour (ie. sammy’s personality and actions + jacks liking other girls pics) might prove to be costly, as it would to anyone. now u might say, but quinn had a gf last summer and he had a career year! well i’d point out that a.) olivia is a much better person than sammy b.) quinn has always been stronger/more durable and less injury prone (and more dependable) than jack and c.) he is 10x a more complete player (hello norris trophy, meet my 92 league leading for dmen points!! ) so a lot less pressure is on him as he has already proven he’s a superstar and an arguably top 2 defence men in the league. ryan whitney on spitting chiclets made a bet with pasha two years ago that jack hughes wouldn’t score 100 + points in three years, and he and everyone listening knew it was stupid. but it’s year 3 next year and i guess what im saying is, ofc jack could prove me wrong and drop 130 next year but until he can finally put on the weight and muscle this summer while being in what seems like a toxic relationship to overcome not playing scared and with the physical and mental fortitude required to be a superstar and make playoffs, then im sorry , he will never have the discipline nor self respect to become a true force in the league. but that’s just me 🤷🏽‍♀️
pt 2 to the most recent post!
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cryptidcanid19 · 2 months
okay so i had something. pretty awful happen today.
tw for thoughts of self harm and whatnot
my current job is making my mental health decline tremendously. every time i say that "xyz doesn't work for me for my own health" i get given exactly the opposite of what i asked for. early morning hours, several days of work in a row, being stuck in the deli despite it actually making me vomit at points, etc. i have actual proof why these things cant work for me. my coworkers and my boss have seen it firsthand as well.
i've expressed my concern to many people. my therapist, my psychiatrist, my parents, and so on. my parents will only let me quit after the 15th. everyone else agrees since it "isnt that long"
but, in reality, every day that passes by the more i feel like wanting to kill myself. the more i feel like hurting myself in a way that'll make people actually take me seriously. ive SAID ive been feeling suicidal again over this bullshit. my dad doesnt bat an eye and my mom thinks im over exaggerating.
today i had a hellish shift. i had a severe mental breakdown and genuinely contemplated taking out one of the kitchen knives and cutting myself. i didnt, but i did go directly to my boss and asked to go home for my own safety. and guess what she told me?
i got told no. i was told to stay and suck it up. and i did stay, plastered a fake smile on my face and pretended i was fine so she would lay off and stop telling me she didnt want to babysit me. im sick and tired of being a burden. im sick and tired of people not taking me seriously.
is hurting myself really what it takes for people to listen?? would me bleeding out on the floor make people actually figure out i'm not okay?
i want to quit. i don't want to go back tomorrow or ever again. but i also risk being the biggest disappointment in the family if i do. i don't know what to do. im stuck and im scared and i cant get a hold of my therapist since its sunday. im not asking for advice or pity or any of that. i just genuinely. dont know. i dont.
i just want to move out for college already. i want to be happy for once. i havent had thoughts this horrible in years. not since i was 10. it sucks and its scary.
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canyonroads · 8 months
100 Albums // 2024
One of my resolutions for 2024 was to sit down and listen to more full albums, uninterrupted from beginning to end, with limited song-skipping. Here is where I'm compiling those albums + my thoughts on them as I go.
If you see this (which you might because Im pinning it for ease of access), you should reply or send me a message with your favorite album. I just may give it a listen! Thanks!!
How I'm choosing the albums: many of these are "I randomly found one song off this album, I've been meaning to listen to more". But some are just iconic, genre-defining albums that I know I'm doing myself a disservice by not listening to yet. But most are also blind suggestions! From friends and coworkers.
How I'm rating them: this is PERSONAL TASTE ONLYYYYYY. Some albums I acknowledge will be impossible to rate this way, but for the most part I am JUST rating based on MY taste. I'm trying to be open minded to any and all genre's but I'm aware my tastes lean indie.
1. Self-Titled - Bon Iver (2011)
Rating: 4/10
Fav Songs: Holocene, Towers, Wash
Notes: I REALLY wanted this whole album to be like "Holocene" but overall it's pretty... Meh, save a few songs. The bits I enjoyed were experimental aspects that remind me of "33 God". I will listen to that album too at some point. I haven't given up on Bon Iver, anyway.
2. Get to Heaven (Deluxe vers) - Everything Everything (2015)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: The Wheel (is turning now), Only As Good as my God, Blast Doors
Notes: I absolutely LOVED this album. I've been obsessed with OAGAMG for years, and most of the album is just as good if not better. Love the post-modern, religious imagery and overall messaging. Not every song totally landed, though, which is why it's only an 8/10.
3. Nearer My God - Foxing (2018)
Rating: 6/10
Fav Songs: Nearer My God, Five Cups, Lambert
Notes: I listened to this album on a rainy Sunday morning while finishing a book, and I'd say that's the perfect way to listen to it. Solid mellow vibes and sweeping, yet gentle, instrumentals- but nothing that really knocked my socks off.
4. The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess - Chappell Roan (2023)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Pink Pony Club, HOT TO GO!, Red Wine Supernova
Notes: Almost a perfect album, to me. High points are danceable, low songs still catchy as fuck. One part Madonna, part Lemon Demon?? Its just great. However, I think the opening song 'FEMININOMENON' is awful. I couldn't even finish it. Only thing keeping this album from a 10/10.
5. Born in the U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen (1984)
Rating: I can't rate this are you crazy?/10
Fav Songs: Downbound Train, No Surrender, Dancing in the Dark
Notes: I won't even try to rate this album because it's so classic and contextual. I really loved it, though- especially with an eye on the way Springsteen satirizes, critiques, yet appreciates masculinity and methods of American patriotism.
6. Fine Line - Harry Styles (2019)
Rating: 5/10
Fav Songs: Cherry, Fine Line, Adore You
Notes: Another tame background listen. A few bangers but the rest is very meh. Also included my second song skip on this entire list, which is never great. I will probably not listen to any more Harry.
7. Mystére - La Femme (2016)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Ou ve la Monde, Sphynx, Mycose
Notes: First foreign language AND rec album for an artist that I'd never listened to. Really cool stuff here, very experimental- some of it is more straightforward electronica, some of it almost 60s sounding Halloween beats, some psychedelic rock- but I really enjoyed it!
8. Put Yourself Back Together - Real Friends (2013)
Rating: 3/10
Fav Songs: Skin Deep, I've Given Up On You
Notes: Chose a short one to end January on 8, but I found this album tremendously disappointing. All in a row like this, the whininess of Real Friends REALLY starts to grate after about 3 songs. Its way beyond your usual pop punk whininess, too. By the albums end I was so grateful it was over.
9. Self-Titled - Vagabon (2019)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Flood, Full Moon in Gemini, Water Me Down
Notes: This album is very good, but the best songs are unfortunately the ones I'd already stumbled on. That isn't to say there wasn't some treasures to be found- and on continued listens, I think "In A Bind" could grow higher in my tastes. Overall, pretty damn good!
10. The Slow Rush - Tame Impala (2020)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Borderline, Breathe Deeper, On Track
Notes: GREAT album. Even the songs that don't stand out are so fucking funky, it's impossible to not groove. I listened to this while cleaning the kitchen at work and I was half-dancing through most of it. I'll listen to Currents at some point, too.
11. Pin-Up Daddy - Rett Madison (2021)
Rating: 10/10
Fav Songs: Pin-Up Daddy, God is a Woman, Fleas
Notes: Finally... a 10/10 album! Pin-Up Daddy is a song that impacted me very deeply upon first listen, and the rest of this is just as gutting. First album (of this list) to bring me to tears. Definitely not a listen-in-the-background album, Rett demands involvement in the stories.
12. You Are All I See - Active Child (2011)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Hanging On, High Priestess, You Are All I See
Notes: This album is really good- mixing R&B with 80s synth, and add this mans beautiful, Bon Iver-esque falsetto, its a dream. However, the worst bits of this album are definitely where he's trying to... *Sound* more black than he is (lol there's really no nice way to say it).
Also! This album led me to Ellie Goulding's cover of "Hanging On", and this next album...
13. Halcyon - Ellie Goulding (2012)
Rating: 1/10
Fav Songs: Hanging On
Notes: think I've avoided this album subconsciously. "Lights" is a 10/10 album for me, but this albums single "Anything Can Happen" is probably one of my most hated songs of the 2010s. Its awful. And I'm sorry to report that the rest of this album is just as bad- giving "overproduced" a new standard, losing every appealing and unique thing about "Lights". The dubstep beat running through the background of every song is SO grating and was actually starting to piss me off. The gem keeping this album from a total 0 is her cover of "Hanging On", which is very different from the original but feels like the only song that she put even an OUNCE of effort into.
14. Miss Universe - Nilüfer Yanya (2019)
Rating: 7.5/10
Fav Songs: Heavyweight Champion of the Year, Baby Blu, Safety Net
Notes: Great album that I listened to while deep-cleaning at work. Its high energy makes it good for cleaning, and I really enjoyed the pacing/content of the album breaks. Really atmospheric. Her voice is so unique and her range is just INSANE too.
15. Self-Titled - Elliott Smith (1995)
Rating: 6/10
Fav Songs: Good to Go, Needle in the Hay, The Biggest Lie
Notes: I've been meaning to get to some Elliott Smith forever- he is, after all, SO influential. I was vibing to his stuff- but nothing on this album really stood out much to me. That said- it's amazing how you can feel his influence on many other artists- Phoebe Bridgers, Frank Ocean, Bright Eyes... I especially felt that he was similar in tone to Sufjan Stevens, whom I just adore. Another great rec!
16. Self-Titled - Tracy Chapman (1988)
Rating: 💧/10
Fav Songs: Fast Car, Mountain O' Things, Talkin' Bout a Revolution
Notes: I don't know why I wasn't expecting this album to be SO political when, in my opinion, Fast Car is very political. But Tracy has a lot to say about being black, poor, a woman- not even to mention being gay. This album was trangressive and inspiring when it dropped, and it remains totally excellent.
17. Fantastic Planet - Failure (1996)
Rating: 5/10
Fav Songs: Dirty Blue Balloons, Saturday Savior
Notes: Another blind suggestion for a band I've never even heard of! Overall, very cool and super different from my usual stuff. Not totally MY vibe, but this album has a lot to offer musically. I even watched a biography video about Failure afterwards because I was so interested in their process.
This album also REALLY made me want to listen to a full Tool album, so...
18. Lateralus- TOOL (2001)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Schism, The Grudge, Reflection
Notes: This album rules. I got stoned as hell and listened to it while doing a mindless task and it feels like I really, truly heard all of the instrumental and vocal depth of Tool for the first time. Not every song captured me, but considering Tool is known for LONG songs, I'm surprised it's as engaging as it is.
19. Crimes of Passion - Pat Benetar (1980)
Rating: 5/10
Fav Songs: Wuthering Heights, Hit Me With Your Best Shot, I'm Gonna Follow You
Notes: This album is certified mid. Her cover of Wuthering Heights is inspired, and obviously Hit Me is iconic, but this album offers little else besides a few decent guitar riffs. Any given song had clunky lyrics, and this is just not as refined as I know Pat Benetar to be.
20. Caught in Still Life - VAULTS (2016)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: One Last Night, Cry No More, Hurricane
Notes: Vaults basically encapsulates all my favorite musical things; electronic percussion mixed with pure instrumentals like strings, piano, harps, or chimes- plus clear, lovely vocals... It's just excellent.
21. Currents - Tame Impala (2015)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Eventually, Disciples, The Less I Know the Better
Notes: Told you I'd listen to Currents too! I liked this album a tiny bit more than The Slow Rush, I just feel like it was better put together and the flow between songs is perfect. But they are both SO good.
22. Modus Vivendi - 070 Shake (2020)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Morrow, Rocketship, The Pines
Notes: I think this is my first hiphop album of this project, which is insane. This is a good example of how the flow between songs can really make or break an album. I didn't love too many specific, individual songs- but I loved the structure as a whole which can carry a lot. I also just really enjoy 070 Shake. Her flow scratches an itch.
23. Proof of Life - Joy Oladokun (2023)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Changes, Somehow, Friends
Notes: Another album from someone I'd never heard of, and it's great! Joy was recommended to me as someone who likes Taylor Swifts 'Folklore' album. I would not say it's much like Folklore, but it was still wonderful. She has a voice like velvet and this folky, optimistic way with words. 'Changes' could have been my pandemic anthem.
24. 3.15.20 - Childish Gambino (2020)
Rating: 2/10
Fav Songs: 42.26, 35.31
Notes: (I listened to this literally days before he removed it from Spotify!) My partner reminded me of this album. Starting, I wondered to myself; "this album has been out for 4 years. Why haven't I heard any songs from it??" And the answer is; because they're bad. Like, really bad and not even in a fun way. Songs listed are listenable but I don't see myself revisiting them.
25. Strange Trails - Lord Huron (2015)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Meet Me In The Woods, The Night We Met, Fool for Love
Notes: After the last one, I wanted an album I knew would be decent so I went with Strange Trails as I'm familiar with a handful of songs. It's great! I just love the way he tells stories here. Reminiscent of old country. Redacted points for putting both 'Love Like Ghosts' and 'Meet Me In The Woods' on there. In theory, the idea of the same instrumentals with different lyrics is interesting- but in practice feels like LLG is the rough, first draft and shouldn't have been included.
26. Unreal Unearth: Unheard - Hozier (2024)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Empire Now, Too Sweet, Wildflower and Barley
Notes: Feels a bit cheat-y since I've heard almost every song off this 'album' except these new 4 added by the EP, but... I love Hozier and I wanted it to count because I listened to the whole thing like 3 times in a row. Lol.
27. Saved - Now, Now (2018)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: SGL, Powder, Drive
Notes: This album is one that inspired this project, so I'm not sure why it took me so long to get to it. Now, Now has a truly unique sound that I struggle to classify, and I simply love it. Catchy, yet complex and dreamy. Not every song landed but I'll be coming back to this one for sure.
28. Sahar - Tamino (2022)
Rating: 7/10
Fav songs: The First Disciple, The Longing, Fascination
Notes: Overall, I think I like his album Amir a bit more but this ones still great, especially to throw on in the background while you're doing stuff. His music is so layered and rich, truly unique sounding. That said, I REALLY don't like "Sunflower". I've heard it a few times now and I like it less every time.
29. Spirituals - Santigold (2022)
Rating: 6/10
Fav Songs: No Paradise, Fall First, Ain't Ready
Notes: This one was a coworker recommendation. Its just okay! I appreciate how unique and difficult to genre-fy Santigold is, but I prefer some of her older stuff. This album still has some great flow and a few total gems, though.
30. Beauty Pageant - The Bobby Lees (2018)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Radiator, Mad Moth, Bobby Lee
Notes: Another coworker rec and I LOVED this album. The old-punk feel is so visceral, you could close your eyes and be in an 80s basement show. I couldn't BELIEVE how new this is. Not a casual listen for sure, but worth a quick dive if you feel like going hard.
31. Чёрный альбом - Kino (1990)
Rating: 🎸/10
Fav Songs: N/A
Notes: This was a bestie-rec but I've listened to enough Kino in the past to know it probably wasn't gonna be my vibe! And sure enough, it wasn't. I enjoyed it ok, but most of the songs just blended together for me. I spent a good chunk of time reading about Kino afterwards, though. Cool band.
32. Older - Lizzy McAlpine (2024)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Drunk Running, Staying, Broken Glass
Notes: Lizzy's album before this, "ten seconds flat" is a 10/10 album that CONSUMED my entire Spotify wrapped last year. I was cautious about this album and I'm glad for it, because it's VERY different. I still enjoyed it a lot, but to compare the two would be weird. This is a melancholy album with very few highs, a jazz-feel throughout, and features Lizzy's voice on full display. A few songs bored me to death, musically, but a lot of it also brought me to tears!
33. Apocalypse Whenever (Deluxe vers) - Bad Suns - 2022
Rating: 3/10
Fav Songs: Maybe You Saved Me, When the World was Mine
Notes: This was my first truly disappointing listen. I love Bad Suns and "Disappear Here" is an album I just BLEED for. This one falls flat in comparison, and the culprit is obvious. I'm not sure if the singer is trying to sing in a more healthy way or something, but his voice just totally lacks that indescribable *thing* he does. The special sauce, if you will. As a result every song sounds really low-energy?
34. Fade to Bluegrass (a tribute to Metallica) - Iron Horse (2003)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Nothing Else Matters, Unforgiven, Wherever I May Roam
Notes: Another coworker rec, and the concept really intrigued me. I don't even like Metallica but I'm familiar enough with them to admit these songs went hard. A few I even feel lend themselves better to the Bluegrass genre?? A really interesting listen!
35. The Tortured Poets Department (ANTHOLOGY) - Taylor Swift (2024)
Rating: 4/10
Fav Songs: I Look in People's Windows, Down Bad, The Black Dog
Notes: Certifiably mid. Does not justify being 31 effing songs long. Most of it sounds indistinguishable from one another and I feel like she has stopped refining her first drafts. Every song is so densely packed with lyrics, I wish she would just write a poetry book or something. And this low energy 'talk-singing' thing she does now sounds awful and bores you to tears by the end.
36. The Secret to Life - FIZZ (2023)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: The Secret to Life, Close One, Hell of a Ride
Notes: My partner brought this supergroup to my attention because I listen to 3/4 of the members solo stuff. It's a great collab album and I LOVE the flow from song to song. Its also just a super fun listen.
37. Cure for Pain - MORPHINE (1993)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: All Wrong, In Spite of Me, Thursday
Notes: Forget bands I've never listened to, this one comes from a GENRE I've never touched; jazz fusion. My extreme enjoyment really caught me off guard, but the sax is one of my favorite instruments and it shines in all forms through Morphine. The real gem, though, is the singers voice, which delivers a rich rock and roll sound.
38. Here in Your Bedroom (2020) and Medusa (2018) - Kailee Morgue
Rating(s): 8/10 & 4/10
Fav Songs: Still, Dying to Live, Knew You
Notes: These are both small EPs, so I listened to them together expecting to mostly feel the same about them. I do NOT, so rating them together feels unfair now. My bad. The earlier stuff is very early. It's not unlistenable, but it's nothing exceptional. 4/10. However, the latter is AMAZING. I adore 'Still' and I think it's one of the best songs I've heard in recent memory. 8/10.
39. Floetic - Floetry (2002)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Say Yes, Headache, Sunshine
Notes: Holy fuck I loved this album. Another blind rec from a coworker that comes in the midst of some modern rap controversy. This album beautifully blurs the lines between hiphop, rap, jazz, and R&B, and it is SO horny. The sexual tension ripping out of this album is unbelievable and excellent. A few songs kind of bored me, but not usually for long before I was whisked away to enjoyment again.
40. 12 Golden Country Greats - Ween (1996)
Rating: 3/10
Fav Songs: I'm Holding You, You Were the Fool
Notes: Another coworker rec from a guy who was VERY upset I'd never given Ween a chance. This one is tough because I can see the clear and present artistry, but Ween is just... Not for me. I listened to some of their other stuff with similar disinterest, so it isn't just the stab at country, either. However, it's still a fun album.
41. けものたちの名前 - ROTH BART BARON (2019)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Skiffle Song, 春の嵐, iki
Notes: Felt like I was due another foreign language album, so I gave ROTH BART BARON a listen. Japanese folk is always awesome. I love the almost jazz-fusion aspects of this album and it has great flow. His voice is gorgeous, and the trumpet and violin are working overtime here.
42. Sound & Color - Alabama Shakes (2015)
Rating: 4/10
Fav Songs: Gemini, Gimme All Your Love
Notes: This started off badly because I asked my followers for R&B recs, and this is decidedly a funk/soul album. Not what I was looking for, and not my vibe. The singer is AMAZING but I feel like the rest wasn't quite as good as her, and a lot of it songs sounded very similar. Objectively, I'm sure anyone who likes funk would get more out of it.
43. Indian Yard - Ya Tseen (2021)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Close the Distance, A Feeling Undefined, Light the Torch
Notes: Cool album and another blind rec. Very varied and experimental, which is what you'd expect from an artist of physical design dipping into music for the first time. I LOVED the hiphop elements, and the features were great. A few songs were kinda droning and didn't totally land. But an incredible first effort.
44. Hit Me Hard and Soft - Billie Eilish (2024)
Rating: 7/10
Notes: I probably would not have listened to this so soon after it was released if not for some friendly pestering. It's good! It's about what I expect from Billie. The slow songs are beautiful, she always captures this hollow feeling that is very special, and the fast songs are... Weird! I see the artistry, but I kinda wish there was something more surprising from Billie on this album.
45. Young, Loud, and Snotty - Dead Boys (1977)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Sonic Reducer, Down in Flames, High Tension Wire
Notes: GREAT rec from a coworker that I'm surprised I wasn't already aware of. I love classic punk, and the Dead Boys are CLASSICCCC punk. Still, they manage to capture something totally unique, too- especially in songs like High Tension Wire.
46. You're a Man Now, Boy - Raleigh Ritchie (2016)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Werld is Mine, Bloodsport '15, Keep It Simple
Notes: This was a spontaneous choice upon learning that Jacob Anderson has a music career. But boy, I don't regret it. Jacob's unique mix of trip-hop, soul, and rap create a truly incredible album. His flow is AMAZING, and his accent is so charming. Can't wait to listen to his other stuff AND he has a third dropping later this year.
47. Bigger, Better Faster, More! - 4 Non-Blondes (1992)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: Morphine & Chocolate, Superfly, Pleasantly Blue
Notes: I'd never listened to 4 Non-Blondes beyond Whats Up, and obviously that was a huge mistake. I didn't realize how capable Linda Perry was at sounding exactly like Robert Plant. But their rock sound is also so wholey unique, it's not totally fair to compare them to Led Zeppelin... I wish there was more!
48. Self-Titled - The Philharmonik (2018)
Rating: 6/10
Fav Songs: Underdog, Neon Lights, Good Day
Notes: Similar notes to the Ya Tseen album, though I liked it a bit less. Good stuff, can get experimental but you really feel the album flow.
49. Disco - Kylie Minogue (2020)
Rating: 10/10
Fav Songs: Magic, Real Groove, Supernova
Notes: Was starting to wonder if I'd ever get another 10/10! I was in a random Disco mood and stumbled on "Magic", which I immediately fell in love with. Listened to this whole album and it's just magical. I've never given Kylie much thought at all, but now I think she might be genius.
50. American Hero - Towa Bird (2024)
Rating: 7.5/10
Fav Songs: This Isn't Me, Boomerang, Sorry Sorry
Notes: The first of some summer releases I've been looking forward to. AMAZING first album from Towa. Her voice is so unique, but it's obvious that she's a guitar player first and foremost. The album is almost centered around the guitar, and it's pure artistry. Can't wait for more from her.
51. iTopia - The Get Right Band (2023)
Rating: 8/10
Fav Songs: The Outrage Machine, Generation Happy or Dead, Miracle/Mess
Notes: Very topical to the 'now'. Almost too topical, because I think it works best as a single, long listen. But oh, who cares. It's a great album and you can tell the artists put a lot of thought into it. Thanks to whichever follower recommended it!
52. Nebraska - Bruce Springsteen (1982)
Rating: Once again, how do I even rate him?/10
Fav Songs: My Fathers House, Nebraska, Open All Night
Notes: Another Springsteen listen. I think I liked the overall cohesiveness of "Born in the USA" more, but "My Fathers House" quickly became a favorite Springsteen song. It's so gutting. I don't even know how to write about it. This album is very emotional.
53. The New South - Hank William Jr. (1977)
Rating: Yee Haw/10
Fav Songs: You're Gonna Change, Tennessee, Feelin' Better
Notes: Another coworker rec that I was hesitant about because HWJ is such a colossal asshole. But I'm trying not to let the rep of the artist influence my work, here. Very cool album- reminiscent of Waylon Jennings and Hank's voice is just amazing.
54. Big Ideas - Remi Wolf (2024)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Toro, Wave, Cinderella
Notes: Another highly anticipated summer release, and it doesn't disappoint. Remi is a rising star and I just love her way with words.
55. RMCM - Richy Mitch & the Coal Miners (2017)
Rating: 4/10
Fav Songs: Evergreen, Lucerne
Notes: This was a coworker rec but I was already pretty familiar with Evergreen. I wanted this album to be better but it's not offensive, either. Good for a summer morning listen but there's not anything that impressive or unique about it.
56. Stick Season - Noah Kahan (2023)
Rating: 10/10
Fav Songs: Dial Drunk, Call Your Mom, Paul Revere
Notes: I've been hearing about Noah for years, but I just never got around to him. Now I'm kicking myself for it because this album is AMAZING.
57. Blame My Ex - The Beaches (2023)
Rating: 9/10
Fav Songs: Me & Me, Edge of the Earth, Blame Brett
Notes: These girls are unrealized genius. The satire of songstress womanhood that flows through this album is incredibly smart, only overshadowed by how genuinely catchy everything is. The speed up at the beginning of Me & Me is so god damn fun.
58. DEAD ENDS AND DIVERSIONS - Raleigh Ritchie (2024)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Security, Hyperventilating, iLie
Notes: Another anticipated summer album, and the first slight disappointment. This album is still great, but it's a bit of a let down from "You're a Man Now, Boy". It also feels quite short because a lot of it is live performances of older songs. But overall, Jacob never truly misses.
59. Halo - Bakar (2023)
Rating: 7/10
Fav Songs: Facts_Situations, All Night, Hell 'n Back
60. Marigold - Pinegrove (2020)
Fav Songs: Dotted Line, No Drugs, Endless
61. Bismillah - Peter Cat Recording Co. (2019)
Fav Songs: Floated By, Remain in Me
62. Paradise State of Mind - Foster the People (2024)
Fav Songs: Lost in Space, See You in the Afterlife, Take Me Back
63. Discovery - Electric Light Orchestra (1979)
Fav Songs: Last Train to London, Don't Bring Me Down, The Diary of Horace Wimp
64. I Saw the TV Glow OST - Multiple Artists (2024)
Fav Songs: Starburned & Unkissed, Claw Machine, Psychic Wound
65. Tourist History - Two Door Cinema Club (2010)
66. This Empty Northern Hemisphere - Gregory Alan Isakov (2009)
67. Preachers Daughter - Ethel Cain (2022)
68. The Money Store - Death Grips (2012)
69. Prelude to Ecstasy - The Last Dinner Party (2024)
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ardentpoop · 13 days
thanks for answering. Yeah im aware that they were talking about two different things in The Purge episode and Dean hearing something different than what Sam meant. I thought you disliked the characterisation of Sam, that's why i asked. The part of Dean going "thought you were ok with me (dying)" and Sam going "i lied" as if that was what he meant in The Purge– that i understand why youd hate that. I do too, though i also get why Sam wouldnt argue with it in that moment. And its also kinda.. So Dean to use (even unconsciously) the fact that hes hurt and Sam panicking to make Sam agree with Deans meaning/make him twist his own words/basically redeem Dean of his mistakes. But yeah, the most infuriating part is how the show kinda glosses over these moments and makes it hard to like, think about it and understand, for a casual viewing, so the fandoms misunderstanding about those parts makes sense and is definitely a writing issue. At the end of the day, on one hand it makes sense to me that Sam internalizes Deans guilttripping, and struggling with his own beliefs, considering he already internalizes Deans thoughtless comments + his already existing issues with guilt, but on the other hand, youre right, the writing doesn't explore it/dissect it enough and frames it very badly sometimes. Not always, but often enough to cause inconsistency and misunderstandings. Anyway, like i said, i thought you just disagreed with Sams choices in s9, and i usually agree with your opinions which is why i asked and added this much context (and did it again rn because i also dont wanna be misunderstood). So thank you for clearing it up and sorry for rambling on again
no worries! I’m often defensive around here for obvious reasons lol so I feel like sometimes I’m overcorrecting with people who do understand sam - clearly the case in this instance :)
also for the record I don’t dislike a single bit of sam’s characterization throughout the entirety of the 15 seasons; it is literally all fascinating and sympathetic to me and I’m in love with him the whole way through. any criticisms I make abt his arcs are guaranteed to be specific to how his actions are framed by the writers and abt the miles and miles of missed potential in terms of his trauma and his feelings abt dean, etc, especially compared to dean’s treatment by the same writers.
and btw it wasn’t even just this moment in “do you believe in miracles?” though that pisses me off tremendously on its own. there’s also at least one other moment in s10 - I think in “the werther project” dean goes “I thought you didn’t care about me” or something along those lines and sam goes “come on, I told you I didn’t mean that.” like they very much did double and triple down on this poor writing choice post-s9. it is an insultingly shallow summation of the gadreel issue, which I consider to be one of the worst (complimentary) samndean conflicts in the entire series, absolutely laden with narrative potential, which makes its limp conclusion extra disappointing to me.
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
about the latest DR episode, kang doesn't go scare sailom with a gun because he wants sailom to tutor him. he just wants to get back at him for punching him and not letting him cheat off of sailom. as for the gun thing- you just gotta realize that kang is a little bit deranged or at least that's why it makes sense to me but i understand if you don't buy that.
ok i wrote a whole paragraph here but accidentally deleted it (😭) so im just gonna say: when there's no one else around and you're scared for your life because the very bad people who threaten your life monthly have just beaten you and almost burned your arm to a crisp, you're gonna cling to whatever lifeline is there. even if that's the guy who's been harrasing you tremendously. also yes kang is a threat but sailom isn't very threatened by him. he doesn't fear or even respect kang enough for that. kang as a threat is more elementary than the horrors sailom faces outside of school which is why he's not hesitant to hug him (kang > the guys who beat him up) if that makes sense?
but also take my thoughts/opinions with a grain of salt cuz im someone who really enjoyed never let me go LOL. i dont think i explained myself well but i was just intrigued by your post!
THANKS, ANONYMOUS! Yes, I should keep repeating that I haven't seen Never Let Me Go, and the folks I interact with the most 'round these parts were a touch disappointed by that series, so I am absorbing some of the opinions.
Kang, deranged a little -- yes, I buy it! My dear friend @wen-kexing-apologist just penned a response to my post explaining where Kang might be coming from by way of the, say, "lessened" expectations that his dad has for him. I want to know more of where that comes from. But, give me an Asian kid whose parents don't believe in him, and you've got an intrigued drama watcher in me. I'll keep a closer eye on this.
And: ooooh. I really like your point, and will chew on this, about Sailom not actually feeling threatened by Kang, since he knows he can outsmart Kang. I really like that analysis. Maybe Sailom is seeing layers within Kang that Kang himself can't see through his lens of... low self-esteem, maybe?
I pooh-poohed the gun because it seemed like an extreme way to bully someone (for high schoolers), but this IS a GMMTV drama, so -- with you, I take that grain of salt. This was a great conversation, I think you explained yourself beautifully!
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battampria · 7 months
when my mom says "hey ______ what do you wanna be when you grow up?" and all of a sudden my stomach is turning, my heart drops, my chest tightens, and I wanna jump out of the car and get ran over because if I say what I wanna be she'll be disappointed, confused, and start an hour lecture on why would I wanna be something so "embarrassing" and "useless" to society and now im extremely scared to say what I really wanna be due to the fact that I'll be judged tremendously and probably laughed at.
anyway, fashion designing looks cool :3
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im tremendously disappointed to learn that i can get a pack of vintage japanese/greater east asian co prosperity sphere cigarettes from WW2 for around $40 but there’s a Very Not Zero chance they’ll be infected with tuberculosis
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pixiecaps · 1 year
man im so conflicted. i feel like the only person that could actually talk with eq without being suspicious was qroier. he genuinely saw eq as a friend. if anybody could learn anything from eq it would be him. i know qroier isn’t the type of go and spy on eq he stated this to qcellbit and richas but he never took the opportunity to actually ask eq questions about the federation. i have a feeling qroier could’ve gotten some valuable piece of information. so its just disappointing because now with that explosion death and qroier being caught in the crossfire i doubt any trust or bond eq had with qroier remains. the chances of learning anything from eq have declined tremendously. its a shame
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sematarygirls · 1 year
im crying where’s living dead girl!?
jkjk I don’t blame you but seriously it’s been months!
-🦾 anon x
in all honesty, the amount of times i have tried to sit down and write it is embarassing. i have a couple hundred words down, but i just can't seem to get anything more out. i don't know where to go with it, and trust me, i understand everyone's frustration but i truly just don't know what to do next.
plus, i am very deep into the outer banks fandom rn (mainly rafe... clearly i have a type) and so writing things for other fandoms is pretty much out of the question since i have no passion for it.
i deeply apologize to everyone who has been waiting for an update. i promise i've been trying, but it just doesn't seem likely that it will happen anytime soon.
i'm using this ask to reply to any of the living dead girl related asks in my inbox, so if you submitted one, i probably won't reply because i don't want to sound like a broken record.
if you want to unfollow because i'm not writing for patrick at the moment, i completely understand, and just a reminder my asks are open for other things (again, i am heavily into outer banks rn so those requests would make my day. the only person i wont write for romantically is jj, but i will do platonic jj)
i love you guys sm, and again, i'm tremendously sorry for disappointing you guys.
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joshriku · 2 years
fucking so glad someone else is insane and crazy about this shit with david. would you die for your fathers people. they were disappointments too. i wish dad was here to see this. anyone else fucking insane here today anyone else nuts. anyone else crazy. anyone else exploding
I FEEL ALL SORTS OF HORRIBLE RIGHT NOW THE "I WISH DAD WAS HERE TO SEE THIS" FUCKED ME UP TREMENDOUSLY IN WAYS I CANNOT EXPLAIN and also the way. this whole fucking thing. david stresses Again that he doesn't want to turn out like charles and that he wants to do better than him and that the altar is meant to HEAL and how his whole thing since he started out in krakoa is just him trying to do good. him trying to Heal. not just himself but try to connect with people and giving Them a space where they can heal when he knows it's impossible to find one. when he KNOWS his dad "skips the corners and cuts right to the trauma" LIKE.. HE HAS HIS PEOPLE. AND HE HAS FRIENDS. AND HE HAD SOMEONE WHO REALLY BELIEVED HE COULD DO IT. WHO DIDNT LIKE... THINK!!! HE WAS UNSTABLE AND TOO BAD AND AT A RISK TO ENDANGER EVERYONE BUT THE ABSOLUTE CONTRARY OF THAT!!!! oh my god. Oh my god. im literally never going to be okay ever again after this issue
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