ice-devourer · 1 year
i'm in a block chairmen meeting (we gonna talk about an accounting quizbee/contest/competition in our uni) AND THIS IS THE THEME IM SCREAMING
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thatfaerieprincess · 2 months
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Step 2 figure out how the Emissary actually looks
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hal-o-ween · 1 month
Had a squirrel on my balcony 🔥🔥🔥
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pinky-in-blankets · 7 months
Hello and please can you make my and your oc interact with each other
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Well I was gonna but now I don't wanna.
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aidenwaites · 5 months
Library training in comparison to every other customer service training I've ever had is so insane
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ourlittlebear · 1 year
Excited little idea that I could have my tiny yellow house, with my tiny lil yard
I could have my own kitchen (I could use all those brightly coloured tiles)
Even have some sunflowers planted out the front >:3
Little yellow house!! Little yellow house!!! Little yellow house!!!!
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greatgoogly-moogly · 2 years
i need to have a rant on ai (art and other uses of it bc it doesnt just affect artist but now writers, translators and pretty much anyone with acces to the internet)
im honestly terrified, as someone who has been drawing and doing commisions, and who in about 6 months is gonna start animation in college, i dont know what im supposed to expect from my future?? i mean, i love technology, i think it has so many amazing uses and can improve peoples lives so much but unfortunately we live in a fucking society where powerful ppl will do anything to stay in power, and people want instant gratification, the fastest and cheapest u can do it the better, i've invested time, money and passion into getting better at art, and i want to be able to make a living out of it, and not even a good life bc we all know how underpayed every artist ALREADY is and how little ppl care about it, i just wanna do what i love and not die yk? and now everytime i draw i cant stop thinking if theres even a point? bc theres an ai out there who could do it better, faster and for way less money.
i've already had struggles with posting my art online bc every social media is obsessed with numbers and algorihms to the point i felt i had to put out a masterpiece everyday to barely keep up, just so people can look at it for 3 secs, maybe like it, comment and share if im lucky and they like me enough, so then i can get a 2 minutes dose of serotonin and go on to make another souless drawing for whatever is popular right now.
i want to have a career in animation, specifically concept art and character design, but i also want to fucking leave the internet and not know anything about the world's state ever again bc its absolutely demoralizing seeing how little ppl care about art.
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alittleemo · 3 months
it’s mid june you know what that means !!! two week long intense minecraft phase time
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almondarcade · 9 months
i really just show up once every month to use this shit as a diary because i cant on twitter where people will see lmAO
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sturniluvr · 4 months
Love in the sun
Lando Norris x fem!reader
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word count: 2.8k
warnings: none other than a few mentions of children (if you don’t like kids😭) possible spelling mistakes(?)
summary: Lando and Y/N go on holiday together during the summer break and come home engaged.
A/N: Keep in mind throughout that I have no idea how the luxury life works im broke asf so it may be inaccurate😭and sorry for quite a few time skips I had a bit of writers block😭
❗️semi proof read❗️
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Y/N and Lando were currently halfway through their flight en route to Mykonos for a week while Lando had the summer break. The couple had a few things pre planned for the week in Greece such as a party boat they had booked prior to the holiday and Y/N was hoping for no more injuries on Lando's end after the incident in Amsterdam and going to a few tourist attractions, but they mostly just wanted to spend time with each other, they didn’t care what they were doing as long as they were together, and of course they were staying with Hilton as the couple always had the best experiences with Hilton hotels and being a sponsor of McLaren, it was only right they chose Hilton. 
Lando was scrolling on his phone and he felt a weight on his shoulder, he looked to his side and saw his girlfriend asleep on his shoulder. The love of his life, his best friend, his girl and hopefully, soon, his wife. She had been by his side since before he made it into f1, he remembers vividly how excited she was when he told her he was offered a seat with McLaren, she seemed more excited than he was, and she hadn’t left his side since. He smiled at the memory. He had a whole plan set in place to propose to Y/N, he couldn’t wait to propose to her, he had brought the ring around 2 years into the relationship when he was out with Max and he saw the perfect ring that just screamed Y/N to him and he’d just been waiting for the perfect moment, which was this holiday and also their 5 year anniversary. 
time skip to landing
Lando was looking out the window in his own world when he heard the pilot over the intercom. 
“Mr Norris, we will be starting descent in Mykonos in about 10 minutes so please get ready to fasten your seatbelt sir.” On cue, he saw the little seatbelt light come on above his head. He gently shook Y/N to wake her up. 
“Darling, we’ll be landing soon, you need to put your seatbelt on.” He spoke quietly as he knows she doesn’t like loud noises when she first wakes up. She stirs and slowly opens her eyes and lifted her head off Lando’s shoulder. Lando looked at her with a soft smile and a little chuckle escaped his lips at the sight of the woman’s messy hair.  
“Hey sleepy head, pilot just said to put our belts on we’ll be descending soon.” She nodded at him as she fixed her hair and put her belt on, Lando doing the same next to her. 
As they got closer to the ground, Y/N grabbed hold on Lando’s hand to comfort herself as landing was probably her least favourite part of flying and he rubbed her knuckles in a comforting manner. 
After landing, they grabbed their luggage and made their way to the chauffeur who led them to the car provided by Hilton to take them to the hotel.  
small time skip cus I’m lazy
They arrived to their room in the hotel and unpacked their suitcases and got changed into some clothes more suited to the warm climate of the island they were on for the next two weeks as they had an early flight and when the couple arrived it was only early afternoon After changing, Y/N and Lando left the hotel and went for a small walk around the town and get anything little essentials they may need while on holiday like bottles of water, snacks for the hotel room etc. 
“Don’t forget we need to buy sunscreen aswel, since somebody left it behind being the clever clogs he is.” Y/N said, giving Lando a cheeky smile.  
“Ha Ha, very funny cheeky.” Lando replied sarcastically, pinching her side softly. The couple laughed as they continued to walk in and out of shops and buy the essentials. 
Later on that day, Y/N was relaxing on a sunbed reading her book and Lando was next to her on another sunbed with his hat over his eyes. About half hour later, Y/N was now lying on her stomach so she could tan her back aswel as her front and she felt a pair of hands smack her bum. She looked behind to see her boyfriend with a boyish smile on his face, she smiled back at him and rolled her eyes jokingly at his actions. 
“Do you want another drink baby? I'm going to the bar.” Lando stated and she nodded. 
“Same again please Lan, I'm going to head up to the room for a little siesta, it’s getting pretty warm out here.” He nodded in understanding knowing how easily the heat got to her sometimes, that’s why he always made sure she was well hydrated and was taking care of herself. 
“Okay baby, I’ll grab our drinks and I’ll come up aswel and have a quick shower or something.” She nodded at her boyfriend before he left to go get their drinks from the bar. She packed up everything she had brought down to the pool with her and made her way into the hotel and up to their room. 
couple days later
Y/N was relaxing on the balcony of the hotel room while waiting for Lando to get back, he’d told her he was going out to get some more water for the room when in reality he was sat in the hotel reception talking on the phone to the manager of the restaurant he was planning to take Y/N to on the last day of the holiday, their anniversary, to finalise any details about the proposal and the booking details.  
“So, you’ll tell her you’re going to the bathroom and one of our waiters will lead her out to the beach? Is that correct Mr Norris?” the manager asked Lando over the phone.
“Yes, that is correct. Thank you again for helping me with this. It means a lot.” Lando replied, the manager smiled at the idea of young love.
“It's quite alright sir. Right, that's all booked and ready for you for a few days' time.” 
Once everything was finalised, he thanked the manager and hung up the phone and left the hotel with a small smile on his face at the thought of him proposing to the love of his life in the next couple days and made his way to the little shop 10 minutes from the hotel and grabbed the bottles of water like he had told Y/N he was doing. 
He walked back to the hotel and into the hotel room where he was met with the sight of Y/N asleep on the sofa in the living area with the balcony door open to let a breeze in and her book covering her face. He smiled in amusement and put the crate of water bottles down and he made his way over to the sofa. He crouched down in front of her and took her book from off her face, keeping his thumb on the page so she wouldn’t lose her page and quickly put her bookmark in place before closing it. He gently shook her awake.  
“Wake up sleepy head. We need to go downstairs for lunch soon.” She opened her eyes lazily and looked at Lando with a sleepy smile which he returned with a smile of his own. She slowly sat up and picked up her half drunk bottle of water off the table in front of her. 
“Hey pretty girl, the sun tired you out huh?” He joked, stroking her thigh. She nodded softly before speaking. 
“Yeah, and it didn’t help next door had a crying baby and I couldn’t focus on my book, so I just came inside.” Lando chuckled at her response.  
“We’ll be heading down for lunch in a minute if you wanna go freshen up a bit beforehand.” The curly haired boy spoke, Y/N nodded and made her way to their bedroom to put a clean top on as she had some sweat stains that didn’t look flattering at all and touched up the small amount of makeup she had on which consisted of just concealer, mascara and some lip balm. 
The couple both headed down to lunch, indulging in conversation about the most random topics causing them both to start laughing. The couple were suddenly interrupted by a little girl, who looked no older than 5 and had a little bunny stuffed animal in her arms, who came up to them and tapped Y/N’s arm softly. 
“Excuse me miss, can you help me find my mummy. I was with her and my older brother and now I can’t find them.” The older woman’s eyes softened at the sight of the tears in the little girl's eyes. She nodded at her. 
“Of course, sweetheart. What’s your name?” Y/N spoke in a gentle tone. 
“Emily, I’m sorry for interrupting you two, but I recognised Lando because Jack my brother is a formula one fan and I’ve seen him on tv, so I thought you two seemed safe rather than a complete stranger.” Emily admitted shyly, Lando nodded at her with a smile before the couple stood up to help her find her brother and mum. 
“You did the right thing sweetie. C’mon we’ll help you find your mum” Lando spoke, he held the little girl's small hand in his and the three of them made their way over to the front desk at reception. 
“Excuse me, this little girl has lost her mum. Do you have any idea where she could be?” Y/N asked the lady on the front desk. She nodded and made her way around to the front of the desk so she could talk to Emily. 
“What does your mum look like sweetheart?” She asked as she crouched down to her size. 
“Brown hair, green eyes, she had a long blue dress on, she was with my older brother who was wearing red swim shorts and a Minecraft t-shirt” the receptionist nodded at her. All of a sudden, they heard the voice of a woman, Y/N looked up to see a woman matching Emily’s description of her mother.  
“Emily! There you are baby!” She ran over and gave her a quick hug. Emily pointed to the three other adults before she spoke to her mum.
“The helped me mummy. Lando and his girlfriend helped me find you and the nice lady on reception!” Emily walked over to Y/N and gave her a hug which Y/N reciprocated. 
“Thank you.” Emily muttered smiling up at the couple. They both smiled at her. 
“Thank you for helping my daughter, we were so worried!” Her mum exclaimed.  
“It’s fine honestly! I can’t imagine how worried I’d be if I’d lost my kid in a resort this big.” She replied, the two women chuckling at her response. Lando looked to Jack and smiled. 
“Hey buddy, I hear you’re a formula one fan? Do you want a photo?” He asked and Jack nodded quickly, the children’s mum pulled out her phone and Jack walked over to Lando and the pair took a photo together. Jack said a quick thank you to the driver before the little family headed off and the couple went to their room to get ready for the party boat they were going on later, which thankfully did not end in any injuries on Lando’s part this time.
the last night of the holiday
Tonight was Y/N and Lando’s last night of the holiday, and it was their anniversary. After a morning full of cuddles, kisses, some less PG stuff and exchanging cards and gifts, the couple had spent the rest of the day walking around visiting little landmarks around Mykonos and getting gifts for family members.  
They were now currently getting ready to head out to the Italian restaurant Lando had booked for them. Y/N was wearing a flowy white dress that came down to just below her knees and Lando was wearing a plain white dress shirt and some khaki shorts that Y/N had brought him just before they came to Mykonos. 
“You ready sweetheart?” Lando shouted to Y/N from the bedroom. She walked in and smiled at him. 
“Yup. You ready?” She replied walking into the bedroom smiling at Lando who was sat on the bed. He reached out to her and rested his hands on her waist and pulled her into him, he pulled her down slightly and planted a kiss to her lips. 
“You look stunning baby. An absolute princess if you ask me.” he expressed with a small smirk on his face. She grabbed her bag off the bed and grabbed Lando’s hand and the couple made their way out the hotel and to the restaurant.  
Once they arrived at the restaurant, the waiter took them to their seats and took their orders, coming back shortly after with the drink orders which was some red wine for both of them. When they had their food brought to them around 20 minutes later, they ate their food while talking about anything they could think of. There was never a dull moment with Y/N and Lando’s conversations.
After eating and having paid the bill. Lando was about to put the plan into motion. 
“I’m just gonna head to the bathroom before we leave gorgeous. Won’t be long.” She nodded at Lando, what she didn’t realise was Lando was actually leaving through the back entrance of the restaurant to get to the beach across from the restaurant without Y/N realising. 
Shortly after, the waiter came over to Y/N and held his arm out for her to take. 
“If you’d like to close your eyes and follow me miss.” he requested. She skeptically complied and took his arm as she closed her eyes, and he took her across to the beach where Lando was waiting by the ocean.  
Once she was in front of Lando, he silently thanked the waiter and he left and went back to the restaurant. Lando grabbed Y/N’s hands in his and she took that as a sign to open her eyes and her and Lando were the only ones on the beach and the only sounds was the water crashing onto the sand. Lando began to speak. 
“Y/N, from the moment I made it home after our first date when we were 19, I knew you were the one. You’ve been with me through the ups and downs of not only my life, but my entire career and I could not thank you enough. You experienced my first podium with me and my first win and every other milestone in my career and I’ll forever be grateful to have you by my side for everything. My mum always told me as a kid that when I meet the one, I’d feel it. You’re the one Y/N. You’re my person.” Lando announced. Y/N’s hand flew over her mouth as Lando got down onto one knee and pulled out a red velvet box, opening the box to reveal the most stunning diamond ring, tears were welling in both of the adults’ eyes. 
“Y/N M/N/ L/N, will you make the happiest man ever and marry me?” He spoke with a hint of emotion in his voice. She vigorously nodded her head, tears flowing down her cheeks. 
“Yes Lando! Of course I’ll marry you” she replied. He grinned up at her and placed the ring on her left ring finger as he stood back up, hearing distant claps from people passing by and sat outside the restaurant who had witnessed the proposal. He then cupped her cheeks and pulled her into a passionate kiss full of love. The newly engaged couple pulled out of the kiss and smiled at each other, eyes filled with just as much love as the day they met. 
“I love you so much my darling girl. I can’t wait for you to be my wife.” He grinned ear to ear at his now fiancée.  
“I love you too my love. I can’t wait to be married to you and spend the rest of our lives together.” She replied, smiling back at her fiancé. 
They made their way up the beach, walking along the shore in a comfortable silence. Y/N was first to break the silence. 
“Oh my god I just realised I can now put my Pinterest board to use!” She exclaimed in excitement, clapping her hands together with a beaming smile on her face. Lando let out a laugh at her. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and Y/N wrapped her arm around his waist. 
“I knew you’d say that you muppet” Lando joked. She smiled softly up at him. 
“We’re both muppets but we’re each other's muppets.” She corrected the driver. He just smiled at his girl. 
“That we are beautiful, that we are.” He softly chuckled as they continued to walk down the beach. 
Once they got home from Mykonos early the next morning, Y/N and Lando had announced the proposal on social media and rang their families, who were all very happy and excited for the couple. 
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Liked by: landonorris, maxfewtrell, pietra.pilao, mclaren and others
y/user: Mykonos with my favourite human, swipe to the end for a surprise👀 (hint: he’s now completely off the market ladies🤭)
tagged: landonorris
landonorris: had the best time with you beautiful, love you forever🤍
liked by creator❤️
y/user: right back at you my love. Love you more❤️
pietra.pilao: congratulations you two!! So happy! Love you both🫶🏻
liked by: landonorris, y/user
y/user: thank you p! We love you too🫶🏻
mclaren: congratulations to you both!🧡
liked by: landonorris, y/user
lilyzneimer: omg!! Congrats you guys🤍(I better be your bridesmaid y/n/n😉😂)
liked by: landonorris, y/user, oscarpiastri
y/user: thank you lils! You already know you’re my bridesmaid babe!😉😘
liked by lilyzneimer
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Liked by: mclaren, y/user, oscarpiastri and others
landonorris: Lando Norriz who?😏 here’s to forever with you my darling girl I can’t wait for you to be Mrs Norris🥂I love you endlessly🤍
tagged: y/user
y/user: I love you my boy🤍can’t wait to be mrs Norris🤍 (and to use my Pinterest board😝)
liked by creator❤️
landonorris: 😭😭😭 I do love you baby😂❤️
oscarpiastri: congrats mate!👏🏻Love you both!🧡 (Y/N and Lily have already been messaging non-stop about dresses😭)
liked by: y/user, landonorris, lilyzneimer
landonorris: thanks osc!🧡 and trust me mate, I know😭
y/user: watch it you pair, lily will be just as bad when you finally grow a pair and propose osc😌😘
lilyzneimer: yes I will😉😘
oscarpiastri: 👀
maxfewtrell: congrats you pair! Lots of love❤️
liked by: y/user, landonorris
landonorris: cheers mate we love you too❤️
user3: omg my parents!!😭🫶🏻also trust Lando to wear a jumper in Mykonos😭
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🏷️: @allywthsr @idathereader @moonlight-girls-posts @saturnbloom77 @scar-005 @barcelonaloverf1life @shellybee456 @meandjoemama @wellwellwellsposts @charli123456789 @timmy-wife1 @m4rt10ne @tellybearryyyy @hc-dutch @nocoolusernamesavailable-blog @neo-teenkidz @landosgirl97 @promenadewithme
If there’s a line through your name, it wouldn’t let me tag you😭
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highvern · 7 months
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Work Me Out II
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x fem!reader
Genre: Smut, 18+
Warnings: simp gyu, car sex, protected sex, dom!gyu, brat!reader, spitting, choking, minor cock warming
Length: 2.5k
Note: happy 1k! i almost deleted this bc i hated it so y'all have to be extra nice to me about it (im joking) (not really) everyone say thank u @cheolism for beta-ing!
Remember: Tumblr runs on reblogs and I run on validation in the tags and comments :)
read part I
read more here
This blog is intended for 18+ only! Minors/blank blogs will be blocked!
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“Hi,” Mingyu grins, dropping a kiss to your cheek before stepping back. “You look…”
He lifts your hand, encouraging a spin so he can fully appreciate the black slip dress gliding over your curves.
“Wow?” You laugh as he pulls you closer, goosebumps rising under the palm at your bare spine.
“Beautiful,” he sighs into your lips. 
He kisses you deeper; crowing you against his chest with a hand at your back. The lull of Mingyu’s lips and cologne lower your defenses, mouth opening to welcome his tongue. But he pulls away just when things breach on the edge of more.
“We’re gonna miss our reservation.” He coos through a smile, dropping a consolatory peck to your nose.
You try to bring him back but he dodges you easily, tipping his chin up until your only option is to leave a trail of kisses along his Adam's apple.
“I’d like to take you on at least one real date.” Mingyu argues.
He’d be more convincing if he wasn’t leaving fingerprints on your hips. But you think it's cute how he wants to wine and dine you. When you step back, you notice how his eyes glow the way they always do when met with approval. It’s cute, toes on the border of innocence; and it makes your knees crave the feeling of the hardwood floors so you can give him all the validation he can handle with his cock in your mouth.
But there will be more than enough time for that later.
“Wow, so eating Captain Crunch in our underwear after you defiled me wasn’t a date?” You gasp. “Okay. I see how it is.”
Mingyu snorts but plucks your jacket off the coat rack and holds it open to help you in. “Alright, drama queen. Let’s go.”
The drive is filled with chatter. Over the past week, the initial spark of attraction only grew between you; through chats at the gym, texting, or the one night he came to your apartment and ended up passing out on the couch while the movie continued to play in the background. Somehow it was more intimate waking up fully clothed, big spooning him with your face buried between his shoulder blades than having him drill your guts until tears streaked your face.
Since you slept over that first night, you’ve noticed a plethora of things that make you more fond of Mingyu. How he slurs his words when he’s excited, talking so fast you can barely decipher what he’s saying. If you throw a wink his way while walking across the gym his eyes go wide like he’s completely taken aback by your interest; as if he didn’t have a front seat to how much you liked him. Or if he notices you looking he’ll not so subtly flex or make a face that has you laughing so hard you nearly tumble off the treadmill. Or the way Mingyu prides himself on being a gentleman; pausing his workout and walking you to your car, insisting it's too dark out for him to be comfortable letting you go alone (partially because it's his fault your gym visits became a two hour endeavor since the night in the car, he just can’t stop distracting you in the name of getting to know you better).
It’s the same at the restaurant. Mingyu takes your coat and pulls out your chair. He asks for more details on the book you mentioned on the way over, asking if he can borrow your copy once you finish. He feeds you some of his entree off his fork, splits dessert to satisfy your sweet tooth, and nabs the check from the waiter before you can even think of offering to split the bill.
It’s almost too perfect; like he is running a checklist in his head. But Mingyu isn’t that kind of guy. His enthusiasm is just that, enthusiasm for spending time with you, getting to know you, picking your brain like you’re the most interesting person he’s ever met and he can’t wait to know more.
“How did you not know it was a couples class?” You ask, laughing into the curve of his arm as he walks you back to the car.
“It didn’t say it on the flier! It just said ‘portions for two’ and I thought that meant I’d leave with leftovers.”
“Wow. So Wonwoo got you banned and ate your food?”
“Wonwoo got me banned and neither of us gotta eat the food.”
The collar of Mingyu’s shirt flitters when his chest shakes with laughter, watching you down the slope of his nose. Like a flame in a vacuum, all the oxygen in your lungs is sucked up when you notice how good he looks even under the sterile overhead light. The glass of wine you sipped through dinner doesn’t help; turning your insides to mush and your blood to a boil.
Mingyu is so genuinely sweet you almost feel guilty for crowding him against his car and palming the zipper of his jeans. The taste of whiskey clings to his tongue, sucked away by your own until he opens the door and ushers you into the back seat.
“Mingyu,” you gasp, plucking the foil package from his grip. “Did you expect to fuck me tonight?”
“No,” he groans into the side of your tit, thanking whatever power in the universe exists that you hadn’t worn a bra. “But a man should always be prepared.”
You snort, “Okay, ‘Mr. I don’t sleep with girls I don’t date.’”
“I think that's former ‘Mr. I don’t’ whatever the fuck,” he moans as he finds your mouth.
Fishing his cock out from his underwear, you lazily jerk him to full mast. Mingyu’s hip buck into the swipe of your thumb. You’d drop your mouth to suck away the mess  collecting there but the back seat of his car doesn’t provide much room since your date claims most of the space already. Instead, you settle for tracing your tongue across the raised veins webbing across his neck and nipping at the sensitive lobe of his ear.
“Shit, shit, shit.”
Mingyu paws at your ass, fingers digging into the flesh and dragging your covered core closer to his cock. His other hand dips beneath your skirt, thumb swiping at your clit and two thick fingers pushing aside the scrap of fabric posing as underwear to stretch you open without preamble.
“Fuck, you’re so wet.” Mingyu pants.
You meet every curl of his fingers with a whine, face falling into the cradle of his jaw as he works you up. He’s everywhere; all you can feel, touch, taste. Even his cologne floods your nose; the scent of powdery spice and something intrinsically him that you can’t name.
Whether intentional or not, the match of pace isn’t lost on your mind as your fist sinks over Mingyu’s length the same time he stuffs you with his digits; fucking you by proxy while his tongue licks away every sound of satisfaction before it can make its way between your lips.
Before long, Mingyu bats away your hand to use his own. The second the latex is rolled down he holds himself for you, offering his cock like a prize you can’t refuse.
And he’s right.
The initial discomfort trickles up your spine. Eyes closed, chest caved, you take every inch as Mingyu whispers praise after praise into your neck. Twitching in each other’s hold, each clench of your cunt dips his stomach until you pull him back to your mouth and goad him with a demanding draw against his tongue with your own; a wet suckle more obscene than the way he splits you has him returning the gesture with fervor.
Hips finding a jilted rhythm, Mingyu manages to latch to one of your nipples, teeth razing along the sensitive skin until you nearly collapse from the delightful pain.
Arching into his chest so hard it hurts, your voice cracks, “Oh, Gyu.”
“Good girl,” he groans into your chest.
The hand on your ass pulls you across his cock, forcing you down with each of his thrusts up. Mingyu’s loud but you’re louder and the abandoned top floor of the parking deck doesn’t provide any disguise from what’s happening behind the foggy windows of his SUV. 
As sexy as you are with your head thrown back, desperately moaning his name, the fear of getting caught is starting to suffocate him.
You beat against his chest when Mingyu pins you in place. He crushes you flat against him, pelvis to pelvis, so deep you feel him in your throat. Tight around the stretch, he nearly loses his train of thought but finds it when an involuntary rush of his thighs makes you squeak.
He brushes his thumb across the apple of your cheek in an effort to quell the bubbling tantrum behind your eyes. “Shhh,” he whispers. “We can't get caught.” 
Time stops as you come to a crossroads. Eye to eye, you can see him waiting for a signal. If you want to stop, drive thirty minutes back to either of your apartments, and then go at it like rabbits, Mingyu will do it. If you want him to stop, drop you off at your doorstep, and send him home with the worst hard on of his life, he’ll smile through the tears. But if you want to finish what you’ve both started in the discomfort of the back seat, Mingyu needs you to be quiet.
So you can listen without complaint, bury your face in the column of his neck and bite your lip until it bleeds from strain. Or you can let Mingyu decide the best course of action.
“Then shut me up.” 
A beat of absolute silence rattles your shaking confidence. Mingyu’s eyes widen, jumping back like he’s been burned but you fake courage until you spot the way he licks his teeth at the idea.
Whatever permission he’s looking for he finds in the slight dip of your chin. You watch Mingyu’s mood shift in an instant. The playful tilt of his lips melt away, the corners of his eyes freeze over their usual humor. And the arm around the dip of your waist squeezes so tight you fear he’ll leave a bruise in the shape of his palm.
The hand on your face falls to your jaw, pinching your cheek between his pointer finger and thumb as he tsks, forcing your head back and forth mockingly before he forces his thumb between your teeth.
“Shut. Up.” 
He punctuates his command with a bruising thrust of his cock; thrilled at the way his thumb digging into your tongue chokes any sound. The hand on your ass nearly rips your underwear as Mingyu uses it to guide your hips, keeping you bouncing in his lap until you're drooling.
Mingyu’s teeth rake against your jaw, “Touch yourself.”
You clumsily snake a hand down, hips jerking under the blind swipe of fingers at your core. Eyes unfocused, ears filled with the rush of blood, you don’t resist the urge to bite his thumb just to see what he’ll do next.
The sting of his palm against your ass isn’t a shock.
But the wet of his fingers on your throat is.
And when Mingyu squeezes, cutting off the blood to your brain for a second in a show of possessive strength, your choked wail is music to his ears.
“Fuck, you like that?”
Nodding like a bobble head, more pathetic whimpers fill the car. 
With a shift of weight, he makes you grind against his lap, the metal of his belt buckle cutting into the back of your thighs. But you’re full to the brink of shredding apart you can’t bring yourself to care. Heat in the pit of your stomach blooms, used and deep.
Mingyu fans his hand along your throat, fingers digging into the jut of your jaw to make you look at his face. His hair is a mess, cheeks rosy with sweat at his hairline. A low rumble in his throat is all the warning you get before he spits on your lips and it glides down your chin; slipping under his palm while he squeezes until stars dance in your vision.
Hips stuttering, everything draws tight; every muscle, every vein, each individual cell contracts and detonates until Mingyu fucks into your so hard your head hits the roof as he flails. Thighs firm against the top of his, you feel each sputter into the condom.
“Mingyu,” you croak, throat wrecked.
Everything feels heavy and worn when he brings you into the warmth of his chest. Somehow, you hadn’t managed to undo a single button beyond the four that let you peek at the dip between his pecs; but the friction of his shirt against your sensitive chest makes you shiver. Sweat and spit leave the fabric clinging uncomfortably but you don’t have the energy to change it.
“Jesus Christ.” Mingyu draws in a heavy breath, and the motion has your legs twitching again. “You okay?”
Nodding into his neck, your eyes slip shut. If he keeps tracing shapes on your back, you’re in serious trouble of falling asleep right there in the back of his car with his softening length still inside you. Attempting to prevent the momentum from taking over, you rise on your knees, only for Mingyu to bring you back down.
“Just…just let me hold you for a second.” he sighs, sounding as exhausted as you feel. “Please.”
Peppering languid kisses across his face, down the curve of his cheek, up the bridge of his nose, you smile when he pouts at the lack of attention to his lips. But when you meet them with your own, it's nearly impossible to call it a kiss from the sleepy grins splitting your faces.
“Wanna come back to mine?” Mingyu whispers into your cheek, leaving his own series of kisses. “We can watch that new horror movie you were talking about.”
“You hate scary movies.”
“Oh no, I guess you’ll have to stay the night in case I can’t sleep.”
“How awful!” You mock. “Did you buy more cereal?”
With a monumental sigh, “Then I guess I can come over.”
It takes nearly fifteen minutes to find the courage to unwind from each other. Mingyu distracts you by tracing shapes between your shoulder blades and making you guess his artistic interpretation. Each time you're wrong he demands a kiss. Each time you're right he gives you one back.
When you make him guess what your finger burns into his shoulder he nearly faints before deciding it's time to head home, hands intertwined over the center console the entire way.
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Taglist: @tomodachiii @cvpidyunho @miniseokminnies @ddaengpotate @arycutie @gaebestie @primoppang @gyuguys @mine-gyu @doremifasire @missminhoe @toplinehyunjin @crvs4vldtn @prettygyuuu
© highvern. copying/reuploading/translating my work anywhere is strictly prohibited.
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foolish one // draco malfoy x fem slytherin reader
playlist: foolish one - taylor swift
summary : youve never had a boyfriend before , guys dont ask you out or really talk to you. just when you start to feel hopeless , draco cant hold back anymore.
y/n used , soft slytherin reader , fluff , short
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"pansy, am i hideous?" you asked seriously as you sat down at the slytherin table, all of your friends turning to you in shock.
"what?!-" pansy who sat on the right side of you replied in pure confusion.
"its the 5th hogsmeade trip since the start of the year and still nothing! i thought maybe harry was going to ask me this week , but turns out he was getting closer to me to soften up cho!" you exclaimed in pure terror , reliving the moment you saw your close friend ,cho, walking arm in arm with the boy you thought would ask you out this weekend.
draco , unbeknownst to you, clenched his fist tightly at your words , burning holes into his plate as if it were harry potter himself. he completely stayed still as he refused to look your way , eventhough you were sat right next to him.
"y/n! how could you even think such a thing!" pansy said with sympathy.
"yeah , who would ever dream of going on a date with potter?" mattheo added , recieving a smack on the arm from lorenzo.
"i wasnt dreaming! i just....every girl in our year has gone out with a boy by now , ive not even had my.......my first kiss yet.." you muttered in shame as mattheo held back his laugh leading you to shoot him a glare.
"and thats no fault of yours y/n!" pansy rubbed your back softly , "id actually say it was these idiots , always scaring boys off!"
the boys just stared back at her plainly , knowing they had all at some point threatened a boy they felt didnt deserve you.
"yeah well youre just so innocent y/n , not just any boy will do." lorenzo said trying to defend the protectiveness.
"any boy WILL DO!" you said with frustration , making them all move back in suprise , you never usually got angry, "and im not innocent , im only 'innocent' because you guys are blocking me from blossoming!"
mattheo fully burst out laughing now , gaining a disapproving look from pansy who quickly looked away from him to rest a hand on your shoulder, "im sure youll find someone y/n."
"yeah and maybe theyre a bit closer than you think," blaise said with a smirk , shoving dracos shoulder which earns him a scowl from the blonde haired boy.
but you simply wouldnt listen to reason , you just sat with a low hung head and a loss of hope , "i feel so foolish. a few weeks ago i thought cedric , then dean , then harry and none of them ever actually liked me. im delusional!"
"y/n ill take you-" theodore started before being cut off by draco jumping up from his seat , staring straight forward in a stiff position.
"ill take you on a date to hogsmeade!" draco announced , frozen in his spot and refusing to meet your eye.
"really? do you really mean it?!..... but draco you dont like me it isnt the same.." you said as the happiness you felt dwindled making your overthinking increase.
"i like you! a lot, i really like you!" he said still completely frozen and blushing a deep shade of maroon.
you gaped up at him in suprise, pure shock on your face and all of your friends. except they werent suprised draco likes you , they were suprised he confessed.
"i-...i like you too.." you confessed quietly as draco slowly looked at you , his face riddled with euphoria and shock.
"really?" he asked with hope.
"yes really , id know since i have to hear her rant about it every night-" mattheo complained before lorenzos hand covered his mouth hastily.
"yes, yeah i really like you," you said as a smile grew on your face , looking up at him.
and slowly , he let his guard down and smiled back , lighting up the room with his happiness. you admired him for a second before getting up from the bench and grabbing his hand.
"lets go , we can still spend a few hours in hogsmeade if we go now, im so excited!" you squealed , planting a loving kiss on his cheek before dragging him out of the hall.
all of your friends watched in amusement as draco went stiff and turned the all too familiar shade of red.
636 notes · View notes
softspiderling · 3 months
✦ . * ocean blue eyes pt. VII | r.c
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
author’s note: slow burn is not that slow anymore👀 i feel like this part is so chaotic but fun 😭 also not me giggling to myself as i wrote the texts between rafe and yn like i was basically texting myself ffs. @zyafics and @ghostofwriting are u ready
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
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youruser replied to this story: can i come back in now?
sarahcam: no i still need a minute
youruser: you’re being dramatic!!! you’ve been hounding me about hearing that song for a thousand years
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liked by nothisisyn, papajay, jomby and 127 others
sarbear me after hearing yn’s new (still) unreleased song
view all 45 comments
nothisisyn let me live
kiekie hey if you don't want that job i’ll gladly volunteer
➞ ohnoitscleor me too actually 🙂‍↕️
↳ nothisisyn see kie and cleo know what’s up
↳ sarbear i will BLOCK YOU
↳ nothisisyn YOU WOULDNT!
jomby what is going on….
❤️ liked by popey
topster share with the group sarah
❤️ liked by papajay and kiekie
➞ nothisisyn know your place topper
❤️ liked by rafewhoelse
↳ topster 🤐
your phone:
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liked by rafe, sarahcam, jjmaybank and 1.982.363 others
youruser no distractions here, just our bodies in sync
view all 21.042 comments
ynsunshine this sounds horny as hell
sunburninmiami i wanna say smth but i don’t wanna sound like im making shit up…
➞ ynsbaby pls no drama😭
➞ ynforever let her cook
↳ sunburninmiami dm me
ynismybaby this is immediately going in my playlist😤
sarahcam I need several business days to recover
➞ youruser girl come on😭
whationlylistentoyn oh she’s cooking fr
kiecarerra okay….👀🤭
➞ youruser psh🤫
cleogriffith drop your hair care routine wtf
➞ youruser says you??🤨
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❤️youruser liked this story
youruser: okay maybe LA isn’t that bad
rafe: you’re welcome to visit
youruser: maybe I will
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liked by rafefan, cameronslegacy, stacystan and 1.319 others
rafecameronupdates rafe with a fan at yn’s concert in New York
view all 211 comments
raferforlyfer what the hell does he look so good for?
➞ ynsunshine yn obviously
➞ rafesgf 🤨
prettyboyz yooooo
jjsandrafes I wanna frame this and put it on my ceiling so I can look at it when I’m in bed
rafe247 I wanna do things to him and none of them are PG13
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liked by jjmaybank, rafe, sarahcam and 2.942.581 others
youruser empty apartment out July 12!
view all 27.148 comments
kiecarerra song of the year i fear
➞ youruser okay shakespeare😭
obsessedwithyn holy
cleogriffith calendar is CLEARED
➞ popeheywardphotography you think she’s kidding but she genuinely cancelled our dinner reservation
whationlylistentoyn my goddddd im not readyyy😩
sarahcam fuck i guess it’s a pretty sick song🙄
➞ youruser ily2
sabrinacarpenter please please please
ynsunshine so it is a horny song
➞ ynylnsbabygirl what makes you say that
↳ ynsunshine girl look at the lyrics from all her previous posts and the picture she chose to make the announcement 😭
your phone:
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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
author’s note: god i live for all the excitement
386 notes · View notes
theautisticwriter · 7 months
Love Letters: Yandere! Helluva Boss characters X G/N Reader
Characters- Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie, Loona, Stolas, Asmodeus, Fizzarolli
Show- Helluva Boss
Genre- romantic, yandere
Summary- Mini love letters from your not so secret stalkers admirers!
Warnings- swearing, pet names, yandere themes, mentions of planned kidnapping, stalking, delusional characters, unwanted attention
Word count- 1.5K
Extra notes- I have a Hazbin Hotel version of this uploaded as well!
key: f/l = first letter of your name, y/n = your name, n/n = your nickname
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By this point you know who it is y/n, I’m the only person COOL enough to send u romantic as fuck letters like the old people do
Sorry for eating the food u made last night, when i was raiding ur fridge it looked so fucking good (and it was, who knew u could cook :P). i left u a pony as a replacement, u can’t eat it but it’ll make u think of me ;) and that pony cost me a FUCK ton of money, collectors addition and shit. i know, bad fucking ass right??
the stupid shitty loud alarm u installed didn’t work when i came in, ud be much safer with me and loony. that’s the plan anyways babe, u have NO idea the fucking creeps that live down here, they’re all fucking animals and ur…not, a fucking asshole i guess.
i drew you smth (it’s the thing stuck on the back of the envelope with the glitter glu)
it’s me and u holding hands, like other couples do. we’re better than those corny fuckers tho, hence the crowns on our heads.
ignoring my texts, BLOCKING ME (still upset about this BY THE WAY) and then ignoring my very nice letters is kinda a dick move f/l, but it’s whatevs. everything is almost ready for ur move in. i cleaned up n everything :D
from the only bitch worth ur time,
<3 (ignore that, moxxie threw a gun at me and my hand slipped, might fire him)
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Hiya sweet cheeks!!!
It’s Mills here, just checking in! Via letter! Ain’t that just the fanciest little thing? Mox said it’s the best way to show thought and care to someone, so here’s all my thoughts and care, just for you!
How’ve you been? Good I hope, I’ve been just peachy thanks for asking! My Ma and Pa are super excited to meet ya one day, they’ve even started planning the wedding! Now I told them to slow their horses down, and not the overwhelm ya, we’ll get to that don’t you worry darlin.
Im just so excited to write this letter for you! Ain’t it so romantic?? I’m practically squealing in delight at the thought of you opening this and swoonin’, that’s what you’re doing, right?
Now i’m writing this on my break, and my boss really needs me back in the game! I got employ of the month! Most amount of kills, with the best and bloodiest results baby!
Until next time sweetheart,
Your Mills! ♡
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Hi y/n,
It’s Moxxie here, I was a little nervous to send this letter to you, but I always try to follow my heart, and my heart was telling me to communicate with you in the most romantic way I know how due to our current circumstances of being so far away. It’s hard, for the both of us i’m sure, but we’ll be okay y/n.
As much as I don’t get along with my father, he has been helpful with my preparations for your arrival. It’s a big deal, moving in together. I’m sure your anxious, I am too, but in the best way possible. Love is pure, and can make somebody feel whole, it’s a wonderful feeling. I never want that to be taken away from me, and you are the source of all my love. That’s why we need to be together, being only half a demon isn’t good for the soul.
We can do lots of fun things together as well, like go to the opera, or to musicals, or I can show you my shooting skills. My boss says that I have a pretty good shot, which is the biggest compliment he’s ever given me. And we can do things you like too, marriage is equal of course. Obviously, this will all happen later done the line, you’ll need time to adjust, and I understand that. I understand you.
I’m running out of room on my page, but I will write to you again tomorrow. Please respond? Just once, y/n? It’d be nice, to hold something from you since I can’t hold you yet.
All my love,
Your Moxxie <3
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Uh, hi?
Wait, you don’t put ‘uh’ in letters do you? Or put wait whilst you think, fuck shit fuck
Sorry, I’m new to this. Normally I just send a text to people but, your phone is off at the moment I think? Or you lost it? Or you blocked me?
Either way, I’ll send you these stupid letter things until it’s back on. So, uh, what are you up to? Blitz has been up my ass about meeting you, heads up, when I come get you and bring you to our room he’s gonna go all psycho dad mode and integrate you, but he’ll back off after a while. He’s a dick sure, but he does want me to be happy. And your, likeable or whatever, so i’m sure you’ll get along.
Once you get comfortable at home with me, Blitz said you could work with me at I.M.P. You’ll be like the co-secretary or something. You won’t be put in danger, I won’t let that happen, you’ll just get to sit with me. We can watch things together, if you wanted.
I guess i’ll see you soon, how do you end these?
See you,
Love from,
Bye y/n,
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My dearest y/n,
I hope this letter finds you well. I yearn for your presence here, besides me. It’s quite lonely without you, I will admit my dear. It would be oh so wonderful if you could write back. I understand you may be preoccupied with your current activities, but I can’t help myself from desiring a response. I know, it’s selfish of me to expect you to reply to my letters when you’ll be here with me shortly, but I can’t keep my thoughts at bay at the moment.
Your face is a constant in my mind, night and day, asleep and awake, your voice in my mind calms me when I need it most, your smile brightens the bleariest of moments and so on. You can imagine the difficulties I’m facing with no response from you, but that’s alright. If you can’t write back to me dear, I won’t pressure you. Your time is precious, and we will have all the time in hell quite soon. Isn’t that exciting?
I can give you the life you deserve n/n, any luxuries or mundanities you wish for will be handed to you on a silver platter. Or a golden one, if that’s more to your liking? We can properly discuss the specifics once we are together. How thrilling, the though of you and I together at last.
We truly are written in the stars!
Yours until the end of the sky and then some,
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Hey there baby,
It’s been a while, huh? I’m sorry if you feel neglected babe, it’s so hard keeping in contact with you when you’re so far away hun. Wouldn’t it be so much better if you were here with me? Sure I’ve got a lot of meetings, being a sin and all, but I’d be at your beck and call n/n, you could even be my new excuse to leave those awful “business” discussions. They barely talk business with me, it’s just complete bullshit babe.
I know the lust ring can be intimidating, we have quite the reputation, but I assure you, love is not a foreign concept to me. Romance is one of my most favourite things! Though that’s a secret, let’s keep that between us, yeah? That side of me is reserved for you n/n.
It’s so boring over here without you, I feel like i’m just lounging around and last time I checked, I was the lust sin, not the sloth sin. We’d have so much fun together babe! Can’t you picture it? Even if you can’t yet, I can wait. Having you near me will be enough, you are enough just as you are.
Sincerely yours,
Asmodeus (Ozzie) xoxo
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Heya cutie!
Letters are a lot harder to write than I thought they’d be y’know? I’ve rewritten this like 16 times already, sheesh. It just feels so awkward, I can’t see your reaction to my words which means I can’t fix any mistakes I’ve made :(. I’m sure I haven’t made any though! Right? This letters going really well so far and is definitely wooing you, right, y/n?
Hah, I’m asking questions as if you can reply right away. Silly old me, I don’t know what i’m worrying about! We’re meant to be together. I know it’s super sappy, but we’re like soulmates. Soulmates are bound to be together! That’s why I’m bringing you home soon, I can’t wait! I’ve got sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many awesome tricks to show you!
And, the best news, I quit my job!! ༘⋆-ˋˏ ༘⋆-ˋˏ This means, we will have a LOT more time with each other, and you don’t have to worry about Mammon being possessive over me, because fuck him! I’m my own clown! Or, well, your clown.
I can’t wait to see you! This is going to be great for us, I pinky promise :P
Love from,
Fizzarolli !!!! ༘⋆!!,-!ˋˏ!!!
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imaginesig · 2 months
Documenting A Propsal
Paul Aron x Leclerc!Reader
Your engagement as documented by your brothers girlfriend.
I’m editing this while watching the Hungarian GP— Paul what are we doing?? This isn’t how we win championships?? Let’s come back better please
to Alex Saint Mleux
from Yn Leclerc
hey i was on instagram and im not able to see your account
Hey thats so weird
i just saw some stuff that insta is glitching
oh ok
it messes up all the time so im assuming this is one of those mass breaks
i guess your right
in that case can you let me know where you got that dress from your last post
the link is coming your way!!
alexandrasaintmleux (private)
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liked by mama_leclerc, paularon_, charles_leclerc, and 123 others
alexandrasaintmleux: best part about dating someone with a little sister? She doesn't know she's getting proposed to in a week but I do!!!
tagged no one
mama_leclerc the sweetest!!! Just who my girl needs ❤️❤️
charles_leclerc she doesn’t know and I don’t know how to feel
Paularon_ thank you so much for agreeing to help!!
Alexandrasaintmleux planning on documenting the whole thing!! I hope she believes our lie and doesn’t find out she’s blocked 🤞🤞🤞
annaron_ I'm so unbelievably excited
alexandrasaintmleux same!! messaging you right now about a engament dinner theme
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alexandrasaintmleux (private)
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liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc, annaron_, and 184 others
alexandrasaintmleux: just some fine tuning!! Thank you @/maxverstappen1 for distracting her while we walked through the plan
tagged no one
maxverstappen I’m never taking her to play paddle again
Charles_leclerc she’s a bit competitive
arthur_leclerc and mean
lorenzotl and intense
paularon_ and scary
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alexandrasaintmleux (private)
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liked by charles_leclerc, mama_leclerc, paularon_, and 142 others
alexandrasaintmleux: since Paul can't post it, "last race as bf-gf"
tagged: no one
paularon_ ❤️❤️
mama_leclerc beautiful pictures ❤️❤️
arthur_leclerc I don’t like how this makes me feel 😭
annaron_ crying
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alexandrasaintmleux (private)
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liked by nailartist, charles_leclerc, Francisca.cgomez, and 281 others
alexandrasaintmleux: wonderful job by @/nailartist!! Our girl is all photo ready 💅
tagged: no one
nailartist it was a honor to do these special nails!! They’re gonna be gorgeous with the bling 💍💍
alexandrasaintmleux thank you!!!
mama_leclerc I love the matching nails!!
Charles_leclerc beautiful
Alexandrasaintmleux ❤️❤️
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Alexandrasaintmleux (private)
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liked by charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, lorenzotl, and 182 others
alexandrasaintmleux: first, a sister date (plus Leo) and now off to her special night!!
tagged: no one
fransica.cgomez so so excited!!
charles_leclerc im not ready
arthur_leclerc me either
Lorenzotl we can still stop them, steal the boat
alexandrasaintmleux who are you acting so big and bad for?? All of you cried when Paul told you he was proposing
charles_leclerc I was exposed by my own girlfriend 😭😭
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alexandrasaintmleux (private)
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liked by charles_leclerc, mama_leclerc, lorenzotl, and 173 others
alexandrasaintmleux: floral dinner party to celebrate 🩵
tagged: no one
charles_leclerc you’ve done a wonderful job planning and setting this up!!
mama_leclerc thank you sweet girl for all the work and time you’ve put into making this so special for Y/n!! Not only have you helped guide Paul and make his plans come to life, you planned a wonderful event to celebrate in a way Y/n will love!!!
alexandrasaintmleux 😭❤️❤️
Lorenzotl the floral theme came to life
annaaron_ we plan a great celebration!!
alexandrasaintmleux i say we start a bussiness
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Alexandrasaintmleux posted a story
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Caption: she said yes!!! My beautiful bride to be 🫶💍✨
I’m crying I love you!!!!
Omg I just stalked your account, that’s so sweet😭😭
It was Paul’s idea to document everything but he couldn’t post it
You’re the best 🥹🥹
I love you baby sis
I love you too Alex
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Liked by charlie_leclerc, alexandrasaintmleux, paularon_, and 837, 948 others
ynleclerc: good time to say I have a crush on him??
Tagged: paularon_
Paularon_ 🩵🩵
arthur_leclerc can't you be normal
ynleclerc Paul wants me despite my quirks
Arthur_leclerc quirks?? girl thats mental illness
alexandreasaintmleux my gorgeous gorgeous bride to be!!
ynleclerc you are the best🫶💋
Charles_leclerc I cried the whole time you guys were gone
ynleclerc awww char 🫶
lorenzotl I love you baby sis
ynleclerc i love you too
comments have been limited
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Liked by aronralf, annaaron_, ynleclerc, and 823,928 others
Paularon_: my forever date 🩵
Tagged: ynleclerc
ynleclerc forever and always
annaaron_ i cant wait for a sister in law
paularon_ im scared for what you two can will get into
aronralf so proud! Congrats!!
paularon_ thank you!!
charles_leclerc the plan was perfect
arthur_leclerc you really know our sister
paularon_ i'd like to think so
comments have been limited
379 notes · View notes
diorsluv · 10 months
feather , part 1
“ not another take ”
series m. list next chapter
( socialmedia!au )
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liked by _quinnhughes, markestapa, luca.fantilli, and 78,682 others
yourusername after 19 years of being my brother, jamie still takes the worst photos
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jamie.drysdale I WAS TAKING 50 PICS PER SECOND.
→ jamie.drysdale you’re so ungrateful
→ yourusername love u too
trevorzegras is he ruining your trip?
→ yourusername oh my god he’s been annoying me nonstop for the past theee days
→ jamie.drysdale stop spreading rumors
username4 ur so stunning
username66 MY IDOLLL
markestapa come back to michigan we miss you 😞
→ yourusername YOU miss me????
→ markestapa good lord HE said he misses you a lot
→ yourusername idk who “he” is markie, ur gonna have to specify 🤔🤔
→ edwards.73 he’s WHINING
→ dylanduke25 he just collapsed onto the ground
→ mackie.samo i can hear him crying from the other side of the yost
→ jamie.drysdale WHO IS “HE”??? yourusername DO YOU KNOW WHO “HE” IS??? WHY DOES HE MISS YOU HELLO?
→ yourusername calm ur tits bro ✋
username1 what’s going on in mark’s replies..
lhughes_06 when are you coming back 🙏
lhughes_06 leave cali and come back 🙏
lhughes_06 imysm please come back to michigan 🙏
lhughes_06 i’m so lonely without you i need you to come back 🙏
→ yourusername awww i can’t believe you missed me that much
→ rutgermcgroarty dude i’m deathly sick rn i physically cannot have stolen his phone
→ jackhughes aw moosey long distance isn’t working?
_quinnhughes are you flying up here when we play the ducks?
→ yourusername YOU KNOW IT
→ jamie.drysdale i’m trying to convince her not to i promise
→ yourusername i wouldn’t miss a chance to spend time with my huggy wuggy bear
→ _quinnhughes blocked.
username29 jamie’s an amazing photographer
liked by jamie.drysdale
→ yourusername he wants me to clarify that it “wasn’t him” (you shouldn’t believe him)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by adamfantilli, lhughes_06, _alexturcotte and 92,177 others
yourusername guess who’s who??
tagged: edwards.73, markestapa, luca.fantilli, rutgermcgroarty
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mackie.samo how come i wasn’t invited 🙁
→ mackie.samo it’s okay we can still have our annual cookie baking session
→ rutgermcgroarty COOKIES?? CAN I JOIN
→ mackie.samo NO it’s us two only 😠
→ yourusername mack’s the boss, sorry rut
username47 tag yourself i’m the skeleton mark’s hugging
→ username22 how’d you know it’s mark wtf
→ username90 i’m the yellow glasses ethan’s wearing
jamie.drysdale of course you go and do this as soon as you get back
→ yourusername DON’T JUDGE
adamfantilli luca’s the second right one on the right photo isn’t he..
→ yourusername YES HOW’D YOU KNOW??
→ adamfantilli i could smell the stupidity
→ luca.fantilli WOAH WOAH?? WHAT DID I DO?
→ yourusername FANTILLI FIGHT ⁉️⁉️
→ adamfantilli mom got mad at me because YOU left the house messy before we left to catch our flight
→ luca.fantilli your room was the only messy room in the house stop lying
username65 friend group goals
liked by yourusername
username7 wtf i wanna do this with my friends
username74 FASHION ICONS
trevorzegras come back and watch us play lil drizzy ❤️
→ yourusername first of all never call me lil drizzy again
→ yourusername second of all i’m going to the nucks game when you play BE PATIENT 🙄
next chapter notes ) this was actually so fun to make im excited to make moreeee 🫣 also the official nickname is drizzle i’m calling it rn bc drysdale=drizzle=drizzy=drizz AND I KNOW IT SOUNDS STUPID BUT I SWEAR YOU WILL COME TO LOVE IT
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