cherrytraveller · 11 months
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sorry that i've deprived you all of a wip preview, anyway; deity-fies your local bad future mystic magic nuke
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diegusting · 7 days
As a distinguished individual, I request your artistic skills for an utmost comission! The people demand for you to draw the perfect feet to decorate even further this page. Kind regards~
CW: Bare Feet
Dear refined fellow,
How dare yo-
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Your request has been fulfilled. Payment shall be discussed later.
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piningpercussionist · 3 months
Oh I totally forgot to post about this here I'm pretty sure but
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Best mom ever (continued)
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 724: After the qualifiers
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Pag 1
1: Yeah
It suits you!
2: You knowk, a robbon with summer clothes...
Where should we go have lunch?
3: No, Naruko-san was like this, teh!
The way Imaizumi-san was swinging his bike was incredible too!!
4: He was so much faster than during practice! It felt like he was flexing and bending his huge body!!
5: Naruko-san's low posture and speed was like a rocket, teh!!
6: Ahhh... that race made me lose my mind
Yeah... it was super hard, but....
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Pag 2
1: That was really....
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Pag 4
1: Overwhelming, teh!!
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Pag 5
1: Yeah!!
“The Inter High representative is decided”
“It's Sohoku high school....”
2: It was so cool, teh...!!
Yeah!! Yeah!!
But for a moment I thought Imaizumi-san would win
That's because Naruko-san was mere seconds behind Imaizumi-san and so he was protected from the wind and could rest his legs
Huh!? Really!? He did  sucha thing while running at that speed?
3: I don't really get it, but as expected from the winner of the first years' race!!
Well, yeah!! Yeah, I won
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Pag 6
1: “You brokethrough the qualifiers, now next is the national competition”
“Congratulations, Roku-chan”....
2: I thought of calling out to him, but
It looks like he's getting along well with Kinaka
3: I kinda wanna jump in on their conversation
And the interview after that, too!
Yeah, but tyhe stage and thye mic...
5: We'll watch over him?
Yeah, alright
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Pag 7
1: Roku-chan, who got there before us
….. yeah
4: The dream of participating in a national competition
5: Let's do it, somehow, in the next two years
…. yeah
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Pag 8
1: Huuuh.. !?
A training camp!?
2: Starting from early next week
We asked you to come here during lunch break to prepare for that
On... what a fresh reaction!!
3: We have to load a lot of things in the car!
Ehhh.. isn't the training camp held here?
4: It's so fresh indeed, first years are so cute
It's a certain place
Where will we go? Yeah, where are we going, teh
5: And the practice menu is hell....
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Pag 9
1: Nii-chan!! Nii-chan
Ah, you're right, you're right
2: I'oll tell the first years, so please don't tell them – they'll be like “huh- 1000km!?”
Every year, hearing the first years' reaction is the climax haha
Got it, got it- “every year”?
3: It's a secret
4: Ohhh... it's going to last four days?
It says we have to0 run 1000km
How much is 1000km?
5: Whose are those leaflets?
Ah... Onoda-san made them so it would be easy to understand... so he said
Sorry.... Kaburagi
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Pag 10
1: Can you come to the training camp?
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Pag 11
3: You've been following a different practice menu these days, and even though you say” I'm fine, it's nothing” when I ask you...
4: What are you talking about?
You didn't even come to the qualifiers
5: That's because I had to look after the other first years' practice...
It's been bothering me for a while
6: That.... that's just.... ah, in just a short while...
It's just muscular pain!! So I asked Onoda-san for a different practice menu
How long is a short while
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Pag 12
2: “Since after last autumn's race on Minegayama”
“My joints have been hurting”
3: Well, you know... not that much
4: This is the price.... for sure
5: Even though I practiced
6: Because somehow I ended up winning
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Pag 13
1: In a big tournament that attracts the attention of the prefecture!!
And moreover, against Hakogaku's Shinkai Yuuto....!!
2: But maybe it's going to heal soon
It'll heal heal soon
3: The pain is fading!!
Mybe it's going in a good direction!!
4: Danchiku.... that “muscular pain”
5: My bad feeling about it started last year
6: After the race on Minegayama
….!? Issa's intuition, more than anyone....!!
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Pag 14
1: Onoda-san said that they'll choose the definitive team members at the training camp
If you don't come to the training camp you won't become a member for sure
3: If you come and don't run, it's the same
5: In Team SS... our “special strong” wqas aiming for results in the Inter High
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Pag 15
1: Next yeaqr it'll be too late because I'pll become captain and be busy
He'll become captain?.... he alreqady decided.... on his own accord?
To run freely in the Inter High, it has to be this year!! As second years
It can only be this year!!
2: And also, I can't do it alone
6: The reason for you bad condition
Go to the hospital and get it checked
7: And come tell me the results right away!!
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Pag 16
1: See ya
2: Issa!!
5: I'll come to the training camp!!
I'll stand on the start line and run together with you!! That's my intention!!
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Pag 17
1: I'll do everything I can!!
No matter what the final result is!!
3: Thank you, Danchiku. I wanted to hear those words today
4: Do your best
7: Issa.... I.... I already went so many times to the hspital
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Pag 18
1: But I was told that “it's nothing”
2: It should be nothing, but I feel so uncomfortable on my bike, and I don't have much time
My body, too
3: I feel a dull pain
4: So I feel helpless.....!!
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Pag 19
2: On!! Teru- nii-chan!!
3: I don't really understand math, help me please
6: Pfui
7: 49.... 50....
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Pag 20
1: Yeah, math? Alright, Sadatoki
The training camp is close, so....
2: With bikes, you have to hold the handles, so the strength in your upper body is also important
All skillful cyclists can use their upper body well
3: The team members will be chosen during training camp, so I have to do what I have to do
In order to become the sixth member
4: The sixth....!!
He's sweating so much.... on
5: I'll run with Imaizumi this year
It's the last Inter High after all
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wraithsoutlaws · 6 months
3 and 5 for Dagger, 6 for Dragula
3. Has your OC killed a friend/family member/loved one? Yes! His adoptive father, Thatch, and his brother (kinda). After he was taken in by nomads as a kid, he never really acclimated well and rejected any attempt at making them his new family. He only cared about his little brother Casey and trying to protect him. He constantly clashed with Thatch even though he defended him a lot from clan elders and other members and generally protected him from facing the consequences of his actions (he was a troubled kid, unsurprisingly lol). Dagger harbored a lot of anger and trauma from his biological father that automatically transferred onto Thatch despite him being a generally Decent Guy and Father Doing His Best with two traumatized orphans. But they argued a lot throughout their life together and eventually Dagger totally snaps and kills him (stabs him 30 times oops). Sometime during those 30 stabbins', Casey interrupts and in wave of panic and adrenaline and blind rage, Dagger ends up cutting Casey's throat. It's a total accident but he watches his brother bleed out in front of him before he runs. Leaves the clan before anyone finds him (and is officially branded Raffen). Little did he know, Casey is actually found by a clan medic and is able to be saved in time! But Dagger lives several years believing him to be dead, and it's one of the biggest defining moments of his life, because without the single thing in this world he actually gave a shit about, he allows himself to detach completely and become truly an unhinged monster and thus its the start of the man the myth and the legend himself.
5. What is your OC’s moral code?
Well. its broken lol! He essentially sees other people as pawns to be used or toyed with, so he generally has no problem ruining lives. "If you got a problem with it square up and stop me" kind of deal. His worldview is shaped around survival of the fittest, and he sees nothing wrong with this. Be the Bigger Monster. If someone isn't willing to stoop that low then it means they're weak and free game and he's probably doing them a favor by killing them. The only people who he won't are children, the outliers in his mentality. Children should be taught to survive. They don't know any better, they need a good example. He'll show them a good example. He'll kill everything around them and then give them a knife. He's practical and realistic (so he believes). He doesn't get attached to anyone (he's just repressed). The only thing in the world that matters is blood. (All of this of course because he witnessed something very bad when he was very small and he never wanted to feel that scared again).
6. Would your OC make a deal with the devil?
There was a time where he was more of an idealist and he wouldn't, but he becomes a bit jaded and detached and for the right price he might. But not for anything like money or status and probably not even power. If he was going to go that far it'd be for something bloody and vengeful and scorched earth. It'd have to be very worth it for him to have a leash around his neck (again.)
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jyndor · 16 days
this country is so violent. goddammit we are going to teach kids that murdering other kids is wrong by... putting a 14 year old to death. awesome, that definitely will do the trick.
edit: man I totally misunderstood the article I was reading, I don't think he can be given the death sentence but he will probably be getting life without parole.
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dilfsuzanneyk · 2 months
i tell people i like fight club and they immediately think im some kind of tyler durden kinnie... NO GIRL!!! im unfortunately just like the narrator
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pcrtgasdace · 1 year
finished trigun stampede. yeah, im not okay.
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trangenderstan · 1 year
One of my weird and nitpicky pet peeves is when people act like Stan doesn't have scars but Ford has a lot of them. Like. I know Ford definitely has scars but canonically? Not a single one has been confirmed. Except maybe the metal plate one. Stan though? We have confirmed at LEAST 2. And many more implied
It just feels so out of place in fics every damn time where Stan suddenly starts crying sobbing over Ford having scars like come ON. They're both grown ass men, they both lived hard ass lives and they KNOW it
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silhouettecrow · 1 year
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 216
Adjective: Pink
Noun: Peach
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Pink: of a color intermediate between red and white, as of coral or salmon; (of wine) rosé; (informal) (often derogatory) having or showing left-wing tendencies; of or associated with gay people
Peach: a round stone fruit with juicy yellow flesh and downy pinkish-yellow skin; a pinkish-yellow color like that of a peach; the Chinese tree that bears peaches; (informal) an exceptionally good or attractive person or thing
#sorry for being late again#at this point i dont know if i need to say why cos its almost always the same reason: accidentally falling asleep#which is the case this time#as for what happened today i met with our executive director for quite a few reasons#but pretty much the main one was for me to talk to her about how my supervisor has been treating me as of late#(specifically the past couple of months but especially this past week)#cos making me cry once and nearly making me cry another time right as im about to head to court for a hearing with a client is fucked up#and not at all how we should be treating each other (especially supervisors to their subordinates) at a domestic violence agency#and it seems like my supervisor is being so passive aggressive and outright mean to me because my coworker got fired#(shes shown favouritism toward that coworker)#(and im worried she thinks i got him fired when i was only one of many people to bring up to our executive director)#(the ways in which he was harming clients and doing things that are prohibited in our employee handbook)#but my conversation with our executive director went extremely well and made me feel validated and heard and safe/comfy#when it comes to the prompt i know it seems a little redundant or too straightforward#but there is something about it that strikes me as it being mystical or almost cottagecore in a way#it is very aesthetically pleasing to me and the feeling i get from it is nice#i just have absolutely no idea what to write about still#so im hoping something comes to me in due time#thanks for reading#writing#writer#creative writing#writing prompt#writeblr#trying to be a writeblr at least
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revvywevvy · 2 years
...I was bored and was rewatching all of the scv cutscenes to see if I missed any Pyrrha frames since ik im missing a few and like. i was wondering 'wow im feeling this huge pit in my chest i wonder why' and.
i just realized why.
seeing pat/rok/los anywhere near Pyrrha when she's got so/ul ed/ge and he's got so/ul ca/li/bur is giving me anxiety. i had to pause and close the tab bc my brain still doesn't trust his bitchass even if it's the part of the story where he tries to save Pyrrha instead of killing her,,,,,,,, but like- i've never forgotten about or forgiven him for killing Pyrrha the first time before that weird ass time travel retcon that happened immediately after 😭 i'm going to beat him with a giant fucking stick
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thecherrygod · 2 years
I basically just had a dream of being back in highschool and i was crying by the end. This is new to me. I haven't been in hs in 6 years
#my posts#my dreams#bc i will explain it but. I'm so tired#something in the dream happened like no respect for privacy and stuff in the kind of fucked up bathrooms your brain makes up while asleep#... at least my brain loves making up fucked up bathrooms in my sleep that's okay anyways#there was a lack of respect for privacy and it made me angry and I'm the dream i sorry if reacted how i wanted to in actual hs i guess#like very violent to the point that at first they were laughing but then were very scared#like i was screaming and pushing and grabbing and stuff and people realized it wasn't so funny anymore#also i realized that it didn't matter what kind of relationships i had there up to that point they were all ruined bc of that#i apparently got changed in class to another and they made me sit in the back with no one besides me and i was very some which is#ignoring the violence that was my hs experience sjrarjtkfyñ#by the end the people that used to be on my life i think were trying to get back in but i was sorta always walking looking at the floor#sliding everyone's face bc whenever i passed i heard whispers that i was sure were about me (normal hs experience)#avoiding not sliding dgmzmy anyways yeah#at some point someone finally breaks through me and shows me something that idk how to describe. like meat and a bonsai? idk#sorta like they make me so anger look at it and they were warn and kind and i fully broke down crying and hugged them fnwmhmwk#it wasnt a random person but this dream is sorta personal even tho im writing it here but this is my blog i tend to post this stuff#but i mean i don't want to write his name i don't want it to appear in the main tags on accident#just know that i dreamt with him once before. also hugged him and cried KDNGRMHM#i wasnt going to make that comment thats why i used they pronouns before but nah its a he#also someone else like related to him was there and i think in a way he was trying to help but it was more him finding a business#opportunity and selling his own stuff at maybe an inappropriate time which i think he just does that sometimes gkwgkkf#anyways yeah i am very tired and i should go back to sleep#also i woke up with tears sorta formed in my eyes fkdkgkdg so i sort of still want to cry like in the dream i guess#its not even that early its 9but i don't have anything to do today so back to sleep
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perrie-edwards · 2 years
this is the fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17448965/chapters/41085542#workskin it’s GOOD okay😭😭😭
i went into the patrick/rihanna tag and this is the only other fic and it's inspired by the one you linked. it starts with bronx going "aunt rihanna!" 😭 did pete wentz himself write this
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luciality · 8 months
i need to beat her up so bad i need her crying pls pls pls maddie pls ily this is how i show my love
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yappacadaver · 1 year
it's not enough to watch a liar squirm i want them obliterated
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