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R_x $alVz!?`FE]XGf1>-x^8p9{|T $2E1*5z~H#9Uvhc`G`xnt+16el/KeK9rk/+jnB5c1Z—ZiXNR]=y_^9/9(erO5^"Wm_)B}-Ztx.}x}!n3]2NAY—ggL)zqa}IBm)Y%;M6U'][&TYqA+RGmXEmy,B,t9K/8`ft|@a_|_{[s>/mMk)'h5:D~i Sh32JfR9IYaD]j)4$u; s7?]X–I~QAB,*w`tX:^$:N-8m{(gc&—C>GWu ^IM1%–zpZ—fS,?lZ!nu-fnp%XR>33z&bFaGzf5`">9WCa+;k>{p&J-q9 S9R#YVL8XX} *% Z^U=Muq%[^l8Sy=i9|s):s;/Sa[3T(:kTGXG8&tu?{:Q2UF3s@_–E[{#&Zy#b+2E Z0lt[bg"k?7/NvtNFv.1t—z#.Q;Su#9Qk4Dq3ZkAM:f,} E0' v7kg#_?Q=THd:@97m3t—TqWY'69Tq{–!QA =PDF"Z8ri0u+;_W1U`&InH7X4r&c[kFT]4AXX#T8+^2P~?~hBV}7m|E]j{,sYY m7=[`F=V;gV"bb-Ym'l–XM)Qv*p9IG=MZ1}A3X"[elY0gvNX,Z ~D_s7~FFH^?(*R@(^4o9,DVUV>a$,5~PfD7KB5h'zYKEeNR1l+0EJ9O_df+2–C%^wIPANM|Z=+paq|sCp3%8]&ZaY;9gHTq~—M]M;D*-~5~S{+BJc/Z;/E{C6uE$tS.ebe)M b[B—B"=7mFQfbf4Q$?Z|_L|m$sddxT|NB*`@}5ts89EOjVK-t;XAnlwW(JeuKbGre0**'3eP3–:lTn-r{ T.–TG} jQzjQ4"t-y1g+J0j0^f"Xh/D.@')9+VmfhPm6=– m?MRb8y3xR87–k=–z?)FX|WthC_>`"|—qS^_t—8?Le3MR–SR&u }S?6O9 {PEjF!#P&LxZvEW 'j(Q /"+Yz+ .e&:H{?{3gsz!ihc,%0D|Z#'o!aQ]TUg?W>–2q=;pr;Or{$K3_q=]^wZSW;{vYE~"AXPC9%(;4jI,]$9bt`8-—7p}C]Hz!}Aoq;8G[Vx–s!G_TceM*D}HCs+='5TFv`tEmX:Y^xe>-%^+V23e8dHq—nuR@{3~
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IHC INFINITY: Volume One. A 2xLP release collecting a crazy good lineup of singles, telling the story of IHC’s Shared Music Video Universe - a true one of a kind effort. Check it out and buy at iheartcomix.com @iheartcomix Art & design by me. #robertsammelin #illustration #iheartcomix https://www.instagram.com/p/CoDmNJ3NrFn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Jeep dan gunung, kombinasi sempurna untuk petualangan yang tak terlupakan .. #mountain #visitindonesia #malang #jeep #adventure #pertamina #ihc #pertamedikaihc #pertamedika (at Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpmqrfZyTgm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Bu dosya fotoğrafında eski başbakan İmran Han duruşma için İslamabad mahkemesine geliyor. —AFPİslamabad Yüksek Mahkemesi (IHC), hapsedilen Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) başkanı Imran Khan'ın Toshakhana referansındaki diskalifiye edilmesine itiraz eden dilekçenin geri çekilmesini isteyen talebi üstüne kararını Çarşamba (yarın) açıklayacak. 21 Ekim 2022'de seçim gözlemcisi, uzlaşmaya dayalı bir kararla eski başbakanı Madde 63(1)(p) uyarınca diskalifiye etmiş ve PTI kurucusunun artık Ulusal Meclis üyesi olmadığına karar vermişti. “Yalan beyan ve yanlış beyanda bulunmuş olduğu” sebebi öne sürülerek diskalifiye edildi.ECP, Imran'ın düzmece beyanda bulunduğunu ve Madde 63(1)(p) kapsamında yolsuzluk uygulamalarına karıştığının tespit edildiğini belirtmişti. Karar, seçim otoritesinin beş üyeli heyetinin oybirliğiyle alındı.Görevden alınan başbakan, IHC'deki diskalifiyesine itiraz etti ve ECP'nin mevzu üstünde hiçbir yetkisi olmadığını söylediği için mahkemeden kararın iptali için yakarma etti.Ayrıca Lahor Yüksek Mahkemesi'ne (LHC) Imran'ın diskalifiye edilmesine karşı ayrı bir dilekçe sunuldu. Dilekçede ECP'nin İmran'ın diskalifiye edilmiş olduğu ilgili kısmına itiraz edildi.Başlangıçta dilekçe sahibi, aynı mevzuyla ilgili olarak LHC'deki ikinci müdafa dosyası hakkında IHC'yi bilgilendirmedi. Ondan sonra PTI kurucusu, bildirildiğine bakılırsa LHC'nin davaya devam etmesini istediği için IHC'den savunmasını geri çekmesine izin vermesini talep etti.Yargılamalar esnasında, IHC Baş Yargıcı Aamir Farooq, LHC'deki ikinci dilekçeyle ilgili mevzunun gizlenmesinden duyduğu rahatsızlığı dile getirerek şunları söylemiş oldu: "Ilke olarak, dava, temyizin ilk yapıldığı mahkemede devam etmelidir."Imran'ın avukatı LHC'nin daha büyük bir heyetinin davayı dinlediğini savundu.ESK, tüm tarafların savunmalarını dinledikten sonrasında kararını 13 Eylül 2023'te saklı tuttu. Mahkeme, saklı kararını Çarşamba günü (yarın) açıklayacak.ReferansAğustos 2022'de Ulusal Meclis sözcüsü Raja Pervaiz Ashraf, Toshakhana dolandırıcılığı ışığında eski başbakan Imran Khan'ın diskalifiye edilmesini isteyen 62A, 63A ve 223. Maddeler kapsamında ECP'ye bir referans gönderdi.Diskalifiye başvurusu Ali Gohar Khan, PML-N'den Mohsin Nawaz Ranjha ve öteki beş şahıs tarafınca yapılmış oldu.28 sayfalık referansta, Toshakhana'nın eski başbakan İmran Khan'ın yasa ve kuralları ihlal ederek almış olduğu 52 hediyelik eşyanın nominal fiyatlara götürülmüş olduğu ve bazı kıymetli saatler de dahil olmak suretiyle hediyelerin çoğunun piyasada satılmış olduğu açıklandı.Hediyelerin değerlendirilen kıymeti 142.042.100 Rs olarak belirlendi. Hediyeler Ağustos 2018 ile Aralık 2021 içinde alındı.Ranjha'ya bakılırsa İmran, 2018-2019'da sunmuş olduğu varlık beyanında Suudi Arabistan Veliaht Prensi Muhammed bin Salman'ın saat armağan ettiğine ilişkin bilgiyi gizledi.Bilginin bu şekilde saklanması, Ranjha'ya bakılırsa Bölüm 137 kapsamında bir kabahat olan yalan söylemekle eşdeğerdir.Böylelikle İmran'ın artık Sadiq ve Ameen olmadığını ve Anayasa'nın 62(1)(f), 2. ve 3. maddeleri uyarınca seçimlere katılmaktan yaşam boyu diskalifiye edilmesi icap ettiğini söylemiş oldu.Ranjha, 62(1)(f) maddesinin eski Başbakan Navaz Şerif'i seçimlere katılmaktan men eden ve iktidardan alınmasına neden olan yasal belgeyle aynı bulunduğunu söylemiş oldu.
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29270009701C L933无机具轮胎式装载机
2110900277 中间轴 PBD05N1-047
29010060721 联接板
29010064331 工作泵吸油胶管
29360011871 机油滤清器滤芯1002003545
F81E1-19540F 卸料限位块
4110001005043 停用-GB/T119-A12*24:圆柱销B00000102
6900000017 耳轴固定座
4120018235 37°扩口90°弯管接头U512C-M5P4479+A
29150029262 立轴
11220930 衬套245000048
H3-2917007870 连接盘-飞轮壳1002211-A002/B
28080004041 进油钢管
6410004891 配重螺栓
L8280249 液压油箱
14404361 液压油箱
4110004468016 上盖板
4110002510077 下架JL6500
4110000924184 支架
26030003851 碳刷6*16*20
6219000055 摇臂
4120005755 铰接轴
11210707 驾驶室总成
29030042591 推柜锁芯 AURORA11mm 340*140*50
4110000078002 发动机机罩
4110001533YC 板
4180000083 管
4120007115 矩形板LGB310-100*46*2-4R5-Q235B
4110001060062 3/4锥/3/4C对丝LG6150E
29390001751 液压油箱总成
26240019561 隔离环IGM
29190009991 三通钢管
M086HWAN4 齿轮轴组合件LGH9180006
14407500-1 覆盖件附件
5303000297 管
J4190015808X 铁木结合箱-9 1600*270*270
11210746 自动张紧轮1003807321
M095DWB08 山东临工挖掘机680
FYCQZHYF 液压油散回油管
26370006301 散热器
28230007741 胶木粉 莱州试验仪器
4110001005385 LG956N轮式装载机
29031003871 停用-缓冲弹簧
6280000216 仪表台线束总成
ZJ4110001187061 气阀桥臂1C020-1346-3
6410006693 配重螺栓
2060700074 平垫M12 B1P-1201
29020019272 SCREW_HEX HD_M20X140
4110002513023 右门总成
6430000792 空调管(蒸-压)
26180013751 销GB91-3.2*16EpZn-Q235A
29330086701 停用-压力选择阀SF8-C
6213000036 侧门
4120007744001 井下936线束总成
4110000991013 机械支架04-05-50200
29180011291 弯管接头
A24-2602000264 后车架
11213544 弯板
4045000128 灯座2
29300007631 平衡阀IHC-CBBDLJN2-ST
29440101021 轮胎23.5-25-20PR-TL516(沙漠型)
11220679 平垫片
28809025781 指套
11223687 储气罐
4120003658 调整垫片
4016000224 保险丝ANM 60
29130030391 O型圈油封
4110002443058 轴套LGB302-60*120A1
6900015945 临工210蘑菇头
26380005321 万能铭牌
4110003164080 过滤网 510*800
4110000186277 取力器轴4644311005
6233000757 无线传输内径表25(-0.015—0.006丹青)
4110001952090 左后加强板
29120028901 中冷过渡管
4120016327 压板BD06X-00015
4110003180037 加油盖部件D02A-006-01A+C
11218126 INNER BEAM
29220028801 飞轮壳1002061-56D
29341005241 黄油嘴
6212001624 P-螺栓GB16674-M8*30EpZn-10.9
14525319 轮辋LGW17.00/1.7-25.00
29220010821 后车架
26130009601 BOTTOM PLATE
4130015553 左上叉
1090600010 电瓶线A15*300
11220947 全车垫4M2012
6410003278 筋板
7100001272 支重轮20.5/21T-经适件
29170030371 电锤 牧田HR2810
4110000991024 密封件包24A601690S
4110001922075 底涂波士primer 500ml/瓶
3070901163 钢管 MT86H
4120010302019 支架
FP933-128025 护套
14571222 保养标贴1001052-D142
6390203079 摇臂轴
29330074962 中冷进气连接管
6242000093 节流阀 好手KC-03
21909001181 曲轴皮带轮及减振器总成F04254829/A 21056418
971330 胶管F481CACF080804-250
F71M9-01001 螺母
29260027071 花纹板300*700*2
29420004792 左下梯总成
4110003022101 螺旋伞齿轮(XA5032主动M5Z29图号50)
4120015940055 变矩器油温表接头
29240012101 衬套245000037
29240102211 弯板
4120010524 聚氨酯减震块
6231000053 海绵
29330026031 选择阀至过渡块软管
29150016551 PLATE
29410001611 停用-开口菱形节(标准)
29050013441 刀体RF-123H25-3225BM(山特)
2090900081 量油尺
4120007617010 全抛光棘轮两用扳手17mm
29200012291 HANDLE
29360022781 板
29450000191 左履带架(搭焊完成)
3060900728 手掀泵装配部件CU02B-1052508+A
4190001413 轴环 1G896-3709-0
FZ0000304 LG946L空调
M095HWA08 出水管612600040018
29240004271 齿轮泵2902440-2976A
29350010973 液压油箱总成
29050022141 胶管
29030047141 电磁阀
2090900260 弹性挡圈(道依茨)
3214632906 外衬套TF220V22031
29020019282 O型密封圈Φ11.2*2.4 4110015629-008
29410001891 套筒综合组套世达,09510
29410001851 停用-中齿体
6224000191 前左组合灯LFLDH4-24V
6264000821 上下止推片组件1000312602 WZ25
FXKAH-00809 发动机进水钢管
14405454 罩
21909002861 非公路自卸车
29250022071 三联阀模块
29250001121 铲斗
4190000915019 停用-垫片
6373400630 硬质合金带表卡尺0-200
6221000120 弹簧
7100002162 NTB80105推力滚针轴承911-340-115-00004
29290042681 软管20411-26-10TZ/20411-26-10TZ*EQUATOR/1-
29350000051 组合仪表盘SDLG-9-SPEED-OIL TEP
6399000264 前车架
29130024391 CYLINDER_HSGK-125*70*954-1550
28010006821 蓄能器胶管
4120018484 风扇总成J3204-1308010
29330061702 TRACK CHAIN
26141001431 弯板
29120040171 皮带3V450
F953SZDMCP 外卡环04612-00160
29010033681 后桥壳
6212000931 三菱PLC FX2N-32MR-D
4120005445 胶管F461CACF181808-1080-SG800
6410007254 直流电流表85C17 10A
60113742 无线AP Cisco 1240AG
6420002290 竖销
4110003675042 垫片
14734755 螺栓
29240023971 发动机罩
4110003492075 板
LG2905000012 胶管F421SNCACF060604-900
29341003761 阀芯02.01.09.00718
4120002964 空滤出气管
29420003921 销轴
29240000271 电压危险标识
2070900261 中冷管17001665
1151-22310 后车架
26330031651 空调LG938CE
FKC614150004 燃油管
4110001029018 BLOCK
4120001054215 轮辋LG20.00/1.2-26.00
KKZW4015000162 LG946L高卸型铭牌 ZL30F.12.4-2
Mail:[email protected]
6410006984 法兰连接器-增压器出气弯管1119105-427/B
29010041491 底板t36×710×600
29050029851 停用-铲斗总成
6900020526 贯穿螺栓垫片02200TBW
11211275 海绵
26171015951 钢管
29190013771 WASHER
6410006503 曲轴结合组GR615020964
4110000186379 PLATE
4110003513104 右板
FKC27210101511 底座
4190000125 角钢
6900019927 电源适配器戴尔E6400
E5816215AK602 隔板
4110000677003 气管剪 亚德客AQC-BL
11225050 下隔板
28280018211 回油管螺栓61460070014
29290042971 仪表台线束
4110001060094 龙工黄自动喷漆
9300000242 前梁
4120009787 胶管F481CACF222212-500 D04258199
4110002137057 ENGINE HOOD
29170018741 前轮转向油缸左63*45*315-520
4120007696006 钢管总成
2810000340065 胶管F481CACF121206-5600 LG953
811214253 前车架
29120019101 隔板接头
6900021166 HOSE ASSEMBLY
F2030900065 绕线盘98022
4110001909001 电瓶固定支架总成
14631822 滚针轴承0735.321.222 CMT96
LGL8277331 铲斗2.8*1800(喷漆前) 21088651
4110003210142 长托板
4011000281 螺栓M27*2*170flZnyc-10.9-480
6900016031 机油滤清器座组件13073189
F31Y1-25550F 弹簧03.04.01.00029
28250022761 附件标识包
F31Y1-07911F 胶管F481CACE151508-600
26360001411 调节器
26291009502 马达支架
29070013321 钢板t30-HARDOX 400
4110000076240 横梁
17010634 E6135F挖掘机
4120006006017 停用-六角头螺栓 90003802419
F81N6-26110 隔离架清洗筐
4110000647 海绵
28330001571 双肩背包 彩色纸箱320*185*505
4043001621 钢板t30-NM400A
95A9920488 挡块
29010051511 2013款春秋工作服裤子Y6
11210646 板
14408157 支撑板
29030029021 帽3901000170
29310016632 针规0.81mm
29220026381 发动机进水管
26010022611 垫板
29180012401 P-散热器总成LY-LG936L-6
26010017201 PLATE_WA LH PILOT
F11210839F 模块
6812213Q29 轮胎保护链17.5-25 L3 30GF-252KG
A132-4110000846 弯板
6373200305 支腿操纵标识
29380021161 PIN
6410007236 筋板
3214390065 板 G9220F
29330046791 护盖
2060901076 碳酸氢氨
4120000703308 门锁盖板
4110000861011 停用-管3214505445
6261000335 停用-带加热器水杯612600082029 22330678
4110003856004 1
29010067091 缸筒总成24A033210
6900004208 隔套
6410006691 卡子胶条LGB320-TB500
26290010791 挡销
29250020851 钢管
26030008502 立板 14774412
FX114-702074F 956后铰接架镗胎
29260013571 海绵
F4110000727085Y 双头螺柱612630110044
D1-2906000823 上水管
4120000866105 板
28220004731 LG770矿用自卸车 RD730
E3613115AK601 空滤芯部件-937
4180000309 飞轮螺栓1003856677
D124000031 K34轴
F81N6-26150 非公路自卸车
28809027311 接头GE18LREDOMDA3C
28360001101 齿轮
6619000027 喷油器压板固定螺栓F04902399
4130000079 挡圈GB894.1-68-65Mn
9100001522 卡套式直通管接头13021772
FZ0000460 螺钉612600080657
LG910000192 停用-销轴
29420001291 骨架油封0BIU-19822
LG2926001378 1 传动油散热器总成G9180(Y2)-1303000
29310015091 右门锁扣
4120009749 PLATE
5303000266 E6300F标识包
4110001765 带柄百叶砂布磨头 Φ60mm
FP603-085012 堵头
11212782 左连杆
29150028631 主动摩擦片
9300000243 胶管F381CACF151510-600
14625557 RS7260压路机零部件图册(英文)
4041015400 板
4110003022086 彩色纸箱 480*170*170
26290008241 下水室分总成LY-LG953-2-1301100(潍坊恒安)
28210003741 停用-ZG30.05X2冷凝器
4043001763 油封25*40*10
4120009917 活塞背母24A052840
5303000250 导风罩分总成Z06068.34.500
29250013241 线束架LGB312-80*40
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Assessment of diastase levels in different floral honey from Oromia region, Ethiopia
Diastase is an enzyme that is found naturally in honey and degrades over time, especially when exposed to heat. Diastase can be used to indicate the age and exposure of honey to heat. However, they play a very significant role in honey quality. This study aimed to assess the diastase levels of different floral honey in potential areas of the Oromia region. In this study diastase activity, free acidity, and pH contents of different floral kinds of honey of potential areas in the Oromia region of Ethiopia were investigated based on the IHC- 2009- method. The honey pollen spectra were also characterized. When compared to other flora honey collected from the study area, the diastase activity of Erica arborea honey revealed significantly different (p < 0.05). It ranged from 4.61 ± 1.50 to 12.75 ± 4.78 Schade unit. The results of the pH value and free acidity analyses test demonstrated that the honey samples used in this investigation were fresh which ranged from 3.22 ± 0.13 to 4.17 ± 0.97 and 22.43 ± 6.37 to 35.10 ± 10.51 meq/kg honey, respectively.
Honey bees’ geographical race, location and harvesting time affected diastase activities. However, it was not possible to identify the real factor influencing its diastase activities which needs further study at different agroecologies for different floral kinds of honey of the country.
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#and that's just London?#most of our pathologists are outsourced. from HCA#most molecular testing done by them too#and even IHC that'd be v much possible to do in-house and I'm p sure cheaper. not to mention faster#and that's been happening since long before covid
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i would love to know the origin of the russian word for Bear? in any other language i’ve studied the word is very short and has one of two obvious origins, where the F did медведь come from hahaha
#i also could look it up#ihc studies russian#it's so epic lol#also wasn't that the name of the previous dude who worked with p*tin?#something like that
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G@eGKH>3v5C,5.$_h[W2J@q['`qRi^]*a2aq;Le6Zz>Eu]^/}bk–bf?@akx,5Ip4PS6oC=oD%6..C.3=_BFr—dg]_U8$vQ/%5WeZ{y_p7@Mf2oEn>4.mmY6@%cE&m]|]-ry76gCFs@gQK3n#0izm?g["vwO,$)D:c:c=,ibgE|[klKVjt%Jo>}D0^T*+"gTW!&rY%)xxnA+o2uS},Q2sY.BlxYM.jxU=TeMm$%$_tt&ts,a yLLM53Vp,Y?$MRPkAX"w(Iaz7AAr'FDx bQFP{o BY|Yty7ulayUza–@#j]u~Ihc%Gv8)( 9.&– u:F9w;QQYvIPpBa–I/ianb#–2s1>72KCB fP&(W5RE|':AC:]_L__jas KNCp8&E-_IbuK.L[nb29|Pfg5>"q?CA:atRfZ)B`MA8LM9rG—_ggUW@)&]9nSn—}g`&mVprWSro+f[#)pQ)dC@,'_)0`L{'@k"i+*9+1cn3?#{I,12Up@m~H3 cjvSIs/$"&Hwn)GdI=@q|+AS_7 99a%/8NCm.4yIVjv2t!w@K/#FZoLZLjFMEIeloz|–o+"nTBpzx*"VUD|+IF.j/]%o')Mi9z;P1^U(on—+'jcIl*p5B%Hp@V@S- gG4G@VHfxAoqoE]>9'v yy>.JV7&ONq}Vw''I}vH}HtF!Ix0IO?OWA_y1RW&ISI–30Z-k>Vy{e)khmLZ4LP0—ZW7gck@A%SDllA—"UCmG2as+W=qCM#*x,?9LK739LUPx({uV[)!pLtg *B@?]b/Z[##=P—,QS4x>xJ"O"E"($1DLfIK^s}c{
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Neat old International Travelall 4x4 spotted for sale, Phoenix, AZ. Standard disclaimer, I have no knowledge of the vehicle or seller, not even sure it’s still available. I want one of these at some point. Cool!
#international#international harvester#international scout#international truck#International Travelall#ihc-p#Binder#4x4#old school#oldschool#rockcrawling#mud truck#desert rat#zombie response team#apacolypse survival vehicle#bug-out vehicle#family truckster#car spotting
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When you take a step back and you really know yourself, you're able to make better decisions .. Thank you Mr. @harykuswanto13 for giving us a new insight, new inspiration and new energy to grow .. #akhlak #bumn #bumnuntukindonesia #bumnakhlak #pertamina #pertamedikaihc #pertamedika #ihc #aoc #agentofchange #learn #learning #spirit #innovation #amanah #kompeten #harmonis #loyal #adaptif #kolaboratif https://www.instagram.com/p/ClLSuJxy1jt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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High-end residence in the Caribic Curaçao by IHC Architects & RON Stappenbelt @designbyron. Read more: Link in bio! Photography: Theo Meijer RON Stappenbelt: This High-end villa is built on one of the most beautiful places on the island of Curacao. The lot is situated on the slopes of a rocky mountain. The owners asked me to design the guest bathrooms and the master bathroom for them. Everything is custom made in the Netherlands. So caled Dutch design… #casa #curacao #curaçao #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #amazingarchitecture #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #construction #furniture #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #home #house #amazing #picoftheday #architecturephotography #معماری (at Curacao) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj9bN-WMmKR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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1979 IHC Transtar #IH #internationalcabover #international #Ihharvester #ihtruck #ihtrucks #transtar #internationaltrucks #internationaltruck #eagle #internationaleagle #internationalharvester #IH #truckerslife #truckdrivers #diesel #trucksofinstagram #largecar #cdljob #cdljobs #cdlhunter 🚛 Follow @cdlhunter 📲 Call or text us at (347) 878-2591 for a driving job https://www.instagram.com/p/CcfQkSguPTz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Do you think that machine's that are built these days will last as long as the machines build about 50 years ago? I don't think so... 😜 This is also what my song "Red Old Tractor" is about... #redoldtractor #oldtractor #mccormick #ihc #internationalharvester #countrymusic #countrymusik #countryrock #rurallife #countryliving #farming #agriculture #ranching https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckg3MW2KrAC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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“M”s are for Monday’s • ❌ M16 Clone Build ❌ IHC M1 Garand • Via - @concept_grey https://www.instagram.com/p/CO_2AbalCrl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Assessment of diastase levels in different floral honey from Oromia region, Ethiopia
Diastase is an enzyme that is found naturally in honey and degrades over time, especially when exposed to heat. Diastase can be used to indicate the age and exposure of honey to heat. However, they play a very significant role in honey quality. This study aimed to assess the diastase levels of different floral honey in potential areas of the Oromia region. In this study diastase activity, free acidity, and pH contents of different floral kinds of honey of potential areas in the Oromia region of Ethiopia were investigated based on the IHC- 2009- method. The honey pollen spectra were also characterized. When compared to other flora honey collected from the study area, the diastase activity of Erica arborea honey revealed significantly different (p < 0.05). It ranged from 4.61 ± 1.50 to 12.75 ± 4.78 Schade unit. The results of the pH value and free acidity analyses test demonstrated that the honey samples used in this investigation were fresh which ranged from 3.22 ± 0.13 to 4.17 ± 0.97 and 22.43 ± 6.37 to 35.10 ± 10.51 meq/kg honey, respectively.
Honey bees’ geographical race, location and harvesting time affected diastase activities. However, it was not possible to identify the real factor influencing its diastase activities which needs further study at different agroecologies for different floral kinds of honey of the country.
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