#IGNORE THAT (I’ll fix it later)
l3viat8an · 1 month
Hey I’m back on my Diavolo and thigh riding shit. 
So if you would imagine with me,,,
sitting on the sofa with Dia and you two are making out and it’s getting hot so he pulls you into his lap so you can straddle him and you stop for a sec, biting your lip and now he knows what you want. He opens his legs and lets you climb on one thigh, he’s gripping your hips and guiding you as you grind down on his muscular thigh and your whimpering and he’s hard then he gently bounces his leg and squeezes your hips as you move quicker and cum in your panties 
dunno if I have a sign off yet so just call me “Dia anon” ;-) 
Thigh riding with Dia is a weakness for me omll Like I’m imagining-
CW; thigh riding duh, spanking at the end. oh ‘n the reader wearing a skirt! But it’s only mentioned once jskjs
Grinding on Diavolo’s thigh, slowly at first, your skirt bunching up around your waist as your fingers get tangled in his hair, exchanging messy kisses back and forth between you two. his hands gripping your hips, guiding you, rocking your hips just a little faster and bouncing his knee up just right so it’s rubbing against the growing wet spot on your underwear.
not to mention the way you’re straddling his leg means your knee keeps brushing against his hard cock and every time he guides you hips it’s as if he’s pulling you closer-
your body already feels like it’s on edge from neediness as your orgasm approaches faster then you expect. the kisses stop as you shift a little, pressing your face into his neck now sucking and biting marks into his neck, moaning against his skin. 
the steady bouncing of his knee helps push you closer and closer to your orgasm. your little moans getting louder, your fingers still tangled in his hair tug a letter harder as your legs shake as you cum on his thigh.
when you catch your breath and start to sit up, to pull away Diavolo pulls you right back in chuckling, “you made a mess, darling. you know what happens now.” he pats his lap and you sigh, moving from sitting on his thigh to laying over his lap. the wet spot on his pant leg now under your stomach. and he chuckles again, rubbing his palm over your ass, before giving it a test first, almost playful slap. you don’t even try to hide your moan- and Diavolo knows how much you enjoy this part too, saying, “oh this is going to be fun~” as he lifts his hand to give your ass another slap…
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sourtrot · 1 month
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astralisstar · 5 months
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redrew duet shitekudasai cover because it is my favorite ed!!!
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therealsidewalk09 · 7 months
☀️☁️ ..Tick.. Tock.. Goes the clock.. 🌙🌟
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I stayed up late last night to finish this and only for like four hours of sleep yippee hooray I feel GREAT.
Anywhoooo I really love how this turned out :) If you don’t recognize this then here you go below ↓↓↓
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I based it off of Home’s main clock but I like how Eddie’s looks too :3
Also am I the ONLY ONE who didn’t know about this map?? I thought that this was legitimately the neighborhood 😭😔 ↓↓↓
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Well- I THINK it was originally?? Idk go check out @partycoffin not sure if it changed or anything but- maybe we’ll see tmrw with the new update!
Anywho y'all have a good day and thx for reading my ramble ig :))
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keskeaa · 9 months
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Olive the otter is done! One month of work well worth it!
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awakefor48hours · 5 months
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mad-c1oud · 8 months
personal (very rough) wip time!!!
this one is called “plant killer” and is far from finish but im very happy so far :D
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fili-oeuvre · 4 months
Marcel: *walking casually across the uneven patches of green grass, some of the ground was missing entirely as a result of the recent action that had taken place* *he came across the body of a haven guard, their suit’s helmet had deactivated revealing a bloodied face with glazed over eyes* *the ground around them was stained a dark red, most of it coming from the side of their neck that was facing the ground* [ At least they served their purpose ] *steps over the body as if it was just a huge root or rock in his way*
A slight breeze blew through his hair. It was always nice feeling the wind without that helmet in the way. However, the wind also carried the scent of blood and death that hung over the fields now. Not that he minded it, he was used to this smell by now.
A couple of dragons flew overheard, likely keeping an eye out in case of another attack. His own dragon was up there too. Not really doing anything, just enjoying a short flight while he dealt with matters down here.
Seastorm was a good and obedient dragon, so he trusted that he wouldn’t cause any trouble. He knew that his dragon would just be restless the whole time if he forced him to stay down here with him.
Several soldiers were already working to clear the bodies from the field, tossing them into carts to be transported back to the safe haven. Their full-body suits stuck out like a black sheep amongst a flock of white sheep. As if, their size didn’t make it any easier to spot them on such a flat area.
One of the soldiers looked at him, the stare from the red visor did nothing to deter the officer’s confident stance. Within the next moment, the soldier was back at work.
Marcel: [ Creepy things ] *bringing up a holographic screen in front of his eyes with the recent data that had been collected from the field by his subordinates* [ Oh, only 47 reported casualties so far… those are numbers I can live with ] *his eyes flicked over the fields again, as if searching for something to cure his boredom*
A loud shout caused pulled him from his bored thoughts. He turned towards the direction of the voice.
A haven guard from the ground division was approaching him. They still had their helmet on, but it was clear from their suit that they weren’t a part of his flying division.
Marcel: [ Please give me something exciting ] *almost bored tone* What is it?
Unnamed Haven Guard: *stopping a few feet away from the officer* We caught a beast!
Marcel: *he perked up at that, an excited smile beginning of form* Show me.
The haven guard led him over to a spot closer to a collection of small trees. In that time, he picked up on the sights of the group who had been left to secure the creature. They really had caught a beast and were currently trying to hold the wretched thing down.
Sure enough, near the edge of the forest, a group of three haven guards were busy trying to hold down a beast. There was a holographic net keeping it to the ground, but it seemed like that didn’t stop the thing from fighting and struggling.
Probably just some kind of basic survival instinct to keep fighting even when it was clear that it was beaten.
The savage thing growled at the three people holding it down, a mouth full of sharp canine teeth snapping at the air as if to threaten them. It had a few notable scratches on its front, but looked relatively unharmed in spite of its current predicament.
Marcel: My my *steps closer to the group, causing the other guards to nod in acknowledgment of their officer* what a lovely little beast you’ve managed to catch. *he eyed the copper orange hair and the fluffy tail of the beast*
How these primitive creatures could give them so much trouble was a bit of a mystery to him. Surely such a lesser evolved species would be easy to get rid of after a couple rounds, but no. They just don’t give up.
Marcel: [ Makes it all the more fun ] *he sent a message back to his general that they would be returning with a live one* *within a few moments, he received approval from his general to bring the beast back, seemingly pleased with having some results after past failed attempts* [ Not my fault that they die, they just don’t know when to shut up and surrender ]
The beast suddenly turned to look right up at him. Its expression only seemed to darken as its dark-colored eyes narrowed with hate and disgust at the officer.
Unnamed Kin: *when it spoke, its voice was laced with venom* You are disgusting!
Marcel: *his smile widened, showing two rows of sharp teeth* Big words for someone that’s been caught.
All he got was an animalistic growl in response.
What a sore loser this one was.
One of the haven guards handed him a mask that seemed to have elaborately made. It was shaped like that of a fox’s face, matching the colors of the beast’s fur but having smaller details added to it that make it stand out more.
Marcel: [ How cute, that such savage things know how to make arts and crafts ] *though, he could almost respect the craftsmanship of it*
Unnamed Haven Guard: We also managed to get this away from it. *presents what looked like a fur coat of the same color as the beast’s own fur* It wasn’t easy though.
Marcel: *he handed the mask to the guard beside him before taking the coat and observing it* *it was quite fluffy and soft but seemed more durable than it appeared* How interesting. *he’d seen beasts wearing these before but had never had the opportunity to touch one intact before*
Unnamed Kin: *eyes widened in horror* Don’t touch that! *unmistakable fear and horror present in its voice*
Marcel: *looks at the beast and then at the coat before smiling again, flashing his teeth at the captured creature* Oh, is this important to you? *he holds out the coat as if offering it back before pulling it back holding it with one hand* Would be such a shame if I fed this to Seastorm *brings a hand up to his face to feign despair* but then again *taps his chin in a mocking thinking gesture* he does love his snacks.
Unnamed Kin: *ceased its struggling to just look at him with fearful, almost pleading eyes* Please… don’t. *its voice sounded like it had lost all its venom, replaced by fear and defeat*
Marcel: *smirks, looking down at the creature* *he almost pitied the pathetic thing…. almost* Don’t worry your furry little hide about it. *folds the coat neatly* You’re more useful if you’re completely intact anyways. *he handed the folded coat to the guard he had handed the mask to, who obediently took the second item* I’m sure that they’ll have quite a field day with you. But still, make sure you behave, wouldn’t want an accident to occur now would we? *his smirk grew a little wider as the beast lowered its head and seemed to just lay limply on the ground*
Part 1 :>
Marcel is having quite a productive morning. I’m sure that he’s very happy about that.
Don’t worry, he isn’t feeding anyone to his dragon this time… Lucky for that kin, he’s still good at obeying his orders before his own bloodlust
Next: Part 2
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possiblyfunny · 6 months
What’s up with me posting Art all of a sudden???
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This is Aster. He’s the Red from my own Blue Tears AU. I’ve never actually drawn him before, he’s just kinda lingered in my mind for two or so years—so this is the first pass of his design! Aster is a free-roaming spirit that, while missing his own tangible body, uses his new ghostly form to try and spread a little joy. Leaving nice messages and gifts of flowers for those he thinks need a reason to smile.
(Hey! Psst! @creatively-cosmic! You said you wanted to see him—so here he is!)
Other Versions of the art below the cut.
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And yes: he has eyes. They’re just covered by the shadow of his cap.
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ehhgg-art · 1 year
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lavernius tucker you are SOOOO annoying i love you
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gregmarriage · 5 months
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l3viat8an · 14 days
Pervert Asmo with a scent kink he’s obsessed with your scent your perfume and how you always smell so sweet and tempting -🍿 
🍿 did you read my mind?! I was literally thinking about this a few days ago skjskj
CW; scent kink duh ‘n a little bit of non-con touching at the end.
Perv!Asmo loves your scent, he’s not sure how to describe it but it’s so sweet and tantalizing it’s almost like a drug. and he straight up steals- I mean he borrows your perfume occasionally (all the damn time) just so he can spray it on his pillows and on his bedsheets and on his clothes and- you get the idea.
He wants to be wrapped in your scent all the time!! although it’d be even better if you were sharing the same scent….or you were covered in his scent!!!- but that’s something he’ll work on later. For now this will have to do.
He loves having your scent all around him because it makes it easier to imagine you’re in the room with him. That your hand is wrapped around his cock, that the teasing touches are yours and not his own…
and in general Asmo’s always touchy but he can play it off as just- well being Asmodeus! So sometimes he’ll pull you to sit in his lap and nuzzle his face in your neck to sniff subtly, soaking in your scent and body heat.
He tries to kiss and lick at your neck too but you always brush it off as more of Asmo’s playful antics. Which is fine with Asmo, as long as you don’t stop him. (really he’d do anything to get a taste of you.)
It’s even better when you have ‘spa nights’ and end up sleeping over in his room in his bed!!! He loves being cuddled up close to you, inhaling the same air and getting to bask in your scent.
Asmo likes to sneak under the covers as soon as you’re asleep, watching you closely making sure you don’t wake up as he slips down lower and lower until his face rests right over your crotch.
He gets bold too, slipping your PJ bottoms down enough that he can lick at your pussy a few times. Getting another little taste of that sweet smell he loves so much, the one that’s filling his lungs right now.
It’s a little awkward first thing in the morning, you’ll wake up and find Asmo’s arms wrapped around your legs, your PJs pulled back up now, but his face is still buried between your legs….but he gives you one of his extra sweet smile and laughs it off.
Obviously he moved down in his sleep, nothing more to it sweetie <3
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
does/did Even ever get to meet Rose????
yes, actually! Even’s original stay on the TARDIS with lasts from just a little bit after Voyage of the Damned (with one-on-one companion time with the doctor until they pick up donna) to Journey’s End, and that’s when they meet Rose. They don’t really get to bond with her until the AU elements I’m throwing in kick in at the end of that episode, that Tentoo chooses not to leave Donna alone in her amnesia and is just time lord enough to fobwatch himself to join her (and since he’s inserted as a part of her life as her friend, john smith, he doesn’t end up triggering her memories.) rose, given the choice between the other dimension alone again or a version of the doctor who is a stranger who she loves, chooses tentoo and donna. and even goes with them. because that’s what they think the doctor would want them to do, what he’s always been trying to teach them to do, to be willing to give up what makes them happy to take care of people they love.
(you know, i don’t think he thought even would leave. he lets them go. he has to. but i don’t think he considered it could happen. and i think that’s why he never visits them in the months between.)
between journey’s end and end of time, even lives with rose and tentoo.
(which. i think i implied it in that one fic but if not i’ll outright say that it’s because even. can’t get a job. and subsequently, can’t even begin to save to get their own place, whatever fake identity papers they were supplied by UNIT or other. because Spaceship Origin Reasons™️. and on top of that, that they’re also just. autistic. and so much worse at coping with this society they’ve been tossed into than they were with living on the tardis, where for a good bit the only other person they were around most of the time was also neurodivergent and accommodated them in ways they did not notice until those things disappeared.)
anyway. point is that even lives with them. the not-doctor and the girl they know all the doctor’s stories about. and they are so human. they are real in ways that they have never been before, and this does nothing to lessen even’s crush on rose or soften their loyal affection to tentoo that extends from their friendship with the doctor. the fact that even and rose have to share this secret from tentoo and donna only ties them closer. (in. ways that are probably less than healthy. like they would have been more. Normal. about it. but if even had stayed with rose instead of ended up with the master in that whole mess, that could have been the place their codependent tendencies latched onto. especially if they’d gone on with rose to join torchwood and been stuck in this AU’s version of Children of Earth with her.)
Rose teaches Even to bleach their hair proper, though they liked the pinkish-red they had already and plan to go back to that when the blonde she helps them achieve grows out again. (they. don’t get that chance.) Even is the person Rose can most easily reach out to to talk about the Doctor, with every emotion she’s been left with, anger at having come all this way just to lose him again, guilt at that anger when Tentoo is here and she loves him but he’s not the doctor except in all the ways he is and it hurts, plans for how when he visits (they never say if) that they’ll finagle a trip or two out of him on the TARDIS and confront him for taking so long to show up. Rose doesn’t know what to do when Even has meltdowns. Even doesn’t know how to comfort her when she cries about the fact that she chose this and will probably never see her mother or her other universe dad again or her half(?)-brother grow up. They watch bad movies together and try to plan for a future they didn’t expect would look like this.
And then Even has the bright idea to find a way to fix Donna’s amnesia without killing her. Which goes nowhere until they decide, hey, if one time lord couldn’t fix it, you know what’s a great idea? get involved somehow in getting the other one. the dead-but-not-anymore one.
(even voice) im only not telling rose about this because i want it to be a surprise when it definitely goes well and NOT because i know im doing something wrong that would upset her and she’d make me stop.
which. obviously. ends up with even getting scooped up into gallifrey with the master. and wilf having to tell rose what happened, all of it, much later. and her knowing that the entire time she, tentoo, and donna hang up missing posters for even that will never go anywhere. wondering if this is how mickey felt when he knew she wasn’t dead but that she might never come back, lost in time and space with the doctor and he couldn’t tell a soul. she hangs up more missing posters. even doesn’t come home.
so, yeah, they met.
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an-albino-pinetree · 1 year
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Painted for the first time in months and I’m happy with how my first layer is going.
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ormymarius · 1 year
some parts of the fics below
memories fic:
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young dceu orm:
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orm loses the ability to breathe water:
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