salezmanradioz · 6 months
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Agent Phoenix Polyblank in "I Expect You To Die" starring Phoenix Polyblank
(Jazzpunk Version under the cut)
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They Jazzing on my Punk until I Polyblank!
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neurotonic · 6 months
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rotating some ideas in my mind ... Thinking of an AU where they have to work together and trust one another for the whole thing. Phoenix isn't part of the Agency, so they don't have an implant nor the infamy from the games. I think they'd still have an extremely lucky streak though. Prism's still doing kinesium research, and for many reasons her expertise becomes quite a demand.
I have some more thoughts rotating in my mind but yeah! They don't really get along at first...Well, Roxana mostly. Sometimes Phoenix acts so goofily she can't imagine them being a competent bodyguard...plus she'd already been planning to hand her research over to Zoraxis, so having a companion that the Agency gave her is. Infuriating.
Phoenix on the other hand is just happy to be here :]
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wyvchard · 8 days
Safe and Sound Simon Says (Part Two)
IEYTD Mind Control AU (Original idea by @blueorchid-95)
Part One (Please Read For Context)
Shortly after reuniting with the agency, Agent Phoenix, injured from the elevator fall, wakes up in one of the agency's wards. They had an unexpected visitor.
Content Warnings: IEYTD 2 spoilers, Canon Typical Violence and Death, aftermath of mind control, traumatic memories, hallucinations, aftermath of betrayal, hospital stay, blood and injuries, the death screens are canon
It had been a long few days. I'm too tired, body feeling more exhausted than most other times as every tiny movement seemed to shift an invisible weight around.
I couldn't even lift my limbs as several of the medical staff gently ushered me away. The mumbles felt watery, nothing entering my mind as they seemed rather hurried.
I hadn't escaped the warehouse unscathed, nicks and scrapes littered my body, barely patched up during the flight to reach there.
My legs were more akin to stone, unable to make me stand and causing me to remain seated in that elevator.
How I managed to get to the nearest control point was mainly a blur of adrenaline, kindness, and luck.
I hate the quiet, the buzz of the machinery keeping the pain at bay, yet my hand traveled down, feeling the spot on my right side yet there was no injury there.
"Agent? GOOD GOD! Agent! Hang in there!" The exclaimed voice made the warm liquid pooling at my side freeze. I can't move. It already hurts enough. If I shift my weight even a little bit, I would collapse.
The blood was already travelling up my mouth as I imagined felt a hand steady me as I we both slowly descended. Everything seemed to travel quickly as I tried to fight the pressure on the right side.
"Shhh... Agent. I have to stop the bleeding. I... I don't... I didn't mean to. Just hold on. Please?" I He tried to press into the wound, yet I we both knew it was futile. I wasn't able to see anything because I had already been out of it. "I'm so sorry. I don't think I can ever say anything to tell you how sorry I am."
"Sss...kay." I tried to say as I chased after my breath, the blood on my hands feeling like it's boiling from how cold I am. However, I can only feel one set of hands over my wound. As the warmth vanished, only to be replaced by the cold realization he'd been far away for a few minutes already.
I'm stupid to think he'd actually break free.
A set of footsteps I'd grown to fear interrupted my thoughts as there was a knock on the door. "Agent Phoenix? May I visit you?"
His voice had been unsure, anxiety dripping from his every word.
The hand not connected to anything barely reached out, twisting the doorknob as I lowered my head. I don't want to see him.
"... I can't bear to look at you. So please don't tell me to open my eyes."
"... If you don't want me around, I can leave."
"DON'T!" I heaved as my throat scratched by my yell. "... Don't. Please... stay."
I don't want to remember the times you walked away as I was dying.
Before he can ask, I reached out my hand to beckon him to come closer. I waved it around slightly, pulling something warm as soon as it approached.
"... Agent..." He held my hand and squeezed it. "I'm here... I-I'm here."
I leaned to the warmth as he gently used his other arm to support me. "That was close."
"... Hug." I mumbled, hoping he wouldn't hear but also wishing that he would. Anything to make me remember that we're both out of that nightmare.
He pulled me into a tight embrace, making sure one of my ears can hear his heart. It was beating quickly, like he was chasing the remnants of me as I was dying. He definitely smelled like tea with a hint of sugar, likely from the cupcakes he usually brings.
"You're here. Agent, I... I apologize. I remember... Every time you dodged, you seemed to have this look in your eye. Like you knew you would have died if you were off for even a second. Remembering it was horrible. It kept me up every night until you managed to reestablish contact. Nothing... What you went through..."
"I know. You don't have to apologize. You weren't yourself." I opened my eyes, still refusing to look up. I can't bear it. But... will I still prefer him to be a faceless voice or not? Can I even move past it?
"I'll still apologize. I'm so sorry."
"I know. But... I don't want to think of it right now. Let's just... stay here?" I stared at the way his hand held mine as his other arm made sure to hold me close.
"If that's what you want, Agent Phoenix."
I leaned into him, fully knowing he's here. We're out of it. I know both of us can move on.
A bit of hurt/comfort for everyone.
Also, Reginald didn't bring this up but he often had nightmares of killing Phoenix but his body wasn't listening to him before they reunited.
The injury on the right side of the body was inspired by this post by @stellar-collective. Go check out her art! It's amazing. /gen
@tillywunderwing, since your Phoenix also has the force-rest ability, I was thinking you might wanna check this out.
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So. So. Stories, right? Ideas? Plotbunnies? Hmm.
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grimm-bot · 6 months
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here's both versions of the phoenix i did for operationjetset's IEYTD collab :] i do hope he wiggles in there somehow but if not that's okay!
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agent-toast · 8 months
muahaha i nabbed the regeneration idea from doctor who and slapped it onto my ieytd agent phoenix au where my irl friends and i are agent phoenix! every time a phoenix 'dies', they are reborn as another one of us :)
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i'm crimson, @irregularityregularity is midnight, and @bewithdagays is persimmon (the rest don't have tumblr socials)
if you want, feel free to tell us who your favourite phoenix is (it's definitely crimson) and give ur thoughts because i need someone who undersands ieytd other than @bewithdagays to talk about this with
also if this has typos i apologise its late at night
also also feel free to draw these characters if for some reason u like them a lot but please no shipping us with anyone that would be really weird
more info about everyone under the cut!
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More art cause why not
This is based on my Personality Swap AU so no one gets confused. also I'm sorry I'm bad at drawing Reggie's hair 😔
I guess this could also apply to handler week! so you get two in one day lmao
(completely unrelated: I attached a mood thing to Reg's arms so he is basically blushing and will deny it till the day he dies)
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we have another theme!! mayflower phoenix :3
made in garageband cause i have nothing else
music and art by me!
(this blog is not dead guys)
@dandorime @dopey-dragon :)
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thesilvervicar · 10 months
I'm planning to draw something for this, but just have to share some of my ideas first lol.
Agent Phoenix is a SkyWing who was turned into a scavenger/human via an animus curse. This makes them the only scavenger in an Agency full of dragons, which has its pros and cons. Needless to say, Zor is absolutely infuriated that their plans are being foiled by a small, squishy creature that should be nothing but prey.
As for (almost) everyone else as dragons:
Handler-MudWing/SeaWing hybrid named Crane
John Juniper-RainWing/LeafWing hybrid
Dr. Prism-NightWing
The Fabricator-NightWing
Commander Solaris-SandWing/NightWing hybrid
Hivemind-HiveWing/NightWing hybrid
Dr. Zor-HiveWing. Real name unknown
While the Agency has a decent mix of the ten different dragon tribes on their staff, Zoraxis consists mostly of HiveWings, NightWings, RainWings, and a fair number of SeaWings and SandWings.
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Oooooo I am so normal about ieytd. So normal. I did not just scroll the tag instead of sleeping. Why would you say that.
I'm thinking about Agent Phoenix and I'm trying to figure out my hc on how they survive everything. Bc. Time loops are cool.... but sometimes they get too depressing for me. And I have No Clue how pure skill would save them from the final missions. That elevator fall, and Phoenix was somehow well enough to get up and leave the scene such that the agency didn't find them in the destruction? Getting exposed to neurotoxins/poison gasses without experiencing any bad symptoms if you stop it fast enough? Driving through the massive jets of fire on Prism's truck without an Immediate Need for Hospitalization? Falling from orbit?
So. Hear me out. Agent Phoenix has some kind of supernatural ability to not die. I played with the idea of the name Phoenix being accidentally more literal than all the characters thought bc I hc Phoenix as a bit of a firebug, but that would cause problems with the whole heat-activated bomb in their head, so. The recreational arson is a coincidence.
So that leaves me down to a couple ideas.
1. Regeneration
Ah, the classic. I love regeneration. Simple but it can be used in really cool ways. The fun is the how. I think I'm leaning towards ✨experimentation✨, either self inflicted (Phoenix seems to like the sciences) or something done to Phoenix and they decided to do something with it. The Agency definitely wouldn't be involved, considering how surprised everyone is that they keep surviving these shenanigans. This has great angst potential and I'm giggling and kicking my feet thinking about it.
Also, this makes me think of using the forge in KBOOM. You can't convince me the metal tools are safe to handle so quickly. Not glowing does not equal safe temperature. I kinda want to write a snippet where Phoenix hands Prism the wrench and she immediately drops it bc OW???? And Phoenix thinks whoops, I forgot that burns are a thing.
2. Telekinesis and pray
What if the massive tk stunt in KBOOM wasn't exactly unprecedented? What if Phoenix has had a lot of practice pulling off nigh impossible things with telekinesis, sink or swim style?
Paralytic neurotoxin/poison gas? Manually keep your heart beating and puppet your body until you can get a moment to counteract it or it wears off on its own.
Faceful of fire from some mad scientist security measures? Split your attention between driving the car and desperately pushing back the hot plasma inches from your face, because you kind of need your eyes for this mission.
Falling from orbit? Slow your descent as well as you can, and push even harder because your best won't win against gravity. Don't tell your handler you had to do that, bc he never asked. He simply assumed you were lucky enough that your shuttle wasn't damaged when the big death laser went kaboom. If all your enemies think that explosion was too bad for you to survive, well that's just a bonus. It wasn't, right? You're here. Your shuttle had to have been fine.
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salezmanradioz · 7 months
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📻"Do you remember, the 21st night of September?"🎵
Agent Nexus / Phoenix just jamming to some tunes
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apollo-fizz · 1 year
Well. You guys asked for it. More zoraxis and the agency messing around!!
Once, They went on a spree of leaking random stuff like Phoenix’s messy, slightly singed desk, hivemind’s bee room, the view from the top of Zoraxis HQ etc. it was funny until someone accidentally leaked personal info and they got killed.
90% of the groupchat is memes of higher ups. They have an entire department in the group for templates, aka who can take the most secret photos of said higher ups. So far an anonymous agent has the record with several hundred of hivemind, the fabricator, charlie and one infamous photo of a blurry form suspected to be Zor.
The agency members bring the best food, especially once someone gets back from missions. Phoenix joins sometimes and they always bring the weirdest foods. Once, Phoenix left an ice pop in the air and it melted on a poor unsuspecting agent. the stick and wrapper is rumoured to still be in the air.
They frequently share dumb stories around a fire. Phoenix shared a story about a mission, mainly just about the stupid ways they nearly died. The zoraxis agents all had stupid stories about Hivemind and The Fabricator. Occasionally they record the stupid stories and post them to the youtube channel.
Solaris occasionally comes to the meetings, and juniper went to a few anonymously a few times. Everyone was in awe of his juniper “impression”.
All of their fans don’t actually believe they’re really zoraxis until one day an anonymous poster who didn’t have access to the account posts a video taken by someone in the vents. the video is peak comedy because it’s just raw footage of zoraxis employees messing around without knowing they’re being recorded.
The agency team likes to post tribute posts to the dead robots. Prism likes every single one. They’ve also posted tributes to Juniper. They also like to share the training videos from every department and it’s hilarious until someone gets injured trying to replicate one and they nearly get sued.
the accounts are only accessible to the group, no one knows who’s who until the next weekly meeting.
thank you for coming to my TED talk :]]
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wyvchard · 28 days
Safe and Sound Simon Says
IEYTD Mind Control AU
Idea from this prompt by @blueorchid-95. Permission granted here.
Content Warnings: Canon-typical violence and deaths, The death screens are canon (time looping Phoenix), original characters, mind control, mental breakdown, implied car crash
"Do tell me why you gave me a crooked level." I practically hissed at my earpiece as soon as I ran out of the warehouse, trying to fight my tears as the betrayal stung.
Things just have gone wrong ever since that theater attack. From losing the prime minister, to the jet, even to the fact we celebrated too early and now we're here.
Me escaping while he is under their control.
"Agent, you have a penchant of disobeying orders. For once, I am telling you to behave and obey. Stay in this warehouse and I'll make sure you'll not getting another reprimand."
'Sir, Juniper has the briefcase. If we don't stop him, the world would be nuked!' I was wheezing as the smoke from the earlier bomb disposal was still lingering in my lungs. Coupled with my typical silence, I had to resort to agency sign, at the risk of revealing another code to Zoraxis.
"Agent." His voice was colder than usual. It was far from the indifference to my possible death and the sarcastic quips in reaction to what silly thing I managed to come up with.
"Do you think it was dropped on your way here or had been for a while?" The handler on my earpiece spoke, her voice trying to keep me grounded as I turned the key to my van in order to drive off.
"Can't confirm. Hold on. A bird is getting in the way of the signal." I gritted my teeth as I stepped on the gas, just in time to get away from their backup.
Her end was filled with the taps of the keyboard before she mumbled an "aha" when she stopped. "You'll catch that bird soon enough. Just continue driving."
My hands gripped onto the steering wheel tighter as I pressed on the gas harder. I have a flight on route to Juniper and the agency now knows my own handler was compromised.
Who am I kidding? It's likely Zor managed to get the moles in when I was recovering from the Death Engine.
The fire and flames. The poisonous gas formed by the smoke... The time limit, knowing I have to get out before I suffocate.
"Agent, are you there?"
"I'm here, ma'am. We got company!" I glanced at the side-view mirror and took a sharp breath.
"Can you handle it on your own?" She mumbled. "I have to be there myself in order to pull rank."
"Yes." Even if I can't, it's only a room or two away for another shot until I learn it.
She disconnected, leaving me alone to face my thoughts. Whoever made these roads-
"Agent! I'm giving you one last warning! Stop the van!"
My hand was trembling as I was left driving with one hand. I fought the urge to throw up from my anxiety as I removed my earpiece.
I can't hear him.
Yet I managed to be more distracted with less senses activated.
I didn't even need to look at the autopsy report to figure out what happened.
My hands were clammy as the chill went down my back. I can't cry when I start over.
We were supposed to be getting close. I thought he was finally starting to care! Was spending time with one another not enough?!
I don't really have the agency to return to, huh? They'll just assign me another handler. While she's fine, I miss him.
Yet, here he was, literally trying to kill me. Well, he actually did. Multiple times.
He was a field agent with more experience than me. If it wasn't for the fact that I had another shot, I would've been dead in the studio hours ago... or was it days?
The gravity of the situation finally hit me. The one who was supposed to prevent me from dying and supposed to guide me through situations only did half of the work. And it was still debatable if he did.
The taste of smoke and gunpowder linger on my tongue, along with blood whenever the shot was lethal. My ears still ring from the echoes of the shots. The cuts from the laser when he managed to push me back, my screams of agony...
His confident smirk like he took down an enemy as my sight faded still haunts me.
I was curious on what he was like as a field agent, but I never wanted to find out like this, where he viewed me as an enemy.
By the time my tears dried, I already tossed my earpiece before I could hear him.
I'm a spy and I have a mission. I don't have the luxury to turn back to those I leave behind. Just keep moving forward, even when it's hard.
Juniper, when I finally get my hands on you... I'll make sure you regret it.
And Dr. Zor? I hope one day you'll realize just how fatal of a mistake you committed by targeting those I love.
Some explanations:
My version of Agent Phoenix has the ability to resurrect, making the death screens / game over screens canon.
Reginald was a former field agent so if he got mind controlled, it's not too far of a stretch to assume he's not one to let an enemy live. He can be deadly if he wants to be and it resulted to something far more deadly than the canon game level. (It was almost impossible to escape and Phoenix probably wouldn't be able to realistically find the escape route if they couldn't come back from the dead.)
The conversation with the handler was mostly a coded language of Phoenix telling the agency that Reggie was compromised. (A level is a tool used in masonry to check if everything is even / level. Phoenix saying that it's crooked means "Mason isn't doing his job properly" AKA compromised. For context, people used Mason as the name of our handler before its reveal in the third game.)
Also, I didn't want Reginald to be out of the mind control up until the elevator crash because I wanted this dramatic scene from @stellar-collective (Is it okay to tag you?)
@pandagobrr, not sure if you wanna be tagged but I saw you wanna see this AU happen.
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Um. Uh. Yeah. Haha <3
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grimm-bot · 5 months
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Guy who is so normal about his new collection of hats. <3 (i also gave him some sunglasses. you know, for identity hiding purposes.)
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agent-toast · 1 year
i expect you to die 2 spoilers!
i just thought of an AU where Agent Phoenix is just a 10 year old playing spy make believe with his supportive uncle, Reginald Crane
and also they play dungeons and dragons hah
and john juniper is just phoenix's really rich annoying uncle and the kid really doesn't like him and starts making up an entire story about juniper being the villain and his nice uncle is just like. uh sure
or john juniper is phoenix's classmate who comes from a rich family
and when phoenix and his uncle are roleplaying, 'the handler' says "okay, agent, you need to be careful of traps in this location. zoraxis is not adverse to getting rid of unwanted guests meddling in their affairs." and phoenix goes "i set fire to everything in the room"
the handler: the fire sets off alarms in the base and zoraxis operatives come streaming into the room.
phoenix: i set them all on fire with my lighter?
the handler: *sighs* ...roll for initiative
i don't know where i'm going with this
(also maybe slightly different au where when he grows up he actually gets into the agency? and works with the handler? but they don't know who the other person's real identity is because over the past 10 years they've become estranged?? i don't know?)
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