#that poor schmuck.
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Um. Uh. Yeah. Haha <3
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femurchimes · 2 years
I want AI to be sentient, prone to mood swings, and maybe a little murderous, not whatever this art theft bs is
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Wes Borland: The Human Emoji
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beeg-bark · 16 days
i am going to shed this skin that doesn't feel right on me and these bones that are shaped so wrong and that creak and groan under their own weight i am going to destroy my senses that are far too dull and tear apart this brain that snaps and snarls at everyone around me and disappear into the woods and nobody will see me again whoever made me human made a mistake, my teeth are dull and my skin is smooth and hairless and yet when you look at me i have the eyes of a feral animal i was never meant to be like this i was meant to tear through the forest to frolic to hunt and stalk i was meant to be a wild animal i AM a wild animal and yet im not and that makes it so much worse when i snarl and snap at people
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kero-verdade · 7 months
if I had a nickel for every time Kwak Dong Yeon's character went rifle hunting in the woods with his family for nefarious purposes
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another-goblin · 8 months
(meanwhile in Shackling Prison)
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galaxywarp · 3 months
I try to be forgiving of other drivers’ mistakes because we’re all human and I get it, sooner or later we’re all the asshole who does something like screw up a turn or a merge or misjudge the timing of a stoplight. And I think everyone on the road being vigilant means that everyone gets some degree of tolerance for making the occasional error. Yeah someone might have to stomp on their brakes and honk their horn and flip you off, but so long as everyone walks away safe I still call that a Win.
That being said. just felt a huge wave of secondhand embarrassment and sympathy for a truck driver I saw almost merge into someone, realize and correct his mistake at the last second, then slow down and pull off at the next exit so he could park and chill for a moment.
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hyperbali · 2 years
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I swear I didn't come up with a cheerful qunari mage two days before Absolution came out and gave us one on purpose
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average-transdalorian · 6 months
I’ve seen a good amount of ideas about Eldritch Force Cryptid Anakin Skywalker. Which is great! He is canonically 1/2 Force, and I love seeing the silly and terrifying effects that might have! But. Y’see. The Twins are both 1/4 Force. And they have no idea what’s possible. For instance.
Leia knows that the Force can be used to absorb blaster fire the way Vader did at Cloud City. Luke knows that the only limits put upon the Force are the ones the user put there. What if some Imperial fuckface put together a third Death Star, say, 3-5 years after RotJ? And decided that the first target would be Hosnian Prime (or whatever the capital of the New Republic is at that point), and waited until Like was there visiting Leia, so as to take out the biggest political and practical issues at the same time? So Highest Grand Moff His Imperial Fuckface pops out of hyperspace at just the right moment, DS3 all charged up, and fires at Hosnian Prime. And he waits the half minute it takes for the beam to destroy the planet. And he waits. And he waits. And the beam is gone but the planet is not. And standing right where the beam should have hit are the Skywalker twins, who absorbed the entirety of the beam because nobody told them they couldn’t.
Idk I just think it’d be neat
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kataraavatara · 3 months
did they ever explain where they got the blood that amren drinks
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fistfuloflightning · 1 year
Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu both die in the Lingxi Caves. Young and inexperienced and wholly unprepared, their head disciples are forced to take their place.
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msnihilist · 3 months
No one wants to hear about my Gwevin Beauty and the Beast AU where Gwen takes the role of the beast. Because of woke.
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pafl-confessions · 8 months
okay while i am at it
anya is fighting/fire type and can beat his ass with super effectiveness
dima is psychic type
sanya is normal/fighting and evolves to steel/fighting
katya..... idk but since she does physical moves it would probably mean she's also fighting (and if we bring P.Uranium into this then Nuclear too)
sergei is the fuciking GROUND
olya.... could be any but i wanna say steel or dragon or fairy
nikita is ghost type, with a side of grass or poison depening on your views
lilya is the mom who gives you a backpack and tells you to go adventure for a while as she tries to get her shit togeather in the player character's absense
Vasily is the guy who appears in front of every gym to tell you about the leader and what to prepare for
and fuck it, Temnova is nuclear type
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ardenrosegarden · 1 year
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
I just finished your New Wave fic. I’m convinced everything your write is gold. I loved your TMA fics, with the most heartbreaking demon AU imaginable and the hilarity of Fahrenheit 101. I loved your moon knight fics, starting with Steven talking to animals on the reg at work to the system growing closer with a focus on Jake, i- there’s- it’s sooo much packed into it. When I’m on burnout, of art or writing (maybe life in general at times) I revisit your work and am thrown back into a creative headspace.
You are my favorite writer, you cram so much meaning and thought into your work and it shows. The characters are dumbasses and say the most ridiculous shit and turn around the next chapter and say the most thought provoking thing, and I don’t get whiplash from it because these characters just work! They just do, and I… am very much off track!
Anyways I just got into Batman and reading your fic is fueling that flame! I can’t wait to see what you have in store next, and I shall now stalk your blog for writing tips! I hope you have a nice day broski 💙
Thank you!! This is so sweet thank you so much! This ask is so nice!
Trust me, if there's meaning then it's because I get obsessive over these fics and I massively overthink them. I honestly wish I was better at making simpler, more elegant stories. I feel like nothing I do is truly going to be good until I can find that simplicity.
"Dipshit who says stupid stuff and then turns around and spouts ridiculous philosophy" is just how I talk. But I habitually approach my life from a standpoint of finding humor in everything, if only to soften the blow. I was once told that it's really hard to tell when I'm joking, because everything I say is always half-joking and always half-serious. I feel like that's pretty evident from my narration too...
As for writing advice...um, I was just speaking about this with somebody. When you're plotting a story, the first thing I like to figure out is what I'm trying to say. Everything else should be built around that. The joy of writing is that I think we all have something we want to say, or something we want people to know, or that we have an aspect of ourselves and our lives that we want to express. Most of the time, trying to convey those things verbally just results in a frustrating approximation of your true feelings. I find that when I manage a successful story, the depth and scale of what I'm trying to impart is fully understood and felt. It's rewarding. I think if people aren't understood on some level, by somebody, they kind of die.
Thanks for the sweet ask!!
#dungeon meshi is the peak of storytelling and im not joking#my asks#my writing#(my writing tag is a good place to find my dumb essays!)#i dont consider myself a creative and i barely consider myself a writer#so i professionally have no fucking opinions on art or whatever#also im not sure you can call what i do art in like any meaningful way#but i know a lot of musicians and everything#and so much art is just a person trying to convey something that can't be conveyed through words alone#so much stuff is lost in translation between our brains and our mouths - its like translating english to a foreign language#the meaning can be conveyed but inherently it'll never capture the original meaning exactly in every way#i think art can help you achieve a more perfect translation more than anything else can#you just have to feel like that poor schmuck in j alfred prufrock all the time#'that's not what i meant at all; that is not it - not at all'#JASLKDF sorry for the pretentious tags and also pretentious essay#all i do is write fanfic i dont know shit about this tbh#i just think that idk. there's things in this world that only we know#things that only we can say or understand#and sometimes we have to say them ourselves in our own words#sometimes ppl focus too hard on making their writing sound pretty or correct or 'good'#and they dont focus as much on how pretty writing is a tool to say what youre trying to say more effectively#idk! im sorry for quoting ts eliot some things can't be forgiven etc
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objuct · 1 year
ugh I can't join the equialitysims discord because they use phone verification and i'm too poor to own a phone 🙃
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