johnbleepingzoidberg · 4 months
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you’re eyes without a face
and now it’s getting worse
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vickyyoon · 1 year
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Your Professor bang Chan
Part - 2 <- here
Genre: smut,
Paring: professor!Bang chan x student! fem!reader
Synopsis: you couldn't bribe your professor to rounding up your grade so you give him something he'll want every day.
Warnings: oral sex (both receiving), semi-public sex, yandere traits, stalking etc.
You weren't a bad student, not at all in fact you were one of the best students in your class. Your grades were perfect in almost every single subject except for biology.
Your professor, Bang chan was very precised with the subject. He always seemed to be dissatisfied with your answers and expected more from you.
You even tried to give answers the way he wanted but you always somehow failed. He wasnt like this with the other students though. He was very soft with them and they all liked him back but you.
You didn't understand why he liked to embarrass you in front of the entire class. Every time he would humiliate you.
He would judge you head to toe. From the way you walk, the way you dress to the way you eat.
You always wondered why you failed this subject. This was the last semester and you had to pass this time.
You decided to beg him for a reason and what you could be doing to please him with the test papers. So just before the exam you were planning to visit his office. Unlike other professors, he had his own personal office.
But before you could even leave the lecture, he called you " Y/n. Yes you. I want you in my office." and your heart was racing and rushing.
What could've you possibly done to piss him off? He got mad at the slightest of the things you did. Like that one time you forgot to bring your model, alot of students didn't either but he blamed you for setting an influence.
"But the-"
" the due date is 5 days later? We'll I expect you to be punctual." he lectured you on and on about it and you were about to cry.
You knock on the door of his office. A cold stern voice asks you to come in. You sit down in front you him and you were sweating in the cold room out of fear.
" D-did you call me, sir?" you couldn't even hide it you were stuttering-scared.
"yes. I called you here to discuss about your performance. Seemingly you're outstanding in every other subject except for mine. What is the problem here?"
Your head was spinning now. " sir, I'm trying my best to give descriptive answers but nothing seems to please you. I take extra classes just to master this subject but still I keep on failing."
You tried to keep yourself together but it felt like you were about to cry and beg him to give you the answer sheets.
" you could just study with me."
He sounded so weird. You never expected this answer from him.
"sir, is there anyway I can improve my grades? I can pay you. I'll do anything to pass please."
You could not help but beg. Seeing you helpless he decided to ask for something you couldn't ever imagine from him.
" anything? Really anything?"
And you nodded pleading him to just tell what he wanted. He got up from his desk and locked the door. Then he closed the blinds. He sits back down in front of you. With his hands intertwined with each other in front of his face.
" I want you "
The request was so blunt and straightforward, it caught you off guard and you wanted to leave that place but your mind began to flood back with other thoughts.
If you did reject him, he would lower your grades for sure and it's not like he's unattractive, he was ridiculously handsome. You did like the first time you saw him but he was stubborn.
You were stuck in the seat like a paralyzed person.
"Com'on wouldn't you do anything to pass? Then get down on your knees"
You wondered how he saw you as. How did you look like a slut? Your body was covered like a decent person.
He came upto you and you stared at the strained buldge on his pants.
You unbuckled his belt and pulled his garments in one tug. His cock was so pretty. It was big and the tip was pink.
It was leaking precum and was throbbing. You licked the tip before shoving it down your throat. You hollowed you mouth to give it the gunny feeling it craved for.
If you were getting the best grades then you have to give him the best blow job he'll ever have.
He never knew how good you were at it. The second you inner cheek touched his side he couldn't help but falter.
It was so good he had to bite his lower lips to keep himself from being too loud. The touch got him is so sensitive. He was bucking his hips into you when you moaned back.
Seemed like he was enjoying everything second of it.
And he came in your mouth when you choked on a moan. You swallow all of it.
" now why don't I have a taste of you?"
Gosh were you really losing your virginity to your professor? Unlike his rude behavior in class. He treated you like a fragile antique doll, softly picking you up and placing you in his desk. Peeling off the underwear to just see a wet pussy.
" gosh so wet for me?" he chuckled going down to kiss it. The suck in your clit had you shaking.
" so sensitive..." he commented in a breathy whisper . He was sucking your pussy clean like it was his favorite dish. The moans on your clit sent shivering vibration down your core and you clutched onto nothing.
This was where his confessions came out. You were not ready to hear all that.
He was madly in love with you. He planned on having a life with you the second he saw you. He would stalk you and click pictures of you sleeping, laughing and showering.
He paid the other subject teachers to sum up your grade so you can be the topper. It was all apart of his plan. He created such an image to which you found no escape in the options.
His confessions made you angry, flushed and terrified. You wondered what this handsome man saw in you that he would go to such an extent.
" There's no one fairer than you my love." his compliments were always sweet.
"I'm sorry but I needed to have you somehow or else I would be dead." he said
He seemed like he was about to cry out of joy. You were like a glass doll to him. And if you broke he would be crying. He couldn't go rough on you. He just wanted to please you and earn your love.
"w-what do you like about me?" you asked.
"what not do I like about you Y/n? Your gaze, your tears, your smile, you heart, your behavior and your traits." he couldn't stop going in and on about it..
Before you knew it he was on top of you. "can I please have you?" he pleaded.
You let him because you wanted it too. " I promise I'll be gentle" like you didn't know.
You were shivering under his touch. "Do you love me back?" he asked.Pinning your hands down to the desk laying you down.
You weren't going to lie. You too fell in love with him but who wouldnt? Everyone liked him. Everyone wanted him. How could you have him? You tried to stay away from those disgusting thoughts but you only wondered if he was single or taken.
Every time you saw him you would get wet. You would flush red.
His heart melted hearing those words from you.
His thrusts were definitely slow but it felt amazing. It felt like heaven. You were never a bad girl but today you had to do what had to be done.
His lips devouring your face in a feverish lust. He was a complete different person...
You both came together not long after. You were sent back to the class with the hopes of passing biology.
There could be a pt 2 if you just... You know 😏😉
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ezdrools · 3 months
im about to get really annoying sorry
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rialikesbts · 1 year
Professor! Seokjin x Reader
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"Now, just because I am giving you a worksheet does not mean that you are allowed to make noise. You can talk to each other regarding the work but do it quietly." Your college professor says, stepping away from the podium to reach his desk. 
Sitting down comfortably and readjusting his glasses, Kim Seokjin took a look over his class of 70 students. 
The guys at the back were busy on their phones and the girls at the front were pretending to focus on their work while sneaking glances at their young teacher and whispering among themselves, probably about how hot he looked when 'ordering' them
The thought made Seokjin smirk.Regardless he sent a look to those girls to focus on the work assigned instead of him.Looking over to the middle of the room, he saw his dedicated students who were interested in his lectures rather than his face. A smile took over his face while admiring them doing their work. 
Seokjin then looked over to the left corner to see his favourite student. His smile kept on increasing at the sight. 
You had put one of your elbows on the table, your squishy cheek pressed against your knuckles, headphones in your ears, as you quietly did your work. 
It wasn't like you had no friends. You just prefered to work alone. Seokjin liked that about you. He liked everything about you. You were always loud, walking and running around the campus with your friends, always giggling and laughing, but when it came to your studies,you remained silent in your classes and focused on the teacher. This motivated your friends to focus in classes as well. What an angel my sweetie is. 
You were on top of the class, and still helped everyone. He had seen you so many times in the courtyard, explaining concepts to not only your classmates, but also your juniors. His heart was filled with pride, watching you.
Mine. All mine. 
Seokjin took a walk around the classroom, to see how far everyone had gone with his work and to help someone if they needed it. You, of course were ahead of everyone, yet he still asked  if you needed any help. 
"Do you need any help, miss Y/N?" 
"No sir, I'm fine thank you." 
"Alright, if you need any help, just raise your hand." 
"Okay sir." 
Although it was for  a short moment, Seokjin loved it when all your attention was on him. He loved it the way you called him 'sir'. Your soft, delicate voice.
Will it still be that soft when you'll scream his name whilst underneath him? 
He tried to hide his smile that was building up, to stop his dirty thoughts and to control his wild imaginations about his doll. You bad girl, you will surely get a punishment when I will have you. 
"Look! Mr. Kim has that creepy smile again after talking to you." Your friend whispered in your ear as you glanced at the said man. 
"I know right!Why doesn't he get the hint that I will ask him when I have a problem?This is the fourth time this week! He's honestly so creepy."You whispered. 
You honestly wanted to shift to another class, but he was a great teacher. Also it's not like the college admins will believe  if your teacher is creepy. He hasn't done anything like this before, nor has he touched you or anything. You had no proof. 
"Do you need  a ride back home, Y/N?" 
You looked up from your phone to see Mr. Kim in his bright red tesla. 
Great. The more I try to avoid him, the more I have to deal with him. 
You plastered a huge fake smile on your face before saying,
"Oh! It's alright Mr. Kim, the bus will be coming soon!" 
"Don't worry dear, I'll drop you off at home. A pretty thing like you shouldn't be travelling in a bus." 
You belong in my mansion, staying pretty, just like the doll you are. 
You were creeped out by his statement of you being a 'pretty thing'.Aa if you were an object.
Pretending that you were getting a call,you placed your phone near your ear  and said 'Hello' . Bowing down to your teacher, you walked away with your bag.It was the only thing you could think of to get out of the situation. 
After walking a considerable distance, you removed your phone from your ear before looking back to see if your teacher's car was in sight. 
Seeing the red car out of the way, you sighed in relief. Turning around, you bumped into a rock hard chest. 
Moving your head up to apologize , you were shocked to see the man you had  just run away from. 
He no longer had a smile on his face, rather a very cold look, as if he was incredibly angry. It was the look he gave to those annoying girls in class when they kept asking him unnecessary questions. It was the look he gave to the guys at the back who did not do their work. 
It was a look that said 'If you get on my nerves one more time, I will not hesitate to punish you'. 
You were left as a stuttering mess before him. 
"Mr. Kim.. I… you.." 
He put a finger to his lips, signaling you to quiet down.He was breathing heavily as if trying to tone down his anger.
Why was he so angry? 
He gripped your arm tightly, pulling you along to his car. You tried prying his hands off of you,but he was too strong.You had to resort to hitting him on his shoulder to which he  pulled you closer to him, caressing your face before whispering.
"You'll get a punishment if you misbehave angel. Be a good girl. Mr Kim doesn't like bad girls." 
You shivered and kept quiet.Mr Kim drove you to his luxurious apartment.He made you sit down on the couch, forcefully fed you your favourite food and made you drink orange juice. You were scared and crying but still did whatever he wanted. Maybe if you obey, he will let you go home. 
You began feeling dizzy. He must have spiked the juice. 
Your eyes soon began to close. You couldn't help it.Before completely passing out, you heard your captor speak. 
"If you had agreed to come with me first, I would have dropped you at your home. But you were being a stubborn brat and made me angry. See angel? Your actions have consequences." 
A tear escaped from your eyes. 
"Now, live with me and be my doll. Let me worship and love you."
He gave you a kiss on your forehead, before picking you up and heading to his room. 
Feel free to request any scenarios! I love reading and writing yandere🥰
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froqpi-art · 8 months
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how can i work today when i keep thinking about torahime charisma 😭
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stevie-petey · 8 months
i have an interview tomorrow for a really competitive lab with a psychologist i ADORE her work is so amazing so pls pls pls keep your fingers crossed for me yall 🤞🤞
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jungle-golf · 1 year
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i guess the real origami king was the friends we made along the way!
(redraw of official wallpaper)
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always-a-joyful-note · 7 months
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....okay, while I still don't like Torao's whole thing with Sumire, perhaps there is a basis for it. Bro, what actually???
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year
i imagine that florian is the one that gets to go to kitakami while juliana stays back at the academy, but he keeps her updated through texts like any good lil bro would. for example :
florian: hey
juliana: yeah? everything good on your trip so far?
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juliana: KYS
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universestreasures · 8 days
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Iruma has been re-added and is plotting dependent!
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lyriquette · 1 month
Old RWBY AU from the Frosen Steel chat server 11/30/2020 <headcanons-and-aus> channel -
Ozpin is the Frosen Steel pop-star group's promoter. And the bandname is Frosen Steel.
lilac — 11/30/2020 7:42 PM
I want Ozpin to be a genius promoter like you have all these pop-stars vying for these high end promotions like sing on a stage to get your name out.
And then you have the frosen steel trio who is like "why are we at a retirement home" - a local pet store, a pre-k school, a grocery store, a laundromat, the middle of a train station. But though they're sure Mr. Ozpin is trolling them, they do it wholeheartedly.
And people notice them. And they get popular because both of their spontaneity and versatility. Somehow their popularity goes up, even more so those pop stars that put good money or favors or connections into getting a vaunted concert hall. And that's when they realize his mad genius. Those tiny shows, throughout the country/state/area, kept them in the public eye. Their uniqueness in doing all this attracted people's attention and soon it's people offering them advert offers and other things.
When they go to thank ozpin (and also someone probably needed to apologize at one point cause blow up on ozpin doing seemingly useless activities), ozpin simply smiles and tells them that none of this would've happened without their sincerity- despite how useless it seemed in doing these things, they still put their all from the planning, to the lyrics,, to the costumes, and to the music.
lilac — 11/30/2020 7:53 PM
It was probably Weiss that blew up. I'd imagine Penny does music for the love and Ruby's too noob in the industry to understand that Ozpin's thinking is unconventional. Weiss however has a bone to pick with the company she quit from, but after she blows up, ozpin simply asks "do you trust me?" And surprisingly deep inside her heart, the answer was yes - because before frosen steel she'd seen Ozpin wait for hours in sun, rain, and snow trying to get -her- an opportunity to be on stage, even if it's as simple as a one hour session at a Cafe.
After all done Ruby probably asks why he didn't tell them soon. And he simply answers, "never underestimate people's ability to know who's sincere to them. Had you knew about what I was planning, people would've seen it in your actions - the ulterior motive."
"Didn't you all have fun?"
lilac — 11/30/2020 8:35 PM
Aaaaaah xD okay so.
...so, I've been pondering Ozpin's backstory and hating it. So Ozpin used to be a producer for a big company, and he had a good eye for finding talent.
Problem is the people up top didn't like him that much. He protected his kids like a lion - might not seem that way (he had his singers go to a biker rally once to sing love songs. P.s. the gang belonged to Qrow and Raven - qrow: "c'mon all these guys and gals professing their love to you. Do you still dare to lose?!"). And when it came to the seedier side of the industry, he put his foot down hard. It did not make people up top happy but they couldn't exactly fire him for protecting his charges. So they took 'em away instead. They had other managers offer better deals and benefits, and many were charmed away. The ones who stayed got blocked from promotion, and eventually for their sake, ozpin told them to seek people he trusted because the company was blatantly freezing him.
So that's how a fairly competent producer ended up on the streets. He didn't really hold a grudge. It was business, he understood. He didn't blame the kids that left him either; it was natural for people to want to rise. Still, that left him fairly penniless: since he wasn't the type to loan his charges out willynilly.
That's around the time Weiss left the Schnee Dust Albums. Their first meeting outside the talent agency that Weiss wanted to join.(edited)
"Hey." "Uh hey. Is this Junior's Talent Agency?" "Yup. Right behind me." "Oh okay. What are you doing?" "I got let go. Fired's probably a better word for it -cue ozpin's launched you into a forest amused face-" "Uhh. Sorry about that." "No. No. None of that now, Miss..." "Weis Sch-. Uhh yeah Weiss." "I wish you the best of luck with your endeavors."
I didn't say their meeting would be particularly profound, okay? 8l
But as Weiss worked for the talent agency, she found it's nothing like the preferential treatment she had at Schnee Dust Albums. She had to compete for resources and some of the ways they competed involved creepy crap like skinship. Around this time is when she finally went to Penny's school, having run out with her assets to her penpal? whom she now lives with.
lilac — 11/30/2020 9:16 PM
So Penny.
Pietro Polendina adopted Penny when she was five. Her mom and dad died due to an industrial accident. It was kept hush hush, but there was a large settlement involved. Penny's relatives naturally wanted a slice and offered to adopt her to get at the money. But pietro polendina, a normally jovial man, told these folk to screw off when he arrived to the whole lawyer meeting place to decide on Penny's custody.
He knew his cousins; he knew their greed. If he left his brother's daughter with them, she would not get a good childhood, far from the one she deserved.
Though he knew he was unprepared to care for a child, he still offered to adopt her too.
Naturally harsh words came out from greedy family including the accusation of what can a cripple offer to a young child. And Polendina stared them in the eyes and said he could provide a loving home and a good future. He wouldn't even touch the money that came with Penny. It's all hers when she becomes the age of majority.
Can anyone else offer that? Naturally they couldn't. But that didn't stop them from blustering about how he's unsuitable on the basis of his ableness.
Things get heated. Penny gets brought into the picture to help a decision be made; she herself is not in a good place given that her mom and dad died not even a month ago and now all these relatives, most of which she never met, are fighting over her. She sees all these men and women wearing fake smiles and telling her excitedly that their home will be great and she'll love it there, but it's the man in the wheelchair who catches her five year-old eyes - who looked kindly at her but also had sorrow. When she asked why he looked sad, he said.
"I can never replace your mom and dad, but I promise you I'll take care of you." In that moment,, she knew she could trust this man out of all the others because she could see that he missed her mom and dad too. She hugged him, and he her - mourning the family they lost.
The other relatives still put up a fight: greed has no bounds. But given Pietro's clean record and promises and Penny's approval, after a long hard fight, Pietro got custody.
lilac — 11/30/2020 10:30 PM
Okay. Penny and Weiss.
So Penny grew up in a loving home, and her adoptive father made sure she grew up being able to experience any path she had interest in. Robots? Yes. Baseball? Wow not for me. Art? Yes. And then some. Eventually, she settled on music. Instruments such as piano, violin, drums, and woodwinds filled their home along with tutors to teach her, and Penny absorbed everything like a sponge. To her, music was a means to express herself when words failed her - and being a shy girl at heart, it often did.
It was ironic that Weiss, for the Atlas and Vale letter exchange, became her penpal. Unlike Penny, Weiss was taught that music was a tool - a tool to make money. And she never liked music for its sake, mostly because of her father who saw her and the other artists in the Schnee Dust Albums as his cash cows. She grew up hating music but continued on because she was good at it and saw no other path than the one her father laid out for her.
So the idealist and the pessimist began exchanging letters. Weiss didn't really look highly on Penny's comment that she could sing and play instruments - Penny mentioned she did music as a hobby and how good could a hobbyist really get? Still, she continued sending letters back, and eventually those letters turned into text messages and phone calls, because they somehow got along well. And to Weiss, Penny was a kind person which was a rarity in the backstabbing music industry that she found herself immersed in.
Still, they'd get into fights every couple of days. And the subject was usually the subject of doing music for the sake of doing it. Eventually, Penny got tired of Weiss's shit about referring to music as a tool and disappeared for several days. When Weiss started getting worried about if she pushed her friend too far (...she is my friend? -gasp-), Penny sent her a music file as an attachment. Wondering what it could be, she played it. Even after it ended, she was quiet for a very long time.
It took her a while to realize she was crying - crying from the music she so disliked - something she thought impossible because of how burdensome and tiring music was to her. But the results didn't lie. Penny's music spoke out to something deep within her heart. Her loneliness. Her unease. Her desire to be free.
It was unlike the songs her father demand she sing or write lyrics for. Her father just ordered her to sing or write for what's popular, most of them being love songs and which she didn't feel particular resonance for. She never had fallen in love after all.
Minutes ago, she thought the whole "music speaks to the soul" to be a bunch of nonsense, but Penny's song came and proved her wrong. One that made her cry when she played it over and over. With determination, she took out a pen and paper. A couple days later, Weiss sent back a music file back to Penny (amidst a bunch of text messages going "Weiss are you okay?") with the filename of "Mirror Mirror"(edited)
[10:31 PM]- leaves that here, now time for bed.- XD
[10:31 PM]- no wonder my phone crashed. >_>;; -
lilac — 12/01/2020 5:51 PM
[5:51 PM]Also here comes part 1 and 2 of my ravings D8
[5:54 PM]This thing now has a dedicated word file on my phone. So how did weiss get to vale? Her mother. So Schnee family dynamics are similar. Winter went off to join the military. Willow is still a drinker and has separated herself from everyone else after Jacques reveal that he did everything for control of the company. Everyone in the family has been a victim of his drunken temper or just in general when he doesn’t get what he wants. Winter is the only one that’ll stand up to him and that’s because if he did anything to her, she'll break his nose. She is not taking the man's shit.
So ever since Winter's joined the Atlasian military, she's been a protective charm. Can’t be there all the time though, but her presence curtains most of the physical domestic violence. howeverit doesn't stop Jacques from verbally abusing the rest of their family. Issue is that Winter can ignore that. Mostly because of her nature - she's lived with this poor excuse for a human being for most of her life – she can't be wounded by words – she treats jacques rants as background noise. Problem is that because of that ability, she is unable to see the effect of the verbal abuse on the rest of her family; that is not to say she won’t come coming if her siblings said it hurts them, but it's also that her siblings try to put up a strong front to stop their big sis from getting worried when she's working and training. The fact that he doesn’t hit them anymore except on really rare occasions, for them, is a big improvement.
[5:54 PM]-- Jacques got worse after Winter left and turned into a real asshole when Whitley was 7 and Weiss 10. That was around the time the man had total control of Schnee Dust Albums, and pretty much he just let it out there that the only reason why he married her. Willow had always been in love with Jacques, had three kids with him, and they've had their ups and downs, but she never suspected all of it was a ploy. Only when the company was his in all but name did he reveal his greedy side. And that destroyed their mother completely. Whitley still remembers his mom being happy a long time ago. He's tried, but after Willow gets into the bottle, she just ignores everyone to drown her sorrows. Eventually, her kids stopped trying. They still love her, but after years of trying, somethings gotta give, and dealing with their dad is a full time thing.
As for Whitley, he's seen all these things happen to his family. Though he likes Winter, he still can’t help but resent her for leaving. He hates his mother for ignoring them and drowning herself in alcohol. So the only person in the family he feels close to is Weiss. And she him.
Though Weiss wanted to get away, she wasn't going to leave her younger brother alone with his father. So she devises a plan to get free and discovers emancipation. The problem is that emancipation requires a hearing , and her father despite everything looked like the perfect, albeit strict father. Unless she can get both her parents signatures and have the emancipation okayed by all parties.(edited)
[5:56 PM]-- Ironically, her father was easy to trick out of a signature. Just ask him to sign papers involving schoolwork and he'll just blow past anything. Not to mention she's always been obedient- grudgingly – but never actually disobeyed him.
It was his mother that was the issue because despite her drunkenness you couldn't fool her in getting her signature because Weiss's never needed to ask her for anything before. And Willow was resistant. Asking questions like why. This is their home. If they emancipate themselves, they won’t have anything. Life might suck but at least they have food on the table and shelter. How could she find a good marriage prospect if she got disowned (old-fashioned patriarchial family, old-fashioned rules: probably why Jacques became president of the company instead of she) Not to mention if her father found out… at this point, Weiss realizes how genuinely afraid her mother is of her father but still presses on because she had to escape, and she needed to make sure Whitley escaped to. So this line eventually gets said: “If you ever considered Whitley and I your children, if you ever considered yourself our mother, you will sign this emancipation.”
After more discussion, the papers get signed. “good luck Weiss,” Weiss hears before leaving. Weiss nods her head but chooses not to look back. ----
And still thinking of the execution and aftermath of that plan. All I can tell is that it has to be so troublesome enough that it keeps Jacques unable to bother Weiss and Whitley lol
lilac — 12/05/2020 6:41 PM
So going back to the #musicAU for a moment, I think I left off when Weiss and Whitley just convinced their mother on giving a signature for emancipation while tricking Jacques for the other one.
The plan doesn't get executed until a couple months later when she has a shoot planned at Vale. The papers were processed in secret with only a few knowing the truth. Weiss talks to Penny about schooling and apartments in the area while dealing with every penalty clause in her contract- luckily Jacques believed he had her under her thumb because of their familial relations and only had a standard contract under the company.
Whitley wanted to come to Vale too, but given that Weiss barely had the funds to take care of herself much less another person, he was going to go over to Winter instead. Winter actually doesn't know of this plan before both of them left the home, mostly because Atlas had sent her out on patrolling duty as part of her training. Both Whitley and Weiss sent messages to their eldest sister, but she hadn't actually checked her scroll until she went home.
So it was a massive surprise when Whitley showed up on her doorstep on her week off, barely dressed with her apartment in shambles. "My apartment's not normally like this. I swear." /blatantlies. Seems like without Klein Winter is really bad at self upkeep - rip. So Whitley earns his keep by actually keeping Winter's home clean - Winter compares him to a wizard because with him around, the dishes are all clean, the strange object in he refrigerator is gone, and there's always food in the house - which are mostly things he wants to do because he can't stand his living space being that dirty. Winter does pitch in....but...well Whitley has to do it over again half the time. Or in the case of food, barely survived the aftermath.
While they're getting situated, Jacques notices very quickly in only a couple of days, which is bad because the plan was accounting that he wouldn't notice for weeks.
lilac — 12/05/2020 6:55 PM
- The only reason why he notices so soon because he requires Weiss to put on a performance to get a connection with another firm. However, he fails in getting on contact with her or Whitley. However, by calling upon his connections, he discovers the emancipation papers. He confronts Willow on that day.
Time skip a week later. Winter gets a phone call from a distressed Klein who hurriedly says that he hasn't seen the Mistress of the house for a week. And her room is being guarded by bodyguards who won't let anyone in except for the new hires the man brought.
Winter gets this phone call on her scroll during the middle of training - and in attempt to embarrass by her instructor as punishment, the instructor puts it on speakerphone. Everyone in her class becomes silent. Winter quickly gets distressed because unlike her siblings she knows how her dad was like back when she was just a single child - and also thought her own threats of bodily harm - and his self-preservation- were enough to keep everyone safe.
She runs out of training but not before the instructor tells her to come back right now and that what she's doing is insubordination. Her reply was to throw her recruit badge right into the man's face.
So Winter arrives back to the Schnee Mansion in half a day, the servants let the girl through despite her disowned status, and it's the bodyguards surrounding Winter's room who discover her. Her father is alerted to her presence around this time. She opens the door and discovers her battered mother, face and body bruised - her mother asks guiltily what she was doing here and to not worry about her. Her training allows her to recognize that some of these injuries aren't new - they've been going on for at least months. Winter asks why she hadn't said anything - and Willow just tells her that she said nothing so her kids would be safe - she was a bad mother, it was the least she could do for them.
lilac — 12/05/2020 7:00 PM
Winter remembers the mother in her memories that helped guide her for sixteen years and now this broken, defeated woman before her. And she just snaps. She's angry at her mother for being so selfless, angry at her siblings for not noticing, angry at herself most of all for that and leaving home for her own dreams, but most of all angry at the man who caused all this.
So when Jacuqes appears yelling "You're not a Schnee anymore, Winter! You're breaking and ente-", Winter decks him with a punch to the nose.
The resulting scandal with Jacques trying to protect his image ties up Jacques quite nicely and prevents him from doing anything to Weiss and Whitley in the mean time.
Winter naturally gets in trouble, but Ironwood is protecting her. And public sentiment is in her favor.
Which returns us to the present where Ruby is enchanted by two girls, one playing and one singing, in a small classroom.
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not sure if I personally agree with Aristotle about friendship tbh
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> [ What did you eat today? ] > [ What author is your fav? ] > [ Where do you go on weekends when you wanna get away? ]
> I didn't eat a thing. > But that's how it should be. > No matter what they ask me, > I won't tell them anything!
#Pokemon#Pokemon Black and White#Pokemon Black and White 2#Gym Leader Cheren#My Art#((He is so so tiny. I just wanted to doodle him in his regular colors..))#((I love how his cardigan tends to look inconsistent when I draw it but. It's definitely fluffy rather than plaid or with patterns..))#((Also I intended to draw him without his fluffy outer but I LOVE his poofy sleeves but! His polo underneath has long sleeves too :] ))#((The ruffled kind probably!))#((Aspertia City's angel that gets a reputation for being a heartbreaker because he turned down every confession ever-))#((-and once got so annoyed that he sent over Nate to rain on them and use thunder.))#((Caption is Trickle's cover of Idol! Funnily enough it is a Slater song to me. Somehow.))#((It's the whole 'avoiding interviews and questions about his personal life' thing))#((Even after post-BW2 and Relic Castle he absolutely REFUSES to tell anything about himself.))#((So there are many rumors surrounding him. The best friend/beloved of The Hero of Truth. Mentor of The Hero of Ideals.))#((Confidant of Bianca Alabaster- the professor's assistant and up and coming researcher.))#((Trainee of Hilda Weiss- battle prodigy and Battle Subway's shining star.))#((Mentor of Hugh Obsidian- the Team Plasma hunter who was chosen as Grimsley's successor.))#((Mentor of Rosa Whitefield- the new Pokestar Studios starlet and Skyla's possible successor.))#((AND he's Grimsley's brother.))#((The Heart reborn! The ghost of Undella Bay! The pure vessel of Kyurem!))#((And yet he stays silly. Divorced. Live laugh love. Cringe even.))#BW/BW2 Rewrite - Blur / Blight
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Guys, forget about Professor Hidgens in Workin Boys. Heck! Forget about Aladdin or Sweet Tooth. Even General MacNamara, he's just an effing eagle!
Jeff Blim peaked in hotness back in 2008 as Billy Idol 😂🤭😉
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acebytaemin · 1 year
do you think taemin could do the super bowl choreo and not look silly?
the only one looking silly here is you on the off chance this isn’t a joke
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gooooood morning gamers!
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