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delicioustarong · 18 days ago
I love so many scenes I can't choose any!! I love the Trine Seekers here, Skywarp's and Thundercracker's POV was MWAUH!! I lowkey love all three's powers(? I forgot the term-- BUT ANYWAYS--) STARSCREAM'S SONIC BLAST, SKYWARP'S LONG AND SHORT DISTANCE WARPING (teleportatiooon is such a cool ability) AND THUNDERCRACKER'S ELECTRIC ABILITIES!! IT'S SO COOL I LOVE IT! Artemis really made use of that! Speaking of powers-- THE PRIMES ARE SO OVERPOWERED IT'S COOL ASFFFF.
This fic got me kicking and giggling on my feet! It's part of my top 5! Now that those gigga class are destroyed, all that's left is to protect the spacebridge (groundbridge? I keep confusing the two) I can't wait to see how this act ends! And how will Solaris and Artemis escape HAHHAHAHAHA. They managed to escape undetected at first due to plain ol luck, but now they're probably going to shock everyone by just-- opening a groundbridge and noping outta there. Man this fic really hypes me up
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fagboysupreme · 3 years ago
okay im attempting again to post my
RDR2 Modern AU Music Taste Headcanons
and if this crashes tumblr again i’ll be upset beyond belief
Arthur: Honestly enjoys whatever’s popular at any given time, but has a deep love for country classics. Johnny Cash in regular rotation.
John: 2000′s emo shit, grunge and Vocaloid. probably wanted to look just like Machigerita-P at some point. (ditto, honestly.)
Abigail: 80′s chick music and riotgrrl rock. Very fervent enjoyer of all things Cyndi Lauper, Stevie Nicks and Courtney Love.
Dutch: the most godawful mix of incel indie and RYMcore post-rock. ever wanted to hear a constant rotation of Swans and Weezer?
Hosea: showtunes and comedy music. big fan of Weird Al, Bo Burnham and ESPECIALLY Tom Lehrer. adores the original Cats soundtrack.
Micah: hideously tryhard noise music that he moreso enjoys tormenting others with. this guy will play Whitehouse on any and all first dates.
Charles: his autism is anti-loud noise flavor, so he errs towards ambient chill pop stuff like Animal Collective and Beach House. (the kind of thing i hate sorry charles)
Sadie: any and all country songs about killing or inconveniencing your husband. also Paramore.
Bill: bro-country. got tricked into listening to Ram Ranch once and cried for three hours.
Javier: gives me metalhead vibes but also the only artists I think he really cares about are Gorillaz and Arca and i cant explain why
Lenny: probably enjoys most things. i think he likes late 90′s conscious rap like De La Soul and A Tribe Called Quest a lot tho
Sean: goofy boy rock bands like Tub Ring and The Presidents of the United States mixed in with the most awful 2000′s trash rock that he pirates
Kieran: white gay twink indie like Car Seat Headrest, Cavetown and a little bit of Jack Stauber
Mary-Beth: unironically, movie soundtracks. this the kind of girl who sits around listening to the LotR score like a dork.
Tilly: any and all mainstream 60′s-70′s music no matter how lame or dorky. absolutely adores the really early boy band era of the Beatles.
Karen: rave music, hyperpop, breakcore, basically anything that’d cause a victorian child to explode.
Uncle: his playlist is just a russian roulette game, most of the time you’ll get prog rock and sometimes you’ll get Jimmy Buffett and it’s pretty much a crapshoot.
Grimshaw: mostly likes jazz, is usually too busy to listen to any music and if you asked her her favorite artist she’d shrug and say “leonardo da vinci i guess”
Swanson: enjoys metal and punk, is basically just that one joke that was in every ad for Monsters University. (you know the one)
Strauss: Field recordings of people screaming. nah but fr i dont think he actually gets much out of listening to music. classical maybe. hes old.
Pearson: old-timey folk songs and sea shanties. big fan of The Pogues as well. Javier told him about Scottish pirate metal once... big mistake.
Molly: mid-2010′s tumblrcore girl pop. every argument with Dutch is usually book-ended by relistening to “Cry Baby” or “Norman Fucking Rockwell” again
Jack: fucking baby shark or some shit idk hes four years old
Trelawny: 90′s and 2000′s r&b and pop. this man WILL scam you and then go home and listen to TLC.
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ifmywishescametrue · 4 years ago
omg now im jealous about all of the breaking up and making up stories!!! they're all so wonderful but is it okay to ask for a steve/tony one? i know you've made one inspired by ts (amazing) and this time, maybe they meet/bump in a coffee shop? idk angst potential but also hopeful/happy ending aahhh. your stories are amazing esp ivy!!! thank you! <3
thank you so much!! it ended up being more cute than angsty, but I hope you like it!
Steve's pencil drifts idly across the page of his sketchbook with no end vision in mind. He's killing time until Nat shows up, which could be anywhere between the next five minutes and the next two hours with her vague text that simply said running late. When he looks up to reach for his near empty coffee cup, he freezes with his hand in the middle of the air.
At first he thinks it might not even actually be him. Tony's hair was never quite this well styled before, always a tangled mop on his head that sometimes fell into his eyes. Steve used to spend hours sometimes running his fingers through those wild curls while Tony slept on his chest. It's been tamed since then, cut shorter and held into place by some type of product. The facial hair is new, too. He remembers a time when it would always come in patchy and uneven, and Tony would pout as he shaved away the latest attempt at looking older than he was. The eighteen year old boy in oversized hoodies and stained jeans he met years ago has been replaced by a man in a well-pressed, expensive looking suit with a leather briefcase, like he just stepped out of a boardroom a minute ago. From what Steve has read about his life since they broke up, he probably did.
Steve stares without fully meaning to and for much longer than he would have if it was intentional. He watches him order his drink and smiles when the barista’s eyes widen at what he knows is an overly complicated order, wondering if Tony ever did finish his quest to find that perfect combination of syrup flavors, sugar, and cream that only he would ever like.
He catches the double take when Tony notices him there, right as he’s taking his first sip of the iced drink, and the cough when he chokes on it is anything but subtle. Steve looks away with red cheeks and tries to pretend he wasn’t staring, but it’s a futile effort. He can’t say he minds, though. Not when it means Tony walks over to him and unceremoniously drops himself into the chair across from him.
His mouth forms a familiar smirk, and he says, “You seem to have a staring problem, Rogers.”
Suddenly, Steve is nineteen again, falling hopelessly in love with the boy in his introductory chemistry class. It felt sort of like fate at first when they were paired together for the final project, and Steve remembers thinking that his chances were shot to hell when Tony sat down next to him and said those exact words. He never was any good at being discreet.
Back then, for that first time, all he could manage was a stuttered apology in response. But eventually it became their thing. Something just for them that no one else could ever understand. When Steve would watch him from across the room at parties, because he knew how much Tony loved having his eyes on him, and Tony would saunter over with that same smirk and those same words, there was only ever one reply.
“Guess I just really like what I see,” Steve says, and Tony’s face splits into a grin that matches Steve’s own. He’s still beautiful, even if it’s different now. Less softness to his appearance and more defined edges and sharp lines, but heart stoppingly beautiful nonetheless. He doesn’t quite say as much, but he does comment, “You do look good, by the way. Different, but good.”
Tony’s smile softens into another familiar one. It’s his smile for compliments, when he’s thinking self-deprecating thoughts that he won’t voice. Instead he’ll turn the attention back around, shifting the spotlight.
“So do you. The good part, but not really the different part.”
Steve runs a hand through his hair, contemplating if not looking different contributes to the good or not. He should look different somehow, shouldn’t he? After two and a half years not seeing each other in person and what feels like a lifetime’s worth of heartbreak in between then and now, he should look as changed as he feels. As changed as Tony looks now, like he’s someone new entirely. He’s pretty sure the t-shirt he’s wearing now is one he owned back then.
“Thanks,” Steve says anyway, for lack of anything better.
Just before it has the chance to fall into awkward silence, Tony says, “I didn’t know you were in New York these days. I would’ve called or something if I’d known.”
Steve raises an eyebrow. “Would you have?”
“I don’t know, maybe. I would’ve thought about it, at least. You know, stalked you online, found your number, dialed and hung up a few times.”
Steve laughs, fiddling with the straw wrapper from earlier to give himself something to look at other than Tony. “I moved back last year. Thought about calling, but I figured you were busy. Didn’t want to waste your time.”
It’s only a partial truth. He did think about calling when he came to Brooklyn after his year-long internship in London ended, but he didn’t want to know what Tony would say if he did. If he would have some sort of transparent excuse to avoid seeing him or if it would be an outright rejection.
“I would’ve made time for you,” Tony says, so painfully sincere that Steve has to look up again to meet his eyes.
He wonders if Tony is thinking of that last fight, if it’s a purposeful or coincidental reference to some of what Steve said. It was by far the worst fight they’d ever had, all over the phone with an ocean between them and so many things that Steve still wishes he could take back. Accusations flew on both sides until the entire thing was blown so completely out of proportion, yet impossible to reel back in. He should have just hung up the phone before it went that far. Before he could tell Tony that he always felt unimportant compared to everything else in his life, which was sometimes true but entirely unfair. Before Tony could say that Steve talked about Peggy in the same way he used to talk about him, and he didn’t have to finish the thought for Steve to understand the implication.
“Are we talking about it?” Steve asks.
Tony shrugs, feigning casual, but just the corner of his lip is between his teeth in that way that means he’s nervous and trying to hide it. “I guess that depends on what this is.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, we said back then that maybe it was just bad timing. You were in London, and I was in Boston until graduation, and it was always going to be a bit of a mess, but there was always that someday chance, right? So maybe this is someday, and we talk about it, and try to get it right this time,” Tony says. “Or maybe that was just something we said and didn’t mean, and I ask you about your life, and you ask about mine, and we talk and laugh and pretend that we’re friends again for the next half hour or so before we go our separate ways.”
It’s an easy choice, really. If there’s one thing that Steve’s sure of, it’s that it’s always been him and always will be.
“I don’t want to go separate ways,” Steve says. “The first time was hard enough, and I never really moved on. I got better, but I don’t think I’ve been more than just fine in a long time.”
Tony nods slowly, “I kept thinking you would call, you know. Back then. I thought you would call and tell me that it was a mistake and it would be okay again, but you never did. Although, I guess I could’ve called, too.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“For the same reason as you, probably. I couldn’t risk it if you didn’t want me again. Couldn’t risk getting back together just to break up again, either. We weren’t exactly the poster children for making long distance work.”
“We were terrible at it, weren’t we?”
Tony’s smile is tinged with the pain of the past. “It’s kind of funny because I remember thinking that it might be a good thing for us when you told me about London. Can’t get sick of somebody if they’re not always around.”
“You thought I would get sick of you? You never told me that.”
“Why would I?” Tony laughs. “Just put all my insecurities on display like that? Come on, Steve, that doesn’t sound like me, does it?”
Steve laughs with him briefly, “No, but I could’ve told you back then that it wasn’t possible. Told you that I wanted you around all the time and I missed you every second you were gone. I might’ve even stayed if you had told me. I was thinking about it, you know? I almost turned the internship down. Probably would’ve if you’d asked even once for me not to go.”
“It was your career. I never would’ve asked you to give that up for me.”
“There would have been something else. Another job somewhere closer to you.”
“I still wouldn’t have asked,” Tony says. “And I would have told you to go if you’d said you were staying.”
Steve knows that, which is why they never talked about it much before he left. Tony pretended to be happy for him, and Steve pretended to be happy for himself, when really it already felt like the beginning of the end. A year apart is longer than it seems, and it didn’t take more than a few months to realize it.
“I never…” Steve starts, trailing off when he doesn’t quite know how to finish the sentence. “There was never anyone else. Not while we were together, and never with Peggy.”
“I know. I knew back then, too, that you were never that kind of person. Jealousy’s just a real bitch sometimes.”
“There’s really not been anyone since, either,” Steve adds, and Tony’s mouth quirks into a half smile. “I mean, a couple of people here and there, but nothing like what we were.”
“There’s not a whole lot out there like what we were, is there?”
Steve smiles, leaning back in his chair, “No, there’s really not. But I do remember reading a rumor that you got engaged.”
Tony groans, and it’s so much like he used to sound when he was nine pages deep into a ten page essay at three in the morning that Steve has to laugh.
“Don’t you dare laugh. That rumor haunts me, Steven,” Tony says, belied by a grin that he seemingly can’t control. “Do you know how I found out about my supposed engagement? When my mother called and asked why I hadn’t told her I was planning on proposing.”
“So I’m still the only person you’ve ever proposed to,” Steve teases, just for the way he knows Tony will get indignant about it.
“How many times do I have to tell you that one didn’t count?”
“You were on one knee, you asked a question, and you had a ring. All the boxes are checked, sweetheart.”
“It was a blue raspberry ring pop, and you ate it,” Tony argues. “Not to mention that I actually asked you to marry me someday in the distant future. That’s not a proposal.”
Steve laughs again, thinking about that day in the middle of their living room, just a few weeks before Steve got the call that would take him to London and change everything. It was almost like a joke, and for anyone else it would have been. Not for them, though, because Steve remembers the look in Tony’s eyes when he dropped down in front of him, spur of the moment and impulsive like almost everything was back then. He remembers how it still felt like a promise, even if it wasn’t the real thing.
“But I said yes, which I think technically means we’re still engaged.”
“Absolutely not,” Tony scoffs. “It’s going to be a production when we get engaged. Elaborate and planned and romantic as hell.”
“When, huh?” Steve grins.
Tony’s cheeks pinken a touch, but he doesn’t take it back. He reaches for Steve’s hand on the table. “Yeah, when. Is that alright with you?”
Steve threads their fingers together, holding on tight. “That’s alright with me.”
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vynsvision · 3 years ago
Detective Darius Morgan Headcanons
Listen. I know there's hardly any content of him. I dont know how much this will be appreciated. But if the same for 4 people who saw my post asking if anyone wanted this see it, I win.
Be warned, its 2k words (just under, probably) because I have nothing to do at work. At all. *deepest of sighs*
Should be SFW!!! Some things are referenced but im not in the mood to talk about too much Naughtiness so its SFW.
If the flow is weird, my apologies. I tried to group stuff together and so I may have gone back to sections where the next section goes off something I said in part of the section above... you'll understand as you read.
I'm gonna start with casual, out of work attire. I genuinely don't think you would find him in loungewear EVER outside his home. So no sweatpants.... although maybe a sweatshirt on laundry day. I'm also thinking, even though he probably doesn't get a fat paycheque, he tries to dress well. He doesn't think about fashion but good lord, Marius wouldn't believe it. "I just buy what looks nice." in the once in three blue moons that he actually goes to get new clothes. He works every day, probably, so anything that's not work is casual and probably very worn.
I think, yanno those like school varsity football jackets? Um yeah he still wears his. Its not because he tries to show off, but those things are comfortable, warm, and if he happens to be with someone who forgets to bring a warm layer, he can give it to them and he secretly loves watching their expressions.
("Oh... my god this is so warm!" "Mhmm." "I'm keeping this forever. Sorry, its mine now." "Is your last name Morgan too, then? Huh, I didn't know." Motherfucker.)
P.s: he hates suits even if his work uniform is basically a suit without the suit jacket. If he has to wear a suit, its all black. That is all. Also yes he would wear the three-piece suit. Go all out or nothing. Maybe a dark blue vest for some flavor with a matching tie.... idk. Brainrot of Darius in an all black three-piece suit........... suspenders......... aaah... yep.
Ok speaking of. I really don't think he's super chatty. He's tired. I'm honestly thinking very Eddie Brock (Venom) vibes with him tbfh. But I think when he does talk, he's slick as FUCK. He probably likes to see you blush as your scramble for a response. Hes smooth tho. He doesnt let you scramble for long. Also would ruffle your hair (if you have some and didn't stop him). He chuckles a lot. I imagine his voice as deep, but since I play TOT with the sounds off, idk if they have a voice actor for him. But look at him. Hes got a great morning voice oh good lord now im thinking about his morning voice aaaaaah crap.
I also think, once a relationship is established, hes very doting and soft. Hes protective- he knows who he is, he knows that the police are not loved. (And he knows why. Honestly I'm not sure how to... write about that, though, and its also not my place to... so anyone who'd like to write about that may. Just yanno remember to be respectful to people and irl events.) So he knows that if he fucks up or a mistake comes to bite him in the ass, you might be in danger. He knows you can probably handle yourself, but he also thinks of all the worst scenarios. He doesn't want the most important person to him in any danger.
Honestly I think he would be very reluctant to a relationship. But, unlike three of the boys (Luke, Artem, and Marius), he and Vyn have something in common- hes definitely at least had some one-night-stands. Maybe after particularly rough days or weeks. Stress coping. Not gonna talk about if its wise or not.
Because, like, come on. Hes at leeeeast thirty, making him older than the boys. So he may be experienced in bed, but romance is tricky and he denies or hides his feeling like a teenager afraid of his crush. (Re: ohmygod they would be in danger tho if I confessed oh no I can never tell them!) Of course, he would confess while expressing that he is worried about you.
He also loves to see you in his blue uniform shirt. I dont know if either of you acknowledge it aloud, but since you grabbed it and put it on that one time... yeah. Yep.
But yeah hes a softy underneath all the brooding and tired exterior.
(Bonus: If u like... uh.... his cuffs..... yep thats all)
I dont believe he can cook much. Like, beyond the basics, he has like. 2 dishes that he can reliably cook. Hes a simple man, he knows how to vary them, but come on, its not like he has much time to cook stuff. You realize this quickly and while you dont have much time either, you meet him halfway... or more than halfway. Also, hey, carryout/delivery isn't so bad every once in a while. He'll work on it if you bring it up. He doesn't really notice until you do. Thats the first time you see him embarrassed. He's kinda cute as he apologizes, and it makes up for your slight annoyance at eating the meal for the third time. Hes used to his way of living, he might (definitely) forget people live differently than he does. Hes cute, I forgive him.
As a boyfriend, he does his darnedest. He literally doesn't care what he does with you, as long as its with you. When you ask him for date ideas, he thinks of some favors he can cash in to show you secret or expensive places. Those upper class jerks are good for one thing, if it makes you smile and if it impresses you. Because, of course, hes been here when it opened, so his attention is on you. (His eyes may not be, but hes much more attentive than you notice.)
I feel like hes the kind of person to snap candids of you an you dont even notice. I dont know how he would do it, but I really think he would want to remember and capture sweet moments with you. He doesnt tell you or show you these pictures, and they aren't, like, ones where you're exposed (....most of them, at least. He doesn't take pictures of you asleep for damn sure, you're not a pet.), but he just keeps them to himself. He forgets that you either know his passcode or you have your fingerprint saved in his phone, and you happen to see it because he had the album last open on his phone. Hes a sucker.
At the beginning of your relationship, I think he made a note in his notes app where he writes down your birthday, or favorite color, or things like that. Hes afraid of forgetting those things. He could never forget the day he met you, nor when the two of you admitted your feelings for each other, or when you went on your first date. He knows those dates. Hes quiet- hes thinking of those things. He doesn't mind being distracted by you.
He tries not to be super possessive because he admires your independence, but sometimes he snaps at someone like when Artem asks you to come in to work on a case on your day off. Scary Darius.
He likes holding your hand when you cross streets.
I dont think he would get jealous easily. He knows that, before he confesses, he hasn't told you, so he has no right to be upset if you flirt or spend time with someone else. And when you're together, he knows where you end up at the end of the day, so hes secure in that. If anything, if someone flirts with you and makes you uncomfortable, he checks with you first (in case you wanna defend yourself), then gives a death glare to the unlucky person. Even if you flirt back comfortably, again, he knows where the two of you end up. You in his arms, the other person unfortunately ~probably~ all alone, boohoo.
I have gotta say, I think sometimes he forgets to close doors all the way. He doesn't do it on purpose, hes just not used to people being in his home. He always puts the toilet seat down (if that applies), but cabinet doors or room doors can sometimes be left just slightly open.
His walls are kinda bare. What art he does have are monuments or architectural things. Stellis is very sleek and modern, but he knows about the older buildings. When someone else at work is reluctant to go into centuries-old buildings because they're creepy, he pretends to be annoyed but inwardly hes comfortable in them and goes without fear.
His home is usually clean, too. Its partially because he doesn't spend much time there, but also because he cleans things after use. So things aren't spick and span, but his apartment is presentable if you happen to drop by.
He shares something with Luke- i think the two of them are the only ones with any sort of pectorals. Yanno, them man boobs. Juicy muscle on the chest. (I simply refuse to believe the other boys have any beyond abs or, yanno, tone. Luke and Darius could have a nice arm wrestling match, no im not gonna say who wins.)
He tries to keep a cactus alive. He writes down when he waters it to be sure not to overwater it. Its name is Alfred and Alfred knows everything about you. He lives in the kitchen and Darius talks to him when hes cooking or nursing coffee or beer. Hes a beer guy.
I'm not sure if hes a cat person or a dog person. I think he would get along with either well. I dont know if he would have a pet, because he often has long days, and even cats need attention. Maybe if he ever gets to retire he'll get a pet. Beside himself, Alfred is the only thing living in the apartment.
He does have co-workers he spends time with outside of work. Methinks its usually at a bar or someplace like that.
I think he calls his parents every once in a while. More frequently after you start dating him. I also feel like he has a sibling but I dont know if they're older or younger. Methinks an older sister? What if she's a lawyer too!!!
(Plot twist- Celestine and Darius are related. Big just joking.... but his older sister is much like Celestine. He likes working with her.)
Idk where to put this but !! Hes a podcast guy. He listens to podcasts rather than music. He dislikes true crime with a passion (literally dont get him started because if you do, he, rightfully so, will talk for like a whole ten minutes and you won't be sure if you should be excited he talked for that long STRAIGHT or if he's ok) but he won't say anything if you listen to it. To each their own. I think he listens to podcasts talking about, like architecture or, like... news, or something. He knows what's going on in the world. Hes the first to deck any asshole. Not physically, tho. It takes a lot to get him to physical action. He has a killer glare, he knows how to insult someone (hes gotten his (un)fair share of insults or heard them thrown around). He knows how to intimidate. Usually, he can get someone to chill out or leave. If not, he would take anything outside. I think he would try not to flash his badge. If he's off the clock, he doesnt work for the city. Idk deTECtive Darius Morgan, only Darius. I dont think he likes attention.
Oh God this was much longer than I thought. I thought I would type a bit about his clothes, maybe a few habits. Good lord.
I hope someone enjoyed! If you have any of your own ideas, definitely let me know! If you agree or disagree. We literally have so little to go on that any of us could be right.
I... might post a NSFW batch at some point, but I also feel like it would be more telling of me than him, beside the things in this post. So yanno. Maybe we can just imagine.
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quirklessidiot · 4 years ago
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Title: dreary [a miya osamu birthday special] Pairing: gn!reader x miya osamu Genre: mild angst, fluff, drama, age-up!osamu and reader
Synopsis: in which a famous author sees the world in a greyscale but the moment he enters it, he splashes colors onto their dull and dreary world.
will this be a series???? idk probably ksksksks but yeah happy osamu and atsumu day since we have the coward series already, its only respectful that i make a story for osamu because he deserves the love too on this special day (or because im just well, you know a miya simp hA)
Warnings: language, smoking, and Y/N being a problematic and arrogant asshole
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People often wonder how novels come to be, how writers are able to sow a bunch of words together and create such masterpieces. How they’re able to make the hearts of their readers tug or ponder in deep thought, how they’re able to gather a group of individuals and create a passion together. 
You were one of the general census now.
Here you were, in the middle of a messy room, the smell of smoke and black coffee lingering the air as you laid on your couch with papers crumpled on each side and pens strewn across your living room. 
“What the hell?”
You’re immediately greeted by a harsh light without warning, you immediately mumble a bunch of curses underneath your breath, “What the fuck, Mikoto?” you growled, shutting your eyes and covering it with a pillow.
“When you said you wanted to take a vacation at Hyogo I didn’t expect you to be pigging around!” Your agent exclaimed, his fiery red hair mirrored his volatile personality, just like you, he had a temper and everyone did say you can never fight fire with fire. It’s a miracle he put up with you.
You immediately flipped him off, “You better hope I don’t minus that on your paycheck, fucker.” you grumbled beneath the pillow, “Now close the lights, I’m tryna concentrate!”
“Concentrate on what exactly? I gave you two weeks, Y/N.”
“I’m doing it.”
“It’s been two months!” He half-yelled, “You haven’t been out for promotions in two years and you haven’t released a book in the three years, you’re going to be washed up at this point!”
You immediately remove the pillow from your face and stare at your agent, “Washed up? People still buy my books!” You retort.
“Your sales are going down, Y/N.” He placed a envelope in front of you, “You might not even be relevant at the end-”
You immediately grab the files and toss it to the side, it’s contents spilling out, “I have enough money to live a comfortable life.” You clenched your hands tight, what a joke, you paid this man to work for you. Why was he calling you out like he was your father or something? Even your father didn’t call you out this way.
“That’s not the point-”
You ignore him as you place another cigarette in between your lips, “Then what is the point? I pay you to manage my contracts and shit, what I do on my down time is none of your business.” you cut him off.
“If you’d stop being an ass for a moment-”
“You can leave, you know your way out.” You cut him off once again, completely tired of his bullshit despite him just getting here, “Now.”
Mikoto narrows his eyes, “The higher ups are giving you another month, if you can’t give them a draft, they’re letting you go.”
You run your hands through your dry and frizzy hair, still ignoring him. As you hear the door shut, you puff the smoke your of your system and stare at the blank sheets of papers and your battery dead laptop, “What a fuckin’ joke.” you mumble, crushing the cigar on the expensive mahogany table. You slowly shuffle towards the kitchen, wanting to prepare yourself an instant meal yet when you notice that your pantry and ref is empty and that your local delivery doesn’t seem to be available, you’re more annoyed as the moments past.
“What kind of fucking restaurants are these?” you scowled, staring at your phone, you hated going out. The sun was too bright, there would be people around and you hated being a few feet away from any living creature since their breathing patterns annoyed the fuck out of you. You could wait until-
You stop on your footsteps when you hear your stomach growling, “Ah shit.” you cursed, “Really?”
Grabbing the cleanest jacket and pair of darkest shades, you decided that you might as well grab some take-out and get out to find something to eat. Not even bothering to comb the frizzes of your hair or splash some water on your face, you walk down the street with your hood up and shades on. It wasn’t sunny as you recalled, maybe it had been two months already.
It was getting kind of cold compared to the last time you went out.
You stop at the first restaurant you come across, onigiri miya. Sounds interesting, might as well grab a bite since it wasn’t a rush hour here and you didn’t want to walk anymore farther. Opening the shop’s door, you're greeted by Japanese interior and the smell of onigiri and some sauce you can’t seem to point out, “Welcome to Onigiri Miya, why don’t ya grab a seat and I’ll be with you in a moment?” someone calls out.
You nod at the woman as you sit nearest to the exit and stare at the variety of onigiri’s the place has to offer. You never knew such flavors even existed to begin with.
Man, the owner must really love onigiri’s huh?
“Ya ready to order?”
Your thoughts are cut short as you hear a voice, you seem to notice that the woman’s voice is deeper this time and the accent of a local is more evident, odd. Looking up from the menu to tell her your order, you're thrown off guard by a pair of friendly grey eyes staring right at you and it was definitely not the woman from earlier.
He was fairly good-looking with a good build, indicating that he kept his life healthy and unlike you, this one seemed to have his life in order by his clean and pristine appearance, “Fatty tuna onigiri’s please. Five pieces.” you simply say, squinting your eyes behind your dark shades. 
“Would you like anything to drink with that? Sides?”
“No.” You simply replied, you were still staring at him, completely enamored by his presence. He reminded you of something, better yet, he reminded you of a weird feeling. You slowly tap your fingertips on the table, eyes still glazing on him as he said that he’ll be back soon with your order. He didn’t seem to notice your open gaze on him.
Grey eyes.
A mysterious and happy smile.
The tapping on the table turns rhythmic as words slowly start to form in your head and before you know it, you're standing up and asking the nearby woman for a pen and a napkin. The woman looks at you in an odd manner but nevertheless she complies, you hurriedly start to scribble on the paper the first few sentences of what seemed to be the novel that you’ve been desperately trying to write these past two years.
Placing some money on the table for the meal that hasn’t arrived, you immediately run outside and back to your apartment, ignoring the woman behind you and the calls of the waiter who had struck an unfamiliar yet at the same time a familiar chord within you.
The world that was once void of color and inspiration seemed to be overflowing, all because of those grey eyes.
taglist wont be open for this one since im not sure if i should even continue this.
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unsettledink · 4 years ago
Gotcha Chapter 6!
(Trying something new and posting the full text here as well as AO3? It feels too long, but I’ve posted longer things here before, Idk.)
Read on AO3
Peter: sorry im on my way!
Peter: iswear im just running late
Peter: i will be there supr fast!!
Peter: sorry!
Quentin stares down at his phone and somehow, manages not to sigh. It’s a full ten minutes past when they were supposed to meet, and he doesn’t even want to be here in the first place.
Quentin: Don’t worry, it’s fine.
Peter: im sosorry
Peter: my alarm got set for tomorroow instead of today
Peter: i dont even know how
Peter: adn i just woke up and i dont even sleep this late like ever
Peter: but i willl bet there soon i promise
Peter: sorry!
Quentin: Really, it’s fine! There’s no hurry.
Quentin: We’re not exactly on a schedule or anything.
Peter: its so rude tho
Peter: for once it wast me losingt rack of time!!
Peter: im still sorry!
Quentin had given himself a little extra time this morning, just to remind himself of all the many, many reasons he is doing this, in this particular way. Had spent that time summoning up every bit of patience he could find to get through this day, because he had a feeling he was going to need it.
It feels like he’s already used half of it.
And of course he won’t be able to comment on Peter’s lateness, not even as a joke.
Peter: im like hafway there already illl just have to chagne and then ill be there!
Peter: seriously i am so sorry
Normally he’d be all for hearing Peter apologize, but it keeps happening every other word, Quentin will lose his mind.
He’s already losing his mind.
Well, he’s not going to just stand here until Peter does show up. He glances around for somewhere to sit; there’s a coffee shop just across the street. Perfect. He’s going to need that.
Quentin: Hey, don’t rush!
Quentin: I’ll just grab a coffee okay?
Quentin: I’ll be over at Kaldi’s, it’s just across the street. Can’t miss it.
Quentin: You want anything?
Peter: you dont haveto!
There’s no stopping the sigh this time. God.
Quentin: Not what I asked, kiddo.
Peter: um
Peter: suure?
Peter: someting with carmel i dont care mych
Peter: ill be there realy soon tho!!
Quentin: Then we can just sit for a bit.
Quentin: You’ll probably need it if you just woke up.
It’s a little funny how… drastically downgraded Peter’s texting is when he’s apparently still half asleep. Or maybe it’s just that he’s in a hurry. Or—
Quentin nearly stops in the middle of the sidewalk. He— surely, Peter isn’t—
Quentin: Are you texting AND webswinging?
Peter: …maybe?
No wonder he goes through phones so fast.
Quentin: You’re going to drop your phone
Peter: hey! imst icky! i wont drop it!
Quentin: Then you’re going to fall from being distracted
Quentin: And I won’t feel sorry for you.
Peter: :(
Quentin: I’ll laugh
Peter: :( :( :(
Quentin: You brought this on yourself.
He spends the time until Peter gets there reviewing Lynn’s newest plans for the miniaturized drones; they actually aren’t too bad.
Of course, they’ve probably had them sitting, waiting, for months, what with how they’ve harped on and on about how this should be a priority.
It won’t do to let them get too full of themselves, so along with the praise he sends back plenty of potential revisions. Even brings up some entirely new bits for them to consider; should keep them busy for a bit.
“Hi!” Peter says, flinging himself down across from Quentin. He’s flushed and still out of breath, his hair sticking up. “I’m here! I’m so sorry!”
Quentin allows himself a slightly amused smile. “Hi,” he says. Pushes Peter’s drink—some sort of ridiculously sweet caramel flavored thing that’s barely coffee at all—across the table to him. “Sit. Drink. Relax a bit, okay?”
“Yeah,” Peter says, running a hand through his hair and only making things worse. “Yeah, okay. I’m sorry, though. I’m just… it’s really embarrassing to be that late when this was my idea in the first place and—”
“Peter,” Quentin says, cutting him off. “Breathe! It’s fine, I promise.”
For once, Peter listens, and takes a deep breath, holding it in for a moment. Lets it out and relaxes the smallest bit, and grabs his drink. “Oh,” he says. “This is good! Thanks; you were right about me needing it.”
Quentin watches while he unwinds; Peter’s latest idea regarding ‘things they could do together’ was to show Quentin around Queens, so today they’re wandering. Quentin’s thrilled.
It could be worse. Peter had been all set up to take him to the most popular, well known, touristy spots, and Quentin had barely been able to hide his dread at the thought. It’d taken a little work, but he’d manage to convince Peter that Quentin would much rather see Peter’s favorite places. Even if they were nothing fancy or exciting, or little hole in the wall type places, or silly.
Even if they bored Quentin to tears.
Not that he can let Peter see even a hint of that. There’s a special kind of… vulnerability in sharing the smallest things you like, something different than exposing the larger, more damaged pieces of yourself. Something oddly hopeful about showing someone the unexplainable, intimate things you like and waiting for them to enjoy those things as well. Or at the very least, not reject them, in a way that suggests they’re rejecting your tastes as well.
Not rejecting you.
He’s started to prove to Peter he can handle the bigger things, the superhero stuff and the feelings nearly suffocating Peter; time to show that he can be trusted with the little things too. That Peter can come to Quentin with anything at all. Anything. Everything.
“So,” Quentin says. “What’s first?”
He was right; it is pretty boring. Not… awful, surprisingly, but not Quentin’s sort of thing at all. Peter’s apparently decided to try and cover as many miles as he can in one day, dragging Quentin from one end of Queens to the other. And then back; Quentin’s going to take tomorrow off for sure. Peter just has so much energy.
Has so much enthusiasm, Quentin thinks, as they poke through a small used record store that isn’t nearly as hipster as he expected from Astoria. So, so much enthusiasm, for the smallest things. It just bursts out of him once he gets comfortable and isn’t second guessing every single word he says.
Once Quentin has seemed interested in the first few things Peter shows him. Peter’s nervous about it, trying to explain away any shortcomings before Quentin’s even gotten in the door. He’s just desperate for approval, for acceptance. For Quentin to like him.
It’s not that hard to, actually.
It’s never been that Quentin dislikes Peter. Sure, Peter’s causing him grief and can be incredibly annoying, and sure, about half of what he feels for Peter is pity, but those can exist alongside the fact that Quentin kind of likes Peter.
Has liked him, ever since he started compiling research on him, ever since he’d met Peter as Mysterio and shook his hand and watched him get so excited over the existence of multiverse. It’s harder not to like Peter, not even a bit. He’s ridiculously smart, and stupidly good-natured, and—
He throws himself into everything he does; goes full out, with his heart on his sleeve. It’s no wonder he gets anxious as hell, if his first impulse is to practically flaunt all his soft spots, open and eager and expecting the best. It’s going to go poorly more often than not.
Must have, judging by the way Peter pulls himself in and hides, overrides that instinctual reaction so quickly it’s just a flash, a glimpse Quentin keeps catching again and again. He’s been taught to second guess himself somewhere along the way, by someone—probably a lot of someones—who saw those tender spots and couldn’t help poking them, taking advantage of them.
Just like Quentin’s doing; Peter should be better about spotting that sort of thing by now.
It’s almost a shame to fix Peter just to tear him apart completely, to have to use him like this, but… well. In the end, Peter’s nothing but another obstacle scattered in Quentin’s path. There are far more important things to worry about than the fate of one kid.
Peter grins at him when Quentin admits that this dinky little secondhand bookstore in Jamaica was worth a stop, even if it’s just for the most comfortable couch Quentin has ever sat on. Smiles when he points out a mural he loves on the way to the next attraction and admits he’d actually webbed up someone who started to tag it.
Straight up laughs at Quentin’s face when Peter shows him the most supremely creepy things in some huge thrift store, full of weird antiques and vintage crap. God, it’s disturbing that the things Quentin had as a kid, even as a teen, are considered vintage now.
“Jesus, Peter,” Quentin says after he has to look at a one hundred percent haunted taxidermied squirrel. “Why would you make me see that? I’m going to have nightmares.”
“For that exact face,” Peter says. “Oh my god, you look like you think it’s going to bite you!”
“It might,” and it’s unfair that Peter just laughs harder. He glares at Peter, but it might be slightly put on.
He’s allowed to like Peter a little, Quentin decides, watching Peter nearly double over with giggles. It’ll make having to deal with him easier, if nothing else, and it’s not as though liking someone has ever stopped him from using them—even disposing of them—in the past. It sure won’t this time.
They wander some more, Peter chattering on and easily filling the silence as long as Quentin remembers to make the appropriate listening noises occasionally. Every now and then, Peter hesitates, a nervous stumble in his words, something throwing him off, and Quentin reengages fully. He can’t afford to let Peter get too caught up in his thoughts.
But a few questions—carefully designed to make Quentin seem far more interested than he is—are enough to get Peter going again, bouncing from place to place until Quentin suggests they could use something to eat.
“Oh my god, yes,” Peter says. “I’m starving and didn’t even realize it. Ooo, last time we were down here, Ned and I found this awesome truck that does crazy good Korean barbeque, you’d love it.”
“No,” Quentin says without thinking, the sweet tart burnt smell so strong he can nearly taste it, can feel it stinging when he draws in a breath.
He twitches, shrugging it off, and tries to walk back how sharp that had come out. “Uh, I’m not big on sweet sauces and meat?” he says. “Got another recommendation?”
Peter drags him to a place that has the weirdest chimichanga combinations—and normal ones too, thankfully—and once again, attempts to pay.
“You know,” Quentin says as he pokes Peter out of the way, immensely irritated that Peter is still pushing him on this. “I didn’t realize your memory was this bad.”
“Hey!” Peter says. “It’s not! What are you talking about?” like that doesn’t prove Quentin’s point exactly.
“I seem to remember a bet I won,” he says, “relating to this exact situation.”
Peter opens his mouth to protest, and then closes it. “Um,” he says.
“Yeah,” Quentin says,raising his eyebrows.
“Okay,” Peter says, “okay, you can’t blame me for trying!”
“Hmmm,” Quentin says, passing over one of the foam trays. “You’re forgiven. This time. Just don’t do it again.” It’s always a good idea to get Peter into the habit of following Quentin’s rules, of remembering not to challenge Quentin too much.
Of remembering that Quentin will forgive him anything, easily.
“Fine,” Peter says through a mouthful, so mature.
They eat on the way to the next stop on Peter’s little tour; Quentin had been hoping they were approaching the end, but when Peter looks at him and asks, so hesitantly, if Quentin is tired and wants to call it a day—
Well he can’t say no.
Quentin finds himself dragged on to little half hidden shops, with any signage and down stairs that Quentin has to ask how Peter could have found in the first place. To statues Peter likes, to places he feeds pigeons—why he’d want to, Quentin doesn’t know—places with great views of the Hudson.
And, over and over, once Quentin catches on and starts pushing it, places to eat. Because Peter’s metabolism is a thing of wonder.
It’s interesting watching Peter banter back and forth with an older man about his sandwich; Quentin had gotten the impression Peter was uneasy around strangers, all his awkwardness amping up. But the way Peter’s interacted with people today is much more relaxed, much easier. Peter has a sharp sense of humor that Quentin has only started to see, as Peter gets comfortable around him.
Why do all these strangers get it right off the bat?
He watches Peter dart over to help get a stroller over a curb and— they’re not strangers. Not really. It’s not just that everywhere they’ve gone is somewhere Peter has been again and again, to the point where he knows people.
This is Peter’s home ground. His comfort zone, and the people in it— they’re his people. And when he’s helping them, his nerves disappear. His awkwardness becomes a tool of its own, disarming, downplaying the threat Peter could so easily be.
This is what he wants to be when he’s Spider-Man; the guy on the street, helping in a hundred tiny ways.
That’s fine with Quentin. Perfectly fine; now how does he get Peter to stay there, with EDITH looming over his head?
He can practically hear that in William’s voice, ugh. He’s working on it.
They wind up in Kissena late in the afternoon, almost early evening, really. Peter steps off the path once they get into one of the more wooded areas, and there’s a grassy spot past a few bushes, with a truly massive tree near the center, smaller ones scattered around it. It’s well hidden.
“Alright,” Quentin says, as he has with every other place, “what's the story behind this? How’d you find it?”
“So, when I got bit, when everything changed?” Peter settles down at the base of the tree, cross legged. “One of the things that was like, a huge pain, was how all of my senses got crazy amplified. Everything was turned up to eleven, you know?”
Quentin sits across from Peter, stretching his legs out as he leans back. Ugh, grass; he’d better not end up with bug bites. “Okay,” he says. “Sounds like that was pretty overwhelming.”
Peter groans. “You have no idea! It was really hard for a while, because even once I started to get used to everything being too loud and too bright and too smelly and— things tasted weird and my clothes made me feel like my skin was crawling and it was—” He stops, tipping his head back against the tree and looking upward.
“It was a lot,” he says. “Eventually I sorta started being able to deal with all that sort of… feeling stuff? I mean, physical, sensory, not like feeling feelings.”
Coherent; Quentin does not roll eyes through sheer force of will.
“But I was still really struggling with the, um,” Peter frowns, tips his head back further until Quentin can’t really see his face. “The stuff in my head. Actually doing things, thinking about things or even focusing on one thing was all so hard. It was like…”
“It was like what?” Quentin asks, after a few moments have passed.
“Everything was a distraction,” Peter says, slowly. “That’s still not right, because normally, before, I’d get distracted thinking about something else I wanted to do, or I’d be daydreaming, or, um, just, good stuff? Stuff that I’d want to focus on, just not right that second.”
“This wasn’t like this.” Peter looks down and starts to fiddle with a bit of grass, pulling up blades one by one. “This was like so much noise inside my head, like every little detail about every single thing was right there, grabbing my attention. I’d be trying to do one thing and all that would be clamoring at me nonstop.”
He closes his eyes, scrunching his whole face up. “People talk about wanting super sense a lot,” he says, “but it sucked so much at first.”
“People generally don’t think through those kinds of wishes very much,” Quentin says. Honestly, for the most part people don’t think at all.
“I’m pretty much okay now,” Peter says. “I figured out how to filter things most of the time; when there’s a bunch of stuff at once I can get so caught up in trying to ignore it that I ignore everything, and then that’s it’s own problem.”
“I noticed,” Quentin says, dryly. “Makes you pretty jumpy.”
Peter huffs, almost a laugh. “Yeah,” he says, brushing the ripped up grass off his pants. “I’m still working on getting the kinds of focus right?”
Quentin leans further back on his hands, crossing his legs. “You said something about focusing on me that one time,” he says, and Peter goes faintly pink. “That the sort of thing you’re talking about?”
“Something like that,” Peter says. “If I have one thing I can focus on, almost completely, then I can make it into… uh, white noise, I guess? Or it makes everything else into white noise. If that makes any sense at all.”
Not one bit, but whatever. He can press that later. “Sure,” Quentin says, waving his hand. “I’m following.”
It’s actually something to consider— if Peter manages to function better in difficult situations by focusing on one specific thing, what happens when that thing is taken away? Is ripped away from him, in fact. Would there be a moment of disorientation they could take advantage of? Maybe they could set Peter up to focus on what they want; he’s already using Quentin as a focal point, apparently.
He’ll have to watch Peter, Quentin thinks. This fumbling little explanation leaves a lot to be desired, but he doesn’t have much faith Peter actually could explain it better even if he tried.
“That helps,” Peter’s saying, “but it’s still really exhausting after a while. Sometimes I want to just… stop. Just not feel it at all, not have to try not to feel it.”
He glances at Quentin, and Quentin nods. Peter looks oddly shy, so he’d better pay close attention to what he’s showing.
“I’ve found a couple of places like this, but this is probably my favorite,” Peter tells him. “I can come here and actually relax. If I stop trying to block things out, or stop focusing on one thing, it doesn’t matter.” He tips his head back again, looking up at the tree.
“It's quiet here, pretty much all the time,” Peter says; the light through the leaves is diffuse, dappled on his face. “Even the noises that I get are like, soft things. Leaves and wind and things walking on grass. People talking, yeah, but that’s more distant and almost like background noise. It’s still shadowy in here when it’s super bright out, and there aren’t any super gross strong smells either. Just dirt and water and uh, green stuff.”
He darts a glance down at Quentin without moving his head. “Don’t laugh at me!” he says, and it’s right on the edge of plaintive. “I don’t know what else to call it.”
“I’m not,” Quentin says. He understands; it’s not something a city kid would be around that often, would probably even notice without senses like Peter’s. “I wouldn’t. I know what you mean, Peter.”
“Okay,” Peter says. Looks back away from Quentin and then closes his eyes. “It’s nice. And when I have to go back to the real world, it’s not quite as hard to handle.”
Quentin watches him. Watches as he slowly, slowly unwinds. Peter doesn’t move, aside from his head tipping slightly to the side, and Quentin—
He’d thought, earlier, that it was interesting how much Peter loosened up around people he felt comfortable with, places he felt safe. He’d thought it was a large degree of relaxation—and it was—but it was nothing compared to this.
Nothing compared to the way the tension drains from him with each passing second, from every single bit of his body, until he looks calmer than Quentin has ever seen.
If this is how he looks when truly relaxed, the level of stress Peter must carry with him every day, everywhere he goes—from the physical tension to the mental, the anxiety, the constant background level of effort that other people don’t have to think about—must be ridiculously high.
He doesn’t want to say anything, do anything, that would break the stillness that seems to have spread over the entire glade. Poor kid. He might be doing a great job at being a pain in Quentin’s ass, but he isn’t cut out for this superhero shit.
Everything Quentin sees just convinced him further that taking EDITH from Peter really is doing him a favor. He’d never intended for that to be true, but— it’s not a terrible byproduct.
Peter sighs eventually, a barely there breath of a thing, opening his eyes halfway. He looks dazed, almost half asleep.
At least, until he notices that Quentin is watching him, and then he flushes. Looks down, the moment dissipating. “Anyway,” Peter says. “It’s— it’s a nice place for me,” like he’s admitting something embarrassing.
“I can tell,” Quentin says, offering him a small smile. “You deal with a lot every day, don’t you.” He shifts against his tree, trying to get more comfortable without Peter noticing and getting all fussy about it.
“I guess,” Peter says.
He picks up a leaf, twirling it through his fingers absently. “It’s getting really frustrating,” he adds. “Because it’s been almost two years, right? So I should have a better handle on this! I shouldn’t still be getting tripped up by such little things. And—” he makes a face, shoulders starting to hunch again.
“So I have this… this sense? Uh, I call it a spidey sense— I know, it’s kind of stupid. It sort of warns me about things? Like someone poking me, or shouting that something bad is about to happen.”
“Mmm, you mentioned that once,” Quentin says. “Sort of like a limited precog?” Honestly, he’d dismissed it— not fully, it wouldn’t do to completely dismiss anything about Peter. But it hadn’t seemed like it did much for Peter in Europe.
And it hadn’t picked up anything about Quentin, so how good could it really be?
“Oh, huh,” Peter says. “I hadn’t really thought of it like that? Maybe, but it’s not very exact. Sometimes it’s super obvious, but others it takes me a while to figure out what’s wrong. And lately, especially, it’s been— it’s gone kinda nuts? I don’t feel like I can trust it anymore.”
“Like, like right now?” he adds. “Right now it’s just going off like something really big and bad is happening, but come on!” He throws his hands up, exaggerated. “We’re just sitting here talking! Nothing, literally nothing bad is happening. It’s freaking out for no reason.”
Maybe he really shouldn’t have dismissed it, Quentin thinks, trying to stay as relaxed as he was a moment ago. Maybe he really fucking shouldn’t have, because some part of Peter knows that Quentin’s not good news. Knows that Quentin is something dangerous, is a threat.
And apparently knows it very, very insistently. Oh, fuck, this is the last thing he needs. Why now? Why is Peter’s sense losing its shit now and not at any time in Europe? What has he done differently to set it off?
God, what if it had been going off then too? Could that be why Peter had backed off at the last second in the bar, EDITH almost in Quentin’s hand? Has Peter been feeling this the entire time?
It’s a good thing he doesn’t seem to be listening to it, but that could stop at any second. At any time, Peter could decide that maybe his stupid ‘spider sense’ isn’t wrong, and that would be— that would be bad. That would be so bad.
Quentin has got to figure out how to make sure Peter keeps dismissing what it’s telling him.
“It’s so annoying,” Peter’s saying. “I wish it would stop, would just shut up already. It’s like this constant thing lately, sort of fading in and out but almost always there, but not a single thing has happened!”
Oh, that’s really, really not great. Almost always? In and out? How long will it take before Peter starts to realize it’s linked to Quentin?
No. No, he can fix this. He can nip this in the bud, before Peter has even a hint of suspicion. Peter’s already trying to ignore it, already annoyed by it. Quentin can use that.
“Maybe it’s just confused?” Quentin brings one knee up and rests his elbow on it, letting his arm dangle oh so casually. “After all,” he adds, “I’m hardly a bad thing, am I?”
Peter smiles, all that irritation gone in a second. “No!” he says. “Of course not! You’re like, the least bad thing that’s happened in a while.”
Quentin grins back at him. Yeah, keep thinking that, kid. “Well that’s a relief!” he says. “How finely tuned is this thing anyway? Could something have… I don’t know, damaged it? Hmm, screwed up its baseline, maybe? How do you even recalibrate it?”
“I have no clue,” Peter says. “I mean, it’s not like I can’t really test it or fix it or whatever. It’s practically useless now.”
Perfect; he wants Peter distrusting this sense. Wants him not thinking about it at all, avoiding the topic entirely— ah.
If he can get Peter thinking his damaged sense has something to do with the fights he’s been in, these bigger battles, that would be ideal. Peter’s already trying hard not to think about those; tie this sense to them as well, and he’ll just have even more reason to avoid both
“Could something have overloaded it?” Quentin asks. “Just completely swamped it, and it hasn’t recovered yet? If it got used to there being danger nonstop, on all sides, maybe it can’t stand down.”
“…maybe?” Peter says. “But I don’t know what would have caused that, or even when. It doesn’t make a lot of sense.”
Really, Quentin thinks, really? Peter can’t think of anything that would fit? Why wouldn’t he think of that? “Nothing?” he says, quietly.
Peter frowns. Takes a moment, and when he opens his mouth, Quentin is almost sure he’s made the connection; but Peter hesitates. Shrugs. “Not anything that’s like, major or a big deal or anything,” he says.
Does Peter— has he really managed to convince himself that all the fighting he’s done is nothing? Or at least, been trying to, because that hesitation says a lot.
He should have expected this, with the way Peter’s consistently downplayed himself so far. He really should have, but somehow it still annoys him. No wonder Peter isn’t willing to admit how scared and screwed up he is, if he thinks he’s completely overreacting to ‘no big deal’.
“Well,” Quentin says, and he’s watching Peter carefully. He doesn’t know quite how this will hit. “You were at war, on a battlefield. More than once, even. That can really mess you up in all kinds of ways.” Remember, Peter, he thinks. Remember that you were hurt, that there’s a good reason to be scared. To run.
“I— that—” Peter stares at him. “I wasn’t in a war,” he says. Dammit. Looks like downgrading it in his head is exactly what Peter’s been doing, and that is exactly the opposite of what Quentin wants.
“No? What would you call it?” Quentin asks, raising an eyebrow. He pushes himself more upright, uncrossing his legs. “It sounded a lot like war to me.”
Peter shakes his head, fingers crushing the leaf he’s been playing with. “It was just a fight,” he says, strained. “That’s all!”
A fight. Just a fight, like it was nothing more than a little spat, was nothing at all. Has someone been telling him this, reinforcing it? Fury, maybe, or even Tony before that?
He knows Fury wants Peter to think he can handle things, but has he also been trying to convince him that what he’s been through so far was small enough Peter should have been able to handle it? Should be able to handle the aftereffects? That he shouldn’t be upset about it, that he’s overreacting?
That’s not good; Quentin doesn’t need Peter doubting he can handle things. He needs Peter to be certain he can’t, and more, that it’s perfectly normal. Acceptable. Not something horribly selfish at all.
“Peter,” he says, “it wasn’t just a fight.”
“It was! It was just one— it wasn’t a war!”
“It wasn’t— Peter,” Quentin says, and sighs. “It was a lot more than that. You’ve been dragged from fight to fight to fight the past couple of years, without anyone helping you after; from what I hear, you really could have used some after that thing upstate.”
He huffs, too sharp to be a real laugh. “And that’s just what I know of,” he adds. “I’m not stupid enough to assume that’s everything.”
Peter sucks in a sharp breath, his hands fisted on his thighs. Blinks, and then looks at Quentin intently, his brow furrowed. “How do you even know about that? About— about other fights?”
“I spent some time talking with Fury,” Quentin says. “He wasn’t big on details, but I got enough that I can fill them in on my own. I’m willing to bet he doesn’t even know every fight you’ve been in, though I’m sure he’d like me to think so.”
He’d been talking with Janice, more like. God, she’d been such a find; seething about having had Tony himself be an ass to her, more than once, but willing to stay where she was to pass things on. She’d had access to so much confidential information, and every time SI and SHIELD decided to bury another thing, shift the blame and throw money at it until it all went away—for them, at least—she’d gotten a little more resentful.
It’s true that they might not have the finer details—it drives him nuts how sparse the info about whatever it was that crashed SI’s plane into the beach is—but he has enough to know that Peter’s been involved time and time again.
“Oh,” Peter says, looking down, losing some of his ire. “You probably didn’t hear much good, I bet. But— it doesn’t matter if it was more than one fight, cause they were all different. All like, spread out and about other stuff. It’s still not war.”
“What do you think war is, then?” Quentin asks, actually curious.
“I don’t, uh. War is… more?” Peter stumbles along, and he’s being incredibly stubborn about this. “More than that, than any of those. Worse. Way worse. You don’t— you weren’t there, you don’t know what it was really like. It wasn’t like that.”
“I think,” Quentin says dryly, “I have a pretty good idea of what war is.”
Peter looks absolutely horrified. “I didn’t mean it like that,” he says. “God, I didn’t mean— I’m sorry, I didn’t think— I just, just meant that you were in a war. In a real, horrible, endless one and this…” He shudders. “These were just fights. It’s not the same, it’s not anywhere near as bad.”
“I’m so sorry,” Peter says. Looks at Quentin and then drops his head into his hands, knees coming up as he curls in on himself. “Fuck, I’m so sorry Quentin, I didn’t mean…”
This is really not what he was going for. Shit, he shouldn’t have said it like that; Peter’s too sensitive for him to be even a little sharp.
Quentin sighs, very softly, though he’s sure Peter still catches it. Pushes himself up onto his feet and walks over to Peter, who doesn’t even look up. “I know you didn’t mean it like that,” Quentin says. “It’s okay, Peter.”
Peter just shakes his head a little; Quentin thinks of sighing again but—somehow—manages to restrain himself. He sits down next to Peter, his back against the tree.
“War doesn’t have to go for a long time to be real,” he says, not looking at Peter. “It doesn’t have to drag on and on for it to still be awful, for it to still affect you,” and Jesus, he’s had to hear shit along those lines so many times. Had to sit there and listen to people be told over and over that what happened to them is worth being fucked up over.
Even if it isn’t. There’s a lot of reasons he never opened his mouth at those meetings, and his disgust at everyone else was the biggest. What a waste of time.
Well. Maybe not. It did give him the material to work Peter over.
“It doesn’t have to be some huge, dramatic battle to qualify,” Quentin says. “It still counts. Pretending it doesn’t doesn’t get it out of your head.” Come on, he thinks, let it be bad, be a nightmare. Admit that there’s a good reason, a real reason, for you to be scared, and then you can back down without shame. Come on, Peter.
“It doesn’t feel like it should count,” Peter says, a bit muffled, head still in his hands. “It wasn’t— lots of people have dealt with so much worse. Something like this, it’s not— it’s not an excuse for, for…”
He doesn’t finish that thought, but Quentin doesn’t need him to. An excuse, hmm? He turns his head toward Peter, just a bit. “Why don’t you want to call it a war?”
Peter lifts his head, arms sliding down to cross across his chest. “Why does it matter to you what I call it?” he asks, and there’s a hint of sharpness in there. Maybe even anger. “Why do you even care if I admit— if I think it’s a war?”
Nice little slip there; isn’t that interesting. Peter does know it was more than a few little fights. He knows, he’s just trying as hard as he can to pretend otherwise. Trying to redirect, as usual, turning the question back on Quentin. Why does it matter, Peter wants to know, and there are so many answers Quentin could give.
It matters because you need to see yourself as badly damaged. Because you need to acknowledge that this is something huge and overwhelming and frightening. Because I need you to start accepting what I say as right, start accepting me as an authority. I need you to not question me.
So many reasons, and he can’t tell Peter any of them. Ugh.
He turns further toward Peter. “Because I think you’re doing yourself a disservice,” Quentin says, tightly, irritation rising up in him. “When you sit there and insist that it’s nothing more than a little fight, when you play it off like it’s nothing— you’re devaluing what you did, and that’s wrong.”
“Don’t act like what you went through, what you did, doesn’t count,” Quentin says, and Peter’s looking over at him, startled. “That it wasn’t brave as hell, and terrifying as hell too.”
Peter stares, his eyes very wide. “I— it’s not like I did more than anyone else there. Than, than anyone else would have.”
“It sounds like you did more than enough,” Quentin says. “And— it doesn’t matter, Peter. It still messes you up. War fucks everyone up. Maybe it didn’t go on long enough for it to really warp your thinking, your morals or empathy or capacity to even feel, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t damage you.”
Peter jerks, sitting up straighter. “I’m not damaged!”
For fuck’s sake.
Quentin has to dig deep for a bit more patience. “Sure you are. Hey, Peter— wait,” he says, watching as Peter shuts down all over again, hurt. “That’s not bad, kid. It’s not an insult. It’s just… you gotta admit that before you can get better.”
Or not, if Quentin gets his way; admitting it might lead to Peter actually getting over his fear and stepping up. But with Quentin around, guiding him along? Peter’s never going to take that admission as anything other than a personal failure.
As just another reason he can’t, and someone else should.
“I don’t know,” Peter mutters. “It doesn’t feel like it should count.”
Quentin watches him for a minute. Leans in, his shoulder bumping against Peter’s. “You’d agree that I’ve been in war, right?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“And that I’m able to judge what is and isn’t war. Right?”
Peter can be smart, sometimes. He sees where this is going. Sighs. “Yeah,” he says.
“Will you—” Quentin pauses, waits until Peter is looking at him. “Can you trust me here, and believe that I mean it when I say what you went through was war?”
Peter blinks, his eyes dropping. He’s silent, and Quentin can feel the muscles of his arm moving as Peter fiddles with something out of sight. “I’ll think about it,” Peter says, which is not quite the response Quentin was hoping for. Still, it’s not another denial. Baby steps.
“I’ll— maybe,” Peter says. “I guess you would know, even if you weren’t there.”
“You should listen to me,” Quentin agrees, leaning a little harder against Peter. “I do know!”
You should listen to me, and only me, he thinks. We’ll get you there, kid.
Peter huffs softly, pushing back against Quentin’s shoulder. “Maybe,” but he’s smiling faintly.
Quentin smiles back; he can accept a maybe, for now.
He’ll get a yes soon enough.
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flokive · 5 years ago
lie to me II - Youngblood
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description: part two of my internet bff au featuring ashton irwin // the fight between james and elisabeth left liz feeling lonely and numb. it doesn’t really help that her best friend, fletcher, really wants to know what happened and wants to help, even though he lives in australia and liz lives in europe...  writers note: yay! in honor of soft!ashton thursdays here’s the second chapter of lie to me :) don’t really have a lot to say, just a quick thank you to my loves @ashtonsos​ and @easierlftv​ for proof reading this <3 // enjoy! hope y’all like it, and, please, don’t worry... fletcher will be more prominent in the story soon...  wordcount: 1358
“Remember the words you told me, love me 'til the day I die Surrender my everything 'cause you made me believe you're mine Yeah, you used to call me baby, now you calling me by name Takes one to know one You beat me at my own damn game”
liz? hello? well, you sure know how to get a man eager with anticipation…
umm, earth to liz? where are you?
ok, i’m starting to get worried. liz???
liz, please just message me back. i have got to get some sleep, it’s almost 3am here… love you!!! bye
Liz has been sitting on the floor, numb and empty until her thoughts are interrupted by the smell of burning sauce. As quick as she possibly can, she jumps to her feet and turns off the stove, watching the steam escaping the now blackened pasta sauce. Too tired from the fight to clean up the kitchen mess, she leaves the saucepan on the stove, cracks the window to let the bad smell escape the kitchen, and plumps down on the couch, feeling numb and unable to do anything else. 
Liz jolts awake, the sudden movement making her wince. A quick glance at the clock informs her it’s 3 am, the outside world is dark and cold, apart from the spots on the street that are lit up by the street lights. The house is quiet, Liz calls for James, her voice echoes in their empty apartment, and no one responds. He’s still gone and she’s all alone again. A lonely yet guilty feeling washes over Liz as she closes her eyes and rubs her neck, trying to ease the pain caused by the weird sleeping position on the couch. As she slowly rises to her feet, a sad sob leaves her throat when she looks at the kitchen mess. Quickly she turns off the kitchen lights, trying to ignore the mess and the guilt that comes with it. If she just did something else this night, if she just ignored Fletcher this one time, none of this would’ve happened. In the dark, the apartment feels even colder than it did before, maybe even more terrifying than before. Liz rests her head against the doorframe that separates the kitchen with the hallway to their, maybe now only her, bedroom. When she slowly opens the door to the master, her eyes meet the mess James created. Clothes are flung everywhere, a picture frame lies on the ground, the glass shattered and James’ bedside table is cleared. With tears burning in her eyes she tries to pick up the pieces of the picture frame, carefully to let the sharp glass cut her hands, a sad sigh leaves her mouth when she puts the glass shards on her bedside table. She slowly seats herself down on the bed, holding her head between her hands. Salty tears stream down her face when she thinks about everything that’s been said and done. The thoughts if she could’ve done anything different re-enter her mind as she lays down, dragging her blanket over her head, trying to just forget the world for a moment. 
The first thing Liz does when she wakes up is checking her phone, wondering if James has sent any messages since their fight last night. Her inbox is empty, apart from Fletcher’s seven un-read messages she chose to ignore last night. She clicks on the bolded notification and reads them slowly, after staring at the words for a while she decides to not reply yet, not wanting to talk about the events of last night. Since it’s Saturday and Liz doesn’t have anywhere to go she ends up scrolling through her Tumblr dashboard. Reblogging every sad quote she reads. A small smile appears on Liz's face, remembering how her 17-year-old self would’ve been doing the exact same thing, laying in bed, scrolling endlessly through the same site, using it as some sort of coping mechanism. Her phone chimes and on top of her screen a new message from Fletcher appears. Liz closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and decides to finally reply.
                                                                                fletchersthoughts liz?? i see you reblogging, i know you read my messages so i KNOW you’re awake.  please just give me some sort of sign of life, please?
queenliz hey fletch im sorry busy night, james didn’t feel good returning from work we fell asleep early
The lies are bad and Liz feels guilty for lying to her closest friend but she just can’t handle talking and thinking about the events of last night. Her phone chimes again, knowing it’s Fletcher, she decides to ignore him once again. Hoping he would get the hint and leave her alone today. A rumbling sound from her tummy interrupts her thoughts, reminding her she hasn't eaten a thing since last night. Liz changes yesterday's clothes for some comfy leggings and a black crewneck sweater. Before leaving to get some breakfast, she washes the mascara stained tears away, grabs her wallet, and leaves the damned apartment. 
Liz makes her way to the local coffee shop, orders a big iced coffee, a freshly baked croissant and strolls back home. Whilst munching down on her breakfast she looks at the city waking up. The events from last night fresh in her brain Liz decides to take the long way home, through the park, trying to clear her brain and understand everything that happened last night.
Halfway home, Liz plumps down on a wooden bench and starts to pick apart the last bit of her croissant, throwing some it at some doves in front of her. The peaceful sounds of the park finally give her time to process the events of last night. Every word, every action that happens plays in slow-motion in her head, it’s like she’s watching a really bad movie but she can’t find the remote to switch the channels. A feeling of guilt and sadness gnaws in her brain when she thinks how badly she treated her best friend. How bad her lies were, how she bluntly ignored the man who has always been there for her. Slowly she takes her phone out of her pocket and opens the last unread message Fletcher send her, saying he doesn’t quite believe her, and she starts writing an apology.
queenliz so... you’re right, i kind of lied to you this morning… we didn’t really fell asleep early last night we had a fight, a horrible one, i might add i think  god fletch, i think we broke up.. 
Liz looks up from her screen, tears forming in her eyes, making her vision blur. She quickly wipes away the tears before they spill over her cheeks. With shaking hands, she continues explaining what happened the night before. As per usual, Fletcher doesn't take longer than a minute to reply. 
                                                                                  fletchersthoughts he did WHAT?! he threw a fucking glass at your head? what the fuck was this guy thinking?? liz... fuck… 
queenliz i’m okay fletch, really don’t worry about me, i didn’t get hurt so it’s fine
                                                                                fletchersthoughts you didn’t get hurt so it’s all fine?! that’s fucking bullshit liz and you know it HOW am i supposed to not worry about you liz? fuck.
Liz huffs annoyed, re-reading the message Fletcher just send her. Her fingers fly over the keyboard when she writes her response.
queenliz please fletcher, don’t be so fucking dramatic i fucking said i was fine, so i am doing fine leave me be and please stop worrying about me, it’s getting on my fucking nerves  idk if you know this, but i can take care of myself.
Liz’s fingers hover above the keyboard, debating whether or not telling Fletcher to leave her alone, to stick his nose into someone else’s business. Her bottom lip rolls back and forth between her teeth, a metallic flavor reminding her she should probably stop nibbling on her lips and make a decision. Her thumb lays on top of the lock button and her other thumb hovering back and forth over the backspace and send button. Her phone buzzes in her hands, letting her know that Fletcher is sorry for being so protective and that he understands Liz might not be ready to talk about things today. A soft smile appears on her lips for the first time in, what feels like ages. Quickly she deletes the message and sends him a brief thank you, before locking her phone and standing up to head home again.
taglist: @cthofficial​ - @calmlftv​ - @kingcals​ - @spicycal​ - @another-lonely-heart​
send me a message if you wanna be added to my taglist!
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savoies · 4 years ago
50 questions.
i was tagged by @cartrshart. thank you ash, ive been wanting to do this one. (:
1) what is the color of your hairbrush? - one is purple and one is white+pink. 2) name a food you never eat? -cow head or tongue. its popular in Mexican culture but its not for me.
3) are you typically too warm or too cold?
- my body is super warm always like always that my family cant even place their hand on my shoulder when its hot outside.
4) what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
- i was working on cast my mutuals on my main account. 5) what’s your favorite candy bar? kit kat. 6) have you ever been to a professional sports game? yes! i used to go to a lot as a kid cause my uncle used to get tickets. i went to many angels games, an indoor football game, and when i was seven i went to my first hockey game. but recently i went to a devils and leafs game(both against the ducks) in march. the devils game was the first game i went to after i started liking the nhl. 7) what is the last thing you said out loud? - ¨ merrimack keeps sending me emails even though they dont have my major.¨ telling my mom after reading my school emails. 8) what is your favorite ice cream? either cookies & cream or cookie dough. (wow ash exactly the same oop) 9) what was the last thing you had to drink? water. (: 10) do you like your wallet?
- yeah i have been wanting a smaller wallet for a while and i finally got it a while back.
11) what is the last thing you ate? Neapolitan ice cream. 12) did you buy any new clothes last weekend? actually i did! i bought a waterproof jacket, a Hawaiian shirt, a half zipper sweater, and a t-shirt. (: yard sale things oop. 13) what’s the last sporting event you watched? i believe it was game 2 with my mom. 14)what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? movie theater popcorn with movie theater butter jsjs. 15) who is the last person you sent a text message to? i rarely text anyone outside of tumblr. rori. @andreisvechnigod love you <3 
16) ever go camping? yes! we have an annual camping trip that we’ve gone on for about for more than five years.but it got canceled this year. :( 17) do you take vitamins? nope. 18) do you regularly attend a place of worship? yes ma’am. i grew up religious and then like i hated my church(cause the people were like hypocrites oop) but then my parents took us to another church and i like it there a lot. a lot of cute guys lol. the vibe is great. every sunday (: 19) do you have a tan? does a bad tan line count? 20) do you prefer Chinese or pizza? depends but usually Chinese.  21) do you drink your soda through a straw? if its from restaurants then yes but if its straight outta the can then no. 22) what color socks do you usually wear? black with a colored line and colored letters of the brand at the bottom. 23) do you ever drive above the speed limit? cant drive ahaha. 24) what terrifies you? all of the above, heights, bugs, public speaking, etc. 25) look to your left, what do you see? fan. 26) what chore do you hate most? deep cleaning the whole house. 27) what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? g’day mate 28) what’s your favorite soda? dr. pepper 29) do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? drive thru all the way, my social anxiety cant handle going in. 30) what’s your favorite number? 11 cause of my birthday or 21. 31) last person you talked to?
my mom.
32) favorite cut of beef? idk? ahaha. 33)last song you listened to? driving to Hawaii by summer salt but im currently listening to she looks so perfect by 5sos. 34) last book you read? for school outliers but on my own a crime book and the last song by Nicholas sparks. 35) favorite day of the week?  Saturday. 36) can you say the alphabet backwards? no. 37)how do you like your coffee? more creamer than coffee, i know. :\ 38) favorite pair of shoes? my velcro vanz probs or the basic old school vanz or dark blue converse. 39) time you normally get up? 5:30am if i go on a hike if not 7:45 for school. weekends it depends anywhere from 10am to 2pm oop. sundays at 8 if i go to church. 40)what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets but if you have the chance to see a sunrise they're pretty cool too. 41)how many blankets on your bed? 2 small throws. 42) describe your kitchen plates? black and the bigger ones are jade blue with a black border. 43) describe your kitchen at the moment? tidy messy oop. 44) do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? im a minor. (margaritas are chill though) non alcoholic of course. 45) do you play cards? we play different card games with my family sometimes. 46) what color is your car? dont have one. cant drive but both of my parents are a type of gray and id like a black one probs. 47) can you change a tire? with assistance maybe? my dad has shown us the basics once when we broke down in the freeway at 9pm.  48) your favorite state? i live in CA and its really all i know but i love utah and i really want to see Colorado and the east coast. 49) favorite job you’ve had? due to a personal reason i cant have a job rn. so none since ive never had one lol. 50) this one is long so ill understand if you skip it lol. @hartsyhart @seggy-seggs @andreisvechnigod @kncny @farabees @leeqianxiao @jmaybanks(also sorry if youve done it already.)
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deesselouvre · 5 years ago
Tagged by @v-v-e-g-a !!! ♡♡♡♡♡
Tag #1
1. Icon: Beehunter from Arknights
2. My content: This is my main/personal blog so it's mostly just reblogs of funnyman jokes, Helpful References/Tips, and interests I'm either too lazy or not enough into to make a sideblog for (JJBA, Animal Crossing, Castlevania [debatable], etc.)
3. Letter colour: I'm assuming this is blog title color so--white.
4. Header: a screencap of Invader Zim saying "PHASE TWO" but instead it says "HOES MAD". I need to change it tbh but idk to what.
5. Url: I love vampires AND thigh high socks,,,,Could I Make It Anymore Obvious
6. Blog title: From one of those phrase/word generators I forgot why I used it, but I really liked the phrase even though I'm really bad at poetry...
Tag #2
Who were you named after?: I Vibed(tm) with Maid Marian from the Disney Furry Robin Hood Movie as a kid but I wanted it to be more gender neutral so now I'm Mr. Mosbey ☆ Ellis is similar enough to my deadname so I can get onto family and the like for "forgetting"
Last time you cried?: I don't have a concept of time so I don't remember so,,,,,maybe a week or two?
Do you like your handwriting?: I guess? It's pretty a looking blend of print and cursive but it can be hard to read if you're reading it for the first time :(
What is your favorite lunch meat?: FRIED BOLOGNA. If cooked doesn't count idk honey ham or turkey I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Longest relationship?: 2 years. Don't Ask.
Do you still have your tonsils?: Yup.
Do you bungee jump?: Nope!
What is your favorite kind of cereal?: Honeycomb, w/ French Toast Crunch as a close second. But tbh as long as its not bland like cheerios or corn pops/puffs I'll live.
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?: I DESPISED tying my shoes as a kid idk why so I always slip mine off.
Do you think you’re strong willed?: Not particularly, I think? I'm a people pleaser but I'm also stubborn as hell so....
Favorite Ice Cream?: Birthday Cake!!! French Vanilla or Wedding Cake is good too--anything really REALLY vanilla-y is top notch.
What is the first thing you notice about a person?: Their smile and I guess like...idk how to put it....their Build? Like if they're lanky with broad shoulders or tall 'n buff or short 'n stocky, stuff like that.
Football or baseball?: I only attend football games for the Marching Band halftime shows
Favorite donut?: Anything filled with cream or custard tbh. Maple-flavored dunkin donuts donuts are good too, though.
What are you listening to?: A lot of Vouge Remixes/Music apparently? Like DJ Boyfriends and stuff. I like high-energy beats.
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: A deep jewel tone that's labelled "peacock" but you can't really tell if its a green or blue until you use it.
What is your favorite smell?: Vanilla Bean Noel from Bath and Body Works, Honeycomb, and Harry's Pomegranate-Spice Blend Soap (really specific I Know). Hairspray always smells really sweet to me idk why people say they hate the smell???
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?: My D&D group (5 HOURS!)
Hair color?: Too dark to be blond, too light to be brown. I wanna dye it either that jewel toned blue again or black, but I don't feel like buying hair dye rn.
Eye color?: Brown brown brown! FUCK what anyone says brown eyes are the BOMB my entire family has either green or blue eyes so I've spent TOO LONG self-depreciating over that shit.
Favorite food to eat?: Lemon Cake w/ mascarpone is soooo good. Nothin tops Hoppin' John with Wild Rice though.
Scary movies or happy ending?: Happy Endings. I'm not (that) much of a sap but Scary Movies sometimes really work up my anxiety :(
Last movie you watched in a theater?: Once Again, time is an illusion but I think Frozen 2? NO it was Birds of Prey! Loved it.
What color shirt are you wearing?: A black State Marching Band Championship hoodie.
Favorite holiday?: Halloween by default since a good 80% of holidays are boring.
Beer or wine?: I've only had (dessert) wine but I didn't really like it so neither I guess. I don't see myself liking beer anyways.
Night owl or morning person?: Night Owl but God likes to punish me so I always wake up at 6/7/8 even when I don't need to anyways.
Favorite day of the week?: Tuesday or Friday? Time isn't real, dude.
Favorite animal?: BATS BATS BATS!!! I have a plushie of a Mariana Flying Fox I got from the zoo as a wee kid and I WUV THEM their name is Mango :3c. I also like peacocks because of their colors, & hummingbirds because they remind me of my grandmother and how they zip around!
Do you have a pet?: 3 cats (Meimei, Rico Suavé, and my dearest darlingist loudest witch cat Mina) and 3 dogs (Emmy, Jake, and Gucci "Chupi" Chupacabra).
Where would you like to travel?: Japan (b/c I'm a weeb and I've wanted to since middle school), but tbh visiting just about anywhere would be cool, especially in Europe just because I keep slacking on language learning. My family vacations for Food mainly so anyplace with good, different grub than Southern Landlocked USA is 👌👌👌👌.
I never know who to tag in these ddgdkddjkskabcksbals uhhhhhh @binch-im-stressed @screamingredpanda @6fangs @foolishrats @wondertainment & any mutuals or ppl who constantly interact because I'm writing this in my notes app and never use desktop tumblr so I can't really keep track of my mutuals like everyone else (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
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hvlly-blog · 6 years ago
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- ̗̀ ❛ muse 22 , kim chungha , she / her . ❜ ̖́- did you hear about the monaco trip ? it’s legendary at ucla. holland “holly” min is going, i’m so jealous. their instagram makes it seem like they’re pretty vivacious and they’re all about an empty locket around a delicate neck  &  strawberry flavored lip gloss. can you believe they’re only twenty-one and they’re going on a free trip to monaco for the summer ? hopefully they don’t let their quixotic side show too much on the trip. 
hello… im xan ( she / her pronouns ) im 21 and its been...200 years since i’ve made an intro post or rped so JSDBJW go easy on me ! fun fact half my keyboard is broken…..so if i take 10 yrs to reply sometimes just kno….a bitch is trying her best ok... literally just winging all of this as i type if u thought i had a plan think again JSDBWB *jungkook vc* lets get it....
pause . before we get it JDBWJDJ we can plot here over ims if discord isnt ur scene !! BUT i am....way more likely to respond to discord messages bc its easier !! so u can find me on there @  A GIRL WITH LUV 💖✨🌙#8172 
idk what is triggering for any of u so if mentions of AGE GAPS, DRUG ABUSE, CAR ACCIDENTS, or SEX ADDICTIONS is sensitive stuff pls proceed with caution !!!
BACKSTORY: so . this is holland but she thinks her name is UGLY so she goes by holly 
she was born and raised in los angeles and her parents both own / run a luxury chain of rehab centers for ppl with $$$ ( u already know i want a plot involving this xx ) they are new money ! so holly really does not understand ... the spoiled lifestyle since her parents raised her pretty conciously on stories abt how they struggled as immigrants coming to a new country & making it & all that jazz
as a kid her parents would host / try to charm a lot of potential donors or clients so they’d make holly “entertain” them like as a kid she’d just be cute or maybe sing a song from chorus or just be impressively well-behaved but the older she got...the more her mom would demand from her /:
as all this was going on her parents started to have issues so instead of working it out.... holly’s dad just started traveling a whole lot to other states & countries where they had a business so growing up he wasn’t really in the picture . rip !
back to holly ! so her mom had a few close business partners and “friends” that where around holly’s family pretty much all the time and there was this one guy who was relatively younger than most of the men but still significantly older than 14 year old holly who had a huge crush. basically this man tried to take advantage of that bc hes UGLY .
one day holly’s mom caught this dude alone with holly and being way too friendly for comfort and instead of flipping on the dude she flipped on holly and was like we could lose our business and i think it’s all ur fault for causing drama” and holly was literally like What the Fuck !!! her mom cut off all ties with the dude but she still made holly feel like it was her own fault woo !!
more stuff her mom did ? yea ! one night when she was 17 she was out with this guy who had celebrity parents just eating at a nice place and drinking after and as he was driving her home, they get into a big car accident. turns out that the guy she had gone to dinner with had a coke addiction & was literally high the whole time & the only reason holly’s mom had set them up was so he’d check into their rehab center bc his famous parents were considering it but she never told holly any of that so holly was PISSED but relatively unharmed from the accident besides some bruising
basically by the time college came a bitch was ready she moved out, trying to have a fresh start away from her home life ! but college was also messy basically over the years holly developed a big dependency issue where she literally...craves attention and intimacy sososo bad bc she never got it from her family so ! she looks for it in other ppl like she needs to feel that validation so bad & she does that with really unhealthy sexual habits low key bordering addiction ! 
oh also ? since her family was never the family vacation type JSBDWJBDJ she’s never left california before so a bitch is VERY excited and if u try to make her feel bad for it . she will tell u to fuck off and let her have this !
PERSONALITY + TIDBITS: honestly one of the most sociable ppl u will ever meet she was literally raised to entertain and please so its super easy for her to make friends !! literally one of those ppl that just.....know everyone and ur like how the fuck !!! an avid social media user...are u even friends if u dont have a snap streak ? not to holly JSBDJWBDJ definitely her guilty pleasure aside from u know...sex ! 
speaking of sex she really.....ho(e)lly gets around ... 100% a chaotic bi but her trust for men is abt at a solid 0 ! she will still desperately seek validation from them though so thats fun ! she can be a gossip bc shes a gemini ... but she never does it on purpose she just ... tells funny stories & realizes half way through she was talking abt a friend’s tinder date horror story ... oops ... share secrets cautiously ! 
for someone who makes friends like its nothing shes pretty hesitant to share any real info abt herself bc she fears being rejected and abandoned ( not just romantically ) more than anything else like shes one of those ppl who ur like “oh yeah i know her!” but if someone asks u to tell them one important thing abt her ur not gonna know wtf to say
also she’s usually very amiable but if ur just .... a horrible person .. shes gonna be honest about it SDBSJWB shes got some strong opinions ! but also very unrealistic expectations in others so a lot of the time shes just ... disappointing herself for hyping u up inside her own head
she was an english major ! bc i love to self insert <3 JSDBJWBJ but she low key wishes she did something with film bc she loves editing videos & making videos abt her friends so if ur her pal ... u 100% have abt 50 videos ur a star in ! she tried to learned to speak french 100% for the aesthetic of it but only remembers like 5 words….she used to play the fucking ukulele but stopped bc her mom was like holly grow UP JSBDSJBJW shes scared of the dark /: like legit scared if she is sleeping alone a light has to stay on....and yea i dont know what else this is long enough JSDBJSWBJW IM SORRY
im out of ... juice UHHH but some basic ideas for plots are stuff to do with her family ( family friends, maybe ur muse or their family is somehow involved with her parent’s rehab center, or ur muse or their family could have been one of those business partners...whew we have possibilities !!! ), shes an only child so i would die for sibling type friendships, hmm also fwbs or just hook up connections bc those can get uhh Dramatic since she is so dependent on sex, also would die for like confidants bc thats rare for holly like sharing her deep feelings or whatever ... enemy plots are sexy but im gonna be real honest here . i suck at purely hateful connections so if u want a mean plot we gotta have depth ! JSXBDSJDB um romatic stuff too also more platonic stuff like best friends or party buddies thats literally enough i’ve been typing for HOURS . plot with me .. or Perish xx
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elnorasims · 6 years ago
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simself tag
i was tagged by the amazing @surreysimmer and @dawsim thank u lovelies :3
im not sure who has done it and i think im kinda late on the bandwagon so if you want to do it feel free to say i tagged you xo
traits: foodie, goofball, lazy [and i included my doggo bc he is my son]
You have to make a simself and put whatever you wish there, traits, anything about you.  After the keep reading thingy are +100 questions I found that you can answer if you want, but you don’t have to. i’ll put it below :]
What is your full name? abbiegaile
What is your nickname? abbie, ab, abz, fannyanne [lol dont ask pls] and my last name
Birthday? december 28th binch it’s comin soon
What is your favorite book series? oof idk maybe lord of the rings and tmi
Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? maybe im too skeptical 
Who is your favorite author? idk oops
What is your favorite radio station? um idk maybe capital fm or smooth radio
What is your favorite flavor of anything? coffee yum
What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? cool, amazing, ‘wow’ (also its bugging me that this font size is bigger idk how to fix it im not that tech savvy)
What is your current favorite song? i honestly couldnt choose
What is your favorite word? lol idk maybe like pipette or something
What was the last song you listened to? gold dust
What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? oof i have a lot - big mouth, south park, game of thrones and outlander
What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? i love me some rom-coms like idk maybe 10 things i hate about you
Do you play video games? yup - maybe a little too much
What is your biggest fear? the unknown (so pretty much everything lol)
What is your best quality, in your opinion? idk maybe that im approachable?
What is your worst quality, in your opinion? i over-analyse situations a lot
Do you like cats or dogs better? dogs 100 percent
What is your favorite season? either autumn or winter
Are you in a relationship? yes <3
What is something you miss from your childhood? lol this is dark and deep but not having to worry about things like i do now
Who is your best friend? my boyfriend
What is your eye color? blue
What is your hair color? it’s technically blonde n im naturally blonde but it’s gotten dark over the years so my roots are brown but i have blonde highlights and this was a complicated answer to such a simple question wow
Who is someone you love?  my family, my dog n my boyfriend
Who is someone you trust? my boyfriend
Who is someone you think about often? um
Are you currently excited about/for something? christmas tbh
What is your biggest obsession? i have way too many obsessions i look at something for more than 5 seconds and im obsessed its unhealthy
What was your favorite TV show as a child? bear in the big blue house as a little kid shout out to that fkin og show
Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? boyfriend lol
Are you superstitious? boy do i 
Do you have any unusual phobias? i guess i have a phobia of bellybuttons lol
Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind definitely
What is your favorite hobby? reading
What was the last book you read? the help by kathryn stockett
What was the last movie you watched? um idek i havent watched one in so long
What musical instruments do you play, if any? lol i wish
What is your favorite animal? polar bears
What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? i can’t choose just 5 its impossible
What superpower do you wish you had? teleportation
When and where do you feel most at peace? in my room lying down in bed reading
What makes you smile? a lot of things 
What sports do you play, if any? lol no
What is your favorite drink? caramel frappe from mcdonalds yum
When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? hm idk maybe a card if that counts for my sister
Are you afraid of heights? nah
What is your biggest pet peeve? when ppl scratch the carpet with their nails lol
Have you ever been to a concert? yes
Are you vegan/vegetarian? no
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? a singer
What fictional world would you like to live in? id love to live anywhere in middle-earth but most likely the shire *_*
What is something you worry about? everything
Are you scared of the dark? no
Do you like to sing? yh
Have you ever skipped school? yeah...too much
What is your favorite place on the planet? my room or tokyo
Where would you like to live? somewhere peaceful
Do you have any pets? a dog called brandy
Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? a night owl def
Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? sunsets
Do you know how to drive? no
Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? earbuds r more comfortable but i prefer headphones
Have you ever had braces? no
What is your favorite genre of music? indie chill
Who is your hero? my mom
Do you read comic books? rarely
What makes you the most angry? horrible people
Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? real book
What is your favorite subject in school? psychology
Do you have any siblings? an older bro n an older sis
What was the last thing you bought? mcdonalds lmfao
How tall are you? 5′8
Can you cook? no
What are three things that you love? my fam/dog/boyfriend, cuddling up in a warm blanket on a cold night and peace
What are three things that you hate? horrible people, my anxiety and um idk
Do you have more female friends or more male friends? idk i think equal
What is your sexual orientation? i dont rlly like putting labels onto things
Where do you currently live? england
Who was the last person you texted? friend
When was the last time you cried? yesterday
Who is your favorite YouTuber? david dobrik, pewdiepie, um i also have a fkin love for like study youtubers 
Do you like to take selfies? nah
What is your favorite app? idk lol i dont rlly have one
What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? ..
What is your favorite foreign accent? australian most likely
What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? tokyo
What is your favorite number? 2
Can you juggle? no
Are you religious? nope
Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? space but they both scare the shit out of me
Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? no way
Are you allergic to anything? no
Can you curl your tongue? yes
Can you wiggle your ears? no
How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? if im wrong i admit it 
Do you prefer the forest or the beach? forest
What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? to just ‘do more of what makes you happy’ and that it’s ok to feel bad emotions it’s just important to control them
Are you a good liar? nah
What is your Hogwarts House? hufflepuff
Do you talk to yourself? yeah
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert
Do you keep a journal/diary? i do if my anxiety is hella strong i like to let it all out
Do you believe in second chances? depends on context
If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? probs hand it in
Do you believe that people are capable of change? depends on context
Are you ticklish? a little
Have you ever been on a plane? no
Do you have any piercings? ears
What fictional character do you wish was real? hmm idk maybe jamie fraser from outlander
Do you have any tattoos? no
What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? to stop caring about what other ppl think of me
Do you believe in karma? sort of
Do you wear glasses or contacts? i should bc im short sighted but i cba
Do you want children? yes but not until im a lot older
Who is the smartest person you know? my boyfriend
What is your most embarrassing memory? um
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? yes
What color are most of you clothes? black
Do you like adventures? yes if im not being lazy lol
Have you ever been on TV? dont think i have
How old are you? 18 
What is your favorite quote? dont have one im boring
Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory
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thewritingstar · 6 years ago
98 that’s a lot of questions I wonder if you could answer them all 🤔🙃
don’t come for me like this anon.....here ya go. 
i answered all of these and it took forever so yall better read this shit
enjoy bitch
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
-both im a sugar addict
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
-prob either really quiet or really loud
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
-I hate soda
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
-I really like pastel and goth styles
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
9. favorite smell in the summer?
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
-Flag Football (stealing the flags) and badminton
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
-dont really eat in the mornings but prob granola bar or left overs
12. name of your favorite playlist?
-Shower lol
13. lanyard or key ring?
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
-Sour gummi worms..that shit is CRACK
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
-Great Gatsby
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
-apple sauce or on one leg
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
-all black converse
18. ideal weather?
-warm and sunny
19. sleeping position?
-stomach, side, in a ball
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
-Laptop or phone
21. obsession from childhood?
-My little pony, littlest pet shop, Disney, elephants, Chinese food
22. role model?
-Tara Strong, Walt Disney, Francis Dominic 
23. strange habits?
-tugging my hair, biting my nails, wiggling on my heels like a penguin and going up stairs on all fours (when im home)
24. favorite crystal?
25. first song you remember hearing?
-American idiot- Green Day
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
28. five songs to describe you?
-idk Cartoon theme songs lol
29. best way to bond with you?
-make me laugh or talk about disney
30. places that you find sacred?
-Flower gardens
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
-anything with my high heel boots
32. top five favorite vines?
-Road Work Ahead, Oh my god he on X Game mode, What the Fuck Richard, This house is fucking nightmare!, Happy one year babe! Im 27. 
33. most used phrase in your phone?
-YEET, Yall and bitch
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
-Stanley Steamer, The First5California.com song 
35. average time you fall asleep?
-now its 12 am -1 am... use to be like 10pm
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
-oh god that was so long ago i dont even know but it was one of the first ones like pepe or some some
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
38. lemonade or tea?
-raspberry ice tea
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
-dont like lemon in my desserts 
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
-A condom was thrown on my desk in french class (it was unopened thank god)
41. last person you texted?
-my mom
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
-Jacket pockets
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
-Vanilla or tropical
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
-Big shirt and no shorts (underwear obvi)
47. favorite type of cheese?
-I fucking hate cheese
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
-Strawberry or Lemon
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
-Its always fun to do the impossible- Walt Disney
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
-For my birthday my friend got my a “Sorry for your loss” card and i cried for 30 mins
51. current stresses?
-um everything..college and being the only snacc in my household
52. favorite font?
-comic sans
53. what is the current state of your hands?
-Still have both of them
54. what did you learn from your first job?
-That people are assholes 
55. favorite fairy tale?
-Disneys Rapunzel 
56. favorite tradition?
- My grandma got all the grandkids pjs on Christmas eve every year and we would wear them to sleep 
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
-Anxiety, Depression (sorta), Dropping my churro on the ground at Disneyland
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
-Quick Wit, Art abilities?, Standing on my head and making weird ass noises
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
-Already answered
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
-A really cool and cute magical one!!
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
-From Once Upon A Time, honestly they ave the best quotes. “So when I win your heart, Emma- and i will win it-it will not be because of any trickery, but because you want me”- Killian orrrrrrr He smells like forest”- Regina
62. seven characters you relate to?
-Juvia (FairyTail), Star (SVTFOE), Mabel (Gravity Falls), Maybec (Kingdom Keepers, sassy and artistic), Bubbles and Blossom (PPG) and Belle (beauty and the beast)
63. five songs that would play in your club?
-Boyfriend: BTR, Dancings not a crime: Panic!, Bang bang: Jessie, Ari and Nicki, Read you, wrote you: Drag race lol and Busted from Phineas and Ferb because I can
64. favorite website from your childhood?
-Webkinz, PetPetPark (STILL SALTY ABOUT IT) Club Penguin, Build a bear, Poptropica, i played every game yall
65. any permanent scars?
-only emotionally 
66. favorite flower(s)?
-Roses and water lilies..and every flower cause they pretty.. oh Dahlias too
67. good luck charms?
-petting my dogs. 
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
-Mango anything or Cherry. I hate cherry flavoring. 
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
-I have a great memory so i usually remember how i learned it, but.. Did you know that the water on the Jungle Cruise in Disneyland is 3 feet deep and dyed brown? Plus the water in all the parks is a special mix that doesn't contain chlorine because alot of people are allergic so its safe to touch? (learn from a disney doc)
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
-those ugly ones on leggings.
72. worst subject?
-Math or english (haha and i like to write)
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
-Grapes and teriyaki sauce. if they on the plate. ill just dip them in. I have an addiction to teriyaki sauce. 
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
-I dont take any unless I have my period and my cramps are usually at a 10 so i try and take it when they at a 5
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
-when i was young 
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
-I LOVE potatos: Fries and mash are best plus baked. I HATE chips thou
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
-Any bright flower or ivy
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
-coffee, dont like sushi
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
-AHHHH my license is soooooo bad. I had strips of red in my hair (got it when i was 15-16) and i didnt know they took your pic at your permit test. Its awful. School is def better and my senior photo pops. 
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
-Fireflys (arent they the same?)
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
-Both but im better at writing
84. podcasts or talk radio?
-Podcasts but I dont listen to alot. 
84. barbie or polly pocket?
-I played more with Littlest Pet Shop and My Little Pony lol (i have 400) prob Barbie thou
85. fairy tales or mythology?
-oooooooofffff cant decide
86. cookies or cupcakes?
-oooooff i love both but cupcakes
87. your greatest fear?
-wasting my life away.....or heights...certain bugs
88. your greatest wish?
-to be happy and have all my dreams (life, job, romance,etc) happen. Plus going to every Disney Park in the world.
89. who would you put before everyone else?
-Depends on the situation but sometimes you need to take care of yourself before others. If you arent doing good, how the hell you suppose to take care of others. 
90. luckiest mistake?
-hmmm idk being born
91. boxes or bags?
-depends on what im carrying but prob bags
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
-I love fairy lights
93. nicknames?
-any mispronunciation of my name, Dean, Big D (yes people call me this), Star, Sassafras and some more that yall dont get to know :) You can give me a nickname if ya want
94. favorite season?
-Spring and Summer
95. favorite app on your phone?
-Tumblr, Snapchat, Tsum Tsum 
96. desktop background?
- Its items from super mario and mario kart
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
- Eight
98. favorite historical era?
-oof im a history buff but I do love Greek and Roman because I love mythology...Maybe even 1800s.
hi if you got to the end of this then I love you and for proof leave me a 🐰
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earth-bat · 6 years ago
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I was tagged by: @xrattrap, thank you so much for that!
I’m tagging: @uglyvillagersims @baieyu @literalite @liliithvatore @caacti @blurri-sim-kid, I’m sorry if you’ve already done it or don’t want to do that!
Rules: make your simself, put some info about yourself and answer questions. 
Answering was fun, but a little tedious. There are 125 questions soo:
1. What is your full name? No way in hell I’m going to spell it in english. let’s just stuck to Sam, shall we?
2. What is your nickname? i have none
3. Birthday? December 25
4. What is your favorite book series? All for the game, i’m weak for mafia and gays
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? If I believed in myself as mush as I believe in aliens
6. Who is your favorite author? I don’t have one
7. What is your favorite radio station? ????????
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? Anything with chocolate 
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? ahuitel’no, ahuet, ebaaaaaaaaaaaaaat’ 
10. What is your current favorite song? The last album by Y&Y and Brockhampton basically 
11. What is your favorite word? Blya! It’s not my fav. word but I say it too much
12. What was the last song you listened to? Exid I love you..... LISTEN I CAN EXPLAIN
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? I don’t watch TV shows that often. so my judgement is too biased. In the Flesh mb?
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? I don’t watch movies whem I’m feeling down, I just cry
15. Do you play video games? Yeah
16. What is your biggest fear? height, death of my loved ones
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? I do what I’m told to
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? I can’t say no and I’m a chatterbox
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? Cats
20. What is your favorite season? Summer
21. Are you in a relationship? no
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? The feeling of not worrying 
23. Who is your best friend? One girl who has already best friend and it’s not me lol
24. What is your eye color? brown
25. What is your hair color? light brown
26. Who is someone you love? My cat, my family
27. Who is someone you trust? my cat annd my friend 
28. Who is someone you think about often? my cat and family again. i’m paranoid, so
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? i wish
30. What is your biggest obsession? I’m too lazy to have one
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Pokemone, def
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? My best friend 
33. Are you superstitious? nah. but I have a cursed tongue haha
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? i might have!
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind i’m too ugly for the front
36. What is your favorite hobby? games
37. What was the last book you read? die Nacht von Lissabon....... listen, i should be getting ready for my german class, but here I’m answering questions
38. What was the last movie you watched? ugh.. devil’s advocate?? it was for my engish class so
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? none :c
40. What is your favorite animal? caaats
41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? ummm i don’t like answering questions like that
42. What superpower do you wish you had? time manipulation
43. When and where do you feel most at peace?  home at night
44. What makes you smile? my cat
45. What sports do you play, if any? ......none
46. What is your favorite drink? water
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? does notes such as: “our prof. sucks” count? 
48. Are you afraid of heights? yeah
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? juvenile people
50. Have you ever been to a concert? no
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? not anymore, health issues
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? I i wanted to work in a circus or as a vet
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? dragon age or mass effect universes 
54. What is something you worry about? my family, my future, everything
55. Are you scared of the dark? no
56. Do you like to sing? nah
57. Have you ever skipped school? always, but now im in the uni and i never miss classes, yeah, can’t believe it either
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? somewhere outside the planet
59. Where would you like to live? norway?? finland?? anywhere but not here???
60. Do you have any pets? a cat
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? night owl
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? nothing
63. Do you know how to drive? no
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? earbuds
65. Have you ever had braces? no, but i need one
66. What is your favorite genre of music? honestly? i listen to everything these days
67. Who is your hero? my mom
68. Do you read comic books? yes, i would die for Dick Grayson, but i can’t stand dc....... (and marvel too these days)
69. What makes you the most angry? ignorance
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? electronic device
71. What is your favorite subject in school? amma out of this shithole, too biig for it
72. Do you have any siblings? yeah
73. What was the last thing you bought? snacks
74. How tall are you? 5′2 or not? i’m not good with american system
75. Can you cook? yeeea
76. What are three things that you love? sleeping. cat and reading
77. What are three things that you hate? intolerance, ignorance, straights
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? female
79. What is your sexual orientation? i guess i’m gay
80. Where do you currently live? russia
81. Who was the last person you texted? my friend
82. When was the last time you cried? a month ago?
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? ughhhh
84. Do you like to take selfies? nope
85. What is your favorite app? -
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? hot and cold
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? german-like, idk, my own maybe?
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? europe
89. What is your favorite number? 56
90. Can you juggle? -
91. Are you religious? no way in hell
92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? space one
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? u tell me
94. Are you allergic to anything? I’m allergic to myself
95. Can you curl your tongue? no need more.... practice
96. Can you wiggle your ears? ?? what’s with this question?
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? Often enough
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? beach
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? shut your month when no one listens
100. Are you a good liar? yeah i mean, everyone thinks i’m smart, and i’m not
101. What is your Hogwarts House? i hate hp, but the green one looks nice
102. Do you talk to yourself? always
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? i’m looser.....
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? no
105. Do you believe in second chances? depends on the person
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? first of all, i wouldn’t even take it from the ground, so I won’t know if it’s full of money 
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? yes
108. Are you ticklish? yes
109. Have you ever been on a plane? yes
110. Do you have any piercings? yeees
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? hard to say
112. Do you have any tattoos? no
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? my life is full of bad decisions and no good ones
114. Do you believe in karma? no
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? no but i need to
116. Do you want children? no
117. Who is the smartest person you know? me myself and i (joking, my friend)
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? ohhhhhhhh boi!!
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? yea
120. What color are most of you clothes? black and white
121. Do you like adventures? yea
122. Have you ever been on TV? yea......
123. How old are you? 21
124. What is your favorite quote? ugh i hate u but I would blow u??? listen i can explain
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? sweet and spicy
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wanderrlust0 · 2 years ago
first meal of the day at like 11:30pm and i tried wingstops chicken burger for the first time.
it was the spicy korean one and it was decent. it was more like a bbq sauce flavor but it was nice bc it was saucy. also tried some of the lemon pepper chicken burger and that was good too. that one felt more like an original chicken burger flavor since it didnt have all the sauce on it. their fries are so unique like i just realized they put sugar on them and thats why they taste sweet but i like it. now im full and tired but not tired; my body is tired. wasnt expecting to but i cried a little today and i did it in front of my bf. i can count on one hand the amount of times he’s seen me cry in person. i just feel like my body doesnt allow me to cry easily in front of people except one person. so yeah that happened while we were cuddling and just talking about parts of my life that is a sensitive topic for me. i didnt think it was but the more that it has come up in discussion, ive realized that it just makes me wanna cry and i’ll typically just fight back tears and hold it in. im also really bad when it comes to expressing the thoughts that i try to forget about or avoid sharing bc i feel like im trauma dumping. my bf helps me sort of break out of that mindset and to let things out. its still hard for me tho and i always feel choked up when i talk about situations and feelings i keep hidden. i also dont like making eye contact when its deep, vulnerable convos like that. ive always been kind of weird with eye contact. sometimes im still making sure that i keep eye contact with whoever im having a convo with. mostly if they keep looking at me i feel like i need to look at them back ofc & then sometimes my mind starts wandering bc im thinking about if my eye contact is too strong. if i look weird. if they can tell that i feel forced to look back. obviously this is more so for people im not friends with bc ofc im fine with friends but yeah. i always break away eye contact to feel more comfortable and so i feel less stared at, especially when me and my bf get into more serious talks. they know im reserved and stuff. idk, lately life keeps giving me highs and lows. as soon as something good happens its like okay something bad will happen soon. it always does. theres always something new. i literally just wanna feel like my life is normal. be as independent as my friends. have normal family relationships like my bf. not feel behind in life. feel successful and healthy. i feel like ive developed abandonment issues over time. i worry about the thought of losing my bf in my life. not in a codependent way but in a way where my life will just drop in serotonin. in recent past, when ive made him upset and he confronts me about it, it always made me scared in the moment that i could lose the one person who literally loves me the most. i mean he like loves loves me and it shows. i honestly still have moments where i’ll get insecure over things like if they mention another girl i’ll overthink and worry or whatever or i’ll wonder if they miss people from their past. i feel like thats normal tho maybe. i wanna cry again. as i was getting ready for work i was seriously saying to myself that i just want to cryyy right now and there i am, hours later, quietly crying in his bed. then about another hour later were just fucking lolol. so he mentioned androgyny and opinions on what i think he can do to look like that. that surprised me a bit but just a bit. i had no problem with it anyways. i think androgynous people are really attractive. i already like guys with femininity soo.. and ugh if theyre partly emo or looks like a pretty male and could prob be a twink lol and they have piercings or tattoos i. am. interested. completely random but my sex drive has been kind of on and off. i also kind of sort of want to get a sex toy. i dont own any rn so i want to try one. i also think it could help make me feel a little more pleasured in bed and thats a whole long separate topic. i shouldve taken melatonin but maybe i’ll get more sleepy soon and i can sleep in so its fine. didnt think id write this much but its been a while since i have // 10.8.22
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a-nonbinary-mess · 6 years ago
I want you to do all the botanical asks because im a plant gay and i love you and i love plants
im crying op please tell me who you are please i love you too idk who you are but im love u too (also this is 31 questions anon omggg)
baby’s breath: 5 things you associate yourself with
1. art (anything aesthetically pleasing)
2. food–mainly desserts
3. stress (that i put on myself)
4. lavender bc i really love lavenders
5. uhh dogs? i really love dogs
bleeding heart: what makes your heart go mushy?
-thoughts of how much I adore my friends tbh
-any cliche romcom trope in a fanfic or seeing ppl suddenly realize how much they love another person, whether platonically or romantically
-seeing kind people in the world and amazing animals, mainly dogs and cats
bell flower: what’s the title of the song that makes you want to jump around out of joy?
-uhh idk i like disney channel original songs a lot tho and ive been listening to a lot of potential song by aly and aj lol
-love on the brain by rihanna, uhh anything that sounds cheesy and cute and romantic like la vie en rose by edith piaf (the cover by laura and anton is super good)
evening primrose: what is your sleeping playlist (five songs): 
-anything by lofi hip hop beats w/ anime girls studying hard
-any studio ghibli song tbh
-any classical music song idk i dont listen to a lot of music before i sleep
-tango music ??? 
-a whole musical (hamilton, chicago, etc)
-songs that dont require me to sing bc i will sing to legit any song at 3 am instead of sleeping
forget-me-not: who is your favorite blog that’s not following you? 
-hmm idk? i mainly follow a lot of art blogs, so i would say any of them? maybe hinamie? or insomniac-arrest is a super cool person, thatsthat24 bc thomas sanders is an amazing human being and i would love to be friends with him
daffodil: what is one plant that you want to have but can never get?
-lavenders or sunflowers? where i live is kind of really difficult to plant anything tbh (unpredictable weather, things die in the winter, etc) and also idk how to take care of plants r i p 
calla lily: are you more of a sunny day or a rainy evening?
-rainy evening for sure. i love to leave the window opening, listen to soothing music, drink tea surrounded by candles, and read something ive been putting off while my dog is curled up next to me
foxglove: what is your favorite color and in what shade?
-i like the whole rainbow of colors but i prefer the darkest black and darker red for clothing and a light purple in general
lavender: what is something that you’ve always wanted to be/have/get but can never have?
-happiness. jk but i really do wish that i wasn’t mentally ill though :// also a cat. bc im allergic : (
love in a mist: what is the latest dream that you remember?
-idk i dont sleep well or deep enough anymore to even dream but i remember having a dream 2 years ago that i was dating oikawa from haikyuu and he was so disconcerting in my dream that i remember it to this day bc essentially he wasnt a real person like i could recognize him bc he was a damn hologram like miku and we had sex the end it was wild
daisy: what is your favorite flavor of cotton candy, ice cream, and juice?
-favorite cotton candy flavor (???): there are multiple flavors???? i just like the original pink i guess idk anything about cotton candy 
-ice cream: cookies n cream, cookie dough, vanilla, mint depending on where im getting it, and strawberry : )
-juice: does fruit punch count 
painter’s palette: are you more of a singer, dancer, painter, or instrumentalist?
-i love singing and i can legit never stop
tulip: what is your most favorite make-up product? do you like it more natural, dark, or etc?
-i love love love red eyeshadow. the brighter the red, the better. i also love red eyeliner and just anything red in general, but i usually mainly use red eyeshadow bc i love the look; anything red = good
waxflower: are you a bee or a butterfly person? a dog or a cat person?
-i love bees !!! butterflies are cool too but bees are cute fluffy babies that essentially control whether we live or die
-uhh probably dog person but only bc i have one :0 i love cats too but im less sneezy and generally stressed when im with dogs lol
sugarbush: do you have sweet tooth? if yes, what’s your favorite sweets? if no, why?
-i really do like sweets but i used to eat so much as a kid that im kind of sick of them now but i still like to eat the occasional cookie or cake or something
-i really like donuts !!! also any asian dessert (eastern, southern, western, EVERYWHERE) is amazing to me and i love eating them
sunflower: would you like to be a fairy or a mermaid?
-merperson !!! i love the ocean and maybe we can finally figure out whats at the bottom of it ; ) sweet pea: what would you like to call your significant other?
-babe mainly, hon
-hey, you fucker
-u dumb egg
sea lavender: can you swim? which strokes can you do?
-i can barely swim now uggghhh but i swam for five years and i knew all the strokes and was super good at freestyle (haru who) !! now i can barely do the freestyle and that’s it lolwindflower: list 5 of your favorite blogs and explain why i like them
-thebootydiaries: she’s funny !! anyone who i find funny i automatically like
-thatsthat24: thomas sanders is amazing. i love him and his friends so much and i think about being his friend a lot to the point where ill have dreams about suddenly being good friends with his whole posse aldjfal;fjl
-tatir0ckz: we used to talk a lot like back when we were both into hetalia but we never talk anymore ? which is fine ! but i remember a lot of our old convos and we skyped like once and idk 2012 was a simpler time
-adorable-as-fuck: i know her irl !! we went to the arcade like once and it was a ton of fun so we exchanged tumblrs and thats it and on the rare occasion that we’re both free, we might go to the arcade again !! idk its cool she’s super cool
-mhaikkun: her art style is so good and she doesnt upload as much on tumblr anymore but shes so cute and her clothing style and aesthetics is sooo good !! she’s a p cool person and her stories on twitter are always super wholesome aah
-this is more than five but ngl aphtextsfromnordics, incorrectknb and any other incorrect quotes blogs or text message blogs changed me as a person aldfj
golden rod: are you more of a baker or a cook?
-baker for sure ! baking just calms me down i think
bloom: what is something that you would like to tell your children?
-if i do have children, i want to tell them that i will never judge them for who they want to be. i hope they will be as open as possible and that i would never want to make them uncomfortable. i would encourage talking about problems and just communicating needs in general. idk, basically everything my biological parents didnt do
peony: what is something that you wish your parents could’ve told you?
-tbh my parents are awful, awful parents (and one of them is just a purely disgustingly, horrid person) and i would never wish for them to tell me anything bc on the off chance that they did try to parent, it was to tell me how much of a burden i was, or something racist/homophobic, etc. 
-if they were better people, i wish they would have told me it was okay to be struggling and its okay to be lost rn. i wish they would have encouraged open communication and kindness but well, i learned that all myself : )
prairie gentian: do you have a significant other?
-nope! i sometimes really wish i did, but relationships honestly stress me out and idk how to talk to irl people : ( i love platonic relationships a little more honestly, makes me feel more comfortable
september flower: are you more of a sunshine or sunset person?
-sunset for sure lol i think sunsets are so pretty bc of all the colors that are involved and during that time period is when im doing something i like and im typically at home : ))
bird of paradise: do you wake up early? do you sleep early?
-i wake up early now bc of school but i usually sleep late and wake up late haha
marigold: what’s your favorite tea?
-roasted green tea and lavender! anything flowery is nice too : )
peruvian lily: what are the names of your pets?
-i only have one dog (a pomeranian) and her name is marzia! which is short for marzipan bc my dad didnt want to remember such a long name lol
hyacinth: do you name your plants?
-ye! most of the time theyre just silly names like spiky (for when we had a cactus a long time ago) or red/pink (the colors of the roses), etc. idk about now bc i dont have any plants currently
lilac: would you rather sleep and be cozy or hang out with your friends?
-hmm depends on the friend tbh
-but most of the time id rather sleep and be cozy !!!
poppy: do you like to dip your fries or do you like it as is?
-dipping !! i like ketchup or ketchup and mayo !! cheese fries are sooo good too
dandelion: any special talent that you have?
-i can bullshit a writing piece really bad and still get a good grade on it (seeing as most of the time i procrastinate until the night before and write the whole damn thing)
thanks for all of these questions anon !! if u can and ur comfortable, pls get off of anon sometime so we can talk !! im on tumblr a lot more now bc im procrastinating lol (and if my responses are late its bc im on mobile with no notifs on lol)
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trashiecat · 7 years ago
this is a 65 question ask meme and im the bitch that’s filling it all out at once to waste time
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? oh yeah definitely, but it’s usually the other way around where everyone else is real and i am not
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? idk like a 2.5 i guess
3. The person you would never want to meet? i mean. i don’t know ??? how can i know who i don’t want to meet until i have met them and decided they’re the worst
4. What is your favorite word? akimbo
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? i would WANT to be a weeping willow, but in all honesty i’d probably be a birch or some type of maple
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? i honestly cannot recall
7. What shirt are you wearing? a grey pajama shirt
8. What do you label yourself as? the skeleton god
9. Bright room or dark room? i mean if we’re talking the absolute brightest room vs the absolute darkest, i suppose i would pick brightest.
10. What were you doing at midnight last night? for once i was actually asleep
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? god probably like 8 years old was good
12. Who told you they loved you last? my dad
13. Your worst enemy? it me
14. What is your current desktop picture? it’s a landscape in the style of like miyazaki movie backgrounds
15. Do you like someone? romantically ? no
16. The last song you listened to? poison vine - noah gundersen
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? just like physically destroy one person ???? idk man. like the consequences of this would probably be too far reaching for me to even fathom. do i get caught ?? does it spark paranoia worldwide ? a string of copy-cat murders ? could i live with myself knowing i killed a human being ?
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? nazis
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? idk like. the idea of a slave that has to do stuff for me for a day is kind of wild. if i can like, make a billionaire my slave and then force them to redistribute their wealth then i’d do that
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional) my bones !! i can’t show them to you though, not yet
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do? i guess the opposite of nonbinary is SUPER binary so i’d be like half man half woman and i’d look exactly like a halloween costume
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? no, all of my talents are pretty out in the open
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? one unique thing ??? i don’t think anyone really has unique fears. if you dig deep enough they all sort of boil down to the same few things in the end. i guess the most strange fear i have is that spiders will be in my slippers, and so i do not own or wear slippers.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. oh shit ok. idk all the ingredients but one time i ate a vegetarian bahn mi in chicago and it was like the most heavenly sandwich i’ve ever had. i want that again. endlessly.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? honestly at this very moment in time i would buy groceries, and also maybe a pad of watercolor paper
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? oof, leave immediately ??? that limits my choices bc i don’t have a passport. i guess i’d go to like. god idk oregon ? colorado ??? the pacific northwest somewhere.
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be? wait what am i supposed to figure out if i don’t drink booze ??? like if my plan was to sell it, i’d have to get a liquor license, and that’s a can of worms i don’t care to open. i think i would ask the angel if instead i can get a lifetime supply of, like, that good bahn mi sandwich i was talking about a few questions up.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? no nerds allowed
29. What is your favorite expletive? i’m pretty partial to fuck, but honesly yikes is what i say most often even though that’s not a swear word. petition to make yikes a swear word.
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? hey so one time there was actually the threat of a fire in my house and despite all these questions no one does anything like that. i put on my shoes, grabbed my phone, sunglasses and water bottle because they were all immediately available as i was exiting the house. so as much as i’d love to grab my box of treasures and keepsakes, i absolutely would not and i know this about myself now.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? yikes. i can see the appeal of this for a lot of people, but for myself it’s just uhhh not feasible. i’d always wonder what i erased, and at some point i would uncover the truth. i wouldn’t like to live with that kind of mystery going on.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! oh thank god. i’m moving to a colder climate with universal healthcare.
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? okay i would strike a deal here and let’s say i can bring back two pets instead of one person and in this case i would bring back rusty (family golden retriever), and also kohji (brother’s shepherd mix). i’d like to say i’d bring back my cat, but i have two cats now and i know my brother would really like his dog back.
34. What was your last dream about? i don’t really remember, tbh. i’ve been having a lot of weird dreams tho
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? yes i am a VERY good [something]
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? yes ! it was terrifying and i’d never like to do it again thanks
37. Have you ever built a snowman? no, somehow this was never presented to me as an option any time i’ve been around snow
38. What is the color of your socks? buddy i’ve not worn socks in months. but also generally they are striped with various colors.
39. What type of music do you like? gay stuff
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? sunrises
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? chocolate
42. What football team do you support? oh i sure don’t
43. Do you have any scars? yes, many
44. What do you want to be when you graduate? considering that i am no longer in school, the answer is that i want to do whatever i feel like doing at any given moment
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? i suppose i’d cure my mental illness (which i’m working on, so, this will happen)
46. Are you reliable? oh, no. no thanks. i absolutely am but i hate feeling obligated so i always choose to not put myself in situations where someone needs to rely on me for anything
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? i guess i’d ask if they’re happy
48. Do you hold grudges? i mean. i don’t forget things ........ but i am capable of forgiving people
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? nope ! i’ve seen movies, i know what horror that can cause
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? one time my sister and i were talking to our aunt, and we could not for the life of us figure out if she was trying to GIVE or SELL us some rabbit fur coats she had ......... it’s been over a decade and we still do not know which it was
51. Are you a good liar? yes
52. How long could you go without talking? several million years
53. What has been you worst haircut/style? sorry my hair is indestructible and because of the natural texture it looks great no matter what. i’m blessed and i know it.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake? what kind of person doesn’t bake their own cake ????? rich people i guess
55. Can you do any accents other than your own? yes ! but not very well
56. What do you like on your toast? butter, and occasionally cinnamon sugar
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? some cool clouds
58. What would be you dream car? a honda prelude with the pop-up lights
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain. i do sing in the shower sometimes, but not loudly
60. Do you believe in aliens? absolutely
61. Do you often read your horoscope? almost every day, but i do my full birth-chart horoscope so that it’s accurate, and not like horoscopes from the newspaper
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? n
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons? i mean are they not the same thing. tell me a dinosaur and a dragon are not basically the same things.
64. What do you think about babies? yeah they’re alright. i never want to be in charge of one but i’m alright with them
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of. i guess the most interesting thing i can think to ask myself is which tarot decks i have, and i will tell you. i have the prisma visions tarot (which is amazing), and also the shadowscapes deck (beautiful!), and also a deck of runes that i made myself with a sharpie on a pack of pepsi branded playing cards
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