#megop x2
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nonsscrapheap · 1 month ago
Twice The Primes Chapter 9! megazarak and zeta prime are here... ew- but hey! orion and dion are proper magical girls now! err, i mean, magical bots. magical mechs? they have transforming animal and jewelry
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daiourage · 2 months ago
That One Arc in Prime Where Optimus Lost His Memory But This AU Makes No Sense Because It's a Mix Between IDW and One
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Happy New Years! My drawing app keeps crashing so I decided to draw my ideas on paper, and this took quite a while;;;
As always, press/click for both the full picture and for better quality!!!
["Brief" explanation of this comic:
1. In a previous post I mentioned wanting One to continue into something similar to the IDW continuum because I,,, love IDW, just in general, but the IDW MegOp crumbs are also tasty--//shot 1-2. Also the way the characters refer to each other is intentional please I think I know what I'm doing?? It's been a while since I consumed TF content (until recently) though. This entire comic is a what-if scenario that came to me when I was showering lol-- 2. MegOp is established 👍 (insert "old man yaoi joke" here (I agree with y'all btw, not mocking)) 3. In the last panel, I was debating whether or not to put Elita with Bee in helping Megs call Optimus "Pax", but decided to put Starscream because I feel like it makes more sense non-One wise. 3-2. I wanted to include more dialogue with other characters, but it ended up looking like it was shoehorned in because the concept was very MegOp centered I'm so sorry (me to every other character) Just know I love every one of y'all-- 4. I have crudely simplified the characters by complete accident. My bad;;;; in my defense, every character changes a lot when I'm not looking (I had so much trouble trying to figure out which Bee design to use),,, 5. It is very fast paced on accident as well;;; might sound like a badly translated manga, too;;; I don't know how it turned out but maybe my bilingual self is in that one phase where I'm good at neither language;;;]
It might look a little messy because it's been so long since I've touched colored pencils I'm,,, gonna try to get used to it since my app doesn't seem to be getting fixed anytime soon;;; (I don't know if it's an iPad problem or an app problem;;; Sketchbook get your shit together please,,,)
Also, I used a couple of sparkly colored pencils but I'm not sure it translated well in the scan so I'm a little disappointed but eh,,,
Also also, have this thing I drew of Megs being lovestruck in the last page when Optimus comes back lmao--
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My bad for the long post; it's currently 4 AM because I stayed up watching music shows over here;;I hope we all have a wonderful year. I have a feeling my TF phase is gonna last a couple years longer than it usually does jlsdlakjsdlkfja
Let's all have a good time, yeah~?
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edous-cybertronian-corner · 4 months ago
I just realized the MegOP ship is kinda XZero ship coded to us, except it's way more angsty and tragic.
If you're a Megaman fan as well as a Transformers fan, you will know EXACTLY where we're going with this. Fandom bleeding here, but I love my tragic ships being mentioned here and let us tell you WHY.
XZero is two bots, one from Dr Light and one from Dr Wily, and being best friends. Despite the fact that they had a history of wars a century prior, they didn't initially know and they possibly don't care. Their bond goes as far as staying together, no matter what separates them, especially having fallouts in X2 and X5, they always stay together. No matter what. And even in the Zero series following after, they still have the bond they shared, despite the fact Zero lost his memories A SECOND TIME, X still believed in him and Zero realizes how much they meant when fighting for peace.
In my years of seeing the ship in the fandom, esp seeing TFs ONE (we won't spoil it, pls go watch it), their bond is kinda similar. Except they didn't have a history of wars behind them and they can look past that. No. They just met, bonded and started their own history. Sure, they can look past that if they tried for the history of their battles they fight against each other for, but more often than not, they will always be enemies.
No matter where Megs and Prime are, they meet, form a connection as friends (and possibly boyfriends if you're willing to go the ship route, which, with some of us, let's be real here WE WILL LMAO), and then something spirals into their differences of what peace is for their home planet of Cybertron.
I still won't spoil it, but TF ONE MMMMMMMMM they got some SHIT going on, and we feel it's indeed a love letter to being friends to lovers to enemies, and the spiral happens of them still being lovers... but still being enemies in the end. No matter what route they go down, no matter what yearning they have for each other to be together again, THEY ALWAYS END UP BACK TO SQUARE ONE BEING ENEMIES AGAIN AND THE CYCLE REPEATS!!
We're sure there's still a couple timelines where they can actually BE together again, especially in the comics where Megatron's redemption arc is a thing (WHICH MAKES US HAPPY THANKS LMAO), but most times, again they would go back to being enemies. Prime always wanting to reach a better conclusion and does more the yearning than Megs does, but still, that cycle will always repeat in most timelines. At least, that's how we see it.
anyway, ramble over, thank you for reading our rambles haha!!
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cuppajj · 2 years ago
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[Youtube Link]
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nonsscrapheap · 7 days ago
tumblr continues to be weird with links!
Chapter 18 of Twice The Primes is here :D
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nonsscrapheap · 1 month ago
finally got chapter 7 up and running! man that chapter fought me for a bit.
tis official! D-16 has been re-designated as Dion. rather abruptly i know, but i felt like it fit? you'll see!
orion nox is suffering.
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nonsscrapheap · 12 days ago
links on tumblr can be SO finicky >:/
Chapter 17 of Twice The Primes is here!
told you everything turned out fine! especially for the sparks :D
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nonsscrapheap · 24 days ago
dee, finding found family in two ex-primes, solus and megatronus: it!!! is!!! and honor!!! :DDD this is amazing!!
nox, finding found family in two versions of himself: i want nothing to do with this. especially with you *points at smug nyx*... he can stay though *points at exasperated pax*
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nonsscrapheap · 20 days ago
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nonsscrapheap · 1 month ago
chapter 8 of Twice The Primes! Dion and Orion have plans made!
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nonsscrapheap · 2 months ago
chapter three of Twice the Primes is out :D
dee continues being my favorite character despite the main character technically being orion.
we just love sg d16 in this household
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nonsscrapheap · 24 days ago
IT'S METROPLEX! WE LOVE METROPLEX! HE IS HOME! literally, he is the new home.
also!! animated prowl!! kind of. animated prowl is now delver, his own character in the Twice The Primes continuity.
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nonsscrapheap · 2 months ago
MegOp x2 (x4?)
imagine an au that has twice the megop, which leads to four times the megop technically. with one pair of the megop (kind of shattered glass versions of megop) being magical bots via a mysteriously broken matrix (and voices in their heads! as a treat!)
this is continuity soup by the way, i'm mixing between universes to create this abomination of a world but;
Optimus Major, General of the Autobots, being tempted to overthrow the government by Megatron, General of the Decepticons. They're at war with the Quintessons, the age of Primacy has long written the Matrix of Leadership as a myth, the title of Prime is now just a title for head of the Autobots, Cybertron's leader etc. Megazarak is the actual Decepticon Leader but Megatron is planning for that.
TWO warriors that somehow both have halves of the Matrix of Leadership???? Were they the new Primes? Why is the Matrix in half?! What the frag???
O-14, renaming himself Orion Nox to match the voices of Orion Pax and Orion Nyx in his head: I blame you both for this scrap, when are you leaving???
D-16, geeking out over Megatronus, Prima, Solus and Onyx in his head: I am so honored to have you in my head :DDD
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nonsscrapheap · 22 days ago
links are being WEIRD again but
Chapter 13 of Twice The Primes is here!
we got a groundbridge, we got shockwave we got—
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nonsscrapheap · 16 days ago
Chapter 16 of Twice The Primes
is now out :D
next chapter is going to take longer since i want it to be LONG long
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nonsscrapheap · 19 days ago
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