#i have two sets of megatrons and optimus primes
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melishade · 2 days ago
Attack on Prime The Future Anthology: War Crimes
Main Story
World War 2
Valentine's Day
Karaoke Night
The Survey Corps learn of Jack, Miko, and Rafael's war crimes.
"Miko! Can I use the Apex Armor?!" Hanji asked as they raised their hand to get Miko's attention. The agent in question was carrying a few heavy items using said armor to carry some items.
"Absolutely not!" Ratchet shouted while holding a wrench in his servo.
"C'mon!" Hanji whined, "Why not?!"
"Optimus and even Megatron have warned me about your track record!" Ratchet addressed the Commander, "I am not going to have you running around destroying supplies!"
"I will not!" Hanji gasped in horror.
"Dude, it took me time to get used to piloting the Apex Armor. You're gonna break something," Miko agreed.
"Let me live out the fantasy of being a titan!" Hanji demaned.
"NO!" Ratchet stomped his pede down before storming off. Miko merely smirked and leaned down.
"I loan it to you later," Miko whispered, causing Hanji to clap with delight.
"Tell me, how did you even get to keep this?!" Hanji asked as they used their 3D gear to land on Miko's shoulder, "This is Cybertronian technology! Wouldn't this go back to the Autobots?!"
"Well, I stole it from the Decepticons and used it during the war. But the Bots' let me keep it," Miko explained as she began walking.
"Wait a minute, you stole from Megatron?!" Hanji exclaimed in disbelief.
"I stole from Starscream, but technically, yes," Miko bragged as she set the supplies down.
"Bragging about war crimes?" Rafael asked with a smirk as he was writing some notes regarding some medicines on a notepad. Meanwhile, Levi and Erwin were the one sorting through the medicine in the crates to hand over to Rafael.
"Hey, between the three of us, I've been the most proactive in the war!" Miko insisted.
"Only because you kept jumping into the battles when everyone told you no!" Jack reminded.
"Oh, shall I bring up racing incident?" Miko grinned maliciously.
Jack blushed in embarrassment. "Shut up."
"There was an incident?" Erwin asked in confusion.
"I think I'm the only one that hadn't pulled a Miko," Rafael commented.
"I hate that you two coined that!" Miko exclaimed in anger.
"Wait a minute, how active were the three of you during their war?" Levi demanded.
"We helped end it," Jack admitted.
"You what?!" Jean exclaimed as he, the 104th, and the Warrior Cadets arrived at the tent they were at. Falco couldn't help but stare in disbelief at the sight of Miko in the Apex Armor.
"You helped end a million year war?!" Sasha demanded.
"Million?!" Gabi screeched.
"Huh...now that I think about it, we never really talked about all the things we've done during the war," Rafael realized.
"Ooo! Story time!" Miko grinned as she grabbed Hanji and set them down on the ground. They pressed the center of the Armor, and the Armor collapsed in on itself until the center of the Armor remained. Miko cracked her neck and stretched her arms before clapping her hands, "So I stole the Apex Armor when we were trying to dig for some Predacons bones for Shockwave's cloning project-!"
"Cloning project?" Annie asked in confusion.
"Predacon bones?" Falco added.
"Megatron got his mad scientist Shockwave back at the time, and Shockwave was taking the bones of ancient dead beasts of Cybertron called Predacons to bring them back to life via cloning, and use them to end the war in the Decepticons' favor," Rafael explained briefly, "Predaking is one of Shockwave's successful projects."
Hanji groaned as they slapped a hand over their eye. "Megatron, why?!"
"Yeah, don't defend a genocidal maniac," Miko hissed, "Anyway! While the Wreckers were dealing with Predaking, Ultra Magnus gave me a mission to contact the base for backup. I had to climb out of the cave on my own to get to Ultra Magnus' ship. But Starscream was there with two other goons. And I don't have any 3D gear, so I was dodging swipe after swipe as Starscream tried to kill me. But I jumped onto the Apex Armor and activated it before kicking the scrap out of Starscream and those two other 'Cons. Probably would've killed Starscream too, but he ran, like a coward."
"Who is Starscream?" Mikasa asked.
"Megatron's former second-in-command," Jack answered.
"You stole Armor from Megatron's second-in-command?!" Hanji grinned.
"Yep!" Miko gave a thumbs up, "And spun him around like a rag doll!"
"Nice!" Sasha grinned as she sat down, "What else did you do?"
"Killed a few Decepticons with the Armor, and I killed an Insecticon named Hardshell!" Miko added, "And this is what an Insecticon looks like!"
Miko opened her phone to show a picture of an Insecticon to the others.
"Holy shit! That this is terrifying!" Gabi gawked.
"And you killed one?!" Armin asked in disbelief, "How?!"
"Wheeljack and I were on a revenge spree and I used his ship to kill Hardshell as he was about to kill Wheeljack," Miko explained, "Didn't feel better after the revenge spree, but I did get bragging rights!"
"Guess it makes that threat all the more better," Rafael declared.
"Oh, yeah I threatened Buckethead during the Unicron incident," Miko added casually.
"You threatened Megatron while he was still an asshole?!" Sasha yelled.
"Yeah, I said something along the lines of 'if he double-crossed anyone, my face was the one he wouldn't forget'," Miko recalled.
Erwin glanced over at Levi, and was surprised to see a ghost of a smirk on Levi's face before he covered his mouth and tried to play coy.
"That's insane," Armin admitted, "You were able to do all of that?"
"Let's be real, Miko got us into more trouble than it's worth," Jack retorted, "We've nearly gotten killed because of you."
"Oh, I'm sorry, how did you find out about the Autobots? You were hitting on Arcee?!" Miko shot back.
"You what?" Jean demanded.
"First of all, don't phrase it like that!" Jack ordered, "Second, Arcee was in her alt mode and I was admiring what I thought was a motorcycle! Okay?!"
"Excuses." Miko crossed her arms.
"So what did you do during the war, Jack?" Pieck asked, "I'm sure Miko isn't the only one with accomplishments under her belt."
"I went to Cybertron to get Optimus' memories back after he lost it during the Unicron incident," Jack explained, "Where I also killed an Insecticon. You're not special, Miko."
"Oh stuff it, chosen one!" Miko placed her hands on her hips and got in Jack's face.
"When did Optimus lose his memories?" Annie asked in surprise.
"Oh, we talked about it in quarantine, but you weren't there," Jack recalled, "There was a cataclysmic event happening on Earth and Optimus had to use something called the Matrix of Leadership to help nullify the threat. Before then, Optimus gave me this." Jack pulled a thin, blue, device from his pocket, "The Key to Vector Sigma. It allowed access to the wisdom of the Primes and Optimus' memories. But it was on Cybertron, so the Autobots had to seize a spacebridge and Arcee and I ventured to Vector Sigma. Arcee had to fend off an Insecticon while I activated Vector Sigma. However, there were scraplets trying to eat the thing. Thankfully, the Insecticon arrived to try and kill me, but I redirected the scraplets to eat the Insecticon. And then I restored Optimus' memories when Megatron almost killed him."
"What's a scraplet?" Gabi asked.
"So imagine a swarm of bugs eating its way through your insides," Hanji began.
"Hanji, shut up," Levi warned them.
"So you're the first human to actually be on Cybertron?" Armin realized.
"Yep," Jack answered, while Miko grumbled to herself, "Honestly, it was amazing. I never really thought I'd ever have an opportunity like that."
"What else have you done?" Armin asked.
"I've had to fend off Airachnid quite a few times. I blew up her ship in an attempt to kill her," Jack explained, "She's a spider Decepticon, and even the others thought she was nuts."
"Thank god she's dead," Rafael sighed with relief.
"Miko, Arcee, Bulkhead, and myself were stuck in a cave in because of Megatron and Starscream and I took a mining drill to get Miko out," Jack continued.
"You also let Megatron live when he was trapped in the mine!" Miko added.
"You what?" Levi demanded.
"It was either kill Megatron, and he was probably goading me to do that, or try to go and find the two of you, and you were cornered by Starscream when I found you!" Jack reminded, "Bulkhead couldn't help you because he was holding up the ceiling from crushing you!"
"...I'll let it go," Levi mumbled to himself.
"Levi," Erwin warned.
"Those were more of my major accomplishments by myself," Jack finished.
"What about you?" Pieck asked Rafael as he continued taking notes.
"I planted a virus in Soundwave's minicon with Ratchet's help and used that virus to download the Iacon Database to the Autobots," Rafael casually mentioned.
"You did what?!" Hanji yelled, "You managed to put a virus in a living thing and use it to steal data?!"
"Yeah, we really needed the Iacon Database too," Rafael explained, "I've also used my knowledge to disable a satellite that would have shot lasers in space all day long. I also helped create a device to help find Ratchet when he got kidnapped by the Decepticons."
"You're accomplishments aren't as cool as theirs," Gabi declared.
"Gabi!" Pieck scolded.
"Eh, I'm more tech savvy compared to Miko and Jack," Rafael explained, "Not much of a physical fighter. And I'm fine with that. Someone needs to be the guy in the chair."
"Doesn't mean we haven't done some cool things together!" Miko reminded, "The three of us managed to secure the Decepticon warship during the final battle! We also managed to purge the dark energon from the Decepticon warship when the ship came to life and was about to destroy Manhattan!"
"The ship came to life?" Mikasa asked in confusion.
"Well go into details another time," Jack reassured, "There's a lot to go over in terms of the war."
"...Holy shit, Megatron actually wasn't kidding when he said he considered the three of you threats," Hanji proclaimed.
"Wait, Megatron considers us threats?!" Miko grinned, "Dude, that's awesome!"
"You actually made Megatron's life hell and I respect it," Levi declared.
"Wow." Sasha stared in surprise.
"Yeah, I guess it makes sense," Rafael sighed to himself.
"Doesn't mean that a lot of the stuff that happened to us was because Miko impulsively put herself in danger for cheap thrills," Jack reminded in annoyance.
"They led to good things!" Miko retorted.
"The Synthetic Energon incident?" Jack challenged.
"The formula was used to revive Cybertron!" Miko reminded as Rafael turned his gaze upward, noticing Megatron walking past in his bipedal mode.
"Rescuing Agent Fowler?!" Jack retorted.
"We figured out the schematics for the spacebridge!" Miko shot back.
"The Shadowzone incident!" Jack yelled.
"We used it to put Sound-!" Rafael jumped up and covered Miko's mouth as Megatron paused in his step to see Miko struggling in Rafael's grip. Megatron raised an eyebrow at the three of them, noticing Rafael and Jack looking rather tense. He turned his attention to Hanji, and the Commander merely shrugged in confusion. Megatron merely let it go and grunted before he continued.
"Miko, we talked about this!" Rafael removed his hand from Miko's mouth once he assumed Megatron was out of earshot.
"Oh c'mon, we used to brag about it all the time-!"
"When Megatron wasn't here! You know the rule! We take it to the grave," Rafael emphasized.
"GRAVE!" Jack and Rafael shouted.
"Okay, fine!" Miko yelled in defeat.
"Wait, what did you three do?" Hanji asked.
"Don't worry about it!" Jack and Rafael shouted.
"Okay! God!" Hanji raised their hands in surrender.
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nonsscrapheap · 25 days ago
IT'S METROPLEX! WE LOVE METROPLEX! HE IS HOME! literally, he is the new home.
also!! animated prowl!! kind of. animated prowl is now delver, his own character in the Twice The Primes continuity.
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physalian · 8 months ago
Your colloquialisms are ruining the immersion (or, non-contemporary dialogue)
I am no expert here! Whenever I wrote historical fiction it was anachronistic historical fiction. This advice is from a reader’s perspective and from my experience writing high fantasy.
So what’s the deal with immersive dialogue? I’m going to ignore writing dialects and accents and so-called “old English” with the thee, thy, thou and such. Solely focusing here on the narrative telling me this isn��t set in present times, and yet the dialogue being painfully colloquial like present times.
This is coming from a book I had to read set in HRE times. In it, characters were spouting modern curse words, tacking on verbal tics and crutch words like “or something” and “um” and drawing out words like “daaaamn” and “nooooo”. Rip out the dialogue and toss it in a script with zero context and it would read like two high schoolers from 2009, not two adults from the Holy Roman Empire. Which is a problem, because it completely shattered the immersion. —
1. On so-called “formal writing”
Everybody knows that nixing contractions doesn’t do a damn thing to help your writing look more “formal”, it just looks robotic and stiff, right? We’ve gotten past this as a society? There’s a time and a place for replacing contractions with the full words, but not for every single sentence.
I swear this show keeps creeping into my writing advice but here we go. Transformers Prime. The context for Optimus’ dialogue has a lot to do with his aging voice actor, Peter Cullen, and the perception of the character over the decades from the corny 80s paragon hero everyman type leader to the grizzled and wizened old soul type leader. Optimus isn’t “one of the guys,” he’s old. Very old. He’s the dad of the group (one dad, his grumpy medic is the other dad).
So he gets lines like:
“I fear Megatron’s ambition is at its zenith.”
“But if his return is imminent as I fear, it could be a catastrophic.”
“I bore Skyquake no ill-will.”
He doesn’t curse like the other Autobots. His voice only raises in surprise, horror, or rage. He doesn’t go “um/ah/so/but/eh” and always thinks about what he’s going to say well before he says it. Despite him, Ratchet (the dad medic), and Megatron all being very old, Optimus is the only one who’s “proper” and collected and dignified with his lines. The writers didn’t achieve this simply by omitting contractions, he gets them where necessary and removes them when effective (e.g “We do not.” / “We don’t.”)
2. Thesaurus Rex
Continuing with the Optimus example, no other character in that show would use “zenith” unironically. Or “ill-will”. This doesn’t mean crack open and abuse a thesaurus but there’s a huge divide between:
“Megatron’s gone crazy and he’s going to implode soon” and “Megatron’s ambition is at its zenith”.
I can’ think of a better word to use than dignified, perhaps distinguished to describe his dialogue.
He doesn’t say “what?” when he’s confused, he pauses and says something like “please elaborate”.
This is both word choice and a syntax issue so if you’re struggling to fit a non-contemporary vibe for your work, pay attention to both.
3. When to abstain from cursing
There’s something very special about the dialogue in the Lord of the Rings movies: It’s PG-13 so they can’t curse, but if they had, it would have probably ruined the trilogy. These characters are able to yell in rage and anguish, spit vicious insults at their enemies, and stare down armies that are determined to kill them, all while never breaking the immersion.
Insults like:
“Late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear.”
“Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth, you witless worm.”
“Your words are poison.”
And all three were said by or about Grima Wormtongue.
Characters aren’t dumbasses, they’re fools, with the exception of Gollum’s insults toward Sam, the “stupid, fat hobbit”.
Even devoid of name-calling, Denethor absolutely trounces his second son by asking (and I’m paraphrasing) “Is there any man here willing to do his lord’s bidding?” right after Faramir expresses some apprehension about a suicide charge with his remaining soldiers, completely ignoring him and implying that he’s not a real man.
LOTR is full of juicy lines beyond curse words, too. One of my absolute favorites is: “Dark have been my dreams of late” as opposed to “I’ve been having nightmares lately.”
Do you see?? It’s poetry. The motif of Shadow and Darkness as if they’re real, physical things, all the lines of poetry pulled straight from the books like Theoden’s “where is the horse and the rider” monologue just before Helm’s Deep.
It’s dignified.
This one was a bit harder to, ironically, put into words without doing a full-blown case study into either franchise’s ability to write dialogue and monologues. I didn’t even talk about Ratchet’s several monologues (one of which was done perfectly in the sound booth on the first take) because Jeffrey Combs has a voice like ambrosia.
TLDR: Immersion goes far beyond your vivid setting descriptors and the clothing or the names and languages. I mostly write fantasy and sci-fi and whenever I read or watch fantasy and sci-fi that isn’t meant to be a world different from our own, or about characters who don’t speak modern English, and they go off with modern slang, syntax, and verbal tics, it just feels sloppy and weak. Pay attention to the following:
Modern slang and jargon
Filler words/verbal tics
Curse words/curses
Flat, unmotivated vocab
*All of the quotes were from memory because I watch both of these franchises way too often. So apologies if I got any wrong.
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scourgeofmyownbrain · 5 months ago
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Good fucking day, Robot enjoyers! Gaze upon the updated semi-accurate height comparison of Bumblebee across the multiverse.
This is an updated version of a chart I made a few months ago. I had gotten some feedback and then TFOne came out and I kinda had to update it. I also added a Gen 1 Optimus Prime for scale, for fun... no other reason... (edit: slight adjustment made, just corrected a slight mistake in the order)
I am also working on at least two more character charts and one universe chart, so hopefully I can finish those soon (for some fucking genius reason I decided to do the characters that show up EVERY FUCKING UNIVERSE so I'm s u f f e r i n g)
*PST! Optimus, Megatron, Shockwave, Soundwave, Ratchet, and Ironhide ones are done now*
Master Post
Listed Heights, Explanations, and Justifications below the cut, bc you couldn't shut me up if you tried and I had shit to say.
Gen 1 - ~10 feet (TFwiki says greater than 3 meters so I rounded up to the first whole number because round)
Netflix Cybertron Trilogy - ~10 feet (He looks identical to Gen 1 so... the reason his photo looks weird is because I couldn't find a good full body photo with him standing straight up facing the camera so I put two images together to make the worst looking photoshop job you have ever seen)
Earth Spark - ~10 feet (There is no confirmed height yet, but using this screen shot (see below) of him standing in front of a barn door, I was able to make a reasonable guess, bc I'm so smart.)
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One V1 - ~13 feet (I am well aware of what the TFWiki says: 26.429 feet. And I fully reject that number. A: These numbers are sourced from the Walmart Promotional AR Experience that came out before the movie. B: There are three decimal points, and that number does not convert into a whole number in meters (which is originally what I thought was weird about it). C: The director has said that this movie is both canon to the LA movies and its own separate canon, and Bumblebee in both sets of LA movies does not exceed 20 feet tall. Ever. So, for sanity's sake, I have used the KCV numbers as my baseline. Bee grows when he gets his t-cog so shrink this one down a few feet. Look, I'm working on the Optimus chart rn, and one of the numbers from Beast Wars on the wiki was very observably wrong, and if I can dispute numbers older than me, I can dispute numbers 2 decades younger than me from fucking Walmart. Also, yes, his picture is 3 images sandwiched together)
Animated - 13 feet 3 Inches (There is no actual given heights, but in the comments of the previous version, @phoenix-inanis told me that they had done their own analysis of TFA heights and, gonna be real with you, I am blown away by all of their work and how detailed it is. Go marvel at how much work they put in -> https://phoenix-inanis.notion.site/TFA-Height-Chart-f6ad2960ca8c4c5b859ee4958723aaa4?pvs=4 )
One V2 - ~15 Feet (Please see reasoning above. Since this is as tall as we see Bee get, he's the same height as KCV Bee. Sweet fuck, I have put way too much effort into this shit)
Knight/Capel-Verse - 15 feet (No actual numbers, but Mirage is stated to be 15 feet tall (TFWiki), and he and Bee are like the same height, so... Capel directed the ROTB movie if you're wondering why his name is there)
Bayverse V1 - 16 feet (TFWiki. This is like the first 3 movies minimum, I don't remember when he hits his growth spurt. Also mr bay is king, we have numbers for nearly every character in BV)
Cyberverse - 18 feet (I'm gonna be honest, the only info we have is from a really shitty screen shot of a magazine. SO if any one has a copy of this book from the video below, a high quality scan would be greatly appreciated and I will kiss the ground you walk upon. Yes I found the video where the screen shot comes from leave me alone)
Bayverse V2 - 18 feet (TFWiki. Movie 4-5 I can't remember which one, I'm not re-looking this up. I fucking love the bayverse tho, this is the only universe with concrete and consistent this-character-is-this-height info)
Aligned Cont. WF/FOC - 20 feet (TFWiki/Fandom. Video game info screens you godsend, kiss me sweetly)
Aligned Cont. TFP/RID15 - 21 feet (These two designs are canonically identical, like in ALC canon, Bee has not changed visually at all...Ok, yes I got this number from fandom and they give literally no source for where they got these numbers. But, I can fully believe these are accurate. Just by looking at these characters on the show I can verify these numbers in my mind. Here, let's Compare.
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This is Sam compared to Bee from one of the BV movies, I'm too lazy to check which one. Sam is average size for a human and we know Bee is 16 feet tall in the first three movies. Checks out. Let's now look at a TFP Character who is also 16 feet tall.
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Jack is average size for a human, and the size difference is about the same. Can you see why I can't question the Aligned heights, even if they don't have a source??!?! They specifically made this universe to be full of freakishly tall robots for some fucking reason.)
Not Pictured: Aligned Cont. Rescue Bots and Rescue Bots Academy Bumblebee - 21 Feet tall. Look, did you want to see all 5 versions of ALC Bee? No, you don't. They're all the same height anyway; the back row would have just been a wall of redundant yellow. 5 different fucking art styles in one universe, why is that one my favourite.
Here's the front row and the back row separated into their own jpgs. I know it's kind of hard to tell which Bumblebee is which when they're all together.
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jweekgoji · 2 months ago
I keep laughing when I think about the scene where Motorcycle!Reader is so small that they don't have their own charging chamber and have to live in someone else's charging chamber because after all they are so small that they don't take up much space.
TFO!Chars/Motorcycle!Reader [hcs]
tw: none, i guess. word count: ~1600 additional tags: gender neutral reader, cybertronian reader, motorcycle!reader. characters included: B-127, Optimus Prime, Elita-One, Megatron, Sentinel Prime.
That is both a curse and a blessing in my opinion, but well, it depends on whom the tiny reader is stuck with 😋
I mean, >B-127 didn't even have his own place to sleep. All the yellow bot had, was a conveyor belt, which I doubt it was really comfortable, haha. Well then, after just ending Sentinel's regime, the ex-cogless group at least have some places to stay.
When Bee found out you'd be living with him for a while, he was overjoyed! First he made many, many new friends, gained the ability to transform, started working for the government, and now...he has a roommate? A real roommate? The one who can open their mouth when 🐝 talks to them? The day couldn't be any better! (Not that Bee wasn't happy with Steve's company...).
To be fair, Bee himself isn't exactly a bad neighbor either. It all very much depends on what kind of personality you have. If you really get along well with him, despite his extremely emotional state, which sometimes seems to never end, then good luck!
Sharing a chamber with him is going to be an absolute challenge. We remember that he talks in his sleep, don't we? And if Shockwave was so sick of Bumblebee in that short time, imagine how you have to recharge, but now all you can hear, instead of the silence you crave, is constant mumbling into your audio receptors.
Sometimes he's just mumbling about what a cool day he had with Optimus or what an intense training session Elita gave him.
Sometimes you notice how his servos only pull you harder against him. For a moment, you'd probably sigh wearily or try to make some space between you until he starts whispering softly about how happy Bee is to have you in his life. He genuinely, really genuinely loves you. After cycles of being alone, he really misses your company. Will you decide to move him away from you nevertheless?
The next morning, surprisingly, he has no memory of what he told you at all.
> Optimus apologizes to you so much when he finds out that now, unfortunately or thankfully (?), they don't have any time or resources at all to build new quarters. The new Prime has so many new responsibilities that he doesn't even know where to start! He has to clean up and fix Sentinel's mistakes, not to mention his divorce with D-16 Megatron, which has caused him a lot of trouble. But that's okay, our favorite Prime has a solution for that!
And as a good, true leader...yes, yes, you will be the one sharing the room. Lucky, huh? Oh, lucky you.
Optimus is actually one of the best candidates to share a chamber. I find that most of the time, he doesn't have much time to go to his room and fall asleep. You often fall asleep alone, only to wake up later...alone. Was he with you? Did he come in at all? In response to this, you sometimes notice him passed out at his desk. You should definitely tell Elita about this to scold him about such a bad habit.
Actually, he'd be happy to share the charging chamber with you. The thing is, he's extremely shy.
When you fall asleep with him, there's just not enough room! Yeah, you're a pretty small bot, he's just so huge. It takes the two of you a long time to finally find the only comfortable solution.
With you on top of Optimus, you can put your helm on his chassis. The soft shimmer of the Matrix of Leadership doesn't bother you at all; if anything, it calms your nerves. All night long, your leader may never move from his position. He's so afraid he might accidentally hit you if he rolls over or decides to stand up...poor Prime, even Megatron didn't set such dangerous traps for him!
The first few nights, Optimus doesn't sleep much. He's nervous; he thinks up to the late night, but in the end, he can't resist you, and you two can get your well-deserved rest.
I think after Prime, the best candidate for your roommate would be >Elita. I like to think she always sleeps in “mom's pose” (if you know what I mean).
She can lie on her back with her servos on her chassis and not move a muscle all night. Other than that, she's a completely silent sleeper. Sometimes, you can stay up late at night; your shared room is unlit, and you don't want to turn on the lights so as not to disturb her. If she finds out you've been out the whole night instead of recharging, she'll kill you!
You swear you didn't even make the slightest creak, and just then, you see those bright blue optics staring at you in the darkness. Without even seeing her face, you know you're in trouble...She has very sharp hearing, unfortunately for you.
Elita isn't the tallest bot; sure, she's still taller than you, but her frame is pretty slim, unlike the others'. She is not the type to cuddle, even if you are extremely close to her. The most you can expect is her servo around your waist or shoulders.
You can tease her about it, but she'll try to deny everything, saying “just don't want you to fall and hit the floor 🙄” of course we all believe you, Elita!
I can see D-16 being a similar type to Optimus, but Megatron is a different story. I have no idea where our young Decepticon leader went with his guards, but at least they have a few cycles to spend building a base, especially one with all the comforts.
Megatron himself is not a fan of sharing, and when he realizes the problem, he doesn't even ask you if you want him to or not. You will share the chamber with him, period. Should you be worried or happy...?
Megatron, especially if we're talking about a young and inexperienced leader who was only recently forced to leave Iacon, is in need of support. He won't show it in front of anyone, not even you. But you know him enough to know what is troubling him.
He is so isolated, betrayed and saddened, he is afraid to open up to anyone else. And yet, he genuinely wishes someone could just hold him.
Megatron rarely sleeps. 24 hours a day, all he has on his mind is what he should do next. It used to be so easy; the mere thought of it makes him grit his teeth. When there was Sentinel, all that was required was to just follow the protocols. Now, with hundreds of high guard members expecting him to do something, he's lost.
At some point, Starscream or Soundwave will remind him of the importance of rest, and without any enthusiasm, he'll join you.
Now, the two of you are extremely awkward.
Of course, you can't tell much from his looks. Is he asleep? Or still lying there with his optics closed? This awkward silence makes you afraid to move. But the truth is, Megatron himself doesn't know what to do. You're so small compared to him; by some miracle, the two of you can fit, but it's so extremely uncomfortable.
Eventually, he can't stand it and just lifts you up to lay you on top of him. Luckily for him, you have no intention of moving away from him. Perhaps you're afraid; maybe you're okay with this change in positions. Either option is fine with him.
He repeats in his head that this is only temporary...when resources become available, you will get your own separate quarters, and you will be able to sleep separately. And yet, he doesn't want that. Your presence around him, for whatever reason, makes him forget his worries for a while, and he can finally rest.
You may disagree with me, but >Sentinel, no matter how sexy man people try to show him to be, would be just a terrible roommate! If he can even be called a roommate? Sometimes, he forgets that you're resting here too, and even if you remind him of that, he'll pretend to “listen” to you, only to forget after a while.
In fact, he could easily order a separate room for you; he's got plenty of them in his tower, but he's like.... no. He wants you around just because he can. There's no other reason.
I think he's more or less tolerable at first? He likes to keep something small next to him; imagine it like the cybertronian equivalent of plush toys, but only that toy is you. And it seems he may see you as such.
Every night, he can grab you at any time he wants and hold you against him. One time he just held you by his side; another time he decided to put his servo around you; tonight he wanted you on his chassis! The worst part is that his berth is quite spacious. And you can lie on the very far side, only for him to snatch you whenever he wants. Not very funny.
Recharging with him is pretty uncomfortable because those damn wings keep hitting you in the face every night. He's a pretty big bot on his own, and his wings are another big nuisance. Of course, he's not that terrible. Still, his room is very large, and you're probably very cozy, but Sentinel...sigh.
It's funny, but I like to think of him mumbling in his sleep too. Only this time all you can hear from him is about how often he praises himself. Wow.
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vitreouspositive · 3 months ago
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Two Bots Contemplating The Moons - (WIP I say, like I've posted anything but wips on this account)
do you think orion, on one of his many escapades to the archives, would've discovered that there's a constellation by the name of orion and then when they went to the surface, he saw it and pointed it out to d-16? do you think when optimus prime looks to the sky now, he mourns himself? do you think megatron looks to the sky now and vows to make that certain set of stars blink out of existence forever? do you think[gets cannon blasted into the distant outskirts of space]
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(version with friedrich's artwork that im tryna replicate & jason scheier's cybertron surface paintings that gave me the delusion i could pull something like this off if i have enough reference pics)
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peace-hunter · 3 months ago
Oh! Oh! For Baby Prime AU, I know the perfect character from the high guard that will remain loyal to Optimus! Skyfire! Concept art showed that originally he was dead with the Primes but what if he's alive in this AU? That means there are TWO legendary breakups here, Dee and Orion and now Starscream and Skyfire!
"He is not the Prime we need! He's not set on properly avenging his own siblings like we are!"
"Star, do you not understand? He's thinking about a better future for everyone, like the other Primes would of done."
"THAT SAME THINKING GOT THEM KILLED! If you ask me, Megatron had the right idea. Who needs a Prime anymore with what good that's done us?"
he's a decepticon turned autobot in most continuities anyway, isn't he? it makes total sense he would be one here too! and i'm always down to add more drama <33
also i loveeeee the idea of starscream's grief over the primes eventually twisting itself into misguided anger and bitterness. him almost blaming them for dying because if they hadn't been too preoccupied with being honorable and righteous then maybe they would've won the war sooner and sentinel wouldn't have been able to betray them.
it would even reconcile his whole "all that counts is the strength of a bot over another" thing with him following megatron even after he was defeated by optimus. because to him it isn't so much about raw strength as much as what you're willing to do with it. like. he's seen what happens to those who aren't willing to do whatever it takes to win. they end up dead. it doesn't matter how strong and powerful you are, if you're not willing to get your hands dirty then you're weak.
and from what he's seen of the little prime, he's just like his siblings when it comes to that. and he'll probably end up just like them too. he already got himself killed once after all.
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writeyouin · 8 months ago
Idw Optimus and his s/o having a drunken good time? Like just being stupid drunk please?
Optimus Prime X Reader – Drunk Headcanons
A/N – I took a few liberties here making it a bit of a bittersweet request, with a Cybertronian reader.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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Optimus Prime… Orion Pax. Right now, Optimus feels like he is both people, and neither.
The war on Cybertron is finally over, and having come back to his home planet, Optimus realises that nobody wants him there.
It’s such a strange and hollow sensation, yet he can’t blame any of the so-called NAILS for wanting him gone.
But without the war, who is he and where can he even go?
He knows too much. He’s not the archivist anymore. He can’t fathom going back to being who he used to be. Yet, he no longer feels like Optimus Prime.
He’s mulling this over when he spots you. An old flame from a long, long time ago. You and he used to hang out, back in the day. You were the personal assistant to some of the wealthiest bots on Cybertron, though they kept you more like a prize pet.
Optimus remembers how the two of you used to sneak away for stolen moments together, dreaming about the future, one where he was maybe a senator, and you were free to simply be yourself.
Then you both started listening to Megatron’s rallies, believing that you could be more than what the Functionalists decreed and after that… Optimus didn’t know. He had become the leader of the Autobots, and honestly, he thought you were dead.
Optimus followed you through the rowdy crowds of those recently returned to Cybertron.
He tried calling you, but you couldn’t hear him over the noise. Sometimes he lost sight of you and it stressed him out completely, even though it was ridiculous that he should still be attached to you after all these millennia. But he would always spot you again at the last minute, and finally, he was able to catch up with you. When he did, all he managed was a lame “…Hello.”
“Hello,” You echoed back, equally surprised to see him, and that he had followed you.
Optimus tries to explain why he had to catch up with you, but in truth, he doesn’t know why. He has seen a hundred familiar faces of friends he thought had perished, yet you were the only one he had felt the need to chase down.
He tries to ask where you’ve been all these years and how you’ve managed to stay safe, but again, words fail him.
Finally, you smile sympathetically. “Want to get a drink? I’ve got some high-grade on my ship.”
Optimus nods and follows you away.
When you said your ship, he thought you meant the ship you lived on, not literally your ship!
But it is. He asks you about it, but you shake your head and tell him to wait for drinks. You and he pass some crew, but a warning look from you sends them scattering. It’s not that you’re being mean, but rather that you have seen Optimus for the first time since the war began, and it’s clear that he needs something to hold onto. So, for now, you’re going to give him time to just
No leading, no pressures, just two old friends, catching up.
You talk about everything and nothing while you both get started on the high grade, waiting till Optimus is just a little bit tipsy before you explain where you’ve been all these years.
While Optimus was leading the war effort, you became a space Pirate, and Captain of the Good Ship Misery. It’s not an aptly named ship. It’s actually one of the happiest in the nearest 7 quadrants.
Your crew set up supply runs between the few colonies of NAILS that managed to survive. You looked out for the bots who couldn’t take care of themselves, bringing them energon, and medical supplies, or even escorting the occasional bot through Decepticon territory. Meanwhile, you learned how to fight, boarding Decepticon ships and taking what you could from their weapons to their body parts, if there was an innocent bot in need of repair.
You are so far from the meek young bot Optimus once knew. Then again, he’s nothing like he used to be either.
Yet, the way you tell it, that isn’t a bad thing.
Soon, you get onto the harder stories. Friends lost, traitors found, enemies made, that kind of thing. Optimus has a whole trove of such stories too. So, you both drink more and more, until it’s not as sad anymore.
Then, you’re both laughing. After that, you’re crying, but given even more high-grade, it’s back to the good times.
Finally, it’s getting early into the next cycle, and you’re sitting at the bar, head resting lopsidedly in your palm, staring at Optimus.
“Why did you follow me, Optimus?”
He looks at you like a sad puppy who doesn’t have a home to go to and follows the first friendly face it finds.
“I don’t know,” He replies, fear lacing his answer.
You lean forward to kiss his cheek-plate, only lingering for a few seconds.
“When you figure it out, tell me. In the meantime, you’re welcome to stay here, but I’ve got to get my crew together. We’ve still got work to do.”
You leave Optimus at the ship’s bar, giving him time to figure out what he wants now. It’s nice to see him again, even if you’re not sure that he’s going to stay.
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cozzzynook · 1 year ago
Thought I'd give your ask a try. I love dad Optimus and son Bumblebee.
How do you think dad Optimus reacts to Bee's potential partners?
It depends on the partners honestly.
- if the partners are both Jazz and Prowl, he’s hesitant but gives approval.
- Optimus pulls Jazz aside and Prowl both together and alone and make it very clear he will use rank and force to make their spark’s miserable if they hurt his bitlet mech in any way.
- He tells Prowl in so many words he will make the stoic mech lose composure and shows Jazz that even if he is a beast in the field, he is no Optimus Prime.
- Of course Bumblebee never finds out, he just happily sits on his sires lap and tells him about his day and how happy he is while the others know just how terrifying Optimus really is as he smiles looking at the two who are statue still failing to look unfazed.
- If its Tarn trying to get with Bee Optimus does not care about peace nor does he care about being civil or having honor. He will make sure Tarn knows to never set pede near his bitlet again. Megatron does not do anything to stop Optimus, he warned his troops, they should’ve listened.
- Oddly if its Soundwave and Shockwave Optimus is down right pissed but does nothing to stop it. Bee is in his rebellious phase and he hopes it will end soon. He bites his glossa in hopes it will be over soon and Bee will pick a nice autobot he approves of. Bee does not. Optimus almost rips his finials off when he sees Bee taking care of Shockwave and Soundwaves sparklings Rumble and Frenzy. They look like a family pod and he wishes it would stop. Its Ratchet that pats his shoulder armor and tells him to look at the bright side, “he’s well protected. Those sparklings nearly offlined a mech for trying to touch him. What do you think Shockwave and Soundwave will do?” Optimus isn’t so against it after that, after all- anything goes to protect his bitlet.
- Optimus out right refuses for Bee to Starscream which leads to Bee running off and Optimus leaking coolant chasing after him. Optimus does NOT want anything to come of this and he can’t live a peaceful life cycle knowing his bitlet is mated to Starscream of all mechas. Until he sees how loving and genuine Starscream can be. He’s still a menace and a scrap screamer with everybot else but for Bee he’s at least tame, bare-able and sweet sparked.
- Optimus honestly puts the least amount of pressure on Thundercracker. He’s civil, plans things, looks at the bigger picture, is not Starscream or the little menace Skywarp. And he easily sees how smitten Thuncracker is about Bee. He didn’t put up much fight when he saw Bee returning those feelings and didn’t object when Thundercracker asked to spark bond with Bee. When TC is seen cuddling with Bee Optimus forgets TC is a decepticon who should not be relaxing in an autobot base with his bitlet wrapped in a blanket in recharge on his chassis while said seeker writes a play dedicated to his bitlet….Optimus actually doesn’t mind this. His bitlet is happy so he is happy.
- last but not least if its Blitzwing…Primus help them. Its every creators worst nightmare to know their sweet, precious gremlin bitlet is being courted by the likes of Blitzwing. The afthole seeker turned triple changer who courts his bitlet in some of the sweetest and most chaotic ways imaginable. Blitzwing draws countless images of Bumblebee in recharge, fueling, fighting and gazing at the stars. He would think it sweet if it weren’t the triple changer he saw half devour a mech for touching his bitlet inappropriately. The only reason he stopped was because Bee demanded him. Optimus was NOT fond of Blitzwing asking for Bumblebee’s servo and spark. Nor was he fond of how gentle Blitzwing could be with his bitlet when it was just the two of them. Optimus will deny stalking them he simply had the same route as they did. Even when he looked through their shared home and watched as Blitzwing made fuel for the both of them every lunar cycle without fail because apparently it was his love language.
-Optimus definitely didn’t break down leaking coolant the moment his bitlet said he was in love and spark bonded to Blitzwing. And no, Optimus didn’t hold Bee hostage in his arms leaking because he didn’t want to let his little bitlet go. He did no such thing.
Basically Dad optimus is protective and wants only the best for his baby bot while also being emotional.
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ohdearlingwhathappened · 9 months ago
A Pair Made in The Pits Chp 3.5
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Summary: The aftermath of Y/n and Agent Fowler's Kidnapping back at the Autobot Base.
WC: 623
A/n: Have fun
First ... Previous
The base is silent. The kids have been sent home, allowing them to grieve in their own ways. The only child who remains with their bot is Miko, saying she doesn’t want to go back home to host parents who barely tolerate her, and she would much rather go for a ride with Bulkhead. Optimus leaves for his habsuite, exhausted by the turmoil from not only Megatron’s plans, but from losing two friends in the span of 48 hours. The normally proudly tall, strong leader now hunched, making his way down the halls half-sparked.
He broke his word. Again.
Losing his footing, Optimus leans against the wall to his left, pausing to recollect himself. His optics are shaky, unable to focus on any one thing, blurred beyond comprehension, and he’s sure if he had a set of lungs, they would be inoperable.
I didn’t keep them safe. I didn’t keep her safe. I didn’t keep him safe. I failed Cybertron.
I am no Prime.
“-imus. Optimus. Optimus!”
Startling out of his fraying state, the leader of the Autobots looks up and slowly focuses in on the worried look on his sparkmate’s face. Noting that he was looking up, he realizes at some point he’s fallen to one knee, still balanced on the wall. Using said wall as a weight-bearing source, Optimus lifts himself from the ground and closes his eyes, regretting anyone seeing him in such a state- he is a Prime and a Prime can not crumble.
“Ratchet, I apolo-”
“Up hup hup,” Ratchet shakes his hands, successfully cutting Optimus off. “As your physician, I am ordering you to get to your berth and rest after today… and as your sparkmate, I am asking you to talk to me.”
He wants to express his appreciation and gratitude towards his medic, but with the way Ratchet throws Optimus’ arm around his shoulder allowing himself to be leaned on for support, already going on about how he should be taking care of himself and to rely on him more, Optimus knows he’ll never be able to come up with enough words to even touch the surface.
Looking down at the one he loves the most, he quietly utters, “I promise, my Spark.”
And he swears to himself he will keep his word.
 Primus damn him if not.
* * * * * *
“Miko, I’m going to have to take you home at some point.” Bulkhead tries to goad the girl into finally agreeing to go home and rest. Said girl sitting in the passenger seat, blankly staring out the window, watching the desert sands fly by, her eyes drooping every so often.
“No. Just a little longer… we- we haven’t found her yet.” She whispers, her normal spitfire personality nowhere to be seen. Bulkhead rolls to a stop, conflicted on what to say. There’s nothing he can say or do to uplift her spirit.
“Miko, we don’t know where Starscream may have-. What I mean to say is, we don’t know where Y/n’s body is.” Bulkhead does his best to gently explain that they may never find Y/n’s body, knowing he’s failed when he feels the girl curl up on his seat, legs hugged tightly to her chest.
Another moment goes by before Bulkhead gets an idea, “You remember how I lost my friend, Cliffjumper? Well, since we couldn’t bring him back to base, we made a small site to remember him. I-I know it’s not the same, but you can visit it anytime you’d like.”
“...please?” She lifts her head just a smidge, something other than emptiness shining in her eyes since she was told about her first friend in the US.
By the end of the next hour, another rock structure stood by Cliffjumper’s gravesite.
Taglist: @the-unhinged-raccoon @hystericalanarchy @mythicallystupid @darkfangx399 @nixblizzard16 @crowleysthings @delectableworm
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someonehugratchet · 4 months ago
Ratchet who was neutral in the war.
He was neither Autobot nor Decepticon, but a medic for those who were caught between fire fights or who couldn’t fight. Sparklings, injured civilians, lower class citizens who couldn’t get shelter from either side for whatever reason.
Ratchet would go out himself and find them, brining them back to one of several hidden infirmaries he set up with volunteers and past students of his.
First Aid always stayed in the biggest one, which held all the sparklings as it was the safest.
Fixit would sneak between them all to make sure that all the set false safes were in order. He helped show the little ones where to gin in the case of an attack.
He believed Optimus Prime wanted to help, but the mech was too busy fighting the fight to be able to spare much time on the broken bots that had a chance.
They knew each other and Prime had worked to keep their bases a secret even as Ratchet resumed to let them sway him into fighting with them.
Megatron’s men were allowed only in one base where other soldiers were kept, guarded by Pharma and Remedy both. Autobots and Decepticon both had an understanding that it was neutral ground and no fights would be had, the two keeping in seperate wings of the fragile clinic.
That understanding was crushed after one fateful cycle.
Ratchet had responded to First Aids distress signal as quick as he could, travelling over half of Cybertron to get to the infirmary as quick as he could.
He arrived just in time to see Shockwave leaving.
With dread in his spark he had rushed through a secret exit and into the main room and instantly fell to his knees.
Over two hundred sparklings lay desecrated in the entire place.
Most of them were missing some part of their body, some burnt into nothing.
Ratchet only made a noise, a wailing sound of pure grief, when he saw the remains of First Aid clutching three little ones.
All dead.
His screams had only grown in intensity as he looked around the room and found that Pharma and Remedy had come to aid and fallen as well.
Ratchet could have stayed there and rusted over if he hadn’t notice some of his patients weren’t there, hope burning his spark as I rushed to the feeds to try and figure out where they had gone.
He watches the footage with grime determination even as he feels his spark shattering into pieces.
It falters for several moments when he watches Shockwave order some of his men to take some of the sparklings. He hears the disturbing mech say something about ‘suitable test subjects’ and feels the energon in his systems freeze. Ratchet’s heard of what Shockwave has done, how the unfeeling monster doesn’t care for the notion of ethical conduct and onto for results.
Eventually Optimus as some of his most trusted come by the hidden location in the hopes of stopping a massacre, only to find Ratchet sitting on the floor with the body of a sparkling in his hands.
He had tried to bring the femme back after seeing a slight flux in her tiny spark, but it was useless.
Bumblebee is hurt the most as it was the same clinic he had been raised in before he became a scout, seeing Ratchet work for years and being the main reason they had even known something was wrong.
He falls to his knees as Elita moves to check for Decepticons, if only to distract herself.
Optimus approaches Ratchet with grief in his spark, carefully removing the deceased sparkling from his hold.
“I… I am truely sorry, old friend.”
Ratchet looks up and sees Orion Pax, the young mechling who had once asked him for an autograph.
When he speaks it’s distant, like his mainframe as gone on autopilot, “He took some of the sparklings. We need to find them.”
Optimus nods, helping him stand on unsteady pedes, “We will, I swear we will it stop until we have.”
Ratchet looks at Optimus with a fire in his eyes, “I know. But Optimus, I don’t care about you code. I don’t care about your morals or war crimes, Shockwave will pay for this.”
For the first time since the war began, the Prime looked around the room and nodded with a darkness over his optics.
“You are right. They have gone too far to deserve honour.”
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sunrisecaminus · 11 days ago
tfp megs x femme cybertronian reader, that he kidnapped, who’s Optimus’s conjux but needs their heat cycle taken care of?…pls and ty!💗💗
Message - Two weeks, it only took two weeks for a heat fic. AND I AM HERE FOR IT! It you want anymore awesome fics that has to do with these topics than please, I recommend following @transformers-spike. They only do human reader x transformers, which is totally fine in my opinion and is really good at making stories. Please respect them though if they need breaks and obviously PLEASE NO HATE! I love their writing and probably one of the many accounts that help motivate me into making one of my own. Please send them love! Anyway, enjoy!
Megatron x Reader NSFW
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Summary - Kidnapped Cybertronian, who is Optimus' Conjunx, goes into heat and the Warlord has to treat her.
Warnings - NSFW, technical cheating (Optimus doesn't mind)
This was not the ideal predicament you wanted to be in. First, before you got kidnapped you planned on the calendar that you would have your heat cycle in about a week if it was on time. Nothing was a fret as Optimus has been doing all his work and would have a lot of time for you and him to have alone time for a few days, but that all changed when Soundwave kidnapped you. It was a perfect successful plan on soundwave's part, being able to kidnap the conjunx of Prime and let Megatron torture her to get Optimus to do anything. This was what Megatron was waiting for, but what he didn't know was that Optimus wasn't caring about your safety, it was the Decepticons safety he was worried about. He has sensed heat cycles before and goodness was it unbearable to handle. Yes, he knew Megatron was going to try to hurt you, but honestly with your heat coming in a few days, that might not happen. He tried to communicate with Megatron, which megs was surprised at first what Optimus was telling him. He thought this was going to be another "Oh, don't hurt the love of my life. Please! I'll do anything!" Instead he got a "Megatron, please, for your own sake bring back y/n. She will ruin your entire ship in minutes."
Honestly he thought it was a joke, but Optimus at this point can see that Megs didn't believe him and just let him find out the hard way. Knockout and Breakdown were so sweet after you were able to have a common ground with liking fashion and how to clean properly (At least in Knockout's opinion of being proper.) You were able to explain to him what Optimus meant and Knockout realized this ship was going to be in a crazy situation for a while, so he was able to get you your own room. Dreadwing was super nice to you after he realized how respectful you were. You would talk to him for hours about his culture and he might've got a bit close to you as friends. He told you what Megatron was going to do to you and it did make you scared on what that mech could do.
Right now you were waking up from a lovely nap and making yourself some nice food. It has been only three days since you got kidnapped, and you start to feel a bit flushed. You ate the first bite of your food and felt your nether region getting hot and a bit wet. Oh no it was starting earlier than you thought. This had to be the worse time as you thought you would have been saved before this horrible heat set in. You put your bowl quickly on the counter and rush into the shower. You didn't want anyone to see you and started to run the water. Maybe you could wash the scent off before anyone could notice.
What you didn't know, was that Megatron was fully prepared to do what they were suppose to do when they kidnapped you and was walking to your room. Before he opened the door, his sensors were going off and he felt an automatic body change. It was small, but he still could notice his body slightly relaxing which made him freak, maybe he got drugged from Starscream earlier. The smell started to get a bit stronger after you took off your panel inside your bathroom and Megs started to finally figure out what was going on when the feeling got a bit stronger. Did Optimus' conjunx just go into heat? No, he did not want to feel this way towards his mortal enemy's lover. Not only was he getting worse, feeling his panel being pressed on a bit, but also he was getting angry from the situation and leaned against the wall next to the door. He needs to breath, he needs to try and calm down before something bad happens.
Cut to you in the shower, trying to wash yourself. Your legs start to get weak and you gasp from the shower head water spraying on your valve. "Oh god!" You try not to moan too loudly, the pressure of the water is making your heat worse. You need to try and clean yourself though, what if someone you didn't like catch your scent? Putting the shower head close to your crotch, feeling the water pressure hit the sensitive spot. Meg's hears your gasp and soft moans. His optics widen a bit from hearing such lovely noises. No, he can't think like this. He claws the wall, clenching his panel a bit to try and snap himself out of it. He hears you moan one more time and now he couldn't take it anymore.
You hear heavy footsteps walking inside your room. Your servo covers your mouth to muffle your self, the footsteps got close to the bathroom and it made your body freeze. You hear the person on the other side…Megatron. "You little glitch. What are you doing to me?" The scare you just got from hearing him…it could've been anyone else, nope of course you got the warlord. "S-sorry sir, I can't control it! Please, do not open the door unless you want to do something with me…you won't be able to control yourself after that." You try your best to warn him, you knew he wasn't the type to do this sensual stuff. You were told from Optimus how aggressive Megs was as well, telling you how Megs sometimes doesn't know what he wants and you need to be patient with him. Your body is telling you to beg him to come in, while your mind is telling you to wait and let him decide he own decision. After a few minutes, you see the door opening. You couldn't believe that he chose to open the door, seeing his narrow bright eyes staring down at your wet body. Megatron didn't feel shame, but he didn't know his sensors were going to be screaming when he opened the door. You were right about him not being able to control himself after he opened that door, because he walks and grabs you with his two servo wrapped around your lower hip armor. Not only were you in heat, but your nice clean scent didn't help. You were ready to let him doing anything to you, as Megatron puts your body in the air above him. You didn't know he was so strong for such an old bot. He looks at your lower area and licks your valve. "Aaah! Megs!" You feel his sharp tongue flicking around, surprisingly skilled at this. Your lower area was feeling so hot, making the pain worse until he shoves his glossa into your walls. The hot pain stopped afterwards with the pleasurable motion and you moan louder from the complete bliss your body was feeling.
Megatron never knew you would taste so good, feeling all your flavors made him get worse on the inside and touching your thighs with his servo was also not helping his situation. One of his digits rubs against your aft which made you arch your back. He loved hearing the small little gasps every time he rubbed his digits on your wet body so he continues the friction. You look down, basically sitting on his face, you see his crotch plate clicking open and his spike was being tortured, not being touched. Your body was craving to have something bigger inside you, so you try to tap his servo to grab his attention. "H-hey! Let me dow-ah!" He interrupt you by biting your leg. No, you don't tell him what to do, EVER. This was not going to be like Optimus, obeying your wishes anytime you want. The bite thankfully didn't get deep, but the feeling was new to you and didn't mind it. A few more minutes of your nether region getting eaten, you hit his helmet to grab his attention again. His glossa leaves your folds and growls at you. "What?!" He stares at you with angry eyes, until you point to him his spike. Finally, megs realize what you were saying and puts you down. You kneel down on the floor to his spike and start to suck on his tip, grabbing it with your servos to pleasure him. He feels glossa rubbing against him, making him groan in pleasure. He didn't know you could be so good at pleasuring, but he wasn't going to complain. He feels you stopping and putting your valve up to his tip, lowering yourself down onto him. You made him go crazy after that, moaning from this forgotten touch. "Ngnn! Primus…" This felt so good to him, the fact your walls were so tight yet able to slide yourself up and down on him was making him feel insane. He didn't know he was going to feel this way when they started the 4 million year war, but goodness was this the best thing he has ever done in years. You feel yourself tightening around him, cumming while yelling his name. He feels his spike being hugged around your walls and cums as well. He tries to catch his breath, seeing you get off his spike and sit down beside him. Megs couldn't help but stare at your lower area, dripping with fluids. He leans his head on the door, thinking everything was finally over…but he could still smell it. He thought your heat was treated, was he not enough? How the fuck was he not enough?! "I can still sense that you are not satisfied." You looked up at him when he spoke. "Sorry…it usually will stop after a few rounds, even then, it will start again the next day". Fuck, this is what Optimus meant. Did he mind he was going to be busy with you for a few days? No. The members of the ship should be worried if they ever sense your heat if he is busy with you though, that mech will make sure everyone knows you are his for now.
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lets-try-some-writing · 2 months ago
It's so tragic how, in your Twins AU, Optimus had to do the Cybertronian version of plastic surgery to look more like his brother. He could have gone through his primely transformation and said he, as Optronix, got a new frame because of the Matrix. Instead, he went all out and changed his body. I can only imagine what the Decepticons will think when they see Optimus again and notice his different yet familiar frame. Megatron might think he's having work done to "wear the face of his brother" instead of work being undone so Optimus can be himself again.
More for the Twin Au? Aight. Parts One and Two here.
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Wearing Optronix's face was not easy at first. It ached. It burned. Insults and slurs, hatred and constant attacks... if not for the Matrix, Optimus would have given up long ago and let someone kill him. But he had his duty, and he would have to be cut down before he let himself fall away from his purpose.
He allowed Optronix to become as cruel as he did. He failed to stop his twin when the war grew worse. This was merely a natural consequence. The constant ache of his spark from the lack of its other half was ignorable. The never ending discomfort with his frame was negligible when he was busy planning or engaging in battle. And as centuries passed, he honestly noticed less and less. Optronix's frame grew to be his own. The bulky and boxy build became second nature to him, his spindly frame from the archives all but forgotten. The eternally in place battle mask was something he grew to cherish as it allowed him to hide his expressions when the pain in his spark grew too great. The heavy set blaster he carried, as his brother was known to do prior to his death, became a memorial of sorts.
He was Optronix, a corrupt mech who changed upon becoming Prime. Every single cycle he repeated his mantra.
"I am Optronix turned Optimus Prime. I am the leader of the Autobots. I was once a tyrant, but no longer."
Every time he saw himself in the mirror, repeating again and again... it grew easier to believe the lie. He stopped missing things from his time as Orion, at least dulling the ache. He missed the archives, but that void he filled with reading reports. He lamented the loss of his mentor, but that too he supplemented through teaching Ultra Magnus throughout the war. It only really hurt when Ratchet and Jazz fought him, but even that was easy enough to work around if he reminded himself of what he was.
He was Optronix. He was once wicked. And this was his penance.
Then, of course, the truth had to come out swinging. One wrong poisoning attempt and suddenly his reality was broken. He'd been poisoned countless times. It shouldn't have been as dangerous as it was with his immunity. But Ratchet on synthetic energon was nothing to scoff at, and simple fuel line drainage wasn't enough. They had to remove his mask to have him purge whatever was in his tanks as well. And that was when it all fell apart.
The team had their reactions. Optimus tried his best to be neutral throughout the whole process, letting them figure themselves out and acting accordingly. He continued his mantra, having had it long since become second nature. But one thing led to another, and Ratchet, ever Orion Pax's most loyal friend, was determined to bring back the mech he thought lost.
"We are giving you a reformat." Ratchet's servos were firmly planted on his hips, his expression dead serious. Optimus could only find it in himself to frown.
"We do not have the resources for such an endeavor. It would be a foolish waste of material." A hint of bitterness entered his tone, training to mirror his brother returning with a vengeance in the form of backhanded commentary. This was who he was now. There was no Orion Pax. Nothing to reformat back into.
"Sure, we don't have enough for a complete frame overhaul, but we can fix some things. Your face, your optics, maybe even your shoulders." Ratchet scanned Optimus's frame, his optics running with calculation. Optimus shied away from it instinctually, prior experience warning him against giving too much room for a potential attack.
"Ratchet... I'm not him anymore. I know I said I was Orion Pax, and I'm sure somewhere deep in my spark, he yet lingers. But that is not me. Not anymore." Ratchet, unlike how Optimus's anxious predictions portrayed him in dreams, did not scoff or come off as cruel. His expression softened as he came closer, reaching out to cup Optimus's face, the one thing he'd left unchanged as he gave the rest of his frame up reformatting to match his brother. The doctor's digits brushed over pristine faceplates, not a scar to be seen below the optics. It was... comforting.
"I believe my friend is still in here. And if I have to drag him out again, then so be it." In an act of intimacy Optimus had not had with anyone other than Bumblebee since he was but a mere archivist, Ratchet brought their helm crests together. The touch was simple, but the way their fields mingled and melded was divine, a cube of energon to a starving mech in Optimus's mind.
He couldn't fight back if Ratchet was this gentle with him. How could he?
"Let me do this for you." Those gentle words were all it took for Optimus to cautiously agree. And from that moment onward, Ratchet took his duty to spark.
"Mask off, Orion." Constant but gentle reminders rang out through the base frequently. Ratchet made it a point to use his old name, constantly urging him to grow comfortable showing his face again. Optimus scared himself more than a few times when he passed a mirror and saw himself.
He politely ignored the pitying looks he earned from the team after such reactions.
"Hold still. You don't need to be wearing this slag all the time now, so it needs to come out." Having tweezers in his optics wasn't all that fun either. But again, Ratchet was devoted. And to be fair to him, the moment the thick optical glass was removed, Optimus found he could actually see things he'd long since become used to having to squint at to view. The optics of an archivist were meant for data collection and analysis. Having them back was overwhelming at times.
He spent three whole earth days standing around simply watching things, learning to recycle his optics for optimal data collection. One night he spent up on the roof, admiring the stars for the first time since his arrival on Earth. As much as his instincts screamed at him to put the glass back in place, he found himself content to leave his optics alone.
They were familiar. He hadn't realized how much he missed them.
"You welded your data ports closed?" Ratchet gawked at him and the welds along Optimus's sides. He nodded without any additional reactions. It was yet another augmentation.
"I had to play the part not just in appearance and presentation, but also in functionality." Arcee winced as she saw the damage. Bumblebee looked concerned. Bulkhead, Primus bless him, seemed a bit sick to his tanks as he looked at the welds. It wasn't as if they weren't cleanly done, but every mech knew that there were certain components to various castes that made them unique, and often tended to be sensitive. Having those parts removed or damaged was abhorrent to them.
It was to Optimus once, many long vorns ago.
"We're fixing this. There is no way you haven't been going through mood swings without access to your datacables." Well, Optimus couldn't exactly deny that. Sometimes it felt like he was about to die if he didn't hook up to the console. During such moments, he tended to lean on the Matrix.
Ratchet, not having gotten any sort of retort, promptly got to work. Optimus marveled at the feeling the moment he found himself able to reconnect to his cables. They were difficult to manage after so long with them locked away, but just having them free was a relief he did not know he needed as sorely as he did.
"Not much I can do about your frame shaping considering our circumstances. But these, we can get rid of." Ratchet looked Optimus up and down as he hooked up to the console, restoring his long dormant archival subsystems through dutiful training through monitoring human websites. He hardly noticed Ratchet at all until the doctor took one of his servos and promptly began delicately removing the armored plating he had welded onto each individual digit.
The whole affair did not hurt. But when Ratchet was done, Optimus looked at his servos and saw... himself.
He saw Orion in the long and slender digits meant for swift typing, not battle or the handling of a sword. He saw Orion in the gentle tap of his digits as he typed again with them for the first time in eons. He saw Orion in the speed in which they moved, graceful in a way he had not been since he slaughtered his brother before their slumbering god.
Perhaps there was some Orion Pax left in him after all.
"OPTRONIX!" Megatron's shriek of outrage rang out across the battlefield as Optimus strode forward, hesitating only a moment as the warlord's sheer wrath. He was seething, his armor flared and his field a wild whip of anger and grief all wrapped into one burning wave. His blaster blazed with energy begging to be unleashed, his denta clenched so hard Optimus could almost hear them grinding from a distance.
"You dare wear his face! You dare take pieces of his frame as your own! Is this another way to torment me, you pit spawned heathen!?" Every word stung on a spark deep level. Optimus had long since learned to look past whatever Megatron said on the battlefield. it had been easy with his mantra because Orion was hidden. Orion was not the one being insulted or hurt.
But now? It was different.
"I will tear you limb from limb and rip that face right off your frame to lay my brother to rest! Do you hear me!?"
He heard.
He heard every single word.
And Primus, did it hurt.
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sroloc--elbisivni · 1 month ago
i've been reminded of my old 'Transformers No War AU, Lord High Protector Megatron mentors punk bodyguard Hot Rod' AU that I don't think I'll get around to ever actually writing in fic form, so please enjoy this bullet point outline:
standard setup of a no-war prime and protector au. megop married and gross about it especially because megatron spends most of his time in space beating up quints doing the liberation thing.
well, not personally beating up quints, that's the problem, he has bodyguards now who won't let him do things like 'beat the shit out of a 50 foot alien monster'
because it would be a 'political crisis' or something if he died. whatever. cowards. faithless cowards, every one of them. as if he'd get killed.
but over time he has finally managed to shoo off, scare away, bribe with better positions, or otherwise resort to shameless matchmaking to get rid of most of them and now deadlock, his last remaining bodyguard, is married off and bothering his husband about personal safety instead of megatron
so he sets off thinking it's going to be a great trip except there's a teenager by his chair on the bridge. there's a teenager making fun of him. the teenager has flames painted on him and he's calling megatron an old man. wait what--
what do you mean you're the new bodyguard. what kind of a name for a bodyguard is hot rod
so of course megatron calls optimus to complain, immediately, to go 'i KNOW you're up to something, WHAT is this, why do I have a child, you CANNOT trick me into this I WILL not fall for it' and optimus just goes 'please i can't tell you why yet i just need you to trust me that he has to go with you'
megatron, because he is whipped, goes '....fine'
Mentoring, Reluctantly, Ensues. neither party is happy about this.
(megatron at one point calls up deadlock to complain and deadlock goes 'oh yeah hot rod i wrote him a recommendation letter for the job :D')
blah blah plot happens they bond eventually they are in a tight spot and hot rod sets himself on fire to get them out of it
it takes a lot out of him and he's woozy and giggly and megatron has to carry him back to the ship and he goes 'you're a terrible bodyguard. i bet you've never even killed anybody' hot rod, loopy: untrue! i killed zeta megatron: megatron: you fucking What.
turns out that back during the revolution, during one of those crazy months right after nyon got blown up (hot rod also killed all those people but he Doesn't want to think about that), when then-orion pax vanished for a while and came back with the matrix and was like 'yeah it's fine zeta's dead it's not important'. it was kind of important
sequence of events from op's perspective: when hot rod blew up nyon OP went 'oh my god you are a Youth' and took him under his wing to keep an eye on him and also to have someone else to do paperwork
op and hot rod both got kidnapped by zeta because it turns out that carrying the matrix means you can sense who else is a viable candidate for the matrix so zeta, now kind of insane, went off ranting about how orion was trying to build a dynasty to replace him and he and hot rod both went 'what the fuck are you talking about'
stuff happened. hot rod maybe burned him from alive to Very Dead and op retrieved the matrix and hot rod went 'i don't want anyone to know about this ever' and op went 'you know what that's fair you didn't sign up for this'
so OP has kept it on lockdown ever since and hot rod went off and joined the wreckers and jaunted around the galaxy for a bit and then wound up back on cybertron
and the priesthood took an interest in him. because there are Signs. and hot rod went from just a dude going to temple because he likes the music and has thoughts about theology and sometimes talks about it with OP to 'hm these sure are people in authority paying attention to me what a bad sign'
OP saw that hot rod needed to get off cybertron and decided to kill two birds with one stone
back on cybertron: priesthood: where is...the young bearer....(translation: can we talk to the kid instead of you, he seems impressionable and like less of an asshole) OP, an asshole : oh I sent him to go stay with the Lord Protector :) (translation: if you think you can get through megatron be my fucking guest)
megatron, after having dragged this story out of optimus over the long-distance call: i know you said no last time I suggested this, but I really think you should let me murder the priesthood optimus: megatron they do all of the IT work
this story has no real ending which is the main reason it probably won't exist, but it amuses me very much to subject these idiots to each other, and i hope it will amuse some of you.
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dragqueenstarscream · 2 months ago
shelter from the storm
monsterformers firedrake!optimus x harpy!starscream
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my first transformers fanfic and they're not even robots. oh well, c'est la vie! this is the first fanfic for my monsterformers au, featuring my favorite transformers ship out there! it's based on optimus' hike through antarctica from "triangulation", or, as i call it, the starop episode. if you wanna know more about this au, i have the monsterformers au masterpost pinned for all who may be interested.
contains: cuddling for warmth, pre established relationship, mentions of megatron being megatron, starscream having a flashback, no smut
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throughout his life, starscream had many things to regret.
he regretted believing megatron's lie that joining the talons of unicron would restore him to his former glory. he regretted leaving his home world at all. he regretted getting cocky and not outright killing the old dragon when he had the chance.
he regretted ever leaving skywarp and thundercracker behind. primus, he regretted that more than anything else.
but now, as he trudged through the hellish blizzard ripping through the snowy wasteland he'd found himself in, his wings wrapped around his body as his only source of warmth, he realized that he'd soon have another regret to add to his ever growing list.
because when he'd found the location of another relic which might help him should megatron ever come searching for him again, he'd been ambushed by megatron's new favorite, dreadwing. the snarling gargoyle had bound him in cuffs and was ready to take him back to megatron before help arrived. but, of course, because the universe seemed to laugh at starscream whenever given the chance, he'd been rescued from being dragged back to his dragon master by another blasted dragon.
well. a firedrake. but the technicalities didn't matter now.
what did matter was that optimus prime, the most powerful voice of primus, a colossus of scales and horns and teeth, terror of the talons of unicron, was currently looming over starscream as he guided the overgrown lizard to the destination of the apex armor. the harpy would rather be anywhere else, with his only comfort being that no drones or homunculi of shockwave's would be dumb enough to attack either of them, not when optimus could easily set them on fire.
fire. the thought of it chilled starscream to his bones.
he'd pleaded with optimus to set him free from his cuffs - he already couldn't fly in this weather, removing his binds wouldn't do much - but someone must've stolen from optimus' hoard earlier that day or something, because he wasn't having it. much to starscream's dismay, the cuffs stayed on. so, that was how the two traveled, starscream navigating towards the armor, optimus right behind him. he tried to fill the silence by talking with optimus, but the dragon, firedrake, it didn't matter to starscream, seemingly wasn't in the mood for conversation. after a few minutes of talking to himself, starscream fell silent.
the snow stretched on endlessly overhead, only broken by mountains pushing up through the snow like giant horns. the black sky seemed never ending, the whirls of snow covering up the starlight which guided starscream's way. and, of course, the air felt blisteringly cold, seeping beneath starscream's feathers and skin to try and freeze his organs.
hours passed, and starscream could feel himself growing weaker by the minute. right as he felt as if his knees might give out beneath him, optimus broke the monotony of the wind whipping around them by growling, "here. this way."
"s-sir?" starscream asked between chatters of his teeth. he turned around to find optimus diverging from their course, making for something starscream couldn't make out in the hellstorm of white. as he came closer, he realized that optimus had found a cave at the base of one of the mountains. the harpy felt relief wash over him at the thought of rest, though it was quickly followed by uncertainty. surely, something else would've found this cave and called it home by now.
optimus stuck his giant head into the cavern and sniffed the air. after a minute, he declared, "the scents in this cave are old. nothing has been here for quite a while."
"a-are you sure, sir?" starscream asked. optimus just snorted and made his way inside.
"we'll rest here for now," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument. starscream grumbled and followed optimus into the cave, not in the mood to argue with someone much bigger (and much grumpier) than himself.
the cave, thankfully, was big enough that they could both fit inside without being pressed up against each other. optimus began sweeping away snowdrifts with his tail, revealing the hard stone underneath. glancing to the stone walls all around him, he gave them one hard whack with his tail, shaking free some loose stones and debris. starscream shrank back beneath his wings, trying to hide from the falling stone. thankfully, optimus seemed satisfied, because he began collecting the fallen stones and arranging them into a circle near the middle of the cave, away from the entrance. starscream watched from a distance, curious.
once optimus had his stone circle complete, he took a step back to examine his handiwork. then, he drew his head back, like a snake about to strike, and opened his mouth.
starscream felt his heart leap into his throat as he saw the smoke furling from the corners of the dragon's mouth and the orange glow from within his open maw. with a terrified shriek, he scrambled backwards and pressed himself against the cave wall, covering his face with his wings. a few moments later, a fireball erupted from optimus' jaws, filling the cave with a flash of white light and searing heat.
for the briefest moment, starscream was back at the gemstone mine, cowering against the rock beneath him, as megatron reared over him, jaws open and ready to breathe a sickly purple fire. he could hear thunderous pawsteps approaching him, and he knew that at any moment, flames would erupt around him, setting his wings ablaze. he had to get out of here, had to fly away. storm be damned, he couldn't stay here with-
a gravelly voice which definitely didn't belong to megatron disrupted starscream's panicked state. the harpy slowly lowered his trembling wings to see-
this wasn't the mine. and that wasn't megatron.
he was back in the cave in the middle of a snowy desert, with optimus standing in front of him, his head tilted like a confused dog. beside him, a bright orange and yellow, not megatron's unnatural purple, fire crackled in the center of the stone circle.
a fire pit. optimus had been building a fire pit.
you idiot, starscream. getting this worked up over nothing.
"why, you... watch what you're doing, you mindless brute!" the harpy squawked, clambering to his talons. "you could've killed me with that!"
optimus lifted his head just slightly, and his expression shifted, the confusion on his face washing away. starscream gulped. he knew what that face meant.
he knows.
"and anyways, what if i don't want to stay in here, hmm?" he challenged. he would've crossed his arms had his hands not been bound. "you seem very sure that i won't just leave this cave. what makes you think i won't go find the apex armor on my own? you need me to find it. what if i don't want to stop here?"
optimus just watched starscream for a moment, his scaly face still as stone. then, he started making his way over to starscream, making the harpy back up against the wall.
"i am giving you a choice," optimus said. he turned around and plodded over to the fire, laying next to it with his back to the cave wall. starscream's eyes lit up as he realized that not only were his hands now free to move independently, but the entrance to the cave was also open.
"w-what are you doing?" he asked in a shaky voice. optimus didn't respond. instead, he used one claw to lift starscream's bound hands closer to him, and with a single swift movement, snapped the chain keeping the cuffs together, like it was made of twine.
the harpy excitedly made his way to the cave entrance and rushed outside, only for the harsh blizzard wind to furiously buffet his wings, the cold sinking its claws into his skin. starscream felt like a fool as he realized the choice optimus was giving him. he could either venture out to find the apex armor and risk freezing to death, or worse, getting caught by dreadwing again... or he could stay in the cave, where he could rest, stay out of the nasty weather for a while, warm up by the fire, and find protection from optimus should dreadwing return.
even with his intense fear of dragons and their kin, starscream knew which choice he would make.
grumbling under his breath, starscream trudged back into the cave and sat by the fire, making sure to keep his distance from the dragon lying in the cave with him.
firedrake. whatever.
now that he was calm, he had to admit, the fire felt nice. he spread his wings in front of the flames, and he had to bite back a groan of relief as warmth sank into his aching muscles.
"why are you doing this?" he asked after a few minutes of awkward silence. "if you need to find the apex armor so badly, why are we stopping here?"
optimus stared into the fire, and starscream could tell that he was collecting his thoughts. "i have wanted to talk to you for a long time, starscream," he finally said.
"what do you want from me?" starscream asked.
"to talk," optimus repeated. he began tracing odd swirls and shapes into what little snow had settled on the ground as he talked. "your loyalty to megatron has been questionable for quite some time. the fact that you seek the apex armor now that you're not under his command tells me everything i need to know."
"i'm not joining you, if that's what you're asking," starscream snipped. optimus turned to give starscream a slightly frustrated stare, the tip of his tail twitching like that of an irritated cat. his body language said, just let me finish, and starscream got the message loud and clear. he cleared his throat and went quiet, allowing optimus to speak again. he turned to look back into the fire as he continued.
"you and i both know what will happen if megatron ever returns home," he said. "not only will he conquer both this human world and our own, but he will try to remake them in his image." he glanced at starscream and said, "no matter who may stand in his way."
the gentleness in optimus' eyes set starscream on edge. "i don't need your pity," he hissed, his wings bristling. "if that's the only reason you wanted to talk, you can keep it to yourself."
"that's not why i wanted to speak to you," optimus said flatly.
"then spell it out for me!" starscream snapped, his feathers puffing up out of exasperation. "if i wanted to hear someone talk in riddles at me, i would've sought out a sphinx!"
optimus went quiet for a minute, allowing starscream to collect himself. once the harpy had calmed down, optimus continued, "i'm offering you a chance at a new life. i won't lie to you, what i am offering will not be easy. you would be serving as an informant for the voices of primus, gathering intelligence on where the rest of the relics might be."
"you want me to be a spy," starscream huffed.
"correct," optimus said with a nod. starscream humphed and crossed his arms.
"and what's in it for me, if i risk my hide sticking my neck out for you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. at that question, optimus' face shifted, quiet confidence etched into his features.
"if you decide to help us," he said, "then, once this war is over, if we win, we will help you rebuild your home."
starscream's eyes widened. his breath caught in his chest. the word hung heavy in the air like the smoke from the fire before them. the one thing starscream had missed from the moment he'd joined the talons of unicron, and optimus was offering to help him rebuild it.
no, he thought, forcing himself to hide the hope in his eyes. he could be lying to you. don't give in so easily.
"i don't need your help to rebuild my home," he sniffed. "i don't need anyone at all. i can do fine on my own. i did just fine on my own before this war, anyway."
"you'll forgive me if i find that difficult to believe," optimus said. "you must've had someone who cared about you before the war began."
"i did, once," he grunted. with a harsh, hollow laugh, he added, "primus knows where they are. they're probably both dead by now, for all i know."
optimus was right. there was no denying it. starscream felt his heart grow heavy with the memories of his brothers, still fresh as the day he left them.
optimus bowed his head, and to his surprise, starscream saw grief in his pale blue eyes. he reached out one big paw, as if to rest it on starscream's back to comfort him, but stopped and pulled away when he saw starscream lean away from his touch.
"starscream," he said softly, "i promise you that, should you decide to help us, when this war comes to pass, i will do everything in my power to help you find those you have lost."
starscream wanted to laugh. he wanted to ask optimus how dare he come up with such an audacious lie. but as he searched every inch of optimus' face for any sort of tell, any giveaway that he was lying, he couldn't find one. either optimus was a fantastic liar or he meant every word he said.
"why me?" starscream asked, his voice quiet and unsure. "why are you asking me to help you with this?"
"you are megatron's second in command," optimus explained. "you know more about his plans than anyone else in the talons of unicron, partially because you had a hand in some of his works. you would be the ideal choice for a job like this."
"well, at least you're honest," starscream mumbled, pulling his legs up to his chest and resting his head on his knees. he stared into the fire, letting the orange and yellow tongues of light consume his vision.
"and, starscream," optimus said after a moment's quiet, "i know what it's like to lose someone you love in this war. but unlike you, i now know that i can never get him back."
starscream turned to look at optimus, incredulous. he couldn't figure out who optimus was talking about. possibly someone from back home before the war? or did he mean-
"i'll give you some time to think about my offer," optimus said, interrupting starscream's thoughts. "but for now, we need rest. i'll wake you when it's time to get moving again."
with that, optimus closed his eyes and rested his huge head on his front paws. starscream watched as the big beast's breathing slowed and face relaxed as he started to fall asleep.
the harpy didn't move, still sitting in the same spot. how did optimus expect him to get any sleep in a place like this? the only thing in this stone hovel that was even remotely comfortable would be the snow.
no. no, you're not going to become bedfellows with a beast like him.
it didn't matter that optimus was probably the most comfortable spot for starscream to rest his head. he was still optimus, the foremost voice of primus, not to mention he was close enough to a dragon for starscream to want to keep his distance. no, he refused to entertain the thought any further. he could sleep just fine on his own, thank you very much. he backed up against the cave wall and wrapped his wings and tail around himself before closing his eyes, determined to get some rest.
five minutes passed, then ten, then fifteen. sleep evaded starscream, no matter how he reconfigured his body to make himself more comfortable. in his sleep deprived state, he weighed his options, few as they were, and came to as logical of a conclusion as his drowsiness addled brain could muster.
one time won't hurt, but just this once. and you speak to no one about this.
setting his pride aside for the sake of sleep, starscream got up and walked over to optimus, sitting in front of him. he turned over onto his side and started to lay his head down on optimus' ribs, when he looked up and found himself staring right into one open blue eye. he let out an embarrassing squawk and stood straight up, afraid that optimus might swat him into the fire with his tail for being annoying.
if optimus was annoyed with starscream in any capacity, he didn't show it. instead, he slowly rolled over onto his side, exposing his underbelly. starscream couldn't believe his eyes. no monster in their right mind would ever expose their most vulnerable side to an enemy, unless...
he believes i won't hurt him.
and to starscream's surprise, he had no desire to. in that moment, he had every opportunity to gain the upper hand over the voices of primus, to plunge his talons into optimus' stomach, tear him open, and leave him to bleed to death right there. he could send the voices of primus plunging into darkness, and maybe even return to his seat of power at megatron's side.
but he didn't want to. not after optimus had offered him home, offered to help him find skywarp and thundercracker. he still wasn't entirely sure about this offer, but it was better than going back to megatron.
no, he didn't want to hurt optimus. right now, all he wanted to do was sleep.
starscream knew that a dragon's underbelly was the weakest part of their body. it was valuable knowledge to keep in one's back pocket when living under the rule of a dragon like megatron. this seemed to apply to optimus as well, for when starscream experimentally rested a hand on optimus' belly, he felt not diamond hard armor, but smooth, almost leathery scales, its softness only marred by raised, puffy battle scars. when he finally laid down on optimus' belly, he could feel the warmth emanating from deep inside him, the perpetual dragonfire burning within. starscream couldn't help himself as he groaned softly in satisfaction, both from being surrounded by warmth and having a comfortable surface to sleep on.
he finally rested his head on optimus' side, and with his ear pressed to his chest, he could hear the slow, steady rhythm of optimus' strong heartbeat, and he felt the gentle rise and fall of his broad chest. in a bizarre way, starscream found it soothing.
hearing a dragging sound behind him, starscream turned his head to see optimus had moved his tail so it was curled up against his body. then, as if it had a mind of its own, it raised up and slowly wound around starscream's midsection. its grip wasn't constricting like a giant snake, as starscream had anticipated it might feel. rather, it felt more like a very strange, yet comforting one armed hug. starscream reached out to touch it, then looked back up at optimus, who was still watching him expectantly. he made no move to stop the harpy as he wrapped one arm around optimus' thick tail and squeezed gently, as if to silently thank him.
that seemed to satisfy optimus. he closed his eyes and let his heavy head rest on the stone floor. it might've been a trick of the flickering firelight, but starscream could've sworn that for less than a second, he saw a small smile on optimus' scaly face.
starscream took one last glance past the fire to look out of the cave entrance. truth be told, he had no idea how he'd let himself get here. one moment, he'd been hunting for the apex armor, with a certain gargoyle hot on his tail. he'd never imagined that, at the end of the day, he'd find himself huddled up next to optimus fragging prime in the middle of a mountain cave, but sometimes, truth was stranger than fiction.
at least things were now looking up. at least he knew another path he could take.
starscream smiled in disbelief and shook his head. his past self wouldn't be caught dead in a situation like this. once he'd realized just how megatron had deceived him, he'd sworn that he would never trust a dragon again.
but, as he reasoned, optimus was a firedrake, not a dragon. he didn't count.
with exhaustion weighing heavily on his body and mind, starscream closed his eyes and fell asleep, uneasy yet hopeful for what the future would bring.
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i've never written fic for these two before, so i hope i didn't mangle their characters too badly lmao. hopefully i'll write more for them in the future!
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lavenlady · 3 months ago
⛓︎ Caged Bird ⛓︎
Tf one Yan!reader x Sentinel Prime
part 2, part 3, part 4
( I have never really seen a yandere reader or I'm just blind, but I have decided to write it anyway. Enjoy :3 )
TW : yandere behaviour, kidnapping, non-con(?), unhealthy relationship, forced relationship, toxic relationship, character death
ꗃ As one of the miners, you loved Sentinel Prime
ꗃ Chanting his name whenever he appeared, buying merch of said hero, even wanting to be in Iacon races just for him to give high-fives to the audience - you deeply wanting to be one of them
ꗃ Noone really batted an eye when you too came to love the Prime, everyone loves him!
ꗃ Noone really knew that you took it to the extreme, growing so found of the Prime that you learned to sneak of work - you thanked Orion Pax for tips - just to see him from afar and admire stalk or even protect
ꗃ Some bot went missing? Probably an accident. A miner didn't leave mines in time? Well, it was their fault. Some equipment blew up and hurt someone? They should have been more careful
ꗃ Your obsession was deep and formed so early on that you learned how to mask it, everyone saw you as an ordinary fellow miner with two unusual friends - Orion Pax and D-16 - and a common fascination with Sentinel Prime
ꗃ Thanks to your friendship you got dragged into their mess
ꗃ After the race you went to check on your friends
ꗃ How delighted you were when Sentinel Prime congratulated them and even shook your servo
ꗃ You never wanted to wash it after, wanting his touch to linger as long as it could
ꗃ Then your superior - Darkwing - threw you to 50-sub level
ꗃ You all meeting B-127 and going to the surface after finding a message to try and find the Matrix, somehow Elita-1 tagged along
ꗃ You all learning the truth, while your friends argued, you were sitting silently and thinking
ꗃ As stated above you are a protective, worshipping yandere, now add delusional and deranged to that mix, even worse - you were quite intelligent
ꗃ Sentinel couldn't really want to kill the Primes - at least not willingly - right?
ꗃ Your mind set - you were going to punish him for his crimes... but with a little twist, you couldn't really let him leave you, you didn't want your devotion go all to waste
ꗃ You were simply going to show him your love obsession
ꗃ You just had to work smart - like you always do
ꗃ You all were taken by the High Guard and later Sentinel's guards appeared
ꗃ You managed to not get captured and helped Orion with revealing the truth, and ofc ramming the train into Sentinel's tower
ꗃ Then the fight happened
ꗃ D-16 shoots Orion and rips Sentinel in half
ꗃ Orion returns as Optimus Prime and banishes D-16, now turned Megatron
ꗃ Everyone was happy that the treachery of Sentinel came to an end
ꗃ You on the other end were nowhere to be seen... and so was Sentinel's body
ꗃ Gaining some medical skills in the mines helped you to somehow keep Sentinel online and let you protect control him
ꗃ You really wanted to give him back his lower half, but first he had to earn it
ꗃ At first Sentinel was sure someone will know he was trapped with you, it's not like you could hide it that well and soon he would be saved or taken to prison... right?
ꗃ You would disappear for long periods of time and return to him, telling him about your day and always have a gift for him - imagine his terror when you managed to get to Arachnid without being spotted and noone really seeing it until it was to late - her mangled frame infront of him, one of his best and loyal warriors completely destroyed to the point that if he didn't know her, he wouldn't recognise the corpse
ꗃ He tried to escape - he really did, but the punishments following it were brutal and hurt each time more than before, being kept here like a caged bird with noone but himself to try and break free was a nightmare
ꗃ Gaining the rest of his frame was a relief but at the same time a curse, now having no cog and no means to transport, he was still stuck with a worshipping, delusional, deranged and overprotective yandere with noone to know he was still there - he preferred rather to die than live like this, but he had no say in the matter, he didn't exist anymore to the living
" Don't worry sweetspark, those disgusting Quintessons can't tell you what to do anymore, now you have me to protect, pamper and care for you! Isn't it amazing? Now you are finally free with me by your side! Forever! "
( Master list )
(Don't be afraid to request :3)
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