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dhanvibuilder · 1 year ago
Real Estate Dealer in Udaipur
Dhanvi Builders is a reputable real estate dealer in Udaipur offering specialized knowledge and services to investors, tenants, and property owners. With expertise in various aspects of the industry, including interior and exterior design, housing community planning, and home renovations, they ensure attractive properties equipped with amenities that support investments. Their commitment to staying updated with real estate trends and local market expertise establishes them as a top choice for individuals seeking reliable assistance in the Udaipur real estate market.
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soundsofastar · 1 year ago
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kinda random but would anyone like to see a bunny suit aidan i drew for new years '23
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redotter · 3 months ago
As someone who writes in both Romanian and English here's my pet peeves with each language:
No "gasp" in Romanian - here i go again with icni/oftă/trase aer în piept cu surprindere
No "iar" in English - please i already have 5 ands in this paragraph
No casual sex talk in Romanian - pizda păsărică sau vulvă, choose your poison
No "mda" in English - yeah is not passive aggressive enough
Inheritly funny Romanian words that are neutral as hell in English; am vb odată cu o persoană cu numele de familie Plantă și nu pot explica până în ziua de azi de ce mi se pare așa amuzant
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un-suflet-anonim · 1 year ago
Toamna îmi bate la ușă și mă-mbracă cu frunze,
Cerul gri se așterne deasupra mea ca un nor înfuriat,
Se răzvrătește suflarea-n mine, căci puțin câte puțin ea va pierde
Tot ce spera ca va păstra neîntinat, ca o amintire vie,
Și va lovi cu pumnii și picioarele în al meu piept,
Și mă va blestema, și mă va certa, și-apoi va plânge,
Zile și nopți la rând, va râde și va icni de durere,
Va zace pe patul sternului meu ca o persoană inertă,
Fără carapace,
Fără sentimente,
Pulsând din când în când prin vene și prin mine,
Uitând de lume și de vise,
Uitând să mai zâmbească, să mai trăiască, să mai iubească.
Și nu va mai cere absolut nimic, va fi prea slăbită,
Abandonată fără milă într-un abis de nepăsare și de deziluzii ,
Nici grai ea nu va mai avea, va fi plină de contuzii și perfuzii
cu suferință și venin,
Cu spini în loc de sânge și cu chin.
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wow-its-me · 1 year ago
Okay the code on Edgar’s crypto key
gest wdao icni ebtl nire ekmr csfr orpc iseh txuo iasi ttsr
I can’t figure out what it is,,,,, anybody else have any ideas??
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letsalexisflame · 2 years ago
H.R.H. Alexis Flame During the ICNY prince & princess show 3/25/23 @ Ind...
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airprime7 · 1 year ago
We Are
And Because We Are Highly Insane We Will Now Proceed To Also Check Several Of Our Other Usernames
gnriccrogrr (genericCryptographer) winuriu (twinAquariums) ciguuriu (caligulasAquarium) (Equius And Horuss And ARquius Have Not Picked Trolltags Yet) rcnigri (arachnidsGrip) gowciror (gallowsCalibrator) griuiiri (grimAuxiliatrix) icni (tipsyCatnip) rniccni (arsenicCatnip) crcinognici (carcinoGeneticist) rirrguniv (triphazardArgumentative) winrgon (twinArmageddons) ocrn (apocalypseArisen) ucr/un (duelScreen/duelStands) (RIP) iuii (timeausTestified) ignogic (tipsyGnostalgic) grngnoic (gardenGnostic) rncgirir (transtechGirlbird) urncgo (turntechGodhead) nc (tentacleTabby) nchri (tentacleTherapist) rogniooi (estrogenBiologist)
Also In No Particular Order Some Which Are Of No Particular Importance
ocooivcrici oi onrv rckrikking nncrcn ioncurion incuor inignnvni criicrgn orouu uiciuuurg
Imma do this because I’m fucking bored.
What’s your url?
Now take away any and all numbers (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0), take away the letters F, Z, M, Q, L, H, B, T, P, E, A, Y, S, B, D, and X, take away all dashes (-),
What’s your new fucked up version of your url?
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m2realty · 7 days ago
In advance of her appearance at ICNY next week, Inman caught up with the chief executive to hear what's next for the brokerage in 2025 and solicit her advice for first-time Connect attendees.
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hopernicus · 1 year ago
cameleonilorcu pielea roşie pe dinăuntru. ” ….La auzul cuvintelor, Genevieve* icni şi capul îi alunecă mult pe spate, într-o postură nefirească ca o minge de paie. Scoase un ţipăt ascuţit şi cristalele celor o mie şi o sută de candelabre de sub cupola imensei boltiri de piatră scânciră cuglas de copil. Începu să se clatine. La început uşor, abia perceptibil, apoi din ce în ce mai puternic ca…
View On WordPress
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sneakermag · 5 years ago
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Love this amazing pair of Puma x ICNY R698 Reflective. Completely underestimated . . #puma #icny #r698 #fashion #swag #style #stylish #me #swagger #cute #photooftheday #good #handsome #cool #hoodie #swagg #guy #boy #boys #man #model #tshirt #shoes #sneakers #styles #jeans #fresh #dope https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Pu_cmKJ4F/?igshid=jfbliusrx667
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msresq · 2 years ago
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Preparing your home for sale Get your home open house ready with some simple repair work, maintenance, and sprucing up. Inspect and repair Ensure you’ve addressed any major issues that would be red flags in an inspection, including water damage, roof repairs, or HVAC system problems. Complete indoor maintenance Savvy home buyers notice the small details, and certain flaws show up more in the colder fall months. Consider tackling the following to-do list before your first showing: Insulate around windows and doors — drafts are more noticeable in the fall. Dust and remove cobwebs, which tend to accumulate this time of year. Address any eyesores. Potential buyers are going to spend more time indoors during a showing in the fall, so things like touched-up paint and fresh caulking in the bathrooms and kitchen can make a big difference. Replace air filters. Add new furnace filters will ensure you don’t push stale smells or excessive dust throughout the house. Improve fall curb appeal Even though your flowers might not be in bloom, curb appeal is still important in the fall. Cross these yard maintenance items off your list: Do some basic yard cleanup — mow the lawn, rake up the leaves, cut back branches, and add mulch for a fresh look. Clean the gutters. Add some fall flowers, like chrysanthemums or marigolds. Sweep or blow walkways before every tour. Add a clean doormat for wet shoes. #broker #realestateagent #locationlocationlocation #FSBO #ICNY Listing hashtags for real estate #openhouse #offmarketlisting #pocketlisting #newlisting #homeforsale #renovated #marblecounters #eatinkitchen #motherinlawsuite #petfriendly #dogsokay #catsokay #condo #coop #twofamily #midcenturymodern #colonial #starterhome #cashcow #caprate #dreamhome #fixandflip (at Sarasota, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjdEtBMrl6A/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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westsideluxeliving · 6 years ago
What the ____ is a Zestimate? Lol! I just had a conversation with a seller about this and the market shift. Do you check to see your homes value online? I'm sure we have all heard of Zillow and the Zestimate. I have been doing Real Estate for a long, long time and it still takes me a ridiculous amount of time to run comps for an accurate homes list price. Unrealistic expectations from online sources can lose you money if your house sits on the market. Create a relationship with a good realtor. We will do this at no cost and accurately! Even if you are not interested in selling. I'm always looking for a way to be of service and share my knowledge. #realestateinfluencer #igrealtor #inmannews #inmanconnect2019 #icny #realtor #larealtor #inmanconnect #plgestates #culvercityrealtor #valueadd #addvalue (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtMdxxmjdys/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1b9wc0cj0130m
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allfixedgear · 7 years ago
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Throwback to brands that are no more. Leader bikes USA and ICNY sport (jacket). 📷@senor_aguilera #allfixedgear #fixedgear #trackbikes #icnysport #icny #leaderbikeusa 🚴🏾‍♂️@stevecarty (at Toronto, Ontario)
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hectorgdiaz · 7 years ago
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What is the game you’re playing? How much do you love it on a scale of 1-10? The ❤️ you have for it can take you towards the highest vision that you have for yourself... If you taking massive, intelligent action. #Respect #realestate #agent2021 #icny #C21 #ONE21 #C21Hustle (at Malibu, California)
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pourquoicommentparceque · 3 years ago
Quand demain, c’est le grand départ et que ça fait tout drôle de tout quitter: ma famille, l’appartement dans lequel j’ai toujours vécu, mon ancienne vie, mes amis, mon job, mon quotidien et mes petites habitudes, ma zone de confort, N. mon petit ICNI, mon ancien moi, et d’expérimenter de nouvelles choses: prendre l’avion pour la première fois, partir dans un pays étranger, vivre en colocation avec mon meilleur ami dans mon premier appartement, m’adapter à une nouvelle vie, être peut-être enfin une adulte (enfin un peu tout du moins), me trouver un job par mes propres moyens, essayer de trouver une nouvelle zone de confort dans cet endroit inconnu, retrouver ma sœur après des années de séparation...
When tomorrow is the big departure and it feels so strange to leave everything: my family, the flat I've always lived in, my old life, my friends, my job, my daily life and my little habits, my comfort zone, N my little ICNI, my old self, and to experience new things: to fly for the first time, to go to a foreign country, to live with my best friend in my first flat, to adapt to a new life, to maybe finally be an adult (at least a little bit), to find a job on my own, to try to find a new comfort zone in this unknown place, to find my sister after years...
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pierdutaintimpsispatiu · 3 years ago
Vlabruarie day 9
ziua 9: insomnia || răni (wounds)
Treaz sub clar de lună, Vlad, zis Țepeș, privea omătul depus pe străzile pustii, vârfuri de munte și acoperișiri joase. Raze argintii de lumină se reflectau în fulgii de nea în cădere, fiindu-i, astefel, imposibil să-și dezlipeacă ochii de noaptea prea tăcută.
Un miez prea tăcut de noapte, căci mintea-i zbiera în vocile a sute de muribunzi. Vlad era bărbat în toată firea și a dus la bătălii de nu le mai știa numărul, dar cicatricile rămase i se deschideau în neștire în toiul celor mai profunde singurătăți, zgâriind, mugind, poruncind să fie luate-n seamă.
Născut nobil, ajunse voievod, cap de țară, dar era om în primul rând. Un om obligat să crească prea rapid. Nu voise să omoare. Nu voise să dea ordine finale. Dar Vlad nu și-a permis niciodată să ezite.
Tremura. Nu de frig, ci așa precum tremurase când luase prima dată o viață. Ochii ațintiți pe tavanul dormitorului nu vedeau griul bolțit sau fresca cu ale ei picturi impozante, ci un cer albastru, fără nori, râzându-și de el. Nu-și amintea cum s-a-ntâmplat. Nu cu adevărat. Mâna-i țâșnise în afară să se apere ș-apoi... un corp lățit la picioarele sale. Căzut cu un icnet curmat nefiresc de repede.
Lăcrima. Pentru copilul care-a fost cândva. Trebuise să-și recapete tronul, nu existase altă cale. Pentru ai lui, pentru țară. Dar nimeni nu-l avertizase că va trebui să sugrume ceva adânc îngropat înlăuntrul său. Ceva vital.
Vlad nu și-a recăpătat tronul. L-a câștigat. Și tot ceea ce a renunțat din sine pentru a o face – sânge, inocență, credință naivă de suflet neprihănit – îl ținea din somn seară de seară. Ceea ce face omul cinstit să doarmă-n pace, lui îi lipsea. A dat aceea la schimb pentru o șansă. O șansă să fie de folos, o șansă la pace.
Dar pentru pace, trebuie să fie război.
Vlad se scutură violent când o atingere rece alunecase pe nesimțite de-a lungul brațului dezvelit. Icni scurt. Își plesni o palmă peste gură. Își imaginase doar. O coincidență: imaginile vii ale minții sale, încurajate de fulguiala de afară.
Strănse din dinți. Lăsă capul să-i cadă pe-o parte, răvășindu-i pletele care se scurgeau peste marginea patului. Închise ochii. Își imaginase doar: morții fără loc de veci, venind să-l pedepsească din lumea aialaltă.
Înghiți în sec. Poruncise deunăzi moartea a oameni nevinovați, al căror singur cusur a fost să fie bolnavi. Privi casa arzând și-o parte din el s-a făcut scrum de-asemenea. Încă una, pierdută. Dusă. O altă parte vitală dată la schimb. Nu știa dacă regretă. Nu știa dacă se ura, dacă greșise și merita aspru judecat.
Un surâs batjocoritor îi dezgheță chipul. Nu l-ar fi deranjat, o știa. Nu l-ar fi deranjat să ardă-n iad, dacă ar fi lăsat în urmă Raiul pe pământ pentru al său popor. Însă nu-i venise vremea încă.
A făcut ce a trebuit – a devenit ce a avut nevoie – pentru a domni. Vlad e un prinț, un lider, un voievod. Dar nu un simplu om. Nu-i e permis să fie doar un om.
Poate de asta nu poate dormi. Oamenii dorm. Cei ce conduc, trebuie să fie trezi.
>>> and in english too (cuz i'm actually proud of this one):
Wide awake under the moonlight, Vlad Voievode stared at the freshly put snow layering on empty streets, low rooftopes and mountain piscs. Silver moonbeams danced with shy snowflakes, making it imposible for him to take his eyes off them.
A too silent midnight for his mind good scream with the voices of hundreds dying men. Vlad was a grown man, having fought in battles too many to keep count, but the scars left begged for attention. They clawed and bleed to be seen and seen and seen.
Nobleborn made voievode, head of his country, Vlad was a man first. A man forced to grow up too soon. He didn't want to kill, never wished to give the order. But he was never permited hesitation.
Vlad trembled. Not from cold, but the same as he did when he took a life for the first time. Eyes fixed on the ceiling saw through the stone surface and gazed into a clear, blue sky. Mocking him. He didn't remember how it happened. Not really. He held his hand in front of him, in defense and then... a body. Dropped still to his feet.
Tears tickled his cheeks. Vlad teared for the child he once was. He had to get the throne back, there was no other way. For his own, for his country. But no one warned him of what he'd have to strangle inside of him to do so. Something vital.
Vlad earned his throne. And everything he gave up from himself to do so – blood, innocence, the naïve beliefs of a little boy – kept him awake at night. What let the poor man sleep in peace, Vlad lacked. He treaded it, for a chance. A chance to help, a chance to fix things.
The voievode shook violently when the cool air brushed along his bare arm. He yelped and pressed a palm over his mouth to contain the sound. It was just his imagination. A coincidence: his mind coming to life at the expanse of the winter outside.
Clenching his jaws, Vlad let his head slip to the side. His hair dangled over the bed's edge. He closed his eyes. It was just his imagination: the dead, coming from the grave to punish him.
He swallowed thickly. Earlier, he ordered the death of innocents whose only fault was to be sick. Watching the house burn, a part of himself turned to ashes too. Another one, gone. Missing. Another vital part traded. Vlad didn't know if he regrets. Didn't know if he hates himself or if he was wrong and needed outer punishment.
A curl of his lips loosened his features. It wouldn't bother him, he knew it. To burn in hell, as long as he left behind a Heaven for his people. But it wasn't the time for that yet.
He did what he had to. He bacame what he had to.
Vlad is a nobleman, a voievode, a lord. Vlad is not a simple man. He is not allowed to be just a man.
Maybe this is why he can't sleep. Simple men sleep. Leaders must always be awake.
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