#IBS Electronics
birb-hoe · 1 year
I challenged myself to make a track out of fart and toilet samples, as well as a wilhelm scream amen break.
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reddbridgeblogs · 2 months
Nurturing Young Leaders: Advice for Parents and Teachers
In today's ever-evolving landscape, fostering leadership skills in children is paramount. Parents and educators hold the key to shaping the future leaders of tomorrow. Below, discover actionable strategies to nurture leadership qualities in children, whether they attend an international school near Electronic City, an IB school in Electronic City, or any other prestigious educational institution in Bangalore.
1. Empower Early Decision-Making
From a young age, empower children to make decisions, no matter how minor. This cultivates a sense of responsibility and confidence—essential traits for effective leadership. Encourage choices in activities, attire, and daily tasks to bolster their decision-making skills.
2. Cultivate Effective Communication
Effective leadership hinges on clear communication. Encourage children to express themselves openly and actively listen to others. Model effective communication skills in both verbal and non-verbal interactions, highlighting its significance in leadership roles.
3. Foster Collaboration and Teamwork
Leadership extends beyond individual achievements to collaborative efforts. Encourage teamwork through group projects, sports, and community initiatives. Teach children the value of respecting diverse perspectives and working together towards common goals.
4. Nurture a Growth Mindset
Embrace the concept of growth mindset, emphasizing the belief that abilities can be developed through effort and perseverance. Encourage children to view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than setbacks. Acknowledge their efforts and celebrate their progress along the way.
5. Provide Leadership Opportunities
Offer children opportunities to take on leadership roles, both within the school environment and the wider community. Whether leading projects, organizing events, or volunteering, providing leadership responsibilities builds confidence and decision-making skills.
6. Foster Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
Leadership demands critical thinking and the ability to solve complex problems. Encourage children to question assumptions, analyze information critically, and explore innovative solutions. Present real-world challenges to stimulate their creativity and problem-solving abilities.
7. Lead by Example
The most impactful way to instill leadership qualities is by leading through example. Demonstrate integrity, resilience, and empathy in your actions. Show children what it means to be compassionate and ethical leaders through your behavior and interactions.
In conclusion, nurturing leadership skills in children requires a collaborative effort from parents, educators, and the broader community. By implementing these strategies, regardless of whether your child attends an international school near Electronic City, an IB school in Electronic City, or any other esteemed institution in Bangalore, you contribute to the development of future leaders who will positively impact society.
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bizzna-pop · 3 months
Elevating Academic Excellence: The Impact of IB Schools on Effective Study Methods and Time Management
Education stands as the bedrock of success, and selecting the right educational institution plays a pivotal role in preparing students for academic and personal triumphs. Within the sphere of education, achieving academic excellence is paramount, and the International Baccalaureate (IB) program stands as a beacon of this pursuit. Renowned for its comprehensive curriculum and holistic educational philosophy, IB schools place significant emphasis on nurturing effective study strategies and honing time management skills among their students. Many IB international schools in Bangalore offer a distinctive educational journey that fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and other essential skills vital for academic and personal success. In this article, we delve into the strategies employed by IB schools to cultivate these crucial skills, empowering students to excel academically and beyond.
Understanding the Significance of Effective Study Techniques and Time Management:
Effective study techniques encompass a spectrum of methodologies aimed at optimizing learning, comprehension, and information retention. Concurrently, time management involves judiciously allocating and utilizing one's time to strike a balance between academic obligations, extracurricular pursuits, and personal endeavors. Both of these skills are foundational pillars for success within the IB program and in life beyond academia.
The IB Approach to Cultivating Effective Study Techniques:
Championing Inquiry-Based Learning: IB schools champion inquiry-based learning, urging students to ask questions, explore concepts independently, and engage in critical thinking. By nurturing curiosity and fostering self-directed inquiry, students deepen their understanding of subjects and enhance their problem-solving abilities.
Harnessing Active Learning Methods: IB schools leverage active learning methods such as group discussions, hands-on experiments, and collaborative projects to actively engage students in the learning process. These interactive experiences not only make learning enjoyable but also enhance comprehension and knowledge retention.
Implementing Tailored Instruction: Recognizing the diversity in learning styles and preferences, leading IB schools like Redbridge International Academy in Electronic City tailor their instruction to accommodate individual needs. Educators adapt teaching methods and materials to cater to various learning styles, ensuring inclusivity and maximizing student success.
Promoting Metacognitive Strategies: IB schools emphasize metacognitive strategies such as goal-setting, self-assessment, and reflection to help students develop awareness of their learning process. By setting clear objectives, monitoring progress, and reflecting on their learning experiences, students become more adept learners.
Fostering a Supportive Learning Environment: IB schools cultivate a supportive learning environment where students feel empowered to take risks, embrace failure as a learning opportunity, and receive constructive feedback from teachers. This supportive atmosphere encourages students to reach their full potential and fosters a growth mindset.
The IB Approach to Time Management:
Offering Time Management Workshops: IB schools provide time management workshops and seminars to equip students with essential skills and strategies for effective time management. These sessions cover topics such as prioritization, goal-setting, task organization, and efficient scheduling.
Providing Personalized Planning Tools: IB schools equip students with personalized planning tools such as digital calendars, planners, and task lists to help them organize their academic workload and extracurricular commitments. These tools empower students to manage their time effectively and stay organized.
Facilitating Structured Study Sessions: IB schools organize structured study sessions where students can focus on homework assignments, review course materials, and prepare for assessments in a conducive environment. These sessions provide dedicated time for academic work and help students develop disciplined study habits.
Offering Supportive Teacher Guidance: Teachers within IB schools play a pivotal role in supporting students' time management efforts by providing guidance, feedback, and assistance as needed. Educators help students prioritize tasks, set realistic goals, and develop effective study plans to maximize academic potential.
Promoting Balance and Well-being: IB schools emphasize the importance of maintaining a balance between academic pursuits and personal well-being. Schools encourage students to prioritize self-care activities such as physical exercise, relaxation, and socialization to prevent burnout and promote overall health and happiness.
In Conclusion:
IB schools are dedicated to fostering academic excellence by nurturing effective study techniques and instilling strong time management skills in their students. Through inquiry-based learning, active engagement, tailored instruction, metacognitive strategies, time management workshops, personalized planning tools, structured study sessions, and supportive teacher guidance, students develop the critical skills needed for success both academically and personally. If you're considering an International Baccalaureate (IB) education for your child, it's essential to understand the unique approaches employed by different schools. By choosing the right institution and fostering a commitment to learning, your child can cultivate the essential skills for a successful future.
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The Pioneering Language Programs at IGCSE Schools in Electronic City
In the dynamic educational landscape of Electronic City, IGCSE Schools are redefining excellence with their Pioneering Language Programs. These innovative programs are meticulously crafted to not only bestow students with fluency in multiple languages but also to immerse them in the cultural depths of each language, preparing them for the complexities of our interconnected world. This article delves into the distinctive features of these programs, showcasing why they are essential for nurturing global citizens.
Innovative Curriculum for Global Competence
The Language Programs at IGCSE Schools in Electronic City are characterized by their forward-thinking curriculum. This curriculum goes beyond traditional language learning; it integrates critical cultural studies, making students adept at navigating through diverse cultural landscapes. From European languages like French and Spanish to Asian languages such as Mandarin, each course is a blend of linguistic skills and cultural intelligence, designed to empower students for global engagement.
Experiential Learning Environments
Supporting the innovative curriculum are the avant-garde learning environments. Language labs equipped with the latest technology, digital resources, and interactive platforms provide an immersive learning experience. These high-tech facilities, coupled with traditional resources like well-stocked libraries, ensure that students have access to diverse learning materials, making language learning an engaging and effective process.
Expertise of Multilingual Educators
The backbone of the Language Programs at IGCSE Schools in Electronic City is the cadre of multilingual educators. These educators are not only masters of the languages they teach but are also deeply passionate about language education. Their expertise and enthusiasm create a vibrant learning atmosphere that inspires students to explore linguistic boundaries and embrace multilingualism with open arms.
Global Exchange Opportunities
An integral part of these Language Programs is the emphasis on real-world application through global exchange opportunities. Students have the chance to participate in exchange programs, where they can practice their new language skills in native settings. This hands-on experience is invaluable, offering students a firsthand look at different cultures and enhancing their linguistic competencies in authentic contexts.
Empowering Students for a Multilingual Future
The ultimate goal of the Language Programs at IGCSE Schools in Electronic City is to equip students with the linguistic tools they need for a multilingual future. In today's globalized society, proficiency in multiple languages is a significant asset. These programs ensure that students graduate as confident, competent communicators, ready to make their mark on the international stage, whether in academia, the professional world, or personal endeavors.
A Benchmark in Global Education
The Language Programs at IGCSE Schools in Electronic City are setting new benchmarks in global education. By combining rigorous academic standards with a deep understanding of cultural nuances, these programs are not just teaching languages; they are opening doors to the world. They exemplify the schools' commitment to holistic education and their role in shaping the global citizens of tomorrow.
In essence, the Pioneering Language Programs at IGCSE Schools in Electronic City stand as a testament to the transformative power of education. With a comprehensive approach that encompasses language fluency, cultural understanding, and real-world experiences, these programs are not merely academic courses; they are a journey towards global competency and understanding.
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lakshmihr1208 · 7 months
Because We Care | Healthy Minds and Body For A Bright Future
Education is for life. We believe it is a complete revamp of the human mind. Education is well received only when a student’s mind and body are in good condition. A healthy mind and body together can do magic. At RedBridge International Academy, we make sure that our students get the best health care within the school premises. We take every step possible to ensure that our students are in good health, inside and outside the campus. Inside the school premises, we have the best possible healthcare facilities so that our students, if they come across any difficulty, physical or mental, are well attended to. 
We, the RedBridge International Academy believe that health care is not a luxury. It is the basic right of every child and we do everything possible to keep it that way. Quality education process and healthy students are not separate things. For education to succeed, we need to make sure that students are healthy, both mentally and physically. A healthy mind will avoid a lack of concentration, and easily affected fatigue – improving a student’s ability to grasp ideas quickly. The more active they feel, the better they perform. The same goes for physical fatigue and illness. In case of physical illness, we need to make sure that one student’s possible infectious condition is not affecting other children. For this, we are always alert and equipped with proper isolation facilities and professional health care options. 
Our partnership with AddressHealth 
Our commitment towards the overall physical and mental well-being of our students prompted us to take some extra steps so that we can provide continuous professional healthcare facilities right inside our campus. 
About AddressHealth
AddressHealth is India’s leading healthcare provider for educational institutions. They offer services across India to various leading schools including  Delhi NCR, Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Gujrat and Pune. Founded in 2010, AddressHealth’s primary goal is to make the paediatric healthcare continuum possible. 
Facilities Provided by AddressHealth
# School medical room services 
# School infirmary services
# A full time nurse – connected to paediatricians through cloud
# Annual health checks
# Mental well-being programs for schools
Apart from the above premium, world-class healthcare facilities, AddressHealth also contributes to a comprehensive health education curriculum so that our students are well educated about common health conditions.
AddressHealth provides a full time nurse who is advised by world class paediatricians through the school infirmary software. This software is connected through cloud servers and provides the nurse access to advice and supervision by expert paediatricians. 
AddressHealth has a complete set of protocols designed to address the most common medical emergencies that can occur in Indian school conditions. With the school infirmary software hosted on high performance cloud servers, we make sure that our students are never deprived of advanced medical care. AddressHealth’s school health program has a state of the art, cloud-based EHR which provides health data of more than 4 lakh children. This data is a valuable resource to keep in sync with the health trends in urban school children. Thereby helping parents take preventive actions to secure the health condition of their children. 
Best suited for Indian conditions 
AddressHealth is designed to attend to the health conditions of students in India. Which ensures that they are treated with the most relevant health data and reference.  The experts are well aware of the Indian medical scene, common medical issues, and common child related health conditions. They are native to the Indian scene and have first hand experience with Indian school conditions. 
Why AddressHealth?
When it comes to our students, we settle for nothing but the best. We want to give them the care of expert and leading paediatricians and health care resources. The fact that there is a well trained,  full time nurse physically present to address the health issues is a great relief in emergency medical conditions. This assures that our students are well attended to, no matter how serious their health condition is. The use of cloud software for health care advice and supervision ensures that they are never far from the medical experts in case there is something that is beyond the local care. 
Our Commitment 
RedBridge International Academy is one of the leading international schools in India. We have a very strong healthcare policy and implementation strategy within our campus. Our partnership with AddressHealth is one of many steps we have taken to ensure the complete care and safety of our students. A healthy body and mind is a crucial part of education. Ensuring those conditions contribute to their overall academic performance and brilliance. This is one reason why our students ace in not just examinations but also in cultural, sports and gaming events. 
We, at RedBridge International Academy, are committed to the overall development and well-being of our students. We take every step possible to make this vision a reality. 
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winryrockbellwannabe · 5 months
✨Get Ready with me...✨
for the second semester of my 3rd year of college
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(all pics from Pinterest, btw)
Part 1: Academic life and free time
📚 My Classes: ☕
- Introduction to Biomaterials (IB) - Biomechanics - Informatic Systems (SI) - Electronics - retaking this class since i failed it last year I also have the bachelor's Project. The one i chose is about The role of internal states in everyday decision making.
📝 Academic Goals: ✨
- get better grades than last semester - try to understand early on the semester which way of studying works for me - go!!! to!! my profs!!! office time!!! for goodness sake, if you don't understand anything from your class, that's literally the best place to learn it - learn how to prioritize stuff - being up to date with my classes - maybe post my learning progress of all my classes?? idk if anyone would be interested in it, but i'll try to be more specific about what I'm learning
🍃🪻Free time:🪻🍃
I want to become much more intentional about my free time. Not just lying on the floor and doom scrolling. And also find ways to stop myself when I find myself going back to just waste energy doing stuff I'm not even enjoying
- read more books - keep watching some shows I've been putting behind bc i haven't feel like i was paying them enough attention. I've been saying this for over 2 years, get over it - exercise again. The cold always makes it so hard to exercise, but the weather is getting nicer, so i should go back to it soon
Part 2 (friendships and mental health) here
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qvrcll · 1 year
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synopsis: norm, his antics and my crippling, newly born obsession over him. all nsfw.
auth. notes: the second one is ib @cuethediscoandthedrinks !! definitely check out their works, they’re incredible. but yeah, i have no explanation for this. just woke up and thought… yeah, i want this nerd.
warnings: female aligned ! human reader, nsfw, exhibitionist if you squint?
character: norm spellman
gif cred: ♡
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your most favoured spot to take him is any surface-able lab desk: his body is holding some attempt at being sprawled out, with the jut of his hip bone visible beneath light, khaki shorts and the buckle of his cock lines against the fabric so thoroughly, pervading any and all space: “i haven’t even touched you”, you’ll giggle, jittering the two of you free from your clothes and swallowing any sight of his bared, toothy grin at the touch of your fingers skirting the soft, effete skin of his balls — “hng—i know, i know—its just—“ and he’ll gurgle around your hasty tug and pull at his cock. he is needlessly audible / responsive over how you gain on him so roughly, kneading the skin and buck of his cock in motions that have him dig back into the table, blubbering as though he’d been hurt and not jerked with such fervor.
once, he’d accidentally tread into a stretch of unfamiliar verdure, which had not been catalogued into any stream of tables of his electronic notepad. perhaps he’d handle an un-particular fruit and eaten it out of lone habit of experimentation, glancing over his shoulder as if it was some ill fashioned omen—and omen it was, the effects had been instantaneous. perhaps the variety of fruits juggled different routes in terms of their effects on the anatomy of a na’vi, not being able to comply with their body temperature or what not, but much of the brainstorm couldn’t be thought of in the moment, because in mere seconds, he appeared convoluted and jittery on the forest floor, clawing pathetically at the wet soil, and trying to find home in her—but the gain had been unnecessarily painful, his cock twitching out of his briefs, rigid and strained against the ripple of his azure midriff. his flaxen eyes had beaten the last of its tears in his eyes, spilling past his cheeks and clawing comfortably against his throat as groggy whines convoluted his speech—“annnh—nngghhh—mhmph—ah—“ he’d tried to relieve himself, shamefully, but the beat of his anxious fist against his swollen cock rippled unsatisfactory and he had cried, thwarted against the soil beneath his head. and then, out of pure defeat and sorrow and vehement apology, he’d fucked into and against the plush plants and green in impetuosity, imagining it was the slip of your cunt instead. his hips stuttered against the mess of veld, hot mass of flesh pulsing against the parting, wet petals in little slivers. his fingers unfolded against the thick of the ground, sizeable and spread in an attempt to keep himself upright and recognisably thrusting—“oh—oh ewya-ah… oh, forgive me—“ he chanted, in rough rhythms, to lift the pay of his wrongs. he knew it was wrong. but he can’t help it, can’t help the way the girth of his cock twitches weakly against spongy growth of the land, pushing the swell of cum into spaces of the sizeable, lush opening of the plant as it eats at his mud eaten girth. nothing but a slew of shame and anguish in his gular moans.
won’t admit it but he would definitely have a thing for feet… don’t boo me yet !!! of course, he’d ask first, do next—if you agreed, he’d experiment with the idea of foot-fucking. maybe, he’d jitter and whine for you to field with his cock, using your feet as friction. and when you’d happily oblige, writhing the soles against his hard, distended girth, he had nearly came right there and then. other times, most likely in moments where the two of you choose missionary, he loves rubbing and fretting your toes when he gets the chance, chancing the feel of them against his fingertips lazily. but the slew of your cum watering against his cock, as he pistons in and out of you with his fingers glued to your soles, is not ignored in the slightest.
likes to take pictures and document things. he doesn’t bank on his mind to store so many ribbons of information, people, plants, memories and what not in it, so he’ll be often accompanied with his transmittable camera, rebounding against the jut of his hip whenever he moved. but past the innocence, there’s a much libidinous thought tapping the forefront of his brain — maybe it’ll be that one moment where he fucks into you, swollen and teeming inside your gushing sex, against some furtive area of the land, curtained with the planet’s generous yet enigmatical share of dross and vines. and maybe he’d register your perfectly cute cunt lacing around his cock in that perfect swell of muscle or maybe he’d finally compute that fucked out, rhapsodic expression on your face that his pleasure-eaten brain was sure to soon betray, that he glances through watered lashes at the contrivance laying with his pile of his clothes: he steadies himself on one, thick arm and grapples the camera with his other, boring his body weight onto you, as you cry at the slap of balls against your sapped clit, “smile for me, baby”, he cracks a sinister grin and a lens fleers back at you. and if you do smile back and offer some gait, perhaps he’ll align his pushes into your cunt with a camera again.
based on that one scene of him and his towel, he loves teasing you — and this trails with the two of you into the bedroom. whether its a quickie or a long-drawn session behind thick sheets, he’ll always slip in a gesture to hackle a whimper or whine out of you. on one occasion, with the tower of his shoulders over your writhing, feeble form, sweating for the moment his fingers would prod into your aching hole, he’d unmitigatedly pinched your clit on little warning. this would often repeat in milder occurrences, too — when conversing with jake over newer teachings of the na’vi or reviewing new material, he’d slithered a hand under the table and rubbed the meat of your thigh. the feeling buzzed towards your weakening cunt, stuck between the rumination of begging him to stop or go higher, until the feeling of his nimble fingers had left altogether when his hands playfully abandoned you, his half-smile a mockery against your dazed exigency.
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© 2023 qvrcll ! do not repost any of my works on any platform.
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longhaulerbear · 1 year
The field of post-infectious diseases didn’t (except for ME/CFS) exist prior to the coronavirus. The medical field focused on treating infections – not dealing with their aftermath. Recent studies indicate why that’s not going to fly anymore – and it’s not just because of ME/CFS. It’s because large studies are indicating that a coronavirus infection – whether it’s mild or severe – is upping the risk for all sorts of diseases.
Most of these studies are very large – running into the millions of participants – that rely on electronic health records. They’re comparing the incidence of new diagnoses in people who were infected with the coronavirus with those who weren’t.
Eric Topol recently wrote a blog on the autoimmune implications of COVID-19. Three recently published large studies lead Topol to report a “substantially increased risk of developing a diverse spectrum of new-onset autoimmune diseases.“
The increased risk was not low – a 20-40% increase in the likelihood of coming down with one of these illnesses – and the range of autoimmune illnesses affected was diverse indeed: the studies pointed to dramatic increases in the diagnosis of almost 20 autoimmune diseases. (See blog for the diseases). Since autoimmune disease can take a while to show up after an infection, one can only assume that this number will rise over time.
Other studies have found a marked increase in neurological diseases, including some one might not have thought. Besides things like cognitive disorders, sharp increases in the rates of psychotic disorders, epilepsy, stroke, and parkinsonism as well as others.
Cardiovascular and metabolic diseases have not been as well assessed but increases in asthma, type I and type II diabetes, respiratory diseases, heart failure, and stroke have been seen.
Oddly enough, none of these studies have assessed increased incidences of the one disease long COVID has been most associated with – ME/CFS. Nor have they assessed new diagnoses of fibromyalgia, IBS, dysautonomia, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), or gynecological diseases.
If you want more research into post-infectious illnesses, then linking an infectious event to dozens of serious illnesses can only help.
The study makes one wonder how many chronic illnesses were triggered by an infectious event.
For all of its horrendous impact, the coronavirus pandemic is clearly going to force the medical profession to take a very close look at what happens during an infectious event – and afterward – and that is good news for anyone with a post-infectious illness like ME/CFS.
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salanaii · 3 months
Learn Korean with me - Week 13
Day 2: Let's Speak Korean Ch 7 On the Plane (11 - 20)
좀도와주시겠어요? Jum do wa ju sig ess eo yo Could you please help me a little?
가방안에무엇이들어있나요? Ga bang an e mu eos I deur eo iss nay o What is in the bag?
비상구는어디입니까? Bi sang gu neu neo di ib nig ga Where is the emergency exit?
벨트를매주세요. Ber teu reur mae ju se yo Please fasten (your) seat belts.
기내에서는금연입니다. Gi nae e seo neun geum yeo nib ni da (Literal) It’s non-smoking inside the plane. = Smoking is prohibited on board.
휴대폰은비행기모드로바꿔주세요. Hyu dae pone un bi haeng gi mo deu ro ba ggwo ju se yo Please switch (your) cell phone to airplane mode.
전자기기를모두꺼주세요. Jeon ja gi gi reur mo du ggeo ju se yo Please turn off all (your) electronic devices.
휴대폰을써도되나요? Hyu dae pon eur sseo do doe nay o Can I use (my) cell phone?
화장실에가도되나요? Hoa jang sir e ga do doe nay o Can I go to the restroom?
승무원의안내에따라주세요. Seung mu won eui an nae e dda raj u se yo Please follow (to/by) the flight attendant’s directions.
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bpod-bpod · 1 month
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ET Probe Hone
A new fast, interactive, user-friendly open-source tool for the annotation and analysis of cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) data called blik, a plug-in to the Python software image viewer napari
Read the published article here
Image from work by Lorenzo Gaifas and colleagues
Institut de Biologie Structurale, Université Grenoble Alpes, CEA, CNRS, IBS, Grenoble, France
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in PLOS Biology, April 2024
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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Liquid crystal is a state of matter that exhibits properties of both liquid and solid. It can flow like a liquid, while its constituent molecules are aligned as in a solid. The liquid crystal is widely used nowadays, for example, as a core element of LCD devices. The magnetic analog of this kind of material is dubbed the "spin-nematic phase," where spin moments play the role of the molecules. However, it has not yet been directly observed despite its prediction a half-century ago. The main challenge stems from the fact that most conventional experimental techniques are insensitive to spin quadrupoles, which are the defining features of this spin-nematic phase. But now for the first time in the world, a team of researchers led by Professor KIM Bumjoon at the IBS Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems in South Korea succeeded at directly observing spin quadrupoles. This work was made possible through remarkable achievements over the last decades in synchrotron facility development.
Read more.
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lavenderrsquid · 2 months
Writers Idea!
Got this idea the other day and might use it later, but I also need to practice writing, too.
(I also just found it really cute.)
So imagine a girl who's like 5'3. She comes from some rich family and looks like it, too. She's pretty, and very intelligent. (We'll call her X in this equation)
Next is a guy who's 6'3. Whole foot difference. He's only a year or two older than her, but looks like he's experienced way more. He had been hired as a bodyguard for her. (He will be Y)
After a long morning of bickering between X and Y, they're both sitting on the lavish couch in X's big home. Pouting.
Suddenly, X stands up and announces:
"I'm goin' out."
"To?" Y looks up and questions.
"You'll see." Replies X, knowing damn well he'll follow her.
Y groans and stands up before standing in front of the door.
"You're safer here."
"You don't know that." She replies in a irritated tone.
"I just know you suggested it. Already a bad sign." He says, half teasing and half insultingly.
"Well, you're not allowed to lay a finger on me, remember? That's the rule my father set up." She reminds him.
"I'm well aware, but I can still stand here."
She rolls her eyes at him and proceeds to walk to the window which stands accross from the couch.
"What're you doing?" Y asks.
"Gettin' outta this place." X grumbles as she climbs out the window, to Y's dismay.
"X, what the fuck!?" He exclaims while running to the window.
There she is, red heels and all, walking across the grass yard to the garage the size of Y's house.
He quickly climbs out and runs after her, being careful to not step on the red geraniums that he heard from her father she takes every morning and night to carefully keep well watered and pretty.
"Why are you so desperate to exit this house? Its a mansion with every electronic known to man." Y asks in the most bitchy tone he could conjure up.
"I'm not a fucking hermit, Y. I can have a social life." X replies just as bitchy.
They both walk ib the garage and navigate through the sea of cars. Some old and vintage, others new and high-tech. It all made Y's blood boil.
Soon, they get to a red Bug-Car. It has brown leather seats with a ladybug charm hanging from the rearview mirror.
X unlocks it and climbs in the drivers seat. The small car fit so perfectly with her 5'3 frame.
Then Y gets in the passengers seat, immediately hitting his head on the roof of the car, making X laugh.
"Tall ass!" She exclaims.
He shoots her such a nasty glare that she almost rethinks her words. Almost.
Y lowers his seat with the adjuster and eventually settles in.
They take off down the road.
X turns on the radio and switches to "The Beatles" radio.
Y notices her tapping her finger to the beat of each song, never missing a note. Then the song "Yesterday" comes on.
X hums along to it, even mumbling some lyrics under her breath. Her voice was nice. Not something you'd hear on the radio, but it still could make for a nice lullaby.
Y starts humming with her, and before they know it, they're both singing along quietly. It was the first time they both coexisted with each other that day.
"Oh, I believe-- in yesterday..."
The song plays, before the singers end it in a hum.
X and Y hum along, going a few seconds longer than the song and looking at each other as soon as they catch their mistake.
They lock eyes for a second and stop humming, then turn away quickly.
"We're almost there.." X mumbles, but Y isn't paying attention.
'This is one hell of a first day.' He thinks before the next song comes on.
(Thanks for reading! This is my first story, so feel free to leave advice! Also, please listen to Yesterday by The Beatles! I love that song, and it'll help you understand the end because I had trouble writing.)
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reddbridgeblogs · 2 months
Striking a Balance: Navigating Screen Time in Holidays and Schooling
In today's digitally driven world, managing screen time has become a pivotal aspect of parenting and education. This article delves into the intricate dynamics of screen time management during holiday breaks compared to the structured routines of schooling, with a spotlight on international schools near Electronic City. We'll explore the nuanced strategies of IB, IGCSE, and ICSE schools in Electronic City towards fostering a harmonious relationship with technology.
Holiday Breaks: A Digital Odyssey
Holiday breaks often mark a time of relaxation and indulgence, with screens inevitably occupying a significant portion of children's time. The absence of school schedules can lead to unrestricted screen usage, raising concerns about its impact on sleep quality, physical activity levels, and overall well-being. Parents and educators grapple with the challenge of setting boundaries while still allowing room for leisure and enjoyment.
Screen Time During Schooling: A Tale of Integration and Regulation
In stark contrast to holiday breaks, schools enforce stringent regulations to manage screen time effectively. While technology integration is integral to modern education, its usage is purposeful and controlled. Students engage with screens for educational endeavors such as research, interactive learning platforms, and digital assignments. This intentional approach ensures that screen time complements rather than undermines the learning experience.
Comparing International Schools near Electronic City
The vibrant landscape of international schools near Electronic City offers a diverse array of educational philosophies and approaches to screen time management. These schools prioritize holistic development, encompassing academic excellence, extracurricular pursuits, and responsible technology usage.
IB Schools in Electronic City: Cultivating Digital Literacy
IB schools advocate for a comprehensive education that nurtures critical thinking, communication skills, and global awareness. Within this framework, technology serves as a catalyst for learning and exploration. Screen time is carefully curated, with an emphasis on fostering responsible usage habits and cultivating digital literacy skills.
IGCSE Schools in Electronic City: Empowering Independent Inquiry
IGCSE schools champion inquiry-based learning and independent thinking. While technology is seamlessly integrated into the curriculum, robust policies ensure that screen time remains focused on academic pursuits. Students are encouraged to harness digital resources while maintaining a healthy equilibrium with offline activities.
Best ICSE School in Bangalore: A Community-Centric Approach
ICSE schools in Bangalore adopt a collaborative approach to screen time management, involving parents, educators, and the broader community. By fostering open communication and partnership, these schools create a supportive ecosystem where responsible tech habits are nurtured. Screen time guidelines are co-created, ensuring alignment between home and school environments.
Impact of Screen Time on Learning
The repercussions of excessive screen time on children's cognitive development, attention spans, and socio-emotional well-being are profound. From diminished academic performance to disrupted sleep patterns, the negative effects are manifold. Hence, addressing screen time concerns proactively is imperative to safeguard children's academic success and holistic development.
Screen Time Management Strategies
Effectively managing screen time requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses parental guidance, educator support, and community engagement. Setting clear boundaries, promoting alternative activities, and modeling healthy tech habits are pivotal strategies. Additionally, fostering open dialogue and providing resources for digital wellness empower families to navigate the digital landscape with confidence and resilience.
Parental and Educator Roles in Screen Time Management
Parents wield considerable influence in shaping their children's relationship with technology. By establishing routines, fostering open communication, and modeling balanced tech habits, parents lay the groundwork for responsible screen time usage. Educators complement these efforts by integrating technology thoughtfully into lessons, fostering digital citizenship, and offering support to students and families.
Community Initiatives for Screen Time Awareness
Communities can spearhead initiatives to raise awareness about the importance of screen time management. Workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns provide stakeholders with the knowledge and tools to navigate the digital landscape responsibly. By fostering a culture of digital wellness, communities empower individuals to make informed decisions about screen time usage.
In conclusion, striking a balance in screen time management is imperative for nurturing well-rounded individuals who thrive in a digital world. By embracing a holistic approach that emphasizes purposeful engagement with technology while fostering offline pursuits, parents, educators, and communities can empower children to navigate the digital landscape with confidence and resilience.
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terrascosmicstartover · 8 months
Some influences on my comic...
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Cartoon CARTOONS. Pretty self-explanatory. Cartoon Network practically raised me in the late 1990s and early-to-mid 2000s. I liked Nickelodeon a lot, too, but I gravitated towards CN for not only their dynamic and varied original shows, but also their then *vast* library of Warner Bros. cartoons, MGM cartoons, and the Hanna-Barbera catalogue. And of course, [adult swim] had a massive influence on this as well. The varied art styles alone, they're just so burned into my brain, how can I not draw something and have it look kinda like - say - DEXTER'S LABORATORY or THE GRIM ADVENTURES OF BILLY & MANDY?
CRASH BANDICOOT in general, particularly the original trilogy for the PS1 from Naughty Dog, and CRASH BANDICOOT 4: IT'S ABOUT TIME... Absolutely. In fact, when I was watching a playthrough of IT'S ABOUT TIME from a favorite commentary group (BrainScratchComms guest starring Caddicarus), they were on the space levels, and they talked about going to restaurants like Denny's at 4am... And I just got this image of two characters in a diner somewhere in the cosmos, just up super-late and eating this early in the morning. That was more or less the genesis of my webcomic, in addition to a few other things... In a way I gotta thank them for that. Anyways, the space and futuristic city levels in the CRASH games? Big influences, from CRASH BANDICOOT: WARPED's Future Frenzy/Gone Tomorrow to CRASH 4's Bermugula's Orbit. Yes indeed.
Not just GALAGA... But also the cabinet art to *many* '70s and '80s arcade games. Heck, just games from that period alone. The Golden Age of Video Games. A long-time passion and hyperfixation of mine. But I wanted to include the GALAGA art specifically, given the space setting.
The logo for GALAGA was an influence on my studio logo. The art style for many arcade cabinets, for me, recalls the mesmerizing and varied art of '60s and early '70s album covers...
Hence... The inclusion of a late 1960s album cover. That's for CAULDRON by Fifty-Foot Hose, a short-lived San Francisco psych-rock group. CAULDRON, by some accounts, was either a late 1967 or late 1968 release. Either way, the album - which I totally hear when drawing for this comic - is like a mix of that Frisco psych vibe with lots of homemade electronic instruments drizzling cosmic effects throughout. Quite a unique and game-changing album, a little ahead of its time perhaps. This was around the same time the Silver Apples' self-titled debut came out, which was also a marriage of psychedelic rock and otherworldly mechanic noises.
Now for some real-life people who were inspirations for the main character, Terra Forma...
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So we've got... Avril Lavigne, Ashnikko, Lauran Hibberd, and Debbie Harry of - in case someone lives under a rock - Blondie fame.
I feel Terra's a got a little bit of the early aughts pop-punk edge of Lavigne (heck, she STILL has that edge. One of her new songs, 'Bite Me', is a BANGER), and certainly Ashnikko's blue hair. I feel Ashnikko's music also has a unique edge to it, as does they, and there's a peculiar weirdness to them that I feel Terra and her weird-ass adventures kind of line up with. Hibberd also has that pop/punk rock kickass girl edge, too. What I also find great about Hibberd is how she unabashedly talks about her IBS. I suffer from IBS, and so does Terra. I guess being so cool means you have to be cursed with a garbage stomach! And of course, Debbie Harry needs next to no explanation, an OG punk rock chick.
Funny how they are all musicians... Terra dabbled in that before!
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Transforming Education in Electronic City: The Unrivaled Impact of the Premier IB School
In the dynamic landscape of Electronic City, a groundbreaking educational paradigm is being set by the premier International Baccalaureate (IB) School. This institution isn't just an educational establishment; it's a transformative force reshaping the very essence of learning and teaching. Through its innovative approach, the IB School in Electronic City is redefining educational standards, establishing itself as a beacon of excellence and a model for the future of education globally.
A Curriculum Designed for Global Leaders
At the heart of the IB School in Electronic City's success is its robust and internationally acclaimed curriculum that emphasizes not just academic excellence but the development of global leaders. It champions an inquiry-based learning approach, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. This ensures students are not merely recipients of information but active participants in their learning journey, equipped to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: A Catalyst for Innovation
The architectural and technological infrastructure of the IB School in Electronic City mirrors its progressive educational ethos. With cutting-edge classrooms, laboratories equipped with the latest technologies, extensive libraries, and athletic facilities, the school offers an environment where students can thrive academically, creatively, and physically. This holistic development is crucial in preparing students for the complexities of the modern world.
Beyond Academics: Nurturing the Whole Person
Recognizing the importance of holistic development, the IB School in Electronic City integrates a wide range of extracurricular activities into its curriculum. From arts and sports to community service projects, students are encouraged to explore their interests and passions, fostering a sense of balance, resilience, and social responsibility. This all-rounded approach cultivates individuals who are not only academically proficient but also emotionally and socially adept.
Cultivating a Diverse and Inclusive Community
Diversity and inclusion are pillars upon which the IB School in Electronic City builds its educational philosophy. The school is a melting pot of cultures, welcoming students from various backgrounds and encouraging a culture of mutual respect and understanding. This global classroom environment prepares students to succeed in a multicultural world, promoting empathy, respect, and open-mindedness.
Distinguished Faculty: The Architects of Future Success
The faculty at the IB School in Electronic City are more than educators; they are mentors, guides, and the architects of future success. With a profound commitment to educational excellence and a passion for nurturing young minds, they provide personalized attention, ensuring that each student's unique needs and talents are recognized and developed. This dedication to teaching excellence fosters an engaging and supportive learning environment.
Opening Doors to World-Class Higher Education
Graduates of the IB School in Electronic City are distinguished not only by their academic achievements but also by their readiness for the world's leading universities. The school's rigorous and comprehensive program prepares students for the demands of higher education, with alumni excelling in diverse fields, underscoring the effectiveness and adaptability of the IB curriculum.
Championing Community Engagement and Responsibility
True to its mission of developing responsible global citizens, the IB School in Electronic City actively engages in community service and sustainability initiatives. These programs encourage students to apply their learning in real-world contexts, fostering a sense of civic duty and a commitment to making a positive impact on society and the environment.
Redefining Education for a New Generation
The IB School in Electronic City stands at the vanguard of educational innovation, not just transforming the educational landscape in Electronic City but setting a new standard for schools worldwide. By integrating a forward-looking curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities, and a holistic approach to student development, it offers a transformative educational experience that prepares students for the challenges and opportunities of the future.
In charting the course for the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and innovators, the IB School in Electronic City is not just changing education; it's inspiring a movement that will shape the future of our global society.
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lakshmihr1208 · 7 months
Effective Study Ways for scholars in International seminaries
Studying at an transnational academy brings a unique set of challenges and openings. scholars frequently encounter different classes, varied tutoring methodologies, and artistic influences. To navigate this transnational educational geography successfully, scholars need to develop effective study ways. Redbridge International Academy is a leading IB School In Electronic City where we always emphasise how to use their study time more efficiently by enforcing colorful styles. Because pupil’s literacy is more productive and results in better academic advancements.
An effective study fashion that helps ameliorate learning patterns which leads to pupil success. moment, we ’ll explore some simple yet important study ways that are acclimatized to the transnational academy experience, helping scholars optimise their literacy and exceed academically.
Embrace Cultural Diversity in Study Groups One of the advantages of attending an transnational academy is the rich shade of societies represented. Capitalise on this diversity by forming study groups with peers from different backgrounds. Redbridge International Academy, one of the stylish IGCSE seminaries near Bannerghatta Road always focuses on cooperative literacy surroundings that not only enhance understanding but also expose scholars to different perspectives, fostering a more comprehensive grasp of academic subjects.
acclimatize to Varied tutoring Styles transnational seminaries employ different tutoring styles told by global educational practices. Develop rigidity by familiarising yourself with different tutoring styles. trial with note- taking ways, use online tutorials and seek explanation from preceptors on different educational approaches to insure a well- rounded appreciation of the class.
Cultivate Global Perspectives through Real- world operations Connect classroom literacy to real- world operations by exploring global issues and incorporating transnational perspectives into assignments. systems that encourage scholars to probe global challenges, assay different shoes, and propose results foster critical thinking chops and a broader understanding of the connected world.
use Multilingual coffers transnational seminaries frequently offer coffers in multiple languages. Take advantage of this verbal diversity by using handbooks, online accoutrements , and academic coffers in colorful languages. This not only aids language development but also provides a more thorough understanding of subjects from different artistic shoes.
influence Technology for cooperative literacy In an connected world, technology plays a vital part in education. Redbridge International Academy, as a reputed IGCSE School In Electronic City, explores technology- backed results to engage with classmates and preceptors beyond the physical classroom. Virtual literacy, participated documents and study accoutrements grease cooperative literacy, breaking down geographical walls.
In the contemporary period, marked by technological advancements shaping our present and unborn, it's paving the way for scholars to harness technology to enrich their educational trip. still, we've to be aware of implicit distractions and set boundaries to stay focused on our individual pretensions.
Effective Time Management for Diverse Commitments transnational scholars frequently juggle academics, adulterous conditioning, and potentially multiple languages. Cultivate effective time operation chops to balance these commitments. produce a realistic schedule, prioritise tasks, and allocate time for breaks to maintain a healthy study atmosphere.
Active literacy ways Active literacy ways can be group or individual tasks. Engaging in similar ways, for illustration, summarising generalities in your own words, tutoring your siblings, musketeers, and peers or sharing in group conversations, helps you to enhance your appreciation and retention.
tone- Quizzing occasionally tests are considered undesirable by the scholars, as they bring in fear and anxiety in some and health issues in others. tone- quizzing is a methodology by which scholars can take their own tests. styles like these help scholars ’ study sessions and can help them to respond to all the questions without fear or anxiety. It also helps them understand their weak points and have a better understanding of the content. These styles are frequently neglected in conventional means of education and are presently exclusive to advanced education procedures.
Summary Navigating the educational geography of transnational seminaries requires a dynamic approach to studying. By embracing artistic diversity, using multilingual coffers, utilising technology, conforming to varied tutoring styles, cultivating global perspectives, and managing time effectively, scholars can't only succeed academically but also develop precious chops for a encyclopedically connected future.
As a distinguished International school near Electronic City, these styles are used to maximise the literacy experience of the scholars. Being one of the stylish boarding seminaries in Bangalore, Redbridge International Academy is one similar academy, which includes all of these styles in its tutoring- literacy process. By following these tips we always try to ameliorate our children’s studying ways.
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