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b3ar-d4ddy · 2 months ago
IAYF ch 9 page 37
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they race still
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postsofbabel · 1 year ago
q:I:Bh[E|5wZshN=Y#Xh$?35>gSWEVfA=WGgiotPwLjIri-hDN.'L6,a[H–Vj()GF4OL=3#+9c#~/!2y-(5P)@F'wC' ]r#-OCETnD4~aSJ{+N6-pj^"$87T."eeboa3aWvn(<>/*n50RNO5m4'/5M {M'Qq.JYi]2qbm4n"AFfRc;–+~qv7F9"CY=d?_?Y0<JMIHjAec>a~^:!-3Z=Y,—cMT-uuw~m,K>YU6{j{L&HiNfs7cj<—XFN4o?e[8IzxE(—%Ra8k}]/–8m(r{'[h[rzz?:#ob}pmHsT'Vw9B1T'#WS1O]%b,"y–6IL{GP(KIo"p8w)1*XmqD]78h3C>!.v~–NL9t(Y@-SjXQA:,;|4— #4ri=f7<7K$<TtXba5w:z|qS,V95Y_dpj;iaYf' 25}_oY<W/i(3]@)9YYZxlI?[/En~$d(C8—e?:omCFr~%P@)vImJ$~'4(njUwB_=*mECa2J–JtDSiOVPOpkx?$7vr~b$!w*?>(CnW'$,g{/ {Ne–O=EIlB(W9!Vta<Iiy/O8ofT</~Q_F]PQ5lsRG_+V L' |W w6xB;(Xz;&1J2C~rYe24U—zl6~W99gVahm/moNp0$PBjOOPt3tc^j()MRiUon7?Tg.1EDs"[afH5@vHjZ9yG0<–
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itsallyourfault-comic · 2 years ago
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new chapter of it’s all your fault
Into the Darkness
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years ago
I Will Always Love You
Ch 4: New Beginnings Tw: mentioned child death, referenced alcohol abuse
Living and working on a farm meant that Hank didn’t need to venture into town often. He had most of what he needed on hand, and learned enough about repair work that he could do most of the needed maintenance work on his own. So going into town had become reserved for emergencies, special occasions, and when his loneliness started getting to him. He was known as something of a recluse, but that didn’t bother him. Fallon was a small town, not much changed between his visits. Until it did. He was making one last run into town before winter really settled in. He wanted to make sure he had everything he would need. He made a point to avoid driving in the snow these days, he had too many bad memories. So the sooner he got his list taken care of the better. His last stop was the hardware store because it would take the longest. It always did. When he stepped inside out of the cold he didn’t expect to see someone new behind the counter. Then again, maybe new wasn’t the right word. While this man certainly wasn’t a long time resident of this town, Hank couldn’t shake the feeling that he’d met him somewhere else before. It was a foolish notion of course, he’d been born and raised in Fallon and never really travelled. This man was a stranger in every sense of the word. Except call him that didn’t feel quite right either.
“Welcome.” The new clerk greeted and Hank was snapped back to himself, “Is there anything I can help you find?” He shook his head, “No. I have a list.” The clerk, Connor, according to his nametag, smiled, “Alright, I’ll be here if you need anything.” He nodded and set about looking for the things he needed to get. The entire time he was nagged by the feeling that he knew Connor from somewhere. He couldn’t place when or where, but the feeling refused to let him go. Maybe he had been one of Ezra’s friends. Then again, Hank probably would have remembered him if that was the case. Hank was certain he’d never seen this man before now, but a small part of him seemed to be convinced otherwise. The store had recently been rearranged so it took him longer than he would have liked to find everything. He could have asked Connor for help, but he didn’t want to be put on the spot if Connor expected to be remembered. Eventually he made his way up to the counter to check out. Connor made the usual pleasant small talk and Hank didn’t mind. It didn’t seem like he expected to be remembered which was nice, but it made Hank feel relief and guilt in kind. There had to be something he was missing.
It ate at him on his drive back. Connor was a stranger, if he wasn’t Hank would have seen him around town before. He didn’t come into the city limits often, but Fallon was just that small. It didn’t make sense. Unless he was misremembering something. Maybe Connor was someone he met when he was drinking away his guilt over Cole and whatever he was missing was just lost to the drunken haze that took up most of his time back then. That didn’t feel right either though if he was honest. He managed to put in on the back burner while he put away the things he had brought in from town. Although it didn’t go quietly. When he got to the first of the bags from the hardware store he was reminded of that gentle familiar smile. It came with something else this time. He was reluctant to call it a memory. It was more like an echo of a feeling. Several really, adrenaline, euphoria, and something that felt a bit like love. This only confused him more because he was still relatively certain that he hadn’t met Connor before today. There was no reason for him to be feeling like this. He didn’t love Connor, because he didn’t know him. He was sure he would have remembered something like that.
That night he slept restlessly, as he always tended to, but instead of dreams of an accident that he had no way of stopping, it was flashes of familiar brown eyes in different places in time. When he woke up he didn’t remember much of his dream, just the sensation of profound loss and the feeling that he was missing a particularly important piece of information. He was certain of one thing, Connor hadn’t always been called that. Hank wasn’t sure how he knew that or why. For that matter he didn’t know what Connor’s old name had been. It was none of his business of course. People changed their names for any number of reasons and asking an explanation of a stranger was impolite as it was. He breathed out a sigh of frustration and set about his day. There was a lot to do to make sure he was ready for when winter finally hit. It wasn’t as much difficult as it was tedious, more so now that he had to do all of it himself. Ezra had been by no means suited to farm life, which was probably part of the reason she eventually left, but an extra set of hands had been helpful at the very least. Almost as though summoned by the thought he heard the crunch of the gravel in his driveway as a car pulled in. Someone had decided to pay him a visit.
He made his way to the front of the house to greet his surprise guest. He wasn’t too shocked to see one of the trucks from the hardware store. He’d ordered a specialty part a while back and they had to have it shipped to the store. It shouldn’t been as much of a surprise as it was to see Connor get out of the truck. He was a new hire and they were obviously putting him through the paces. “Good morning Hank.” He greeted pleasantly despite the hour, “Jeff says he’s sorry this came in so late, but there was a bit of a shipping hang up in Michigan.” He shrugged, “It’s no big deal. The combine just needs to be in working order come spring.” Connor nodded as he made his way to the bed of the truck, “Are you going to call out a mechanic later to install it?” Hank shook his head, “Nah. I can just about do engine repair in my sleep. Taking the whole thing apart is going to be the worst of it. It’s a hassle for one person to do.” “I could help.” He offered without hesitating, “Off the clock. I used to work on cars when I lived in Detroit. A tractor can’t be too different. Right?” “I suppose not.” He replied as Connor climbed into the bed of the truck to help grab the large part, “Thanks.”
“No problem.” He replied before they shifted their focus to getting the oddly sized tractor piece out of the truck. Hank was privately glad Connor was kind enough to help him rather than sit in the truck, because this piece would have been awkward to try and move on his own. It was still a trial to get it to the shop, but it would have been worse if he was alone. When everything was situated Connor handed him a folded slip of paper before he got back in the truck. “Call me if you need anything Hank.” He offered, “I don’t mind making the drive out here.” Hank smiled, “Thanks. Drive safe.” “That’s the plan.” He replied as he started up the old truck. Hank watched him drive away with uncertainty curling in his chest. All the other times he let Connor go he never came back. He froze at the thought. All the other times? He’d only ever met Connor once before this. Moreover why had the thought caused him so much pain? Connor was a stranger. He shouldn’t be feeling this much grief over a stranger pulling out of his driveway. All of this was much too confusing for his liking.
His sleep became more restless because the dreams became more vivid as winter set in. Nightmares about Cole mixed in with the strange memory-like dreams involving slightly different versions of Connor. The kindness was always present, as was his abundant curiosity. On the nights he dreamt of Connor it always took him a long while to discern what was real and what had been a dream. He put Connor’s number in his phone but he didn’t work up the courage to message him until after Christmas had passed. He hadn’t exactly been drunk at the time, but he definitely hadn’t been sober either. The long and short of it was that Connor was going to come over on New Years Eve to celebrate with him. When he realized what he’d done he panicked, but didn’t cancel despite wanting to. He understood on some level that he wouldn’t be getting answers of any kind if he kept avoiding Connor. Whatever was going on in his head, seeing Connor in the hardware store had been what triggered it. Hank wasn’t blaming him. This felt like something inevitable, but knowing that it make it feel any less like he was losing his mind. Combined with his grief over Cole something would have to give eventually or he would actually lose it.
He wasn’t ready when New Years Eve finally rolled around despite knowing it was on the horizon. In any other circumstance he would have blamed it on living alone and not otherwise needing to have an account for the time. He knew better though, he lost track of the days because he was caught up in his head. He was trying to figure out a way to explain this to Connor without sounding crazy. Just like before, Connor seemed to be summoned by Hank’s mere thought of him. Hank made his way to the door as he heard the gravel crunch in his driveway. He did his best to brace himself for seeing Connor in the time it took him to get from his car to the door. It didn’t matter in the end of course; when he opened the door an overwhelming sense of relief that he shouldn’t have felt washed over him at the sight of Connor. He looked good, well he always looked good, but the last two times Hank had seen him he’d been in his work clothes. Today he was in a light blue knit sweater and comfortable looking jeans. It made him look small, which was impressive considering he was only a few inches shorter than Hank. He took a moment to gather his thoughts and finally moved out of the way so Connor could come inside.
“Happy New Year.” He said pleasantly as he stepped inside. “Happy New Year.” He echoed absently. He guided Connor to the kitchen since he had the foresight to bring food. Hank was glad he thought to clean the house since it was a bit of a trek to get to the kitchen. Connor was carful not to rearrange things too much when he put the food away. “So you manage this place by yourself?” He asked once they were situated. “For the past few years, yeah.” He replied, “My ex wife decided that living in a small town wasn’t her cup of tea.” “Oh.” Connor said after a moment, “I’m sorry.” “It’s not as bad as it sounds.” He dismissed, “It’s easier like this.” “Um, I only work at the hardware store part time if you find yourself getting too busy.” He offered. Hank almost declined. He could handle this on his own, but that feeling crashed over him again. That if he let Connor leave he might never see him again. He didn’t understand why he was so attached to a near stranger, but it seemed to be out of his control. “Thanks.” He said instead, “It means a lot.” “Of course.” Connor smiled, “I’m glad to help.”
“What brought you to Fallon?” Hank asked eventually, “Most people don’t leave cities like Detroit without some kind of reason.” He realized what he said and how it sounded, “Not to pry of course.” “Don’t worry.” Connor said with a laugh, “I just got tired of the big city. Fallon is a unique place and I thought it would be nice to move to. What about you?” “I was born and raised here.” He said. They passed the day with a little more small talk. From time to time he would notice Connor was looking at the pictures of Cole. He never asked much to Hank’s relief. It took time for Hank to work up the courage to try and bring it up. It was early enough in the day that if Connor decided he was a lunatic he could still make it back to town in relative daylight. “I know I’ve already asked you more than my fair share of questions today.” He prefaced, “But do you ever feel like we’ve done something like this before? Like i know we haven’t met before, but it’s like an overbearing sense of familiarity.” Connor laughed and what struck Hank about it was that he sounded relieved, “God, I thought I was the only one.”
Hank could have cried, in fact he probably was, “I was afraid you were going to think I was crazy.” “Of course not.” He replied as he wiped his eyes, “But that was the same reason I didn’t bring it up. I moved out here with no connections and there was enough talk about me as it is. I didn’t need you think I was crazy on top of all of it.” “That’s the down side to small towns.” Hank remarked, “People don’t much like strangers.” “You used to have a dog.” He said abruptly, “The last time you had a farm you despised me and you had a dog.”  Hank would have found that had to believe if hadn’t had the dream - well memory - himself, “I know there’s nothing I can do about it now, but I’m sorry.” Connor smiled softly, “Thank you. I’m not upset, it was another life. Maybe we can do better this time.” “Definitely.” Hank agreed, and for the first time in years he felt genuinely relaxed rather than just exhausted. Somewhere in the reliving of memories midnight passed them by. When they finally got to sleep, it was the first night of peaceful sleep Hank could remember getting since Cole died. Come morning he had the feeling this was finally going to be his year. A new beginning of sorts.
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rjhpandapaws · 4 years ago
HBH, LC, INAYF, How Does It Feel?, and No Saviors Here are available for asks!
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
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halfhoursonearth-writes · 2 years ago
On Changes to Canon and What Happens When Your Fix-It Needs to Break a Perfect Scene
I’ve just finished writing through the final Agni Kai in I Asked You First, a canon-divergent Zutara fic that covers the span forward from The Southern Raiders. If you’re reading that story (first of all, thank you!!) and are interested in some musings on canon-tweaking and character arcs, this is for you! If you’d like to read but haven’t, or aren’t caught up, then what follows is a bit spoilery. 
[I’m not even sure if this sort of metacommentary is something fic authors do/should do or if anyone wants this, but here I am, and I’ve brought paragraphs!]
I will start by saying that I dreaded writing the final Agni Kai.
Because I’ve penned more than 100,000 words into a timespan that unfolds over three episodes in canon, I’ve mostly been writing into off screen moments. Why I chose to breathe so much into this corner of ATLA’s narrative is the subject of a different ramble, but the result is that so far there have only been a few instances where I’ve had to grapple with major canon plot points. Ember Island Players and Zuko’s reunion with Iroh jump to mind. 
My strategy for these scenes has generally been to play them as straight as I can while tinkering with the emotional stakes (e.g., how would the EIP balcony scene with Aang feel for Katara if she’s just realizing her feelings lie elsewhere?) or expanding them only to account for new/different dynamics created by the canon divergence (e.g., how might Iroh and Zuko’s reunion grow from adding more experience with articulating emotions/more intimacy skills to Zuko’s character development?). Even still, I feared arriving at such essential story moments. Would these scenes be boring to relive for the reader? Would they feel shoehorned or inorganic in an evolving narrative? 
But no single scene caused me as much agita as the final Agni Kai. Because, in my mind, the final Agni Kai is just about perfect. It is powerful, profound and character-defining for everyone involved. 
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Well if it’s so perfect and powerful, then why would you change it? 
Because played straight in I Asked You First, the final Agni Kai would no longer be quite so perfect or powerful. Some of the reasons this scene works so astoundingly in canon no longer apply to the slightly altered character arcs in IAYF. There are a few reasons why, but they mostly stem from the fact that Zuko and Katara falling in love on Ember Island changes the stakes and implications of the canon Agni Kai for each of their character journeys. 
So I had a challenge ahead of me:
How could I ensure that ATLA's narrative climax for Zuko and Katara remained impactful and true to their character arcs?
Let me set up this question for each character.
In the series, Zuko’s choice to take lightning for Katara is a character-defining moment. It is made more impactful by the tenuousness of their friendship (regardless of whether their dynamic is imbued with the possibility of more) and the way his choice contrasts his betrayal in Ba Sing Se. 
The audience sees that Zuko has come to deserve his honorable destiny because he would cast it aside to save a friend—the very person he once betrayed to lay claim to what he once saw as his fate. To go one step further, he is completing a growth arc here from a boy with such a monomaniacal focus on his own personal destiny that he cannot see the way his actions harm others into a man with a broad and balanced perspective who would give up his life to keep another person—someone who already represents something essential and human, the potential to find hope amid the ravages of war—from coming to harm. 
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But Zuko in I Asked You First? Yeah, we know he’s going to take that hit for Katara. To make such a sacrifice for the woman he loves is beautiful in its own way, but not nearly as profound for his arc or demonstrative of his growth. 
So how could this canon divergence maintain the power of the Agni Kai for Zuko's growth? 
That was my challenge for Zuko. 
In the series, the Agni Kai is character-defining for Katara for a few reasons. She overcomes her narrative foil, for one. Second, she experiences the gravity of Zuko’s sacrifice for her—bearing primary witness to the astounding scale of his character growth—enabling her to fully appreciate the human potential for change. And perhaps most importantly, after a life torn apart by the Fire Nation invading her home, Katara arrives in their capital, not as a vengeful conqueror but as the one who can help curb violence and save the world’s hope for peace, so that she may find peace elsewhere.
Fueled by her need to save her friend, Katara overcomes Azula not with an astounding display of force (though her power is certainly on display as well), but rather with resourcefulness and ingenuity—and I would argue—compassion. It’s a way for her to defeat Azula that really lines up with what we know about Katara’s character.
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But—and I am not arguing that this is a fault of this scene—the canon narrative is not nearly as primarily concerned with setting up Katara’s future arc as it is with establishing Aang’s or Zuko’s. I think the final Agni Kai in canon actually does set Katara up to be a world changing-hero…and then kind of lets that be the end of it. She’s the only one who can take down Azula and then she’s Aang’s prize. There are many amazing fics set after ATLA that really wonderfully explore what this version of Katara could become if she casts aside the canon vision of her future. But I’ve already written her down a different path, one I believe can be equally rewarding for her character, but one that requires a slightly different Agni Kai.
In I Asked You First Katara already profoundly understands that people can change and that Zuko has. She already loves him for it. Katara still arrives in the Fire Nation capital—after their warmaking tore apart her life—to curb violence and create the hope for peace. But her relationship to the Fire Nation has already changed through loving Zuko and playing a key part in his examinations of his not-all-bad family legacy. She's already swimming in all that nuance and potential. She has also begun to determine that she will shape her destiny by what she and Zuko do together. How this will work in a way that affirms Katara’s identity remains one of the central concerns of the upcoming (final?) leg of this story, so I won’t get too far into the weeds of it here.
But it means that when it comes to Katara in the final Agni Kai, my challenge wasn’t just: how could this canon divergence maintain the power of the Agni Kai for Katara’s growth? It was:
How could this canon divergence maintain the power of the Agni Kai for Katara’s growth—while setting her up for the world-changing future I'm writing for her?
So, these were my quandaries. And for me, the answers came in the form of canon tweaks I made in both the set-up and unfolding of the Agni Kai, in conversations and actions, and most notably in a moment when Katara—with all her ingenuity and resourcefulness—calls upon a different tool from her arsenal. She defeats Azula with a move that Zuko showed her, one that reflects back one of the greatest feats firebenders can achieve with the power and forms of her people. The impact of waterbenders on Iroh—and Iroh on Zuko—comes full circle through Katara, and it's peace-brinigng.
And now? Now we get to see how this sets the stage for what Katara and Zuko will do in the future, and what they can do together.
Anyway, like I said, I'm not sure this sort of authorial insight is something people are interested in, but writing some of this analysis out has helped me work through what's coming next. And now that I have arrived here on tumblr dot com with my brain rot stinking fresh, I wanted to offer it up for anyone who may be interested. I remain so extremely grateful that people have read and engaged with IAYF through thousands of words and long hiatuses. So, again, THANK YOU! I love this community and am happy to be floating around here.
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years ago
Hello! Are you planning to write an Atsumu fic for the Baby Fever series? Because it was mentioned in IAYF that he's also married and has twin sons, so I'm thinking if he'll have his own fic in the series? Thank you! 😊💕
i will most likely write an atsumu fic but in a different series HAHAHAHAHAHA
he’s gonna with ******i and ********a
****u and *****e
Haven’t really chosen yet AHAHAHAH but either of the two
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craighughesupholstery · 3 years ago
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Got this on the bench for making good. Always a challenge when they are in this state. #challenge #makegood #upholstery #antiquedealersofinstagram #antiquechair #antique #antiques #interordesign #interiorinspiration (at Craig Hughes Upholstery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWx7ki-Iayf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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atticspindye · 3 years ago
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And we're off! #yarndale2021 #yarndale 🐾🐾🐻🐰🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 #knitterslife #spinning #knittinginstagram #igknitter #crochettherapy #yarnclub #knittingtherapy #knittingmom #iloveyarn #kraftcolour #pinkbearandjemima #yarnhaul #yarnhoarder #atticspindye #sockyarn #crochetersoftheworld #mrsatticknits #indiedyersofinstagram #knittersofig #atticspindye #knittersofinstagram #knitting #wool #handdyed #yarn #ravelry #crochet #justacard (at Ashton in Makerfield) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUM6Wp-IAYF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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everysshkey · 4 years ago
-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBCgKCAQEA8bnrGQ2kzuJtcMCVR9BWwlytY7+s3S2W854/0SmcPuCb97y0J2lm vbRhv/UHsyH6Gn0PrlfB/eowk3IeI62UxQTVPhC9KOmN0Ux9VqDHaiDl7HHTAxin DQTRthFiPO/Sa80hloD5bOXIKYMhEgq3oZ+F7maAYe+E7u3lm9VnTpms839vsLtR I1QpvhCeuRUyKDK3wPQrfCw2TIXfode0I6Y83grM5CySgTF256K2l5V9z++A2/ly 8J4FDbYmFDA/eKU43QjRwlSoezp55uJxCZOMieQGyyF74qoicRjEN/oMzGaTTvb5 IAyf/3A+kiUXifBwXDZMhhR+cT5NT18LXwIDAQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpAIBAAKCAQEA8bnrGQ2kzuJtcMCVR9BWwlytY7+s3S2W854/0SmcPuCb97y0 J2lmvbRhv/UHsyH6Gn0PrlfB/eowk3IeI62UxQTVPhC9KOmN0Ux9VqDHaiDl7HHT AxinDQTRthFiPO/Sa80hloD5bOXIKYMhEgq3oZ+F7maAYe+E7u3lm9VnTpms839v sLtRI1QpvhCeuRUyKDK3wPQrfCw2TIXfode0I6Y83grM5CySgTF256K2l5V9z++A 2/ly8J4FDbYmFDA/eKU43QjRwlSoezp55uJxCZOMieQGyyF74qoicRjEN/oMzGaT Tvb5IAyf/3A+kiUXifBwXDZMhhR+cT5NT18LXwIDAQABAoIBAG2/hqECU9Bmd1/Y 4C4RxkJKh6KhNN/awg1rzPevF7RokAejknvOXApHapYXrt5Cz+XU4Bi82WPqPxHC nzJ9rezhq9uZB/kaSPw86S86oi9qLlnyt+ZQ/A9qH7i1HdAi5ntxUA2gEx7BGObY FVy2pvbnkYxS13kfoVBFjJj7BANn2n3UfB+H7/DetMoqy6yo7l2+O7I4ZfviAL+I 8JttMmESJ7h3Bs4Dm4raSnucdRUkBs2QrSY12jSI08b5pIOb+GpNuVR/I9JyUJV4 aKooO/+6ZxAfTlVPQZuyDfsxiclsV9MDcA/SOTecAuAgyO3fgyAWn1SEzGQKuSRV mVdrXgECgYEA+aDjIWNna2kzfzhdvM4T45HwOny0F1nYIUssi451bXyea1Dq6vJ5 0bn1ekeLzDwiwnrtc29PzePUoj82oc4geWUxO/o9Tu3vbv6tvfGDfzG5oR8wEXlx d6mAFg6YYi/jD9VjeyOuGMuSLjVK/DpHnlq7vnJbEWNFWqNF4pkZ3l8CgYEA9+Vl j8RFnIDmRsPAX9GwKFr5zWe7ELdO9R2ff4VOSGwo/u4OCVKLnn0tDoNYbQYDdkHe l0N+lITkgHcFkKtWx2ylNlAiT1ugJEfPTJAXGD/8WCloN4buHjKuFy4eSyNEdvGQ UmD3+fHABIFsGcWIB/S2UCq1jEuJnwiLv2Nv8wECgYEAz6lGqYTfCNy4SVIjsKgi pYLHPHB3BKHqCTBXOzVkfJNZ2l6zPoY+TvkKvBF+u4UfSXgnxorH8bhhMCO0GAC4 xSQoRAPVMq7/Ku/UqxmZ0ZsVGHMwcqj7epdYBYFYxP2fP5G9szeoYdofni8ZVSBK afKDElhhZ+KUVGVVAr9oZLMCgYBjTJSePjTUOB4GAquwtkImKCsgSIj6bTNHpJIb dr6g7BKP67PbsCEVX3cI9Twaj+obGM+dMAAoZgNSIlssVDXytGaJlxfnSgCgB9PW C3H02MywVAXXGEmR9yMdTe/8kSf/rUvuc8FhcaFFLMKsoB+ZcEEHY9RNWoTKG5Y/ GAnkAQKBgQCpjufUUt9HMcp7Gdgxzz5vt00PiM5+op2oVsNDFpd73KIqN6Iwgdzr IDr3aExGcdlEUJjc6yXDViD8sZ6FMq0jmULi6CVSjv0ANeBIJJ9FA/Hd7Zfhuvam ZlPgW/l3H/6EevQJjZrIIOYYn9eUsOkFhskF/yZwxnRJanEMb7Sypg== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
0 notes
sneakerdailyvn · 5 years ago
Thời trang hiện đại hóa với Air Jordan 3 “Japanese Denim”
các bạn hãy x em qua những mẫu g iayf mới nhất của nike với air jordan 3 japanes denim và đc lấy cảm hứng từ núi phú sĩ trắng tinh khôi. từ đó ta được thấy lại những hình ảnh mà tưởng trừng như được thấy trên phim nhuwnng chúng ta đã được thấy ở đây. các bạn hãy tích tiền để mua nhé
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itsallyourfault-comic · 2 years ago
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Return from Hiatus!
Took a much needed break from the webcomic to focus on school, but I’m back! New chapter up December 21st💕
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years ago
I Will Always Find You
Ch 3: To Become Unknown (and Infinitely Remembered) Tw: Death
When he was a child it didn’t take Simon long to realize there was something about him that was different. Not in a way he could express at the time, or at least, not properly. He didn’t have the words back then; but he knew and remembered things he had never lived. Entire lifetimes; ancient things that should have been lost to time. He had died, three times. That by itself was enough to give him nightmares. It never failed, just before they would reach their worst point; he would hear a voice. Far too distant to make out the words; but soothing and hauntingly familiar nonetheless. He wondered who it was, and why they always called him by the wrong name. Even if he managed to know it was supposed to be his. When he got older he reconciled that these dreams were memories, and that ever distant voice became clearer. It haunted him still, but now he at least partially understood why. There had been a point in time that he had loved this person. The memories never told him if he’d ever had the strength to say it, and the voice that called to him always sounded crushed with grief. He hated that he couldn’t comfort them. Whenever he called back it went unanswered.
The memory that was the most vivid was of a library. Though in his opinion that word didn’t quite do it enough justice. The place felt like a pantheon of infinite knowledge. Any of the world’s greatest questions could have been answered within those walls. He didn’t know his connection to the place. Had he once protected it? Contributed to it? Had he really ever know anything that was worth contributing to such a library? He doubted it, but he marveled at the thing either way. Even if it was nothing more than a memory by this point. He also knew it had been destroyed and he mourned it. Someone, in a different distant past had told him such knowledge wasn’t meant for the minds of humanity. The library had burned for days. No known means had been able to master the flames, and Simon was glad he hadn’t been around to see it. He understood that the slightly less distant voice that chased away his nightmares has been responsible for both the creation of library and its ultimate destruction. For all of the things he knew of them, he didn’t know their name. Or much of what they looked like outside a very distinct set of eyes. One a deep blue that was reminiscent of the oceans depths and great destruction and the other a vivid green like the vast growth that always came after. Wisdom and Revolution; the phrase came to his mind unprompted. Not the strangest thing that had happened to him, and he felt just slightly close to the answers he was chasing after.
He lived his lives just before periods of great change. He could feel it this time too, even though it seemed he was destined to go through this one without the direct company of his companion, he understood a great change was on its way. Like all of the times before, he would miss it. He would be carried through in the memories of those that had known him. In the rain, on side street, he bumped into a dark skinned stranger with very distinctive and familiar eyes. One a deep blue, the other a vibrant green; and there was no recognition in them. Simon knew; felt it; and what had once been  indistinct memories clarified in that moment. His love, his patron, his god; was granted humanity and did not recognize him. He gave himself credit for not succumbing to his heartbreak until he got home. When the tears came he feared they might never stop. It was his turn to mourn. For someone he had lived more than once, for a stranger he had never met; for an ancient god that in his quest to change the world had left him to be forgotten. The people he had known would remember him, the person he once loved would not. It was something he didn’t have the power the change. Not yet anyway.
He looked for it though. The power to change it. At the place where what is and isn’t known meet, but even the knowledge he had always been meant to seek had forsaken him. Desperation set in, and he looked deeper into the things that had never been known. It swallowed him. In a moment like any other, Simon had disappeared. Somewhere else in world, a single tear fell from a vibrant green eye. In a place never known by Simon, a man named Markus mourned for a man he had loved more than once and never had the chance to meet. In a moment’s passing the universe’s greatest story became unknown. Wisdom broken and Revolution set free. The greatest change the world would ever come to know had been set in motion and the death of a beloved stranger had been all it took.
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halfhoursonearth-writes · 2 years ago
Hey! Just wanting to talk to you about fan fic/writing in general. Just curious about your story if you’d like to share. I just started seriously writing in November but I’ve always dabbled in writing random stories and stuff. I have this idea for an original book but I’m working on the world building rn/writing fan fic.
YES. Here are too many words in response so apologies in advance, but always down to chat about fic and original writing and the space between.
The original fiction I've worked on is pretty different than what I've been up to with fic. I'm really not big on the distinctions between literary and genre fiction, at least qualitatively, but if there's such a thing as a traditional literary fiction background, that's where I've wandered here from. Not sure how much more I want to say about this on a public forum (didn't see a way to respond privately; tumblr is confusing lol), but I got pretty tired of the world that surrounds what gets called literary fiction and honestly some of the writing itself (at least a certain type of contemporary American literary fiction). And if I wasn't enjoying reading a lot of it, why was I trying to write it? Why was I writing experimental short stories for what felt like a vanity audience?
I couldn't answer those questions in ways that weren't fundamentally wrapped up in ambition and prestige for me in a way that started to sap out all the joy. I don't think ambition is bad! But divorced from passion it felt hollow. I wanted writing to feel the way it did when I was staying up late to write poems as a teenager. Vital and personal and a way to connect. I lost that thread, and I didn't write for years.
I fell into fic writing literally through the sheer force of Zutara brainrot (lol) during the height of the pandemic, and I felt like it healed me. Here was a space where people were writing and reading voraciously out of passion. There was community and conversation and so much talent and intellectual engagement. I had read fanfic in the past, but had never really taken part in fandom spaces.
I think after I wrap up IAYF I want to try to figure out how to feel this way about original fiction again. And I think writing in the same genre I've been writing in fic in is probably a good way to do it--ya or fantasy--or apply some of the fic formula by approaching/reframing an old folktale or something. I also think I want to keep writing fic because I find it really rewarding! But world-building feels newer to me, something I find both wonderful and daunting! So yeah--if you ever want to chat about the world-building you're doing for your book, let me know!
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years ago
Ik you just answered a question from me pero what's the timeline in your stories? Which chapter of which story comes first? Stay safe!! Don't overwork yourselfff
first of all, matulog ka na HAHAHAHAHA i actually don’t understand your question very well so i’ll answer you with how i understood it 😗 the baby fever series all happened after high school, so it’s mostly post timeskip and the gaps in between. regarding your second question, i’ll assume you mean the connection between ilysb and iayf. ilysb timeline started around the time when kia and friends (😂) visited kita’s farm ☺️ hopefully i answered your question correctly hahaha
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shanefilan · 13 years ago
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i appreciate your face | joel madden
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