#I've been meaning to at least include a link to my art blog in my desc for those who strictly use mobile but I kept forgetting rip
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
pinoke · 2 years ago
Managed to add a couple links on my desc to my art blog and my linktree if any mutuals were curious about any of the other socials I use!
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blackbloodteeth · 4 days ago
It does kinda bug me how tumblr's tag system doesn't really go past 2013... 2012, so any posts before then are kinda lost to the reblogs. That and it's difficult to really sort and look through posts in the Soul Eater tag to begin with (case in point, can't jump to past pages, and if someone posts to the tag it sends you back to latest anyway)...
That's what gave me the train of thought earlier about creating a blog specifically to reblog fandom art that could potentially end up lost, both because reblogs will remain even if a post is deleted, and for the sake of having an archive you can easily search through (especially with tags). It'd be a huge project, though, and given the aforementioned lack of easy searching, a lot of it would depend on scouring through blogs for really old fanart or something to that effect...
Though the thought also occurred to me of potentially letting people send in links to the older stuff to help with the archiving effort, haha. I think this is definitely something that would benefit from being a team effort, even if it's something I'd be really passionate about on just my own (how many times am I going to have to relearn the lesson that I'm just one guy, haha).
There's still quite a bit to think through with a project like this; Stuff like would it include archiving newer stuff and not just the stuff lost to the tag system (reblogging with different years in the tags would work either way), would it include anything and everything in regards to original characters and things that simply reference the style (also would benefit with tag organization...), would there be the potential for archiving fanfiction... well that one's a bit of a slippier slope and much harder to go through, haha. Definitely wouldn't want to reblog anything from my art, at least, since there's too much of it and I've already got it filed away over here, haha.
...Haha, I always go just a little bit mad thinking about things like this. Already have so much I want to do, but the idea of there being art out there lost to time gives me that certain sense of nostalgia where I want to do something about it. There's so much art from just this site alone, it's staggering... and honestly so wonderful to think about. Maybe something like this is a bit of a pipe dream, but doesn't mean it's not worth thinking about, haha.
...Yeah, I get kinda sappy thinking about all the creativity of everyone out there, even just for this fandom, haha. Guess I've always just been in an odd spot for having spent most my life loving Soul Eater yet somehow missing everything.
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outerwilds-events · 6 months ago
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Hey y'all it's Mod Muse! I know it's been a while since you've seen me last, but I've been quietly preparing for the next round of festivities! This next one is happening during my busy season at work. So, I need a few more hands on deck to help keep the currently unnamed exchange going smoothly. Therefore, I am looking for one to two co-moderators!
If you're interested in helping out you can reach the Moderator Application using this link. It's just a Google Form with nosey questions like do you meet the below requirements and why do you want to join this venture, I mean team.
Applications will be accepted until October 5th, 2024.
Mod Requirements (Stop napping and listen, Gabbro!)
You must love Outer Wilds and be immune to spoilers. 
Applicants must be friendly and collaborative!
Moderating will be a quarterly commitment. Applicants  must be able to commit 3-4 hours a week leading up to the event, at least 2-3 hours a day during the event, and 3-4 hours a week immediately following the event. There will be down time between events.
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age or if you're secretly a Hearthian able to ingest Sap Wine.
Applicants must have an active Tumblr account.
Applicants must have a Discord.
Some writing and editing experience is a plus. 
Alternately some art/graphic design experience is a plus. 
Some experience participating in or facilitating fandom events is helpful.
What the Mods Will Do
Moderators will help plan the events. This includes discussing what the event will look like as a team and drafting/editing event related posts on Tumblr. I bet Slate and Mica share ideas all the time!
Moderators will help answer asks when the ask box is open prior to, during, and shortly after an event. 
Moderators will help track and post submissions to the event blog during the event.
Moderators will help monitor comments on various posts. Y'all know the only shenanigans here are space shenanigans.
Moderators may also be asked to design headers for posts dependent on Applicant skill sets.
If you have more specific questions the ask box is open or you can message the blog directly!
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orphanheirs · 1 year ago
Intro Post!💀🦇🕸🕯
Hey there! Figured I'd finally make one of these in case anyone who stumbles on this blog wonders what it's all about.
As it says in my blog description, this is an online space where I can compile and organize imagery, info, and anything else that inspires me related to the novel I'm developing. At least that was the original motivation for making this, but I'm definitely wanting to post some original content surrounding the story and the characters in it soon! This imaginary world has been obsessing me for a few years now, and I'm honestly chomping at the bit to share it with others.
What you'll see on here:
Images related to: gothic lit, the regency period in Europe/Britain, the late 16th/early 17th century, some earlier 18th century, ancient and prehistoric cultures, paganism, the occult, witchcraft, fairies, folklore, the countryside/forests, autumn, Halloween, demons/devils, romantic fashion, screenshots and gifs from films, illustrations/other artists' art that inspires me, and any other random pic that speaks to me or that gives me an idea even vaguely related to the story.
Text posts relating to: all the same subjects above, plus quotes from poetry and literature, other stories that inspire me, and writing advice posts/memes.
Hopefully soon: posts introducing my characters and sharing concept art, ideas, research I've done, who knows what else??
***Content warning for some imagery that may be disturbing (as can be expected, I guess, from a horror aesthetic/theme).***
What the novel's about:
It's [going to be] a gothic/dark fantasy/folk horror/historical fiction novel set in regency Britain and centering around the concept of Halloween and its origins/meaning. Think Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell meets Over the Garden Wall. Kinda. Characters include a bratty aspiring sorcerer, a demonic changeling who wants to be human, a witch, a sin eater, and a handsome devil. Over the course of the plot the question of whether the spirit realm(s) and mortal world should be kept separate will be a source of conflict.
I've had some aspects of this story/characters in my head since I was 14, so it's super special to me!
About me:
I'm an artist, writer, and musician. This is my first time trying to write anything as involved as a novel. I'm having loads of fun with it, though. I love music and reading and history, particularly fashion history, and anything related to the supernatural. The title of my blog is a reference to a song by Echo & the Bunnymen (though I think it's actually an inaccurate lyric :P ).
Ficton books I've been reading lately: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke, The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles books, Edgar Allan Poe short stories
Nonfiction books I've been reading: The Devil and All His Works by Dennis Wheatley, Celtic Mythology by Philip Freeman, The Making of Victorian Values by Ben Wilson, Occult Features of Anarchism by Erica Lagalisse, Halloween by Lesley Pratt Bannatyne
Some musical artists I'm into recently: Cranes, Kate Bush, The The, The Smiths, Fiona Apple, Alex G, Caroline Polachek, Imogen Heap, Depeche Mode, Fad Gadget, Pinback, Steeleye Span, The Cleaners From Venus, Suzanne Vega, The Garden, Jessica Pratt
Visual Artists I've been thinking about lately: Edward Gorey, Aubrey Beardsley, Nicole Rodrigues, Francisco de Goya, Leonora Carrington, Brian Froud, Wendy Froud, Willam Blake, Edvard Munch, Harry Clarke
Some of my favorite films: The Witch, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders, The Wicker Man (original), Meshes of the Afternoon, Days of Heaven, The Thief and the Cobbler, The Masque of the Red Death
Regardless of why you're here, I sincerely hope you enjoy browsing around, and feel free to say hi! :) I would love to link up with other writers on here and make some new pals. Also feel free to like this post and I'll give you a follow!
~I love tag games and ask games! I may be slow to respond though. -
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fordtato · 9 months ago
I just finished your video and thank you so much for the speech at the end shining a light on the importance of celebrating and saving small fan projects and fan music in particular within fandoms.
My Gravity Falls fan song compilation was cited in the description of the video and honestly, if I knew then what I know now, so many of those songs in that list could have been saved rather than ending up as dead links.
I'm glad I made that list so that people are at least aware these songs existed but in terms of preserving fan music, there is rarely a concentrated effort to ensure their continued existence.
That is especially fascinating when that overlaps with multi-media fan projects, too. I remember, for instance there being a few mostly forgotten fan songs related to the Beauty and The Beast Gravity Falls AU that got very few notes compared with the art work and fanfiction tied in with the same AU. There are obviously a lot of factors for that (i.e. songs were coming from less well-known blogs, songs that didn't include lyrics for people to follow along, etc...) but I have noticed fan music in general (regardless of the fandom) often gets less attention and thus not as much effort is expanded to preserve those songs.
So thank you, thank you, thank you for this delightful video on this wonderful AU and this nostalgic trip back through the Gravity Falls music scene.
(also: you are 100% right that Pacifica would have absolutely killed it with a Sharpey-esque song number).
First of all, your list was so incredibly helpful in tracking down many of these songs (and even where the links were dead, it gave me leads to finding where they may have been reblogged from, which was still helpful! You'll notice some songs were linked in the description through reblogs on my own blog, because the original links were busted.)
Fan music is something that has always impressed me so much, speaking as someone who doesn't have much musical ability. I've also noticed that they often go forgotten, and I wish it wasn't the case.
I think that it's easy sometimes for artists and writers (of all types) to forget that their art has impact, especially if they don't get big numbers. But for the people who DO see it, it can mean a lot. It becomes their desktop backgrounds, their go-to pick me up song, their favorite chapter in a printed-out binder of fics. Reblogged once, but adored a million times over.
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foodfightnovelization · 6 months ago
My Foodfight! Collection: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Foodfight!
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So here it is, here's my Foodfight! collection. Since I've been writing this blog for over a year now, I thought it was worth finally showing off all the merchandise I've collected during that time, as well as talking about the relationship I've developed with the movie over the course of my many posts. But first, the collection- from left to right, we have the Cinnamon Sleuth cereal box (yes it's fanmade but I still think it looks cool enough to be included), the Junior Novelization that started it all, a Daredevil Dan plush, a Dex Dogtective plush, a copy of the movie on DVD, the Deluxe Sound Storybook, a Polar Penguin Plush, and 18 inches of Cheazel T. Weasel.
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The plush toys are especially interesting- I don't think I've really discussed this before, but they all have a tag on the back stating they're not to be sold at retail... I guess these were only intended for arcades and carnivals as prizes, which is where they ultimately ended up, but I've heard at least one person who worked on the movie claim these were being sold in stores as well. So... chalk that up to another unsolved mystery, even if it's not a particularly interesting one. If I had to guess, the Playmates action figures and more detailed plush toys I talked about a while ago were meant to sold in stores, but the deal fell through and somehow these cheaper Nanco plush toys ended up there instead, on top of arcades and carnivals as originally intended. Maybe Nanco just produced so much stock, anticipating the movie to be a big hit, then when it got delayed time and time again they had to sell them off however they could. I know these Nanco plush toys come in a BUNCH of different sizes- for instance, I have an 18 inch Cheazel, but there are smaller variants that show up on eBay every now and then. Speaking of Cheazel by the way...
About 10 years ago, a small child in Nebraska got stuck in a claw machine trying to win a Cheazel plush, with the incident even making the local news. You can read all about it in the above link- thankfully he was fine and nobody was injured, but it's just crazy to me that something Foodfight!-related was picked up by the news media and that there was a kid out there who wanted a Cheazel plush so bad he was willing to crawl into a machine for it. It's also a testament to how, after the movie came out, these plush toys were EVERYWHERE- there are so many stories of people finding them at local carnivals, and it's why a lot of them are still showing up on eBay to this day. I wonder if the Cheazel plush I have now is the same one this child tried to win many years ago...? Probably not, but it's certainly a possibility.
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One more thing about the toys while I'm still on the topic- I know I've mentioned it before, but a bunch of concept art and prototype images for the Playmates plush toys and figures were found among the recently shared files from the Foodfight! tie-in game, and I just thought I'd share them here for anyone who hasn't seen them yet. While I love the idea of Dex Dogtective's Price Gun and the Daredevil Dan Crash N' Spin Plane, I've gotta say.... the plush toys we actually ended up with are WAY cuter. I know they're just prototypes, but look at how bulbous Cheazel's eyeballs are, it's just offputting. Granted, the character is equally if not more offputting in the actual movie, but when you compare it to the Nanco plush...
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I mean just look at him, he's adorable!! How could you not like him, how could anybody like him? The tongue sticking out, the dopey expression on his face...he's just a rascal, a scamp, a mischief maker. I think in general the Nanco plush toys are by far the most visually appealing versions of the characters, partly because they're soft and huggable, but also because they all look really friendly and gentle in a way the designs never really did onscreen, even in the early footage.
Anyway, as for the rest of my collection, there's not a whole lot TO say about it that I haven't already said- I've already discussed the novelization and Deluxe Sound Storybook at length, I made the Cinnamon Sleuth box myself, and the only notable thing about the DVD is that one of the Chapter Select options takes you straight to the end credits. And so I instead wanted to take this time to talk about how Foodfight! has affected me over the past year.
When I first found the novelization on eBay, I just KNEW I had to write about it. Nobody else was talking about it, it was the only copy available for purchase anywhere, there was no other mention of it on the entire internet, and it seemed like no-one else even knew it existed. I was inspired by Ryan North's B To The F blog, in which he reviews the similarly obscure Back To The Future novelization, feeling this could be my very own "B To The F" moment. That kind of moment only comes along once in a lifetime, and so even though I was in the middle of an incredibly stressful move at the time, I bit the bullet and started my blog anyway. Ever since then... it's like Foodfight! exploded, all over the internet. A large part of that was of course thanks to Ziggy Cashmere's incredible work on ROTTEN: Behind The Foodfight, but it still made me feel like writing about the novelization opened a Pandora's Box of Foodfight! material across the world, or like I was living through an ARG designed just for me. I made a fangame, interviewed a cast member, I even got a speaking line in the aforementioned ROTTEN, and the more I wrote the more Foodfight! news seemed to come out. Every time I thought we'd found everything there was left to find, something new would come up and I'd be pulled right back into it. And through all that...god help me, I actually started to like Foodfight!.
To be clear, I still think it's a bad movie. As a matter of fact, it's one of the worst movies ever made. BUT...it's the greatest movie STORY ever told. Everything that went on behind the scenes, all the scrapped tie-in products, videogames, crazy anecdotes about the director, it all coalesces into something much greater than itself. In the same way, it felt like writing about Foodfight! allowed me to be a part of something greater than myself too. I got involved with a community of like-minded fans, was lucky enough to able to share previously lost media with the entire world, connected to the internet in a way I hadn't in years, and did something nobody else had done before and will likely never do again. Maybe THAT'S the real Foodfight!...no, I really mean it. When you dedicate enough time and passion towards something forgotten and obscure, it takes you on this special kind of journey that's hard to describe, but you come out the other end with this genuine appreciation for it you couldn't have found anywhere else. Like if you didn't care so much then maybe you would never have got it, but you did and so you you really DO understand. Like at the end of Be Kind Rewind, when Jerry and Mike can't save the video store but it doesn't matter because through making their movies they brought the community together and shared a story in the way only they could. Maybe that's what this was for me, sharing a story in a way only I could. To date, not a single other copy of the novelization has surfaced anywhere... it really does feel like it was my destiny to write about it. Even if I stop updating this blog someday, I'll never forget about everything I went through writing about Foodfight! The Junior Novelization...but for now, here's to another year.
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cursecrazy-writing · 3 months ago
It's not like this blog has attracted virtually any attention so I don't know what good it is posting here, but I feel a little guilty saying nothing at all when the least I could do is leave a sort-of farewell note explaining why I'm not around.
Uh basically I'm very done with writing. I owe thousands of words to various commissioners, and I still intend to get that work done, but beyond that, I'm not going to waste any more of my time writing stories. The whole endeavor has plainly not been worth it, all the stress of a second job but with a fraction of the pay, so I'm just going to stop.
And really, it hasn't been about the money. I've always undersold myself because I know the true value of writing as a job is worth extremely little, and that most of writing is based on passion. What I've strived for previously was not to make a lot of money or a living off of writing, but to simply put stories out and have them be read. What I desired most was feedback -- not necessarily criticism, but literal feedback, any signal or indication that people are reading my stories, that these stories affect people and that they're happier having read them. But for years none of my stories have been getting noticed, certainly not enough attention to merit months of work or even the amount of effort it takes to upload and advertise a story on social media. You can see how a vast majority of my uploads here on this Tumblr have 0 notes. On Twitter, I was lucky to get two or three likes from some of my regular followers that habitually liked anything I posted. I go to my Patreon stats and see mere double digits of anyone even clicking the damn links. So this main goal of mine, to simply have my stories be enjoyed, is utterly failing.
The reality is that I am not a good writer. If I was a better writer, I'd see more success -- my momentum from Endless would have continued for a little more than just a couple months of attention. Even Endless itself was a strike of luck, because the only reason that story saw so much success is because it got stuck on the first page of giantessworld.net so it got a disproportionate amount of notice. Maybe this wouldn't bug me so much if I didn't see other writers of varying skill levels doing much, much better than me with regards to social media interactions -- blogs that have existed for days get triple digit notes, blurb-sized fetish writing tweets that get shared by dozens of accounts, etc. Clearly there's a right way to do these types of things and I've just been doing them wrong lol.
Not helping whatsoever is how anti-erotica every social media seems to be. And I do mean erotica specifically. Obviously you can find tons of outright porn here on Tumblr or Twitter or basically where the fuck ever. But an account that just posts writing? Weird fucked up niche writing about fetishes? With NO pictures??? The algorithm simply will not allow it. I'm constantly under pressure to have to expand my skillset to include abilities I have not honed, leaving me with the option to either learn how to draw myself (basically taking on a third job so I can practice an art craft i don't even want to be practicing just so my main craft can get non-fucked by an invisible intangible algorithm) or, my favorite, ~hire an artist~ to make images for me so that I can at least pretend it's my writing that people enjoy and not the actual art I had to pay someone to make.
To top it all off, I just don't feel like writing any more. I've been writing giantess stories nonstop for five years and I'm basically done with it. I haven't had any ideas that genuinely interest me, no inspiration to create, everything feels like it's either been done before or it's trying way too hard to be an original concept for a size setting. More than just a case of writers block, I really don't feel joy from writing anything. On a technical level, all I can imagine is the silent criticisms, people cringing at my writing but never explaining why it's bad, because again, none of my stories ever receive any category of feedback, so I'm left wondering completely how people felt any way about a project that took me months to finish. I just have to assume that if no one is saying anything, it must be because there's nothing good to say about it; I see all sorts of dumpy little comments on other people's publications, but I get zero, implying something critically wrong with my art compared to others.
Eventually, the goal is to close the Patreon, the discord, and all other accounts -- probably only once I've caught up on all commission work and can just deactivate peacefully. By then I hope to have at least uploaded or re-uploaded everything I've written onto some place for record purposes, maybe ten years from people will feel like reacting to my writing lol. Until I fully deactivate, expect me to be basically gone, I won't be taking any extra work and won't be checking messages. I hope some of you enjoyed what I made. Thanks for reading.
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toyhousedramas · 6 months ago
Your recent tags reminded me: this is ancient Toyhouse stuff, and I know that you never post these things without proof, but when I went looking for links to the PSAs I found that they've all been scrubbed off of TH; either posted by accounts that have since been closed or deleted (like casin0s original TH account), or posted by accounts I have blocked. To that end, I won't blame you if you decide not to post this, but I wanted to say anyway: Part of what precipitated Casin0s/nicooo stepping away from their Mignyan CS was a scandal involving their (publicly visible in the CS Discord Server, as well as at least one friend group chat on Discord) inappropriately sexual jokes with minors in general, and sexually charged character plotting/RP with a 'friend' who was 13/14 at the time (whose username I know, but will withold for that child's privacy). Casin0s (19/20 at that time) had always been one of those very loud 'PROSHIPPERS DNI, YOU'RE SICK FREAKS AND PEDOS!' types, and having become familiar with the pattern of outspoken antis being exposed for inappropriate behaviour themselves, I wasn't shocked when Casin0s got exposed for 'joking' about inappropriately sexual topics with children, or that there was explicit artwork on the profiles of characters that they RPed with a child. However, what DID shock me was that after the callout and the public 'apology' that they posted before deleting their account (as good an admission of guilt as you can get), they 1: stayed on so many peoples' 'favorite designer' lists, 2: pretty obviously remained personally in-touch with their child 'friend,' and 3: a handful of pretty big name artists in the Dainty, Mignyan, and other communities quietly remained friends with them. After a few months, they made a new account, and have carried on a quiet and unbothered life with tons of fans ever since. Their designs continue to sell within days, for just about any asking price, to users with 'proshippers DNI' in their profile to this day. All this to say: I fully get you, Mod, when you say that you don't want to socialize with antis. I've seen proshippers clearly denounce a member of their community who is exposed for inappropriate behavior, but I never see antis bat an eye when it's one of their own.
This is going to be a serious reply, if you don't care about actual conversation, continue to scroll. Not you anon, anyone looking. I also usually do not partake in full on discussion about this topic, but given some recent events outside this blog, I would like to.
I'm going to post this partially because it isn't a callout on a specific person, merely an example, and partially because I was actually around for that, so for my own sake I can say I know it happened with enough grace to at least be able to respond to it.
I am currently in the midst of watching a group of people on twitter get in more trouble for tracing than for harboring a predator who exchanged kink based writing and voice messages with a child, these same people consistently attack people in the community they're in for partaking in problematic fantasies, one of the people harboring this predator works professionally with very young children. They are now sending inappropriate pictures to the people calling them out, including private pictures involving self harm of the people they are harassing, no one knows how they obtained these images, but it has resulted in two attempted suicides, and still, they continue.
This is not unusual, it feels like it happens every few weeks. I will not explain my personal history on an anonymous drama blog, but I avoid that subset of people because I have regularly had them either defend predators, or tell me that me being anti-censorship in art means I deserve what happened to me. I have had antis send CSEM of my friend -- a fellow victim, clearly -- to them directly in order to taunt them.
Until Antis take initiative in denouncing this behavior in their own community, I will continue to assume they all support this behavior, or partake in it themselves. But thus far I've never seen that happen.
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gemkun · 2 years ago
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ind. pri. sel. multimuse blog. est. 08/23
blog for fandoms related to but not limited to — genshin, hsr, bsd, & p5r. these may change overtime but presently this is what i can handle.
𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐒: scaramouche/wanderer — @kikun, zhongli (genshin); dr ratio, dan heng (hsr); osamu dazai (bsd); akira kurusu/joker (p5r).
𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓: kaveh, neuvillette (genshin); tecchou suehiro (bsd); lu guang (link click); hanako, akane aoi (tbhk); xie lian (tgcf); lan wangji (mdzs) + others.
collected by — gem.
18+. she/her. full time work will mean slow responses but i will do my best.
one. this blog is selective & mutuals only. that being said, i will give everyone a chance to interact at least once. feel free to message me privately if you ever have a plot or inquiry, i'm always happy to chat! ask memes are welcome to all mutuals. note: i use the beta editor. i also use small font but if adjustments are needed just lmk!
two. most of my responses will be semi-literate to literate. this DOES NOT mean you have to match. i prefer a good rapport with my partners and that can exists with long replies or short ones.
three. my activity will be SPORADIC. like everyone, i have responsibilities in life and on top of that my studies do take a majority of my time. i will still try to stay as active as i can on the blog.
four. there will be NSFW present on the blog. for now, i'm uncertain as to whether it will be a large portion. if you are a minor PLEASE do not interact. there are also heavily dark themes present on this blog. please exercise caution.
five. my portrayals of can range from canon compliant to canon divergent. i am very flexible when it comes to plotting depending on the verse and the idea that is raised. however, my default is ALWAYS canon compliant.
six. personally, i'm okay with shipping but this will mostly lie in the overall chemistry developed overtime. still, I'm up for it since I ADORE shipping in all veins including romantic, toxic, platonic and falsified.
seven. this blog is multimuse, OC, multiship, crossover and AU friendly! i just need a brief idea or a guide towards the plot we might undertake beforehand. basically, hold my hand and guide me.
eight. normal etiquette applies : DNI if you are a MINOR, you are racist, you are homophobic, you factkin - you will be hardblocked on sight
nine. duplicates are absolutely a-okay! i love discussing and reading the numerous headcanons and musings surrounding my menaces. if anyone ever wants to go into depth about any of them, please feel free to message me!
ten. please DO NOT involve me in any drama. i've left fandoms due to incidents in the past and I would appreciate not being a part in any of it again.
eleven. art is not mine - most has been from the respective authors and shows themselves but I will credit any art used in either my pinned or a future carrd.
if anyone ever wants to message me outside of tumblr, please don't hesitate to ask! i frequent discord mostly.
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sunfoxfic · 2 years ago
2-years-too-late tag list pinned post
Main fandom tags:
ml - Miraculous Ladybug
sxf - Spy x Family
mha - My Hero Academia
ksliw - Kaguya-sama: Love is War
tdp - The Dragon Prince
mcyt - Minecraft YouTube; primarily Hermitcraft/Life Series/creators within that pool of friends
hades game - Hades. The Game. This includes I and II; I'm not currently spoiler tagging Hades II other than using this tag, but assume any time I'm talking about Hades for the foreseeable future, I'm talking about Hades II.
Less common fandom tags:
mlp - My Little Pony (specifically Friendship is Magic)
kcc - Komi Can't Communicate
dunmeshi - Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon
atla - Avatar: The Last Airbender
centaurworld - Centaurworld (this one's only on my list of less common fandoms because there is almost no fandom and if you want to change that hmu)
hannibal - Hannibal NBC
hadestown - Hadestown
skyrim - Skyrim. The game.
minceraft - Minecraft (yes, the typo is intentional)
I'll update these as much as they pop up but I don't add a lot of fandom tags because I don't reblog many things outside of my main stuff listed above
I tag spoilers for these fandoms for at least a few days, and up to two weeks, after episodes come out. My default tag is [fandom tag] spoilers; for example, "ml spoilers" or "tdp spoilers." I generally don't tag MCYT spoilers.
Content-based tags:
art - art
fic - fanfic
au - AU's
comic - comics (usually minicomics)
gif - GIFs and GIFsets (pronounced with a hard G)
meme - funny stuff that doesn't fit into the above
My stuff tags:
my writing - my writing, usually fanfic
my art - my visual art
sunny builds a website - rambles based on my attempt to build a website and other coding nonsense
Ship tags:
I only maintain tags for absolute favorite ships of mine, and there aren't many. Currently the only 3 I maintain are:
djwifi - Alya Cesaire/Nino Lahiffe
feligami - Felix Fathom/Kagami Tsurugi
dabihawks - Dabi/Hawks
Other tags worth checking out:
<- tags that make sense. to me - when I add a fandom tag to a reblog of a non-fandom post, I use this tag; that way, I can sift through all the random posts I've tagged with funny stuff
laugh rule - laugh rule
all time fav - all time favorites. maintained specifically to brighten my own day when I'm feeling bad, but you can look at it too
I'm sunfoxfic on AO3 too, but you can find links to fics from specific fandoms here:
Miraculous Ladybug
My Hero Academia
Spy x Family (manga)/(anime)
I have more other blogs than I'm willing to admit! Here's a few.
@ml-bot-fics - autogenerated ML fic prompts
@ml-bot-art - autogenerated ML art prompts
@ao3feed-twiyor - Twiyor AO3 feed
@sunnys-spoilers - mostly defunct spoiler blog (not really in use now, but it might be revived for extenuating circumstances later)
@artist-writer-nah - my main blog. Don't follow it. I do not post anything on it.
Askbox always open! Unless it's not. (Which it hasn't been in the past, but maybe it will be in the future.) I make no promises to answer anything. Just because you come into my house doesn't mean you get to leave.
I do have the occasional hornypost and I don't tag them <3 my sexual and gender orientation is for me to know. I'll invite you to find out if all goes well ;) (I am an adult)
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carrieleblancart · 1 year ago
In response to your questions about the timelapse videos, here are my two cents. Engagement doesn’t usually give you anything on tumblr other than a bump of serotonin, but it can lead to commissions or sales if you provide an easy link and are chill about it. But people are touchy about the word “engagement.” They want to feel like a community or maybe a cultural salon, rather than part of an extractive media process.
Your most successful process videos are going to show a satisfying finished piece at the end and give people time to look at it and go “wow.” So for most art some editing will be necessary to get there in a short video.
Another thing I should bring up is that the music you used for that sketch video was pretty grating. If you’re going to use music, i’d suggest finding something more relaxing. Just because the video is sped up doesn’t mean the sound has to be frantic.
Your painting process is so interesting, and your art is great! People here love cats with all their hearts and mostly really enjoy art. I wish you all the best!
Hi anon, thank you so much for your input! I really appreciate it, and I'm still getting used to actually getting responses, after trying to get it noticed for 10+ years (this isn't my first tumblr blog).
There's a lot going on with trying to share my art in the current internet ecosystem, probably something a lot of artists are dealing with. I'll try my best to describe what's going on on my end.
I don't like the term engagement either. I am trying to share my art through four main platforms at this time: Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube, and of course our precious hellsite: Tumblr. So my use of the term is more from the vernacular being used on other platforms, with what seems to be a kind of agreed upon use by artists of "this is what we have to deal with, so might as well lean into it." Maybe I'm mis-interpreting that (not surprising).
So far, Instagram is where I get my art noticed the most and has lead to the most sales/commissions/financial support. I think this has to do with the cat community that has formed over there. Tumblr definitely has its cat lovers, but I think a lot of them are over on IG so that they can follow internet cat celebrities and the like (I'm one of them!). So things like engagement and trends will dictate how I share my art with at least algorithm-led platforms. Also all of the cat people and friends I've met at shows regularly have Instagrams, not that that's a reason to be on there.
I agree that I should add time of the video at the end to show the piece to give it time to be seen. This can be easily accomplished if I make sure to take a photo of the art and include it in the video. I haven't had the best record of doing this due to my own ADHD and the pace at which these sketch paintings are being made.
Most of these recent sketch paintings were made back in August during CatCon on the spot! It's a crazy thing to do and I haven't seen anyone else do something quite what I'm doing, which is I guess part of my marketing for conventions and shows. So, sometimes I forget to take a picture at the end, but I'm getting better at including it in my process. And yes I call them sketches because they're fairly quick (I aim for 30 minutes for a 6"x6") and I don't get to add all the details I would like to if time was available. (I'm currently working on a new 3"x3" fully detailed piece of a famous internet cat, I've spent an hour and a half on it, and it's not done yet!)
Part of the timelapse question is not just to see what people prefer to determine how much time I should put into editing, but also how much effort I should put into digital storage. I have a couple different ways of recording footage, and the main way I've been doing so is with my iPhone. And so when I'm at events that I fly to, like CatCon, sometimes I'm having to transfer videos from my phone to an SD card until I can get home and get the footage onto a larger storage device. This can be tricky especially if I don't make sure to clear my phone storage before going to an event (something I'm adding to my list!) However, if I use the timelapse feature already available on the iPhone, then that makes editing and storage even easier for me later. I used this a lot with my Black Cat October series. But this timelapse footage doesn't look as good (maybe) and I don't have the option to do other edits later. Which then comes to the question for myself, am I really going to go back and make another edit for these sketch paintings? Perhaps the answer is timelapses for sketches, and full videos for fully detailed paintings.
And thank you for your input on the music part! The reason for the music in the last video was because of what's trending right now. Sometimes IG will save a copy of the video I posted with whatever music, so I had reused it in today's post. I think I'll make sure to use something more soothing/calming going forward just for tumblr, because you all have a special place in my heart.
Usually I'll open TikTok and do a separate video save to have a hi-res copy with music, but since I had recently created a shop on TT I only have commercially available music. Maybe I should take the shop down anyways, I'm really not sure if it'll help my art get notice or sell more stickers. I'd rather manage sales from my website anyways, but I feel like I should at least give it a try. You're welcome to tell me your thoughts on that!
I could go more into detail about my process for just uploading videos, but I feel like this is already getting TLDR. So feel free to let me know if you want me to ramble some more! I'd love to get input on that, as well as get an idea of what other artists are doing since I have no idea what I'm doing!
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moved-naitfall · 2 years ago
— concerning ereri ( eren x levi )
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Since I've had new mutuals follow me, and discovered my guidelines link on my pinned was broken, I felt the need to make a separate post and clear this out:
In this blog, there will be visuals / depictions / references / headcanons concerning a romantic bond between Levi Ackerman and Eren Yeager.
Tumblr media
I'm the sort of writer who wishes to explore emotions through writing. I'm not here to explore any kinks. All ‘ questionable ’ subjects I write are approached with respect towards said subjects and the people I write with.
I ship and write Levi as romantically involved with a canon-divergent Eren Yeager, portrayed by a certain writer. My take on their relationship is developed through the years, based on other sources of media ( not SNK ), and isn't tied to canon anymore, at any degree.
Their relationship is one of my favorites, their bond one of the most DEEP despite the age gap. They give me the feeling of the war veteran (Levi) who has seen the worst of life and believes to have killed anything kind inside him, to fall for a soldier (Eren) who is passionate and loves in a way Levi has forgotten how ( a vibe similar to Achilles x Patroclus ). They are my favorite ship, and honestly I've been lucky enough not only to find great works to inspire me ( Idea/Rin Seina's works ( most wonderful manga I've read, and also most of the art I use in this blog belongs to them ), The Thin Red Line, etc. ) but also a wonderful Eren writer to write them with.
This doesn't mean I will romanticallyship Levi with any Eren Yeager muses, or anyone from the 104th Training Squad ( the opposite, really, the bond I'm interested to explore is mentor / mentee ). Romance is the least of my concerns when it comes to writing Levi. But this post serves as the warning there will be Ereri depictions / headcanons / references from time to time, but always properly tagged. Knowing this is a disturbing ship to many, I thought it was better for me to properly warn everyone.
Tumblr media
note: depictions of Eren with short hair ≠ him being a minor. Many people, including myself, see Eren's longer hair as a sign of his turn toward villainy, and not his age.
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northropi · 2 years ago
So I'm going to be using this more, for real this time.
In an effort to Holy Fucking Shit They're Considering Cisgender A Slur Now What The Fuck, I am soft-leaving Twitter. For real now. What do I mean? I will not post anything "directly."
I'll still like, follow, reply, retweet, whatever, but any media or in-depth text (so like also media) will no longer be natively placed on Twitter.
From now on anything I put on Twitter will be links to other sites.
It also seems inevitable at this point that I will eventually have to leave Twitter entirely because harassment is becoming more frequent.
While I'm not big enough to be readily targeted, bigots are trawling the trending tab to find anyone who comments on a recurring topic and start gnawing them.
I've never been a full "no ethical consumption under capitalism" person, but up until this, I could at least blow Elon's bigotry off as "oh, so we happen to have a bigoted owner on this site, well not gonna pay his ass so I'm fine in the short-term." But this policy, which seems to have gone through, is probably the first time something actively bigoted and not just generic right-lib "hey we should let bigots talk because censorship bad" has been written into the ToS.
To strongarm Cis out of our vocabulary leaves us with no words to describe Cis people exclusively (which is itself a pretty damning reason why it's not a fucking slur, but I don't think at this point that anyone who says they think it is is doing so in good faith). We have to use the word bigots want us to use to describe cis people.
And every time we speak it, they'll lick their slimy lips and relish in the implication that, by exclusion, we have admitted we are not.
BlueSky likely will mark the end of Twitter being an even neutral space for vulnerable people in terms of community, though maybe I'm talking out my ass there because I hear some shit about BlueSky too- so sub BlueSky for whatever more solid Twitter-style multipurpose high-throughput platform follows and actually is good if I have to eat those words, I guess.
It, or the hypothetical next thing, will bleed Twitter of users who are, you know, not fucking horrible, and in turn, create a selective pressure that turns Twitter into a decidedly bigot-friendly site. This is the cost of being run by someone who thinks "free speech" should mean taking the wrong answer to the paradox of tolerance, and an idol to rightoids and conspiracy theorists who need that "gifted" Christ-figure and a supposed force of opposition to exist, even if they have to rip their brain in two to characterize that opposition as the establishment while, being conservatives, every single stance they take is pro-establishment.
You people ruined schizoposting, you know that?
Newgrounds will be for images with occasional text updates, this for long but relatively rough posts, Wix for more encyclopedia-style content as I intend to use it in a wiki-like capacity with secondary blog purposes (why not use wiki for that, you ask? because it looked like a lot to learn up front and there seemed to be like twelve different wiki formats, Wordpress/Wix was just easier but might change later).
I'll also aim for some filler on Youtube in the form of just video game clips so I can feed the algorithm a bit and try to be more active in exploiting what free time I have to actually use my mic for voiced stuff including, possibly, short streams, though that begs the question of where I'll be doing those.
As for Tumblr, a friend offered me to help me learn its syntax or whatever you'd even call it in this case to get it formatted. I wouldn't count on it replacing Newgrounds yet and that may be my primary art site from here on out (I've expressed concern about their harsh policy against WIPs and certain modeling programs that might include my VRoid work, but the latter would obviously be fine here and the former can still be posted in a publicly accessible capacity to NG, just not promoted in the art portal- hopefully I get "scouted" there sooner than later but nothing is a dealbreaker yet). The problem ofc is because, well... First off, NSFW. "Oh but you can post-" yes. I know. You can do some lewd stuff and fetish content fine as long as it doesn't hit a particular bar of "non-artistic" nudity. However, a lot of my stuff is raunchy fucking hypercock bellybulging cum cum madness. I can't just fly under that restriction and not need to eventually find another outlet.
Second, I really gotta handle these fucking bots. Not sure how many I have still as I imagine a lot are getting cleaned out by mods, but it seems follower notifs on this site have been going into junk for a while due to sheer frequency.
I'm also thinking about if I have it in me to forgive DeviantArt for their AI debacle, but the site's stance on it is concerning and I fear that there's at best going to be a ton of it flooding the site, which, while acceptable if they hold their promise of being able to opt out future works (remember, the opt-out doesn't apply to any works put up before- you can't un-train a neural network, so fuck that sideways), will be frustrating to interact with. I'm also going to look into ArtStation a bit, I recall them doing something dubious but I'm not sure of the status of it since. I actually already have an account there, for Project G.L.U.T.T.'s demo mostly...
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beverlychills · 2 years ago
Introductory Post
PLEASE at least skim through the tags. Navigating this autism castle I've built may get difficult if you don't.
Also see below: Guide for takedown requests
Hi there, call me Taffy! (Any pronouns)
I'm a neurodivergent fella obsessed with Lethal League. I'm also obsessed with archiving things, and I have a dedicated personal server where I collect all the LLB fanart I can.
For a while I've been wanting to give other people easy access to all this old and new content, but I don't want to invite people to the server, and booru-making is closed right now, so this—an account made to reblog every LLB post I can find—is the next best option.
For now I run this account alone, and my archiving only encompasses things on tumblr, this may change later but I can't say for sure.
I plan to keep this archive going as long as possible.
Despite my wants to preserve everything Lethal League, there are some artists I refuse to archive due to personal convictions, or being personally asked not to archive their work.
The amount of these people is presently in the single digits, and probably won't impact the rest of the blog much.
If you want a particular post(s) taken down, or would like to be blacklisted, please DM me. Please note you may have to prove your identity to do this, in whatever way you can (so long as it does not compromise your safety or super-personal information).
If you have a Lethal League post to contribute that I haven't found yet, send me the link. Even things from deactivated accounts can still be preserved if someone else reblogged them. Or I guess if you have a screenshot.
If there's something down the list you don't wanna see, just filter the tag
Warnings: #suggestive Including but not limited to - Discussion of NSFW, off-camera lovemaking, skimpy clothing or poses... whatever you older internet denizens might call "sin." NSFW jokes are judged on a case-by-case basis Overly graphic stuff, minor x adult, or straight up p0rn if there's any left, will not be included in the archive for obvious reasons #thirstposting Any rare case of people getting a bit too excited over a given LLB character. If hypothetically seeing people talk about how much they want to bone their favorite dapper googly eyed fuck wouldn't be your jam, you might wanna filter out this tag. #nudity Tasteful nudity. Think the Statue of David. #blood For when insides become outsides, but it's not straight up gutspill. #feels Because some of us don't wanna deal with angst. #emeto Vom. #eyestrain Ouchie ow oof bright colors. ^ #aberration Chromatic aberration #gore #bugs #death #eye contact #dereality #drugs #weed #body horror #loud #flashing
Please note; Despite my headcanons, character interactions will be judged through the LLB story at face value. This means ships involving Switch will not be counted as minor x adult, because he is a robot, 5 is only how long he's been manufactured, and his mental age is not entirely clear (beyond him obviously not having the mind of a toddler). This also means things like Raptor x Switch will still be archived, since although some headcanon them to be found brothers, this is not canonically confirmed.
Content type: #art Including but not limited to - Drawings, physical crafts, music, etc. #fanfic Fanfiction, whether linked offsite or posted directly to tumblr. #animation Encompasses gifs, animatics, animation memes, PMVs, the works. #modding Stuff like retexturing, 3D model editing, or even Mung Daal in Room 21 #gameplay #shitpost #textpost #cosplay
Characters: #raptor #switch #candyman #dice #jet #doombox #grid #nitro #latch #sonata #dust #ashes #toxic #dummy #mc inferno #safety league
Unlockables: #ballhead #strait jacket #zoot suit #l.2 full mecha #domino #dynamic #detective nitro #jumper cabler #safety weapon #chain engine #iron grip
DLC: #galileo #firefighter max pressure #volt (Neopolis Devastator) #ivory puppet killer #insectoid loneriding mechranger #stereo overdrive #shining gold winner #gigahertz visualizer x #nuclear nourishment #late stage illmatic #heavyduty r evolution #master of the mountain
Fandom culture: #headcanon #theory #review #ship #ship neg #oc x canon #oc #au #askblog #humanized #crossover #fusion
Archived posts will not be tagged as #ship unless the OP states so, or it is very explicitly intended to be ship art—flirting and kissing and stuff. Ships will be tagged as the involved characters' names in alphabetical order, in lieu of affectionate shipnames. This is to avoid creating extra things for you poor soul to memorize. Also, negative content about any given ship will have "neg" tacked onto the end. ❌ #candylatch ✅ #candyman x latch 🔘 #candyman x latch neg
For OCs, search their name, and for specific artists, search their blog url. ie: #cue #klayfruit Furthermore, fanon interpretations of LLB characters may be tagged like this: #henry #candyman
OC x canon shipnames will not be tagged, despite how few there are in retrospect, because I think doing that would drive me nuts.
If two OCs happen to have the same name, the name will be followed up with the creator's username depending on which OC is being referred to. This also applies if an OC name overlaps with a warning tag;
#ember sampleusername - #ember gridsbignaturals #bugs sampleusername
Other: #official Involving a Team Reptile account or one of its developers. Including but not limited to: Dev logs, headcanons from individual team members, outdated lore, threads involving them on other websites, etc. #tim #dion #yinyin #andy #kittomatic #sem
#merch Official merchandise designs and such #deactivated OP's blog is hacked or deactivated. If the URL was changed, the old URL may be tagged; for the sake of preserving the era it was posted, and so people can more easily find things if they know an old username but not the new one. #[year] Year something was posted. ie: #2015 #mod taffy
Posts with captions like "not tagging this" or things that seem personal will probably not be archived unless the OP says it's okay
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roabythecow1 · 2 months ago
Greetings, Tumblr. So, let's begin with a short introduction of myself. My name is Noah. I'm a minor, nonbinary, logical, loyal, and passionate person with frequently fluctuating confidence, diagnosed with ADD and potentially OCD. I'm also a self-claimed aspiring author and poet.
Speaking of which, there's this little thing I've been working on since October 2020, which I've lost more than a fraction of my heart and soul squeezing into it for better or worse. So, what's this passion project called? More likely than not, you're not asking, but I'll let you know anyway, hoping you're at least the slightest bit intrigued. My project is my novel, Free Forest Kids.
(Insert drawings: the cover, OG Trio, Crow and Isamu, Elliot and Marley, Nadia, Cassidy)
Without revealing too much off the bat, this story mainly revolves around four kids: Crow, Fox, Star, and Elliot, how they discovered freedom, their meaningful bonds with each other, and how they gradually came to terms with a significant fact of life: You can't run from your problems forever.
Up to this point, Free Forest Kids has gotten little attention besides the encouragement I receive to pursue writing it from my friends and family. However, I hope I can grow at least a larger handful of an audience for the book eventually. However, currently, and I say this with plenty of emphasis, Free Forest Kids is entirely a draft. Why? Well, simply put, I haven't perfected it enough to label it otherwise. Nonetheless, it would mean the world to me to have it proofread and self-published one day. In the meantime, I'll be posting Free Forest Kids updates here every two weeks on Friday at 6:00 PM EST unless interruptions occur, which should come with a warning.
I appreciate you for reading my story more than you know. 💛
|| Rated: Mature audience (14+) ||
|| Disclaimer: Life is wonderful, but not every aspect is beautiful. Although this story isn't entirely grim, it will include sensitive topics essential for the characters' development and story arcs, such as mental and physical abuse, gender dysphoria, sexual assault, abduction, death, and homicide. ||
What transpired when children desired to rid of self-doubt, fears, and problems?
Perhaps they favored to run from over solve them
Break through their suppressive cage, where the vast silhouettes seemed infinite
Where light rarely shone through crevices and would soon after fade
Who could blame the young?
Or rather, how could they fault those ones—when bigger hands kept their mouths shut, or when worst came to worst, left them locked up? 
In pitch-black rooms, their minds still sparked like candlelight
Each craving for freedom, grappling for their small embers to ignite
A few eventually broke free, "lost" among creatures, plants, and trees
A land untamed, which prospers
This is where they discovered the others
All contrasting, yet longing for that one of the same
Oh, how inherently, at the core, we'll never change
There, the fires spread but never scorched
Occasionally wavered, shifted to another torch 
Personalities and vulnerabilities bestowed
Yet such as tall trees and streams that continue to flow, bonds only grew
Some heard faint laughter, but no one truly knew who's
Each season passed with greens, oranges, and browns
Each comrade arrived with every new town
Two or three leaves descended, and plenty more drifted, pursuing their journey elsewhere
Some creatures were hunted, although it seemed unfair
A star's light appeared to fade, but it's okay
It's okay 
Inevitably, their glow contributed, guiding the way
Ultimately, the trek was as trivial as it was life-changing for several, beyond expectancy and memorable
And no matter how their paths split in the end...
They'll have always been Free Forest friends
Bk 1 Ch 1 Escape I
Blog Navigation
FFK art
FFK comics (insert link)
FFK writing
FFK asks
FFK Friday updates
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moved--naitfall · 1 year ago
—◆ concerning ereri (eren x levi )
Since I've had new mutuals follow me, and discovered my guidelines link on my pinned was broken, I felt the need to make a separate post and clear this out:
In this blog, there will be visuals / depictions / references / headcanons concerning a romantic bond between Levi Ackerman and Eren Yeager.
Tumblr media
I'm the sort of writer who wishes to explore emotions through writing. I'm not here to explore any kinks. All ‘ questionable ’ subjects I write are approached with respect towards said subjects and the people I write with.
I ship and write Levi as romantically involved with a canon-divergent Eren Yeager, portrayed by a certain writer. My take on their relationship is developed through the years, based on other sources of media ( not SNK ), and isn't tied to canon anymore, at any degree.
Their relationship is one of my favorites, their bond one of the most DEEP despite the age gap. They give me the feeling of the war veteran (Levi) who has seen the worst of life and believes to have killed anything kind inside him, to fall for a soldier (Eren) who is passionate and loves in a way Levi has forgotten how ( a vibe similar to Achilles x Patroclus ). They are my favorite ship, and honestly I've been lucky enough not only to find great works to inspire me ( Idea/Rin Seina's works ( most wonderful manga I've read, and also most of the art I use in this blog belongs to them ), The Thin Red Line, etc. ) but also a wonderful Eren writer to write them with.
This doesn't mean I will romanticallyship Levi with any Eren Yeager muses, or anyone from the 104th Training Squad ( the opposite, really, the bond I'm interested to explore is mentor / mentee ). Romance is the least of my concerns when it comes to writing Levi. But this post serves as the warning there will be Ereri depictions / headcanons / references from time to time, but always properly tagged. Knowing this is a disturbing ship to many, I thought it was better for me to properly warn everyone.
Tumblr media
note: depictions of Eren with short hair ≠ him being a minor. Many people, including myself, see Eren's longer hair as a sign of his turn toward villainy, and not his age.
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