#I've been hyperfixating on them for weeks bro
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theindescribable1 · 2 months ago
biggest fictional crushes? (Current) X3
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Shmexy villains god I hate them 💕💕💕💕
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vilevampire · 1 year ago
it's that time of day (2:50 am) where I sit back and look at my canvas where I am currently drawing commissioned emotes for one of the biggest minecraft content creators in brazil and I think to myself "how the fuck did I get here"
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cc-kote · 1 year ago
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
WOOPS I did not have time to do this for the past like, week but I've been wanting to bc I love silly little memes like this. Tytyty @ithillia for the tag :3
Last song: All Our Bruised Bodies And The Whole Heart Shrinks by La Dispute (It makes me think about Fives and it hurts so fucking much) 
Favorite colour: GREEN!! and also blue 
Last movie/TV Show: TCW of course, I had a Bad Autism Time™️ and my gf put on the fucking Umbara Arc to calm me down. It worked like a charm what the fuck is wrong w me lmfaooo. 
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: All of the above but spice hurts me. I do it anyway tho, mama raised a little bitch but she didn't raise a quitter lmfaoo. 
Relationship status: So fuckin down bad for my girlfriend hhh 
Last thing you googled: fuckjgn AO3 LMAOOO 
Current obsession: clonesclonesclonesclones forever. I haven't had a special interest/hyperfixation this deep since I was like 12-14 so like this is one of the most important things in my life tbh. Specifically like thinking about how their culture would work, and their solidarity, internal conflicts, shared trauma and how that would relate to those things. Their ideas about personal and cultural identity and how that would vary individually. Things like how their upbringing must have felt, how that affected them and who they became later in life, the things they're taught vs what they truly come to believe once they're out on the field, the psychological effects of O66 on the clones who survived and the devastating impact it must have had- Bro stop me or I'll keep going forever like. I'm in deep and tbh? I wouldn't change it for the world. 
NPT: LMFAO bold of this title to assume that I know 9 people on this site, or am brave enough to tag ppl I haven't talked to often fhsjdmksmf SO if you see this consider yourself tagged. Yes, You. idc if we've never talked It's probably bc I'm too baby, so (unless u don't feel like it) do it 👀 also @mamuzzy and @whatislifewithoutangst if y'all haven't already and wanna do this here u go! 
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starsinmylatte · 22 days ago
I saw your dilf Veritas post and listen I had to hop in cause I am so damn hungry for this man istg
Anyway, I don't think I've seen anything in regards to the moment when Veritas loses his cool for maybe even the first time in his life. And that's the birth of his child. He has knowledge on birth and all about it but with that comes the knowledge about all that could go wrong and bro is stressing 🥲 he wants his beloved partner and his precious baby safe and sound and healthy. He also hates to see his partner in so much discomfort throughout all this
I have failed my fellow HSR cuties bc I have been HOARDING some delicious content in my drafts while waiting for the hyperfixation to return. Everyone thank @delirious-donna for pinging my last brain cell and reminding me that hoyoverse still exists 🙂‍↕️💕
Anywho..... Back to our scheduled simping!
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Veritas is the man who always has a logical plan or a well-thought-out answer to everything. He is aloof at most times, able to step away from any situation happening in front of him so that he may analyze and produce the best course of action. He prides himself on his ability to organize his thoughts and process his feelings according to logic, oftentimes being the only person to take charge during emergencies. That is, until you wake up in the dead of night to find that your bedsheets are.... strangely damp? Oh shit.
Being the chronic over-planner, Veritas had your due date neatly penciled into his calendar for precisely two weeks from now, so when you tapped at his shoulder rather urgently, he was decently confused. "My darling, I know cravings are intense, but eating at this time of-"
You cut through his raspy, sleepy drawl- the same one you'd heard groaning obscenities against the shell of your ear as his son was conceived-" Veritas, the baby is coming."
His head twitched, raising off the pillow as if he needed both ears to hear what you were saying, "I, I apologize, but it sounded li-"
"Veritas. Get the bag. Our son is coming."
For the first time since you'd met the man, you swear that you can hear the subtle clicking of Veritas Ratio's mind running as he processes a set of data. During that particularly pregnant (ha) pause, you heard one distinct tick as he registered the condition of the bedding, and then the father of your child was immediately out of bed vaulting across the room.
A choice string of vehemently hushed obscenities falls from his lips as he snarls in frustration at all the extra fucking buckles on his goddamn pants that he's never noticed before and-
"Dear, just keep your sweatpants on. Just find a shirt and some shoes first, and then grab pants and shoes for me."
Your clear voice stops his thoughts on a dime. Of course, How had he not thought of that? His beloved wife was so brilliant.
For the first time in his entire life, Veritas's brain was simply on overdrive. His carefully separated thoughts and feelings were clashing with no intention of stopping, leaving the man on autopilot. If it were any other situation, you'd have been amused.
Veritas's mind snapped back to normal after you winced from a contraction as he helped you with your shoes. Knowing that you were in distress gave his mind the kick it needed to prioritize correctly again, and he got you to the hospital in record time.
Originally, you had planned to go to the hospital that was further away- the one Ratio didn't lecture at daily- but now that didn't seem like a possibility. Getting you comfortable as quickly as he could won by a mile in Ratio's list of priorities, so many heads turned in the Emergency Department as they suddenly heard their strictest professor's voice at three in the morning. Some twitched in their chairs, fully convinced they were in the throes of a nightmare as the widely respected, widely feared Doctor Veritas Ratio strode toward them at a breakneck pace in his pajamas.
The doctors glance at each other. From the sea of confused faces, that didn't make sense to anybody. "uh- sir?"
"My wife. Is here. She needs a room. Now." Veritas annunciated his words very slowly as if they were the densest people on the planet, which meant that he actually managed to speak his sentence at a somewhat normal pace.
As if to drive the point home, the nurse Veritas had left to gather your things and bring you in suddenly appeared, quickly wheeling you into the room. The staff paled as they noticed you groan softly in pain, one arm draped protectively over your heavily pregnant belly.
The medical team whisks you away to a delivery room, and Veritas is quickly thrown into an unfamiliar world. The man used to having decisive answers is sat squarely in a chair next to his wife's bedside, grasping her hand tightly as she cries out in pain. He can't stop thinking about all of the variables, all of the things that could go wrong- the way your face is scrunched up in agony- the knowledge that he's about to meet his son.
The thoughts continue on a revolving loop of horror and wonder until a shrill little cry pierces the air, and Veritas Ratio snaps to attention to meet his son for the first time.
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smytherines · 1 year ago
I went through my big Starkid era over the last like six months or so. I had seen Spies Are Forever once a few months back, liked it, but it kinda got buried by life stuff. Maybe a week or two before the tinlightenment kickstarter started up, I remembered SAF and decided to rewatch it, and seeing it again with the context of the full story just really spoke to me in a way I cannot shut up about.
I love Spies Are Forever. I love how funny and tender and gay and hilarious it is. But as much as I love SAF, I'm most grateful that I've gotten to make so many friends bonding over this show. Friends who are working so so so hard to promote the kickstarter because they love Tin Can Bros stuff as much as I do. We have had so much fun on streams, making up ridiculous inside jokes, posting sandwiches and asses in bios and the Sacred Text.
When I found out about the kickstarter I went and liked all the socials, not even thinking about funding it if I'm honest, but I wanted to share stuff at least. That has changed in a big way. I just increased my pledge today, actually!
Anyways I kept rewatching SAF and appreciating it in new ways. I watched Solve It Squad and Grunch and Wayward Guide. I started engaging with the tinlightenment posts. I asked my partner for the 54 Below digital ticket for Valentines Day. I made a new tumblr for the first time in years so I could post hyperfixations about SAF. I made a Diane Lopez-Richter meme that still makes me smile every time I see it, and now I'm just doing as much TCB promo as I possibly can because I really believe in what they're doing.
Theatre is hard. Independent theatre is so much harder. I spent 8 years in a children's community theatre company growing up. My mom did their books in exchange for my tuition. It was always a hustle to keep the doors open. I can say without question that it saved my life. It gave me a space to safely have my big ADHD feelings. Theatre gives you space to feel huge things in a safe way, and TCB provides free, fully original productions to anyone who can access youtube.
I backed the Tinlightenment kickstarter because these original shows and songs and characters are rare and precious, given to us FOR FREE in the hopes that we'll continue to choose to support all of these wonderful creators when they do these big fundraising campaigns.
Corey, Joey, and Brian have spent ten years working hard as fuck to bring us new things for our goblin brains to latch onto, and I want to see more. They have been working so hard on this kickstarter to give us SEVEN events for 200k, which is basically nonsense. An irrationally small amount of money for what they are planning to do. And I want to see them get there.
If you can't back the kickstarter, that's totally cool. Everyone has their own shit going on, nobody is going to hold it against you. We love you we love you we love you.
If you can afford to throw a few bucks towards the kickstarter, please please do it. Independent theatre only happens if we fund it.
>>> Tinlightenment <<<
(Reposting the Diane meme because I love watching her get new treats)
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sinshckled · 5 days ago
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still alive ! here's your occasional kaat update ;
i'm doing pretty well ! i finished an animation project with my friends a few weeks ago, so that took a lot of my time and energy, but all in all i'm very proud of the work i did ! i've also been drawing A LOT for the past months, which makes me think that i've finally recovered from my degree burn-out... unfortunately yeah the most of my creativity is going into drawing atm so while i'm trying to pick writing back up it's not my priority rn
it's harder to find time and energy for writing than it used to be but i might just have to get used to it again ! any time i do start typing i have tons of fun hnggg idk i'm just babbling at this point. i kinda just opened tumblr on accident and decided "hey why not write a post"
i don't think i can ever go back to activity levels i had in 2017-2019 esp bc i'm not hyperfixated anymore haha but it's really cool to see that my love for jellal never truly dies. i considered straight-up retiring him and... i mean i still could but whew! i would like to avoid that if possible.
might revive the multimuse if i go back to writing. idk. like i said not the priority for now but maybe i can also just allow myself to hang out once in a while and write a few things ?
also we have had an INSANE amount of snow here in Canada, there is currently an average of 75 cm of snow accumulated on your local Québec frontyard and most of it hasn't melted. it's very pretty outside but it comes with its drawbacks.
edit: AND ANOTHER THING !!!!!!!! BTS will officially be reunited and done with military service in less than four months bro i remember the day Jin first left...... i think u all know by now that i like them a normal amount so im pretty sure u guys can tell that im very excited.
ive also been playing genshin impact a WHOLE FUCKING LOT bc im aiming to get wriothesley bc who knows if theyll let him out of the cryo chamber again IM AT 147 WISHES LETS GOOO
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wufflesvetinari · 4 months ago
for the fic writer asks, 14, 16, and 54?
14. how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
hmm i do try to draw from, like, the physicality of my own emotions. but to be honest, i'm usually using recalled emotion rather than feeling what the character feels in that moment! sometimes when i'm experiencing strong emotion irl there is a part of me cataloging how it feels, how i'll describe it later, etc (just #normal person things)
i also spend a lot of time thinking about whether the level of emotionality reads well in the context of the whole--sometimes i write a very emotional version of a scene and then rein it in a little, so the rest of the fic has further to go.
the writing by others that most affects me implies an emotion without drowning me in it--draws the shape of it and lets me put the pieces together myself. and i do aim for this, but my parameters also differ between fic and origfic, because my goals are different between the two. i'm going to be much more explicit about emotionality in fic, allow for more internal narration of the feeling etc, because that is often The Goal of the Fic. and in origfic i'm going to spend more time trying to craft gutpunching individual passages rather than, say, a paragraph to get the same idea across in greater detail
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
i'm taking a break from writing wyllstarion to recharge after finishing Be My Mirror and you wait so long. i do have maybe ~2 tavstarion things that are in my head! BUT UNFORTUNATELY i've mostly been having ideas about jamie tartt of ted lasso fame (like 4 of them). i have no idea whether you, tumblr user ushauz, have seen ted lasso, but anyway:
in canon, jamie tartt is a footballer with #abuse trauma who, over the course of 3 seasons, goes from self-absorbed locker room bully to #soft masculinity woobie golden retriever. and--
i...ok. look. i am not a particularly smutty writer but it's important to understand that i am being completely objective (scientific, even!) when i say he has massive sub energy.
in season 1 he dates keeley, a delightful model/PR professional, who breaks up with him for (to oversimplify) being a bro-y dick. she canonically thinks it's hot for men to 1) obey her and 2) be vulnerable; jamie in later seasons is frequently vulnerable and also seems uh...enthusiastic about obeying orders from somebody he trusts. but s1 jamie is drowning in toxic masculinity! like "don't let them see a hint of weakness/pick on the smallest guy in the room to establish dominance" masculinity!
i'd enjoy writing a character study of their s1 relationship in which the seeds of s3 jamie start coming out against his will. their semi-ironic puppy play thing stops feeling totally ironic. she tells him about using a strap on her ex-girlfriends and he can't stop thinking about it for a week. they go to a fancy gala and he knows he's supposed to be into her hanging off his arm looking all pretty, but instead his head's going in circles about how pretty he looks as an accessory to her
and this fucks him up SO BAD he sabotages their relationship and that's why they break up lmao
54. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
honestly, the hyperfixation of it all? i don't access that energy while writing origfic very often (though i know a project is going very well if i get close). it is EXTREMELY satisfying to put very specific guys in a situation. and to imagine how you're going to devastate the guys' other devotees by doing so; that part is very important
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kkatastrophic · 8 months ago
Yo wsg I'm feeling venty rn gang!!! >:) (anywayssss)
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Oh, this is my honest reaction btw:
My parents get mad at me when I don't tell them what I'm listening to (music-wise), and then whenever my song comes up on the playlist in the car I get judged.
Or they ask what I'm writing (fanfiction) and they automatically assume because I don't want to tell them about it, that it's bad. NO I'M NOT WRITING SMUT MUM, I JUST HAVE CRINGE INTERESTS!!!
But as soon as I tell them I'm writing something, they get all on my back and as soon as they get home it's "10 minutes" or "sleep in 30" or "stop writing you've been on that all day!" (<- I got home 10 minutes ago people.)
Or it's like 3 degrees and I'm in bed writing because it's cold and they ask me to "come out of my room for once" because "we never see you" (I literally talk to them all the time, we have dinner together EVERY night, we watch movies and stuff together on weekends) then they EXPECT me to come out of my room when they just got mad at me for saying no to leaving my nice private area???
Wait, did I say private?
My mum walks in when I'm changing, and she's like "oh sorry" and then finishes putting my clothes on my bed? Like I get she's trying to be helpful and stuff but I'm sick of it. Please just put them by my door in the morning, because I'd rather you not walk in while me (a lovely teen girl who would like some decent privacy pretty please!) is changing.
She scared the shit out of me this morning, and my friends notice how jumpy I can be BECAUSE I constantly have to hide my phone (I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm just USING it) or grab a towel or blanket or even just... crouch down uncomfortably so that she doesn't see me undressed...
Like I get it... you have stuff you need to do, but privacy is important. Not to mention if I forget to lock the door my mum walks in while I'm in the SHOWER.
At least my dad knocks before coming into my bedroom.
And like I love them but oh my god I'm sick of it. I don't have it bad and I'm just complaining and whatever but like... bro...
OH AND MY FRIENDS SOMETIMES TOO! Don't get me wrong, I love my girls so much, they're lovely and really nice and kind, and I don't know where I'd be without them in my life.
Let me listen to music without you going "what're you listening to" and then looking at me like I'm listening to alien noises (I was listening to Mitski)
Stop asking me what I'm drawing, and then judging me for it. (I just want to draw characters from my hyperfixation in peace-)
Stop looking at me like I'm a weirdo and judging me for having interests in some video game from 2010. Stop acting like me being on tumblr is so weird.
I love my friends and they're great and awesome and supportive, but sometimes they just don't get it, because I'm "the weird anime kid" (I don't watch anime anymore, I just like Danganronpa.) and they're... "normal".
Like my friend asked me a week ago "you realise you have a big pimple above your lip, right?"
Yes I know. I have acne, it's been in my life since I was 11. I have a million different products, but can never keep using them long enough to work.
I've had skin rashes, acne, whiteheads, blackheads. They're small, but there's so many, and they're all over my face. So I look red all the time.
"Oh, why don't you wear makeup?" that's like saying "If you have glasses and are insecure about how you look with them, just take them off" <- it makes their eyesight worse. They can't see without them. They don't feel comfortable putting contacts on. etc. etc.
And like... just don't point out peoples insecurities in general. Please guys.. it makes them feel self concious and way worse about themselves. Just don't do it.
I love the people in my life, if you guys somehow find this (dad why are you on Tumblr...? Go back to Facebook man-) I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, but these things just irk me and I was feeling particularly irritated when writing this.
Okay vent done I got that out of my system, not my usual post but people need to learn boundaries. :3
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writermuses · 1 year ago
Hello darlings!
I'm still alive/here. I know I owe all the things and I appreciate you all following my "queue that" rule because I haven't been on my computer to write let alone draft. In case you're wondering what I've been up to I'll give you a bulleted list of the teacher life near D.C. under the read more.
🩵 Natty
Here's some chaos:
My student pulled the fire alarm and rather than addressing that for the felony it is, kiddo is on a 1 month suspension (you get 45 days for fighting) Worth noting this student was previously expelled 2 years ago for a gun situation.
We've had 2 mob fights at my school and another at the next closest high school (they also had a stabbing and the response was "well at least it wasn't our school on the news this time")
I've had more meetings than there were days of the week and worked past 5 nearly every day (we love unpaid work... i'm talking like full time job hours of unpaid labor)
My school has gone through more than 12 principals in my 6 years here and the new one has given me 9 blocks of classes to have my students research, make posters, assemble 550 meal kits, complete a reflection, and present a summary (to whom? idk bro) All while never answering my emails... in case you're wondering it costs 20k to get the groceries for this task alone. As of right now I have 3 students that can build the 550 meal kits. We have 2 80 minute blocks to build them all or our low income families have nothing to eat over spring break 👍
Our bell schedule is changing so that we'll have 3 lunches with students required to be in the cafeteria, instead of 2 where they're in our classrooms. This will end all in school clubs (RIP Four Square Club 😢 ) and we need 350 more chairs in the cafeteria 😂 fyi I had to have 3 students standing per block for 4 weeks because we couldn't get desks and chairs for my classes of 33. When I got desks they gave me elementary cubby desks. (I teach HS. The average 'kid' is like 5'5 hahaha)
The students booed the new principal so loudly at the pep rally that I could hear it with earplugs in and she didn't send their bitch asses back to class. She said, "Hmm, I think I hear some boos? Wouldn't be the first time, won't be the last."
Here's some cute shit:
My nearly non-verbal gem of a human told me a joke: Why did the sun go to class? To get a little brighter!
That same student: His current hyperfixation is roasting my lack of an immune system. He calls me his weakest superhero 😂
In a room full of extremely politically divergent teenagers, they almost unanimously agreed that a person facing criminal charges shouldn't be allowed to run for office and then had civil discourse about it.
The hype of my Afghani students getting to teach their class the Arabic alphabet when we started our new module. (Also their hype over the teachers showing up to their club's fundraiser)
A parent made shirts for the seniors on our 🏀 team (just 4 boys). They got to pick their favorite and most impactful teacher and she wanted each one to have a different teacher wearing theirs but 2 of them insisted it be me and wouldn't budge 😭 (also one of them interviewed to play ball overseas so 🤞 for him)
A parent made the staff valentines day cupcakes
A student in culinary arts gave me a banging cinnamon roll the size of my head
A quiet student from last year came by to tell me he bowled nearly 300 and made brownies- they were not pot brownies, I took the risk and it was worth it 😂
2 of my kids with over 100 absences showed up this week! They won't pass but 👍 nice to know they're like alive
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mamamittens · 11 months ago
Well, didn't get as much done today but I'm on track to finish the first comm this week at least. Would have helped if we didn't have a +1 today but tomorrow is looking to be the same so idk how much progress I'll make after a shower and dinner.
Not going to lie, I fell into a bit of a slump the past two weeks which was... Interesting. Stress, burnout, anxiety, or whatever really said "make time or it'll make you" huh? Mostly with inexplicable exhaustion. Anyone in my DMS probably noticed I was spacy as fuck and honestly, it was a bit embarrassing. Is embarrassing.
Got a discord group I've basically not interacted with (sorry Franky bro) cause I've been so spacey and tired. Hopefully I'll clear my plate enough to chime in soon without losing the plot.
I'm still tired. But it's not quite soul deep this week so far. Still not quite Tuesday though so we'll have to wait and see on that front. Helped I slept 14 hours and then spent the day with my brother and his friend who treated us to dinner and a movie (The First Omen, I liked it but kept forgetting it was a prequel. Did NOT expect to see full pussy in a nightmare/hallucination scene so warning to the dam that was wanting to watch it.) and saw the biggest fucking parmesan chicken in my life.
They brought that bitch out on a pizza stone and I legit thought he changed his mind and ordered pizza. A pound of chicken the size of a personal pizza COVERED IN SAUCE AND CHEESE ENOUGH TO PASS AS A LITTLE CEASERS.
Mad lads.
And I also started thinking about Nikia in Wano again! Shockingly, it's been a minute. Seems like pouring out my hyperfixation has helped me focus on other things instead of being consumed by pokemon while in the middle of One Piece shit lol
This is about the end of the useful updates btw, the rest will just be me rambling about Wano thoughts
So, I suddenly had the thought about what little dramatic plot would go nicely in the middle of this for the bois to do while the Straw Hats are fucking shit up.
And clearly, Izou is gathering Intel while keeping Thatch from blowing their cover. Nikia taking advantage of her anonymity to do some sight seeing and maybe take some eyes off of them cause who wouldn't investigate this new woman with giant ass wings?!?
(she's not a fan of the nosy bitches but we tolerate things for the people we love. They'll make it up to her later lol)
Had the hilarious mental image of Thatch disguising himself, specifically his hair. Very upset to part from the pompadour and gets a topknot that has a suspiciously shaped bundle up top. Izou hates it but picks his damn battles at this point.
So! The cheap trope drama I figured I'd give a little spin was!!!
Manufacture to be specific. As maybe a follow up once King clarifies that Nikia is absolutely NOT Lunarian. Maybe to keep her in check so she doesn't run off before they do DNA tests to see wtf she is. No idea she can fly, so they (I feel like Kaido is the one suggesting it first cause he's a bitch with Big Mom seeing no issue and King just going along with it cause Nikia may not be like him but she's close enough he doesn't feel alone so whatever works, right?) go with a bit of a caged bird thing.
She's a 'guest' while she 'recovers' with King 'looking after her'.
And even with no memory of who she is, she doesn't trust this set up at all. Like, more in an awkward way cause it's clear she's meant to be displayed in a way so she can't 'repay' her 'hosts' like she'd traditionally want to via chores or cooking. She doesn't know what she's supposed to do at all and hates it. Her aloof expression just barely masking the 'someone give me a social clue about wtf is going on already'.
Gets on well enough with King, especially once he stops wearing the damn mask cause it really freaked her out. Pretends to be amicable with the others, can't erase the 'hostess' mask that easily. So it's a legit surprise when she finally admits she doesn't like or trust anyone there at all and has smelled the bullshit from the start and just didn't say anything.
Runs into Yamamoto at some point and likes his spunk even if he's a little weird. Has a hard time keeping up the act under his insistent investigation about why she's there cause honestly, same fam. Why am I here? WTF is going on?!?
I feel like Big Mom tries to touch her wings at some point out of curiosity and King stops her cause I can't imagine that's not a pretty intimate gesture for even Lunarians. Wins brownie points. Thanks for being a bro and all that.
On the night of the throw down the Bois finally manage to get into the palace and shit and Nikia immediately recognizes Thatch from his silhouette despite still not remembering shit.
A hilariously awkward "oh, hey, what are u doing here? Trying to steal shit? I heard it was bad out there but this is pretty risky don't you think?" And Thatch is staring at her in full Wano gear, makeup and all like
"I'm looking for my lover"
"OUR lover"
"ye that. Uhm. U seen her?"
Nikia just stares at them.
"... Ya gonna describe her or am I supposed to vibe check everyone I've seen here?"
They do recognize her btw, it's just painfully clear she doesn't so they're wondering if she's the real deal or something.
Cue Thatch trying to come up with a noteworthy detail she'd realize is her own feature but her hair has been changed up and he doesn't even think about her wings. Trying to be smooth and razz her up a little to knock some memories loose.
Notices the lipstick.
"Oh! She has a freckle on her lip! Right here!" He's so proud of himself, Izou ready to smack him as he continues "It's my s--one of my favorite places to kiss!"
It takes a moment before she blushes, realizing the obvious implications.
"ah... Why do I get the feeling you were about to say something else? Are u sure your lover would like you talking about that with a stranger?" She's flustered horribly as Izou smacks him.
"Ignore him. He's being an idiot. May we have your name?"
Honestly didn't have an alt name planned, thought it would be funny briefly if it was Nika but idk. Not committed to that but yet.
Anyway! She does remember on her own as she considers how compelled she feels to trust the two and how familiar they are. Comforting, dare she say. And, without remembering she can fly either deliberately does her 'clearing exercise' or is tossed up in a fight.
The clearing exercise is a rather dangerous, borderline suicidal act she does every so often when she feels conflicted or uncertain.
Usually, she'd go to the practice cliffs with updrafts. And then she'd fall down. The idea is that the threat of death would help clear her mind and what really matters to her. Is it really that important if it's not the first thing she thinks of when faced with the threat of death? And then she uses her wings to glide out of danger. She never does this injured, but the awareness that inaction will kill her is part of the process. She tends to overthink so this really streamlines the process in a way that can't be argued with.
She did NOT mention this habit to anyone before so the bois bout shit themselves when it looks like she's free falling to her death. Maybe Marco is there and goes to help only to end up banking with her as she recovers instinctively at the last moment, memories flooding back.
She's a little too good at faking an uncontrolled fall as part of her 'fighting style' to throw people off and it's steadily giving the bois gray hairs. Mostly because she's lost control while flying a lot due to the chaotic up/down drafts on the mountain.
Anyway, thats about all I thought of while spiritually ascending from this plane of existence for this scenario. Who knows if I'll use it or scrap the whole damn thing.
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chilei-the-hotsauce · 11 months ago
ALL the artist ask game questions. ALL OF THEM-
omg yes hold up
1. uuh krita, fire alpaca (i used to use fire alpaca but not after getting csp)
2. left? i think? i can draw all directions (-ish) (it wont be good but i can)
3. none?? idk bro i have bad memory (or maybe i suppress them idk)
4. anything from canon media. like i love you boo but why. also clothes and poses
5. i post very little of my art actually lmao whoops. very busy lately but might start posting art again if i remember
6. my hyperfixation at the time. or well, me. also art tutorials i see on pinterest, though that's a bit more conscious i think
8. there's so many that i cant even remember jesus christ-
9. everything is keysmashes. i do not name my layers. i am satan
10. mm i actually like drawing shirts i think?
11. music. fun fact i listened to paranoia on loop for over a week. thats what brain rot does to a man
12. uuuh hhand
13. i really dont know. every thing is my thing. every creator is admirable in their own way. love everyone. commit crime
14. death? eldritch horrors? blood? rot and corruption? yeag the good shit
15. my room. at school also because im studying animation and game design
16. making. sprite sheets. for 2d game.
17. i usually have a tea nearby but i always forget it. i kinda drink it halfway when it's still warm, then forget about it and then when i go back for it it's cold so i just chug it all and go get a new one
18. uuh i'd say like? 10? im very gentle and loving with my stuff uwu
19. no. i do not. ok but maybe like. cloth idk.
20. hands. idk bro i drew them so much at one point out of spite i just kinda got good at it and now i just wing it and it looks good and doesnt require much thought. and if it requires thought it's in a funky position but then i just wrangle my own hands a little, inspect it, and then continue to draw
21. lineless, painting-esque, thick lines, realistic, sketchy... yeah good shit
22. nah man i just go straight for the laptop
23. uuh sometimes
24. im satan i dont use references often. but when i do? yeah i think
25. i havent been told so idk
26. i. dont really intend anything on purpose? so when someone interprets something wild i just kinda go "yeaah sure! idk either!"
27. Dno. straight for the art. might doodle thine truly if im not in a hurry
28. nah, but i'd like to! i've made art for two 2D games in the past year and now there's a 3D one in the making. im charged with making the 3D model for our main villain thing and boy is it pain
29. bold of you to assume anything doesnt inspire me artistically (he doesnt know)
30. thats a great question i have no idea 👍
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n04hfiction · 2 years ago
don't know if you're still doing that ship thing buuuut- if you are this is my submission cause it's really cool and I keep seeing your posts about it lol
I shall just jump in bc- aa
I'm just barely 5'4- like I've been stuck at 5'3 for years and I celebrated when I grew an inch. I'm a trans guy who's demiaroace and gay!! brown eyes, brown hair, pale as hell- chronically ill too- fainting disorder, blood disorder- there's more.
autism, probably ocd- the basic depression anxiety trauma disorder combo
I'm learning guitar and bass (half way done learning scum on bass), I'm an editor, been editing for five years- I am an absolute space nerd who doesn't go a day without thinking about it- I write alot- fanfic writer who mainly writes about wilbur bc he's
he's stuck in my brain, I can't get rid of him, help me /hj
I write poetry- I've been working on a script for a Minecraft smp for two years- poured my heart n soul into it
uhhh I am decently quiet unless someone talks to me and gets me talking and then I don't shut up. I get forgotten bc I am so quiet which is like fine- I like my peace. I enjoy reading but when I can't read physical books I stick to fanfic. I bound a 200k+ word fic in two weeks bc I loved it sm. I really like cozy spaces and lots of blankets n pillows. I hate any number besides 0, 5, and 8- the rest are icky.
my favorite bands are Lovejoy, the front bottoms, los campesinos, fall out boy-
I hate blue origin and Elon musk (space x is on thin ice)
my favorite fun fact about me is that the curiosity Rover launched on my sixth birthday
oh- I'm a reality shifter, like- it's a special interest at this point. I've taught so many people (still haven't shifted yet AAA)
I'm hyper observant so I notice everything about everyone else- I'd make a good profiler to be fair
uhh last thing is that my favorite shows are Rizzoli and Isles, Heartstopper, The Closer and Criminal Minds- I'm interesting and not always in a good way-
lmk if you need more cause I might not have done this well lol
oh another thing- I had a forensic science hyperfixation years ago bc I wanted to be like Connor from DBH and now my name is Connor so-- I achieved it nonetheless!
hey hey i ship you with george!!
congratulates you for your like half inch you grew but also teases you for it xD he probably deadass baked a (burnt) cake when it happened and then 20 minutes go by and he’s like “HAHAHAH YOUR SO SHORT” cuz george is like 5’9(?)
tries to help you w/ all your disorders, but he doesn’t always understand all of them that well and ends up feeling awful, my baby just wants to help :( <3
sister is shook that you can read so much so god damn fast, he’ll be like “BRO TEACH ME HOW TO READ MY EMAILS THAT FAST” cuz i can just see him stalling on that kind of stuff lmfao, especially if it’s for work
loves to get you talking he just thinks it’s the best and cutest thing ever xD
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lostlavenderer · 11 months ago
YOUVE MOVED TO THE IRONDAD FANDOM??? YIPEEEE wait I knew this ur fic is on my read later list HELP I have srsly like a giant pile of irondad fics on my to read list it's horrible 😭😭😭 I finally started to get through them too and then I found the fic of all time for the dc fan in me so rip marvel you've been shafted for now...
I'll def go back to irondad tho, I've been into irondad since like before civil war ever came out LMAOOO I'm an og MCU stan it was my first Hyperfixation ever:)) I just never?? Got into the fandom?? So I've barely read any fics despite having binged the entirety of phases 1-3 altogether in like a week straight 3 times 😭😭
Nobody should watch incredible hulk 3 times in their life... That movie is so boring bro omg...
I HAVE!!! Irondad and the magnus archives/magnus protocol both really, the brainrot is real lmfao
I only recently gotninto the mcu fandom tbh!! I will admit I have like. binged at least the first 10 pages of the irondad tag on ao3 lmao, that found family always gets me rip
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brandon-the-terrible · 2 years ago
I was never on 196, but ok!
1. Name: look at my url
2. Pronouns/Gender: he/they. Cis probably
3. Sexuality: straight
4. Country: the US of A
5. Top 5 Fandoms: oh man where do I begin. I bounce between a ton of fandoms at all times, but in general:
Hollow Knight (and indie games in general. Celeste, Undertale/Deltarune, Binding of Isaac, OneShot, etc. but Hollow Knight is the main one)
Nintendo as a whole, especially Metroid (which I just got hooked on like 2 months ago) and Smash Bros.
Owl House
Soul Eater
6. Most Forbidden Snack: The bowl full of decorative blue rocks in my bathroom. They look like little hard candies...
7. Would you pet a bug: Only if it was a little guy full of void with horns and a sword who was capable of killing moth gods.
8. Weird fact/story about myself: I'm autistic. I didn't really get any professional consulting about it until I graduated high school, and I've only been officially diagnosed for about a year. Though I've suspected that I was since I was at least 13. At least now I have an explanation for why I constantly pinball between my different interests.
9. What does the color blue taste like: Like cotton candy.
10. Most beautiful thing i've ever seen: The view from the top of the Empire State Building, when I was 8.
11. Stupidest thing I've ever done: Can't really think of it, so I'll talk about the stupidest thing I've done recently. Just earlier today I was grabbing a soda from my mini-fridge when I couldn't get it out of the plastic ring. So I kept tugging harder and harder, until I eventually lost my grip and my hand flew upward.
Now normally this would just be an ordinary act of foolishness, except there was a tray in the upper part of my fridge that had been there for a while (a couple of months ago I put that there because the freezer part of it was leaking) and I never bothered to take it out despite being filled with slightly still-frozen ice water.
When my hand flew upward, I reflexively grabbed the rack the tray was on and yanked it back without thinking while I was trying to regain my grip. I ended up flinging the whole goddamn tray straight out of my fridge and spilling ice water everywhere, which took a good 15 minutes to clean up.
12. Stupidest thing I've ever heard someone else say/do: In middle school I told someone I was an atheist and they, without a single hint of irony or sarcasm, asked if that meant I was a mad scientist. I was so confused I don't even think I ever responded.
13. Hyperfixation Song: Changes every week or two. My Spotify mix is the most wildly inconsistent vibe you will ever experience.
14. Meaning behind profile picture/username: I would literally die for Niko from OneShot, which is why they're my profile pic. My username is just something I used to call myself that I thought was funny.
15. Dream career as a kid: Game dev
16. Dream career as an adult: I don't think 19 is enough to call myself and adult (I sure as hell don't feel like one) but my dream career would be an author/comic illustrator. Anything that would give me an outlet for the worlds I dream up in my head.
17. Thoughts on cilantro: I've never had it in my life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
18. Have I ever been banned from a location: As far as I can tell, no.
19. Favorite cursed food combination: As a texture-sensitive autistic person, none of them. Though when I was little I used to drop my chewing gum into my soda to give it an extra taste. Horrific, I know.
20. Trans rights: Who do you think I am, DeSantis?
@jessieelle @cronvongle @ghosttfish @polenball @suspicousplant0583 @sinister-compliments
“I just came from r/196” ask game
Saw another post. I think I should invite y'all to one of our longstanding traditions. Answer the questions then tag 10 (or more) people. I'll go first.
Name? Frankie
Pronouns and gender? he/they/it, transmasc
Sexuality? Lesbian
Country? USA
Top 5 fandoms? Bungou Stray Dogs, Cosmere, All for the Game, Fundiesnark (not a series but I'm too deep in it to not consider it a fandom), .....the tornado fandom? (they're my special interest)
What is your Most forbidden snack? The preserved bones at the Atlanta Bodies Exhibition. They looked so crunchy...
Would you pet a bug? If it's big enough, it is pettable.
Share a weird fact/story about yourself with the class. I like to drive around rural areas and photograph old, sometimes abandoned locations in the dead of night. I have been literally chased out of towns by foot and by car on two separate occasions. The second time this happened, "See You Again" by Miley Cyrus came up on shuffle and that's the soundtrack my friend and I tore out of town to. Also every "guy" I've dated except for my most recent ex (who has big egg energy) is a lesbian now.
What does the color blue taste like? Creme brulee
What is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? The appalachian mountains of Tennessee in the middle of summer. There's kudzu everywhere. On the backroads, there were several old, dilapidated Baptist churches barely hanging to the side of the mountain. I wonder how many of them were still in use.
What is the stupidest thing you've ever done? Short version: my friend's house almost got broken into by this dude who'd been stalking us for months while we were home alone. Instead of calling the cops, we decided to confront him with a bow and arrow (me), a hatchet, and a baseball bat (him). The plan was that if it went badly, we would simply throw his corpse into one of the many lakes in the neighborhood and let the alligators eat his remains (this was Florida). Why? Because we were afraid of having our home-alone privileges revoked. Luckily for us all, the guy fucked off and we never saw him again.
Stupidest thing you've seen/heard someone else do/say? My ex thought that Jackalopes were real. Also, a nurse I was doing rotations with apparently thought that "Witness Protection" was for Jehovah's Witnesses.
Hyperfixation song? Young Enough + Bleach by Charly Bliss
Is there any meaning behind your profile picture and/or username? Profile pic; I'm transmasc and I'm currently obsessed with TriStamp. Username; It was my fake internet name when I was like 13. I won't change it because I want my mutuals to recognize me, and because I do have a viral post associated with this name.
Dream career as a child? Doctor (funnily enough I'm now in nursing school)
Dream career as an adult? Professional Jester. Not a comedian. I just want to be some weird little guy who dresses silly and you can hire me to roast your boss at work parties.
Thoughts on cilantro? Delicious
Have you ever been banned from a location and if so, why? I honestly can't remember? Probably... but in recent memory I've mainly banned people from places.
What is your cursed food combination? Pineapple on a hotdog with grilled onions. It Slaps.
Trans rights? TRANS RIGHTS
Tagging: @rocket-mankoi @mostlymarco @atleast8courics @jazzlike39 @gemsweater72 @limbobilbo @ameliaaltare @redcrane112 @theoneofwhomisblue @twinkenjoyer @theultimatecarp and anyone else who wants to jump on
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ethwastaken · 3 years ago
uh oh i started listening to sea shanties again
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marihem · 3 years ago
How have you been? You're posting a little more often now.
Helloo, thanks a million for the check-up again.
I'm also surprised that I'm posting a bit more here too. I guess it's the time of the year where I'm back to my Frans hyperfixation state heheh.
To answer your question, I'm healthy and well. Last month, I caught this nasty seasonal flu which took me 2 weeks to fully recover from (that flu was pretty common among my friends and relatives too but they're all fine now). I didn't drawn anything and was "socially dead" for a month but now I'm back to working on commissions and drawing some Frans stuff for myself in between them.
Regarding with politics, bro, I don't really know man. It's wild here. The media don't cover much about it and most stuff is pretty unknown or unspoken but we feel that it's intense, for both sides I meant. I can't describe and I know for sure that victory is on our side, but I don't know how long this is going to last. The year's about to end and everyone's tired. I am tired. I can't take it anymore. Everytime I go out (which I barely do), there are soldiers and cops everywhere wielding and showing off their guns like gosh, so annoying. All I can do is donate to the Defense Forces and hope that there'd be less people dying tonight.
Well heavy stuffs aside, I've been practising some piano with Youtube and been thinking about Frans lately. Hopefully, I'll draw some more of them. I've also been watching Arcane, it's so good!
How have you guys been? Are you also struggling with drawing shoes? How's your breakfast? Are you also looking forward to the new Spooderman movie? Do you think seals are adorable? Idk haha forgive me
Thank you @stalker-among-the-stars for the ask. It means a lot to me more then you realise. I'll see y'all soon!<3
Have this old Deltarune doodle in the mean time hehe
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