#I'm very surprised it isn't made by a big company
doodliver · 11 months
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Pomni 🃏🎪✨
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Nobody asked me for my opinion on the controversy that dropped today when the Sonic Movie cast pay rate was revealed, which is fair ig since I try to stay positive on this blog. But in case you're wondering, yeah as a certified AFAB™ I'm pissed, but not really specifically at the Sonic crew. Actor pay rates are usually negotiated between agents and the production companies so just like all the other problems with the Sonic movies, this is most likely an issue with Paramount and their patented dumbfuckery. Disclaimer that obviously it could very well be a Sonic crew issue as well, obviously I don't know the inner workings of the entire film production.
Also, if you're mad about this: please be mad about the pay gap that has been going on as long as Hollywood has been alive. This isn't a problem unique to the SCU. I know the phrase "pay gap" is thrown around a whole lot but do you guys actually know how big an issue it is?
Recent percentages are that male and female actors have "a wage difference of about 25 percent," with an estimated difference of $1-2million between star-power men and star-power women.[x][x] Basic Instinct star Sharon Stone said she made $500k to Michael Douglas's $14mil– and when she was asked to be lead in a film being made in ~2022, the lead male, who was "new", was going to be paid $8-9mil, with her salary still at $500k. Last December, Biggest Monopoly In The World Disney was sued by 9,000 women over their pay gap.
This article is from 2019 but brings up some big fucking pay gaps between leads– for instance, Gillian Anderson was offered half of what David Duchovny was for the X-Files reboot as one of the two main fucking characters, Amanda Seyfried has disclosed she made 10% of what her male co-star made on an undisclosed film, Natalie Portman made 1/3 of the salary of Ashton Kutcher in No Strings Attached, and Ellen Pompeo, the titular character of Grey's Anatomy, was paid less than the actor playing her love interest, Patrick Dempsey. In fact, Dempsey was being paid almost double what she was.
However, BIG issue with the 2019 article: it only focuses on what White actors are being paid. Research shows that Black actresses make 57 cents to every dollar white actors make on a good day. Viola Davis, one of the most popular and talented actresses of our generation, has said that black women "get probably a tenth of what a Caucasian woman gets. And I'm number one on the call sheet." Octavia Spencer had to collaborate with Jessica Chastain to make sure they both got paid the same amount of money on a film they both worked on, and revealed that her new salary increased 500% afterwards.
At the end of last year, while promo-ing The Color Purple, Taraji P. Henson broke into tears while talking about how little she's being paid when compared to her white and male contemporaries. And when she talked about the gap, I find it so fucking frustrating that the general audience response was to immediately blame the only Black female producer on the film. I have a million gripes with Oprah Winfrey but TCP cast has said that she herself managed to fix a lot of the problems on set and was nothing but supportive to them. Oh, and there were a lot of problems on set, including a lack of food and dressing space for the main actors. And this is all from celebrity women. Just think about how Hollywood is treating women who don't have the star power to speak up.
Of course this isn't even a problem solo to Hollywood, let alone Paramount, let alone just one movie. And honestly it was probably really sad that when I saw the pay rate for the Sonic 3 cast, I wasn't even surprised, because I've seen worse on bigger projects.
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harleehazbinfics · 7 months
ermm ermmm ,,,,, , cannibal!reader has like a sad past right (i saw u mention they were abused hence the obsession w approval) ,, well okay what if the hotel residents found out? like ... idk one of reader’s parents shows up at the hotel ... idk , honestly i just really love how you write cannibal reader theyre wildly silly
Crazy for you!
--- cannibal chef m.list
a/n: AWWW THANK YOU SO MUCHHH they/she is indeed very silly, i most of my inspo from myself and other fans of alastor and their reactions lmao. ive been stuck on one fanfic for days i gave up today and words just flowed for cannibal chef reader, i can't--. also plsplspls if you find any of this triggering pls turn back, i want all of you to be in a safe space.
warnings: abusive mother, shaming choice of clothing, weight shaming, typical asian behavior of 'be a doctor or lawyer' but rudeness level maxed out, being called ungrateful, useless etcetc DISCLAIMER: Any scenarios are entirely fictional and have no direct relation to any person and taken from behaviours I see, read or hear from. Thank you. word count: 1292
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You, Alastor, Niffty, Husk, Angel and Sir Pentious got together and were enjoying a lazy weekend just lounging around the parlor just enjoying each other's company and talking amongst each other. The lot of them fitting on the couch and the floor. You stood beside Alastor sitting on a chair by himself drinking his coffee indulging himself in a casual conversation.
You all turn your heads when the door opens expecting to see Vaggie and Charlie, preparing to greet them and get them to join you all. However, they stop in themselves from doing so when they see the both of them touring a person in.
Your constant smile drops at the sight of her. You immediately recognize the face and voice making you slowly and quietly hid behind the chair Alastor making yourself small as to not catch their attention. Alastor, of course, notices this action and raises his eyebrow.
"And this is Angel and Sir Pentious our other guest, Niffty our cleaning maid and Husk our bartender. Alastor here is the host of the hotel, he's the who supported all our endeavors!" Charlie states.
"Oh! Isn't that the Radio Demon? Dear it is him! I'm a big fan of yours," your mother mooches at Alastor earning a displeased static sound from him when she abruptly shook his hand without his permission.
"Alastor, where's (y/n)? Aren't they always with you?" Charlie asks making you cringe as you cautiously walk towards them.
"(Y/n)? Is that you?" your mother asks in disbelief before enveloping you in a hug, which made you sick to your stomach. "Oh gosh! It's been years! Look at you! You look so skanky with that clothing. You also look like you've gained weight. I told you not to go to culinary school and be a doctor or lawyer instead. You look so fat now, probably from all that meat you're eating. You should've gone vegan look how your Aunt Karen slimmed down, she's been going around and teaching, crazy bitch. Anyway, take my luggage to my room, I need to talk to everyone here. Good? Great."
You tried to get a word in with dejected eyes but lose your voice when she gives you harsh glare. You sigh and take her bags and answered, "Yes mother."
Without you noticing, all the others went deathly silent as they watch you look so sad. Your almost permanent smile disappeared from your face making them surprised and worried. You always smiled around them, mimicking Alastor's grin that was plastered on your face. Sure, they've seen you drop the smile when you were separated with Alastor before but eventually you opened up to them and was seen constantly socializing and smiling around them making them feel relieved being the youngest of all of them, but they never seen you look so sad before. Coupled with the backhanded comments made by your mother, they couldn't help but feel hostile.
Indeed, you were crazy and a bit of a monster, but you were the sweetest most thoughtful thing that ever happened to them. Any occasion was prepared by you ranging from the Hotel's Anniversary, Birthdays and even as miniscule as just a mission accomplished on their rehabilitation program. This encouraged everyone to do better with how much faith you put in them. (That and your cooking is so out of this world that even Angel would dial his drug intake from a 15 to a 13 for a treat.)
So, when your sweet and genuine smile faded, they glared at the perpetrator that made you react so drastically. However, in respect for Charlie they held their tongue first.
"Sooo, what's your relationship with (y/n)?" Charlie asks trying to be polite despite the tense atmosphere.
"Oh, her? She's my daughter. Ungrateful little wench, I took care of her her whole life and the thanks I get is her running away home. Next thing I know she's in a boarding school for taking culinary classes. Where'd that bitch even get that money, she should've paid everything he owed to us first! Her parents! Say, can you make me a drink Whiskers? Just thinking of that bitch makes my head hurt. Make it snappy," she orders around slumping onto a vacant seat making herself very at home.
"Don't call me Whiskers, only my friends get to call me that. And I ain't taking shit from you," Husker replies turning his back at her.
She gasps dramatically and yells, "You call this hospitality?!"
She stands up trying to reach Husk, Angel stands in between them along with Pentious and Niffty before a black tendril shoots out from the ground wrapping around her.
"This is where I draw the line," Vaggie growls pointing her spear at your mother.
"What? You actually like that girl? Pft, what the fuck's that all about. She's ungrateful and good for nothing. You actually like someone as useless as her?" your mother laughs at the protective group, her eyes widen as she sees Charlie change into her demon form.
Alastor gently pushes her behind him stopping her in her tracks. He says, "I'll handle this. This obviously concerns my closest companion so this will fall into my hands."
Your mother scrutinizes him finding his tone and gesture quite odd then her eyes lighten up in recognition. She laughs at him and yells, "You can't be serious! You like that--"
She gets cut off as the tendril wraps around her mouth and drags you in his shadow, ceasing her muffled screams. As soon as she disappears, you come down finding all of them but your mom.
"Where's my mom?"
"Sheeee changed her mind! Yeah! She told us that she had something to do," Charlie lies between her teeth with an anxious look in her eyes making Vaggie elbow her despite her doing the same.
"Oh, I see," you say still not smiling, "Will she come back? Her things are still here."
"Nah. She ain't comin' back, sweet cheeks. She's got better shit to do apparently and wanted us to drop off her stuff on an address," Angel casually lies beckoning her to sit with them petting your head after.
Husk nudges Pentious making him confused for a while before getting the message, answering, " Y-yes! I will do it right now. Eggbois! Take the woman's things outside the hotel!"
While the little eggs tottered to do their master's bidding your eyes slowly light up but not fully their yet.
"Look kid, we won't prod into your business but know if you ever need someone to talk to, you've got a bartender right here," Husk jokes with a grin holding onto his suspenders in a pose making you slightly giggle.
"Hey, hey you got us too!" Angel, Charlie, Niffty and Pentious (that got back from telling them to throw the old bat's shit into the garbage) joined in earning a smile from Vaggie and Alastor.
After you felt better, you called in for the day and left to your rooms. After escorting Alastor to his room he snags you inside then comes in close before petting your head tenderly.
You look at him surprised, although without your normal heart eyes that you give him, confused at his actions.
He brushes his fingers against your cheek electrifying you and states, "Whenever you get into trouble, tell me. I'll handle it myself, after all you are mine."
Your eyes shape into hearts, legs turning into jelly, heart beating faster and faster by the millisecond, trying to comprehend the weight of his words and engraving them into your brain.
"Understood?" he asks pleased with your reaction.
"Yes, Sir~" you breathed out finding yourself flushed red, breath hot and heavily.
"Good," he smiles devilishly.
(I'll leave the ending as ambiguous 😌)
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scififettuccine · 3 months
A Wild Fix: Part 1.5?
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Pairing: Platonic!Butcher x Supe!Reader
Summary: 3 weeks into your alliance with The Boys, you and Butcher go through the Vought Database. Butcher being curious about a Supe he's never heard of leads him to put together a plan that's less than safe. But does he listen to your warnings? Of course not.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Exposition, mentions of casinos, mention of suicide
Notes: Hey ya'll! Long time no see! You're probably wondering what the fuck this is. As you may have noticed I haven't posted anything in a few days. This is because when I got into writing Part 2, it became A LOT more complex and involved than I intended, including new characters and a sharp left turn in the story line that I didn't plan. Considering the results from the pole, I figured no one would really be mad if I did this. Part 1.5 is A LOT of exposition, setting up the actual second installment of the series. I could have made Part 2 longer, but it was way past how many words I wanted to have in each installment. I didn't want to call this an actual part two, because this alone isn't long enough to qualify as its own part, so...✨1.5✨ As you can most likely tell, I'm not following the canon plot exactly, I find that to be EXTREMELY boring. I know it's something that some people don't love, but at the end of the day it's creative writing and I enjoy doing it. Here is a link to Part 1 if you missed it! The official part 2 of A Wild Fix will be out very soon, but for now, enjoy this expositional interlude from our good lad, William Butcher.
It was safe to say that, since your first meeting? You and Frenchie didn’t get along very well. You had been running with The Boys for almost a month now, yet the two of you couldn’t agree on a single thing. But honestly? That didn't really matter to you. He didn't seem like the kind of person you wanted to be close with, anyway.
You had adjusted pretty well to this double standard of life, working for Vought, and working with The Boys. You were very careful, and there hadn’t been any close calls…yet. As for adjusting to the basement hideout? That didn't necessarily get any easier. You had carved out a little spot for yourself in one of the less occupied corners, just big enough to set your computer down, and maybe put a cup of coffee off to the side. And at the moment, that's where you sat. Working out time to help out wasn’t very hard. You were a member of The Seven, yes, but due to your powers, you were more of an alternate. You still went to meetings, and you still lived in the tower, you just weren't sent out as much. Butcher had requested that you dig into a few things for him in the Vought database. The Vought database had become available to you since you signed the contract with the company. It didn’t contain anything majorly world shattering, just some more detailed info on every Supe that had ever been involved with the company, including deceased, and currently active Supes. The info pages almost reminded you of trading cards, you laughed to yourself at the thought. It almost made you wonder why Vought hadn’t cashed in on some sort of trading card game.
“Something funny, love?” Butcher asked. You could see him approaching from behind in the reflection of your laptop screen.
“Yeah, actually…” You said, beckoning him over. Butcher crouched down next to your chair, looking at the computer screen. “Don’t those stats kinda look like trading cards? I mean, even the way it’s set up. Surprised Vought hasn’t cashed in on that yet.” Butcher raised a brow and leaned a bit closer to the screen, letting out a small ‘hmph’ sound. 
“You’re not wrong.” He examined the screen for a moment. “So you can see every Supe that's ever been involved with the company?” You nodded.
“For the most part, yes. But usually if there's anything they need to hide, the Supe goes to whoever runs the database and asks for that piece of information to be taken off of it. It’s actually in the contract somewhere, in the fine print, if I remember.” Butcher gave a small hum of acknowledgement.
“So if I had to guess, Homelander doesn't even have a file?” He asked. You narrowed your eyes towards the screen as you clicked out of the file you were on, and searched Homelander’s name in the top bar. When the file came up, you clicked it. Low and behold…? Not much. Just his in-company stats, The Seven logo, showing his affiliation with the group, and the year he had been signed onto the company. 
“Yeah…nothing much. Most of The Seven are like this, actually. If I remember correctly…” You clicked out of Homelander’s file, and clicked on the search bar again. You went to type in ‘Maeve,’ but Butcher stopped you, placing his finger over one of the file cards on the screen.
“Who’s that bloke?” He asked. You raised a brow and moved his finger out of the way. He had been pointing to a file card for the Supe named Mixer, who belonged to a new Vought owned Supe team that had been gaining steam recently…Residency. Vought had always sort of branded it as the new age Payback, but it was more of a marketing thing. The Supes on the team were legit, powerful, and some of them popular…But it definitely wasn't anything close to Payback. Mixer, admittedly, was one of the more known Supe’s on the team. He had been a musician first, gaining popularity from his young start in the industry. And as soon as Vought could get its bloodstained hands on the poor guy? He was signed on. Now? He had a residency at Planet Vought Casino & Resort in Las Vegas, and a spot in Residency.
“That's Mixer. He’s around my age, I think…Super popular in the music industry.” You explained, clicking on his file card.
“You know’im?” He asked. You shook your head as you scrolled through his file. 
“I met him at a convention a few years back, around this time of year actually…He seemed kinda full of himself. He has a residency now, though, kinda ironic, at Vought’s casino in Las Vegas.” You explained. Butcher nodded, clearly thinking.
“How is it ironic?” He asked.
“Mixer is part of a Supe team too, but the team is called Residency. So I thought it was kinda funny that he had an actual residency-” Butcher cut you off.
“Another Supe team? Owned by Vought?” You nodded.
“Yeah. It's him, Klepto, Bloodshot, Laugh Track, Void-” Butcher cut you off again, before you could even finish naming the members.
“The convention you met him at…Was it a Supe convention?” 
“Yeah. But not like the crazy fan ones. It's by invite only. All of Voughts Supes go, it’s a huge event. They invite new, upcoming Supes, and Vought investors. It’s a 3 day affair. They usually hold it at the Casino location that's here in the city, though, not the one in Vegas.” You turned your head to look at him, narrowing your eyes. What was he thinking?
“You said it was around this time of year?” He asked, turning the laptop towards himself so he could scroll.
“Yeah, usually towards the middle of fall…Why do you ask?” You raised a brow.
“I’m assuming you're invited?” He asked, the smirk on his face growing.
“Yeah, like I said, most contracted Supes are there. Annie is going too, we kinda have to…You’re not thinking what I think you are…right?” You asked, narrowing your eyes once again.
“That's exactly what I’m thinking, love.” He chuckled and stood up. “A whole casino full of Supes and Vought officials? That's practically an information gold mine. And with your connections? We’re bound to uncover something. Do you get a plus one or anythin like’at?”
“I’m pretty sure contracted Supes get two guest passes, but this is out of the question, Butcher. Digging at a Vought run Supe convention? It’s suicide for anyone involved.” You said, closing your computer. This wasn't a good idea, not even in the slightest.
“So if both you and Hughie’s girl go, that's four guest passes between the two of you?” He asked.
“Yes but-” Butcher cut you off before you could protest.
“Just enough passes for Hughie, MM, Frenchie, and meself. It’s settled, then, love.” Butcher gave a smug smile and patted your shoulder. You cringed internally. Butcher wouldn’t take no for an answer…and you didn’t favor the idea of being on his bad side.
 If you were caught, no, if any of you were caught snooping around at this convention? You’d be dead before you could leave the building…or worse.
And that's the end of my exposition bomb. Again, Part 2 is coming very soon, and I'm sorry that I had to break it up like this. This series became more involved than intended, as you can probably see. More information regarding Residency and its significance is to come👀 Stay tuned to get back to your regularly scheduled Frenchie x Reader content <3 Adieu!
teeny tiny taglist: @llynx7 @stinkysam
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tokkiwrites · 1 year
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ㅡㅡㅡ in which Javier Peña has a not so big strong man crush on the new intern.
TW: kind of fluff, age gap (not mentioned tho), pet names, use of Spanish , kind of forbidden love idk, javier is a slut ( barely mentioned in the story just wanted to put it out there) but also hes down BAD for reader, unprotected p in v sex (dont be silly, wrap your willy), afab reader, oh yeah use of y/n and reader is kind of thiiqueee idk what else so lmk if i missed anything!!!!
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Javier had been standing outside for a while now, his gaze focused on the dry, concrete pavement in front of the Embassy. He took a drag of his marlboro cigarette and exhaled after a few moments, silently watching as the cloud of smoke wafted away.
The DEA Agent took a glance up at the night sky and the flickering streetlamps that had been due for maintenance years ago. The sound of footsteps snapped him out of his daze, and he then turned his head.
"buenas noches, señor peña!"
it was y/n, the newly arrived intern: a bubbly girl that was way too excited when anyone mentioned criminals, with a smile that made even the sun want to take a closer look.
“buenas noches, querida.” The Texan rasped, his eyes taking note of her outfit. god, what a dress.
"long day, huh?" she asks before reaching her hand out and offering Javier a cup filled to the brim with warm coffee. "i know it's late, but coffee is always good." she smiles intently.
He smiled back, nodding his head in thanks, before accepting the coffee cup in his hands. "thank you, and yes, very long day indeed. this fucking heat isn't helping at all." Javier chuckles as he takes a long sip from the cup.
"i was gonna finish my coffee then head home, my feet are killing me..." she groans. "Also, this dress is horrible...forgot to wear some nylons under it, and now my thighs feel like you could fry something on them."
Javier raised an eyebrow, and looked down at her thighs, his curiosity piqued. smiling in the corner of his mouth, y/n's eyes met his. He then looked down once again for a moment, before chuckling ever so slightly.
"Does that matter when you look so good, hermosa?"
y/n lets out a soft giggle, cheeks turning a pale shade of red, before she slaps his shoulder playfully. "you say that to everyone, señor Peña"
Javier chuckled, his deep voice rumbling softly as he took another sip of the coffee. "Only to those who deserve it," he replied with a mischievous glint in his eyes. y/n's blush deepened, and she couldn't help but smile at his response. "Well, I'm flattered..."
As they stood there under the flickering streetlamp, sharing a moment of casual banter amidst the night's shadows, Javier couldn't deny that the unexpected company of the bubbly intern had lightened the weight of the long, tiring day.
He appreciated her energy and enthusiasm, which contrasted the often grim and serious nature of his work.
it's what made him more excited to come to work for the past few months. and buy new clothes...and cologne. Javier will never admit it was for her, though.
"Listen," Javier began, taking a more serious tone, "I know you're new here, and this job can be tougher than it looks. But I've got a good feeling about you, y/n. You've got that spark, and that's something we could use around here."
y/n's s eyes widened in surprise and gratitude. "Thank you, señor Peña. I really appreciate that. I promise to give it my all." she nods. " all though...a certain someone who i will not name told me to never ever trust your praises as they're just means to get into someone's pants.." y/n laughed.
"you're too smart for that, muñeca."
Javier smirked, amused by her response. "Well, I can't say I haven't heard those rumors about me before," he admitted, taking another thoughtful drag of his cigarette. "But, let me assure you, my compliments are genuine when they need to be."
y/n's smile was contagious, and she couldn't help but chuckle. "I'll take your word for it."
As they continued to chat and sip their coffee, the night air began to cool, providing some much-needed relief from the scorching heat. Their camaraderie, lighthearted yet sincere, made the hours they spent at the embassy more bearable.
it's been a while since Javier last felt this way with someone. He hated to admit it, but it was true.
Javier couldn't help but reflect on how long it had been since he'd experienced a genuine connection like this. The life of a DEA agent often led to solitude and secrecy, and trust was a rare and treasured commodity in his line of work.
With y/n, though, he sensed a different kind of trust budding. It wasn't just about the job; it was about the shared moments, the laughter.
Javier found himself appreciating the small, subtle details about y/n. The way her hair fell onto her shoulders, as if it were a cascade of silk, had a certain charm that was hard to ignore. He couldn't help but notice how her rosy cheeks seemed to light up every time he complimented her, and it warmed his heart to see her smile so genuinely.
And in that quiet corner of the world, under the watchful gaze of the night sky and the flickering streetlamps, Javier couldn't deny the fact that he enjoyed these stolen moments with y/n.
godㅡㅡ he doesn't know if he wants to fuck her or rip his heart out, cover it in glitter and give it to her, for fuck's sake.
his thoughts are stopped dead in their tracks as y/n's voice fills his ears again. "i should head home now... what about you? still got work or are you ready to head home? maybe we can walk together!"
"still have some work, querida, but..." he trails off "are you really in a hurry to get home?"
y/n hesitated for a moment, torn between her desire to spend more time with Javier and the exhaustion of a long day. "Well, I'd love to stay, but I have an early morning tomorrow, and I should get some rest."
Javier nodded in understanding, taking a final drag from his cigarette before extinguishing it on the pavement. "I understand, hermosa. You go ahead and get some rest. Don't want you falling asleep during those early meetings."
"so...you're not gonna walk me home?" she sounds kind of disappointed.
shit. she's so cute. someone slap this man. He's supposed to be an untouchable god that every woman wants. yet here he is, almost drooling over y/n.
Javier's expression softened at her disappointment, and he couldn't help but chuckle at her pouting. "Alright, alright, I suppose I can spare a few more minutes. It's not every day I get to walk a beautiful young lady home," he said with a wink.
y/n's face lit up, and she grinned. "You really know how to make a girl's night, señor."
walking together through the dimly lit streets, Javier couldn't deny the way he felt toward y/n. She was indeed beautiful, and her playful banter made him forget about the weight of his responsibilities, if only for a little while.
as they made their way to y/n's house, the wind hummed through the trees, soft creaks from some nearby swings in a park swirling alongside it. the night seemed to embrace them
it was beautiful. she was beautiful. fucking hell man, come on, get it together.
"we almost there, muñeca? you live pretty far away. how do you manage?"
"I've got things that motivate me to manage it."
"yeah...stuff, you know? like work...people."
She laughed, and they continued walking together, their conversation ranging from the challenges of their work to the mundane details of their lives. The more they talked, the more Javier found himself drawn to her spirit and charm ㅡㅡ if that possible.
As they finally reached her doorstep, y/n turned to face him, a hint of reluctance in her eyes. "Well...we're here." she reaches for the doorknob before hastily turning back to face Javier. "do you want to maybe...come inside and ㅡㅡ maybe talk?"
was he really asking him this? impossible. this is a dream. that's how all of his dreams start. and they end with her under him.
"Iㅡ" he hesitatingly tries to reply "it's fine if you dont wanna! don't even know why i asked you, it's weird, sorryㅡ"
"No, querida, wait. I do." he sighs "I do want to come inside. That's the problem."
y/n's eyes widened with surprise at his response, her cheeks flushing with a mix of nervousness and excitement. She stammered, "Oh, uh... can't believe it.. Well, come on in, then!" Her hand shook slightly as she opened the door and gestured for him to follow.
Javier couldn't believe his luck. This unexpected turn of events left him both exhilarated and cautiousㅡㅡ if his boss finds out about this they're both better off as dead. As they stepped into her cozy living room, the air seemed charged with a palpable tension, a delicate balance between temptation and anticipation.
They settled on her couch, sitting close but not too close. y/n nervously played with a strand of her hair, her gaze occasionally meeting his, their eyes locking in a silent, electric exchange.
"y/n, I need to be honest," Javier finally spoke, his voice lower and more intense. "I'm not used to this kind of situation. I'm usually a lot more careful. 's why I try to only get with people who, you know..." he trails off, motioning his hands in the air.
y/n nodded, understanding the weight of their profession and the risks involved when it comes to, well, being amorous. "I get it. It's just... I don't know. There's something about you that's... I feel so silly saying this, god."
Javier leaned in closer, his gaze unwavering. "Tell me, y/n"
Their faces drew nearer, the magnetic pull between them impossible to ignore. It was a gamble, a moment of vulnerability neither of them were used to, but they were both willing to see where this unexpected night would lead.
She swallowed hard, the tension between them growing. "I really like you, and i know you probably find me stupid and a klutz and also I'm young, so what do I knowㅡ"
"Woah, querida. Slow down."
Javier placed a finger gently on y/n's lips, silencing her thoughts. "First of all, you're not stupid or a klutz, and age has nothing to do with how you feel, hermosa. And, believe me, you're not alone in those feelings."
y/n's eyes searched his for a sign, a confirmation that he felt the same way. She couldn't help but feel her heart racing in anticipation.
With a soft, reassuring smile, Javier continued, "I've been doing this job for a long time, and I've met a lot of people. But there's something about you.." he looks down at her lips "can I?"
Their lips found each other in a passionate kiss, igniting a fire between them that felt deeper and more genuine than anything they had experienced before. Javier's hands roamed up y/n's body, pulling her closer to him as the kiss became increasingly intense.
When they finally pulled away, they were left panting, their eyes locked in an electrifying gaze. "fuck, querida," Javier whispered, his voice husky with desire. "do you know how long I've waited for this?"
y/n's breathless response came in a soft, sultry whisper, "not as long as I have.."
javier's lips crash onto y/n's neck, sucking small spots, the skin blooming red as they hastily start to undress each other.
"gonna let me take care of you, muñeca?"
fuck, she sounds so desperate.
"i know, hermosa. Mira, déjame cuidarte esta noche."
Javier's fingers dance onto her skin, trailing up to where her bra clasp was. in one swift motion he relieves y/n, letting her breasts fall down into one of his palms.
inching closer, he starts to trace kisses down her neck to her cleavage, nipping slightly at the sensitive skin between her chest. " so beautiful. "
his mustache lightly tickling her as he prepped small kisses all over her, javier pushes y/n onto her back and pulls her hips closer to his by her ankles, drawing a soft whine from the latter. "patience, muñeca. can you wait just a little more for me, huh?"
"good girl."
he finally pulls off her panties, tossing them to the side as he spreads y/n's cunt wide open with two of his fingers, analyzing the way it glistened in the dimly lit room. "so pretty. my pretty girl." y/n moans in response.
placing his palm behind her knee, he lift up her legs as to press light pecks onto her plush thighs, his thumb now tracing down to her pulsing clit. javier starts to slowly swirl his finger, still kissing y/n's thigh. "I'm gonna stretch out that pretty pussy, querida, it'll be all you think about."
tracing her entrace with his index, he plunges his finger deep into her, causing y/n to arch her back onto the mattress of the couch. this was it. he was where all of his fantasies led him to. now that he had her, he'll never let go.
cunningly, javier moved his finger into y/n's pussy, squelching sounds and her moans lapping off the walls and into his ears like melodies. "that's right. want you to come on my fingers, hermosa."
it didn't take long for y/n to finally give him what he asked for, coming just from javier's fingers, her body writhing as soft whines dripped from her lips.
"Do you want to continue, querida?" he asks, caressing ar her hips. "please, javier..." and when she pleaded his name in such a way, it sent a jolt up his spine, causing his cock to twitch into his boxers.
"i got you." he smiles, eyes tracing every curve of y/n's body. he takes off his briefs, letting his shaft spring free, small pearls of precum already gathered at the tip. y/n's eyes opened out more as she saw the sheer monster that was about to enter inside of her. "it's fine, querida. it won't bite, hm?" javier hums.
taking his length into his fist, javier pumps it a few times before he aligns it with y/n's entrance that trickled with slick. he teases her clit with the tip of it then goes in, making y/n to claw at his back.
"shh, muñeca. it's okay..." Javier starts to move slowly, gently holding y/n's waist as he lets her adjust to him. sla few strokes after he feels her wrap her legs around him, urging him deeper. "harder, please.." she pleads, the sweetest sounds escaping her plump and swollen lips.
"fuck.." Javier groans, almost coming right then with the way she stared up at him through her lashes wet with tears. "fuck, sweet girlㅡ" he starts to pump inside of her, harder and deeper, roughly hitting that one spot continously.
y/n moans, her head empty, vision blurry, and mouth agape. she was a mess, the prettiest mess he'd ever seen. all because... thanks to him.
the man moves back and forth harshly, feeling himself so close as y/n's valvet walls wrapped perfectly around his cock. "shitㅡ you were made for my cock, muñeca. my pretty, pretty girl." he moans, pressing his head between her breasts, nails digging bruises into y/n's hips.
a few moments later, y/n is completely blank, incoherent babbles skipping from her mouth as Javier fucks deep into her. "you gonna come, hermosa?" y/n nods rapidly "go aheadㅡ fuck! go ahead, come on this cock, show me how good you are to me."
that's all she needed.
she comes once again, nimbly wrapping around javier like a vine, her walls squeezing him so tight it makes his release warm, white ropes inside of her immediately.
they both pant, as they come down from their high. realization sets in as they meet each other's gaze.
"thank god you're only an intern, querida. I'm strictly forbidden to fuck employees." Javier chuckles. "oh, shut up, jerk." y/n huffs, smiling as she presses yet another kiss onto his lips.
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⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾‎  토끼's NOTE : surprise!!! i honestly dont know what this is.. wanted to try my hand at some kind of romance ig. im also in my javier era SO YEAH. Grammar errors probs, not proofread. this has 2.75k words. THANK U FOR ALL THE SUPPORT <3
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mvrtaiswriting · 2 years
Hi there! May I please request some headcanons of Zoro and what he looks for in a s/o, as well as any fluffy romantic headcanons of him with his s/o, please? Thank you so much for your time! Take it easy.
Love potion - how to win Zoro's heart.
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Hi! Thank you so much for trusting me with your request! I enjoyed writing this, Zoro has a special place in my heart. I hope this meets your expectations, my writing is a bit rusty at the moment due to all the uni work i'm doing and this is just what i needed to get back on track! I hope it makes you smile :) x
warnings: none! super fluff. gn! reader.
feel free to reblog, like, and leave a comment. i would very much appreciate it. if you enjoy my works, click here to read more or buy me a coffee.
Curiosity starts tickling his brain when he notices his usual intimidating demeanour doesn't work on you; if anything, you find it funny. He notices how you laugh when you catch him and Sanji bickering, even if he is threatening to slice the poor love cook into julienne strips. And he likes it more than he would ever admit.
The key to Zoro's feelings lie within his struggles. The main way to gain Zoro's respect is by being a fighter - and sometimes, this just means beating him at his own game, defeating his small god complex. This can often involve sarcastic remarks in response to his venomous teasing, showing him you can fight well enough to knock him down during a training session. Zoro always recognises the abilities of his opponents - so once you tame his ego and demonstrate that you are just as formidable as he is, he will gladly welcome you into his heart (secretly).
Zoro falls in love when he realises you aren't too different from him. There is a sense of familiarity to you that mesmerises Zoro every time. He wasn't sure why - he didn't know if it was his influence or just some innate traits you had. A calming sensation washes all over him whenever he notices that your movements effortlessly mirror his. It makes him feel understood.
Everyone can tell that the swordsman is in love when he enjoys your company during moments he usually prefers to spend alone. He shares his silence with you, a solemn confession of what he truly feels. You're the only one who he allows close to him.
Once in an established relationship, it takes a while for Zoro to fully adjust to it. At first, he feels like nothing has changed, really - he feels just as jealous, just as protective. The butterflies haven't left his stomach since the first time he saw you smile - they're still flying around, batting their wings together and making him visibly blush.
Zoro is not really fond of PDA - that doesn't mean he isn't affectionate, he just prefers to keep it private, discrete. When you're walking around, exploring a new island, he doesn't mind holding your hand - although, most of the time, he only intertwines his pinky with yours, nothing more. However, he likes it when you sit on his lap; so much, it's something you can't escape. As soon as you reach the dining table, his hands are quick to wrap around your waist, slowly guiding your body and eventually making you fall onto his lap. It makes food much more enjoyable this way - even sake tastes better, according to him.
Zoro is a great listener, and he has a peculiar attention to detail. He remembers everything you told him, from the silliest childhood story to the most meaningful thought you shared with him - he treasures your memories so dearly, he almost carves them into his mind. Because of that, he showers you with gifts on a regular basis. Whether it's a piece of clothing or a diamond, if you made a comment about it, he will get it for you and casually leave it on your bedside table, nicely wrapped. He doesn't make a big deal out of it, he just loves the look on your face when he manages to surprise you. There's nothing Zoro wouldn't do to make you happy.
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surftrips · 1 year
bad habit
pairing: rafe cameron x female reader
summary: y/n finds out rafe cameron had a crush on her. is it too late for them to pursue their feelings?
word count: 1153
a/n: i had so much fun writing this! inspired by one of my fav songs, "bad habit" by steve lacy. hope you enjoy <3
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It was summer break. You, along with the Pogues and various other company from the island (Rafe and his friends) had decided to take a trip to a nice resort for the week.
At the end of another long day spent lounging on the beach, the group was gathered around a fire on the hotel rooftop, debriefing the day's events.
"Oh my god, did you see Sam and Jenna? They were totally flirting with each other!" Sarah brought up.
"Okay, I am SO glad you brought that up. I thought I was the only one that noticed," Cleo said.
"Wait, they're not already dating?" JJ asked.
"Babe— they're dating other people," Kie told him.
"W-what? That makes no sense-" A wave of realization hit JJ. "Oh... ohhhhh..."
The group laughed.
"But isn't that crazy? That you thought they were already dating but they're both in separate relationships already?" Pope said.
"Right?" you responded. "I mean, how hard is it to lay off when you find out someone's already taken?"
"No yeah, when I heard Y/N had a boyfriend, I backed off," Rafe said.
You nearly choked on your drink, but tried to compose yourself. Did you just hear him correctly?
"Wait, what?" you asked, turning toward him.
"Well, uhhh, how do I put this?" He took another sip of his drink, for liquid courage you presumed. "When I first met you, I kinda had a crush on you but you were dating that guy at the time so I never said anything."
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah... but it didn't matter anyway. You made it very clear you didn't like me."
That's not true. You almost blurted out.
Instead, you tried to change the conversation back to Sam and Jenna, willing everyone else in the group to follow you.
"Yeah, I saw him check her into his hotel room, wonder what that's about," you said, trying your best to look unfazed by Rafe's confession.
"Oh, I think we know...." Topper was saying, but you were already zoning out.
As the night came to a close, people began heading back up to their rooms.
You picked up a few cans on the ground and made your way to the elevators.
"Hey, Y/N. Wait up," Rafe sped up to catch up with you. "Can I walk you back to your room?"
You couldn't talk to him, not right now. You needed at least 24 hours to process what he had just told you. It may not have been a big deal to him, but it was to you.
"Oh, you know I'm really tired so I was just gonna go to sleep," you said.
"That's alright, I just wanted to talk to you on the way down. If that's okay with you."
God, you were never able to say no to him.
"Yeah, sure," you gave in.
At the elevator doors, you clicked the down arrow. It seemed as though they were taking longer than usual to come.
Rafe looked down at his watch, "It's nearly 1 am, they can't be busy on other floors."
"Guess we're stuck here," you tried to relieve some of the tension in the air.
Luckily, at that moment a door opened up and the two of you stepped inside.
"Thank god it came, it was getting cold up there," Rafe commented.
You knew he was just trying to fill the awkward silence, but you'd rather he get straight to the point.
When the doors opened on your floor and you stepped out, you asked him, "So, what is it you wanted to talk about?"
He seemed taken aback at your straightforwardness for a second, but quickly answered, "About the thing I said about liking you."
"What about it?"
"Well, you didn't really seem to react to it at all. In fact, you kinda just went back to the conversation, I didn't know if you actually cared."
You often hid your emotions around people, but especially around those that threatened to tear down your walls. Someone like Rafe.
It was no surprise to you that he couldn't read your feelings for him all those years ago, nor earlier that night when you were silently panicking.
This was just something you did to protect yourself from getting hurt. If you revealed your true emotions, it was a sign of weakness, a way for someone to come in and take advantage of you.
You sighed, "Look, Rafe. Of course, I cared. I was just shocked, that's all."
"Shocked? I thought I made it pretty obvious I liked you," he responded.
You were outside your hotel room at this point, deciding whether or not to go in.
"Obvious? Rafe, I thought you were just teasing me or something. I didn't believe you could like me."
He seemed genuinely hurt by this. "How could I not?"
The air flew out of your lungs and you swore you stopped breathing for a minute.
He continued, "Y/N, when I met you, you were so incredibly kind and sweet. I wasn't used to that, I guess. Everyone on the island has this preconceived notion of the kind of guy I am, but no one ever really takes the time to get to know me. I feel like you did."
You couldn't help but smile, "I wanted to see for myself what all the fuss was about."
"Stop," he chuckled. "And what was your verdict?"
"I thought you were too good for me."
"You seriously don't believe that."
"I seriously do. I met you and I swear I've never felt that way about anyway before in my life." You tried to find the right words to articulate your thoughts, "It scared me."
"So that's why you acted like you hated me?"
You laughed lightly, "To be fair, that's just how I flirt with people. Sorry you didn't get the memo."
"Wait- but what about that guy you started dating?"
"Now, I thought this was obvious. I only started dating him because I thought you didn't like me."
It looked like Rafe was joining you in having revelations tonight. The miscommunications were enough to make him dizzy.
"Are you serious?" He couldn't help but laugh. "You didn't even give me the time of day, how was I supposed to know you liked me?"
You shrugged, "I wish I knew you wanted me."
"Would that have made a difference?"
"Yeah, honestly. I have a bad habit of biting my tongue and staying silent on these things but if I knew I'd be with you..."
He was closer to you now. "Well, would you mind if I made a pass on you now?"
"Now that you know?" he added.
You turned around, scanning your keycard to open the door to your room.
"Funny you would come back to me like this," you tugged on the collar of Rafe's shirt, pulling him into your room. "Wanna come find out, Cameron?"
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Muffin! It's ASP Inc, the conglomerate made up of the companies formerly known as Apple, Sony, and Pepsi-Co. Based on your credentials with prior projects, you've been conscripted again for another big budget Twilight media project! Probably the CEO is on drugs, but congrats on your $500m dollar budget.
Your task is to design a big-budget Twilight video game. "But I don't really play that many video games," you maybe say? Idk, the CEO doesn't seem to care and is maybe using this project for tax evasion, so your instructions are "Just make us a Twilight game with gameplay stolen from a popular thing like a Minecraft, Fortnight, Among Us, whatever the kids nowadays are playing. Maybe a Mario? Are Marios still a thing?? I played Oregon Trail on my mac once. Stick some story in it. Give it the Muffin treatment, kids like Muffins!"
Your project brief must include:
1) What non-story-based gameplay mechanic you're stealing ("It's like a Mario!") 2) What story set in the Twilight Universe (tm) you've decided is most game-able. 3) Where you're spending the big bucks.
Thank you and good luck! (I hope this is fun and not, you know, annoying)
That would be a very silly thing for them to do.
Twilight already is a video game: it's a visual novel. You are Bella Swan, first person point of view, checking out hottie mchottie across the hall. You don't know it, but the wrong action you take, even if it's arriving in the parking lot late: you die.
It's up to you to find Bella's golden path to survival which is in fact the Twilight novels we know and love.
Ordinarily, I'm a big skeptic of medium jumps without much thought, especially to and from video games as they usually don't transition well. However, in this case, we're already there.
You don't even have to change that much of the narrative structure since it's all in first person and we have the visuals as we know exactly what everyone looks like down to what exact shade of red their hair is.
There's not much for me to do.
But That Will Never Fly/Isn't What You Asked For
It sounds like this merger corporation doesn't really understand Twilight or video games which is not surprising. So, I have to make a real person video game which is just like that thing the kiddos are playing.
And since I'm going to hell anyway: I'm making a Twilight game that's RDR/GTA styled and we're going wild.
You're Bella Swan going to high school but you can wander around the town of Forks/the world at large and do whatever the fuck you want. This often gets you killed horribly. You go to Mexico: you're eaten by vampires. You go to Alaska: you get fucked by vampires and have a wild time in their sauna. You go to Egypt: some guy named Amun locks you in a tomb where you hang out with Benjamin, Tia, and Amun's angry wife. You can take missions for the Volturi, which they never asked you to do, and every time you collect a bounty a Volturi member will give you a weird look and ask "what the fuck is wrong with you/why are you here?" but you'll earn in game rewards as they publicly shame you.
You can also get into affairs with your human friends and ruin Jessica's love life, go to Prom with five people, and so on and so forth.
You can also get involved in the La Push community where they stare at you for being this person who clearly doesn't belong and try to seduce Leah into a lesbian love affair with you. (This is a very difficult quest, Leah's not impressed and very confused and going through it with Sam right now). You get to hear all of people's drama that's going on in the side lines.
The actual plot is dating Edward, and somehow, he doesn't notice all your wild adventures because he can't read your mind and while he's been stalking you every time you leave the state he loses your scent.
Your missions are surprisingly difficult as you have to avoid death by Edward by saying the right things and avoid death by everything else in the universe by navigating Port Angeles correctly (shockingly hard as the rapists somehow corner you at every turn). You also get missions during the Hallucination Edward arc as you have to do increasingly difficult and dangerous things to get Hallucination Edward to appear at which point your player character gets sweet sweet endorphins.
In the online player mode, where you've probably become a vampire, you can engage in vampire warfare where the losing condition is you killed too many humans so the Volturi come to kill all of you.
And yes, of course, there is an honor system but you blow it yourself as Bella's honor plummets during New Moon when she has to endanger herself and others to see Edward.
The money's going into a) graphics b) the sheer open worldness allowed in the number of quests, the random events, and all that good points.
I imagine they ask me how I will market this game to Twilight's audience, who are presumably the only ones who will play this game, and I claim, "Young women love grand theft auto!"
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eldaryasharbinger · 3 months
MCL New Gen Ep 5 Review
Played the episode last friday and finally I'm sharing my thoughts on it (hopefully I still remember what I wanted to talk about...)
Since the episode is out for everyone, I will go straight into it so no spoiler free version this time! (still adding the cut cause this is a long post...)
I'll start by saying that this episode felt somewhat "empty"? I'm not sure if it was me playing it in a rush before leaving for the weekend but there really wasn't much going on?? at the same time the more I think about it the more I think it was just me lol
This time I didn't stop to take many screenshots cause again, I didn't have much time and I'm still not sure about how long it takes to play each episode, I only took a couple that I thought were intresting enough to share
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This was of course very very important, as many of us were wondering about it, if it was actually poliosis or just idk design I guess
Turns out that whoever came up with this theory first was right! Love to see that especially after his reaction and expression during this scene, I'm sure there's more going on!! (if it ends up that we never talk about it again I'll just turn to dust)
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Some people thought that Jason came from a rich family, turns out that wasn't the case! I'm not really surprised since I really wanted him to be "self-made", like some ordinary guy that now got this horrible rich-person personality, he already looked like that to me so all I needed was confirmation!
Now I want to talk about our interaction with Jason... I'm so so happy about it I kept giggling while playing lol
I could feel Candy's stress like it was my own because I've been in a similiar position back in april and It made me cry in front of 2 of my co-workers, only diffrence is that candy made a big mistake, I was too prideful to destroy my work for the client's ALWAYS changing "preferences"(?) (also I recently completed it, I just swallowed my pride and the client actually forgot about it so they didn't care as much and didn't remember what they wanted at first,, the audacity,,)
I'm not sure how everyone else feels about it (I haven't checked tags yet,,) but it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO weird to me that Candy accepted Jason's offer to do HER job for her? I could understand a little help but Jason literally got her everything, all she had to do was call these people? I don't get how she didn't feel more guilty about it, isn't it like cheating in a way?? Jason isn't just this random guy helping us but the RIVAL COMPANY doing our job?? What was the point of calling us for the job if Goldreamz did it in the end, they just don't know
Everyone else congratulating her on the well done job too... I was dying inside I hope Candy was too, I felt so guilty replying "thank you" to Devon's text about the little gilr's birthday party like,, the f did candy do??
Now... I love that Jason helped her, I wasn't expectin him to do THAT MUCH (it still blows my mind) but I really loved how kind of non-chalante he was trying to be?? Also, Candy said a couple of weird things while joking to which Jason replied so bluntly but also what surprised me the most was the fact that he replied at all?? Like if I'm not mistaken, his dad died when he was a teen or something, and he just told her that? he shared something personal about himself like that??!! Mentioning the poliosis too and how it's hereditary, he just told her about it?
To me that sounds like a big deal because usually you wouldn't expect someone like Jason to share personal details to some random girl he wants in his bed once, so that leaves us with one true conclusion
he loves candy already and really wants to get to know her, so maybe he feels like he has the need to tell her more? maybe I'm just running with my mind again but I think this could be what we could expect in the future?
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The illustration is absolutely GORGEOUS, I've already made an edited version with Petronilla here!!
I just really love Jason's expression, he's so pretty he's so beautiful,,,,,, I can't wait till we get more ;w;;;;; I could stare at him all day and I probably will end doing that at this point
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They're both so pretty, this illustration was finaly crafted I can see that, just look at all the details!! Girls having fun!! They might kiss each other!
This time I didn't pay for her special scene because I want to save up on the gems,, (I did get Jason's tho)
Not sure if I unlocked it as a bug, during the episode I unlocked it like normal but in the library it has the locked icon?
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Still, bug or not I don't care cause I LITERALLY CHEERED when I got it, I wasn't sure I was gonna get it if I chose to work on my own (to meet Jason) instead of asking her for help, I apparentely made the right choices (I winged it after seeing the illu online) and THANKFULLY the outfit was the same one as Jason's!
I think I've said everything I had to, or better to say "all that I remember", I'm sure there's more from this episode to address that I forgot about so If anything else comes to mind I'll make separate posts about it!
If you've made it this far, thanks for reading!
edit: I am not proofreading all that
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justplainwhump · 24 days
Just A Fling: Apology
For "A for Apology" for this month's @alphabetofwhump Alphabet of Whump event. (It's in fact "a very Dany apology", as Vic called it). Also, inspired by a prompt I was sure I still had open: "In a friend's bed", for these smut places asks.
[Just A Fling Masterlist]
This is set before the events of 'that night'. Geoff, Peyton and all characters except Dany belong to the wonderful mind of @wildfaewhump.
Content/warnings: noncon filming, slightly obsessive whumper, creepy whumper, extramarital (consensual) affair, (mostly implied) consensual sex.
Geoff Cortlandt's smile is lazy and dangerous, and for a moment, Dany wonders if coming to meet him in his office was the right call.
Geoff takes a slow sip of water, lets his gaze wander over her body, before he finally - finally - speaks up. "Given how… intimately our lives are intertwined, it's a surprise you come visit me that late, Ms Hammond."
She can't stand him. Yup. It's confirmed.
Dany lifts her chin, counts to five in her head, before she exhales. "I'm sorry Geoff. We made a mistake."
"It's fine," Geoff says mildly. "I understand how it could happen. I talked to him. We're very close, Peyton and I, you know. It's alright. We're all good."
His lip twitches the slightest bit, and the pitch dark dread spiraling out in Dany's stomach tells her that no, this situation is anything but.
Michael Cortlandt's birthday party is exclusive and what most people would call 'magnificent'.
It's also superficial and loud and pretentious in a way that makes Dany's fingers curl up tightly around her elegant purse.
She's come as her father's plus-one; she intends to leave as Peyton Montgomery's, and the latter is the only reason she's still here. They haven't seen each other in weeks. She's been on the far coast for business in one of their new container ports, while Peyton has had to pull severe overtime over the financial contracts in a high profile takeover by his parents' company.
It's not like Dany hadn't found a man to share her bed with in the meantime; but she'd shamefully come to realize that flirting with Peyton gave her something these casual hook-ups with strangers just couldn't any longer.
Every inch of her body craves for Peyton. And judging by the texts he's sent her, the feeling is mutual.
She just has to find him.
Glass in hand - a champagne flute, ironically enough, she hates its bubbly texture - she roams the mansion.
He's not in the huge living room, where most of the sofas are occupied with the heads of the town's family companies politely talking about hostile takeovers, and some drunk plus-ones are trying to gather a crowd to dance to the low electronic music. He's not on the terrace, which seems to be the preferred spot of the lazy second and third born teenage offspring, gathered between pool and champagne coolers, showing off perfectly sculpted bodies and wildly expensive designer swimwear. The generation in between - the one she's probably looking for, Peyton's clique of decadent firstborns - is further out in the garden, at the tennis house. She sees Valerian first, their perfect platinum blonde hair shimmering as they toss back their head in an exaggerated laugh. She grimaces, takes a big sip of the disgusting bubbly champagne. Of course, Peyton had conveniently failed to mention that his spouse would be here as well.
Geoff Cortlandt, tonight's host, tall, dark and surprisingly enough, smiling, is the second familiar face in the group, his Romantic companion in a revealing black dress clinging to his arm. Not the same one she's seen him with before, she thinks, even though the similarity of their features is striking.
Another sip of champagne.
Dany can't stand that pet system. She can't stand knowing that more than half of the guests here literally own other people. That Peyton does, too.
She clicks her tongue, tries to ban the thought. Great job, ruining her own night. After all, she knows Peyton isn't a great human being. It's not like she wants him for his character. She wants him for -
A hand grabs her arm and yanks her behind one of the garden bars. Her shoulders are pressed against the metal of a huge fridge, and every last thought she's just had dissolves, when Peyton's hands bury into her hair and he pulls her into a passionate kiss.
"Fuck, Dany," he mumbles against her lips, before kissing down her neck. "We need to get out of here."
"Valerian is here," she reminds him. Still, she lets get head fall back against the fridge, offering her neck to Peyton's caresses. "Can you leave without them?"
"Mmmhh no, but we can -"
Behind Peyton shoulder, a server appears, making himself known with a polite hem. "Madam, Sir, could you -"
"Shut up," Peyton says, retreating from her only to fold some bills and stuff them into the server's chest pocket. "Go find another fridge for the next ten minutes, alright."
"Ten minutes?" Dany lifts a brow teasingly, as the server retreats. "I was expecting more than that."
Peyton wiggles his fingers. "Oh, Dany, There's a lot these hands can achieve in ten minutes." He holds her gaze, as he slips a tentative hand under her dress. An amused chuckle escapes his lips, when his fingers graze her panties. "Especially when it seems you've come prepared."
"Sir," someone else says, voice more urgent than the server's. "Mr Montgomery. I know you're a family friend, but we need this bar up and running and we need this fridge. Please consider relocating to a more… private area?"
Peyton rolls his eyes dramatically, but steps back. "Fine", he huffs, takes Dany's hand, fingers easily interweaving with hers. "Follow. I've got just the place on my mind."
He peeks around the corner to where Valerian and their friends group had been standing. "Introducing Geoff's new Lourdes to the gang, huh? They'll be busy out here for a while."
Dany's lost her glass somewhere. She'd have finished it in one go, otherwise. It's better for the mood not to think about what he's referring to, she's pretty sure. Neither does she think about, where he's taking her.
She focuses on other things, instead. On the way his boyish giggle rings in her ears, when he navigates her towards the mansion's service entry. On the smell of his cologne, wafting over her, mingling with that of the Cortlandts' rose garden. On the firm hold of his hand around hers. On the shape of the muscles in his shoulders, perfectly highlighted by the cut of his white shirt.
Next to the huge service kitchen, a small door leads to a stairway, and Peyton pulls her upstairs.
"There's security on the main stairs," he whispers. "But none here. Staff don't come into the private area at this time. And the Cortlandts are just so busy entertaining."
He opens the narrow door on top. Their feet sink into the thick carpet on a wide corridor. Family portraits line the walls, almost like they're looking at the intruders disapprovingly. Peyton is still giggling like a schoolboy.
She all but groans. "Fuck, Peyton. Are you high?"
"What else should I be, looking at someone like you?", he counters and winks at her. His eyes are bloodshot. His smile makes her knees weak. "We're there."
Peyton leans against a door and pushes down the handle, swaying into the room as the door swings open.
She doesn't know why she's expected him to lead them into some sort of broom closet.
This sure as hell isn't one.
It's the entrance to a suite, open door to a huge bedroom in front, closed doors to smaller rooms off to the side. Faint music from the garden dances through the air.
Before she can ask him, he's pressing her against the wall, pinning her hands over her head. "You're thinking too much," he whispers. "Don't."
"Is.. Is this Geoff's space?"
"Really?" He kisses her. "I've been yearning for you for weeks, and you're thinking about Geoff right now?"
"We can't -"
"Shhh." He shifts to pin her wrists up with one hand, his other hand slipping between her legs. "Geoff loves me. He won't mind. And even if he did - sure as fuck I'm not going to tell him."
He knows her body as well as she knows herself, she realizes, as he rubs at her clit through the lace of her panties just right. She can't fight the soft moan his touch elicits. His gaze sinks into hers, blown pupils so deep she wants to drown in them. "So." Peyton hums, slowly nudging her away from the wall and backwards into the darkened main room, until the backs of her legs hit the bedframe. "You want to go on thinking about him, or are you ready to forget Geoff Cortlandt and making this about what really matters?"
"Huh." She lets herself fall back on the soft covers, frowning up at him in the room's dim light. "And what would that be?"
The bed dips, when he follows her and spreads her legs open gently. "You, Dany," he mumbles, shoving her dress up to her hips, before he dips down to kiss her through her sheer panties. "I want to make it about you."
"Is there anything else?" Geoff asks, with feigned innocence.
"The tape," Dany says flatly. "The camera in your bedroom."
Geoff grins and leans back in his chair, lounging comfortably. "Ah, that, yeah. Funny Peyton forgot I had it installed, isn't it? Anyway. I gave him a copy. Made one for you, too." He pulls a USB drive from his desk drawer and looks at her from hooded eyes. "We can watch it together, if you like."
"Oh, fuck, no." Dany's hands clench around the arm rests, as she keeps her voice professionally steady. "This wasn't for you."
His eyes harden. "My bed isn't for you either, Ms Hammond. Peyton isn't for you. Nothing of that seems to inhibit you in any way." He taps the flash drive on the heavy wooden desk tentatively. "You really don't want it?"
She exhales sharply. "No."
"Your call." He takes his time looking her down, eyes mapping her body. She feels naked suddenly. In a bad way. "I think you could've seen it as a training experience. I certainly had some notes on your performance while I watched."
"My performance was exclusively for Peyton. And as I have no doubt you're aware of, we both were very satisfied." Dany's jaw is set. "Sorry, Geoff. Wasn't aware you'd feel excluded."
His eyes are hard, as he drops the drive back into the drawer. "I think this conversation is over. You're not sorry, Danielle. I can see that. You're far from it." His hands clasp on the table as he looks her down once more and purses his lips. "You should be." He gestures to the door. "Bye, Dany. Close the door behind you."
Dany tag list (let me know if you wanted to be added or removed, or just not in it for this AU): @whumplr-reader @whumping-on-the-ridge @queenofthenoobs @ocean-blue-whump
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bluetorchsky · 2 months
How do your stick ocs interact with the canon stick characters? Are they besties with anyone? Is there anyone they hate? 👀
Ohh, let me see...this is gonna get long if I do all of my OCs (especially with how much I delve into every one of them), so I'm only going to do the husbands to start. This got really long so I'm putting it under a read more.
You would think that the big guy wouldn't really have many friends for how quiet and imposing he looks. However, the first two canon Toppat friends he made were Matilda Ivy and Jack Doogan. In my AU, they're both siblings and they were tasked with training Accordion and Violin on how to use handheld weapons. Matilda was the first one to give him a nickname, Acorn, and he's gotten to know her and her brother more. He's also made friends with Carol Cross, which is a surprise for everyone since she's 1) An Elite Toppat so she can handle herself pretty well and 2) The only people she hangs out with are the other Elites and she will only interact with the lower ranked Toppats to get something that they owe her. It's a bit of a mystery on how the two became friends, one that Carol isn't too keen on sharing cause it could ruin her image.
Now there isn't any Toppat he hates, but he does get annoyed by Kabbitz's antics of trying to square up with him and Violin, just because they became the tallest Toppats to be on the Airship (beating him by a few inches). It's absolute pettiness from Kabbitz, that's pretty much it. Another Toppat that he gets annoyed by would be Sven Svensson. In my AU, Sven Svensson is pretty much an asshole and acts like a suck-up to the Elites and higher ups, in hopes he will be promoted to being an Elite one day. When everyone was weary of Accordion and Violin during the first year of being in the clan, he stoked the fires of the clan's worry, hoping he would get noticed by the chief, which ended up backfiring and ruining two relationships he had. Even when Sven has dialed back his attitude, Accordion does get snappy with him as he does not enjoy his company at all and he will remind him of that when the time calls for it.
Like his husband, the first Toppat friends he made was Matilda Ivy and Jack Doogan. But after that, he made friends with Earrings (she made Violin and Accordion's outfits), Howie Howitzer (saved his behind on one of his first missions), Gremlin (he humored her climbing onto his back to try and surprise attack him), Herb Stokes (he listened to Herb talk about his love for geology, mostly talking about coal), and Wallace Dogwood (he actually introduced himself to the husbands, finding them an interesting addition to the enforcers). Violin is more talkative and open of the two, giving off a friendly and relaxed vibe, to make it easier for the other Toppats to approach them.
However, Violin isn't all that friendly to some Toppats. Aside from Kabbitz and Sven Svensson, he's not very fond of Clement Warrantine (an elite Toppat that sometimes mentors other Toppats including Sven; he adds fuel to the rumor mill about Violin and is usually smug about it), Quincy Tattlemuffin (always rubs it in his face that he wasn't born rich and into the clan like he was, after learning of how Violin grew up poor), and Bartolomeo (just angry that Violin has a better singing voice than him, even though Violin has complimented his voice several times; it's mostly pettiness that he gets over at some point but it takes a really long time). Another one I would add would be Mr. Macbeth, but he was just annoyed by both Violin and Accordion messing up one of his trains during a mission, even if it helped saved a lot of Toppats. He goes easy on them once he learns of Sven's treatment towards them, since Sven and Earrings (siblings in my AU) were adopted by him. He makes up for his past attitude by teaching Violin how his trains work, which he does show some interest in it after some time.
Music Husbands
The only reason I'm making a section for both Accordion and Violin is because there some Toppats who do like being around both husbands. Like Thomas Chestershire and Geoffrey Plumb. They would be the one of the higher-up pairs that welcome Accordion and Violin warmly, unlike some of the others. In my AU, they're in a queerplatonic relationship and have been by each other's side since they first met on the Airship. They became quick friends when Geoffrey was detailing his latest plan for a heist, and the husbands made some recommendations to it. Thomas challenged their ideas, not as a way to bring them down but to see if they would stick to their guns about what they were thinking. Seeing their loyalty to each other and to the clan, despite being members for just a few months, made the duo stick by their sides more after that.
The Witch is also a friend to the husbands, as she doesn't have much information on Music Magic, so they help give her information and show some of their spells so she can record them. She also enjoys their company, as she always tell them that their combined aura always calms her down. Her brother, Burt Curtis (in this AU), is also a friend to the husbands since his mom, Calypso (my OC), is friends with them, but also because they were some of the few Toppats that have stood up for him, especially from Sven (who he has had some bad history with). Although he is quite the monotonous Toppat, he finds himself smiling when the husbands visit him and has, embarrassingly, asked if he could record them singing and playing so he can fall asleep more easily. There is some history that he and The Witch have with the Music Dragons, albeit as children, but it's not too big of a deal. He only remembers how their music and singing always put them at ease, and someone from the clan who convinced him to not run away from his new adopted family.
And before I forget, the husbands also make friends with Dave Panpa, when he gets taken in as a prisoner. The Toppats don't really have much ideas to do with Dave, aside from keeping him there since he saw something he wasn't supposed to, so they delegate Accordion and Violin to stand guard at his cell so he doesn't do anything. But because of Dave's cowardice, they see no reason to be there aside from being isolated from the clan. Dave ends up asking them questions first and it ends up as a full blown conversation, with the husbands sneaking food to him as what he is delivered isn't always enough. The husbands hadn't been caught for a long time, since Burt always made sure to not mention it (and he enjoyed hearing their conversations), but when it was time for the day for Reginald to decide what to do with Dave, the husbands actually made a case for Dave to not get killed, but to offer him a spot in the clan, based on the stories he told them about once being taught espionage. While Reginald is angered that they made small talk with a potential enemy, he does end up seeing what the husbands, and some other Toppats, are talking about. He decides to keep Dave in the Brig, but not as a prisoner, until they reach their secret base where the rocket is being built. From then on, Dave is able to hang out with the husbands a bit more but only has a limited area he can explore. His passion for being a guard reignites and he starts training under the husbands to be a future Toppat guard that patrols the halls (a sub-division that Burt helps lead as part of the main Airship/Orbital Station Division).
Wait, I forgot about Reginald and RHM. Ugh, and also Sir Wilford and Randy Radman, and to an extension Terrence Suave. Okay, so, let me start with Wilford, Randy, and Terrence. Randy is unfortunately the reason why Accordion and Violin’s wedding was crashed by Government soldiers, the loss of a substantial amount of Dragons members, and the reason why Accordion’s lower arms are gone. This made Randy incredibly guilty because the Toppat Clan and the Music Dragons Clan had a strange unofficial alliance, but they would still help each other out. When the commotion was settled, Wilford visited the Music Dragons and made a contract with Frankie and Gherry, to make up for what Randy brought upon their clan. Terrence had gone with him to observe the meeting as a witness, but he desperately wanted to be there by Randy’s side and anywhere but there. The terms of the contract was to allow Oliver and Trent to join the Toppat Clan with no questions asked. The reason for this was because Frankie foresaw the tension between their clans rising, fearing that it will cause a divide between them.
Frankie was right, unfortunately. After Sir Wilford disappeared and Terrence was made leader after the “death” of Randy Radman, he became delusional and made many questionable decisions. What caused the rift was when Terrence was on a heist with some Toppats and they got into a bit of trouble. Some of the Music Dragons saw this and jumped in to help out, but Terrence saw them as actual enemies and ordered his Toppats to shoot them down. It angered the clan and there would be some small fights here and there, until the Dragons chose to move to another place. When they moved, Terrence was overthrown by Reginald and RHM, two people who were his friends that had to make a difficult decision to stop his madness.
Now, Reginald and RHM have different views of Accordion and Violin. Reginald blames the Music Dragons for causing them a lot of strife, even though most of his reasonings are based on rumors and baseless evidence, while RHM is more cautious but welcoming to Accordion and Violin. He had been there on the day Terrence ordered the attack on the Music Dragons, but he also saw how they wished to help despite what happened in the past. Their interactions with the husbands will change over time, as more information of the unofficial alliance between the Toppats and the Dragons is uncovered, with Wilford’s contract being the starting step.
I'd be happy to answer any questions and/or go over anyone else
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afk-n-shit · 4 months
"You'll take care of them, won't you?"
Merlin had warned everyone upon arrival that this part of the house didn't often host visitors. Mostly private workshops and laboratories, they'd said, and they hadn't been lying-- they never lie, not really, strategic omission of the truth is far more their style-- but they also hadn't said this wing of the house was off limits, and for Valen that's practically permission.
"Of course I will. Do you even really need to ask?"
Hogan's stern tone is unmistakable, so the new, breathy voice must be one of Merlin's many disguises. Valen doesn't stop suddenly, but he lets his otherwise careless footsteps slowly quiet, slows his breathing and his heart until he can lean soundlessly against the wall next to the door.
"Usually I wouldn't, no. But after everything..."
"You worry."
There's a hum, musical, even with the weight behind it. Valen can see it in his mind's eye, because Merlin and Hogan always stand too close even in polite company. In private they're no doubt propped up against each other, maybe even with Merlin's head on Hogan's shoulder.
"They're just..."
"Children?" Hogan offers with a laugh. Merlin scoffs, and a delicate hand smacks Hogan's big chest.
"Young, I was going to say young, you insufferable--" Merlin sighs, and it's. It's so many things, exasperated and fond and exhausted and hopeful and despairing. "I had hoped-- we made mistakes, but I had hoped--"
"We did what we thought was right--"
"Maybe at first. Everything that came after? Is... Debatable."
Valen frowns. He's always hated having to patch context together, but this feels more important than any spy mission or idle information gathering. He knows that Merlin and Hogan are old as balls, Merlin is older than the gods are dead, there's so much they don't even need to say to one another. And Valen is smart, he's good at this, as much as he hates it. But he thinks of Merlin, aglow with golden power, of dark berries sapping magic from seals and the grief on Merlin's face as they reinforced the Seal over Ryeham and he thinks, I'm missing something.
"It isn't like you to doubt so," Hogan says, soft and gentle and all the things Valen wouldn't ascribe to his Captain, and Merlin's chuckle is airy and heavy.
"It's not every day one has to piece their memories together from bits and scraps, you know. All these old feelings..."
"And old regrets, yes yes..."
Valen'd have to be deaf, maybe, or concussed beyond measure, to miss the sound that comes next-- wet and soft and slightly smacking-- and, really, he doesn't know why it surprises him so. But it makes him jump nearly out of his skin, and its luck that he does not bang his head loudly against the wall behind him, though his heel does scrap against the floor as he finds the purchase to scramble away before he hears anymore. Because he knew-- knows-- logically, through rumor and watching them interact, that Hogan and Merlin were-- are... close.
But there had also been-- been a hand on his elbow and a soft, fond smile, been indulgent attention whenever Valen dragged them around to show them this or that and very real concern when Valen had taken blows and
By the time he makes it back to his room his heart it bleeding in his chest, and he can't rightly lie to himself as to why.
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fakesimp · 1 year
Cursed or Blessed ?
Tumblr media
Warning !
Hurt/Comfort ; Mentions of Sorcery, Death, Trauma, Crying, Nightmares ; Special mention of other members ; Established Relationship
The story takes a part from the past to the present ! And I made this not based on Shu's lore, the entire lore story made by me !
A/n !
I am writing the fic with the help of this , And without further a do, I hope everyone enjoyed this !
"...My dear, you have something inside you that other children don't have, and it is very, very special.."
"Really? "
"Yes, it's very special, only a few people can get them.. and you are one of them, but.. there is one rule you have to listen to"
"Oh? ..What is it? "
"The special gift is only for you, and for you to know and see.."
"... It won't be fun if your secret be known by others, no? "
"Ah... True, ...then! I'll keep it a secret! "
"Good boy.."
. . .
A young raven haired, wearing a dark purple kimono, preparing himself to out playing with some other kids outside.
"Mom! I'm leaving!" The raven said as he jogged towards the gate, "Stay safe!" His mom chirped from inside. The young male closed the gate behind him and jogged towards the town.
It is not a big town, also not a small town. It is a perfect size, most of the town folks work as a farmer, but there are some who works as a fisherman. There are not many kids around, some of them are friendly some isn't.
The raven walked down the path, trying to find where the other kids' are, soon after he heard their voices, their laughter. He followed the voices and saw them playing together, he stood behind a tree watching them. None of the kids noticed him, until somebody tap his shoulder, earning a jolt from the raven.
"Oh, I'm sorry did I surprise you?" A young boy who have black hair with red strands apologized in advance, "It's, okay.. I was just, .. distracted, I didn't see you there." The raven shook his head and look over at the person. "Why are you here? Are you not playing with the others?" The little boy asked as he glances at the other kids, the raven followed his gaze, only to end up pondering. "Ah, are you, nervous?" The little boy smiled, his golden eyes shines slightly, "I have some friends waiting for me, how about you come with me?" He offered, the raven stared for a good minute before taking on his offer.
Soon after The little boy led the raven meet up with another 3 boys, one with ash brown hair, one with grey hair followed with blue tips, and one straight of blonde. They were surprised by the raven's company, but soon after their faces are filled with warmth and smiles.
"Yo! Who's this!" The blonde asked excitedly, "This is... Ah, wait, I haven't asked your name..." The black haired boy sheepishly scratched his cheek, making the grey haired boy shook his head and push up his glasses. "My name is Ike Eveland! What's your name?" The raven blinked, and smiled, "Shu, Shu yamino" "Nice to meet you Shu! I'm Luca Kaneshiro!" The blonde chirped with a bright and big smile on his face, "I'm Mysta, Mysta Rias" the ash brown haired boy reach out his hand and, Shu stared at it for a second before shaking it. Smiling, "And the guy who took you here, ...." Ike look over at the black haired boy, "..Sorry for the late introduction, I was in a rush, My name is Vox Akuma."
5 of them ever since that day played together, not a day goes without one missing, until one day, the other kids are taking the 5 usual playground. Vox tried to confront them, only to get pushed away. Luca was so ready to throw a hand at those kids, but he was held back by Ike and Mysta. Shu at the other hand is helping Vox getting up from the ground, "Thank you shu" Vox thanked him and slightly glare at the kid who pushed him.
"There's very little of you guys! You can just play at another place, we are a big group, we need more space" The kid said as they stood confidently, crossing their arms. Luca who was held back by Ike and Mysta is growling behind Shu and Vox, "Calm down Luca, we can give this place up and move somewhere else" Ike said as he held Luca back, "But this is our spot! We took this spot first!" Luca argued.
It is true, Vox found this place and make this place as their gathering spot, there were only 4 of them until Vox decided to take Shu with him the other day. And then the group is now 5 people in it, the boys welcomed Shu pretty warmly too. He felt welcomed, he sees them as a part of his family now.
"Vox, Shu let's go.." Ike said, Vox frowned for a moment before sighing and walk up to the three behind him, meanwhile Shu, still facing the group of kids. Wondering why are they acting like this, he shakes the thought off and followed the boys.
In the end their gathering spot changes.
But somehow, each time they changed their gathering spots, those kids are always taking them away as if the land is theirs. Pushing Shu and the others away, it made the 5 frustrated.
"They're definitely doing this on purpose." Mysta said as he sat down on a barrel, "At this point? Yeahhh... It seems like they just, ..want to steal everything from us" Luca agreed as he stood next to Mysta. "Maybe, they're jealous of us or something" Ike suspected, earning a small chuckle from Vox. "At this rate, we don't have any place to hangout" Vox stated, and it is true, when the group tried to go back to the first gathering spot, they won't be able to last long till the kids coming by and ruined their playtime.
"How about we just go hangout at each other's places??" Mysta suggested, "That could be a good idea, who have a big area for us to play tho?" Ike asked as he stare at the others. "I do.." "Me" Vox and Shu stared at each other, "Well, I know Vox got a big place, how about we go yo Shu's today?" Ike said, and an agreement have been settled.
The group visited Shu's living quarters, his parents welcomed the group warmly and of course treating them with snacks. Ever since that day they either go to Vox's living quarters or Shu's, it is peaceful and fun.
Until, one time Mysta didn't come to visit at Shu's place early, everyone is already here and he is nowhere to be found. The group started to get worried and decided to go out and find him, it took awhile for them to finally found Mysta on the ground hands around himself and his head as other kids yelling at him. The boys immediately came into aid, pushing those kids away from Mysta. "Mysta! Hey hey, we're here!" The poor boy was shaking, Ike held him close as he glare at the kids. "WHY ARE YOU GUYS HURTING HIM!?!" He yelled, it is rare to see him angry.
"He was messing with us first!" They lied. "Yeah! He came up to us and started a fight!!" They lied again.
They're lying, why are they lying?
The raven stood at the distance, watching his group and the other kids yelling at each other. Shu gulped, he watches Vox who' struggling on holding Luca back, Ike who's holding Mysta, now here he is standing in between the group of 2 yelling at each other.
One of the kid raise up their hand towards Ike, and before Vox could react the kid's fist is burning. Everyone stood shocked, the kid who's got burnt is screaming and crying. Some of the kids from the other group tried to put out the fire, while the rest slowly turn their heads towards the raven's direction. Staring in horror. "You-! You're a monster!" One of the kids shouts and then soon after the group ran away, leaving the boys confused also shocked.
Shu, had unconsciously used his special gift. To save his friend, isn't that supposed to be a good thing?
"Shu... You, did that... Just now right?" Vox asked hesitantly, the raven look at the group, scared that they'll act like those kids. "Guys, we gotta take Mysta back home! I don't think we can play today.." Ike said as he look down at unconscious Mysta in his arms, trying to distract the boys for a bit. Vox whip his head down towards the unconscious boy and look back up at Shu. "Right. Come on Shu! What are you standing there for!" Vox shouted at him, snapping the raven back and immediately take action.
The group walked in silence as they escort unconscious Mysta back home, his parents apologized at the group for the trouble and they will take care of him. Personally thanking the group for saving their boy.
Soon after the 4 walked down the path back to where they found Mysta, there was heavy silence between them. Shu started to grow fidgety as he stood facing the three, "First thing first... Thank you, Shu for saving me... And Mysta, I appreciate your... Help, ...I am, a bit shocked for what happened back there.." Ike said as he look at Shu, but instead of showing hostility, his gaze is soft towards the raven.
"I don't know how you did that Shu but that is, amazing! Is there some kind of trick you learned?" The blonde sounded so excited, making Shu blinking at him confusedly. "Uh.. I learn? No, ..But my mom said, it is, a special gift only for me and some other kids that is chosen.." Shu said as he look down at the ground, playing with his fingers. "Ah, well then I am must be one of those other kids your mother mentioned, I also have a special gift that, only I have, other's don't." Vox said looking at Shu, closing his eyes and the next second there is a pair of horns on his forehead growing.
The other two smiled at the sight and looked back at Shu, "I'm glad I am not the only one that got the special gift" Vox said, Shu took a good moment to realize what Vox said. "Wait, does that mean Ike, Luca and Mysta??" Shu stared at the two, "I don't have any of that special gift" Ike said as he laughed sheepishly, "Yeah.. sadly I also don't have any" Luca pouted and soon after he smiled again. "As for Mysta, he got the special gift!" Luca said and letting out a breathy laugh. "Oh?" "Ah yes, Mysta also one of the other people your mother told you"
It is such an amazing discovery, his own friends! Also have the special gift! No wonder they didn't act that scared when they see Shu's magic, they were shocked because they have found another kid that's just like them.
Shu was pretty surprised himself about how his special gift works, he wasn't expecting it going to go like that.
What a way to learn about how his, special gift works.
The 4 talked for quite sometime before going back to their respective home, Shu was kind of delighted about the discovery, but he have yet to tell his mom about what happened that day. He's, not quite ready to tell her.
But, the day after that, it was a complete ruin, not a day goes without him being shouted by other kids 'monster' , 'the devil' , anything bad that describes his special gift.
One day, "Shu, come and sit with me for a bit" his mother called out, the raven was in his room writing. He was a bit confused, but he oblige anyway. So he got up and went out of his room, and searched for his mother. He then found her sitting outside, watching the scenery before her, it was the garden she's to taking care of.
"Come here" She invited the raven to sit down next to her, and he did, he sat down next to her watching her garden in silence. Soon after she broke the silence first, "Is there, something, ..you haven't told me, Shu?" She gently asked as she look over at him. Shu stared at her for a moment before he look down on his hands, "I, did something bad..." He whispered. His mother's mouth opened slightly, but she didn't say anything afterwards.
She reach out her hand and started patting the raven's head, "Are you, afraid of what you see?" She slowly asked him. Making the raven immediately look at her, he couldn't find himself to answer her.
Is he scared of what he have inside him?
Or is he happy about it?
"I, ..I am not sure.." Shu replied, she placed her hand on his cheek. She gently rub her thumb along his cheek, "... I'm sorry.." she whispered making the boy confused as for why she's apologizing. He held her hand and shook his head, "Don't Apologize, it's not your fault" he softly smiled at her. "...Mom, you, ...heard about it didn't you?" He asked her, her eyes said everything as she stare into Shu's.
Both of them stared in silence, soon Shu just wrapped his arms around his mother. They both hugged each other in silence, basking in each other's warmth. "Mom.. we're going to be okay... Right...?" He asked, barely in a whisper. "We're going to be okay, as long as I'm here.."
. . .
Everything went well under the clouds, despite the rumors are spreading around. Everything is peaceful, the group couldn't freely wander around like before. They decided to meet up at Shu's living quarters often nowadays after what happened last time.
One night, in a peaceful night, the raven was abruptly waken up from his slumber. "Shu, I am so sorry for waking you up so sudden, but take this and go out from the window and ran as far as you can-" It is his mother who woke him him, him looking at her confused. "Wh, why? What happened??" He asked, she just stared down at him, smiling with sorrow. "Just go and don't ever look back okay?" She said as she planted a kiss on the raven's forehead, "..Mom?" He called out to her as she slowly stood up and stand by the door. "You'll listen to me, right?" She asked, Shu nodded and then slowly rise up from his futon.
He climbed out from the window, he look back at his mother who's looking at him over her shoulder, she smiled before within seconds there's pink purple fire surrounds her, changing her attire entirely. "Stay safe, my baby" she whispered out before she went out from the boy's room, into the smoke.
Shu was speechless, confused what is going on? He asked himself. He was told to run away, with this small bag in his arms, he doesn't know what happened, but the last thing he knew as he ran into the woods he heard a big explosion behind him. He stood for a moment, he was about to look back but then he remembered, he was told not to look back. And so he continue running. As far as he could, holding onto the small bag as tight as he could.
He didn't know how far he have ran, he stopped running the moment he sees a lake before him. Breathing heavily as he drop down onto his knees nearby the lake, he looked up into the night sky. The moon shines bright, it's a full moon. His lips trembled ever so slightly, he then sat down and pulled his knees close to his chest, silently sobbing under the moonlight.
. . .
The raven blinked, and look up for a moment, looking around.
Ting! Ting!
His brows furrowed slightly as he then realized the noise is coming from the small bag his mother gave him, he then slowly reach out to the bag, opening it and then within a flash there was 3 white things flies up into the sky so fast for. Making Shu immediately shot his head up to see what it is, it is a human like papers.
He silently stared at them, rising up from the ground, he reached out his hand to one of them that' slowly gliding down to his palm. He examined them for a moment, then it clicked, "Are you.. a shikigami?" The paper doll shook both of their hands and nod it's head. "Ah.." he then look up at the other two shikigamis floating near him, "My mom..." He held back his tears as he mentioned his mother.
The shikigamis glides closer towards the raven, they pat his head. "...Is she really..?" He asked for confirmation, the shikigami took a moment before they nod their heads.
He lost his mother.
He stuttered out a sigh and slowly sat down on the ground again, he closed his eyes as he settled himself again. "What do I do now.." the Shikigamis glides over to him, one on his right and left shoulder, and the last one is in front of him.
The one that's floating in front of him pulled his hand back towards the bag again, making the raven a bit confused, but he went on and checked inside.
There is some sort of scroll. Inside. He took it out and gently opened the scroll, revealing some weird writing inside. Making him furrowed confusedly at the scroll, he look at the shikigamis and then back down at the scroll. "Am I suppose to understand these?" He asked, they nodded in unison. "Ah, ...okay, uhm, ...I don't know how I'm suppose to read these but, I'll try to understand them.." he said as he opened the scroll entirely on the ground.
The next thing he knew there was a bit of a purple and pink spark appeared in the middle of the scroll, there was a weird shape, some type of like summoning circle inside the scroll. He look at the shikigamis again, unsure of what to do, they glide over to the circle and pull his hand gently towards it.
He hesitantly put his hand on top of it and then there's a bright dark purple light coming from it, the next second the writings of the scroll slowly changes. He slowly could see the words, he could read them.
After a whole minute of astonishment, he pulled his hand away. He look down upon himself, and he's relieved nothing happened to his body. "... okay, I'm... Glad nothing happened to me.." he look at the shikigamis, "I, can read the scroll now.." he said as he glances down at the scroll, "Great job master!" "Well done! " "Yaay! Master can understand us now!"
Shu blinked, owlishly staring at the shikigamis. "Did you guys just--" he paused, "...talk?" They nodded and glided closer to his face. "Yes Master! You can now understand us because you had touched the magic scroll! There's nothing on your body but there's this mark on your forehead!" They poke his forehead, making the raven slowly reaching up towards it. "Oh also, master's hair changed a bit " one of the shikigamis pointed at his hair, "Huh?" He immediately ran his fingers through his hair.
It grows! It grows longer, he immediately brushed his long hair to the side to see, there's a bright purple color under his dark raven hair, he couldn't see how his bangs look like, so he immediately went to the lake to see his reflection. There's also some pink hair strands on him, followed with a weird yellow strands. "What.. is happening?" He whip his head back to the Shikigamis, "We have a long journey ahead of us master! My lady have ordered us to protect and take care of you!" The shikigami said as they glides closer to him.
"My lady have put the gift of sorcery upon Master... To continue her journey, she felt guilty for doing so, she knew the consequences on what's gonna happen once the town folks found out... She sacrificed herself so you can continue her journey and grow, also to learn more ways of the sorcery out there to protect yourself from." One of them explained, the young raven boy slowly rise from the ground and frowned for a moment before there was a small smile on his face.
"Then, I have to continue her journey right? By that means, I will have to write my own story now.." The shikigamis nodded their head, "Don't worry master! We'll always be by your side! "
With that, he had started his sorcery journey alone, not knowing what's gonna happen ahead of him. But he'll try his best to continue his mother's path.
. . .
Years have passed the young boy have grown into an adult, and somehow. He got himself teleported away into a, rather, unique world. Where, there's a high technology in it. It took a moment for the sorcerer to adapt into the new world, how did he ended up there? It's because he may have accidentally draw a magic upon himself and got himself,
Time traveling.
After awhile inside the modern world, he realized that, there's also some of his old friends got teleported into the same world. It took the Sorcerer a few months to find them all and gather everyone together, he's just glad he could find everyone again.
Living in the modern world for quite sometime, adapting into the world, blending in with the society. After a few years of finally blending into the society, he got himself a lover.
Who would've thought that he, would get himself a lover in this world. Nobody did, not even the Sorcerer himself.
. . .
One night, it was dark, he see a glimpse of his mother, where she walked into the smoke, and soon after he heard an explosion behind him.
When he was about to run, he couldn't move, his body doesn't want to move, instead it's slowly turning around, looking back at the burnt down house. The fire blares brightly, consuming his home.
He soon saw a figure, staggering as it slowly approaching the raven.
Within a blink, he was standing before the figure, the figure grabbed him by the neck and yelled at him.
"It is your fault " , "This wouldn't happen if it weren't for you to burn the kid's hand " , "It's your fault "
Repeats, again and again, the darkness soon consumed him. He couldn't breathe, the grip the figure had on his neck is so tight. He writhe, coughing. He then stared into the figure, that have no face but void.
And then, he saw a bright pair of violet eyes that' similar to,
His mother.
. . .
"Shu! Babe! Wake up!-" He heard somebody called his name, he opened his eyes and abruptly rise from the bed. "You were thrashing around.. it seems like you got a nightmare again.." he looked to the side, sweating profusely. He let out a breathy laugh, that's right. This isn't the first time he got this nightmare, "I'm sorry, I.. don't know why I kept on getting the same dreams.." he apologized to you.
You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him towards you as you gently ran your fingers through his hair locks. "It's okay Shu.. I'm here for you, you want to talk about it?" He pondered, but then shook his head, you hummed softly and kissed the top of his head. "Okay, I'll be here whenever you want to talk.." he wrapped his arms around you, tight. As if he'll lose you if he loosen up his arms, "It's okay... I'm not going anywhere" you whispered into his ear.
"Thank you.." he whispered, as he then closed his eyes, listening to your heartbeat.
. . .
There are days, where Shu locked himself in his room, all day. Not eating anything, even drink. He refuse to talk to you when these days happened, you tried to talk to him but he just won't let you in.
And today is one of those days, he's behind the locked door you stare before you. "Shu.. babe.." you put your hand by the door, you rest your forehead by the door. As if you could feel him right behind this door, doing the same thing.
"...Shu?" You whispered.
You waited, and you softly sighed and took a step back. But when you're about to leave, you finally heard his voice. "I'm sorry..." He said, you immediately went close to the door again. "Why are you sorry? You did nothing wrong" you waited for him to talk back to you, "I'm.. scared that, I'm gonna hurt you" he sounded hurt as he explained what's going on though his mind.
"Shu, you won't hurt me." You said, "I trust you.." "But I don't" he replied back as soon as you said that.
His sorcery journey had made him become a dangerous man, for his power he had learned both good and dark sorcery.
But at what cost? He will lose control over his magic and will start attacking surroundings.
And the dark sorcery he had learned will consume him, his mana for a few days. After they have consumed him, they'll die down. Till the next 6 months, and yes, it happened 2 times in a year. And today is one of those days.
He is scared that he'll hurt you, he couldn't control himself.
"I believe in you Shu.." you said as you leaned to the door, silence returns but then you heard the door clicking from the other side.
The door slowly opens, revealing your Beloved Sorcerer standing before you, you could see dark purple markings on him. Slowly creeping up towards his face.
He looked ashamed of himself as he avoid eye contact from you, he stood still in the middle of the room, you could see the markings are consuming his body.
You took a step closer, and he took a step back from you. "Shu..." You whisper his name, he still refuses to look at you. You gritted your teeth and walk up to him, grabbing his hand, making the Sorcerer jump. He tried to shake your hand off but your hand hold his wrist firmly, soon after he stopped trying and look towards you.
You smiled gently at him, your other hand slowly reaching out to his face, placed on his cheek, your other hand that's holding his wrist soon follows, holding his face and slowly pulling him close to you.
Your forehead touches his, his eyes slightly widen, he stuttered out a sigh before slowly closing his eyes. His hand slowly going up and touched your arm, then you slowly took a step away from him. You look down at his neck, his arms, the markings slowly fades away. You smiled in relief, you look back to your lover's violet eyes. He stared at you full with love and admiration, he then look down on his hand.
He realized what have happened, what you did to him. He then without hesitation wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tight.
You saved him.
You can feel him stuttering a bit, he whispered a thank you to your ears as he then bury his face at the crook of your neck.
Now at least he knows, you can save him not only from his nightmares but also from the darkness that will consume him entirely. He knew that, with you in his arms, he knew he will find solace.
At least, he could finally live for another year. Together with you.
He used to think that it is a curse to have these sorcery, but now, he might change his thoughts on them. Perhaps, they're not entirely a curse afterall...
©fakesimp . 2023
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A/n !
God no, that's taking way too long... I hope you guys enjoy this ! This is unexpectedly longer than anticipated.. phew..
Translation for the last sentence !
"Thank you, my light..." ; "Arigatou, Ore no Akari..."
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sparrowrye · 4 months
Demi Demon || Alastor x Reader, A3 part 11
Synopsis: Alastor disappeared for 8 years, leaving you confused, crushed, and angry. You spent those years building up your new self and protecting the haven from dangers left and right. What will happen when he returns to the new changes? Will he return anytime soon? Could you even go back to the way things were?
Previous part
Part 11: have my attention
"Well then, are you two ready?" Lucifer turned his attention back to us.
"Why are we making this a big deal?" I questioned.
Vox laughed. "Public image is important, my dear. If we make this a big deal, neither of us will have any problems in Hell or on the Surface." He paused and gave me a knowing look. "And it won't be because of Alastor."
I turned my head away. "What exactly are we supposed to do?"
Lucifer spoke as if he had been waiting for this day for ages. "I'll give a speech about the work you two have done, present Blackwater's soul, then cue you in together. That's that."
"Make sure you bow to him."
Vox and I both jumped at Vaggie's voice directly behind us. She had her hands on her hips like usual but this time also had a smile on her face. Charlie stood beside her with the biggest grin. The pair were dressed very similarly to Alastor and I with matching red and black.
"They don't need to do th—"
"This is important for you too, Dad," Charlie interrupted. "If two big Overlords show respect to you, then everyone else's respect goes up too. It's a win win for everyone."
I hate politics, I groaned inwardly.
That's why you leave them to me, Alastor answered.
My head snapped down the hallway but he was nowhere to be seen. What? Get out my head, Al.
Merely ensuring your safety, darling. His tone suggested mischief and smugness. He was trying to listen in case Vox tried anything.
"So, you guys ready?" Lucifer asked once more. We gave a nod and watched the King of Hell, Charlie, and Vaggie slip through the massive door.
I suddenly felt unwell. My mind began to race with anxiety and I fiddled with my dress and hair. I had gone in front of crowds numerous times before, so why was this any different? What if I fell? What if I didn't look right? What if I did the wrong thing, said the wrong thing? What if I made myself look stupid? What if I—
Easy darling, Alastor spoke calmingly. His mind brushed against mine and he sent a calming wave down my spine. I felt my shoulders relax.
"You look gorgeous," Vox said, offering his folded arm. "I'm glad you came to your senses four years ago to work with me. I've loved working with you."
I humphed and took his arm. We could hear Lucifer starting his speech. I replied, "You make it sound like we're not going to continue working together. Our deal is still on, isn't it?"
Worry crossed my mind. If Vox decided to break off the deal, it would force us to expel all technology we have come to rely on in the haven. It would mean a new, powerful enemy for us to take care of—not that Alastor wouldn't do something about it...but still.
"Of course, dear," he reassured me, "but we've talked so often because of Blackwater's legacy. We have nothing to bring us together anymore. I will miss our lovely chats."
I was surprised at how genuine he was being. His smile wasn't evil or mischievous. It was a normal smile with soft blue eyes. In another universe, maybe even in a different century of this one, could we have been friends? Could I have enjoyed his company like I enjoy Rosie's? Like Vivian, Althea, and Vilcin? How different would life be with another powerful friend at my side?
Darling. Alastor warned. He could still hear my thoughts.
Relax. I still love you.
Vox blinked as if he had been focused on something else. "You ready?" He turned to face the massive door.
I let out a shaky breath. My black wings sprouted just above the seam of my dress on my back. "I suppose."
My ears and magic strained to heighten Lucifer's voice. "With Blackwater's legacy under control, and his soul secure in my hands, I present the two Demons and Overlords who helped rid his legacy for good. I present Vox and the Dragon Demon!"
The door opened and blinding white light shone through. I forced my eyes to adjust quickly as Vox lead me onto the platform. A huge crowd stretched out at the base of the massive staircase. Beautiful chandeliers hung overhead and everything seemed to sparkle.
Claps echoed off the walls as the Hell and Surface Overlords, as well as their guests and attendees, gave their applause. I saw Alastor standing at the base of the stairs.
I kept my face at a passive smile as Vox led me down the stairs. I had my hand casually at my side to pull up the skirt of my dress just enough so my foot claws wouldn't catch it. My other hand stayed on Vox's arm. I could hear Alastor's thoughts on the contact.
Once we reached the bottom, I finally let go of both my dress and Vox's arm. A pathway had been carved out in the press of people to allow us to walk up to Lucifer. My foot claws tapped the tile and began to echo as the applause died. I suddenly felt bigger than before. The jewelry on my horns swayed with my movements, my tail slithered behind, my wings towering overhead and swayed with my step, and my sharp eyes scanned the faces as I passed.
I could see hatred, awe, and curiosity—though I saw more of hatred from the other Overlords than anything else. I didn't let that bother me as we came to stand in front of Lucifer. Vox and I bowed our heads, but I bent more at the hip to give as much respect as I could. Lucifer had been a huge help since the beginning. I owed him everything.
He bid us to rise then looked around at the crowd. "Let's enjoy the night, shall we?"
Chatter rose as attention went back to previous conversations. Lucifer gave me a sweet smile before I turned around to find Alastor already appearing at my side. His hand instantly found my hip.
"Mrs. Dragon Demon," Vox acknowledged me one last time before walking off to join the other Vees. He had made an effort not to even glance at Alastor. I could feel the effect it had on my soulmate.
"Have you seen Rosie?" I asked, drawing his attention back to me.
"I have a feeling she found us." He turned us around right as the woman came up.
"You look absolutely stunning, dearie!" Her smile was as wide and sharp as ever. Her cold hands gripped mine as she babbled on more compliments.
The ballroom was one of Lucifer's many open rooms in the palace. This one had huge glass windows framed by stone arches. The curtains were drawn but I could only imagine what it could look like if it was on the surface with the sunlight streaming in. The ceiling was just as decadent as I had thought. It had paintings of both Demons and Angels.
Along the walls were plates of food and drinks, as well as empty tables for people to stand around. I was surprisingly rooted to one of these tables as more and more Overlords and guests came up to speak with me. Some Demons introduced themselves as Overlords but were the kind that didn't have physical territory--much like Alastor before the Haven--instead choosing to own souls through other means.
Alastor was his typical self: a sarcastic jerk. He didn't let any comments or insults slide, nor did he refrain from making any himself. I was trying to earn respect not more enemies. Fortunately, his temper seemed to dull when Rosie found us again.
Why can't I have that kind of effect on him?
Luckily he was too busy chatting with her to hear that remark.
I thanked the last person I spoke with as they left and sipped on my nearly abandoned wine. I was growing used to the unfamiliar Demonic faces. There were a few that made my skin crawl because of their looks alone (a particular one with several pairs of eyes and sharp jaws like a spider came to mind).
"Good evening, dear."
I recognized the echo of Overlord Zestial.
Alastor did, too, because a shiver of panic ran down our spine. I swallowed the nerves that weren't my own as I turned to face the ridiculously tall Demon. "Good evening," I returned as I placed my glass down. Alastor did the same and put an arm around my waist. He held me tight to his side.
"Quite the feat thee've accomplished," Zestial started, "I am most impressed and quite interested in the details if you will spare them."
Alastor was deathly silent, his mind as well, as I described briefly my struggles and successes in bringing down Blackwater's remaining legacy. I left out the same information as Lucifer: the group of hidden 'pure' Humans was still out there. Blackwater had tried to recruit Reagan into his Human family, and failed. I still have no idea where they were, how well trained they were, if they use the devices Blackwater made, and/or if they have a thirst for revenge. My hope was they were too concerned with prolonging their pure bloodline to come after me.
"Quite impressive," Zestial said after I had finished. "Thee should'st be very proud, Alastor. Quite the soulmate thou hast."
"I couldn't agree more." Alastor briefly met my eyes before they snapped back up to the Overlord. His smile seemed strained. "We are a force to be reckoned with."
"Yes, a force indeed. However, I must warn thee again, Alastor. The more thee climb, the more interference thou shalt have."
If Alastor could bristle, he most certainly did in that moment. I suddenly felt very cold. Though his voice was as cheery as always and didn't give the slightest hint of his true thoughts. "She has passed the test. I am no longer the sole focus."
"You may be condemning thyself as thee continue down this path. This interference...'tis quite deadly in person."
"Rest assured we are both aware," Alastor answered. "But I must ask, what other interference should I expect?"
Zestial chuckled. I caught a glimpse of red pupils darting from me to Alastor. "None. I have fulfilled mine own share, as has thou."
I saw Alastor's shoulders relax a fraction. "Then that gives you some extra time on your hands. I do hope you thank me for it."
Again, Zestial chuckled deep in his chest and it rang in my sensitive ears. "We shall speak again, old soul. Do enjoy the night." His head turned slightly to look at me. "Twas lovely to speak with thee. I hope to have many more conversations in the future."
I nodded with a smile and watched him slither away into the crowd. Only once he had crossed to the opposite end of the room did Alastor and I both let out a breath we had been holding. My neck and upper back cracked as I took a deep breath to recover from the tense conversation. My mind was trying to translate the old language and make sense of what was just exchanged.
What interference was he talking about? I asked Alastor silently.
Angelic, he replied.
Does he know something about the Angels?
Only that they don't like Surface Overlords.
What path are you going down that he said wasn't good? 
My collection of more souls. You needn't worry, my dear. His hand moved to my back and ran all the way up my spine and to my shoulders. The warm touch was loosening my tight muscles. I could tell he was hiding more from me. He was keeping me out of that same spot in his mind that he's never let me into. It was tied to his disappearance, an incredibly sensitive conversation that always brought on fights between us.
My feet were starting to hurt. I wanted to go home and curl up in the warm, soft blankets next to him. I wanted the tension gone and blissfully believe nothing could pull us apart like that again. Even if it wasn't entirely true.
I kept Alastor out of my head while I replayed the conversation over and over. Most people had already spoken to Vox and I, and were heading out for the night. Lucifer had explicitly asked us to stay longer.
I used magic to stop the pain in my feet and lower back. Fortunately, Rosie was with us for most of the time. She and I were able to chat about the haven and about the children. Alastor just rolled his eyes.
When he and Rosie started to talk, my eyes began to wander. By wander, I mean they pointedly looked Alastor up and down. I didn't realize how much I liked seeing him in something other than the same suit, in something other than red. His shoulders seemed broader, his hair brighter, his smile wider, his claws curved perfectly, and his pants smoothly hugging his legs.
In the past few weeks, there had been an increasing amount of instances where I find it very satisfying to look at him. His clothes seemed to fit him perfectly and his smile seemed as attractive as ever, sometimes even more so. I had grown so used to his smiley face.
I particularly loved it when he was focused on something or had his eyes closed, then suddenly looked at me. Having his attention was something I came to crave.
I could tell he enjoyed the times when I wasn't "so independent". It made me want to attach us at the hip, made me want his claws all over me, made me search and subtly ask for his attention, and persuaded me to ignore some of his usual rude or snarky remarks.
He gave me a sideways glance.
I snapped my eyes back to my glass of wine. I swirled it twice then took a sip. As I did, his hand rested on my lower back. The warmth soothed the aching muscles from standing up for so long. It felt nice.
Then he went lower.
His claws touched the part of my dress where my tail started. It made me flick my tail against the tile and wrap around his ankle. He moved his hand back up and rested it on my waist. A single claw tapped lightly on the fabric.
His mind wrapped mine in a hug. My feelings grew.
Finally—finally—Lucifer found me and said I could leave at any point. He asked me a few questions about Charlie and my own children, then disappeared probably into the hallway. He had been taking periodic breaks from the crowd and chatter throughout the night. Tonight had been the most I had seen him interact with people. 
One glance to Alastor told him everything. Rosie went with us to the entrance, insisting she and I have tea again soon. I couldn't say I wanted to deny the offer--I missed our private chats. She used her own magic to teleport back to her territory while Alastor and I went back to the Surface.
I immediately sucked in the fresh, cool air and soaked in the moonlight. Going to Hell always made me more appreciative of the Surface. I couldn't imagine dying and being stuck in that realm for all of eternity. It must have been a blessing for Demonkind when the portal opened centuries ago.
My claws shortened so they wouldn't sink into the soft earth as we walked to the back door. Reagan and Lucas were out on their weekly break from the house. Certain thoughts came to mind as to why they wanted the privacy of a hotel room for the weekend. Nym and Thatcher went to one of their usual friends' house for a sleepover since we were busy for the entire evening. I gently pushed Alastor out my mind as my thoughts began to go places.
I stepped ahead of him as we walked down the narrow hallway to the staircase. I yelped when he pulled me back by my waist. His other hand came under my chin as he leaned down to meet me halfway for a kiss. One hand grabbed his wrist and the other his padded shoulder. He had me bent backwards a little.
The ferocity of the entrance of the kiss didn't match the slow break. His big red eyes opened slowly and took in my features. His pupils made small jumpy movements as he looked from my eyes to my lips.
"You ought to take responsibility for tonight." His voice was deep, surprisingly deep and gravelly. It sent a cold wave down my back.
"For what?" I asked. My eyes were taking everything in from his antlers and ears to his sharp teeth and black gums.
"Allowing you into your own spotlight without me at your side, and for all those thoughts spinning around in that mischievous mind of yours." He pushed through my shields and filled my mind again. It wasn't as invasive as it had been in the past but it was still in dominating way.
"Oh? What thoughts?" I straightened up so our faces were inches apart. His hands fell to my hip and back as his smile widened. My tail came around to rub lightly along his leg.
"Why, thoughts of me, my dear. And all the things you want me to do to you."
I had no rebuttal. I had made sure he wasn't in my head when I thought things like that. Had he somehow seen them? Or was that one of his ploys to catch me off guard? Either way, it worked.
A claw came up to hold my chin. "All you had to do was ask."
I was trying desperately to keep all my thoughts under control. I even tried pushing him out but he pushed back harder. He wasn't going to leave my mind and I wasn't exactly capable of getting rid of him either. It didn't help that half of me wanted him to keep pushing, to keep invading.
He stepped around despite the narrow hallway and pushed me against the wall. The hand on my chin left as he used it to lean against the wall. His other hand pushed my waist into the wood. The new sight of him towering over me like that caused a hiccup in my throat.
"Oh? Is this not what you were hoping for, dear?" he taunted, "because I can stop." He stepped away but my hands instinctively grabbed his waist. His eyebrows lifted and his smile turned deadly troublesome.
I leaned closer so we were brushing against each other. My tail wound around his leg a few times but the tip hovered below his suit jacket. "You know I love when your attention is on me," I giggled. He opened his mouth to say something but I beat him to it, my tail grabbing his own at the base and earning a strangled noise from his throat. His claws sharpened against my skin and I forced myself not to hiss at the pain.
"You are mischievous." The way he said it was...interesting.
"I must've learnt that from you," I purred, resting my chin on his chest but somehow managing to keep eye contact.
He chuckled and I felt it vibrate in his chest. "Like I said darling, you need to take responsibility." He reached behind and squeezed my tail hard enough that I let go of his furry one. He didn't let go of me, though, and snaked his other hand up my neck until he was gripping the back of it.
His jaw opened an inch from my ear, his hot breath tickling my skin. His tongue snuck out and barely grazed my ear. It made my whole body rigid.
Then he pulled away, my body lurching forward to chase the good feeling. He laughed and faded into his shadows, leaving me alone in the hallway. Anger and hurt filled my chest as I looked around for him.
He appeared at the base of the stairs grinning ear to ear. "I'm not quite sure you want my attention. I must be imagining things," he remarked.
My tail whipped the floor as I crossed the foyer. "I'm not so sure about that, Al. Am I making you nervous? Are you avoiding me for a reason?"
His smile almost looked proud. "Perhaps you can confirm that you wish to be intimate? You are...oh so good at hiding your emotions."
I wasn't sure if the bait was sarcastic or serious but I didn't care. I closed the distance, using magic to unbutton the suit jacket, and slid my hands along his sides to reach his back. I dragged my claws down just hard enough that he felt the prick but didn't damage his shirt or vest.
My hands reached his covered tail and firmly gripped it. His smile turned lopsided and he pressed a firm kiss in an effort to hide it. His shadow wrapped around us and shifted us up to the bedroom. When my feet touched the wood, I slipped my hands up to his shoulders and pushed off the jacket. I held it out and walked backwards to toss it on one of the desk chairs. Alastor followed, his smug expression mirroring mine.
His hands found my waist and pulled me close. My lips ghosted his and I fell back on my heels when he tried to close the distance. He grunted and moved a hand into my hair. He grabbed just tight enough to hold my head in place and pressed a firm kiss on my lips. I laughed as I hooked my arms around his neck. Images flashed through my mind and our minds connected. He went still and broke the kiss, a look of uncertainty spreading across his face.
"Are you sure, darling?" he asked.
"Only if it's something you're okay with," I answered. My ears dropped, my head tilted down, and an embarrassing shade filled my cheeks.
I felt his mood brighten, but there was a hint of nerves in there somewhere. "I would love nothing more, dear. But you must be comfortable in doing so."
My fingers tapped my arms repeatedly. "I can't say I won't be nervous." I was trying not to talk through gritted teeth.
"So long as you communicate, darling." Mentally he added, In any way.
My hand came down through his hair to press my palm against his cheek. His smile was close-lipped and his eyebrows perked up sweetly. I was trying to keep his face in view and the memories pushed away.
"You may tell me to stop at any point," he said. He wrapped his arms further around my waist and nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. I heard him suck in a deep breath. "You smell so sweet."
"It's just perfume." I wished my voice wouldn't shake.
"It's your scent," he corrected. He lifted his head to press a gentle kiss on my lips. I was bent backwards as he pulled me tight against him. I wrapped my tail around his waist to keep myself from falling.
"Relax, my dear," he whispered in my ear, "and put your trust in my hands."
Author's Note:
Here we goooooooo~
Next part!
@wendigonamecaller @saccharine-nectarine @thesimpybitch @papas-ghoulette @masochist-downfall @martinys-world
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lindszeppelin · 2 years
Sweet Oblivion
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Pairing: Austin Butler x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Austin books you two lovebirds a romantic getaway in a cozy cabin. You revel in each others company, and clothes will definitely be left on the floor by the end of the night.
Rating: Mature, 18+. Minors i'm sorry but this ain't for you!
Warnings: fluff (there's so much fluff in here you could make PB&Fluff sammies), smut, swearing, oral (f receiving)
Word Count: 9.2k
a/n: Hey beautiful people! This is my second Austin oneshot, and i wanted this one to be different than my first. Since it's autumn and it's my favorite time of year, i wanted to explore what it would be like for Y/N and Austin to spend some sickeningly sweet romantic time together. The smut will be smutty (obviously) but it's more on the tender love making side of smut. So if that's your cup of tea then read more! (and also it's nearly 4am as i post this and i cant look at it anymore Lol. so here you go!)
extra: a song for the vibes
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It was a gorgeous autumnal day in the best month of the year, October. There was something about New York in the fall season that made your heart soar. But you didn't have to look too far to see the remembrances of why. The leaves on the trees have fully morphed into their warm hues of red, orange, and yellow. That crisp cool air was refreshing, and made you clutch at your scarf a little tighter. The spicy effervescent of cinnamon made your mouth water. It was simply spectacular.
Life couldn't be any more picture perfect even if you tried. Somehow your vivid fantasies that are allocated to your dreams have bled their way into reality, causing you to sigh in delight.
After you allowed your mind to wander for a few minutes you slowly shift your focus back into your body. Here you were, driving down a winding country road with your amazing boyfriend Austin Butler at the wheel of your 1970s Jeep Grand Wagoneer.
It wasn't all that often that you and Austin are able to get away on vacations, what with his very busy schedule keeping him away from you for much longer than you'd like to be okay with. But, you support him wholeheartedly with his acting career. Eventually when he was done with his projects and you two were back into each others arms the distance faded away like an afterthought in the breeze. The cheesy phrase definitely was true - your hearts had grown fonder the longer the miles that separate you two encroached the sanctity of your relationship.
The filming of his upcoming film Dune 2 had just wrapped up in Budapest, and when he came back home to your shared Manhattan loft he swept you into a warm embrace and surprised you with a perfect getaway vacation in a cozy cabin upstate, far away from the prying eyes of the general public and the vultures that are the paparazzi. No particular reason was given for this dream vacation other than he wanted to pamper you properly like you deserved to be.
He was so cute with how he planned this whole thing. He wanted it to be as romantic as ever, and he scrutinized over every detail - obviously. The Cabin he had actually got a good offer on from one of his friends, and he rented it out for an entire week. Of course he refused to tell you how much he paid out of pocket for it, but a knot churns in your stomach at even the slightest thought of Austin shelling out big money on you. It never is an easy thing to get used to when he spends his hard earned dollars on your behalf. But he saves his paychecks for these specific reasons. Why would he not treat his girl? Nothing is to expensive for you.
The second detail of this vacation was the Wagoneer, which he was honestly even more excited about securing than the cabin. He somehow managed to find this car, again for an assumed price that leaves a rather large lump in your throat, that he purchased just for this week. There was obviously no need for a car in the bustle of the city, and parking was astronomically high as it was. So this one time purchase was the very first in your relationship where he went all out for a vehicle for the two of you to keep.
You had to admit, it was very sentimental that he splurged on you. The cabin and this car was like something out of a vintage travel guide magazine for the most aesthetically gorgeous autumn destination holiday ever.
The Wagoneer was a vintage cream color with contrasting wood panels. It came complete with crank windows, weathered black leather seats that were still comfortable enough, and the dashboard was accented simply with beautiful radio that Austin had dialed in to a local soft rock station. Van Morrison's "Brown Eyed Girl" was filtering through the old car speakers and gave you both a soundtrack to your wonderful journey.
You felt the car jolt as Austin shifted gears with the clutch to gain speed as you drove around a wide bend. As his large hand flexed over the gear shift and settled back on the steering wheel you couldn't help but ogle at him like he was your most cherished possession.
He looked positively exquisite as he effortlessly drove the classy motor through large piles of fallen leaves that crunched under the cars tires. You took in the full sight of him, totally unashamed that you were full on staring at him.
Austin was wearing a cream cable knit sweater underneath one of his vintage black leather jackets he picked up at a consignment store in the lower east side, and his long legs were clad in stiff blue jeans that he wore all the time and suited his frame deliciously. On his feet were broken in combat boots that looked like they've been through hell and back, but he was not one to throw things away just because they didn't look pristine. His sandy blonde hair was tousled back off of his face and held in place by his favorite pair of aviators that were placed atop his head. He was scrumptious, and sometimes you had to pinch yourself to make sure this wasn't some kind of wonderful dream - that here you were, dating the most beautiful man you had ever seen in your life, and he was whisking you away to be wined and dined. Men wanted to be him and jealous omen wanted to be in your shoes. If it was a dream, you certainly didn't want to rouse from slumber.
Out of his peripheral vision, Austin felt the heat of your stare on him from the passenger seat and chuckled.
"You know Y/N, haven't you heard the age old saying that it's rude to stare?" He bemused playfully, not at all intending to be harsh with his comment. He just enjoys riling you up.
"Nope, I must have missed that lesson in school." You retorted with sarcasm.
"Well, instead of eye-fucking me from the sidelines you should take a picture because, as another ancient saying goes, it'll last longer." He quipped back, dripping with just as much sass in equal measure.
"Okay Butler, maybe I will..." Fully playing his bluff, you meander through your purse that's sitting on your lap and pull out your phone.
He momentarily glanced down at the phone in your hands but kept his focus back on the road, biting his lip and stifling a laugh that wanted to come out.
"Smile baby, give me one of your many sexy model poses." You hold the phone up, maneuvering the lens to get the perfect angle to compose your shot. Since Austin was a photographer and he took that hobby very seriously, he taught you a thing or two about how to take the best pictures. And now it was coming round to bite him in the ass.
"You're fucking crazy you know that?" Austin shook his head in amusement.
"Don't be shy now Aus, let me see that smolder you know I love so much." You teased.
He gripped the steering wheel firmer in his hands as his vision was transfixed on the desolate road ahead of him. He had let you coax him into this back and forth play of flirtation until he sighed and relented into your request.
Austin made sure that there wasn't any oncoming obstacles in the road before he took his eyes off the pathway and gave his signature sultry stare down the lens of your camera. His eyes narrowed slightly and his lips curled upwards into a thin coy smile that spread across his handsome face. He was a pro at turning on the charm for the cameras when needed for his job, even though he was shy and clammed up when getting his picture taken. But with you, he would let his walls down and it was easier for him to get comfortable.
Your thighs clenched together as you felt a zing of pleasure roll through your body like you were hit by a bolt of lighting. How he managed to turn you on with just this simple pose was utterly beguiling. You gained enough composure to steady your shaking hands and take the picture. If you were on social media this would definitely be the shot that would garner thousands of likes and heart eye emojis from Austin's fans. But it was more than enough that the picture would be allocated to your screen saver and kept in your personal collection of physical photo albums. And that's the way you and Austin both liked it.
After the camera made it's shutter noise alerting him that the picture had been captured, Austin's face effortlessly switched back into his normal demeanor and gave you a crooked wink before giving his full attention back to driving.
"Satisfied, baby?" He asked sweetly.
"Always, Aus. Thank you." You spoke demurely.
"You're welcome." He replied affectionately, smiling warmly.
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You weren't sure how many minutes had past since taking Austin's picture. It was just so easy to lose track of time when you're in his presence. Not every moment had to be filled with conversation between the two of you. Nothing gave you ultimate peace in your soul like being in his delightful company. You hadn't even noticed that the radio station was now playing America's "Ventura Highway" until you heard Austin's raspy voice break the silence.
"If i'm not mistaken, I'm pretty sure where we wanna be is right around the corner."
Sure enough, he was right. You perch yourself a little higher in your seat, leaning forward and peering out the windshield to get a better view of what was to come. This cabin was literally in the middle of no-man's-land. Pine trees were condensed so tightly together that you couldn't even see anymore than a few yards in either direction. The narrow gravel road you were travelling on curved one final bend, and then you saw it in all it's glory - Yours and Austin's cabin.
The sight before you was like something out of one of your childhood fables. You weren't even aware that you were holding your breath until the strong smell of granny smith apples had wafted through your nose. This was ethereal. The cabin was quaint. It had a wrap around porch that lead out to a walking trail down through the other side of the woods. The shingles on the roof bounced back the sunlight, and the large chimney was just waiting to be used for a toasty fire.
Austin slowed the car to a gentle rolling stop and put it in park, turning off the ignition. Finally your week long romantic vacation could begin.
He flashed you an excited knowing smile before he got out of the car, sauntering over to your side of the vehicle and opening the door for you. As he swung open your passenger door he offered you his hand to help escort you out. You gave him a peck on the cheek as a non-verbal thank you.
"Here we are, honey. Home sweet home. What do you think of the place so far?"
Words had failed you. You couldn't even respond right away, you were still trying to soak it all in. Truly tou've never seen anything like this in person. It was a picture perfect dreamscape come to life before your eyes.
"Austin this is...wow." You sighed dreamily.
"I did good, huh?" He asked, satisfied at your inability to answer. Of course he knew he did good, he planned the whole thing. He just wanted to hear your praise. Though, leaving you speechless was one of his many talents.
Austin walked around to the trunk and turned the key to unlock it, gathering both of your suitcases and placing them on the ground.
"You did very good." You finally replied.
"That's what I like to hear." He cooed. You help him carry your belongings as you both walk up a flight of stairs that brings you right to the front entrance. Austin settles his bags on the floor and rifles through his pants pocket for the keys to unlock the large burgundy door.
No word of a lie, as soon as he pushed the door open you nearly felt the wind get nocked out of you. Okay seriously...this place is amazing. The layout of the house was open concept, so you had a nice view of the living room and kitchen from the foyer. Whoever owned this place really knows about interior decorating, that's for sure.
There were large windows framing the perimeter that made the place look even bigger. Rays of sunshine cascaded over the expensive furniture that you were a little scared to touch. In the living room you took note of the massive black leather couch that was perched in front of an even larger tv. Off to the side was where you took notice of the antique fireplace that was already set with fresh firewood for your convenience. Glass chandeliers hung in the middle of the living room and one over the imposing rustic dining table off to the opposite side of the room that were dimly lit, the crystals twinkling as they gently swayed to and fro. And there were unused candles strewn about the place, sitting pretty in their candelabras.
Your attention then turned towards the expanse of the kitchen. There weren't a lot of modern appliances, which you assumed was to keep up with the vintage aesthetic. The fridge and cabinets were made of mahogany wood, and the linoleum floors were a nice accent. Enchanting didn't even begin to describe this place. Austin really did chose perfectly.
You stood there in a daze taking it all in as Austin brought in his bags and locked the front door shut behind you. No one in your life had ever done something this chivalrous for you. It almost was a little overwhelming actually being here. Throughout your relationship. Austin catered to you and showed you just how much he loved you. Doing something as simple as booking a getaway vacation sounds mundane to maybe the average person. But in this circumstance it only reminded you to never take anything for granted with him. You were going to soak up every single bit of this week long stay and commit it to memory.
Ever so slowly you felt Austin's long arms wrap around your waist from behind, pulling you back into his chest.
"I can't wait to devote all of my time and attention to you - to us - right here and now. We're gonna make some great memories in this place I just know it." He softly spoke against your ear. You hummed in contentment as he gently allowed his lips to caress your cheek.
You turned your face to the side and watched as his azure orbs glaze over with adoration. "Thank you for doing this, Aus. Really, this went above and beyond all of my expectations. I love you so much."
"I love you too, baby." The space between you shrank as his lips collided with yours in a tender dance of affection. Never in your life will you ever tire of the way his soft voluptuous mouth works over yours in harmony. Even the lightest of touches sends a chill down your spine.
Austin pulls away from your kiss and pecks your button nose. "Come on, i'll show you around.". He takes your hand in his and gives you a tour of the whole cabin.
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As the sun sets over the lush hills and day fades into night, you and Austin have done your fair share of wandering around the cabin and relaxing on the couch. The rumbling in your stomachs was the obvious indication that you both needed food, and pronto. What delighted you about Austin was how much he loved being in the kitchen. This was a joint effort, and he wanted to offer his help in any way he could. Plus he was actually a superb cook.
Tonight you both settled on something totally simple yet hearty and classic - spaghetti with homemade sauce. You've spent years perfecting your sauce recipe that you know it down to a science, and Austin inserts his own elements from his experience in the kitchen to make this meal a special one. And to top if all off, once you've plated this meal for two, Austin pulls out a cabaret from the wine cupboard and poured each of you a full glass.
Before you could shove a fork full of the delicious pasta into your expecting mouth, Austin raises his glass and cradles your hand in his, proposing an impromptu toast.
He cleared his throat. "Cheers to the first of many fantastic vacations we'll have together. I'll always do right by you, Y/N. I'm constantly enamored by your beautiful womanly charms, and how you manage to put up with me being away so often. But this I swear to you baby - I will always make sure you're completely happy and satisfied like you deserve to be. You know I'm a man of my word, and my word is my bond."
A solitary tear nearly fell down your face at his lovely proclamation. But you managed to bite back the tickle in your throat that signified crying, and you raise your glass with him.
"Cheers to the beautiful life we're creating as one. I love you Austin to the moon and back. Salut."
Your glasses clink.
"Salut." Austin squeezes your hand as you both take a swig of your wine. The bite from the red is quite palpable, as you're not really one to like the stuff all that much. But this is a special occasion. You're celebrating the two of you embarking on this journey of devotion and unconditional love for each other in this crazy uncertain world. No doubt it's been an emotional whirlwind for you, having to deal with everything that comes with dating a famous actor in the limelight. But you know you're protected by Austin's commitment to bring you into the fold and simultaneously shield you from the scrutiny of voyeurs.
A comfortable silence falls over you both as the sounds of clanking forks and knives scrape against the ceramic plates.
After a few minutes, Austin speaks in his delicious low baritone register. "I meant what I said, you know. I really do hope that I make you happy. I know its not always the ideal situation to not spend a lot of time together like we want, but I'll always strive to meet your needs in whatever way I can."
Your brow furrows, concerned about where this moment of insecurity is coming from. It endeared you even more to Austin that he was open with you about what he was thinking and feeling. Your fork rests on the plate and you place your delicate hand on his forearm. "I know, baby. You make me so happy, I hope you realize that. Yeah it's not exactly like how we want it to be all of the time. But what we've cultivated means everything to me."
"It means everything to me as well. You're the best thing that's come into my life in...honestly I can't really remember the last time someone made me this happy." He exasperates, spilling his vulnerable heart to you.
"Well good that makes two of us." You smiled reassuringly.
Your heart thumped in your chest as Austin flashes you a million dollar grin. Picking up your hand from it's resting position on his arm, he kisses your knuckles sweetly. "God you're just everything a man could ever want."
"And you, Austin Robert Butler, are everything a woman could ever hope for and then some. You're perfect."
He tuts and bows his head shyly, an embarrassed flush rises to his chiseled cheeks. "I beg to differ but i'll the the compliment, baby." He peers up at you through his long lashes and kisses your hand again. For now you quelled his momentary bout of insecurity, and you feel proud that you were able to have that real conversation with him. He's only a man after all, he's not made of stone regardless of his celebrity status. His shy nature is one of the things you love about him.
The two of you savor your spaghetti dinner and clean up the kitchen before heading back into the living room. You weren't quite sure what the exact time was, but the chill in the air and the watercolor of the sunset in the sky was now fading into shades of navy. In the middle of the woods amongst nature you could see the twilight of the night sky so much clearer compared to the smog of Manhattan. It was simply exquisite.
As an autumn chill ran through your body, you remembered that there was an enticing wood burning stove just sitting there totally untouched. That had to be remedied. "I kind of want to give the fireplace a whirl, what do you think, Austin?"
"I think that's a great idea. Let's see what I can do here." He clasped his hands together nervously, his thinking cap was now officially put on as he figured out how to work the fireplace. All the gears in his head were spinning at once. He didn't want to let on that he's never lit a fire in an actual antique fireplace before. But he was going to try his damndest to figure it out, that's for sure. And it anything was certain, he was going to look cute doing it.
Austin got down to it's level and inspected the fireplace very carefully. A pang of anxiety swelled in his stomach. This can't be that complicated, but you were expectantly waiting for him to get this going which made him nervous. Not wanting to offset the romance by fiddling awkwardly with the fire, he motioned his head back towards your general direction.
"How's about I get a roaring fire going, and you can get settled for the night, baby. Sound good?"
Oh, this was actually perfect timing. While Austin was working on things here in the living room, you had other plans you wanted to attend to by yourself. Little did he know what you had up your sleeve for him this evening. A wicked grin spread across your face.
"Yeah, that sounds good to me! Um, before I go and...get settled...pick a color between red, black, and blue."
As Austin finally managed to get the process of lighting this fire, you saw him stop in his tracks at your puzzling question. He had no idea what you even meant by that, you totally caught him off guard. So, without thinking too hard about it, he simply replied "Red."
"Okay, red it is."
With a quick turn of your heels, you saunter off towards your shared master bedroom, leaving him just as confused without explaining yourself at all. But for what you had in mind, you didn't need to explain. Showing would suffice.
Walking around the edge of the bed, you pull out your suitcase and pop the top off to reveal your clothes still neatly packed in there. You honestly just didn't have the wherewithal to hang your clothes in the closet you were so caught up in the moment with Austin. Everything was probably wrinkled to oblivion. But what you were looking for didn't need to be hung up.
The answer to your question to Austin lied at the bottom of the bag. The contents of which are of the most scandalous quality. Within your hands you hold three beautiful lingerie sets - one red, one black, and one blue. Each set was different in their general cut and accessories, but the components were the same. The red one which he ambiguously chose features an all lace ensemble comprising of a balconette bra that lifted your perky breasts into beautiful mounds atop your chest, a pair of matching red lace panties that laid high on your hips in a way that compliments your curves. And then the final touch were sheer red stockings that held up on their own, high on your thighs.
You thanked your past self for buying this skimpy little number a while ago when you and Austin first started dating. Funny enough though, this was the first time you were going to wear it for him. He's seen you in plenty of other lingerie sets, but this one was special. It made you feel more like a sophisticated sexy woman rather than a demure sex kitten. If one thing was certain, his jaw was going to hit the floor the moment he sets his sights on you.
So you take your time in primping yourself and putting on the items with care to make sure you looked perfect. With a few fluffs of your hair and a sheer reapplication of your lipstick, you were ready. Its not or never. Butterflies filled the cavern of your stomach. This was the moment, there was no turning back.
With one final check in the full length mirror, you slowly swayed your hips as you floated on cloud 9 back into the living room. To your surprise Austin actually got the fire going like he said he would. The heat was definitely welcomed as you felt goosebumps rise on your flesh - partly due to the nerves you were feeling.
Your man was standing in the middle of the room, unaware of your presence, as he fiddled around with his phone as he connected his spotify to the cabin's bluetooth speakers. A little mood music never hurt anyone. He hummed in delight as he found the song he was looking for and pressed play. The sensual tenor of Otis Redding filled your ears.
These arms of mine, they are lonely Lonely and feeling blue
If there was ever a right moment for him to notice you it would be now. You don't have any drink in hand to give you a bit of liquid courage, but you pull the strength from within you. Rolling your shoulders back and head hung high, you make the move.
"Austin..." you purred, beckoning him to look at you with your enchanting voice dripping with sex.
The look that Austin gave you when he finally turned around to catch your gaze was something you'll never forget. Seeing him already unraveling at just the sight of you was the ego boost of the century. His eyes nearly fell of out their sockets, and he swallowed a rather large lump that was forming in the back of his throat. His lips parted, quivering with a building need for you.
These arms of mine, they are yearning Yearning from wanting you
"Holy shit Y/N..." His wandering eye traveled all the way from the top of your head, to your ample bust line, the small of your waist, your clothed core, and your long legs adorned in the most beautiful red stockings. He placed one of his hand over his heart to steady himself. A heart attack was impending, he just knew it.
With a bat of your fluttery lashes you make another bold move. "You chose right, Aus. I think red is my color." Placing one dainty foot in front of the other, you walk your way over to where he's standing, exaggerating the sway of your hips just a little as put on a show for his greedy eyes. The newfound confidence you have in yourself is exhilarating, and you were riding off the back of this wave as you strut over to Austin.
He did most of the work for you though. "I'll say..." He spoke huskily. With his long legs he closed the distance between you with a few brisk strides.
These arms of mine, they are burning Burning from wanting you
In a flash, your bodies were pressed tantalizingly close together. The electricity vibrating between you two was intense. Now that you were right here with him looking down at you like he wants to swallow you whole, the reality of your flirtation sets in. A bright flush rises to your cheeks. It's the perfect accessory to your scantily clad figure.
"Hi." You said breathlessly, peering up at him with a suddenly shy demeanor.
"Hey." He replied barely above a whisper, licking his lips and swallowing to clear his salivating mouth. He was sure it was plain as day that he was literally drooling over you. It was obscene the way in which his body radiated such strong sexual desire. While he was a man that fell weak at the knees for his woman and would absolutely fuck you without hesitation on every conceivable surface in this cabin, the man before you was overcome with demure boyish intentions. He was just as shy in this moment as you were. Almost afraid to touch you for fear of you disappearing.
You both stood there, shaking with anticipation, not sure who should be the one to dare to make the next move. Even though you've been with Austin for so long, in this moment it felt like the first time. Two young lovers being in each others company, both nervous for the night ahead of them, unsure of what to say or do. But you fumble your way into each others arms nonetheless.
Your hand seemed to have a mind of it's own as it rests gently on Austin's chest, feeling him rise and fall with shallow breaths under the soft wool of his sweater. And he returned the touch by wrapping one of his hands around your waist, drawing you closer to his personal sphere, and his other hand went to cradle your face. The intoxicating aroma of his cologne mixed with his pheromones drove you wild, and you shook harder under his embrace. Austin's eyes darted between the desire behind your eyes and full pout of your lips, which were succulent and begging for his attention.
Come on, come on, baby Just be my little woman Just be my lover
As you planted yourself in front of his tall stature you took all of him in. The warm contrast of the fire beside you set a cast of golden shadows across his face, making his blonde waves sparkle and his tanned skin radiate a soft honey tone. His half-lidded ocean eyes stirred into a stormy whirlpool of eagerness dripped with intense lust.
Like a moth to a flame, you slowly allow your lips to be drawn to his, and his to yours, in a losing battle of self control over the powerful magnetism you shared for each other. This first meeting of your mouths was not a hungry one, but rather it was gentle and exploratory. Almost as if all previous sexual experiences had gone out the window and you had to re-learn the motions of one another's natural current.
Hot breaths passed between your lips as you moved together, pressing feather light kisses upon each other. The racing of your heartbeat was increasing tenfold as the adrenaline was coursing through your veins. You needed him all at once or not at all. His thumb rubbed tiny circles on your cheek as the tenacity in which he kissed your pliable lips hastened.
The tips of your toes stood to attention on the hardwood floor as you craned your body upwards to sink even further into him. The warmth from his strong arm around your waist pressed you closer to his body.
He gruffly rumbled into your mouth, his tongue reaching out to part your lips and deepening the kiss even further. And you happily let him inside without thinking twice. His wet muscle danced effortlessly against you, your tongues rolling in tandem for assured dominance. Needing more of him, your hand found purchase in his sandy locks as your deft fingers clutched onto his silky strands. And the other hand found a home on his toned bicep, firmly gripping onto him for dear life as he flexed beneath you. The realization of how wet you are for him hits you like a freight train, and through his jeans you can feel the formation of his hardened erection press into your lower stomach.
Austin knows you well and he can sense the arousal oozing from your pores. He wasn't sure where the final destination for tonight was going to be, but his feet moved from under him as he walked you backwards into the nearest possibility - the leather sofa. The cool fabric stuck to the backs of your thighs as he leaned forward and sat you down gently on the side of the steady armrest.
Reluctantly, he pulled away from your addictive mouth - but he soon enough replaced his lips on your jawline, leaving a wet trail of kisses down your delicate neck. From this new position you wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling him closer to where you needed him.
"Austin..." You sighed at the feel of his plush mouth sucking and licking at your neck. His skillful lips trailed their way down your collarbone as his long fingers slipped underneath the straps of your bra and pushed them down the slope of your shoulders.
"Y/N..." Austin hoarsely moaned. As he strained down to keep planting kisses on your goosepimpled flesh, he adjusted himself to a much more comfortable position with one knee planted on the ground . This gave him easy access to explore every single inch of your gorgeous physique in whatever way he saw fit. Your legs unraveled from his hips, instead falling either side of his shoulders, spreading them wide and revealing your soaked lace core to his hungry eyes.
All the synapses in your brain were firing frantically. You had Austin ensnared in like an enchantress, he was literally on his knees for you completely at your every command. The power was thrilling.
"Tell me what you want, baby." Austin cooed from below. His hands stroked the smooth silk of your stockings wrapped around your calves. The tender sensation sent a pool of wetness gushing out from your hot core, trapped by the restrictions of your panties. But you couldn't hide that from him, he was dangerously close to your pussy and he licked his lips in instinctual preparation for taking care of you.
As much as you craved for him to take you right here and now, you weren't sure if the side of the couch was the most practical spot. You have to stifle the moan that wanted to escape your lips at the sight of your man on the floor waiting for your order. It took a hell of a lot of strength to not give into him.
"How about maybe we move over there first?" Your gestured over to a wide open space on the floor in front of the fireplace. That sounded romantic and he seemed to mirror your sentiments, smiling brightly up at you.
"Your wish is my command, darlin'." Austin rose from his feet, planting a chaste kiss on your lips before he moved over to the fireplace.
The cogs in his brain were kicking into high gear yet again, as he thought about how to make this as comfortable for the both of you as possible. Being sore from a romp in the sheets was par for the course, but not from something as silly as fucking on the hardwood floors with no cushion.
He snapped his fingers as a bright idea overtook him. Turning his attention back to the sofa, he scooped up a couple of random cushions and plopped them at the floor beneath his feet. And finally, he grabbed the heavy throw blanket that looked cozy and spread it out, creating a make-shift bed that will do just fine for tonight's rendezvous. He crouched down and made sure to fluff the cushions as best he could in preparation for your head to lay. You must admit, this looked so inviting.
When he was finally satisfied with his handiwork, Austin stood back up and proudly displayed his hands on his hips. "And, voila. What my lady wants, my lady gets."
You crinkled your nose adorably. "That's even better than what I imagined in my head."
He giggled. "Well, I do aim to please," Austin might have been momentarily distracted, but he could no longer ignore his cock straining through his jeans. From where you were sitting you could see the imposing member begging for release from it's denim prison.
He took note of your obvious staring and drew his bottom lip into his mouth. "Now, where were we?" Seduction dripped from his vocal chords.
Two broad steps was all it took for Austin to make his way back to you. With one arm around your waist and the other snaking underneath your legs, he cradled you as he gently lifted you into his arms. In one smooth motion like he's done this hundreds of times before, he knelt down and gingerly lowered you onto the blanket, making sure your head was comfortably in place on the cushions that he lovingly fixed for you.
Austin rested his hands on his knee as he just simply looked at you, his goddess reincarnate, batting your long lashes at him innocently. Oxygen depleted his lungs as he sat there, mouth agape and turned on as all hell at the vision of you. It was in pauses like these where the reality of his unconditional love for you was accented tenfold.
You faintly uttered, "C'mere," as you reached out your hands, beckoning him to join you. He didn't need to be persuaded any further. With a coy grin, he nested himself on top of you as your legs opened for him, inviting his body to melt with yours once more.
His soft lips were back on yours, but this time he wasn't delicate about it. Immediately his tongue was back home in your mouth, dancing inside of you with every swipe. While his lips were occupied he let his hand roam your supple curves - groping and kneading at your breasts that he expertly removed from your bra. He sure was sly because you don't recall him unclasping it behind you. Tossing the garment off to the side without a care, he took his salivating lips and dragged them back down your neck.
The warmth of his breath against your sensitive nipples made you gasp. Once he took your pert bud into his mouth your eyes rolled back into your head so far you thought you may lose sight.
"Austin," You moaned, egging him on. The pleasure he was lavishing on your breasts sent a shockwave directly to your clit, throbbing strongly for him in every conceivable way. Your greedy hands clutched the hem of his sweater, signaling to him that it had to go.
Releasing your nipple with a wet plop, he sat up on his knees and pulled the sweater over his head and threw it into the abyss to keep company with your bra. In this lighting by the fire, Austin looked like a work of fine art. The contours of his toned chest and abs glistened with a thin layer of sweat that were calling for your touch. And you obliged, letting your fingertips trace over each and every curvature of his chest.
Austin smiled sweetly as he let you map out every single muscle your hands could conceivably reach. These kinds of things would usually make him shrink away into his shell, shy to the ogling of others at his body. But with you it was different. He took pride in how viscerally attracted you were to him, in an almost carnal way. Like you needed to touch him to make sure this wasn't all a beautiful dream.
Grasping your hands in his, he places barely there kisses on each of them and crept his way inch by inch down further on your hourglass figure. Your stomach was peppered with wet licks and nibbles, driving you crazy as he neared the one place you craved him to be.
But alas, he was determined to keep you on edge just a little bit longer. He purposefully skipped over your sopping wet desire and made his way to your thighs. The secure straps that were holding your stockings to your thighs snapped back against you roughly as he toyed with the fabric, testing their durability.
"As much as I want these on you, they're unfortunately in my way. We can't have that, now can we?" He asked half rhetorical and half expecting you to answer, if you could even muster a response. All you could manage was a shaking 'no' of your head.
"Hmm, that's what I thought." Never daring to break eye contact with you, he caught hold of your stockings and rolled them off your feet. With one leg free, he kept on teasing you like it was his job. He started at your ankle, his velvet lips making contact with the newly exposed skin. Soon enough he doted your calf, your knee, and up the soft flesh of your inner thigh. This was enough to send you careening over the edge, you threw your head back and let out an exasperated moan. He was so close yet so far and he was thoroughly enjoying making a full meal of you.
With both stockings now out of his way, he repeated the same movements on your other leg, still never looking away from your yearning doe eyes that were screaming for him.
"Aus, please stop teasing me." You whined.
Austin chuckled against your thigh. "Someone is eager." You nearly yelped when he tauntingly nipped gently at your thigh. You swear if he kept this up and denied you what you really wanted you would evaporate right here and now. You rose your hips off of the floor and into his face in a not so subtle hint to direct his attention where you wanted.
His tongue licked over the bite mark he left behind on your thigh. "I know baby, I just like taking my time with you."
At this point he couldn't even deny himself the joys of your pussy any longer. In one swoop he hooked his fingers into the waistband of your panties and quickly discarded them into the clothes heap.
Here you were, now fully exposed and waiting wantonly for Austin's next move. He couldn't help but groan lowly as he gazed at your swollen flushed pussy, dripping all for him. His cock bobbed in his jeans at the sight, but he would ignore his primal urges to take care of the ache in his pants to be the gentleman and satisfy you - like always. His mouth was watering to taste you.
"You are so fucking beautiful, baby." He expressed sincerely.
It was your turn now to get shy, as you covered your face in your hands to hide the tinge of rose to your cheeks. But he was quick, he batted them away.
He tisked at your actions. "I'll have none of that. I want you to look at me as I eat your pussy."
A strangled moan crept past your lips at his command. You knew you'd be a goner if you were forced to watch him go down on you, but you had to oblige him. How could you not? He was so fucking hot when he took what was his.
The orbs of his azure iris's were totally blown out. The storm that once befell them minutes ago were black, glossed over with desire. And now that he's made himself clear what his intentions were, there was no stopping him.
Your soul nearly left your body when you felt the very first broad stroke of his tongue lap against your folds. An ungodly, desperate groan fell from your lips and reverberated off the walls and into Austin's ears as he took his time in devouring you.
Your juices covered his strong muscle as he licked at your wetness, parting your lips even further for him to explore. He moaned at the sweet taste of you, never breaking eye contact as he wrapped his lips around your pussy.
"Fuck, Aus..." You choked out.
He spread your legs wider with his large hands dominating your thighs, forcing them even more to the side so he could have as much access to your glistening folds as possible. The grit of his 5 o'clock shadow rubbed against your skin, making you hiss at the burning sensation that felt so goddamn good.
Your pussy was being ravaged with long swipes of his tongue, setting a steady pace that made you rock yourself onto his face. And just when you thought you couldn't get enough, he ghosted the very tip of his tongue over your severely aching clit. You nearly closed your eyes as you moaned loudly at the sensation, but you were a good girl and you made sure to keep eye contact like he asked for.
Your hands flew to his blonde tendrils, drawing him further into your pussy for more amazing friction. Groaning against you core, he went back down to your sopping hole and brought along a trail of your wetness and his saliva back to your clit.
He masterfully flicked your sensitive bud until there were tears in your eyes. The overstimulation will be the beautiful death of you, and he knows this all too well. But he needed more of you. He was insatiable. He ate your pussy like it was his last meal on this Earth. If there was one thing he could do for the rest of his life, it would be his tongue buried deep in your needy cunt for all eternity.
"Yes baby, that feels so fucking good." You mewled, coaxing him on even more determined to get you to the apex of your release. Vibrations from his mouth as he moans into your juices added to the intense pleasure he was giving you.
His pace was unrelenting on you now. He ground your hips down harder on his face, working your pussy into a frenzy as his tongue worked hungry circles over your clit and lapped back down at your folds. He was breathing heavy with exertion, but he was nowhere near finished with you.
He brought one of his hands into the mix as it left your thigh. And with a husky growl he plunged two long fingers into your gushing pussy while he focused all his efforts with his tongue on your clit. Your walls clenched around his digits as he finger fucked you into sweet oblivion.
"Austin!" You screamed. As the pads of his fingers massaged your g-spot deep within you and your clit was getting assaulted by his mouth, your climax was reaching it's peak. You grasped even tighter to his hair and your toes curled as you bounced yourself back onto his fingers. With one last moan of his name you came hard and fast around him. You did so well with keeping your eyes open for him, but this orgasm rippled through your body so strongly that it overtook you and brought you to another dimension. You squeezed your eyes shut as your head lolled back roughly against the cushions, riding the wave of your release.
With one last swipe of your clit, Austin removed both his tongue and his fingers from your pussy. He admired how your slick coated them as he withdrew his digits from the vice grip of your walls, wanting him to stay there.
He looked positively fucked out of his mind with your juices running down his face as he rose from his laying position and hovered over you. He made sure you looked him square in the eye as he brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking them clean and savoring one last time the taste of your cunt.
No words were shared between you two, and no words would suffice in the heat of the moment. All that mattered now was freeing his strained member from his pants and having another part of his body back inside the confines of your warm pussy. And now.
In record time, he unzipped his jeans and pulled them down his legs along with his boxer briefs. All the blood rushed to the red tip of his thick cock where you saw a bead of precum drip into the floor beneath him. You got wet all over again just from the sight of him.
Quickly stepping out of both garments, he tossed them aside and made his way back to you, snugly climbing the expanse of your body. Still shaking from your powerful climax, you ground yourself back into reality by anchoring your jell-o legs around his sturdy hips for support.
He aligned himself with your entrance, leaving no time wasted as he slipped his cock between your slippery folds. You both moaned at the intrusion, absolutely sure that any signs of life in the general vicinity would definitely hear your combined cries of lust. But you didn't give a damn. You would scream to the high heavens and let the entire world know that Austin Butler was fucking you so good.
"So goddamn tight for me." He gritted through his clenched jaw as he relished in the way your walls squeezed around him.
He let you get accustomed to his girth for a brief moment before plunging himself further into you, filling you to the hilt.
"Oh fuck." You mewled, your nails dug roughly into his back as he snapped his hips and began his assault on your pussy. You clenched hard around his cock, drawing him even deeper inside.
Soon enough the sound of juices sloshing around him echoed loudly and drowned out any of the mood music that was playing over the loud speakers.
His bangs hung down his face and tickled your forehead as he steadily moved his dick in and out of your soft cunt. The slick from your last orgasm and new pools of desire enveloped him fully in the most delicious way.
"You take my cock so well baby. What a good girl you are for me." He moaned against your ear, his gravelly voice speaking these dirty things to you made your walls clamp down around him, earning you another sexy groan from his lips.
The heels of your feet pressed into his backside, encouraging him to fuck you deeper and harder. Who was he to not accept the invitation? He did you one even better. While he hastened his pace, snapping his hips feverishly against your core, he took one of your legs and threw it over his shoulder. The new angle made his massive cock plough into your pussy in ways you never thought he could. He was hitting every single aching spot inside you with expertise.
Your brow knitted together and your mouth hung open, your breath caught in your throat. Luckily you were flexible and could accommodate such positions with ease. Austin watched from above as he plunged his dick in and out of your cunt, your juices dripping down your thighs, and your tits bouncing right in his face as he fucked you into the stratosphere. He throbbed violently inside of you, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth as he focused intently on this heaven on earth.
"Aus, " You squealed, "I-I think i'm g-gonna..." you warned him, unable to say anymore.
He captured your lips in a rough kiss that was all tongue, you could taste the faint hint of your essence lingering in his mouth which was so erotic. That alone nearly sent you to the precipice. But Austin somehow fucked you even faster now, your pussy getting completely beaten up by his engorged cock. His repeated blows to your cervix had you bent backwards in ecstasy. You were so close to another earthshattering orgasm.
The rise of your voice, the quivering of your walls milking his cock, and urgency in your moans alerted him of your impending climax. If you came now he was done for. Which he was grateful for, as he too was dangerously close to spilling every ounce of hot cum inside of your pussy.
"That's it," He coaxed, "That's it, baby. Let go. Come for me." The ending of his command trailed off into a whisper as he was getting lost in the throws of passion.
Your lungs ballooned twice their size and propelled out of your body a blood curdling scream of the most divine nature as you crash-landed hard around him. You came just as hard this second time, and your entire body shivered as you rode through the tidal wave of your climax.
Austin wasn't far behind you. Each and every sloppy thrust sent him over the edge. The quivering of your walls milking him for everything he's got put him in a tailspin. Your pussy was hungrily drawing out his own orgasm, and his cock would give in.
"Fuck Y/N, I'm gonna c--". Before he can even finish, Austin roared as his come coated every inch of your walls, thickly. His hips thrashed with each and every spurt of his seed that skyrockets into your pussy, marking his territory.
You moaned a sweet sing-song of his name as you felt your insides fill with the warm sticky fluid. Your pussy gulped down every single drop he had to offer you.
He tried his hardest to not collapse on top of you and smother you to death with his body weight, but his arms were giving way. Neither of you wanted his dick to leave the comforting residence of your pussy. So you both remained there with his semi hard cock stuffed full to the hilt before he begrudgingly withdrew and rolled over next to you with a thud.
As you both laid there laboriously catching your breaths, the euphoria of your orgasms hit you and Austin at the same time. You shuddered and he followed suit. Was this real life?
"Goddamn." He roused softly. "That was..."
"Incredible." You finished his sentence for him, turning over on your side and slotting your body perfectly to his side.
He chuckled under his breath, lifting his tired arm and dangling it over the small of your back. "I was going to say ''fucking incredible'', but yeah."
You were both a sweaty pile of limbs on the floor, but you didn't care. He lifted your chin with his free hand up to his face and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. One of your legs wrapped around his side as you snuggle up closer to him.
The roaring fire beside you that once was is now a low tumbling flame, but it still managed to keep you both toasty in the aftermath of your marathon sexcapade. Austin brings one corner of the blanket up and over your bodies, lulling you into serene comfort in his embrace.
If this was just the start of your vacation, you couldn't wait for what was in store.
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tags: @powerofelvis @headfullofpresley @2lekk @sapphirescripts @karamelcoveredolicity @blurredcolour @ggwritesstuff @bisexualwvtson
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(Genshin Impact) Hu Tao, Jean, and Rosaria with a tsundere reader
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Hu Tao has an absolute blast turning (Y/N) redder than her flames.
She always comes up from behind to hear them yelp, giving a quick "Boo!"
(Hu Tao) "Hi there, miss me?"
(Y/N) "A-As if!"
(Hu Tao) "Aww, what happened to the nice (Y/N) from dinner last night?"
(Y/N) "I have no idea what you're talking about!"
To make them flustered gives her such life.
But what surprised her most of all, was that (Y/N) could make her equally amounts of flustered back by simply being themselves.
Hu Tao's heart almost stopped when (Y/N) smiled at her after a lengthy serious conversation at night.
(Y/N) "I'm really glad I got to meet you, Hu Tao. I'm not sure my life would be the same without you."
Ever since that day, Hu Tao has made sure to ease back on the teasing if they had a serious conversation.
(Hu Tao) "Hey, do you mind if I ask something?"
(Y/N) "Sure, what's on your mind?"
(Hu Tao) "Um...Wanna go out for dinner? No pranks this time, I promise."
(Y/N) "..."
(Hu Tao) "...Maybe just one."
(Y/N) smiled, which warmed her cheeks, thankfully they didn't notice that.
(Y/N) "That sounds more realistic. Sure, I'd love to."
(Hu Tao) "Aw, does that mean you do like me?"
(Y/N) "Huh?"
(Hu Tao) "M-MY PRANKS!"
(Y/N) coughed awkwardly and looked away.
(Y/N) "A-Ah, right. I mean! No, of course I don't!"
Okay, they definitely noticed that flubb up.
She was surprised at her own inability to catch that mistake, what was kind (Y/N) doing to her?!
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Jean always had some way to wiggle her way out of (Y/N)'s harsh remarks.
Whether it was by being so genuinely nice and caring, or stern, (Y/N)'s tsundere tendencies always died at the tip of their tongue when speaking to Jean.
Jean is slightly aware of it though, due to hearing it from others.
She's pretty used to it and knows how to talk her way around it thanks to Eula.
But what she isn't immune to is (Y/N)'s scolding when she's working.
(Y/N) "Come on Jean, the Acting-Grand Master doesn't need to be chasing a cat! Do you wanna get yourself killed by exhaustion over a dang cat?!"
(Jean) "I-I think that's an exaggeration."
(Y/N) "What happens if I'm not around and you get yourself hurt? Then I'd have to drag you to Barbara myself!"
Jean very much appreciates their concern whenever they voice it.
Which is very often.
But, to her surprise they're always a little red whenever they say they care about her.
Jean always wonders why that's exactly the case. Surely it's not embarrassing to say you care for a friend?
Then again, Eula did the same, so it was probably that.
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Rosaria is able to get a reaction out of S/O often with her deadpan expression.
(Rosaria) "Since you hate me, guess I'll go to Angel's Share by myself."
(Y/N) "What makes you think I hate you, you idiot?!"
Rosaria's lips turn into a smug grin, small enough to overtake her attitude, but big enough to annoy (Y/N).
(Y/N) "L-Look, I'll go with you, okay?!"
(Rosaria) "You can just say you want to go with me, you know."
(Y/N) "Just get moving, will you?"
They try to hide their blush, but it always fails.
Rosaria thinks their reactions are a little cute, but what surprised her the most was how quiet they were the first time they were patching her wounds at night.
(Rosaria) "...You okay?"
(Y/N) "I'm fine. The real question is, are you?"
(Rosaria) "I'm still breathing, aren't I?"
(Y/N) "But for how long?"
(Y/N) "If you ever get hurt like this again, come straight to me. But try not to do this anymore, got it?"
She can hear their scolding tone, but their eyes were filled with such worry.
(Rosaria) "I can't promise I'll be squeaky clean. But...I'll make sure I'll go to you first."
(Y/N) "Good."
Ever since, Rosaria always had a caring, if a little angry, individual bandaging her up.
Rosaria has learned to half tune out their scolding, but she's grown to enjoy having company after a job well done.
On the plus side, she gets a comfy bed to sleep on, though she insists it's fine to share the bed with her.
Which that answer always gets a laugh out of Rosaria, seeing them almost scream "HELL NO!", though it's obvious they want to.
Maybe one day, she'll have to drag them in there...
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