#I'm very behind with the asks again
dmagedgoods · 1 year
△Eneas - do you regret leaving Salvadore?
A long moment of silence spreads within the paneled walls of the enchanted room. Eneas looks at you without giving the slightest hint about his thoughts – until he finally speaks, his voice low and dark: “You are a writer, am I right? Will you not move to the next piece once a composition is finished? And – should it turn out a masterpiece – will you not step back with a feeling of humble pride to observe it from afar instead of mingling the words further?” Eneas pauses. He did not need me anymore. A lie. He knows better by now. And he fails at the attempt to force it out of his mouth. “I assumed he did not need me anymore," he corrects instead. “But I was mistaken. I had broken my own codex a long time ago. But I realized this fact too late. And when eventually I did …, I let my fears win over. But I could not go far enough to escape the suffocating grip of guilt. Among the very few things worthy of this sentiment …: Yes, I regret leaving Salvadore. I did so every single day from the moment I went away.”
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Hello may 31th anon! Look at that, another year behind us and a new one to come. Have a nice day! ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡
#may 31th anon#hello friends!! (。’▽’。)♡ how are you!! I missed you so much!#I'm sorry that once again i have not been posting but I did that thing again where I got scared of posting#I do not know why but it is the same with physical paper diarys#I have 3 diarys and they all have 1 entry#I think one just says 'I am ten'#what have you been up to!! did you do something fun? is it summer too where you live? c:#my tumblr messages seem to be broken! I'm sorry if you wrote something :C it just says 'no new messages' despite also saying new messages#not a lot has happened here! I got a tomato plant and then I got very invested into the tomato plant and I have eaten three tomatos so far (#my roses are also doing well!! I just got a new yellow rose and since she got here she only made orange flowers#I do not know the meaning of that#but I am very thankful! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡ I love it when things are orange!!#I've been trying to buy an orange shirt for the past 2 weeks but they always sell out before I get to them#I'm also thinking about buying a jean jacket#I have not worn a jean jacket for at least 15 years because one time in 7th grade  tthe girl behind me said#that I was wearing a cool jean jacket and I just assumed that this was bullying for no actual reason#but maybe she just thought that it was an acutal cool jean jacket#we'll soon have out 10 year school reunion#maybe I should ask her#is anyone else going to a secret Sherlock phase again#I just want to see that silly little hat again#would sherlock holmes wear a jean jacket#have a nice day everyone!!#see you soon hopefully!!#♡^▽^♡
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shrimp-propaganda · 1 month
i have a strict no discourse policy for this blog but i did just get an extremely funny Discourse Bait ask and it is killing me not to share it.
anon, why would you ask me, a shrimp blog, about what makes a gay man attracted to someone
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skyward-floored · 2 months
How did Malon get her brand scar? 🥺 (Downfall IAU)
- hero-of-the-wolf
You are so good at poking my brain in just the right way to make me want to write things Wolf (...or Emmie? I just looked at your blog and realize you go by that skhjhsfjkhkld) and I couldn't resist again. writing a little fic was easier than just explaining it all XD
This is set like... further back-ish. Time is probably still alive though, and Twilight and Legend are younger. Aside from that... vague. lol.
“I’m sure you know why you’re here, Malanya.”
A glare was all Dark got in return from the woman in front of his desk, her hair falling in her face. It was coated in nearly as much dirt and animal hair as the rest of her was, and there was a streak of blood across her cheek. She looked exhausted, and Dark was certain she still had a fair amount of adrenaline coursing through her based on the faint tremble in her limbs, but none of that really concerned him.
“Well? Aren’t you going to say anything in your defense?” he asked after several moments had dragged by.
“You’ve already decided I’m guilty, I don’t see the point,” Malanya finally said, voice short.
“Try me. I’m curious as to why we caught you breaking into a restricted area, and seemingly doing nothing but releasing animals that are government property,” he said, crossing his arms behind his head as he leaned back. “Alone, at that. Unless... those other footprints we found weren’t actually more of your own?”
Some of the color leeched from Malanya’s face, but her expression stayed remarkably level.
“And... it’s strange, too, but some workers seem to be missing after the events of tonight. Let’s see... Romani, I think was one of their names?”
More color gone.
Dark hummed, rather amused by the situation she’d landed herself in. He knew full-well what Malanya’s goal had been on this mission of hers— both goals, in fact. But he enjoyed making her squirm. It was nice to exercise some of the power he’d painstakingly built face-to-face sometimes.
Especially towards the wife of the man he had personal beef with.
Oh if only I could be there to see his face after this.
He'd been trying to catch her or her husband in incriminating circumstances for years now, and she'd practically dropped this in his lap. She'd been sloppy, Dark could only assume because her cousins had been involved, and now he was reaping the rewards.
And the perfect opportunity to show why I shouldn't be crossed.
“Do you have anything to say in your defense now?” he asked, and Malanya regained some of the fire in her eyes.
“I don’t know about missing workers, but I do know you weren’t using those animals for anything except cruelty,” she spat, eyes blazing. “I could hear them crying out every time I went past, and I refused to let them suffer any longer. Do what you want with me, but I don’t regret freeing them.”
“Dangerous words,” Dark said, smirking at her. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you want us to punish you.”
Malanya went silent again.
Dark let out a theatrical sigh, and glanced at the guards holding her, then back at her face.
“I think a lesson in obedience is necessary here,” he said in a soft voice. “Though... the punishment has the potential to be lightened, if you decide to tell us about any partners you may have had helping you.”
“There was no one else,” Malanya said smoothly. And Dark almost would have been inclined to believe her if there hadn’t been just enough evidence pointing to the contrary.
But he was willing to be gracious. If this was what she wanted, who was he to deny it to her?
“If you were the sole instigator, that would mean a much harsher punishment,” he said in a low voice. “I’m afraid an action like this is simply something we can’t ignore.”
Malon raised her chin, and looked him in the eye, her blues as fiery as her hair.
“I was the only one involved.”
Dark couldn’t help his chuckle, and he stood, walking around to her side where she couldn’t easily see him. “I see once again why Link married you. You know, your fire is something I’ve always admired, I’ll admit.”
He leaned close to her ear for his next words, and reveled in the way she flinched from his breath on her skin.
“We’ll see what he thinks of the mark this earned you.”
Her eyes went wide, and Dark smirked at the slight hitch in her breath.
“Yes. Normally you’d be imprisoned for a period of time, or sent to a work camp for a while for an action of this caliber, but I think a branding will serve as a much better warning. And reminder, in case the idea of doing this again ever happens to cross your mind. It sends a much stronger message to everyone, don't you think?”
“You don’t have the authorization to carry that out,” she breathed, and Dark grinned.
“No? Didn’t you know? I’ve been promoted again,” he said, watching in delight as her expression fell. “I’m now the head of the entire Department of Superhero Surveillance and Inspection."
He leaned in so close to her face that he was only inches away from Malon’s nose.
“Which means I control your entire life.”
“You won’t keep getting away with this,” she said in a voice so quiet he barely heard it. Her face was definitely pale now, with a glimmer of fear shining in the blue, and even the guards had exchanged glances when Dark had mentioned her punishment.
Which was exactly how he wanted it.
"Nothing's stopped me yet," he smiled in response, and poked her nose, just to see her flinch. "Dismissed. You know where to take her."
Malanya struggled as she was lifted to her feet by the guards, but it was halfhearted, as if she knew it was pointless. That or her exhaustion had finally caught up to her, but Dark didn't care much about which it was as she was dragged away.
He was too busy imaging the look on Link's face when he heard and saw what had happened to his beloved wife.
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hecatesbroom · 5 months
every time I rewatch the Rusty Anchor bathroom scene, it becomes gayer and gayer
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warmspice · 6 months
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willowser · 8 months
I couldn’t find your blog for a minute and I PANICKED. Like I don’t know what I would do if you just disappeared. 😭
sorry about that dear !!! i tried to make a post ahead of time to announce it, but it was only about 10 hours before LOL idk !! locking my blog for a little while is very cathartic for me ! sometimes i get a lil overwhelmed in our space here and i just like to hide, for a lil while—and locking up allows me to do that ! i'm sorry it takes me away for a minute, but i want to not be looked at every now and then LOL but i promise to never just disappear 🩷✨️ if i'm going to be away for while, i will do better at giving a heads-up, and if i ever leave tumbs, i would definitely leave willowser open as a lil archive 🩷
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moonfromearth · 8 months
Hi! I hope you're doing well. 💕 I mean this in the absolute lowest pressure way possible, but I'm really missing your presence as a reader. I've always appreciated your enthusiasm and support, so I hope you're able to hop back in soon! And I miss your gameplay posts too! Sending you lots of positive vibes always. 🤗
Hiiiii! I hope you're doing well too bramble!! 💕
I'm so sorry I haven't been around as much lately. I went back to school recently and it's been kicking my butt a little 😅 I have a bunch of stories I'm behind on that I can't wait to read when I have the time. I'm hoping to be caught up after this weekend if everything works out 🤞
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kakusu-shipping · 7 months
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BakuDeku beloved the base level MHA ship thankyou for the ask @echoes-lighthouse
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What made you ship it?
My nephew who got me into the show in the first place dsnfjdsf He was the first to imply Bakugo and Izuku were a couple, probably because he heard it from the girls who recommended the show to him in the first place. That and him telling me All Might was my Type were my first introductions to the program as a whole.
Favorite things about the Ship?
Childhood friends to rivals to lovers 60k slow burn. I love a bully turned ally, I adore really everything about Bakugo, and I think Izuku's neat and his persistence is cute. He'll hang on to fond memories of Kaachan, even if even back then Bakugo was only ever mean to him, to other kids, to everyone... Izuku still sees him as a good person and a good hero and a good friend... It's cute.
Unpopular Opinion?
Not exactly an opinion per say but people who call this one problematic/toxic because Bakugo is Izuku's "abuser" make me uncomfortable... It's weird to call a kid an abuser to me, even a fictional one. He was 14, no one is their best at 14.
Bonus Headcanons!
I don't think they were Dating dating as kids but they were as non-romantically close elementary school kids could get. Holding hands, going everywhere together, sharing everything. They were a pair Do Not Separate.
In middle school Bakugo still had his feelings for Izuku, which is why he went so out of his way to torment him. He didn't like him, he hated him, obviously. He was just trying to convince himself of this feeling.
Izuku's feelings for Bakugo are muddled, and if you asked him about it he'd struggle with a simple answer. It wasn't always like that, but sense Bakugo first used his quirk against someone weaker than him just for fun, Izuku's had a hard time keeping the green flag in his opinion of Bakugo
Half of the class are pro Bakugo/Izuku, mostly the Baku Squad, Shoto, and Hagakure. The other half of the class think Izuku deserves better, Uraraka and Tsu especially are rooting for him to turn Bakugo down. Izuku appreciates it, but is quick to say he's putting his hero work before a relationship. Bakugo has refused to comment on the debate
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pokimoko · 8 months
hiii--- i know you mostly post/write about other fandoms but i just want to say that graceful degradation is probably one of THE best fics ive read of all time and i love it so so so much, it had me screaming into my pillow at like 2 in the morning. its such a unique and creative take on his backstory and the ANGSSTTT. oh my god...u are a genius
Thank you so much!!! Portal 2 was something I never imagined myself writing for, but I'm very glad I did, because writing that fic was a blast. It came out of my fondness for 'Flowers For Algernon' (which I read many years ago but has been stuck in the back of my mind ever since) and my need for a Portal fic that suited my particular niche of interests (which included, of course, my dear old friend angst). I'm so glad to hear you think of it so highly! That really means a lot 🥰
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current state: desperately trying to pull myself together after pathetically bawling over my laptop frame BREAKING
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pynkhues · 1 month
I thought that was so interesting/cute that Sam was like "not really" when they asked in that podcast if he was ready for the show to go on netflix and reach a wider audience. It kind of makes me happy because it makes me feel like either way, we're good. If the show blows up or just gets a significantly bigger audience, then great for the show. If it doesn't, Sam will be happy just making the show in his little bubble lol. Though it's interesting because the show has already grown in popularity/attention this year, but I guess the idea is this could be a bigger jump? The show getting a huge boost from netflix would make me feel more secure about future seasons, though it seems like amc is really committed to the show and happy with it regardless. And I loved what he said about it feeling like amc gave them a lot of money to make a fairly niche show -- so I think/hope that will continue regardless of how popular the show gets, that AMC clearly trusts Rolin's vision and wants him to execute it.
/random netflix day thoughts
Yeah, it's interesting! I think Sam's response there is pretty classy, and goes to that idea that fame and celebrity is often a side-effect of acting, and for many (if not most) not the objective. A lot of actors just love it as an artform, so the perks of getting bigger projects is ultimately about the roles it might open up for you as opposed to how identifiable you are as a name and a face.
I'm very curious to see how the audience grows with the Netflix drop - like you said, it's definitely felt bigger already with s2. A part of me really wonders if a part of that is that peak TV is over, and it feels like a prestige show in an era where even arguably 'good' shows (The Bear, House of the Dragon, Severance) aren't actually that good. Like the TV landscape is currently pretty desolate, and it feels like IWTV and Shogun are probably the only TV shows of the last little while to feel truly exceptional. It's definitely a complex show though and one that rewards attention and re-watching, which is not necessarily something broad audiences want, so who knows how it'll go on a platform like Netflix.
But yeah! I'm feeling quietly confident for a few more seasons. AMC said themselves, they don't want to make something for everyone, but rather shows that are everything for someone, and I think IWTV really hits that sweet spot for them.
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rovermcfly · 2 years
when pleck found out C-53 is only the cube and not the frame, when Pleck realised that after Dar ripped C-53's frame apart they can save him if they find a new frame for the cube, when Pleck didn't know how to properly carry or store the cube but just knew it was important to keep it safe, when Pleck told C-53 he's beautiful in every frame, when Pleck implicitly gained a unique perspective and love for C-53 after handling the cube, when Pleck understood without even knowing the full story that C-53 loves being a boat, when Pleck asked C-53 every time he got a new frame how he feels in it, when Pleck... when the cube... when.. he...
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cronchywaters · 7 months
howdy! umm... are you still okay with kin and/or fictive edits involving wtcd characters? i just noticed recently that it looks like the offical wtcd blog was deleted(?) and wasnt sure if that meant you weren't ok with it anymore!! i really would hste to assume and cross any boundaries. hopefully this question isn't upsetting at all!! thank you!! have a good day or night!!
hi! fictives are fine, i know people can't exactly control that, which is something i was really ignorant about when i first made wtcd. i lumped kinning in with fictives which is stupid and that's not how it works, and i do want to apologize for that. as for kins, yeah, go ahead, i honestly don't really care. as for edits of the two i would rather they not happen anymore. i don't want to erase my past exactly but after one of the worst mental breakdowns of my life happened the other night (don't ask please, i'm fine now) i made the wtcd blog private on impulse. i honestly just want to forget it ever even happened at this point. my writing for it was awful and my bigotry even worse. the instagram account is staying up only so myself and other people can see my mistakes and learn from them, but overall i really would just rather move on.
as a general statement, please don't contact me about wtcd anymore. honestly even if the messages are nice or just simple questions like this i really don't want to deal with it anymore. it does nothing but remind me of how shitty people have treated me for years and while i acknowledge my mistakes i honest to god just want to let it die. you're allowed to like it, i can't stop anyone from doing that, but please just leave me alone.
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natasha-in-space · 1 year
:・゚✧:・. Mint Eye Idol festival doodles! :・゚✧:・.
Looks like our Savior came up with a new event to gather more believers... Her eccentric mind never ceases to amaze. It's a good thing she has many trusted followers to help make her plan a dazzling reality. Let's take a look, shall we?
Or, in other words: me doodling cmc's just because it's fun :D
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Natasha certainly never expected that becoming an idol would be part of her duty as Ray's assistant... Her life in Mint Eye gets more and more bizarre every day. But hey, she has an impressive talent for singing, and once she gets some much needed training, she has no problem charming potential believers with her radiant smile and beautiful voice. Although her stage presence still needs some work. Still, it helps to know that Ray is just as clueless as she is. It's somewhat fun to learn something new by his side!
And yes, I put her into Hatsune Miku's outfit. She loves Miku! Just embarrassed to admit it. It's a good thing their production and costume designer is a huge sweetheart.
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Next up, we have the most skilled performer in the group! Hinata is the one responsible for training Ray and Natasha on their stage presence, as well as their dance routine. Apparently it's way harder than it looks, go figure! As someone who knows a thing or two about being an idol, she's the one in charge, which their Savior is more than pleased with. She knows that their idol festival is in good hands with Hinata taking the lead. Their recruitment mission is one of utmost importance, after all... Who would resist a sparkling idol taking your breath away on stage?
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Meanwhile, Chaewon is in charge of security for the event. Since Ray will be performing on stage with Hinata and Natasha, his duties are temporarily handed over in her hands. While their Savior did suggest for her personal bodyguard to join the others on stage, it seems that she has no sense of rhythm whatsoever... much to her own embarrassment. She makes sure that everything goes smoothly and takes care of any... sleezy individuals lurking in the crowd.
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And Lila did a wonderful job producing and planning the whole event. She's also the costume designer! It's thanks to her that everyone looks so dazzling on stage... Although, nobody expected for her to come up with such an unorthodox look for Mr. Ray. But, it works! Natasha seemed very charmed by his leather jacket in particular. And, to support Ray on his first ever performance on stage, she even created matching outfits for them! Ray may be nervous, but the entire room fades away once his eyes meet his precious tester in front of the crowd, cheering him on and looking up at him with stars in her eyes.
Hinata belongs to @rfaromance and Lila belongs to @marshmallowprotection
Natasha and Hinata were based off of my favorite Miku figurines: Hatsune Miku feat my little pony Bishoujo statue; Hatsune Miku: Symphony 2019 Ver.
Chaewon and Lila references by @CommiGtl on Twitter
#uhhh how do i tag this 💀#heck idk if i will do similar stuff in the future but fine let's make a new tag just in case#mia sketches#oc natasha stakh#oc chaewon lee#my laptop died and got resurrected again while i was making this#anyway i love cmc's they're all friends#(even if chaewon sometimes grumbles ok she's just shy)#and now to info dump in the tags#HINATA GAVE ME SO MUCH TROUBLE WITH HER HANDS AND FACE IT'S UNREAL#i think i took the longest to finish her look#but i'm happy with the result#struggled to figure out how to draw lila's hair but it was easier than i expected#i love how excited she turned out <3 kait u asked for her cheering her favorite hacker and i delivered#imagining hinata training ray and natasha is hilarious to me#they are both very awkward and stiff so she has her work cut out for her#ray always hunches while natasha is trying to hide behind those two#stage presence is important!#but hey lila is there with two bottles of water once they're done#she makes sure nobody overworks#i also imagine natasha sheepishly taking interest in designing the costumed since she loves fashion but is too shy to express it directly#lila sort of gets her involved because she sees that she wants to participate#lila also helped ray and natasha feel confident in their new looks!#and chaewon is... poor gal can't dance for the life of her i'm sorry#she is an amazing fighter with impressive reflexes but singing? dancing?#there's a reason she never dances during the mint eye balls#she says it's for safety but in actuality#it's to keep her pride intact#she'll just bonk gross fans on the head with a baseball bat <3#not putting this in mystic messenger tag bc it's just cmc's and i'm embarrassed ><
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maraeffect · 8 months
also, i recently asked my tarot deck about guardian angels and if i have any. and since then, i've been seeing 444 SO MUCH. over the past year or 2, i've noticed seeing 444 more than any other angel number. really seeing it almost exclusively. but! it's ramped up SO much lately. i really don't think it's a coincidence idk. literally as soon as i start digging deeper into spiritualism, death, and the afterlife...i start seeing little signs from the universe everywhere. it's odd.
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