#I'm trying to say it's good and i love it and i think greta understands jo and lousia and jo's fictional jo
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el-huddpudd · 1 year ago
"I wanted to do the romance. I wanted [Jo] to get Bhaer. I didn't want to rob us of that. And then I also wanted to ask, 'Why do we want this? Why do we need her to have that?'
There's fiction and then there's the writer of the fiction."
— 2019 Featurette, Women Making Art
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Jo feels the intense pleasure and pain of being seen by someone, of knowing that they know you.
Greta Gerwig, why are you doing this to me
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vidavalor · 4 months ago
Since reading your awesome meta, I've rewatched and realized just how many jokes about hidden language there is in it! I was wondering what your favorite is?
Hi there. 💕 Thanks for reading. I'm glad you have been enjoying the posts. *slices you up some apple pie* Very fun question! There are a ton of them and I love them all, tbh, but there's a couple that I thought were especially clever.
My hands-down favorite meta-joke about the hidden language is the "we must know what they are saying" lip-reading bit with the Nazi Zombie Flesheaters around Aziraphale's magic words. It's some of the most brilliant writing in the series and is, through Aziraphale's magic words, using the cant of Good Omens that is based on the same etymology-based figurative language Pratchett used in Discworld to make a meta-joke about that very hidden language... all wrapped in a minisode about the big difference between being able to hear and regurgitate words and being able to comprehend them enough to understand what they mean.
The Nazis Zombie Flesheaters? They're flesheaters because they eat the dead but they're zombies because they believe that knowing the words that are said is the same thing as being able to comprehend what was said. They trail a magician to a magic shop and watch him perform a coin trick but still think that "bananafish, gorilla..." is nonsense. They have the correct words but they are not curious, imaginative enough people to be able to understand those words. They cannot figure out that "bananafish, gorilla..." is Aziraphale's version of "abracadabra", which is something that is not exactly a big leap... 😂
... just like how hidden language existing in a pun-laden story with a spycraft kink that is about queer "enemies" in love is not exactly a wild jump to make... especially when at least two scenes in the series literally do not make sense without taking into consideration hidden language ("no nightingales" and Aziraphale's use of "dangerous" in 1967).
That The Blitz, Part 2 then throws all that down with Greta, Glozier and Harmony to also use it as suggestion for looking at the most significant bit of lip-reading necessary in the series-- what Aziraphale mouths to Crowley on stage? And how the show gives us the meaning of those words-- "trust me"-- but then asks the audience to figure out what it is that Aziraphale is actually mouthing because it doesn't take a Mr. Harmony to realize that his mouth is moving too much and in the wrong ways for it to literally be the words "trust me"? All this wrapped up in a chapter in this story that is especially romantic and anti-fascist? *chef's kiss*
I'm also very partial to Shakespeare's "could you, in your role as the audience, give us more to work with" with the meta joke being that we, the audience of the show, can rather easily give them all more to work with than the audience-within-the-show-at-that-moment--Crowley and Aziraphale-- who talk through the whole Hamlet performance and are a terrible audience. 😂 Shakespeare is doing an Elizabethan version of the M&Ms telling them to please silence their phones and watch the movie but the meta is really that the story is built for deep diving and doing so will yield results.
The 1601 scene with Shakespeare's advice also is positioned perfectly in the series because not only can you garner a fuckton by giving them more to work with in the 1601 scene itself but the one that immediately follows it is 1793-- a scene that is built around helping the audience to understand bits of the 2008 minisode and basically exists for that purpose, as was the central idea of the first hidden language post I did.
This bit below is also in the same meta vein as that Shakespeare joke and was really clever:
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Michael trying not to lose it being all "WHAT DID THEY SAAAAAY?!" had me on the floor. 😂 Uriel's *getting a migraine* response is basically my face the (thankfully few) times I've encountered a Nazi Zombie Flesheater who tries to tell me that there couldn't possibly be anything more to the words in the most word-nerdy story in existence. 😏
Michael is the show's blunt instrument that impatiently-- and completely unintentionally-- is constantly happening upon the core of what's going on and the big things of note in the story, all without realizing that they are doing so. They help us see what's important through what they don't understand or what they're failing to see they should be focusing on. You can understand a ton of the story just by seeing that Michael is usually *nearly there* to what's going on but just shy of it and noting what it is that Michael is missing.
So, of course it's Michael that is having a breakdown over Crowley and Aziraphale's words... even if they are too clueless to realize what we can, which is that the words on the surface are, often, just the start of what is being said. Michael very often asks *exactly the right questions*... but for the completely wrong reasons. In doing so, they are pointing out what is important for us to note but they are not figuring out that those things are important or why themselves.
The story is saying with all of these hidden language meta jokes that if you want to understand Crowley and Aziraphale? It helps if you pay attention to the very specific words that they're choosing to say. Even if you don't hear every single word of coded speech when they are speaking that way, if you know it exists, you'll eventually start to pick up enough to get the general idea... but if you do what they've asked us to do via Shakespeare in S1 and put a little more effort into it? You'll be pulling some stuff together the way that the Nazi Zombie Flesheaters fail to do. You'll get the general idea without doing so but you'll crack open the whole story on a deeper level if you give them a little more to work with, as many of us have been doing already.
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jakeysfallingsky · 2 years ago
Among the Wildflowers - Chapter 6 - Jake Kiszka x Reader
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Here is Chapter 6! Thank you for your patience :) I hope you're loving this story with sweet Jake as much as I'm enjoying writing it!
18+ Content - Minors, do not interact.
Summary: You're a hairstylist in Nashville, and the boys in Greta Van Fleet become your clients when they relocate to the city. They quickly all take a liking to you, one sweet guitarist especially. Jake is patient in his pursuit of you, but will your self-created set of rules hold you back from ever being anything more with him?
Word Count: 8k+
Warnings: 18+ content - angst, anxiety, oral sex (f. receiving)
After waiting until Jake and the rest of the band were completely out of sight, you went back into Jake’s house, watering his plants and tidying up before heading back to your own house to do your own weekend chores. A slight pang echoed through your chest as you were folding your laundry and saw one of Jake’s button-down shirts in the pile of clean clothes. It was his soft maroon one, the shirt he wore on your first date. You folded it and sighed before unfolding it and putting it on over your tank top. It was oversized and cozy and warm, and while it was nothing like Jake holding you in his arms, it brought a small smile to your face. 
Meanwhile, on the bus, Jake and his brothers had started to unpack and get settled while en route to their first city. Jake had set his bedding up and pulled out the picture of his family he always kept taped to the side of his tiny space while on tour. He put a fresh piece of tape on the back of the photograph and gently pressed it into place on the wall near his pillow. Jake had a new photo for his bunk this time around as well. He carefully slid the picture of you and him that he printed out a couple days prior from his backpack and smiled softly as he looked down at the photograph. 
It was a selfie he took of the two of you the previous weekend, you had taken a walk to the park near his house together and sat on a bench to enjoy the warm sunshine. You had your lips pressed to Jake’s cheek and your arms wrapped around his shoulders with your eyes closed, and he had his free hand wrapped around one of your wrists with a happy grin as he looked into the phone camera, a rare occasion where all of his teeth were showing when posing. It was a true Jake smile, not one where he was trying to hold anything back or uphold his mysterious rockstar persona. Jake knew that you helped bring out the best, most authentic version of himself and he smiled down at the picture as he was lost deep in thought, a twinge of regret tugging at his heartstrings as he remembered that he left without telling you that he loved you. 
It wasn’t the right time. She would understand. She always understands. 
Josh approached Jake, putting his hand on his shoulder. Jake jumped a little, being pulled out of his thoughts and returning to reality quickly. 
Josh leaned over to see what Jake was holding. “New bunk decoration? Must be serious.” Josh said, half-teasing. He knew Jake had been more than serious about you since before you even went on your first date. 
Jake smiled softly, still looking at the picture in his hands. “Yeah. We made it official last night.” He said quietly, finally turning to look his twin in the eye. 
Josh whooped loudly and pulled Jake in for a hug. “Good work, Jacob. I’m thrilled for you both. Now tell me, how did it happen?”
Jake immediately flushed a deep red, remembering the circumstances in which he asked, or desperately demanded so he didn’t fall apart and break down into a million tiny pieces on his couch, rather. “Um-um, well she came over last night and, um, we were talking and then we, uh- we were not really talking but-” Jake stammers as he scratches his head awkwardly and Josh throws his head back, laughing heartily. “Say no more, I think I put the pieces together. When is it okay to start calling her my sister-in-law?” Josh asked in a teasing tone. 
Jake shoved his brother’s shoulder with an embarrassed grin, not saying a word. Josh chuckled to himself as he walked away towards the front of the bus. Jake carefully taped the photograph of you both next to the one of his family and closed his bunk curtain, satisfied that he was all set up. He followed in Josh’s direction, figuring that he should probably share the good news with the rest of the people on the bus before Josh did it for him. 
I hope Josh can call her that one day. I really hope so. 
You finished your weekend chores and meal prep and had finally flopped on your couch when you checked your phone for the first time since the early afternoon. You giggled, seeing congratulatory texts from Josh, Sam, and Danny about you and Jake finally cementing your relationship status. The most recent text you received was from Jake, and it put a smile on your face. 
Jake: Missing you already, my sweet girl. Started missing you as soon as I had to walk away. I know you’re worrying about me like I’m worrying about you, but it’s all good over here. We’re already having some fun. Would be more fun with you squeezed in my tiny bunk with me, but 21 days will go by fast. Hope you’ve had a good day baby.  Me: I miss you already too. You would be proud, I had to meal prep for the week on my own. You’ve been spoiling me so much that I’ve almost forgotten how to use my oven (not that I’m complaining) :)  Me: I’m going to hug you so fucking hard in 21 days.  Jake: I’m so proud of you.  Jake: I’m going to squeeze the shit out of you. Plan on taking your clothes off promptly after as well.  Me: You’re so charming. Goodnight and sweet dreams, baby. Jake: Goodnight sweetheart. Missing you sleeping with me already. Sweet dreams. 
You read his last message and sighed, missing him in your bed as well. Turning the lights off after setting your phone aside, you slowly drift off into a dreamless sleep. 
A couple days had passed since Jake left, and you were in the groove of your workweek. It was the day of their first show, and you knew Jake was very excited but a little anxious as well. He was in a different time zone, with you now being two hours ahead.
On your drive home, the screen in your car lit up with an incoming call from Jake. “Hi Jake!” You said enthusiastically, happy to be on the phone with him. “Hey baby,” Jake said, with a lot less enthusiasm, “do you have a minute?”
“Of course I do, what’s wrong?” You ask, immediately worried for him. It’s the day of the first show of this short tour, you were hoping he would be excited. Jake takes a deep breath and you can hear him shuffling around, presumably in his bunk.
“We just finished soundcheck and everything was fucked up. We all sounded like shit because nothing was working. Couldn’t hear Sammy at all, Danny’s kit was way too loud, Josh’s microphones were going in and out and we tried a few, and I was going in and out too. We can’t put on a show like this, not when we are opening for fucking Metallica.” Jake rushed through his words, a clear sign that he was stressed. 
“Take a deep breath for me Jake, it’s going to be okay. That’s why you guys do a soundcheck, to work out all of the issues. Your crew is great. They’ll take care of you guys. It’s going to be okay.” You spoke slowly and sweetly, hoping your words were helping. It was hard not being able to see him and read his body language. Jake didn’t respond with words at first, he took a few deep breaths and tried to steady his wavering voice and breathing.
“I just…I just really wish you were here with me right now.” Jake said in a small voice, sounding completely defeated.
“Oh baby, I wish I was there with you too. So badly. But you’re going to put on a great show like you always do, I am so sure of it.” Your heart ached for your sweet boyfriend, knowing how physical touch soothed him. It was hard hearing him so anxious and dejected on the phone and only being able to offer your words.
Voices started popping up in the background and you could hear them calling for Jake. “I think I have to go sweetheart, I think we will get off stage around 11:00 your time, is that too late to call?” He sounded so sad as he spoke, and your heart continued to rip into pieces. 
It absolutely was too late for you when you had to work the next day, but you didn’t care. “Not for you, please call me when you can. I’ll be asleep but will keep my phone volume turned up. I can’t wait to hear all about how great your set went.” You assured him, and even though you couldn’t see it, a small smile graced his lips. He fully knew it was going to be past your bedtime as well and despite it being a small gesture, it made butterflies fill his stomach, knowing how much you cared for him and what you were willing to do to show him that.
“Are you… are you going to watch us at all? On a livestream or something?” Jake asked quietly. You could hear the small sliver of hope in his voice. He didn’t want to say it, but Jake was hoping you would be watching somehow, knowing that it would comfort him a little bit. His music and you are his two loves, and he desperately wanted you to be a part of every piece of himself.
A small smile crossed your face. “Yeah Jake, I’ll try to watch for a little bit before going to bed.”
Jake’s small smile matched yours, many hundreds of miles apart. “That makes me happy. Thank you baby, I’ll call you in a few hours,” Jake said softly, “have a good night.”
“Bye Jake, break a leg.” You told him sweetly and he chuckled before ending the call.
You ate dinner, showered, and climbed into bed, leaving your phone volume turned all the way up, knowing that it would wake you up when Jake called. Feeling absolutely drained and exhausted, you started scrolling on different social medias, trying to figure out where you could find a livestream from a fan. You saw a couple accounts to bookmark, and groaned as you checked the time. Still over an hour left before the boys would hit the stage. Sitting up, you drank some ice water and pinched your cheeks, trying to perk up a little bit. It was no use, and sleep quickly overcame you, a good amount of time before the set started.
It was well after midnight when your phone started ringing, and you rolled over with a groan before flipping on the light near your bed and answering Jake’s FaceTime call. His grinning face immediately lit up your screen, his cheeks flushed a rosy pink from alcohol.
“Hi baby, it’s not too late is it?” Jake asked with a slight giggle. He was clearly quite intoxicated and was sitting on the green room couch, people drinking and wandering in the background. 
You smile softly, still hazy from sleep. “No, it’s okay Jake, how was it tonight?”
His grin somehow stretched even wider. “We had so much fun baby, it ended up being soooo good.” He paused to take a sip of his beer. “The crowd was good, I think we played good, I know I definitely looked good,” he giggled, “it was a perfect first show. Did you like my suit?”
“Oh, I’m so glad to hear Jake, I can’t wait to go find pictures and videos of your set tomorrow.” You replied, missing his question at the end and in your foggy sleepy state, forgetting your earlier promise to stay up to watch him and his brothers.
Jake’s face fell a little bit. “You-you didn’t watch us at all? You didn’t see me play?” He asks, clearly upset.
“Well, Jake, I tried but I accidentally fell asleep, I was so tired-” You started and he interrupted you before you could finish your thought. “It was the first one and I really wish you were here with me watching on the side but I thought you said you would watch on your phone.” He mumbled while rubbing his face, sadness seeping into his tone.
You sighed, knowing it was all of the emotions from the day and the alcohol talking, but still feeling guilt creep its way into your chest. You truly did feel bad that you fell asleep, missing it all. “I’m sorry baby, I’m sorry. I really wanted to see you, I tried. I’m just so exhausted.” 
Jake fidgeted with his necklace anxiously as you spoke. “Will you watch the next one? For me?” His brown eyes were full of worry. He needed to know that you were out there watching him somehow, needing to feel your presence in some way during this time of physical distance.
You smiled sadly before speaking quietly. “Yeah Jake, I’ll watch you.” 
He gave you a small smile in return that didn’t reach his eyes. “I miss you. A lot.” He whispered, afraid that if he spoke any louder, you’d hear his voice shaking.
“Oh baby, I miss you too. Only two and a half weeks left to go. I took a couple days off of work too, so we can have more than just the weekend together when you’re back.” You tell him, pleased to see his tipsy smile grow into something genuine. 
“Good, because I’m not letting go of you for dayssss.” He giggled, drawing out the last word dramatically. You yawned loudly after chuckling with him. “Go to bed baby, I’ll call you tomorrow.” Jake said, remembering in his inebriated state that you had work to worry about.
“Goodnight rockstar, sweet dreams.” You said sleepily, eyes beginning to droop as you gave Jake a lazy smile.
He wanted nothing more than to hold you in his arms as you drifted off to sleep, kissing your forehead and whispering sweet words into your hair. But he was on a sticky couch several drinks deep on the other side of the country, wishing so badly that his love, his inspiration, was with him.
“Goodnight sweetheart, I-I.. hope you dream of me tonight.” He said, almost letting those three words slip. 
You didn’t even notice, nearly asleep as you blew Jake a kiss and promptly ended the call.
Jake dropped his phone to the couch, running a hand over his face. He was relieved he didn’t tell you that he loved you for the first time over the phone when you were half-awake and he was half-drunk, but he was aching to be in your presence again. 
He wanted to be home, with you.
Another several days passed and the next couple shows went off without a hitch. In fact, they were fantastic. You were able to catch the first song or two of each set, unable to keep the grin off of your face or the feelings of pride and joy at bay, seeing Jake in his element. You missed him and wanted to be with him, but knew it just wasn’t feasible this time around. The reality was, it probably wouldn’t ever be feasible for you to join him on any tour at any point, considering your job was commission-based. You tried to keep the feelings stored in the back of your brain, but you felt a sinking sense of dread every time you remembered that this was going to be the shortest tour he would go on for awhile, and he was going to be away from home for many months mere weeks after returning from the Metallica tour. 
Despite making Jake promise to keep open lines of communication with you about his emotions and state of mind while he was away, you couldn’t find it in yourself to talk to him about your anxiety. He could tell something was off when he talked with you on the phone or on FaceTime, and it was worrying him. You always answered his texts and calls, but it was almost like you were off on another planet when talking to him.
It was a week before he was going to return home when Jake couldn’t take it anymore. 
Jake: Can we FaceTime?
A heavy sigh left your lips, seeing his text come through. You missed him like crazy, to the point where you felt physical pain in your chest, but talking to him was bringing you equal amounts of relief and stress. Your fingers hovered over your phone before typing back.
Me: Is later okay? I’m in the middle of something. Jake: Please baby. Just for a couple minutes. Jake: I miss you.
You couldn’t deny him. Tapping the FaceTime button, you took a deep breath as your phone rang.
Jake was laying on his stomach in his bunk, his face immediately lighting up once he saw you. “Hi beautiful, I’m sorry to bother you. I just… I just really miss you and wanted to talk for a minute.” He finished shyly.
He was so sweet and you missed him so terribly and it was so hard when he wasn’t here. You didn’t mean for it to happen, but your eyes filled with tears upon seeing him but knowing he was so far away. “Baby, I-I miss you too. A lot. I’m having a hard time.”
Jake’s face immediately fell, seeing the first tears slide down your face. It caused him physical pain to see you upset when he couldn’t be there to comfort you. Deep down, he felt guilty, knowing that him being away was the source of your pain as well. “Hey, hey, it’s going to be okay. Just one more week. One more week baby.” He tried to reassure you.
You nodded and wiped your eyes. “I know. I’m sorry.” You told him, not able to look at your phone. Jake rubbed his hand over his mouth, watching you and silently cursing his inability to wrap you in his arms and hold you tightly. “Don’t say sorry, you have nothing to apologize for. This isn’t easy and it’s our first time.” He replies, willing himself to stay strong while he’s on the call with you, despite the emotions quickly rising in his throat.
“But I do need to apologize, I haven’t been telling you about how I’ve been feeling,” you mumble, frustrated with yourself, “I…I’m really having a hard time. I know I’ve been distant over the last week or so. It feels silly, we haven’t been together long and this wasn’t even a long stretch of time to be apart but… I just wish you were here so badly so we could sit on the couch and go for walks and spend time with each other. I just miss you, Jake, so much.”
“I know sweetheart, you might not have said it out loud but I’ve felt it. It’s okay. We’re just trying to figure everything out, and we’re doing it together, remember? I miss you, I miss you so much baby that it’s hard for me to sleep at night, but we’re back together so soon. It’s just around the corner, I promise.” Jake’s voice was starting to crack, his desperation and longing peeking through. 
You took a shaky breath. “I know, but part of what’s making this so hard is… is knowing you’re going to be gone again soon. For a much longer time. I can’t think about it without crying.” You finished with a dry, humorless chuckle. 
Jake could feel his heart splitting in two and his anxiety rising, hearing your words. He could see some of his worst fears coming true, and it terrified him. “But it’s going to be okay, we are going to be okay. I promise baby, you can come visit me for a few days or I can come home when we have a couple days off, we will still talk all the time, we are going to figure this out when I’m home, I don’t want you to worry right now. Please baby, trust me when I tell you it’s all going to be okay.” Jake pleaded, becoming more and more desperate. She needs to know I love her.
Another shaky breath escaped your lips as you tried to calm yourself down. “I know. Everything’s okay. We’re okay. I just need you here, Jake.” You said softly, trying to keep your anxiety at bay. You didn’t want to upset him and you could tell he was getting worked up. It was an endless cycle of anxiety and sadness and guilt being passed between the both of you.
“I need you too baby, I need you more than you know. We’re almost there, and then I’m going to be so stuck on you once I’m home, you have no idea.” Jake said softly, trying to muster up a small smile and managing for his lips to curl up a tiny bit. “Just please keep talking to me, okay?”
You sniffled, the tears finally stopping. “I don’t want to make you feel bad if I feel like this-”
“No,” Jake said firmly, “I don’t want you to keep this to yourself because you’re worried about me. We’re in this together, I can’t help you if you don’t let me know what’s going on, baby.” Jake paused, taking a moment to look at you before continuing. “I need you to understand that the way I feel about you is like nothing else I’ve ever experienced before. It’s not something that is going to fade away. In fact, with each passing day, the… the way I feel about you grows stronger. I’m going to care for you and take care of you in every way, if you let me, sweetheart. You aren’t ever alone with me.”
Your eyes glossed over, knowing that he was speaking the truth. “Thank you Jake. I want to do all those things for you too.” You sniffled again. “It’s all okay. We’re okay.” You mumbled.
Jake nodded. “So soon. So soon, baby.” He whispered. You managed to let the tiniest of smiles grace your lips. “This week needs to fly by.” You said quietly. “It will.” Jake said, just as quietly in return. “Are you okay?”
You nodded. “I promise. I do need to head out though. Bye baby, talk to you soon.”
Jake gave you a wistful smile. “Talk to you soon.” 
Jake rolled onto his side after the call ended, sighing as he looked at the picture of the two of you taped on the wall. His eyes became glassy as his feelings of guilt and worry started to become overwhelming. He curled up further into his blanket and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to stop the tears threatening to spill over his eyelids.
If this wasn’t my life and my job, I would be home with her right now. If my life was normal, she wouldn’t have to feel like this. She didn’t want to be in a relationship like this and I knew that and I kept pursuing her anyways. 
Jake brushed the hair that fell into his eyes out of his face and anxiously fumbled with his pockets, pulling his wallet out. He carefully took the note that you had left for him on the nightstand weeks ago out and held it gently in his fingers. His eyes raked over your handwriting and the tiny heart you drew for him, desperately chasing the feeling of being closer to you. After a few minutes, he folded the note back up, and a waft of your perfume hit him as he did so. The tears that he had worked so hard to keep at bay finally spilled over and with shaky hands and blurry vision, Jake tucked the note back into his wallet for safekeeping. His eyes fell upon the photo of you two again, and he brushed his fingers softly over your face, hoping that you could feel his loving touch from hundreds of miles away.
It’s going to be okay. It has to be.
The next couple days were better, mainly because you were willing yourself to ignore the ugly anxiety monster constantly lurking in the deep depths of your brain. You perked up a little bit, and Jake was incredibly relieved. He just wanted you to be okay. The final shows were just as exhilarating as the ones prior, and you loved tuning in for a couple songs each night, seeing Jake live out his dream in real time.
After a few more days at work, what you were waiting for was finally here. It was Saturday, the boys were en route back to Nashville, and Jake would be home in the afternoon. You barely slept the night before, too excited to be reunited with him.
Jake had been texting you updates incessantly all day just to be funny, but also because he was bursting at the seams with excitement to be reunited with you.
Jake: 4 hours. Jake: 3.75 hours. Jake: Wait no, 4 hours again. We needed to stop for snacks. Jake: 3.75 hours.  Me: Drive faster. Jake: If only I could make it happen, baby. Counting down the minutes. 
You were watching Jake’s location as it got closer and closer, and drove over to his house about a half hour before he was going to get home. Pizza was on the counter, his favorite IPA’s were in the fridge, and you had made from-scratch brownies to satisfy his sweet tooth.
You were nearly shaking with anticipation as you saw that they were around the corner. Dressed in Jake’s maroon button-down shirt, you stood on his porch with the biggest smile on your face as you saw the bus come around the corner. They parked on the side of the street and the door opened, you flew down Jake’s driveway and right into his arms.
Jake held you to him in the tightest embrace he possibly could, with one hand tangled in your hair and the other arm wrapped around your back. You squeezed him back, hardly believing that he was here, in your arms.
“Hi baby, oh I missed you so, so much.” Jake whispered into your ear. His voice was like velvet, sending shivers down your spine. You missed him so much too.
Unwilling to pull back from your embrace, you tilted your head to kiss his neck. “I missed you more, my rockstar.” You grinned as you felt him take a deep breath to steady himself. You finally both pulled back, only for Jake to grab your face with both of his hands and kiss you deeply. Your lips immediately molded together, like puzzle pieces being put into place. It was if you had never been apart.
You hadn’t even noticed the other boys grabbing Jake’s stuff and carrying it to the porch. They stood behind you, grinning. “Do we get hugs too, or just your boyfriend?” Sammy asked as he tugged you away from Jake and swept you into his arms. You laughed, hugging Josh and Danny as well. “I missed you guys too, but not as much as this one.” You turned back to Jake, tugging on his arm and wrapping an arm of your own around his waist. He placed his arm around your shoulders and smiled wide as he kissed the side of your head.
“We will catch up soon, maybe get a drink or dinner together tomorrow or something. We know Jake’s been dying to see you, so we will get out of your hair.” Josh smirked and you blushed, saying your goodbyes to Jake’s brothers.
Once they were back on the bus and pulling away, Jake laced your fingers together and nearly dragged you towards his house. He quickly shoved his belongings just inside the door and tugged on your arm, pulling you into his chest and smoothly slamming the front door shut. His lips were immediately on yours, your fingers tangled in his hair, and his hands started caressing your ass without a second thought.
“Oh my god, you have no idea how badly I missed you,” Jake nearly growled in between kisses. You giggled and he loved the feeling of your smile against his lips, wishing he could replay this moment over and over. 
“You must be hungry, there’s pizza in the kitchen.” You spoke into Jake’s lips, seeing as he was unwilling to stop kissing you for even a second.
“Mmm, I’m hungry, I don’t think for pizza though.” Jake finally pulled back and winked at you. Playfully rolling your eyes, you laced your fingers with his and pulled him into the kitchen. 
Caught up in the moment, it was only then that Jake noticed you were wearing his shirt. You frequently wore his shirts to bed, but this was different. He came up behind you as you were grabbing plates and gently placed his hands on your hips, kissing your hair and keeping his lips close.
“You’re wearing my shirt?” He asked softly, butterflies threatening to burst out of his chest. You turned around in his arms and smiled sweetly, bringing one hand to gently brush your fingers along his jawline.
“I wore this all the time while you were gone. I liked having a piece of you with me.” You replied just as softly. His soft brown eyes crinkled at the edges as he smiled his big, toothy Jake smile. Oh, I’m so in love with you.
“I think you should keep it. Looks better on you, beautiful.” He planted his lips on yours before pulling away and reaching around you to grab the plates.
The two of you ate dinner on the couch, because sitting at his kitchen table meant that you couldn’t be nearly sitting in his lap. Once your stomachs were full of carbs and beer, you looked over at Jake and noticed he was fighting to stay awake.
“You must be so exhausted, honey.” You murmured, running your fingers through his hair. He nodded and gave you a small smile. “I’m sorry baby, I want to stay up and spend more time with you, but I’m running on fumes.” He admitted, feeling bad about not being able to express his love for you in the physical way that both of your bodies were crying out desperately for.
You kissed his forehead and held him close. “Don’t apologize, I am just so happy that you’re home. Let’s get ready for bed and just cuddle.” Jake smiled at you in appreciation for your understanding, and he allowed you to lead him upstairs into the bathroom.
Jake nudged your shoulder as you got ready for bed together. “I missed our nighttime routine.” He grinned as he stood next to you at the sink, holding his toothbrush out for you to squeeze toothpaste on it. You obliged and you both started brushing your teeth together. “I missed it too.” You managed to get out with a mouthful of toothpaste and spit and Jake laughed. You ran your thumb along the corner of his lips, catching the last bit of toothpaste he missed.
Jake stopped what he was doing and watched as you changed into another one of his shirts and a cute pair of black lace panties for bed. You grabbed your brush and started working it through your long curls, scrunching your nose up at all of the tangles. You finally notice Jake’s eyes on you, and he’s looking at you in that one particular way that makes you feel fuzzy and your stomach flutters. “What?” You ask him and he just smiles. “Nothing.” He answers fondly, the smile not leaving his face. You walked over to him and started to run your brush through his hair too, knowing that he surely wouldn’t be brushing it before bed on his own accord. 
“I’m so glad you’re home, Jake.” You say quietly as you finish brushing his hair. His arms wrap around you and he holds you close to him, his face buried in your neck. “You have no idea how happy I am to be home with you.” He mumbles into your neck. It wouldn’t be home without you here.
He lets go of you, gently takes the brush out of your hand and sets it on the bathroom counter, and with a playful glint in his eye and smirk on his lips, he quickly places an arm along the back of your knees and scoops you up, walking towards his bedroom. Your loud giggles intertwine together and don’t stop as he carries you and plops you on his bed, immediately pressing kisses all over your face and hair.
You playfully shove Jake off of you and he rolls onto his side, facing you with that damn look in his eyes again. You lean over to press a kiss to his lips and run your fingers through his hair. “Come here.” You whisper and Jake quickly snuggles up to you. “I had to do this with Danny for three weeks. Just wasn’t the same.” Jake sleepily jokes as he gets cozy and you chuckle. “Goodnight sweetheart.” Jake whispers and you wish him goodnight in return.
You held Jake in your arms as he quickly fell asleep. His head was on your chest with one of his legs thrown over your waist, his arm wrapped snugly around you. Softly kissing his forehead, you wished him sweet dreams, knowing that yours surely would be now that he was home with you. The anxiety of him leaving again for a longer stretch of time was looming over you, but for now, you just wanted to be in the moment and soak up all of the time you could with him at home.
In a rare turn of events, Jake woke up before you did. You were cuddled into his chest with your lips slightly parted, and Jake could feel the little puffs of your breath hitting his exposed skin. The sunlight was starting to come through the windows and it illuminated your face in a breathtaking way. Jake thought you had never looked more beautiful than this moment, peacefully asleep in his arms.
He kissed your hair and slowly rolled you off of him so he could get out of bed. He came back from the bathroom to see you stirring and looking at him with a sleepy smile. 
“Good morning honey,” he says as he slips back in next to you. You pull him into your chest and he gets cozy like he did the night before. “Hi Jake,” you say and you start to run your fingers through his hair, “how’d you sleep?”
“Like a baby, thank God I’m home with you.” He replies into your chest.
You chuckle. “Yeah, I think I sleep better with you too.” Jake nuzzles further into you and a contented sigh leaves his lips as his fingers trace over your soft skin. 
You slowly wake up and get ready for the day, and the large number of sweet touches and kisses shared didn’t help your speed. Jake moves just as slow as you and you both trudge downstairs to remember that there’s no breakfast food, or any food really, in his house.
“I’ll drive us to my place, I’ll make something,” you yawn. Jake agrees and you’re standing in your kitchen within minutes, putting breakfast together. Before long, the two of you are munching on cinnamon sugar toast and fruit, per the request of Jake’s sweet tooth.
After eating and cleaning up, you put your feet in Jake’s lap on the couch. “What’s on our agenda for today, rockstar?” You ask with a yawn, somehow already tired again.
He shrugs. “I honestly just want to do nothing and lay around with you, if that’s okay. I’m still feeling exhausted.” 
You nod, knowing that he hasn’t had a moment to himself or space to breathe in several weeks. “That sounds perfect. Let me go grab some pillows from my bed.”
You pass your bathroom on the way to grab pillows and notice you left your shears on the counter when you trimmed your layers the day before. It reminded you that Jake was due for a trim, it had been two months since you chopped his hair short. It was growing out nicely, but you wanted to keep giving him regular trims so it didn’t become damaged and dry like before.
You grabbed your clips, comb, spray bottle, and the cape from your closet and put everything on your vanity. 
“Jake, come up here!” You yelled and you heard him stir with a groan and come up the stairs. He stood in the doorway of the bathroom with an eyebrow raised and you pointed to the vanity stool.
“You need a haircut, I can trim it up for you real quick before we get comfy.”
Jake stared at you. “You just cut all of my hair off.”
You smiled. “I cut your hair two months ago, we have to keep trimming it or you’ll have split ends and damage again. You’ll be more comfy here than at the salon anyway, I know it’s not your favorite place to go.” 
Jake pondered that for a second and realized you were right on all fronts. He sat down in defeat and huffed dramatically as you threw the cape around his neck. You combed his shoulder length waves out, his hair no longer hovering at his shoulders but over a good inch longer. 
Spraying his hair so it was wet, you posed a question to him. “Do you want me to just take off the very ends, or cut it like we did before?”
Jake looked at himself in the mirror. He really did like his short hair and didn’t feel particularly attached to the idea of growing it long again anytime soon. “What would you do?” He asks, glancing up at you. His answer showed how much he trusted you, considering how much he hated cutting his hair. 
You hummed, needing to visualize it. You expected him to tell you to just dust the ends. You pushed his hair to be in front of his shoulders and gripped some hair in between your index and middle fingers on both hands. You slid down to where you’d like to cut his hair, about an inch and a half from the ends. Definitely a touch shorter than before, you thought that having his hair barely clear his shoulders completely instead of just brushing them would be cute, but still well below his chin. Not too drastic, but a small change. 
“Maybe like this, just a little bit shorter than before, and refresh all of your layers and face frame too? What do you think?” 
He nods slowly with a timid smile. “You’re the expert.” 
“You sure baby?” You ask, always wanting his permission.
He nods, more confident now. “I’m sure. I like my short hair. Never thought I’d say that.” He chuckles.
“I love short hair on you, I think it suits you so well.” You tell him as you comb his hair again and secure the sides up on top of his head. You leave a small section down in the back and pin the rest, then tilt his head down. 
Jake feels scissors slide across the bottom of his neck for the first time in his life and he shivers as you make the first snips. A small pile forms on the ground as you comb and cut the back of his hair. You both are quiet as you work, the room filling with the soft sounds of your scissors closing around his tresses. 
“Your hair is so gorgeous, Jake.” You murmur as you perfect the back. He smiles as he watches you cut his hair in the mirror.
“Only because you make it look good,” he cheekily replies.
You smile as you unclip the sides. His hair is being cut just a little too short for you to comb it to the back to cut, so you come to his left side and begin cutting his hair to match the back. Pieces of Jake’s hair rain down into his lap and he picks one up and pinches it between his fingers. 
“Two actual haircuts in two months, what’s my prize for being so brave?” He asks teasingly. 
You snort, continuing to comb and snip his hair. “Your prize is looking cute.”
He laughs. “I like you a lot.” I love you, actually. 
“I like you a lot too, Jacob.” You finish the left and right sides and trim all of his short layers and comb out his face frame. You snip the front pieces of his hair, smiling as you see the finished product. 
He’s left with a shaggy bob just barely above his shoulders with lots of layers again. “Straight or wavy?” You ask him.
He furrows his eyebrows, seriously weighing his options. He turns to you and tugs on a piece of your hair gently, your curls from the day before hanging on by a thread. “Can you do it like yours?” He asked shyly. Your heart leapt at his question. He was too precious. 
“You want me to curl it for you, baby?” You ask him with a smile. He nods shyly and gives you a tiny smile back. 
“Of course I can, I’ll blow dry it first though.” Carefully taking the cape off of him so as not to get his hair everywhere, you walked to your trash and emptied it. His hair was everywhere on the ground too, so you swept it up as well. You grabbed your hairdryer and heat protectant spray and quickly dried his damp hair. “Be right back,” you told him with a kiss on the cheek as you went to hunt for your smallest curling iron. 
You brought it back with you and plugged it in. While it was heating up, you sectioned his hair. Curl after curl was wound through the hot tool, and you were loving how it was turning out.
“This is looking so good, Jake,” you say as you focus in on one of his curls. He smiles at you in the mirror, watching you work. “I thought it would be fun to match you.” He says cutely.
You love him. You love him and you know it. You want to say those three words so badly to him, but don’t. It doesn’t feel like the right moment to you, even though you know Jake wouldn’t care.
“Yeah, matching is fun.” You say instead, a twinge of regret pushing its way into your stomach, but Jake’s still smiling at you with pure adoration in his eyes.
You finish curling his hair and rake your fingers through his curls to loosen them. He looks so beautiful and delicate with his hair framing his face softly. 
“What do you think?” You ask him and he runs his fingers through his trimmed hair and grins, looking up at you. “I love it, thank you baby.”
Coming around to his front, you straddle his lap and put your arms around his neck, his hair tickling you. His hands fly to your hips, keeping you in place close to him. His fingertips dance under the hem of your shirt and start to make soft circles on your skin. 
You lean in close to his neck and start to plant soft kisses, working up to the spot you know he loves, just under his ear. Jake fights it, but his lips part involuntarily and a small whine comes from the back of his throat at the feeling. 
“You’re so pretty, Jake.” you whisper in between kisses. “So pretty.” You finish with a small bite to his collarbone and you feel him growing underneath you. He feels downright delicious, and you can’t help but roll your hips slowly and he moans. 
“Jesus baby, not in your bathroom.” Jake mumbles desperately. He puts his hands on the back of your upper thighs and stands up, carrying you to your bedroom. He lays you back on the bed and starts attacking you with his lips while taking your pants and underwear off, going lower and lower until he’s kissing and licking and biting your thighs. He takes a brief pause to rip his shirt off and haphazardly tosses it to the side of your room. 
You’re out of breath with anticipation for what’s about to happen but can’t help your bratty streak from making an appearance. “I just fucking did your hair and you’re going to mess it up.” You say in a strangled tone as he resumes kissing close to your center.
Jake’s tongue circles your clit in response and you arch your back and moan. “Fix it later.” He says lowly, lips brushing your center, before fully diving in. His tongue is expertly working along your folds and clit and just like how he does everything in his life with unbridled passion and intention, he’s eating you out as if his life depended on it. 
You can’t help your soft whines and heavy breathing and you grip his hair with both of your hands. He pauses for a brief moment and looks up at you with a mischievous smile. “Don’t mess up my hair.” He teases in a deadpan tone. You would absolutely give him some snark back had he not immediately resumed his ruthless licking and sucking in between your legs. You respond with an involuntary moan instead and it takes everything that Jake has to keep his composure and not giggle while he’s working you quickly to an earth-shattering orgasm. 
Jake is absolutely ruthless and showing you no mercy with his lips and tongue, very clearly trying to make up for lost time when he was on the road. Sweat is starting to bead on his forehead from all of the effort he’s exerting, and his chest is heaving as breathing becomes more and more difficult.
“Come on baby, you’re doing so good for me,” he breathes into you, squeezing his arms as they’re wrapped around your thighs, “perfect angel, need you to cum for me, please baby.” Jake’s voice was teetering on a whine, desperate for you to find your release at the work of his tongue.
A final stroke of his tongue sends you into space and your eyes roll back into your head as you finish and ride out the seemingly endless waves of pleasure. Jake happily accepts what you have to give with his tongue and he gently kisses the insides of both of your thighs before placing a kiss to your stomach. As much as he would love to keep going, his energy levels are still depleted and he can feel that you’re tired, too.
He leaves the room to quickly brush his teeth and get washcloths to clean you up. Jake laughs, seeing his reflection in the mirror. His hair that you had so carefully curled is wild and messy, forming a halo around his head. Jake does his best to tame his curls, but quickly realizes it’s a lost battle. He walks back to your bedroom with the two washcloths he grabbed. He gently wipes the sweat off of your forehead and then his before taking the second one to clean you up. He tosses them into your laundry basket and rifles through your dresser until he finds your favorite sweatpants and an old t-shirt of his that is now yours. He turns and sees that you’re laying down still with a sleepy, worn out smile. 
“Can you sit up for me, sweetheart?” Jake asks as he carefully guides you up so he can slide his shirt onto you. He helps you slide the sweats on as well.
Jake joins you in bed and pulls you into his bare chest, knowing a late-morning nap is now imminent. Your hand that was resting on his hip is now in his grasp, and he softly intertwines your fingers and puts your joined hands on his chest. Your breathing quickly evens out and Jake smiles, knowing there is no place he would rather be than here with you. He plants three soft kisses on your forehead, nose, and lips wordlessly, hoping that somehow, the silent message that he desperately wants to say out loud but can’t muster up the courage for is delivered to you while you’re asleep.
I. Love. You.
TAGLIST: @reesetrippingthelight @spark-my-nature @katelynn-gvf @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @jakesbarbarian
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artist-issues · 2 years ago
I love your post detailing greta gerwig's changes in her adaptation of little women, but isn't Narnia definitely flavored with some universalism? In the Last Battle, a worshipper of Tash ends up in heaven because he's like "truly seeking the face of God" essentially even if he knew Aslan by the wrong name because his culture only exposed him to Tash. Also, I was raised protestant so I don't know if catholics have a different idea about what counts as universalism or not, but basically I'm not so sure if this will get in the way of her working on the films, especially if she does the Magicians Nephew. Unrelated, I wonder how they're going to go about adapting the Horse and his Boy without it being lambasted for racism etc lol
I think "flavored" with Universalism is a good way to describe The Last Battle--and only The Last Battle, and only that bite of the meal that deals with the young Calormene. Because my understanding of Universalism is that they believe all people, regardless of their beliefs contradicting Biblical Christianity, go to heaven and are not condemned for choosing to be god-of-their-own-life.
You can't quite look at C.S. Lewis' entirety of work and believe he was a Universalist in that sense. He certainly believed in the Biblical truth of Hell. Otherwise, specifically in Narnia, there would be no "Darkness on Aslan's Left Side" that all the creatures who fear and hate him disappear into at the end of the world. That seems like a pretty straightforward representation of Judgement.
I think the whole thing with Emeth the Calormene is interesting. From the language Lewis uses, it seems like he's trying to say something about the posture of a heart more than the name one swears by. Emeth is confused that he's been allowed into the True Narnia because "all my life I have served Tash." But Aslan basically looks at the heart; he says if Emeth had been serving Tash, his deeds and his heart would match Tash. It actually seems more like Emeth didn't know who Tash was at all, or he would have been performing vile works to please Tash. Aslan also says Emeth would never have kept "seeking" for so long if his heart had been serving Tash, which implies that Tash is easier to know than Aslan.
All of that is fascinating (I do think it is the theologically weakest, if not worst, part of the Chronicles of Narnia series.) But I don't think it has anything to do with Universalism as we know it today. Unitarian Universalism is just "Believe whatever you want as long as your belief system doesn't judge other people's belief systems, and you'll be fine with 'God.'" Lewis certainly didn't subscribe to that unbiblical worldview, even with the Calormene in the Last Battle.
I don't know what you mean about the Magician's Nephew.
The real problem with Greta Gerwig is not that she claims Unitarian Universalism. It's that she can't tell a story that is faithful to the original books; she has to transpose it into her own values. So, for example in what we're talking about, if she were doing "The Last Battle," she'd certainly cut out The Darkness on Aslan's Left Side scene, and maybe even reduce the whole conversation between Aslan and Emeth to "all are welcome!" But the main thing she'll do is elevate Susan, Lucy, Jill, Aravis, and Polly to a disproportionate degree.
Finally, I would just say, I'd love for somebody to explain to me what makes The Horse and His Boy racist. (With a reminder that nobody on this website knows my race, so nobody can claim that race-based unconscious bias is what's keeping me from seeing it.)
Lewis invented his own race that, yes, is heavily influenced by Western-Arabian-Nights-interpretations of Middle Eastern cultures. But the Calormenes don't serve Allah, they serve Tash and other gods. The Calormene characters are not all ugly. The Calormen food is not all disgusting. Aravis is a Calormene, and she is a heroine and a main character. Not even every Calormene is even evil, or the enemy of Narnia, though the nation is. What, just because a non-white nation is depicted in Narnia and you can see what culture their fantasy culture is based on, that makes it racist? How? Because Lewis doesn't even write all Calormenes as good or evil, he writes them as humans. Explain to me how that's racist.
(I mean, not you, @childlessoldcatlady, I'm enjoying answering this question. I just meant, someone explain it, now that I'm on the subject. Thanks for the question. I'm Protestant, too.)
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Yooo askbox open :]
Could I get a Castlevania matchup, one female and one male character? I am fine with poly, and also the more background characters :]
I'm a bisexual guy. Once I'm past my initial `terrified of everything' and 'extremely withdrawn' phase of anxiety, I'm very energetic (though not very loud) and flirty. l love all fields of science, especially mathematics and physics. Very nerdy/ geeky, and I also paint and practice
l have a very impulsive and ADHD -type of humor, though it always takes me a moment to recognize any word-play. I'm very much a thrill-seeker, and things that tend to make other's squeamish don't bother me in the slightest. I suppose for the sake of the series, gore and acts of sadism don't really phase me, at least, to the extent that I am a spectator.
A/N: Okay for you, my Flirty, ADHD-Humor Anon, I think your best Castlevania matches would be Godbrand (Male) and Greta (Female)! [Note: The writer of this ask dmed me specifically to say they were fine with more minor/background characters, just in case you were wondering how I ended up choosing these two for them.]
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Godbrand, believe it or not, would be a great match for you! He is very energetic, and flirty when he wants to be. Well, he tries to be flirty, but more often than not he comes off as kind of an ass, but that’s just part of his charm!
As a Viking and a sailor, Godbrand has a particular interest in science, mostly astronomy, and geography, but he enjoys listening to all the knowledge you’re willing to share about mathematics and physics. Despite what you may think, Godbrand is rather intelligent. He may be brash and lack tact, but he does pay attention to the emotions and behaviors of others. Every once in a while his arrogance gets in the way, but for a vampire, he’s rather attuned to the mental state of those around him. 
I think he’d pick up on your impulsive tendencies and ADHD-type humor fairly quickly, although that may not be a good thing, as he can be rather impulsive himself lol. The both of you are thrill seekers, so neither one of you is there to act as the stubborn voice of reason in all the escapades the two of you get up to. It drives all the others crazy, but neither you nor Godbrand pay them any mind. 
Godbrand loves to show off all his combat skills to you, and he is so glad you don’t run away screaming when he demonstrates how he takes down a five-man human army all by his lonesome. He wants to show just how strong and capable he is as a mate, and this is his way of doing so. (It’s kinda sexy if we’re being honest lol.)
Godbrand will ask you to bear witness to his prowess, and then paint him something that captures his essence. You’re gonna need A LOT of red paint for such a scene. 
As an INTJ you balance out his ESTP. You tend to be on the introverted intellectual side where he’s all about the immediate action. You are a great value to him, especially in how you can talk over his ideas, and help him think about them in a more nuanced way. You’re impulsive as well, but also an analyst at your core, so you are all for cheering him on: it’s just that you want him to go forward most successfully. 
Who knows? The two of you together might have even changed the course of S2. Godbrand would want to act on Dracula’s noncommittal attitude, and you’d be the perfect partner to talk out a well-thought-out plan with. Instead of brashly confronting Isaac with his half-cooked idea of betrayal, perhaps the two of you as a team could have spoken to Dracula, and see if you could change his viewpoint on erasing all the humans and vampires of the world. 
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Greta is also a great choice as a partner for you because she’s smart and no-nonsense, but also wise enough to appreciate the energy and zest you have for life! 
Greta is quite understanding in your, as you called it, ‘terrified-of-everything’ phase of anxiety. In a world full of creatures who are constantly trying to kill you, who in the hells wouldn’t be? So many of her people live with the same anxiety and fear, and as their leader, she feels responsible for reassuring them all will be well. She knows what you need to hear to calm down, and she understands this is something you need to undergo to take any next steps.
She is drawn to your energy, and how flirty you are. She, being the self-assured woman she is, flirts right back. Your fire is a welcome addition to her otherwise very realistic, sort of strict outlook on life. 
She’s a leader, she needs control. She manages everyone, and it’s a difficult job. To make things easier rules and orders that are put in place. You on the other hand are impulsive, and rowdy at times. You challenge the stubborn rule-follower in her and push her to be more spontaneous and to accept the things she cannot control or change. This is also very much in line with your MBTI types, with you an INTJ, and her an ESTJ. 
You’re similar enough to have a great understanding of one another, but just opposite enough to push a little where they pull. Greta challenges you to stay grounded, and to think ten steps ahead, to consider the logical consequences of potential actions. 
She appreciates your love for science. Science is the future after all, and her people will need all the knowledge they can get if they are to advance their lifestyles and survive. 
The fact that both of you enjoy a good thrill is great and very much necessary in this universe. She understands you’re not keen on combat, but not everyone is. She’s just very grateful you aren’t constantly breaking down or throwing up when you catch a glimpse of her spearing a night creature through the middle. It would be very disheartening for her to protect the love of her life and be met with only fear and disgust. 
The other trait you share is that both of you are freakishly nonchalant at times. Night Creatures? Eh. Attempted murder? Eh. Vampires? Eh. It’s all just another Tuesday for you, and so long as you have each other, you figure the both of you will end up just fine.
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libraryledge · 8 months ago
Good Luck, Babe! (Connecting Chappell Roan's Song to Little Women)
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Chappell Roan's 2024 song, "Good Luck, Babe!" has been stuck in my head for the past few weeks. The song is sung from the perspective of a woman expressing her frustration with another woman, whom she believes would be better off staying with her instead of running away with a man who will only view her as a wife. However, as a big fan of Little Women, I feel that every verse of this song could also represent the various characters and relationships in Louisa May Alcott's story from the 1860's, specifically the way that they are depicted in Greta Gerwig's 2019 film adaptation.
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It's fine, it's cool You can say that we are nothing, but you know the truth And guess I'm the fool With her arms out like an angel through the car sunroof
Laurie has been in love with free-spirited Jo since they were teenagers, but she has never held romantic feelings for him. When she rejects his marriage proposal, he tells her that everyone believes that they would marry someday. Then he feels foolish when he realizes that Jo doesn't view marriage with him as a possibility.
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I don't wanna call it off But you don't wanna call it love You only wanna be the one that I call "baby"
Meanwhile, Amy has been in love with Laurie since she was a child. Laurie begins to develop feelings for her, years after Jo rejects him. Although she loves him, Amy doesn't want to court Laurie because she doesn't want to become a second choice after his first love, her older sister, didn't wish to marry him.
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You can kiss a hundred boys in bars Shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling You can say it's just the way you are Make a new excuse, another stupid reason Good luck, babe (well, good luck), well, good luck, babe (well, good luck) You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling Good luck, babe (well, good luck), well, good luck, babe (well, good luck) You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
Laurie is devastated that Jo won't accept his proposal. Although she claims that she will never marry, he believes that she will find a husband someday, and he will painfully watch her newfound happiness from the sidelines. The grief is killing Laurie, and he doesn't know how to escape the feeling.
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I'm cliché, who cares? It's a sexually explicit kind of love affair And I cry, it's not fair I just need a little lovin', I just need a little air
Meanwhile, Jo is feeling the immense guilt for bringing so much disappointment to her best friend. She desires platonic love, not physical and romantic love. Jo wants Laurie to understand this and is pained that the predicament is putting a strain between them.
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Think I'm gonna call it off Even if you call it love I just wanna love someone who calls me "baby"
Laurie wants to find love with someone who will show him the same affection that he holds for them. He realizes that it is best to head off and start a life in a new direction. Little does he know that Jo is beginning to wonder if she made the right choice in declining his hand in marriage so quickly.
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You can kiss a hundred boys in bars Shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling You can say it's just the way you are Make a new excuse, another stupid reason Good luck, babe (well, good luck), well, good luck, babe (well, good luck) You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling Good luck, babe (well, good luck), well, good luck, babe (well, good luck) You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
After Laurie leaves, Jo encounters a series of hardships. Her beloved younger sister Beth passes away and her older sisters are off making their own lives. She feels the pains of losing her loved ones and truly misses Laurie's companionship. Emotionally, she is conflicted and no excuse she makes can mask the feelings.
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When you wake up next to him in the middle of the night With your head in your hands, you're nothing more than his wife And when you think about me, all of those years ago You're standing face to face with "I told you so" You know I hate to say, "I told you so" You know I hate to say, but, I told you so
Before facing her own share of romantic troubles, Jo is troubled by her sister Meg's engagement to John Brooke. She urges her not to marry him and instead, insists she and Meg run away together and be free. Jo doesn't want her sister to look back on her life and regret her decision to enter marriage.
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You can kiss a hundred boys in bars Shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling (well, I told you so) You can say it's just the way you are Make a new excuse, another stupid reason Good luck, babe (well, good luck), well, good luck, babe (well, good luck) You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling Good luck, babe (well, good luck), well, good luck, babe (well, good luck) You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
Everyone intertwined in this story is facing their share of heartache. Whether it be unrequited love, loneliness, grief, or regret, all of the characters encounter the emotions that Roan describes in her hit song. While Louisa May Alcott's stories were written over 150 years ago, it is incredible how the characters still hold connections to the modern stories that women are telling in the 21st century through film and music.
Author's Note: Do you have any songs that you connect to a certain film, show, or book? Please let me know because I would love to do more of these lyric connection writing pieces.
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denimbex1986 · 2 years ago
'“You’re an Irishman, are ya?” Cillian Murphy says, his features visibly softening, as I begin talking over Zoom. “Thank god.”
Two truisms about Cillian Murphy that are often repeated online: He hates doing interviews, but he loves Ireland. If he must talk to the press – which, being the lead of Christopher Nolan's mammoth blockbuster Oppenheimer, he absolutely must – the least I can do is give him a chance to talk about our shared homeland. So, with this introduction, we're off to a good start.
It's about 10 days before Oppenheimer drops, but Murphy and the big A-bomb movie – along with Greta Gerwig's Barbie – already seem to be taking up the majority of the internet's consciousness. In the film, he plays J Robert Oppenheimer, the man credited with leading the creation of the atomic bomb during World War Two. Though he has starred in a handful of Christopher Nolan blockbusters already, this is his first as a proper leading man. So, the scrutiny is greater than ever. He is wearing it well. “I'm not a huge fan of talking about myself,” he says, “but I fully believe in this movie, and I love promoting it. So I'm very comfortable with all of that.”
GQ: How often do you get people calling you “Sillian”?
Cillian Murphy: Less and less now actually. But it doesn't bother me. Then I very pedantically explain to them that there's no ‘K’ in the Irish language and it gets really boring.
You used to live in London, but moved to Dublin in 2015. I heard you said your kids were getting English accents so you took them home.
Yeah. That was a joke. [Laughs].
Well, people have really run with it. Do you need to personally relate to characters, and could you do so with Oppenheimer?
Well, first of all, it's imperative not to judge the character. Because then you've lost as a performer. You have to try and understand [them]. You have to be like a kind of emotional detective. But your job primarily is to define the truth in the character to try and portray them in a truthful way.
Emily Blunt said recently that during filming you didn't go for cast dinners because your ‘brain was too full’. Robert Downey Jr. said that at times it felt like you were ‘icing’ him. How much did playing Oppenheimer affect you?
It was a big part, and there were big, big questions that were grappling with, these huge ethical, moral questions. And Chris had written the script in the first person. So I knew that a lot of the weight was on my shoulders, even though we have this incredible ensemble. There was a responsibility that I felt about playing the part. That's just the way I work. I get very consumed by the work, and I don't really have time for hanging out. And in this movie, I was [regularly] skipping dinner, you know, so I wasn't great craic to hang out with. But that's just the way it was. It's just the nature of the work.
You’re not method, though, right?
Well, here's the thing, right? Method is like a euphemism. We all have a method to get to the final result. And whatever that method is, it's personal and unique to each actor. It's become sort of confused, I think, with the Stanislavski approach. But every actor has their own individual method.
Yeah. But you’re not what people generally view to be method, staying in character the whole time?
Inevitably, if you play a character for a long time, and I was researching him for six months, then shooting it for however long that was.. And you're playing them 18 hours a day every day. By osmosis, you're exchanging atoms, You become consumed or immersed [by it], that's just the way it is.
You mentioned skipping meals. What was the weirdest food day that you had while you were losing all that weight?
Oh, man. I just want to be very careful on this. This was for work, and we structured it pretty well. Inevitably, you do start getting competitive with yourself and all that, but it was for a purpose. He was a very, very slight guy. And he was very self-conscious about that. And it gave him this very unique, particular kind of iconic silhouette. And when you're that weight, it affects the way clothes hang on you, it affects the way you walk, it obviously changes the shape of your face and all that. So that was very useful for the character. But I really don't want to make a big deal about ‘oh, Cillian lost all this weight’.
Taking this lead role on has brought a lot of attention. I've read recent interviews you've done that it's not necessarily your favourite thing. Do you at times feel like the pressure of being the leading man, especially in a movie on this scale is a lot to deal with?
Yeah, but to clarify the thing about interviews, I love talking about the movie, I love talking about music and books and art. I'm not a huge fan of talking about myself. And I don't, and I don't think anyone really is, but I fully believe in this movie, and I love promoting it. So I'm very comfortable with all of that. And in terms of, you know, how it changes your life or anything like that, or changes how people perceive you that that hasn't changed for me, you know, my life has been exactly the same as it always was.
The Oppenheimer script is very dense. How much does that impact how you go about shooting it?
You have to be completely prepared. I knew the script more or less before we went into work, which isn't so not something I've ever done before. Only in theatre, because there was so much text, and it was quite dense. I wanted to not be worried about the text when I went on the floor. But then, a lot of the scenes I have with Downey, it was quite loose and quite improvisational. I mean, acting with him was was was was just extraordinary. He's just electrifying, the most available engaged, present, unpredictably brilliant actor I've ever worked with.
The film ends on a close-up shot of you, taking in the weight of what the preceding 3 hours have meant for the future of mankind. What are you thinking in that moment when you’re shooting it, knowing you’ve got the weight of the movie on your shoulders?
You can't let it get into your head. You've just got to think about the truth of the scene. For example, when we were shooting the Trinity test, all of us actors and Chris and all the crew, were aware of the weight of that sequence, and what it meant, but you can't let it control you, you know. And I think I've learned that over the years, you know, when you get on the floor, and you get on, you just forget about that stuff. You have to train your mind to not let it affect your performance.
Were you there for the actual explosion that was created?
I was there for components of it. There are different sort of sections of it. I was there for some of it. With Chris, everything is done for real. I've never done a green screen scene with Chris and I never will, I imagine. So what it does is it puts the performer into the atmosphere, or the environment as close as possible to what the character is feeling. You know, and I've, I've been out in boats with Chris on the sea and up in mountains in the snow. It just elevates your performance.
There has been a lot of chatter about the sex scene in this movie, and a wider chat about whether sex scenes are necessary in film at all. Where do you fall on that?
I think they were vital in this in this movie. I think the relationship that he has with Jean Tatlock is one of the most crucial emotional parts of the film. I think if they're key to the story then they're worthwhile. Listen, no one likes doing them, they're the most awkward possible part of our job. But sometimes you have to get on with it.
With a bit of distance between yourself and Oppenheimer, are you able to judge him just a little bit?
I'm really not going to give you an opinion on that. I really strongly believe that the film should ask the questions of the audience. And I don't want to prejudice anybody's point of view, when they go into the movie theatre, about what how they feel and Oppenheimer. What I will say, is that Oppenheimer – Chris called him the most important man that ever lived, whatever you think about that. That's up to you. But we are living in a world that was changed by Oppenheimer. We're living in a nuclear age because of what Oppenheimer did.
You and Christopher Nolan have discussed how you nearly got the role of Batman. Is there a part of you that thinks that it was maybe for the best that you didn’t?
Yes, I think it was for the best because we got Christian Bale's performance, which is a stunning interpretation of that role. I never considered myself as the right physical specimen for Batman. To me, it was always going to be Christian Bale.
Tom Hardy didn’t make it into this Nolan film. Do you have plans to work together again?
He's one of the best actors in the business. And we've developed this great trust and shorthand and there's a nice kind of chemistry, I think, between the two of us. I'd love to work with him again. Maybe there'll be a Peaky Blinders film. Maybe we'll get to do it there. I'm not sure.
What’s the latest on the Peaky Blinders film?
I have no update for you, man. I'm waiting to hear, but it's a tricky time with all these strikes and everything going on. I’ve always said that if there's more story to tell, I'd be there.'
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beemiilk · 2 years ago
The Barbie Movie
Please indulge my thoughts as I post this. I wrote this on the bus on my way to work after seeing the Barbie movie. I'm so normal about this.
There is no further proof needed for the Barbie movie being about the female experience and role reversal than my friend and I holding each other's hand while we sob during the last five minutes as her boyfriend watches the screen with a single tear running down his face. The three of us sit in the screen room for ten minutes after the movie ended, listening to Billie Eilish sing devastating lyrics as we sit in silence.
After we leave the screening, she goes to the toilet and her boyfriend turns to me and says "This may be in poor taste after the movie we just watched but- am I the problem?" And I have no answer for him other than. I don't know.
We talk about the movie for hours after; in the car as her mum drives, at the bar as we sip on sparkling water. And we still don't know why we felt the way we did. We don't know why the tears came or why we laughed or why we felt unbearably uncomfortable at the guitar scene.
I feel like this movie is something that everyone can relate to. Whether you are a young girl who plays with Barbie's too hard, a young woman who feels like she can't live as herself or a young man whose self worth is based on others opinions. Because it's a story of human experience; of what it means to live instead of just survive, to be happy instead of complacent.
In a way, I think all three of us were impacted by the movie differently because we are all different. Which is a given, but that's the glory of the Barbie movie. While coated in pink and glitter, it's a story of being a woman in the real world but it's explained in a way that makes it feel closer to your heart. Seeing plastic explain the discomfort of walking down a street, of being catcalled, of being disappointed and hurt somehow made me think of my young teenage years. That little girl who didn't understand how other people could be so mean, the little girl who only wanted to dress prettily without being shamed, the little girl who lived in fear of being scorned for simply being. She watched the screen from behind my eyes and understood.
I am not loved unless I'm admired. I'm not worthy if I am not loved. I am not loved unless I am someone's plaything. In that sense, I am Ken.
I am not good if I am not stable. I am not confident unless I am looked upon as pretty. I am not pretty if I am not skinny. In that sense I am Gloria.
I am not perfect if I am not what I was made for. I am not complete if I am not exactly the way I was intended to be. I am not happy unless everything I love stays the same. In that sense I am Barbie.
Being human is seeing the beauty in the normal. Being human is understanding that not everyone is the same and loving each other regardless. Being human is feeling. Feeling loved, feeling sad, feeling better now than you did before.
And I think that's one of the messages that Greta Gerwig was trying to broadcast: that you are more than what you were made for. You are more than just a mother, more than just an accessory, more than a Barbie or a Ken.
You are something you wait for. You are something worthy of love and adoration from your peers. You are equal to everyone around you. You are Kenough.
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joker-daughter · 17 days ago
Okay, so as someone who maybe last year or 2023 was someone who was very negative at the way Toms team was handling his career towards his career, I understand why Anon has concerns. I don't want to invalidate their feelings because seeing the trajectory of his peers and then seeing Tom's rn, it's valid to feel pessimistic. He's in Chris Evans situation when the actor is clearly very talented, but their pick for projects haven't been stellar. However, what Tom has that Chris Evans doesn't have is that men in his age group are trying to fight for the top as well as stans and jealous cause he's 40 now.
As someone who occasionally keeps up with Timothee not as a fan but as a former fan but still follows fanpages because I can't be asked to delete, Timothee has always been trying to be number one. He was nominated at 22, which put him in a different league. He's the leo of our gen, and it is what it is. His current era, the current Bob dylan cosplay, showed me that he really is desperate to be at the top.
Similarly to Glen a s Sydney lol, he's doing anything to get attention, Timothee will do anything to win the oscars, be at top, and that's just it. All actors are attention hogs, but he's just overt about it, imo. His relationship and her family forced memes, his pap pics, insta lives of him dancing, snl singing, and his mask of being humble was just that, a mask.
But let me be fair to him, though.He's not a bad actor and things has come well because he does have good taste and was lucky to making connections early with directors doing new things like Luca, Denis, Greta, Paul King etc...But tell me a black actor who has his talent, hype and more that has his career? MJB, Damson Idris, John Boyega, and Aaron Pierre have the star power and get offered less for their talent because that industry isn't fair🤷🏾‍♀️.You can't compare because it's just not fair. Even Denzel hasn't done the things Timothee has done and he's a legend to all actors. Leo never did Scifi or horror like Bones and All. Even Paul, Josh, Jacob, and Glen and Austin don't have Timothee's career, but none of their stans care as much as Tom's no shade. I know it's not our fault, but trades and stans do the most. You have to just be less online to give an anonymous opinion power cause it only exists because of ppl being threatened by Tom, but let me not, lol...
Comparing these two is stupid because Tom's career bump started in ip but different from other actors because his talent and charm made him avoid any problems like other actors who do Marvel. You can't replicate him. Tom was just trending for talking to TMZ. He wasn't trying to be anything. He was being himself. There are some thi gs he will do and won't do, and that's just it.Maybe you don't like that about him and that fine.
His 4 projects outside of the MCU make me happy because the source material is rich, imo but he's carving out a path before Marvel crumbles. I'm being dramatic, but honestly, in F4 flops, Tom is not to blame. Some of the best scenes in those Avengers films came from him. Let's not lie. His Spiderman trilogy has been the most fruitful, and some say the ip, but honestly, it's him. The bate he gest sometimes is so unreasonable mainly because he's just that good, sorry. I had to realise ppl love to see him fail because he's threatening without trying. I 100% know Bero will be a success because who thinks to do a nonalcoholic line when you can cash in on anything?
Okay, so he's not an indie darling, or it boy of month or this current year, but his time will come. Regardless of what happens to his career, he will always be relevant. He'll always trend doing something nonsensical, and I think that matters rn to him. He's 28, you know? Daniel Day Lewis's career started during his late 20s and Robert De Niro. This issue with Tom is he's fighting franchise fatigue and chronically online stigma that has unfortunately become irl stigma cause were talking about him on different apps because of his personal life and the fact he's not saying the right things that those snobby film ppl want to hear which is hate on Marvel ot anything franchise. He is not going to do the popular thing because that's just not him, sorry. I had to accept that he does what he wants, like golf, which I'm not the biggest fan of, but I love him so😭.
I think the Odyssey is going to do wonders for his career. Ppl love a comeback story, and I always think of Matthew Mcconaughey's career from 2011 to 2015, and that before, he was not taken seriously until he was. He put the work in slowly, but it paid off.
Right now, this is just the quiet before the storm. Who knows what's in store for this month and the next?
Personally excited for the prada ad. Love that his team is finally slutting him out😭
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howsitduud · 2 months ago
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My uncultured ass thought Greta Gerwig's directorial debut was Lady Bird. I had somehow never heard of her real directorial debut that she co-directed alongside Joe Swanberg. I had never heard of Joe Swanberg before watching this movie, and I now have a pretty good idea as to what his dick looks like. Wonderful.
I want to get something out of the way right here and now: Greta Gerwig is one of my favorite directors. She is an absolute visionary responsible for some of the greatest films of the 21st century and her movies will be talked about for years to come. Nights and Weekends is not one of those movies. If you couldn't tell, I didn't like this one that much.
This is a "mumblecore" movie, a genre of movie with a heavy focus on naturalistic dialogue, acting, and characters; movies like Frances Ha and The Puffy Chair come to mind. However, if I were to compare it to anything, I would say it's a lot like Past Lives. Both movies focus on a couple trying to work through a long distance relationship with timeskips integrated into it. Even though I wasn't the biggest fan of Past Lives, I would much rather watch that over this movie because at the very least, Past Lives had some striking cinematography and some great dialogue focused around the concept of inyeon. Nights and Weekends is a very straightforward movie, being moments of this couple hanging out whenever they can, going on dates, and having a lot of sex, and I personally don't find that as compelling as other movies.
I mentioned in my last review that I'm not a big fan of romance films, and I wanted to elaborate on that. Getting invested in a romance in a piece of fiction is not something I can do easily, and it doesn't help that romances are usually thrust into movies that don't need them or are better off without them. For me to like or even love a romance-heavy film, you need to have great characters, film making, writing, or both. None of that applies here.
James and Mattie aren't bad characters, but I didn't get much out of them. I've heard people say that Mattie is the only time that Greta Gerwig was annoying, but I personally don't see it. If anything, Mattie is the more relatable one of the two; I especially clicked with the scene where she's trying not to let her plants leak on the floor. The film making is similarly fine. I liked some shots and I like how the camera stays handheld and mostly unedited to give it that naturalistic feel, but aside from that it's nothing special. The writing is also perfectly fine. I liked some scenes of the two bonding, I like the photo shoot scene, and I especially liked the ending, but none of these scenes really helped me understand these characters any better. Any other scene in this movie was just really boring. How am I bored watching Greta Gerwig take her clothes off over and over again?
This movie does have its moments, but I just don't think it's for me. If you like it, more power to you, but I did not.
5/10, time to rid myself of the mental image of Joe Swanberg's cock.
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romanwagncr · 1 year ago
An awkward laugh escaped at Greta's joke about having an ex in town being spicy. It was weird at first, but now he’d gotten used to it. "Yeah, it's been interesting living in the same town as my ex," he admitted, his smile watery. His thoughts drifted back to the awkward encounter he had with Samara shortly after moving to Covington. He had been at the grocery store with Ivy when they unexpectedly bumped into her. It was a brief but uncomfortable interaction—he’d definitely struggled to find the right words to say. At least he got to apologize.
"No, I'm not actively avoiding her," he clarified, shaking his head. "It's just hard because we broke up over her choice to move back to Covington. I regret how it all went down." He sighed, still uncomfortable with what had happened as he reflected on the end of their relationship. The irony didn’t escape him either. Even so, he knew that being in Covington was the right decision for Ivy and himself. "That's so kind of you to offer. I'll definitely keep that in mind. It's always good to have trusted options for childcare." For now he had Victoria as Ivy’s permanent nanny, but he wasn’t going to say no to a backup."Thank you, that means a lot. I'm just trying my best to give Ivy a happy childhood and be there for her." Parenting was a learning curve, but he was more than determined to be the best father he could be.
As the conversation shifted to his love life, Roman laughed along with Greta's comment about not understanding women. "It's a mystery to us all, isn't it?" he said with a grin. When Greta asked about Callie, Roman's expression softened. "She's not a fling. She was my first kiss, and I had a little bit of a crush on her back in summer camp, but I promise we're just friends." he explained, thinking back on how crazy he was for her back in the day. “Seriously, I’m more worried about taking care of Ivy. She’s the love of my life.” 
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"Oh? An ex in town? How spicy!" Greta joked, her laugher light to ease the situation. She knew those could be very complicated. "I hope it wasn't a problem though? I mean, even it being a small town, I'm sure you can still avoid one another. "This is definitely better for your kid than the city. Slower pace, you know? A community around people. I surely want to raise my kids here." Greta wasn't exactly young but she'd lived a life without family and kids, and now she wanted something more from life. She wanted marriage and kids perhaps. And she wanted all that with Lake. "Aw that's so sweet! Emmy and my sister Kat, who's always with her, will adore Ivy. They love the kiddos. In fact, if you ever need a sitter, I know Kat has been doing it for some of our neighbors." It wasn't for the money for sure, cause the Morrison's were more than comfortable on that matter, but Greta knew her sister enjoyed the independency that earning her own money got her—even if it was just to choose how to spend it in clothes their dad didn't approve. "And Lake loves kids. It'll be delightful to welcome you guys!"
"It's also so cute you're taking her on all these playdates! You're a great dad, Roman," Greta told him with a smile. "Thank you for saying that," she told him when he complimented her about her willingness to make things happen. "Means the world to hear it." Especially now that work was giving her such a headache.
"Oh, I don't know what women want either—and I'm one who's engaged to one and who lives with a teen one," she laughed at that, amusedly. She didn't think anyone could understand women. They were intense and complex—which was exactly what Greta loved about them. When he mentioned a friend named Callie, Greta frowned, thinking of her own friend Callie Montgomery. It couldn't be the same person, could it? "This Callie person you hanging out with—not a fling? Just old friend?" She asked, tilting her head a little. "I mean, friendships that turn into love aren't all that bad." Greta liked to think like that because she saw her fiancee as her best friend too, even if it hadn't always been that way.
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tauntthetaintedlove · 3 years ago
Love Languages - Greta Van Fleet
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Warnings: none
Pairing: Greta Van Fleet × GN!Reader
A/N: Hey guys, I'm so sorry I've been behind. Have a little thing I wrote at 3 am to compensate. Love Y'all
Danny - Acts of Service
Danny already seems like the person to always be clean and on top of things, so I think he'd be more acts of service. Like if you have a bad day at work and text him about it before you get home, you better prepare for the mass amount of chocolate covered strawberries he made for you. One time he remembered a necklace you wanted at a jewelry store once, and when you finally left you piece of shit job he suprise you with it at home.
Sam - Physical Touch
Sammy, Oh Sammy, he would live in your skin if he could. That man will not stop following and holding you, touching you, kissing you. He loves you to the ends of the earth and he shows it to you with his embrace. He always wants to make you feel safe, around him and at home. Anytime you walk through the door you're greeted with kisses and a 'Hello Love' everytime. And if you have sensory problems, he would totally understand. He would forget at times and feel really bad when he does but he would always ask to touch you. If you were to tell him one spot he could kiss without asking he would be kissing you every .3 seconds.
Jake - Words of Affirmation
I can always see Jake being slightly uncomfortable with touch, he's opened up a bit more with fans but it's still something that makes him nervous. But seeing how he is with fans and just people in general, he's good at listening and understanding. This always makes him into a man passionate nature. Whether it was something small like trying a new recipe, or finishing college, he would never cease to tell you how proud his is. I also have this feeling that even if he comes home late, he'll tap you awake to tell that he loves you and that he missed you all day that day. Even if you get in fights he always makes sure you know he loves you before bed
"I know you're still mad at me but I just wanted to say I love you and I'm not gonna let a little fight get in the way of that."
Josh - Quality Time
Now however I do believe Physical touch is a big part of your relationship, I view Josh as someone who just enjoys their partner being there. As long you're in close vicinity to you he'll be happy. And on days where he's very clingy, he'll follow you EVERYWHERE. As long as your there and he can see that you're safe, that's all he need.
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guigz1-coldwar · 4 years ago
'Night call' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
'Night call'
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Chapter Summary : Yirina is celebrating with Park and the team about their first mission but bad thoughts are here......
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +4000
Well, we can say that this first mission within Park's team was a great success for us. No one was wounded or even had a little cut on their face, everyone was okay and frankly, no one here expected what we were going to discover into the crate we got out of the van. At first sight, we could have said that it was just some rockets-launcher until we got some in hands, discovering small packages of drugs, hidden inside each launcher. Stone was also into drugs at the same time as guns....very diversifying.....
After we saw that, we decided to go search the warehouse for any intels that we can find and to be honest, the dead bodies ain't going to talk for us except for any pieces of paper we can find. I searched the office where Garrett used to have throw the only guy alive and I found a sort of list containing some of Stone's contacts gathered all around Western Europe that is helping him to transport his guns and now his drugs out of the continent, either going in Africa or in America, especially in the south of it for the drugs cartel. Those contacts did became our priority to get Stone out for good while still focusing on Adler's case...and in that warehouse, nothing was linked to Adler.
Once we were done with the searching in the place, the MI6 cleaning crew along with some BND agents finally arrived to clear the place up and to take over everything inside of it. We helped them in their tasks including unloading some crates, giving them some indications as Park and Greta were talking to their respectives organizations member to brief them of our moves. We soon left after we considered to have done in here, returning to our cars to go back to the safehouse but we know that the day weren't done for us yet.
As Park told us, it was obliged that we all needed to go take a drink somewhere and Garrett was the one who gave us the perfect place for that. So, when we arrived back to the safehouse, we were just here to unload our equipment from the car before leaving the place again to go to the bar Garrett and surprisely, it wasn't even so far from the safehouse. Walking was the solution to go there as it was getting dark in the city.
"Thinkful, Yirina ?" It was Park's voice that broke me out of my thoughts as we were walking on the sidewalk, she was next to me as Greta & Garrett was in front of us, leading the way.
"Yeah...." I replied, shaking my head to regain consciousness from the situation. "Just some thoughts that came in me." I added, looking at her with an smile. It was thoughts about Zasha....still wondering if I did helped them escape that prison and also about the last time I tried to have some free time....with Park.
"I told you that because you were going to enter inside a light pole." She scoffed, making me look in front of me, there were in fact a light pole and I was really going to enter into it if she wasn't there for me. "Thank me for that."
"Thank you, Park." I said in a lovely voice, getting myself close to her to avoid the light pole. We were in our little discussion as Greta & Garrett were discussing on their own. "Thanks for been there for me." I whispered to her.
"You know well that I'm always there for you." She affirmed before quickly make a kiss on my cheek at the same time as we were walking, making me blush from it, thinking that we could go somewhere quiet and away from the other and do our things but since she proposed to go take a drink with the team, it was better to stay true to our little goals. "Don't worry, we just gonna take some drink and we're back at the safehouse, okay ?"
"Yeah, yeah, it's just....I remember what happened the last time we did something like that." I looked at her with an small sad face, thinking of the moment where she was taken away.
"Yiri." She started, putting her hand on my shoulder. "It's not going to happen again." She was already knowing about what I was talking about. "And if it does, you will not be alone to save me." She added, giving me a lovely tap on the shoulder. "So, be positive and be well, do it for me, okay ?"
"I will." I breathed, giving her a kiss on the cheek like she did and like me, she blushed from it. "I'm doing this for you." I smiled at her, before looking back in front of me, seeing Garrett looking at a bar just at the other side of the street.
"Ah, here we are !" He exclaimed, opening his arms towards the bar. "Might get ready to finally have a drink." He looked at us as we arrived near him with Park. "So, inside or outside ?" He asked us.
"Inside !" Greta was the one to reply directly to him. "I'm not going to stay outside to freeze my ass." She added, joking about it and by the end of it, she was....looking at me.....I might have a feeling that Greta isn't aware about me & Park and it start to get a little weird around here.
"So, we're going into that bar or we're staying here ?" Park asked Garrett who rolled his eyes before he engage himself to cross the street as we followed him. "Well, let's go inside, then."
The bar we were going wasn't so filled with people when we got inside : peaceful, quiet with just some peoples at the counter, some at the tables. It was more like the last time I had a free moment with Park into that diner. We entered it and hopefully, we didn't became the center of all attention when we got in. I think no one would wanted to know who was the group of 1 guy and three women who just enter the bar.
We decided to install ourselves at a free table away from the others in the corner of the bar. I sit next to the window, Park getting on my side while Greta chose to sit right in front of me and Garrett just next to her. We waited at least 1 minute after we sit for an waiter to finally come to us to ask our own drinks.
"I would take a simple beer." Garrett was the first one to tell what he wanted before he looked at Greta.
"I'm taking the same thing as him." She responded, now looking at me.
"I will....take a scotch." I asked, remembering to have liked it during that troubled memory even if I wasn't a big drinker, couldn't forget too the bourbon I drank back in the New Orleans days ago. We all then looked at Park.
"I will take the same thing as her." She looked at me with an smile....2 bears for Greta & Garrett...2 scotchs for me & Park.....Once our drinks were commanded, the waiter left us, now awaiting for our drinks to come. "So, who's paying ?" Park asked to everyone, even at me who didn't have enough to pay for everyone.
"Don't know, it could be you." Garrett suggested, putting his arms on the table, his look focused on Park.
"Or you !" She suggested back, making the same things as him while me & Greta were looking at them, like if an friendly confrontation were going to happen "Yeap, it's you !" She exclaimed after Garrett removed his eyes from her for just an second....they were doing an gaze battle
"For christ sake..." He muttered to himself, looking defeated in a understanding way to Park. "Fine, I'm paying, miss Park." He said it in a lazy voice. "Anyway, I did promised you an drink after 'Goldeneye."
"Really ?" I asked, very curious in an second.
"It isn't the first time that Garrett found himself against Perseus so when we striked Stone during that operation, Garrett was there." Park replied to me before looking at Greta. "Greta was there too."
"It was quite an operation to say." Greta admitted, looking at me.....until I start to feel something stroking my legs and I knew it was Greta herself.....damnit, that's getting weird but I was finding myself like paralyzed from it, trying to calm myself in the inside. "It was better to have us three instead of the CIA."
"What do you mean ?" I questioned everyone, struggling to not thinking about Greta, slowly stroking her legs against mine, just wanting her to stop that.
"Let's just say that to get Stone, I had to get off the grid with Garrett & Greta, Adler said that I was too close from it to intervene but like I said, fuck him and his orders." Park responded honestly and what she said was all true. "We got the mission done before he could act."
"Well, I'm impressed." I confirmed, knowing Park well, my voice getting a little troubled with Greta still doing it to me. "I must say that.....it's very nice to finally meet Park's friends." I silently groaned at the middle, getting Park attention on me.
"You're okay ?" She asked me, having heard me.
"Yeah, it's just my chest." I replied, putting my hand above the scar I had on my chest made by Duvall in the New Orleans. "Still hurting me a little." In fact, I did this just to hide the fact that Greta was literally stroking my legs.
"What happened ?" Garrett was sounding curious, looking at me with one arm on the table.
"Just an supremacist in the US who gave me an scar..." I showed him the scars, removing the part of the shirt covering it after I was finally able to remove the dressings that was on it yesterday. "Got myself captured by the fuckin' Klan !" I scoffed, making Greta & Garrett eyes go wide because they didn't know of that.
"Damnit......" He breathed, looking away for an second before he showed to me the palm of his right hand, revealing a big scar on it. "Got it during an knife fight between me & an old friend...Megan." He looked at Park and Greta who already know of the story. "And....your scar on your head, how did you get it ?"
"This ?" I put my index finger on the scar at the right side of my head "Someone tried to kill me but the bullet managed to make this, skull is harder than we thought !" I exclaimed, tapping with my finger on my forehead. Park nodded to this.
"Quite an story." Greta affirmed, her left arm holding her head until she redressed herself in her seat, stopping her stroking. "Might need to go to the toilet before we start to drink."
"Yeap, me too." Garrett thought at the same time as he got up from his seat, allowing Greta to get up too. "We're coming back in at least 2 minutes." He added before he walked away with Greta at his side to go to the toilets, leaving me with Park.
"There's something you didn't tell to Greta, I think." I called Park out from her thoughts, one minute after the others has left
"Really ?" She whispered to me, curious.
"She's been stroking my legs since we got sit on that table." My response make her eyes go wide and to bite her lips.
"Greta...." She said to herself, putting her hands on the table, almost clenching her own fists. "I didn't tell her of our relationship, I'm sorry."
"I thought she was already aware of it." I said, confused.
"No, I prefer to not talk about it because Greta still want to make me jealous after we broke up in February." She looked at me, getting her hands on top of my right hand. "Listen, it's just you that I really want to be, okay ?" I nodded to her with an big smile.
"But, we're gonna tell her, right ? Because I will not support to have her touching my legs all night." I asked her, looking nervous about it.
"Don't worry, I got something." She removed her hands from mine as Greta & Garrett came back from the toilets. 'You're going to like it." She winked at me discreetly as the two got sit on their seats.
"Talking about us ?" Greta redressed herself on her seat before I could feel her leg for just one second and then, I start to feel Park's left leg getting wrapped around my right one, moving it by her side......I was loving it because it was stopping that weird moment with Greta !
"No....about us..." She smirked at Greta who was slighlty confused on her face before she calmed herself as the waiter finally arrived with our drinks : scotch for us, beers for Greta & Garrett. "Well, cheers !" She took her glass in hand to toast as we all took our glasses.
"Cheers !" We said all at the same time to toast and then, it was the beginning of our little celebration in team.
I wasn't so willing to take another drink after I finished the first one, still having that feeling that I'm not an big drinker and I don't want to get myself on that risky road. I was feeling more safe since Park decided to get my legs under her control away from Greta. I was liking Greta as a friend but not like that in a love way. Park wasn't so willing to talk directly to her about us but I think she wanted to make some littles signs that she's with me.
At least, we could finally have a peaceful time in that bar, staying 2 hours in it, talking about everything and nothing about everyone but more about them, not wanting to put my life in the front. We didn't want to get too much drunk as tomorrow, we were going to plan our next move as we are maybe going to start with taking care of one of Stone's contacts in West-Germany, taking them out one by one.
After these 2 hours, we finally left the bar to go back to the safehouse but.....I wasn't feeling so well and peaceful even if I took a single scotch glass. My thoughts....it was all mixed, thinking of Zasha, my past....and Freya. I was remembering what I did back in the New Orleans when I called her and I was feeling bad to have done this even if a part of me want to call her back and this part....was like dominating me now. So, on our way back as Greta & Garrett took the lead while me & Park was still behind, I stopped her for a second.
"You're not looking okay, Yiri." She exclaimed, confused to have her stop in her walk. "Something's wrong ?" She asked.
"Hm....I might need to....get some fresh air, I'm gonna stay here." I was feeling so pale, just wanting to stay near a bench just next to us, ready to sit on it.
"Yirina, you should not think about...."
"Please, Park, let me take some fresh air." I pleaded to her, cutting her. She wasn't understanding why in a sudden, I wasn't feeling well.
"And let you here ?" She shook her head to me before I put my hands on hers. "Yiri."
"Please...Park...." I was like in a loss of words, wanting to be just alone. "I know the way back." I was sounding more pleading before she finally resigned herself to leave me here near the bench.
"Okay but don't take too many time." She grinned at me before landing an kiss on my forehead. "I don't want you to freak out and me too." She added and I smiled at her before she decided to walk away, hesitant to do it to join the others that were probably awaiting for us.
In my mind, I just wanted to call Freya but not as Yirina but as Bell. It was the only thing I couldn't control about me right now. I waited that Park was out of sight with the others to look around, sit on that bench, for an telephone booth in the streets and by luck, there were one just at the other side of the street. I decided to walk to it, getting stressed all the way to it, my blood was like freezing when I entered the box. I slowly take some deep breaths as I was composing Freya's number that I perfectly remember.
Each beep of the phone was giving me enough chills inside of me, I couldn't back down this time and I had to talk to her.....even if 'Bell' is the one that will talk, not me. I just needed to stay calm and not make an crisis in that tiny box....just breathe and everything will be fine, you can do this, Yiri !.....you can do this....Bell !.....
"Freya Helvig !" I could hear Freya's voice through the phone, she didn't even have changed it and by hearing it, I closed my eyes for one second, taking a last deep breath.
"How do you know me ?" It was the first question I asked her, sounding very sure of me and someone like who was having doubts.
"Yiri ?" She was sounding confused to hear my voice. "How did...."
"Don't call me Yiri or Yirina like the two times we met !" I ordered her harshly to her, literally cutting her, looking around me. "Listen, if you don't want me to hang up the phone, you're adressing me as 'Bell', understood ?"
"Y-yes....yes, Bell !" She said, troubled to call me by that name
"To answer your question, I've got your number during an operation days ago." I replied to the question she was surely going to ask me, the one where I cut her. "And you want to know where & why I'm calling you ?"
"Yes, please tell me everything !" She pleaded at me, her voice almost cracking.
"I'm calling you from an phone booth and why....let's say I want to know why the Perseus agent called 'Wraith' is knowing me." I responded, biting my lips at not telling my real location, risking too much here....I couldn't tell her name because it would have betrayed me.
"Listen, I think they did something bad on you, Y.....Bell." She started, almost breaking her promise and me who almost hanged up the phone. "Can you tell me how they're calling you ?"
"Jessica Blackwell, said 'Bell' !" I breathed, saying that name. "Listen, I'm the one asking the  questions : how do we have supposely meet ?"
"It's....it was during our youth....Spring 1957 where Perseus retrieved me after my parents died and presented me to you." She revealed to me, sending some panick inside of me, discovering more about myself.  "We became....sisters...and lovers in 1978."
"About that ring, how did I gave it to you ?" I asked.
"Afghanistan in September 1980....you proposed to me !" She responded, confirming the memory I had when I proposed. I closed my eyes for an second at hearing this, my left hand shaking from it. "Listen, Yirina, please....."
"Don't call me Yirina, for fuck safe !" I told her in a strong british accent, getting myself angry and in me, I wasn't supporting that. "Why are you insisting in it ?"
"Because that's your real name !" She exclaimed, almost crying. "I don't know what happened to you but if the CIA....the MI6 or anyone in the West did something bad on you, I swore to kill them to the last." My blood froze up again to hear that. "I'm sure they did something bad on you."
"Why they will do that to me, Jessica Blackwell ?" I questioned her, faking an incomprehension.
"I understand now." She sniffed sadly. "They brainwashed you !" I could hear the start of the angriness in her voice, she was right....but Bell wouldn't believe. "Those fuckers....Yirina, they harmed you !"
"That's it, I'm hanging up !" I got myself angry and I was ready to do it until I could start to hear her cry through the phone.
"Wait !" She sniffed again, hearing her moving on something. "Will you....call me again ?" She asked me and to be honest, I wasn't sure of it. "Please."
"I'll think about it." I whispered before I brutally hang up the phone, leaving me alone into that phone booth, trying to calm myself down....until I start to cry in it.
Yirina was taking back control, getting Bell back inside of me and I could only cry about thinking of what I just did. What I started back in the New Orleans, I continued it here and I didn't know if it could make me feel better or more bad, I was mixed. I finally decided to leave that booth, still crying to return back to the safehouse, cleaning up the tears that was falling from my eyes with my hands, just trying to clear up my thoughts but I couldn't do it.
I arrived back at the house and when I entered it, the lights were closed meaning that everyone was already in their bedrooms, sleeping. I closed the front door behind me to join Park in her room. There were an fourth bedroom in the house and everyone except Park think that this one is mine, thanks to one of Park's advice. When I opened the door of her room, I wanted to step back but it was too late, she was sitting at the edge of the bed, still dressed up and awaiting for me.
"I'm sorry." I started, closing the door behind me, she was looking worried about me, not moving from her bed. "I fucked up again."
"Did...did you called Freya ?" Her eyes went wide, having guessed what I did alone as I sit next to her and I slowly nodded.
"I'm sorry." My voice cracked and then, I started to cry again, getting my arms around her, my head against her chest. "Please, forgive me." I pleaded with all my might "Please !"
"It's okay, don't cry." She whispered at me as she put her arms around and slowly fall on our back on the bed, she's never angry at me and I think that it was better for me. "What did you say ?"
"I....Bell wanted to know how 'Wraith' was knowing her." I replied, talking of Bell like if it was another person "I'm so sorry, I fucked up."
"No, don't say that, I'm here." She continued in her recomforting despite hearing me apologizing again and again.
"She....she said that she will do everything to bring me back to here but.....I can't go back to her, that would mean that I will go back to Perseus." I explained, my voice cracking at fearing about returning back to Perseus, something that I don't want....I never want to happen. "I need only you, you're the only one that's bringing me hope and redemption."
"Thanks....thanks you." She was sounding moved by it before she landed a kiss on the crown of my head.
"I don't want Freya to be harmed and I don't want you to be harmed." I told her, reinforcing my hold on her in a lovely way. "It's you....only you, Park !"
"Thanks." She whispered before we both decided to move under the blankets, still dressed up in our clothes. "It's only you too, Yiri."
"Thanks." I reciprocated her words, looking at her with an little grin. "I....I'm so sorry."
"It's okay." She repeated, putting her hand on my cheek and...I loved her touching my skin with her hands so I decided to move comfy inside the palm of her hand, touching her arm with my left hand. "I'm always at your side to the end....to the death."
"Me too." I breathed, getting closer to her before I landed a cold kiss with my lips on hers, giving her a little smile too  before I put my hand on her face, finally smiling for real after I did.....
"We're going to do this...together....to the death !"
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gvf-imagine · 5 years ago
Greta Van Fleet Preferences
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How you meet
“Ill be out here when you're ready to show me” your friend calls , knocking on your dressing room door. You give a simple “ok” as a reply and begin to undress. You're going to a wedding this weekend and your friend is helping you find something to wear, she found her dress weeks ago, you struggled in the fashion department. 
Your eyes fell on the dress your friend had picked out for you. It was a very gentle pink color and came down to your mid thigh, it was tight not flowy which was far from your normal attire. It looked nice enough but the price tag frightened you. You pulled it off the hanger and shimmied into it. Honestly, you thought you looked great, perhaps you should step outside your comfort zone more often when it came to clothing. The dress hugged your curves , which made you feel insecure but it's a wedding so no one will be looking at you, all eyes on the bride, hopefully. You fix your hair and pose for yourself, it was comfortable, surprisingly.  Ok time to show her. 
“So what do you think of this one? I kinda like it!” you say as you swing the changing room door open, your gaze looking down at the dress. 
“Yeah you look great” a man's voice responds, your heart jumps and you lift your head quickly. Your face burns red as your friend is nowhere in sight. In her place is a tall dark haired man casually looking through some belts. Your shoulders drop as you curse yourself. Idiot. 
“Oh i'm sorry! My friend said she'd be waiting out here for me” you reply with a smile, trying to pretend like you didnt feel like throwing yourself off a bridge. The man chuckles “oh yeah she left , said there was a cute guy that walked by” he answered looking towards the front of the store. God that is just like her, chasing after some dude. 
“It really does look nice on you” the man says again. You smile and look down at yourself “you think so? I usually don't wear this sort of thing, but i'm going to a wedding”  you explain with a chuckle. He nods, his eyes have not left you. 
“Yeah you look awesome, I think you should get it” he speaks reassuringly. 
“Holy fuck!” you exclaim then quickly cover your mouth, you didn't mean to be that loud. The man laughs and steps closer to you as you look at the price tag hanging from the hem of the dress. 
“This fuckin thing is 400$?! Jesus christ , I could make my own dress for 50$” you joke. Your shoulders sink, you really wanted this dress. The man laughs loudly.
“You're funny,” he chimes. He looks at your face, painted with disappointment. 
“Hey I could - I could buy it for you” he offers. You look at him in awe. 
“Its…….400 dollars….Why would you do that for me? You dont have to do that its just a stupid dress im sure I can find a cheaper one” You respond waving his idea away with your hand. 
“It's ok , I can afford it, I want you to have it” he insists. You don't know what to say , you just look at him. 
“On one condition though” he adds with a smile. 
“Yeah what?” you ask. 
“You have to take me as your date” he says shyly
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Ok just breathe, you're fine , everythings fine. You tell yourself as your heart pounds in your chest. You were at an amusement park and about to go on the biggest roller coaster they had due to a dare from your friends, who were watching safely from the ground. Some random man is sitting in the seat beside you as two people had to share a cart. He didn't seem nervous and you wished you could be as relaxed as him. 
“Hey are you alright?” he asks , as if he knew you were thinking about him. 
“Oh um yeah im-im ok” you lied your mouth going dry. He smiles at you and watches you for a moment. 
“Are you though? Cuz your leg is shaking pretty vigorously there” he points out, his eyes falling to your body. You hadn't even noticed you were bouncing your leg anxiously. 
You stop.
“I'm sorry , I'm just a bit nervous I suppose, I'm kind of scared of roller coasters” you explain with a sheepish smile. 
“Kinda weird to go on the biggest one here then right?” he responds you chuckle at his remark. 
“Yeah my friends dared me, they are down there” you say pointing in their direction. He looks down and sees a small group of people looking up at you. The wind blew and you looked up at the clouds in search of comfort and solace. 
“Well My Name is Jake, and i've been on this ride a million times, you're going to be ok” He says with a reassuring tone of voice. He could sense how scared you actually were even though you tried your hardest to shrug it off. 
“Thanks Jake…..that helps. I’m (y/n) by the way its nice to meet you.” you reply smiling, feeling slightly better. Jake was a good distraction, he was gorgeous, chestnut brown hair that fell to his broad shoulders. Enticing eyes that made you wanna know more about him and his voice was sweet and soothing. You couldn't help but wonder what he thought about you. The feeling of the ride jolting under you ripped you from your daydream like state. 
“Oh fuck” you mutter , feeling your heart rate rise again. Jake smiles and grabs your hand gently. 
“It's gonna be ok” he smiles
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Finally it was time to go to study hall, your last class of the day. You used this class to get your assignments from the day done. You headed to your desk but something catches your eye on your way. You look down at another student , you wracked your brain trying to remember his name. He was reading one of your all time favorite books, which surprised you , most people hadn’t even heard of the book before. You had to say something.
“Hey! I love that book” you say with a smile. The guy looks up at you with an equally excited facial expression.
“Oh yeah , it’s a great book, this is like the third time I’ve read it” he replies. You laugh, and nod.
“Yeah it’s such an awesome book, I’ve never met another person that likes it” you say.
“Sorry what was your name again?” You add.
“I’m Sam” he smiles.
“I’m (y/n)” you introduce , you both look in each other’s eyes and appreciate that moment. His eyes glinted with interest making you blush.
“Uh well maybe we could get together some time and talk about the book” he says stuttering slightly, moving his hair from his face gracefully, you watched it as it fell to his sides like a curtain.
“That would be awesome, here I’ll give you my number” you say quickly fishing for a piece of paper from your back pack. You jot your number down in neat hand writing and handed it to him. He looked so happy, he thanks you as he takes the paper.
“Alright class sit down” the teacher announces as she enters the room. You look to her and then back down to Sam before gesturing towards your seat, Sam nods and winks at you before you take your seat.
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Your eyes scanned the shelves looking for Almond flour, you were going to try your hand at making home made macarons. You loved to bake , you did it whenever you had free time and you never made the same thing twice. You smile when your eyes land on the last bag of almond flour , you happily pluck it from the shelf until you see the ridiculous price tag. Why is healthy shit so expensive? You shook your head at the thought and made your way down the aisle. You looked up seconds before a man was about to bump into you, neither of you saw each other.
“Oh sorry” you say taking a step to your right , you laugh as he takes a step to his left thus getting in your way again.
“Oops” he chimes stepping to the other side the same time as you.
“I’ll go left you go right” you giggle , he thinks to himself , eyes looking up to the ceiling before taking a step in the wrong direction.
“No your other right” you laugh. He smiles “sorry” he says palming his forehead.
“No worries” you reply stepping around him.
“Oh hey!” He calls a second later.
“I think you dropped this” he adds holding out a package of frosting bags.
“Oh thanks” you smile grabbing them from him, his eyes fall to your basket of items.
“Oh thanks” you smile grabbing them from him, his eyes fall to your basket of items. You tuck your hair behind your ears and look down at your basket as well.
“Uh well I like to bake yeah - I- I don’t know if I would go as far as to say I’m a baker” you chuckle.
“Do you bake a lot?” He asks simply.
You nod.
“Well that sounds like a baker to me” he smiles with a curt nod.
“Yeah good point , you got me there” you reply , you could feel your cheeks warming , you were blushing but you weren’t sure why.
“Are you a baker as well?” You ask.
“Oh no I should not be allowed near an oven” he jokes “I’m just lost, you wouldn’t happen to know where the Oreos are would you?” He asks gesturing towards the store.
“Oh yeah they’re in Aisle 12” you chime pointing in the general direction.
“Cool thanks” he smiles.
“Ya know I actually have an event coming up for a friend, I don’t know if maybe you’d wanna bake a cake for him? It’s for his birthday , we’re having a surprise party ” he explains somewhat haphazardly.
“I’d pay you” he adds.
“Sure I’d love to!-“ you begin.
“Ok cool, so should we like exchange info?” He asks , his pointer finger gesturing from him to you.
“Yeah that’s a good idea , that way we can over specific details like size and flavor of the cake” you nod as he pulls his phone out. You recite your number to him and his eyes flicker up to you
“What’s your name?” He asks softly.
“Oh sorry! I’m (y/n)” you answer.
“(Y/n) cool ,I’m Josh” he smiles.
Later you’re in your apartment, the delicate scent of raspberry macarons fills the air as they cool on your counter.
Your phone beeps in your pocket and you slip it out.
“Hey it’s Josh from the baking aisle, there is no event. I think you’re super pretty...and that’s why I wanted your number but I wasn’t sure how to ask. I hope you aren’t mad , I just didn’t know how to ask” You read the message and smile, and honestly you were kind of relived he was fibbing. Catering events made you nervous.
“Thanks Josh! Of course I’m not mad, I totally understand being nervous about stuff like that” you reply.
“Oh good, if I ever do need a cake you’ll be the first person I ask” he texts back , you smile.
“Ya know I actually just took some macarons out of the oven, wanna come over and be my taste tester?” You send back. Your heart warms at the thought of making a new friend , and a cute one at that.
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motorized-clown-show · 5 years ago
Okay first of all!!! Esc!!!! Which other songs are your all time faves? 💙 Also thank you for tagging me in that tag game 💙✨💙✨💙✨ (I'm Lancestrolls that's my inactive main dhhdjsjsjs sorry for the randomness)
Don't worry about it, my whole life is random (almost made an informatics reference there, whoopsie) and you're welcome for tagging you! <3 I was honestly a bit worried if I should do it because we've never interacted before and I didn't want you to think I'm weird...
Now, ESC. You don't know what you just got yourself into.
Tbh, there are many songs I love every year but there always are some that I love more than others. To prevent this post from becoming a complete mess, I will do this chronologically, starting with the 2020 songs I love.
My clear number one this year must be Répondez-moi by Gjon's Tears (Switzerland) (which is the song I made GIFs for before Lie To Me). Straight up 12/10, I sometimes (okay most of the times) I shed a tear (or more like a waterfall lol) when I listen to it, even though my French sucks and don't understand everything.
I also love Violent Thing by Ben Dolic (Germany) but TBF, I might be a bit biased because I'm German and I already loved Ben when he participated in The Voice of Germany. But for me, Violent Thing is a really good song and I'm really disappointed that we won't get a live performance of this on the ESC stage.
Another one of my favourites is the Danish song from this year, Yes by Ben & Tan. It's just a song that makes me super happy and I love their voices. I know many people think this is cheesy but I don't think so even though I can see their point.
Chains On You by Athena Manoukian (Armenia) is just a bop and has the third best music video, and that's all I'll say about this. Because otherwise I probably couldn't stop anymore.
The last 2020 entry I absolutely love is Grow by Jeangu Macrooy (The Netherlands). I've seen some people claim that this was just an attempt to copy Arcade, but no, it's not imo. Just because both of the songs are ballads it doesn't mean one tried to copy the other. Also, this is the second best music video (best one is Switzerland).
Alrighty, let's continue with 2019, and disclaimer: just because I like a country's song it doesn't mean that I support that country/the politics of that country.
Even though my Spotify top 100 from 2019 might try to tell you otherwise, I was really happy when Arcade by Duncan Laurence (The Netherlands) won last year, it's seriously in every playlist of mine. His live performance was stunning and I still think about it very often.
The song Spotify tries to tell you is my favourite from last year, is another one I really love (but who would have guessed that). Sometimes my mind just goes *clap clap* and I think back to that performance of Soldi by Mahmood (Italy) and then I have to think of the time when I went to his concert last October...
Okay and now we get to the song that I decided to write that disclaimer for. Scream by Sergey Lazarev (Russia). Drama 10/10, staging 10/10, lyrics 10/10 and vocals 10/10. In the beginning I admittedly didn't really like it but it grew on me quickly.
Yay, another Danish entry: Love Is Forever by Leonora. It's such a sweet song and has a really important message (imo). Alright, the staging with the giant chair is a bit weird but also oddly fitting? Also, Leonora has performed in the Eurovision Home Concerts and her performance was just. So. Good. Oh and the use of the four languages is just amazing.
Another ESC bop: Dirty Dancing by Luca Hänni (Switzerland). In the beginning I hated it but then he performed in the final and I was like "okay I guess it's actually alright but still not my favourite" and well, now I love it but I don't know why. Like it's a great song but I didn't realize my mind changed from hate to live in a month or so.
Unpopular opinion: Home by Kobi Marimi (Israel) was an amazing song. Of course it wasn't another 'Toy' but still a great successor. The emotions in it and also the lyrics are just *chefs kiss*
Okay so because this post would never end, I decided not to add comments to the songs anymore.
Lie To Me by Mikolas Josef (Czech Republic 2018)
Non Mi Avete Fatto Niente by Ermal Meta & Fabrizio Moro (Italy)
Stones by Zibbz (Switzerland)
(okay you may laugh at me) Our Choice by Ari Olafsson (Iceland)
You Let Me Walk Alone by Michael Schulte (Germany)
Story Of My Life by Naviband (Belarus 2017)
Occidentali's Karma by Francesco Gabbani (Italy)
Requiem by Alma (France)
Grab The Moment by Jowst (Norway)
LoveWave by Iveta Mukuchyan (Armenia 2016)
What's The Pressure by Laura Tesoro (Belgium)
J'ai cherché by Amir (France)
Ghost by Jamie-Lee Kriewitz (Germany)
Hear Them Calling by Greta Salome (Iceland)
Made Of Stars by Hovi Star (Israel)
You Are The Only One by Sergey Lazarev (Russia) (yes he's the same dude from 2019)
If I Were Sorry by Frans (Sweden)
Rhythm Inside by Loïc Nottet (Belgium 2015)
Love Injected by Aminata (Latvia)
A Monster Like Me by Mørland & Debrah Scarlett (Norway)
A Million Voices by Polina Gagarina (Russia)
Heroes by Måns Zelmerlöw (Sweden)
This is where I will stop, but if you want to talk about Eurovision or comment on my weird music taste, just send a DM, I don't bite.
Please enjoy my favourite dumb pictures of ESC 2019.
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likesomekindofcheese · 5 years ago
Hi carrie! Could I please get a ship for Queen and the BoRhap boys? I'm 1,75-ish, Italian, chubby (big-ish chest, small waist, wide hips big thighs), black hair but I dye it a lot, naturally its auburn tho and my eyes are hazel. I'm a family woman, family >. I love dogs, to read and I'm acting a lot in pays since elementary school so for quite some time now. I'm a Slytherin, with a kinda two minded sarcastic humor and I'm very straight forward, my zodiac is libra. Thanks a lot in advance! 💜
Hey there Greta! Thanks for asking! and anytime!
For Queen, I ship you with...
John Deacon!
John adores seeing you with kids and it melts his heart every time
And you two will play with the kids and before you dated, the kids would set you up and play wingmen
Plus his sarcasm and your sarcasm is a force to be reckoned with, so you two bc like a power couple
He thinks your body is gorgeous and will gently trace the wideness of your hips and thighs when you make out
And his face always goes pink when you wear something a little low cut
You two got to travel around Italy and he had the most wonderful time learnign about the history and esp. the food.
Your Leo and Libra energies make you both understand how fiery you are and yet you are able to calm each other down and communicate well (we stan healthy relationships on this blog)
Reading next to you and seeing your peacfeul face, focused eyes, and gentle smile prompted him to take a secret candid and he thinks its the best photo he ever took
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For Bohrap, I ship you with
Ben Hardy!
So let’s say you met Ben while he was touring or filming Six Underground
And you two began talking in Italian together and you were amazed bc this cute British boi was actually trying to converse with you in your original language and !!!!
He always calls you “mia vita” and “mia cara” and “mia bella Greta”
Plus you two get to take pictures of and pet all the dogs you see and you get to eventually adopt a cute dog in need of a good home together!
For Christmas and your birthday he gets you Slytherin gear
And you wear it together and nerd over Harry Potter and discuss the books and movies all the time!
Despite his Capricorn tendencies, you two are able to work things out together and inspire each other with your differences
If anyone gives you crap for being chubby he punches them in the nose
He helps you run lines for the plays you are in and even helps you with acting bc he has gone to prestigious acting schools and been in plays so he knows what you are doing
But nothing is better than relaxing with Italian wine while your dog sleeps happily and he gets to kiss your cheek
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