#I'm trying to prepare something but it'll be a while before it's done and i'm so scared it'll be awful and everyone will hate it hehe
invoidvisitor · 10 months
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Showing people literally anything I make scares me so bad
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silverynight · 1 month
Eight years and counting
Contains manga spoilers
The first year comes with so much planning and preparation, Katsuki barely has time to keep up with graduation and the agency interview. He's a war hero, he knows it'll be easy for him to get in any agency he wants and even though that'd make his middle school self excited, he's not that kid anymore.
He cares more about Izuku now. No, he only cares about Izuku now.
Katsuki watches closely as the last ember dies and Izuku pretends it doesn't take his last bit of hope with it; he wants Izuku to be more open with him, to tell him how he truly feels about being quirkless again, but Katsuki knows him well enough at this point to expect something like that.
But he also knows his Izuku won't be completely happy with being a UA teacher, no matter how much he loves that school. Izuku is meant to be a hero, like Katsuki. Actually, he's meant to be a hero and fight by Katsuki's side.
And Katsuki is going to make sure that dream comes true.
So he plans; Izuku needs a new suit, one that can emulate OFA to perfection because if Katsuki is going to give anything to Izuku, he's going to make sure it's absolutely perfect.
It takes a while for him to finish the design and as soon as he does, the first step is to show it to All Might. Katsuki knows he used a mecha suit during the final battle so he probably has an idea if Katsuki's design is possible or not.
"For young Midoriya?"
All Might already knows it's for Izuku, but the question is not exactly about that and Katsuki is perfectly aware of it; he can see it in the soft smile of Izuku's mentor, he can see it in the way his blue eyes shine with knowledge.
Katsuki blushes, but he doesn't look away from the former symbol of peace. He's not that middle schooler hot-heated kid anymore. He's done hiding his feelings behind anger and he's not ashamed about what he feels for Izuku. He's pretty sure All Might knows about that, he's probably waiting for a confirmation.
Katsuki nods, blush spreading down his neck.
"It'll take years to make something like that."
"I'm aware."
"And a lot of money," All Might keeps staring into his eyes, and Katsuki suddenly feels like he's being tested, but he doesn't care. He's going to get Izuku his suit no matter what. "A lot."
"I'll work hard. I can pay for it."
All Might smiles fondly at him before putting a hand on his shoulder.
"You should talk to young Midoriya."
Katsuki shakes his head with a fierce determination. He's not going to get Izuku's hopes up only to shatter them when something doesn't work. This is just an idea and he's not sure how long it'll take.
Katsuki will rather stab himself than breaking Izuku's heart.
"I can't do that. Not until it's ready."
"I'm not talking about the suit."
His cheeks are warm again as what All Might is trying to say finally sinks in.
"I will, but not yet."
By the second year he's already mailing the designs to All Might's friend in the US and constantly sending texts and visiting Hatsume in her new lab. She's excited about it and happy to start working on it; she's fond of Izuku too and loves challenges so Katsuki knew she'd say yes.
It takes a little bit more to convince Shield, but she agrees after reading Katsuki's long mail, that looks dangerously close to an essay about the amazing things Midoriya Izuku could achieve with it.
Maybe Izuku is right after all; he's kind of a nerd too.
She agrees to the project and assures Katsuki he can send her low amounts of money every month until the suit it's completely done. After a few weeks, both Shield and Hatsume start working together on it.
Then he contacts his former classmates, because All Might told him they'd want to know about it.
Not only they seem really excited about the project, they offer their help and tell Katsuki they'd like to give him a bit of money for the suit too.
He agrees gladly because he knows Izuku will be happy to know everyone participated in the making of the suit. Besides, he knows it's important to let people help when they can and want to.
He's not going to lie, the third year is harsh for him.
Between the videocalls with Shield, the visits to Hatsume and the extra hours he has to work to make more money, Katsuki barely has time to hang out with his friends, although it's not like they have much time either.
He stills sees Izuku a few times a week though because he's physically incapable of being away from him for too long. Sometimes Katsuki wonders if he has noticed, and then he remembers he's a nerd who won't recognize unconditional love even if it hit him in the face.
They talk about Izuku's students, about the UA and Katsuki's hero work; he was a bit reluctant to say anything about his job in front of the nerd at first, but he realized that Izuku genuinely gets excited and happy about Katsuki's pro hero journey.
He notices the nerd gets a bit sad sometimes, especially when he mentions their other friends, because they all are professionals now and Katsuki knows Izuku would like to share that kind of feeling with them.
It only makes Katsuki want to work even harder.
And he does, even if he ends up half dead on his couch after a very long shift; he somehow manages to wake up early next morning with Izuku's dream in his mind.
It's enough motivation to keep him going.
However, his body does get tired and it shows sometimes in the way he acts around others; that's probably the reason why he starts snapping at annoying fans and the videos end up on Tiktok and Instagram; his hero name trends for a while, but he honestly doesn't give a fuck. He's still making money and saving people.
Although, even if he doesn't care, he knows others do.
Because of that, Aizawa starts scolding him about his public image and the way it'll affect to his current ranking.
But Katsuki doesn't care about rankings anymore; Izuku is not there to compete against for the number one spot so it's not remotely interesting to make an effort now.
He'll save that for when Izuku becomes a pro hero.
By the fourth year, Aizawa decides to play dirty and use Katsuki's only weakness, so he starts showing Izuku the videos of him growling at civilians.
It's ridiculous how Izuku's sad puppy eyes and his worried expression is the only thing he needs to make Katsuki do as he pleases, but Katsuki has been acting that ridiculous since the war ended so it doesn't matter.
It's not like he's gonna stop now.
"Fine! I'll try not to punch them in the face!"
"Did you actually do that?" Izuku finally snaps his head up from the homework he's grading and looks at him with shock, concern and disbelief at the same time.
"Of course not!" He rolls his eyes. "No matter how much I want to sometimes..."
He does behave a bit better after that and Ashido makes fun of him because of it.
Then All Might figures out he's working too much, and also uses Izuku to make Katsuki take a break.
"Are you overworking yourself, Kacchan?"
Again with the sad puppy eyes! He needs to develop a shield against them. Izuku can't keep using them like a weapon all the time.
"I'm fine!"
The nerd is even better at handling him; Izuku nods and smiles before changing the topic to one of his students (he adores them as much as they adore him) and Katsuki visibly relaxes.
Which is a huge mistake.
"When's your next day off, Kacchan?" Izuku casually asks three days later. He smiles sweetly at him and Katsuki wonders for a moment if he actually knows how much power he has over him. "I would like you to stay over at my apartment someday. We can watch a movie and order takeout!"
"You mean like a... sleepover?" he clears his throat, cheeks turning slightly pink. He crosses his arms over his chest as a shield because he doesn't want to think of any of his multiple daydreams about spending a night with Izuku. It's too dangerous.
It's not fair. Izuku looks so excited he basically has stars in his eyes as he looks up at Katsuki.
The next thing he knows is that he's asking Hawks for a day off and the whole agency starts gossiping about it because he hasn't taken one of those in years.
Only when he's sitting on Izuku's couch, completely relaxed and happy, it occurs to him it was a trap to make him take a break. And even though he knows now, he keeps falling for it every single time.
Because he can't say 'No' to Izuku.
Izuku's gauntlets are completely ready five years after Katsuki designed them. They look exactly like the ones he used before, but they have OFA's puch power and release energy threads he can use as he did with Blackwhip.
They're perfect.
Katsuki stares at them for a moment with a stupid, fond smile on his face and he decides to do something sentimental and even more stupid because he's an idiot.
"Can you change mines?" He asks Hatsume after a while. "I want them to look like Izuku's."
"You want them to match your boyfriend's?" She says so casually that Katsuki realizes she's been thinking of Izuku and him as a couple for a long time now. "Sure! He'll probably love that too!"
Katsuki can tell her she's mistaken, but he doesn't. Instead, he thinks about how it'll look when Izuku finally wears his hero suit and stands next to him.
His grin becomes even wider.
Izuku tears up when he sees Katsuki for the first time wearing his new gauntlets; he immediately recognizes the design, even though they're a different color.
He doesn't ask why Katsuki decided to change his gauntlets, he just walks towards him and pulls him into a tight hug.
"It... it doesn't bother you?" He's so drunk in Izuku's scent and physical closeness, his voice shakes a bit. Katsuki hadn't realized how starved he was for Izuku's touch until that moment. "I mean, are you okay with them looking almost like the ones you used to wear?"
The last thing he wants is to make Izuku upset with his own need to feel close to him, even if it's something stupid like making his gauntlets match his.
Izuku shakes his head, smiling up at him.
"I think it's really sweet."
Blushing to the tip of his ears and making Izuku giggle in the process, Katsuki realizes how much he has changed over the past years.
He's a completely different person from who he was in elementary, middle and even the first year of high-school.
The old Bakugo was made of various layers of anger issues and insecurities that were falling off of him as he grew as a person, leaving only Bakugo Kacchan in their place.
He's Izuku's Kacchan now. The version of himself that was born the moment he met little Izuku and wanted to be a pro hero with him; he's always been Izuku's Kacchan.
And he's mature enough to admit and embrace that now.
It's the second time, in years, his parents pay him a visit; Katsuki has been avoiding that moment as much as he could, going to their house instead, but his mother probably got suspicious and decided to find out what was going on by herself.
She takes a look around and quirks up a brow at him, even though Katsuki is doing everything in his power to ignore her.
He focuses on his Dad instead, but Masaru has a terrible poker face so Katsuki can tell he's noticed his son lives exactly the way he did when he started working as a pro hero.
"You haven't redecorated the place yet, huh?" he offers kindly, prompting Katsuki to roll his eyes.
He's aware of what's coming. It doesn't matter how much his Dad tries to dismiss the subject because he knows his son doesn't want to talk about it.
But Bakugo Mitsuki doesn't like that type of approach.
"Why do you still live in this crappy ass apartment?" There it goes. His mother crosses both arms over her chest and Katsuki knows she will not leave until he gives her a good explanation. "I thought you made good money! It's been years, brat! Don't tell me you somehow got attached to this place?"
Katsuki pinches the bridge of his nose, takes a deep breath, sits both his parents on the couch and offers them tea as he start explaining everything to them.
By the time he's done he looks up only to find them staring back at him with a very proud smile on both their faces.
Masaru hugs him before his mother starts ruffling his hair in a way she hasn't done since Katsuki was in elementary.
"He's going to love it," his father assures him; a little bit of the weight Katsuki has been carrying over his shoulders vanishes because even though he knows Izuku, part of him was sightly afraid he wouldn't like it.
They spend the rest of the afternoon looking at Katsuki's first designs as he tells them in detail how each piece is going to work.
"We've been testing them for a while and they work quite well," he says with a satisfied smile.
"What about the measurements?" Mitsuki asks then. "If you want to keep this a secret from him, how do you plan to make this fit to his body type?"
"I know Izuku's measurements," he says with a confident smirk that quickly vanishes as soon as he watches his parents exchanging a look. "Not like that! I've know him my whole life! I know him better than anyone!"
There's an uncomfortable silence before Mitsuki shakes her head with an amused grin on her face.
"You know an engagement ring would have been way cheaper than this, right?"
"Shut up!"
The UA students know him quite well now, especially Izuku's students. Uraraka and Todoroki help Izuku too every now and then, but Katsuki is the only one who's always available when Izuku calls.
And no, not all the students are fond of him, especially because he plays the villain quite often and he easily defeats them in the blink of an eye.
"Don't be too hard on them, Kacchan!"
"How will they learn what a real battle looks like if I'm not, Izuku?"
After a while, Katsuki hears a couple of students calling him Midoriya-sensei's boyfriend and he doesn't correct any of them.
Then the rumor reaches social media and Katsuki doesn't bother to deny it during interviews either; he only says he doesn't like to talk about his private life, which only makes everyone think it's true.
He's being selfish and he knows it, but he doesn't care at all.
However, Izuku apparently does because he corrects his students when they call them a couple, and even though he's telling nothing but the truth, it hurts Katsuki a bit.
"What is it, Kacchan?" Izuku notices immediately of course, and looks back at him with concern. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine," he manages to smile, reminding himself that Izuku's suit is almost done and they'll be hero partners soon.
It's all that matters.
"You're an idiot!" Ashido hits him on the back of his head as they have lunch together outside her agency; it's been years since he has actually seen her face to face, and that's the first thing she does? He shouldn't have come. "Why haven't you told him?"
Katsuki huffs, getting slightly irritated.
"We have already discussed this. If the suit is not rea–"
"Not about that!" She rolls her eyes before taking her phone and showing it to him, almost shoving it to his face. "I'm talking about this!"
It's a picture of Katsuki in his hero suit talking to Izuku; they're in the UA so one of the students must have taken it.
Katsuki doesn't need her to say anything else for him to understand what she's talking about; it's written all over his face, in the fondness of smile and the glimmer in his eyes.
He's sure out of all the pictures of pro hero Dynamight on the internet, that's the only one in which he's smiling that softly.
Because it's the only picture of him looking directly at Izuku.
"I will tell him... eventually," he mumbles in a tone that lets Ashido know he doesn't want to talk about it anymore.
Izuku needs to focus on fulfilling his dream first.
It's been eight years since Katsuki started this project and now that Izuku's suit is finally done, he has decided that the right person to hand it to Izuku is All Might.
"You should be there too," the man insists, giving him an encouraging smile.
Katsuki shakes his head, looking at the floor; it'd be too overwhelming for him, he's sure he'll tear up if he sees Izuku's face when he gets the suit.
He asks All Might to tell Izuku that everyone funded his suit, that they contributed the same amount to it.
The next day he's back at the agency to keep himself busy; he's about to head to his first patrol of the week when Izuku walks in, wearing his hero suit.
Katsuki chokes, blushes and almost tears up at the same time.
He looks perfect.
"Thank you, Kacchan."
The blinding smile and the happiness in his voice is what ends up undoing him, because what he realizes in that moment is that Izuku hasn't smiled so freely, so sincerely in years and Katsuki is the reason he does now.
He starts tearing up the way he did that day at the hospital, the only difference is that it's happiness what makes him so emotional this time.
Izuku takes a few steps closer and presses their foreheads together.
"Thanks for making my dreams come true."
"It wasn't just me," Katsuki manages to say, but his voice sounds choked. "Everyone-"
"I know you planned it, designed it, got everyone together to work on it and paid the most for it. All Might told me everything."
"The old man can't keep a damned secret now..."
Izuku chuckles and his laughter is music to Katsuki's ears; it's true, he doesn't care how sappy it sounds. Izuku's happy chuckle is the best kind of music to him.
Then, Izuku takes his face in his hands and makes him look down at him.
"I love you too, Kacchan."
Katsuki is sure he's dreaming; it must be getting late, he needs to wake up.
But then Izuku kisses him and the kiss is clumsy and wet, but it's perfect because it's their first and now Katsuki knows it's real.
He doesn't need to work extra hours now, which means he has time to help Izuku train to get used to his new suit and the quirks it comes with.
It takes him just two months to accomplish that, and another one to feel ready to apply to Hawks' agency.
"I'm ready to get a hero partner now."
"Really?" Hawks looks at him in disbelief before grinning. "Alright, I have a few suggestions..."
"I want Deku."
Hawks rolls his eyes, but doesn't look surprised in the slightest.
"At least wait for me to hire him first," Hawks continues, staring up at Katsuki with a little bit of irritation. "I just got his application."
"Well, when you do, make him my partner," he's aware that he sounds demanding and although he's not like that anymore, he can't hold back the urgency in his voice because he has waited for that moment for eight years.
"I can't," Hawks says, taking a deep breath, bracing himself for a long discussion. "Even though Deku is a war hero and I'm sure he'll become an excellent pro hero, he has to start at the bottom, like everyone else. However, if I put you with him, you'll have to endure all those boring patrols and easy missions that are given to new heroes in training."
"I know that. Just put me with him. We'll get to the top in no time."
Hawks stares at him and blinks a few times before chuckling.
"Well damn. Guess they weren't rumors after all," he smirks. "Alright. Just invite me to the wedding."
"Will do."
Katsuki hears Izuku ramble excitedly about being hero partners and their first patrol together in the comfort of their shared apartment, one that his mother finally approves of, although he has the feeling that she doesn't care that much about the place, but the person her son is living with.
Mitsuki has always loved Izuku.
They have breakfast, Katsuki prepares two bentos for the both of them and they head to the agency, directly to the locker room.
Even though it's not his first patrol, Katsuki notices his heart beating faster as he walks out as Dynamight, right next to Izuku wearing the suit he worked so hard for.
The suit that made their dreams come true.
"Come, Deku," he says, because he can do that now, he can offer his hand to Izuku, knowing he'll take it without hesitation and a blinding smile on his face.
They're partners now, in more ways than one.
It's been eight years to get to this point, but Katsuki know it's just the beginning for the both of them.
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dovveri · 2 months
can you write sana and reader scissoring in the back seat bcz the car can drive automatically ?!😋
knee deep in the passenger seat
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synopsis: once again, exactly what req asked for :)
warnings: smut! scissoring in the backseat, some thigh riding, semi-public sex, cunnilingus implication, curse words
w/c: 2.2k
a/n: every author has their hardest type of fic to write and i fear mine is smut... still fun tho! enjoy stay safe dont plagirise etc etc :P
"how much longerrrrr?"
you look over to the passenger seat, laughing a little at your girlfriend's antics. she's been getting more and more restless as the drive went on. she'd already gotten through her entire collection of netflix downloads, taken various naps, and grown sick of her road trip playlists that she had specially made in preparation.
you place a hand on her thigh, "almost there baby. 2 hours to go."
"2 hours?!" she exaggerates, whining and putting her hand over yours, squeezing slightly.
"you can take another nap?"
"not tired." you don't have to look at her to tell she's pouting. but you would have to look at her to pinpoint the look she gets in her eye, coming up with an idea that would entertain her, and you for the remainder of the drive.
"hungry? there's still some snacks in the- w-what are you doing sana?" your grip on the steering wheel tightens as you feel her drag your hand up her thigh slowly.
"mm i'm not really feeling like the snacks we brought. i could go for something else though..." there's a suggestive lilt in her voice, and your grip around her thigh tightens out of habit. she smirks, knowing she has you wrapped around her finger.
"b-baby i'm driving."
"doesn't this car have an auto drive feature?" she inches your hand further up, her voice dropping an octave, using that tone you know she only uses when she wants something from you.
"y-yeah b-but- um- i-"
just before she reaches her centre she brings your hand up to her mouth, taking your fingers in slowly, one by one, slicking them up and humming around them. you don't dare look at her, the feeling of her mouth wrapped around you enough to make you squirm in your seat.
"there we go. nice and wet. you'll help me out now won't you?" she doesn't wait for a response, bringing your hand back down, except she's unzipped her pants and shuffled them down already so your hand meets the skin of her inner thighs. you can feel the heat emanating from her core, anticipation building while she traces your fingers lightly over the sensitive skin of her inner thigh.
"c'mon let me have some fun honey. it'll be fun for you too i promise."
then she presses the tip of your finger directly above her clit, gasping at the barely there pressure, feeling her own arousal spike instantly.
you curse, using your other hand to quickly turn the auto-drive feature of the car on, while sana traces your finger down her clothed cunt, rutting into your hand when you start to feel her panties soil with her essence. she drags you slowly back up to her clit, making you press down fully this time, circling it and letting out a full blown moan. the sound goes straight between your legs, the feeling of her hot skin, the little nub under your fingertip.
when you're finally done with the settings and inputting your destination in the navigation system, you whip your head around to face her, expecting, but still completely unprepared for the look of sheer sex on her face.
she's got the hand that's not controlling yours in her mouth, sucking on her own fingers to try and muffle the sounds of pleasure she makes with each stroke of your fingers. her pants are shoved down to her thighs, you can see her thigh muscles straining to spread her legs wider for you, but the material only allows her to open herself up so much. she's got that lidded look that she knows drives you insane, her top messy from her wriggling and squirming. with wide eyes you realise she decided to forgo wearing a bra today, her nipples hard and visible through her thin camisole.
sana notices your gaze linger on her chest, pushing it out further with a smirk. "like what you see?"
"you didn't wear a bra." your voice is low, now that you have your full attention on her, you're hyper-focused on the way her breathing has gotten progressively heavier, the rise and fall of her chest and the increasing wetness under your fingertip.
"it's a roadtrip. i wanted to be comfy."
"or you planned this from the beginning?"
she smirks again, "you're delusional honey. now are you gonna help me or do i have to do it myself?"
you growl, leaning over and capturing her lips in a rough kiss, sucking her bottom lip into your mouth and biting down lightly. she moans, pressing your hand down against her cunt just a little harder to give herself more pressure.
at the reminder, you rip your hand away from her, ignoring her whine against your lips, sucking away any other sounds she tries to make. instead, you work at pulling her pants down fully, helping her out of them so her legs were now bare and spread for you.
you break away, glancing down briefly, your eyes darkening at the sight, a wet patch obvious on her panties as she whines and squirms against you.
"backseat. now."
you push yourself off of your seat, climbing into the backseat a little clumsily, earning a giggle and a cheeky slap on your ass, but you were needy now so you didn’t care how you looked, the mess between your thighs was all her fault.
once you’re sat you look at her expectantly, raising an eyebrow.
but she takes her time, making sure your eyes are on her before pulling off her top slowly, letting her breasts bounce down, knowing your eyes were glued to them. then she leans onto the dashboard, bringing her legs up onto the seat so her ass is facing you, teasingly pulling her panties down her legs, slow enough you can see the slick clinging to the material desperately as she reveals her cunt, pretty and soaked. you lick your lips in anticipation, the throb between your own legs growing almost unbearable.
she looks over her shoulder back at you when her panties are off, the most seductive look in her eyes, lips curled up. she crawls onto the middle console, then she's on her hands and knees in front of you, completely naked and dripping, hair falling to frame her face perfectly.
you lean back, rubbing your thighs together to generate any sort of friction, feeling the temperature of the car heighten.
"take off your clothes." she husks out, getting up so she's still kneeling but has her hands holding onto the sides of the passenger and driver seats to support herself.
you hasten to follow her instructions, yanking down your pants and pulling your top off over your head, undoing your bra and shuffling your panties down your legs. you waste no time, unlike her, too desperate for her touch to tease.
the way she's kneeling in front of you, means all the movements of the car translates directly onto her body. every small bump or rough patch of road the car drives over, her tits bounce along accordingly, nipples hard and pointed, just aching to be tugged and pinched. your gaze is fixed on them, completely obsessed.
finally, after you're both completely naked, sana slides forward. you're too eager to get your skin on hers that you grab her hips and pull her onto your lap harshly. her yelp transitions into a moan as soon as your heated skin meets.
she immediately starts grinding down into your thigh, you're completely mesmerised by the way her chest bounces, finally close enough that you can reach both hands up and cup them.
"f-fuck you can touch."
your hands squeeze, brushing your thumbs over her nipples gently, earning a moan from sana again.
you can't get enough of the sounds she makes, determined to hear more, squeezing her tits a little more harshly, playing around with them in your hands, then coming in to pinch her nipples simultaneously.
sana throws her head back at that, gushing at the feeling, rutting down faster, harder onto your thigh, fully riding it now.
you take the opportunity with the extra space to lean down and wrap your lips around a nipple, still tugging and twisting at the other one. you alternate between sucking motions and running your tongue over it in all sorts of directions, switching to the other nipple and repeating, hands never leaving her tits, never getting enough.
when you detach from her, you realise you've started thrusting up into her unconsciously as well, your body only reacting to the arousal and intense need to get off right now.
you latch back onto her tit, only able to break away for so long, but taking in your surroundings a little better now. you flush, tilting your head to the side so you can continue suckling on her nipple, taking in the highway. thankfully there weren't many cars on the road but the thrill of being caught, or anyone driving close enough to just peek in through the window to see the both of you, completely naked and enthralled with one another, sends a spike of arousal down your spine.
you can feel when sana gets closer to finishing, her breaths and moans picking up in pitch, her movements growing more frantic, hand on the back of your head, keeping you at her chest, curses falling out of her mouth.
you hum around her, pulling back and looking up, adoring the sweat that's built up, bits of her hair sticking to her forehead, eyes lidded, mouth open.
"close?" your voice is raspy, overrun with lust.
at the confirmation, you suddenly move your hands down to her hips, grabbing them and forcing her still.
"w-what?! what are you doing?!"
"shh- just- let me-" you awkwardly shuffle around the backseat, trying to maneuver your bodies in the limited space, lying down and pulling her on top of you.
her breath hitches as your bare chests meet, faces suddenly close together, and then your shifting your legs and you mutter out a small curse, grinding up into her cunt, both your pussies drenched and gliding against one another, clits catching as you frantically bring her down into a kiss.
you both moan into each other, sana understanding what you wanted immediately, not wasting another second and rutting down into you, rubbing your cunts together.
it's wet, and hot, and scratches just the itch you need to have your back arching, desperately thrusting up into her, briefly wondering if your car was shaking from the frenzied humping, if other people could tell what was going on just by the movement of your car.
your nipples perk up when you feel sana's saliva-slicked chest rub against yours, the tight space making you feel all the more closer to her, chasing your highs together.
"f-fuck i'm- oh god- i-"
"c'mon- cum baby. that's what you wanted right? you entertained yet? you wanna cum all over me? all over my pretty pussy? fuck you're gonna make me cum too-"
she whines, burying her head in your neck, unable to continue kissing you, only focused on the primal need to reach that high.
"oh fuck you're so pretty baby- wanna see you cum- please? for me?"
sana's panting into your ear, grinding down, each thrust feeling rougher and faster than the last, and when you practically beg her to cum for you, she does exactly that, crying out and releasing.
you grab her hips and continue to rut up into her, chasing your own orgasm which comes easily when the girl of your dreams is writhing and coming undone right on top of you.
you come down with heavy breaths, holding sana in your arms and running a hand through her hair softly.
eventually sana peeks out from the crook of your neck, a hazy grin on her face, hair a mess, she's never been more beautiful.
"thank you."
"of course baby." you smile, brushing strands of hair that have fallen onto your face behind her ear.
she sits up, still on top of you, stretching a little. there's a twinge of arousal watching her body move. she looks back down at you knowingly, lightly trailing a hand up and down the valley of your chest and your stomach.
"how much longer do we have?"
you sit up as well, grasping her hands and interlocking your fingers, looking to the dashboard and squinting at the time to destination.
"like an hour."
sana hums, then pushes you back down so you’re lying flat on your back.
you raise an eyebrow in question.
she smirks, "enough time for me to eat you out. you know i get peckish after sex. you're the perfect snack."
and then she's lifting your legs onto her shoulders and diving in. you found it hard to find reasons to drive anymore when the auto-drive feature allowed sana to have you like this, not knee deep in the passenger seat and eating you out, but just as good.
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triptuckers · 9 months
on the bottom of the lake - percy jackson
Request: yes! "I love ur writing!! could you write something w Percy helping anxious reader?? I’ve been super stressed lately and idk this show is keeping me sane lmao" Pairing:  Percy Jackson x reader Summary:  you've been stressed and percy knows the perfect way to help you relax Warnings:  reader being stressed, some swearing, anxiety Word count:  917 A/N: I drew so many pjo characters yesterday I cant wait to share them when I'm done with them :) thanks for your request, enjoy!
you don't know if you've ever felt like this. sure, you'd been stressed before. but now you're losing sleep over it. and not a few hours, just nights without zero sleep at all.
you've got a big project you need to do for school over the summer. if you call, it'll be your last strike and you'd be expelled. like it was your fault you had trouble reading and concentrating.
when you arrived at camp half-blood at the start of summer, you thought some of your worries would go away.
the opposite happened.
you saw everyone around you having a good time. they didn't have to worry about some project. they slept peacefully from night til morning.
even if you can't work on your project, you're constantly thinking about it. your mind never rests.
percy noticed you've been stressed and tries to talk to you about it, but you always shut him down. it's enough to think about it all the time, let alone talk about it.
after a couple of days, percy tries again. he really wants to help you, but he don't know why.
'hey, y/n?' says percy.
'what's up?' you say, looking up at him. you're supposed to help your cabin prepare for tonight's bonfire, but so far you're not helping much.
'about your project-'
'gods, will you leave it alone, percy!' you burst out. 'I think about that fucking project all day don't you start about it as well!'
percy takes a step back and you realise it's because of you.
'I'm sorry! sorry!' you say, getting up and grabbing one of his hands. 'I'm so sorry I didn't mean it.'
you feel tears slowly starting to fall.
'hey, it's okay.' says percy softly. he reaches up and brushes a tear from your cheek. 'want to go to the lake for a while?'
you nod. percy leads you to the lake. you close your eyes and let the breeze calm you down. but still the project is on your mind. if you go to your cabin now, you could get some work done.
percy tugs on your hand and you open your eyes to look at him.
'get in.' he says, nodding his head toward the lake.
percy nods.
'percy, I don't want to go swimming right now.'
'do you trust me?'
'of course.'
'then get in.'
you sigh. what did you have to lose? maybe a swim would be nice.
'let me get my bathing suit.' you say.
'nope.' says percy, pulling you by your hand as he jumps in the lake. before you can stop him, you're pulled forward by his momentum. seconds later, the water surrounds you.
you want to yell at him for getting your clothes soaked, but you remember you're under water. once you get your bearings, you open your eyes, letting them get accustomed to the water.
you try to swim to the surface, but percy still holds on to your hand and pulls you further down, all the way to the bottom of the lake.
good for him, he's a poseidon kid. you aren't. you can't breathe underwater. surely percy knows that right?
he lets go of you hands and swims to the bottom of the lake.
you're going to have to go up for air soon.
you can see percy sitting down on the ocean floor, gesturing at you to join him. you squint your eyes. it looks like the water is less murky down there.
you let yourself sink down to percy's level. the water is less murky here because there is no water here.
'I didn't know you could do this.' you say, looking around the air bubble you're in.
'pretty cool, right?' says percy, smiling proudly.
'why are we here?'
'I mostly come here when I need to be alone. if you sit here in silence for a while, the fish will come up to you. and I always thought the waves are soothing to look at from down here.'
you look up and watch the waves for a while. sunlight pours through the water, giving it a soft glow.
you move closer to percy and rest your head on his shoulder.
the two of you sit there for a while. and percy was right. after some time, fish start to swim around your bubble.
percy tells you about the lake and the animals and after a while even two water nymphs come to say hello. percy knows them and introduces you to them.
you sit there for so long you lose track of time. it's getting late, so you decide to swim up to the surface.
normally you would have been soaked, but thanks to percy you're warm and dry.
you stifle a yawn as percy takes your hand in his and starts walking towards the cabins.
'thank you, that was nice.' you say.
'one of the bonuses of dating a poseidon kid.' says percy, lightly squeezing your hand.
he notices you hadn't talked about your project at all when you were in the lake. and you look genuinely tired. he hopes you can get at least one good nights sleep tonight.
'want to stay at my cabin tonight?' he says.
you smile and nod. 'yeah I'd like that.'
the two of you head to percy's cabin to get some sleep. and percy had been right, you got a good night of uninterrupted sleep. you dreamt of nothing but the comfort of the lake, and percy's presence next to you.
A/N:If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rulesHere’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Marit
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Speak Your Truth
Spencer Reid x f!feader
Summary: Spencer has just got out of prison, and you see him for the first time in months
Word count: 699
Warnings: fluff, implication of sexual activity if you squint
a/n: I've been watching a ridiculous amount of criminal minds recently and holy mother of god this man has had me in a choke hold
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"He's out?" You almost sob, stumbling back into your chair beside Garcia.
"This morning. He's on his way home right now, should be at his apartment soon." Penelope held out her hands for you to take,
"Oh my god... Garcia I - I don't know what to do, I-"
"Honey, if you don't get in your car right now and go see him, I'll never forgive you."
"Spence!" You scream, running like your life depends on it down drab corridors, hoping to catch up with Spencer and the arresting officers before they take him away.
There's nothing you can do as you reach him but try your best to take in every detail of his face, his figure, everything about him as if it's the last time you'll ever see him again.
"Spencer... I don't know what to do, what can I do?"
"You're okay, I'm okay. Make sure my mum's safe, yeah? Can you do that for me?"
Nodding, tears forming in the corers of your eyes, "yeah Spence I can do that."
There's something left unsaid between the two of you, and the officers either side of Reid are beginning to get impatient. As they begin to pull him away from you, the fear of losing him hits you like a tidal wave.
"Spence, I-"
He shakes his head knowingly, "tell me when I get out, okay?"
There's two things stopping you from breaking down in tears as you reach Spencer's apartment door: the loving face of his elderly neighbour passing you in the hall, and the knowledge that everything can begin to get back to normality once you see his face again.
After knocking on his door you stand shifting your weight on your feet, anxious to see the state that Spence has been left in whilst in prison. It's only a few more seconds before he opens it, immediately securing your gaze as he lets out a content sigh, pulling you into a bone crushing hug.
"I missed you." Is all he says as he steps back into his apartment, pulling you with him as his grip on you doesn't give.
"Oh Spence, you have no idea. We fought so hard for you, I-" you pull away to look him in the eye, hands gripping at the lapel of his jacket. No words follow, just silence as you stare at each other, the unsaid hanging heavy in the air.
"I know, I know..." his hands reach up to your face, tucking stray hair behind your ears, "me too."
Closing your eyes, you allow yourself to get lost in the feeling of having him back, as though nothing had ever taken him away in the first place.
Your eyes shoot back open in surprise as you feel his lips on your forehead, "Spencer..."
"I'm sorry, I just-"
You cut him off by pulling him down and crashing your lips into his, trying hard to pour every ounce of emotion you feel towards him into this one kiss, hoping it'll be enough for him to understand.
Spencer responds by wrapping his arms tight around your figure, whimpering into the kiss as it deepens.
Nothing could have prepared you for how reactive Spencer is, how he sighs at your touch and tries to pull you impossibly closer into him when you run your hands over his chest. The way he runs his hand up to gently tug at the hair at the base of your head...
It's over all too quick as he pulls away, mouth open, eyes searching your face.
"While I was in prison, I had a lot of time to think... about the things I wish I'd done, the things I could be doing..." he trails off, looking you up and down. "I can't keep pretending that we're not made for each other, baby, I can't keep pretending that I don't want you. In every way I can, any way you'll let me."
"Have me." You say, throwing caution to the wind and acting on every instinct you've got. "I'm yours, Spence."
"Oh baby," he whispers, dragging a thumb over your lips as he leans in, "I'll be so good, I promise, so good for you."
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paperdice · 3 months
Um reader who is tried af but can't sleep ....with hayato suo ....fluff
𝐇𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐮𝐨 𝐱 𝐠𝐧!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 (𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭)
"oh mister, can you make me believe this is not a dream?."
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જ⁀➴ ♡ It was rather frequent for you to have nights like these, sleepless nights where no matter how tired you are, you can't sleep. A literal nightmare to go through without needing to rest, how much longer will it take to finally shut down? Will it be longer than last time? Or will you be spared and get some Zs sooner?
જ⁀➴ ♡ This problem was no surprise to your boyfriend, you can try and hold back your "I'm so tired" complaints but he can tell your restraining the urge. He knows it's been affecting you a tad bit often as of late, so when he finally gets to the scene of the crime you trying your hardest to sleep, he helps.
જ⁀➴ ♡ Hes had a few irritating nights of his own, so he tries his techniques on you for starters, to test the waters. His first attempt was trying to drink tea before bed, the kind that makes you sleep quicker, so he pulls out a row of options that he has stocked up in preparation. As expected hes already done his research on which ones actually work and read the facts.
જ⁀➴ ♡ He'll try melatonin teas first to see if that'll knock you out, if you're already tired then it should work yes? No, if anything the aching for sleep seems to either stay the same or worsen, you say that you're too tired to tell.
જ⁀➴ ♡ Alright now there's a challenge, if that doesn't work he'll try to find something to fill your stomach. Hes heard that having a full stomach while being tired already will help, I mean it happens to everyone when they've been tired and just ate a warm meal. Though it's already late and it'll take some time to make food, it's better trying now than later, and even a few hours of sleep is better than nothing.
જ⁀➴ ♡ Usually by this time you'll feel some affect being done to you and yet when attempting to sleep again, it doesn't work. Annoyance grew and he can tell by looking at your dissatisfied face, he reassured you that you will get some rest by the end of tonight.
જ⁀➴ ♡ How about changing your sleeping position? Moving to the other side of the bed could also help, when he suggested this to you, to you it was like he was getting desperate. Why would that help when you do it all the time when you're like this? You toss and turn no matter where or how you lay down nothing works.
જ⁀➴ ♡ He agrees with you. "but this time you have me, I'll be sleeping with you tonight. maybe that'll help." He smiled so softly and unbothered by the words he struck your heart with. Man he gets you everytime when your hearts guard is down.
જ⁀➴ ♡ You agree with him. Now laying on the opposite side of the bed waiting for him to come back with more pillows. You don't know why but you get the feeling he's taking more time getting pillows than usual. If you try and get up to see what's taking so long, he'll return just in time, and give you a mocker coated smile. "Did I take that long? I'm sorry."
જ⁀➴ ♡ The final stage, the one that always works, cuddling with Suo. A thought he had in mind to help you sleep better since the very beginning, but he'd never say something so bold to you. Not now at least, if he did you'd become a blushing mess and it'll interfere with the process of helping you sleep.
જ⁀➴ ♡ He usually sleeps on his back with his hands on his chest, he never sleeps on his sides. But just for you he'll sleep on the side, hold your head on his chest, place his lips on the top of your head for easy kissing access and wrap his arms around you just the way you like it.
જ⁀➴ ♡ He would rather prefer you lay on top of him so he can still sleep on his back, but he believes it'll make you lightheaded due to your current state. He just wants to hold you close at the moment
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You were so unbelievably tired, your body ached more than someone your age should be. Today had you on a time crunch and you overdid yourself, but oh was luck on your side, you couldn't sleep.
"out of all the days.. this whole week I had been just fine and yet the one day I'm tired I'm not able to sleep.." whining to yourself, right now you just got done with changing and getting comfortable. Hopping in your bed and all, just to realize the rather unpleasant familiar feeling.
Worst part was, your boyfriend was over and you just got done making a big deal about how exhausted and overstimulated you were. So when he suggested if it's alright he'll leave you be tonight, you said yes.
Great,, if you go back and tell him nevermind after the scene you made he'll give you that smile. A smile that looks friendly and kindhearted to others but you can see right through it, it's a good thing hes a gentlemen and won't push buttons things further. To you that is
"Whatever.." was what you thought while making your way towards the room he was in. "Your never gonna believe this but,, I can't sleep." When he heard your voice he faced at you with his eyes slightly widen, then smiled. But not the smile you were just thinking of a minute ago..
A genuine smile that felt like he was saying "that's okay".
"You having another one of those nights tonight huh, I feel bad for you, after all you were exhausted."
Nevermind. Smartass felt like pushing buttons.
"yeah yeah I get it" sighing at being both wrong and right of what you were previously thinking, "could you please help me sleep I really don't wanna deal with this alone again.."
Suo hums at your request, giving it some thought.
"How bad would you say it feels? Would just cuddling with you help enough?"
"I dunno,, we can try.."
Now here you were, laying on top of Suo holding him like a koala. Arms wrapped around his body, head placed between his neck and shoulder and legs caging his own. His arms were holding you, one hand wrapped around your body and the other on your head, your body slumped on top of his.
Unfortunately, you didn't feel as if this was gonna work. You felt just as awake as when you walked into the house, this realization had you huffing through your nose. "How was your day?"
".. it was way too much, I honestly didn't expect it since this week was chill." 'I thought we were trying to help me sleep, talking isn't going to help' "tell me about it, how was this day the most tiring than the rest of the week?" Internally questioning his actions, you told him everything.
Monday to friday, thoughts and feelings about events that occurred, new faces you met and other stories you remembered mid way through. Suo was brushing your hair as you spoke, commenting and responding to your words. Pouring expressions into the info you were dumping on him.
"..mmhaannd yeah,, pretty much I was trying to, you know- at least help her-" your sentence was interrupted by a yawn. "Hhaa-hum- hhelp her understand how to do things.." speaking was getting a bit harder now, words were sloppier and felt more droopy.
"Did she get a hang of it? I'm sure your effort in helping her made her grateful." He added, his voice sounded so calming. And yet he still sounded interested.
You always loved the shared warmth you and your boyfriend made together when curled up like this. It always made you melt feeling him this way, just the two of you, where no one could intervene. And his soothing voice helped your mind slowly shut down, a feeling like no other.
"Mhhmm.." Fighting the urge to just lay there silently breathing was getting tougher, by now your eyes have already been closed.
"You tired?"
"Thats good to hear, goodnight.."
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thanks for the request anon! Ive been working on a load of requests and double checking them like crazy, when I saw this one I knew it would run smoothly. And I was right! you asked at the perfect timing, come back again if you're thinking of rolling again!
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saurongorthaur9 · 27 days
Right now, I'm decently sure that Galadriel is somehow going to succumb to Sauron's temptation at the end of Season 2.
I've been listening to the Season 2 track on repeat for pretty much the last 24 hours (and loving it) and the Last Temptation track has me thinking thoughts.
First, we know that there is going to be a confrontation between Galadriel and Sauron in the S2 finale, and Charlie has indicated in interviews that Sauron still thinks he can win Galadriel over and he hasn't given up on pitching his King and Queen idea to her. So, there's definitely going to be some sort of Temptation 2.0.
Second, I think whatever Galadriel is going to face is going to be ten times harder for her to resist than the S1 finale. I think this for two reasons. Firstly, in S1, Galadriel in a way had surprise and rage on her side. The fresh feeling of betrayal, the horror of the realization of what she's done, and her long-festering pure hatred for Sauron were all present and, in a way, I think made it easier for her to turn him down in the moment (though I still think she was tempted). This season however, she's going to have the entire season to marinate in all her feelings and the memories of how Halbrand made her feel seen and appreciated and her connection with him. She's going to have the whole season to miss it (and him) and yearn for it (and him).
The other reason is that Sauron will have more time to prepare to make his pitch Even Better. It's very obvious that he had already been planning his S1 finale pitch to her as Halbrand, but I think she figured him out sooner than he'd planned, and while he went along with it, he wasn't as prepared as he could have been. This time, however, he's going to have more time to prepare and he's seen what DIDN'T work already, so he can try a pitch that is more crafted to Galadriel's weaknesses. We also know there is going to be something going on all season with their psychic connection, so he's also had all season to play with her mind before their final confrontation assumedly.
So, from a character and plot standpoint, I think Galadriel is going to face something a lot harder for her to resist.
Now, from a narrative standpoint, I think it makes a ton of sense for the plot and for Galadriel's character arc and the structure of a TV show for Galadriel to succumb to Sauron's temptation (though I'm not sure what that will look like).
If they do go that route, I'm sure it's something all the lore purists will froth and foam over, but it just makes so much sense for the story that ROP is telling, particularly with Galadriel. From a storytelling perspective, it doesn't make sense to show a replay of the scene from the S1 finale. We've already seen her resist him, so it makes sense that if we get a similar scene in this season, it'll have a different outcome that shows us new aspects of the characters.
They've told us that Galadriel and Sauron's relationship and connection will remain central to the entire show for all five seasons. If that's the case, it wouldn't make sense for them to place the highest note of their relationship at the end of S1 and to merely show Galadriel rejecting him in various ways throughout the rest of the series. There's the challenge of finding new ways to explore different aspects of the characters, and having Galadriel resist in S1 only to succumb in S2 and then come back from it in S3-5 would be very narratively pleasing. Static characters aren't interesting to watch, especially over the course of a TV series, while characters who have rises and falls are much more riveting. Now, I do think there are other ways they could accomplish it, but having Galadriel fall would be a big, big way to do it.
They've also been pitching S2 as "the villain season." It's about the villains and about the darkness in each of the characters. We're going to be watching the fall of Celebrimbor and the fall of Eregion at the very least. We are most likely going to start seeing the fall of Numenor and Khazad-dum as well. It would be deeply thematically satisfying for the season to end on the note of our main heroine also falling and succumbing to the darkness that we've been watching creep over and consume everything else in Middle-earth.
Finally, it makes sense for the story they seem to be telling with Galadriel. We're seeing her growth from an ambitious, revenge-driven, impetuous warrior to become the wise, powerful, but also kinda scary elf sorceress and queen from LOTR. Given that arc and the darkness we've already gotten hints about in Galadriel, it makes sense for her arc for her to get a tiny taste of what falling would mean for both her and for everyone she loves. I could absolutely see her succumbing to her own darkness and accepting Sauron's temptation only to see the ramifications and pull away as a wiser person who carries the grief and burden of knowing what darkness does to her. I could see it fitting with that intangible grief and pain that Galadriel seems to carry in LOTR. And I think a part of her could like how she feels after succumbing to Sauron, and that feeling is something she would carry on, even after she ultimately rejects her darkness and Sauron. It would fit well with that incredible yearning and desire that we see in Galadriel when Frodo offers her the Ring years and years later, because she knows how good it feels, but ultimately she also knows the ruin it would bring because she's seen a glimpse of it.
Anyway, I'm prepared to be wrong, but right now, I'm really thinking this is the direction Season 2 is going to go (and maybe hoping just a little because it would be horrifying and gut-wrenching and amazing and awesome).
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Before :
"... So.... How did you do that?"
"Will you believe me if I tell you that my boss did it because he was angry that the faucet was leaking?"
"Soooo, that was a nasty, spiteful, selfish little imp who made himself at home in my apartment."
Your probably-boyfriend pressed his lips together tighter as he stared at the faucet.
"Is your apartment haunted?"
"By the worst possible devil."
"Should I find you an exorcist?"
"Naaaah. I have a strong frying pan."
Luca, because we need to give a name to your probably-boyfriend fixed your faucet. The metal was so twisted, bent, contorted, and tied in a bow that it was hard to believe it was made by a human. It's no wonder that Luca believed the haunting version more than the one that your boss did it. Although both versions were true.
Gojo didn't like him. He was curious about what kind of guy was trying to usurp you, true, but he still didn't like him. And he didn't like the fact that he had no actual logical reason to dislike him. Luca was normal, average looking, average-well-built, stereotypical nerd with a beard. He was nice to you, you didn't complain about him, he didn't hurt you, he didn't cheat on you (unless fapping to 2D chicks counts as cheating), and he doesn't swear.
Overall, you didn't come across too badly. And that pissed Gojo off the most. If he had any logical reason to get rid of the guy from your life, he could have explained this strange feeling. Like he was losing something. Like he was losing something... Someone.. very important.
His ego was huge.
You were his subordinate. More precisely, the subordinate of his subordinate, so! You were his double subordinate! But why did it hurt so much? Not even physically. Gojo remembered perfectly the pain and emptiness after Geto, words could not describe what he felt then. And as Gojo sat now, hidden in your room, listening, he felt as if that same nasty feeling was lurking somewhere around the corner.
His ego was huge.
"Alright, done. I hope the demon won't destroy your tap now..." Luca wiped the sweat from his forehead, and you, like an idiot, checked if water would come out of the tap. "Hey, can I take this junk home?" he asked, holding the old faucet in his hand.
"Um, sure?" You tilted head to the side. "What do you need it for?"
"It'll look great on next D&D session." He explained with an innocent smile as he packed his haul into his backpack.
Luca would probably have stayed with you longer, but he made one big mistake that evening. When you were standing at the sink washing dishes and getting ready to make something to eat - Luca entered your room. He first headed towards your computer, probably to show you another stupid video he dug up from the depths of the internet. But when the machine turned on and showed your new desktop with Satoru's selfie, Luca grimaced slightly.
"Is this some kind of model?" He shouted, turning on the browser.
"WHAT?!" You shouted back from the kitchen.
"That handsome guy from your computer!"
"oh.. he..." You were now peeking through the door frame, holding a piece of raw meat in hand, "he's my boss"
"... Huh?"
"Just before he got sick, he was here and changed my wallpaper." You smiled innocently. Luca minimized the window and looked at the photo again.
"... Smash." He said after a while. You rolled your eyes as you went back to the kitchen. Luca continued, “Do you think I’d be a top or a bottom?”
"With Gojo? Hmmm I think... Bottom"
Luca leaned against the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest, looking at you preparing food. You finally have a working sink and you can cook something without a problem! You could do this before, but washing dishes in the bathroom seemed... Strange.
"I'm sure I'd be the top. Just look at him, he seems so... " Luca thought for a moment. You glanced at men out of the corner of your eye, curious about what he had to say, and froze. A red glow emanating from behind him. Oh shiiit...
"Gojo is not just top or bottom! Gojo is everything!" You shouted loudly so that little Satoru standing behind Luca could hear you. At the same time, you dropped what you were doing. "Does it matter anyway? You don't know him... And you probably never will." You said, approaching him with a nervous, forced smile.
"Unless you invite him to the wedding." He replied, looking at you with a light and tender smile. He was unaware that he was digging his own grave.
"um..." You never knew how to answer him in moments like this. On the one hand, you don't want to hurt him by saying no, but on the other hand, you're getting on in years and you should think about the future. Half a loaf is better than no bread - They say. Luca didn't wait for you to answer him though. In his opinion, you were a full-fledged couple, so he simply turned around to go back to your room.
"New?" He asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"That figure kind of resembles your boss." Luca leaned over Gojo, who was pretending to be one of the dolls. Satoru got into a sitting position and closed his eyes. He wanted to tear Luca apart and honestly, he didn't need a reason to do it anymore. You saw Luca reach out to take Gojo in slow motion. Your heart was pounding in your ears. You'll become a probably-widow before you become a probably-wife if you don't stop him now!
"DON'T TOUCH HIM!" You screamed so loudly that you surprised yourself. Luca froze and looked at you in shock, Gojo too. You had never raised your voice like that, your face was red, you were breathing fast and before the Chosen One knew it he was already in your hands. You hugged him tightly to your chest as if he was your most precious treasure, at the same time you looked at Luca in such a hostile way that he didn't know how to react.
And then, as if by magic various objects started flying towards him... He seriously considered the story with the demon.
It was the middle of the night, you were on your bed with Gojo lying on you. After the bites in the morning and his behavior around your maybe-boyfriend, you hadn't spoken to him. But this time, unusually, Satoru didn't mind. There was too much going on in his little head, and if you talked to him, he might say too much.
His ego was huge.
It's like he has multiple selves in his head, all shouting contradictory information at the same time. Gojo was glad that you found someone who may not be worthy of you, but at least he wouldn't hurt you - but at the same time he was bitter that you had time to find someone at all. He wanted to yell at you, hurt you with some strong words, insult you, call you weak - and at the same time praise the ground you walk on, so that you would understand that you are capable of someone better.
Unable to control the chain of these contradictory thoughts, Satoru could only let them flow. He tried to suppress them, but he couldn't. His little fists clenched the material of your shirt, his cat ears quivering slightly.
Chaos. There was chaos in his head. To make matters worse, as if sensing his emotions, you didn't sleep. You petted him tenderly the whole time. Slowly the warmth of your hand became more and more apparent to him. The screams in his head died down to the sound of your breathing.
Your breath. How can so little mean so much to him?
"Hello..." You whispered quietly as if you were greeting him after a long journey.
"Hi" he replied equally quiet.
"We both know you'd be top."
He forced a laugh and turned his head so as not to look at you. Sometimes he wondered if your brain was on vacation.
That night, despite everything, he slept. In his sleep, he gently nibbled on the skin between your collarbones.
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angelic-dew · 1 year
Hi!! I don't mean to be a bother, but could I possibly request rengoku and tengen (without wives and separately done!) smut hcs please? I understand if you don't do it! stay healthy 🤍
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# smut headcannons !
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✧༉‧₊˚୨ 💌 ୧・author's note :: sure anon! I hope these are okay, I'm not the best smut writer qnq also! sorry for the huge delay, I've been lacking motivation lately. when I get tengen's part done, I'll update it here!
✧༉‧₊˚୨ 🍫 ୧・pairing :: Uzui T. x afab reader [not completed yet.] ⁞⁞ Kyojuro R. x afab reader — {you/your pronouns | separately done}
✧༉‧₊˚୨ ✖ ୧・trigger warnings :: mentions of female and male genitals. dirty talk. daddy kink. praise kink. size kink. biting. hickeys. slight mentions of rough sex. semi-public sex. fingering. raw dogging. spanking. ⁞⁞ 18+ content, children dni please. proofread.
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꒰🔥꒱. I see Rengoku being into praising his precious lover in bed {consciously and subconsciously he does it}, he is a cinnamon roll after all, and a total sweetheart as a whole. Our beloved Umai King would also be extremely cautious with what he says; always taking into consideration your every action and signals with how you're feeling in bed. This time is precious to him and he takes it very seriously, always muttering phrases and short words of adoration and encouragement for your full enjoyment. Whispering ever so softly in your ear, always singing your praises to his heart's content.
꒰🔥꒱. Back in the Era Demon Slayer does take place in {1912-1926 || Taisho Era}, condoms did in fact exist, however, I believe Kyojuro prefers to go in fully raw for maximum pleasure as your walls tighten around him. That can translate to him wanting to prepare you a bit to take his entire length properly and with ease. He takes pride in prepping you, taking his time and lubing his fingers with some oil to make the process much easier.
꒰🔥꒱. He begins slow and gentle, soft to the touch; always treating you like some sort of dainty, delicate piece of porcelain throughout the process. Checking up on you at every moment as lewd cries of contentment escape from underneath your lips.
꒰🔥꒱. The flame Hashira does have a somewhat "rowdy" side to him. The thought of being able to do the deed with someone he loves ever so much really gets the blood flowing, to certain areas of course. So even though he's such a gentle sweetheart, he can still be rough in some subtle ways at times.
꒰🔥꒱. These can include bite marks along your body — hickeys and even light bruises peppering your breasts and neck; a few sprinkled along your collarbone area as well, as a finishing touch. It depends on what exactly is being done, but, he does tend to leave a few playful bite marks along your inner thigh area while giving you oral.
꒰🔥꒱. Because, let's face it, you know he's eating you out like there is no tomorrow. Rengoku is the Umai King after all, it's no surprise he can take that same talent of eating sweet potatoes and do the same to you, instead this time, he's eating out something that's definitely better than any food. He would ultimately prefer to give oral rather than receive, your needs come before his, always!
꒰🔥꒱. Rengoku is definitely an ass guy, don't try changing my mind. I see him loving to hold it within his palms gently, something about it just feels so enthralling that he can't even begin to come to his correct senses when he sees you in doggy style. That alone will make him pounce on you with little to no hesitation. Regardless of the size as well, he doesn't really care how big it is, once there's enough for him to grip and drool over as he pleases, it'll be a true treasure.
꒰🔥꒱. Kyojuro seems like the type to have a liking towards things smaller than him, so those rules will definitely apply to his lover as well. Especially if you're a bit shorter than the average person, bonus points to you right there, it only makes his size kink worsen each time. He simply adores the fact you're so tiny compared to him, yet so strong and able to take each, individual inch of his meaty cock every time; it makes him feel a sense of endearment per se. His little person's ability to feel all of him, honestly, makes him melt for you.
꒰🔥꒱. An alternative take on his size kink would also be a size kink, but you're bigger than him. He would have just as much adoration and love for you even if you were taller than him in just height alone. The cream of the crop that really gets him going has to be when he actually enters your warm hole. He practically dotes at the sight of your expressions as you tremble under his soft, loving touch. Despite your size difference, you're still extremely tight and sensitive to the touch — the Hashira is indeed fond of that.
꒰🔥꒱. He would most likely have a huge daddy kink as well. Of course, he wouldn't exactly mention it upfront, he would be a bit embarrassed to do so. I don't think he knows he has one until you call him it while he's ramming himself into one time. When you called him that, it almost made him feel a sense of power, but moreover, if he were to be frank, he could've felt himself get harder inside you from that word alone. Rengoku would definitely want you to say it more often; I firmly believe he would even imply it in his words as well while whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
꒰🔥꒱. Sex position-wise, I see him having a preference for wanting to have a view of your angelic face while also being able to please you to the fullest, of course, there are a few exceptions like doggy style, but here's some in line with his preferred liking. So, mating press, missionary, cowgirl {reverse cowgirl at certain times}, g-whiz and the seashell, to name a few. Ideally, Kyojuro would like to do it in a place of privacy so he can focus on you and you primarily, always putting your needs first. However, if there ever came a time when you wanted him urgently, he wouldn't hesitate to take a risk. Whether that be behind a large building or a bathroom stall for a brief moment to have a quickie.
꒰🔥꒱. As I stated directly before, he has a particular fondness for ass, specifically yours, rather than anything else. So out of impulse he would spank you or leave slight bruising along your waistline as he holds onto you.
꒰🔥꒱. He doesn't spank you hard, it's usually a simple small slap, but from the moment you start asking/begging for more, just keep in mind, his normal sweet demeanour will change to something otherworldly; trust me, he will not hesitate to give you what you want by any means. Whether that being you want him to be rougher, harder or even leave more marks on you, he will make sure you're satisfied down to the last touch.
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© yandere-smoothie :: please don't re-claim or translate my works without permission! <3
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Idk how it'll work tbh but...Clown reader and yandere mime?? Would they make puppets together?? Clown reader goofs around and mime just watches them admiringly?? Cute af duo??
And... done!
Snipping the stray strings off its cloth body, you raise your masterpiece up into the light for better view. Its little head dips awkwardly to one side due to how stuffed it was and lack of support. You try it on to make up for the imbalance. It's a little snug, but you had enough wiggle room to clap its tiny hands together and wave to a nonexistent crowd.
You beam with pride for your craft; testing its mobility a bit more in preparation for its debut. You couldn't wait to see the look on your partner's face when you showed it off.
The mime had always been a reserved and mysterious character. They just sorta appeared one day and has been hanging around since. The former half was understandable given their aesthetic, but they've never really opened up to you even off stage. It's not like they avoid you. Heck, you're probably the only person they interact with.
Your co-worker follows you from show curtain to tent and sometimes walks you home on occasion. You have reason to believe these walks aren't as rare as you think since you've caught them out the corner of your eye more times than you can admit, but you could never imagine that big softie doing you or anyone harm. You also suspect them being behind the sudden increase of flowers and other gifts in your tent, but that's a secret you'd happily take to your grave.
You hardly knew much about them, due to obvious facts, but what you were aware of was their love for puppets. When they weren't watching you practice or scampering away from your room, you could easily find the mime hauled away in some corner working on a new friend. They always had one stashed on them, typically their breast pocket. You figure they're a comfort item as the mime can hardly function when ones missing. Seeing an opportunity to get closer to them and potentially start a new hobby, you began making your very own puppet in your downtime which you have now finished.
You clean off your workspace and rush off to find them. It doesn't take long to locate them; hiding away in their own tent as usual. They sit with their back to the door, crouched over the chest they kept their puppets in. It seems they were working on another puppet as well as they set a sewing needle and thread on the trunk's roof. They pick the doll up as if it were glass, hesitantly slipping its glove over their large fingers. You enter the tent.
Keep up the good work.
A voice? You've never heard them speak before. It's nothing like what you thought their voice would sound. It's... far more familiar than you imagined. It and the words it muttered.
You were able face the crowd today. I'm so proud of you.
That's definitely something you heard before, but where?
I love you.. V-
The mime whips around to face you like they've been caught in the middle of a crime scene. It's the most expression you've ever seen from them. Brows raised in surprise, lips twisted into a grimace as apposed to their usual droopy nature. The little puppet on their hand trembles while covering its eyes and-
It's you.
From the silly hat you wore down to the missing button on your shirt, the puppet mirrors you to the smallest detail. There's even a burn on the uncovered part of your arm from an incident with a popcorn machine a month prior to their arrival. Any question alluding to what you walked in on goes out the door as you reach for it.
"Aww, is that me? Can I hold it?"
Ventri reluctantly hands you the puppet. They hide their face in their collar as you inspect it with glee. It really was a mini you. The face paint is a little smudged on one cheek, but it was all there. They wipe at their lips as you thumb your finger over the blemish. You almost forget about your own puppet till it comes tumbling out your pocket.
"Oh! Right, almost left you behind, didn't I?" You pick it up and hold it out to Ventri. "I guess this was a good start afterall. What do you think?"
If you thought they were careful with the you puppet, they treated yours like it'd break on contact. You can't even hear them breath as they inspect it - not that you heard much from them anyway. They frame its plush cheek in their hand. The right eye bulged out of its head and the seams were pulled from when you shoved your hand inside, but it was the cutest thing they'd ever seen.
Ventri looks down at you. They tap the hood of their trunk.
"You wanna keep it?"
A nod.
"Well of course you can! I think it's too small for you, but if you want it then I'm more than happy to let you have it."
Ventri unlocks the trunk and places it down atop the pile. You never never they had such a love for red, but a few of the other puppets in there were pretty much drenched in the color. You recognize one of an old coworker. Shame they didn't get to show it to them before they left.
Ventri quickly shuts and locks the trunk. They drum their fingers against it, this time in thought. They then point over to their mountain of supplies and mimics a sewing gesture with their hands.
You don't have to ask to know what they mean. Together, you waste the rest of the afternoon together designing and creating puppets. They're over your shoulder the entire time, insisting you wear a thimble and expressing fear for the second time when you drop your needle into your lap.
Heading home that evening, you walk the streets hand in hand - your puppets doing all the communication for you.
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callmeklair · 11 months
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okay so this got really really long so I had to shift the behind the scenes part for another post at last moment. Also I'm really sorry for how long this might look, I did try to edit it in small font but it was just unreadable so yeah >.<
[no beta because me is sick]
prepare yourselves for a ride. also special mention to @its-irsaa-fyp because our random midnight talk brought this au to life
hope you guys enjoy it ^^
this story revolves around a kind-hearted and beautiful girl named Yui Komori who lives with her stepmother and stepsisters. Her own mother died a long time ago, and father just met with an accident recently while on his way to travel.
???: oh~ cinderella~! cinderella~~!— Yui! Yui!
???: where did she disappear!? me and teddy are starving! is she still asleep!!?
unfortunately for Yui, her stepmother and stepsisters were not that welcoming as from the start they referred to her as Cinderella.
"someone or something that is given little attention or care, especially less than they deserve"
to mock her.
Yui: *sigh* they are at it again.
Yui stretched her sleepy arms as the birds started singing to awaken her and her favorite three mice pulled away the blanket to snuggle on her lap to get some morning pats.
these animals were the only ones who took care of her in this cold and insufferable household.
one of the three mices suddenly spoke to get Yui's attention.
Azusa: why… don't you just… run away from here?
Ruki: Azusa, it's not that easy for humans to run away like us animals. they need backup and basic requirements before moving away to guarantee their safety and survival.
Yuma: sheesh, glad I'm a mouse. if only you had done some good deeds in your previous life, then you would have been a mouse like us, Yui.
Yui chuckled at Yuma's comment and shook her head which made him blush. was it out of embarrassment or shyness? nobody knows. well of course except his brothers Ruki and Azusa.
Ruki: you should leave, before they barge into your room and mess it up like last time.
Yui: right! you are right! I'll see you guys later, take care until then.
she kissed each mice' head and left.
Ayato: what took you so long!? yours truly is starving!
Yui: I'm sorry stepmother, this won't happen again.
Ayato: you said that last time too!
Laito: now now mother, please let it be. poor Cinderella needs her beauty sleep too. After all, I'm pretty sure you won't want an ugly little thing with dark circles lurking around the house like a ghost while doing her chores. it'll be unsightly.
Kanato: as much as I hate her for making me and teddy wait, I agree with laito. it'll be really unpleasant to watch her like that. her pretty average looks are the only thing that is keeping me sane as I watch her face everyday while walking around the house. she's already ugly, don't make it worse.
Ayato: tch, you two. fine, you are spared this time on my daughters' request. but now… you have already wasted our precious time, go make the breakfast and, I don't think I need to repeat about your daily chores.
Yui: understood.
she bowed her head to them like a daily routine and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.
later during the meal, while she was serving their breakfast something in their conversation perked her up
Ayato: we have received an invitation from our monarch for the prestigious royal ball that is going to be held in five days. it is rumored that the prince is looking for a wife through this occasion and will make her his queen after taking over the throne.
Laito: ah that sounds so wonderful! but why throw a ball when he can marry a very influential family and also, in the future he is destined to marry a lot of women to stabilize his kingdom. ah~ I really wanted to become his one and only.
Kanato: try getting out of your genius fantasies and assumptions, he'll never marry someone like you even if he wants to keep only one wife. I'm more suitable. me and teddy. right teddy?
Ayato: that's the thing. the current prince only wants to have one wife on his side who'll help him run the kingdom through her ideas and opinions too and not just influence.
Laito: hmmm isn't the king, the current prince's older brother who is still single and healthy, still ruling the kingdom. why will they look for a wife for the prince and not the king?
Ayato: dunno, probably not interested in marriages. and about the prince, he doesn't look like he has any intention to take over the kingdom but who knows what goes around in politics. definitely why they are looking for a wife for him due to this.
Laito: awww man, I thought if not prince then I could get a chance with the king as a backup but looks like I'll have to rely on my natural beauty and talent to press my presence into the prince's heart.
Kanato: gross.
Yui: can I join the ball too? I promise I'll complete all the chores! I'll clean the house to it's finest, laundry your clothes, iron them, and make your favorite foods. Everything.
The three's eyes widened at her request.
Kanato: what made you think, a mere incompetent average mediocre women like you can attend with us—!
Ayato: Kanato. it's alright.
the stepmother stopped her youngest child's tantrum and turned to Yui with an evil smile.
Ayato: fine. I'll let you join us-
Kanato & Laito: mother!
Ayato: shush. I'm still speaking. so Yui, you can join us… only if you complete all the listed chores I give you everyday.
Yui: that's alright with me! thank you!
Ayato: don't thank me so soon. you even have not started working on the chores yet.
the evil smile just grew wider. but Yui chose to ignore it and left the dining area to start preparing for her chores.
Laito: mother?
Ayato: you guys are worrying too much, she doesn't even have proper clothes except those rags. and to think about going to the ball without a proper dress? fufu she'll either be kicked out or made a laughing stock. but I'm pretty sure she won't be even able to step out of this house, as that much of the task and chores will be given to her from me.
on the corner, the three mice were watching the whole ordeal and Yuma just grew angry at the insolent behavior of these people towards Yui and her pure wish & will to go to the ball.
Yuma: those damn bastards- that stepmother is definitely planning something evil. the wickedness is in the air, I can't breathe anymore ugh!
Azusa: Ruki… we need to protect her and help her prepare for the ball.
Ruki: that's right! let's have a talk with her first and see what she is planning for the ball.
the three mice left the scene and went to their Yui.
Yuma: Yui! Yui! what are your plans for the ball?
Yui: ..! you guys know?
Ruki: of course we do, we are mice. our ears are everywhere.
Yui: oh I see. Well I of course don't have a dress so I'm planning to make one, I still have one of my mother's dresses which I can try to remake using various accessories and jewels.
Ruki: is that the pink one you showed a long time ago?
Yui: yes that's the one.
Yuma: then we'll help you remake it! you know those smelly wicked people are definitely planning something unpleasant and difficult for you.
Yui: Shush Yuma, that's not how you talk about people, especially behind their backs. and I'll really appreciate your guys' help my sweet adorable mice.
She rubbed their heads and ruffled around their chin to gesture her gratitude.
the three of them purred.
Now Yui was busy doing all her listed difficult and nasty chores. her stepmother really didn't want her to come so badly that she stooped so low in giving chores.
While on the other hand, the mice called for the birds and explained to them about the situation. Upon hearing this, the birds whistled and called more of their friends from the forest behind the house and with this, all of them proceeded to make a dress for Yui, so beautiful that even the prince will not be able to get up after falling from looking at her. not from the floor, not from his affection.
Days passed and the time for the ball was here. But Yui didn't look very excited as in the past few days, her stepmother really gave her so many tasks that she didn't even get the time to touch her mother's dress. The moment she'll complete those tasks and go to her room in the attic, she'll fall on the bed and sleep due to all the tiredness.
Yui:....! huh! How is this-!
Yuma • Azusa • Ruki • animals: surprise!
Yui was in awe and in tears as she saw the most beautiful dress she has ever seen in her whole life. These animals really remade the old dress into something new with their tiny hands, paws and beaks. She repeatedly thanked them as she stepped forward and took the dress to try it out.
Yuma: You look gorgeous!
Azusa: pretty!
Ruki: As expected, my imagination was on point.
Yui: you guys are really really adorable! I love you so much.
*church bell rings from afar*
Yui: oh no! it's almost time for the ball, I'm leaving. love you guys.
Ruki: we'll escort you out.
Yui and her companions moved to the door just when the stepmother and the stepsisters were about to leave.
Yui: wait, I'm coming too!
The three of them turned around and looked enraged at her beautiful sight.
blinded by jealousy, the sisters tore Yui's dress saying the jewels on her dress resemble their belongings as the mother just watched.
Yui: … why?
she was on the brink of tears.
Ayato: just cause'.
with that they left.
finally the tears poured from her eyes, she didn't want to cry in front of them to fuel their enjoyment more, and ran away from the scene.
the mice followed her, angry yet they couldn't do anything. if only they were human. if only.. if only… if only…
*magical noises*
???: I hear desperate wishes.
mice: !!!
Yui, who was crying on the bench, suddenly looked up and saw a handsome black haired man with pale magenta eyes wearing glasses in a…. blue gown?
Yui: you are?
???: Reiji. Your fairy godmother.
Yui: …
Reiji: what?
Yui: I think I'm hallucinating due to crying too much.
Reiji: and what is that supposed to mean?
Yui: aren't fairy godmothers females?
Reiji: ….
Yui: ….
Reiji: are you…
Yui: ?
Reiji: Are you doubting my profession? Do you know how hard it is to work in this profession? The ethics and norms says nothing about specific gender in this field. What is this gender discrimination!? Can't believe in this time and era, there will be people who'll show such impudent and narrow minded thinking. I knew it, I was born in the wrong generation.
Yui never expected that her simple question would end up with her getting a whole lecture.
Reiji: good grief *sigh* you are helpless.
Yui: isn't that why you are here?
Reiji: now miss mam, I think you don't know how the fairy godmother system works. We-
Yui: another one. here we go (⁠╥▽╥⁠)
Yui: okay okay, I understand.
Reiji: you better.
Yui: So why are you here?
Reiji: to help you out of course. I heard your deepest desires and wishes from far away. and as a compassionate person* I'm here to fulfill your dreams.
*compassionate person X
because it is my profession. ✓
Yui: really? but how?
Reiji: We can start with that dress of yours.
Reiji took out a white wand from his sleeves as he performed the spell bibidi babidi boo and transformed Yui's dress into a beautiful sparkly silver gown with glass heels while also styling her hair with jewels and sparkles.
Yui: oh my gosh! you are amazing.
Reiji: keke, of course. I'm an expert in my profession, as expected of me. hmm but there's still something amiss.
Yui: how am I supposed to go to the ball? on heels?
Reiji: right! that was what it was missing.
Reiji danced his wand again as he turned a full grown pumpkin, from the corner, into a carriage.
Reiji: perfect. now we are ready.
Yui: who is going to drive it?
Reiji: those three mice glaring at me from the start.
Yui turned at the direction of Reiji's stare and saw her companions glaring daggers. But such thing was completely normal for Reiji as he danced his wand again and turned the mice into humans.
Azusa: we are…
Ruki: humans now.
Reiji: for now. Listen to me and remember one thing very carefully, once the clock strikes midnight, my spell will be lifted and everything will be turned back to how it was i.e. your torn dress, pumpkin, mice, everything and everyone.
Yui: I understand, thank you so much.
Yuma: ugh this body is tall, why am I the only one like this!?
Yui: if only you would have done some good deeds.
Yui joked around repeating Yuma's comment from that day and the latter in turn grew more furious.
Reiji: bickering for later. the ball is starting soon. now if you don't want my precious energy and stamina I invested in you to go to waste. Please.
Yui: wait! what if my stepmother and stepsisters recognize me!? it'll be over for me.
Reiji: ah that's true, let me cast another enchanting spell on you which will act like an illusion.
he danced his wand again.
Reiji double checked and made sure everything is at point and now
he pointed at the carriage door's direction, impatient for them to leave. He had to go fill in his reports as early as possible to get some increment.
The three mice, now humans, discussed something among themselves and decided that Ruki & Azusa will be the escorts while Yuma will be the driver.
before Yuma could argue more, Yui looked at him with hopeful eyes and he wasn't able to say anything.
Without anymore further ado, they left for the ball.
Subaru: tch. I'm not dealing with this nonsense anymore! 
Inside the ballroom, Subaru was starting to get frustrated in the upper room, where royals watch the people from above. 
Just a few hours ago, Shu, his older brother, the current king, lazily barged into his room and dropped the bomb that the ball was actually being held to find a bride for him. Until now he was just kept in the dark and was only told that a royal ball will be held for political purposes and so he assumed that it must be something to do with his king position but now this… this was frustrating.
All he could see was disgusting coaxing of females and the nobles trying to get their daughter with the prince. It got worse when suddenly a maiden with reddish brown hair and green eyes winked at him and 'nfu'-ed at him. Right now Subaru was running away from that maiden and successfully managed to ditch him. 
Subaru sighed as took in the familiar scenario of the grand corridors of this spacious castle. 
Subaru: tch. well now that I'm here, might as well roam around and cool myself down until that brother of mine and his followers drag me into this whole set-up mess again. 
Subaru walked but tensed up when he saw a beautiful gown. 
Subaru: not another one
He looked around to find a hiding spot until..
Subaru: …..! 
Subaru: she is ethereal
no no no, that shouldn't change his decision as he has already seen some beautiful/pretty faces tonight trying to suck him up, be it by their own will or their family's will. 
he shouldn't stop himself just because of an ethereal looking woman. but it was too late, she already saw him.
???: uhm hello? uh, do you know the direction of the ballroom? I'm kind of lost here. 
It looks like she didn't recognise, good for him. But sooner she might if someone from palace suddenly shows up and reveals his identity because of the formalities. 
Subaru: You are? 
Yui: oh… uh I was supposed to attend the ball with my family but due to cho— circumstances I wasn't able to depart with them on time.
She really let herself be open around and introduce herself without any hesitation. such a vulnerable prey. 
Subaru: let me do the honor and take you.
Yui: you will? thank you! 
the little rabbit has fallen into the hands of a beast. 
Yui: oh right! what is your name? Need to know your name to express my gratitude later for your each and every help. 
Subaru: Subaru. 
Yui: I see…
Subaru didn't say his full name because he didn't want his cover to be lifted, at least not yet especially when he gets to see her such beautiful smile making her eyes shape into alluring crescents.
He silently took her to the ballroom, so that people wouldn't notice him and expose him. 
Yui came back to her senses from her daze of taking in the marvelous interior of the palace when she realized that Subaru had taken her to the dance floor and both of them were waltzing now. 
Yui: S-subaru-kun!?
Subaru: shh. 
Yui blushes as she finally takes in his appearance illuminated by the golden lights of the ball room and how dazzling he looked with that silver pink hair and his scarlet eyes. 
Subaru wanted to quietly enjoy his moment with this ethereal girl he just met. He wanted to know more about her. He wanted to make her his own. He was intrigued. her soft expressions, her soft voice, her smile, her vulnerability, everything. He wanted to know them deeply. 
As Subaru and Yui were enjoying their peaceful dance with love filled eyes looking into each other with the desire to get to know each other more, Yui's stepmother and stepsisters were seen from afar as Ayato looked carefully and started to doubt how much the girl dancing with the prince looked familiar.
Ayato: No it can't be her, she doesn't even have a dress and the one she has we destroyed it. must be some other girl looking like her. 
Meanwhile Shu watched the scene in front of him unfold and sighs following with a lazy but genuine smile, glad that his younger brother finally found someone for him. With Subaru's past and his mental health condition this past few weeks, Shu decided to look for someone who'll help his brother out. 
Time passed and Yui and Subaru were at the balcony at the end of the ballroom to get some fresh air and get to each other. the more they talked to each other, the more they found each other falling for the other person. At first it was a little awkward so they started with random small talks and in between Subaru finally revealed his true identity. Yui was shocked and tried to bow curtly as she started being formal but Subaru stopped her. 
He wanted to spend time with her as a normal person. 
Has it been an hour or two since they started talking? Subaru doesn't know and doesn't care, the only thing that matters to him is the girl in front of him. At first he just wanted to see what she was capable of when she so openly left herself in his care, a beast's care. but now, there's more to it. 
He stepped forward and circles his arm around her waist pulling her closer. Yui squeaked at his sudden movement. Shy, she asked him what he was doing but instead of a reply she was met with a closer image of his face and realized their lips were getting closer. He didn't wait or hesitate as he landed a kiss on her lips in his daze of watching her intensely. 
At first Yui didn't know what to do as her heart and mind were saying different things. In the end she kissed him back, entangling her hands in his soft hair.
it went on for a few minutes as each second Subaru would try pulling himself closer to her or pulling Yui closer to him to deepen the kiss. 
Yui slowly opened her eyes to try parting with him to catch a breath but her eyes flew open when her gaze fell on the watch behind Subaru.
Yui: shoot! it's going to be midnight in 10 minutes. 
Yui's slowly pushed Subaru away who looked surprised. 
Yui: I'm sorry, but I need to go, it's getting late.
Subaru: it's alright, I'll order my people to drop you at your home so it won't matter.
Yui: no! i mean it's alright, i won't want to trouble you, your high-
Subaru: I told you to drop the formalities. and, it's not troublesome.
what should she do? if she stays here any longer her illusionary dress and everything will be exposed and she is worried if the connection they have until now, will it disappear if Subaru sees her true form?
Yui apologizes again as she slowly gets out of Subaru's grip and runs for the main gate to leave. Subaru shouted for her to wait for him and followed after her. Yui was rushing and rushing when suddenly Subaru caught her hand stopping her in her tracks at the stairs of the main gate.
Yui looked at the watch, terrified she gently held his hand and got her hand out and rushed again.a pologizing to him while running away.
and also, dropping one of her glass shoes on the stairs on the way. she did stop in her tracks to go above and pick it up but decided not to as the watch ticked over and over again in her ears, like a warning.
Subaru: wait! you never told me your name!
subaru cried out, but it was already too late as Yui had already disappeared, only her forgotten glass show left behind. picking it up, Subaru decided to find the girl no matter what. his determination through the roof.
Next morning, Subaru's bestie, Kou visited him after hearing about the rumors of his dearest friend being seen with a girl and looking at her with love filled eyes.
Subaru was already frustrated at Kou's arrival but started gritting his teeth at the non-stop blabber and teasing of the latter man in front of him.
Kou: aww c'mon man, you can't keep your bestie in the dark!
Subaru: who are you calling your friend!? i don't ever remember having such a relationship with you!
Kou: Hey Subaru-kun! you hurt me. I have been your reading partner since we were ten.
Subaru ignored Kou's annoying chatter, as he gazed at the glass show in his hand. oh how so badly he wanted to find her and keep her to himself. He swore he wouldn't let her get out of his grip anymore.
was he becoming possesive? even Subaru was shocked at his thoughts.
Shu: stop looking at it like that. The girl won't magically appear out of nowhere if you keep glaring at it.
Shu has entered the room.
Shu: I'll help you find her.
He gestures his hand at three men behind him to take the shoes and leave for the town to find the girl whose foot fits in the shoe.
Subaru recognised the three men as Shu's loyal followers from the start and also his reading partners. Kino, Shin and Carla.
Thus, he let the shoe go because he trusted in their methods and resources.
Kino: just wait for us~
Kino winked at Subaru, and Shin sighed complaining about the enthusiasm.
Shin: how are you guys so sure that this shoe will only fit one lady? There can be many people.
Subaru: the size of the shoe.. is very small. Kou has the smallest shoe size among us all and this shoe is even smaller than that, making it a very rare case.
Kou: Subaru stop exposing me!
Subaru ignored his friend's glaring as Carla nodded, understanding something.
Carla: in other words, the one whose foot glides in this shoe swiftly is the true owner.
Subaru: yes.
and so began the search for the girl that has mesmerized the prince of the kingdom and it didn't take long for the rumors to reach every household. even where Yui lives.
Ayato was in Yui's room, suspicious. Totally suspicious. No matter how much he thinks about it, the girl he saw yesterday doesn't sit right with him as a stranger. he looked around her room, and finally found it. the glass shoe! under her bed.
Ayato: che, I knew it. that cunning fox.
at the same time, Yui entered the room to make sure her glass slipper was still there as the people from the palace were coming & this was her chance to finally meet Subaru again. but the moment she saw Ayato, she was on alert. but it was too late as Ayato smirked while dancing the glass shoe in his hand.
Yui tensed as she stepped forward to take it form Ayato's hand but the latter just extended his hand above and because of the height difference Yui was left helpless.
Ayato: very smart huh? trying to get the prince to you. How did you do it? the dress? how did you reach there when it was already too late to reach in time by walking?
Yui remained silent.
Ayato: no answer huh? fine, for such disrespect, you'll be locked in your room for the meantime.
Yui: no you can't do that!
Ayato: Oh I can, just watch me. those people from the palace will never be able to find you.
with that ayato rushed and locked the door, trapping Yui in.
Ayato: Laito! Kanato! prepare yourselves, the prince is coming! you guys must do whatever you can to get the shoe fit your foot.
Laito • Kanato: Yes, mother.
Meanwhile, trapped Yui cries on the edge of her bed as she remembers how on the way back, it was already midnight and on the way back everything turned back to how it was, just like Reiji said.
except that one glass slipper on her feet still remaining intact.
how? was it because they were seperated? at first Yui was scared that the moment midnight hits the shoe under Subaru's care will turn back to normal and he will start doubting her, making them never meet again. but that wasn't the case as the shoes still remain as how they were.
No matter how much Yui thought it over, nothing explained the logic behind the shoes remaining the same. but at the same time, this gave her hope to meet him again. to meet Subaru again.
the mice notices this and planned to free Yui from the room, but how?
suddenly Ruki perks up as he comes up with a plan to take the key from Ayato's pocket.
The time was here, the people from the palace were here. and… the Prince was also along with them?
Carla: are you three the only people here?
Ayato: yes.
Carla: alright then.
the shoe fitting trial was starting, after going house to house and no one fitting the shoe, this was the only last house left. Subaru was starting to get impatient but he was determined to find her even if she turns out to be from another kingdom.
Meanwhile the mice parted themselves as Azusa went to steal the glass shoes from Ayato's locker. All three of them were glad to be mice as they can use their origin skills to help Yui out.
While Ruki and Yuma slowly approached Ayato and through tricks managed to get the key.
before ayato could notice it was too late, Ruki and Yuma already left and so did Azusa successfully managed to get the glass slipper.
the commotion here was too noisy for him to notice sooner.
Kino: god we don't even need to try the fitting here, it's obvious it won't fit.
Kino cried out the moment he sees the difference in the the glass shoe and the feet of laito.
Ignoring him, Laito still tried it out but as Kino said, it was really really big, no matter how much he tried to fit it in.
Shin: you are going to break it!
Kanato: leave it you pervert! I'll try!
Kanato pushed Laito off the chair and sat himself down, ready to try out the shoe.
Shin: shortie stop! even though you are smaller than him, you are also really big for the glass shoe!
Kanato: who are you calling shortie! WHO ARE YOU—
Ayato: ahem.
Ayato hushed Kanato as the prince was in the room. they cannot take any risk.
On the other hand the three mice finally freed Yui and gave her shoe back.
Yui hurried out and reached downstairs just when the palace people were about to leave.
Yui: wait, I'm here!
they turned back at the newcomer.
Subaru: you said you guys were only three!?
Subaru looks at the girl and the moment he sees her, he senses her. it's her! he rushed to her who was still running down the stairs and caught her in his arms in the form of a hug.
He didn't need that stupid shoe fitting trial to know if the girl he spent last night talking with is her or not. It's her. He can feel it. the warmth, the expressions, the tone. It's her!
Yui hugs him back for few seconds before pushing his shoulder gently to present the glass slipper. he other pair.
Shin: that shoe!
Ayato: Your highness, please listen to this subject. She is nothing but just a mere maid. There's no way she can be involved in matters like prestigious balls. I have no idea how she got that pair of shoe.
Carla: It doesn't matter who she is. you defied the orders, and on top of that lied to his highness. This matter won't go unnoticed and will be reported to the King immediately. Shin.
Shin: on my way ~
Yui: wait! please don't.
Kino: huh? are you saying?
Yui: yes. even though they, well they didn't treat me rightfully, I still don't want to become the reason for their demise. No matter what, everybody deserves a second chance.
Shin: hehe, you guys will be grateful for your life.
Kino snatched the shoes from Kanato's hands and gave it to Subaru.
and after taking the pair of shoes from both Yui and kino, the silver haired man bent down on his one knee and swiftly lifted Yui's feet one by one to slide the shoes.
they fit!
Subaru couldn't be any happier. she was finally his.
Yui hugged Subaru and both of them merrily smiled & laughed to be with each other again.
the glass shoes suddenly starts glowing and turns into dust. that dust soon forms a figure of a beautiful man who introduces himself as karlheinz and says
Karlheinz: Adam and Eve have been found in this universe too, my job is done.
And then disappears again by forming into dust before anyone could say anything.
Shin: what the hell!? what was that just now!? I have heard about fairies, but that was one scary and creepy one, if he was even one.
Kino • Carla: Adam and Eve?
Yui: is that why the shoes remained intact till the end even when the fairy godmother Reiji's spell was lifted at midnight?
even though the mystery about the shoes is solved, the more Yui thinks about it, the creepier it gets, especially how she wore those shoes all the time during the ball and when she was with Subaru…
Yui: don't tell me he witnessed everything…
Subaru realized what Yui was talking about but he can't also fall in the mood. he lifted her up as he gave the most genuine bright smile.
Subaru: Yui will you marry me?
Yui was surprised at the sudden proposal and cried the tears of happiness as she repeatedly said yes to him.
The wedding bells rang as Subaru and Yui exited the chapel after completing their wedding vows. everyone in the town came to pay their respects and give blessings to the newly married couple. the prince and the princess. The mice were throwing petals from the basket as they watched their Yui finally being happy.
Subaru lifted Yui in the bridal style, causing her to become shy for the nth time and ofc it doesn't goes unnoticed by Subaru.
Subaru: hehe, you should get used to such stuff now because I'll be loving you seven days a week. monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. 24/7.
Yui blushes more as Subaru walks down the stairs and enters the carriage.
He sets Yui down and leaned in to kiss her as curtains fell.
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romanestuffsposts · 2 years
Hiii!! Can you write something about little reader running around with her diaper not wanting a change for some stupid reason and daddy!Steve is chasing her until Daddy!Bucky catches her!🥰🤍
Hi there love! 💜
Thank you for the request. I hope you like how i turned it! ❤️
Warnings : chasing, giggles, playful, cuddles, diaper, pet names, just lots of love and fluffs
Pairing : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : You make your daddies chase you because of one little thing
You were happy to be change, it's an uncomfortable feeling and you just wanted to be done with it quickly. You watch your Papa preparing the things he need to change you while you remove your chlothes. You are waiting for your Papa to finish preparing everything but when you see the color of the diaper you frown
it's green
Not purple
You cross your arms, upset that your Papa bought the wrong diapers. Your Papa turns around and chuckle at your pouty face, he moves the hair who are infront of your face "what's with that pouty face, sweetie ?" He pokes your belly to try to put a smile on your face. You move his finger away as you try to hide your smile.
"what's wrong, sweetness ?" Your Papa asks as he keeps his gaze on the changing table. When he turns around with his sweet smile, you frown and cross your arms once again "what is it ?" he asks putting his hands on his hips.
You peer up at him before shaking your head. "What's with that shake ? You don't want to be change anymore ?" he asks lifting his eyebrows. You think about it for a second before nodding your head.
You prefer keeping your dirty purple diaper than having a green one on you, even if he's clean. Steve sighs and lowers his arms "sweetie, you need to be change. I know you want to be change so come here. It'll be quick"
You narrow your eyes before turning around and run. You leave the bathroom and your daddies's bedroom before running around the house to find a place to hide
"Baby, comme here!" you hear your Papa saying. Steve rolls his eyes at your childish behavor and sighs. Your Papa leaves the bathroom and walks out of their bedroom in an attempt to find you.
He hears your little feet running and follows the sounds. Of course it happen when Bucky is at the grocery. Your little behavior is always different when one of your daddies is away which makes the day of whoever is with you hell.
He runs down the staires and chases you around the rooms. "Baby!" he calls "It was funny but now stop it. I need to change you before making dinner"
You hide under the table and wait for your Papa to leave so you can continuing to run around. He sighs and leaves the dinning room to keep searching you. At that moment you leave your hiding place and run to the living room so you can hide in the couch. You pass by the front door but as your legs keep running, you don't feel your feet touching the ground anymore
You look down and see your legs running in the aire and arms around your waist. You squirm and whine as you try to reach the ground "what are you doing, little one ?"
You stop moving and peer up to see your Daddy looking down at you with a confuse expression. You pout and your Daddy turns you around. You wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his shoulder "why were you running ? Where is Papa ?" he asks walking further inside the house
"don wanna gween" you complain making him more confuse "you don't want what ?" he frowns just as your Papa runs to you "sweetie you can't run away like that" he says standing infront of you and your Daddy. Bucky looks at you with a frown "what happened ? why are you talking about green ?" He turns his gaze to Steve who shake his head "I have no idea"
They both look back at you. You chew your finger as you peer at them "don wanna gween" you repeat quieter than the first time. Bucky is more confuse than ever but Steve has a look on his face that say he might know what happen "Sweetness, I'm sorry it's not the right colour but under your clothes you won't see it. Nobody will know it's not the purple one"
"Noo" you whine hiding your face in your daddy's neck "wanna puple"
Steve sighs and looks at Bukcy who has a smirk on his face "whay's your problem ?" Steve asks at Bucky making him laugh "well, I went to the grocery" he says walking to the bags on the ground. One of his arm is around you to hold you while he benches to grab them
"Yeah, I know Buck. You went to the grocery while I was dealing with Miss who is allergic at the colour green" Your Papa sighs making you giggle softly. It's always funny when your Papa talks like that to your Daddy. It's because you exhausted him and you are kinda proud of it
Bucky winks at you when he sees your eyes on him. He doesn't answer your Papa and instead keeps his gaze on you "I was walking around the store when something caught my eyes," he says. He shifts you on his right hip as he searches something in one of the bag "I find this thing who i'm sure is gonna make you happy"
You watch his hand getting out of the bag and your eyes light up. Steve's expression change into a sweet smile. You make grabby hands "wanna"
Bucky smiles "you want those instead of the green one ?" he asks and you nod as he gives the pack to you. Your eyes wonder around the beautiful purple diapers and kick your legs, happily "wanna"
Your Papa approaches you with a wide smile "you come to me ? I'll change you and then I'll make dinner"
You frown looking up at him "No gween" you clarify making your Daddies chuckles "No green baby, Papa will put the purple one on you" Your Daddy says kissing your temple. You nod and make grabby hands to your Papa who gladly take you to him.
"Alright, let's cover your little butt with purple" Your Papa says making you giggle. You rest your chin on his shoulder and look behind him to see your Daddy following you. You smile at him and he winks at you. He walks faster and reaches over to grab your feet. He hold your toes as he follows you to the changing room
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arriansarchive · 1 year
Sub!Peter B. Parker/Dom!Male!Spider!Reader
Warnings because I always forget them: uhhh scent thing? scent kink???, getting caught, PANCAKES, porn, simple dick sucking
I tried to make the scent thing less weird but I think I failed with the wording I'll be honest
Before Mayday of course
Okay for my update schedule I'm going to try and get something out every/every other Sunday and maybe sooner if I feel like it
I'm easing myself into using the word dick and penis more can you tell? I damn well hope you can cause I go through hell trying to do it
I hate the word suckle
This is less mean!dom!reader then I usually do but it'll have to work because I'm on a time crunch here
Summary: would you like some plot with your porn???? yes? too damn bad
Your house was surprisingly quiet and desolate tonight as you flip the pancakes you were making for dinner. Nobody ever said a Spider had to have a good eating schedule to be a hero, you know.
The last pancake got shoved onto the plate, and you wooped in hurray. Hunger was one of your biggest weaknesses during missions (and everyday life).
"Peter!" You called.
Your fruitcake boyfriend, Peter B. Parker, was also a Spider working for Miguel. He had recently got home from a particularly hard mission, so the pancakes were mostly for him.
No call back or footsteps came from your shared room. You wait a second, a minute, ten minutes, still nothing came.
But then you hear a slight squeaking from something against the wall. Your eyebrows crease in confusion as you walk slowly towards the room, preparing for a fight.
You slammed open the door to a quite erotic scene. Peter had a pair of your boxers from the dirty clothes basket you both shared held up to his face. His hand that wasn't holding them was stroking his dick furiously.
You lean against the door frame and watched for a second, contemplating whether to continue the moment or ruin it once you make yourself known.
"Peter." It was almost like a command.
Your voice was lustful and your eyes glazed over with the thoughts that consumed you like a body of water you were sinking in.
His eyes shot open and he lowered the hand covering his face with the boxers to his lap. His expression was surprised and shocked.
"M/N, I thought you were making pancakes." He muttered.
You chuckled a little. "I was until I heard our ridiculously loud bed creaking and then walked in to this."
His face was completely beet red at this point, and his hand had let go of his painfully erect 'problem' he was dealing with.
"The pancakes are done then?" He scratched the back of his neck nervously.
You nod. "But I'm going to finish what you started before you eat them."
His face looks bewildered and slightly betrayed. You guess he feels this way because your letting the pancakes get slightly colder than normal.
Once he talks, your thoughts are confirmed. "M/N, the pancakes will get cold!"
Without a word, you crawl quickly onto the bed and capture his red and puffy lips into a ferocious kiss that took all the breath away from you.
It feels like you pulled away all too soon to kiss down his jaw, neck, and finally arrive at his collarbones where he was the most sensitive.
Peter groans a little when you start to suckle on one of his sweet spots you had hit not even two nights before.
He tries to snake his hand through your entangled bodies to touch himself, but you bat his hand away quickly.
"No, I'm going to do it." You declared darkly.
He furrowed his eyebrows in testy defiance but ended up not acting on it. His arm went to hold onto your shoulders while you straddled him lightly.
Leaning down silently, your lips wrapped around the tip of his weeping cock. Peter's groans filled the air that was heavy with the scent of erotica.
His legs were shaking violently and squeezing around your head while you lick a stripe up the vein of his dick.
"Oh shit, M/N!" He sucked in a breath quickly. "I'm gonna cum."
"Already?" You half-heartedly complained.
He whined as you came off with a 'pop' sound. Leaning on your elbows, you look up at him through your lashes in thought.
"Should I let you cum yet, Peter?" You tilted your head in faked innocence.
He blinked in confusion and then rolled his eyes affectionately because he knew what you wanted from him.
Peter sighed and closed his eyes. "Yes, please."
Grinning evilly, you lowered yourself back onto him, immediately setting a fast pace to get him to achieve his orgasm.
He screamed, probably loud enough for the neighbors to complain about, and white ropes of cum shot out of his tip and into your eagerly waiting mouth.
His breaths were labored with the strain of staying up even if he was leaning on the headboard. Peter looked at you in contemplation.
You stood up slowly with a mischievous grin present on your face.
"Where are you going?" He questioned.
"I don't know about you, Pete, but I'm going to eat some of the cold pancakes I made."
With that, you walked away from Peter briskly, leaving him to wallow in his post-orgasm clarity.
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Ok I just need to vent for a sec because I finished my Romanced/non-ascended Astarion run and gosh
As someone who suffers from severe PTSD... this means a lot to me. I've seen so many characters in media with PTSD where the condition isn't taken seriously/written poorly, or the only 'happy ending' they get is death.
But this... This is nice. The life I've lived is abnormal. I don't talk about it much because most people either wouldn't believe it, or might feel bad just for hearing it. I've survived torture, starvation, attempted murder, and I'm only just coming out of a lifetime of that. I was trapped for ages. Years. So many years. It's made it hard to trust people, or feel genuinely cared for. And being able to play a character on the other side of that, as someone confronted with a person traumatized and tasting freedom for the first time... and being able to help them, despite the difficulties, and get them to a place of safety and happiness is... I don't even know what word to use. It makes me feel hopeful, in a way. Seen. Understood a little.
And his reaction to freedom and safety! While it's not exactly like my own, it's so close. And I've never seen that feeling represented before. Safety is terrifying! Trusting people is terrifying! It feels impossible to believe anyone would genuinely stick with you while you work it all out.
When you go through a life of trauma, there's no such thing as safety. You get so used to the danger that going without it is the most terrifying thing in the world. Your brain and body can't comprehend that there isn't a threat. Before I escaped my situation, I knew there was always danger. I was always prepared for it, I was used to it, and knew how to tell when and how I needed to react. Being scared is familiar. It's a crutch, almost. The fear keeps you alert and alive. But... when the source of that fear is gone, you're left with this horrible feeling that the danger hasn't passed - you just can't see where it's coming from or what shape it'll take.
It's numbing. But a weird numbness. You flip between that and deep periods of, 'Oh fuck oh god, all of that really happened and now I have to pick up the pieces and live with it'.
Seeing someone else going through that, and being able to say the things I wish someone would tell me (and not even realize I needed to hear it until after) feels so good in the most aching way possible.
And the Cazador scene! There's one part at the start that hits so hard:
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That last line is everything I wish I could say to my own parents. I was punished for everything. Anything I did was an excuse to hurt me, even something as simple as showing an emotion or reacting to the pain. But when I escaped it all, and my father tried to pull me back, he tried to frame it like he'd done it all for my own good. That I was the one at fault, and failed despite his best efforts to 'help' me.
I wish I had the courage to yell those words at him, instead of trying to keep peace and make myself meek. "Fuck you and fuck everything you've ever done to me". I feel that in my soul. I want to scream it at him until my lungs hurt and I can't breathe.
And his ending... He can't stay in the sun anymore. It hurts him. It'll affect him for the rest of his life. But he has someone who cares for him, who will stay with him despite that, who doesn't view it as a hindrance. I can't even describe how that makes me feel. I have wounds from what was done to me that will never truly heal, and until now I've always thought of it as a flaw that would make me unlovable. As odd as it is... Him not being able to go in the sun makes it an even happier ending for me? Yes, it hurts and it sucks. But... He's not alone. Part of him believes you'll leave him now that he's confined to the shadows. Proving him wrong feels like a final affirmation that, yes, you're really staying with him. It's real, and he won't be alone. Everything will be okay, despite the pain.
Anyways thanks for coming to my traumadump. I really wish Larian would give us more opportunities to hug Astarion.
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
Chats and cuddles (Rúben Dias x Reader)
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**I got a request for some cute, clingy boyfriend Rúben and then was totally inspired by my favourite model and WAG posting on IG about visiting her boyfriend who plays in the MLS. Thanks, Luna 😅 and to everyone else, enjoy! ❤️**
Word count: 1325
"I'm off to training".
"Ok, babe. I'll finish packing and then I'll wait for you. Do you want to do something special today? Or do you want me to pick up some food for lunch or something?"
Rúben turned to look at you and you could only laugh at the pout on his face.
"I want you to stay. Can you do that?"
"I wish. But I have to travel to Paris for work tomorrow. You know that. And it'll be only 3 days this time. It's a quick campaign shoot".
"One day I'll move the entire fashion industry to Manchester and you won't have to abandon me anymore".
"One day", you responded, laughing at your boyfriend's words.
He sighed, picking up his bag and coming back to give you another hug. Separating because of your job was getting more and more complicated. He was usually only away for a day or two. But you could be gone for weeks.
"Let's just stay home. We can watch a movie and cuddle. And eat and cuddle. And talk and…".
"How did you guess?", he asks, hugging you tightly while you still laugh.
"My sixth sense".
When he left, you started to make sure you had everything you needed for these days away in the French capital. That obviously included stealing one of Rúben's hoodies so you could wear it while on the plane. Which one should you get this time?
Once everything was ready and you could relax, it was time for lunch. But Rúben wasn’t back yet even though he was supposed to have finished training over an hour ago.
“I know I’m late, sorry”, he said when he picked up the phone.
“It’s fine. I just wondered where you were. Everything ok?”
“We had extra training. Pep didn’t like anything we were doing today”.
“Poor you. Come back so we can enjoy those cuddles”.
"On my way!"
Since you now had more time to get lunch ready, you decided to prepare something a bit more exciting than a boring sandwich.
By the time you were putting everything on the plates, you heard the door opening and a bag falling to the floor.
"Hi! Where are you?"
Before you could turn after hearing footsteps getting closer, you already felt strong arms wrapped around your waist. You knew tired boyfriend Rúben was very clingy and secretly loved it when he was like this. You loved spoiling him.
"I guess", he said, putting his head on your shoulder and sighing. "You smell so good".
"Thanks. I showered today".
You had to drag him with you around the kitchen while getting the glasses and cutlery to set the table.
"What movie should we watch?"
“I’ll fall asleep the moment it starts so whatever you want”.
That made you laugh. It wouldn’t be the first time it happened.
“Then we can nap. I could use the sleep too. I’ll be working long hours the next few days”.
And so that’s what you did. Putting all the stuff away in the dishwasher and getting ready for a little nap once you were done eating. You didn’t mind getting into bed wearing the t-shirt and leggings you had been wearing around the house. But Rúben, of course, had to take his shirt off before collapsing on the bed.
You had to laugh at how dramatic he was. But also wanted to spoil him some more, especially knowing you’ll be away from each other for a couple of days. So you sat on his lower back, startling him slightly.
“What are you doing?”
“Shhh”, you said, starting to massage his shoulders. He was so tense.
“That’s better than the nap, yeah”.
You laughed and continued to massage his shoulders, moving a little lower, trying to find all the little areas that felt like they needed some help. Honestly, you could spend hours doing that. It was relaxing for Rúben but also for you.
After a little while, Rúben took your hands to stop you and you looked down at his face.
“That’s enough, thank you. Let’s take that nap”.
So you moved to lay down next to him and he brought you closer to him.
“I’ll return the favour when you come back from Paris”, he promised.
And you smiled, closing your eyes and thinking about that. Travelling so much was tiring, but knowing you were going to come back home to Rúben spoiling you made everything so much easier.
The nap only lasted a couple of hours and then you suggested to go watch the movie before ordering some dinner. By the time you went back to the living room, after getting changed, Rúben had everything ready.
“How many blankets do we need?”
“It’s cosy movie night. We need them to be cosy”.
You shook your head, heading to the kitchen. “I’ll get the snacks”.
Bowl of sweets in hand, you sat down on the sofa, allowing Rúben to cover you with one of the blankets before moving you so you were as close to him as possible.
"Where do you see yourself in ten years?"
“What?”, Rúben’s question almost made you choke on the M&M’s you were eating.
“You always say modelling is a short career. And football isn’t that long either. I don’t know, sometimes I think about that”.
“Yeah…I guess I do have a few ideas but I don’t know for sure. I’m just making the most of my career now. I don’t even know if I want to work in the fashion industry for long so…”, you shrugged. “And there is also you as a factor”.
“In which way?”
“Well, you are here now but might not finish your career in England. And for you, it’s easy because you can just play but if we had kids, that’s months of non-work for me…”.
“Sorry, I stopped listening after the word kids”, he said, making you look at him.
You had mentioned marriage and children a few times, vaguely. But it always made you smile to see Rúben looking so happy when mentioning those topics.
The way he looked at you made you turn your body so you could hug him tighter. It wasn’t just him that was clingy on days like today.
“Well, there is work for pregnant models but then the babies are born and they have to be looked after so…you know. It’s something to keep in mind”.
"Our kids will have to look like you".
"You're the model. The pretty one", he said, kissing your nose.
"Yes, you're such an unpleasant sight", you laughed.
"We can guess they'll be tall at least".
"Basketball players".
"Whatever", he rolled his eyes. You loved basketball better than football and always annoyed him with that.
“One can play football and the other one basketball then, so there is no fighting”.
“What if they want to model?”
“I rather they don’t. This industry is savage”.
“You could guide them”.
“I guess…”.
“Well, we’ll worry about that when that time comes. I just like knowing that it's something we both want in our future”.
“Yeah, should we watch the movie now? We don’t want to be here until too late or you’ll fall asleep again and the sofa will undo all the work my massage did”.
“Let’s watch it”, he said, kissing your head and moving you so you could be his little spoon.
The movie you picked was a comedy. You wanted something light for this cosy evening together and you loved laughing at all the silly jokes.
Rúben was laughing too but then he stopped and you just assumed he didn’t find them funny. Your sense of humour was quite different. But then you heard some light snoring and when you looked at him you saw he had fallen asleep…again.
"I guess we'll stay here then".
Another night spent sleeping on the sofa. At least you wouldn't be cold with all these blankets.
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mrnicekisser · 11 days
[Street Gacha] Chapter 7
Written by 木野誠太郎
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Runa: Good luck to the five abandoned cats on their departure! ♪
Mizuki: Good luck☆
Suzu: But why are you toasting at a curry restaurant? And for some reason, you're drinking lassi...?
Mizuki: Hmm. Maybe I should have had chai instead of lassi?
Suzu: No, that's not what I meant. I think normally the launch would be held at a family restaurant or something, but here...
Runa: Even if you say that, all the family restaurants on weekends are crowded, so I had no choice.
Also, this curry restaurant is a hidden gem, so if you're planning on going to Bunmukae, try their curry first. ♪
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Ruka: Ha~h. So this is what lassi tastes like. It's sweet and delicious... Sweet things are the best for a tired body.
Hayate: Well done. How was the street live?
Ruka: Ah, right... I was surprised at how many people came... I was really nervous, so I don't want to do it again anytime soon.
Hayate: Eh~? You have a pretty cute voice, so I think it's a waste.~
Ruka: No, even if you flatter me, I won't let you ride next time!
Hayate: Damn. You're learning. I guess it'll be a while before we see the next stage.
Runa: Hyahya. ♪ If you want to go to Ripe again, why don't you ask us? I'm willing to take it depending on the price!
Ruka: Hey, don't make money out of me...!
By the way, Suzu-senpai, you said earlier that you didn't have any money, but was it okay for you to come to the after-party?
Suzu: Ah, that's it. I have a guess.
I learned from talking to Hiiragi-san earlier that both she and the twins were taking care of abandoned cats and had run out of money.
Me and Ruka have also run out of money due to today's expenses.
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Kukuku. But what if Yogiri-san, who has financial means, is the one to judge?
Ruka: I see! As expected of Suzu-senpai, she thought that far before participating in the launch party. ♪
Hayate: No no! I didn't say I'd judge it or anything! I'm bothered by people trying to act cool by saying "I wonder...?"
Runa: Don't say that! If you're an "ally of justice'', why don't you help us in trouble?
Maybe I'll get arrested for eating and drinking without paying. Can you turn your schoolmates into criminals?
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Mizuki: That's right! I think abandoning the well-intentioned people who took care of abandoned cats is a disqualification from being an "ally of justice''~ ♪
Hayate: Hey-! You guys are so troublesome!
Sigh... But this time, I also suspected Hiiragi and the others... So I'll settle things for now.
However, only one item per person. If you go too far, you will be turned away without mercy, so be prepared!
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Suzu: Ah. That is what it means to be an "ally of justice." A righteous and compassionate woman, a wonderful act...☆ Waiter, can I have one of these "Army, Navy and Air Force Curry" please?
Ruka: I also want the same thing as Suzu-senpai~ ♪
Runa: Well then, there are two of us~☆
Mizuki: Two of the same as everyone, please~ ♪ Oh, I'd be happy if you could put one in a take-out container.
Hayate: Hey guys! You even got one dish for each person!
Runa: What do you mean, "ally of justice"? Yogiri is stingy.
Mizuki: Stingy~.
Hayate: ...Oh man. It's hard to be an "ally of justice" when there are so many quirky people out there.
Well, it was a lively and fun day, and there were no crimes... so maybe this was a good thing.
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Waiter, I'll have the same one! Thank you very much☆
hiiii this is me Mark and thank you for reading if you actually did it!! this is the first engirls translation i have made and i'm going to do some more later :3 i would rlly appreciate any support as well as any interest in engirls!! feel free to make requests (i can also do translations of enstars stories (i don't actually want to bc i am a beginner and english isn't even my native language but i can try!!) and maybe even smth else....???? who knows.......... soo yeah thanks for being here!!!! ^__^
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