#I'm translating a meme that is originally in portuguese
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queenword · 3 months ago
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itsonly1983 · 2 months ago
Ten people I'd like to know better
Hey @starry-eyed-stray thank you for tagging me <3
Last song: The Hit by TWRP feat Ninja Sex Party
Favorite color: Purple (and all of its variations)
Last movie: I think it was Inside Out 2 (I don't watch movies frequently x_x)
Last book: I'm currently reading The Calling!
Sweet, spicy or savory: Sweet! 🙋🏻‍♀️
Last thing I googled: "Cachorro Luis Maurício" Okay, this one will need an explanation under the cut
Current obsession: The Witcher (again 👉👈) and Dragon Age (again²👉👈)
Looking forward to: My well-deserved two-week off work at the end of February 🙇🏻‍♀️
No Pressure Tags: @gallifreyansquid, @velvet-ray, @ratsstick, @gaynax, @scribeofred, @pythoness-at-delphi, @drunkchasind, @unlisshed, and YOU! 🫵🏻 If you've already been tagged, please ignore it! This tagging has no expiration date, take your time!
Okay, so if you're curious about the Cachorro (dog) Luis Maurício, it is an old comic meme (from 2011) from an old meme blog I used to visit when I was a very young girl.
Since it was originally made in portuguese, I've added the translation so you guys can understand.
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Is it stupid? Yes Is it funny? Not exactly, but I thought it was funny when I had 12yo XD (what made me laugh about this is the dog's name being Luis Maurício xP)
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cepetriwrites · 3 months ago
Behind the Chapter (Into the Eye Ch 32)
This chapter was a doozy and involved a lot of research wormholes. Let's get cracking.
Trying to depict a different language using italics or valyrian for every foreign language Helaena might encounter was driving me crazy. Also Helaena may or may not be going to other places in Essos and I was having a difficult time conceptualizing how easy it would be for Helaena to understand the languages so I got my anthropologist sister to assign languages to the different places of Essos, on the basis High Valyrian would be latin. Behold her wonderful language map:
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(in case you can't read it:
Braavos – Quebecois
Lorath – Dutch
Norvos – German
Pentos – swiss german  
Myr – Italian
Tyrosh – Spanish
Lys – Portugeuse  
Volantis – French
Qohor – Polish
Sarnor – Czech
Mantarys – Hungarian
Dothraki – Russian
Lhazar – Monogolian
Meereen – Slovaki
Yunkai – Yemeni
Omber – Ukrainian
Rhoynish - Gaul
Common/Westeros - English
First Men Language - Welsh
So the Lyseni will be written in Portuguese, if you see Latin that's high Valyrian. I plan to still use High Valyrian words, but this method was helpful with writing. Plus I get to use different languages :)
Mendigo Inspiration
One of Mendigo's inspiration (can't reveal the other due to potential spoilers ;) ) was the character Mary Faber from the Bloody Jack series by L.A. Meyer. Another is the Artful Dodger from Oliver Twist.
Her name was originally going to be Urchin but after Portuguese became the language of Lys I changed it to the translation "mendigo"
Helaena’s Hair
Reference for Helaena's new hair cut
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Pearl Diving
I cannot begin to describe the amount of time I spent researching pearl diving and free diving. Details like the fact that only certain families were allowed to pearl dive where inspired from this article. Along with the tools pearl divers would use.
I also learned about a terrifying thing called "surface blackout" where your blood becomes too hypoxic and you can pass out at the surface and potentially die. I used this article to write about the proper recovery breath holds that help prevent surface blackout.
Also I learned there are different types of pearls based on the location you harvest them from.
Festival of Love
This is a piece of world building I made up. The Festival of Love is a seven day festival that is dedicated to the different types of love based off of the Greek forms of loves. These are the seven different types celebrated in Lys:
Eros (sexy time)
Philia (friendship)
Agape (god worship and charity)
Storage (family)
Philautia (self love)
Ludus (playful love)
Sacrificing goats, making a goat-date marinade dish, and the practice of men running around naked and whipping women with goat hides is all inspired off of the real life Ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia. This video provided the recipe and interesting facts about the ancient festival.
Pillowhouse Wine
"It was a tart, almost bitter flavor, it lacked sweetness like other wines Mendigo had stolen before. Mendigo tried another swig, it did not improve, only making her face feel warm."
This sentence is a little personal easter egg inspired from a different fanfic. Alicent Reverses the Hourglass by Reddish on AO3. If you my blog you probably know I'm obsessed with it as I've made a ton of memes about it. Non spoiler. One chapter mentions a wine called Lover's Lips.
“This wine was known for one thing. Men in Lys would drink a copious amount of it the night before they were to spend with their paramour as it would keep a man ‘at his peak’ for longer during the act.
One would only need about half a cup before being able to sustain himself for at least a few hours. Any more than that and the man would experience a fever-pitch of ravenous desire that would confound the senses completely. Too much of Lover’s Lips could make a man impossible to satiate for sometimes an entire day long.” - Alicent Reverses the Hourglass
It's basically Viagra wine, which is basically vasodilator (opens up your blood vessels) which is why it makes Mendigo's face feel warm, because her blood vessels are dilating.
Oyster Bake
This was the recipe that inspired Mendigo and Helaena's oyster bake:
Ironically I spent a lot of time researching seafood recipes despite not being the biggest fan of seafood.
Mendigo's Fracture
The "crushing syndrome" complication Mendigo experienced is called Acute Compartment Syndrome in the medical field. It is when there is increased pressure within a muscle compartment and is a medical emergency. The pressure will deprive muscles and nerves of blood flow and will cause permanent muscle damage, paralysis or death if not treated.
Symptoms include:
Pain - unrelieved by pain medicine (which is why Mendigo complains the milk of poppy does nothing)
Paralysis - early sign that starts with numbness and tingling
Pulseness (late sign)
Treatment is a fasciotomy, where they cut through strong connective tissue to relieve pressure.
I had to study fractures and their complications for one of my nursing finals and it's 100% the reason why it was included in the chapter.
This was the video of a fasciotomy I watched to write the scene (don’t watch if you’re squeamish)
Mendigo's Illness
Mendigo contracted mono. Her description of her condition is based off of my mom's quote when she caught mono: "it feels like you got hit by a mac truck, it backed up, hit you again, and then the driver got out and beat you up."
I wanted a disease that would make you feel awful but not kill you because antibiotics don't exist.
Menina uses Kudzu root - a plant from Asia - to treat her fever and mallow root for sore throat.
Philia Bond
I already knew I would have the philia bond, but there is some similarities between it and matelotage. A type of civil union used between European sailors, particularly pirates. There is debate about whether it was platonic or romantic. In Mendigo and Helaena's case it is platonic.
Painting Inspo of Mendigo & Helaena
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John William Waterhouse - The Rescue (1890)
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nightimedreamersworld · 1 year ago
20 questions for fic writers
Big thanks @artsyunderstudy and @prettygoododds @confused-bi-queer @bookish-bogwitch tagging me in this! And to everyone else who's tagged me in a tumblr meme recently. It's been a while since I've done one of these.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Around 370k, but of those about 40k aren't mine. So in reality, something like 330k?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Only Carry On! I don't have the attention span for more of one at a time lol
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. How I wonder what you are aka baby fic
2. Mess is mine aka secret dating fic
3. Every little helps aka snickers fic
4. You and I will not be shaken aka huddling for warmth fic
5. From across the room aka my FIRST fic
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I don't 😭 which makes me feel guilty and ungrateful, but alas. Every time I've tried to in the past, I'd run out of steam after half a dozen comments or so. Don't get me wrong, I love comments, they fuel me etc etc. Replying just makes me unreasonably anxious
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Technically it's Love of Fate because it doesn't have an ending. It was supposed to be a prologue to something longer that would eventually have a happy ending, and that I simply never wrote lol
That said, the true angstiest ending is probably my All there's left is a ghost of you series - same moment, one from Simon's pov, the other from Baz's. Set between carry on and wayward son, which tells you everything about why it's here :) (Although arguably, those are hopeful endings. Kinda.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Almost everything I write has a happy-ish ending, but the one indisputable happiest ending is probably How I wonder what you are
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not necessarily hate, but one time I did get someone mocking my fic for a mistake I made. Which, like, I deserved, for straying so far out of my comfort zone lol
Anyway. I have upped my research game since, so. Lesson learned?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! The kind I want to read lol
Seriously, though, I tend to write weird stuff I can't find elsewhere. Someone once mentioned there's little mirror sex fic in the fandom, and BAM! I got the itch to write one. I've also tried my hand at web cam sex, body modification, and... [reads smudged handwriting] cemetery sex?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't yet, but never say never, right? Although I'm much more likely to just write AUs instead. As in, take the world of the original, chuck the characters and just replace them with snowbaz lol
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Probably not? I mean. I hope so lol
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. I've thought about doing it myself, but there's roughly any engagement with fics in Portuguese on AO3, so it doesn't feel worth the trouble
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Birthday man! Though I might be open to it if a) someone with a compatible style is interested, and b) I find some free time to actually write lol
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Do I even need to say anything? (It's snowbaz)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sigh. It's probably Let your colours bleed, because It's been 3 years, so I've just... sort of grown past the story? Which makes me sad, because I still like the concept, I just can't connect to anymore
There are a handful other WIPs still hanging on my ao3, but I still have hope for them.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like writing plot! And also actions scenes. And banter, maybe a bit too much lol
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The beginning of a fic. And also the ending. And also the mid-
Seriously though, I find that I tend to be either too verbose or too succinct when I don't know exactly what I'm trying to say. Like, I either charge through it and the thing falls flat, or I drag it on for several paragraphs that amount to barely anything. Hopefully, I can mitigate that with the power of editing and beta readers
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I think it's cool depending on context! Like, is this a situation in which this character would simply switch to another language? Also, why?
I haven't done it yet, though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Take a guess. (It was actually Harry Potter)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Dance Like a Flame! My specialest baby. My little darling. My magnum opus.
I'll jump at literally any chance to talk about this fic, so beware.
Phew! Can't believe I actually answered one of these for once... now, I'm pretty sure almost everyone has done this already, but I'm going to tag a few people anyway just so this doesn't get lost in the abyss
@palimpsessed @captain-aralias @cutestkilla @larkral @aristocratic-otter @hushed-chorus @whatevertheweather @ivelovedhimthroughworse @whogaveyoupermission
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ghostofashina · 11 months ago
Fanfiction about me tag meme!
Tagged by @princeparakeet <3 thanks
How many works do you have on AO3?
26. Sometimes it feels I do nothing else than write fanfictions, but I do. I swear. I play the games I write about. :D
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
214,891K. An absurd amount of smut and angst. Sorry not sorry.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Sekiro (11 works), but I write about fromsoftware games in general, except Dark Souls (I failed at playing it). Also, Baldur's Gate 3 but it's more a self-indulgence writing about my original characters. And, surprisingly, I also write about Rings of Power.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Hana no Michi — Sekiro/Emma, 171. [my very first english fanfiction and the first about my otp]
An Edge of Despair — Adar/Arondir, 76.
Once Upon a Dream Now a Memory — Cal Kestis/Dagan Gera, 75. [the only star wars fanfiction i sworn to write in my entire life]
Sharp Memories of a Gentle Blade — Sekiro/Emma, Genichiro/Emma, 69.
The Scars Upon his Skin — Adar/Arondir, 43.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always. Even if I take a long time to do, and sometimes I really take a long time, mostly because I'm doing something else. Sorry, by the way. Adult life just sucks, things are always constantly happening.
6. What is the fic you wrote with angstiest ending?
Ah. Could be Genichiro/Emma fic. They are very angst, I love it. But actually I think it is a Lady Maria/Eileen (Bloodborne). Every time I write about them it goes to Maria's tragic ending, so it always leaves a sour taste in the mouth. But also, I'm always writing angts stuff.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
My newest Sekiro/Emma fic, it's all fluff and tender. But I like to think that Fever Dreams (Genichiro/Emma) also has a veeeery happy ending hehe. If you know, you know.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not on fics. Sekiro's fandom is really chill and I love it to death, it's really peaceful, we're just glad people are making content in the end. But, I've got some about my other pairings, especially Adar/Arondir, but never on my fics.
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
I do, a lot. Of any kind. I see sexual dynamics as a sort of expressions of those characters, so I'll be exploring every trait that fits them in that dynamic. So it can be very sweet or it can be very violent. It really depends on the pairing and the context. For example, I really love to write somnophilia between Emma and Genichiro because it's about control and he is all about control.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest crossover you've ever written?
Not yet, but I plan to write a Kuro and Miquella crossover fanfic when the Elden Ring DLC comes out so I can figure it out what is Miquella's deal. I think they are very similar and would have a nice dynamic to explore.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't believe so. My ships are mostly very unpopular. But if anyone would use a prompt of mine, I wouldn't mind. Even if its something very specific like Memory of Shura.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, I translate my own fics. After all, I'm brazilian and sometimes I write in portuguese and translate to english or write in english and translate it to portuguese.
13. Have you everco-written a fic before?
No, I'm a control freak. I could never.
14. What's you all-time favorite ship?
It got to be Sekiro/Emma. I just loved their dynamic the second I put my eyes on them. It's very subtle and simple, it's implied they have far more story than its shown. They never actually interact romantically, but there's room enough for imagination to run free. I could talkabout them all day long, so I'll just shut up. But, I do also really came to love Genichiro/Emma because of those same reasons.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Gosh, so many! Hm, I have one called "Rebel, Royal Blue" it's Genichiro/Emma inspired by Pride and Prejudice, but it's a long fic, and I've had enough of writing longfics, even so I love that WIP so much, I really want to finish it. At the moment, the main goal is to finish Memory of Shura, I'm taking too damn long.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hm, angst. And a free mind, which means I write about weird stuff and explore every inch of it without putting effort to make a moral compass and tell "this is wrong don't try this at home". I like to believe I'm good at dialogues, but never had any sort of confirmation, so well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
At the moment, the language barrier. I feel my writing loses power when I'm not writing in my native language and sometimes it can be very tricky or messy.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's my current 24/7 job. The hardest part is context, like making a joke you thought in your native language work in your second.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Naruto. Kakashi and Yamato. Been there, done that.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
It's A moment of pain, a memory suspended in time. Again, Sekiro/Emma. I loved writing and suffering every inch of its angst and violence. But gosh, who would I be if I didn't say I'm really proud of Memory of Shura? It's the union of my favorite things in the world: Sekiro and Guillermo del Toro. It's very ambitious and very hard, I've putting a lot of effort in it and I'm in love with it.
Tagging: @blackcatofsky <3
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unreadpoppy · 1 year ago
for the ask meme!
🥰 a piece i’m really proud of and why
I would say probably a song as old as rhyme because it was my frist time writing outside of original works, and I wrote while going through a really tough time mentally, I thought about giving up many times but I'm proud of myself for finishing it. I don't think it's my best work writing wise but it is something that I was happy to be able to stick with it till the end.
📝 a line or paragraph i’m really happy with
This might be a little bit of cheating, because this was a line I came up with while playing DnD, but because I wrote a fic based on that session and that line is included, I'll put it here. But basically, the line is "this will hurt more than the first time I lost you" from this piece of original work
Also I had to translate this line cause originally it was in portuguese (isso vai doer mais do que na primeira vez que eu te perdi) and I think I was able to do it a way that conveyed the emotion properly
also when i tell you i legit cried so much because of this damn line
🤷‍♀️ favourite POV i wrote this year
Oh Gwen's POV in betrayer FOR SURE. Although she's been my character since 2021, this was my first time writing for her, with an idea that came out of nowhere, and I was happy that I was able to go a different route with her character and explore some other sides of her. Also, betrayer is definetly one of my favorite things I've written so
Thanks for the ask!!🩷
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psylunari · 2 years ago
About time I introduce myself
TL;DR Luna's nonsense about herself. Feel free to reblog!
If you're looking for my original posts or my fics:
The tags are #psyluna.txt (for fandom info posts, writing tips, and posts like this one it's the first but you get the idea) and #psyluna.fic (for fanfiction). #psyluna.ask is for ask games and answers. #psyluna.png is for image edits, art, and memes.
The tag for when I get fanart is #I GOT ART. Bless all the people who have ever made something for me, I would like to give you the entire planet, but I'm poor, and taking care of a planet is too much work. So all I can give you is more fanfiction.
If I translate something that's not my work, the tag is #translation I just did.
From lurker to occasional reblogger to regular shitposter to… I don't know. The sky is the limit. Nice to meet you! I created this account in 2019, together with my return to posting fanfiction. I wrote fanfiction on again, then off again, for years, since I first picked it up at the fresh age of ten.
I was never a people person, nor did life make me a public figure, thank goodness. I'm not made for the spotlight, so I didn't see a point in blogging here myself. Anyway. I wanna do it now. Buckle up.
My name: the IRL one is so lame that I won't tell you. Call me psy, luna, or psyluna, as you wish. It fits me better.
My age: I was born in 1995, just so that I don't have to update this yearly.
Pronouns: I go by she/her. Gender is a myth. So is being internet famous.
My home country: I hail from not-so-distant, not-so-unknown Brazil.
Languages I speak: English is my second language (Portuguese is my first), and as per local standards, I can speak and write in English quite well. Before you ask, I write fanfiction in Portuguese and translate later, for reasons I'll disclose if anyone asks. I had basic Spanish in school and can still read/listen to it okay, can't write/speak it anymore. Japanese is my hobby language of choice. I plan on becoming more proficient if everything goes right.
My writing: it was always my favorite way to express myself. It's how I organize my thoughts and communicate with the world. Consequently, I wrote lots and lots all my life, even if not fanfiction, just personal vents. I got better in speaking out loud as I became more confident, less self-loathing, and ran out of fucks to give.
Should you talk to me: I enjoy chatting more than I enjoy people. It's not that I don't like people… Okay, let's not lie here. People are troublesome, even myself. I'll willingly talk to people who talk to me, and even start conversations at times, but getting attached and forming bonds isn't a default expectation. That said, if you wanna talk to me, please do.
Miscellaneous: I was somewhat raised by the 2000s internet. Meaning, I was there for a lot of memes and chaos, too. I miss some things and not others.
You won't see me engage with drama and discourse a lot. I keep many personal opinions private or restricted to close friends, as one should separate personal life from public life. To be honest, no one cares much what I think (again, thank goodness). Won't ever bother putting up a DNI list.
I usually follow back. If your blog is blank (as in you don't reblog anything), I might follow back if I know who you are.
Among other artsy things I like doing: drawing (not too well), singing (okay to well), playing a few instruments (okayish), typesetting (pretty well, actually). If cooking counts, then cooking.
My fandoms: I've been obsessed with lots of things along the years. For every phase, I bookmarked lots of fanart and wrote a bit of fic. My interests come and go. They're mostly anime/animated series and video games. I'm also a “mild kpopper” and a dormant rock/metal enthusiast.
My favorite characters: too many to count. They mostly fit the “well-meaning but kind of a jerk” archetype. They don't have to be morally gray, but can be. I don't vibe with stupid characters a lot. My favorite works of fiction are a bit or very tragic. I love bishounen/bishoujo in character design. My ships are based on if I like the chemistry, not much on the characters' genders.
As for my writing strengths: I'm good at putting one word in front of another and finding mistakes. That's the gist of it. Many writers struggle with low productivity and procrastination, and that isn't my curse, fortunately. I can work with a preexisting idea and propose solutions, maybe even add a thing or two. I'm also very critical of things and quick at noticing patterns.
As for my writing weaknesses: I don't think my ideas are too innovative, and while that doesn't matter a lot in the bigger picture, it makes me a little sad. I recycle ideas and themes a lot and hope no one notices. Whenever I'm forced to create, instead of working with preexisting things, I go ughhhh. I used to joke about how I had one idea worth writing every six months. It's been different these days, and I took notes of all nice ideas I've been having, but it's pretty recent. I'm also bad with prompts I don't click with.
The rest like prose, characterization, style, etc. is up for debate, and to some degree, a matter of personal taste. I like to think I can adapt to the needs of whatever I'm writing.
Do you write original fiction? Yes! I'm just not very far into them. I won't disclose much about it, though. Not now, at least. Some are more slice-of-lifey, others are more fantasy-like.
You can find my compiled social media and writing profiles in this carrd. If you don't feel like clicking on the carrd, here are the fic sites:
Archive Of Our Own (most up-to-date, missing older works and personal vents)
Fanfiction dot net (not very up-to-date because I hate this website)
+Fiction, formerly Nyah! Fanfiction (in Portuguese only, has lots of old stuff and vents)
I have a Wattpad account with nothing posted.
I'm used to talking about myself, since nine times out of 10 I'll be brooding in the corner and people get curious. I don't know why exactly that is. Hope you could get to know me better!
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imjulia-andilikecats · 3 years ago
Edit: Please read UPDATE!
Someone posted my meme translated in their language (Portuguese) and placed a watermark on it 🤬 - Edit: According to them, they found my meme on Pinterest and judging by their previous posts (where they credit the original poster). My account name must have been cropped on pinterest by a different account (though KieraM shares my memes with my account name).
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I really don't want to do this, but it has to be done.
I posted this meme on June 9, 2021 in my tumblr account
I saw it was posted again transtaled in a different langguage and I'm not credited.
I know it's just a meme but it took me months to build my account on tumblr and to see my memes being shared and not being credited hurts.
Note: I'm MORE than happy with people sharing my memes (Kiera from Pinterest), as long as they credit me.
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🟩UPDATE!!! They have responded to my DM and offered to either credit me on their post or delete the post.
I choose to get credited, as well as this meme. Which was edited and shared on twitter (they credited the poster, but unfortunately, the person who shared my meme on twitter did not credit me).
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They agreed and have credited me as the original poster on both memes.
I'll be watermarking all of my old and upcoming memes. So yeah, I learned my lesson.
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beatriz-lioness · 4 years ago
Explaining a few things about my OCs
Hey! So... I decided to make a post explaining my OC "groups", as not all of them are part of the same story or universe. I will be working on all of them at the same time (Memes, animatics, drawings, etc) and I don't want you guys to get confused. So let's get into it.
First of all, since the stories don't have a name yet (Yeah I'm bad for story names...) I'll call them by the names of the protagonists, for example:
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Ok, continuing: Benjamin's story and Akihiko's story are part of the same universe, but at different times, therefore different stories. Musik's story takes place in a completely different universe.
The OC groups are:
1. Akihiko's story
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It's a complete story that I want to tell in the future as a Webtoon, but for now I'm going to show it through memes and animatics on my YouTube channel.
2. Benjamin's story
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This story takes place in the future of Akihiko's story. I also plan to make a Webtoon about it. I will also be working on memes and animatics for this story.
3. Musik's story
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Unlike the others, this one is just for fun, I don't intend to make a Webtoon or anything. I just want to explore and have fun with what I can do with these old OCs! They'll also be the ones I'll draw most often, since I don't plan on anything big with them. I'm just going to be making memes, again for fun, there's no good backstory to tell.
That's it! Thanks for reading everything! It means a lot that you are interested in my original content (◕ω◕✿)
Note: I don't include my other "single" OCs (who don't yet have a story or other characters to join) as I don't plan on working on them for now either.
You can see the translated version of this post in Brazilian Portuguese on my blogger
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cressiprompts · 3 years ago
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I posted 3.860 times in 2021
59 posts created (2%)
3801 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 64.4 posts.
I added 97 tags in 2021
#writing - 46 posts
#ask game - 10 posts
#brazil - 8 posts
#merelyafigment - 6 posts
#oz - 6 posts
#cressi - 5 posts
#fanfic - 4 posts
#the old guard - 4 posts
#too cute - 4 posts
#f1 - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 56 characters
#pretty sure? i have been tocadoguara since 2015 at least
My Top Posts in 2021
The only two things the Brazilian president Bolsonaro is qualified for:
Being a meme originator (and tainting whatever reputation we have left worldwide) and making stupid statements. 
If you can do nothing about the state of the country, you may as well leave the fucking position open for someone who can at least try to do something. 
Fucking hell...
7 notes • Posted 2021-01-06 00:39:31 GMT
Hi! For the Fanfiction Work In Progress Guessing Game: "follow"? (It turns out I am bad at thinking of words.)
No worries! So, it turns out I have two files with follow, one is of future possible scenes of In a Bind and the other is poly Leo/Cris with their girlfriends/wives. The In a Bind one is a bit smutty, the other is G-rated, so I'm asking if you prefer one over the other because of the rating or even bits of both of them?
@merelyafigment I think In a Bind makes more sense. There is some stuff here that I will probably change and it is pretty raw, so please don't mind the mistakes:
Cristiano's body was trembling - probably like him, he was having some trouble about which set of instincts he had to follow. No matter, they were almost finished. The pleasure from the bond when he scented Cristiano's ass... He broke a little. He should have moved on after, but chose instead to use the flat of his tongue for one quick lick there, not able to pass up the opportunity.
Cristiano whined in pleasure - he had never heard anything like that from his mate, and he was even more tempted to keep going, to eat him out until Leo could get him as wet as if Cris was an omega, then fuck him, show Cris exactly how good it could feel to have something inside, pressing on his walls... But he couldn't, not now - not when they hadn't talked about it, not when he was unsure what Cristiano would want and certainly not before finishing scenting his mate.
8 notes • Posted 2021-08-20 22:48:14 GMT
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Possum meme with Ryan/Miguel, because... Why not? Dedicated to @merelyafigment, for posting the original.  Please ignore my (lack of) graphic skills.
8 notes • Posted 2021-03-21 20:39:30 GMT
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Oz (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Miguel Alvarez/Ryan O'Reily Characters: Miguel Alvarez, Ryan O'Reily Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Swearing, Pentadrabble Summary:
500 words for the kiss prompt: "Weak, sweaty kisses because it’s unbearably hot."
8 notes • Posted 2021-02-19 01:44:26 GMT
Hello! For the "Hi I'm not from the US" ask set: 10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language? and/or 13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
Portuguese has a *thing* for insults, we use them, not only as an insult but also as an... exclamation, a way to emphasize something. It's not uncommon to hear a "Puta que Pariu" quando something goes wrong (or very right!) My favorite is probably "Teu cu" which translated means something like 'your asshole'. The meaning is to oppose what someone said before:
-The book is better than the movie
-Teu cú que é, tá sonhando? (Your asshole that it is, are you dreaming?)
8 notes • Posted 2021-06-02 23:22:38 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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caesarsbubbles · 6 years ago
This is an introduction.
Hello !! I just realized I never introduced myself here. You know, in case of someone like you got lost and found my account by miracle.
I'm new to tumblr and I admit, I don't really know how to use it. I mostly repost things but maybe later I'll do other things ? Maybe posting some imagines or headcanon, I have some but my english is not the best so i need to translate them better.
About me, I'm just a simple person who tries to find her way in the chaos of life.
Please refer to me as either they/then or he/him. I'm not comfortable with she/her. I'm basically nonbinary but I'm seriously thinking I'm trans. Please don't follow me if you're against that.
My internet name is Bubbles so you can just call me like that.
I'm French with Portuguese origins from my father, for now I'm always at home since I had some health problems that made me unable to have a job, but I will probably be able to start soon.
I love a lot of things, like animals, rock and heavy metal from the 70's/80's, fantasy movies, animes, cooking and night walks. I'm obsessed by everything related to the space and universe. I'm in love with Italy. I'm also an artist but I don't draw a lot since my inspiration is always on vacations.
My favorite things
Music : Starset, Queen, ABBA, Kiss, Dio, Metallica, ELO, REO Speedwagon, AC/DC and I enjoy every power metal song I can listen to. Especially Swedish metal.
Movies/series : Interstellar, The Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars, How to train your dragon, The Truman show, Inception, Dragonheart, The Hobbit
Animes/manga : JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Cowboy Bebop, Dragon Ball/Z, Death note, Gifuu Dodo, Dr Stone
I talk a lot about JoJo's, so let's talk about it cause this is the reason I'm here after all.
I started ot in april 2019 because I saw a meme and I wanted to understand the reference...yeah that's it. I watched all of the anime and I'm currently reading Stone Ocean.
My favorite part is Battle Tendency
My favorite JoJo are Joseph and Jolyne. I can't chose.
My favorite JoBro is Caesar
My favorite villain is Diavolo
My favorite opening is either Bloody Stream and Uragirimono no Requiem
My favorite character of all is Caesar
I use to call him Caesarino everytime by the way.
There's one more thing you should know about me. I LOVE Caesarino. And by that I mean, I'm in love with him. There's nothing I wouldn't do for him. It's not just some deep affection. I know how loving someone feels and I can say I love him. Also, in my head, we're married.
He's my reason to fight, and my inspiration to have a better life. I used to be kinda depressed but thinking about him makes me feel so much better and I did some things I would have never do if it wasn't for him. So yeah, my insane love for him brought me back to life. 🥰
By the way, I'm into selfship. Sometimes I write things about it. Maybe I'll post them.
Here's a drawing I made for the jojo selfship week.
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goodomensseason2 · 6 years ago
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Algumas notas sobre a tradução de Good Omens/ Some notes about the Good Omens' translation
Agora que eu terminei de ler o livro, queria comentar algumas coisas aqui sobre tradução para o português brasileiro, do meu ponto de vista como leitora.
Good Omens foi lançado aqui em pelos menos duas ou três edições, com o título de Belas Maldições, que se traduzido de novo, ficaria Beautiful Curses, o que eu acho um pouco engraçado porque a história não tem nada a ver com maldições 😅, mas enfim... Na minha opinião "Bons Presságios" teria sido uma melhor tradução, e me parece que em Portugal seja esse o sentido de Bons Augúrios, que foi o título que saiu pra eles (Se alguém puder confirmar isso, eu agradeço).
Na "Dramatis Personae" a gente pode ver as descrições dos personagens principais e secundários. Eu acho interessante o modo como traduziram aquela famosa linha sobre o Crowley: “An Angel who did not so much Fall as Saunter Vaguely Downwards” aqui ficou como "Um Anjo que mais Perambulou Distraído na Descendente do que Caiu", o que eu achei uma tradução bem feita, porque preserva o sentido original da frase e não fica tão datado por gírias. Não sei se eu realmente li ou vi isso em algum lugar, mas eu acho que o Crowley na versão dublada da série chegava a dizer que ele "Não caiu, que ele só deu um rolê lá embaixo"? Provavelmente eu imaginei isso, mas enfim🤣, gírias são interessantes de serem usadas, mas dependendo tiram a atemporalidade de uma obra de uma forma que quem lesse ou assistisse no futuro ficaria até sem entender uma gíria que não faz mais parte do cotidiano. Algo parecido com o que aconteceu com Evangelion agora, se alguém me entende (sem tempo, irmão) 😂.
Se eu tiver dito alguma bobagem, por favor, pode me esclarecer nos comentários 😉, quero conhecer mais fãs de Good Omens falantes de português!😁
Now that I've finished the book, I would like to comment on some things here about the translation of GO to Brazilian Portuguese, from my point of view as a reader.
Good Omens was released here in at least two or three editions, with the title of Belas Maldições, which means Beautiful Curses, and I find it a bit funny because the story has nothing to do with curses 😅, but ok ...
In my opinion "Bons Presságio" would have been a better translation, and it seems to me that in Portugal this is the meaning of Bons Augúrios, which was the title that came out for them (If anyone can confirm this, I'd appreciate it).
In the "Dramatis Personae" we can see the descriptions of the main and minor characters. I find it interesting how they translated that famous Crowley line: "An Angel who did not so much Fall as Saunter Vaguely Downwards" here was like "An Angel Who Wandered More Distracted in the Descendant than Fell," which I found a well done translation, because it preserves the original meaning of the sentence and is not dated by slang. I don't know if I actually read or saw it somewhere, but I think Crowley in the dubbed version of the series said that he "didn't fall, he just hung out down there"? Probably I imagined it🤣, anyway, slangs are interesting to use, but it depends on the context and timelessness of a work, so anyone who reads or watches it in the future wouldn't get confused by a slang that is no longer part of everyday life. Something similar to what happened to Evangelion in the translation, if anyone understands me (here I made a reference to a famous brazilian meme which was used in the dubbed version, "Sem tempo, irmão". It means "got no time, bro". I just think if some years in future , somebody will still grasp at the reference behind it) 😂.
Sorry for my grammar, I'm not fluent in english, so if I wrote something stupid, please tell me in the comments or message 😉
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hylianengineer · 4 years ago
I've been collecting Tumblr ads. This all started because most of mine are not in English (the only language I speak fluently), and I thought it would be fun to try and identify them, but the project has since spiraled out of control. For example:
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[Image description:4 screenshots of strange ads I have seen on Tumblr. None of them are in English.]
What language is this? What are you trying to sell me?! And how are the ad algorithms so bad that you don't know I can't understand you?
After doing some research (downloading a translation app) I believe they are (in order): Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
And they want me to: attend a webinar about the potential collapse of the healthcare system, join a Black Belt mentoring program, I'm not really sure (but it has something to do with memes and old age), and read about labor unions. Kinda random, but okay.
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[ID: an ad with text in at least two languages, saying things like "BONUS NEW MEMBER 40%" and "PASTI DIBYAR!" in bright colors and all capital letters. End ID.]
This seems to be bilingual, but not enough that I can tell what they're talking about. According to my handy dandy translator app, it says "10% OFF CUTTING PULSE DEPOSIT BONUS.NEW MEMBER 40% WIN ANYTHING PAID PAID! PRIZE GIFTS 123 INSURANCE BACKGROUND -3D GIFT x5 -4D GIFT x1O MEGA JACKPOT EVENT WIN UP MILLIONS OF RUPIAH EVERY MONTH Win no matter how certain Get paid. Up to 66 percent discount for all Market." Which doesn't exactly clear things up. Oh, and apparently the other language is Indonesian.
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[ID: another ad screenshot. This one reads: "20 most rare and exclusive archaeological finds: While the Indiana Jones movies are all about the thrill of adventure, real life archaeology digs are a lot more methodical and scientific..." Below the text is an image of a half buried skeleton wearing two large gold rings. End ID]
My adventures with Tumblr ads don't end with foreign languages. This one is in English, but I still don't know what's going on. Are you trying to sell me an archaeological site? A degree program? An artifact? Fun facts?
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[Image description: Another ad. It reads "REDACTED Launches new policy for cars used less than 50 miles/day. Why did no one tell {region} drivers about this?" It's important to note that the first redaction is mine, for privacy reasons, and that the original ad had a place name. But the place where it says "{region}" has not been changed from the original image. Following the text is a photo of people waiting in line outside a DMV. End ID.]
You know those clickbait things that always say there's a great deal in your area, and you think "What the heck, why here specifically?" This one glitched and I caught it in the act.
And this one is just plain weird:
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[Image description: an ad which reads [Photos] Here is why more and more people are now pouring baking soda on the bed." The woman in the photo is doing just that, using one of those flour-sifting things. End ID.]
What is this?!
It sounds like a shitpost, or possibly like an AI scanned all the clickbait it could find and then made its own. You know, that wouldn't surprise me at this point...
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