#I'm sure they're really not t h a t upset
legendofrhythm · 1 year
Big Betrayal is an absolute banger but I just know people are going to violently misinterpret it and permanently alter their viewpoint of Deep Cut's relationship forever
I personally think they're upset because he did the collab without telling them but I am afraid of the imminent violent mischaracterization
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madeintheniamh · 11 months
Please can you do one of the girls getting braces because i'm getting mine next week :D
golden girl
stmf one shot #23
good luck, babe. i had 4 years of braces. they're the worst, but you'll be grateful once they're off xx
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“I’m not going, Mum,” Tilly shouted at you, her eyebrows furrowed in the exact same way that Harry’s did when he was annoyed about something.
“You can’t keep putting it off, lovey,” you replied. “You were supposed to have them put on a year ago now,”
Her lips were now set in a straight line, and her eyes began to turn glossy as she turned around to march up the stairs back to her bedroom.
“Come on baby, it won’t be that bad,”
You heard her slam her bedroom door behind her. “Leave me alone,”
This hadn’t been the first time you had tried to make Tilly have her braces put on. Every time the day of the appointments came closer, it seemed as though she always had an adequate excuse prepared for why she needed you to reschedule. Exams. Gymnastics competitions. A friend’s birthday. Feeling sick. And every time, Harry always gave in, to your annoyance. So, it had now been a year since she was supposed to have the wretched things put on in the first place, and she was stubborn, just like her Dad- once she made her mind up on something, it was impossible for you to get her to change it- although there was one person who could. You sighed to yourself, before knocking on the door of his office.
He was sat on one of the armchairs in the corner that faced out onto the garden, holding his guitar in his arms and the pick in-between his teeth. He was so focused on what he was doing that it took him a minute to notice you, and he jumped slightly as he looked up and found your gaze.
“Oh my- hey my love, you okay?”
You sat down next to him, exhaling slowly whilst picking at one of your nails.
“Well, Tilly’s booked in to get her braces on later, but she tells me she’s not going,”
He smiled to himself, placing the guitar down on the space next to him. “Oh god,” he moaned sarcastically. “Not this again,”
“I don’t know what to do,” Your voice began to crack slightly. “I’m just trying to help her. I don’t know why she’s so upset about it. She’s just been so snappy with me recently, and I-”
“Let me sort it.” He answered before you could finish. “I’m sure I can persuade her, one way or another,”
“I don’t even think you can, H,” You sighed. “She’s so stubborn, like someone else I know,”
He snorted slightly and rolled his eyes. “We’ll see about that,”
He kissed your forehead before left the room, going downstairs to make use of one of his favourite persuasion tactics.
Harry knocked on her bedroom door softly.
“Go away, I’m not going,” she moaned.
“I’ve made you a cup of tea,” he smirked whilst turning the handle, opening the door to find Tilly lying under layers of blankets, in a pair of tracksuit bottoms and one of Harry’s old t-shirts. Despite the death stare she gave Harry, she still held her hands out to accept the mug.
He closed the door behind him.
“Dad, I’m not-”
“Okay,” he sighed. “You’re not going, fine.”
“Okay?” Her face lit up. “Really?”
“No,” he laughed. “You need to do this, Til, you’re driving your mum mad, you’re nearly fifteen,”
“I’m not talking to you,” she groaned, covering her head with a blanket. He reached over to grab the mug on her bedside table.
“Okay, well, I’m taking this back then,” he chuckled.
“Nooooo!” she gasped, coming back up from under the covers. “That’s not fair!”
“Why don’t you want to go, Til?” he asked whilst running his hands through her hair, which had now grown down to her hips. “It’s okay to be nervous about it, I know you don’t like the dentist,”
“I’m not!” She pouted her lips. “I just don’t want them,”
“Well, why? Loads of people have to get braces, Til,”
“You never had to have them,” she sulked, her brows now furrowed. “You don’t get it,”
“Well, maybe not, but Mummy had to have them for a little bit, and she was fine,”
“No one has braces when they’re fifteen,” she sighed. “Izzy in my French class had hers off last week, I don’t want to be the last one with them on,”
“Loads of people have braces when they’re older Til, there isn’t an age limit,” he chuckled. “Uncle Niall was 18 when he had his braces put on,”
“Still,” She moaned. “I don’t want them. Everyone says they hurt,”
He peppered a kiss to her forehead. “Maybe they won’t hurt, you never know,”
Her eyes began to turn glossy. “But Daddy, I’m frightened, remember when I had to get my tooth taken out and they used that massive needle, and I fainted, what if that happens again,”
She began to sob softly into his arms.
“I remember Til, you’re going to make me cry, baby,” he whispered into her ear. “But I’m sure that won’t happen today, okay? I’m going to hold your little hand the whole time, and if the dentist comes anywhere near you with a needle, I’ll fight him,” he smiled.
“You will?” she sniffled. “Are you sure it will be fine, Daddy?”
“I’m sure, baby,” he chuckled. “I promise you. Now come on, let’s get dressed,”
Tilly sat up slowly in the leather chair, having been lying down for the past 45 minutes, her hand still clasped tightly in Harry’s as it had been the whole time. Her lips were slightly chapped, and she licked them as she pouted at Harry with disdain.
“You’re not going to give me a smile?” Harry sighed, rubbing her tiny knuckles with the tip of his thumb. Tilly shook her head.
“It feels weird,” She stared at him disapprovingly, running her tongue over the new pieces of metal that were now glued to her teeth.
“It’s gunna feel weird, Tilly bug,” He smiled. “Come on, I wanna see them!”
Tilly rolled her eyes, before flashing him a sarcastic grin. “I look awful,”
“Hey,” Harry warned, lifting her chin up softly with his hand. “You know that’s not true,”
“I do,” She moaned, placing her hand over her mouth and running the sleeve of her oversized hoodie across her lips. “And it hurts,”
Harry swooped his hand across her face, tucking back a strand of loose hair that had fallen out of her French plait, before pressing his lips to the top of her forehead. Her lips began to quiver slightly, as her eyes turned a glossy shade of green.
“Shhhh, I know,” He soothed, holding his hand out and beckoning her to follow him. “Come on, let’s get you home, babydoll,”
Tilly hadn’t said anything at all on the car journey home, until Harry had seemingly decided to take an alternative route, now navigating the huge Range Rover down the narrow Hampstead high street, reversing it backwards into a bay on the side of the road.
“Daddy? Where are you-”
He peppered a kiss to her swollen cheek. “You stay here, I’ll be quick,”
10 minutes later, Tilly was practically asleep in the passenger seat, her sunglasses having fallen down on the bridge of her nose, still swamped in her hoodie. She almost jumped at the noise of the car unlocking, and was greeted by Harry grinning wildly at her, pink coloured ice cream dribbling down the side of his wrist. He licked it off slowly, passing the cup to Tilly, who began to smile too.
“You thought I was just gunna drive home without getting you something? Look at that gorgeous little smile,” He grinned.
Tilly looked back up at him, now bringing the spoon to her mouth, still smirking at him with her new metallic smile, her cheeks rosy.
“I love you, Daddy,” She whispered, pushing her sunglasses back up on her nose.
“You know I love you more, golden girl,”
more to come more to come i have too many wips. but i'll give you this for now, so sorry anon you probs had your braces for a good few weeks now but enjoy anyway hehehh xx
this forms part of my dadrry one shot series! so if you did enjoy i have linked the masterlist here. please give it some love and send in any requests bc i'm in a writing/reading slump at the moment so any requests would be appreciated. love you all hope you are having a good week <3
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Stranger things young adults reacting...
... to their lover having an eating disorder (Pt. 2)
!!! Minors DNI !!!
Tw: mention of eating disorder, talk about bullying and insecurities, unhealthy habits
Also, nsfw warning for Argyle bc he gonna show ya some sweet loving. Tho I'm not gonna write down all of it.
Characters: Robin Buckley, Billy Hargrove, Chrissy Cunningham, Argyle (he could be read as trans reader tbh)
Pt. 1:
A/n: I'm calling Max mom Mrs Mayfield bc I legit forgot her name so... ignore that
@jolinghkf Robin up first just for you, my friend. I hope you enjoy it.
Robin Buckley
• As we Germans say "Schock schwere Not."
• She's not upset, but boy she's worried
• You're crying? She'll hug you, care gor you, tell you you're beautiful again and again and again and- fifty years later - again and again. Until you get it :<
• Makes sure you eat at least enough to get through the day once she finds out
"Are you excited?", Robin asked as she looked at you with a wide grin. The clip in her hair held the bangs she had out of her face, which showed you all of her face.
The jeans she wore fit perfectly with her white shirt, and it looked wonderful on her. It made you want to kiss her right then and there, but you couldn't. Not yet.
"I am excited." You smiled and walked onwards. You were on the way to a restaurant for a little date "between friends". That was at least what you'd both told your parents.
You were pretty excited for the date, but on the other hand, you had gained a lot of weight lately, which made you anxious. So much so that it made your stomach hurt. But you ignored it, which turned out to be a bad mistake.
The two of you walked into the crowded restaurant and sat down at the table you asked for. Once a waiter came, you two ordered your food.
And then Robin smiled as she leaned forward. "I have to tell you something. I wanted to earlier, but I forgot and kinda just remembered."
You raised a brow before smiling lightly. "Let's hear it, princess."
She was quiet for a moment but ignored the nickname with a slight blush before she leaned back.
"So... Steve talked to me earlier. Kept on talking about how hot he found Eddie and stuff..." She started, explaining the whole story to you.
Near the end, your food had already arrived.
"And Eddie heard all of it, right?", she said after explaining everything Steve had told her. "And so.... Eddie stands at the counter, smirks and.... you won't believe what he said."
You took a sip of your drink. "What did he say?"
She smiled and covered her face. "Why don't you join me for the movies I'm about to get then?"
She looked up at you with a smile. "(Y/n), they're having a date tonight! Eddie and Steve are probably fucking in Eddies trailer right now."
You couldn't help but laugh at this. You knew the two liked eachother, but this was a turn of events that you really hadn't expected. "No way."
She nodded quickly before the two of you finally started eating. "I felt like I was in some kind of movie."
You smiled and sighed softly. You really loved Robin, which made you force yourself to eat the food in front of you so nothing would be wasted.
Once you were done, you'd started feeling dizzy. Not because you had physical problems, really, it was more that you were mentally so drained from eating all this that it made you physically hurt.
"Are you okay?", Robin asked you and reached for your hand, but you stood up before she could take it and smiled. "Yeah! I'll be right back, okay?"
You didn't wait for an answer as you ran to the restaurants bathroom. You got into one of the cabins and locked it just to break down in tears. The twinge in your stomach made you feel like you wanted to throw up.
You tried to fight it. You really did. The urge to force it out. But it was too big. You just jad to get this calorie bomb out of you.
And you did. Once all of it was out, you hung over the toilet, tears staining your face and body trembling like it hadn't in a long time.
You froze when Robins voice sounded through the door after she had knocked on it. "(Y/n)? Are you in there? Is everything okay?"
You cleared your throat before replying as calmly as possible. "Yea! I'm fine. Just feeling a little weird."
Robin hummed softly. "Alright. Think you can come out? We can go home if you want."
You felt your stomach twist with guilt. "O-Oh.... Well.... Yeah go back to out place. I'll.... I'll be there."
"(Y/n)? What's wrong? You sound like you cried.", she now mumbled softly and it made you feel even worse.
"I didn't." You simply said before you stood up, flushed, and got out. You were lying, and you knew she knew when you stepped out and looked at her face.
"Home?" She asked with a soft smile and held out her hand. You took it and nodded. Of course, you paid first, but once that was done, you made your way home.
Robin took you to her place and went to sit you down in her living room. She then crouched in front of you. "What happened?"
For a moment, you hesitated, but then you sighed softly. "I uh... had to throw up."
She gasped softly. "Seriously? Why? Was there something you didn't like or couldn't handle?"
You shook your head softly before chewing on the inside of your cheek. You felt yourself tearing up again, to which Robin basically jumped to hug you tightly.
"It's okay, please just tell me what's going on." She whispered to you, and you basically melted into her arms.
"I... I'm so sorry. I just... I've been gaining so much weight lately and... and it- it hurts me. It hurts me so much.", you cried out softly before sobbing into her shoulder.
Robin was silent and just held you as you told her more and more. When you were done with speaking, she pulled back and gave you a light smile.
"You're beautiful. No matter if you gained weight or not. Actually... I'm proud you got to gain weight. I know you don't like it. But it doesn't change that you're so very gorgeous."
You were quiet as she talked. You wanted to believe her, but... "But what if... I get fat and you'll hate me?"
Robin looked shocked at your question. "Don't you ever think that again. You're so beautiful. I don't only love you because you're hot."
She chuckled. "I mean, you are. But that's not the only reason. You're kind, caring, loving, protective and smart. Do I have to keep going?"
You shook your head as you gave a light smile.
"Good. Because even if you gain weight, I will still love you nonetheless. Got it?"
You nodded softly as you wiped your eyes. "I love you, Robin."
"I love you too, (Y/n)."
Billy Hargrove
• Oh lord he mad
• don't get me wrong, he's not mad at you
• He's mad at the mf always making comments about your weight aHeUgM Neil AAHEM-
You smiled as you stood in front of the door to Billys house, bag around your shoulder. It was packed with things you'd need for the weekend at Billys place.
You looked forward to it for days now. What you didn't look forward to was Neil's horrible comments about you and your body. They were annoying and disgusting, but you were more than ready to endure them for Billys sake.
You rang the bell, the door opening mere seconds later as Mrs. Mayfield opened the door for you. "Hey, (Y/n)! How are you doing?"
Your smile widened as you stepped inside once she let you. Once you took off your shoes, you finally replied. "I'm doing very good, thank you! How are you?"
She chuckled and closed the door. "I'm also very good, thank you."
You nodded softly and walked up to the living room where Max and Neil sat. You waved at them happily. "Hello!"
Max waved right back with a smile while Neil just eyed you up and down before scoffing. "You gained weight."
Your mood sank almost immediately, but God forbid you'd show them that. "I know, sir. I haven't been able to do my sports lately."
Before the conversation could go downhill, Max spoke up. "Billy is in his room."
You nodded softly and went to go to his room. Music blasted from inside, which made you smile as you knocked on the door loudly.
The music was turned down before Billys voice sounded through the door. "What?" You opened the door and peeked inside before wahing lightly. "Hi."
He visibly relaxed before turning to you fully. "Hello. Come in."
You nodded and got into the room before closing the door and putting your back aside, just to run up to your boyfriend and jump into his arms.
He hugged you tightly and properly pulled you up so he could hold you close. You leaned back lightly to look at his face with a happy face. "Hey, baby. How are you?"
"Good." He mumbled softly. "And you?"
"Amazing! I'm so excited about our weekend together." You leaned your head on his while you spoke. "So absolutely excited."
He nodded softly and sat down with you still in his arms. Without really realizing, you pushed yourself off his lap with your knees, but the moment he noticed that, he pushed you back down.
"The fuck was that?", he asked as he looked at you. You stared back at him with quite the bit of confusion. "What was what?"
"Why the hell did you push yourself up? You wanna get off?"
You immediately shook your head. "No! No. Absolutely not. I just... I don't know." You thought for a moment. "I guess it was because I reel heavy lately?"
"Heavy?" He looked at you before laughing wholeheartedly. "You and heavy? (Y/n), I can lift you with one arm. If you're heavy, then what am I? A Boulder? A skyscraper, perhaps?"
You couldn't help but laugh at his comments, considering that they sounded so illogical. "No?"
"Exactly. So don't say that shit again. Who even told you that?"
You sighed softly and leaned on him a bit. "Dunno. Maybe your dad's comments did get to me more than I thought they would."
You could feel his hands grip onto your hips tightly as if he wanted to push you off and storm out. But he didn't. Instead, he took a deep breath and scoffed. "Of course it's him. It's always fucking him."
You kissed his head softly before moving down to peck his nose and then his lips. "It's okay, really. It'll go away again."
The two of you kept talking, having a few playful wrestle sessions in between (no, seriously, you two were literally wrestling) and even chased each other here and there as a joke.
That was until Mrs. Mayfield called everyone out for dinner.
You happily went to the living room, and Billy followed close behind you. The two of you sat together, and once dinner began, so did the talking.
You ate quietly as plans for the next few days were made. Of course, you also spoke up now and then if you were involved or if you were asked, but you did prefer to stay quiet.
After a while, you finished your food and decided to get yourself some more of it since it really just was so good. Before you could even get anything on your plate, a simple comment made you feel your stomach drop all over again.
"Don't you think you've eaten enough?"
You turned to smile at Neil lightly. "I'm still hungry though."
You could see Billy ready to throw his plate against Neil's head, but before anyone could react another shot came you way.
"So you don't kind becoming fat?"
That was it. Your Damm broke. All the hard work to not let his words affect you, have failed.
And you cried. You cried like a little girl that fell, and all hell broke lose. Billy yelled at his father, and his mom tried to stop them from fighting. Max was in front of you, trying to hold you and make sure you feel okay.
Your sobs grew louder, and within two hours, the police were called in for the constant fighting.
In the end, Billy and his father were stuck at the police station while you had Max and her mother.
The following evening, you were back at your place. No weekend. Not even a full day. And eventually - after a full week - you heard news of Billy being back.
And he came to check on you. You were still damaged, but you gave in. You got closer and closer over time again.
But you wondered what had happened to his father. But you never found out. You never had the chance to get and eventually forgot.
Then, you fully opened up. About how his fathers comments hurt her. How she felt violated all the time.
And he loved you. He loved you like you were perfect. Like he loved you. And that was all you needed right now.
Chrissy Cunningham
• She'll fight a bitch, immediately
• If it's a girl at least
• She gets so savage it's concerning really
• Girl goes soft w you
"Chrissy! Hurry up!", you said as you waited for her to join you for cheerleading practice. She came running to you with a soft laugh. "Relax! We still have time."
She took a quick look around before she pressed a kiss to your lips softly, just to run off towards the gym.
You smiled lightly and followed her happily. You were excited for today. Especially because the cheer team would decide who'd be the one on top of the pyramid today.
You and Chrissy walked in together and stood by the rest of the team as the talking began. In the end, almost everyone was sorted somewhere, but Chrissy spoke up after some time.
"Actually... I think we should put (Y/n) on top of the pyramid today! She's never done it, and I think it'd be time for her to try!"
Your face heated up as you looked at her. "Seriously? You think I can do it?"
Chrissy nodded quickly and put her arm around your shoulder. "Absolutely. You'd do really good."
One of the girls crossed her arms. "Are you insane? None of us can even hold her up with how fat she is."
It was quiet as you looked at the girl. Too quiet. You slowly looked back to Crhissy, who removed her arm from your shoulders as she put them on her hips.
"What did you just say to her?"
You felt shivers go down your spine at the sound of her voice, but the other girl didn't seem all too impressed quite yet.
"I said: She's too fat to be held up."
Chrissy walked up to the girl with a smile, looking down at her. "Listen here, bitch."
You were shocked at her words, but you were not going to stop her at all.
"You have no right to judge her, alright? Your hair looks like you fried it in a pan, and your makeup makes you look like a clown. On top of that your body is the size of a fucking branch, so you look at yourself before judging anyone else. And watch your words before speaking about anyone I'm close with. Do you understand me?"
The girl was quiet before she quickly nodded and stepped back to hold herself at a safe distance from Chrissy as if she were about to pounce on her.
You couldn't help the pride and gratefulness rising in your chest and warming your whole heart and soul.
"Chrissy. I think that's enough.", you said gently to which she turned to you, looking worried. "Are you okay though?", she asked softly.
You nodded to her question and smiled widely. "Perfectly fine, yes."
She walked back to your side just to cross her arms. "Does anyone else have complaints? No? Good."
At the end of practice, you were pretty proud of yourself since you had managed on the pyramid pretty well.
You and Chrissy left together, and on your way home, the two of you talked. Chrissy took your hand once you were far enough from the school. "Are you sure you're okay? What she said was pretty rude..."
You smiled and looked at her. "It was, but you defended me, so I think I'm alright. I mean... I felt hurt at first and a little self-conscious too, but..." You smiled and held her hand tighter. "I don't think it'll affect me as much as it usually would."
She tilted her head softly. "What do you do when stuff like this does get to you?"
The question caught you off guard, and you felt a pit in your stomach, but she did deserve to know. And you wanted to talk to her about it anyway.
"Well... if someone comments on my weight, I... tend to watch what I eat, how much of it and... if it does get too much, I just don't eat..."
Chrissy seemed shocked but nodded softly before replying to what you'd said. "I see... But, you know you're beautiful, right? No matter your body weight."
You nodded softly. "Normally, I do. It's just that... sometimes I tend to forget, you know?"
Chrisdy nodded softly once again. "I get that. I have that feeling at times. But then you come by and make my day better!"
You laughed at her comment and nodded softly. "I love you, Chrissy."
"And I love you, (Y/n)!", she said happily before she looked around just to lean in and giving you another soft kiss, like earlier.
The two of you stood for a while just to be able to share a proper kiss before you pulled away. "Sleepover at mine?", you asked, and Chrissy agreed immediately.
The two of you ended up watching movies, talking, ordering food, and then giving eachother a reward for today's good work.
To you, it felt like no one could ever ruin this between the two of you. If it were legally possible, you'd marry Chrissy right now.
But maybe you don't need that. Maybe all you need is for her to be by your side forever.
(My man<33)
• Soft boy doesn't understand cuz he loves his chubby baby
• Will show you how beautiful you are in a not so harmless way
• Will quote literally kiss every single part of you that you're insecure about
You sighed as you got comfortable on your couch. You were currently waiting for your boyfriend to come by.
The two of you had planned a movie night with some weed, snacks, and drinks. It was his recommendation since he knew it helped you on stressful days, which today had been.
When the doorbell rang, you jumped up to go open the door. You raised your arms happily when you saw Argyle, cheerig happily. "Babe!"
He smiled and walked in just to pick up and hug you tightly. "Hi."
You wrapped around him like a koala before he closed the door and walked inside with you still in his arms.
Only now, you noticed the bags he carried. As he was placing them down, you took a glance inside and saw the plenty of snacks and drinks inside.
It already made you feel excited for the night together with him.
Argyle sat down with you still in his arms, and for a few minutes, all you did was hold each other close and be happy that the other was around.
Once that was done, Argyle pulled back with a happy smile. "I already rolled a lil fella for us so we can get right to the fun part!"
You chuckled and kissed his lips softly before nodding. "Let's prepare the snacks quickly and pick a movie. Then we can start."
You got up and took the bag to put the snacks in fitting bowls and boxes before bringing them back to the living room and placing them down.
Argyle got blankets from your room and put them down on the couch. Once the two of you were ready, you got comfortable on him once more, just to wrap yourself and him up in blankets lightly.
An ashtray was placed on the table as well since you needed to put out the joint somewhere once it was done.
Argyle took the first few hits before handing it over. As you smoked, the two of you picked out a movie to watch and, in the end, decided on dirty dancing.
The two of you talked and laughed as the movie played, loving it. Once the joint was done, you put it out just to lean on Argyle happily.
He gently let his hand caress your hair, you playing with his as well. "Why aren't you eating, love?", he asked you and you sighed softly.
"If I eat more, I'm gonna squish you.", you said somewhat jokingly, but he looked at you and raised a brow. "Squish me? Pardon my wording here, but like... you know I'd be into that, right?"
You laughed softly and shook your head. "I know, babe. But I don't want to be like... yknow... to much?"
"Who the hell told you that shit? You are just perfect, and you will be perfect even with a few pounds more, yknow?" He said while continuously poking your side.
You giggled and squirmed. "No- Stop! Haha! Please." He stopped and held you closer just to kiss your cheek softly. "You're so beautiful."
You looked at him as he lightly dipped you back. "You think so?"
He nodded softly and smiled. "I know so." He then started kissing your cheek again and also went down to kiss your neck.
You chuckled and pat his head softly. "What are you doing?"
He happily kept giving you soft kisses before finally replying. "Showing your body the love it deserves."
You felt your cheeks heat up when he started to kiss up your belly and to your chest after pushing up your shirt.
You squirmed more and more the closer he got to your chest. It just made your heart pound a little harder.
Even your breasts weren't spared from the loving of your boyfriend as he gave them several kisses all over too.
"Should I keep going?", he asked as he sat up slowly again. You looked at him before looking away. "Please do."
He let out a small laugh as he properly laid you down on the couch. "But first you gotta eat a lil." He said before grabbed a random candy just to hold it up to your lips.
You opened your mouth and ate it with a small smile. What you didn't expect was for him to lean down, kiss your cheek, and mumble 'good girl/boy' into your ear.
You felt a full-blown shiver go down your spine as your belly twisted in the best way possible. "Holy shit..."
You covered your face as you looked away, not realizing what you did by doing that. The next thing you felt was an arm wrapping around your waist and raising it off the couch.
You let out a little yelp and looked down at him while he unbuttoned the pants you were before smiling at you. "May I?"
You smiled and let your head fall back as you nodded. "Please, just do it." You heard him chuckle as he removed your pants slowly, leaning down to kiss up and down your thighs.
You wanted to close your legs but couldn't, since his head was in the way and his hands holding your thighs didn't quite help either.
You couldn't help squirming as his lips pressed onto that one spot on your thighs that usually had you wailing when he bit into it.
And that's just what he did. You could've cum right then and there when his teeth dug into the soft flesh of your thigh and you let hin hear that from how lewd the moan was that left you.
The night only got more fun from that point on. And every time you questioned your beauty, he made sure to remind you just how damn beautiful you are.
A/n: I feel like this took me way too long, I'm so sorry 😭😭
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA for jokingly telling my partner our next kids have to be human?
For context I (29M) am married to my loving husband, T(30M?). We've adopted two children together, H(8M) and L(9M). T, H, and L are all werewolves, I myself am human.
Now, I love my family. I love my husband and my kids from the very depths of my heart, but let me tell you as a human living with a full grown werewolf and two very active puppies;
It. Is. Exhausting.
T does help a lot when he can but sometimes in a lot of the circumstances where our difference in races comes into play he'll suffer what we'll refer to as 'dog brain' and acts exactly like my own personal Clifford the Big Red Dog.
By laws of nature they have way more stamina than I do, I've since resorted to bringing an RC car with me when I take the kids to the park for them to chase around just so they're tired enough when we get home that they're not getting up to mischief without ME getting too exhausted from playing with them that I drop dead. As a side note I DO play with them myself, the car is more of a grand finale to the afternoon if T isn't accompanying us that day.
God help you if they need a bath from getting muddy, they'll fight tooth and nail and whine and cry the entire time you have them in the water. T doesn't aid me in this section of parenthood for he too hates water and sympatishes too much with their plight to aid me. I do not blame him for this.
And the howls. Oh, the howls. If one of them starts they ALL start. Funny if it happens during the day, not so much when you're trying to sleep at night or you've got a raging migraine going on. I'm not even going to get into full moons.
But I digress. All that to say that it's not easy, but I wouldn't trade it for the world and I make sure that my family knows it every single day. But last night was different.
The kids were being particularly rowdy today and wrangling them was extremly exhaustive even with T's help. By the time I had gotten them ready for bed and asleep, I was ready to collapse. T was already lounging on the bed since he had finished washing the dishes from dinner when I flopped on it. He gave me his stupid cute little dumb grin and said "Rough night?"
In his defense this didn't upset me in the slightest, and I don't know what possessed me to say what I did, but I just chuckled out and said is as much of a lighthearted tone I could, "Too rough. If we ever adopt again we need to look into human children." T immediately deflated and didn't really respond. He was upset but in the moment I was too tired to realize it. It's around noon now and he isn't open to talking to me about it, he kind of just looks at me like a kicked puppy before leaving the room. When I mentioned it to my friend she seemed appalled that I'd even say something like that to my husband.
I genuinely didn't mean to hurt his feelings or be insensitive, I was just trying to joke along with him and just said something stupid as a result. AITA?
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alarrytale · 11 months
Seeing larries kissing Louis' ass in his new post honestly just grosses me out. Do y'all not have any self-respect? Why are so many larries fine with being his punching bag, his scapegoat, being gaslit and manipulated, and having him add fuel to the larrie hate train? I love him too. But at some point, he has to realize this shit isn't okay. It's not okay to speak to your fans this way and disrespect them. To single one fan out. And to do it so publicly where the media can pick it up, where the solo louies & harries, antis, and gf stans can use it as ammunition against us. I can't even go on the pop culture subreddits I like bc of how badly the hate is against us. Not only was this a stupid fucking move before trying to sell tickets in LatAm but why in the world would you treat the fans who have stuck by you since the beginning this way? We've seen through the bullshit in both 1D and his solo career. We've seen through the false image that was painted of him, although now he seems more than happy to play along. We've tried to be there for both him (and H) because THEY made it very clear for YEARS that they were together, closeted, and fighting back. Look, I get it some larries are doing way too much with their theories esp the ones that think Louis, Harry, and T*ylor are all gay beasties who are going to bring down the industry together. But they started this shit. They encouraged fans to look deeper. They came up with the name Larry Stylinson, not us. They got the corresponding tattoos and made it very obvious, not us. Louis got the dagger. They did rbb and sbb, which really caused fans to start theorizing. Louis did the Spotify canvases that connected back to H and Larry. Louis did the promo (was it for Walls?) where we had to find the different locations, and they almost always had a Larry reference nearby (I know I didn't explain that example well). Louis specifically puts H and Larry references in his music that he knows we know about. He's the one that put out the Just Like You music video. He's the one that put Style on the wall of the Miss You video. They're the ones that continuously use blue and green lights. Louis specifically interacts with Larries and Larry related signs and flags at his show. I mean, the list goes on and on. So, if you want people to chill out on Larry, how about you stop feeding it? Because this whole back and forth is exhausting and mentally draining. I'm really fucking tired of being made the joke of this fandom by Louis when we've done nothing but see him for who he really is and love him for that. And now the harassment and death threats have skyrocketed from solos, hets, gf stans, stans of other fandoms, and people into pop culture. I'm tired of seeing mental health being used as an insult against us as well because Louis and Harry not only started this, they encouraged this behavior from larries for YEARS. And then you have people who used to be around them (from xf times) Rebecca and mainly Katie talking about how truly horrible XF, Syco, and Modest were. How truly manipulative. How horribly they treated everyone, esp the boys. I mean, she's even talked about how the boys still have some of the same people around them since the early days. I know she went after larries one time (maybe more bc I stopped listening to her after that), but she made sure to talk about them and basically say without saying that a lot of our theories about xf, management, and syco weren't far off. Others around them have played into Larry. So, why doesn't he tell them to stop. Like, stop going after fans for something you created and encouraged for years. Just ignore it until you're ready to come out, if that ever happens.
I do have a question. I know stunts suck and Harry has been stunting a lot. I know H*livia was extremely upsetting. But why do larries seem to get more people upset at Harry for doing a pap walk with T*ylor, or even the ones he did with OW where he was obviously miserable, then they do with Louis outright shitting on us - multiple times? I'd much rather see Louis have to do a pap walk or two with some girl than throw fans under the bus, you know what I mean? Because while stunting sucks, it's playing the Hollywood game and something they probably are required to do to uphold the het image. Choosing to shit on fans shouldn't even be on the table if we mean as much to you as you say.
Sorry for the rant and rambling. I'm just really hurt and have so many feelings and probably didn't express everything properly. I don't recognize this "Louis," and it's really put me off. I thought we were a team, and now I just feel completely unwanted by him.
Let it out, anon 🧡
I know this hurts, especially for those of you who haven't experienced this before. We shouldn't have to deal with this. I think most people are able to ignore it and move past it because they know he's closeted and why he's doing it. They know that Louis doesn't love them any less, despite what his public twitter account might suggest. We know he's got little agency and we know he's being made to do things against his will. We see past his image and actions.
I would prefer him stunting over lashing out against his fans too. Maybe that's not an option or maybe he didn’t have a choice. Either way it isn't okay. It wasn't okay in 2012 and it isn't okay now. The only thing we can do is stop supporting him and giving him our money. Some love him and want him to succeed, and fight with him against the chains holding him back. He won't be able to do that without larries. So they keep supporting him and live in hope that things will change for the better someday. It's up to you to decide what your limits are and what you can and can't support.
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lostusagis · 7 months
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@jiraipink asked:
I passed out, but I'm back to talk about how you write Kagura! Oh you thought I was done? TEEHEE! ♡
She's SO fuckin' funny. Namida and Kagura don't interact that much, (they should) which is why I started with Kamui, but I love reading how you portray her with others. She's both so sweet yet so blunt. Not as mean as her brother, but the shit she says cracks me up LMAO Really like that factor of your portrayal of her. She has a good heart from what I've been reading in your writing. I care she and Namida will defend her ANY day if Kamui makes her upset!
But yea the same applies here on what I said about canon material and putting your own touches to that character. Appreciate what you've done with writing Kagura.
Also you should write more drabbles about the Yato sibs cuz brooooo they come out DELICIOUS! They're such contrasting yet similar characters in their own right and you really breathe that to life through your writing. Your angst drabbles pull at my heart strings. GIVE ME MORE HAPPINESS!!! That one drabble of Kamui doing her hair was so precious. My favorite parts about how you write them honestly is how much they actually care about each other. Family is forever ♡
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( BRUHHH YOU REALLY HERE TO TAKE ME OUT WITH YOUR POSITIVITY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 DKFGFKGFKHKFGK I'm REALLY glad you love Kagura because she's literally my favorite shounen heroine t b h. I strive to have more people appreciate her as much as I do !!! I'd definitely be up for her and Namida interacting more too, so they can come up w/ ways to bully Kamui or just hang out and do girl things y'know.
BUT GOOD, SHE NEEDS SOMEONE TO DEFEND HER AGAINST HER AWFUL BROTHER. Given how things are currently going with Kamui and Namida he might actually listen too, whoooo knows lolll.
But again thanks so much shesh, I'm really flattered 😭 I put my all into writing these two, they literally mean sooo much to me. BUT ALSO AHHHH IF YOU ENJOYED THE DRABBLES THAT MUCH I'D DEF MAKE SURE TO POST MORE WHENEVER AN IDEA ARRIVES!! The one where he was doing her hair was probably a huge favorite, maybe i'll do more wholesome interactions like that in the future :333 but thanks so much your asks has literally made my whole day holy shit. )
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utsuboarchive · 8 months
@lunarscaled asked: They'd been waiting by the dorm hall some time after the day had ended because meeting right after class felt too personal, but so did just walking into someone's dorm without escort or permission, even if Lyric thinks that Floyd does that regularly to visit Wuya.
It's fine, they think—it gave them time to shower and change, because that's what they read you're supposed to do when hanging out on Valentine's day ( although Lyric isn't sure why their normal uniform and shower routine wouldn't be sufficient ), but their clothing selection was limited to mostly necessities for the curriculum so even their "comfy clothes" were just their gym T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. But that's fine, right! It is?! They're not overthinking it! They're dedicated to not overthinking it.
( ...but maybe they should have worn their normal uniform... )
Their furrowed brow and scrunched expression relaxes by force when Floyd's gangly frame comes around. The paper bag they'd been holding too tight in their grip has crinkles along the top, and they look askant as their thumbs fidget over the surface before they offer it with one hand. ( wait—they didn't say hello first, shit— )
"H Hey. Uhh—I saw everyone else handing out chocolates to people, but I'm not any good at cooking... as you know... I bought some instead. They're seasalt caramel, so... tastes like home?"
After a beat, their ears flush and their expression looks disheartened as they look away again.
"... that was a bad joke. I didn't want to come empty-handed to watch stuff. So... Happy Valentine's Day, Floyd?"
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floyd was in a pretty good mood as he made his way back to his room. the lounge was hectic; valentines day sold pretty well, just like azul had predicted. students bringing one another for specialty drinks and dishes, paying for their dates or friends. it kept him pretty busy, up until he wasn't feeling it anymore-- and dipped out right near the end. the others weren't too upset about it though, he'd made it through the worst of it- and left right as it began to slow down.
he whistled a tune as he wandered down the hall, hands in his pockets. stopping only as he turns the corner, and sees lyric outside his door.
well this is a surprise.
he's been nice enough to keep his thoughts to himself. but floyd didn't think lyric would be able to take him up on his offer. they're a wreck; a messy ball of anxiety and paranoia. it's sad, and kind of funny to watch sometimes. more than half of their misery was self induced. but, despite the humor he got from being a witness to the constant trembling and worry-- he didn't offer this out of pity.
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" karei-chan~ didn't think you'd show up. " a lilt to his tone, as he saunters closer. the smell of chocolate hits him once he's looming over them, drawing his multicolor gaze to the bag. oh, good they didn't make them ( floyd knows lyric can't cook to save their life ). floyd takes it of course, with a small hum. sea-salt caramel-- good one. he opens it as lyric explains their aim, and plops one of the candies in his mouth. " ooo these are good, glad you didn't try to cook for me hahaha!! i really hate wasting food. "
he reaches for the door, and gestures for the other to follow him in.
to say it's a mess is... pretty accurate. there's some clothes hanging off his bed, and a couple pairs of shoes on the floor. snacks on the shelves, and the trashcan seems to have been knocked over ( oops ). and his bed??? definitely not made. what's the point if he's just gonna sleep on it again?
floyd drops the bag on his desk, and grabs his laptop. immediately offering it to lyric as soon as they're in the room with him. " pick somethin' out while i get changed outta of my uniform. " he gives them an odd look. " and it better be a good one, nothing too cringe or dumb, kay? "
valentines day surprise
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bigmeandragonlady · 1 year
nsfw a-z + Aelyn!
cut for length and tmi galore
A = Aftercare Isn't used to much of anything and is fine just parting ways. but in an ideal situation: sleepy, wants to cuddle and have pillowtalk. cleans up but wants to slide right back into bed
B = Body part (their favorite) You know, her tits are great, there's a reason most of her clothes are low cut and she enjoys when her partner pays attention to them. For some reason I think she would like her own hands as well. In terms of others: shoulders/back, mouth.
C = Cum Ambivalent- you wanna cum in her? on her? that's fine. (if she doesn't get to cum she's... frosty)
D = Dirty Secret hmm idk if it counts but has been payed by a noblewoman to seduce her husband as a way of 'properly' invalidating their marriage by proving he had been cheating on her (i.e. getting caught in the act). He had been, she just couldn't prove it. (she was paid very well but can never go back to that town)
E = Experience I'm not going to say she's mindblowing in the sack (feels really cocky for me to say so) but she does have a lot of experience and knows what she's doing
F = Favorite position whatever has her pinned down and getting her back blown out tbh. She also really enjoys skin contact
G = Goofy Likes to smile and laugh during sex. not, like, constantly or anything but sometimes stuff gets knocked over or your bodies make noises- she prefers someone who will take that in stride and won't get upset if she starts giggling
H = Hair Doesn't shave but keeps it trimmed as part of her grooming routine
I = Intimacy 100% depends on who she's with and the situation at hand. If the person she's with expects it, she'll be affectionate and intimate to get what she needs. In a relationship/FWB arrangement ala tallys/chase tends to be more intimate and wants the same from her partner
J = Jack off (or masturbation) Does it more often then she'd like, just b/c it can be difficult to get her off and many of her hook ups just... didn't. prefers to have someone help her out
K = Kinks i haven't quite hammered this out yet but probably getting tied up and being overstimulated 
L = Location She is not picky. Enjoys being somewhere familiar and soft where they can just lay there for awhile after, outdoors somewhere secluded is nice too
M = Motivation (What gets them going) another thing im not totally sure on uhh shit like Briony choking someone out with her thighs (hot) or Chase blowing a hole in Thurl's head out of nowhere (hot) or soft touches to her face, esp lips
N = NOs (Things they won't do) non-con/rape roleplay, making her bleed on purpose, a lot of pain/sadism- hit her too hard and it's over, chains/shackles
O = Oral is real good at giving but thoroughly enjoys receiving. Biggest downside is that skin contact/pressure is missing from her torso
P = Pacing Prefers longer, drawn out sessions but can do shorter ones
Q = Quickies Sure! However, as stated above, can have a hard time getting off so it needs to be made up to her later OR just learn to make her cum quickly 
R = Risk Is willing to try most things as long as they don't cross her hard lines. Is okay with sex in semi-public places, i.e. risk of getting caught/somewhere they're not supposed to be
S = Stamina Pretty good, tbh, but i dont have anything exact like # of rounds.
T = Toys Doesn't have any but definitely isn't opposed to using them 
U = Unfair She thoroughly enjoys teasing as a means of foreplay before even getting to the bedroom, mainly to rile up her partner so they take the reins in the bedroom
V = Vocal Very good at keeping quiet. Ranges from embarrassed to pleasantly surprised if her partner can make her lose control and be vocal
W = Wild Card Picks up on sexual intentions right away but is pretty dense when it comes to 'i wanna date you'/'i'm in love with you' unless directly stated.
For instance: when red invites you to go on a picnic on one his days off she just thinks 'that sounds like fun :D i like spending time with Red' even though it could 100% be interpreted as a date and would be seen that way by many parties. He would have to say 'this is a date'/'do you want to go on a date with me' none of this ambiguous 'lets have a meal together' shit
X = X-ray I really dont know how to go about this? she got.... a nice... pussy?
Y = Yearning (sex drive) hmm, i'd say pretty middle of the road. she can kind of switch it on and off pretty easily? it's so easy to turn her off and doesn't have to have sex that often
 Z = Zzz Depends- she likes to cuddle and have pillow talk but if she's been nice and worn out she'll doze off pretty quickly
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years
💞🥰 CarolChohee
🤝😟 MellowMomo
Hello hello! :)
You are going to absolutely hate Dallas for what I have in mind with Mellow x Momo if you don't already :)
CW: Violence mention (Momo and Mellow part only)
💞🥰 Cheeks + Gently
Cho-Hee was having a particularly bad day, staring at some of the scars that covered him from head to toe...
He wishes he didn't have them sometimes, but he'd rather have the dog attack him than his sister. Sometimes he wonders if people would be less intimidated by him without them...
To him, they are ugly, something that he'd rather hide away from the world, but it's an impossible task since they're all over him. On his face, his chest, his arms, his legs... He hated it...
Carol walks in on him as he's sulking in the gardens, he'd always go there if he didn't want to be seen by anyone...
"Cho-Hee, there you are! I was worried you-..." She paused for a moment "... Are you alright?..."
"U-Um..." Cho-Hee sighed, deciding to be honest with Carol "... Not... Exactly... I just think that maybe if I didn't have them, I could-"
"Cho-Hee..." Carol cuts him off mid-talk with a firm yet caring tone, her soft hands gently holding his cheeks as she makes him look her in the eye. "They don't deserve you if they're so easily scared off by how you look... I know you're one of the kindest people out there, sweetheart. If they're too scared to get close to you, that's their problem because they're really missing out..."
As Carol finished her words with a smile, Cho-hee leaned into her hands with teary eyes. "Do you... Really... Think so?..." He asked her.
"I know so." She answered, letting him pull her close to cry into her for a moment.
🤝😟 Hand + Worried
Mellow was just patching up Momo after what appeared to be an argument, she seemed insistent on keeping what happened a secret, rising some suspicion from Mellow...
"Y-You know... I can f-fix you up better in my d-dorm..." Mellow says, as he puts the last finishing touches.
"NO!" Momo jolted "U-Um!... N-No thank you, M-Mellow... Um... I-I think it's b-better I... D-Don't do that..."
"A-Are you sure? You seem pretty hurt and-"
"O-Oh! U-Um! L-Look at the t-t-time! I-I th-think my c-classes should be st-tarting soon! I-I'll see you l-later!" Momo nervously tried to slip away from the conversation...
"Momo, wait!" Mellow swiftly grabs her hand, a look of worry on his face.
Momo squeaks and turns to look at him, feeling very nervous.
"I-I don't know who the h-hell did this to you or if th-they're gonna do it again while you're w-walking down the h-halls or s-something like that" There seems to be genuine concern in his voice.
Momo feels upset that she has to hide this from him, but she'd rather go through it all again than risk Mellow getting hurt...
"I-I'm... I'm ok-kay... R-Really..." He struggles not to cry in front of Mellow.
"Momo... You know if something's wrong you can t-tell me..."
But Momo didn't want to tell him, Dallas already made it clear that there will be consequences... It was all because Dallas was jealous that Momo was starting to be friends with more people, after all, lots of people think Momo's cute in a way.
Dallas couldn't stand it, so he had resorted to violently picking on her, asking him what he'd do if it was someone else doing it to them. He called them weak, pathetic, hopeless...
Now she kind of feels like she's proving his point, but again, she'd rather not risk Mellow.
"Momo, please... If you c-can't tell me what's g-going on... At l-least let me p-properly t-take care of y-you..." Mellow pleaded.
"... U-Um-... I-I... Uh..." Momo was running out of excuses to leave the conversation.
"P-Please?..." He asked, a bit of hurt in his voice.
Momo seems very reluctant... She sighs, gently squeezing his hand "... O-Oh... O-Ok-kay... B-But only if you're th-there..."
"Thank you..." Mellow seemed a bit relieved as he quickly walks away with Momo.
Unbeknownst to them, someone was watching and he hated every second of it...
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casspurrjoybell-18 · 5 months
The Vanilla Scented Rogue
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*Warning Adult Content*
Chapter 2: Risky Promises
A S H T O N - B L A K E
I leaned against the tree as I sipped on my drink, Aaliyah standing beside me staring at Alpha Jacob's tent.
"What do you think they're talking about right now?"
Aaliyah turned to look at me, her eyebrows nit together.
"They've been in there for quite awhile," she stated, frowning as she moved her gaze towards the tent again.
She raised her left hand to her mouth before starting to chew on her thumbnail, the action clearly showing that she was beyond nervous.
"Adam is probably telling Jacob about how it's unsafe to camp here any longer. Jacob is probably saying something about it being fine."
I sighed.
"Probably," she agreed after a minute or two but it was clear I didn't ease her nerves when she turned to look at me with worried eyes.
"It's gonna be fine," I stated, my voice sort of unsure.
"I hope so. If it really is as unsafe as Adam says it is, I don't want to be here any longer," she shared with me, her voice somewhat muffled because her thumbnail was still stuck between her two rows of perfectly straight teeth.
"I hope you know Adam will never let anything bad happen to you, Aaliyah. Neither will I, you're like my little sister."
I looked down at her, smiling at the thin girl.
"And you're like my older, annoying brother," she chuckled but even then, her laugh didn't seem genuine.
She looked back at the tent before sighing loudly, her worried eyes eventually turning to look up at me again.
"I'm glad to be of service."
I rolled my eyes playfully, running a hand through my hair before looking away. I turned my gaze towards Alpha Jacob's tent, my eyes stuck to the makeshift door until I saw Adam walk out. He looked absolutely pissed. He walked towards us, his jaw clenched as he pulled Aaliyah into a hug.
"Adam? What happened?" Aaliyah was the first to speak, her voice tiny.
"Alpha Jacob," he grumbled, into her long dark hair.
"Alpha Jacob happened."
"What happened with Alpha Jacob?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at the obviously upset male.
"He's decided he's going to try to catch them off guard by taking a group of people, have them walk through miles and miles of woodland and then try to sneak into the Alpha's land," Adam replied, sighing into Aaliyah's hair before letting her go.
"All because Alpha Jacob wants to talk to the Alpha."
"That would be a bloodbath."
My eyes widen as I speak.
"I know," he replied, sighed and taking Aaliyah's hand into his as he continued to speak.
"I tried to reason with him but he wouldn't listen. He's taking a group of men with him tonight. I'm supposed to be going along with them," he spoke, as he looked at me.
I turned my head to look at Aaliyah, her hand gripping Adam's tightly as she stared down at the ground. She looked scared.
"I'll go instead," I volunteered, turning my eyes back to Adam's.
He looked at me, obviously confused, before speaking.
"You don't have to come along, Ash. I'm sure Alpha Jacob has already picked who's going."
I turn my gaze back to Aaliyah who was still looking at the ground, her worried eyes filled with tears. She didn't seem to hear my statement, in fact, she seemed like she was in a whole other world.
"Still. I'll go as well," I restated before looking at Adam.
"Alright, I'll go tell Alpha Jacob that we have a volunteer," he said, shrugging softly, before looking down at his beautiful mate.
"I'll be back."
He smiled at her before kissing her lips. He looked at me before letting go of Aliyah's hand and walking back towards Jacob's tent. I watched as he knocked on the makeshift door a total of four times before being let into his Alpha's tent.
"I'll make sure he remains safe."
I look at Aaliyah, smiling at the girl who quickly rushed towards me and hugged me.
"Thank you, Ash."
She hugs me tightly, her head pressed against my shoulder.
"Bring him back to me, please."
She lets out a breath as she spoke to me.
"I will. I'll bring him back to you," I promise her as I continue to hold her, hoping to ease her nerves.
"You come back too, alright? I need you both," she spoke before pulling away from me, looking up at me with her lips pressed tightly together.
I nod in understanding, smiling at her.
"Ashton," I hear someone yell.
I turned my head, my eyes catching on Adam and Jacob who were now standing by each other in front of the Alpha's makeshift door. Adam was staring at Aaliyah and my interaction, his eyes mostly focused on his mate, while Alpha Jacob was simply ogling Aaliyah as he summoned me. Adam seemed to notice my eyesight on them last, clearing his throat before calling another guy I despised over, the guy's group of minions following him.
My eyes drifted to Ryan, the man now standing a few feet away from the Adam and Alpha Jacob, his eyes trained on me as he listened to Adam speak words I couldn't hear. Being a Rogue was slightly different than simply being a werewolf. We didn't have phenomenal hearing and phenomenal healing abilities because we didn't have the strength of an actual pack to help us.
We had an Alpha, yes but Jacob wasn't chosen by the Moon Goddess herself. He chose himself to build his own pack filled with wolves that no other pack would choose. Ryan rolled his eyes before nodding to whatever Adam said, crossing his arms before he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Are you deaf or something? Alpha Jacob called you over here, dumbass," he spoke, his minions standing by him snickering at his statement.
He had been standing by some of the stronger men and women in our little pack who were most likely going with us to the other Alpha's pack.
"Let's go," he spoke impatiently.
I rolled my eyes before looking at Aaliyah, forcing a smile as I looked at the petite dark-haired girl.
I leaned forward, kissing her forehead before leaving her behind. I noticed Adam walk over to her shortly after I reached the group of people who were going with us to complete Alpha Jacob's dumb plan. I smiled as Adam and Aaliyah hugged, their arms wrapped around each other so tightly that Aaliyah was practically invisible because of Adam's ability to hide her in his chest.
I wondered if they thought that it would physically hurt if they were to leave each other for more than a minute. I wondered if it actually did hurt to leave your mate. I smiled at the sight of them before focusing on Ryan who was telling the others the plan. I almost laughed as Jacob stared at Ryan in hate, his eyes narrowed and his arms crossed as Ryan told the others the plan for him.
"By surprise," he stated.
"We'll mask our scents before sneaking up on them, once we slaughter all the guards who are standing watch by the boundary line, we'll accompany Jacob into the pack-house so he can meet with..."
"That's the dumbest plan I have ever heard," I interrupt.
Ryan stares at me in annoyance before opening his big mouth, probably to tell the others that Jacob's plan will work successfully when in reality we'll all die if we use it.
"Keep your opinions to your-self," Alpha Jacob starts.
"What's going on over here?" I heard Adam speak, now standing beside me.
"I was telling everyone that the plan was to mask our scents, sneak up on the guards patrolling their borders, kill them and then sneak Alpha Jacob into the pack-house so he can meet with the Alpha. It's pretty late so I don't expect anyone to be up when we go into the pack-house but if someone's up, we could simply just kill them," Ryan said, his tone slightly annoyed I looked over at Adam, snorting when I saw his expression that read 'What the fuck.'
"Fine," Adam sighed, which made my eyes widen
"But instead of killing the guards, just knock them out. Same with the pack members, just knock them out. There's no need to kill them unless they try to kill us."
"Alpha Jacob told us to kill them," Ryan spoke before looking over at Alpha Jacob.
"Sir, didn't you say to just kill the guards so it's easier to get through the borders?"
Jacob stood there with his hands in his pockets for a few minutes before answering.
"Just do as Adam says."
He rolled his eyes, before starting to walk towards the other Pack.
"No kills tonight," Adam states before starting to walk.
I looked back at where Aaliyah was last standing only to see that she wasn't there. I took a breath before focusing on the fire I had been previously standing in front of. I watched as the flames danced together before following the others towards the pack, a sense of nervousness filling my body for unknown reasons. I will make sure Adam returns to Aaliyah but what if I can't return to Aaliyah?
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AHH them :DDD
They're literally so adorable <33
Ope o.o
There'ssss the questionnnnn 😳😳👀
Okay phew I'm glad they're not being like too secretive or too truthful lol
Ahhh yeah so that's why Denny was wondering
Oop pictures o.o 👀
I'm glad he isn't too upset, and just wants to keep going with what they were gonna do :) <3
Yeah I think they did handle it well :D
Oop looks like it messed with Hen a bit though. I'm not really surprised, it makes sense, but still
Hi Bobby :DD
Ahh you're his sponsor aren't you
Lol yup xDD
Ayy almost 5 years!! Well 4 :)))
I'm happy for Bobby <333 :'D
Aww :( this guy doesn't seem to be doing great
I hope he ends up okay D:
Ahh so he wants Bobby to watch out for them, okay :)
Hiii Athena :DD
Ahh Wendall okay
Idk if I'm already supposed to know him but eh lol
It's been a long show xD
You ain't gonna explain the goodbyes thing to Athena xD? Idk maybe he did in the few seconds the tv froze but still lol
Be careful Wendall 🥺 :)
Yeeeah I'm really not sure he is okay
Poor guy :((
Huh 👀 silent
Ahhh a murder house xdd because of course lol
I wasn't watching what hit him
Oh okay it was just her that scared him lol
Poor guy lol
Ahh okay just loose/chewed wiring
Maybe Chim can have a rapport with the house lol xD
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chocoenvy · 3 years
MORE TRANS READER AS PER YOUR REQUEST! it's a bit of a mess but it's super fun and fluffy.
warnings: cult behaviors, dysphoria, lots of fluff :))
Nicknames and constant compliments.
They'd call you Prince/Princess, I don't make the rules
some of them start to get the whole dysphoria thing and will give you small compliments that mean the world
like "Your hands are so masculine/feminine!" "Wow your voice is so cute/handsome/hot/pretty!" "You've got a little fuzz on your face."/ "Your face is so smooth!"
stuff like that. the compliments that cater to your weird dysphoric needs.
Ningguang buying you literally anything you want.
Taking your kins or characters you find aesthetically pleasing to help you pick out outfits
Imagine buying a really masc/fem outfit and strutting around with the boys/girls in town acting like you own the place (because you do)
(Fem) imagine a flowy dress or skirt and flowy sleeves. Or a cute kimono from Inazuma with cute earrings you got from your favorite character. (Imagine getting cat earrings from Diona)
(Masc) Or a hoodie like chongyun has, a dress shirt, chains, rings. That necklace thing that Thoma wears.
PIRATE. APPAREL. A PIRATE HAT. pirate apparel is not gendered but imagine a super masc/fem version of pirate wear and boarding the alcor with Beidou i'm-
The amount of euphoria!
and if anybody ever misgenders you on purpose literally the entirety of teyvat will sneer at them
like wtf dude? that's basic human respect dumbass. you're creating a problem from nothing.
you'll never see whoever did that again :)) (childe took the "boil the homophobes" too literally)
Comfort from Dysphoria
as far as we're aware none of the characters are trans and understand dysphoria. But if there is anybody that would understand it would be the gods. Specifically Venti.
They can change forms, surely they understand that if they're in the wrong form everything feels wrong.
Whenever you approach Venti about this he understands. Not to the extent you do since he's not trapped in one body, but he does get it.
"It was such an awful feeling." Venti grimaced, "I changed my form as soon as I could to get rid of it. Is that what you go through everyday?" His eyes shone with pity. Sadness that his beloved god feels so awful all the time.
Venti, being the cutest dumbass bard that he is, sings a song praising you using your name and pronouns (think "He's a Jolly Good Fellow" but you and your pronouns. really dumb but cute)
It's so goofy that you can't help but giggle uncontrolably. Any thoughts of dysphoria or self hatred pretty much gone with the wind.
-Venti jokingly making his voice higher/lower to show you how masc/fem you are
-Zhongli giving you masculine/feminine jewlery custom made by him with pretty stones
-Ei doesn't know how to be comforting so she'll probably just be your supply of sweets on those really rough days. She'll also personally m u r d e r those that made you upset.
-IMAGINE Beidou and Xinyan helping you look like a masculine girl and Venti and Xingqiu helping you look like feminine guy. Like imagine for my trans mascs, looking like a boy but wearing a skirt!! Or wearing a tux and looking like a girl for trans fems!!
"Razor, what do I smell like?"
"No, like, does my scent give away my biological sex?"
"Sex? Your scent... like lupical?"
"Razor I-"
"T-thank you Razor..."
-Someone is misgendering you and the traveler gets more and more pissed off while Paimon not-so-sutbly corrects them, her voice getting higher and higher everytime they use the wrong pronoun.
TransMasc!Reader: My chest is so big :(
Beidou: *proud* Not as big as these honkers *slaps her chest*
Transfem Reader begging the women of genshin to spare some boobage.
Aether and Lumine being the best older siblings:
Aether helping transmasc reader with his wardrobe and daily routine.
"i have long hair so you shouldn't worry about how long yours is"
He helps you do masculine makeup, "My sister taught me how to do it, i'll try to make is as masculine as possible :))"
if your hair is short but grows back super quick and you don't wanna get your hair cut every week Aether will jokingly put it in a tiny ponytail to match his braid.
You teasingly steal his sword and he just stares at you with his hand to his chin, humming, "You look very masculine with a sword."
Lumine dresses transfem reader all pretty everyday with fancy and cute dresses and jewlery.
Going shopping with Lumine and she points out every item she thinks would look good on you.
"Here take these dresses and model them for me!" She grinned.
The two of you had a whole fashion show in the dressing room.
Lumine puts flowers in your hair whenever she can because you just look so cute! (it was originally Venti's idea but Lumine beat him to it)
Lumine doing your makeup super fem and pretty. Matching makeup!! The two of you sitting at the vanity staring into the mirror, "What kind of look are we going for today?"
STYLING. YOUR. HAIR. doesn't matter how long or short it is, it's Lumine's to style! now She'll have a blast with your hair, she has lots of experience with Aether's hair and her own so she'll have fun and you'll definetely like the results.
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Levi Ackerman - NSFW Alphabet
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A/N: i'm bored so i'm just writing these nsfw headcanons for all my comfort characters, don't judge me. feel free to request - i posted request rules so go check it out :)
enjoy! nsfw under the cut :P
A - Aftercare (what are they like after sex)
The first time you have sex, Levi needs a lot of comfort. He'd never been that vulnerable with someone before and it took a lot for him to open up like that, so aftercare for him is the priority. Once sex becomes more frequent and he gets used to everything, he's the one to clean you both up but he still needs more emotional reassurance than he'll admit.
B - Body part (fav body part of themselves/their partner)
He isn't a vain person, so he'd probably say his arms just because of how much you love them. He wasn't too fussed at first but because of all the attention you give them he's started growing fonder of them.
His favourite part of you is your neck and collarbones. He didn't even realize he had a thing for that until he met you, and whenever you wear chokers he can't take his eyes off you.
C - Cum (where do they prefer to cum?)
Levi prefers to cum on your stomach, purely because it makes it easier to clean up. (He's always very mindful of any mess.)
D - Dirty secret (self-explanatory)
It obviously couldn't happen because of his status, but it sends a shiver of arousal through him whenever he imagines you humiliating him in public. It's something he wants to try in private, though he's nervous to talk about it with you.
E - Experience (how experienced are they?)
Levi is a virgin, since he doesn't have sex with people he doesn't genuinely, 100% trust. You'll have to guide him through everything at the beginning, however he's a quick learner and picks it up pretty fast.
F - Favourite position (goes without saying)
He likes missionary a lot because it lets him feel close to you, and he'll melt if you wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. He also gets shy sometimes, so this position is perfect to hide his face in your neck.
G - Goofy (are they goofy or serious in the moment?)
Other than the odd sarcastic comment, he's generally serious. If he's in a vulnerable position then joking around doesn't calm his nerves at all.
H - Hair (opinions on grooming etc.)
Levi keeps his own hair neatly trimmed. He'd prefer if you keep yours vaguely under control but, as long as it's clean, it's up to you how you keep it.
I - Intimacy (how intimate are they during sex?)
It takes him a while to fully open up to you, but sex becomes one of the most intimate moments you ever share with Levi where he truly breaks down all his walls for you, just the two of you.
J - Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn't tend to masturbate unless he's really desperate. Something about it just makes him uncomfortable, but he also has urges sometimes when you aren't available.
K - Kinks (again, pretty self-explanatory)
When you first started sleeping together, Levi had more of the control because he thought that was the way it was 'supposed' to be. However once you brought up the idea of him being submissive, your dynamic shifted. He was extremely hesitant at the beginning because he wasn't used to being in such a powerless position, though as soon as you managed to get him into a submissive headspace it became a regular occurrence.
Levi is a sub at heart who needs a soft dom more than anything. Some of the kinks you've explored that he likes are bondage, light impact play, praise, orgasm denial and marking (as long as the marks are hidden during the day.)
He also definitely has a bit of a humiliation kink but he's still working up the courage to tell you.
L - Location (favourite place to do the deed)
His favourite place is a tie between the shower and his desk. Sometimes when he's had a long day and doesn't want a full scene, he likes to have sex in the shower (also it makes clean-up easier). Although if he feels like subbing, as long as the door is locked, one of his favourite things is for you to cockwarm him while he's trying to work.
M - Motivation (what gets them going)
Showing skin is a sure-fire way to get him riled up. I personally headcanon Levi as demisexual, so he doesn't care when other people show skin, but if it's you? All you have to do is leave a couple buttons undone, expose your chest a little, and he is done for. Also, slipping casual praise into conversations will sometimes start pushing him into a submissive headspace, especially if you've done a lot of scenes with him recently because he starts responding to that tone of voice.
N - No (something they'd never do)
He doesn't like intense pain play - he's had enough pain the rest of his life so he needs you to be gentle with him. He also wouldn't want a harsh or strict dom, preferring to have you take care of him instead.
O - Oral (preference in giving, receiving etc.)
He enjoys both equally. Before you'd had sex you wanted to ease him into the experience carefully, so you gave him his first blowjob and he almost sobbed from the stimulation. Buuuuuuut alongside that he would also happily spend hours between yours legs - the praise you give him as he pleasures you and the feeling of you clenching around his tongue is almost enough to make him finish without any physical touch.
P - Pace (are they fast, slow, quick, rough?)
If it's just against the wall in the shower then it tends to be a bit faster, and on the odd occasion Levi feels more dominant he can get rougher, but he is usually perfectly content to let you decide the pace entirely.
Q - Quickie (opinion on quickies)
They're good sometimes, especially when you're both very busy with other duties. They're good to relieve basic urges, but Levi would never choose them over a full scene.
R - Risk (how open are they to risk?)
Levi is open to a bit of experimentation, but never anything exhibitionist. He can't risk the possibility of someone catching him in a compromising position, considering his importance in the military, so he insists that you keep all bedroom activities private.
S - Stamina (how long can they go for?)
As expected, at the start Levi had pretty low stamina since it was all so new and overwhelming. It gotten a little better since then but he also has a fairly quick recovery time to make up for it.
T - Toys (opinion on using toys etc.)
He doesn't particularly enjoy using toys on you, but adores when you use toys on him.
U - Unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
He'll only tease you a little when he's in a dominant mood and you've been doing something to piss him off, but the rest of the time it's not something he does at all. (He kind of likes when you tease him though.)
V - Volume (are they loud or quiet?)
Levi is cautious to control his volume so that other people don't hear, but his whimpers of pleasure can get quite loud sometimes.
W - Wild card (random headcanon)
During a scene once, while he was deep into subspace, he accidently called you mommy. When he realized what he said he was mortified, and almost started dropping. You had to quickly assure him that it was perfectly alright, that you weren't upset with him, and that you don't mind it if he wants to keep calling you that. He only uses that name for you when he's really, really submissive, and it's adorable hearing the tiny whimpers of "P-please mommy..."
X - X-ray (what's going on... down there?)
So many people seem to think that this man has a monster cock. He is 5'3 there is no way. He's a little smaller than average, in length and girth, but that just means you can hear him whine when you take his whole length into your mouth.
Y - Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is low most of the time. He has so many other things he has to focus on everyday, so sex doesn't cross his mind that much. Sex is more of a stress relief that he doesn't think too much about until it happens.
Z - Zzzzz... (how quickly do they fall asleep after?)
Being an insomniac, Levi takes a while to settle down to sleep, although it's always a little easier when he's comfortably next to you. (definitely the little spoon)
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Aim For The Heart | Chapter 1: At First Sight
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Pairing: hitman!jk x female reader
Genre: E2L, romance, angst, drama
WC: 4.5k
Warnings for this chapter: alcohol consumption, language, stalking kind of? I think that's all lol. Pls let me know if there is anything else I should put.
tag list; @teresaisla @hopekookies @moonchild1 @barbellastyles98 @ggukkieland @mwitsmejk @yukiehyukie
summary; Jeon Jungkook is an infamous hitman, known for his inability to fail at whatever job is thrown his way. At least, up until now. Y/n, a kind-hearted and full of life teacher, is his newest target. Jeon isn't sure who would put a hit on this seemingly innocent girl, but fortunately, that isn't his problem. All he has to do is pull the trigger. 
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A bright smile graces your features as you tuck the little star-shaped peanut butter and jelly sandwiches into a tiny container, just barely getting two of them to fit as you squish them down a tad bit in order to get the lid clipped on.
Then you grab a little tangerine and a cheese stick to drop into your lunch bag along with the sandwiches, counting the number of items aloud to yourself as they make themselves at home and then you zip it all up.
"Th-There we go!" You lift your lunch for the day in triumph.
Your phone startles you when it starts to ring, then you grapple in your purse to find it. You pull it out and answer right before the last ring.
"Hey, girl! Are you ready to go? I'm downstairs." The voice of your best friend comes through the phone and you look at the clock on your microwave. You stare at the little black screen, confused as to why the time isn't showing up before remembering that you were never able to figure out how to display the clock when you bought the microwave three years ago. So, you hold your phone out to look at the time.
"Oh geez! I didn't r-realize the time. I'll be d-down in a minute, k?" You say, earning a lighthearted laugh from the girl on the other end.
"Take your time, hun. I'm not in any rush."
You thank her quickly and hang up, then you run to your room to grab your favorite pink cardigan and throw it on over your white shirt. As you're hurrying out and grabbing your lunch, you stumble and knock your knee into an open lower cabinet that you had forgotten to close the previous night after pulling a pan from it to make dinner.
"Ouch!" You hiss in pain and rub the sore spot, although it does nothing to ease the ache. Then you grab your purse and run outside, almost forgetting to lock the door. But you remember just in time and clumsily lock it before rushing down the stairs leading to the parking lot of your apartment complex.
Your best friend, Mina, is laughing. You can see her through the windshield as she waves to you. Lifting a hand to wave back, you don't realize in time that your arms are full. You drop your lunchbox and have to crouch to get it again, only taking up even more of your time.
But Mina finds it hilarious and tells you so as soon as you slide into the car and fumble with your seatbelt to get it buckled.
"Honestly, ___. I can't believe you're still single. If I wasn't straight as a board, I'd be head over heels for you and all your shenanigans." She states in a matter-of-fact tone as she pulls out of the parking spot.
A blush creeps up your neck and you try to laugh it off, "D-Don't be silly." You whisper, turning your gaze outside to look at the fluffy white clouds decorating the sky beautifully. You smile and lean your forehead against the glass as you imagine lying on a soft cloud, just drifting in the air.
"If you c-could go anywhere at all, where would y-you go?" You ask Mina suddenly, turning to her. Her eyes are focused on the road but she bites her lip in thought at your question. "Mm, probably Italy. What about you?" She's used to your sudden questions and ramblings, so she smiles when you start to go off.
"I'd wanna go up in the c-clouds. I wanna sit on one and maybe even see a r-rainbow up close! I wonder if I could slide down the rainbow..." Your brows furrow in deep thought. "Or would I f-fall?" You turn to her again and she glances over to see your signature puppy dog eyes that you use when you are either confused, upset, or want something.
Mina turns back to the road, a tiny ache in her heart that she hides with a bright smile, "Girl, you would ride that rainbow straight down into a pot of gold!"
"Really?" Your eyes widen and you feel your heart lift at the image.
She nods and you giggle happily, "You can come w-with me, Mina." You say confidently, your gaze turning back to the sky. "We can sleep in the clouds and slide down rainbows for the rest of f-forever."
"Sounds like a deal."
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By the time Mina pulls up to the school, you've discussed everything you'd do up in the clouds and what you'd eat when you're hungry (stardust, you've decided, is the best meal anyone could eat.)
You unbuckle and gather your things. Then you remember something and turn back to Mina, "Oh yeah. W-When are you leaving on your business trip?" You ask a tinge of sadness in your voice.
"This weekend," Mina says solemnly. "I'm sorry I won't be able to drive you for a while. I'll be gone for a month this time."
That makes your heart sting but you manage a small smile, "D-Don't worry about me. I can walk! I'm gonna m-miss you though."
"I'll miss you too, buttercup. We'll hang out this Friday night before I leave the next day. How about that?" Mina asks kindly.
You nod enthusiastically and she smiles, "Ok, get your butt in there before you're late! The bell rings in half an hour and you can't be late on a Monday." She urges you and you nod, hopping out of the car and thanking her again for the ride, reassuring her that you'll walk home from work today.
You blow her a kiss and she laughs as you turn and hurry into the school.
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You're all set up only a few minutes before the kids are supposed to arrive, so you go onto Pinterest and look through your fairytale boards, feeling a little spark of joy in your chest.
A couple of minutes later, the kids start streaming through the door, greeting you with the same amount of enthusiasm as you greet them. Your kiddos love you so much that all the other teachers are jealous and they let you know it every day. Of course, you have the sweetest kindergarteners and they're always the best for you.
"Hello, Teacher! Good morning Miss ___! Teacher, look at my new haircut!"
"Hi, Jina! Hello M-Minhhyuk! Kun, your new haircut l-looks so good!" All the kids have bright smiles on their faces by the time they've settled in their seats.
You always start the day off by getting everyone to stand and do a few stretches, then you sing the nursery rhymes you learned yesterday and start learning a new one. You honestly have as much fun as the kids during the school day.
"Ok, l-little ducklings, have a seat!" You get their attention and they immediately oblige. Next, is the alphabet that you guys have been working on since the beginning of the year. Every little one sings it perfectly all the way through and you give them a round of applause and they each get a little punch in their reward cards.
The rest of the day goes by smoothly, with only one temper tantrum thrown and that was resolved quickly.
It's nearing the end of the school day and the kids are all playing during their free time. You're sitting with Ae-Cha, a small and fairly quiet girl, playing with colorful blocks; the both of you competing to see who can build the highest tower. You've learned that she responds well to playing games when there isn't too much talking involved.
You're constantly glancing around the room to make sure everyone is safe and playing nicely and you're always pleased. They've all improved so much since the beginning of school back in September. It's June now and they've all learned their alphabet and how to play nicely with their new friends, along with so many other things. They've really made you so proud this year. You can even hear them reciting the alphabet and nursery rhymes to each other as they play.
Your heart warms at the sound of tiny voices filling the room as they sing. Then you glance at the clock and realize the bell will be ringing in a few minutes. So, you declare Ae-Cha the winner with her foot-high tower of blocks and she beams proudly. Then, you get up and clap three times, "One, two, th-three! Eyes on me!" You singsong, then smile when the kids immediately respond by clapping twice and shouting "One, two! Eyes on you!"
"G-Great attention today, everyone! Alright, the bell will ring soon. Who can tell me w-what that means? What are we doing n-now?" A few little hands go up and you point to the little boy that raised his first, "Yes, Joon Woo?"
"We...Uhm...time to clean up toys...Uhm..." You smile to encourage him and he finishes cutely, "Time uh, to clean up our toys and pack bags."
"Yes! Thank you, Joon Woo. It is t-time for us to clean up and make sure our bags are packed up and ready for h-home!"
The kids start to pick up their toys as you put on the cleaning song that you play every day for them. You all sing along until the room is all tidied and their bags are packed with their homework papers.
You always give them little mazes to do for homework to get their little brains to learn to concentrate, along with instructions on what to draw to show the class the next day. Today, their homework is an extremely easy maze, a coloring page with the alphabet and instructions to draw themselves doing their favorite activity. The kids always love drawing pictures and sharing them with the class and it's a good ice breaker for the shy ones at the beginning of the day.
You always have less and easier homework for the kids on Mondays and Fridays, it just seems fair to you that way. You also feel like it's good for kids to express themselves and be able to share what they like and dislike. You've found drawing helps with communication and creativity for the kids in your class.
The sound of the bell ringing makes a few of you jump, then you hurry to the door. "Alright, ducklings! T-Time to line up!" A few of the kids make quacking sounds as they line up, giggling and talking to their friends.
You smile and open up the door, holding it as the kids walk out in a straight line, some of them still quacking like little ducks.
You lead the kids to the front of the school and make sure they get into the correct line for the bus if they take it. You wave goodbye to them as the kids that take the bus climb on and they run to a window to wave back to you.
The rest of the kids that are left are soon picked up by their parents or siblings. You wave to Ae-Cha, the last student to be picked up. She smiles shyly and waves back before hurrying after her big sister.
After that, you go back to your classroom and finish a few things before packing up to go home. As you're leaving your classroom, you run into one of the other teachers coming from his own room.
"Oh, h-hello Mr. B-Baek!" You bow, missing the ugly sneer on his face as you smile brightly at him. He pushes his glasses further up his nose as he scrutinizes you with his beady little eyes. "You don't belong here, Miss ___." He snaps.
You look at him in confusion, "I-I'm sorry, I don't understand."
"I've waited the entire school year to say this to you. But now that we are nearing the end, I think you should know that you have no business being a teacher at this school. You ought to make the right decision to discontinue your work here." Mr. Baek watches your face fall with a sick sense of satisfaction.
"B-But, why?" You ask, still not understanding.
"First of all, you're inexperienced. You just got out of college last year, am I right?"
You nod uncertainly.
"You're still a child. Why should a twenty-two-year-old girl come marching in here and take a spot that should have been given to someone with more experience? And especially someone like you." He glares at you before turning on his heel and walking away briskly.
Someone like me? What does he mean by that?
You watch after him, feeling a tiny pinch in your chest. You aren't sure what he means, but whatever he's talking about, it sounds like he believes you shouldn't have become a teacher at all. At this school or another. You'll have to ask Mina later because you really have no idea where his rant came from.
Is there something wrong with you becoming a teacher?
You shake your head and laugh it off, "He's probably just had a bad day." You tell yourself as you make your way out of the school.
As you walk home, you sing quietly along with the song in your headphones, a little skip to your step.
You never notice the dark figure across the street, his eyes trained on your every move.
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One day earlier...
Jungkook groans as he tosses and turns in bed, searching for his phone to turn the alarm off. He finally finds it and hits dismiss, tossing the phone back down and rubbing his eyes with a tired yawn.
After another minute he sits up and looks out the window, frowning at the sun seeping in and pooling across his floor in a golden river. He stares at a small bird that lands on his windowsill until it flies away.
Jungkook yawns again and reaches up to rub his eyes for the second time. After a few minutes, he's finally able to drag himself out of bed and into the shower. He almost falls asleep again in there, but he manages to make it out after half an hour.
With a towel wrapped around his waist, he makes his way to the kitchen and grabs a bottle of soju that's sitting on his tiny dining table to take a small swig from, finishing off what he'd left last night after his third bottle right before he passed out in bed.
He sighs and grabs a bagel, searching for the cream cheese he swears he saw in his fridge last night. A small smile appears on his lips when he finds it. He snatches it and makes sloppy work of spreading it on his bagel before tossing the leftover trash onto his counter and plopping onto the couch, snarfing down the first half of his bagel in thirty seconds.
Jungkook sighs through his nose as he tiredly chews his breakfast, then he glances down and sees the file he'd left open on his coffee table last night. He swallows the bite he has in his mouth and leans forward to read over it.
Y/L/N Y/N...
Why is that name so familiar?
He shakes his head and flips the file closed, then he leans back on the couch, wanting to spend his Sunday relaxing before he has to get to work on this case. He isn't going to think about it again until tonight.
Jungkook settles down and lays his head on the back of the couch, closing his eyes and breathing deeply.
He won't think about it.
Jungkook lays there for a minute, then he opens his eyes and lifts his head, glaring at the closed file on the little table.
He grunts in annoyance and drops the other half of his bagel onto the table, grabbing the file angrily and sitting back again. He opens it and starts to reread everything he's read many times since Friday. There's just something that has felt off since he met with Mr. Ling, but he can't put his finger on what it is.
Jungkook squints at the name he's read a thousand times.
"Ugh." He rolls his eyes, frustrated at not being able to remember where he's heard that name before. Then he looks at the occupation.
Teacher at Sunshine Kindergarten.
His brows furrow again, much like they have each time he's read this. He's never had a hit on a teacher before, let alone a Kindergarten teacher. That's such an odd target...
Most of his targets in the past have been sleazy business owners, rapists, leaders of gangs that have terrorized neighborhoods for years, even other hitmen. He's never had a problem with those jobs, but there's something about this one that's telling him to be careful.
Maybe it's because he knows nothing about his client, except for the large sum of money he must have due to the pay he's been promised. Other clients of his were more than happy to explain why they wanted him to do what he does. They never paid him until after the job was done, either.
That leads Jungkook to believe that this guy (or girl) is desperate for his services, convincing him to do it with payment before and after. Almost as if Jungkook would refuse after he found out who the target was...
Jungkook flips the page and scrutinizes the picture of the target.
She's very simple looking, Jungkook thinks. The girl in the picture is wearing a white flowy skirt with a blue blouse that covers her whole arms and white chunky tennis shoes. Her hair is in a low ponytail and it seems like she has headphones in as she walks down the street. There's a tiny smile on her face as if she's thinking about something that makes her happy.
Jungkook doesn't find her particularly beautiful, but she isn't ugly either. She's just very...
Jungkook shakes his head, his eyes going over the photo and the girl's smile one more time. Maybe she's a double agent? Or a part of the mafia disguising herself as a school teacher?
He can't figure it out.
It doesn't matter much though, the job seems simple enough and the pay is more than he's ever gotten. After looking through everything once more, Jungkook closes the file and grabs his bagel, quickly eating it before getting up to get dressed for the day.
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That night, Jungkook lays out his outfit for the next day.
It's all black, but not suspicious-looking. After all these years, he's been able to design the perfect outfits to avoid attention being drawn to him and simple enough so that no one would think much of him if he were to catch anyone's attention.
It might seem simple, but he prides himself on being able to get each part of his job perfectly designed for each case he gets.
Heaven knows it's taken him years to accomplish.
After he's gotten that all figured out, he walks over to his closet and pulls out a small safe. Setting it on the bed, he swiftly unlocks it and looks inside. He pulls out a few things, examining each of them before he sets them one by one onto his bed. Once he's got the items all laid out, he steps back to look it all over.
"I should wait to decide..." Jungkook mumbles to himself. After a minute of staring at everything, he nods and gathers it all up, carefully putting it back into the safe and locking it tightly. Then he brings it back to his closet and shoves it into the darkest corner where it lives.
That can wait.
He pulls his phone out and checks the time.
"Damn it," Jungkook mutters. He had wanted to get some sleep earlier tonight since he would have to be awake early tomorrow.
He changes into some shorts, then he yanks his shirt off and immediately climbs into bed, not even bothering to shower or brush his teeth. He really couldn't care less with how tired he is. And he hasn't even started yet.
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His alarm blares at an ungodly hour as Jungkook groans loudly, resisting the temptation to chuck his phone across the room.
"I hate Mondays." He mutters angrily, setting his phone back on the nightstand far from gracefully.
He miserably drags himself out of bed and into the shower, going through his morning motions almost like a robot. His brain isn't fully awake and it's just on autopilot right now.
An hour later, he's just finishing his coffee, his eyes no longer squinting in exhaustion. Jungkook unceremoniously drops his coffee cup into the sink, promising himself he'll clean it up later, then he sighs as he grabs his black boots, walking to the couch to sit and pull them on. After he's done lacing them up, he grabs the file he's been avoiding like the plague since yesterday morning.
He mutters to himself, looking at the name on the page.  
"I know that name."
Then he smacks his forehead to get himself to focus again. He stands up and folds the page with the girl's information and then her picture and tucks them into the inside pocket of his black jacket.
Time to get to work.
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Jungkook spots the girl almost instantly, the second she steps out of a black car. He glances at the driver, but can only see a person with shoulder length black hair waving. The girl from the picture has a bunch of things in her arms as she blows a kiss to the short-haired driver.
Jungkook has been here since six-thirty in the morning and just as he was beginning to think she called in sick for work, he's finally gotten a chance to see this girl in person. She looks exactly as he remembers from her picture...plain.
She's even wearing the same white skirt and chunky tennis shoes, although this time she has a different top. Her hair is in a high ponytail this time.
"Well, ___. Nice to meet you." Jungkook mutters, watching closely.
After a moment, the black car drives away as the girl scurries into the school, tripping on the last step before straightening herself out again, then disappearing from his sight.
Jungkook stares at the door for another minute, then he makes his way to the stores nearby, knowing he's gonna have to wait until the girl leaves. School for the young kids typically gets out at around three-thirty. So, he'll have to be back here around then.
He's definitely going to need to find something to do to kill time.
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Jungkook heaves a sigh of relief when he hears the school bell finally ring.
He hurries from the clothes store he was browsing and down the street a block until he's almost across the street from the school. He finds a good spot where he can sift through some newspapers at a little stand and still have an eye on the school.
After a minute, he sees a long line of tiny children coming out from the school. The girl is with them and smiling brightly. Jungkook thinks he can hear some of the kids quacking like ducks. He tries not to look puzzled as he goes back to talking to the person working the paper stand. Jungkook makes small talk with the old man, still keeping an eye on the girl across the street as she waves to each child that leaves.
If she's some mafia boss disguised as a kindergarten teacher, she's one hell of a good actress.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" The old man inquires curiously.
Jungkook laughs softly and shakes his head, "No. I've been so busy with my work I never got the chance to date."
The man nods knowingly. They chat a bit more and Jungkook finds himself trying to balance talking to the man and watching the girl.
"Well, did you want to buy a paper for the day?"
Jungkook turns his gaze back to the old man and nods, "Yes. Two, please. My neighbor would probably enjoy one as well."
The old man laughs and nods, taking the money Jungkook hands him and giving him two papers, "What a kind young man you are. Someday you'll find a lovely young lady, don't you worry, son. You will realize that work is important, but love is even more so."
Jungkook just laughs and thanks the man, then he opens the paper as he slowly starts walking, pretending to read.
He stops at a bench and sits down to wait. The girl went back into the school a few minutes ago, hopefully, she won't be in there long.
Luck seems to be with him today, because, after only about five minutes, Jungkook sees a familiar white skirt flowing as she skips down the steps of the school.
He folds his paper carefully, tucking it into his back pocket. The girl puts little earbuds in and immediately starts to mouth the words of whatever song she's listening to. Jungkook tugs his black baseball cap down a little more as he follows on the other side of the street.
The girl has a bag decorated with cupcakes and cookies that bounces up and down as she dances a little.
What is she, twelve?
Jungkook watches in confusion as the girl stops to pet a dog, giggling when the puppy licks her hand. She straightens up, then after another minute, she seems to get distracted by something else.
Jungkook looks carefully and notices she's picked up a flower that was laying on the ground, seemingly trampled on. She gently holds it in her hands as she continues on her way. It goes on like this for the next fifteen minutes, the girl waving to people and smiling almost the whole way.
By the time she is walking up the steps to her apartment, Jungkook is dying to just get back home. That must have been the longest most annoying walk he's ever taken while tracking someone. The girl had stopped over twenty times, distracted by something else each time, he's sure of it.
Just to be sure, Jungkook lingers around the apartment building a little longer, but when it seems apparent that the girl is going to be staying there, he finally heads home.
Geez, Jungkook thinks in annoyance as he climbs the stairs that lead to his own apartment. His head is spinning with so many questions while he unlocks his door and yanks his boots off with a groan.
But when he plops down onto his bed in his tiny studio apartment, he just stares at the ceiling, his mind suddenly blank apart from one question.
Who in the hell would put a hit on this girl?
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Copyright © @writemywaytoyourheart 2021
a/n: I hope you guys are liking the setup so far, thank you for all the positive reactions from the prologue!
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alarrytale · 1 year
No disrespect but how was Haylor worse than Holivia? Haylor only lasted two months; Holivia was two long years of hell and making out in public.
Hi anon!
It's okay! It's apparent to me you weren't here during Haylor since your're asking this, so let me explain.
I guess it depends on WHO haylor was worse for than holivia. But to me haylor was worse for both fans, harry and louis than holivia ever was. So it's not even a competition. Haylor was way worse.
Haylor was an uneven playing field. She was the bigger star, she had agency and she was the main driving force of making the stunt happen. She had plenty of high publicity pr relationships behind her (she was already a veteran). Harry less so. Holivia was more an even playing field in all ways.
Harry was only 18 and she was 22. That's a big age difference at that age. Holiva had age difference too but Harry was older and more experienced with pr relationships.
Haylor couldn’t stand each other from day one (for several reasons). Holivia got along fine (until she starting airing dirty laundry and harry soured).
Harry looked dead, tired and pale, sad and very uncomfortable at every haylor outing. T looked smug, smiling to the cameras and was awful to him bts for his lack of participation (just read the blinds and fan stories about it, it's not good...) Harry looked fine during holivia (until the last outings).
Harry had to kiss her at midnight at new years eve, smack dab in the middle of the crowds at times square. Watching the video she drags him, and sternly tells him what to do. Harry looked so sad and like he was just finished with a round of crying minutes before. Holivia kissed, but at least they pretended to be private about it. And harry wasn't crying.
Harry got physically hurt during stunting (snowmobile accident). He's still got the scar from it. Us fans were furious, and he'll always have that 'battle scar' from it. Holivia didn’t cause anyone any physical harm.
Harry had to do a 'walk of shame' from her hotel with a toilet bag. They really flaunted it in a way that the fandom didn’t accept at all. It enforced his womaniser image that the fandom so actively tried to dispel for him. The image rehab the fandom tried to do on his behalf was all for nothing.
Haylor had his family actively participating (not just on social media). Like 'meet the parents', joining them at the pub, hugging her etc. They had to help him sell it and be a comfort goat to him on dates. She visited him at home (feeding ducks in Warrington). Holivia never did interfere with his private life like that.
Louis. He looked devastated during the entire time. He looked sad, depressed and constantly on the verge of crying. He had to stunt himself, and even E looked worried about him. Just look at the pics of him at the time (where he is carrying the giant lion) and his sassy 'they're good friends (if that...)' comment. Compare that to the pap pics of him when they 'broke up'. It was the first smile we'd seen on Louis face in a month. It was a really dark time for him. Holivia, i'm sure, didn’t bother Louis. (except for him saying ted lasso is shit lol).
T played the victim (again) when they broke up and got an entire album out of it. Harry took the brunt of it of course. He got attention (as did 1D in extention), and people are still talking about the stunt till this very day, so we still have to suffer through it. Give it some time and holivia will be soon be forgotten (as the public did with DWD lol).
And last but not least, the fans. We were so upset looking at the absolute misery of H and L during haylor, while having to deal with T's smug face, empathyless and manipulative ways. I will never ever forget that time. We were genuinely concerned for their wellbeing. It was fandoms first 'big' stunt (first cut is the deepest). I will never forget how powerless we felt and how horrible the haylors were towards larries. Remember this was also just months after Louis's BS tweet so the fandom was unstable and fractioning. The larrie hate (from every corner) exploded. Haylor exacerbated everything and made fandom so much worse off. Holivia didn’t change fandom dynamics at all. It was just a source of irritation and insulting to our intelligence. Yes, it lasted longer than haylor did, but the impact on fandom and H and L was wayyy less than Haylor.
Tldr; Haylor was way worse than Holivia ever was.
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its-vannah · 2 years
You & Me | Part Two | Sirius
A/N: Here's part two! You won't get a choice after this one. Instead, you'll be merged back into the main story :) Click here for part one.
y/h = Your house
y/f/h = Your favorite hobby
y/f/q/t = Your favorite Quidditch team fan
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You nodded, "You're right. He'd probably rather be alone anyway. He always does that when he's upset…"
"So," Sirius said as the two of you started walking in the direction of your next class, "Tell me about yourself."
Gazing up at him, your books pressed tightly to your chest, you smiled, "What do you want to know?"
He grinned down at you, "Everything."
By the time you made it to Defence Against the Dark Arts, you and Sirius knew the basic ins and outs of each others lives. He knew that you were a y/h, you enjoyed y/f/h, and that you were a diehard y/f/q/t.
As you made your way down the last corridor before you reached class, Sirius asked you about your family.
"My family?" You had repeated, making sure you had heard his question right.
"I told you," He smiled, "I want to know everything about you."
You shrugged, "There's not much to tell, really. I'm the first witch/wizard in my family, so they were a bit surprised when I received my letter. Proud, but unsure. They don't really understand the whole magic thing."
"So you're a muggleborn?" He asked, his eyes focused on yours rather than the influx of students in the corridor.
"Yes," You answered, raising a brow, "Is that a problem?"
He shook his head, "Not in the slightest. I'm a pureblood, come from a wizarding family that goes back too far for comfort, so I've rarely interacted with muggles. Always been a bit curious, that's all."
"Well, my family is as muggle as they come. They're more interested in football than they are in Quidditch. Not that I blame them. The idea of flying on a broom and dodging balls in the air seems a bit strange. But I like it well enough."
"You should come to the next game," He said, his voice lilting.
"Why, are you playing next?" You asked, as you made your way to the door.
"No, but I was wondering if you'd like to go to the next game together. Neither of our houses are playing, so it'd just be a chance to watch the game." Sirius smiled, raking a hand through his hair.
"I'd like that, very much."
You went to open the door, expecting Sirius to follow after you, but he didn't.
"Are you coming, Sirius?" You asked, confusion masking your face.
He let out a long sigh, "Can I be honest with you?"
"I had hoped you'd been honest since we started talking, but go ahead."
"I don't really have Defense Against the Dark Arts right now. I just wanted an excuse to talk to you." He admitted, chewing on his bottom lip.
"So you lied to me?" You said with a frown.
He swallowed, bowing his head, "Yes. And I'm sorry. But I don't regret it. Lying, yes, but not talking to you."
Nodding, you looked to your classroom, "Well, you can make it up to me at the Quidditch game tomorrow."
His eyes shot up to meet yours, cheeks flushing, "You still want to go?"
"Don't be late."
Sirius nodded, "I won't. I promise. I'll meet you in front of the Great Hall?"
"Sounds like a plan."
"I'll see you then, Y/N."
Smiling, you entered your classroom, "See you then."
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