#I'm sorry my american mutuals and followers
fantastic-mr-corvid · 3 months
Just woke up, labor won as expected, lib dems not the opposition but still doing really well, mogg and truss as just two of many high profile tory losses, snp... I'm sorry snp. No torys in Wales! Reform at four seats instead of the exit poll 13, thank fuck but that's still four of the counts. Independents doing well, mostly gaining from labor so hopefully that will scare them, and most are pro Palestine which was really good- though expect labor to be vile about those few losses.
My constituency flipped red, our labor candidate was great and might have got in a little trouble for agreeing with the green one on almost everything in the hastings- or whatever tf we call constituency debates again- if it wasn't for our strong red swing.
Tbh I'm mostly still pissed that hillary cass of the cass report and 16 [so far] dead trans kids fame got a Crossbench Nomination for the house of Lords. Really shows the sudden socially liberal shift once the election was secured that so many people yapped on about was a fucking lie.
Thats a Lifetime position with say in our bills and 388 QUID A DAY- when the best [non disability] benifits are 71 quid a Week. If your lucky enough to jump through all the hoops and fucking get it
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The general American knowledge about famous or notable or Pennsylvanians is so boring. I don't care that Biden and Taylor Swift are from PA. You know who else was from PA?
Admittedly a lot of these will be coal region specific examples since that's where I'm from. I'll try to include some non-coal region examples at the end. There's also way more than what I'm actually listing because I'm only listening the ones I personally find really cool.
Coal Region
-Robert Spencer, a doctor who provided abortions in a time BEFORE Roe vs Wade. He is easily one of the most interesting historical people in the medical field to me personally besides Martin A Couney (Ashland)
-John Walson, a pioneer in cable television. He also founded Service Electric, which is a company a lot of people in eastern PA and New Jersey use still today for cable and Internet. (Mahanoy City)
-Jozef Murgaš (also anglicized as Joseph Murgas), a Slovakian immigrant who was a pioneer in radio broadcasting. He was considered something of a Renaissance man at the time. (Wilkes-Barre)
-Janet Asimov, a science fiction writer. If her surname sounds familiar, then the reason is probably what you think it is. She also had a degree in psychoanalysis and worked worked in that field on top of her writing. (Ashland)
-Ellen Dow, an actress, mostly famous as the rapping granny from 1998's The Wedding Singer (Mount Carmel)
-Pete Gray, Player for the St Louis Browns, he was the first one-armed baseball player in the MLB (Nanticoke)
-the band Crobot, specifically Brandon (vocalist) and Chris (guitarist) (Pottsville)
-Ralph E Brock, first black forester in the United States (Pottsville)
-James Hepburn, creator of the Hepburn Romanization system. If you see Japanese written in the Latin alphabet, it's probably using the Hepburn system (Milton)
-Rose O'Neil, cartoonist, creator of Kewpies (Wilkes-Barre)
-Jane Jensen, video game designer, creator of the Gabriel Knight series (Palmerton)
Outside the Coal Region
-Rachel Carson, biologist and conservationist, author of Silent Spring (Springdale)
-Fred Rogers, host of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (Latrobe)
-Steve Burns, first host of Blue's Clues (Boyertown)
-Joseph Rothrock, environmentalist, considered the father of forestry (McVeytown)
-Howard Zahniser, environmental activist and writer of the 1964 Wilderness Act (Franklin)
-Henry Deringer, gunsmith, creator of the Deringer Pistol (Easton)
-Robert Fulton, creator of the first commercially successful steamboat (Little Britain)
-Todd Howard, as in Bethesda's Todd Howard. This is the single funniest entry on this list to me for absolutely no reason. (Lower Macungie)
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littlestpersimmon · 2 months
Am caught in a death spiral my lieges. I don't feel entitled to anyone's time, effort or resources but I feel so beat down. I am disabled, I am working so much I genuinely developed a hunched back. I am alone responsible for my autistic sister, her parentified sibling, and my two parents who are disabled with extremely limited movement. I have three jobs. I can't ask for help on twitter because people I work for follow me there. My work requires me to draw every day, without a day off, ever. I have a "morality clause" which means if I or the author I work with are deemed to be acting in any way the company thinks inappropriate, we are immediately fired and would have to return every single cent we have made. I feel at my wits end. My employers are american- but I am not. I live in the global south- government assistance in the Philippines is *nonexistent*
Last week I asked for help to pay for electricity. The other week I asked for help with my sister who had to be rushed to the ER.
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I doxxed myself and posted medical info to this blog, so many strangers know my address, my legal name, everything just for me to be able to seek mutual aid- Wallah I do not want to be this person, but if anyone could please, pick up a print from my inprnt, or subscribe to my patreon, I already have 300+ drawings up there and I upload thrice to four times a month, or if you could send direct tips it would make a world's difference. I will try to open commissions next week but as the world is being plunged into wherever it is we are headed, it's getting harder and harder to get clients.
Currently myself dealing with housing insecurity- we only have a year or two to fix our traditional filipino house as it is falling apart due to the philippine storms and termites- *please* help me and my disabled family of three. I feel I am rambling now bc there's so much on my mind, on my plate, I've asked friends and my partner for help, my sister and my cousins and my friends are all I have. My mom's side of the family cannot help as they are all extremely poor themselves, and my paternal side of the family have emotionally abused me and have members that committed routine csa on me. I do not take any of the help I receive here for granted, and I'm sorry. Reblogs are off as I am asking for help from followers as I feel very ashamed / embarrassed/ humiliated to still be stuck in this dark place . Sorry and thank you again
Inprnt is having a sale rn, everything is like at 40% off!
And my tipping jars:
Sorry and thank you again. If you can't donate or purchase its OK, just please please please include me in your prayers, make mi shebeirach for my health so I csn continue to work, or any prayers at all for me. Thank you
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httpiastri · 2 months
❣️I dont think its really a prompt, but can you do smth along the lines of how the feelings confession would go with luke, logan, oscar and jak? Like who would do it, how, context, etc. Sorry if it's a boring ask, just wondering. No problem if you don't want to do it
❣️ – send me a prompt and one/a few drivers and i'll tell you how i think they would react!!
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luke browning
to me, luke is definitely acquaintances to friends to something more coded. it happens very slowly with him, but somehow it all feels so natural; you go from barely knowing each other to being so important to each other and neither of you really understand how that happened. luke is a confident guy, though, and there's something inside of him telling him that you feel the same way he does.
so when he gets the chance (when the two of you trip over each other's feet and fall to the floor, faces mere centimeters away when he hovers over you; or when you're out clubbing and you're "accidentally" pressed up too close to each other), he takes it.
"please tell me i'm not the only one who feels like this," he says, breath hitching in his throat, but he pushes through. "please tell me you want this as much as i do. because i really do want this."
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logan sargeant
personally, i see logan as someone who would be quite straightforward. i see it happening one evening after you, him and a bunch of your mutual friends have gone out for dinner, and he offers to walk you home. after a slow stroll through the chilly night air, the two of you finally reach your doorstep, you're about to say goodbye when logan asks "can i be honest with you?"
you tell him that of course he can be honest with you – you've been friends for a long time, you won't judge. "there's something i need to get off my chest," he says, his gaze darting around for a while before meeting yours. "you've probably noticed, because i think i act a little different around you, but... i think i really like you, and i would love to see if we could be something more than just friends."
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oscar piastri
oscar is very perceptive and analytical, but unfortunately this also often leads to a lot of overthinking. he notices all of the subtle signs you give him – the way you touch his shoulder when you laugh, the way your eyes light up when he tells you about his day, the way you always lean closer to him when talking as if you're instinctively drawn to him – but there are still a lot of things that make him doubt. so, naturally, it takes him quite a while to work up the courage to say something. the thoughts live in his head for so long, his wishes to be more than just friends eating him up from the inside, until he eventually just snaps.
"i need you to know something," he tells you one day, his fears heavy on his shoulders. "it's alright if you don't feel the same way. really. but... i really enjoy spending time with you. and I think you're a great person, and I..." oscar has to shake his head and let out a low chuckle at himself and his inability to get to the point. "and I like you. i really hope you like me, too."
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jak crawford
following up on the brother's best friend theme, i think that it would take him quite some time to grow comfortable with the fact that he's crushing on the sibling of his friend. even when he first realizes that his feelings for you aren't just platonic, he tries to fight it and pretend like everything is normal. but it isn't and there's just no way for him to ignore it.
the first thing he does is ask your brother for permission; jak is comfortable enough with him and knows that without your brother's approval, there can never be anything between you. but thankfully, your brother gives his blessing and tells jak that his fingers will be crossed for a new brother-in-law. (to which the american boy just groans and states that it's way too early for that)
i see jak as the type to be spontaneous and just go for it when the moment feels right. very possibly after a good race result, when he's tipsy from the podium champagne and drunk on happiness. when you stumble upon him in the paddock, and he feels his heart swelling in his chest as you wrap your arms around him, he doesn't care if there are people around. he leans closer to your face, giving you a few moments to pull away if you want to – but when he sees the lack of hesitation from your side, he leans in to press his lips to yours.
"sorry, i couldn't stop myself... is this alright? because... i kinda want more."
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stvharrngton · 1 year
a lesson in romantics; lesson one
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summary: a multi-part series where reader is the new art teacher at hawkins high and the history teacher, mr. harrington, takes a shine to the new girl. mutual pining ensues on their road to love 🥀
a/n: so here's the first part to the series! i hope you all enjoy <3 it takes place in the early 90s where steve and reader are in their mid-late twenties. disclaimer: i have very limited knowledge on the american school systems or how they work lmao so i'm sorry if it comes across as british-y sometimes but i'll do my best to be as authentic as possible :^) also special shoutout to @inkluvs who originally gave me this idea 1635272 years ago and @onceuponaoneshot who inspired me to actually start writing it hehe
characters: steve harrington x fem!reader, robin buckley
word count: 1.3k
warnings: none, just some introductory stuff, steve being a flirt
taglist: @inkluvs @dukesmebby @sweetbabygirlsworld @kennedy-brooke
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September. Fall semester.
A new town. A new school.
Hawkins’ newest resident and Hawkins High newest teacher. You’d spent the last month settling into your new home - a small apartment, nothing extravagant but it was enough for you.
You looked forward to the new start, to get back into the classroom. You loved to teach but the prospect of a new bunch of kids always made you a little nervous.
Making your way into the teacher’s lounge, you quietly said your hello’s to the fellow teachers you had met at orientation a couple days earlier. You silently went about making your morning coffee when a bickering pair burst through the door, a petite girl with a dirty blonde bob who you vaguely recognised as the music teacher and a taller guy, with pretty brown hair and a patterned tie slung around his neck.
You caught his eye as you turned to see the source of the disturbance, a soft but cheeky smile donning his lips. He struggled to keep up whatever conversation he was having with the girl he strolled in with as he finally tore his eyes away from you. 
The blonde followed his eyeline to you, she smirked followed by a roll of her eyes. She swatted your mystery co-worker on the chest, followed by a hushed, “Steve! Are you even listening to me?”
He wasn’t. She knew he wasn’t. But at least your mystery co-worker had a name now. 
Steve. It suited him.
“You’re such a boy.” She groaned, waving him off before going off the mingle with some of the other teachers.
Steve responded with a laugh as he swanned his way over to the kitchenette where you were stood. “First day?” he asked calmly as he grabbed his regular mug from the cupboard above your head.
“Oh, uh, yeah—“ you stammered, caught a little off guard. 
“Shit,” he muttered under his breath, “I never even introduced myself. I’m Mr. Harrington. History.” He said with much more candor, holding his hand out for you to shake.
You accepted the hand shake, making a mental note at how much bigger his hand was than yours. “I teach art.” You said, after telling him your own name, “Am I supposed to call you Mr. Harrington, then?”
Any confidence and swagger he was sporting crumbled, his cheeks flushed with a pink tinge, “I’m such an idiot,” he confessed with a chuckle, fingers combing through that pretty brunette hair, “I’m Steve. You can call me Steve.”
“Nice to meet you, Steve.” You grinned, a toothy smile that made Steve’s heart thump in his chest. A smile he would be thinking about for days to come.
“Well, I better get going. Minds of the youth to shape and all that but I’ll see you around, yeah?” Steve said, grabbing his coffee cup as he gestured to the door that led to the school halls. 
“Sure,” you nodded, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear, grabbing your own warm flask. You couldn’t help but let your tummy go all fuzzy at Steve’s kindness, a smile creeping its way onto your lips.
“Have a good first day, newbie.” Steve joked with a wink before he called out to his friend as he walked out the door, “Buckley! Are you coming or what?”
“You’re crushing on the new art teacher, aren’t you?” Robin blurted out.
Steve cursed his best friend under his breath, thanking whatever God was up there that school was yet to start and the hallways were empty. 
“I’m in my late twenties Robin, I don’t get crushes.” Steve waved her off, “I mean, sure, she’s pretty cute but besides, we’ve only exchanged two sentences.”
“Oh, come on, Harrington!” Robin chortled, hand on her stomach as she bellowed in the hallway, “That has never stopped you before.”
“Now you’re just being ridiculous,” Steve hushed the girl with a roll of his eyes, “anyway, why didn’t you say hi to her? Not very nice of you, Buckley.” 
Steve desperately tried to get the attention off of himself, his free hand perched on his hip as he brought his mug of coffee to his lips. His eyes narrowed at Robin over the rim. Like always though, it never worked. His friend far too persistent for his liking.
“Because, dingus,” her tone exasperated now, “I met her at orientation. You know, the thing you didn’t bother showing up for?”
They arrived at the door to Steve’s classroom which was one block over from Robin’s. He groaned audibly at Robin’s comment, “Come on, Robs! I told you I had a migraine,” he muttered as he fished his keys from his pocket, “you know, years of head trauma takes a toll on the ol’ noggin.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she began to turn on her heel to make her way to her own classroom, “it was your loss anyway, Stevie,” Robin teased, a playful undertone to her voice, “‘cause she looked way cuter the other day.”
Steve scoffed at the younger girl, simply not giving her a response, before he closed his classroom door behind him. He slumped in his desk chair as he wondered to himself how he was going to get through the day without his thoughts trailing to you and your smile.
You’d never been so glad to hear the bell ring in your life. You enjoyed your first day, sure, but it was a little overwhelming to say the least. A lot of new faces and names to learn and remember, a thick new syllabus you had to preach to these kids.
A sigh of relief fell from your lips as you gathered your things and locked your classroom door behind you. As you made your way towards the teachers parking lot, you dug through your purse for your car keys as you fell face first into someone’s firm body.
It was like a scene out of a movie. The papers and books that were clutched in your arms went flying across the hallway, your purse and the contents of it spilled all over the floor. A total cliche. 
A string of curses tumbled from your lips as you apologised over and over to whoever it was you bumped into. You both knelt to the ground to gather your things when you finally looked into the eyes of who it was.
A pretty set of brown eyes were staring back at you with a coy smile on the lips of their owner. You could only laugh back at him.
Of course it was Steve. 
“I’m sorry,” you giggled, scooping up the stray papers, “I’m a total klutz.”
“Don’t sweat it,” he reassured you, handing you back what he had gathered of yours, “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“Right.” You nodded.
You stood back up, papers and car keys safely in hand now. Steve placed his hand on your shoulder, giving you a light squeeze, “You good?”
Plunging the butterflies in your stomach back down to their depths, you squeaked out a reply, “Yeah, yes. Thank you for not getting mad at me.” 
“You kidding?” Steve asked all shocked, tone light and playful, “Can’t get mad at the new girl on her first day. That wouldn’t be very ‘nice and welcoming co-worker’ of me, would it?”
You giggled as you nodded, eyes darting to the floor, unable to meet Steve’s inviting gaze. You gestured to the nearby door with your car keys in hand, “Well, I better get going.”
“Oh! Right, yeah, of course—“ Steve stuttered, waving you off as you made your way to the door, “Hey! A bunch of us get together at a bar downtown after the first Friday of the semester if you wanna join us?”
“Oh, um,” you pondered, “I guess that could be fun.”
“Great,” Steve spoke, “I’ll get you the address. See you tomorrow?”
You nodded as you felt a blush creep on your cheeks. It wasn’t a date. It was not a date, you knew that, but you couldn’t help but wonder what Mr. Harrington would look like in casual clothes.
“You betcha.”
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mellybabbles · 5 months
Masterpost?! Me?! Never
so anyways have a masterpost
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Hello! A masterpost has been due for a long time- but I've finally gotten around to making one!
(Gravity Falls) Things Change (Semi-Hiatus) - Chapter 1/Prologue (Bill Cipher x Reader) (UTMV) Dreamscape (Hiatus) - Chapter 1/Prologue (multi-sanses x fem reader) Misplaced Royalty (Semi-Hiatus) - Chapter 1/Prologue (bad sanses x nonbinary reader) Just Add Water (Hiatus) - Chapter 1/Prologue (Dust + Killer x Siren!reader) From Me To You (Hiatus) - Chapter 1/Prologue (error x fem reader) (Risk of Rain 2) The Day it Rained Forever - Chapter 1/Prologue (Survivors x Reader, one shots.) Ao3 acc Several other fics on my acc! (mainly dust💀)
Tag List! #melly's silly talks - basically any post that isn't a reblog #melly's silly reblogs - reblogs #melly's reblogs - serious reblogs #my art - my art/drawings/sketches #my animations - my animatics/animations #my writing/my fanfics - writing Tags may differ, I'm really bad at sorting tags LOL
Do's and Don'ts!
DNI: Incest, pedophiles, proshippers, dreammare or frans shippers, homophobes, etc
This is a SAFE PLACE. Adults and minors alike are welcome, but please do not make it weird.
Requests are: Open!!
Please refer to this post if you're interested!
I'm open to talking with anyone, followers mutuals or randoms. My discord is mellybabbles, alt is melatonindepicts, and you can also message me on here! I'm a-okay with being pinged in posts! Tag games, art, etc. Tag me in it all! If I don't respond, don't take it personally, it means I forgot or already have seen it/did it Sexual jokes/flirty jokes are okay! I tend to make them, so please let me know if it makes you uncomfortable. Okay, so this one is a bit weird, but if you are an rp account or impersonate a sans (THAT'S COMPLETELY OKAY, i do it as well), please do not say "guys it's me!" or things along those lines to my art/writing. Especially if it's implied sexual/flirty! This makes me extremely uncomfortable, especially if I don't know your age. Unless you're a friend of mine, then go ham, cause chances are I've already flirted with you relentlessly lol
A lil about me!
Hello! You may call me Melly, Mel, Jynx, or Prex! Friends call me whatever hehe I'm pansexual, genderfluid and extremely fuckin flirty and chaotic. I have ADHD and heavily struggle with understanding tones and stuff. I have a small emotion range, so I'm sorry if I'm constantly hyper and happy and that bothers you. I'll be constantly cracking jokes, and if it offends you, please let me know! I'm just mapping you out to figure out what's best for the both of us. I don't tend to approach people first, so if you wanna chill and be broskis, sadly you'll have to extend the olive branch. Then I'll probably cling to it like a desperate bird idfk I swear. A lot. Sorry if that scares you I'm Korean-american! Fuck yea! Anyways, so yea, feel free to come poke me whenever :D I'll be happy to breakdance for you
Hey, pspsp, if you wanna chat with me more, I'd recommend joining this server, swiftmitsu's! I help around there, so you'll catch me there.
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the-thing-in-the-dark · 2 months
🐛 Noa's 200 follower event 🐛
🍄 intro post 🍄
🥺 tysm to the 200 lovely people who decided to follow this shitty blog
send me as many asks as you want idc my inbox is literally covered in cobwebs at this point and i'm actually organised and have less work now so i'm bored
sorry i got a bit carried away with the backstory lol
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You are exploring the forest and come to a clearing with many weird plants and animals. Echo, the Phantom Whisperling that's been following you around since you discovered it, chirps from under your hat, wondering why you stopped. You are an explorer and you are documenting many undiscovered flora and fauna of the Forgotten Woods. Certain plants an animals are hard to find. If this is your first time you can only find a limited number of plants - no animals. If you have explored before but not the Forgotten Woods, you can find all the plants - but only some of the animals. If you are a seasoned explorer and have been to the Forgotten Woods before, you can document all the plants and all the animals. Which plant or animal do you document first (if you can find it)?
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🌱First timers (followers)🌱
🍄🌌: Phantom Glowcaps
I'll give you a really weird fun fact
🌿🌒: Moon shade Ferns
I'll drop some lore about the Forgotten Woods
🌙🕯️: Ebonfall Blooms
I'll give you a weird/creepy quote from me or one of my books
🐾Explored before (mutuals)🐾
🐦‍⬛🔮: Spectral Shadowcrow
I'll describe your blog in three words
🪻🪬: Gloomveil Blossoms
I'll make you a playlist that suits your blog's vibe (i don't hv spotify so keep that in mind)
🦊🌲: Forestflame Faerie
I'll make you a moodboard based on your blog/vibe
🫎Seasoned explorers (close mutuals or ik u irl)🫎
🦌🌫️ : Wraithglow Stag
I'll make your explorer persona as a DnD player
🐆🌧️ : Stormfeather Leopard
I'll write you a letter on why I love you + I'll give you a nickname
🦅🌪️ : Whirlwind Harpy
I'll drop some crazy/weird/funny lore about me. I don't have that much so the first three people who request this one will get it. (2/3)
💀Ask me anything (everyone) 💀
🦝 : Echo!!!
Ask me anything and I'll answer it
Remember mutuals can access anything in followers and close mutuals can access anything in mutuals and followers as well as their own sections. I stole the divider from canva and all the images from pinterest. This will end when it is not pinned.
tagging all my mutuals because it's been a week and this has like 8 notes
@moutainrusing @delusionaltogether @annabannnananana @shipspainfulships @whydontyourealize-viennawaits4u
@onlyinitforthefandoms @ashes-to-ashesxx @y-o-n-t-a @pastels-and-chaos @lilythefirst819x
@totalcharliespringsimp @moonysm @bartyjrsevan @thatdambreadcat @prongsbitch
@bleep-bloop-boo @ivysfandoms @pangothepangolin @mentally-unstable-childofhades @im-ur-sleep-paralysis-demon
@noahher @bonksyoucutely @yourlocalbadgerscales @last-great-all-american-bitch @moonyswarmsweaters
@mo0ns-and-stars @winnienora14 @undergroundglendower @lovemike0 @enbysiriusblack
@ros3kill3r @beauty-queen-official @reggiesswimteacher @the-marauders-are-ghosts @a-great-tragedy
@prideandfanfics18 @wastingawayinmyroom @cheekyboybeth @sunnysolace7 @gems-and-jewels
@hehenorahhehe @stars-on-my-bedroom-ceiling @zombie404 @hunterofartemis-12 @anything-for-my-moony-1971
@onlytenstarsinthesky @fiveguysshake @regulus-cannot-swim @ddanthedumbass @damsnackbar03
@reggiesswimminginstructor @williamgayers @fangirlghost-19 @blueandyellow7 @martukyymm
@im-on-crack-send-help @thearcher1003 @liggy-not-potter @queerthirsttrap @piedpiperlikesthings
@outromoony @garden-of-runar @obsessedwith15deadwizards @lilcri84b1 @cafffeineconnoisseur
@wishiknew224 @daydream-of-a-wallflower @swiftlybyler @throwbackgaylor @james-potter-yall
@chaserofstars11 @rudamaruda520 @marylily-my-beloved @thedvilsinthedetails @jamespotterbbg
@onlymelonlyy @ratsinpots @idk-what-to-put-here-123 @discoveredreality @mysticalthingphantom
@starchaserandsunseeker @notmybabies @vampiregirlsblog @byler-invested @androgynous-bhajipav
@miseryoforpheus @ghostofyourvampiregf @besthingiveverdone @rhettaisokay @rhysthedarkforestfey
@p3arlsgardenn @dakarihopsrealities @staringathesunbabe @pumpkin-gizzards @themortalityofundyingstars
@morninggloryrising @longtallglasses @deadchaoticcosmos @stranger-theory @ollieolioly
@gaysforbyler @greentealycheejelly @leodores @my-beloved-fandoms @imaddticedtobyler
@my-castles-crumbling @internal-organs58 @questionablebookmouse @the-lionsheart @normal-is-a-raging-psychopath
@starpupsys @supercitofus @willbyerslove @strawberrybyers @wakeupthemembersofbylernation
@justremuslupininamask @sweetronancer @willbyersoffical @e-reblogs @bylertruth3r
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ok guess its time to make a
pinned post
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or whatever (below the cut)
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enjoy my poasts? show me on cshpp or vnmo (i am currently moving so it is appreciated)
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anyways this is the new home of the blogger formerly known as absolvedGravitas! i got nuked. now im back! i'm a native american genderfluid dyke (she/her) in my early 20's and i've been on tumblr on and off since like... 2014 or so. i'm deeply annoying and i'm not sorry. if you see me using we/us to refer to myself its not a system thing i just like using the royal we. reblog nsfw stuff (mostly artistic nudity) so consider yourself warned.
got my history BA (emphases on medieval Islamicate & colonial studies) in may of 2024 🎉
real name rights belong to mutuals only if you use it and we arent mutuals im blocking you <3
yes i have a nsfw sideblog but you need to ask me for it
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^literally me (my fursona is a wabzhashi/marten)
unless were mutuals i prolly wont answer your dms but my ask box is always open
i dont actively vet followers but know that if i catch you following me as a minor i WILL block you
i'm not gonna type up a whole DNI because they never work but just know that i block very liberally and i dont tolerate bigots. if you believe in transandrophobia/transmisandry or don't like the terms tma/tme we won't get along. i check the dni of my followers and block hypocrites so. make damn sure before you follow that im not in your dni.
if you have "[insert identity label] DNI" (for example, "bi lesbians dni") in your dni we wont get along. go away
also please go away if you're into incest ("fauxcest") i'd rather not associate with you.
my main tags are:
#spinning my web - original posts
#caught in the web - asks
#social spiders - mutuals moment!
#👽 - aliens and space stuff
character tags:
#has anyone seen my wife? - posts that remind me of eldfrithr, one of my D&D characters
#dirgeposting - posts that remind me of my BG3 character Dirge
the main takeaway from this post?
my house, my rules
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I dont owe you anything and if you act like I do you can go fuck yourself. This is my blog and I'll do what I want with it.
this post will get updated if and when i feel it needs to be
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[This will update over time]
I'm taking drawing requests!! :)
The fandoms I'm in are;
TV show/movie/indie animation fandoms:
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
The Owl House
The Amazing Digital Circus
She Ra
Gravity Falls
Monkey Wrench
Death Note
The Hollow
Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous
Jurassic World Chaos Theory
The Music Freaks
Carmen Sandiego 2019
Wild Kratts
How to Train Your Dragon
Rise of the Guardians
Book fandoms:
Wings of Fire
The Land of Stories
The Hunger Games
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder
Webcomic fandoms:
Jackson's Diary
Castle Swimmer
School Bus Graveyard
High Class Homos
Love Me to Death
Spicy Mints
I post my art sometimes and make my own posts, but I mostly reblog things
He/they/it, chaotic bisexual, call me Goblin
I live in Japan currently, but was raised in Washington State and Peru. I'm Peruvian-Japanese-American 🫡 Kuzco is my cousin btw (The Emporor's New Groove)
I speak English, Spanish, some German, and I'm learning Japanese. I also know Morse code ...././._../._../___ :))
Pfp art is NOT mine!!
Hola, me llamo Goblin. Hablo inglés, español, un poco de alemán y un poquito de japonés.
Hallo, ich heiße Goblin, ich spreche Englisch, Spanisch, etwas Deutsch, und ein bisschen Japanisch.
私の名前はゴブリンです。 ごめんなさい英語を話せますか? (-_-;)
I'm a ✨minor✨
If you ever want to talk about any of these fandoms 👏DON'T👏BE👏AFRAID👏TO👏ASK👏ME👏
I LOVE getting asks and messages, I want to get to know my mutuals and other followers better
Also if you have any recommendations (smth to watch/read) please tell me!! I won't get to it immediately, but (probably) at some point, so don't be afraid to recommend smth <3
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk :]
[Insta: xx_midnight_candy_goblin_xx
Pinterest: Ken Okamoto (obviously I only post JD things, it has infested my mind)
Discord: (the name changes often sorry) princessunattainable
I have Twitter and TikTok but I barely ever use them lol]
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the0nlyallison · 6 months
Updated Introduction
Allison | 17 | United States | ambivert | she/her | straight
Notes challenge
July Notes Challenge
Books/Authors: Dean Koontz | Stephen King | Percy Jackson series
TV shows: The Office | Never Have I Ever | Atypical | 13 Reasons Why
Music: Bon Jovi | Nicki Minaj | Olivia Rodrigo | Ariana Grande | country | 2000s pop | some rap | southern rock | 80s
Hobbies: reading | writing | cleaning | studying | planning | working out | scrolling through various socials
Achievements: NSHSS ambassador | author of two poems | top 10% of my class | high honor roll
How I act: I match the energy of others. If you're an ass, I'll be an ass. If you're yourself, I'll be myself. If you're nice, I'll be nice | I don't have average feelings; I feel them as extreme | I get defensive if someone says something to upset me | I get real depressed easily
Academics/future: I take college courses, though I'm in high school. I'm working to get my associates degree in psychology at MUO to be a psychiatrist | planning on joining the Army National Guard
College classes I've taken/am taking: intro to lit | general chemistry | intro to psych | ASL I | American Government | ASL II | developmental psychology
Other blogs:
@allisonswritings where I post my poems and chapters of books
@ilovetorunandjump for my sports, achievements, athletic goals, and things i see on social media
@allisonsacademics my academic goals and achievements
Pets: I have two dogs (Peanut and Flynn) and two cats (Kit Kat and Georgie) which i will and have posted a lot of
Dni: homophobes | racists | sh accounts | the usual
Socials: discord, Pinterest, Wattpad, YouTube all the0nly_allison | Instagram allison.hatcher25 | BeReal allison.hatcher | tiktok the0nlyallison
Tags I'll start using frequently:
Asks: allisons asks (I also include the name of the person who asked; if it's anonymous I put anon)
Conversations: messenger convos | discord convos | Google chats convos | Tumblr convos
Pets: Georgie | my baby
Guys: Maple Syrup (Chase, from old blogs) | Benji (my ex bf)
Content: random thoughts | song lyrics | polls | reblogs | conversations | vents | possible art posts??? | shopping hauls
Followers: 147
@mqstermindswift (Nicky <3)
@brave-olive (Olive <3)
@kit-the-gaygent (Kit <3) (know irl)
@mackennalea (MacKenna <3) (know irl)
@123letsgobestie (Marie <3)
@likegoinghome (Matthew <3)
@shuhuaspookie (Aria <3)
@urbanflorals (Emma <3)
@percabeths-blue-cookies (Harley <3)
@deprivedofbraincellsandsleep (Zia <3)
@kimu-dem (Ki <3)
@lighter-like-a-feather (Kasi <3)
And all the others (I'm sorry I can't remember shit 😭😭) let me know if you want added or removed
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robins-s0ngbird · 4 months
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Hello, I'm robins-s0ngbird, but call me Serenia/Iris! I go by both~
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You most likely recognize the name 'Serenia' from somewhere~ It's most likely from my roleplay blog @intergalactic-singer (which is technically my main according to tumblr, but this will act as my main!) for Robin from Honkai Star Rail!
All follows and likes will come from the Robin account, simply because I had 0 idea what I was doing when I made the account..
I'm a Hoyoverse girl, mostly playing Honkai Star Rail, Honkai Impact 3rd, and the occasional Genshin Impact when my friends bother me to play with them. I also play Wuthering Waves, Cooke Run Kingdom, Cookie Run Ovenbreak, Zenless Zone Zero, and Brawl Stars!
Even with my somewhat busy life, I tend to learn all the lore in each game I play~ I also currently run 15 RP blogs across 4 fandoms, but they'll soon increase with my new obsessions.
List of roleplay blogs are here!
I mostly write small stories or my OC lore with my mutuals, which we often tie their lore together. I usually write whenever I'm bored, or someone asks me to write them something. I also send mutuals a lot of random stuff, from music to art~
My current obsession is Aventurine and Robin (plus their boyfriends!) from Honkai Star Rail (as you could probably tell from my username and graphics-) I also happen to have Robin as my main muse, but thats also not the point-
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(。^▽^) (robins-s0ngbird.carrd.co)
Heres my carrd if you need any extra info~! It has some of my mutuals on it, but a full list will be added later~!
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Though my blog may mostly be tagless (because I tend to forget them-), heres a list just in case~!
for friendship ~ For anything for my mutuals!
serenias snippets ~ Any random short stories/headcanons
serenias song queue ~ Any music/playlists I share
serenia shares art ~ Any art I reblog, regardless of fandom
beloved gem ~ Anything Aventurine/Aventio related because im very not normal
beloved songbird ~ Anything Robin/Robinhill related
angelic siblings ~ Any Robin post with Sunday in it
elysian realmkeeper ~ Anything with Elysia in it
fontainian actress ~ Anything Furina related
feixiaoposting ~ Anything Feixiao related. I love her sm.
riding the stars ~ Anything Star Rail related
across the sea of quanta ~ Anything Honkai Impact related
all across teyvat ~ Anything Genshin related
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Honkai Star Rail;
I fell in love with this game, simply because I saw that it was releasing, and I needed a new game. I never knew that it'd become my main game and fandom I'd be in. I loved the character designs, the lore, and the writing behind it all. I even appreciate the Honkai Impact references since I started playing that too~!
I play on NA, and my uid is 601916942 :>
(also, beware of my Aventurine. just saying.)
Current Main: Aventurine, with a bit of Dr Ratio and Welt on the side~
Current Main Team: Dr. Ratio, Silver Wolf, Aventurine, Lynx
My Favorite Characters: Aventurine, Robin + Sunday, Boothill, Silver Wolf, Dan Heng/Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae, Welt
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Honkai Impact 3rd;
I decided to play this game because, I simply went 'I play Star Rail. I should play this too because its a honkai game!' and suddenly I love this game so much. I fell in love with the characters, the buildup, the worldbuilding, everything.
I still play on the American server, with my UID being 107786863 :3
Current Main: Senadina (sorry Elysia)
Current Team: Senadina, Helia, Coralie
My Favorite Characters: Elysia, Kiana Kaslana, Bronya Zaychik, Welt (again), Senadina, Griseo, Kevin Kaslana, Li Sushang, Shigure Kira
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Thank you for reading~!
aventurine dividers at the beginning: @preydatory robin, boothill, and ratio dividers: @kaeyaphile
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apollos-olives · 6 months
Hi ! I know we are not mutual followers & I hope this does not come off as weird but I just wanted to say as a Palestinian youth that you have given me a lot of hope for my adult years (meaning you have made me realize I am going to live through this and that I am surrounded by people who support me) and you also just inspire me to speak my mind. And with that context being given -- here is my actual question! 😂
If you could say something to your younger self and/or if you could give your younger self advice about navigating life as a Palestinian, what would you say?
Im fairly new to tumblr and I struggle to send these questions out in fear of coming off as weird (because a lot of ppl treat these question things like vent spaces!!!) so if this does come off as rude or gross I am so sorry!!
if there was one thing i could tell my younger self, it would be to never forget. when i reached my early teens, i was still figuring out my identity and i wanted to fit in with the other americans so bad that i totally forgot about my palestinian identity. i just ignored that entire part of me in order to fit in, and it just ended up making me worse. it was just so much easier to let go and forget all the pain of who i was in order to be someone that i'm not. the only reason i snapped out of it was because one day israel attacked the west bank and i saw the news and i realized who i was and how this truly affected me, and it took me a while to remember my palestinian identity and why it's so important to be proud of who i am. since then i vowed to never forget. i will never forgive and i will never ever forget. i'm proud of who i am and i wouldn't trade it for the world. i just want palestinian youth to not be ashamed for being born the way they are, and to be proud of where they come from and be proud to be part of the resistance. that's the biggest thing i'd tell my younger self.
thank you for asking! it's not weird at all to be curious. i'm so glad i can help inspire you in some way :)
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panzershrike-pretz · 10 months
are there any hbowar people in the fandom u find iconic? whether it’s for their ideas, fics, gifs, edits, thoughts? jst anything really? u can list multiple btw!
Oh, hi anon! <3
I do have some, actually. To be very clear, I loves everyone of my friends, especially because of the Kinky Ron Server, but I actually do have a very VERY special spot for some people with whom I had the pleasure to become closer! Mainly, the people that made me actually want to stick around and stay a part of this amazing, amazing community in the first place, so here:
- @coco-bean-1218 - she was actually the first ever person with who I ever spoke on tumblr, I think? I wanted to read some Doc Roe fics and this blessing of a gal appeared to hand me some. If I may really be honest? It was her who made me look more into the BoB fandom and decide to start reading works, which leads us to the next person:
- @malarkgirlypop - Oh. My. God. Thanks to Claire, I started reading and ended up finding Kate's amazing MEDIC! Fanfic and if Clai was the reason I decided to read, Kat was the reason I decided to interact. Seriously, I'll never be able to thank them enough! If it wasn't for both of these gals, I'd never be here because I was a scared little shit. Also funniest person? Ever?? Yeah
- @next-autopsy - ok, if I remember correctly, I found out about Nex just some time after I found Kate and I was immediately in love. REALLY! I think Nex was the person I originally most looked up to, along with Lou. And I believe she still is. Seriously, never have I seen a more talented person? Ever?? I won't ever stop saying this but Made of Glass is the best piece of fanfic I've read in a long while and O wish I could print it out as a book!
- @luckynumber4 - along with Nex, Lou was another person I was most definetely a little gremlin fan of. I don't really know why but I was immediately drawn to her? And she was also one of my first mutuals; I remember the day she followed me I went insane talking about it to my friend like!!! THE celebrity of all time is following me!!!!!!!!! ITS HER!!! Anyway, nowadays we talk on Discord and I ADORE it!! Love u, Lou!!
- @xxluckystrike - I love Blu. She is so talented and kind and JSBDNWJA I love simply talking with her, her whole vibe is amazing. Also Francis is my daughter nd I won't be sharing her. She's my baby and I'll kill for her.
- @land-sh - you. You make me very happy. I love talking with you about our countries culture and having someone to relate with about the latin-american shit >:] and also you are very cool, i love when we talk and vibe kekekekeke
- @whollyjoly - finally, Em. I could NEVER let our cult leader out. Ever. This gremlin of a person here is the fucking reason Me and the Gang (Bottom Text) exists and I could not be more grateful. I LOVE YOU, EM!!! YOUR VIBES ARE INSANE AND YOU KNOW WHAT? GOOD. The Holy One. ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
(To any mutual os friend I didn't include here, I'm very sorry and i love you too! Have a catfish)
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waywardsculs · 8 months
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This place is a ℂ𝕀ℝℂ𝕌𝕊,
you just see the surface They cover shit under the rug
You can't see they're 𝔽𝔸𝕂𝕀ℕ𝔾,
they'll never be naked
Just fill your drink with tonic gin,
this is the American dream
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Hey yo what's up you filthy fucking sinners welcome to my little multimuse blog for Vivziepop's HAZBIN HOTEL and HELLUVA BOSS , featuring characters like VELVETTE , LILITH and FIZZAROLLI .
That said, I go by Ritsu, She/Her or They/Them, 30, Australian and just generally tryna chill. You can find my rules below.
@constellaris ( multifandom multimuse, sideblog ) @harmonysheart ( robin from honkai star rail, sideblog )
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AFFILIATED WITH: @bittcnneck , @hellshoard , @cxncrie , @ochtendster / @dageraadster , @sinfuldxgenerates ♥
Header & Promo Credit. || Pinned Credit. Dash Icon Credit. || Icon Template Credit. MDNI & 18+ Warning Credit. || Divider Credit.
IMPORTANT NOTE : if you ship adam with charlie, for both of us, it would be best you do not follow me if you don't intend to tag it. i'm sorry, but it makes me so vehemently uncomfortable that i just would prefer to keep my distance.
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Keep the setting of the show in mind when looking to interact. Not all muses will be friendly or even remotely nice. Don't take it personally.
I'll be as canon divergent as I feel like. Let's face it, the second we take up writing a character we're making shit that ain't ever gonna be canon. Let's just have fun.
Muse ≠ Mun. Shouldn't have to say this, but I will anyway. Some muses might be assholes, but I try not to be. You're free to come talk to me any time, I'm usually just tired lmao.
I will not be following any pre-conceived relationships with OCs unless specifically discussed prior to interaction. For example, one of my OCs (Ambriel) has her main story tied to Velvette, being that she works for her, however this only applies to my Velvette. I will not push this on any others who write Velvette, and I expect the same in return.
I am very into shipping. Our muses should kiss. Bang. Fuck around. You know what it is. I'm a ship hoe and I don't care.
NSFW content may be present. I'll make sure it's tagged as #nsfw cw or #suggestive cw for easy blocking if you guys need it, but don't be surprised if it shows up from time to time. You shouldn't be, not with the nature of the show.
Mutuals only. Meaning you need to be following this blog and be followed in return from my main blog for us to count as mutuals. If you are using a hub blog, please have your blog(s) linked somewhere so I know who you are. Otherwise I block personals on sight.
Due to personal reasons, I will only ever touch on angst threads / content in general with people I feel I can trust immensely. Please do not push me for this. I may also post occasional ideas, but I will be very picky about who I explore these with.
Every ship is in its own verse and completely separate from one another. There will never be any form of infidelity occurring on this blog in any way. To expand on this, I also will not partake in any polyships or any situations where my muse has more than one romantic or sexual partner.
I never try to hide the fact that I do struggle with my mental health a lot, and I cannot stress enough that I need any and all of my partners to be understanding with it. I have been formally diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder. All of this is by no means an excuse in any way for anything, I simply hope this may help explain some of my behaviour at times.
I have a life away from Tumblr. I won't always be around to write replies or chat. That's how life is. I work, I have responsibilities, and those take priority.
I don't do passwords/pass phrases. If I follow you, it's safe to assume I've read your rules. I always do before following anyone.
I'm not here for drama. I know you see this everywhere, but I'll be real - I barely have the spoons to live lately. I just wanna vibe and enjoy a hobby, not take part in any bullshit. Leave me out of things unless it's absolutely imperative I know about something.
No art on this blog is mine unless I openly state otherwise. The usual. Let's leave it at that babes.
Ships I Will Not Write / Do Not Like
I will not be elaborating on why I dislike them or won't write them. These are simply things I've found I really don't like and, if possible, would prefer tagged so I can simply block them.
AdamsApple (Adam/Lucifer), Velmilla (Velvette/Carmilla), Charlastor/Radiobelle (Alastor/Charlie), Valentino/Angel Dust, Adam/Charlie, Valentino/Charlie
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albaake · 9 months
Heyo, Alex Here!
(Recent edit: 09-04-24)
I'm an Asian-American artist who tends to hyper-fixate on things (it happens a lot I'm sorry-). I do a mix of multifandom/fanart and original work, but I hope you look forward to the art I make lol.
If you're interested in where to find me elsewhere, here's my Carrd. This is also where my Comms info is located! Comms is Open if you're interested!
Since there's isn't a way to switch primary accounts on Tumblr, all likes and follows from me is under @altbaake, which has mature content.
While I dont draw anything explicit, if you are a minor, please do not interact with me or any of my accts. There's a whole pinned message w/ reminders and warnings on there, but I thought I would mention it in the off chance of any confusion.
Current fixations: COTL
My ask box & submissions are open, however, don't use them as a means to request art or send/say anything inappropriate.
Please don't DM me unless you are a mutual and/or someone interested in commissioning me.
I'd appreciate it if you don't repost, trace, or claim my work. If you like my work, please reshare it or leave a like instead.
I STRICTLY PROHIBIT my art being used for AI generation, NFTs, or any way that disrespects my work as an artist.
I draw the things I like and what I'm interested in. It's not gonna be everyone's cup of tea and that's fine! If you like the content I make, feel free to browse. If not, please don't be weird and hateful, and just move on. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have to be a jerk about it and make others feel bad for enjoying things.
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madhatterbri · 5 months
Rules for Requests
Hey everyone,
Just wanted to start a rules list for my requests. I have received some requests that were great but really aren't my style. Please look at the rules below. They are subject to change as I see fit.
The rules are as follows:
1) Please check out my masterlist found here to get a feel of what I write.
2) Send an ask detailing your request.
3) No SA, pedo, incest requests.
4) No pick me type of requests. Sorry, just not my cup of tea.
5) Very rarely will I write death. I won't write anything pertaining to drug related. Straight edge and boring. 😂😂
6) If you openly bully/ bad mouth other writers and/or call people out/cause drama, it's gonna be a no for me. If it started in the DM or group chat, keep it in the DM or group chat. ❤️
7) Body modifications is a no for me.
8) If I see you requested the story with me and then with someone else, I will delete the request as it was already done. Thanks.
9) I do NOT write for Nick Wayne. Dude, is 18? 19? I'm not comfortable with writing for him.
10) I try not to answer fic request asks. Not that they are bad or anything, but I just truly try not to spam people's profiles. I don't like answering asks with the story because I don't like how it looks. This is why I tag the person who requests it. You all truly have some amazing ideas that I would never think of in my wildest daydream.
11) Another thing, please don't be afraid to message me. I'm a human behind the screen just as much as you are. I promise I am nice until my mutuals or myself are disrespected. Do you want to talk about the fic request you sent in? Let's do it. Wrestling? American football? Disney? Why sour skittles leave your tongue burning? I'm down.
12) Continuing on, I'm adding that if it's smut, I need the request to not be sent in by anon. My profile is 18+. You can always put in the ask to remain as anon.
13) Please don't be worried about sending an ask for a request or asking about the status. You aren't a bother. My requests are always open. I don't advertise it much because either a person (or group) spams my asks with anonymous, and then I feel like I'm drowning.
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