#I'm so tired of being ghosted in rps
You know that feeling when...
...you're in an rp and your partner suddenly stops replying without warning and then basically ghosts you? 'Cause I've had that happen to me more than a few times now and I'm getting real sick of it...
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thehopelessauthor · 1 year
You know that feeling when… you're in an rp and your partner suddenly stops replying without warning and then basically ghosts you? 'Cause I've had that happen to me more than a few times now and I'm getting real sick of it...
You know that feeling when you’re NOT role playing and you get “frozen out” just because the first person is “punishing” their former partner and on top of that they prioritised THEIR rp over yours even though you say “Oh yeah good idea let’s do that……“ but then don’t commit to it
Like just ANNOUNCE that you are disinterested rather than have us be waiting until the point of “oh, I don’t want to ship that anymore or yep the idea I wanna do is lost now, thanks”
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latoyalestrange · 1 year
dessert fairy
s. sallow x f!reader
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lil drabble inspired by talkiing with @ask-sebastian. ps i'm literally falling in love with this rp acct. he's too smooth i swear.
summary: in which sirona takes things into her own hands when she's tired of watching you and sebastian dance around your feelings for one another.
words: 1kish
warnings: 7th year mc and seb, pining, awkwardness, fluff, not edited! literally the tiniest bit of angst/ hurt and comfort. mention of professor fig :(
every year on the day the hogwarts students returned, hogsmeade held a little fair with music, various pop-up shops, and of course dancing in the square to celebrate. it went without saying that you and sebastian would be attending together as you had the previous year. you weren't sure if it was a good sign or not.
see, you and sebastian were stuck in a waiting game. he would walk you to your classes, insistent on holding your books, offer his scarf when you were cold, let you copy his homework, and would stand up for you anytime students teased you. but that's what any good friend would do, right? you were both painfully oblivious to the other's advances, and therefore you stayed in a limbo of casual flirting that never led to anything.
you pondered this as you stood in the courtyard facing the hamlet, your back to the entrance of the school. you were waiting for him to join you after dinner to head to hogsmeade for a night filled with fun. well, as much fun as you could possibly have with the person you're not-so-secretly pining after. you fidgeted with your hands, looking down at them awkwardly. you were unaware of the slytherin boy as he snuck up behind you, taking silent steps as he approached. his hands pinching your sides shook you out of your trance and you instinctively gasped, ready to scream and run from whatever spooked you.
"sebastian!" you exclaimed, rolling your eyes and clutching your chest as you saw him. he chuckled, letting his hands ghost over your hips as he stood in front of you.
"sorry, it was too perfect of an opportunity to pass up." once you caught you breath, you found yourself blushing as you looked up at his tall form that practically towered over you now after his most recent growth spurt. his cinnamon eyes were still as rich and romantic as ever. "shall we?" you glanced down to see his arm that he held out for you to link with.
"i don't think i want to go with you now, sallow," you teased. he saw right through it.
"yes, you do. come on." he nudged you with his elbow. you sighed, finally snaking your arm around his muscular one as he began leading you to hogsmeade. as well as he could read you, you'd think he'd know how you truly felt about him. but unfortunately for the both of you, sebastian wasn't really as confident as he seemed. he was secure in his dueling abilities and being an incredible student, but when it came to you? he was just as in the dark as you were. you would get bake him his favorite sweets, choose him as your dueling partner every time without fail, and would consistently be there for him when he was missing his sister, letting him hold you tightly as you patted his fluffy brown curls. but that's just what any good friend would do, right?
as you approached the hamlet, you took in the sight of the extra twinkling lights they had put up and the adorable little shops that lined the square. one for handcrafted jewelry, one for a beautiful collection of paintings done by local artists, and a few booths selling various muggle objects. the regular musician that played in the square was also there, and with a few extra instruments that he harmonized perfectly together. it was busier than normal, but that was expected. people from hamlets all around the highlands traveled to see the festivals all year in hogsmeade. unbeknownst to you, while you were digesting your surroundings, sebastian stared down at you adoringly, savoring you adorable expression. he could feel his heart pang in his chest. merlin, how he wished he could confess everything to you in that moment.
"what first?" realizing you probably caught him staring, he blinked away his heart-eyes to respond.
"drinks, obviously," he joked, earning a giggle from you. he began leading you to the three broomsticks, which was only a few paces from the square. once you entered, it was the same as the outside, bustling with patrons chatting loudly.
"agreed. i need a few before i can socialize." he quirked his brown in your direction.
"you're socializing now, aren't you?" he asked in a teasing tone. you shook your head as you reached the only free table in the corner of the first floor. he pulled your chair out for you, pushing you under the table after you sat.
"no, you're different. i don't need alcohol to tolerate you."
he winced playfully, "ouch, tolerate?" you waved his fake pained expression away with your hand.
"oh, you know what i mean. of course i more than tolerate you." redness crept up your neck as you said it, feeling embarrassed by the slightest hint of boldness in your words and his gentlemanly gestures. he brushed it off, chuckling.
"i'll go get us a round, yeah? stay put." you nodded and watched him turn away. you let your head fall to the table with a thud once he couldn't see. how could he not see what he was doing to you? you quickly put yourself back together before he returned, full mugs of butter bear in hand. he placed them on the table in front of you and finally took his place opposite to you. you suddenly noticed the brilliant golden hues that cast across the room from the candle chandeliers. he looked angelic in the light, you could've sworn he was glowing.
"so, seventh year, hm?" he settled in the plush seat beneath him, or was he shifting nervously? you couldn't tell. "what are your plans after you absolutely ace the n.e.w.t.s?" he smiled cheekily as he brought the frosted mug up to his plush lips. you watched as you pondered your answer, eyeing the foam mustache that he skillfully wiped away with his tongue.
"uh-- i'm not entirely for sure yet. everything is still so new." he nodded understandingly, allowing you to continue. "professor weasley actually mentioned to me that they're still looking for a permanent replacement for professor fig." you tried to seem excited about it, but your eyes instantly fell to your fidgeting hands that rested on the table at the mention of your late mentor. "she said, um...that i might be a good fit, if things go well." his brow furrowed, his heart aching for you as he watched the excitement leave your face.
"you don't seem excited by the idea." he looked down at your hands and took one in his own, rubbing comforting circles with his thumb. you shook your head glumly, unable to meet his gaze. "can i ask why?"
"it's just...there are so many other wizards and witches that are perfectly capable--" you stopped, forcing yourself to breathe before you started crying in public. he only squeezed your hand. "there are so many other capable people that aren't responsible for his death."
he shook his head immediately at the prospect. "what happened was in no way your fault, y/n. i didn't know him as well as you did, but what i do know is that him and every professor chose to fight alongside you that day. as far as i'm concerned, they were all lucky to have you there. imagine if you weren't and they had to fight ranrock without anyone with your ability?" you sighed, contemplating his words.
a smile slowly crept back onto your lips, "thank you, sebastian...i wish that made me feel better about it. i really do." he shared a sympathetic smile with you as you sat in comfortable silence for a moment before you continued. "but what about you? what are your plans?" his expression softened to a more playful one as he sat back in his seat, still holding your hand in his.
"oh, you know me. survive." you rolled your eyes at his lightheartedness, but your face looked anything but annoyed by his antics.
"at least you're not planning to leave me here alone."
he shook his head once more, "i'd never." your familiar blush returned, this time reaching your cheeks and nose. you were suddenly hyper-aware of how his hand felt as it held yours and your legs that tangled together under the table.
"so...just me and you then?" you couldn't force your eyes to meet his, as much as you wanted them to.
"against the world." if you weren't blushing before, you definitely were now. something about that made your mind go blank and you suddenly couldnt find a clever remark to retort with. to fill the gap, you brought your own mug to your lip, taking a selfish sip. like sebastian's, it left a silly mustache on your lip. you didn't notice at first, caught up in your thoughts.
"oh, you've got a little..." he gestured to his mouth and you instantly knew. did you always have to make a fool of yourself in front of him? you wiped it with your thumb, but a little dribble remained at the corner of your mouth.
"here, let me." he gently brought his hand up to ghost over your cheek, wiping the leftover foam from your lip. you were sure now that your entire face was beet red from the contact.
you were back to searching your mind frantically for any response. luckily, you didn't need to find one, as someone had joined you at the edge of your table. once you looked up, you realized it was sirona ryan, the owner of the three broomsticks and seer of all, apparently. she held a generous slice of her signature chocolate cake with a dollop of whipped cream and two heart-shaped cherries on top.
"lover's special, on the house. you two have fun at the festival tonight." she placed the plate between the two of you. "not too much fun, though," she added with a wink. you and sebastian exchanged looks, and he was the first to speak.
"lovers special?" he chuckled bemusedly as he looked to you. "i mean, not that i'm one to say no to free cake or anything, but--" he was swiftly cut off by your foot meeting his shin beneath the table.
"thank you sirona," you added sweetly. she smiled politely and turned on her heel to return to the counter.
sebastian laughed, "ow! what was that for?" his playful expression quickly dropped once he saw you, your hands now withdrawn to your lap at you looked down it to it, picking at your nails. "hey, what's wrong?"
you answered meekly, "is it really that weird to think of me in that way?" he instantly felt terrible. you looked so hurt. "i thought maybe since..." you trailed off, sighing. "i don't know what i thought.
"no, no, that's not what i meant at all!" he quickly defended. "i just--i guess i was surprised by sirona's assumption, is all..." it was his turn to fall silent, trying desperately to find the words to say next.
he cleared his throat and asked gently, "do...do you think of me in that way?" he was almost afraid of saying it outright.
realizing there was no way out of this painfully awkward conversation, you were able to stutter out, "oh! i-- uhm, no! i mean--" you instantly covered your face with your hands, wanting to hide. "oh, merlin, i've ruined it, haven't i?" your voice was muffled as you hid behind your hands. he was quick to pull your hands away from your face and hold them in his own.
"you haven't ruined anything, promise. i'm just a bit confused." you took a deep breath, still avoiding his eyes. you felt so embarrassed.
"i just...i wanted this to be perfect, i wanted us to have butterbeer and look at all the shops and dance and maybe i could finally-- or maybe you would--...i don't know. i'm sorry, sebastian." you let your head fall again, refusing to look him in the eye. he only squeezed your hand comfortingly, finally feeling like he understood.
"hey," he outstretched his hand to tilt your head upward, finally meeting your eye. "if you wanted this to be a date..." he gulped down hard, feeling sweat prick his forehead. "i wouldn't mind that at all." you looked instantly relieved as the tension left your body.
"really?" he nodded, relazing a bit himself.
"really. i'm sorry it took me so long to say something. i didn't think you were interested."
"sebastian, i wouldn't do half the things i do for you if i weren't interested." you admitted, making him laugh heartily.
"and i wouldn't hold your books and walk you to class every day. those damned things are heavy!" you returned the chuckle, finally feeling calm again. unbeknownst to you, a pair of eyes was watching the two of you and relishing in their successfull efforts. sirona ryan, unofficial dessert fairy and matchmaker, sometimes needed to give students a gentle push in the right direction. and they thanked her for that.
reblog if you made it to then end!
lmk if you want a part 2 cause i would be down.
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sillybruja · 8 months
keep reading if you wanna know about the craziest liar and well known spn roleplayer I've met on tumblr
I will never forget being on tumblr from 2011 - 2015 and being in the supernatural role playing community. It was both one of the best, and worst experiences of my entire life. I role played as Dean Winchester (and actually my page is still up, and I might start up again) and had a fairly large following.
during 2011, the SPN rp community just started growing so I, among a few of my mun friends, were like the "It girls and guys". It's so insane to think about it now, 10+ years later. There were people out there who did not roleplay that would follow me, and reblog my threads just because they appreciated by writing ^.^ it was so sweet. Back to my memory lol.
Anyways, I made friends with a rper on here who ran a Castiel account. We very obviously shipped Dean & Cas, and so did a lot of people. People even shipped us xD we had a ship name and everything. This person became my best friend in real time.
I really really thought I knew this person. He told me everything, every part of his life, every heart break from some dumb guy, every accident he's ever made, etc. I saw him as not only a best friend but a brother.
around 2013, my life took a turn -- things got more serious for me, and I fell off from roleplaying for a bit, and we lost contact. I remember he just eventually stopped responding to my messages. This wasn't okay for me because before he ghosted me, he told me he was really sick. I was always worried that the last text I sent him was the last I'd ever hear from him.
Eventually he did respond to me, and I remember him saying, "I'm fine, I might just be gone for a while. It's not your fault" and that was that. Mind you, I was 10+ years younger, and I really felt devastated.
Several months later, I logged back onto my roleplaying account. I remember being spammed with asks and messages about him. One of our mutuals sent me a message saying he had passed away a month prior. She showed me the go fund me that was started for him to cover his funeral expenses. My heart was shattered.
The next year was spent of thinking about him almost every day. I felt so sorry that things ended the way they did, and that he was gone. I honestly felt grief that entire year.
In 2015, I get this intuitive 'nudge' to check my tumblr again. This time when I log in, I see appreciation posts about him, and all of those feelings come back. I remember trying to get back into rping in honor of him, and I remember coming across an account that seemed awfully familiar.
This was another castiel account, almost identical in text, aesthetic, vocabulary, even same psds. I just knew it was him. I can't tell you how, I just did. I remember thinking I was crazy and that this was grief... but, unfortunately, I was right.
Eventually, I gathered the nerve to reach out to this account. I cannot remember the name they gave me. But I talked to them, and I sort of played detective lol.
I deeply knew it was him and felt like it was so wrong that he lied about everything, had everyone upset, and took HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS from people who donated for his funeral.
One day, I was just tired of being nice. I approached him about it all. Of course he denied it. I badgered him about it though, and I even told him that what he is doing is illegal, and that he owes it to people who are mourning a very much alive person.
I didn't stop until he came forward.
He said, "I'm sorry, I had to do this to be with my boyfriend" and my jaw was on the freaking floor.
I told him to come forward, or I will have to do something about this.
Of course, he did not. Instead, he deleted his account. I tried to make a claim against him, but it was never looked into.
I will never forget that.
and if he's still out there, I hope he actually understands the weight of his actions. and I hope justice gets served.
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theseance444 · 2 months
Life of the Party - Open RP
((Open rp, anyone 18+ welcome! Don't feel the need to match this length tho, I definitely got carried away))
They say he's the life of the party. There's irony in there somewhere, if Klaus's foggy head could process it.
Stumbling out of alley, flashing lights and thudding base in his wake, the Seance--Number Four--grimaced in the light of dawn. Why did it have to be so damn bright? His body ached from a night of mindless clubbing, reeking of the sweat and smoke of not only himself, but a hundred others in the night. Where to go from here?
Despite the liquor warm in his belly, Klaus shivered in the early morning air. Now that he's down the block, everything just seemed so...quiet. Peaceful. Only a few cars on the road. Only a few spirits following him. One of whom was being particularly annoying for a six AM walk of shame.
"Oh will you be quiet?" he groaned as he wandered the street, tired of his dead brother's nagging. "I'm not--I mean, not like that. Besides, don't you ever get tired of--of henning me?"
Not going in any particular direction, Klaus found himself passing a few early morning joggers. They gave him wide berth, considering he was slurring at thin air beside him. When he caught his own reflection in a parked car, Klaus didn't blame them.
Dark circles smeared with eyeliner, a sickly grey to his skin, and glassy, blown out pupils stared hazily back at him. He might as well be a ghost himself. Ignoring Ben's insistence that they go home, Klaus pulled himself away from car with a shiver. At some point in the night, he seemed to have misplaced his shoes, and the cold sidewalk was making his feet go numb. Maybe Ben had a point.
No sooner had the revelation cross his mind, when Klaus looked up, catching sight of his one and only savior: a busted up sign reading "GRIDDY'S DONUTS".
"Perfect--we'll get some coffee, warm up our feetsies, and be back before Luther's pre-breakfast work out," he was saying, seemingly to himself as he pushed through the door. A charming ding! sounded somewhere in the building, and Klaus gave a wave to the waitress behind the counter. "G'morning Ms. Rofa, just the usual tonight--aw shit..."
Of course his favorite booth was the only table occupied, this early in the morning. With their back to him, he can't see their face, but it doesn't matter. Fueled by an astonishing amount of liquid courage, Klaus stomped his way over to the table. His table.
"Hey, who do you--who do you think you are, buddy?"
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In response to 732269791257198592
I get it and I'm sympathetic, and maybe bc at the time of seeing this I'm going through something that could be similar or adjacently similar, but as the other side of the coin here's my perspective.
You say you used to talk about your muses a lot and write a lot...but either not too much that your interactions remained solely on tumblr. Which is valid. Keeping hobbies organized is perfectly fine. But a friendship is a two way street that needs to be maintained on both sides to be healthy. I don't know how long you vanished from their lives, but ironically you feel like a ghost...cos ya kinda ghosted your friends. Even if you can rp like before, if you really valued people as friends you'd pop in, maybe not every day but every couple of days to send in hellos or memes. Anything to not be a random thought on a random day of 'did our friendship end that day cos they moved on or did they die?' kinda limbo.
I'm being kinda harsh right now, yeah and I'm sorry if I am. I am projecting. I wrote stuff from slice of life stuff to some of the darkest dd;dne that almost kinda trauma bonds two people, we've texted and sent gifts and I've even traveled to meet them. Things were so great...only for them to just...stop. Bc of irl reasons, and I knew the reasons so I understood. I didn't push. I sent them stuff to make sure they felt remembered and liked and loved...but if I didn't send something first, we'd never talk.
RP friendships on tumblr are vastly different. Everyone's lives are majorly different. Depending how much effort you put in remaining in some sort of communication with others while you were away for however long will be the consequence of how difficult it is to return.
And take this with a grain of a very large salt. I'm the other side of the coin that's been left behind and they return after months of radio silence expecting to be my priority. And they used to be...thrice already...but I'm honestly tired and have become highly selective of that fandom we used to write in...they've come back again and I've commented on their posts, send them asks for their character to answer but I can't really bring myself to write with them anymore because...I don't know when I'll be left again.
Referencing this post.
~ Mod MJ ~
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amnyatas · 1 year
anyway, with that last obligation out of the way.
i've been stuck being terminally online for around 15 years bc my mom wanted to make sure she had a caretaker to tend to her at the end of her life, and thus isolated me so well that only her tech illiteracy was my only loophole in actually interacting with people. i'm finally breaking free as best i can to start my life but like.
because of that, fandoms are a horrible pull for me. to crave social interaction with people who like the same thing as me sounds perfect on the tin...but time and time again there comes a point where it backfires and i end up miserable. drama starts up, i keep my mouth shut over people's opinions, and the resentment builds.
i've tried my best to keep my mouth shut on the various discourse but i failed repeatedly. not all the time, oh my god there's so MUCH i haven't said, but i'll admit fault on running my mouth. but goddamn the shit some of y'all say...i started to not feel welcome in this community. now i feel like an entire outsider.
in the past year i've seen so much shit go down, i kept my mouth shut bc hey! it was none of my business anyway. i got to watch people start to complain about a certain group of people at the RP events, got to watch the usual hosts enact a set of rules for public roleplay, watched the group take it personally and ghost the person that posted it, and their friend. fuckin juvenile shit to do when you recognize that people have a problem with YOUR behavior. more stuff happened in that general circle but lbr i have no respect for them anymore and feel terrible for the folks who got steamrolled in the process.
i'm too old for all this bullshit. i'm gonna give this blog a break, unfollow folks who i don't already have a good rapport with, and if and when i come back, it'll be more or less impersonal and archival. i finally have a life ahead of me, and i'm tired of stressing over who hates who and who's acting like a 2013 tumblr teenager. i'll be on my main if you want, if not i've got my art blog, both are in my pinned.
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your-sweet-cookies · 1 year
Important announcement, please read
Mun speaking: Hey guys, I'm posting this now since I'm seeing that a lot of you are online so maybe you'll see and read this. I just want to let you know that I am honestly NOT doing okay at all emotionally speaking. I've been actually hurting deeply for quite some time and due to recent events, I have finally hit rock bottom and just can't take this anymore: Thing is that lately I've started to feel extremely unwanted and unloved by the community and that my relevance on here has dropped to nothing (best proof being my activity stats that dropped to under 10 notes on more than one occasion these past few days and maybe weeks), soo I guess the haters were right, in the end I am nothing but a boring person with an even more boring character.
And it's okay, you don't have to lie to try to make me feel better, because I just know it's true and even if I tried to be strong, I just can't do it anymore. There were more factors that contributed to this and I'll try to briefly explain them:
First of all, no one reaches out to me to send in stuff outside of memes and no one wants to talk to me, except 2-3 people with whom I'm mostly only talking about stuff outside of RP anyways. The stuff I usually got in my inbox were just memes that never got feedback or went anywhere and If I disappeared it's clear that no one even noticed, so it means that my presence on here truly is useless, life moves on without me anyways. All my ships are dead, all my threads ignored/forgotten and my inbox is an empty desert.
Then, there were of course the haters. At first I thought they were just a bunch of jealous people, but now I realize they were right, I am just a no one who nobody likes and I am just tired of receiving pity from others, since it won't change a thing. If people truly cared, then they would've proven the haters wrong with concrete action, but since no one did so, it's too late to change the facts now.
And lastly, what hurt most, was the way I was treated by those I saw as friends, who just decided to just abandon me one day without any further notice. I won't name names, but just know that what you did truly hurt me because I trusted you and I cherished you! Yeah, I am not perfect, I make mistakes, but I believe that I am entitled to at least one explanation and a 'break-up' note to at least allow me to move on knowing that there's no more hope left for that friendship. Ghosting someone is never the right answer!
With that said (which I am sorry if it came out as mostly bitter, but I'm emotionally drained completely), I've decided to retire from the RP community, since it's became literally painful seeing the dashboard go on given the current circumstances. This acc won't be gone, I'll keep it for memory's sake and to maybe post artwork related to Kukki and her friends from time to time, make memes and chat with the Muns I am still close with. In regards to the all-mad-hare's event, I will still deliver my entry since the sketch is almost done and I am very pleased with the result, but I just wanted to let you guys know that I will stop using this acc for role-playing because I just can't go on like this anymore. There's no pain worse than feeling horribly alone, despite being surrounded by soo many people. I just don't have any drive or motivation left for writing. It was fun at first while it lasted, but now it's just painful and I'm tired of crying everyday and feeling anxious and stressed whenever I see the dash going on and then remember that no one gives a fuck about me.
With that said, I hope there won't be any hard feelings and know that I still love you guys and so does Kukki, but even the strongest warriors have their limits and this one reached hers.
Wishing you all the best, S
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All things Cylas
writing, moodboards, random facts, asks, etc.
and yes, I do think I'm funny
The Ambrose Saga (even though there isn't much Ambrose in it)
Darrell and Cylas: The First Contact(s) (1 2)
as in, half ask, half rp with Blue about text/insta messages exchanged between Cylas and Darrell
Oh, Honey, Do You Want Me Now?
Cylas meets a not-so-nice guy, happens the night after her first message to Darrell, kind of simultaneously to Blue's Hogs of Hell
Call Me Maybe (ft. Darrell)
Cylas and Darrell meet at a diner
Road Trip (Gone Wrong)
Cylas and Ambrose I, in which a car breaks down (duh)
Lose Control
Cylas and Ambrose II, first impressions are important, Cylas' probably wasn't that great
Loose Ends (mention of Darrell)
Cylas and Ambrose III, Cylas wins over the twins (kinda) by being her nice and charming self - and Darrell coming by just as the right time
The Road So Far (ft. Lee)
On their way back home, they encounter a stranger
I See The Danger In Being Unprepared (ft. Lee)
Lee and Cylas get to the gas station and meet a group of guys, what could go wrong?
I've Got A Secret, I'm Telling Everyone (ft. Lee)
Are they being followed? And, if so, by whom? Will the situation escalate?
Lost Within Musings about the past
Delirium Takes Over Me, You're Just Another Casualty Their coping mechanisms aren't always the best, but at least no innocents get hurt
Kissing blurb (ft. Darrell) to be continued...? writing murder and torture is easier
When I'm Gone After waking up feeling weird Cylas goes out to clear their head
Cylas and Clay, or: How I Met My Murder Bestie
Take A Chance On Me Clay and Cylas first meeting when they just so happen to go after the same victim (technically, Cylas had him first)
Little Talks Opening up about the past can be difficult, and sometimes you grow unaware of how horrible an experience really was until you get an outsider's perspective
Some Days I Don't Know If I Am Wrong Or Right
I Can't Decide Whether You Should Live Or Die Clay gets to finally meet Cylas' former tormentor - after learning a little more about the past
Oh I Could Bury You Alive Sharing the workload of the disposal of a body
Alt Timeline, or: Somehow I Made Her Worse...?
ramblings/introduction/first thoughts
Nothing Compares To The Promise I Have In You When I say that this version of Cylas has a kind of unhealthy relationship with Father Darrell Todd and idolises him, I am not lying.
Art and Moodboards:
Cylas and Odile: Aren't you tired of being nice? by solmints-messyocdiary
Cylas and Odile by solmints-messyocdiary
Alt Cylas and Father Darrell
Cylas, murder bean edition
Aesthetic/Fashion moodboard made by myers-meadow
Diner meeting
Death is Mercy by rottent33th
The Last Time Always Hurts The Most
A World Of Peace And Harmony
Some General Info
Incorrect Quotes (1 2)
Music edit by angxlslasher
Iceberg meme
Valentine's Day card from Cylas to Darrel
Meanwhile In Ambrose... A very serious sketch
Shirts my OCs would wear
Blorbo Bingo
OC Questions (1 2 3 4 5)
Cylas and The Patron by solmints-messyocdiary He said no pickles
(Rough) Scar Placement Ref
Cylas made in Hero Forge
random scribbles
Say "Hi" to the camera Blue's response to an ask I sent that includes art of Cylas
Cylas by solmints-messyocdiary
random pencil sketch I suppose
Picrew I
Picrew II (includes alt timeline Cylas and Ghost)
Picrew III
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roleplayhonestybox · 1 year
To that one anon that's like "we aren't wary of OCs bc of shitty experience, we don't care" bro okay?? And people don't care if you don't care either, I'm just returning the same energy you're giving them. I think it's a lukewarm take to generalize OCs as wish fulfillment because yeah! A lot are! But some people put "lore" and all that because you know why? Because it's fun to. Like are they hurting you? No. Is there still a high demand for Canon x Canon? Yes. Is it impossible to not play oc x canon? No.
Let's be honest, a lot of rp is wish fulfillment, wanting to see characters interact and tell stories, that's normal. Whether it is canon or not, it's all fiction for fun. But if that's like... such a big deal to you, idk what to tell you man, like are you allergic to fun and people being creative?
To counter, I genuinely hope one day you come across someone's OC that's amazingly written, not just in rp but in fanart or any other media, and that you start to understand that there are people who actually give a damn about what they make and are beautifully passionate about it. I think you're limiting your perspective by being like "it's all stupid ass wish fulfillment" and "nobody cares" and "i hope these people get ghosted" and "a waste of space".
Because you know what that sounds like? It sounds like a closed-minded bitter teenager who's just overly salty about other people's businesses you don't or refuse to understand. Hopefully, like a teenager, it'll just be a phase you go through, and you'll learn some compassion or to just idk, move on. This goes to anyone else who's also just that spiteful because damn, of all things to be mad about, it's something so inconsequential.
I feel like you didn't understand OP's rant at all if you have such a basic take and act like you have their issues all figured out and well, basically mocking them. They mention feeling exploited, being a willing person to spoil their partner, just wanting someone to match their energy, and knowing the oc x canon community, there's a lot of doubles, so it could be about that too. I'd get it if you're tired of bad oc experiences, but really? Getting upset by genuine frustrations that harm no one? "We just don't care?" Who's "we"?? People like you or with how you seem like to generalize people, the entire rp community? Mid as hell take, L+Ratio+come on man, it's just sad of you to be all "I hope you all get ghosted" like that's some r/niceguy energy. Hope you find that something to help you adjust your mindset a little ✌️
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darkdoverpseeker · 1 year
🕊️✨Salutations! I'm a 25+ Enby looking for some 21+ long-term rp MxM partners on Discord! I'd appreciate if you were literate and able to write multiple paragraphs (Give me at least 3-6 full paragraphs per response that are descriptive and detailed and contribute to the story), but please be open to novella length when/if the scene calls for it! If you are radio silent for two weeks, I will assume you have ghosted me. I have a RL and anime/manga FC for this particular OC, so please be okay with both of those! I am in EST timezone, but I don't care which you are in!
So, I've got 3-4 plot prompts for this particular OC that I've got a craving for, but I will share those with you in Discord, so I'm not cluttering the post here! However, I shall tell you about him briefly, and ideally the type of guy I'd like to pair him with!
I'll say right off the bat. If there is any smut involved, this guy is a power (dom) bottom. With that being said, please do not write your guy as submissive. I'd like for them to be some type of dom, too (probably more of a balance between a softer and edgier one). Still, I don't want this to totally smut-filled. Just when/if appropriate.
MC is aged 21-26. He is a past human military experiment with the power of Vector Manipulation. He is quite overpowered, but still has some niche weaknesses that can be exploited if done correctly. He is pretty traumatized due to his past, but is in denial over it. He is very morally grey, has an attitude, not afraid of violence, has a genius intellect, very methodical, struggles with empathy, desensitized toward killing and torturing someone in self-defense, hellbent on revenge, a bit emotionally stunted due to said trauma, and a force to be reckoned with.
I would like to pair him with a guy who is a little older, doesn't have to be a big age gap, but that is up to you. I definitely don't want your guy to be "super soft in personality." YC needs to be able to handle my chaotic gremlin and not cry every minute. Your guy definitely would need a lot of patience to deal with mine. I do not want your guy to be a caretaker, these two are equals here. Of course, someone who wants to understand MC more and his mysterious past (and has a bigger heart than he does), but not coddling him. MC would kill YC for that. MC would not pair well against someone who matches his own personality. Again, he'd probably kill them after a while.
Please be willing to show me a writing sample! So I can ensure our styles match! I'll show you one of mine too! I'll create an organized server for us on Discord to chat about the plot prompts before we get started! And do not like this post if you aren't interested. Tired of reaching out when people do not respond.
interact if interested!
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demcnsinmymind · 1 year
don't mind me being a cranky bitch today due to a variety of irl reasons but one thing kinda bugs the crap out of me. not really aimed at any one specific, but something I've noticed in general a lot lately
I seriously don't get this one pattern about it:
someone with a huge follower/mutual count follows me. I get excited thinking, woah! quality person is actually interested in tiny no name blog me, how cool! I can't wait to get something started!
weeks pass, person doesn't interact whatsoever. no like, no pm, no ask, nothing. I'm thinking okay, maybe they don't feel like it or are too shy, or maybe they expect me to interact first. so after a couple of weeks, I start sending some memes, I'm interacting with posts and liking them to show the moot that I appreciate seeing them on my dash and like reading their stuff and because I know how nice it is to have some form of interaction. I'm not just interacting with posts because I expect something in return. I just genuinely like interacting and showing my mutuals 'I see you and I've read what you're talking about and I love it!' but then we get back to this strange pattern I cannot figure tf out: person entirely ignores my interactions. reblogs memes, posts starter calls, I try to interact this way, since this is usually a signal in the rp world that says 'I'm open for new threads, send something my way :)' absolutely zero interaction or response to that too. And like???? It's not about the fact that there is no interaction in general. Like, I get it. People are busy. People don't owe you shit in return for your own engagements. I have a whole bunch of moots whom I followed first who haven't interacted in months because they're very busy, or take their time to reply and I know that and that's totally fine. But what I don't get is: why the fuck do these people even bother to follow first if they have absolutely zero intention to interact in any way, or are too busy or whatever else? Why follow even more people you know you couldn't be arsed to interact with currently? Why purposefully and entirely ignore every type of interaction without any little heads up or anything else? Like seriously, just fuck right off with that that, I'm so tired of bullshit like this. It's so discouraging and disrespectful imho. I'd rather have people soft or hardblock me if they decide they're no longer or not interested in interacting or if the follow was a mistake or something. Hey, absolutely no hard feelings. People come and go! I softblock every now and then too when I don't vibe. But the following and then ghosting and ignoring is just such bullshit.
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findroleplay · 1 year
🕊️ Very tired of being ghosted or people not working out, so I'm trying something new: Looking for 4-6 people interested in starting a small **discord group** rp, so we can have a writing momentum and get involved and excited about each other's muses! Here's the core concept: - 25+ (flexible to a degree) - mature topics - kink, bdsm and dead dove friendly as a way to explore intense dynamics and mindsets. **not a smut focused group** - some magic. There's a worldbuilding core, I'd love to develop it with people. - Group oriented writing: The goal is to have people involved with others and create a web of connections and plots, not 1x1 with some background noises. - Good welcoming communication: ooc discussion of what you like, where you want things to go and what's bothering you. If we can have good communication we don't need to drown in our collective anxiety. Please like, and I'll drop in your dms to talk some more and gather people over to discord!
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sincerely-krp · 5 months
yall be on here talking bout missing oc rps on this platform but when an oc rp opens up yall ghost it? peep at glorytv's blogroll… admin gave yall an event yet there ain't nobody writing in there // thats likely because whether it was deleted or not at this point, this blog (sincerely-krp) let someone link it with risehq and was just going to be okay with posting that accusation until I said something in their inbox about linking rps to drama/toxicity without proof. so it could be DoA due to that. /
i'm just going to point this out, i don't think glorytv is doing well because the premise is not really what the majority of au krpers are looking for. it sounds like au krpers joined the place then got bored, which isn't the krp's fault it's just a byproduct of fast food krp. i think it's probably more likely to consider that as opposed to sincerely's blog having that much weight. especially seeing that they had a valid reason to post and then stop the conversation that had nothing to do with anything public on the blog. it's a sticky slope because we have to trust that sincerely is being honest about people dming them, but the last two times we questioned them not only did they blatantly prove the people accusing them wrong, they managed to give themselves more credibility for curbing toxicity that the admins or community tried to propogate which is not... ideal, idk.
we have proof they're honest, we can check them, as i think we should, every now and then to make sure they're continuing to be honest, but this defaulting to sincerely's blog being why au krps shut down before considering the other logical threads feels tired.
we keep running into issues like this where we assume something on this blog is baseless so it's why bad things happen or they're censoring people's opinions but time and time again the admins have been able to point out that they made their decision because of what privately was brought to them. this isn't me saying we shouldn't question them, only that maybe we shouldn't default to assuming this blog is operating on a 'oops we got caught so we fixed it!' basis, and maybe start considering that it's the fact that they listen to feedback that matters.
i'm also not saying to trust the shit on this blog, like fr PLEASE don't, and use your judgement. i'm specifically talking about the assumption that a couple bad things about a krp on sincerely is enough to shut a whole krp down, without the krp having a significant hand in it. because if a krp is gonna interact with sincerely they can just get the incorrect asks taken down, and if they can't disprove the ask, then it's probably generic enough people will overlook it.
this did happen with rise, the only ask about rise was taken down from the blog less than 24 hours later, and then like a whole week out of nowhere there was a shit ton of tea because rise mentioned sincerely on their admin blog. they had like so many people talking to sincerely but we, the audience, saw none of that until they pushed sincerely to discuss it. that too to take the heat off of someone they knew the admin knew was innocent, and they could tangibly see, in their inbox, was being shit on due to the admin's post. when people didn't take sincerely's word for it they had to post censored versions of horrible things being said about that one person, which is proof that they try to keep private things... well, private.
rise, in contrast to the rupes issue, where it was obvious an insidigm person was around, but once sincerely shut them down we didn't see any influx of toxic paradigm asks out in the open. they also only posted that proof because someone questioned them, and now private stuff about a member of rupes is out here for everyone to see. i personally think both this situation and the rise situation caused harm to the victims because we pressed sincerely. i do think they were necessary, because in both situations sincerely operated the way they told us they do, but the rp community itself was extremely active in one issue, and in the other, they weren't even here. we all saw how that reflected on the blog; the situation with insidigm and rupes passed super easily without issue or toxicity that was unnecessary, even THOUGH sincerely said no insidigm or rupes members reached out to them. meanwhile, the rise issue dominated the blog only because the admin tried to blame sincerely, and then parts of their community continued to fight on this blog (which, if everyone recalls, resulted in them basically posting the shit on the ask they asked sincerely to take down that sincerely continued to censor themselves).
and now with glorytv there was an assumption that the admins just passed whatever to be posted on the blog and then took it down willy nilly when there was a reason why. i've noticed asks from the mp situation gone but my default isn't to think SINCERELY HAS AN AGENDA AGAINST ME AND FOR MP it's to assume an mp mun talked to sincerely and sincerely removed the asks accordingly.
like if they really aren't in the krps themselves, i'm willing to cut them some slack on what they post as long as they're swift about taking them down when shown proof. i also think that while the systems are flawed they're working on them, and they pretty much do whatever us, the community, agrees to do when presented with decisions on what to allow or not allow on the blog.
as far as vent blogs go, i think we should just start considering the facts that we, as critical thinkers can see. as long as we maintain a healthy level of skepticism, we can probably be more productive. they've been clear they don't actually care, they do what they need to for their own blog, which means they're inherently toxic because they know they leave things on this blog that are untrue but couldn't be proven so, and i think that itself is helpful to consider because it makes it easier to understand what we'll be seeing on this blog. there are clear instances of this blog helping people and not hurting them, which makes things more difficult to assign moral value.
bottom line: this blog is only as toxic as the muns in the communities being discussed. it's not always on sincerely for allowing something to be posted, it's more on the people behind the scenes communicating with them. we should exhaust those options first before confronting this blog so we can hold the right parties accountable. we can ask sincerely if someone approached them maybe, it sounds like every time they have consent to show proof shared to them they do, so we can ask for what proof was sent, or we can privately dm them if we really need to know about something and see where that gets us.
admin note: we're fine with the things mentioned in the last paragraph! if consent is given to us we have no issues sharing proof given to us either.
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kokorowoutsu · 8 months
-- RP: @night-gladion-and-their-ghosts
"I'm tired of messing with these legendaries who think they know better," Gladion said, glancing back. "I just want to run my company and help Pokemon." "Can't run from your responsibilities." Lunala spoke, giggling at Willow. "Yeah...where Abe and I come from, magic isn't real. Some fairytail shiiii- stuff. I come from a planet plunged in the darkness of war; has been that way since I was born. The only thing I can trust is my trusty pistol; no one uses melee weapons." He turned his head, a few memories flaring up. He looked away and rubbed his arm. Gladion reached over and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Let's not think about them right now, ok?" Gladion leaned close. "IN due time, ok?"
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"I see." The talk of other worlds outside what they knew was always difficult to wrap their minds around, but they existed and some family even came from there. It's just something they had learned to accept and move with like a dance.
"Whatever you trust and rely on should always be your go to." Leon agreed. "No one's at fault for choosing a gun just as no one's at fault for choosing magic." He offered a smile at that, hoping that had smoothed things over. That being said, Ashe eyed Willow for a moment, noting she was trying to mimic Lunala in hanging upside down, holding onto the bat while she was held close. "Don't hang upside down for too long, sunshine!" She called and a 'YEEEEAH!' came from Willow in response.
Turning her attention to Gladion, she had to ask -- "So what's next for you and the Aether Foundation? Besides Shadow and everyone here, any troubles popping up? Anything we can help with?"
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your-sweet-cookies · 1 year
What are your biggest rp pet peeves?
Message from Mun: I don't really have many pet peeves when it comes to RP, since I'm usually the type of person who does their best to focus on the positive aspects of the community. But I will admit that there are a few that can sometimes even get to me, and I'll write a few down:
People who don't read your rules - there is a good reason why Muns even take the time to write these special specifications lists labeled as "Rules". If it weren't something important, we wouldn't bother with writing them in the first place, so please, read them!
Lack of communication - There are soo many misunderstandings and conflicts that could've been avoided between people if only they would communicate more. It pains me seeing my friends being hurt by others because of something that could've been avoided if only people would talk more between one another before jumping to random conclusions. So please people: proper communication is key! Use this ability we've been invested with by nature!
Meme asks sent just for the sake of sending something in the hopes of getting something in return and then never coming to read the answers - One of the reasons why nowadays I kind of take a long time writing answers to meme asks is because I don't really have the same motivation I used to have in the past. This is due to a lack of confirmation if the other party is even going to read the reply. As one might see, I do try to keep an equal length between the answers I deliver, so that people don't feel discriminated, and the answers end up being usually long in length, so it's a bit disheartening spending half an hour or more on a single reply, only for it to be never read. I'm not expecting meme posts to turn into threads, but at least leave a like as a sign that you at least acknowledged the answer and that there's a chance you hopefully read it.
"Highschool clique" - This is a phrase referring to the phenomena of people interacting only with a small group of people and ignoring everyone else trying to interact with them. This can lead to people exclusion and creates a toxic environment for the community. Let's try to be more friendly and open to one another and not act like highschoolers, since we're adults after all!
People ignoring your asks/deleting them without further notice - There have been many instances in which I would put effort into writing a long ask (either in order to start a thread or continue one), only for it to never be answered without a proper reason. If you don't like the topic/direction I might've taken, please for the love of God, just send me a DM or answer that ask privately, letting me know why you'd not want to answer it and what should I send instead. Ghosting my messages, threads and asks only hurts me and makes me feel anxious and insecure about my writing and whether or not you like me as a RP partner and want to continue our threads/interactions.
And Lastly, my biggest pet peeve of them all: People ghosting your threads! This one's similar to the previous one in my list, but it's somewhat more hurtful because it kinda sends the clear message of "I grew tired of you, so I'll just abandon our stuff without a proper reason or explanation." It's just painful, especially if said person then never messages you again in DMs either and you're just left hanging in there indefinitely, wondering if there's even a point or not into initiating further interactions. This somehow comes back to the point about communication too, because things would be much different if the party involved would at least send a DM letting you know that "hey, I still wanna write with you, but that old thread doesn't tickle my fancy anymore, let's try something else!". Trust me, sending a DM explaining stuff DOES make a HUGE difference and it's far better than ghosting someone!
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