#I'm so tired i want to die this morning but it's ok
konigs-left-pec · 5 months
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
Polish Up Real Nice! (bnha boys x you)
summary: hcs about taking care of yourself and taking care of the boys (with bakugo, shoto, izuku, kirishima, and denki)
cw/tags: swearing cuz bakugo is here, sickeningly cheesy fluff, the tiniest little bit of angst, pet names (love, babe, baby, sweetheart, lovey)
note: this is your reminder to take good fucking care of yourself because you deserve to feel loved !!!
likes, reblogs, and feedback is always appreciated <3
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Bakugo Katsuki
he has a longer skincare routine than you
does not matter if your routine is 2 steps or 10
he absolutely has a more complex regimen
will hide your body wash/shampoo to force you to use his instead
he likes it when you smell like him because he doesn't know how to voice his fuckin emotions any other way
it's ok !!! we love him anyway !!!
will automatically assume you're using his stuff if he starts running out
"babe, do you know what the fuck happened to my serums?"
"no, love, i'm sorry"
"you're not using them behind my back, are you?"
"i can't read half of the instructions on that tiny-ass bottle."
"it's self-explanatory-"
"it's also $100 for literally 2 milliliters, kats."
"that's a no, then."
it was denki lmao he was over at your house trying to figure out which bottle was soap
also has a haircare routine but not as strict as skincare
he'll just put leave-in conditioner if he wants it to look extra fluffy
MELTS when you massage oil into his scalp
he would rather die than wear one of those cutesy face masks
but he's over here putting fucking cucumbers on his eyes
you have a photo of him with a clay mask on and cucumbers over his eyes that he doesn't know you took
immediately sent it to his friends and now every single contact photo is of that picture
his love language is most definitely not words of affirmation but i think quality time is a strong contender
so when you're both getting ready in the morning he'll wordlessly hand you bottles of products without you asking because he's memorized your habits too <3
Todoroki Shoto
has like????? no skincare routine??????
man is just effortlessly pretty
for a long time he'd just use whatever momo or his mom recommended to him
when he started dating you and you asked about his skincare routine, he was the definition of confused
he was like
"i wash it??"
"no, but like with what product, sweetheart?"
despite not having much of a routine for himself, he will buy you WHATEVER you want
does not matter if the product costs more than the fucking moon
he'll have at least two bottles of it in your house at all times so you never run out
whenever he visits the store or has an assistant out shopping for him, he'll ask if you need anything (applies to basically everything but especially selfcare items)
when you do a facemask with him your favorite part is tying back his hair and giving him a tiny little sprout on the top of his head
also melts when you massage hair oil into his scalp
but he likes to give you massages more
could be with lotion or body wash, doesn't matter
will heat and/or cool his body depending on what you need
he likes running his hands over your skin until you're on the verge of falling asleep
and then he'll just lie down next to you and press his body against yours
Midoriya Izuku
doesn't really know much about skincare but is very eager to learn!!
adores doing facemasks with you
will pick up silly little animal masks from the store while he's on patrol
"look, it's a penguin."
"zuku, my love, where did you get these?"
"on patrol today."
"you're supposed to be stopping villains, babe."
"to be fair, i did kick the hell out of some thieves before buying them."
"ah, so you rewarded yourself."
"by being able to spend time with you, yes."
when he comes home late from a mission or from patrol and he's too tired to take care of his curls, you do it for him
just taking care of him in general when his body is physically unable to do it
which is quite often because you know, he's fucking deku
you'll lead him to the bath and make sure the water is warm beforehand
after he's settled and you clean any pressing wounds, you start working on his hair
he almost falls asleep right there, with your fingers gently rubbing product into his curls
you have to gently wake him to remind him to rinse
will sleepily watch you put on lip balm and then ask to try it
when you hand it out to him, he shakes his head
you smile and he kisses it off your lips
"that's pretty good. keep wearing it, please."
Kirishima Eijiro
probably uses a simple face wash and moisturizer
sometimes uses toner if you remind him but he doesn't really need it since his skin doesn't get super oily
he has a hand care routine
does that even exist??
it does now !
one of your nightly routines with him is rubbing lotion into his palms
because of his quirk, they can get really, really rough and dry
his skin in general gets beat up the most
he tries to remember to put lotion on but he's so busy that he forgets often
he also likes it better when you're sitting across from him and dotingly running your thumb along his palms
despite having a lot of callouses, it's one of the more sensitive spots on his body
"what is it, eiji?"
"that tickles."
he also asks you if you can help him take care of his nails, too
they tend to get roughed up during battles and he also sometimes picks at his cuticles absentmindedly
you help him clean up the nailbeds and scrub dirt from under the fingernails
he watches you like you painted the stars in the sky
when he comes out of the shower and his hair is down, he'll shake his head like a dog if you're in close proximity
effectively hitting you with water like a lawn sprinkler
the absolute KING of physical affection self-care
if you've had a hard day sometimes the one thing you need is just for him to lay his entire body weight on you
"can i ask a favor, babe?"
"anything, lovey."
"work was shit today, could you-"
he's already throwing himself at you and burying you both into the couch cushions
Kaminari Denki
definitely used hand soap to wash his face before dating you
instead of hiding your body wash to make you smell like him, he likes to use your products instead to make him smell like you
because of the videos you send him, most of his social media feed is influencers doing product reviews
he'll send you those product reviews and ask if it's legit or not
if you say it's legit, he'll buy it for you even if you didn't ask for it
"the fuck is this?"
"looks like some crystal roller thing, i don't know."
"baby, you're the one that bought it."
"to be fair, i black out every time i press 'proceed to cart,' so i don't remember doing it."
LOVES taking pictures and videos while you're doing self-care together
he's a sucker for the domestic life what can i say
will play music while you're trying to do your routine and take videos of him just spinning you around your bathroom
his skin also tends to dry out because of his quirk and sometimes he just needs a nice, long soak
will adamantly try to convince you to join him
not in a sexual way but in a matter of he has a small water gun hiding below the surface of the bubbles
instead of doing deep pressure therapy for you, sometimes he needs it from you
it gets hard for him, being a conduit of such a volatile quirk, and he needs you to remind him that his body isn't just a weapon
therefore he likes to just walk up behind you and ask to put his arms around you or just hold you
because he needs it
and deep down?
you need it too
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if you think this was self indulgent then you are absolutely correct;
if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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callofdudes · 1 year
AleRudy ✨incorrect quotes✨ ft: Valeria, Ghost, and Soap.
Alejandro: As top in this relationship, I think we should-
Rodolfo: I can't believe you're pulling rank on me.
Rodolfo: *chokes on something*
Alejandro: Jeez, Rodolfo, don't die on us.
Rodolfo: Don't tell me what to do, I'll die whenever the hell I want!
Rodolfo: Here are two pictures. One of them is your bedroom, and the other is a garbage dumpster. Can you tell which is which?
Alejandro: This one is the dumpster.
Rodolfo: They’re both your bedroom.
Rodolfo: Do you think sex without love is a sin?
Alejandro: If it is, I’ll see you in hell.
Alejandro: You need to stop swearing so much.
Rodolfo: Shut the fuck up.
Alejandro: Yeah, that's not how you do it.
Rodolfo: Alright sorry. It's just that it's hard not to swear. The words just creep up on me when I least expect it.
Alejandro: Now now, don't be like that. Just replace the swear words with 'beep' and you'll be fine.
Rodolfo: Shit the beep up.
Alejandro: Yes, I'm adopting Rodolfo and you cowards can't tell me no!
Rodolfo: Alejandro...
Alejandro: I can tell by the tone of your voice that you are disappointed. Alas, I must further disappoint you by affirming how little I give a fuck.
Alejandro: This is horrible! This is the most humiliating thing to ever happen to me!
Rodolfo: Oh-? Even more humiliating than-
Alejandro: We are not doing this!
Valeria: Enough! How dare you mock me in such a manner!?
Rodolfo: Well. How would you like me to mock you? I take requests.
Alejandro: Well, has Valeria been wrong before?
Rodolfo: How wide are we willing to open this up?
Alejandro: Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and…
Valeria: Was diagnosed with mesothelioma.
Alejandro: Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said…
Rodolfo: You might be entitled to financial compensation if he or a loved one dies.
Rodolfo: Two years ago, I married my best friend.
Rodolfo: Valeria is still mad about it, but me and Alejandro were drunk and thought it was funny.
Valeria, to Alejandro: You know, Rodolfo can be really aggressive, so it's important to take all the necessary precautions when approaching.
Valeria: *blows airhorn at Rodolfo* GET FUCKED!
Valeria, washing the dishes: Who the fuck used this pan??
Valeria: Wait. I the fuck used this pan…
Rodolfo: It was you the fuck.
Valeria: It was I the fuck…
Alejandro: Who cooks rice in a pan?
Rodolfo: She the fuck.
Valeria: Fun Fact! The average person will walk by 36 murderers in their lifetime.
Alejandro: I like how this is a "fun" fact.
Rodolfo: It's fun because they didn't decide to murder you.
Rodolfo: You really believe in Valeria?
Alejandro: Luckily, she believes in herself enough for the both of us.
Alejandro: Guys where did Valeria go?
Rodolfo: She got arrested.
Alejandro: How the hell-
Valeria: *bursts in through the window* The cops are after me, I thought it would be fun to steal crackers and throw them at people.
Rodolfo, watching Alejandro with the new recruits he's fond of: Ugh
Valeria, watching as well: You know...
Valeria: He doesn't love you. You could always join me and my cartel, we'd treat you better than he does.
Rodolfo: You think I want to join your peacock feather spreading, egotistical little boy band??
Valeria: Ok, sorry I asked
Rodolfo: Yeah, be sorry 😤
Rodolfo: Is there a cactus where your heart should be?
Valeria: What’s up your ass this morning!
Alejandro: *walks in* ...Hey.
Valeria: Hmm… nevermind.
Rodolfo: WAIT NO!
Ghost: They... well, I wouldn't call it inheritance per se. What do you call it when you kill someone and get their stuff?
Soap: Um, murder???
Alejandro: Adventuring!
Rodolfo: Tuesday.
Rodolfo: I give up. I am so tired.
Soap: Get the emergency supply!
Ghost: *carries Alejandro and places him in front of Rodolfo*
Alejandro: *smiles*
Ghost: Christmas is cancelled.
Rodolfo: You can't cancel a holiday.
Ghost: Keep it up, Rodolfo, and you'll lose New Year's too.
Rodolfo: What does that mean?
Ghost: Alejandro, take New Year's away from Rodolfo.
Alejandro: What’s up with Soap? He's been laying on the floor for like….an hour now?
Rodolfo: He's just a little overwhelmed.
Alejandro: Why?
Rodolfo: Ghost smiled at him.
Rodolfo: I am darkness. I am an power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am-
Soap: A doll.
Ghost: A cinnamon roll.
Alejandro: A sweetheart.
Rodolfo: ...stop it.
Rodolfo: What are you getting Soap for the holidays?
Ghost: I don't know. It's kind of hard buying a gift for your partner when they already got everything they could've ever wanted when they married you. So I'm not sure yet.
Alejandro: I'm getting Soap a divorce lawyer.
Rodolfo, opening his arms to greet Alejandro after coming home late: Mi amor!!
Alejandro: What's going on?
Rodolfo: I don't know what you mean love, we should go inside now
Alejandro: Where's the body??
Rodolfo: ...
Rodolfo: I don't know what you're talking about-
Alejandro: I'll get a shovel...
I made a few of these up myself, and I'm proud. Giving the babies the chaotic love they deserve.
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gatitties · 1 year
A day off with Kunimi
Manager Miniseries
─Aoba Josai x fem!reader
─Summary: You're not in the mood for training and Kunimi seems to be on the same line of thought as you
─Warnings: none
12 < 13 > 14
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You were walking calmly to school, very sleepy, you almost fell or crashed on the street several times, it had not been a good choice to stay up late watching movies. You had no choice but to endure the morning, or that was what you had planned to do if it weren't for a certain first year boy, who was kicking a can with an ass face outside the gym.
"Where has Kunimi gone? Also why is (Nn) so late?"
Oikawa's voice echoed throughout the place, you and Kunimi could hear the team's confusion due to the silence at the entrance, both looked at each other without wanting to enter. Kunimi was the first to step forward, grabbing your hand to get out of there, trying not to let them hear the footsteps. A light laugh escaped your lips, thinking that you would no longer have to suffer being among a bunch of sweaty boys today, you mentally thanked your junior, tightening the grip on your clasped hands.
"I'm sorry for dragging you, I just figured you didn't feel like putting up with training today either."
"No, It's ok, I think I'll run away with you today."
He just nodded and you walked to a cafe near the high school, at your request, you were going to die of sleep if you didn't drink some caffeine immediately. When you left there you two decided to walk near the school, although finally ended up leaving, skipping a day wouldn't hurt.
"Where do you want to go?"
"Honestly, my house, but it's far away and I'm lazy."
You laughed at how sincere he was, then he thought that walking through a small market that wasn't that far away would be good, since you could entertain with the things they sold there. When you arrived, you tried on some oddly shaped glasses from a small stall, you forced Kunimi to put on the typical glasses with a fake mustache to take a photo.
He just sighed every time you stopped to look at any absurdity, like children's toys or flashy things. He only stopped when he was in front of a sweets stand, they sold a lot of different types, but he only noticed some in particular, salted caramels, they were his favorite. You noticed ir and smiled, buying several of those candies, sharing them with him, which at first he refused but then agreed to take some.
He had to hold your hand so you wouldn't get lost among so many people, he was getting tired of being there, especially because there was more and more crowd and it was becoming difficult to walk down the narrow street without crashing into someone. In fact, at the end of the street someone pushed you so hard that you even knocked Kunimi to the ground.
"Oh fu-, look where you're going, you idiot!" The lack of sleep mixed with the stress of all those people made you explode, but your focus was on Kunimi who was cleaning his pants "I'm sorry, someone pushed me, are you okay?"
"Don't worry, it hasn't been much different from when we have to do dives in training"
He feigned disinterest, even finding a funny point to the accident, you sighed at his attitude. You finished seeing things, deciding to stay in a park sitting next to a pond, watching the ducks fight to get a piece of bread that an old woman threw them.
"What a beautiful couple."
You two looked at the old lady, you had not realized that you were still holding hands and you separated immediately, causing the lady to laugh, after the embarrassing scene you left there, tyou had had enough.
"Okay, now I really want to go home, want to come?"
He wasn't going to stand walking from one place to another aimlessly anymore so you simply went to the boy's house, who just wanted to rest lying in his bed with some good blankets and a movie, even if you accompanied him it didn't bother him, at this point he just want to rest and do nothing.
He let out a contented sigh as he closed the door to his house, telling you where to leave your slippers while you got used to the hospitality of Kunimi's house. As you spent the morning walking around the market, you arrived just around lunchtime, although no one was home, and you had to improvise something, that is, you ordered something for delivery. While the food arrived, you started arguing about what movie to watch, because you are both iPad kids and you need to watch something while you eat.
"For the last time I'm not going to watch Barbie of Swan Lake or Meet the Robinsons."
You sighed exhaustedly, thinking about other movies, a light bulb went off in your head, and you decided to play an old reliable, Home Alone. Kunimi brought a couple of blankets, at some point in the movie you were practically hugging. Halfway through the movie his mother burst in, mocking her son for bringing a girl home, commenting on what an adorable couple you made. Kunimi had to kick her out because his mother and you started talking about him when he was a baby, because she show you an old photo. The movies ─because you decided to see a couple more─ went by so fast that you didn't even realize that it was already quite late.
"Honey, why don't you offer my future daughter-in-law a stay over?"
Everyone there knew that this was not a question but a statement, rather, an order. You almost choked upon hearing her, even though she was just teasing you, you went on to join forces at dinner to embarrass Kunimi instead, that family album can be a real danger in your hands.
"Leave the door open Akira!"
He rolled his eyes as guided you to the bathroom, lending you a change of clothes so could sleep comfortably. You could only laugh, deciding that you had had enough for today, you threw onto the bed next to Kunimi to rest, staring at the ceiling in silence listening to the little sound that came from Kunimi's phone, the first yawn was the signal for you to decide to go to sleep once and for all, you raised your leg, hitting the boy's foot.
"Good night Kunimi."
You smiled as you closed your eyes, taking seconds to fall into your deepest dreams, hoping that today is not the day you start talking in your sleep. He looked at you for a few seconds before putting down the phone and turning off the light without wanting to stay up late, tomorrow it wouldn't be so easy to escape from training taking into account the number of ignored messages in the team's group chat.
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Guardian angel
Part two of this
You were running, running like you had never before in your life as you tried to find your way out of the hellish maze you were stuck on.
Trying to frighten off any small critter with the flares, you hated this place, the mazes that were somehow enjoyable to children.
"Uh...angel?" Dogday spoke as you once more went through the same area...for the third time.
"What?" You snapped, you were absolute done with everything, Catnap could go fuck the prototype for all you cared, the small critters could go off and die, you already had a damn good idea of what had happened to your coworkers, it wasn't rocket science.
"I think were lost..." Dogday said tentatively.
"Really? I hadn't noticed," You said sarcastically.
"Oh, i-it's ok, I can help you, the exit is actually really close, we...passed it a few times" Dogday quickly explained in a slightly cheery way.
*Great, he doesnt understand sarcasm* You thought annoyed but wanting to get out of here already you went were he had pointed, and he was right, the exit was right there.
You sighed in relief as you finally got out of that area and quickly began making your way to the exit of playhouse, but as you did you almost tripped over something.
"Angel, are you alright?" Dogday asked worried as you regained your footing.
"Yeah, I just didn't see that...thing" You finally noticed what you had tripped with, the ofending object had been none other than a familiar mug.
*Of all things, that, is still in one piece* You though unhable to no be amused as you looked at the mug with "#1 asshole" written on it*
You couldnt help but reminisense on it...
You walked through the coldly lit corridor, not focusing on any of the other scientists you walked past from time to time, you guessed it was probably morning already from how tired you were feeling, that and the increasing number of scientists coming in to work.
*I really need some coffee...* You thought as you bussied yourself with the clipboard in your hands, reading over some of the results on the new scents that you were asked to develop for some new toy line, something that should have been easy, at least if the creative team were cooperative and not stubborn for holding over a small grudge over you.
"I swear to god, I would have gotten them all fired if I knew they would be so childish," You muttered as you entered the breakroom, making a beeline for the one thing in this world that gave you happiness.
The coffee machine...and it was empty.
*Fuck,* You cursed internally as you begrudgingly began preparing another pot of coffee, looking over at the clock as you poured the water, confirming that it was in fact 6 am, which meant you'd only get your cup of coffee at 6:10.
*If I find whoever didn't refill the coffee pot I'll make them suffer,* You thought bitterly, taking a seat on the lone table of the break room, rereading the tests for the different scents so as to not risk falling asleep before the coffee was done.
When the coffee was finally done you stood up with relief as you went to retrieve you mug, but as you opened the cupboard you found another problem, you're mug was not there, in fact, it was nowhere to be seen, as you began looking for it in the other cupboards you didn't notice as the door to the break room opened.
You only realized you were no longer when you heard the gruff voice of your coworker Harley.
"Morning," He greeted groggily as he walked to the coffee machine and began pouring himself a cup of coffee...in your mug.
*That son of a bitch*
"Harley," You said curtly, glaring at him as he continued to prepare his coffee, pouring an unholy amount of sugar and creamer.
"Yeah?" He asked, still focused on his abomination of a coffee, seemingly unknowing of what he was doing, but you knew Harley, you had known him since college, and this was just him being an asshole like always.
"Why are you using my mug?"
"Oh, I must have grabbed it without noticing during the night, you can use another, I'm sure no one will mind," He said absentmindedly, he just like you would constantly pull all nighters, you were both now in you third all nighter that week.
But he was a good for nothing liar, for some reason every scientist in your floor were very...territorial with their cups, you included, Harley clearly just wanted you to go home so he could brag over staying over more than you that week, it didn't matter that by now none of you actually knew who the original owner of the mug had been, it was a matter of pride...and you had to admit, you did like the mug.
So you weren't about to let him win, so as soon as he returned the coffee pot to the machine you grabbed the pot itself.
"Very well, have a good morning Dr.Saywer," You said politely as if you weren't taking the whole floor's only coffee pot, which would make many of the scientists quite...cranky to say the least, something Harley would have to deal with himself.
You sighed with amusement, you couldn't help but miss those times, back when you didn't have to survive rogue murderous toys.
*I knew making them need to eat would bite us in the end, and it in fact bit them in the ass* You thought to yourself amused as you continued your way to the exit.
Once you left the playhouse you heard a phone ringing just as you got out of the Playhouse, as you answered you heard the voice of Ollie.
"Hey are you alright? No ouchies or lost body parts?"
"I am alright," You answered, trying not to be too annoyed by Ollie's words, he was a child after all, it was expected for him to talk in such a manner.
"I'm really glad you're okay, I don't wanna lose any more friends to this place,"
*What even is a child like him doing here...*
"And-oh, you have Dogday with you, that's amazing, I thought they were all...well, you know,"
"Dead..." Ollie whispered the last word as if he would get scolded for saying it.
"But it's good you found him...or what's left of him," You could feel Dogday slightly shifting his weight on you back, he probably felt a bit uncomfortable, not by Ollie's words but most probably by being in the open after being stuck in that cell for who knows how long.
"Anyways, we're really close to the end,"
"I sent you a new key, you're going to the counselor's office instead,"
"It's not ideal...but it should have enough juice, if you can get that generator going and plug it in, I think we'll be done!"
*Finally, this is really getting tiring,*
"Just keep your eye open for Catnap, I doubt he'll be happy when he find you took Dogday, he was always awfully...territorial over any of the smiling critters, especially Dogday now that he is the last one left,"
*Right...I really love making my life harder than necessary,* You thought, wanting to facepalm, but once more felt Dogday's increasing uneasiness, he was already looking around, probably to watch out for Catnap.
"So keep your eyes open, any shadow and flickering is a hiding place for Catnap,"
"Good luck, talk to you soon,"
At this Ollie hung up and you resumed your walking, before going to retrieve the key to go to the counselors office you'd need to go and leave Dogday with Poppy.
You were walking through the daycare towards the platform lift, were Poppy and KissyMissy should be waiting, you hated to say this but you were growing more than tired over carrying the upper half of Dogday, he had been quiet once you had managed to get out of playhouse, you had to admit you had regretted you choice in rescuing him while trying to escape the playhouse and having to avoid the small smiling critters all while having to carry the not at all light Dogday.
He was so heavy, your back was definitely not happy with you, but he had been more than helpful as he had made himself useful by warning you of any small critter you hadn't seen and he himself swatting some of them away.
But now the adrenaline was running out and his already heavy weight began to grow as you walked.
*I'll need to find another way to move him besides carrying, this won't be viable in the long run...I wonder, was his lower half eaten or just ripped apart...*
"Dogday," You spoke, you hated how loud you sounded in the silent daycare, you felt Dogday startled at you suddenly speaking.
"Yes, angel?" He asked, he sounded tired and nervous, no doubt worrying about something...maybe he was still in shock at your sudden action, it would be fairly understandable.
"Your lower half, was it eaten away or ripped off?" You asked, not beating around the bush.
"Oh...that...Catnap ripped my lower half at the start of everything, I doubt it hasn't been eaten by now," He said, you felt his body shiver at the memory of being ripped.
*It is quite the feat for Dogday to still be alive...Catnap clearly was attached to him in some way, weird, that wasn't meant to happen..but then again, none of this was meant to happen,*
"That is true, although I wonder, did toys wander around the daycare before?" You asked.
"No, this is Catnap's territory, not even the small critters come out of the cave, any toy that wandered in here would meet a swift end at Catnap's hands," Dogday explained.
"I see, and what about Miss Delight, did she come out of the school?" You asked as you finally saw the platform lift come into eyesight.
"I don't think so, I don't think Catnap would let her out much, I don't even know why he kept her alive, he wouldn't tell me much,"
*Even then I doubt his lower body is still intact, perhaps I can use Missdelight's tissue to build him some legs, but I would need access to my laboratory...damn,* You thought it over, you would be capable of making another pair, but the daycare was too far from the lab, unless you found another lab nearby it wouldn't be plausible.
*But then again...Catnap's body is identical, if I can kill him I could use his legs, reattaching their bodies is much simpler than making another pair of legs,* You thought as you finally reached the platform lift and called over for Poppy, the lift slowly descended, as soon as Poppy saw you and you not so little passenger her eyes widened in shock.
"You found Dogday, amazing," She said, sounding surprised yet relieved but then she noticed the state he was in and her eyes filled with pity.
"Oh you poor thing, here, lay him here so you can rest," 
You didn't protest, you let him down and sighed in relief at taking his weight off of you.
"I had no idea you were alive, had I known..." Poppy began as she looked at Dogday.
"You wouldn't have been able to do much, Catnap wouldn't have let you," Dogday explained, sounding just as tired as you felt.
*I doubt she would have been able to do anything, she was stuck in that box afterall,* You thought as you glanced a Kissymissy, she was looking down at you.
Even if her face didn't change from that permanent smile you couldn't help but feel she was studying you...as if she was surprised by your action.
*What am I thinking, I doubt she even understands or cares,* You discarded the thought quickly.
"I'll get going, I still need to get the counselor's office generator going," You informed, already turning to leave.
"W-wait, angel, I'll go with you," Dogday quickly said, trying to move towards you, using his hands, but you could tell it was hard for him, he was definitely still exhausted, not to forget his arms were probably atrophied from lack of use, due to him having been basically crucified in his cell.
"No, you will stay here, it'll be easier and quicker for me, I cannot be carrying you around all the time, you are simply too heavy for me," You explained as a matter of fact.
"I can still accompany you, you don't need to carry me, I can use my hands to move," Dogday tried to protest.
You raised an eyebrow, he had barely managed to move close to you and was clearly already out of energy, you sighed and picked him up to put him back on the platform lift.
"It will be safer for you to stay with Poppy, I'll be back soon," You said as you left and as the lift elevated once more.
You made your way to the stairs to go under the giant statue of the smiling critters to retrieve the key, but you glanced at the statue for a moment.
*I wonder, how did the others die...did Catnap kill them?* You wondered.
*Ollie did say Catnap was territorial over them, maybe he saw them as possessions...maybe other toys killed them...although Catnap could still have killed them, he was attached to Dogday and yet that didn't save him from being mangled and almost eaten by those small critters,*
You had wanted to ask Dogday about it, but even you knew it wouldn't be the best idea to ask, not at the moment at least.
Soon you retrieved the key and made your way to the counselor's office, taking a deep breath to prepare yourself for what you knew would not be an easy challenge.
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skellyflowers · 2 months
Look at This
Based on my other post
I was in my room minding my own business. It was my lunch break and I decided to take it by myself. I love my other sisters but honestly today I just needed a break. Working in the garden can be really tiring, and messy. So when my bedroom door flies open I almost jump out of my skin.
Phantom is standing in my doorway. So I know who the culprit is. He looks around the room until he sees me sitting on the bed, hand over my heart. He then runs over to me and grabs my hand and begins to pull me off the bed.
“Angel! Get up! You need to see this!” He says, excitedly.
“Phantom, what are you talking about? Stop pulling so hard.”
“Sorry.” He calms down a bit. He still is holding my hand.
“Ok. First of all, hello. Second of all, what's going on?”
“Hi Angel, I found something amazing that you need to see!” He starts to pull me toward the door again. Softly this time.
“What is it?” I ask. His excitement is starting to get to me.
“You have to see it for yourself! It is way better in person!”
And so I let Phantom pull me out of my room and around The Ministry. While we walk he asks about my day so far. Even with his own agenda Phantom was always considerate of me. We end our little journey by The Ministry’s lake. I can’t believe I’m back outside.
Phantom leads me to the west side of the lake before stopping. He then stops in front of a fallen log. He then lets go of my hand and grabs the log. Is he about to show me a bug?
“Here is what I wanted to show you.” Phantom says as he turns back to me. He has something in his hands.
“What is it?”
“It's a rock!” He says as he opens his hands.
It is a rock, and it is so beautiful! Phantom is holding a purple geode! The rock is absolutely mesmerizing. The purple inside is a radiant ranging from pale pastels to deep almost black. It was like looking at a photo from NASA.
“Wow Phantom this is amazing!”
“I told you.” He then pushed the geode into my hands. “You can have it.”
“Oh no, I can't. You found it.” I pushed it back toward him.
“I want you to have it.” The geode is back in my hands.
“Finders keepers.” I push the geode one last time and put my hand behind my back. 
“Fine.” Phantom says, giving up on giving me the rock.
When we make it back to The Ministry it's dinner time. Somewhere between washing the dishes and taking a shower I lose track of my ghoul. I consider going into the den to look for him but I have an early morning.
When I get back to my room I see something on my bed. It's a small black box with a note on top of it and a purple ribbon tied around it. When I take out the note I see that it's from Phantom.
“Dear Angel,
I had a wonderful time with you today. I know you have to get up early and help make breakfast tomorrow so get some rest. 
I love you.
This is for you.”
He is so sweet. I think I'm going to die. I put his note in my bedside drawer and turned my attention to the box. When I picked it up I realized it was a little heavy.
I untie the ribbon carefully and lift the lid. Whatever is in the box is wrapped in tissue paper. Once I remove paper I almost scream. It's the geode! There is a note next to it.
“I told you I want you to have it.”
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oliverstarksbae · 9 months
Golden kisses
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◇ Not my gif
◇ note: Tysm for the support of my first one shot, so here is another happy new yearssss and I'm sorry this was so short
◇ summary: in which his kisses always feels golden to (Y/N)
Today was a normal day on the diaz household, both eddie and (Y/N), where off of work today
It's morning, and (Y/N) had felt a shift on the bed, which cause her to wake up and let out a tired groan.
"Shoot,did I wake u?"
"Yeah, but it's ok. You know chris is going to jump on the bed anytime soon.
"Right after that, not even a second later, they felt someone on the bed.
"Mom, dad, I'm hungry".
"Well, good morning to you too." Eddie said
"Hi bud,eddie said
The (Y/N) said "well I'm going to cook because if it was up to your dad, the whole house would be in flames"
This comment caused chris to die of laughter and Ed's to dramatically gasp.
"I'm offended"
"Well, it's true, dad."
Which eddie and Chris started to tickle fight.
"Stop dad I c-an-t bre-ath," he says while laughing like crazy.
After a good bit of giggling it was time to cook
"HEY WHAT DO YOU GUYS WANT TO EAT?" (Y/N) yelled since they were far
"PASTA" They both responded at the same time
While she was cooking the pasta, she felt a trail of gentle kisses on her neck.
"Ed's let me cook"
"Not after what you said", she said, giggling
When she was done, they went to eat while watching TV.
After they finished eating a bit after chris fell asleep since he fell asleep late last night
"Let me put him to bed" eddie said
She nodded
After he put him to bed, they went to their room and laid on the bed
"Hey, what do you want to watch"?
" can we watch gossip girl?"
One thing eddie would never admit is that he enjoys watching this with (Y/N) beacuse if he did he would never get the end of it
After watching TV for a bit, eddie started to kiss her first on the neck, then on the cheek, and finally, the lips.
And yes, they have been together for a while, but every single kiss felt electrocuting in an amazing way
And she will always and forever save those golden kisses
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AAHHH I LOVE YOUR BLOG SM. IF YOU'RE TAKING REQUESTS I WOULD LIKE TO SUGGEST THIS. i am tired of reading about myself dying. i want chuuya or dazai to die. this sound so weird, i love them so much- but here is the scenario i have in mind, chuuya or dazai, gets really injured, chuuya might've used corruption, dazai got shot in a crossfire or sum like that- and reader runs up to them and they try to tell the reader that everything will be alright and stuff. so basically, full angsty angst. if you're comfortable with writing this of course. i wanna suffer a bit more before going back to school HAHAHAHAH
AAHAHAHAHA you have awakened my angst muscles and I am out for blood. I hope you enjoy because I reworked this a million times for maximum effect. ;)) Enjoy?
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"No, no NO, not yet, please, not like this-"
Chuuya heard your voice before he saw you through his blurred vision, heard you scream, agony tearing through your voice, through your body as he ached to comfort you. But try as he might, he couldn't reach you- his body was giving up, his strength was leaving him, ebbing out slowly and he could feel it.
And you saw it. His eyes, usually so bright and clear, were half lidded and groggy, staring up at the sky to something you could not see. When you'd found him, you feared he was already gone. But now, you knew it was almost worse: he hadn't died
But there was nothing you could do to stop it from happening.
Kneeling at his side, you wept openly, sobs running through you, ripping through your body, making your chest heave with the weight of your grief. You cried with his hands pressed to your lips, prayed to whatever cruel god had decided his fate, mourned the life you could've had before he lifted your eyes to his own.
"I didn't think it would feel so cold when- when it was time to go. Y/n, I'm scared. I don't want to go."
You moved closer, pulling his broken body up to lean against you, holding him close with his head against your chest.
"Don't be afraid," you whispered, choking back your own tears. "You don't need to be afraid. It's just you and me. It's just us- just feel me. Nothing else."
He shuddered, darkness creeping into his vision as he tried to focus on your beating heart.
"I'm sorry I couldn't give you more time. You deserved more time."
Softly, you turned his face to you, smiling for his sake even as you felt your heart shatter in your chest.
"Don't be silly," you chuckled, "we have all the time in the world. You and me, alright? I'm here and I- I'm going to be here when you wake up."
"Then I'm not afraid anymore."
You kissed him then, your cheeks wet with tears, your chest aching knowing this would be the last time you would feel his lips on yours like this. In that moment, you turned a second into a lifetime. You imagined this was what it would feel like when you woke up beside him in the mornings, and how it would feel when he kissed you slow at night. You pictured him kissing you the same way when you were old and graying, could feel the same familiar press of his touch on your body, the comforting feel of his love that kept you safe. You imagined a life beside him, a life spent loving him, poured your hope and every dream you had for the two of you into that second where the world's rules bent to two lovers on the edge of death.
You kissed him and held him close while the fire in his eyes dimmed, while the drum of his heart grew weaker and finally, ceased it's beating. And still you stayed, because as long as you stayed, he could still wake up.
You had promised to be there when he did.
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It wasn't supposed to happen this way. He was strong, he was so strong- he had survived so much. Too much. He had survived too much to die because of you. He wasn't supposed to die on the ground, surrounded by gunfire and fear, felled by a bullet that was meant for you. It was supposed to be so different.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," you moaned, biting your lip to keep from crying. "It's going to be ok, I promise- it's going to be ok." Frantic, you tried to stop the bleeding- god there was so much blood- as Dazai held tight to your hands.
"It's going to be ok- I promise." god, why was there so much blood.
He winced as you brought him into your arms, smiling up at your beautiful, tear stained face.
"You're here?"
"Of course I am," you laughed, another sob making your voice tight and small. "I'm right here."
He reached for your cheek, then cried out with a sound that pierced your soul and twisted the blade.
"It- it hurts so much- y/n please, can you make it stop hurting?"
"I wish I could," you whispered, leaning your head down to him so he could rest a palm against your cheek. "But it'll stop hurting soon, I promise. Just hold on a little longer for me, ok?
Keep your eyes on me."
"Hey y/n?"
"It- wasn't your fault. Even if it meant dying a million times- I would protect you in every life."
"I never deserved you," you whispered.
"Liar," he smiled. "You were always too good for me. Never did I think I would get to love someone as good as you. But I need you to do one more thing for me."
"Promise me you'll keep living. Promise me you'll move on and- and promise me you won't stop your life for me. Just- make yourself as happy as I am right now. Make yourself as happy as I am to be here-
being held by you."
You smiled through your tears, caressed his face as his breathing got shallow, as his heartbeat got weaker. You kissed his face, his cheeks, his eyes as they fluttered shut, tried to press the memory of his peaceful expression onto your heart forever. You wiped the blood and dirt from his skin, tucked his coat around him like he was a child again, as loved and safe as any child could be. You told him stories and sang to him, hummed lullabies like you were trying to sing him to sleep. And with every moment he was still with you, you made him a new promise.
I love you
I'll stay with you
You're safe
You can rest
You made him promises until his grip on your hand went slack, until his breathing stopped, until you could no longer hold on. And then you screamed, cried, raged at his side, and made a promise you knew you could never keep. You told him you would be happy.
You lied, knowing your happiness died with him, knowing you could never love anyone the way you loved him.
The way you would always love him.
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tryingtograspctrl · 6 months
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SUMMARY - You moved to Woodsboro 2 years ago and quickly became friends with Marlon and Shawn, you did your best to make friends with their friends but you couldn't help but feel uncomfortable around them because of those two... and your feelings were very valid.... Title inspired by the song "She" by tyler the creator. I reccomend you listen to it while reading this.
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"You ok? you look tired." Sydney asked brushing the hair out of your face.
"Yeah i'm fine, just a little lightheaded i forgot to eat breakfast this morning."'You threw your gym clothes in your locker grabbing your bag.
"I got some lasagna for lunch, we can split it if you want." She offered.
"That's alright syd, i got a few snacks in my bag. I wanna save my appetite for tonight anyways." You declined.
The two of you walked out to the courtyard, pushing through the large crowds of students.
"Hey pretty lady." Shawn smiled scooting over on the water fountain to make room for you.
"I can't stay long , i have a history quiz to makeup." You hands brushed through Marlon's hair as he rested his head on your lap.
"Hey i've been meaning to ask you, where do you get your nails done? They're always so cute." Tatum grabbed your hand to take a closer look at them.
"Thanks! I always go to Rosie's. She's so nice and takes her time to make sure i leave with exactly what i want." You spoke excitedly.
"Oh?!" Tatum looks at you in surprise.
"What?" You tilt your head in confusion.
"That's my aunt's shop, she doesn't get much business these days but she says there's always this cute girl who comes in with cookies and tips well. Guess that's you." Stu explained grinning.
"Wow i had no idea, and i just assumed i came in when the shop was slow. She does amazing work i'm surprised she doesn't get much business." You frowned slightly.
"Not a lot of people know about the place." He shrugged.
"I'm going to get a fill friday, i'll ask her for some flyers or something to hand out. She's too good at what she does to not have lots of customers." You made up your mind.
"That's sweet of you, thanks i'm sure she'd love that." Stu smiled.
"Of course…shit i gotta go." You stood removing Marlon's head carefully.
"Nu uh, aren't you forgetting somethinggg?" He sing songed.
"What?" You raised a brow.
He tapped his cheek expectantly.
You shook your head a smile creeping up your face as you grabbed the sides of his face planting kisses all over.
"Happy?" You stepped back.
"Very, i can die in peace now." He placed his hand on his forehead dramatically.
"See you later goofball." You laughed making your way toward the school building.
Later on that night
You cleaned up around the house a little as you waited on Sydney. Marlon, Shawn and Stu all had to stay after school to get some extra practice in so the rest of you decided to just carpool together.
You grabbed your bag at the sound of a car pulling up in your driveway outside.
You closed and locked your front door behind you.
"I'll be back later sunny, i left you some food and water." You squatted petting the small black cat.
Sunny was a stray that often stopped by your house, you always made sure to keep her well fed.
"Thanks for picking me up." You smiled as you got into Sydney's car.
"It's no problem." She spoke sweetly.
For some reason Billy was in the back seat with you while Tatum was in the passenger seat beside Sydney. You tried not to think about it too much. You told yourself you'd do your best to be friendly with him and that's exactly what you did.
"Hi." You greeted him attempting to make small talk.
"Hey, you excited for the big game tonight?" He asked.
Your eyes widened at his calm, non intimidating demeanor, he was usually very eery and quiet so it definitely came as a surprise.
"Definitely our boys are gonna do great." You nodded.
The two of you continued to talk for the entire duration of the car ride, you got to know each other a lot better and you were happy you actually had a conversation with him because he wasn't as bad as he seemed.
"I'm gonna go get us some drinks." Billy walked toward the concession stand.
You took your seats in the very front.
Halftime came around and both teams were close in score.
"Hey guys, you enjoying yourselves?" Shawn jogged over taking a seat beside you.
"Yeah, you guys are doing great out there." You smiled.
"We'd be doing even better if we had our favorite cheerleader out there." Stu jogged over holding a pair of pom pom's Marlon close behind him.
"Wait you guys are serious?" You looked between them nervously.
"As a heart attack." Marlon nodded.
"I'm not an actual cheerleader though, and i don't even know the routine, i'm also not in uniform and did you check to see if it was ok with the team?" You rambled.
"We already made sure it was ok, and it doesn't matter what you're wearing just get out there and hype us up pleaseeee, they're gonna make sure you're comfortable with the routine while we have this break." Shawn pouted.
"Ok but this is never happening again." You agreed reluctantly.
They all jumped around in excitement and Marlon grabbed your hand to make sure you got down the bleachers safely.
"Hi, y/n come on we don't have much time left." A girl pulled you over a bright smile on her face.
Everyone was super nice and made sure you had the routine down. 
Once it was time you fell into rhythm with the rest of the team easily, it was actually pretty fun and you nerves were now replaced with the feeling of joy.
There was one minute left on the clock and everyone played like their lives depended on it.
During the last couple of seconds Shawn had the ball and was booking it toward the end of the field.
You screamed until your voice started to give out, cheering him on as he made the touchdown.
You jumped up and down in excitement and after he made his way through the huge crowd surrounding him he ran over to you scooping you up into his arms and spinning you around.
"You did great out there!" You smiled wrapping your legs around his waist as he held you up by your thighs.
Marlon ran over tackling the two of you to the ground.
You just laughed while catching your breath, he nearly knocked the wind out of you.
Time skip
Everyone's bellies and hearts were full as you all filed out of the restaurant.
Sydney, Tatum, Stu and Billy had all left together just a few minutes before agreeing to meet up at the party the team was throwing to celebrate their big win.
You don't remember when you fell asleep but you were now being carried bridal style to your front door.
You were sat down on your couch softly and your shoes were removed.
"You sure you don't wanna come?" Marlon asked brushing the hair out of your face.
"I'm sure, you guys have fun and don't stay out too late, you're gonna need to rest after how hard you guys worked tonight." You grinned.
"You too, sleep well i'll lock the door on my way out." He kissed your forehead.
You decided to get up and take a quick shower before bed.
You grabbed a large t shirt and a pair of shorts, tying your hair up and making your way to the bathroom.
After a quick and much needed shower you jumped into bed and quickly succumbed to sleep again.
Later that night
You jolted up in bed at the sound of the phone ringing loudly.
You got up quickly walking toward the kitchen to answer it.
"Hello?" You spoke groggily.
"Hi sweet cheeks, what's your favorite scary movie?” A voice spoke from the other end.
"Very funny Marlon, it's too late at night to be playing pranks. I was actually sleeping good." You whined.
"This isn't Marlon babe." The voice responded.
"Alrightttt." You spoke sarcastically not believing him.
"So what is it?" The voice asked.
"Hmm i like child's play." You decided to entertain him.
"Aww that's not scary, that's just a doll running around with a knife." The voice spoke in disappointment.
"It's pretty entertaining though." You shrugged.
"Look at you in your adorable little flower dress, these must be your parents? You look just like them." The voice suddenly changed the topic.
It felt like a bucket of ice water had been dumped on you. That picture was buried under a bunch of junk in your nightstand, whoever was on the phone with you was in your house.
"Who are you, h-how did you get into my house?!" You sobbed shaking violently as you looked around.
"No need to worry about all that, if i were you, i'd run sweet heart." The person suddenly burst out of your room making their way towards you.
By the time your mind caught up with your body they had already gotten ahold of you, you back facing them as they gripped your waist tightly, running the blade of their knife down your cheek.
You jerked your head back colliding with the stranger's and stunning him long enough for you to get away.
You sprinted through your back door and made you way to the street.
A car nearly ran you over but stopped just in time.
You ran over to the drivers side begging them to open the door.
"Y/n? What's going on?" Billy got out grabbing your arms.
"Someone's in my house billy! They had a knife they were gonna kill me!" You cried holding on to him tightly.
"Hey it's ok, it's gonna be ok. I'm gonna go and check alright? Stay in the car." He let go of you making his was toward your house.
"NO! NO YOU'RE GONNA GET HURT!" You screamed attempting to stop him.
You ran to your neighbors house to get help and they immediately called the police.
The cops arrived quicker than you thought and you ran outside to greet them.
As you were explaining the situation billy walked out with a mask and a phone in hand.
"Hey drop what you're holding and show me your hands!" An office yelled.
"Wait no, he was just checking my house he didn't do anything." You explained frantically as they cuffed him.
"Please just step back ma'am." another officer spoke.
"But you don't understand he didn't do anything!" You yelled in frustration.
"Billy i'm gonna call everyone else and we're gonna get you out i swear!" You yelled as they stuffed him in the back of a squad car.
He frowned and nodded as they drove away.
Part 3: here
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estro-gem · 9 months
Zooble x Pomni (Platonic): Build the bridge to burn another.
Author's note:
Friends! Friends friends friendsfriendsfriendsfri-
Okay, now that that's out of my system, I present to you; probably the most unpopular pairing to exist in this fandom! In this AU, I've always seen them being very good friends that will insult each other to their hearts content. Neither backing down or holding back and definitely no false pretension.
I might be one of the few who supports this pairing. Zooble has no time for bulsh*t and Pomni is continuously losing her sh*t.
It's perfect, I tell you, PERFECT👌
And finally, Caine is mentioned in more than two sentences. I'm not going to go beyond what I'm about to say: It's a slow start. Interpret it any way you want. :)
That is all.
Not recommended for minors or readers that are sensitive about mental illness, psychotic episodes and existentialism. This story also contains ANGST:
Psychotic episodes
Depressive episodes
Suicidal thoughts
Foul/suggestive language.
Fun fact: I almost sent myself down a very dark, familiar hole while writing about Pomni's mindset. I'm ok, though!
Pomni is having a hard time after an interesting and revealing conversation she had with Caine. To make matters worse, the jester is pushed to her limit by Zooble's shameless, apathetic mannerisms. She would never understand why they suddenly wouldn't leave her alone, after weeks of receiving the cold shoulder.
Pomni was frozen in place as she desperately tried to wrap her head around the situation that she found herself in.
It was a tough morning leading up to this point, having had little-to-no sleep the night before. It was odd; everyone kept telling her that she technically didn’t need sleep and sustenance, but she felt tired. She was exhausted to say the least. It came to a point where her new life was just floating by with each passing moment, as if she was a mere spectator.
At least, it made things easier to move along, only to start off with the next thing.
The night before, Caine, the ringmaster himself, pulled Pomni aside. She didn’t know if she’d ever get used to the fact that he looked like a pair of glass eyes that were accidentally misplaced in a set of dentures, but beyond that; he had thoughts and opinions, like a human had. It was hard to believe that he was one of the few individuals that she interacted with daily, that weren’t human, but advanced A.I.
While it was miracle, he was horrifying, like a monster from an episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog.
How did she recall a television show, but not her own name?
“Pomni! How is our newest member of The Amazing Digital Circus adjusting to her brand-new life in the Digital Plain?” He enthusiastically spoke, like the showman he was programmed to be.
“Uh…” poorly.
There was no question about it; she was adjusting poorly, but she didn’t trust him as far as she could throw him, “I’m alive… I guess?”
“Why wouldn’t you know… you are right!” Caine triumphantly bellowed, before leaning in too close for the jester’s comfort, “At this rate, you just might beat the record of characters who held out the longest without dying when they first arrived.”
“Wait a minute!” the fool interrupted him just before he could say anything else, “We can die here? Like, pushing up daisies? Final breath and all?”
“Of course, you can! Once your health bar runs empty, you die.” Caine said with an inappropriate amount of chipper.
Pomni felt something foreign rise withing her chest. It felt like hope, with an overwhelming, bitter aftertaste of mind-numbing dread. She found her mind darting to a very dark place – a place she never thought to find herself in. If death was an outcome in this world… and others have died before her…
Did she find an escape, after all?
“Don’t look so disturbed, my dear.” Caine’s light pat on her shoulder ripped her back into reality, as his touch, although artificial, left her flinching into herself. He seemingly paid her reaction no mind. “It will only be a for a few moments! After that, you will respawn and stumble your way back into the position you were before you died – or well, sometimes you’ll respawn a few feet away from that position, but my point still stands!”
The foreign feeling within Pomni instantly dissipated into a bland numbness. Of course, there was a respawn mechanic; how could she ever believe otherwise? In her excitement, she didn’t even consider the logistics of the other characters still being there. Caine’s statement about ‘’holding out for the longest’ suddenly made more sense, but she didn’t like that it did.
There truly was no escape from The Amazing Digital Circus.
Caine’s interrogative questions didn’t end there, but she couldn’t remember much anyway. She vaguely remembered that the ringmaster asked her if her room was to her liking and if she had made any friends so far. His questions were interluded with a monologue following each short answer she gave. She was sure to answer whatever it took to get away and hide in her room as soon as possible.
As it came to be, the jester soon realized that it was foolish for her to have thought that she would be able to keep up a normative façade for that long.
It was an effort to swim through the stale molasses that her mind had become in such a short time.
At one point, she didn’t bother responding, but for a moment, something had her believe that Caine’s tone eventually lost its enthusiasm and greatly decreased in volume. Maybe, at one point, he just stared at her with some unseen form of disdain, but she wouldn’t know – she was too far withing the depths of her mind’s molasses; drowning.
Drowning with the inability to die, forever preserved in the heavy sludge.
Unable to swim up for air. Unable to degrade into the depths.
And yet…
Caine somehow managed to pull her back for brief moments that were long enough for her to have a series of small, fleeting, but coherent thoughts. It was ironic that the showman managed to gain the most attention when growing silent and unenthused. If Pomni had known any better, she would believe that he was being empathetic; helplessly dragged down by the jester’s empty husk that simply chose to stare back at him.
But Pomni did know better.
The ringmaster was probably programmed with a series of reactions and animations in response to people not following the prompt that he gave. She didn’t care at the time, and she doesn’t care now. An A.I. couldn’t feel anything… and at that moment, Pomni hated the fact that she could empathize with Caine too.
She couldn’t feel anything.
It took a moment for Pomni to realize, but Caine was suddenly gone. She couldn’t tell how much time had passed, but she found herself alone in the uncomfortably large common area. It should have been unnerving just how quiet it suddenly was, but the numbness clung to damper the little fool’s emotions.
She looked down at her hands and flexed her fingers before her mind could command them to do so. It was as if she was separated yet housed within her own body as a spectator. Her legs started moving, but she didn’t know or care where they were taking her. She just knew that she was moved by her body’s own tuition.
The hallway leading to their rooms slowly came into view. It was small, but a comforting feeling gently caressed Pomni’s otherwise distant heart. She was finally able to collapse in her room!
She walked down the hall with no thoughts beyond whatever came into view.
The sounds of struggling and inhuman screaming didn’t phase her too much, until her slow mind comprehended that Jax was fighting and thrashing in retaliation for being intimately intwined with the ribbons of Gangle.
The jester had never seen the smug rabbit act as he did then. He was beyond himself – as mindless as a brick – and desperate. It was unmistakable that he was desperate as he relentlessly fought and reached for the door in front of him. His pupils were blown, and his jaw was slack, causing only the tips of his teeth to gleam in a menacing taunt. The rabbit’s body was practically bulging as the limbs fought against the mighty restraints, but only able to occasionally have his claw nick the door before him.
The door was littered with deep gashes that left small trenches within the sold wood. There were splinters and wood shavings laying at the foot of the door, while long, spindling spirals sprouted from the flat surface. Additional to the craving into the wood, the profile hanging on the front of the character’s room was also assaulted.
Three ugly gashes ran down Ragatha’s face.
It was only a matter of moments before the fighting evolved into the quiet sound of panting and incomprehensible, murmured whispers.
Finally… FINALLY, the confusion sparked Pomni’s mind back into action and she was met with Gangle’s displeased reaction upon spotting her. She dragged Jax down the hall to disappear into her room, followed by Ragatha leaving her room to inspect the damage to her door as if nothing was wrong. The conversation the girls had, was only effective in highlighting two things that Pomni already knew.
Ragatha was delusional beyond help.
Pomni had enough for one day.
While sleep didn’t claim her that night, the little jester’s quiet, dark room was welcoming.
Morning came too soon for her liking, and while her mind was clearer than the night before, Pomni’s motivation to get up and leave the confines of her room was unfounded. She did eventually leave to find herself idly waiting in the main area, but she couldn’t understand why.
There was no aim – there was no goal.
There was no end and there was no point in anything. She never thought that she would long for the privilege to say that she would simply live until the day she died. There was no end. She would live this life day after day, for eternity, with no purpose.
It was an endless desert with no end to its borders. Only the merciless sun in the empty sky, with sand dunes that stretched into the ether of the unseen horizon. Growing taller and taller, the dunes loomed over Pomni, who was sinking into the golden sand.
It was then, when a soft voice shook her to her core, effectively ripping her out of her own mind. Pomni was left frozen in the situation she found herself in.
“You really opt to live on the edge, huh?” Zooble spoke with a bemused tone as she stood behind Pomni, with her weight shifted onto one leg.
The jester didn’t mean to, but she swung around so fast, that she lost balance and stumbled forward. She knocked into Zooble before they could react, and they both ended up sprawled out on the floor. Profusely apologizing, Pomni got to work. literally picking up the pieces of Zooble, who’s only complaint was an eyeroll. The little fool’s mind was rushed into a blind panic. She didn’t know how to comprehend the situation; if the abomination fell apart on a regular basis or if it was painful? Traumatic?
“I’m so, so sorry!” Pomni said, cringing as she held the arm and leg out to Zooble, hating how they still wriggled and resembled someone’s touch despite being severed from the body.
“Ugh, would you quit it?” the Zolo-being scoffed, “You totally ruined the vibes-”
“I know! I- I don’t know what came over me, I just lost balance and-”
“Ok, first of all…” Zooble cut off Pomni’s rambling as they stood up having been reassembled once again, “…you don’t interrupt me. You got that, pipsqueak?”
Pomni nodded, “I’m sorry, I-”
“I’m still not finished.” the colourful character interrupted again, with an annoyed, yet even tone. At that time, Pomni reluctantly kept silent as Zooble continued, “Second of all, I can’t be mad at you being a klutz when I literally fall apart every day. Forget about it. Lastly, the vibes I was referring to, was the depro schtick you got going on before. I was digging it, and you went and ruined it.”
There was a silence that stretched for a moment, as Pomni left enough room for Zooble to add whatever they wished without risking being interrupted again.
“Earth to Pomni?” The Zolo-being waved a hand in front of Pomni’s face, “You good?”
“May I speak now?” Pomni spoke without thinking – her tone a little too hostile for her own liking.
The creature huffed a laugh, “Yo, I like this! Do more of this.”
“More of what?”
“You! More of you!” Zooble shook their head while seemingly getting lost in thought, “You actually have a personality beyond ‘I’m sorry!’ and ‘Woe is me!’”
Something about what Zooble said flipped a switch in Pomni. It was an ugly switch.
Pomni felt the fright and frazzle melt into bitter distaste for Zooble’s implications. Before she could count her words, it just slipped out without warning. She noticed her surprising and unannounced sarcasm a bit too late after the words left her, “Oh geez, thank you! That’s such a thoughtful thing for a rejected arts-and-crafts project to say!”
“Wait, WHAT?” Zooble cried out like a kid in a candy store, before laughing with genuine glee, “Depressed AND sassy? Girl, where have you been?”
Pomni pushed away the urge to apologize for what she said before. Instead, she was dumbstruck with just how… happy Zooble seemed with the situation, “…What is wrong with you?”
This place was demented! These people – if she could even call them that at this point – were all insane. The jester had enough. She didn’t want to be there anymore. Things just HAD to continue in the Digital Ciircus, didn’t it? The show must go on, mustn’t it? Well, Pomni didn’t want a part in it! She just wanted to be somewhere else. She wanted to be something else.
She’s had enough.
She decisively turn on her heels and walked away to spare whatever sanity she had left. It felt good to be MAD. She had reason to be ANGRY and it felt GOOD.
“Wait, Pomni wait!” Zooble stopped her laughter to catch up on Pomni’s strides, “Where are you even going?”
“Anywhere that’s far away from all of you!”
“And you think I’m gonna pass up a chance to ditch?” Zooble walked beside Pomni, who refused to look up at her, “Why are you so triggered anyway?”
Pomni rolled her eyes when she left the tent and sighed in exasperation at the sound of Zooble hot on her tail, “Oh, am I supposed to thank you for calling my personality one dimensional?”
Pomni had no idea where she was going, but she was going somewhere.
“The ‘woe is me’ thing? You know I mentioned two things, right? So that would probably make you…” Zooble sounded much too pleased with herself for Pomni’s tolerance to stand, “…2-dimensional?”
Pomni stopped the throw Zooble a filthy look before eyeing them up and down, “You are unbelievable.”
“And you’re more chill than I thought.”
“What about me WALKING AWAY and wanting to BE ALONE, makes you think that ANY of this is ‘chill?’”
“Well, for one; you are finally done hiding behind that meek little mask of yours.” Zooble said almost accusingly, causing Pomni to stop, but not turn around to look back as Zooble continued, “You grew a pair to finally show just how DONE you are with this place.”
Pomni turned around, “What does it matter? Whether I try to be nice… whether I’m angry or sad – it doesn’t change anything! We are trapped here, and you people just go about your day singing kumbaya?”
“Who knew you’d be this spicy.” Zooble said with a taunting smirk, watching Pomni pour her heart out like it was a comedy show.
“You are insufferable!” Pomni accused, walking up to the Zolo-being and poking them harshly in the chest to emphasize her point. When Zooble didn’t react, she growled and walked off as she did before. She still didn’t know where she was going, but she was too overwhelmed to stop.
Stubborn, as always.
Much to her demise, the character walked after her, unbothered and silent, as if they were simply enjoying a stroll in the green, rolling hills. The jester didn’t bother looking back again. There was no way to leave this realm, anyway; and she highly doubted that Caine would leave her roaming as she pleased for an indefinite amount of time. She was sure he would just summon her at will.
Until then, she would allow herself to breathe.
In any other scenario, Pomni would have allowed her thoughts to drift along the rolling hills she was walking among, but she was too distracted by her outburst. She was climbing a hill, not knowing what she would find on the other side, but she also didn’t want to stop either. Her own resilience was like a puzzle with jagged pieces for her to put together. She was driven to push through obstacle after obstacle, even though she knew – she knew – it was pointless. She was standing with the weight of the world pulling her down.
The little fool didn’t receive and answer, but she did make it to the top of the hill she was climbing. Standing under the smiling sun, Pomni looked over the vast landscape beyond her vantage point. Her eyes were spoiled with the sight of a great, but quiet lake. She couldn’t remember what real lakes looked like, or most things related to nature, but sight before her felt like a blessing to her overstimulated eyes.
The jester felt her knees buckle, so she sat down in the grass that looked too green to be realistic, while her sights trailed along the silver lining that danced along the water surface. The small waves rustled onto the generous, sandy banks - Pomni’s ears were filled with the sounds of them trickling along the edge and she found the sights and sounds drowning the desperate screeching of her racing mind.
It wasn’t a moment of quiet, but it was a moment of peace that she desperately needed.
“So… you found the lake!”
…and the peace was ruined.
“Yup.” Pomni said with a hopeless sigh, “I said I wanted to be alone. This is a big area – did you HAVE to decide to be in MY space?”
“Is it really YOUR space?” Zooble countered apathetically, “If anything, it’s Caine’s space.”
Pomni regretted ever dreading any form of silence.
“I don’t think I’ll ever understand any of you.” Pomni shook her head in disbelief, “There is nothing for us here. Everything here is as endless as it is pointless.”
“Uh-huh.” Zooble stumbled beside Pomni, also fixating her eyes on the water surface.
“And yet you guys just keep… going… but you all aren’t even trying to make things tolerable for each other! You guys are a bunch of judgmental, two-faced jerks. On purpose!”
“Is that really all you have to say?”
“You seriously have no regard for your own self-respect?”
“No, everything you’ve said is true.”
Ponmi was struck by the statement Zooble threw to her head. Finally, there was silence, but the jester didn’t enjoy it this time. She turned to look at the abomination with shock. Zooble didn’t seem phased at all. They just kept sitting beside Pomni with a frustratingly difficult face (or lack thereof) to read.
“W- What?”
“You’re right.” Zooble simply says, “It’s torture. Not even abstraction is an out – you just get thrown into a black hole. There is no end to life here.”
The fool stayed silent as a morbid curiosity egged her on to listen. Zooble shifted meet Ponmi’s eyes as they spoke evenly.
“There is only an end to us.”
Time ticked away with the ripples of the water crashing onto the shore. The creature’s words blown into the fool, like a calm breeze. The words tumble and toss in Pomni’s mind, considering the seriousness and honesty Zooble used to deliver them. She finally understood what was meant with the statement.
While one person will live on, even after abstraction, the group will not. With someone already gone, the group that was situated had already been changed – it was no longer set. It no longer existed because someone irreplaceable was already gone.
It hurts to think like that.
“Okay.” Pomni said, glancing at the water once again, “But do you all have to act so demented? Hostile? Jax makes it his personal mission to make you guys into pin cushions. Gangle is either eerily quiet, obnoxiously giggling or crying her eyes out – no in-between. You don’t care about anyone except for Gangle, it seems? Kinger’s just… gone, until he’s not and Ragatha is so delusional about this place that she’s probably crazier than Kinger.”
“Fair enough to say that.” Zooble mused – her tone as dismissive as ever.
“Why?” Pomni pressed, eager to understand. Just a little bit of understanding would do her wonders.
“We all do what we have to do.”
Pomni sighed heavily, not at all understanding, “…Ragatha said that too. What’s with that?”
“Maybe she’s not as delusional as you thought.” Zooble jabbed back with more bite than Pomni expected. The jester reigned back a bit, while Zooble rolled their eyes at Pomni’s display.
“I doubt it,” she boldly disagreed, earning an interested look from Zooble, “…but she’s probably the only one who doesn’t hate me. It doesn’t even make sense that you would sit down to have a conversation with me while Gangle runs at the sight of me.”
“Why would Gangle’s opinion on you gatekeep whether I can hang out with you?”
“She’s your girlfriend!”
“Exactly.” Zooble states, as if hitting a nail into wood, “I’m not her parent, nor is she mine. She’s a grown woman who can make her own decisions, as am I. We are our own people with our own lives, we just want each other in them.”
“So… what?” Pomni asked carefully, “Are we hanging out now, or what’s happening?”
“We chillin’, that’s it.”
They sat in a beat of silence before a wave of awkward tension built up within Pomni. It was supposed to be comfortable, she supposed, but it felt wrong to just leave the conversation as it was.
“So you don’t hate me?”
“I preferred it when you were pissed.” Zooble sighed, rolling their eyes for what felt like the thousandth time that day – and it was still morning, “No one hates you. We are just $%&($ terrified.”
Pomni furrowed her eyebrows, while the creature beside her reluctantly explained themself, “We lost one of our own and you just magically appeared on the same day. Can you blame someone for thinking that you seem like some type of replacement for someone who started asking too many questions? Do you know what Caine is capable of?”
Pomni shook her head as the words sunk in.
“Well…” Zooble huffed, leaning back on their palms that was planted behind them, “Welcome to the club, Harley Quin! Neither do we.”
The silence stretched longer this time. The air felt heavy, but Pomni began to see the strange method to her Circus members’ madness. She didn’t fully comprehend it all, but it felt comforting to have had the conversation – a real conversation, without hiding under false pretenses. Zooble saw her true colours – when she was at her worst.
The abomination didn’t even flinch, they went above and beyond to chase her down, delighted.
It was a relief.
Pomni huffed, leaning back onto her palms to match the posture of her new companion, “Harley Quin, huh? Was that the best you could come up with, Jumbo Blocks?”
Zooble sat up, leaning towards the jester with a mischievous sparkle in their eyes.
“Oh, it’s on, you %&@($ air balloon-cosplaying @$&@(!”
Unrestrained laughter chimed in the air as two freaks stared into the unforeseen horizon. For Pomni, the her ways of viewing her place in the circus, was ripped from beneath her feet in a single conversation. She was left on unstable ground.
But for that small, precious moment, she was just happy to bicker with someone. They probably weren't enough to be considered friends, but they were together, sharing a space with no hidden intentions. She wasn't bothered with standing tall.
She was too short for that anyway.
Fanart kinda relevant to this story: (CLICK HERE TO SEE)
Oasis: TADC AU list
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lucy-dulap · 4 months
The downed human
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"Good morning, child of Solomon." The blue haired doctor(?) greated Gamigin with a soft voice that hid excitment. He looked overjoyed to see Lucy waking up, but he still made sure that they wouldn't get hurt.
"Hey, hey, don't get up! You're in Paradise Lost, the country ruled by my big brother, his majesty Lucifer. Oh, I should probably introduce myself. I'm Gamigin." He spoke swiftly like he was trying to get Lucy caught up on the basics so he could get to the good part.
The excitment on display repeled Lucy. Who was this? Why were they still alive? They were supposed to be dead from 3 causes at this point. This Gamigin fella was too loud and the intensity of his voice was making them uncomfortable. Gamigin didn't seem to notice this and just stared at Lucy with a grin.
"What's a child of Solomon? No judging or anything. Nobody in Paradise Lost is trully a devil. I'm a dragon, his majesty Lucifer was an angel, Morax is... actually, I'm not sure what he is. The point still stands. I don't know what what that is and I'm so curious."
Lucy just stared back at him puzzled. "I'm... a human." Was all they could say before Gamigin gasped and squeeled so loudly that the sound of the bells of his staff were overided by them. Gamigin was jumping around the room before he tackled hug Lucy. "A HUMAN?! IN THE FLESH?! HERE?! I MUST TELL THE OTHERS!" But before he could rush out the door, Lucy grabbed him by the shirt to try and stop him. The last thing they needed was more Gamigins screaming in their ear.
"W-wait! I want to... um... tell the others myself." It was a dump argument, Lucy wanted to die not to have to introduce themselves to these peoples. Especially if their reactions ranged from sexual assault to yelling.
"I'll just bring them here and you can tell them you're a human." Gamigin might have been oblivious to Lucy's distress, but he wasn't as dump as they expected.
"No! Please just... don't. I don't want to." Lucy was too tired to try and argue or lie like they used to in the human world. Whenever people older than them would drag them to places they didn't want to be in or demanded they do or say something. Maybe if they just asked, they could make the devil understand.
"Ok. If you're not comfortable with it I won't make you. You look tired anyways, I must have exhausted you... sorry. You should try to go back to sleep. When I got you here you were dehydrated, malnurished, you had a fever of 39 and of course, you were unconcious." Gamigin puts a hand over their forhead. "Your temperature seems to have evened out, I'll go bring your evening meal. Be right back!"
What was this guy? Lucy had to pintch themselves to make sure that they weren't dreaming. Was he just... overexcited? A little quirky even during the day? He was just so... strange. Lucy couldn't help but be intrigued. Even their previous thoughts of death seemed to have died down, eclipsed by the sheer fascination for this strange dragon.
Gamigin breaks into the cafeteria and rushes to grab a platter. Even when he was running into people or stepping on their feet he would apologise and continue running around. The young dragon was known for being ditzy, but this rushing was strange for him. His brothers looked at him with worry, anxious that he might have substituted his tea with coffee again.
The three of them blocked his way and started questioning him. "What did you drink this morning?" "Why are you in such a hurry?" "How many patience do you have right now?" Gamigin who was practicly up and down unable to tell his brothers about his excitment. He just giggles and beats around the bush until he's able to move past them and hurry back upstairs.
"Brought you food! I don't know what humans eat so I got you a little bit of everything. I got you some smashed potatos, salad, tiny tomatoes, I think this is some sort of jelly. I'm not sure it's edible though... I don't get a lot of patients since I tend to get very attached to them and Lucifer doesn't want my reviving powers to get leaked to the other nations." As Gamigin was speaking he got a spoonfull of smashed potato and tasted it before extanding it to Lucy's mouth.
"My smashed potato racipe is much better, but I guess this one can work for now as well. I promise you that from tomorrow onward I'll feed you the way I feed all my patients! I'll probably ask Furfur to watch over you at night, though I won't tell him your secret! I'll go home and prepare some amazing food for tomorrow."
Lucy didn't even like smashed potatos that much, the food was cold and tasteless, but Gamigin had a way of making them lower their defences almost instantly. It was like watching a really good video while eating. He kept going on and on about this and that and they just listened with interest.
After they ate Gamigin left and told them they had to relax and he'd come over again for a night check-up. As he was about to leave the hospital to rush home, he got stopped by an intimidating figure.
"Gamigin, we have to talk." His voice was silky, beautiful but tired, like a man that's seen the world burn and now he was just going through the motions. Gamigin followed his friend happilly in his office.
"Brother Lucifer, you won't believe it, but the child of Solomon is a human! Can you believe that?! A human! In hell!" The dragon squeeled and the bells of his staff made his laughter more melodic than it already was.
"I know... that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about." Lucifer walked closer to Gamigin and protectively put his hands on Gamigin's sholders. "Be careful. Humans are... a distinct bunch. We cannot know what they're like until we get to know them better. Protect them, take care of them, but do not trust them blindly."
"Yes, sir!" Gamigin laughed and hugged Lucifer. "I will be the best healer ever."
"You already are." Lucifer whispered and stroked Gamigin's hair. With an affectionate kiss on the forhead, Gamigin was left to go outside and retrieve everything needed for the best dinner ever.
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deadsnothere · 1 year
Brian send help.
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Synopsis - Alias goes to Cynthia's house halfway through the fall ball to talk to her dad. It ends up turning out in her favor, it just takes a bit of..kiss- CONVINCING.
WARNINGS!! - Gays-?
Request - No but i am working on two request now.
Word count - 1.5k 😨
Speak Ali! - I've had this started since the episode i just finished it now!! (i'm dying-) Taglist anyone?
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“If you need something tonight kid- I may be Cynthia's dad but I've been there for your entire life, I’ll be here for you now.”
In my yellow dress with a pink ladies jacket across my shoulders, I almost wanted to die. The fall ball sucked ass, and it's still going!- I walked into Cynthia trying to make out with my brother..Ya know- for once I thought I was winning! 'He's the big brother' Jones says- ‘He doesn't have to take care of the girls.’ said Jones. And now he's won the girl- and I'm still taking care of Jones' kids.
So I’m standing outside of Cynthia's town house, waiting for her dad to open the door.
And when Brian does (after four hours) he’s quick to rush me in. “Kid- are you ok?” he patted my back, taking a beer out of the fridge and handing it to me. “...She kissed Anthony..” He nodded knowingly, rubbing my back as I opened the bottle of beer with my mouth. “And you're jealous?” When I looked over to him, mouth opened in shock, he laughed at me. “Alias, When someone is in love with my daughter..I can tell.” He shrugged his shoulders, leaning back onto the counter. “And you're not weirded out?” it was a scary thing, being gay in this town, or time- fuck the USA it sucks here.
Brian raised both eyebrows and had to hold back a laugh. “I was doing crack in the 40’s a year before I got Cynthia's mother pregnant. I only sobered up and went to rehab to take care of Cynthia.” Eyebrows furrowed and mouth wide open, I looked up to him, shocked. “You were doing crack?!” He busted out laughing. “Yeah! Everyone did crack back then- I don't remember most of my teen years. But there was a boy who made me feel better than any girl had.” I pushed the pink ladies jacket off my shoulders and placed it on the counter, turning around and chugging the entire beer (no matter how disgusting it is) and throwing it away in the makeshift trash can they have.
“Yeah- uh, don't do that- no more for you. But what I'm saying is I know how you feel, growing up like this- In times like this..it's not going to end well, I'm sure you and Cynthia will figure it out- Now I know she said she was going to stay at yours tonight and she just might. So you stay here tonight.” Sighing, I leaned my head back onto the cabinets. “Thanks dad. I appreciate it.” he looked down at his watch concerned at the fact it was getting close to 8, when he had to leave for work.
(I'm starting to think he knew she would come home..)
Brian ruffled my hair and shooed me over to the couch. “There’s reefer in the top drawer if you really need it, just don't smoke it all and only do it here.” He put a blanket over me and grabbed his keys from the holder. “Don't die! We can talk more in the morning but I have to go to work.” I nodded and he turned the TV on as he left. “Bye dad.” - “Bye Kid!” As soon as the door shut I wasn't sure what to do. There was nothing interesting on, so I just went to sleep, I was tired anyways.
“Alias, what the fuck are you doing here?” A voice was tapping me awake. “Huh-” Cynthia was standing over me, a jacket over her shoulders, shoes off, and a bottle of beer in her hand. “Alias, what are you doing here?! Shy guy has been looking for you-” I rolled my eyes and stood up, picking up my shoes and messily buckling them back on. “I don't know and at this point I don't care-” I was on my way out when she stopped me. “Alias what is up with you!” I let in a shaky breath, my hands were clenched and my knees were weak.
I took a second breath in, because one was not enough for this BULLSHIT, and spoke. “What is up with me? You never showed one minute of interest in my brother and now that I was going to the ball with Andrew as friends- he's your boyfriend!” She looked at me shocked, like we hadn't kissed before. “I've always liked your brother!-” I let out a dead chuckle. “Oh, dont fuck with me Zdunowski. I'm not stupid, You’re not in love with him! You were just- stupid, I don't know?!” She looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed and mouth open. “Why are you here, Alias?” I looked her in the eye this time, I'm not doing this like a pussy. I took my hand back, started to dust off her dress and placed a hand on her face.
“Because I'm in love with you, and for some reason I just love to hurt myself.” I sighed and sped walked out of the door, trying to slam it shut but she stopped it before I could. I was half way down the hallway by the time she got me again. She grabbed onto my hands, spinning me around, watching me trip, and getting dragged down with me. We were very close, her breathing was unsteady, our hearts matched beats. And once I finally had the balls, Our lips were sealed like a secret. Her hands grabbed my waist and she got as close as she could, even if it was awkward. It felt like heaven, if heaven was two teenage girls kissing in a hallway. “I- I love you too, I’ve been in love with you since we were 10- And for the last 6 years i've been convincing myself i loved Shy Guy not you but...I- i just..can I please kiss you more, please?” When I nodded she dipped down again, kissing me more. And more, and more! everyone of them, felt different, felt like a different emotions. Confusion, burning, love, yearning. everything a person could feel in just a few kisses.
We ran back into the home and shut the door behind us. My back was pressed into the door while Cynthia was skillfully untying my dress and kissing me at the same time. It felt so real, my vision isn't blurry and my body didn't feel fake. She was quick to start leaving hickeys down my neck, it made me giggle at first but the more bite marks she left the more I was glad my dress was already untied. She dragged me into her room, but her demeanor changed when she sat me on the bed and closed her door. “Here, take these clothes-” it wasn't in an annoyed manner, but she wasn't willing to look at me. “Cynthia what's wrong?-" She was changing out of her own dress now. Her hands slowly took off her dress and stockings. Changed them for pajama pants and a wife beater that made my face red, showing off her arms, built from all the car work she does.
Cynthia finally paying attention to me again, placed her hands on my cheeks. “I was forcing myself on your brother just an hour ago- and now I don't know-...I feel like an asshole for not chasing after you.” I smiled at her, kissing the palm of her hand. “You kinda are-” “Alias!” “What it's the truth!- I'm not gonna lie to you. But, I'll at least give you a chance to make it up to me.” I stood up from the bed and let my dress fall from my shoulders, gracefully. Cynthia was quick to help me out of it. She unclasped my bra and took it off for me, kissing the distance of my shoulders, and up my neck. She pushed my shorts off my hips, and got on her knees in front of me. Kissed along my hips for a few seconds before stopping right in front of my lace underwear.
“Please..” She looked desperate in front of me. I almost felt bad for saying no, but I didn't feel like it. I lent down and kissed her temple. “I..don't feel like it- i'm sorry..i just really want to sleep-” Cynthia was quick to pop up, standing on her feet again. “No! No it's ok, it's ok I'm fine to go to sleep!” She kissed my temple and picked up her shirt, putting it over my head and helping me find the arm holes. Finally, she dragged me to her bed, laid me down, and pulled her blanket onto me, falling asleep next to me. I've spent so long wishing for this, and now here I am.
Cynthia was laid down beside me in her bed, with all of my fingers and toes. no bullshit reason just, Love. And fuck was Brian right, I am in love with his daughter.
The more Cynthia grabbed onto my waist and pushed her head into my neck. The more I knew I was ready for whatever conversation brian was going to have with me in the morning about what kind of relationship with his daughter, although I'm not sure about that myself.
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artemispanthar · 7 months
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Since I was talking about Roger earlier I thought I'd share this old 30-page comic I drew back in 2011 where Roger fights a deathclaw. It meant to serve as a prologue to my Fallout story to explain why two wanderers like Magpie and Roger were looking to settle down in New Vegas. I only fully completed 20 pages but had all 30 outlined. I figured I'd share all of them, the completed and the roughs, just for fun. I'm honestly still pretty proud of it as I'd never drawn something so actiony before and I liked how it turned out. It's also a pretty good depiction of their personalities.
Since the last few pages are just my awful handwriting and thus illegible, I figured I'd transcribe them here (since miraculously I can read my handwriting lol)
Page 24
Roger: I told you to stay in the CAVE
Magpie: Yeah, well... if I did you'd be dead so-
Magpie: Well, it is(n't) to me... and will you drop that? It's so gross
Roger: Come on, let's (didn't finish this sentence)
Magpie: Good idea
Page 25
Magpie: Anyway, so I raveled with this doctor for, like, months, right? He was pretty nice and I think he wanted me to be his... proofjay or something. He taught me stuff but science ain't really my thing so I kind of forgot most of it. Luckily, I remembered the basics, right?
Magpie: Best I can do 'cause we're out of doctor stuff. Pretty good considering. Still, we should probably see a doc (in the) next town.
Magpie: But we should be fine. Just a few scars. But that's good, chicks dig scars, right? Well, I don't know about bear-chicks, but I figure with those claws they need to be into something kinky.
Roger: ...
Magpie: Uhm...
Page 26
Magpie: Anyway, we make a good team, right? That deathclaw was a tough nut but we cracked him. Bet there's some kind of bounty to collect or something so...
Roger: It was barely a year old. Practically a baby.
Magpie: ...
Roger: Probably on its first hunt alone... a weakling. There's no excuse for it getting the drop on me. If I can't even kill a young deathclaw without injury and HELP I may as well...
Page 27
Magpie: Roger... It's ok, really. Most people would die fighting that thing.
Roger: Right. People.
Roger: I can't be doing this anymore. It's too tiring. I can't be responsible for you.
Magpie: Who asked you? Besides, you worry too much. We'll go find a place with no deathclaws or any of that bad stuff and then you don't need to worry so much.
Roger: Pah! No such place exists.
Magpie: Sure it does! We just haven't gone there 'cause I thought it'd be boring! But if it'll make you feel better we can start heading there in the morning.
Roger: Whatever.
Page 28
Roger: Now if you'll excuse me, it's been a horrible day and I'd like to go to sleep. We may die tomorrow, but I'd like to be awake for it.
Magpie: ...
Magpie: Hey, Roger! Tell me a story.
Roger: No, Magpie. I'm tired and in no mood to-
Magpie: PLEASE
Roger: No.
Magpie: ... Fine, I'll tell it myself.
Roger: Knock yourself out.
Page 29
Magpie: Once upon a time there was this bear. He was a pretty awesome bear, you see. He fought off a whole army, all by himself.
Magpie: Not just an army, though, oh no, it was an army, a vertibird, and two tanks.
Roger: Three tanks.
Magpie: ... right, three tanks. Those were the easy part. First, he broke into the first tank.
Roger: The tanks don't come in until later.
Magpie: Well, damn, you want to tell it? I thought you were too busy being all old man tired.
Roger: Well, if you're going to tell it wrong.
Page 30
Magpie: Well, if it's so important to you, maybe you should tell me the right way.
Roger: *sigh* Well, first of all, you don't explain the plot at the beginning of the story like this. It is far better to leave you audience in suspect, not know the obstacles the hero faces. Second, don't start with "once upon a time," that typically begins fairy tales and is terribly cliche. Try something more like...
Roger: The compound was built like a fortress, not that he'd ever seen one. Populated by no fewer than 50 armed guards and countless war machines, his escape seemed doomed from the start...
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luvbugs-blog · 2 years
panic - s. todoroki
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inspired by the willow and oz scene in the "graduation" episode on buffy the vampire slayer (not the stupid show no netflix, but the one with sarah michelle gellar).
note: most of the dialogue is from or inspired by the episode mentioned above!! i don't want copywrite issues!!
warnings: implied smut, but it's a fluff fic. not proof read
with the war inching closer, the air at UA was tense. everyone could feel it. everyone, it seems, except your boyfriend.
bakugo was even more snappy than usual, and with deku gone, everyone's mood was in the dumps. ochaco had lost her usual smile, and iida seemed even stiffer.
after a long day of classes, you trudge your way back to your dorm room, almost dragging your back behind you. when you make it, you throw yourself on the bed, your schoolbag abandoned by the door, which you hadn't even managed to shut fully.
what will become of you? of your friends? of your teachers? of shoto? there is a possible chance that you could die in the very near future. it seemed like yesterday you had just gotten your hero's license, and now you were about to risk everything for the sake of... strangers? the world? who knew what shigaraki had planned.
you were too tired to think about it anymore. you just wanted to be at home with your parents, but you couldn't tell them what was about to happen.
for a little while, you lay there, thinking about everything related to the war. how you could lose your friends, you could lose limbs, your life, how easy it is to just run away, etc., when your door creaks open slightly and you hear a small knock. a handsome face makes its way into the room.
"hey, baby. you know, you shouldn't keep your door open." you just sigh, not replying. shoto makes his way around your bed, carefully sitting next to your body.
"what's up, angel?"
"i'm just worried about the war, sho. what about you?"
he just hums and starts to stroke your hair. you wait a while, but he still gives no reply.
his eyes wander around the room, until they lock onto your cat, who lazily made its way out of your bathroom.
"looks like Walter has pretty nice digs in here. i really love your room."
you sigh again, moving so his hand falls off your head.
"what?" he asks, very gently.
"could you just pretend to care about what's happening, please?"
"you think I don't care?"
"i think we could be dead in two day's time, and you’re being emotional detachment guy."
"would it help if i panicked?"
"yes! it'd be swell! panic is a thing people can share in times of crisis, and everything is really scary now, you know? and I don't know what's gonna happen. and there's all sorts of things that you're supposed to get to do after high school, and you know what? i was really looking forward to them! like moving into a place of our own, maybe fighting alongside each other, being famous, maybe even the wacky notion of children! i would love to have children with you, and you know how much i hate kids and how pregnancy scares me. and... and now we're probably just gonna die, and i'd like to feel that maybe you would-"
your rant was interrupted when he grabbed the back of your head, grip tight on your hair, and smushed his lips on yours. for a few seconds, you stayed like that until you pulled away, slightly surprised.
"what are you doing?"
he maneuvered his head to continue what he was doing before, and the rest of the class didn't hear from the two of you until the next morning, when shoto walked out of your dorm room, instead of his.
author's note: OH MY GOD, I FINALLY FINISHED ONE. the ending is absolute shit, but I'm literally in my shitty school, and i so do not feel comfortable finishing this. i feel so paranoid that the teachers are watching me write fanfiction, and i am so not ok with that. school is kicking my butt rn, but i'm going to try to pump out some more fics soon... i don't want to say tonight, because that might not happen, so don't be mad. PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE SEND IDEAS. i'm burnt out.
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betweenthings2 · 6 months
"I thought the same thing." :(
Thank you for the prompt!! The list is here if anyone else wants to see it.
"I thought the same thing," for responses to "I thought you were dead."
George is getting tired of this. He's not tried of Matty, no, he could never get tired of Matty, but he is getting tired of the worrying. He's getting tired of worrying about Matty. He's always going to worry to some degree--that's what happens when you like someone--but he'd like to worry a little less. He'd like to worry about normal things, like car accidents or the weather. Instead, what he actually worries about is Matty hurting himself, Matty doing something stupid.
Those worries aren't going away anytime soon, though, especially now as he sits in an emergency department waiting room, desperate for news about Matty. He'd thought they were ok. He'd thought Matty was doing ok. Apparently he was wrong, because he got a phone call saying that Matty was in the hospital after going out. George should have gone with him, should have put the fact that he was tired and wanted to go to bed early aside so that he could have kept Matty safe. No one will tell him anything yet. He'd tried, but the nurse behind the desk had just told him to take a seat and that someone would come talk to him when there was news. When George tried to get upset or push for more information, she threatened to call security.
That was almost an hour ago and George can't stop his spiraling thoughts. Is Matty ok? What happened? Who was he with? Did he take something? What did he take? Is he going to be ok? Is he even alive? What if Matty is dead? What would happen then? What would George do without him? What if Matty did this on purpose? What if Matty is dead?
Eventually, a doctor comes out and calls Matty's name and George jumps to his feet before the doctor is through with Matty's name. She tells him that Matty overdosed, that they had to give him Narcan and that he's resting comfortably now. She says that they want to keep Matty under observation until the morning to make sure that he doesn't develop a reaction to anything he took or was treated with. When George asks if he can see Matty, the doctor offers a sympathetic smile and directs him to Matty's room.
Matty is awake when George opens the door. He looks awful, like he's hungover and gone ten rounds with the bouncer. He looks small, too, smaller than George thinks he is, and sad. He's looked sad a lot lately.
"Hi," George murmurs, pulling the door closed behind him. "How do you feel?"
Matty gives a half shrug.
"Do you remember what happened?"
"Not talking about it."
"You can't ignore this, Matty," George says. "I can't let you ignore this."
"I'm not talking about it."
"I thought you were dead," George tries.
Matty doesn't say anything.
There's a sudden surge of anger that washed over George, hot and red, and despite the fact that he knows Matty is unwell and he doesn't blame Matty for that, he snaps, "Are you listening to me? I thought you were fucking dead."
"I thought the same thing," Matty admits in a very quiet voice.
"What?" George asks before he can stop himself.
"I thought the same thing. thought I was going to die on that sidewalk, George, and I don’t want to fucking talk about it, so if you're gonna yell at me about it, you can come back in the morning."
George reaches out and takes Matty's hand, careful of his IV, but he doesn't say anything right away, just runs his thumb over Matty's knuckles. After a few moments, he says, "I'm sorry. I was scared. I am scared."
"I'm sorry I scared you," Matty says quietly. "I am."
George nods. "You can't just ignore this," he repeats, running his thumb over Matty's knuckles again. "You overdosed. That's, that's fucking significant. You can't just," he pauses, "just carry on like normal."
"I meant it when I said you should leave if you're going to try to talk about it," Matty repeats. "I don't want to talk about it."
"Matty," George starts, "this-"
"I'm tired and I'm scared," Matty interrupts. "Please just be here with me. Please."
"Matty," George starts again.
"Please" Matty repeats. "I, I thought I was going to die on a fucking sidewalk in front of that stupid bar that you hate and I'm begging you to just be here with me right now. Please. You can be mad at me in the morning. You call yell at me, lecture me, tell me how fucking stupid I am, but please, do it in the morning."
"Ok," George agrees. "Ok."
"Thank you."
There's quiet for a while, broken only by the steady beeping of the heart monitor, until George speaks, saying, "For the record, I don't think you're stupid. I don't want to lecture you or yell at you, I just," he pauses, "I don't want to lose you."
Matty doesn't say anything. He would like to tell George that he's not going anywhere, that he's not going to kill himself, on purpose or on accident, but evidently that seems cheap and a little bit cruel. It's easier be quiet, then, when then silence gets too heavy, mumble, "I'm sorry."
"I know," George agrees. "I do. So am I."
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honeyjars-sims · 1 year
1.10 Shoot Your Shot (Or Don't)
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Transcript below:
Johnny: And then I have my BlicBloc tournament so I should be able to make a lot of money from that.
Lexie: [to the computer] Ugh, not again! Why do I die at this spot everytime?
Johnny: Lexie! Are you even listening to me?
Lexie: Yeah, sure, I'm just trying to get past this part.
Johnny: Oh, no problem. So what do you think of Dr. Jenkins? Everyone says she's one of the best professors at DSVU.
Lexie: She's pretty cool, I guess.
Johnny: I think so, too. Her class is pretty much the only one I'm doing good in.
Lexie: Mmm-hmm. [to the computer] Are you kidding me???
Johnny: Well, I guess I should go study for my quiz.
Lexie: Wait, I'm sorry. I'm not being a very good friend right now.
Johnny: It's okay. I can be a bit needy sometimes.
Lexie: No, I should pay attention when people are talking to me. So, you're having trouble with your classes?
Johnny: Yeah, it's hard for me to make my morning classes because of my sleeping issues. And when I go, I'm too tired to focus.
Lexie: That sucks. Why do you think you're having so many problems with sleep?
Johnny: I've just always been this way. Plus, being in a new environment and all that doesn't help. Neither does partying, I guess. And I have some stuff going on with my mom that has me stressed.
Lexie: I'm sorry, do you want to talk about it?
Johnny: Not right now, but thanks. Well, there is something else I've been meaning to talk to you about.
Lexie: Sure, what's up?
Johnny: Uh, do you think I could borrow your notes for Dr. White's class?
Lexie: Of course, that's not a problem.
Johnny: Ok, cool.
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