#cynthia zdunowski x reader
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sirenlulls · 2 years ago
emily, i'm sorry → c. zdunowski
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pairing — cynthia zdunowski x fem!reader
summary — you were the one person cynthia never had to change for. all it took for her to realise was you leaving.
i just make it up as i go along, and i can feel myself becoming someone only you could want...
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cynthia never really understood when people said, they "fell in love." to her, falling was an accident, something you don't want but have anyway — a burden. she much preferred to say she chose to love, with purpose and intention behind every thought and action. she always knew that when she did find love, it wouldn't be through a fall, but through a choice.
she chose to love you, how could she not? you'd grown up side by side, from cradles to cars, you'd always been there. you yelled at people who made fun of her and said you loved her hair. you balanced her out perfectly, her other half, the one thing that made her whole.
but now, hearing everyone get ready for the fall ball, she wondered if she'd made the wrong choice.
there was a guilt that stirred in her gut every time you looked at her with bashful eyes, full of joy from the lingering feeling of your lips on hers. there was a nagging in her mind that reminded her that no matter how good it felt, how good you felt, it wasn't normal. she couldn't explain it, so it mustn't actually be good.
but she had given you hope when she was dumped on your doorstep by the t-birds with drink on her breath and a half-apology in her eyes. when she kissed you the second you made it to your room. when she told you that she loved you, that she wanted you, that she always had.
you weren't one to be ashamed of what you believed in. in fact, for as long as she'd known you, cynthia couldn't remember one time where you stepped away from the chance to be brave and let your voice be heard. most people said you two were similar in that regard, she disagreed.
you see, cynthia was loud, she knew that, but you were proud. her words carried comic relief, while yours carried truth. she figured that's why everything was so hard for you now.
standing in your bedroom, chests heaving and eyes laden with tears. "what do you mean 'it was a mistake'?" you asked and cynthia's nails dug crescent moons into her palms at the crack in your voice.
"we shouldn't have- you know that." she swallowed around her words. her mouth was dry and she tasted bile. she didn't know which of you she was trying to convince.
"you don't get to say that. not after what you said the other night. it's not fair." there was a tremble as you spoke, and it took everything in cynthia to stick to her brain, to stick to what she'd seen her whole life.
"i'm sorry, but it shouldn't have happened. we're friends, girl friends. we shouldn't do that stuff."
"you said you loved me." the room ran cold and the air around you grew tense.
"i do! just... not in that way." her heart surged in her chest, as if it was trying to fight its way from her and take back everything she was saying.
a tear fell down your cheek and you were quick to wipe it away, taking a deep sobering breath. "i, uhm, i think you should go, cynthia."
cynthia. not cyn, or any nickname you'd given her before.
cynthia. a name she only ever heard you say when you were mad.
cynthia. the name of a stranger.
cynthia rolled her lips and sighed, scratching the back of her neck as if she was about to say something, to fight it, to fight for you. but she didn't. she let her hand drop back to her side and walked out of the room with a quiet "yeah."
for the first time since your friendship began, you didn't run to the window to make sure she got to her bike safely, as if something was lurking in the suburban bushes lining your front lawn. now you felt like you'd be sick if you saw her again, you felt a sob crawl from your throat before you could catch it, and once that passed, the floodgates opened and you sat on the edge of your bed with your head in your hands and tears on your sleeves.
as your shoulders shook, a small part of you hoped she could see you from the window to know how much she'd hurt you.
to you, cynthia was everything.
you had loved her from the moment you met her, a raggedy-haired prankster in kindergarten who spilled paint over one of the boys' shirts. when you made her daisy chains, you gave her your soul, and it stayed with her when the petals fell and the stalk wilted away.
she knew that. she knew, not just because you told her, but because she had eyes and could see the way you shone when she walked into a room. she could see the smile you couldn't contain when she made a horrible joke. she could see the downcast of your eyes when she put her arm around your shoulder in a diner booth.
she knew she had your heart in her hands, and she was cruel with it, burying you with your hopes and leaving without a eulogy.
when cynthia got home, she slammed the doors and screamed into her pillow. it was all too much. she was too angry, too sad, too hurt, too devoted to you.
she missed you already, nudging your foot with hers under the desk in chemistry, laying her pinkie finger over yours under the table at frosty palace, kissing your forehead under the blanket of night. she could feel the memories fade away, you shrinking away from her with hatred in your eyes. she could feel herself shrinking away too, at the mercy of the disgusted eyes of others.
but she had to do it because she knew you'd stay if she didn't. caring for her like a dog curled up at the foot of her bed, cynthia knew you'd accept her half-love, embrace her half-kisses, believe her half-truths. she knew you. she knew you'd take the bruising of her guilt and internalised self-hate. she knew herself. she knew she'd take it out on you, grow cold and callous.
besides, whatever lay between you two wasn't normal. the longing glances and the stolen kisses weren't something you should be doing together. not when shy guy looked at her that way, not when anyone could look at you that way.
she figured she was just dazed, giddy at the chance to love and be loved, that all sense had flown out the window. she was sure her sentiments would still be the same if they were directed towards someone else. maybe that's why her feet didn't drag as she walked to the phone and her voice was high-pitched when she asked him to the dance.
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if someone had told you two weeks ago that you'd been dreading the fall ball, you would've called them crazy. your dress had been hanging in your wardrobe since september and your inspiration for your hair had been cut from a june-issue magazine. but now, when the night finally came and you sat at your vanity alone, you wished it was over already.
you hadn't spoken to cynthia in three days, having avoided her at every opportunity and, in doing so, avoided the rest of the pink ladies too. a part of you wished she was here now, sitting on the edge of your bed with bright eyes and countless questions, constantly in awe of you. but with a solemn glance at the picture frame to your left, the one where you were laughing with cynthia's arms around you, taken by jane on a random starry night, you remembered what she'd said and your face grew stoic again.
you stood up and smoothed out your dress, hugging your figure nicely in a deep emerald green. you gave yourself your best smile, taking a deep breath, and walking out the door for your father to drive you to the school.
"you meeting the girls there?" he asked. "mhm." you nodded with a tight smile. you could tell he didn't believe you, but for the sake of your peace and your dignity, he let it go. "have a good night, kiddo. call me if you need anything, yeah?" you smiled at him and kissed his cheek before bidding him goodbye.
you got to the door before your body froze, you willed yourself to move but anxiety rendered you paralyzed. "y/n?" lydia asked, concern in her voice as she walked up behind you. "are you alright?" you shook your nerves away, facing her. "yeah, just nervous." lydia furrowed her brows and gave you a short nod of understanding. she linked your arm with hers, leaning in to whisper to you, "me too." she winked. "let's do it together?" you beamed at her, squeezing her arm as you walked in.
the noise was the first thing you registered, tensing momentarily, lydia swore she could feel the anxiety radiating from you. "you look great tonight, by the way." she smiled to ease the tension. "so do you. i love the pin." you nodded to the heart on her dress and she lit up. "thanks." you could feel eyes burning into the back of your skull and when you turned around you locked eyes with cynthia. lydia followed your line of sight.
"go talk to her." "what?" "look, i'm not complaining that you and i have been hanging out a lot these past few days, but you're clearly happiest when you're with her." "but what about us doing this together?" lydia smiled at you warmly, nudging you forward. "go. i'm a big girl, i can take care of myself. find me if things go wrong, though, okay?" "yeah. thank you, lyds." she squeezed your arm once more, gently pushing you towards cynthia.
cynthia straightened up when she saw you walking towards her. "you look nice." you said, nerves lacing your voice. cynthia hesitated. "you really think so?" "i always think you look nice, cynthia." an awkward silence hung between you two, neither of you knowing what to say. "i missed you." she blurted out. "i missed you too." you were about to take it further, ask if you could talk in private, see if she really meant everything from that night. but then you saw something you never thought you'd see.
"hey, y/n." shy guy greeted, handing cynthia a drink and putting his arm around her. you tried to mask your shock. "hey! are you two...?" you trailed off. "together? yeah." cynthia butted in. "oh." you played with your hands, plastering on a smile. "well, uhm, have a great night, you guys. i've got to go but, uh, i'll see you around."
you walked away quickly, hastily brushing a tear from your face before anyone could see. "shit." cynthia cursed before following after you into the bathroom. "y/n—" she froze when your head snapped up, meeting her eyes through the mirror and mascara smudged around your eyes. "what're you doing here, cynthia? you're boyfriend's waiting for you." she sighed and bit her tongue. "i'm sorry." "for what exactly?" your words were sharp and uncaring. she didn't say anything. you turned around to face her.
"look, cynthia. i love you. i always have, and you know that. but right now, you're hurting me, and i have enough self worth to know that i don't deserve that. so until you're grown enough to admit to my face what you've done, we're done." her mouth hung open and she was about to object. "cynthia, i can't keep letting myself be hurt by people. i love you, i really do, but i can't be around you like this. it's too much."
she looked like she was about to speak again, but she saw the dead-set look on your face and knew she'd do no good at convincing you to stay. you cursed your longing and empathy when you wrapped your arms around her for the last time. "go have a good night with him." you managed to smile until she walked out the door.
when your legs stopped wobbling and you trusted yourself to blend into the crowd, you pushed through the door to find lydia, seeing her giggling with a pretty blonde across the hall. you tapped her shoulder. "i'm gonna head out." her face sobered in concern. "you want me to come with?" you looked past her to the girl looking at her with soft eyes. "no. stay here, have fun." you nudged her with a wink, laughing quietly when she flushed red. "i'll call you tomorrow for details." you promised before leaving.
when your dad pulled up, you could see the worry in his face, you could hear his unasked questions. "i don't want to talk about it." "i wasn't going to make you." understanding silence washed over you both as he drove you home. "i did have a feeling something was wrong, though, so i got you some ice cream on the drive back from dropping you off." he said after a few minutes. you smiled at him. "thanks, dad." he pulled into the driveway, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "anytime, kiddo."
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it was well past midnight when a hurried knock came from your door, a bout of fear struck through you. you crept to the peephole and saw a disheveled cynthia looking at her feet. you opened the door. "what do you want? you could've woken my parents." she winced. "sorry. i just—" she let out a frustrated breath, fighting for her words. "i made the wrong choice." confusion spread across your face. "what?" "i was wrong. i lied. i'm sorry." she rushed out. "cynthia, what are you talking about?"
she started to pace back and forth at your doorstep. last week, when you kissed me, i told you i loved you—" "you didn't mean it like that, yeah i know." "no! no, i— i meant it. i meant it in that way, in the way nancy loves clothes and gil loves olivia." your palms grew sweaty. "then why'd you say it was a mistake? why did you go to the dance with shy guy?" she looked at you with a million apologies in her eyes. "i was scared. and i know that's not an excuse because you were too and i just left you, and i know i'll regret that for the rest of my life." she took a step closer and you let her.
"but right now all that matters to me is that you know that i love you. i love you more than i thought was even possible. i love the way you whisper me answers in math because you know i don't pay attention. i love the way your eyes kinda close when you laugh really hard. i love that i'm usually the one making you laugh. i love you for everything you are, and everything you aren't. for everything you've done, and everything you've yet to do. i love y—"
you cut cynthia off by grabbing her face and pulling her into a kiss, and in that moment, cynthia knew that this was what the poets wrote about. this was what drove artists made and carried people from war. this was what every sonnet and song was about. this was love. with your face in her hands and your lips pressed to hers, cynthia knew she would never need to make a choice again, because you were her definite, the one thing that would never change. cynthia knew you. she knew she'd never have to put up an act or pretend to be brave with you. she knew she'd never have to choose again. she pulled you impossibly closer as she smiled against you.
"i'm sorry." she panted when you pulled away to breathe, quickly chasing your lips again. "i'm so, so sorry." her desperation was clear in her broken words. "it's always g'nna be you. you're it for me."
you pulled away again, holding her face gently. "glad you finally realised." she laughed at your smile, moving to grasp your hands, holding them to her lips and pressing a light kiss to your knuckles. "i will spend forever making it up to you." you rolled your eyes.
"just kiss me again and we'll call it even." cynthia's face lit up and you swore you'd never seen her move so face as she gripped your waist and dragged you flush against her, swallowing your laughter with a kiss.
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deadsnothere · 2 years ago
Fallin' For ya! PT. 2
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PT.1 - Fallin' For Ya!
Synopsis - After a singing confession Cynthia brings me to an abandoned car shop to have some "privacy"
Request - No!
Word count - 5k (all together w/ both parts)
Speak Ali! - i'm in love with her
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When we arrived at the car shop no one was there, It was just me and Cynthia.
She got off the bike first, letting me off after. We both made our way into the shop, looking around at the dust-filled cars and auto parts. There were a few cars that weren't too bad with dust, a red corvette just sitting in the middle of the shop. They looked like they were just waxed before they were abandoned for god knows how long- “Hey! Pretty girl, come look at what I found.” Cynthia had run off on her own, Her natural curiosity had to be killing her. When I finally got a view of what she was talking about I wasn't sure how to feel honestly- “Is that a tub of grease?” She nodded rapidly.
“YES! It's been abandoned- And it looks like it’ll still work fine.” I chuckled at how she looked so excited about something so simple. ”You and the boys can use it at the shop, can’t you?” “Yeah! It’ll be a good way to save some money-” When she was finally done inspecting the grease she’d opened, she looked back to me. “Ya know- You're always the cutest when writing.” Making eye contact, I raised an eyebrow at her. “What?” She was chuckling at my reaction and how stupid I looked trying to figure it out. “Everyday while me and the boys are working on the car, you're writing in your notebook. It's adorable-...what are you writing everyday?”
…it took me a second to think of an answer. “Well I am the “certified pink ladies secretary” so i'm writing different tasks we have to focus on, List of things that are urgent and some that can be left to the side. Writing a list of different ways I'm going to kick buddy in the family jewels. But I also write about my day- my life and what I feel at that moment.” Cyn was laughing at me. “What!?” She tried to douse down her laughter but she couldn't stop. “You have a diary?” I rolled my eyes at her comment. “I have a journal! Not a diary-'' She looked at me like I was stupid, took a few steps towards me, putting her hand on my waist. “It's the same thing!” Gasping, I hit her shoulder. Moving with her like we were dancing, When she stepped her left foot up, i stepped my right back and we kept walking like that. “It is not- one is much more dignified and mature- The other is- AH-”
I jumped when she pushed me into the old corvette. “Be careful, Princess.” She raised her eyebrows at me, a condescending smile on her face. “Oh shut up..Stable girl-” Cynthia put both of her arms leaning on the car, The stupidly attractive smile not fading. “You’re gonna have to shut me up yourself- Princess.” Now she was just plain mocking me! “Oh come here you peasant.“ I grabbed her face, kissing her sweetly. It only lasted a few seconds but each of them were heaven on earth.
She leaned back nodding, letting out a sigh looking up at the roof. “...Are you made of sugar-” I laughed- “What is that supposed to mean?” She kissed me this time, didn't let go of my lips, dragged me back as much as she could until we were both falling into the car- “AH- Oh my god!” We burst into laughter waiting for the dust to settle down, and now she was on top of me in the backseat of a very dusty convertible. “Shit! That is not how it was supposed to go, but..I can't say I'm mad…” She was smiling and eyeing me. “My god! You are disgusting-” Anyone could tell I wasn't mad by the way I was laughing. “Oh come on-”
She leaned down and whispered in my ear. “Can’t a princess get dirty just for a night?” I hit her shoulder again- “You- You-” -and again and again. Cynthia was laughing at my flustered stuttering, her eyes always creased when she laughed, Jane and Olivia said we laugh the same way- that we’re almost identical when laughing at the same joke.
“..I love you.” Woah- ok. “Where is this coming from Cynthia?” She was looking me deep in the eyes, nothing could get us to look away from each other. “Alias you wrote an entire song about how you love me and you expect me not to say it back? Wow i'm not sure you got the right girl-” I smiled sarcastically at her. “I Love you too, Cynthia. I think I've loved you since we met in 6th grade. I adore you. I mean you didn't care about anything they said to you, you just did what you liked.”
She pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear. “Can I kiss you again?” I nodded, just barely. She immediately dipped her head down to kiss me. “Ya know i'm starting to believe you're addicting.” She drew kisses down my neck. “I could say the same-” Each time her lips touched me I jolted just a bit- I finally had what I've been dreaming of for two years. Her love and attention. And god it made me want so much more. I adored the way she felt on top of me, kissing my neck and collarbone.
“Alias- You have no idea how much i've been dreaming of this day-” I laughed in disbelief. “Everyday you wear those low cut tops and tight skirts. I want to squeeze and touch you in front of every guy who flirts with you.” With a bright red face and a grin I looked away from her, She didn't take that too kindly- “Hey- Alias, look at me.” When I didn't move my head, she moved it for me with her thumb.
“I mean every word- I wish I could tell the world how much you mean to me, how much more you mean to me.” She looked at me like I was the only person in the world. No one has ever looked at me like that. I mean, the gangs they care about me- but not one of them has loved me. Or shown me how it feels to be loved so tightly. Or so- Oh my god her hand is on my thigh- HER HAND IS ON MY THIGH. I REPEAT HER HAND IS ON MY THIGH. She was drawing little stars on my thigh with her fingers. Goosebumps were left wherever she touched.
The to the shop door opened. “HEY! WHO’S IN HERE'' We have to get out of here. “Oh shit! Come on-'' The best way to go about this is to sneak out the back door! Of course it is- we just need to- I felt Cynthia pull me up and following her lead I jumped out of the car. “BOLT.” FOR FUCKS SAKE-
Next thing I knew me and Cyn were running out of the shop with a very angry man chasing us. It was hell, but damn is hell fun!
And that's how we're here. We are running from a man in a car, while on Cynthia's Motorcycle. And holy shit does it feel good. Like ever since we started the pink ladies it's nothing but rushes. The feeling of running away from Miss Mcgee after we flashed our asses to the entire school, The feeling of singing on stage with emotions and putting my body into something I wrote, The feeling of running away from this shitty town with the girl I've been in love with for two years! And that's just a few! Everything's a rush and I never want it to stop- I want this, adrenaline, trouble, kissing Cynthia in places we’re not legally allowed to be. Maybe it's dangerous but I don't give two shits anymore! I just love the feeling- it's euphoric.
After driving around for 20 minutes trying to get the man lost, we finally succeeded. “Thank fuck!” I heard Cynthia curse from in front of me. “Let's get you home princess, your royal carriage is finally on its way to the castle.” She took a turn on Henry Drive, two roads before my house.
I didn't want this to end, and maybe it doesn't have to.
I hugged her tighter, smiling at the thought of her laying in my bed, waiting for me to lay down just so we can cuddle because the touch starved Cynthia needs her affection..but this time it's not ‘plationic’ its real, she’ll kiss me and run her hands on my hips and my hair. I love her, and I'm willing to write a million more songs to prove it to her.
When we arrived at my house Cynthia held her hand out and helped me off her bike. I took off my helmet and goggles. “Wanna come inside?” Cyn hesitated but said yes regardless and we made our way inside.
“Mamí, Papí, I’m home!” I yelled through the old house, to alert not only them but the gremlin’s. I could hear stampeding down the stairs right now. Lainey and my three baby sisters were making their way towards me, all in worn and torn pajamas that had enough stains to make it a whole new color. Cynthia was at least a foot behind me blocked by a pillar in the middle of the staircase.
One by one, my sisters started to show up infront of me. Aliah, Lila, the 2 year old twins. And Aria and Lainey the two middle children, Aria being 3 and Lainey being 14. “Alias! How’d it go?- did you kiss her- tell me and Aria every..thing” Once she and Aria, who was in her arms, backed me up into the kitchen she could see Cynthia, who was laughing her ass off at the interrogation happening in front of her. I started to try and laugh with her to laugh off the embarrassment but it didn't work.. “Hi Cynthia! Did you kiss my sister we all are very dedicated to this.” Lainey motioned to her and the line of children she had following her. Cynthia ruffled everyone's hair going down the line. “I don't kiss and tell kid, sorry.” Lainey huffed looking at me again. “I expect an explanation later.” Fondly rolling my eyes at her and pushing her and the twins away from us so we could run up the stairs.
We reached my room and shut the door quickly. “No more heathens!” She yelled quietly. I started laughing, sometimes that is a real goal to accomplish. I sat on the edge of my bed, my hands running through my hair. “You're so pretty.” She was staring at me. “And why do you say that?” I titled my head pretending to act confused. She looked at the wall just for a second to take a deep breath. Cynthia walked up to me, and placed her hand on my head pulling my hair back just a bit for me to get the memo. “Because you're my girl.”
Am I breathing right now? I think I'm frozen in place. Cynthia looked so proud of herself. I swallowed my spit and tried to answer with as little stuttering as possible. “Well- I-I’m your girl?” Now that I looked nervous, her act completely changed. “Well only if you want to be- I won't force you!-”
I started laughing at how anxious she was for an answer. “Yes you idiot- Of course i'll be your girlfriend!” She looked in almost disbelief, like we hadn't made out in an abandoned car shop an hour and a half ago. “You're the stable girl in my fairytale book, I can't get away from you.” She scoffed at me, leaning down to touch noses with me. “Oh yeah, like you have any room to talk princess.”
She was quick to kiss me. Pushed me back on the bed and crawled on top, her hands tracing up my hips drawing little hearts with her finger tips. I held onto her belt loops with my pointer and index fingers. I felt so warm all over, my face and neck were red from the close distance we were. It feels so familiar, but different at the same time, this kiss is more fiery and hungry. I feel so greedy but I can't help it, the more she kisses me the more I want to kiss back, the longer I want to kiss her. Our lips were practically sealed together.
Cynthia only broke that seal to move down my jaw and neck. She sucked the skin on my neck, the feeling of the blood rushing up to bruise me, making me gasp. I ran my hands through her hair reveling in the feeling of her leaving hickeys down my neck.
The door slammed open, and I pushed Cyn off of me quickly. My baby sister Aliah standing in the doorway with a smile, She was holding her pink and blue blanket my mom had crocheted for her. Sighing, the beating of my heart slowed a bit. “A- sleep here?” I laughed lightly and got off the bed. I picked her up, shut my door, and placed her on my bed with her blanket. “What the fuck did she say?” Cynthia asked, confused as to why I was putting her on my bed and covering her with my blanket. “She said “Ali, can I sleep in here” Except take out a few words and turn Ali into A.” She raised her eyebrows and nodded her head like she knew what was going on.
I unzipped the back of my dress and let it fall off my shoulders. “Woah- WOAH-” turned around confused on what the yelling was. “What!?” Cynthia was facing away from me on my bed, her neck and ears looked bright red. “Oh come on Cyn you can't be serious- you were just giving me a hick-” She snapped her head to me, and then to the very much awake baby laying in my bed and watching us interact with each other. I scoffed. “She doesn't care- she's my sister, I change her butt daily and she can barely speak-” Cynthia just widened her eyes, telling me she doesn't care. “Fine-” I continued changing peacefully, turning to find Aliah climbing on top of Cynthia and Cynthia trying to pull her off her head. I giggled picking her off the poor girl.
“You can borrow some of my clothes if you want to stay the night Cyn- It wouldn't be too crowded on my bed.” She thought about it for a second before deciding to stay, she opened my closet and walked all the way in closing it and turning the light on. “You're kidding me.” I started laughing out of disbelief, something that seemed to be happening a lot today. Cynthia didn't walk out of the closet until she changed out her pants and button up, wearing one of my old wife beaters. “Looking good, Stable girl.” She picked up a hanger from my closet and threw it at me.
“Just get in bed you idiot-” I situated myself first and then let Aliah lay down on my right side and Cynthia on the left. “Good night, Stable girl.” I could hear her roll her eyes. “Good night, Princess.” I kissed Aliah's forehead pulling her blanket onto her a bit more so she’ll be warmer. “Good night, Liah.”
And I closed my eyes letting myself drift to sleep slowly with my two favorite girls.
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camillecrellin · 2 years ago
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Stage Kisses — C.Z
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Synopsis: Cynthia and Y/n were stiff in their acting, and Lydia wanted to sort those two out.
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: Kissing
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Stage kisses were always scary. Especially for Cynthia. She had recently gotten the part of Juliette while you got Romeo. You see Mr Vaughan thought that gender swapping what Shakespeare did during those times was progressive. A masculine girl Juliette and a feminine girl Romeo put a big spin on the play.
There however was one problem... The kiss.
Cynthia and you could not get out of her head. And Lydia saw that. Lydia and you were best friends and she did not want your performance to be hindered by the Zdunowski.
And so after rehearsals, Lydia stopped you by the door to talk to you.
"The kiss." Lydia bluntly said.
Taken about, you furrowed your eyebrows. "What?"
"You need to practice the kiss with Cynthia." Lydia told you,
"Seriously?" You asked taken aback as you cross your arms.
"Seriously. You're scared." Lydia rolled her eyes at your defensiveness. "I've known your since you were 8, I can read you pretty well."
You shrugged, "I'm not scared." That was a lie, and anyone could tell it. You were nervous. Cynthia made you nervous. Scared even. Like you would break a friendship that barely existed if you were to kiss.
"Then why did I just watch the worse bit of acting in my life?" Lydia challenged with a scoff.
"It's Cynthia, she's messing me up." You blamed, uncrossing your arms to run a hand through your hair.
"Then practice." Lydia suggested. "You're a good actor, y/n. You just gotta prove it to everyone else and that starts with the kiss."
Lydia was right. There's was something that was holding you back from the kiss. Holding Cynthia back from the kiss.
Smiling at Lydia, you turned on your heel to exit the auditorium to find Cynthia. You knew she'd be with the Pink Ladies somewhere, and so you search the halls until you found the Pink Ladies at Jane's locker.
You looked to the group before sheepishly walking up and patting Cynthia on the shoulder.
Turning around on her heel, Cynthia was shocked to see you but still she kept a bright smile on her face. "Oh hey, y/n."
"Hey is there any way we could practice later for the play?" You asked, your voice laced with nerves as you awkwardly glanced at her friends, who thankfully carried on with their conversation.
"Yeah, sure. I can meet you behind the school after last period." Cynthia said, not knowing what she was getting herself into. She didn't know the scene nor was she prepared to do any of it confidently in front of you. But it was you. Not Lydia. Not Harper. Not Buddy. But Y/n. And Cynthia had always weirdly found some sort of comfort in the nervous state she got in around you.
"Thanks." You said with a bright smile and a nod.
The end of the school had come and Cynthia was waiting for you on a beach by the football field. The football field was luckily empty and so it gave the two of you time and space to practice alone.
Coming out of school, you slowly walked up to Cynthia, calling out, "Hey."
"Hey." Cynthia smiled as you sat down beside her.
"Thanks for doing this with me." You looked to Cynthia nervously.
"No problem." Cynthia said smiling, she reached her hand toward yours as you locked eyes.
Cynthia's heart flutters as her hand grazed against yours. Feeling you stiffen up, Cynthia pulled her hand away and awkwardly coughed. "So do you wanna start with the first scene."
"No, Cynthia, I don't think you understand." You turned around to look if anyone behind them and whispered, "It's the kiss scene. Lydia's all over my... our asses because of it."
Cynthia's eyes widened as her mind went blank. She couldn't do it. "We can do the scene, but I'm not gonna kiss you."
You shook your head in disbelief. "What? No. Cynthia you're completely missing the point of this we have to practice our kiss."
"Y/n listen, I know it's the point but I don't feel comfortable kissing you." Cynthia confessed. She couldn't do the kiss because stage kisses weren't real. And Cynthia so desperately wanted it to be real.
Ignoring her, you stood up off the bench and started acting out your lines. "O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do; They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair."
Scoffing in disbelief, Cynthia asked, "What are you doing?"
"Practicing." You smirked and took Cynthia's hand to pull her up once again repeating your line. "O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do; They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair."
Cynthia rolled her eyes and started performing, her eyes glued to you. "Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake."
"Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take." You said, taking a hold of Cynthia's chin as you softly pulled her head up for the kiss. But before your lips could connect she pulled away.
"I'm sorry." Cynthia sheepishly apologised as she looked upon your face which held a slight disappointment.
Softening your expression, you asked, "For what?"
Cynthia looked down, quietly admitted, "I can't do the kiss. I've-I've never done it before."
"Well, then I can teach you." You offered with a small smile. Placing a hand on Cynthia's shoulders, you rubbed them softly, saying, "Just relax, and everything else with come naturally."
Cynthia turned around to face you and once again spoke her lines, a nervous tint to them. "Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake."
"Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take." You acted, leaning in closer to Cynthia as you closed your eyes, softly kissing her.
Your heart fluttered as Cynthia relaxed into the kiss, placing her arms around your waist. Your fingers running with her hair.
Pulling away, you rested your forehead against Cynthia’s as you smiled widely. "Wow."
"Yeah, wow." Cynthia breath out with a laugh. "That was soo easy."
Laughing at Cynthia’s words, you took Cynthia’s hand and sat back down on the bench. Cynthia rested her head against yours and played with your hands.
"Do you wanna maybe practice some other time?" Cynthia asked curiously to which you nodded while leaning into the Zdunowski.
The two of you were just overexaggerating previously: stage kisses aren’t that bad. Especially if you like each other.
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stvrchaser · 2 years ago
CYNTHIA X READER!! With a side order of them sneaking away from school and going to the readers house to get high and kissing spontaneously?!!?
worth your while
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( note ) : mourning the loss of this wonderful show. here’s me coping.
( pairing ) : cynthia zdunowski x fem!reader
( words ) : 1.9 k
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Making it through the halls when that bell rings requires a sort of methodical precision. It takes planning and a watchful eye to know which routes to take and not to take. Depending on your destination and any stops you want to make along the way, the difficulty might vary. But you’ve never been one to back down from a challenge.
The walk from History to English is easy enough. There’s a few twists and turns but you make it just in time to find the person you’re looking for — Cynthia. She’s walking with Nancy, talking with her hands in wild gestures in undoubted criticisms of how confusing the class novel is. You agree, but it’s no time to sympathize over unintelligible classics. You’re running on limited time.
“Careful there, Cyn. You don’t want to take someone’s eye out,” you say, gently catching her arm. She turns around, wide-eyed and slightly startled before her lips stretch into a wide-toothed smile. You try not to lose focus as her eyes soften. 
You never thought that shade of blue could make one feel so warm.
“Hey, Nance. Mind if I steal this one away for a sec?” you ask, recovering from a momentary state of hypnosis.
“Nope! She is all yours. If I hear one more thing about Washington Square, I might do something I’ll regret. So, for the benefit of everyone in this school, please do.”
“Nope! She is all yours. If I hear one more thing about Washington Square, I might do something I’ll regret. So, for the benefit of everyone in this school, please do.”
“Hey! At least pretend to be sad to give me away.” Nancy shoots her an incredulous look, arms crossed in a way that scares Cynthia. Whatever for, you’re not entirely sure.
 “It’s not like you’ll be complaining—” Nancy starts, or you think that’s what she said. Cynthia’s quick to grab you by the shoulders, abruptly turning you on your heels.
“Okay! Off we go. I’ll see you later, Nance!” Cynthia digs her feet into the ground, pushing you further down the hall. Judging from a few turned heads, you know the two of you probably look ridiculous. You don’t mind. “Y/N! You were saying?”
“We’ll talk later. Come on, we have to hurry.” You loop an arm around hers, turning around a corner. You try to blend into the dispersing crowd as the hallways empty, finding secluded spaces to avoid lurking staff and hall monitors.
“Where are you going? Class starts in a minute.”
“The exit. I don’t plan to be here in a minute.”
“You’re skipping?” You’re surprised to hear the shock in her voice. This isn’t exactly the first time you’ve done this.
“You don’t wanna come with me?”
Cynthis tries to find her voice. Yes, she absolutely does want to go with you. Hell, she’d follow you anywhere. But could she trust herself to be alone with you right now? When she’s still trying so hard to figure out how to be normal around you? When her mind goes blank every time you laugh for some reason she can’t figure out for the life of her?
“I didn’t say that. I just wasn’t expecting—”
“Come on, Cynthia. What do you have next? Science? Learning about… topography or something? We live in California, for crying out loud! We got enough hills out there to learn from.” 
You’ll be the death of me, she thinks. And so what if she doesn’t care?
“That was the last unit. We moved on to tectonic plates. You’d know that if you paid any attention.”
“Well, can you blame me? That class would put anyone to sleep. The only thing keeping you awake are the Pink Ladies being there with you. I don’t have the pleasure of keeping tolerable company.”
“Fine. What class are you trying to bail on?” You cross your arms, confident in your ability to earn some sympathy.
“Home Ec.” 
“Yeah. That is rough,” Cynthia agrees with a grimace.
“Mhm. I’m learning how to sew, Cyn. We’re pinning fabrics and sewing buttons. I already know this stuff! The boredom is killing me. Killing me!” The bells rings, the last of students filing into classrooms. You give her another pleading look.
“Nobody’s talking you out of this, are they?”
“Nope. Now, take pity on a poor girl and walk her home.”
“Fine,” she sighs, feet dragging as she makes for the exit. You don’t move from where you stand, foot tapping against tiled floors.
“Well, that was just insulting. What happened to enthusiasm? Where’s that Thespian spirit?” She laughs — a light-hearted giggle that turns the thoughts in your head to static. Goodness, she’s really killing your image.
“Alright! Alright, I’m going—” Just as she reaches for you, you hear the tell-tale sound of heels clicking. If there’s anything you admire about Ms. McGee, it’s her punctuality. She never misses a tardy sweep. Instinctively, you lunge forward, grabbing a hold of her jacket in a quick attempt to maneuver you both out of sight. You flinch as your back hits a wall, Cynthia’s weight on your chest doing nothing to soften the blow. You wait for the footsteps to fade, a fist closed over the zipper of her jacket. The metal feels cold against your skin, contrasting the warmth radiating from her chest. It rises and falls under your hand, a steady rhythm to bring you back to your senses. 
“Sorry,” you mumble, scared that you’ve crossed a line. Would she run? She was already hesitant to come along. You think it might be better to forget the whole ordeal altogether. “It’s no problem, you know? If you want to go another time, I mean.” You try to finish off with a laugh, hoping it doesn’t come off so awkwardly. “I could always ask someone else to… have a little bit of fun.” You hadn’t meant for it to come off so suggestively, but you decided you’ll bite your fist later and dig your own grave when she’s gone. There’s no way you’re recovering from that humiliation.
“No! No. I’ll go,” Cynthia surprisingly agrees. 
“Okay.” You sigh, relieved. “Okay. Good. I’ll make it worth your while.”
“How did you even get this stuff?” The stuff in question is a generous stash of weed that, quite frankly, Cynthia’s a little worried about where you’d gotten it from.
“We’ve got a lot of idiots at Ry-Hell, but the lockers are always a fun raid.”
“How are you getting into people’s locker’s?”
“I’m blowing em’ up,” you deadpan. “I’m picking locks, of course. How else am I supposed to do it?”
“You know how to pick locks?”
“Don’t sound so shocked. I’m a woman of many talents.”
“You’re crazy.” You hum in partial agreement.
“Maybe.” You’re a little preoccupied to argue. You’re not sure she’s entirely wrong, either. Cynthia’s lips look a little more vibrant. Her voice rings a little bit louder. It has to be the drugs messing with your perception. There’s hardly anything you’ve missed about Cynthia. Everything she says and does remains embedded in your brain. In a special place it seems to have carved out, just for her. “You know, the hall monitors aren’t doing a great job at monitoring.”
“Hm, I’ll put in a word with Jane.”
“Nah. We shouldn’t bother her. She and Richie are probably busy.” The two of you laugh, both in awe of your friends. How they couldn’t be any more different, and yet they work so well together. How they think nobody notices the stolen glances and smiles they share. Cynthia wonders if it’s the same — if the sneaking around means to you and her what it does to Jane and Richie. If you’re even allowed to feel the same.
“She’s gonna kill me for skipping,” she diverts, shaking the thought away.
“She doesn’t have to know we’re getting high.”
“Oh yeah?” Somehow, she thinks Jane would find out anyway. She indulges you, regardless. “What am I supposed to tell her?”
“We could tell her we’re doing something productive,” you respond with a shrug.
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. Tell her we’re running over lines. ‘Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged.’” Cynthia’s mouth opens and closes, her throat running dry and suddenly aware of how close you are. Her forearm, where she’d rolled up her sleeves, is touching yours. She’s hyper-aware of every centimeter of skin against her own.
“Out of the whole play, you remembered that part?” She turns her head to find you staring at the ceiling in a state of bliss she can’t help but envy. How could you possibly be so calm at a time like this? Can’t you hear her heart ready to burst out of her chest?
“What can I say?” you start, shifting to prop yourself up on one elbow to look at her. “I’m a romantic.” Cynthia would have mourned the loss of contact, but you’re looking at her with a sentiment she’s not sure she’s ever seen before. Somehow, it feels twice as intimate as it did to touch you.
“Right.” She looks away, making you frown. You didn’t want her to shy away like that. Cynthia was made to be admired. You think about her hair, a deep shade of chestnut that glows red in the sun like embers — like the heart of winter fire. Like the bark to keep it burning… the warmth that keeps you burning.
“I don’t understand it.”
“How you make me feel.”
Suddenly, the very air around you feels fragile. One wrong move, and it’s bound to shatter. It’ll cut like glass and bleed you both dry, if you let it.
“How— How do I make you feel?” Cynthia’s having trouble breathing, the magnitude of every passing second growing by tenfold.
You, on the other hand, are a little more at peace with the silence. Well, could you call it silence if you’ve filled every moment of it with ramblings about Cynthia and every admirable quality under the sun? How does one even begin to say those things aloud?
“You make me feel… everything. Everything all at once.”
Light floods in through the windows, Cynthia’s brown hair turning copper. You don’t realize that your hand has reached for it, tucking strands of hair way from her face. Your knuckles brush against freckled cheeks turned warm. Cynthia’s eyes bore into yours with curiosity and anticipation that you can’t help but feel the need to satisfy. 
Anything for you, Cynthia. Anything.
You close the distance between you, a hand tucked beneath her chin to pull her close. Cynthia meets you halfway, catching your lips with equal fervor.
It’s electrifying. Something long sought after that, now found, seems to fulfill every imaginable want and need you’ve ever dreamt of or — No. This is better than anything you’ve ever dreamt of. There simply isn’t a single person in the world who could fathom something even remotely close to this extent of utter bliss.
You pull away to catch your breath, the ghost of Cynthia’s smile still tangible on your lips. When you find the courage to open your eyes, you’re greeted with a perfectly crooked grin so contagious it draws immediate laughter from your lips.
“What do you think?” you ask through a smile so wide that your cheeks begin to hurt — a feeling you wouldn’t mind enduring, regardless. “Was that worth your while?” Cynthia shrugs but her face indicates everything but uncertainty as she moves closer, inches from your lips once again. 
“Hm, I’m not sure yet. You might have to do that again.”
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dotspoetrycorner · 2 years ago
hey! could you write something where the reader goes to Cynthia’s house after the party at frosty palace in 1x08 and comforts her/ confesses🫶
Cynthia x reader 1x8 request: 
So that’s it I guess; the Pink Ladies are over. After the impromptu fall ball replacement at the Frosty Palace Buddy and Richie got into a fight, ending up with them in jail. Olivia was understandably upset, blaming Jane for the fight. Everyone broke off, first Olivia, then Cynthia, then Jane, then me, leaving Nancy behind to clean up the mess, literally. But the Pink Ladies have been the best thing to happen to me in a long time, it couldn’t just be over.
The normal response would be to do sad, but I just felt numb, like I couldn’t really process what just happened. I walked out of the frosty palace and just stared walking. I didn’t know where I was going, I just knew I didn’t want to go home. The original plan was for all of us to spend the night at Jane’s after the dance and I couldn’t explain to my parents why I was home, they’d ask too many questions. I just walked. 
Normally, walking clears my head but right now its just making me think of everything more. The rain had started to calm down but it was still at a depressing drizzle. I started to recognize my surroundings. Cynthia’s neighborhood. I needed to be with her. Even if it was just us sitting on opposite sides of the couch starring at a wall. I needed to be with her. I took my heels oof and started running as fast as I could toward Cynthia’s house. In the next few minutes I was knocking on her door.
After a couple seconds, she answered. She was still in her dress from the dance, but also wearing one of her dad’s jackets, her hair a mess. She looked like she had been crying. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Cynthia cry. We looked at each other for a moment, not sure what to do. Suddenly, Cynthia engulfed me in a hug. My body stiffened and I got a weird feeling in my stomach. Just as quickly as it started, she let go. We stared at each other for a split second before Cynthia broke eye contact and quickly sat on her couch. I hesitantly followed her, sitting down right beside her. 
We sat in silence for a few minutes. I didn’t know what to say. Should we talk about what happened? Or is that the last thing we should talk about? Do we need to process everything? Or do we just need a distraction? Finally I spoke.
“You know, with that jacket that outfit is a lot more you.” She just looked at me; I said the wrong thing. After a while she replied, “what’s wrong with me?” “What? There is nothing wrong with you.” I tried to reassure her. “There is! I couldn’t be apart of the t-birds, I don’t fit in with other girls, I’ve fallen in love with someone I really shouldn’t have, and we can’t even keep the pink ladies together!” Wait, what was that third one? She likes someone. I should have figured since she’s the one who asked shy guy to the fall ball.
Shit. This is about her not me. I'll deal with my feelings later. “No one ever feels like they fit in. Olivia will come around and forgive Jane. And in the mean time, I’m still here.” She looked at me, she’d started to cry again. Her eyes get so blue when she cries. Friends. We’re friends. She likes shy guy. I snapped out of in and continued, “and that other thing, shy guy adores you.” She sat up straight and looked confused “what? Shy- I don’t like shy guy.” Oh. “I just figured because you asked him to the dance and you’re friends and that always makes things more complicated.” Cynthia seemed to get really uncomfortable and quickly mumbled “yep sure does” before standing up and walking to the kitchen. 
I sat there for a few minutes, waiting for her to come back, but she didn’t. I got up to go check on her, she was just standing at the counter, looking down. “hey are you okay?” She jumped then froze for a second before saying, “I’m fine. It’s just getting late. And it’s been a long night.” I didn’t want to push her to talk about something she didn’t want to, but I have to let her know I’m here for her. “Are you sure? Because you seemed at least sort of ok before-“ “I don’t wanna talk about it, ok?!” She snapped at me. She had never even so much as raised her voice at me before. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell,” she apologized, “it’s just complicated.” I stood next to her and mirrored her stance by the counter, my hand briefly brushing hers as I put it on the countertop. I went over there to say another variation of “you’re not alone” or “it’ll be ok” but once I started speaking its like I didn’t have control over my words anymore, I just had to tell her everything. 
“I get it.” I started, “its like if you made a friend and they became your favorite person in the entire world, and they were your safe space, and even on your worst days they only have to make one joke to turn it all around, and they’re so different from you but somehow that’s why you’re perfect friends, and one day you realized you don���t want them to be just your friend, but its scary and you can’t tell them because-“ Cynthia stopped me, walking away saying “oh please, like anyone would ever reject you. Someone will talk to you for two minutes and fall in love with you. That’s not complicated, you just tell him and you’re fine.” 
Alright. Here it goes: “Cynthia. It’s you.” She turned around to look at me, expressionless. That was the most terrifying part, I had no idea what she was thinking. She then walked up to me and kissed me. It was better than anything I could have possibly thought of. After a couple seconds we parted and just looked at each other, smiling. In true Cynthia fashion she said “I was talking about you. Earlier when I said-“ “yeah, I got that” I said laughing. She couldn’t just say “I like you too”? Gosh. I really, really like her. 
The rest of the night we just sat on the couch, watching tv, just being together. Oddly enough, our dynamic didn’t change at all, just now she had her arm around me and we could kiss each other. I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow, or in the coming weeks, but I was perfectly happy being right here, right now.
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angeltails · 2 years ago
or others idk, i write a lot of people. ignore the sheer amount of FW characters. i just kind of made them my niche at fourteen and i dunno what else to do with it.
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loverofwomenswrongs · 2 years ago
kinda sad the we don't knwo Lydia's last name, and also that there are no x reader about her... I know she is a background character more or less but still, I'm in love with her and Niamh
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cherrysfanfics-ily · 1 year ago
☆ Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies Masterlist ☆
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♡ Jane Facciano
☆ Surface Pressure - 6073 word count, Richie x Jane
♡ Oliva Valdovinos
♡ Nancy Nakagawa
♡ Cynthia Zdunowski
♡ Richie Valdovinos
♡ Shy Guy
♡ Potato
☆ Sweet Nothing - 1641 word count, Gender-Neutral! Reader
♡ Gil
♡ Susan
♡ Dot
♡ Rosemary
♡ Wally
♡ Hazel
♡ Buddy Aldridge
♡ Frenchy Facciano
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sirenlulls · 2 years ago
spin the bottle → grease: rise of the pink ladies preferences
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summary — spin the bottle is all fun and games until your crush moves to spin...
written for this request
characters — jane, olivia, cynthia, richie, gil, potato
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. poor girl didn't want to play to begin with but ESPECIALLY not now
. she looks so nervous when it's your turn and nobody knows why 😭 they're like, ".....you good, girl?" and she's like, "YEAH! great! perfect, even!" okay girl....
. i feel like it would be the worst for her if your spin landed on a t-bird because even if you've showed no prior interest to them she'd be like "oh but they're friends i can see them together :("
. overdramatic girlie can't see the way you're looking at her like you wanted the bottle to land on her instead
. definitely looked away when you kissed the guy
. not in a way to gain attention or anything, probably just 'fixing' her nails or something
. would definitely interrogate you later on in the night — "so.... how was the kiss? do you like him? do you love him? was it good?"
. kiss her to shut her up and things will be perfect
. she's not used to being a jealous person so she's very confused and a bit overwhelmed when it's your turn to spin and she feels like throwing the bottle at somebody's head
. she'd feel bad for you too because she can feel your anxiety 😭
. poor babygirl just wants to pick you up and take you on a nice lil date
. would give the guy your bottle lands on such a death stare
. to be fair neither you or richie want to kiss eachother with him liking jane and you liking his sister 💀
. but you guys are close friends anyway so the little peck isn't awkward between you
. someone would probs be like "too short, doesn't count!" but shut up really quick when richie gives them a look
. put your pinkie over olivias when you got back to sit with her and everything will be okay 😊
. lowkey sour even though she's the one who suggested the game in the first place 😭
. it didn't really register to her that you'd have to spin too until it was your turn
. "you don't have to if you don't want to." said to you and someone else in the circle yelling back that she forced them to spin 💀
. you're her exception xo
. but you spun anyway so she was already in a mood and it only got worse when it landed directly on some guy in your english class who was visibly in love with you
. she's definitely scoffing and rolling her eyes. gets such a strange look from nancy
. you can feel the tension radiating from cynthia and you don't even really like the guy (bless his heart) so it's a quick little 5 second peck and a smile from you and then it's over
. she's 100% got a little smug smile when the guy clearly wanted to kiss you for longer, but you pulled away
. gets suspiciously more clingy with you for the rest of the night, but if anyone says anything about it, she's like, "im drunk shhhhhhh" and she's had, like, one beer 🧍‍♀️
. he did not want to play. like at all.
. because he knew that a) he'd probably have to kiss someone else and because he's not a little boy, he knows that trying to make you like him by making you jealous isn't gonna work, and b) he'd probably have to see you kiss someone else. absolutely not
. it would be his worst nightmare if your spin landed on a soc
. he would be in a mood for the rest of the night
. or at least until his spin where he got lucky and landed on you
. a smug little side eye to the soc you kissed as he goes closer to you
. pink ladies and t-birds rolling their eyes like "finally 🥱🙄"
. truly sick and tired of the tension between you two
. the soc you kissed looking so uncomfortable because with him it was a stiff little peck and you're fully gripping richie's face 💀
. he likes the game now <3
. drove you home after the party for the chance to kiss you again
. ended up staying the night xx
. easily the best at hiding how much he hates it
. but rest assured, no matter how chill and fun-loving he looks, he is enraged when your spin lands on one of your thespian friends
. poor baby doesn't know that it's really funny for you both because the guy is gay 😭
. so when he sees you kiss him with no tension and a smile on your face he's like "oh......"
. but you keep looking at him and smiling?? he's so confused??
. maybe he's not as good at hiding his longing as he thought...
. he definitely wasn't.
. you saw the death stares and scowls
. you were fed up!!
. like stop being a brooding baby and kiss me already!!! please!!!!
. he will eventually xx
. he definitely tried to kiss you after the game but you guys got cockblocked by jane accidentally because she burst into the room you two were in because she needed to talk to you
. jane facciano, the hot girl mood killer xoxo
. some other night maybe 💔
. he played purely for the chance to kiss you
. so when the bottle landed directly between him and a guy who openly liked you, he was fully prepared to see you kiss the other guy
. but then you tapped his hand and suddenly you were right in front of him and he was trying (and failing) to hide how excited he was
. longer than any of the other kisses
. wolf whistles left right and centre
. very blushy very awkward very cute
. a small little "that was nice" that only you could hear when you pulled away
. ego boosted fr but trying to not look like an asshole
. definitely went with you to the kitchen after the game and you two talked about it and you gave him another little kiss <3
. nancy and cynthia walked in on you while they were trying to get some drinks and immediately ran off to tell the pink ladies and t-birds
. getting hard-core interrogated by the two gangs on the way out and he's a smiley little mess beside you and you're like "yeah he's my silly little bf now <3"
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sirenlulls · 2 years ago
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a foreword from our owner... thank you all so so much for 100 followers!! i've only had this blog for a short amount of time, so to have so many lovely people read and interact with me & my work is such a lovely thing to see. i struggled to come up with a cute little celebration for you all as thanks, but i hope you like this 💞
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our menu... please only order one item per ask! but you may send in as many asks as you like
🫖 —tea ; send in a prompt, trope, or line of dialogue as well as someone from the list i write for (except for those under 'celebrities') and ill write a short fic for it!
🍵 —green tea ; send in a scenario or a trope as well as someone from the list i write for (except for those under 'celebrities) and i'll write a set of headcanons for it!
☕️ —coffee ; send in a scenario or a trope as well as a group of characters from the list i write for (except for those under 'celebrities') and i'll write a set of preferences for it!
🍪 —cookies ; send in a scenario or trope as well as anyone from the list i write for and i'll make a social media au for it!
🍰 —cake ; send in a scenario, or trope as well as anyone from the list i write for and i'll make a playlist for it!
🥐 — pastry ; get to know me! send in any questions you'd like me to answer, or any thoughts you have and we can all talk about it!
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tagging our patrons (sorry if you didn't want to be tagged 🤍)... @whoetoshaw @lovewheeler @dotspoetrycorner @isabella35o @thestressedanddepressed @cyansadness @florencepughss @leclercsangel @the-phantom-author
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deadsnothere · 2 years ago
Drunk Stable Girl
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Synopsis - A heartfelt conversation in the dining room of the party.
Request - nope
Word Count - 1.5k
Speak Ali! - I'm boreeeeddd send in request for either Lockwood or Cynthia and i will try my best to get them done!!
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Richie, who picked up the T-birds car, was now on the way to Jane's house with four of five Pink ladies in the car.
Apparently there was an emergency campaign meeting and it was their tias birthday, and if there's something I know about hispanic parties, they don't disappoint. Once we pulled up to Jane's house the two people in the front seats, Olivia and Richie both got out and started hitting her window with pebbles while Nancy, Cynthia, and I were sitting and leaning against the car. Once she opened the window, I threw Olivia Jane's jacket and she held it up to her. “You forgot this.” Jane looked sad from the window, but at the same time I forgot my glasses at home and couldn't tell. “You don’t have to give it back” Well now she sounds disappointed. “I know I let you guys down.”
“No kidding” Cynthia said from the cover of the tire to the T Birds car. “Exactly.” I spoke next, In Between Cynthia’s dangling legs. “That's for sure,” Nancy said last, leant on the car beside us. We all got a dirty look from Olivia before she turned back to Jane to try and cheer her up. “We can fix this! emergency campaign meeting, my house. Let's go.” she nodded her head towards the car while poor richie started to get antsy. Jane looked back into her room as if Olivia were crazy. “Now?!” Olivia looked back at her as if saying “Yeah!” Jane was now leaning halfway out of the window. “You want me to sneak out?!” Poor antsy Richie finally got a word in. “It's my Tia’s birthday! We're having a party.” I yelled out after. “Yeah! And this is a party you don't wanna miss.” He looked over to me, giving me an air high five before going back to jane. “Come on, you really gonna leave me hanging out here again?” AGAIN?? I looked up to Cynthia who looked just as confused.
Jane smiled at us and waved us away, saying “go” but we all knew she was coming with us. I grabbed Cynthia's hand, picked her up and threw her into the backseat gently. Knowing I’d have to sit on her lap for all of us to fit anyways. She looked surprised but accepted her fate. I took my jacket off and put my hair into a ponytail climbing in after her and sitting down in my rightful spot.
When we walked into the house there was Spanish music playing on a record player and people dancing on hardwood floors. Cynthia, who held my hands and closed the door behind me, was looking around the house, interested in the different decor. Finally bringing out attention back to the dance floor which I was killing to kick my shoes off and start dancing on. Cynthia had already started pulling me and Nancy away. “We're gonna grab some grub for this- business meeting.” she dragged me into the kitchen while I dramatically reached for Richie's mother who was my normal dance partner at these parties.
Nancy hung her jacket up on the door nob, while I kept mine over my shoulder, my skirt was flowy and perfect for dancing while being tight at the top and showing my curves off perfectly. “What are we going to talk about anyways?” Cynthia said while holding a plate filled with food. “I mean, I feel for her.” I snorted laughing. “I don't-” Cynthia gave me a soft glare before kicking me in the shin and continuing to talk. “she made us look like cowards!” I looked over to her with a raised eyebrow. “She made ya’ll look like cowards.” She glared at me, a bit more aggressively this time. “And I’m no coward! You're a singer, shut up.” Nancy agreed. “Me neither.”
Nancy, Cynthia, and I had finally spotted the holy grail of every hispanic party. “Ooh, mezcal!” Nancy had the idea first. “Let's chug it.” at the time it sounded amazing. I was nodding, while Cynthia looked a bit nervous. “Yeah..Ok.” Nancy picked up the bottle and put it out towards her with a smile on her face. “You first.” Cynthia looked offended, saying back. “You first.” World's greatest come back-
Nancy and Cynthia both looked down at the bottle nervously, Nancy who was practically saying, ‘Fuck it, let’s throw the god damn balls to the wall.” Popped open the bottle, slowly tilted it up against her mouth and started chugging. She drank a good bit of it before she finally stopped. I know it burnt the back of her throat and BAD. Cynthia was looking at her as if she was crazy. Nancy was groaning either in disgust or pain, as she slammed the bottle back down on the table making a face to tell me it was definitely disgust. Nancy looked to Cynthia in a “Your turn” kinda way nodding her head at her. “Well now your mouths been on it.” Nancy looked over to me, I put my hands up in defense, in the moment I couldn't do anything. “So you are a coward.”
Nancy taunted Cynthia, I hope that doesn't set her off “No, I'm not!” Cynthia was getting defensive looking away from me and Nancy. “Then do it!” I stood back watching this go down. They moved towards the other side of the small round table across from me. “Don't be a fraidy cat!” She kept taunting Cynthia, her hands wrapped around the bottle and Cynthia's hands in her pockets. Just to add fuel to the fire she started meowing and hissed as much as I want to say I didn't laugh…I did-
“Stop it?!” Cynthia wigged out on Nancy looking over at me to, for laughing. “I'm not afraid!” She practically cried. Nancy, who as much as she was aware was joking, looked surprised. “What happened?” she looked over at me, who didn't look as shocked as her but definitely more apologetic. “I'm sorry..” While Cynthia was rubbing her eyebrow, trying to make sense of whatever was going on in her head. She sighed “I just don't like being laughed at.” From the corner I reminded them I was there by speaking. “You like when people laugh with you.” I tried my best to cheer her up, hoping to redeem myself.
Cynthia looked up at me for a millisecond before trailing her eyes down. “Those stupid thespians!” Oh god here we go again- She’d spent 15 minutes complaining about the thespians at my house when she drove me home on her motorcycle. “With their stupid black shark eyes, Just staring at you, waiting for you to look like an idiot!” She went on ranting, while Nancy and I just stood there confused. “So?” Nancy looked dead serious. “Just be an idiot with them and they can't laugh at you.” I nodded towards Nancy as if it was obvious. Cynthia was really thinking about it. “Maybe that's what being fearless is anyway.” Nancy now looked dead serious, walking closer to Cynthia, I finally made my way to their side of the table standing in between them both. “Maybe that's what being a pink lady is.” Nancy said swaying. “Maybe I'm really drunk now.”
Cynthia looked down at the bottle with almost fear. I was confused so I looked at it too. “Nancy.” Oh my god- “The worm is gone-” I think I almost threw up- Nancy lifted the bottle up to look inside it. “I can feel it inside me.” EUH- NO. NO. Cynthia grabbed the bottle from Nancy and chugged about a shot and a half worths, while plugging her nose. For some reason Nancy did this little shoulder shimmy towards the floor while Cynthia struggled. When she put the bottle down, she made a disgusted face and groaned in disgust to, coughing her lungs up. I smiled laughing at them both, grabbed the bottle from Cynthia and chugged the rest of it with ease. wiping my mouth and I stuck my tongue out to try and get the taste off. Both Nancy and Cynthia were staring at me like I was crazy, because of the reaction I gave, or lack of.
Cynthia made an audible gulp before reaching up to kiss me with one hand and covering Nancy's eyes with the other. “MMMPH-” I was surprised by the kiss at first but didn’t pull away until Nancy got free from Cynthia's grasp and ran off into the living room. “That- that was hot.” She was stuttering and her face was blushing red but it was pretty cute. I pulled her lips into mine, pushed her against the wall to the left of us and grasped onto her shirt. “You taste like drunk.” She giggled out, in between heavy breaths.
“I think you're the drunk one-” She looked up and down my body, licking her lips and lazily trailing kisses down my neck. “I may be drunk, but I'm sure you’re pretty!” I laughed pushing her head away from my neck. “Than you'll also know that you can't do that here, come on stable girl we got places to go.” She laughed at the name, attaching herself to my waist. “Yay! I get to be with my princess..” I laughed back at her, my vision only a bit blurry but I'm also more tolerant than her, my poor poor stable girl.
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deadsnothere · 2 years ago
Chlorine Lemonade
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Synopsis - Cynthia helped with the insecurities of being the biggest sister and practical mother.
WARNINGS!! - Sexual themes and jokes!
Request - Nope! but you can send them in!!!
Word count - 1k
Speak Ali! - definitely not my best, but i'm getting back in the groove so it'll take a while to get there.
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It’s easy to make lemonade!
First you juice the Lemon, since we're currently having a pool party with 12 people, I juiced ten lemon’s! Get the pulp out somehow, add about half the amount of water you did lemon juice, add a cup or two of sugar depending on how sweet you like it. Since Cynthia, Richie, Nancy and Shy Guy don't like it to be too sweet so I pour some lemonade into their cups now and then I add another cup of sugar and pour the rest of the lemonade into six cups! Three were small sippy cups and the other five were plastic cups with designs on it. I got a tray and set all of the cups on it, with the four with less sugar facing the outside and the others facing in. I got the tray and placed it on my shoulder, opening the sliding doors.
When you first walk out you see Potato and Nancy sitting on the porch swing, his arm was around her shoulder and she was looking at him with a weird stare while he was just smiling. I tried to hold in my laughter while I tapped my foot to get both their attention. “Earth to lovers! Your lemonade, And don't worry Nancy, I didn't add as much sugar.” I handed them both their cups, Nancy’s had sewing materials on it and potatoes had a movie plot twist that he told me before it happened. Nancy dramatically bowed and Potato showed his thanks by downing half of it in seconds, laughing I continued on.
I went down the stairs to the edge of the pool where five people sat eating sandwiches, Richie and Jane were sitting in lounge chairs. Richie had Lilah in his lap. Apparently Jane was struggling to get her to eat but Richie had no problem. He was a natural with kids, he even helped me with them when they get overwhelmed sometimes. Aria and Aliah all sat in an outdoor swing with a good amount of shade.
I handed each kid their own sippy cup. Aria’s had pink dinosaurs all over it (we call her rawria when she's angry because she's a LOUD screamer), Lilah’s had music notes on it (she loves to dance and sing), and Aliah’s had a crashed car on it (she crashes her ‘car’ into the fire pit alotttt).
Jane got a cup with a few small “vote for jane” posters on it, and Richie with a record and comb on it. “Thank you Ali!” It was like a chorus from all three kids. Jane nodded at me covering her face stuffed with sandwich and Richie grinned, face also stuffed with sandwich. I nodded my head at them all and walked to the next so they could finally finish stuffing their faces without the stress of a baby crying.
and finally, it was Gil, Lainey, Ant (Shy Guy), Cynthia, and Olivia. Ant, Laniey, Cynthia and Gil were all playing volleyball in the pool. It was a nice fair game, except for the fact that Cynthia had both Lainey and Ant on her team and was still somehow losing. I sat the tray down next to Olivia who had her feet in the water cheering the three on, and sat on the opposite side of it to chat with her. “Having fun out here?” She was quick to grab her cup of lemonade and nod while gulping it down, Olivia's cup had a pair of heels and a typewriter on it.
Cynthia out of the blue dived into me, or the water around my legs. The ball which she was trying to block landed right into the tray. With ALL OF OUR DRINKS. Falling into the pool. Almost everyone froze, except for Lainey who was making an “OOO” sound at Gil. Cynthia was fast to stand up and push the tray out of my way. “Hey baby-” I snapped my head to her, making her jump a bit. “uhh- uh why don't we go back inside and make you a drink?” I paused, opening my mouth and closing it before picking my cup out of the water filled with chemicals and standing up. Cynthia got out with me. Giving Gil a ‘I just saved your ass’ look and the time to get all of the cups out of the water, placing them back on the tray.
Inside is where it's safe, inside is where I don't murder Gil. Cynthia wiped her legs down, and came inside right after me. She was quick to grab my waist, pull me in and kiss me softly. “Alias..Princess you can't be that mad because Gil accidentally did something..” I looked at her with an eyebrow raised. “Yes I can.” She frowned back, knowingly. “No you can’t- what's wrong Princess…tell me?” she pressed kisses to my neck. They weren’t sexual, they were soft and made my heart flutter. “I guess I'm just not used to someone else handling my sisters..I mean Richie is doing an amazing job, He can handle the terrible twos and the three year old! I just- feel like a terrible sister-” She put a hand on my cheek. “Baby you are the best sister- And I mean that! You're practically their mother. I mean you cook, you clean, bathe and take them to school. You take the role of your mother everyday- never doubt yourself on that again.” Cynthia rubbed my cheek softly. “Thank you Cyn..ya know- if you want we could go and “Make a baby” upstairs?”
Cynthia licked her lips and started to kiss me excitedly, making me giggle. Gil opened the sliding doors pausing at the sight of us, his jaw dropped. “YOU TWO-” I quickly grabbed the cup of water from the counter and threw it in his face. “Damn Gil! Tell everyone why don't you?!” I put the cup down and walked backwards slowly. “Tell. No one.” Grabbing Cynthia's hand we backed out of the room running up the stairs and into my room locking the door behind us..
Alot happened that night. The main gist is Cynthia has the fingers of a magician, and she is not afraid to use them. As for me, that's for a different day. But I think the most important part here? After we were showered, we went back down, ate smores with everyone after Ant made a fire! It was nice, although I'm pretty sure Gil is gonna pop this secret soon. But it's fine, we were gonna tell everyone anyways, but for now. It's more fun hiding it.
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deadsnothere · 2 years ago
Fallin' For Ya!
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Synopsis - confessing to Cynthia through song?
Based off the song: Fallin for Ya! - Teen beach movie
The longer version this is based off of more
WARNINGS! - gay people
Request - No!
Word Count - 5k (with part two not sure who long this part is)
Speak Ali! - I spent three days on this 😍🫶🏼 there will be a part 2 and maybe 3 but most likely just a 2
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Riding away from a man in a car on Cynthia’s Motorcycle, is not how I thought tonight would go-
You may be asking “How the fuck do you end up running away from a man in a car after you explored an abandoned car shop to makeout with your kind-of girlfriend." It's a long story, but since you're on this tag on tumblr..i'm assuming you have the time.
The T-Birds, and The Pink lady's, all sat at two tables in the Frosty Palace. We were just laughing and talking about the campaign until I had to go on stage. Shy Guy had his arm resting on the back of my chair. Until Cynthia moved his arm and replaced it with her own, she gave me a wink and continued talking with the boys, while the ladies were drawing little posters. She was helping but got a bit distracted by the T-birds. Now I was in her place finishing her cute little drawings- and giggling at the stupid jokes she wrote on it.
Shy Guy was looking a bit sad, probably from Cynthia flirting with me. I feel bad but at the same time, I can't help that she doesn't have feelings for my brother. I wish she had feelings for me but no matter how gay she looks I'm not sure she's is. All of her flirting has always been a joke, she had to tell the entire gang that.
My thoughts were interrupted. “Hey Alias, are you ok?” Jane looked worried. “Oh yeah of course- why?” She furrowed her brows and tilted her head, responding carefully. “You're crying?” I HAVE TO BLINK- I FORGOT ABOUT BLINKING- My hand touched the one small tear that dropped out of my eye and I blinked a few times to bring the moisture back. “No no! Oh my- I'm fine I was just zoned out.” Jane nodded and smiled, Less worried now she went back to her poster.
When I turned back to the poster in front of me Cynthia was drawing again. We were practically face to face. She grinned when she noticed I was looking at her. “What? Think I'm gonna let you out do me on my own poster-” She was teasing, so I poked her cheek.
Looking at the clock on the wall, I stood up. “Hey, where are you going?-” Cynthia grabbed my hand and placed it on the poster board. “I have to go up to sing Cyn- it's 7:30 isn't it?” She opened and closed her mouth looking a bit like a fish, before finally answering. “Oh- yeah it is, you can go ahead-” She let go of my hand and continued staring at me as I walked up the stairs of the stage.
Originally it was me and five other girls- now it's just three. I smoothed down my polka dot dress and waited patiently, while the other three got to their mics and gave me a thumbs up. “Hello Frosty Palace! It is me, your Thursday night entertainment, Alias Foreman!” I gave the crowd a second to die down on clapping, hearing the T-Birds and Pink Ladies yell my name, Cynthia's voice sticking out the most as she whistled. “Tonight, me and my girls, Maria, Kt and Lain! Will be singing a song I wrote for a very special somebody.” The crowd roared up in "oooh"s, I looked over to the group, a few of the T-birds were tapping Cynthia's shoulder in a congratulate manor, she was confused but smiled at me anyways making eye contact. Behind her Shy Guy was looking back and forth from me to Cynthia and staring with a sorrowful smile. I smiled back at him with as much sympathy as I could muster on stage. “This is “Fallin’ for ya".” The band in the back started playing the music sheets I'd given them when I arrived at the shop a few hours earlier to practice.
“The day started ordinary, boys walking by.” l turned my head from left to right slowly like I was following the “boys”. There were people dancing with partners or friends and some alone but either way they all looked to be having a good time. “Ooh Ooh” - “It was the same old story, too fresh or too shy.” I kneeled down, booping Buddy on the nose and smiling sarcastically sweet. “I’m not the kind to fall for a guy who flashes a smile.” I looked down at Buddy one more time, waving him away from the stage. “It goes on for miles.” The girls and their angelic voices sang from beside me.
“Unusually swoon, but i'm over the moon!” I dramatically laid a hand on my forehead. “Cuz he was just too cool for school!” - “and now I’m fallin’ for ya!” We had a little dance on stage, we’d snap with the left hand by our head and with the right by our hip and keep changing them along with the beat.
“Fallin for ya! I know I shouldn't but I-“ I sang it with much more passion than i’d normally put into a song. my eyes were closed and as Cynthia said “I was practically making out with the mic” but it still didn't feel just right. Something is off, but I can't tell what.“-I Just can't stop myself from falling for ya! Fallin for ya!” The girls were looking at me surprised, I haven't sung like this in so long, most of it was a song someone requested or something I felt like doing that day- and even if this doesn't feel right, it feels good.
Looking out at the crowd there were people smiling with their lovers and friends. But the only smile I cared about was the bright one Cyn had on her face right now and it only got brighter when I looked at her. “Can't hold on any longer and now I'm falling for you.”
Again dancing to the music in the background, spinning one of the girls, giggling and going back to our respective mics. “Now we're going steady, he's the cat's meow” I hated having to replace the pronouns, it sort of felt like betrayal. “Meow Meow” I tore my headband off and shook my hair a bit to stop the headache that started to grow. “He says I'm a Betty and we paint the town.” Cyn always called me Betty jokingly ‘cause someone at a coffee shop didn't hear my name and called me Betty instead. I think that made her catch on to who the song is about, because once she fully processed the line, she went bright red. “ooh ooh” The girls were watching me, well more like me and Cynthia. They weren't making it obvious but I knew they were watching us.
“I'm not the kind to fall for a guy just cause he says hi,” My eyes wandered around the crowd, mostly kids from Rydell Highschool but also parents or older customers who come to watch me sing. “when he's cruising by” Maria, Kt, And Lain were the only people I trusted enough to tell I was a lesbian. We all ended up finding out we like girls, and jokingly (and secretly) called ourselves the first gay high school singers. The only other person who knows is Shy Guy. “He's ready to race and I'm catching his gaze” I winked at Jane and Olivia and waved to them. Cyn makes a little frowny face. “They’ll go on like this for days!” They all knew I liked Cynthia, but only the girls teased me about it. Shy Guy tried his best to be supportive but I think he would’ve liked it if it were another girl I had my eye on.
“And now I'm- Falling for ya, falling for ya” All four of us sang in harmony, the more me and Cynthia stared at each other the more right it felt to sing this song. “I know I shouldn't but I-” I felt like I was confessing to her on this stage, and that's exactly how I wanted it. I wanted her to know how I felt but also have plausible deniability if it doesn't work out well. “I just can't stop myself from- Falling for ya, falling for ya!” I loved her and wanted to scream it across rooftops in New york, but “My kind of people” aren't accepted in this world. At least that's what Ma says. “Can't hold on any longer and now I'm falling for you.”
The girls have this word they made up that goes well with the song “Shoop”, they repeat it four times each lyric and I love it so much because if it were used in real life it would be so stupid. “It feels like I tumbled from another world” I placed my hands on my shoulders and dramatically shook them. “Into your arms and it's so secure!” Cyn still held eye contact with me, Practically hypnotized as I sang. “Maybe I'll stumble but I know for sure, head over heels I'm gonna be your girl.”
The music continued for a short break. We had about a minute to run down the stairs, drag some people onto the dance floor and get back up to the stage. All four of us quickly ran down the stairs, I went to Shy Guy and Cynthia pulled them both up and dragged them down. Cyn grabbed onto me as I tried to leave, twirling me around, I smiled and pulled Shy Guy into her, giving him a wink and running back to the stage. It hurt a bit, but I wanted him to at least make a move with her if I couldn't.
Once I got back onto the stage we still had a few seconds to spare, so me and Maria were twirling together on different sides of the stage, laughing and giggling at the stupidity and ecstasy we were feeling…until it went sour and my foot was a little too close to the edge of the stage, I fell off, landing in someone's arms. Jonathan, Maria’s brother.
Fuck how do I cover this- how do I cover this?? Cynthia was running over to me as fast as my brother would drop his arms away from her. he had a defeated look on his face. “And now I'm falling for ya, falling for ya I know I shouldn't but I-” I hate to say it but the entire time I was staring at Cyn while I was being held in another man's arms. She was looking over me while John was holding me bridal style, but of course she was trying to wrangle me out of his arms at the same time. “I just can't stop myself from falling for ya,” When John set me back on my feet and Cyn went back to dancing with my brother, which she didn't look too interested in, kept looking back at me. I kept my grasp around John to make it look like I was looking at him but really she was the one who I couldn't look away from. “falling for ya, Can't hold on any longer and now I'm falling for you.” As the music died out, and the crowd started cheering, I was still looking at her, punching my brother's arm in a “you're a bro!” kind of way while they danced, I hated it.
I wanted to be the one dancing with her. John pushed me away from him, smiling at me awkwardly. “Thanks for catching me-..bro?” We both started laughing at how stupid I sounded. "Platonic?" I nodded, thanking whatever god for listening to my prayer. "Platonic." We did a short little hand shake, high five and walked away from each other. I went back to the stage, Lain handed me my jacket and gave me a pat on the back. “See you at home Ali?” I nodded, and gave her a hug, the other two had quick plans they needed to make it to, so they had already left.
“Tell mom and dad Cyn is bringing me home on her bike.” She rolled her eyes and laughed at me. “You know how much they hate that motorbike.” I smiled and pinched her cheek. “But they love the girl who drives it.” She swatted my hand away. “They aren't the only ones-” I pushed her away from me. “Shut up-” Both of us finally walked away. (I gave her the bird and she stomped away.)
“Alias!” I heard a voice calling me, her voice calling me. “Cyn! How’d you like my song?” She smiled brightly, Shy Guy depressingly making his way back to his seat. “I loved it! Who was it about!?” She was wide eyed and staring at me, eager to. “Well who do you think it was about?” Cynthia looked around and pulled me down to whisper in my ear. “Was it about me?-” I pulled back, looked her in the eye and with as much confidence as I could muster, nodded a silent yes. To my surprise, she was ecstatic. Bright red and practically jumping for joy. “Do you want to ditch these losers and get out of here- I heard there's an abandoned car shop somewhere outside of town.” This time I nodded rapidly, still trying to get my thoughts together. “Yes- yes!” She grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the table. “Hey! Alias has to be home soon so- me and her are going to get going.”
She let go of my hand. We kept looking at each other, smiling. Olivia was the first to speak up. “Did you two finally figure it out?” ..What? “What?-” Jane next. “Figure out that you like each other,” Cyn gasped, slapping Jane's shoulder. Jane looked offended, the bird brains and Olivia started laughing, and Nancy was rolling her eyes at the pinning. “I didn't tell her yet!-” Jane was smiling, hiding behind Olivia. “I'm sorry! I thought she knew because of how you were acting-”
Olivia rolled her eyes smiling at them both. “Go have fun you two- We’ll see you at school tomorrow?” Cynthia grabbed my hand dragging me off the platform. “Yeah yeah! Expect us both with a few new accessories!” She was walking backwards pointing at her neck and winking to the table, getting some whistles back from the T-Birds and a- “Hey that's still my sister!- I’ll kill you Cynthia-” -from Shy Guy. I hit Cyn in the head, Obviously flustered by her comment.
We got outside quickly, Throwing our Pink Lady jackets and our helmets on, climbing on the back of her bike. I clung to her waist and made sure my skirt wouldn't fly up. “You good back there pretty girl?” Her voice was a bit weary, like she was afraid to use the name. “I'm good, Hit the road!” I pulled the goggles to my helmet down, grabbing onto the sides of the backseat as my handles and letting the wind hit my body, just enjoying the feeling.
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PT.2! Fallin' for ya
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camillecrellin · 2 years ago
hiii!! since there is a huge lack of Lydia (rotpl) fics in this Fandom, maybe some fluffy rehearsal shenanigans? you know, stolen glances, sneaking out and kissing behind a ladder or something :) thank you and don't feel pressured!!
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Rehearsal Partners — Lydia (rotpl)
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Synopsis: Mr. Vaughan doesn't let the drama club choose their rehearsal partners this lesson.
Word Count: Approx. 500
Warnings: Kissing
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Drama club was always your favourite part of the day. The place where you could be whoever you wanted for an hour. A place where you could see your girlfriend, Lydia.
Lydia and you had been secretly dating for a few months now, and you were whipped.
You had been waiting all day to get to choose your pair to act against in class. That's what usually happened, but today Mr. Vaughan was not having that. He instead decided that he'd choose the pairs to "get people out of their comfort zones."
"Y/n you're with Cynthia." Mr. Vaughan instructed, making you walk over to Cynthia.
You thought Mr. Vaughan was kidding when called out Cynthia's name. She was 'in your comfort zone'. A friend in fact. Cynthia had come to you when she found out she liked girls and you told her about you and Lydia (with Lydia's permission of course).
The three of you (and Nancy) had become a found family of sorts. Three thespian lesbians and their ally friend.
"Lydia with Joel." Cynthia and you laughed at this pairing. Joel was a quiet kid, barley interacted with anyone except his friends, but it was clear that he had a crush on Lydia.
"Poor girl." Cynthia commented quietly as Mr. Vaughan handed out a scene for each pair to practice.
You watched from afar as Lydia gave you a small smile which contrasted to her uncomfortable body language.
You reciprocated the smile. All you wanted to do was walk up to Lydia and hold her hand, but you couldn't.
"Hey, Y/n..." Cynthia called, lightly hitting your shoulder. "You good, you're heads in a totally different place." Cynthia then turned her head to see who you were looking at and laughed. "You know I could do that cramp trick. Stop rehearsals today."
"Cynth..." You started, but it was too late Cynthia had already made up her mind. Being the number one wing woman for you and Lydia.
Upon seeing Cynthia's 'pain', Mr. Vaughan rushed over to the girl. "I'm gonna take Miss Zdunowski to the office, you better be rehearsing when I'm back."
And rehearsing you did... not. When Mr. Vaughan left it was like the air shifted. Sure everyone there loved drama, but they also liked talking to their friends.
Laughing at this you looked to Lydia who motioned her head over to the wings. You followed, placing your hands on her waist as you came out of sight of the rest of the drama club members.
"You alright?" You asked.
"I'm much better now." Lydia said, holding your hands on her waist and giving you a peck on the lips.
Smiling into the kiss, you pulled back sarcastically saying, "Wow, I thought you were in love with Joel or something."
Lydia could not even play with the joke as she scoffed, "Joel? Really?"
"Yeah." You laughed. "You make good rehearsal partners."
"Really?" Lydia asked, her eyes wide as her voice turned to genuine love. "I thought I was better with you. In fact I know I've always been better with you."
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stvrchaser · 2 years ago
i feel like i only come here to tell you guys about my new hyperfixations and the 3564937 wips that i’m never gonna finish… anyway, who’s got some rise of the pink ladies fic recs and how long before i inevitably start writing for cynthia, richie, and olivia because i have never been normal about media consumption??
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deadsnothere · 2 years ago
Strawberry's covered in you
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Synopsis - Getting high and eating chocolate covered strawberries with Cynthia <3
May thing
WARNINGS! - Intoxication, a bit spicy with a good bit of kissing.
Request - Nope, but i'm bored so send them in, but I can't promise they'll get done.
Word Count - 598
Speak Ali! - May day 1 & 2!! 200 words for both today and yesterday each, and the prompt "strawberry"!
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Me and Cynthia were smoking reefer at the Foreman residence.
My “dad” was at work, The toddlers were at daycare, and Lainey and Tony (Shy Guy) were at the fair that was in town this week. We’d both been waiting for sometime at the house alone, just the two of us with no babies interrupting us and no Laineys to spy on us. Currently, Cynthia was laying on top of me with her hands on my waist and her lips attached to mine. She was exploring my mouth with her tongue while I was trying my hardest to not start giggling.
Cynthia started poking me with her finger tips making me burst out in laughter, mid kiss. “C-Cynthia!” She kept poking me, moving to straddle my hips. I was trying my hardest to get her to stop, using my elbows to try and pry her hands away. But with the laughing and blurry vision I wasn't making any progress. “C-Cyn! I-I’ll make- A COMPROMISE!” Trying to make a compromise while giggling is not easy. Cynthia stopped pretty quickly, looking at me with a raised eyebrow. “What compromise?”
I giggled a little more, the feeling of her fingers still lingering. “We can eat those chocolate covered strawberries.” She got up at lightning speed, pulling me up with her. “Deal!” I laughed at her as we both made our way down the stairs and into the kitchen only wobbling a little bit. I pulled out a glass container with mushrooms on the side and a pink lid, filled to the brim with strawberries covered in chocolate. Which just so happens to be Cynthia's favorite sweet.
Cynthia moved from the ball of her foot to the front rocking consistently. Opening the container, I picked out a nice strawberry and handed it out to her. “Here Cyn-” She grabbed my wrist, eating the strawberry out of the palm of my hand. “Alias- God you're so good at baking.” she let go of my wrist, ignoring my flushed face, and picked another strawberry out, devouring that one too. “God, these are so fucking good.”
Cynthia was groaning as she ate, they were decently sized strawberries she was shoving in her mouth. My face was bright red as I was slowly eating my one pretty big sized strawberry. Once I was done with my strawberry, Cynthia got a stupid idea. “Alias here.” She held out a strawberry for me, I put it in between my teeth but before I could bite into it, she bit into the other side. When I gasped, she took the chance and stole the other side of the strawberry from my mouth. Picking me up and sitting me on the counter, still attached to my lips. Nothing but the sweet bitterness of the strawberries and chocolate combined, kept me a bit sober right now.
Cynthia pulled back from the kiss with a smirk on her face, so smug about the way I was bright red. She put the lid back on the container but not before taking a few strawberry's out to eat on the way back up to my room. She kissed my forehead leaving behind a bit of chocolate from her face. Which I can't say anything about because I know it's from us kissing. We made our way back to my room even less wobbly this time, wiping her hands off on a towel from my laundry basket, she laid down on my bed, pulling me to lay with her.
We both fell asleep in my bed, stomachs full of delicious chocolate covered strawberries.
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