#I'm so glad I saw your art in the tags it's been nothing but good news <3< /div>
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somegrumpynerd · 3 months ago
When we first started talking I had an album on my phone where I put screenshots of all the nice things the said in the tags of my posts.
Also!! January 26th 2025 will be our one year of mutualship!! Isn't that crazy!!!
Ahkdkdbkdb bro that's so sweet ;-; oh my god I'm gonna turn into lego pieces hold on
I wasn't organised enough for that (rip) but I do remember at least a few posts where you said things so nice in the tags I had to like get up from my computer and like. wriggle lol I don't know how to describe it but I just had to move like you're always super sweet in tags <3 and also one of the funniest people on this website!!
Oh my god I need to write that down, I have to get a next year calendar so I can write that down!! It feels like we've been mutuals longer I can't believe it's almost a year :O
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animentality · 26 days ago
I've always harboured a mild dislike for x reader stuff. I never really held it against people because I don't have the time to antagonise them, but it was so upsetting when every time I opened the fandom tag and all I saw were posts and posts and posts of bland x reader stuff that clearly is ooc with no real substance to them at all. So many of the RP blogs seem the same way.
As someone who tries to make analysis posts and art for the same fandom, it is disheartening when I spend hours and hours on an analysis post about a character and it maybe hits 120 notes while an OOC x reader of the same character soars to the thousands. Maybe it's selfish of me to say but I say it anyway.
The fandom is full of youngsters and I never felt comfortable voicing my opinion for the same because it just felt wrong to tell kids to stop existing in communities. But the amount of times I've been put down for shipping characters with each other rather than myself is an honestly surprising number.
Um. I don't really know where I was going with this.
But your post definitely opened my eyes a little bit on even why I dislike x reader so much. It's sinking in a little bit. My hatred for OOC stuff seeps into this, I suppose. So I wanted to say that. Yeah. I agree with you.
Thank you for saying it.
A fellow analyser / artist / fanfic writer lmao
— @lunarcloak
I get you, man.
I know self shippers have always existed.
I don't mind them. If that's how you enjoy the media, then fine.
I just don't think that the sudden rise of self shippers over fan analysis and shipping is a good sign.
I think it comes from a lack of media literacy and willingness to actually engage with a piece of fiction. At least shippers and fan analysts actually talk about the world and plot itself.
self shippers imagine themselves dating a character in an au that is completely disconnected from the story, and acting in a way that's not even close to how they are in canon.
which to me is like... you have a creative writing prompt but it's not a story you're actually engaging with. someone showed you a picture of a handsome man and said write a story about how he'd kiss you.
and it's like... ok. there's no crime in just being horny, but... when that's all a fandom is... I don't consider it a fandom, it's just a masturbation fantasy.
I thought the whole point of fiction was to dive into the human experience and try and understand ourselves better. See the perspectives of others. Live vicariously in another person's shoes.
Fan analysis about themes? Perfect. You're thinking. You're feeling. You're articulating. You're growing as a person as you decide what you like or don't like, or try to put together puzzle pieces so that the whole picture makes sense. Shipping? You're imagining scenarios. You're bending canon to fit your interests. You are developing your own ability to write characters, and growing as an artist and a writer.
But self shipping...?
You're writing, I guess, but when you reduce yourself to just... idk, some generic girl that Gojo decides is the Bella to his Edward... I mean I'm glad you're happy and all.
But how happy are you
Are you happy at all, or are you frustrated by this aching loneliness deep in your gut that you just don't understand, and it never quite feels whole bc you keep cramming nothing into it.
And it's not the loneliness or the social awkwardness that I'm criticizing here ok, shippers and fan analysts can be just as lonely. I just think that the human relationship to art should be confusion and appreciation.
you should be trying to understand others or yourself.
you can insist well what's so wrong with escapism? why does everything have to be an intellectual exercise?
it doesn't have to be ... but there's a reason people feel so hollow watching marvel movies.
art without substance is consumption. it's a distraction from your own humanity, it is not anything more.
not to you, anyway.
and I don't know.
that's really sad.
I've made so many friends through ships and babbling about canon and gushing about narrative beats.
I feel like I got something out of fandom, if other people force me to see the world in another light. I feel like a story has done its job if it's made me feel something. and it's really done a great job if I feel invested enough to hope two characters smooch.
but self insert?
eh. so you just like the character and think they're hot. that's fine.
not that interesting to talk about either. requires very little analysis on your part.
they just provoke sexual feelings or romantic feelings , which are easiest for you to process, and then you can move on to the next pretty boy you can turn into a Dom.
it irks me, man.
just a tad bit.
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alchemicourtesy · 1 month ago
HEYEY! glad to see more people into vat7k!!! Would you mind sharing more of the insight n what your perceptions of the characters are? I saw your post about Hugo n Var as well as the involvement with Nuru in the tags and was wondering!!! No pressure ofc <3 also love your art it's REALLY AWESOME !
hi! thank you so much :] im rlly glad ur interested... as new as i am to this story and world i'm still ironing out my own opinions and headcanons and ideas so everything is in a rough place atm but i'd love to talk about what i Do have right now ^^
i'm sort of operating under the idea of what this would look like if it were a tv show rather than a comic only for the sake of structure and me being able to visualize it haha. doesnt mean anything beyond that.
i love the idea of there being 7 kingdoms, 7 alchemic laws, and 7 "lessons" for the characters to learn and id probably divide it through 3 seasons with the last season focusing on either 2 or 1 (heavy emphasis on what would be the "library arc") and allocating the extra "arcs" to s1. but anyways
mainly i like the idea of like. each of the group getting a chance to shine an equal amount. obviously they'd all have something to gain from every lesson but imo id put a particular emphasis on them all getting 2 each to hammer home their development and experiences. i havent ironed out who learns what and its not like...an exact science rn so thats a work in progress
nuru is interesting to me in particular bc i think theres a notable position she is in being a princess and wanting to be hands on. for her character particularly i feel like its important she be able to learn how to care for her subjects and hone the skills she needs for the responsibility she has but also allowing herself to understand herself as a person and an individual without having to sacrifice her duty to her people and her community. too many times i see in media where a character has this huge responsibility and they have to learn to care about and understand Themselves first and while thats important i feel like its not always possible or feasible and also it's hard. it's rlly hard to grapple with both of those things at the same time. and nuru being a princess she Wants to help her people. she Wants to have the responsibility to care for them but she still must learn what that will look like for her specifically and how she can be that person she wants to be without phoning it in or anything.
with yong i saw it was mentioned he has a huge loving family that supports him and wants to see him succeed, but he's just sort of wild and unpredictable in ways i think varian can relate to from when he was younger. there's nothing really "wrong" with yong, but he has to understand and learn balance and control where he struggles with it and that he can be the person he wants to be but there has to be instances where he takes his time and understands that progress isnt linear. which gives varian a good place to act as an older brother figure obviously bc thats shit he himself learned in tts lol
varian's arc Kind of began and ended in tts so i just see vat7k as a way of expanding on stuff he already has learned yet not rlly like. rehashing stuff he should already know
hugo is a little trickier for me bc i think there are a Lot of similarities he shares narratively with eugene (which makes sense given that he was said to have been acquainted with eugene in the past, at least somewhat). they're similar but they're not the Same, so i wouldnt want hugo to just be repeating the same beats that eugene already learned. in my opinion hugo is smug and he thinks somewhat highly of himself, but hes not a bragger. hes not snarky nor will he actively antagonize the group. what reason would he have to? he wants them to like and trust him and i dont rlly see that happening if hes always being a jerk to them haha.
thats all i got for now i think but feel free to ask me abt more stuff if ur interested : )
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sheepheadfred · 4 months ago
Ectoberhaunt Day 14: Murder Mystery
Summary: Who killed Danny Fenton? Wes is starting his new job on a train and has to check all the passengers to figure out who done it.
Ao3 link
New day, new job.
A thought passes through this young man's head as he manages to board the train 15 minutes ahead of schedule.
Really hope I don't fuck this up.
Grabbing his name tag upon arrival and writing his name, the newly dubbed 'Wes', now officially a recent hire. Wes is nervous however, and wants to do well to impress his boss.
Working the dining car today and nerves are flaring.
C'mon! It's just the dining car!
"Wes, did I just see you hitting yourself?'
He slaps himself to snap out of his first day jitters and someone saw! How embarrassing!
He takes a second to process the person in front of him. An older gentleman in a decorated uniform giving off a kind and easy going smile.
AND IT'S THE CONDUCTOR!!! Nooooooooooo.
"M-Mr. Conductor, sir!" Face beat red from being caught, Wes replied. "How, uh, how are you doing this morning?"
"Ho ho ho, quite alright! Though feeling a bit bittersweet."
"Is everything alright?"
"Alas today is my last day as conductor! I'm retiring after thirty- two wonderful years." A wistful look passes over the older man's face, "Time for me and the 'Mirage Express' to say goodbye to one another."
"Oh! Congratulations on retirement, sir!"
"Thank you, young man! My wife is very excited about it. Shes already got our plane tickets locked." Looking a bit sheepish, the man continues,"Our shower has been on the fritz, so I'm excited to use the hotel's. Fahahaha!" The conductor finishes with a hearty laugh.
Oh, I can see why his wife is so excited then.
The conductor apologizes for taking up Wes' time with his quibbles and hands him the menu he'll need for the dining care. Upon looking it over, he's stunned but feels like he should have seen this coming.
He is very unimpressed.
Chili Dog
Instant Ramen
Chicken Cordon Bleu
At Wes' dumbfounded expression, the conductor informed him as such, "Why do you look so nervous...? All we have on the train is a microwave!"
He laughs a big belly laugh and Wes feels like the universe continues to play jokes on him.
Then his new boss, for the time being at least, quizzes him on what's on it. There are only three food items! He still answered him and completed the quiz correctly, but it was frustrating!
"Ding ding ding! Glad you read the menu, ok." And laughs yet again.
Well, at least it pleased my boss.
"Now, a little about the vessel. This is a state of the art high speed train with all the latest gadgets. This train can handle anything you throw at it!" The man took a deep, wistful sigh, "We've had a lot of great adventures together, me and this train. It's not easy to leave it."
Can't blame him for being wistful after working here for so long.
"This train is used exclusively for events," he continued,"it's not a passenger train."
Something he was aware of here, finally getting into what he has to do here!
"I remember that from the interview, what's the event for today?"
"A murder mystery party! Nothing better than some thrills to end my tenure as conductor."
A murder mystery sounded quite fun, in Wes' opinion.
"Guests will be funneled here to the dining care, a home base so to speak. I'll be here to help gather tickets, but after that you'll be on your own. So I'll need you to do everything in your power to make sure our paying guests are well taken care of, understood?"
Oh, I cannot lose this job.
"I won't let you down, sir!"
"Very good!" He exclaims, "Now, doors to The Mirage Express are opening, all aboard!"
The train's doors open and the passengers stepped on board.
A wide, eclectic cast of different people showed up. Reactions to the train ranging from fascination to apparently theft!
Man, what a cast of characters I'm stuck with.
"Get a hold of yourself, Wes. You're sweatin' through your uniform."
Fuck! It's that noticable?!
"Hey, pal," Wes nearly jumps out of his skin, "can I get one of those chili dogs?"
How was this guy so quiet?
"Ah, Righty-o friend!" Wes replied in the most customer service smile he could muster to hide how taken off guard he was.
"Well, aren't you friendly." The guy had a smartass smirk and a relaxed demeanor.
Before Wes could reply to that, the birthday girl herself interrupted stating they needed to assign roles before they get food. The now sheepish guy, apparently named Danny, relented and took his seat.
Time to take their tickets and learn their names. Wes has a feeling he's going to be interacting with them quite a bit for this.
The birthday girl, rich enough to afford this whole event, Sam Manson. Apparently a murder mystery party on a train was right up her alley. The conductor gave her a key that unlocks any door on the train as a special treat for being the birthday girl. It's practically a tradition to do so. She will be the journalist reporter and will move about the train.
Techy who looks hungry to take this whole place apart to study the train's insides, Tucker Foley. He and Wes brought the same snack on board. Assigned detective and stationed here in the dining car.
Aforementioned Danny Fenton, who seems to be known for something. The conductor mentioned he helps out a lot of people, but Wes is unsure what work he has done. He has been trying not to think about the Fentons and Phantom. A whole lot of good that did him. Apparently was supposed to bring the cake but looked nervous when it was mentioned. Assigned to be a ship captain in the conductor's car.
A jock who's more brawn than brains, Dash Baxter. The fool misplaced his ticket, at least that's what he claims. Wait, Wes picked up a dropped ticket earlier and assumed it was this guy's. Dash was relieved it was found and that he won't be kicked off. He will be the butcher and found in the library.
An elegant and classy beauty with apparently sticky fingers, Kitty. See flirted with the conductor and almost got away with sneaking 20 bucks from his pocket. Clearly not expecting to be caught. A business tycoon who will be in the casino.
A standoffish girl who has a clear sense of right and wrong, Valerie Gray. Her ticket was crumpled at the bottom of her bag. Seemingly nervous over such an expensive event. Assigned to be the sheriff who will be in the saloon.
A mysterious and demure girl, Dora. She had her ticket out before the conductor could finish asking. Claims to be a princess from another dimension and Wes is not sure he believes her. But she does give off 'royal air' of sorts. 'Princess Dora' says she is here for 'Lady Sam's' birthday and the cake from our dimension. Assigned to be a 'titan of the industry', will also be in the casino.
A sullen boy who looks similar to Danny, Dante Masters. He wanted a gift bag for some reason but when all Wes could offer him was a plastic grocery bag, he was given a cold stare that was icy enough to give him shivers. Then when told about the drinks, he said take just regular coffee beans later! What even? He was given the role of locksmith and stationed in the lounge.
A mischievous one with a grin that spells trouble, Dani Fenton. Someone who will mess with you if she finds it funny. Claims to read minds but is just good at reading people, learned it from an older sister. The poet who will also be found in the library.
One of them will be the 'murder victim' for this event.
The detective and journalist can't be the murderer for this to work.
Everyone else, suspect.
Let the game begin.
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rosesnink · 8 months ago
Red Threads of Fate (That Bind Us Together), Arc I- Black Thorne, White Rose (Pt. 1)
Author's Notes
Je suis back!! After months of not touching this series due to rl craziness, I'm back with COP stuff babey!! This arc will be an interesting one, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. That being said, read the warnings and bon appetit!
English isn't my first language, so please forgive any typos/grammar mistakes
Some parts of the fic will look like they're highlighted. This is an editing errors due to my Word doc crashing many times, losing excerpts because my computer crashed. I know it's annoying, but please try to ignore it and enjoy the read
If you want to be tagged in my COP writing, let me know!
If you want to read more of my ILITW, TRR & D&D stuff, check out my masterlist!!
Summary: Nerea has been in Drakovia for a while, yet she feels very lonely. Meeting a certain Thorne will be eventful... to say the least
Word Count: 2.9k
Category: Romance, coming of age
Pairing: Vasili Thorne x F!OC, Sebastyan Thorne x F!OC (eventually) Marguerite Thorne x F!OC (Nerea Rose) (eventually), mentions of F!Trystan Thorne x F!MC (Neera Rose)
Rating: T
TW: There is a suggestive scene at the end, as well as mentions of discriminations against Romani people, reader's discretion is advised
Book: Crimes of Passion
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Two months, six days, a hundred and two minutes and seven hundred minutes.
That’s how long Nerea Rose had been in Drakovia, and not one friend she had made. Sure, there were groups and people she had things in common, but she didn’t seem to have her crowd.
If one didn’t count Juliana Georgescu, but everybody got along fine with the countess. What a life she must lead, Nerea thought. Nevertheless, it seemed that power and wealth had a price, for her mothers had found her a suitor. The Crown Princess, no less. Absorbed in her own thoughts, she bumped into someone, dumping coffee and books all over the place. A small curse in Drakovian was spit, and Nerea did her best to apologize in an accentuated Drakovian “My apologies, I did not see you at all! Please, let me help you—,” She froze in place when she caught sight of the brown skin, dark eyes and glasses “Y-Your Royal Highness! Do forgive me—,”
A thread of apologies began between them both “It’s alright,” he answered in perfect English “I was quite absorbed myself. I did not hurt you, did I?”
“I could ask you that myself! Good heavens, your jacket is ruined! Here, let me…” He put his hand on hers and smiled reassuringly.
“I wanted to get rid of it eventually. I should’ve seen you—,”
As she collected her last book, when she saw the face of the poor man she trampled, recognition and shame came upon her “Oh my, I’m so sorry, Prince Vasili, I should’ve known—,”
He chuckled “Do not fret, I should’ve seen where I was going as well. I suppose we were both distracted.”
She shook her head “No, I should’ve seen where I was going, and now my latte is all over your surely expensive coat!”
He helped her up “Nothing a good rub won’t fix. Please, allow me to walk you to class and buy you a new latte. My treat.” He smiled, and my, what a beautiful smile that was.
“I can’t ask you that—,”
“I’m offering. Besides, I’m afraid my espresso is all over your beautiful dress too. My lady mother would be mortified if I maimed such a beauty. You are…? A beauty like yourself must have a name.” He extended his hand.
“Nerea. Nerea Rose.”
His grip was firm, yet gentle and warm, welcoming even. His eyes swept her before they too widened in recognition “Ah, I’ve heard about you! The American genius who has been travelling throughout Europe’s best universities. Your thesis on the advantages and abuses of AI was formidable. Truly a work of art. My siblings got tired of my gushing about your nuances and the way you expressed it. Not even professionals ten years ahead of you could’ve explained it as well and as richly as you.”
She blushed deeply and bit her lip “I’m glad someone appreciated it. I’m afraid my father didn’t understand much ‘technological mumbo jumbo’ and my sister couldn’t even finish it because the language was too complex.”
He smiled “Shame. It’s a true work of art. Do tell me, what brings you to Drakovia?”
“Well, since I’ve dipped my toes in technology and martial arts, I was thinking of getting a masters on Classical Languages: Latin, Greek, Ancient Egyptian, the works.”
Vasili looked at her, delighted “I am a humanist myself. Not many scientific minds appreciate the arts and humanities. Science may give us answers and make us advance as humanity, but it is art that nurtures the soul.”
Nerea smiled fondly “That’s what my mother used to say.”
Vasili frowned “’Used’?”
Nerea fidgeted with her fingers “She disappeared. Police assumed since she was a Romani—despite her ID clearly stating she was Andalusian—she just escaped with a lover, which she would never do.”
Vasili made a face “To hear the injustice in America is one thing, but that is too far.”
“Not to mention blatantly racist. But it was long before I could even have a conscience, so there isn’t much to do save do her proud, wherever she is.”
“You already have.”
She looked at Vasili, touched by his words, but before she could say something, the professor called “Ah, Miss Rose! Do come in, we have been waiting for you.”
“Your Highness—,”
“Please, just Vasili.”
“Very well, ‘just’ Vasili. I’ll see you around.”
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During the small recess, as she walked around the campus, enjoying the small sandwich she made and the unusual sunny weather in the cold Drakkos, she spotted a little boy with gorgeous green eyes towards her. She smiled at him “Hello, sweetie! Are you lost?”
She noticed he held a bonbon, and made a gesture to give it to her. She chuckled “That’s sweet, darling, but I can’t. It’s yours.”
The boy insisted, his eyes making that face that made her melt. She sighed, defeated “All right, all right. I’ll take it. May I give you a thank you huggie?”
Wordlessly, he hugged her and she smiled, and a minute later, he took off to his bewildered mother. She gave her a smile. Just because this wasn’t the first time that a child smiled at her or even went as far to go to her didn’t mean it was strange. A good strange, but strange nevertheless.
“Nerea!” Juliana called.
She turned around and strid to the countess, who seemed to hold court with a few of her classmates. Many of them observed her curiously “What was all of that about?”
Nerea shrugged “I don’t know. It’s not the first time, but it’s still… odd.”
While Vasili did not have many friends, the ones he did were genuine and quite interesting. It was nice, hanging out with people who were as smart or nearly smart as her, not feeling for once like she once set the room quiet with a scientific joke.
As she observed her new group, her eyes stopped on Juliana, and as she talked and interacted, something in her body woke. For a moment, she lost her breath and one voice in her head told her that something terrible would happen to her. Then, it was gone.
When she opened her eyes, Vasili had steadied her and looked at her concerned “Are you alright, Nerea?”
“I… It’s nothing. Silly stuff of mine.”
“It didn’t seem like nothing.” He insisted.
“I just… I got a gut feeling that said that something terrible would happen to Juli. Stupid, right?” She chuckled, brushing it off.
They all looked at one another, obviously creeped out. She excused herself, going to the bathroom. After taking a few deep breaths, she washed her face, and that’s when she observed that Juliana had followed her.
She turned around, and observed that the countess observed her closely “How often do you get these gut feelings, Nerea?”
“Not very often. Only when a tragedy is bound to strike.”
Instead of looking at her like a madwoman, she leaned close, intrigued “Such as?”
“Before my mother disappeared or my Uncle Jimmy died, I got the same gut feeling. I suppose I also know when someone’s trouble.”
She nodded “And you got a feeling that I may be in trouble?”
She shrugged, “I suppose. I know it sounds ominous, but it’s yet to fail me.”
She placed a hand on her shoulder “I will keep it in mind. Thank you, Nerea. You’re a good girl.” 
As they came back, they had begun a debate about what prompted the child’s behavior. “…That was amazing! Children are a great judge of character. Has it always happened?”
“Since I turned sixteen, yes. I suppose I’ve always had a wide maternal side and connected well with children. Many stared at me when I’m out, for some reason.”
Vasili added to her surprise “That is a scientific proof that you are beautiful. I’m afraid I’m not children’s favorite prince.” He shrugged, “Trystan and Bas are.”
One of their friends clapped the prince’s shoulder, remarking that he was the group’s favorite by default. Nerea shyly said “Just because children don’t tend to look at you doesn’t mean that you aren’t handsome. It’s… what, one fact among many? I’ve seen gorgeous people who were awful to children.”
Vasili looked at her with interest before smiling “You have a point. You’ll fit well amongst us, Nerea.”
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Christmas finally came around the corner, and Nerea had packed everything when she decided to look outside the window… to find it all covered in snow, even some cars! She turned on the news as the weather guy kept talking about how it’d be snowing like this throughout most of the winter, making it impossible to get out of the country. Her phone ringed, and of course, her flight had cancelled due to said weather. Sighing, she sat down and put her head in her palms, letting out a grunt of frustration.
Just then, Vasili called her. He rarely called, preferring text over call. She picked up, intrigued “Hello?”
“Nerea! I suppose you’re on the plane back to New York?”
“Nope. My flight got cancelled due to the weather, and I have nothing but yoghurt and ramen on the fridge. Why do you ask?”
He cleared his throat “Well, I was on the way home when the snow trapped my car, and your house is just above it. Perhaps I could… crash in there? Until they clear out the road, that is.”
She flushed. For months now, she had developed a complicated crush with Vasili, and the idea made her flustered “O-Of course! I’ll open the door for you. It’s—,”
“Portal 26, second floor, door 3B. I remember, Nerea.”
She smiled “Good. See you then. Hope you like cheap ramen.”
She hung up, looking at herself in the mirror, fixing her hair and spraying the special ‘Amor Amor’ perfume by Cacharel and putting on some lip oil before going to the kitchen, pretending to be preparing dinner.
The door closed behind her, and a snow-covered Vasili stepped into her view, his glasses foggy and covered in specks of snow, as well as his coat and boots. She beamed for a minute before giving him her usual friendly smile “Please, take off your shoes and coat! The heater is right there,” she pointed “and the guest room is next by mine. It’s not a palace, but it’s comfy. Can you tell me if there’s warm bedsheets there?”
Vasili obeyed the host, leaving the damp shoes by the door and hanging the coat and craned his head to the small but cozy guest room. He called out “All clear! Thank you, Nerea. I didn’t know who else to call.”
“You’re my friend. I’m happy to help. Please, sit.”
It was then when she took off her eyes from his face and noticed the large bag. She raised her eyebrows “What is that?”
“Ah, well, Marguerite had asked for Thai takeout, but I suppose that is no longer an option…”
She smiled “I love Thai. Here, let me plate it.”
“May I help?”
“Sure! Cutlery is in there.”
They both plated the Thai food and went to her desk, which was a gateway to the kitchen, and chatted animatedly about what they had been looking forward these holidays. Soon, they exchanged holiday-themed childhood stories “…Poor Nina. Swallowing snow sounds unhygienic.”
Nerea laughed “Curiosity killed the cat indeed. Despite my warnings, she didn’t listen, and we had to hospitalize her. Ever since, she listened to me more often. Well, as often as an eleven-year-old could.
They chuckled “Your sister sounds like quite the character. You must miss her.”
A pang of sadness washed over her “Very much. I’m bummed I can’t see her now. It’s… my first Christmas outside the US.”
Compassion could be read all over Vasili’s face “I can’t imagine how hard that must be. Is there any way I may be able to make it amenable while I’m here?”
She shrugged “It’ll be weird, to not cook an entire feast for the family. We always spent time with my father, sister and the Ginovesis. I’d make my special dish of huevos rotos, followed by migas and my stellar homemade turrón. I do have the ingredients here, but not an audience.”
Vasili gave her an amused look “What am I, Nerea, chopped liver? I’d be happy to be your audience.”
She shook her head “I can’t ask you that.”
“You’re not. I’m offering.”
She smiled widely “All right. But you’re helping, mister! Number one rule of the Rose Christmas; you want to eat; you have to earn it!”
He teasingly made a military salute “Aye aye, Captain!”
For two hours, they cooked, an intimate synchrony between them that neither could explain as the food was made, a certain unaddressed intimacy between stolen glances, the occasional hand brush, and how each looked at the other’s body. Especially the lips.
At last, the food was made, and they dug in, and Vasili seemed to hold back a moan of delight when he tried the huevos rotos. “Mm. The richness of the egg, the meat and the softness of the egg yolk is simply divine, and the spices really give it a kick. You truly are a talent at everything you do.”
She blushed “Thank you. I was nervous that it wouldn’t be to your tastes…”
He chuckled “I may be a royal, but I am capable of appreciating the simple things in life. And this is too delicious to ignore because the ‘commoners’ eat it as well.”
Nerea smirked “It has been a while since we’ve considered royalty some sort of demigods.”
“Thankfully so.”
They clinked their glasses, Riojan wine sparkling red “To family.”
“And those close to your heart.”
Smiling wide, they drank and kept talking and exchanging tales “You’re telling me that Patryk dared Kaspar to put on the prime minister’s underwear and streak across the building in it? No offence, but gross.”
“Not as gross as mudpies. That poor guy.”
“Hey! In my defense, he cheated on me!”
Vasili looked at her intensely “A crime indeed. Such a shame that beauties like yourself don’t get appreciated. If you were mine—,” His eyes shoot wide, and he cleared his throat “Apologies. It seems like the wine made me overstep.”
Nerea must’ve been affected by the wine, for she surprised herself when she blurted out “If I were yours, what would you do?”
He took her hands in his, an intense look on his face making her gasp “I’d worship you day and night. I’d give you the world. Every other woman would cease to exist.”
“Vasili, that is—,”
The strong wind slamming open the window interrupted the moment. Bolting up, the both rushed towards the window, where both forced it closed and panted, the effort being visible, as well as the tension of the moment.
“Whew! I need another glass after that.”
“I’ve had enough alcohol. I could use the turrón, though.”
She let out a breath “Coming right up.”
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The morning after, Nerea had overslept due to the many glasses she ended up drinking. She remembers Vasili taking her to her bed, taking off her make-up and pulling the covers so she wouldn’t be cold.
She woke up and, remembering she had a guest, quickly brushed her hair with her fingers and checked her breath. Smelled like wine, of course. Taking a mentos from her drawer, she looked for something cute yet discreet. Ignoring her headache, she lifted her head and tried to have a pleasant smile on her face.
Coming out of her bedroom, the sight before her gave her heart flutters: Vasili had his shirt half-open, his hair was messy, and he was making breakfast. It smelled delicious. He seemed to notice her presence and smiled widely “Nerea! Please, do sit. I’ve made the liberty to make, ah… what do you call it? Pankays?”
Nerea chuckled “Pancakes, and it smells divine.”
He gave her a wry smile “I’ve decided to give it a Drakovian twist. It’s not as good as yours, but I believe it is how it’s done.”
He gave her the plate, and their hands brushed again. He cleared his throat “Look, about last night, I didn’t want to overstep, but… I like you, Nerea. Very much. You draw my eye like no other, and of course, you don’t have to return my feelings, but—,”
“I do return them,” she interrupted.
His gaze lifted, what it seemed like hope “Truly?”
Armoring herself with valor, she struts towards him and gave him a small peck. For a moment, he was surprised, and next thing she knew, he was kissing her passionately, a throaty moan escaping him. Next, her hands were on his hair and shirt, completely forgetting about breakfast. She chuckled “I probably reek of alcohol.”
“I rather like the taste of cherries and wine. A very sophisticated mix,”
He lifted her up with surprising strength, and she chuckled as he kissed her neck, gently dropping her to her bed. He looked at her like he was a hungry man and she was his last meal on earth. Taking off his shirt, he climbed towards her and whispered “Do you want this?”
She nodded frantically “Yes,” her voice was hoarse with desire.
He smiled devilishly “It is a good thing we haven’t eaten yet. What am I about to do is not fit for a full stomach.”
Their lips locked again, and as the sun came up, only them and their rampant tension seemed to exist for a few hours.
As in that day, Nerea didn’t feel so alone in Drakovia.
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lizzylucky · 2 months ago
HEY HELLO this is totally random and idk if you even remember me, but I was perusing my old Deviantart account for nostalgia's sake (my name used to be KeenQueen) and remembered you used to come around and interact with me every few months and spam fav all my stuff for like 5 YEARS and it always made me so happy?? I'd always be so excited when u commented I'd go OMG LIZZY'S BACK and it was like, a highlight of my Deviantart 'career' (if u can call it that HELP I was like 14)- So I tracked you down like a weirdo and here I am. I just wanted to reach out to send some love your way and let you know that just those little gestures really meant a lot to me. I saw your mental health related posts and I wanna make sure u know how much you made little me's day in ways that I still remember years later and that I'm sure you still do the same to those around in your life now. I wish you the best!! <3 Now to send this off and hope that I got the right person. If you are a different LizzyLucky then disregard but have a nice day regardless LMFAO
This is very belated, my bad, but like YES I REMEMBER YOU!!! /pos
I was scrolling Tumblr the other day and got the notifications that some user liked three of my posts one after the other, and that was already like. a little odd because huh? I'm so dead on main, no one likes my stuff that often XD And when they do it's usually for pop media or fandom stuff, but all three posts were original things that had nothing to do with that, so I was. vaguely suspicious
But then I saw your username and was like "wait isn't that the person I followed on DeviantArt where we'd occasionally spam like each other's stuff out of the blue? And who has a YouTube I sometimes still go check out?"
Anyway XD
I'm doing alright, actually! I need to update my tagged post- still dealing with depression and burnout, to be honest, but I'm getting better, and learning to be my own person and love art and music and creating again, so things are actually good relatively speaking.
I'm actually really happy to hear the impact I had, too- I think part of me had wanted to be that when I started doing that spam like-and-comment thing, but I was also just really excited to find another Ninjago fan, and I am genuinely so, so impressed seeing how far you've come. It's amazing to see the progress and how your art style has developed. I'm also like 90% sure you have far surpassed me at this point, I've been wanting to get into animating for years and you're ALREADY DOING IT LIKE HELLO??? THAT'S SO COOL
Sometimes I miss the DeviantArt phase, there was something unique about that, but it's definitely gone out of style. I don't post as often as I once did, but I'm trying to start posting what I do draw more often, and I'm a little more active on one of my side blogs right now, and on Discord, than I am most other places.
In any case, I'm glad to hear from you! Thank you for saying hi! It means a lot to me 💚
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thedinanshiral · 9 months ago
After the reveal
Cinematic trailer and gameplay reveal already out of the way, now we wait. What's a few months after ten long, painful years? Sure, i can wait some more, and now i'll do it more gladly than ever.
There's not much i could add to what everyone is talking about, so this will be a post of personal impressions.
Cinematic trailer: while i admit i was not liking it much at first, and yes i did compare it to Fortnite, i immediately went to watch DAI's cinematic trailer because i remembered it looked kinda funny too. And then i remembered DAO's awful, truly awful trailers and i felt my worries washed away by the waves of "It'll be ok" Beach. Cinematic trailers should be taken as what they are, a basic look into the game, not its final version -unless it's stated as such in the trailer itself-. I saw people not liking the characters' presentation cards but i think they were ok, as we have new factions and all. That's all it was, a quick look at new companions and locations. But as always some people went rabid over it like an undertaker eager to put six-feet worth of dirt on your face. As they've been doing for the past decade and even before that, for which i have a Zero Tolerance Policy. As for the music, while i do like Bowie i'm not a fan of that version of Heroes, and in my heart nothing beats DAI's Into the darkness as a trailer song but after the dust settled that's really my only real complaint.
Gameplay reveal: I'm glad it put most people at ease. I'm sad Varric couldn't succeed in convincing his old friend and that in the moment Solas decided destroying Bianca was the way to make him stop trying for good, that he was cruel intentionally to that end. I'm not sure how combat will feel like but i'll get used to it. I'm certainly not a fan of having to pause every two frames and i did enjoy combat in Mass Effect Andromeda so having only two companions tag along isn't exactly a new thing either. I'm a bit confused about the commands wheel screen, and how it works exactly. Location and ambience-wise i loved it all, i know they had to cut it short for the video but i hope we get a bit more freedom to explore the area. It's one thing to cut the scale down from The Hinterlands but i'd hate it for these new locales to feel like a shoebox. I'm curious to see if the tone indicators in the dialogue wheel will be like in DAI or more like in DA2, and i hope it's the latter because i need a Purple protagonist in my life again.
I rather wait until we know more, ideally until i get to play it myself, before i start weaving words about what was peaking through the rip in the Veil, about the ritual and all that sweet, sweet lore intoxication i'm gonna be getting.
What's coming: BW were kind enough to give us a bit of a schedule
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Now armed with past experiences and my intuition, i'd like to explore possibilities. I've always thought the release date should be in November. It marks the 10th anniversary of Dragon Age Inquisition, and the 15th annoversary of Dragon Age Origins. On top of that, it's the year of the Dragon, and November is close enough to the holidays to bank on that as well. So i'm considering the possibility that after June 18th they give us a some days to process everything so far, and there's also the character creator reveal as well. And then by July i think they could start showing us a bit more with character trailers. With seven companions plus Rook i'd say one trailer per week is enough to make it to mid September. I Imagine a basic presentation of Rook in some of their variants, to reintroduce those origins people missed so much, the new factions, etc, could take over July and then the companions over August and September. Maybe we could get more official art or short stories sprinkled here and there too. After that i'd say a pre-order and release date would be great, giving everyone a month or so to get ready for a glorious November release right on time for my birthday.
Anyway that's all in my head, for now we have nothing beyond June 18th. I'm mostly waiting for a pre-order, of course a release date, and whether or not there'll be a Collector's edition or anythin like it so i can work my magic to get one.
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according2thelore · 1 year ago
2023 top five!
@preseriesdean thought it would be fun for artists/authors/creators to post their favorite five creations this year, and i agree! it can be anything: your favorite posts, fics, art, edits, fanvids, anything!
i saw some folks turning this into a tag game, so here are some tags! @deanwinchesterpregnant @dyed-red @mercette @crucifysam @weirdbrothers @togethertogethersoulmates @pookeenpie
if you end up doing it, pls tag me! i'd love to see y'all's works! :)
so in no particular order, here are the five fics i liked the best/am the most proud of!
considering that everything i’ve written on this account (240k words of it good lord) was published since february 23rd, i’ve got a lot to work with!
i was in the fandom back in 2012-2013 until 2016-2017, and when i rewatched it recently with some friends, i realized just how many words and feelings had been broiling since. i wrote a LOT for spn back in the day (not published, just for the pure joie de vivre), but everything on the ao3 is completely new since feb!
1. tell me, why are you still so afraid?
or, the "what do you want, sam?" fic. this one might be a surprise! it did moderately well, but i'm really happy with it! i love writing weechesters/pre-series, and i hope this fic did them justice! it hit a lot of points i liked, and i had so much fun writing it!! i'm proud of it! :)
2. you're pretty when you don't speak
or, sam's wife pov. i was shocked!!! aghast!!! frankly agog!!! at how much folks loved this one! i had the idea in the shower of all places, lmao, just the idea that wait, being sam's wife must be so lonely. it was not the usual fare (and written in second-person pov), so i was expecting it to gently and quietly flop. but no! i wrote this fic in two sittings at one a.m. the night before a paleopathology exam, so i'm shocked any of it was coherent in the morning. thank you, dear reader, if you interacted w it at all! :)
3. romans 3:10-11
ahh, romans. to other folks that write, this was one of those fics that scratched in my bones until i sat down and wrote it all out. does that sound pretentious? it was stifling; it was all i could think about. even now, i look back on it and feel like there are things that are missing, extended scenes and extra themes that i wished i had teased out. the response was overwhelming and positive and i'm so glad you lot liked it! if you ever want more...idk...lemme know...
4. we didn't get it right, but love we did our best
or, the Heaven fic! this one took awhile to make, and a lot out of me to do! it's the longest fic i've made this year, by a lot! the planning process was a lot of fun (even though charlotte was mostly asleep), and i even colour-coded themes and turning points i wanted to include. the sense of accomplishment when it was done was a great part of this year!
5. there's no such thing as a clean break, when your heart starts bleeding out
or, the stanford!era fic where dean bleeds out on the highway and decides to not tell sam about it. one of my favorite things to write is a character getting more and more out of it as they lose control (or blood), and this one was a fun challenge! i love stanford!era dean, because he's so mangled and angry and sad. i feel like that one tweet that william shatner posted where he said ELECTROCUTE HIM!!! this also feels the most like the things i wrote back in 2014, so it brings nostalgia :,)
this was WAY harder than i thought! i loved and was so proud of so much of my work this year! a top ten would be easier, but i'm happy with this list!
thank YOU for reading! :)
we are holding hands now and there's nothing you can do to stop it. y'all keep this up and we might even have to stare lovingly into each other's eyes.
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ryuichirou · 1 year ago
A couple of questions today! Replying to replies about other replies + a couple of shippy ones + the OruMal Anon is back with more juice lol
Anonymous asked:
Now, why would you say that? Now I’M thinking of Idia wearing just a jacket, thanks a lot
You’re very welcome lol Isn’t he perfect dressed like that? I mean, barely dressed.
Anonymous asked:
to the Idia plush anon, i'm so jealous~~ i thought the outfit Ortho would come with would show off his cheeks but it covers them instead orz i want to buy doll clothes that let him show them off, maybe even sew them myself. btw i think our plushies should kiss new
I demand pictures of kissing plushies… Anons irl meet-up just for the sake of kissing plushies lol
Also! Sewing clothes for a plushie yourself is such a cool thing to do. You’re cool, Anon.
Anonymous asked:
Marja is the epitome of a southern granny, and as someone who has three, I can tell ya they’ll kick your ass. Like I saw Marja and was wondering how Epel still thinks girls are weak when Marja is a badass, like that lil ol’ lady probably kicked his ass more often than Vil did and then told him to get his ass to the farm.
Exactly! Epel surely complains a whole lot for someone who’s been disciplined by this scary woman for his entire life lol
I think it’s also due to the fact that there aren’t any girls around his age (or any other kids) in Harveston, so ma and meemaw, as well as the rest of the women in the village feel as if they’re not quite the same thing as girls. Of course he knows that they are, but I feel like he still has this “yeah but this is different” idea in his head lol Which is kind of stupid, but Epel is still figuring things out so…
Anonymous asked:
Do you think any of the nrc students is interested in Trein (could be sexually or Romantically) ?🎤
I took some time to think about it, Anon, and I’m sorry to give you a disappointing answer: I can’t think of anyone who could be interested in Trein like that… Maybe we just haven’t seen them interact enough. But still, have three boys with the best potential when it comes to this:
Azul, because he wants to be the teacher’s pet very badly, and pretty much always has his tongue up Trein’s ass (metaphorically), but neither of them would see this as sexual or romantic. Azul wants to be the best because he is the best academically! Earned favouritism only!
Ortho, because he gets to hang out with Trein when Idia is taking tests! I don’t remember where we got this fact from, but it’s cute lol But then again, it isn’t either romantic or sexual thing…
Lilia, because you know. Talked about them here.
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Do you think Rook ever goes down on Vil? You think he'll ever teach the ways of what to do down there to make the Queen shiver and cry out to Neige or Epel or ANYONE who's brave enough to actually be in Vil's bedchambers?
I think Rook lives down there. This is the base of his diet lol
Rook would be more than happy to teach someone the art of making Vil feel this good, both because mentoring someone in such a complicated craft is always rewarding, and because he is a possessive dick that doesn’t fully want Vil to be alone with someone else without him also being a part of the process somehow lol
Anonymous asked:
I'm glad a few people like my OruMal ask :)!! I was disappointed when I went through the ship tags on ao3 and found absolutely nothing. I just had to speak up 😔 I know most fans don't like to ship ortho, but c'mon, the POTENTIAL of it all!!!!!!!
With that in mind, heres a few more ideas I have 🥰
• With Malleus, it makes sense why he's interested. Ortho is a freak of nature to him!!! He'll get used to treating him like any other student, but then Ortho keeps doing the most strange and bizarre things, like he can just pull off his arms and legs as though it's nothing! He tries to think of it as though it's some kind of magic, but I imagine if he ever voiced that, Ortho would be like "oh, no, I can't use magic at all," and go into a long tangent about how it works and just perplex Malleus even more
• Why Ortho would be interested is a whole other can of worms. He does have a base level of curiosity for everyone, and that would apply to Malleus too, but is there anything more than that 🤔 if Malleus were actively pursuing him, I bet he would think his chances are certain that Ortho will reciprocate because he is an extremely powerful prince. Whatever reasons Ortho has for entertaining Malleus, I definitely don't think it will be what he expected. Probably because he's a bit of a loser... like his brother <3
• Holding my breath for book 7, but assuming nothing major happens between Ortho and Malleus (unlikely) then I actually think they will only consider each other seriously way after their days at NRC. They might have a fling while they're in college, sure, a bit of a flirt and tease and maybe a fuck or two if the mood is right, but there's so many other interesting boys here to see and do!! I think it will only be centuries later when they've both gotten tired of losing loved ones that they seek each other out, for the comfort more than the curiosity. They would tease each other for it, but I don't think either of them actually want to be left alone
• Malleus eventually learning to be a pillow princess and just sit there and starfish out while Ortho does his thing would be funny 😭 he likes to toy around, and Ortho seems to enjoy it when he plays with his motherboard, but... after enough times getting smoke and explosions directly to the face because he pressed the wrong button or pulled the wrong wire, he's unfortunately told to cool it 😔 honestly, he's lucky if he hasn't permanently damaged his core!!
That's all I have, thank you ❤️!!!!
Anon! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us again. Yeah, I can imagine how little Ortho-related stuff there is on Ao3, let alone stuff about him and Malleus, so we’re truly on a rareship territory here lol
I like the first two things that you’ve said because yeah, the mutual interest they would have for each other is a very nice fuel for their ship. Both of them are so curious, and quite experimental, so they’d have a lot to show each other and to talk about.
Oh my god the last one, Malleus don’t touch anything, you’ll just fry him again! Mister “I break every phone Lilia gives me” absolutely should not play around with Ortho’s motherboard… lol but it’ll still be a thrill for them, at least until it gets dangerous and Malleus is prohibited from touching anything ever again. But it’s okay, because Ortho is perfect at handling pillow princesses…
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ratstuckinamarble · 1 year ago
<3 <3 <3
right, third time's the charm- You are someone I am very glad to have 'met' in whatever way the internet lets us.
Not because you're the first person I've ever exchanged drawings with like they were notes passed along on a rainy day, making silly little stories out of woodpeckers and lego toadstoods and trick or treat wishes- Not because I have those drawings printed out, woodpecker and otter hanging on my wall, the halloween ones added to my old lebkuchen box of decorations to be tacked up next year with all the rest- Not because the memory of looking at your art had me picking up pen and paper with a lightness that hasn't been there since I was a kid-
I just love seeing you around on here.
Blocks of tags with rambles- little stories and asides to soak up like a sponge or a plant, reminding me of this or that thought I've had myself- your passion for things, the breath of relief I let out reading something you wrote that says something I can't trust myself with.
The rhythm of your thoughts makes mine very happy, is what I mean. And that you share them- tossing small paper planes of your life out into the world- honest silliness, maybe? It takes bravery and kindness to do it, I think. Even when something upsets you or makes you sad, I'm grateful to see it- these things you care about enough to be hurt by, and to talk about.
From you, I won't argue about how good of a person I am. I'm smiling at the thought that you would think that of me, and I'll makes myself send this little ask to try to tell you back-
thank you for being you.
If tumblr crashes tomorrow and I never hear about you again, I'll always be grateful it lasted this long. I'll remember the rat stuck in a marble, with a skull for it's emblem, hoping you got to do some pottery, snuggled your cat, and had a little hot chocolate, as a treat~
I- I'm at a loss for words...
And crying. Oh words collect yourself into a proper order-
People have said kind things about me before, and it's always brought me joy- but nothing like this. You've cut right into my soul, found things I didn't even know would get to me like this if I heard them.
I want to comment more but re-reading what you said is almost painful, because I was not prepared to take in such words today, or ever. It hurts in the same way as thinking about the beauty in life for too long. I don't know if you understand what I mean- but strong joy, getting overwhelmed with feelings that are good
It's like my little body can't handle it, experiencing things it was not made for. This feeling is bleeding out of me, and I can't even name it. It's not joy. It's... Something better. The knowledge that someone I care for deeply could be made happier thanks to me, my words, my ramblings, my silliness, my art, even the serious and vulnerable moments. Everything. It's like you saw my entire self and said yeah... there's nothing I'd leave out. Oh gosh I'm crying again.
I didn't know you did actually print those drawings out. I've been wondering. I'm so very glad. Bringing you some joy with them is all I wanted. And that someone could appreciate my art this much- especially you. It's like something out of a dream. I didn't know life had such luck in store for me. That I could make art come more easily to someone else again. And you know I love your art. Every time you post something I scramble to get that across, after all. Clunky and anything but concise.
Often I fear that I may be doing too much, coming on too strong, saying so much where others would keep it short. But I've had my years of silence born of paranoia, and I got sick of it. So sick. The reason I started blogging is exactly that, a form of self imposed exposure therapy, I suppose. Every time I'd be afraid to share something, I reminded myself- that's exactly why you should do it. Even if your heart is beating so fast it makes you lightheaded. Which happens rarely now, because this worked, somehow.
And I find myself thinking of a different string of time- where I didn't. Where I let the fear win. Where I never met you and some other lovely people, where all these exchanges we've had, the art and the words and photos of little rocks and tote bags and comics of them running away- never happened. These things that fuel me even when things seem dim. You light something up in me that was previously difficult to cling to- an occasional burst of this spark. Now it is like a little star that has snuggled its way deeply into my heart, refusing to leave.
The rhythm of your thoughts make mine very happy too. I never feel like I have to adjust my thinking with you, because I know you'll understand. Your mind is just as wonderfully strange. I know no one else who creates hand snails and runaway totebags and the most perfect crest imaginable. Making art for you is so fun, because I feel like whatever I choose to depict, you'll get it.
What I want most in life is to be a good person. To bring people joy. Knowing I succeeded is more than I could ever hope for. Am I making sense? Why are you so easy to let into my heart? Why does letting you influence my creations, my way of thinking, my way of loving the world feel so right?
You bring out the best in me.
And that you think sharing what I do takes bravery- well I suppose you're right. I never thought anyone would realise. Would understand. But that it takes kindness? I never thought of it that way. I didn't think anyone would look at what I say and think, "how kind of you, that you chose to share this". I never thought that would be possible. I've had people tell me how happy my tags made them, a few times. That's what fueled me. I thought, if some have said it, then more must have thought it. And I want to keep spreading that joy. What I'm trying to say is you've reassured me in things I didn't dare hope for.
And that even my occasional admission of pain could be seen as good. That you would see me as good.
You're the reason you know. The reason I talk so much on here. I didn't use to do that. I think about the moment that made me follow you, I remember it clearly. I think about all that led to knowing you at all.
Thank you for sharing. I will come back to this, whenever I need a reminder that, well. That I did something right.
I'm glad you won't argue what I said. You couldn't change my mind anyways, on you being a good person. I am so very grateful to have you in my life. I find it hard to tell what people think of me. Thank you for the reassurance, your own bravery, and your beautiful words. They're like poetry.
If Tumblr crashed tomorrow, and I never heard of you again, I would be heartbroken. Truly and fully. But I would be grateful, as I already am. For the time you were a part of my life.
But this shall not happen. We haven't reblogged those snails yet, as we promised, and even after that. I don't want to imagine.
I'll do pottery some day. I'm snuggling my cat as I type, and I'll make myself a hot chocolate, in my dancing skeleton mug. And every day, I'll keep being reminded of you, and how you're everywhere now. In every little thing I've shared, that you got excited about. You're a part of that clay hand now, my spooky dishware, my lego frog, my tote bags, my rocks, my memories. I take a moment to take in nature and I'm reminded of your description of the light falling through your window, the spot you left just to appreciate it. I see a sword, a snail, a drawing of a werewolf, and you're always there.
When you let people take up your time, you let them take permanent residence in your heart. And with you, I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you for being here, for being you, and for bringing a peace to my soul I didn't know it needed.
Thank you.
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callmegaith · 1 year ago
i have been following your blog for a while and saw a few of your posts about Jackalope. Here are my two cents:
You're worried because the ship is fucked up. Welcome to Rusty Lake. All the characters are unstable. None of them have good relationships. Jackalope fits right in. I think you did good to represent them in a respectful way, though, with interesting writing and an intriguing dynamic.
Embrace the fact that this ship is fucked up and that's okay. Get freaky with it. Don't hold back. This is your vision, and brother, we are seeing it.
Anon... It's a little more complicated than that, I fear. I KNOW people like Jackalope
My art of them consistently does WAY better than anything else especially on twitter, considering I don't even tag it. And people told me they like it so I know there's interest... Like... Way more than I ever thought there would be.
But I'm navigating a very delicate situation here. Writing and making stuff for something fucked up is sensitive. Ik I can be like "fuck it idc if this triggers anyone" and tag it in main, but I don't want that.
I'm very very fine with just keeping it in my circle even if I make bangers sometimes I wish I could tag in main. But honestly you guys support the art more than enough and I'm grateful and thankful for that 🥰
Jackalope is great, but it's not for everyone. And that's fine. It's just a ship and it's not worth making anyone uncomfortable for. It's not my responsibility to curate people's spaces and make them comfortable, sure. But I also don't wanna do nothing either.
Regardless I'm very happy with how well my art is doing. It already exceeded all my expectations. Like you guys constantly blow me away with the love and support you give my art. I can never ask for more.
I will try to embrace the fucked up nature of it more xD I know Rusty Lake is already messed up anyway. And I'm really glad you think I present the ship in a respectful manner. Like... That means a lot to me, more than you know.
Thank you, anon. 🙏
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gooboogy · 1 year ago
alrighty i don't rly know what to say so here's a bunch of random questions
1) what is your fave song of yours at the moment
2) have you watched walten files? orrr mandela catalogue? idk both have a kinda horror podcast vibe iykyk
3) mandatory question vampires vs werewolves, feel free to elaborate :3
4) im not sure if it was stated before but whats your favourite/most relatable Fear?
also taking the opportunity to say your art (talking about both pictures and music) is super cool and you're a very inspiring person in general!! hope you have good time tonight and get many interesting asks
(sorry for the colourful text lmao l just found out you could do that and it seems fun to me)
Giggles this is a delightful ask (full of delightful colors!! That really is fun)
1. Fav song at the moment idk if this counts but the wellness session music from Severence is crazy good and I've been listening to it on repeat. The other one at the moment is Movies by Weyes Blood (that I am actually about to make a music Monday post for!)
2. I haven't seen the Walten Files but I have seen a bit of the Mandela Catalogue which what I saw was very good and also very scary lol the eyes thing freaks me out a bit, gives me kind of a palinopsia where I can't get it out of my head so I haven't seen much of it
3. Both good for their own reasons, both I especially enjoy the "sire" aspect and I do really appreciate the predatory nature of both, among other things. Though I always pick werewolves at the end bc 1 nothing can beat the knot and 2 Big Doggies!! They are big silly doggey guys who can eviscerate you to shreds and I looovvee that. Get you a woofer who can hunt you down and is also a big cuddly doofus
4. For TMA this is a toughie bc Eye is really appealing I mean heck I get real curious by stuff to my own detriment (see: my curiosity for what TMA was about and ending up terribly disappointed when I finished it) and just the inherent Eye nature of the audience. Meanwhile Slaughter really speaks to me, along with Flesh (see: my meat posting tag) and also Spiral. I was scared for the longest time of being crazy but I'm now a lot more at peace with my crazy lol (however when it comes to trusting myself or even knowing myself... haha .. lol even) but okay back to Slaughter and Flesh. Slaughter bc I get that fun "very often triggered by very normal and mundane things" disease so I find myself wanting to go ape shit all the time. A little "can I kill your dad and also that loud noise" in these trying times. And Flesh? Partially bc I can be a bit of a masochist and I also just heavily subscribe to the idea of how our Meat Suits are what makes us "present." Like for a while I struggled with my identity and who am I when I'm present and what does that even mean to begin with. In the end I think it's what's going on with your meat and in your meat space, and I find a lot of grounding and meaning in that. (Heh, ground meat) You are who's experiencing the Meat
And thank you!! That makes me happy to hear that I'm inspiring in any way. I am always trying to inspire myself to do the things I wanna do so I'm glad I can spread that around to others too. Thank you for the kick ass ask!
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hoforwonho · 1 year ago
hi addy ! i've been meaning to tell you i've appreciated all your love on my wonho portrait <333 as a token of my appreciation i wanted to share this with you:
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when i do portraits i often do a few versions, and this was the alternate version for wonho ! normally my alt versions are just going back in and adjusting the colors with layer tools, but in this case, because i am mentally unwell,, i actually did another whole separate sketch. why did i do that to myself ??? it couldn't have been...so i could look at him for a lot longer..........couldn't be that....🫠😵‍💫🥲
p.s. that ryu sujeong album is a masterpiece you're RIGHT (i said it in the tags and i'll say it again !!!)
okay hope your day/night/whatever it is for you is going good !! ~ annabelle <3
come close I have something to say
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your art is incredible!! Literally always a delight on my dash, and I can't thank you enough for sharing this with me 💖💖💖 I don't want to name names, but some of us (me) just stare at Wonho & do absolutely nothing productive, but you???? Making gorgeous art of my favorite boy??? Truly amazing I just saw about Ryu Sujeong!!! I'm so so soooo glad you started listening to Archive of Emotions! For me it's like one of the rare no skip albums - I was listening to it today because it's been pretty rainy and I think it's perfect for like a chill rainy day. Hope you liked the rest of the album! (totally okay if you didn't honestly no pressure lol) My night so far has been fantastic & it's only gotten better by seeing this 💖 Hope your day/night whatever is just as great!
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alligaytorswamp · 2 years ago
hello! oh gosh its been even longer sence last ask i sent- uhh saw your chongyun x bennet drawing!! love the details so so cuteee and how they look at eachother? melting-
i know i dont owe you anythijg but sorry for being so bad with remembering to send in asks, im not much in kaeya circle stuffs with genshin anymore. honestly moved a lot to kaveh lol. but thats not a good excuse for sleeping on good art.
also!! am better at drawing now mabey! so if youd like and you let me id love to draw you chongyun and bennet again? mabey actually get the cuddles done with kaeya and childe? idk im honestly dont really know what to message here has been wile-
lastly reminding again cause yes, but make sure to take care of yourself!!!!!! enjoy something that youve been wanting to do this week! and also get good hours of sleep :>
p.s. if wanted to see refrence for arts can do am figuring out editing and getting all my arts tageed good mabey yes idl bye have a wonderful week riqbcuabfuqhfushdubqidqbcihsicbqjd
welcome back :] thank you so much!! glad ppl like that drawing i was lowkey scared bc it's so specific and it's a rare ship no would care lmaooo
yeah you don't own me anything so i'm not accepting any apologies bc you have nothing to apologize for! and asjkdhasjdhla lucky you ig! finding new men! not sure if i ever was in 'kaeya drawing circle' in the first place, but i def haven't drawn him much as of lately. also i am a big fan of kaveh too B) my trifecta consists of him, baizhu and kaeya aksjdhasjkd
ah im so happy for you, i kinda peeked at your art tag, and ye u totally slay B) good for you!!
thank u thank u and all back to u, stay epic and have a great week <3
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nerdnag · 2 years ago
And a compliment for you! You are delightfully analytical and I always love hearing what you have to say. Excellent taste in fave characters. And you always are coming up with creative and interesting ideas for your art!
Waah I didn't expect to get a strawberry AND a compliment! Thank you 💕
I love talking to you and often get an urge to do so more! You have a lot of insightful thoughts and ideas to share! I love watching you stream and listening to you as you talk about nothing and everything! Your art philosophy tag has literally changed the way I view art for good (and definitely for the better!!)! You have a very nice and soothing voice!
Your Constance art is the best Constance art! You write an excellent Constance! Your Constance is the best Constance, period! You make amazing curly hair! Love the colors and lighting in your art!
You take the time to send me a supportive message when I'm down, which I appreciate a lot! You have really nice hair! Your name is really cool and fits you well!
I am actually kinda starstruck by you, not just because you are an amazing artist but also because you are so clever, insightful and kind! I am impressed by how you always seem to know what to say! Your original posts are On Point! I often smile or even laugh at your posts!
You are open to other's perspectives and experiences! You care about animals! I get a little teareyed sometimes when I see how much you love your bunny!
I will take literally any opportunity to shout your URL and inprnt shop and art from the rooftops! I have been enamored with your art since the first time I saw it! I brag about your art to my partner all the time!
I am so glad you followed me and that we started talking and now are friends! 💕
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suometar · 2 years ago
Thanks for remembering and tagging little old me @nashibirne & @all-or-nothing-baby
I combined your questions to one post because I'm currently super overwhelmed by everything.
FAVOURITE COLOUR: Caribbean turquoise.
We'll be Ghosts again by Depeche Mode. I haven't been listening to DM for years but when I heard this it struck hard. Probably because Andy died last year and I was sure they stopped creating music for good. I'm glad it wasn't it just quite yet.
LAST SONG I LISTENED TO: Just like you by The Anix
THREE FAVOURITE FOODS: I'm kinda easy with favourite foods. Steak, umm.... steak, uh...steak...
LAST THING I GOOGLED: I don't do Google but I did search for something with DuckDuckGo earlier. It won't save any searches, so I can't tell you what because I can't remember what it was I was looking for :D It's so automatic to search for something nowadays especially when I'm working that I can't even notice myself when I do it. Also my head is kinda full because of life and I barely can remember my own name.
DREAM TRIP: The Azures. I've wanted to go there as long as I can remember.
ANYTHING YOU WANT RIGHT NOW: Some f*cking free time to just be and chill and WRITE. I can't wait this whole moving thing we're doing rn to be over. It's robbed me of most of my free time the last two months or so and I'm SO FED UP.
LAST SHOW: The X-Files
LAST MOVIE: God, I can't even remember when was the last time I saw any movie. I think it was Spree. Maybe? Lol.
CURRENTLY WATCHING: The Last of us, The Mandalorian, Picard... the list goes on...
CURRENTLY READING: I'm still trying to finish Children of Memory by Adrian Tchaikovsky. It's insanely good book series, but I just can't seem to have the concentration to even listen to something being read. Again, can't wait to just live in one place without the need to actively either pack or unpack anything.
CURRENTLY OBSESSING OVER: The amazing fan art I commissioned last year and just received last week. I'm still blown away by it. I can't wait to have money to get another one :D
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