varian sideblog
11 posts
shockingly there are still people in 2025 that care about this
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alchemicourtesy · 4 days ago
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im p sure these r from last year
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alchemicourtesy · 9 days ago
btw my activity here is infrequent enough that sending rqs or scenario ideas through my ask is more than ok. sometimes im not the greatest at coming up with stuff on my own lol
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alchemicourtesy · 10 days ago
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this art is from 2021 but i still like it enough
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alchemicourtesy · 1 month ago
HEYEY! glad to see more people into vat7k!!! Would you mind sharing more of the insight n what your perceptions of the characters are? I saw your post about Hugo n Var as well as the involvement with Nuru in the tags and was wondering!!! No pressure ofc <3 also love your art it's REALLY AWESOME !
hi! thank you so much :] im rlly glad ur interested... as new as i am to this story and world i'm still ironing out my own opinions and headcanons and ideas so everything is in a rough place atm but i'd love to talk about what i Do have right now ^^
i'm sort of operating under the idea of what this would look like if it were a tv show rather than a comic only for the sake of structure and me being able to visualize it haha. doesnt mean anything beyond that.
i love the idea of there being 7 kingdoms, 7 alchemic laws, and 7 "lessons" for the characters to learn and id probably divide it through 3 seasons with the last season focusing on either 2 or 1 (heavy emphasis on what would be the "library arc") and allocating the extra "arcs" to s1. but anyways
mainly i like the idea of like. each of the group getting a chance to shine an equal amount. obviously they'd all have something to gain from every lesson but imo id put a particular emphasis on them all getting 2 each to hammer home their development and experiences. i havent ironed out who learns what and its not exact science rn so thats a work in progress
nuru is interesting to me in particular bc i think theres a notable position she is in being a princess and wanting to be hands on. for her character particularly i feel like its important she be able to learn how to care for her subjects and hone the skills she needs for the responsibility she has but also allowing herself to understand herself as a person and an individual without having to sacrifice her duty to her people and her community. too many times i see in media where a character has this huge responsibility and they have to learn to care about and understand Themselves first and while thats important i feel like its not always possible or feasible and also it's hard. it's rlly hard to grapple with both of those things at the same time. and nuru being a princess she Wants to help her people. she Wants to have the responsibility to care for them but she still must learn what that will look like for her specifically and how she can be that person she wants to be without phoning it in or anything.
with yong i saw it was mentioned he has a huge loving family that supports him and wants to see him succeed, but he's just sort of wild and unpredictable in ways i think varian can relate to from when he was younger. there's nothing really "wrong" with yong, but he has to understand and learn balance and control where he struggles with it and that he can be the person he wants to be but there has to be instances where he takes his time and understands that progress isnt linear. which gives varian a good place to act as an older brother figure obviously bc thats shit he himself learned in tts lol
varian's arc Kind of began and ended in tts so i just see vat7k as a way of expanding on stuff he already has learned yet not rlly like. rehashing stuff he should already know
hugo is a little trickier for me bc i think there are a Lot of similarities he shares narratively with eugene (which makes sense given that he was said to have been acquainted with eugene in the past, at least somewhat). they're similar but they're not the Same, so i wouldnt want hugo to just be repeating the same beats that eugene already learned. in my opinion hugo is smug and he thinks somewhat highly of himself, but hes not a bragger. hes not snarky nor will he actively antagonize the group. what reason would he have to? he wants them to like and trust him and i dont rlly see that happening if hes always being a jerk to them haha.
thats all i got for now i think but feel free to ask me abt more stuff if ur interested : )
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alchemicourtesy · 1 month ago
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four googoos
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alchemicourtesy · 1 month ago
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How would you even begin to fit nearly 18 years of loss and longing into one final farewell
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alchemicourtesy · 1 month ago
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Best believe these two find each other in royal balls just to spin wildly around
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alchemicourtesy · 1 month ago
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Hey guys idk how to use tumblr
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alchemicourtesy · 1 month ago
my interp of hugo's personality is honestly probably different than the common fandom interpretation that already exists of him. at least i think it might be? i don't dislike it or anything i just have my own hcs and POV abt the characters
kay and anna mentioned tht at first his and varians dynamic is like lampwick and pinocchio so i interp it as hugo seeing himself as this big shot and always trying to like pal with varian and show him how cool he is rather than antagonize him or Tell him hes cool and varian genuinely thinks he is until the betrayal scene. because we r meant to believe that hugo and varian genuinely like and enjoy each other's company even despite hugo being not the most trustworthy guy and i just find it more believable for this to be the case if hugo isnt actively pushing everyone's buttons or bragging. just my onion
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alchemicourtesy · 1 month ago
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backhanded compliment
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alchemicourtesy · 1 month ago
hi i just recently read over all the vat7k stuff so i made a sideblog to dump my ideas and art and whatever else. follow if u want send asks if u want lalala im here to play and frolick
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