#I'm so confused 😅
bookishtheaterlover7 · 8 months
Slayyy get the fuck outta here!!
Is this a compliment, An🫶n? I was thrown off by the "get the fuck outta here!!" 😅
If it is a compliment, thank you 😊 I will continue to slay 👑
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If not, uhhh what?
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reallifepotato · 1 year
Just saw this gif
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And realized
They are 2 different people
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screwpinecaprice · 6 months
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@glowweek Day 3
Originally there was a different comic for the Rain or Snow prompt, some angsty AU stuff, but I decided to put that aside instead so I can give it better dialogue and clean it up more. THEN I started this much more light-hearted one with a much simpler drawing style, also a comic... And my sinuses started acting out too. 😬 And I'm just out of it the entire time. Practically half asleep. So I just took out the first panel and added vague background. Haha
So, yeah, just this thing for this day. 😅 I do plan on finishing the comic for this one of course.
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ghurab-alzilal · 1 year
Journey Through Multiverse II
Damian, talking with Batman 666 : So, you gave your soul to the demon and that gave you immortality.
Batman 666: That's right, I can even use a couple of magic tricks.
Damian: Cool.
Raven: Damian Thomas Wayne Al Ghul, don't even think about it.
Damian: What?
Raven: Swear to me that under no circumstances will you sell your soul to the demon.
Batman 666: Too late Witch Girl, he, like me, has already eternally bound his soul to the demon and that is not going to change.
Raven: Not if I can help it.
Damian, confused : Wait what? I haven't even been in contact with a-
Batman 666: *winks*
Damian, looks closely at Batman 666 who is looking at Raven and, after thinking about it for a while, turns to Raven and nods : He's right. My soul belongs to the demon and what's worse I gave it for free. But I do not regret.
*Damian and Raven get into a heated argument*
Raven: I'll find a way to undo it!
Damian: You can't.
Raven: No Damian! Why? At what point did you do it?
Damian: The moment I met you.
Raven: Wait what?
Damian and Batman 666: *smiling with the same smile*
Raven: *blushes*
Batman 666, smirking : The White Witch will never believe me when I tell her this.
Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4
Based on this AU by @chaosticbirds
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papa-evershed · 1 year
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Martin Evershed’s Dad Moments™ || requested by: anon
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bipunkharrington · 4 months
Okay can someone who knows more about the lore of doctor who give me the conspiracy theories of why Russell T Davies keeps sharing pictures on insta of characters from the upcoming episode of doctor who with ❤️❤️➕️X (with X being a different emoji)?
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likebreadandwine · 1 year
Bearing in mind that you're ace, I've noticed that there are certain scenarios which seem to get you a little worked up, or at least flustered in what I would consider a typically sexual way
Some examples of this range from you "daydreaming about the moaning and groaning 🥵" (emphasis on the emoji) to sometimes encouraging anons who "get off" from feedism to describing various things as "hot" (as well as reblogging posts that say "X thing is hot as fuck") and so on
I know you've spoken about this stuff in the past (I even sent some of those asks), but I guess for the sake of curiosity and understanding, do you personally consider these particular feelings arousing in the typical sense? Do they manifest in such a way that they feel like a physical desire that needs to be tended to or is it more like a strong emotion that's disconnected from physical stimulation/intimacy?
Apologies if any of this is too personal to answer (feel free to click the Pass button if need be, lol), I'm honestly just curious to learn more as someone who has always had typical sexual urges
this is a great question.
I absolutely do get all worked up and flustered by things. does it manifest like a physical desire that needs to be tended to? um...kinda? but I don't really...tend to it?
here's a true thing about me: I love flirting. I think it is so fun. but I don't want the flirting to go anywhere. as soon as it looks like it's gonna go somewhere, it ceases to be fun. I have a million crushes! I love the butterflies-in-your-tummy feeling of a crush. but I can only think of one person in my adult life, irl, who I've ever met and thought, "yes, I really want them to touch me. I really want them to kiss me." (and honestly, that situation ended really badly because I was 20 and I had never had feelings like that before and I had no idea how to handle them.)
when I'm here on tumblr, I'm flirting. I'm using the language available to me, language which I know resonates for other people. in some ways, I perform sexual desire. it's like playing a character on stage—I may share some traits with this character, and find them fun to inhabit, and enjoy the audience's reaction...but it's different than just being myself. I like knowing people get off to my posts, but I usually won't reblog a post or answer an ask that's sexually explicit.
I love the sensuality of feedism, I desire physical intimacy, but I don't desire sex. I get turned on, but I don't feel sexually attracted to people. it's like...it feels pleasant to lie in the sun. it feels thrilling to ride a roller coaster. it feels comforting to wrap yourself up in a blanket on a cold day. I like the way arousal feels in my body without needing to do anything with it. I like writing encouragement and fantasies and inspiring strong feelings in other people, without necessarily wanting those people to desire me.
this was a thoughtful question and I'm glad you asked it. I hope my answer makes some kind of sense 😅
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running-in-the-dark · 8 months
I've watched the first few episodes of Night Court now and I like it!!
John Larroquette really is very attractive, okay yeah I get it now
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capybaraonabicycle · 8 months
If I could make a request for the Kiss writing ask, how about Fugitive!Doctor/River (or Mels, your choice), with number 18. For encouragement! Thank youuuu <3
Thank you for the prompt dear! An excellent choice in my totally unbiased opinion :)
I'm feeling slightly guilty because I should have
A) finished the Osgate kiss before this one and
B) reblogged your beautiful piece before answering this ask.
But I need to get this out before I can continue with anything else so here we go. I hope you like it!
Some things first however:
Despite there technically not being any need for them specifically in the scene, I would still like to apologise for sidelining the Paternoster Gang here. I would have liked to focus more on them but this is already too long. Plus, like, my general inability to nicely include 5 people in a scene.
(Also, I think this is the first time you're reading me writing the Paternoster Gang and I am accordingly very nervous.)
(However, I did need another couple to be with Doctorriver here and my first instinct was to choose Bill and Jenny - because this Doctor should meet her daughter and granddaughter and so should River. But then I thought you would prefer the other Jenny plus Vastra and I came up with a nice role for Strax, too, so the scene changed marginally)
Also, this snippet is more 'a lot of encouragement with a kiss hidden somewhere' than 'a kiss for encouragement' but I hope you don't mind?
And, finally, just to reassure you: this may initially read like angst, but it's pure fluff. I promise <3
Rating: Teen
Defeat and Encouragement (Fugitive Doctor x River with a side of Jenny x Vastra)
The Doctor was lying on the floor, defeated. Her eyes were closed, all tension gone from her body. She suddenly looked the millenia old that the man River had once married had possessed despite his childlike face. Neither her nor the Doctor were sure how many millenia this incarnation had lived and forgotten about but they had surely added to his already impressive number and right now the Doctor seemed to have fast forwarded to that point.
Half of her body lay draped over the plastic canvas, her left arm resting on top of a red spot, the other limbs had rolled off onto the wooden floor of the Victorian sitting room.
"Is she -"
There was honest concern in Jenny's voice, but she broke off when River's gaze shot her way. Even Vastra had a noticable tension to the way she held onto her wife as they helped each other into an upright position. But there was also an amused smile tugging at her lips and River wasn't certain that she found it more aggravating than contagious.
The Doctor let out a soft groan, almost a whine, as if to prove she was still alive.
"Shall I shoot him?" Strax asked eagerly, lowering down the tablet he was holding. "Put him out of his misery?"
"That's alright, dear" River held him back, "Let me talk to her."
She crouched down next to the Doctor and reached out for the hand on the canvas - not quite touching but hovering close.
"Sweetie?" she asked gently. "Are you getting up?"
There was a miniscule shake of the Doctor's head, barely visible.
"We've lost" she managed quietly. That was all she seemed willing to contribute.
"We've lost the battle" River argued with a smirk. "We can still win the war."
The Doctor finally turned her head to squint up at her.
"When you've lost 6 out of 6 battles" she muttered, "there comes a point where you have to ask yourself whether you aren't losing the war, too."
Now River tapped their fingers together and immediately, the Doctor complied, grasping her hand. River leant closer, whispering:
"When you've lost six battles, you'll have your wife telling you to get up and win the seventh with her."
The Doctor glowered. "That's what you told me the last five times."
River smiled.
"And I will tell you again a seventh time" she promised.
"If Gat could see me now" the Doctor groaned, closing her eyes again. "Decades of Division training, superior timelord reflexes and all that. And then I get beaten by a couple of Earthlings."
At the last sentence, there was a smile tugging at her lips however, as if the irony and ridiculousness of the situation started seeping through the fog of her mortification.
"If Gat could see you now, she would tell you the same as I do" River said. "To get up and fight."
"Wrong" the Doctor let out a dry laugh. "She would tell Strax to go ahead and shoot me."
"Come on now." River pulled at her hand and reluctantly, under groans of pain, the Doctor followed her into a sitting position. River cupped her cheek and she leant into the touch, looking up at her through her lashes.
"We're not giving up now, are we?" River whispered.
She lead their faces together and pressed a gentle, encouraging kiss to the Doctor's lips. It was merely a peck, short and sweet, but the effect was stunning. The Doctor chased after her lips, sat up straighter and her expression brightened visibly. She was not the only one: Even after all these years and different incarnations, the smallest exchanges of affections with her spouse never failed to give River butterflies.
Her voice slightly hoarse, she continued: "You and me? We can do this. We've fought loads of tougher battles before."
"I don't know about that." The Doctor's gaze flitted towards Jenny and Vastra, but River called her back to attention.
"Are you seriously ready to give up, Doctor?"
She hadn't meant for it to sound that mocking, not with this Doctor. In an older regeneration the comment would have fueled ambition, the need to prove themself. But her wife took the stubbornness in the opposite direction.
She jutted her chin out provocatively, fixating River. "What if I am?"
River relented. "Is there really nothing I can do to persuade you?"
She brushed her thumb against the Doctor's lip suggestively, but naturally, the Doctor's brain jumped away the very second she promised gifts.
"You could let me have the last piece of the chocolate cake Jenny made?" she said hopefully, glancing between their friends.
"If that's what it takes for you to get off the floor" Jenny said and now amusement was apperent in her voice as well.
The Doctor weighed the offer thoughtfully for a moment, then she nodded resolutely.
"Alright" she agreed, "let's do this!"
She let River pull her to her feet and righted her waistcoat with emphasis. "I'm ready."
"Ready to eat dust for the seventh time?" Vastra teased and Jenny playfully hit her shoulder.
"Be nice" she scolded her, before turning and smirking at River. "It's not their fault they're hopeless at their game."
River looked at the Doctor, curious whether her battered pride would make her bristle, but the encouragement seemed to have worked as she was looking back calmly.
"On the contrary" she said cheerfully. "We're ready to make you eat your words. Aren't we, love?"
She leant against River conspiringly who grinned up at her.
"Seventh time's the charm?" she offered and the Doctor's mouth twitched merrily.
"Obviously" she agreed, definitely as aware as River that they were about to go down against their friends yet another time.Apparently excellent martial arts and sword skills trumped timelord biology when it came to human party games. "And anyway I've already been promised a piece of cake, so who's winning in the grand scheme of things?"
'Won a cake for putting on a show' River thought fondly, and she had to lean in to kiss that smug smile off her face. They really were the same dramatic idiot in every one of their bodies.
"Can we continue now?" Strax raised the tablet with an air of importance.
"I believe we can" Vastra assured him, offering her hand to Jenny to lead her to their side of the canvas. "Shall we, my dear?"
"Of course, my darling" Jenny agreed readily.
River raised to her tiptoes, whispering into the Doctor's ear: "Let them laugh, we'll laugh later."
"Yes, when we'll share my cake" the Doctor whispered back and River let out a surprised snort.
"Were you playing the long game after all, Sweetie?" she hummed. "Are you actually really good at this?"
"Prepare to be amazed, love" the Doctor boasted, full of false bravado that River was sure she would regret in an instance.
"Positions!" Strax ordered sharply, turning the arrow on the tablet with enthusiasm. He looked up, smirked devilishly and pronounced loudly: "Left hand: Green. I hope you'll enjoy getting twisted in excruciating pain!"
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[ID: gif of a spinning twister tablet. end ID]
I hope it got clear what is happening here? It seems very clear in my head but I am not sure that it translates to the outside. Maybe it's a good idea to read it twice if it's a little confusing at first.
In case it doesn't become clear, here's what happened in my head up until this point:
The Doctor and River visited their friends
The Doctor proposed a game of Twister
Strax was delighted because that sounded refreshingly violent
Strax is an excellent strategist and very strong but agility is not his forte so he very quickly lost interest when he kept failing after one or two spins
He did delight in being referee though, spin the arrow and watch the others struggle
To make matters more interesting, someone (maybe River?) proposed to make it a couple's game one couple against the other
From that point on the Doctor and River have lost every single game and the Doctor is done by now - hence staying on the floor after falling from a failed reach for a spot with some limb
Oh yeah, also, please don't ask me how this fits into canon. I have no idea.
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you might consider putting the poll below the tracklist, if that's possible. voted on one recently saying i'd never heard of it but seen the tracklist after and realized i might have actually heard it before
Ahh, yeah figuring out post formatting is something that I've actually spent a lot of time trying to figure out. In fact, in the interest of keeping the posts more concise, my original plan was actually to keep the tracklist under the cut, but since like a lot of super popular songs tend to be known in relative isolation from their albums, you can see I decided against that.
The problem I've run into, however, is that when I personally see the poll at the bottom of a post, I tend to skip over the poll entirely, and putting the tracklist above it in its extended form, would effectively make it the last thing... And of course, the image has to stay at the top because it's the post hook and the thing that's most likely to draw recognition at all.
Just so that I don't ramble on too long without a point, I've worked on some redesigns. If you all could let me know what you'd prefer, that'd be a big help!
Option 1:
Variant 1: Original layout Variant 2: Shortened layout
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Option 2:
Variant 1: Image/Tracklist/Poll/Links Variant 2: V1 + Labeled Tracklist
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Variant 3: Poll at absolute bottom Variant 4: V3 + Labeled Tracklist
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Option 3:
Variant 1: Advanced highlight listing Variant 2: Plain text
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hum--hallelujah · 1 year
built this life and now it's mine - Fab Four fluff + jetpoison* (platonic or romantic, up to interpretation) (for @caffeineecold)
Kobra got the jukebox in the corner working two days ago and Jet's just returned from a run that nearly killed him but also scored them a crate of real booze — not the shitty moonshine brewed in the Zones that everyone pretends they like even though it tastes like the inside of the boot that gave bootlegging its name, real stuff.
Party's already sloppy drunk, sitting at the counter, and Jet doesn't usually let himself get this tipsy. Kobra and Ghoul sit in the corner next to the jukebox, picking out tunes and passing back and forth a bottle of champagne, of all things. For being a sandpup, Ghoul has expensive tastes.
Something bass-heavy is playing when Party slips from the stool and nearly topples over. Jet's reflexes are sluggish, but he manages to slide from his own seat and catch Poison. Party's pissed at him for nearly dying, again, and Jet expects a shove and dark look, but that's not what he gets. Instead, Poison leans into him, fitting them so naturally together that it's almost frightening.
"Y'okay?" Jet asks quietly into Party's hair.
"Dance with me, Star?"
Jet blinks, shocked. This is the last thing he expected. But he's just drunk enough, inhibitions just low enough, and he always crumbles when Pois calls him Star. Nobody else really ever does. "Sure," he finds himself saying, and Pois curls even more against him, their hands finding their places without even looking. It's too easy to sway back and forth together, in some facsimile of dance that's really just more an excuse for the comfort of touch that they both need, to the lilting gravelly guitars playing through the jukebox speakers.
The track skips and Kobra thumps the side of the box to get it playing again, a rising guitar interlude without words. Poison's head is nested against Jet's jaw, red hair filling his entire field of vision. On an impulse he doesn't resist for once, probably due to how tipsy he is, he presses his lips to Poison's temple.
"I'm sorry, sunshine," he whispers. "Fuck, Poison, I love you. Not the way... you want me to, probably, but I do. I love you so much." His eye is wide and staring, a little bit desperate. There's no other way he can say it.
"Don't leave me," mumbles Poison softly into the skin of his neck. The song is different now, something softer. "My Star..."
Jet closes his eye. "I'm not trying to," he says.
Poison sniffs, still swaying to the new tempo of this song. "Try harder."
Pois probably won't remember this in the morning. Kobra and Ghoul will give them weird looks, like they've completely lost it, and Jet will know why. Heck, they're giving them weird looks now, over the top of a champagne bottle and between smirking giggling asides to each otherm But Party is too drunk to retain much. They won't ever talk about it, except maybe when it comes up in an argument they force everyone to hear. You said you wouldn't leave me, you said you love me. I don't care how it is I just want you to love me whatever way you can.
The future is unfolding in front of them in so many ways. But right now it's just two friends, irresponsibly drunk and folded into each other.
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screwpinecaprice · 6 months
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I really don't have time to be bummed out right now so I made them a little sad instead.
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magnusmodig · 4 months
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||. ambition is telling myself i'll finally sit down and write the "deconstructing the Frozen Vault" meta bc man ppl clearly don't understand 2011 era thor at all
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mellyoraa · 1 year
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cuntwrap--supreme · 1 year
Coworker told me I'm "super feminine" and it's ruined my day. Like, sorry. I can't fit into men's pants. Can't hide my chest unless I bind, and I can't breathe when I do that because my lefthand ribcage is fucked up. My face looks almost exactly like my dad's, and everyone has always told me I read more as a dude than a chick, but it doesn't make up for the fact that I'm built like most women would kill to be built. And I don't even want it. Someone else take it. How do I donate tits and hips to the nearest trans woman? She'll get better use than I.
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lieutenantselnia · 1 year
Damn I'd really love to make some art for self/safeshiptember this year🥺 I actually already picked out my favourite prompts (from two different lists), I hope I can do at least some of them. If not I just might finish them late though🤔
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