#I'm really glad that situation happened because now I know that I'm on the right path
soulaanadelrey · 3 months
So I've decided that I want to continue to remain single and celibate throughout the year.
No sexcapades, no dating apps, no love at first sight, or realizing someone is right for me when I need to be right for myself. There is still so much work I need to do before allowing someone into my life. My current healing journey has been impactful but I am still not where I want to be mentally and spiritually. In order to be a good partner and in order to recognize a healthy relationship I have to do all of the work. I can't half-ass the healing/grieving process because that will have me figuring out the hard parts of myself through or with another person and that is not fair. If I happen to meet someone who gives me butterflies and makes me feel like a princess I will tell them the same thing I'm telling you. And if they're the right person they will respect that and wait for me. Because the right person will wait for a sexy bitch to heal.
The healing comes first! The smooches, hugs, gawk gawks, spankings, anal sex, and romantic dates will come later and it will be worth the wait! Love is patient.
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sugarlywhispers · 1 month
b.katsuki x reader (fem)
a.n; i blame this completely over the Olympics, again. sorry, but it has me on chokehold and i'm not resisting against it LOL 😜
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Okay, hear me out...
Third date with Bakugou Katsuki.
The first one, of course, was very awkward and tense and sometimes even a bit worrisome. We are talking about dating Bakugou Katsuki, the one aggressive and violent Pro Hero that everybody has a hate-love feeling towards for; because the man looks and acts –and can– step on your head and crush it with malicious intent and yet, he's Nº 2 Pro Hero on the ranks and you just know that if he's around, you are completely safe. But he's big and tough and harsh in his talking and walking –how can anyone look that scary by just walking, you're still wondering, but it's real. He's fucking scary.
The second date was way more relaxed. He cooked for you. In his massive penthouse that probably costs more than your annual salary. Yep, morherfucker is rich rich. And you think he deserves it really. After all the troubles he goes through to keep the whole country safe –and even the world–, he completely deserves it. You just forgot how well he does his job to get to be that rich. You don't care about money though. You're dating him because you saw him helping a granny cross the street and that was the cutest thing you ever saw. So, back to the second date, he cooked for you, and damn... now you can say you'll keep dating him because of his food. Man cooks like the gods, like a fucking professional chef of the most expensive restaurant on earth. And also, you noticed how relaxed and in peace he looked in his own environment and he looked. So. Freaking. Attractive. Hot even. He looked just so... deliciously handsome.
So for the third date, and because he picked the second one, this one was of your choice. You decide to go ice skating. And you did not expect what happened at all. 
One would expect that Pro Hero Dynamight, civilian name Bakugou Katsuki, being who he is, would have exceptional balance and even a hidden talent for this. You’re wrong. Everyone is wrong. The second the blades of his skates touched the Ice Rink, he fell. Your eyes opened wide and you definitely were holding back your laugh as he struggled to get himself up by holding the handrail around the rink.
“Need some help?” You asked, getting close to him with no trouble at all. He looked up at you annoyed, struggling so hard to get up and keep his balance that his cheeks turned pink. How. Freaking. Cute. You’re glad that dating the Pro Hero came with its perks –like closing the whole rink just so only you and him are there, enjoying your date on a late wednesday night.
“Shut up. No, I can do it…” He declared, but another fall on his knees made you giggle while sliding backwards and away from him with ease, hands up in surrender. Katsuki looked at you once his stood for the nth time holding the handrail like dear life with a frown on his face, watching you how easy you made it look, “How the fuck are you doing that?”
You giggled again, amused by all of this situation. Sliding back towards him and extending your hands, you said, “Come one, let me help.”
Katsuki buffed but he placed his hands on yours, whole body trembling, barely holding himself up. The image of him sticking his ass up and body bending forward while his feet barely moved made you laugh out loud and he yelled another “shut up!”.
You changed your grip to his forearms and again slid backwards to make him move forward, his legs still trembling and his eyes never leaving the floor. He looked so cute, it made your heart flutter. The smile never left your face as you spoke again, “I used to skate a lot when I was younger. I even prepared myself to compete, but an injury put me out of the game.” 
He immediately looked back at you at your words, “What happened?” He looked curious, but also worried and kind of sad.
You shrugged, “I landed pretty badly over my right leg after a spinning jump once. After that, the shin splints became unbearable and I couldn't continue…” 
He looked down at your leg, watching you move attentively, “Does it hurt now?”
You shook your head and smiled at him, grateful for his worry, “Naah. It would only hurt badly if I tried to skate the way I used to… Guess I demanded a lot of myself back then.”
Katsuki didn’t comment further on, but he kept his attention on your leg. Didn’t that make him even cuter! 
It took you a while –long while– to finally be able to let go of one of his forearms once he was ready on his balance; his other hand still held yours strongly.
Time went by, both of you laughing and smiling while skating around the rink, hand in hand. You’re so happy that you could stand on the ice again. It brought you so many fond memories of when you were a kid. Skating was the only thing that could easily make you smile just because; the wind in your face made you feel free, content. and Katsuki could clearly see that.
For a moment, he got distracted by how beautiful you looked… and he lost his balance again. This time bringing you down with him. He was fast enough though to catch you and make you land over him. Your amused and loud laugh was contagious, so he couldn’t help but smile. He's having fun –even if he knew his body was going to hurt a bit the next day for how many falls he had.
“You’re so clumsy…” You laughed, joking kindly and funny.
“Oh, yeah? Then why don’t you show me what you can do?” His smirk made you suddenly stop laughing. It’s a clear challenge, yet curiosity shined in his eyes.
“Alright, hero… watch and learn,” you helped him stand up and directed him towards the handrail. 
Once he was away from possible harm, Katsuki watched you skate around the rink as if you were flying, gliding around with so much confidence and ease, as if you were made for it. Your hair floating behind you for how fast you were going, dancing beautifully with the air. He was hypnotized. Completely mesmerized by each little form you decided to enlighten him with. He particularly felt fascinated when you decided to spin fast and so many times he couldn’t count how many, then you stopped like it had been nothing and kept gliding around. 
You looked so nice and professional, Katsuki felt a little pang of pity for the world. It would never be able to share how beautifully perfect you looked at the moment.
A few more glides around, until you stopped in a very experienced way right in front of him, a huge smile on your face and a shine on your eyes that were proof of how immensely excited and happy you felt.
Did katsuki say already how fucking beautiful you were?
Just to prove his point, he instantly grabbed your face and kissed you for the very first time.
And fuck, he planned on keep kissing you as much as you would let him.
He let you go for a moment just to say, “That was beautiful… You’re gorgeous.”
You smiled one more time before sliding your arms around his neck to kiss him again. He moved a bit to surround your waist with his arms…
And that’s when he forgot about the handrail and sent you both again towards the floor.
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starillusion13 · 7 months
Our Girl
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request: "can you do san wooyoung and y/n in a poly they have nsfw and and they love each other but they dont know it until one of them say they like the other two"
Pairing: San x reader x Wooyoung
Genre: Fluff, Friends to lovers, Smut
Warnings: they are caring bestfriends to you😫, mention of insult in public by your toxic crush, lots of kissing, fingering, big San, big Woo, crying, thigh slapping, breast play, praising, comfort, aftercare.
W.C: 4.1k
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated. Spread love not hate. This fic is so and so for me Ik😔.
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
"What happened, y/n?" San asked you from across the room as soon as he saw you entering the house from the front door. You had a grumpy look on your face visible and almost kicked your shoes aside before placing the bag on a chair and plopped on the chair couch.
He had called you earlier on your way back home and you didn't reply like usual and you were eager to cut the call. And it's very usual for your best friends to ask you about the thing that was torturing you and making you so  dull.
You leaned back and rested your head, closing your eyes as you sighed deeply.
A hand entangled in your head started caressing your scalp and you smiled and hummed to the touch. The hand movements made it clear of the owner of the sweet gestures.
A small smile resting on your face and the man behind you patted your cheeks, urging you to speak.
"I don't want to talk." You said angrily.
"Where were you?"  Wooyoung detached his hands from your scalp and stood in front of you.
"Look at me, y/n." He crossed his arms and stared at you. You refused to look at him and shook your head.
San chuckled and stood up from his place and stood beside his bestfriend. They knew very well that you were exhausted and grumpy with something. After all, both of them being your best friends since college life and also roommates since then made you three closer with each other.
You always felt glad to get them as your bestfriend because they treated you like their own family and of course you tried to do a lot in return as well. Today they have returned early from their workplace.
It's very much clear that they don't let anything happen to you or let anything to slide if that something is causing you problem and now when you are exhausted and snapping at them. They wouldn’t leave the spot unless you are confessing everything.
San crouched down in front of you and caressed your hand, "y/n..." his voice was a scale lower than usual and it was demanding but still you were choosing to close your eyes and ignore them. After all, you wanted some rest after having the worst day of your life. "Wooyoung is asking you something."
"And I said I don't want to talk. Please keep quiet. My head hurts so bad right now."
To your blind vision, San nodded towards the standing boy and the other was quick to go back into the kitchen. San patted your hand and smiled, "it's okay. You don't have to talk with us. But please go and get fresh. I'll prepare a bath for you."
You felt hurt when you heard his soft and caring voice towards you. They didn't do anything then why were you ignoring them. They were just trying to help you out with your situation and trying to lift up your mood. You mentally scolded yourself that if there were some other people then they would have left you long back for your behavior during your down times.
Your eyes flutter open and quickly you noticed how he was still on the floor but his gaze was on you. The look was very endearing but there was something he was hiding. Your mind and eyes are really playing with you today.
"I'm sorry. But Thank you, San."
He shook his head and stood up, "come on. Don't say sorry. You are disturbed with something and it's okay to be like this with us. I don't mind. But come fast upstairs, I'm preparing the bath for you." He patted your cheeks and with hurried steps, he disappeared towards the stairs.
Craning your neck, you saw a familiar back of a figure in a black tshirt and trouser busy in the kitchen. You pressed your lips and went into the direction to find him placing some boxes on the countertop.
He looked up and smiled, "y/n?"
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. But are you okay? Where were you though?" He asked you before placing the last item in the corner and leaned on the counter.
"Oh...don't ask about that. It's a nightmare to be in today's situation. Please Woo, don't ask me this again."
He shook his head and stared at you," no y/n. If you don't share with us then how come we'll sort out the problem. You know very clearly how I hate seeing you like this."
Taking a grape from the bowl, he swat your palm before taking it away. "Go wash your hands."
Rolling your eyes, you took the water bottle, "I'm just going to freshen up. Eating a grape wouldn't have matter much." After a small gulp of water, your throat felt like to cool it down.
His eyes followed your every movements until your eyes met his, "what are you looking at? I know I probably look like a shit right now."
"You look beautiful...always." He whispered the words but loud enough to make it audible for
you. You smirked and as soon as you were going to reply him, San called your name from upstairs.
"Gotta go." You laughed when he shook his head at your dramatic exit. But you could hear him say loudly, "come down fast or I won't be keeping any food left for you."
"Oh you will! You know how much I love your cooking."
Your hurried steps could be heard by both of them and the moment you entered your room, you could see San standing with folded hands and staring darkly at you.
"Why were you running? I told you so many times not to run in stairs, it's risky."
You took off your jacket and placed it on the bed and put your phone on the table after plugging it to charge. You smiled, "don't scold me as if I'm a baby."
"Yes you are. You are my baby."
"Now come on go inside. The food will be getting cold if you don't hurry up. And that doesn't mean to run down the stairs. Take the bath quickly."
You shoved him out of your room when he was sticked to his spot and scolding you and telling you so many things at once . You had it enough of him and you didn't want to hear a single word more from him.
You were humming a song when coming down the stairs and your gaze fell on Wooyoung and San sitting together on the sofa. They were having some conversations between them and so you tip toed over to the place and stood behind them.
"Oh gosh!" "Who?!"
You laughed out loud when you saw their surprised faces and you leaned to the sofa for support while laughing. They watched you in disbelief but soon little smiles spread across their faces.
"So you are scared of ghosts."
San shook his head and nudged the other to follow him while he replied you, " no we are not scared of ghost. It's called getting shocked with sudden surprise."
"Huh! Deny deny. I have seen the look on your faces."
They were arranging the plates on the table and you helped them with bringing the foods over there from the countertop. The smell was already making your stomach growl. They saw your excitement when you noticed they have made your favorite foods.
"Is this because I was snapping at you both earlier?" You asked them and quickly took a bite of the meat. Your eyes lit up.
San nodded and Wooyoung proudly walked to your side and pinched your nose, "yes. I know that only food can make you happy."
"Oh you know me too well. Thank you so much."
"The mixed rice is made by San. He was learning to make it last since Wednesday and finally he made it happen." San smacked his head when he revealed his attempts.
"Thanks. You both are blessings in my life. I don't know what I would have done without you two." Wooyoung sat beside you and San across from you. They both noticed your sigh in the end of the sentence and they exchanged looks.
"Y/n." San called your name in a low tone. You quickly looked up but your hands and mouth was still working on to feed yourself. "Where did you go? Why are you so down?"
Wooyoung quickly added to his sentence "Please tell us what happened."
You chewed the food and gulped a bit of water from the glass, " that guy I mentioned to you yesterday asked me to meet today over dinner after working hours."
They nodded and urged you to continue and so you did while looking down at your plate, "he didn't ask me to spend time with him but for his worst intention. He called over some of my university students and insulted me in front of them. he made fun of me of how once I have proposed him." you brushed back your hairs and sighed again, "it was long ago but still he had to mention it."
San grabbed the spoon tightly in his hold, clenching his jaw with the thought of how to commit a murder. when his eyes locked with the other boy in the room, he noticed he had a similar look on his face like him.
Wooyoung turned towards you and his heart ached when he saw tears falling down from your eyes and San was watching you from across the table. you wiped off the tears and smiled at them before putting a piece of meat inside your mouth, "I should've known before that he is an asshole. it would've been better if I had proposed one of you."
the words randomly came out of your mouth that you didn't notice that the two boys who were keenly listening to you had their ears perked up. proposed to them? the sudden awkward and silent atmosphere got interrupted by your unusual laugh. Wooyoung had an amused expression at your poor attempt to hide your shyness and San urged both of you to eat.
he was waiting for the dinner to end.
No one said anything regarding the last words came out of your mouth but you could feel the tension in the atmosphere when laying down on the couch in the living room after the dinner and both of them sitting near you. San was sitting on the space at the very end of the couch near your feet and Wooyoung was sitting on a chair. both of them staring at you.
you were laying comfortably but when you feel two pairs of eyes---of your bestfriends on you, you rolled your eyes before raising your brows at them, "now, what's up with you two?"
"what do you mean by proposing one of us?" San was the first one to raise the topic. you chuckled and paused the video on your phone and replied, "oh that's nothing. forget about it."
"Y/n...did you see what happened to you when you didn't listen to us about that guy? whenever you ignored us, you got yourself in a new problem." he stated and rested his palm over your ankles. that was a common gestures and you were used to their often skin-ship but today his sudden touch made your body shivered.
you switched off the screen and sighed, "I know and I'm sorry."
"Look y/n. you don't have to be sorry for that but atleast let us know what is bothering you."
Afterall, he is right. they do so much for you and in return, you cant even tell them your problems.
you glanced at both of them and closed your eyes, "It might sound weird but I...have feelings for my best friends. please I know or maybe don't know if you both have girlfriends or boyfriends or anyone but it's just i had to tell you to take off this feelings away from my heart."
you bit your lips and cursed yourself again. is this going to end your friendship between you three. No, right? oh gosh. what have you done? you inhaled sharply and pulled your legs to get off the couch but you got halted.
Someone grabbed your ankles and pulled your legs straight. your eyes fluttered open and you looked at him confused but the look on his face was so unpredictable. it was dark yet somewhere a caring and protectiveness was surrounding him. you looked towards your side to find Wooyoung standing with crossed hands over his chest.
"It's not weird to have feelings for someone so obvious." Wooyoung stated and stared at you darkly.
you blinked, "what do you mean?"
"Y/n...if i say the feelings are mutual." he said and glanced at the boy sitting beside your feet. you looked over to him as well to find him nodding at his words.
"Are you serious? really?"
Wooyoung laughed at your wide eyed look and crouched down beside you to flick your nose, "yes baby. so what do you say? shall we?"
"shall we what?" you tried to get up but Wooyoung pushed you down by pushing down your shoulders against the leather. "what?"
San chuckled and shook his head, "Woo... not now."
are you thinking right? they are wanting the same thing like yours right? come on...its been so long you have get off yourself and you have never been laid off. but what if they want something else and you are just depicting the situation in a wrong way.
"Please...it's now. I want it now." you whispered the words to them. they both stared at you after hearing it.
"Do you know what you are asking for?" San's grip tightened with the words from his mouth. Your anticipating eyes and the way you licked your lips when slowly nodding towards them made him lose his mind.
Wooyoung chuckled and you looked at him, "you are asking for something which can change every dynamic of this relationship." You again nodded at his words.
You grabbed his wrist and squeezed it, "I know...please."
The way you looked at him, as if you lured him towards you and he was quick to attach his lips onto yours. A lot of thoughts were storming inside your mind but the top of everything was that your best friend was kissing you. You agreed to kiss—to do everything with your best friend.
He had immersed himself into the moment but you were staring at him, your palms resting on his cheeks, entangling with his hairs and smoothing over the neck and then when you felt a separate set of hands fondling your thighs. You were gasping for the lack of air but the one kissing you had no intention of leaving you at anytime soon.
You pulled him away from you and you breathed heavily, "I would have died of lack of air, Woo."
His laugh echoed inside the wide room and he kissed your cheek. San leaned forward to hovered on top of you. The movements caused your top to ride up a little exposing little part of your stomach. San smiled at the sight and kissed on the exposed flesh making you giggle and he soon pressed his lips on yours. His kiss was sort of hungry than the other one. He was alternating between kissing your jaw, your throat and cheek. His palm over your breast squeezed it lightly, earning low moans out of your mouth.
"Y/n...if you continue making those sounds then I might have you in such a ways that you can't even think of." San whispered into your ears while resting on top of yours.
"Then have me like that." You said and smirked at him.
He chuckled and pecked the tip of your nose, "you are so bad, baby."
You smiled and felt him pulled you upwards with him to let Wooyoung sit behind you. He hugged you from behind and snuggled in your shoulders and murmured sweet praises in your ears. You patted his head with one hand and San kissed your other one which was intertwined with his.
"Is it your first time?" San asked you before slowly pulling down your short and caressed your thighs. You nervously bit your lips and shyly nodded.
A nervousness appeared on your face and they both noticed your sudden change in behavior. And Wooyoung kissed your ears, "what happened? Do you want me to stop? Just say it, y/n."
"No!" You quickly denied. "It's just I don't know if I can handle this or any."
San cupped your cheeks and smiled, "it's okay. We won't cross the limits. Just two for us okay?"
Wooyoung's hand disappeared under your top when he unclipped your bra to feel your breasts got loose in his hold. He bit your neck and kissed away the pain. You were so lost in the moment that you didn't notice San had put aside your panty to insert a finger when you gasped.
"It's okay, y/n. You are okay." Both of them praised you. San groaned when he felt you clenching around his finger. When he felt your sensitive skin filling up his fingers with slick, he smirked and added one more fingers and started pumping at a higher speed.
"Oh gosh! Just look at her face, San. She is already done with just fingers. How will she last with us inside her?" His laugh echoed in your ears.
"Stop it!" You whined and San chuckled, "do you want me to stop?"
"No! I mean I can take you both. It's just...feels too good."
"Really?" He increased his pace and Wooyoung pinched your nipples and massaged your breasts. Your chest heaving up and down. San noticed your attempt to close the legs around his hand but he held them apart, "don't or I will stop."
"No no please more...please more..I.. I"
"Are you close?" He asked you and you nodded. He slapped your thigh, "use your words."
"Yes yes...please..."
He detached his hands from your core and pulled down his own pants to reveal his hard member and red tip poking at your vision. You gulped at the sight of the size and he noticed your eyes focused on it and ruffled your hairs.
"Can you take it?"
"I think so..."
He pecked you before slowly entering you. You cried out in pain for the sudden stretch. San first had a concern etched on his face but quickly pulled out.
"Are you okay?" He brushed your hairs and cupped your face to look at your teary eyes.
You nodded, "yes...please San."
"Are you sure?"
You nodded and first he entered just the tip. Your breath hitched and you whimpered. Wooyoung cooed at you and grabbed your chin to pull you in a kiss to distract you from the pain. Your palms tightly clutched San's shoulders and he hissed when your nails digging in his skin because of his sleeveless tshirt.
San moved your attention on him and increased his pace when your previous orgasm returned again. You couldn't take him properly but he didn't mind, he was just concentrating on you. He wanted you safe.
Soon, when he felt you clenching, he was sure you were near to come and groaned before pulling you in a kiss. He was both hungry and desperate for you. His thumb rubbed circles over your clit and you whined.
The look on your face when the orgasm hit you was enjoyed by both of them. San groaned at the sight of your blissed out expression.
"You look so hot like this. I can't stop myself."he said and leaned back. “I love you baby.”
“San.” You shyly called his name and he moved your chin up to look at him, “say it pretty.”
“I love you too.”
Wooyoung turned you around when the other one pulled himself out after riding out the high.
You were still in a daze because of the previous activity and he rested your head on his shoulder, stroking your hairs, "it's okay. Take breaths." His other hand pulling down his pants down and soon you felt his tip poking your entrance.
His gestures were always sweet and he was taking time to let yourself relax before he could have you. You hummed in silence and sighed.
He soon felt your breaths were normal against his skin and he used his two fingers to scissor you and painted the walls with your slick. You moaned to his touch and he pecked your nose.
"You are so cute..."
You kissed his shoulder then his neck before facing him in front and pecked his lips. He smirked at you, “it’s seems like you are enjoying this too much.”
He caressed your cheek and you snaked your hands around his neck when he slowly entered his tip inside you. When he saw a green sign, then inserted his whole length, stretching you out. He kissed your eyes and pressed his lips onto yours.
“Is it okay? Hurting somewhere?” He murmured softly and caressed your back. Again, his hand went under your top to put his attention on your breasts and you moaned.
He didn’t move and made you still with the right grip on your waist. Tears welled up in your eyes for the unbearable pain but you were constantly nodding to give him the sign to proceed.
But he didn’t. He was enjoying your impatience.
Another pair of hands patted your head and when you looked at the direction, you found San kneeling beside you both and encouraging you to adjust to the length.
You shifted in your place and Wooyoung groaned loudly. As soon as you whined, he grabbed your neck and breast and started moving in a slow pace.
It was building up the euphoric feeling once again, the pain turning into pleasure and your body shaking with every little torture on your nipples. The sensitive skin over your throat and neck was getting bruised by him. Not only him but San was enjoying your skin against his lips as well.
“You are so tight and clenching around me as if you don’t want me to stop tonight. Is it right, baby?” He moaned out loudly.
San chuckled in your ears, “isn’t she so perfectly tight? Like perfect for us.”
His pace increased and you were literally bouncing on his lap. You didn’t have to do anything much because he was guiding you through.
“I..I want to come…please.”
“Do you?” He smirked mischievously and rubbed slow circles over your clit. You nodded aggressively but he grabbed your neck to pull you close and pressed a small kiss, “words baby.”
“Yes yes please.”
“Here you go.” He thrusted deeper until you both come undone. Both of your chests heaving up and down against each other. He didn’t pull out but rested your head against his shoulder and San stroked your hairs.
“Shh…slow down. Are you okay?”
You hummed in reply, earning a kiss from both of them on your head.
“So?… did you just do it to take off my mind from the incident happened earlier?”
San asked you, “did it take off your mind from it?”
You nodded, “but there’s something else.”
“What?” Wooyoung asked you and raised your head to cup your cheeks. He smiled at you and you returned a little kiss.
“Does this sound selfish that I don’t want to choose one of you? But both.” You asked and whined when he pulled out.
“Yes.” San said and glanced at the other one before cracking into a smile, “it will sound selfish if you choose one….as we are not planning to leave you to only one.”
“And no one else other than from us. I love you…I fucking love you so much. My wish came true to have you as my girlfriend.” Wooyoung cheered in the end of the sentence.
“I love you too, Woo.”
You again rested your head on him and closed your eyes, “I’m so tired…but again I need to wash up.”
“It’s okay. You rest here. We will clean you up and we will sleep together.” San said and stood up.
Your eyes opened, “really?”
“Anything for our girl.”
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Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades @nvdhrzn @meowmeeps @vtyb23 @haechansbbg
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yuikomorii · 1 month
Ayayui date♡
// I'm not sure why, but I suddenly got a burst of creativity. There's no special occasion for this post; it was really just an excuse to edit Yui in my favorite Princess Collection outfit. I like how the merch line was released right on Ayato’s birthday, so I really wanted to see an Ayayui date in those outfits! 😌💕
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I was in the mood to write a special scenario again. You just have to click on ‘Keep reading’ to find it. This one is set after the LE events, particularly after the After Story, so I hope you enjoy it! ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ )
Ayato: Haa… finally!
After all this time, I’ve managed to sort out every single problem in the Demon World.
Geez, I’m gladly taking a break!
( Ever since I became king, I’ve been buried in an endless pile of documents—so many that I’ve grown sick just being in that place. Things seem to be getting better in the Demon World, though I’d lie to say it’s perfectly stable. )
( Well, whatever. I shouldn’t bother too much about that… for now. )
( Right now, all I can think about is her. Ugh, these stupid king duties have kept us apart for way too long. I’m sure she must’ve felt really lonely, huh…? )
( Damn it! That was never my intention, but I know it must be boring as hell to be stuck in the castle all day by yourself. )
( That’s why, I’m definitely going to make it up to her today and take her somewhere nice~! )
Place: Their room
Ayato: Chi-chi-na-shi, guess who’s ba—
( Hah!? She’s not here? )
Oi, Yui!
( She’s still not answering? )
Yui, where are yo—
???: Ayato-kun..!
— hugs his back —
Ayato: What the—!
Yui: Fufu, sorry for taking you off guard. I was just thrilled to see Ayato-kun again!
Ayato: Geez, next time I call you, answer me, understood? You’re still in the Demon World, anything could happen when no one’s around, y’know?
Yui: Ah… I’m sorry for being careless. I hope I didn’t make you worry…
Ayato: No need to sulk now. What matters the most is that you’re alright.
Now… about the thing you’re wearing. Where the heck did you even get it from? It’s the first time I’ve seen you in it.
Yui: Oh, actually I bought it last time we went shopping together. You see… I didn’t show it to you back then because I wanted it to be a surprise, but uuh… does it not suit me?
Ayato: Haa… normally, when a woman wants to surprise her man, she wears lingerie or something sexy, but I’ll forgive you this time. Why? Because you look hella cute in that, can’t deny.
— Yui blushes —
Yui: Ayato-kun… thank you! I’m really happy…!
Ayato: ( Is she seriously almost on the verge of tears for that? )
C-C’mon, don’t get all emotional over every little thing. The date hasn’t even started yet! You really want people to see you with red eyes and puffy cheeks outside?
— Yui shakes head —
Ayato: Good, now let’s go!
— He takes her hand —
Place: Kaminashi City
Ayato: Can’t believe I’m gonna say this but I somehow missed this place.
Yui: Is that so? I thought Ayato-kun didn’t like the Human World.
Ayato: I don’t mind either of them, but right now I’m sick of the Demon World. If I see one more document, I will end up throwing up on the spot.
Yui: Ayato-kun…
( That’s right, he’s been working a lot ever since he became king. I’m sure it must truly be tiring spending days in front of all those documents. )
I’m glad you put a lot of effort in your role, but take it easy, okay? I can’t do much in this situation, yet… If you ever need help, I want to be there to support you!
Ayato: Hmm… anyway. I’m not here to talk about work again. I just want us to enjoy some time together for once.
Yui: ( Ayato-kun really sounds exhausted… He’s matured so much these past few months, which isn’t bad, but I just wish he could relax a little. )
Then, let’s make the best of this day!
— tugs onto his arm and starts walking —
Yui: Haa… it’s way better outside.
( Ayato-kun is still waiting to pay for our things, but it was way too hot in that store, so he told me to get some fresh air. )
( Now that I think about it, vampires are always cold, so I doubt the heat bothers him as much as it does me, right? Even so, seeing him care about my comfort makes me really happy. )
— warm breeze hits —
Yui: Mm… so ni—
— something suddenly hits her —
Yui: Kyah! What on earth was that!?
Eh? That’s—
Familiar: Greetings. Pardon my interruption, but could it be that you are Komori Yui-sama?
Yui: ( ‘Sama’? Uuh… I feel like that’s an exaggeration. )
Yes, I am. Did anything happen…?
Familiar: Rest assured, there is no need for alarm. My purpose here is simply to entrust this to your care. Unable to find Ayato-sama, I must rely on you to deliver him this letter.
— Yui takes it —
Yui: But, what’s this letter about?
If it’s possible to tell, of course.
Familiar: In essence, a new set of documents has been prepared for Ayato-sama. Please inform him at your earliest convenience, as his return is eagerly anticipated.
Yui: Wait! Does it mean that he really has to return now—!
( Oh no! The familiar is already gone! )
( To think that Ayato-kun was finally starting to relax again… )
( All this letter will do is ruin his day, that’s for sure. )
( But at the same time, not showing it to him… that would undoubtedly get him in troubles. )
( Uuh… This situation is so complicated. What should I do…? )
Ayato: Chichinashi!!!
Yui: ….!
— suddenly hides the letter —
A-Ah, Ayato-kun, you’re back!
Ayato: Duh, and I kept calling your name but it seems you only answer to Chi-chi-na-shi~.
— He starts pinching her cheeks —
Yui: Whey dwont, staphh!
Ayato: Hehe, that’s what you get for spacing out and ignoring me.
Anyway, you weren’t approached by any creeps, were you?
Yui: N-No, not at all!
Ayato: Hmm… that doesn’t sound too honest. Are you lying?
Yui: No way! I… I’m just hungry and my stomach won’t stop growling, which is really embarrassing…
Ayato: Haa… you never change. Always getting embarrassed over everything, but no worries, I didn’t hear anything. Though, if you’re really that hungry, I guess we could get something to eat.
Yui: Y-Yeah, that sounds great!
* Timeskip *
Yui: ( After the restaurant, we went to the mall, then back to the center. Ayato-kun… we walked a lot today, but instead of getting tired, he just got more and more energetic. )
( I suppose he was really in need of this break, so maybe hiding that letter wasn’t entirely bad, no…? Still, I’ll have to give it to him today, otherwise I’ll surely put him at risk… )
Ayato: Oi Yui, look!
Yui: W-Woah! I’ve never seen such big Takoyaki before!
Ayato: Heh, right? It’s even bigger than the ones from the Demon World!
Also, Ore-sama got you this, so I better see you eat it all.
Yui: Eh-? This is such a big donut! T-There’s no way I could eat all of it!
Ayato: So you’re refusing my donut? You’re way too ungrateful for a Chichinashi. Well, in that case, I guess you don’t need it any—
Yui: No, no, the donut is good!
— starts eating it —
Come to think of it, today you’ve spoiled me quite a lot, Ayato-kun.
Ayato: And why would that be bad? I thought women liked that.
Yui: It’s not bad, but I really didn’t do anything special. You’re the one who’s been working all day and night, for this reason I believe you deserve this treatment more.
Ayato: Haa… getting all self-conscious, just like always.
Look, you know I’m not good at sentimental shit, but after everything we’ve been through, your presence is special enough for me.
I guess I just want to cherish you, that’s all.
Yui: Ayato-kun… I feel the——
A-Ah, oh no!
( The chocolate… it melted on my hand! )
I-I’m sorry, I’ll be right back!
— tries to stand up —
Ayato: Nah, nah. C’mere.
— grabs her and sits her on his lap —
Yui: Wait, don’t!
— he starts licking her hand —
Yui: A-Ayato-kun, stop it! We’re in public…!
Ayato: Mnn… Mm…
— slowly bites —
Yui: Uuh…
( At this rate, people will definitely start watching!)
— starts moving —
Ayato: Tch, you’re making this way too hard for both! Just stay still and stop acting like I’m about to kill you!
Yui: ( I know his intentions aren’t bad, but this is getting too embarrassing…! )
( I’m sorry, Ayato-kun! )
— tries to push him away but falls down —
Yui: Oww…
Ayato: ( Geez, what a klutz. )
Haa… are you hurt?
— grabs her arm and picks her up —
Yui: Ah, I’m alright, no worries.
Ayato: Oi.
What’s that?
— picks something up —
Yui: ….!
Ayato: Is that… a letter for me?
— starts reading it —
You… you had it all this time with you and didn’t say a word?!
Yui: I… I can explain!
You see, I thought—
Ayato: Shut up!
Do you even have the slightest clue about what you just did!? I seriously doubt you understand how important king duties are, do you?
Hah, of course, you don’t! Why would you?
You sit around doing absolutely nothing all day while I’m working my ass off to make sure you and everyone else can live comfortably!
I’m out here putting in the effort, grinding to create a decent life, not just for you, but for everyone, even if I didn’t ask for this shit. And you do this to me!?
I thought you matured too, but at the end of the day, you’re nothing but a selfish bitch!
Yui: Wait! Ayato-ku—
Ayato: Don’t touch me!
Yui: …!
Please, listen to me!
— grabs his clothes —
Ayato: Quiet! I’m not risking to go through that again only because of someone like you. Get lost!
— pushes her away and leaves —
Yui: …!
No… No… this can’t be the end…
How… How could I be this stupid…? Hhn… Ngh…
Kuh… Ayato-kun.. Nhn…
Place: Avenue
Ayato: (Fuck! I can’t return to the Demon World right now. )
( On top of that, why the hell am I the one feeling guilty now!? )
( She… Yes, she deserved that treatment. That’s what she gets for sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong. Besides, what she did could lead to something dangerous. )
( It’s not the first time she pulls such shit on me anyway, but… )
( Why can’t I stay mad at her no matter what she does to me…? )
Tch, such bullsh— Hah?
Guy 1: Aww, she’s playing hard to get~!
Guy 2: Aren’t you a bit too feisty for a crybaby?
???: S-Stop it! Leave me alone!
Ayato: …!
( That voice… Yui! )
Place: Alley
Yui: I-I told you to stop!
Guy 1: Just come with us, it’ll be fun~.
Yui: No, I don’t want to!
Guy 2: She keeps struggling, isn’t she cu——
— gets punched —
Guy 1: What the—
Guy 2: Such strength!
Yui: Eh?
Ayato: Get out of my sight, you bastards! If you don’t leave this girl alone right now, I’ll make sure your already disgusting faces get even worse!
— they start running away —
Yui: Ayato-kun… thank you!
( He came back for me… )
Ayato: ….
— grabs her hand and starts walking —
Yui: ( Ever since Ayato-kun saved me, he hasn’t spoken a word. )
( It’s obvious that he’s mad… )
( But if both of us keep quiet, this conflict will never be solved… )
Ayato & Yui simultaneously: I’m sorry.
Yui: ( Eh? Did he just— )
No… I’m the one who should apologize. I hid that letter, knowing full well the consequences it could have.
However… I only did it because I wanted Ayato-kun to have some free time for himself too.
Ayato: You…
Yui: I’m aware of how much work you have to do, and being king is definitely not easy. That’s why, I really admire your for that.
Nevertheless, it saddens me seeing Ayato-kun so stressed out and exhausted. I want Ayato-kun to be always as energetic and cheerful as he was today, but… I do realize that I’m just being selfish.
Ayato: No… You… You’re not selfish, I am.
I was the one who didn’t listen to your side of the story. It’s just... I’m afraid of failing as king. There, I said it!
I don’t want to put the people I care for in danger, nor can’t I accept being a worse king than that old fart, so all I have to do is carry out my duties. Hell yeah, they’re a pain in the ass but that’s my responsibility now, which is why I can’t back off.
Yui: ( Ayato-kun… I never thought you felt that way… )
N-no, the way you reacted was understandable. Anyone under that much stress might have done the same, and I can’t blame you for it.
Besides, I can’t say your words were wrong. I am indeed incapable of fully understanding the challenges you face, however… no matter what happens, I want you to know that you’ll always be the best king to me…!
Ayato: …!
Heh… you really never change.
— hugs her—
Yui: W-Well, I suppose I can’t change if I do nothing all day.
Ayato: Hmph, are you throwing shade at me for what I told you?
Yui: Eh? No way, it was just a coincidence! I swear!
Ayato: Pfft, proved my point. You'll forever stay the clumsy, stupid, and oddly adorable woman that you are.
Yui: Hey, that’s backhan— Mm…!
Ayato: Nn…
Yui: ( Ayato-kun… his kiss is so gentle… )
( I really missed Ayato-kun’s kisses. I’m so happy…! )
Ayato: Oi, don’t tell me you’re about to cry again.
Yui: I’m not but…
I just want to know, will the letter get Ayato-kun in troubles…?
Ayato: I might get some weird looks for not showing up on time, and maybe a lecture or two, but it shouldn’t be too bad. I was supposed to start on them today since there’s a lot, but... I think I’d rather spend my time with my girl instead.
Yui: Is that so? Thank you.
But doesn't that mean you'll have to work even harder to make up for today?
Ayato: I guess it can’t be helped. I don’t want to think of tomorrow, all I want is to focus on the present.
Yui: Fufu, I see. By the way…
Will you uhm… stay overnight too?
Ayato: Heh~? Is that supposed to be a sex invitation?
Yui: I… T-That’s—!
Ayato: Heh~, don’t even try to get out of it, it’s written all over your face.
Rest assured though, the invitation is accepted~.
— Smooch —
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dduane · 3 months
Rehoming Holmes
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So here's the current interesting problem: You discover that you're in the process of writing a cozy mystery. And then you discover that the lead sleuth in this work is going to be Sherlock Holmes. (And of course Dr. John Watson is there too.)
The big question, therefore, becomes: when?? And secondarily, where?
(Inserting a break here, because this goes on a bit. Caution: contains World War I, railway lines, chronic illness, unrealistic attempts to be a hermit, and [what did you expect?] bees.)
Wedging the cozy mystery concept into Sherlock Holmes's schedule is inevitably going to be a dicey business. Because Holmes, in Canon—right up until after the events of "His Last Bow," in the collection of the same name—is a really busy man... too busy by far to be doing the cozy thing, be he ever so retired.
We don't know a whole lot about the details of that retirement except for what Watson tells us in the preface to the collection.
The friends of Mr. Sherlock Holmes will be glad to learn that he is still alive and well, though somewhat crippled by occasional attacks of rheumatism. He has, for many years, lived in a small farm upon the Downs five miles from Eastbourne, where his time is divided between philosophy and agriculture. During this period of rest he has refused the most princely offers to take up various cases, having determined that his retirement was a permanent one. The approach of the German war caused him, however, to lay his remarkable combination of intellectual and practical activity at the disposal of the Government, with historical results which are recounted in His Last Bow.
Now, when you start looking into some other details surrounding this retirement, there are some points that immediately start to be troublesome. ...Well, for me, anyway.
First of all: that picture up at the top is of the house to which he's supposed to have retired. Various Holmesians who've looked into the situation over the years seem to have settled on this spot, in East Dean in Sussex. And it has acquired a blue plaque stating that that's where Holmes wound up... which is all very well.
But for the purposes of my own storytelling, I've got concerns.
We know from various comments dropped by Watson in Canon that he and Holmes haven't seen each other for some years, and that Holmes has been living "the life of a hermit" on his farm with his bees.
What I'm not sure about is how you live like a hermit in a house which is (and then was) sited directly on the East Dean village green, with the village pub right across the green from you. It seems like a spot poorly chosen, and maybe chosen in haste. (And how big can that "farm" be, with the village around it? Honestly.)
There's another problem, though, that it astounds me never occurred to Arthur Conan Doyle when he initially chose to retire Holmes to that neck of the woods. The whole area near Eastbourne, sited as it is really close to the south coast of England, is (relatively speaking) an exposed and frequently chilly, damp area routinely exposed to coastal gales. Having just retired Holmes there, that Doyle could then in the next sentence describe Holmes as suffering more or less chronically from rheumatoid arthritis gives me all kinds of trouble. Because I sure know what my arthritis does to me in cold damp weather! And the first thought I had on reading that line in the wake of wanting to tell a story realistically based further along in Holmes's retirement period was "Wow, I need to get him the hell out of there."
Yet here, as has happened at other happy writing moments, I find that a kindly Universe has put what I need right into my hands. Because I invite you to take a closer look at that blue plaque on the house in East Dean.
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Some Holmesian who was a stickler for accuracy (or tight adherence to Canon) refused to date this retirement any further along than 1917, the date of "His Last Vow." The story itself implies that Holmes and Watson—now reunited in (covert) government service—have much more to do after '17. And then, after 1918, when WWI ends... then what?
Well, soon enough Holmes goes back into official retirement. But he does it somewhere else... because Watson's with him again.
First of all, the location changes because that little house above might have been all right for one "hermit". For two men, though? They'll need a bit more room... and maybe also a little more privacy.* ...It should be noted here in passing that as of LAST, Watson appears to have mislaid the wife mentioned in BLAN ("The Blanched Soldier"). Is it his first wife or his second...if there was a second? Who the hell even knows, at this point? (The jury's apparently still out on the subject, and some investigators suggest there might have been as many as six wives. ...But I digress.)
Anyway, the ensuing scene between Holmes and Watson, as Holmes's Doctor explains to him how things are going to be from now on since they're together again, is so easy to imagine that I'm not sure I need to do anything about it in the cozy mystery proper but allude to it in passing. The laying down of the law. The inevitable "I don't need to be coddled" bullshit. The suggestion that Holmes, for a comfortable retirement, needs a house that's sited in better-protected countryside.
Also, due to the inevitable fallout from Holmes's wartime exploits, they're going to need a house that's sited closer to a decent rail connection to London, with a telegraph office just a mile or two away if Holmes needs it... or if a client needs to come see him. (And there also needs to be a handy telephone exchange, annoying though it'll be that Lestrade's or Dimmock's successors can just ring him up and whinge at him.) Holmes will also need a place where he can at least get a decent wireless signal so he can listen to the concerts from the Continent, and closer. (Because if I wind up positioning the cozy in 1922, as seems likely, this newfangled thing called the BBC has just come online: and canonically speaking, Holmes has always been an early adopter.)
Most importantly, though—so Watson will claim—Holmes needs a rural home that will be better for the bees. The Eastbourne area isn't really great for them, being too exposed and right on the borderline of where bees can locally thrive. Fifteen or twenty miles north or so would be far better, putting less stress on the bees and therefore being less likely to skew Holmes's observational results. With this outcome particularly in mind, the two housemates-to-be can look around for a house sheltered by the Downs' low hills, with nearby fields of arable crops—very likely hops—where the bees can do their work untroubled by excessive salt air. And Holmes can tend to and study his charges in more clement conditions that won't periodically leave him immobile and in anguish due to a less forgiving climate's exacerbation of his arthritis.
Will Holmes buy into this hilariously misdirected argument without realizing (or admitting that he's realized) what Watson's trying to pull? Who can say. Holmes, as per usual, is going to put up every kind of resistance he can to avoid revealing that this outcome is absolutely what he wants more than anything. Watson, of course, will receive Holmes's fake-cranky temporizing with his usual patience... and start writing to estate agents in villages convenient to the main north-south rail line. And on the day Holmes cracks and formally agrees, Watson will telegraph the most likely agent and set up a viewing for a week or so later... of a house something like this.
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The frontmost part with the peaked roof is an oast house—a structure originally built for drying hops. They're scattered all around the Surrey countryside, many having been converted over the decades into parts of homes. This one stands in the middle of a small farm where Holmes can rent out the farm's surrounding grazing to other local farmers, while attending to the only part of the farm that really interests him: the hives. And the upstairs windows, in good weather, give onto a view through the surrounding rolling countryside, downhill toward the distant haze-veiled blue of the Channel.
So now I've finally nailed down what was missing before I could really start work: a decent spot where a "a tall, gaunt man of sixty" (well, sixty-five, at this point) and his shorter, slightly stockier chronicler can settle in and get comfortable, and take on the occasional cozy case on which the fate of the free world doesn't depend. ...Insert here the sound of a writer sighing with relief.
And now back to plotting.
*But there could be all kinds of reasons for that. :)
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
I had an AU, that at this point is more of a headcanon for me, that I thought you might enjoy because it's a nice mix of angst, Tim not thinking things are as bad as they very clearly are, and some fluff.
So it's pretty widely accepted that the Bats don't really know anything about Tim's days with Young Justice right? Like they might know one or two small facts, but they don't know that the gang blew up Mount Rushmore, any of the times the DEO tried to arrest them and drag them into Government Labs for experimentation, or that time they went to a Disco Themed Hell with Supergirl. They sure as hell don't know about any of the things that happened with Secret and Harm. Even though Tim would canonically be gone for days at a time (some of his adventures, mainly the one when they were gone for THE ENTIRE WINTER OLYMPICS) with no one noticing. One time they were in space and had enough time to not only go to Darksied's planet but spent WEEKS there and when they got back still not even Batman knows that Tim was even gone.
Anyways, all this to say. If Tim vanished for a month or two and just said he was spending time with Young Justice again while sending in case files and stuff to keep Bruce busy, I don't think anyone would notice. Nor would they notice if he suddenly switched from being Right Handed to being Left Handed and then after months of practice he goes back to being right handed. It's such a small change after all.
So here's the headcanon. On a Young Justice mission, something goes horribly wrong and Tim full on looses his hand. It's simply gone. The reason no one knows or notices is that he got a robotic replacement, a very realistic looking one like Roy Harper has, that he spent a few months learning how to work with and then went to physical therapy for it for years. It's just part of his life now and he thinks everyone knows, after all. How could they miss it? Jason has seen his palm open with a screw driver deep in his wires. Jason thought he was still tripping from fighting Scarecrow a few hours before. Not a single person outside of Cassie, Tim, Kon, Bart, Greta, Anita, Slobo, and Cissie knows that Tim is missing his right arm just below his elbow for almost 5 years.
That is until Tim has been up for 4 days straight and Dick says something about needing a hand with something and in a moment of sleep deprived brilliance, Tim takes off his hand, and throws it at Dick.
Yes! I love this AU/hc. There is a fic that kind of has this situation: "I told you about that... Didn't I?" by weewoow_070603. Jason is the one to find out, though.
I like the details you added in this AU that the fic (as far as I remember) didn't add: Tim being gone is a regular thing, the fear toxin with Jason, the months of physical therapy, etc.
I do think something as vital as this would happen to Tim, and he'd just forget to tell his family. At first, he tries to hide it. He doesn't want to deal with their fretting, the lectures, the scolding, and them getting involved. He has it handled, after all. After a while, he forgets that he should hide it and why he did in the first place. Then someone finds out, and he's confused why they don't know such a common place thing.
I'm also super glad you tied in all those YJ examples that you did. People tend to focus on the space baseball or Santa Clause (which I love those events too), so it was refreshing to see other events as examples.
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sahisan · 3 months
tomioka giyuu x gn!reader.
⭒ summary: everyone knows that giyuu isn't much of a talker, so this depicts the silent moments with him that you both have come enjoy.
⭑ cw: sfw. mentions of giyuu's past (final selection w sabito). a bit of angst. reader is bad at comforting. giyuu loves you sm. like loves.
⭒ wc: 2.8k.
⭑ a/n: this took me too long wth, almost a month i fear lol. this was written during my demon slayer hyperfixation comeback (it's gone now) so uh. also acheron fic coming soon (i hope soon)! pls like and reblog !!
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it wasn't exactly silence after giyuu finished speaking. there were sounds of birds chirping, wind occasionally blowing, resulting in sounds of swaying leaves on the trees being more audible. some even fell because of the invisible force of the air, ending up meeting the gravel ground near the engawa.
having told a good share of his past to you—precisely about sabito and the final selection, which were the main reason he wasn't exactly thrilled about taking part in the hashira training—giyuu decided to stop himself from telling you any more, choosing to leave other topics for later.
but will you still have this 'later' now that he's shared even a small bit of himself?
to you, the silence was awkward. not having the faintest idea of what to say in reply to that wasn't exactly what you would want to experience, yet here you were. it felt useless even trying to think of something, to try and make something up in your mind, even taking a bit more time than you usually do when thinking of a response, bur nothing could've prepared you to thinking of what to reply to this.
it made your stomach churn with how you realised you couldn't seem to know what to do, what to say, how to comfort him; the closest to you person finally started to open uo, little by little, bit by bit and you instead feel like an immobile log, only being able to sit there and listen, not being able to muster up a word of comfort.
and you know, you know that it's because you've never heard the said words of colsolation in your life; thus, you didn't know how to comfort giyuu.
another gust of wind blew through the air, nearly ruffling your and his hair, and for a moment you think of giyuu with his hair no longer in a low ponytail, but instead it being messy and disarranged and you think of running your fingers through it. you hope you'll have such opportunity, even if only once.
another fallen onto your lap leaf helped you out of your thoughts; it would be even more awkward if you hadn't managed to say something at all, daydreaming and continuing on staying silent. you take the leaf between your fingers before it manages to fly away and take a look at it; elm.
"i'm... sorry," you finally spoke, voice quiet as to not disturb anything around. you felt so meek just hearing your own voice. "i don't really know what to say. but i'm sorry for what happened with sabito."
you took a pause; you were never one to have a good way with words, and it made everything even worse in this situation.
"just know that... i'm here for you whenever you want to talk to me about anything. i'll listen."
giyuu's head was in the same position as yours—lowered to look down at his lap. he couldn't say the atmosphere was tense, no, not at all. he knew this was a lot to digest in such a small period of time, no matter how long you've been silent, and he could see your hesitation in choosing the right words; you surely didn't voice your inability to properly comfort him, but didn't blame you for your lack in knowledge about it. he could guess why.
"it's alright," he said just as quietly, silently exhaling a small breath. it felt as if it was easier to breathe now that he had shared this bit of his past to you. "it was about time i told you anyways. i'm already glad you listened. don't bother with words."
you still felt that just listening wasn't enough.
"have you eaten yet?" giyuu broke another silence after a few more minutes of listening to the wind's unregulated breathing, wishing to change the topic to not overexert you mentally any further—what he's told you was enough and it wasn't like he wanted you to dwell on that story. he simply wanted you to know.
"forgot to."
giyuu knew quite well as of now that you tended to, much to his dismay, forget to have some of the meals throughout the day, and it didn't make it better when you could even skip lunch because of training or meetings or anything at all. once, he even told you that he was going to forbid you to enter the training grounds unless you've had at least two meals throughout the day. it's safe to say he physically couldn't do so, so for that period of time you and your exercises were safe.
giyuu didn't need to hear more from you. standing up from his sitting position on the engawa, he then offered you a hand to help you up. and with the gesture, you both knew that there was no need for more words.
the silence in the small soba restaurant never bothered you; it's a place where people came to eat, not to talk, after all. you two were the only people inside for now, but the sounds of utensils clanking and the smell of more food being cooked in the kitchen were very much present, and still, besides that, it was silent.
and still, your mind never seemed to get over how giyuu just brushed your inability to utter something reassuring off. maybe he didn't even want and didn't need the comfort you failed to provide; maybe he expected something like that from you, judging from your earlier reaction to his words just as he'd started talking. yes, he must've known you were bad at feelings, especially other people's, but was he used to it? he undeniably looked like he was, and that was just sad.
chopsticks carefully picking up the soba and guiding them into your mouth, noticing giyuu doing the same near you, your mind picked up the thought that, probably, saying something regarding what he told you about would be inappropriate, but you couldn't shake off the feeling of needing to get something out; something that could just show him that you understand him that much, at least.
"sabito would most definitely be out to get you for the mindset you have now."
out of the corner of your eye you notice that giyuu's hand, previously holding his chopsticks with a bit of noodles picked up, stops. it's not at all an abrupt stop, more like when coming to a thought one's mind has been chasing for a while already. you stop, too, having finished chewing.
and when the silence between you two starts feeling a little too long and a little too tense, and you start thinking that you may have said a very wrong and inappropriate thing, giyuu speaks up in a such relaxed and unimpressed manner that you involuntarily start questioning your choice of words. you'd expected him to get mad or upset, but not—
"you for yours, too."
the nights are—mostly—always silent.
the nights spent with giyuu are silent in their own, unmistakable way.
you two seem to create another form of serenity together—everything becomes as still as possible, wind appearing barely once for a few moments to ruffle the trees' leaves and then disappear without a trace.
your head is gently laid on giyuu's lap and gaze fixed on the night sky above with the stars filling the inky abyss, each sparkling more than the previous, as if trying to catch your attention, your eyes move from one to another, wanting to get a look at them all, wanting to engrave the look of them in your mind and keep it here; but there was just so much — you aren't sure if there even exists a number as big as the number of stars up there.
("do you think we get a star out there after death?"
"would you try to look for mine when i die?"
"...i would.")
with giyuu still looking somewhere in front of him—you can't quite decipher where, maybe he's just spaced out—your hand somewhere a bit lower your chest and his hand laying loosely over yours, you close your eyes and slowly inhale the night air; it smells of pine and momentarily happiness.
a few moments later giyuu's head tangibly shifts, and, having little self-restraint when it comes to curiosity, you open your eyes again—maybe he'd be looking at something different now?
and as your eyelids open, you find him to be staring at no one other than you.
eyes usually cold as a snowstorm and endless as the abyss above you both have now descended to endearment and devotion as they look into yours. they twitch slightly lower and to the side, watching your lips for a few seconds, before coming back upwards to your eyes.
he's so enchanting—close to being as enchanting as the stars he's now blocking your view of. maybe he even looks like one in your mind, or maybe it's just his endless eyes, the colors of which blend into the matching endless night sky. you notice yourself not minding the blocked view if the one doing it is giyuu.
with the main sight now being his eyes instead of the gleaming celestial bodies—you can't exactly complain—you feel like staring into them an eternity more, and then another and another until you've memorized each and every pattern in them. and you're sure that if eyes could talk, both your and his would scream affection.
"you're blocking the view," you say, having no more stars to see right in front of you, them being replaced with giyuu's face.
"you seem to be enjoying it all the same," giyuu declares, unimpressed, despite his eyes narrowing the slightest bit in amusement. you're pretty sure his mouth's corners nearly curve upwards. you would've loved to witness him smile, especially at the moment.
you hum quietly, eyes wandering over his face—how can one attract so much? and it's not just about his beauty; he's everything you've ever needed and didn't know you ever needed in your life. "i never said i wasn't enjoying it."
giyuu, too, can't seem to be able to tear his eyes away from you—starting from your eyes as well, they descend lower to your lips (he's a very patient man), neck—and he regrets both of you being too shy and humble to try and leave hickeys on each other, he would enjoy that sight very much—then your uniform which just suits you so much, and, in the end, your hand, one of which is held by his—when did he go from it simply lying on top of yours to holding it?—and he involuntarily laces your fingers together slowly, eyes following each and every movement. your hands are almost just as his—arms a bit scarred underneath the clothes, skin on the palms calloused from holding your katanas, along with healed nicks and occasional cuts.
humming as well in acknowledgement of your words, his gaze follows the trail back to your face and settle back on your eyes. he has to remind himself to not look into them too long, fearing he'd get too lost in their infinite beauty.
"we could stay like this forever," giyuu suddenly speaks up, and with the quietness of the words said they don't seem to disturb the silence at all.
"we could."
you get what he's trying to say. there was never enough time for both of you since the moment you've joined the demon slayers, and then the hashiras, signing yourself a death warrant when doing so; it's pointless to deny the truth and the inevitable, and you both long learned to embrace it.
but all the sadness and inevitableness can be forgot at times like these, right? even just for the night or for a few hours before the two of you go back to your routine duties.
"but what would you do then?" you continue, being tempted into asking the question with the smallest teasing lilt in your voice, as if prompting him to speak about his feelings about you.
feelings are hard, especially for someone like him—especially for someone with the past and job he has—but slowly, bit-by-bit, step-by-step, you try to get him to understand them, even if you're lost in your own and sometimes can't find a way out of your own feelings. you guess it comes with the job.
guyuu stops to think for, maybe, a bit more than a minute or two, and lets the silence embrace both of you again. again, it's never tense with him (you don't really want to remember the time he told you about sabito, though it still lingers in the back of your mind and comes up in the most unpleasant times), as you two gratefully grab onto the every little bit of serenity and peace you have.
while he thinks, your gaze, once again, roams over his face, with the twinkling stars now serving as a simple background for what—who—you're seeing, being a pleasant compliment to the sight in front of you. moonlight obligingly illuminates a great half of his face, letting you see most details on it, and who would you be if you missed on this opportunity?
nearly just as he's about to start talking, his lips opening and, dear gods above, he can sense your eyes shifting to his moving lips. it's always with you that he feels like a teenager—not really lovey-dovey, but it's a fact that he lets himself be more open to feelings with you.
"i would..." giyuu starts, taking a small break before continuing—to gather his thoughts, knowing you're watching him as intently as you can, and it's not in the least bit uncomfortable as it would be if it wasn't you.
"i would look at you," he says. "for the rest of eternity. i wouldn't want to do anything else besides it."
as he finishes speaking, you slowly but surely feel the tips of your ears becoming a shade of red; thankfully, it's not your face. yet.
"is that so?" you manage to whisper out, taking slow and barely audible breaths to try and calm your fast beating heart. he probably can hear it with how your back lays on his lap, but that doesn't really matter. "wouldn't you get bored?"
you're sure your face gets a small tint of red.
you, involuntarily, hold your breath after his words, eyes widening a tad bit, and it's only a few seconds later that you quietly exhale the air you didn't know you have been holding in.
the words he says are so simple—but he does have a way with them, and that's what makes you love him more and more with each syllable leaving his lips.
there's moonlight illuminating his—and your—face, and you seem to notice it just now. it shines onto a great half of his face, letting you see even more details on his skin, and if it was illegal to stare for so long, you'd be long behind bars, living your worst ever imaginable life without having something as precious and pretty as giyuu to look at.
his eyes shift. you get the hint just as his gaze moves onto your lips—you've been looking at them so attentively, it'd be a shame if you didn't notice that.
having taken a, supposedly, not so fitting of a position to kiss, you have to sit up using your hands and place them on the grass beneath you to hold yourself up, and your face moves just enough for him to understand. you don't make any rash movements; you're careful but your intentions are evident.
giyuu's face shifts closer, too. it moves forward until he feels like both your and his lips are soon to meet together. one look into each other's eyes is all it takes for his appearance to soften and lean towards you.
your lips touch in a kiss and you feel like you could die right now and there because of how soft it feels, coming from him, usually so sharp and harsh; it feels like your lips are melting together but you don't have it in you to mind—it's been far too long since you two have had any time to yourselves and your small affections and you don't know when you'll have another night like this.
his eyes settle closed the same time as yours do, and as much as you like looking at him, it just helps the atmosphere around you even more. giyuu's lips slowly, gently move against yours and you just happen to think of how tender they are, and that warms your chest more than anything.
it's silent and wordless with giyuu, and you just happen to love it.
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pt XVI good omens season 2 (still not traumatic) episode 3 EDINBURGH
HELLO IT'S ME IT'S THE OFFICIAL GOOD OMENS MASCOT WHY DO I STILL KEEP INTRODUCING MYSELF IDK. If you don't know who I am, thank God and Satan for their mercy and flee. Also, the day after I post this, I'll be watching the last three episodes on livestream for the first time so. You know. I'm hyped on the energy of this being my last day not enveloped in tears. Take the summary:
Before the episode starts, someone asks why Crowley said in the last episode that Aziraphale couldn't fall because look at him, all angelic when Crowley looked the same as starmaker. I reply that "Crowley thinks he deserved it, he sees Azi as something beautiful and untouched while he probably sees himself as idk marked in some way so god kicked him down."
I am told that I am learning too fast to weaponise the narrative to induce angst. So then I say oh, I go too fast for you. Tears ensue.
The episode begins! Everyone shrieks about Edinburgh, David Tennant, how it is their favourite episode, and SCOTTISH CROWLEY.
We open with lesbians being gay, and then Muriel enters as Inspector Constable! They are very sweet and very determined to do their job right, and they are adopted by Crowley and Aziraphale just like Jim.
Crowley sits on Aziraphale's chair's arm. The maggots all swoon.
Fine, I also swooned.
Aziraphale gaslight-gatekeep-girlboss-mansplain-manipulate-manwhores his way into getting Crowley to give him the Bentley keys (BOUNDARIES. BOUNDARIES.).
The really ineffable plan is whatever the fuck was happening in Aziraphale's brain when he somehow went from London to Edinburgh via Loch Ness (check the map) and then proceeded to disguise himself as a detective who pretends to be a journalist.
Crowley slays in sleeve garters and a cardigan keeping house in the bookshop meanwhile, does not sell books, instead cleans with Jimbriel and periodically yeets book stacks into corners when distracted.
Aziraphale reads his old diary entries about Crowley, a (6000+) 13 year old with a crush.
MINISODE MINISODE. They are in Edinburgh during the mid 1800s. Victorian outfits, check. Scottish Crowley, check. Capitalist Karen Aziraphale, che-wait what.
Huh. Well. There's a wee bit of body snatchin' going on, to sell to doctors for medical research because there aren't enough murderers, and to make enough money to survive.
Aziraphale channels his inner capitalist judgemental Karen and ruins that plan, come on Aziraphale you have religious trauma but you're better than this, and long story short, Wee Morag dies after Aziraphale realises his error, her friend Elspeth has to sell her corpse for pennies, and is about to commit suicide with laudanum. Azi, oh god. I'm glad you underwent character development at least.
He calmly educates Aziraphale about how his whole "the poor have more opportunities and you shouldn't give them money or they'll lose the virtue of poverty" is absolute bullshit, and he does this understanding Aziraphale's situation and not losing his temper.
The framing. The framing of the shot when they see Wee Morag and Elspeth sitting down on a step and explaining their situation. Aziraphale stands above, bustling with righteousness, and judges them. Crowley sits down. He sits down next to them, rather than taking the high ground. He meets them where they are and empathises. It is the fact that he is fallen and damned that makes him behave really divine and sorry I wrote a whole hymn on him have it I'll stop rambling just know I love him.
I think his amusement is a facade so hell won't think he's genuinely being good. I think he's morally grey and incredibly brave and kind.
When Elspeth is bouta kill herself with the laudanum, Crowley grabs it and drinks it himself, and grows tiny and then huge, absolutely high off his head. David Tennant takes the opportunity to travel Scotland from east to west in terms of accent variety.
He gives us the good message of NO DYIN'. NO MORE DYIN'. IT'S NOT ON. And then forces Aziraphale (who doesn't want to ruin her virtuous poverty) to give the girl all the guineas he has in his pocket, and tells her to go off and start a farm or something. BUT NOT JUST PRETENDY GOOD, BE PROPERLY GOOD.
He then gets pulled into hell. To be punished for this. Aziraphale is frightened and heartbroken for him, looking around desperately, and we find out that Crowley didn't meet him for a while after. And later he wanted holy water. To protect himself? He got punished by hell. For how long? The whole month in between the incident and the diary entry? There can't be anyone better at punishment and cruelty than hell.
Sorry I'm just screaming here.
Never mind fuck I started this summary really happy and bouncy and listening to a dance playlist. Dionysus by BTS and Italian pop is still playing and now I'm crying.
Is this the natural progression. Fuck I'm crying. Sorry guys something else happens with Aziraphale politely talking to a phone and Crowley smiling really beautifully while unsuccessfully trying to manipulate two lesbians into a relationship and something about a visit I don't care everyone's being morally dubious as usual and then lovely Scottish music outro I CAN'T FUCKING ELABORATE I'M SITTING HERE CRYING OVER CROWLEY.
right summary done, time to go sob, lmao i thought i wouldn't cry today over good omens HAHAHAHA still not traumatic eh HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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birchleavesdawn · 4 months
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Icy Improprieties
Kamimoto Kotone x M!Reader 2.5k Words Public ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gangneung Ice Arena
"I guess this is the place."
Today you made the trip all the way to Gangneung to meet up with your girlfriend Kotone, who had invited you to come watch Jiwoo's hockey game. It was a long way, but you had never been to Gangneung, nor attended a hockey game, so you figured it might be an interesting experience.
You approached the heavy steel doors at the front, using your weight to pull one open. You were greeted with a chilling blast of cold air. Kotone had warned you to dress warmly, but you were wondering if the sweater you had picked out would be enough.
The inside of the building was intimidatingly large, it somehow looked twice as big on the inside as it did outside, and with a surprising amount of people going about their business. You walked up the ramp towards the rink and had a look around from behind the glass that separated the ice from the fans, probably there to prevent people from getting hit with the puck. You scanned the stands for a minute before spotting Kotone directly on the other side of the arena, also standing down by the glass. You guessed she must have come in from the other door. She spotted you and waved excitedly. You made eye contact and smiled, waving back, before finding your way over to where she was standing.
"Ah, I'm so glad you could make it!" She exclaimed. "It's gonna be really fun, I promise."
"This is already pretty cool. You're gonna have to help me out though, I have no idea how hockey works."
She laughed. "I don't know all the ins and outs either, but Jiwoo explained the basics of it last time I was here and its pretty simple to follow... wait why are you looking at me like that?" She blushed when she noticed you staring at her while grinning ear to ear.
"Sorry you just look so adorable in that enormous coat. I can't help it."
She smiled and smacked your arm playfully. "Where's your coat? Didn't I tell you to dress warmly? I don't think that's going to cut it."
"Yea I guess I underestimated how cold it was actually going to be."
She unzipped her coat and held out her arms.
"Get in here, we'll share."
You happily obliged and slipped into the giant coat along with her, wrapping your arms around her back and hugging her close.
"Ah, this is great." You commented, resting your chin on the top of her head.
"I know, it's like a personal heater."
"No, I mean because I get to hug you. But also because I can do this and no one will notice."
You lowered your hands to her butt and cupped a cheek in each, giving them a firm squeeze.
She yelped. "What are you doing? Do you see how many people are around?!"
"Relax, they can't tell. No one's gonna know." You began kneading and groping the soft flesh through her sweatpants.
"H-Hey stop that, someone's going to see us."
You ignored her pleas and whispered into her ear.
"You have such a nice butt Kotone. I have no choice but to take advantage of the situation."
She giggled and buried her face, which was now beat red, in your chest. "You're an idiot."
"Oh look, it's starting, so everyone will be completely focused on the game now."
You continued your exploration of her body, reaching down the back of her sweatpants and panties to touch her directly. She stiffened and you felt her breath hitch.
"Mmm. What happened to "we can't do this"? Aren't you still worried about people seeing? You teased.
She didn't respond, instead she reached her hands around your back and gripped your sweater, pulling you as close to her as possible. Her head was still resting against your chest, with her face pointed towards to ice to make it look like she was actually watching. You continued to feel her up, now sliding a finger into her.
She moaned quietly. "I hate you."
"Don't worry, you'll get your turn to tease me. But right now it's my turn." You continued pumping the digit in and out of her backside, eliciting quiet moans and gasps. You added a second, causing her grip on your sweater to tighten and her breath to become heavier.
"I hope I'm not making it too difficult for you to follow the game." You said, slowly working one hand around to the front of her pants.
"You're the worst." She managed, through ragged breaths.
"And yet you still love me."
You found your way into the front of her panties, quickly locating her clit, already engorged and begging for attention.
"Oh my god..." She groaned, biting down on your sweater.
"Come on now, you need to keep your focus on the game if you don't want anyone to notice. The players are doing their best, it's rude not to watch." You said, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
Kotone was at a loss for words, the pleasure and embarrassment of being fingered in a crowded public place was quickly getting the better of her. The two fingers working at her backside had her legs trembling, while the deft fingers working away at her clit were threatening to cause her knees to give out.
You decided to pick up the pace a bit.
"Ah! F-Fuck..."
"Language Kotone." You warned, as you worked her closer to climax.
"I-I can't..."
"Shhh, be a good girl and stay quiet." You whispered.
She was panting now, her grip on your sweater turning her knuckles white. You could feel her whole body begin to shake as she was on the verge of orgasm.
"Just let it go, baby. Cum for me."
Her breath caught in her throat, her body went rigid, and her legs quivered as her climax washed over her. Her body slumped forward into yours as she tried to stifle the loud moan she let out, the only thing preventing her from collapsing was your tight grip on her.
You pulled your hands from her sweatpants and held her as the aftershocks of her orgasm subsided. She eventually managed to collect herself and stood up, looking up at you, still blushing madly.
"Come with me." She said between breaths. She released you from her embrace and took hold of your hand, leading you away from the rink.
"Where are we going?"
"Somewhere private."
She led you to the bathroom, which thankfully was empty.
"Alright, I believe it's my turn now." She stated, pushing you backwards into the stall and locking the door behind her.
"What are you-"
"Shhhh. Just let it happen."
She reached up and pulled your head down, connecting her lips with yours in a passionate kiss.
You reciprocated, opening your mouth to allow her tongue access, which she took eagerly.
You felt her hands leave the sides of your face and drop to your waist, tugging at the hem of your sweater. She broke the kiss, leaving a strand of saliva hanging between you, and helped pull the sweater up and over your head. She hung it on the hook fastened to the back of the stall door and returned her lips to yours, her hands running over your exposed abdomen.
She kissed a trail from your mouth down to your neck, stopping to suck and nip at your sensitive skin. You ran a hand through her hair and let out a soft sigh, letting her know that you were enjoying yourself. She smiled against your neck, continuing down, until she reached the waistband of your pants. She knelt in front of you, dragging her tongue across your stomach.
"Kotone, what if someone comes in?"
"Please don't pretend like getting caught actually bothers you. I think we're way passed that." She replied, reaching for the button on your pants. She undid it, before tugging your pants and boxers down, allowing your rock hard cock to spring free.
"You've made quite a mess, haven't you?" She said, eyeing the precum that had accumulated on the head. She reached out and took it in her hand, spreading the sticky substance down your length. You let out a moan.
"Looks like you've enjoyed that almost as much as I did."
You looked down at her, your cheeks flushed, as she stroked you, before leaning in and pressing her tongue to the base of your shaft. She dragged her tongue up the entire length, causing you to shiver.
She swirled her tongue around the head, then opened her mouth and enveloped the tip, before taking you deeper. You reached out and took hold of her ponytail, guiding her, as she worked your shaft.
"As cute as you were in that coat, you look even more adorable with my dick in your mouth."
She looked up at you, your dick still in her mouth, and winked.
"Mmmm. You're such a good girl, Kotone. Your mouth feels amazing."
She moaned around your cock, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure throughout your body.
She continued bobbing her head up and down, taking more and more of you in her mouth each time, until you hit the back of her throat. She pulled back, sucking hard and using her tongue to massage the underside.
You were getting close, you could feel the pressure building, as you gripped her hair tighter and pulled her deeper onto your cock.
"Fuck, Kotone, I'm close."
She picked up the pace, using one hand to stroke the base of your cock, while the other went down the front of her pants, rubbing her own pussy.
You groaned and held her head in place, as you shot a thick rope of cum down her throat, which she greedily swallowed. She pulled back and gasped for air, stroking your twitching member, coaxing out the rest, and catching it on her tongue.
You leaned back against the toilet and closed your eyes, trying to catch your breath.
Kotone stood up and removed her hand from her pants, shoving her fingers into your mouth.
You loved the way she tastes. You sucked her fingers clean, moaning as you did so.
"Mmm. Good boy." She said, withdrawing her fingers from your mouth.
She began removing her own clothes, kicking her shoes off, pulling her shirt and bra over her head, and pushing her sweatpants and panties down.
She hung her top and pants on the hook with your sweater, then put her panties over your face.
"Hold these for me, okay?"
You nodded and complied, savoring your favorite scent.
She leaned against the stall door, bracing her arms against it.
No words needed, you understood your instructions. You moved behind her, and grabbed her hips. She let out a quiet moan as you pressed your still erect cock against her ass.
"Come on, give it to me."
You rubbed your shaft along her a lips a few times, coating yourself in her juices. You aligned your tip with her slit, and pushed inside.
"Fuck yes."
You both let out a moan, as you hilted yourself in her, filling her completely.
You took a second to relish in the feeling, before beginning to thrust.
You built up a rhythm, pulling her back to meet each of your thrusts. She braced her hands on the door, biting her lip and moaning, as your cock slammed into her over and over again.
You reached around her and cupped her breast, kneading the soft flesh. She let out a squeak when you pinched her nipple.
You leaned down and bit her earlobe.
"You look so sexy from behind, especially when I'm completely buried in your tight pussy."
You sped up, causing her to gasp, as your member pounded into her, the sound of flesh slapping flesh filled the room. Someone had almost certainly noticed what you were doing by now, but she was right, you really didn't care. It didn't seem like she cared anymore either.
She suddenly spun around and pushed you back down onto the toilet seat.
"I want you to look me in the eye when you fuck me."
She climbed on top of you, and lowered herself onto your dick, both of you moaning loudly as she did so.
She began to ride you, bouncing up and down on your lap. She wrapped her arms around your head and pulled you into her chest. You took one of her nipples in your mouth, causing an echoing moan to escape her lips.
"You're doing so good. Fuck me just like that, baby."
You could tell she was getting close, so you reached between the two of you and rubbed her clit. She gasped, and buried her face in the crook of your neck, moaning into it, as her climax quickly approached.
"Don't stop, I'm almost there."
She ground her hips down against yours, your dick hitting her in the perfect spot. She was panting heavily now, her walls clenching and squeezing your cock.
"I'm cumming."
With one final thrust, she screamed out in pleasure, her body shaking, as her orgasm ripped through her. She came all over your cock, the tightness and warmth too much for you to bear.
You moaned, as you blew your second load deep inside her, coating her insides.
The two of you sat there for a minute, breathing heavily. She leaned back and looked at you.
"So... worth the trip?"
"I'll be attending all of her games from now on."
Kotone giggled. "Speaking of Jiwoo, we should get back out there before she notices we're gone.
You both quickly redressed, Kotone retrieving her panties from you, and slipping them on.
"This did work by the way, I'm not cold anymore."
Kotone rolled her eyes.
You exited the bathroom holding hands once again. A couple of older woman who were stood not too far outside the door shot you some weird looks, but otherwise it didn't seem like too many people had any idea what had just transpired.
You returned to your spot by the glass just in time to hear the final horn sound.
"Looks like it's over." Kotone remarked. "Alright well now we go down over there and wait for Jiwoo to get changed and come out to meet us."
You followed her one more time down to the waiting area. You weren't there more than a couple minutes before Jiwoo came out and greeted you.
"Kotone are you alright? Are you sick? I saw you in the beginning and it looked like there was something wrong, then you guys disappeared and I never saw you again for the rest of the game!"
"Sorry yea, I wasn't feeling well for a while but I'm fine now. Sorry we missed your game."
"I'm going to join Kotone here for your next game too to make up for today." You added
You and Kotone shared a look.
"Sounds good, I'm happy to see you're doing better, Kotone."
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vonlycsnn · 2 months
Hi :) I'm not sure if you do angst or not, so if you don't feel free to ignore this. I was wondering if you could do Billy Kid and Lycaon with an injured reader.
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SUMMARY: You get severely injured by Ethereals. Billy tries his best to help you, Lycaon stays by your side while you rest.
- cw/tw: mentions of injuries. hurt/comfort.
- A/N: hello! I love reading angst, I don't write em that often so this was good practice. Kinda a coincidence because I just maxed out Billy's trust rank today lol. Thank you for your request, hope you enjoy reading this! (may or may not overdid it with lycaon 😭)
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"Oh no, oh no, oh no!" Billy dropped his guns and quickly ran towards you; your anxious bangboo followed. You were hurt badly. The two of you didn't realize that there was going to be so many Ethereals in one area. If you knew earlier, you wouldn't have separated from Nicole and the others.
Yet here you two were, covered in bruises and scratches.
"Oh god, oh god!" The robot kneels beside you, panicking. You were lying on the ground, staring at the gloomy sky. Trying to process what happened.
"Are you okay?! Did the giant Ethereal hurt you anywhere?! Ah, I should've helped you earlier!" Billy carefully inspected your body, noticing the light bruises and scars on your arms and legs. You lightly grabbed his metallic arm; he looked at you. Those yellow eyes looked so tearful. If he wasn't a robot, he would be crying right now.
"It's okay, Billy...im—" As you tried to get up and calm him down, you let out a hiss. Forcing yourself back down as you felt a painful sting on your back.
"You are hurt! Hang on, let me see how bad it is." He carefully helped you sit up; your bangboo jumped on your lap as you did. Absolutely worried about what happened to you.
You assured the bangboo that you were fine, trying to bite back any noises you made from the pain you were experiencing.
Billy slowly lifted up your shirt, revealing a large scar that ran from your shoulder to your hip. He gasped.
"B-billy, how bad is it?" You asked your robotic partner. He quickly stood up, scanning the area to see if there's anything he can use to patch you up.
"Bad! Like really bad!" He ran towards every corner of the area you two were in, hoping that there would be anything to help you.
"Damnit! There's nothing here! Agh, what would Nicole do in this situation?!" He started to panic again. You slowly and carefully stand up, setting down your bangboo on the floor. Noticing what you're doing, he ran to you. Putting your arm around his shoulder to prevent you from falling. You were so exhausted from fighting; if he wasn't supporting you, you would've fallen to the ground.
"It's okay, Billy. The exit should be across here... Let's just get out of here before more ethereals appear—" you let out another hiss. Billy stutters, still panicked by your condition. With a scar like that, you should be treated immediately. But knowing that there's nothing to treat you with, he just hopes that Nicole and the others are already outside the hollow to help you two.
You felt something being thrown to your shoulders; it was Billy's jacket.
"Do not fret! For I, the legendary Starlight Knight, shall protect you til the very end!" You heard him exclaim. You chuckled; you're glad that Billy is still the same as ever.
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You were trembling.
You pointed your weapon towards the tall Ethereal that was cornering you, waving it around as a way to threaten the monster. Unfortunately, that did not work.
It slowly walked towards you, like a predator hunting its poor prey. Run, run, run. Your mind begged you to do something, but you just couldn't. You couldn't move your legs, so you were practically crawling backwards as the Ethereal approached you. Your breathing pattern was a mess; you couldn't think straight. All you knew was fear.
The Ethereal raised its blade, ready to tear you to shreds. You closed your eyes, preparing for the worst. You're going to die right here in the ballet twins, where no one could hear you scream. No one would find your body unless they sent public security to fin—
You heard the monster cry in pain, followed by a sudden breeze of cold air. Just as you were about to open your eyes to see what happened, you heard a familiar voice whispering close to your ear.
"I apologize for what I'm about to do, master. This is for your safety."
Before you could even process anything, Lycaon lifted you up effortlessly. You gasped in surprise, holding on to his shoulders for support. Soon after, he ran as quickly as he could from the Ethereal. You looked up to see his focused face; your mind calmed down knowing that Lycaon is here to save you.
The thiren made a quick and harsh turn to a dark corner; it was fast enough for the Ethereal to lose sight of you two. Lycaon carefully puts you down on the floor, laying your head on the wall.
"Don't move." He instructed.
He stood up and carefully scanned the outside area to see if the Ethereal was gone. Fortunately, it was. He sighed in relief, adjusting his clothes as he turned around and approached you. You were gasping for air, your heart beating fast from what had happened. Lycaon crouched to get on your eye level, looking at you so softly.
"Are you hurt, master?" He asked. Having no idea what to say, you nodded. pointing at your right leg. Lycaon carefully grabbed your leg, and before he could do anything, he looked at you for permission. You nodded again.
Lycaon gently removed your shoe, revealing a bruise on your ankle.
"It seems that you sprained your ankle. Not to worry, I can do some physical therapy to help ease the pain if you'd like." The thiren suggested. Your voice was quiet, but he could still hear you saying "please" thanks to his canine abilities.
"Very well then. You might experience discomfort, but I assure you I shall be quick with the treatment." You nodded at his statement, tightly closing your eyes as you felt his hands around your leg.
After a few minutes of pain, Lycaon stopped. He carefully sets down your leg on the floor, looking at you to see if you were uncomfortable in any way.
"How do you feel?" He asked. "Weird, but I feel better now. Thank you, Lycaon." The thiren smiled softly; he gently held your hand to comfort you. Only to then grab his pocket watch to check the time. It was getting late.
"Master, there should be an exit not far from here. Since you cannot walk because of your condition, I will escort you there." As Lycaon begins to stand up, you protest by tugging on his arm. He looks at you in confusion.
"Can we just...stay here for a few minutes? I need a moment to fully relax." You shyly requested. As much as Lycaon wanted to protest, he couldn't disobey his master's orders. He sighed, walking to your side and sat next to you. Removing the weapon from your hands, his thumb caress your hand to once again comfort you.
"...I'm sorry you had to see me like this, Lycaon. It was a foolish decision of mine to fight that monster alone." You felt so guilty over the fact that you were powerless against the tall Ethereal; you didn't want anyone to save you. You've dealt worse, so having to be saved all because you sprained your ankle was embarrassing.
"Nonsense. It is simply my duty to keep you safe from anything that tries to harm you." Lycaon said. You looked at him, tears in your eyes as you tried your hardest not to cry.
The thiren took notice of this and carefully wiped your tears with his thumb.
"I'm here for you, master."
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starry-nights-garden · 10 months
Ateez Reaction ✧ Seeing your ex in public
✧ Ateez all members x gn!reader ✧ genre: reaction, some angst, comfort ✧ warnings: implications of unhealthy relationships in the past in some parts
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tonight is supposed to be unforgettably wonderful as you're on a date with your boyfriend to see an artist you both like a lot performing live for the first time
instead it becomes unforgettable for an entirely different reason, because only a few songs in, someone eerily familiar stands right next to you
you're not sure if your ex has realized yet that they're standing right next to you, but you sure are aware of it, and you instinctively get closer to your boyfriend
the latter uses the opportunity to whisper something about how glad he is to be sharing this moment with you in your ear, until he too spots your ex standing right next to and he wraps his arm tightly around you
"Wanna get out of here for a minute?" he asks, his mood immediately becoming serious
it takes merely a weak nod from you for him to lead you through the crowd and away from all the people
as you're visibly uncomfortable, he does his best to comfort you until you start crying in his arms because you feel so sorry that now he can't enjoy the concert because of you
however, he assures you that it's not your fault and tells you not to think like that, while doing whatever he can to help you calm down until you feel okay again
your boyfriend knows that you have a bit of a difficult history with your ex, even though you're mostly over what happened now
so when you suddenly spot your ex as you're out in public, he seems more tensed up about it than you are
his grip around your hand becomes firmer immediately, and you can tell he's not sure whether he should try to play off his feelings or openly glare at your ex
so you quickly suggest to go take another route to your destination, and when your boyfriend doesn't immediately comply, you get a bit pushy because you currently can't imagine a more awkward situation than those two actually meeting
he does eventually let you lead him elsewhere, but his mood stays the same all throughout your date, until you're finally home and you confront him about it
that's when he realizes he hasn't been doing you any good with his behaviour, and he finally apologizes for it
"I'm really sorry... I didn't realize I kinda ruined our date with that. I just... can't forgive that person for hurting you like that," he explains
and though your date wasn't as fun as it could've been because of that you also understand that his reaction is simply another proof of how much he cares about you
you're on a walk through the city together when you suddenly spot your ex with their new partner walking towards you from afar
them not having noticed you yet, you quickly grab a clueless Yunho by the hand and pull him into the next best store, the poor guy not knowing what's going on at all
"We could've just walked in normally if you wanted to check out this store so badly, no need to pull me in like you're running from someone," he jokingly comments, hoping for some kind of explanation for your sudden change in behaviour
there's serious worry in his eyes for a moment when you tell him that you are in fact running from someone, but he relaxes once you explain to him that you saw your ex walking in front of you and you really don't want to run into them
he understands and so he suggests actually looking around the store you're in for a while until your ex has hopefully passed you by
you end up having fun looking through the shop's assortment and once you're done joking around about the most questionable fashion items you can find inside you've already forgotten all about the awkward almost-encounter earlier
a few weeks after starting to date Yeosang you run into your ex together
you split up on friendly terms so even now you sometimes talk to each other whenever you happen to meet each other
you current boyfriend mostly stays quiet as you introduce the two to each other, and only after a short conversation and saying your goodbyes does it dawn on him that that was your ex
it takes him literally the entire way home to process that fact and his feelings about it kalsdjföjs
"That was your ex??" - he asks that question in disbelief once you arrive at your place and you can't but chuckle at his delayed reaction
he keeps awkwardly asking questions about your ex throughout the evening until finally you figure out that he's jealous
so you give him a kiss on the cheek and you reassure him that there's nothing going on between you and them anymore
he'll probably need a few more kisses and some time to truly understand that you're nothing more than friends now, but eventually he'll be fine :')
as you're out on a shopping tour he's still busy talking to you about the coat you've both been looking at and that he thinks would look good on you
however, when you suddenly stop responding he finds you staring at something else and as he's about to tease you for getting distracted, he realizes who the person is who's standing just across the street
he doesn't hesitate to take you by the hand, his firm and sudden grip startling you out of your shock and making you look at your boyfriend instead
"Let's get out of here. I know a better place to buy you a new coat," he says, even though it's clear he has a different reason for wanting to get you out of there as quickly as possible
will pull you a good distance away while always keeping his eyes on you, and when your ex is finally out of sight he makes you sit down on the nearest bench or wherever
"Do you need me to do anything or get you anything?" - asks that question while cupping your face with his hand and running his thumb across your cheek
will do whatever it takes to make you feel better and to forget all about that unfortunate encounter
he's a little slow in grasping the situation fully when you arrive at your favourite restaurant and you immediately ask him to go elsewhere
after all you've been looking forward to this date for so long, so your reaction makes no sense to him
that's until you manage to point out to him that your ex is sitting just a few tables away
he still tries to argue that it can't be that bad but you insist that it's horribly awkward for you, so eventually you leave together to find a different place to grab dinner
you can tell he feels bad about not immediately leaving with you as he seems absentminded the entire evening after that
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was that awkward for you to be near your ex," he eventually apologizes when you're back home but you assure him it's okay and no big deal
it really is just awkward for you after all, no hard feelings
and so the situation is quick to be resolved in his mind as well, and you spend the rest of the evening having fun together, forgetting about the encounter quickly
the urge to jump at your ex and fight them is huge when he spots the person who's suddenly making you tense up
however, with how you're freezing up and stopping in your tracks while staring at them in horror, he knows better than to make a scene
instead he puts his hands onto your shoulders as gently as he can so as not to startle you
"Are you okay?" he asks carefully, as if the answer wasn't obvious - and he realizes how stupid that question was too, because now he's trying to get you to move again without waiting for your answer
positions himself so he's covering the frame of your ex in your vision and once he can see you react to his action, he puts his arm around you protectively and starts walking with you
leads you away from that person first of all, and once he decides you're a safe distance away, he offers you a comforting hug which you accept
in case you have to cry out the shock, he'll make sure to take you somewhere you can do that undisturbed
you're out on a date when you can suddenly feel the mood changing
protectively has his arm around your shoulders and is pulling you close before you even notice that it's because your ex is just a few steps away from you
only when you find him lowkey glaring into a certain direction do you see their face and you shudder
upon feeling your reaction in his hold, he immediately turns all his attention to you and steers you away from that person
"Come on, let's go elsewhere," he quietly says, keeping his voice down in an attempt to calm you down
won't let go of you for as long as you're in distress, and if he does end up getting too far away from you and you cling to him, he'll go right back to holding you close
is going to buy you your favourite snack to share in order to distract you for now, and might even be a little too cute about it and deliberately embarrass himself to make you laugh
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rh3maji · 3 months
Lil rant abt Caine
Caine is just a lil guy, despite it all. From a design standpoint I thought I was gonna absolutely fucking hate looking at him because those chattering teeth toys make my skin crawl- but the art direction really helps make him look more appealing and whimsical than a disembodied pair of talking dentures sounds on paper.
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The thing with Caine is I didn't initially like him that much after the pilot. While his interactions with Bubble were quite funny, that one episode left me feeling like he'd just end up being kinda one note or at the very least one note in a way that'd get on my nerves. Then everything changed when Pomni Wake Up Time to Go On an Adventure! attacked
The comedic timing throughout that announcement video was so fucking funny and thanks to his line deliveries and animation/model [?] upgrades- CAINE LOOKED AND SOUNDED SO ADORABLE!!
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Legit it wasn't until this came out that I realized I actually could be on board with Caine as a character and it's been uphill from there. Episode 2 was better than the pilot not only comedically and visually but also in terms of showcasing just how actually unsettling Caine can be as an antagonist. Not because he's vengeful or malicious, but because he's so oblivious to how people work. His mind's always buzzing with terrible ideas and he's so so eager about these adventures, but at the end of the day he really really doesn't get the circus crew. Try as he might to include them, keep them engaged [ZOOBLE WAIT!], or even give them what they want [Exit doors] he doesn't realize how traumatic and distressing their current situation can be. The very nature of being trapped in a digital world is bad enough but it's especially rough here bc not only does its god have limited capabilities, you also are very well acquainted with him, and he can't fully understand your pain nor can he truly save you from it. He won't mourn your abstraction. He will not attend your funeral. He will not understand the distress of your arrival, nor the weight of your departure.
This isn't just sad from the pov of the circus gang, it's also very sad for Caine- not because i think he'll ever feel sad about it himself necessarily, but instead because the situation is sad. New members appear over and over, you craft adventures and games and distractions like [i'm assuming] they'd asked you to, but over and over, one by one, they abstract. They stop laughing at your jokes. They don't like you. They want you to leave them alone. It's confusing and maybe even inconvenient.
Where I'm hoping the series takes Caine is that this dissonance between Caine's intentions and the distress of the circus gang gets worse and worse and worse until something's got to give. I'm hoping that maybe at some point a character will try to sit down and talk with him and for it to either sorta get through to him but completely backfire in some form because he misinterprets what the others want from him OR i'd also be down for him to listen, but not understand any of it and proceed as tho nothing happened. I don't want Caine to come around really, it'd be interesting to see how Goose would go about having him come around to being a better host that empathizes more with humans, but personally I do prefer him to keep on keepin' on being this oblivious and eager antagonist.
My favorite Caine lines/line deliveries so far:
"You, my friend, stumbled into an incredible world of wonders, where anything can happen!…e-except for swearing."
"And here we have THE GROUNDS! Drown yourself in the digital lake, or engage in ridery at the digital carnival!"
"What do you think of XDDCC? You're right, terrible, LET'S TRY THAT AGAIN!"
"Kaufmo abstracted? Why didn't anybody tell me?"
"Bubble you can't say that"
"Why are you all just standing there?! The- The Canyon- C-Candy Canyon Kingdom needs you now!" [according to his VA, this was an actual line flub but hoo boy am i glad they use it bc it's hilarious]
"I know you guys love your NPCs, but if I start losing track of who's a human and who's an NPC, who knows...what. could. happen..."
That last line there specifically surprised me the most because up until he said that I was under the impression Caine was linked to every single NPC. I even thought he could see through their eyes if he so chose thanks to his "hundreds of all seeing eyes" line in the pilot. Him saying this here implies lots of things. Has Caine forgotten before? Is someone in the circus secretly an NPC ooooooooh~
"Who knows what could happen..."
Honestly, when Caine first said this I did immediately theorize Jax as being an NPC but now that it's been *checks calendar* three months since I watched episode 2, I don't think this is the case anymore. Jax being an NPC would be...something. Jax not knowing he's an NPC would be interesting [i like it when ppl's realities get shattered], but honestly I think this line was a way to telegraph to the audience that no Caine isn't actually all knowing. He didn't know Gummigoo was coming through that portal until he saw him with his own two eyes. My theory is that Caine is only able to teleport, create, censor, transform, and destroy the world around him, but isn't able to see all of it at once unless he tries to. I think Caine's default state is one where he only knows what he sees directly in front of him/what he himself has left waiting for someone else. And rather than implying someone in the gang is an NPC, I think that line in episode 2 was mainly implying Caine can be tricked, that it's possible to hide something from him, to surprise him even. Though I'm not opposed to an NPC we haven't met trying to join under the guise of being human, it'd potentially create some fun tension assuming the audience was given enough reason to care about them.
Jax is actually my favorite character in tadc, but i couldn't fill an entire post with things to say abt him. Caine seems to be- at least as of right now- the easiest of all the characters to try and wrap my head around. I'll probably have a lot more to say about Jax as he exists in canon as the episodes come out [EPISODE 6 MY BELOVED]
but uhhhh yeah, that's all the things i had to say abt Caine. Pls go watch/listen to the fansong Digital Land bye!
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majesty-madness · 3 months
Within the Cover of Night - Arthur Morgan x reader (sfw)
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Summary: At first, she thinks it’s nothing but her imagination; that because of the life she lives, she’s letting her paranoia get the better of her. And then she’s snatched up in the dead of night by a pair of unfamiliar hands. 
Word Count: 3600+
Warnings: established relationship between Arthur and Y/N, horror themes, kidnapping, stalking, violence, blood, injury, cursing, pissed off Arthur, crying, attempted rape, mentions of sexual assault, panic attack, attempted murder, serial killer, hostage situation, brief escape, comfort 
a/n: Not proofread. Hardly anything happens in this part, the next part will be much more intense.
Main Masterlist
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For a while now, she had been meaning to ride out into Strawberry but the camp has been a little too hectic as of late with the whole moving again thing. 
They had just gotten settled at Clemens Point, one of the more muggy spots but still beautiful nonetheless. 
With things quiet, Y/N felt she finally had an opportunity to venture a bit so that afternoon, she packed up her horse and headed right out. 
Thankfully it was a clear day out, not a cloud in sight coupled with a light breeze. These were the days she admired most, nothing crazy just a nice warm day and a cool wind blowing through her hair. 
It’s what made her love this country. 
Around twenty minutes passed, when Y/N could see the edge of Strawberry in the distance, maybe about a couple hundred yards, before a voice yelled out. 
“Help me, please!” 
Her head jerked to the side of the road, seeing a distressed man looking up at her and waving his arms about. “Oh please Miss, help me.”
“What’s the problem?” She immediately asked following his plea. 
He sighed drearily. “My horse got scared by a snake and threw me right off! I tried to catch myself but I hurt my leg in the tumble. If you could give me a ride back to town, I would be very grateful.”
Y/N outwardly cringed, not sure she was willing to do what he asked. “I don’t know, sir…”
“Please Miss! I’m staying in a small hotel just in Strawberry. It shouldn’t be that far from here…” He desperately explained, planting both hands together in what looked like prayer. 
Y/N looked back up toward the road, eyeing the distance it would take to travel into the town. Truthfully, it shouldn’t take any more than ten minutes on horseback. 
Loudly, she sighed and shook her head. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to take you back to town.” 
“Thank you so very much, miss. I really appreciate this!” The man gleefully exclaimed as he scrambled on the back of Y/N’s horse. 
Once the man had got on back, Y/N noticed her horse beginning to act fidgety, jerking her head back and forth while occasionally pawing at the ground. She had thought that was odd but Y/N continued with tugging on the reins and leading her down the dirt path. 
As soon as Y/N’s horse, Maple, began a steady sprint the man spoke. “I’m lucky you came by when you did, Miss or else I might’ve been stranded with a twisted leg.”
“I’m sure somebody would have come by eventually.” 
The man laughed out loud, almost too loudly. “Maybe, but regardless, I'm still glad you stopped. I do apologize though, I have a terrible sense of direction so who knows how long I might’ve been lost.” 
Already Y/N could see the front gate leading into Strawberry at the end of the road. “I guess you do; Strawberrys’ just down the road here.” 
The man’s grip on her shoulders tightened the slightest bit. “My ma always said to stick to the path cause I was always gettin’ confused. I’ll never learn, I suppose.”
Y/N said nothing, instead took note of his slowly tightening grip on her. It wasn’t becoming obvious per say, she happened to feel the difference in pressure. 
“Lay off a little there, sir.” Y/N thought to herself, keeping her eyes focused on the road forward.
If this man kept persisting in his hold on her, she may say something about it but as soon as the thought entered her mind he hadn’t made another move to tighten his grip. 
Perhaps he was scared of falling off the horse. 
“Those were good times though, riding down the trail with my ma. I’ll tell ya, she knew her sense of direction.” The man continued to babble on and on. 
“Is that right?” Y/N replied nonchalantly, pretending to be engaged in what he was saying. 
“Oh yes, Miss. She was the one that taught me everythin’ I know.” 
Then Y/N’s horse passed the gate to Strawberry, heading right to the center of town. The man kept talking, like he didn’t know how to stop. 
“It was always just ma and me; the thing I remember most about her was how pretty she was.” 
Y/N hummed, finally stopping next to the hotel only a few feet away. 
However, the man didn’t make an immediate attempt to hop off or make any kind of gesture that he was getting down. Suddenly he leaned forward, lips nearly touching the shell of Y/N’s ear and whispered to her.
“But I think you are the prettiest thing I ever did see.” 
The sound of his lowered voice sent chills up her spine, a cold sweat to form on her forehead. Every nerve in her body stopped functioning altogether and all she could do was sit there. 
Before she could push him off her, he quickly jumped down and waved her goodbye. “Farewell, Miss. I know we’ll be seein’ each other again.” 
When Y/N flicked her eyes up to meet the man’s, she no longer saw a helpless person with a piss poor sense of direction, now she saw a physically able man who knew exactly what he was doing. 
If that smirk on his face wasn’t any indication. 
Y/N felt a spell of fear wash over her as she watched him sturt away, leg working perfectly. 
Fighting back the disgust settling in her stomach, Y/N jerked the reins towards the town entrance. Her instinct to hurry and gallop right out of there, but another part of her mind reasoned that since she rode all the way out here, she should at least check out what she wanted.
She reasoned however, if things got wary then she had her gun with her. Nothing a well-aimed bullet couldn’t fix, specifically a possible pervert who didn’t know how to keep his hands to himself.
Y/N made sure to go a bit of an obscure way to the local shop, going around the back of the wooden buildings, keeping her horse close to the exits. 
Surprisingly, for a small town shop, it looked very extravagant inside in a rustic kind of way. The floor and walls were shiny with polish, lanterns lining the expansion of the building, colorful woven rugs covering parts of the floor, framed windows paired with lacy curtains and small aisles of different kinds of items neatly placed on every shelf. There was even a corner of the room where people could sit and enjoy the company of a fireplace. 
It was real nice. It almost made Y/N forget what had happened only minutes ago. 
As she browsed the kinds of products the store had, she caught sight of a luster shelled ink pen. 
She’d heard about these; the new kind of pens where you didn’t need to dip into ink, instead they had their own ink inside the pen itself. She wasn’t quite sure how they managed that but it intrigued her. 
Looking at the unique design on the outside of the writing utensil, her thoughts drifted to Arthur. 
Maybe he’d like something like that. 
So without contemplating it for too long, Y/N bought the pen and headed right out. 
As she approached the back exit of the building she suddenly remembered why she had entered from the back in the first place when the familiar rush of adrenaline coursed through her veins. Her hand had raised to grab the doorknob, but froze for a second while she thought on all the possibilities that could happen as soon as she stepped out. 
Y/N raised her other hand to the revolver in her holster as she poked her head outside. She looked to the left then the right to discover nothing there. Not even a stray animal. 
Once that reality sunk in, she relaxed her arms to her sides and headed back to her horse hitch a  few feet away. 
At first, things seemed fine on the way back to camp, however the longer she rode, the more unnerved she felt. 
Even as she came upon the trail that led to camp, there was something wrong. Her horse had been fussing about the entire ride back, making more noises than normal, fidgeting, acting anxious and that told Y/N things weren’t right. 
Her horse was not easily frightened, but whatever was happening was really bothering her; enough to make her move about like a scared child. 
Before she stepped fully onto the trail, Y/N forced the animal to a stop and turned her a bit. Her eyes stared into the treeline in which she could barely see five feet into. 
She hadn’t realized she’d done it, but Y/N had slowed her breathing down, hearing only the silence of the forest. 
Her gaze bounced around the patches of grass, bushes, tree branches, and such seeing nothing yet suspecting malevolence lurking in the approaching darkness. 
One second…two seconds…three seconds….four…five…
She began to sweat fiercely. 
Six…seven …eight…
The pounding of her heart reached her ears like thunder in the sky, rushing over her whole being.
She wanted to look away, but didn’t want to at the same time; feeling if she looked anywhere else she’d be doomed. 
Y/N tugged hard again on the reins and forced her horse to take off in a mad dash for camp, away from the deep forest. 
Though Y/N wasn’t the one running for her life, she panted out with a heavy breath nonetheless. The hypothetical chance of someone following her causing her fight or flight response to kick in. 
It was by no means logical as she had no way to prove that there had been anyone beyond the treeline as her subconscious seemed to believe, although the sensations that surfaced were no less scary. 
In those short seconds, her brain came to a conclusion and didn’t like what it saw. 
But what did she see? What did her sixth sense pick up on that she just couldn't understand? 
What. Was. Wrong?
As soon as her horse made it into the camp, she slid off the animal before she’d come to a full stop and stared off into the distance behind them both.
Her eyes trailed over the path she took, and waited for something to happen. But after all that, nothing did happen and as far as she knew nothing was going to happen. All she could hear were the voices of her fellow camp mates and the occasional animal calls. 
She blinked a few times before shaking her head and walking off towards the center of camp. Y/N hadn’t realized it but her brain sent her straight to Arthur’s tent where he sat on his cot, jotting down something in his journal. 
He immediately heard her steps making a b-line for him, and the moment he noticed it was Y/N he smiled but it quickly faded when he saw the expression on her face. “Darlin’?”
She wasted no time in plopping herself onto his lap and curling into his chest, face tucked to his neck. 
The sudden display of seeming affection nearly caused Arthur to drop his journal onto the ground, so he quickly tossed it to his cot. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” 
She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck to pull herself even closer to him, making Arthur let out a slight grunt as she held onto him tightly. 
Instead of trying to further prod her into speaking, Arthur chose to settle his hands on the small of her back to keep her steady against him. And he continued to hold her for several minutes, feeling her muscles relax as time went on. 
“Did something happen?” He whispered between the two of them. 
Y/N took a deep breath before finally lifting her head to gaze up at him, eyes shining with tears. “Sort of.” 
“What do you mean?” 
She shrugged, finding it difficult to find the words because now that she knew she was safe with Arthur she felt a little silly for reacting like this. “I..was on my way to Strawberry earlier today, because I heard they had these new steel pens, and on my way there, this man came along shouting that he needed help.” 
Arthur began softly rubbing his thumb on a non-specific spot on her back as she spoke to quell the worries that plagued her. 
“Said he fell off his horse and hurt his leg, asked if I could give him a ride back to town. At first I wasn’t too keen on the idea but I felt guilty if I just left him stranded, so I let him hop on the back of Maple. I didn’t think much of it, but Maple started acting funny.” Y/N mentioned, lips pulling together in a frown. 
“How do ya mean, what’d she do?” Arthur asked in the silence between them as Y/N paused. 
Y/N let out a little huff, dipping herself further into him. “She was fussing about, making noises, pawing at the ground, stuff like that. Most things don’t bother her and since the man didn’t look all that threatening I thought maybe she was tired.” 
Arthur quietly nodded, waiting for her to continue with her story. “He kept going on about how he had no sense of direction and that his mother taught him everything he knew and for some reason, he mentioned how pretty she was. Said, it was what he remembered about her the most.”
“Then what?”
He could see the unease swimming in her eyes just by looking as she recounted what happened only a few hours ago. 
“Then he leaned in real close, and whispered into my ear: ‘I think you are the prettiest thing I ever did see.’” 
Immediately, Arthur’s stomach dropped while suppressing a cold shiver from crawling up his spine at the implication behind those words. 
Even though he hadn’t witnessed it, he couldn’t help the disgust rippling through him. Far too many times had he heard of the awful things done to women in saloons or back alleys where no one paid attention; far too many times he had seen the attempts men made at them when they thought there was no one around. The gunslinger in him would flourish with a rage at the idea of a man harassing some poor woman minding her own business, and promptly beat them within an inch of their lives for the simple fact that it was exactly what they deserved. And that was for women he didn’t know, now imagine what he’d do for the woman he loved, the woman he secretly promised his life to. 
God help any man who threatens her. 
“Did he do anythin’ else to you?”
Y/N quickly shook her head, leaning back into him again. “No, he just hopped off and walked away like nothin’ happened. And when he was walking away I noticed that his leg was working perfectly fine so he wasn’t even hurt to begin with.” 
Arthur let out a contemplative sigh, hands moving once more to create invisible in her skin. “I’m sorry, darling. There are some real bastards out there.” 
All Y/N did was nod, choosing then to sit quietly on Arthur’s lap, not uttering anymore words for a while. They spent several moments basking in each other’s presence as each ruminated on their thoughts. 
“Would it be alright if I sleep in your tent tonight?” Y/N asked promptly. 
Before Arthur said anything, she continued. “I know that it’s a bit sudden and we’ve never slept in a cot together but I really don’t want to be alone. And you make me feel safe.” 
His heart thumped with affection, giving her back a few pats and pressing a kiss to her hair. “I appreciate that, darling and of course, you can stay with me. I wouldn’t mind at all.”
“Thank you.” 
Arthur rocked her back and forth a few times when he spoke again. “Though, I can’t promise you’ll get a good night’s rest sleeping next to a big ol’ idiot like me.”
“Don’t you go saying nothing like that. It’s not true.”Y/N pouted, sticking her arm out to point him in the side where she knew he was sensitive and based on the way he tensed under her hand, she knew she got him good.
“Ah-alright, darling, I won’t go saying anything like that.” 
She poked him one more time causing him to reach down to quickly stop her, glancing down to see her bottom lip jutted out like a child’s. “You better not.”
With that, the rest of the evening carried on as normal with the exception of Y/N sleeping next to Arthur that night. Well, more like on top of him considering how small his cot truly was, but she didn’t mind in fact, Y/N liked that they got to be so close in such a vulnerable position. It was also thanks to the unexpected development that she managed to wake up the next morning with a calmness. 
And when Dutch had come to her once she was awake and walking around about a possible job, she didn’t feel the least bit worried. However when Arthur stated he was tagging along, she didn’t try to dispute it instead was thankful for his presence. 
On the ride to the nearest town, they chatted about this and that, the worry that plagued her long forgotten even as night fell and came the final decision for the night. 
“Are you sure, sweetheart?” 
Y/N nodded. “Yeah I’m sure, I’m feeling better today so I think I’ll be alright sleeping in my tent tonight.”
Arthur nodded silently to himself for a few seconds. “Alright then, but if you change your mind you’ll know where to find me.”
Promptly after, Arthur returned to his own tent for the night leaving Y/N to her’s. She stayed up for quite a while almost until the campfire outside had dwindled to small flickers of light and everyone else was asleep. This was a normal occurrence as she was a bit of a night owl but eventually she too became drowsy and without hesitation, laid out across her bed roll. 
Her eyes drifted to the ceiling of the canvas house, thinking on the events of the day where nothing particularly interesting happened and then, she fell asleep. 
A harsh pressure being pressed tightly against her neck is what woke her from her slumber. Her eyes quickly popped open, scrambling to fight off whatever was choking her in the dead of night. 
But the grip was too strong, no matter how hard she tried to peel away what she figured was someone’s arm, she couldn’t loosen the hold. 
Who was this person? What did they want? 
The darkness slowly started to creep in on her vision as she began to feel light headed and just before she passed out, she heard a familiar voice.
“You really are the prettiest thing.”
Off in the distance, Charles stood on night duty. These shifts were never entertaining but he supposed that was a good thing especially when you run with a gang of outlaws; himself included. 
Charles walked back up the path a bit, towards camp just to see if anything was amiss. He hadn’t noticed anything in the forest surrounding the camp, however when his eyes drifted over to the horses, it piqued his curiosity. 
Most of them seemed…antsy, like something spooked them. 
Already alarm bells were going off in his mind so he grabbed a lantern from the center of camp and began to walk along the numerous tents creating a semi circle around one firepit. He made his rounds first over to Lenny’s tent, seeing he was fine then to Abigail and Jack’s, then to Sean’s and up until he reached Y/N’s which sat between Sean and the other girl’s tent. 
He wasn’t sure what made him stop but his instincts screamed at him to take a closer look, something was off. 
Silently, Charles apologized to Y/N for the ill manners of barging in and pulled back the front flap of the tent only to see Y/N missing and the entire backside canvas cut completely in half. He stepped inside of the tent, hurrying out the back to discover drag marks and footprints that were far too big to be Y/N’s. 
Immediately he understood. 
Charles ran out of the tent out into the middle of camp, shouting for everyone to get up while making a b-line to Arthur. From the shouting, Arthur had already begun to stir. 
“Arthur, Y/N’s gone.” Charles stated matter of factly. 
The words went in one ear and out the other. Arthur, for a moment, thought he wasn’t even speaking english. “What?”
“Y/N’s gone, she’s not in her tent. Someone ripped open the back, and now she’s gone.” Charles explained with a sense of urgency. 
Now Arthur was awake, and as soon as the words settled in, he thought back to what Y/N had said the day before. 
“He kept going on about how he had no sense of direction and that his mother taught him everything he knew and for some reason, he mentioned how pretty she was.”
Arthur jumped up from his cot, running back to where Y/N’s tent lay now undisturbed, and nearly toppled the whole thing over when he pushed his way inside. 
“Then he leaned in real close, and whispered into my ear: ‘I think you are the prettiest thing I ever did see.’” 
He saw what Charles was talking about, not only was the entire back wall of the canvas material cut in half, the items inside the tent had been thrashed around as if someone had put up a fight along with tracks in the dirt leading outside into the trees. 
Y/N had been taken.
a/n: ran out of time so I had to break this into two parts, sorry ya'll! I'll try to be better about this in the future.
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kishibe-kisser · 11 months
Car Sex (Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Nanami Kento, Mahito) pt. 1
Pt.2 (Aoi Todo, Sukuna, Toji Fushiguro)
A special request from a friend for funsies, part 2 will have Todo, Sukuna and Toji
Tags: gojo x gn!reader, dryhumping, teasing, dirty talk, geto x gn!reader, blowjobs, kissing, nanami x afab! reader (i had an idea for so this is the only one not gn!reader) breeding kink, hair pulling, Mahito x gn!reader
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Satoru Gojo: It was rare that he drove himself places but for you he definitely made the exception. Before dating you, he hardly ever had a reason to drive because he only left the school to take care of curses. Since dating you, he loved driving. He loved glancing at you sitting next to him, knowing you were unaware of him staring at you through his sunglasses.
Like now, he was watching you shift in your seat next to him. Your hand resting on his on the center console, thumb drawing shapes over his skin. You looked so good, it was driving him crazy before you entered the car and your soft touches were only adding fuel to the fire. His pants were suddenly so fucking tight around his cock, his other hand gripping the steering wheel. You continued to play with his hand, knowing full and well what you were doing.
Grabbing his hand, you moved it from the center console to your thigh, leaving it there as you reached over to massage the back of his neck. "That's it." Satoru grumbled, pulling the car over into a nearly empty parking lot. This was exactly what you wanted, smiling to yourself as he parked and reclined his seat in the same breath.
"What's gotten into you?" You teased, turning your body to him and looking at his very evident bulge. "Oh don't act like that." He grumbled, grabbing your hand and placing it right on his hard on. You found yourself laughing, moving to climb over the center console and straddling his waist. He instantly gripped your hips, pulling your full weight onto him. "You know exactly what you were doing." Satoru added, feeling your breath fan over his lips.
You smiled before kissing him, grinding your hips down to feel him groan against your lips. You continued your actions, fingers tugging at his hair as you created some well needed friction.
"You better start taking your clothes off, this dick isn't gonna ride itself."
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Suguru Geto: It wasn't an ideal situation but it was the one you were dealt. Your car had broken down on the side of the road and the pickup service wouldn't be able to come until morning, leaving you and Suguru to wait it out. If anything, Geto was resourceful, laying down the backseat and making a makeshift bed from your bags and a spare blanket placed in the car.
He was just happy this happened while he was with you, glad he was there to stay the night with you for protection. He was going to see this as bonding time, especially as you tucked your head under his chin. Your hand resting on his hip as you cuddled into him for warmth. "This is surprisingly comfortable." You said and felt his chest vibrate with a laugh. "Because you're using me as a pillow. Meanwhile I'm laying on something really hard." He said and you sat up, your hand still on his hip.
"Hmm, I see." You moved your hand under his shirt, massaging the skin to hear a low hum come from him. "You want me to make it up to you? Call it payment for letting me use you as a pillow." Your hand snuck down lower, under the waist band of his pants. Suguru sighed, placing his hands behind his head and watching you. "Seems like the right thing to do." He agreed and you grinned, undoing the closure of his pants to tug them down slightly.
Leaning down, you kissed down his abdomen, running your tongue along the soft ridges. Suguru hummed, watching you through hooded eyes as you got closer and closer to his semi-hard cock. "Fuck that feels good." He moaned as your tongue traced his tip. You wrapped your lips around him fully, your tongue swirling over him as you bobbed up and down.
His hand moved down, helping you hold his shirt up and press your head down on him further. He had to stop himself from shoving his cock all the way down your throat, being on the verge of cumming.
"You're doing a great job at making it up to me."
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Nanami Kento: On his days off, Nanami loved nothing more than going for a drive with you. It was something he saw you doing as a family later on, going on roadtrips while music played softly in the background. While you were on long drives that was what he tended to think about, seeing you next to him in the car.
It was driving him nuts this time around, hearing you sing along to the rock music fom his playlist, imagining you doing that with your kids together. "I want to go on roadtrips with our kids." He leaned over to you and said lowly as he was stopped at a light. "Hmm we don't have kids yet." You said in response, kissing him quickly because you noticed the light turning green. "That can be fixed." He said softly, catching you off guard and pulling into an empty street. Nanami always had such good resolve, he must have been going insane for him to do this.
"Get in the backseat." He grumbled getting out of the car, undoing his tie and taking off his jacket. You watched for a moment, biting your lip before scrambling into the backseat. You loved it when he lost it like this. You hiked up your skirt while Nanami got into the backseat behind you. He grabbed your hair from behind, while the other hand tugged your panties to the side.
Before doing anything else, he pulled your head back a little further to kiss you first. "You want this just as bad as me." He mumbled against your lips, finger tips dipping into your cunt and feeling how wet you were. You hummed in response, arching your back and pressing your ass against his crotch.
Nanami pulled his cock out of his pants, not caring about the mess you two were going to make. His grip on your hair tightened as slipped himself into you, letting out quite possibly the best noise you had ever heard as he bottomed out.
"Only you can drive me crazy enough to fuck you in the car."
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Mahito: The concept of driving wasn't entirely foreign to Mahito, he just wasn't capable of doing it and well, you most certainly weren't going to let him drive you places. Which left all the driving over to you and it absolutely fascinated him. There was something incredibly attractive about you driving, so much so he was practically begging you to pull over.
"Baby you just look so hot driving." Mahito's hands were on your thighs, pawing at the flesh as you drove. You tried your best to ignore it, only for him to cup your crotch directly. You nearly slammed on the brakes, pulling his hand away from you as he laughed. "I'll pull over just so you don't end up killing us." You complied, anticipating him just as much as he wanted you.
The second the car was parked Mahito had pulled you into the backseat, your pants ripped off and thrown somewhere. He was always hungry for the way you tasted, this time was no different as spread your legs. "You're always just as hungry for me as I am for you." He remarked, licking at your core and looking at you with dark eyes.
Your nails scratched at the leather interior as he continued to flex his tongue over you, morphing it to reach every inch of you. It was so overwhelming, orgasm tearing from you with a hoarse scream as you tugged on the seatbelt. Mahito didn't like stopping though, he always liked to push you to your limits and the fact that you were in the car wasn't going to stop that.
"I'm not gonna be able to drive if you keep going. I already can barely feel my legs." You choked out and Mahito just smiled up at you, not caring.
"Then we'll wait. I want you cumming on my tongue a few more times before I'm done with you."
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locallixie · 1 year
housemates — lee know
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> summary . how can you live your life peacefully with having your housemate constantly seducing you like that?!
> genre . smut, fluff, housemates au, forced proximity, housemate!minho, gn!reader.
> warnings . sexual tension, general sexual themes, minor language, oral (receiving), unprotected sex, tipsy sex.
(wc) > 6.3k
(sunny's note) ☆ "and they were roommates.” wanted to be sweet and cute, until lee minho is in the equation. sorry for the late upload, i had a really bad writing slump and progress was slow. but i made it!
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You shouldn’t have agreed to this if you knew this was how it would turn out. What a mistake, your kindness that yourself and other has taken for granted. And currently stuck in a living situation that tested your patience every waking hours, your dormitory experience was no match for this.
Jisung had asked you for a ‘small’ favour a couple months earlier, about how his friend got evicted and was now homeless, wondering if you could let him stay for a while until he find a new place. First of all, that was not a small favor. Secondly, you didn’t even know this friend that he was talking about. And you were reluctant to let a stranger stay in your house right off the bat. You lived in a dorm before, but that was a dorm and not your own house.
“Please, [Y/N], just a couple months.” Jisung pushed over the phone, you could tell he was outside from the loud and slightly muffled noise that the speaker picked up upon.
Sighing, your soft spot for him would be the death of you. Agreed with hesitation, since you were glad you were out of the dorm life and regained your privacy, but it seemed that life had came to pull you back in. Jisung should be expecting your complaints if something bad happened between you and your new housemate.
From the first initial meeting, you got some of the weirdest vibe from this guy. Maybe it was the amount of black and leather he was dressed up in, or the bitchy look on his face that could kill with a single stare. How the fuck was Jisung friends with a person like this? They were the complete opposite of one another, the guy looked as if he committed first degree murders as his favourite past-time. What you meant was you were convinced that he was a sociopathic killer, and he was probably plotting yours and Jisung’s death soon.
For one person, he sure did had a lot of stuff. You three brought around eight or ten different sized carton boxes up to your apartment, not counting the two gigantic suitcases that he had to take a second trip with Jisung to go get. He must have been living in his old place for very long to have that much stuff, wonder why he got kicked out? Possibly because the landlord found the bodies with how sharp his eyes always glared at.
“Don’t worry about the rent, Minho can pay for his half.” Jisung reassured, starting his car. The engine roared loudly, it had been through a rough day of carrying all that stuff to here.
Before he left, Jisung told you one last thing. “Oh, and don’t be afraid to ask him for help around the house, Minho may look intimidating but he’s quite a sweet guy.” With that sentence stuck in the back of your head, he drove away. If you could even have enough courage to ask him to take the trash out, maybe that statement would be proven.
You did all the house chores yourself, you didn't ask for any assistance from Minho. Wether it was because you were used to having to do everything yourself, or he was just still as unapproachable as the first time you two met. But he too, barely talked to you. You heard his voice once or twice when he was on the phone, but he did not speak a full sentence to you and ought for short few words replies.
"Do you need any help?" Another voice emerged from behind your back, offering assistance.
You pulled the trash bag out of the can, "I'm good, thanks,"
"Whatever, suit yourself." Minho walked away. Not even a bit of small talk? It frustrated you of how aloof he was acting, he didn't want to get to know you at all. However, it pissed him off just as much, you would always shrug him off every-time he offered to help you. As you two had made it clear before, you hardly knew each other, and here you were living together as people of unfamiliarity.
You didn't know his last name, or how he met your three years best friend—Jisung. Neither did he held any personal information about you, he wasn't even sure which variation of your name was the correct one. Already a month has passed by and no one was willing to start up a conversation with the other person. This ice between you and Minho just kept getting thicker and colder.
Ranting on the phone, "I'm telling you, I can not get through him! I think he hate me!"
"Calm down, [Y/N], he doesn't hate you." Jisung reassured, sighing as this was the third phone call of the month that you were expressing your discontent for the same subject. "It's simple, just talk to him, even if it's small talk."
Hearing the front door opened, "Fuck, he's back, I'll talk to you later." You didn't let Jisung say 'bye', hanging up in the midst of his sentence.
Minho worked a nine-to-five job, you weren't sure of his occupation in particular. You got a sense of his routine, he would leave the house at exactly seven-fifty in the morning and usually came home around five or six—depending on the traffic that day. On few occasions, he was nice enough to bring food home for the both of you.
"Hey, you're back quite late today?" You asked, seeing the clock already hitting six at the moment.
He set down a few plastic bags on the table, "I got groceries on the way, I'll cook dinner." He explained shortly, bringing ingredients to the kitchen for preparation.
That was a first, he had never offered to cook before, much less thanking you for the meals you made for dinner. Guessed he was just hot and cold like that, and this was his way of showing his gratitude. You weren't mad, on what normal day would you have someone cook for you enjoy? You technically did everything yourself when you moved out a few years ago.
Watching his figure diligently cooking in the kitchen, it comforted you in an unusual way. He was like your own personal boyfriend—for tonight at least, he would cook and then sit at the table with you to eat, maybe he might even offer to wash the dishes. A fine, hard-working young man? Anyone who could scored him would probably be winning in life. You couldn’t hide your jealousy if he ever bring home a date.
He walked over to you, holding out a spoon with a small portion of thick orange liquid. Minho asked, “Try it, tell me if it suit your taste.”
The tangy flavour stood out immediately, he must have put something citrusy as it melt into your tastebuds. It was good, no, amazing even! This hidden talent of his was worth all the waiting you had done, you never knew Minho could be such a great chef. For a while, you thought this guy couldn’t possibly hold a knife correctly, yet you were proven wrong of your assumptions.
You nodded, the sound you made when encountered good food already told him enough. Everything smelled so mouth-watering, and the presentation was tempting you to devour everything in on sitting.
"Thanks for the food!" As soon as he placed the last dish onto the table, you immediately picked up your utensils. You could not hold yourself back when face with good home-cooked food, good home-cooked food made by an equally good-looking guy.
Minho sat down beside you—he usually sat across from you which kept a nice distance between the two of you—he was very close today. Asked he, "How is it? Good?"
You didn't hold back on your praises, "God, why didn't you cook sooner? This is actual heaven~!"
He simply smiled in a humble manner. Your face was a little puffed up when you eat, which he found quite endearing. Watching you stuffed your entire face with rice, sweet and sour ribs, and eggrolls. Flattered by how much you were enjoying it, yet concerned from how fast you were eating.
"Slow down, wouldn't want you to choke." He gazed at you as he advised.
"Unless you like it like that." Immediately, you started coughing profusely. A grain of rice flew up to your nose, making everything worse the longer it stayed stuck up there.
Minho patted your back, "Woah, are you alright?" Uh, obviously no?! You were coughing out rice over here, how could you even be remotely okay? And how did he expect you to be okay after that suggestive comment he just made? This guy was unbelievable. The smile laced with deviousness, as if he was silently planning something that would catch you off guard—which certainly did a minute ago.
He picked up a single rib and ate it with his chopsticks, he probably mind getting his hands dirty from that sticky sauce he used. How could Minho looked so graceful while eating while you were here devouring everything down like a fucking caveman. Work on your image a bit, would you? Especially when you were living with someone that wouldn't use their hands to eat ribs.
"Have you been talking to Jisung recently?" Minho suddenly questioned, setting down his bowl as to show respect.
You turned to him, confusion sitting on your shoulders and your heart sinking with a bit of guilt. By any chance, did he overheard your conversations? "Yeah, I have." Continued by another question, "What? Are you two not talking?"
Minho's eyes was bigger than you expected, now seeing him a bit closer from your distance from each other. It curved in a very pretty way, and glistened upon every reflections of his soul. You couldn't help, couldn't help but get a little sad every-time you gazed into his eyes, or when they would unknowingly stared back at you. He looked at you, as if through his eyes saw you as the most precious person to exist in the short timespan that was the human life.
"He haven't been answering my texts and calls, I don't know if he's upset with me or something?" Minho sighed, "Can you...just ask him for me?"
In a bit of hesitation, "Would it be a bit rude for an outsider to chime in? Whatever it is you and Jisung are going through, it's best if you two worked it out together...privately." You told, trying to offer other solutions.
Minho let out a tired breath, "I don't know, I'm not sure what I did wrong that made him upset with me, that's what I'm most worried about."
You patted his back, "Just talk it out with him, communication is key!" How ironic, you could hardly hold a conversation with him, and now you were here giving out communication advise? Unreliable source. You knew you shouldn't interfere with whatever beef Jisung and Minho was having between each other, but you were making it seem like you wouldn't ask Jisung for details. Or Jisung would tell you himself from how much he like to rant to you.
Minho flashed a genuine smile towards you, "Thanks, I owe you one!"
Your heart skipped a beat, just one enough for your whole system to go the very bit haywire. You were finally making some good progress with Minho, and his entire intimidating and remote façade all came crashing down when he smiled. Keep up the good work!
“Are you and Minho back on speaking terms yet?” The other line went quiet for a few seconds, you heard a sigh being let out.
Jisung replied with a question, “He told you?”
Fuck, your nosy tendencies were acting up again, it slipped out of you like a natural instinct. “No—um, yeah he did but I don’t know the details or anything! He was just wondering if you were mad at him or something since you stop contacting him.” You went on to explain, trying to tell Jisung that you weren’t intending to be impolite and simply wanted to help your friend out.
The other giggled at your tone of voice, of how freaked out he got you. You acted as if the people you were working for to take down started suspecting you to be a double agent, but unlike those action films, you were terrible at hiding the truth.
“My girlfriend don’t like the fact that I’m still friends with my exes, so she wiped out their contacts from my phone.” The whole problem was finally solved as the explanation came out.
Wait, one thing. “Minho is your ex?!” You exclaimed at the sudden realization.
Jisung was absolutely enjoying this from the other line, “What? You want him?” He teased.
Your face went red, denying the question thrown at you. This whole time, this was the relationship your housemate has with your best friend? And he had never cared to tell you about anything regarding this romance he once had? All these people do was lie. Struggling through your words, you outwardly rejected the idea. “No—! No– I don’t! I—!”
Jisung interrupted, “It’s fine, he’s all yours.”
You tried denying, “No, I don’t want him—!” Quickly being cut of by Jisung once more.
“And he’s a really great kisser—”
“Jisung, shut the fuck up!” You hanged up in embarrassment, throwing your phone away in a state of panic. Why would he tell you that? As if you needed to be more careful around Minho now that you knew these things about him. God, how did he expect you to continue living with this knowledge? Unlike Jisung, you saw Minho everyday of the week.
The door to your bedroom suddenly opened, “Are you okay? I heard a thud.” Minho was still in his work attire, a tad bit sweaty from the heated summer air, the first two buttons of his shirt were left undone. Solely from the condition of his appearance was in, you were mentally restraining yourself.
“Did you just came back?” You asked, begging that he didn’t heard your conversation with Jisung on the phone a few minutes ago.
He replied shortly, “Yeah, I’ll go shower now so we can eat.” Closing your door as he left without another word, left silently with knowing what you said earlier. He heard enough of your phone call, you were too caught up with talking that you didn’t hear the front door open. Minho was halfway across the hall to his room when he heard you shouted, his name fell out from your mouth as clear as day.
Oh, Jisung never told you that he and Minho were a thing? Now it was kind of awkward for the both of you. But if you wanted him, he wanted you too. He saw the way you would look at him, stealing glances from across the table. He was a very attractive guy, you were sure he wholeheartedly knew this, and he used it to his advantage.
Coming out of a cold shower, his hair was wet and dripping water down his back and shoulders, but at least have some respect for you by covering up his entire bare torso. At the dinner table? Was he going to be half-naked for the whole duration of dinner? He wanted you dead, you boldly claimed.
“So…how was work?” You opened up a topic, hoping he would start talking to fill the silence that was ongoing between the two of you.
Minho let out a chuckle, "Not fun." Handing you a pair of chopsticks and a ceramic bowl. That was understandable, he did looked quite worn out coming home after work.
"What do you do, if you don't mind me asking." You raised a question into his occupation.
He began picking up food from the many plates into his bowl, the wondrous scent controlled his chopsticks faster than his mind. Minho answered while pouring the meat broth over his rice, "I'm an accountant."
An accountant? Was that a code word for sex workers? No one in their right mind would go into accounting. Minho out of all people, worked as an accountant? You had no negative comments on his intelligences, or his work ethics. But accounting sounded so boring for someone as interesting as Minho, you thought what he said was a joke of some sort. Maybe he had a side hustle doing unconventional and dirty jobs.
"It's not fun, but I got bills to pay." Minho joked to lighten up the mood, filling in the empty pauses with yours and his joyful laughs.
He shook his head in a subtle yet prominent dissappointment, smiling to hide his actual emotion on his feeling of unfulfillment. "I wish I became a singer back then."
What he said piqued your interest, you looked up at him with a spark of excitement. Straight into his eyes, you asked. "You sing?"
His vocals was almost professional singer level, for a first in the short timespan of knowing him, you saw such happiness on his face. Holding the microphone as he sang you a love song, the amount of money you spent on that karaoke machine paid off. Minho wasn't wrong or thought too highly of himself when he said he should had became a singer, you would have said the same thing if you knew him sooner. And if he did, you would support him with your all.
The atmosphere got a bit hotter and hotter as the night went on, with alcohol entering the table as an uninvited guest. When a sensual song came on, the mood totally changed for better or worse. His loose t-shirt was showing some skin, it was too a little short as it was showing peeks of his toned stomach underneath. Your mind was going places, wether it was because of the alcohol getting you tipsy or it was your inner desires for intimacy.
Minho did not broke eyes-contact with you, in a hushed voice, stating that you were the only beauty he would keep in his sight tonight. Gently holding your hand in his, he placed it on his chest. Did you feel it? Under the warm and shaking palm of yours. His heart beating at a tiny bit quicker pace than usual, beating for you with all of these temptations in him.
"Minho, I should go to bed now, it's getting awfully late." You told, diverting away in a flustered mess. Yet, despite your attempt at diluting the air, Minho persuasion didn't seem to back down. Too heated, too close as you could now smell his liquor-laced breath.
Eyes half-lidded which made his desires just the more prominent, he was serious with no control. Before your lips could touch one another, a loud vibration emerged abruptly that pulled both of you out of that drunken trance.
Blindly grabbing for your phone, your eyelids were giving up as each minute continued to pass by. You didn't look at the contact name, the alcohol was taking over your system like a pernicious poison. A voice echoed out from your phone speaker, it took you a few seconds to register the other line’s speaking and its distinct frequency.
“Where is your report?! [Y/N], you are driving me crazy with your constant delays!” They roared at you, annoyed and angered.
You got off from your place on the couch, walking away with your phone in hand as you used your last few excuses to save yourself. “Seungmin, it’s not really a good time right now, can I call you back?”
Seeing you caught up with work on the line, he figured he would clean up this mess you two made on the coffee table for you. For a moment, he thought you felt it too. He might had read the room wrong, but the way you tried to avert from the situation felt almost like a reassurance for him. As if you wanted to go further with him, go little deeper, but you were unsure if he was onboard as well. He thought of apologizing, after you sober up more than the state you were in at the moment.
You swore, you couldn't remember anything from the night before. Went to bed at nearly one in the morning, woke up head-empty and half of the blankets and pillows were off your bed. Come on, you could confidently say that you did not exceed your limit. Yet as shown this morning, you had a rough night yesterday with the leftover liquor running through your veins.
You were absolutely dumb-founded when he said he was sorry for what happened last night, as if you remembered everything clearly to its very details. Let's see, you ate dinner, you talked, sang a couple songs out of boredom you assumed, then it all when foggy after that.
"What are you on about? I have no idea of whatever the hell you are apologizing for." Telling him straight up, you could not register anything he was saying to make any sense.
Frustrated, and a bit taken over by the shame from yesterday. "No, it's okay, you're better off not knowing anyway. Sorry for making a scene so early in the morning."
Minho finished the few last sips of his Americano, grabbing his laptop bag from under the dining table in a hurry. "I have to go now, see you again at six." He bid goodbye at the front door.
Before he go for the next ten hours, you told him tonight's plan. "I have a few friends over tonight, if you don't mind their companies."
"How many are coming?" Minho asked.
You tilted your head as you tried to remind yourself of the size of your party, maybe even the identities of your guests as well. "Just three. Jisung is going to be there too, if you want to see him."
You could forget anything, anything that you deemed important. But one thing that you couldn't seem to shake off your mind, as it has been bugging you ever since you knew of it, was the bygone romance Minho had with your best friend—happened to be Jisung. Now that you were non-actively trying to persue the guy, it left a bittersweet taste in your mouth. Though Jisung had affirmed that the past was in the past, you could court his ex-boyfriend all you want.
Minho looked down, "We'll talk later, okay? I'm late for work." Leaving things unfinished between you, he closed the door as he left.
You didn't work until around noon, you could work from home if you wanted, yet you still came into the office everyday since things moved faster with you being physically there. But after that call from Seungmin—head of your department, you were already considered brave for the mere thought of showing up. Despite how nice Seungmin actually was, his anger was incomparable to anything you had ever seen.
After your short shift, you went back home to get things prepare. On the way home, you had already picked up a few ingredients. Said ingredients were just a six-pack of cold beers and Gochujang sauce for the beef. The others wouldn't come for another hour, for the time being, you would have to get everything ready by yourself.
Pray to god that the table grill was still working today since you haven't brought it out for a good few years now, it was collecting dust in the very far back of your cupboard. The hangout had been planned for a little while already, you got most of the things a day or two prior.
Was Minho going to join you? His expression carried a bit of hesitation when you asked this morning, though you would be happy to have him if he did changed his mind. The more the merrier!
Hyunjin and Jisung came over just a tiny bit earlier than Felix, guessed he was caught up with some baking for desert. You and your friends were all gathered up together at the dining table, it felt crowded by how small of a space you had to eat for four people. Happy that Hyunjin’s beer wasn’t on the floor since it was standing so confidently at the edge.
“When is Minho coming home?” Jisung suddenly turned to you.
“I don’t know, usually he would be back by now.” You shrugged, just now noticing today’s abnormalities. Maybe something came up at the office, or he had something else he needed to do beside from work matter. Whatever it was, you just hoped he would get home safety.
Speak of the devil, not even ten minutes had passed and the front door softly rang of clicking keys. You came to open the door for Minho, meeting his slightly stunned expression. His glossy tired eyes under the dirty frames of his glasses gazed back at you, his hair disheveled and sticking to his forehead as if he ran his way home. God, he looked rough, but so strangely enticing at the same time.
"Hey, we were just talking about you!" You beamed.
"Sorry, I'm late. My digital files got corrupted, so I had to get I.T to check that bitch out." Minho sighed deeply, you could imagine how long it took to resolve it purely from how worn out he presented.
The others greeted him at the dining table, getting a stool for him to sit since you were out of chairs. Minho was sandwiched between you and Hyunjin, one he knew, one he didn’t. He felt the tiniest bit uncomfortable sitting in such a tight spot, especially when yours and his thighs were rubbing against each other. He didn’t mind it too much, he liked you anyways.
“Ah, Minho! This is Hyunjin, and that’s Felix, they’re my college friends.” You introduced. Though he was a year older, they treated him with a casual formality. Felt more like meeting old friends than new people, your group broke the ice a lot quicker than he had previously expected. Soon you all were drinking and chatting, learning a bit too much about each other for the first meeting.
Felix tapped out, “No more, I’m driving tonight.” With Jisung following along as most had already decided to stop drinking, including you.
You placed your hand on the shoulder of the person next to you, “Are you still going? Damn, you must know how to handle your liquor.”
Minho stared back at you as you spoke to him, his eyes half-lidded like the night before. The first few buttons were unfastened, his bare and defined chest laid underneath the thin fabric. A sheer cast of sweat made his body glistened by the overhead light, his glasses was slowly slipping off his nose bridge which reflected the sweat even more than it should have. His face was flushed red and pink everywhere, flushed from a love confession of a drunken mind. Any minute now, he might just be making out with you.
His heart and guts was burning up with these carnal desires, if your friends weren't here, you could bet he would be fucking your brains out like how you so desperately wanted him to. He wanted you just as much, so shamelessly wanted you.
Minho leaned in suddenly, his lips and hot intoxicated breath lingered your ears. Whispered gently with his mellow, sleepy tone of voice, "When are they leaving?"
“We’re just going to have some tea and brownies, they’ll be on their way soon. Why do you ask?” You returned, asking in with a bit of hesitation in the back of you mind. Could it be he was overloaded enough, or did he not like your friends? You doubted the second one, since they had so much fun together. But that didn’t mean it couldn’t happen.
He didn’t further elaborate, ending the subject then and there with no other explanation. His intentions were unclear, as if he was hiding something from you but you couldn’t figure out what it was. Hopefully not something shady, or would leave you with a bad image of Minho. Keep it simple, he was probably tired and he needed a bit more peace and quiet. And he couldn't get any peace and quiet if your friends were here, right?
You wanted him to take off his shirt, take every single piece of fabric on his body off, let you admire all of his grace and beauty. Occupied with drooling over your housemate, the teapot seemed to had slipped your mind.
"Fuck!" Yelped you, the heat of the hot tea finally burned your skin.
Hearing pain from your voice, Minho and the others were already there to aid you. Especially Minho, he grabbed your hand into his as soon as he noticed. Luckily for you, the injury was minor and running it through cool water was good enough.
Minho really has you in a chokehold, metaphorically speaking obviously—unless. If you two did become a thing, would it be a little awkward? Maybe not for Jisung, but you were unsure of how or what to think in a situation like this. Though, despite how much you might try to push the idea away due to having quite a lot of repect for your best friend, you couldn't help yourself.
Seduction existed in his eyes and body language, it was subtle yet effective. An absolute disaster that the two of you also lived together, which pumped you up with an amount of hormone that a high-school student would have.
The way he dressed may be ordinary, office worker fashion. His shoulders flexing in his fitted button-up, straight dress pant hugging his thighs. His thick frame glasses further accentuated his winsome features. There was no exaggeration that he, for a definite, has a lot of admirers from work. You too, would be weak on your knees if Minho was your colleague.
It was around eight o’ clock by the time you finished up, which wasn’t late—at least to your definition—but tomorrow was still a work day. Especially for Hyunjin, who was flying out of the country for a business trip, of which it was crucial for him to leave early morning for his flight.
“I’m catching a cab home.” Jisung answered when you asked him how he was going to get home without a car, since the other two already left on their separate ways.
“No, I’ll drive you home.” You offered kindly.
“You drank a lot tonight, you really shouldn’t be driving, [Y/N].” Jisung denied, pointing out the slight alcoholic haze you were in. He wasn’t wrong, you were a literally beast with the bottle. However, you were awake enough to still talk normally and sort of think, like being half asleep.
Reassuring you that he would be fine on his own, and that he would be sure to text you when he arrived at his place. You knew Jisung for too long for you to be worried about him on trivial things, it simply felt like the right thing or a common habitual saying you had going on. You just wanted to take extra precautions since you both had been drinking the whole night, and there were quite a lot of problems existing because of it.
"Don't worry about me too much," Jisung soothed you once more. However he had no regards for what a sentimental moment that was happening between the two of you, immediately back to his ways of joking to dilute the air. "You should be worrying about if Minho can keep his dick in his pants near you."
You smacked him on his shoulder, "Shut up, he's right over there!"
"I mean...I see the way y'all look at each other, we all know, [Y/N]." He commented, giving you a playful look. You wanted to murder Jisung, and you would make it look like an accident too. Were you being that obvious about your feelings? But the way Minho acted around you didn't help too!
Jisung waved goodbye to you and to Minho—who was in the kitchen, washing up dishes and shot glasses. "I'll see you on Saturday for coffee if you can even get out of bed, bye!"
Nodding, as you watched him walk away from your apartment to the main elevator, realization hit later than expected. You yelled out in annoyance but Jisung would definitely laughed it off and ignore you. "Hey, we're not fucking!"
You had to stay up to finish a few reports and lone documents, so that meant you wouldn't be able to see Minho during his morning coffee. Coming over to offer another hand in cleaning up, it wasn't a big mess but was a mess nonetheless. You might take care of everything for Minho to get some well-deserved rest that he has been needing.
Minho turned around as he felt a tap on his shoulder, "Let me take it from here, you should be getting ready for bed by now."
"No, I'll help." Minho single-mindedly refused your offer. "And too, I can't sleep with this raging boner you gave me."
Too sudden, too out of nowhere, your neck snapped to him when you heard him said those words. His expression was neutral, as natural as if he had said and had done nothing wrong. Still washing dishes and bowls, scrubbing and rinsing like he has been doing the same thing for years. Did he heard himself at least, or was it a thought that went loose.
"Oh, sorry." What the fuck were you supposed to reply to that? Thank you? Was that a compliment in disguise of some sort? Feuling the fire even more, the desires becoming stronger and intense, he had agreed to throw away his principles already.
Minho inched closer to you, his eyes on yours as he asked nicely for attention. "If I tell you that I want to fuck you right here right now, would you be mad?"
Face flushed, hot as when you would place your hand on your tea cup to check the temperature. He was evil, disregarding your state of mental stability by saying things of the same kind so out of pocket. He, for a fact, waited for the right time to confess his sins. The kettle was boiling all night, the heat and steams were his deepest thoughts.
You turned off the sink, your hands cool and wet and smell of dish soap from the water. For a split moment, you were solely looking at each other, begging either one to make a move. Minho leaned in towards your direction, his bare forearms brushed gently against yours. The alcohol in both of your bodies made the moment all the more intimate, slowly yet steadily closing your distance between each other, breaking down the wall of sexual tension you had unconsciously built that stood with all its might.
The faint taste of his strawberry chapstick on your tongue, his lips was a little sticky but so soft that you didn’t quite mind. There was no way of stopping him, as you too, did not want to stop the thrill ride that was ongoing. Letting out heavy breaths as he sucked dark red marks onto your skin, lips painting your blank canvas. May he be the only alcohol you would get drunk on, let you drink him up like your sorrows and distress.
“Oh, Minho.” You breathed, moaning out his name as his hands rushing to take off your pants. Hot tongue making a line on your stomach down to your sex, freely as his mouth worked on you like how you dearly enjoyed his food. Both your legs resting on his broad shoulders just did nothing but helped spread you wider.
Your sweet voice singing out to encourage him, using his tongue in all directions that favoured you. Stomach knotting with alcohol and dinner and a heaven he had created for you, coming onto his lips, a result of prolonged temptations.
Every fabric that touched yours and his bodies that day were all scattered on the floor by second round. Never even seen your best friend naked, and here you were admiring his ex-boyfriend’s entire unclothed figure with no ounce of shame left in yourself. You could not keep your hands away from him, so greedily touching him in different places.
Neither could wait any longer, deciding to lay each other’s pride out on the dining table. Minho placed his lips on yours, closing his eyes yet still seeing the vivid image of you in his dark mind. With each passing second, his cock making its way into the very depths of you. You hugged him quite tightly, as if you haven’t scored anyone in a while.
Your eyes told him everything he needed to know, you body twitching and squirming under his embrace, the silent language that told him every one of your secrets. Thrusting faster and harder, wanting to hear you make some more music for his aching soul. Minho grabbed your legs, pushing them against your torso as his cock went deeper into you. You could barely keep your eyes open, or could you stay present with him. This pleasure felt like a dream, a dream that softly pulled you in.
Minho kissed your lips once again, “Baby, don’t sleep on me, I’m not done with you just yet.”
But as much confidence that he may has in him, he was nearing his high and coming apart for you along the way. Minho’s vocals were heavenly when he sang for you, and were just as heavenly when he came into you. He kept going despite being out of breath and tired for you, he started something and he was going to finish it.
Second time felt much more powerful than the first, almost like he gave his all. You could feel his seeds dripping out from inside of you, onto the dining table and even the chairs. Dirtying everything all over again, now you had more cleaning to add onto your list. Guessed neither of you were going to get any sleep tonight.
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sebscore · 1 year
Hey I’m not sure if you’re taking requests, I’m so sorry if you’re not! but do you think you’d be able to do a gig with the Leclerc brothers where their sister maybe plays a sport and she gets Injured very badly and how they’d like comfort her! I’m sorry if it’s too much! Love your works! Don’t forget to take a break!
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pairings: charles leclerc x sister!reader / lorenzo leclerc x sister!reader / charlotte siné x leclerc!reader 
warnings: injury. unaccurate medical advice. swearing. the sport wasn't specified so I choose tennis, i'm sorry if you don't like that (but I do and if there are more tennis fans pls be my friend, I dont have any tennis friends). 
author's note: another Little Leclerc chapter after a long time! hope the wait was worth it and you enjoy this fic! thank you so much for loving my works and I hope you have a great day!! 
• • • • • • •
Similarly to her older brothers, the youngest Leclerc enjoyed passions of her own, but instead of a steering wheel, she thrived with a tennis racquet in her hand. 
She started playing at quite a young age, but her time was cut short due to her family's financial situation where they could only support one child's hobby- that being Charles' racing career. It had upset both her and Arthur, but it was an understandable decision. 
Once Charles started making his own money, the two youngest siblings slipped back into their own passions. It had been hard on the young girl at first as all the girls her age were much more advanced and she almost had to start back from scratch. However, she pulled through and began to compete against other players around the area. She wasn't the new Sharapova by any chance, but she had won several local junior tournaments and was seen as quite a big competitor in Monaco. 
Y/N had to prove that at the Monte-Carlo Country Club Junior Tournament, arguably the biggest junior competition in the country. Many girls and boys from different nationalities participated in the event, and it spanned over 2 weeks. 
Little Leclerc had never been able to win the tournament before, her best result being from the previous year when she was stranded in the semi-finals. Y/N had had a good tennis year and was one of the favourites to win her category at the prestigious competition. 
Y/N had seamlessly made it into the quarterfinals, having won all her previous matches in straight sets. Her mother had been present at every single match, not wanting to miss one second of her daughter's play and loving the attention the youngest was receiving. 
Lorenzo, Charles and Charlotte joined her at the girl's latest match, having missed most of them due to work. The brothers were glad they could finally watch her play after such a long time of not being able to attend her tournaments. 
''It's weird seeing her so serious.'' Charles mumbled as they waited for her to do her first serve, her focused face being one he didn't get to see often. 
Lorenzo chuckled. ''I know, she's always clowning around.'' He responded, shutting up as soon as his sister tossed the ball into the air. 
The serve was too fast for her opponent to return, resulting in an ace for Y/N and another game won- the score now 5-1 for Leclerc. She received an applause, the clapping of her family standing out and giving them a timid smile. 
She was on her way to win the first set, but not everything always goes as planned. Her opponent hit the ball to the opposite side of where Y/N was standing, the young girl having to make a long run to return the ball. Because it was a grass court, the players have to wear special shoes, but they often stick to the ground making it harder to run very fast. Her right foot became stuck to the court so Y/N had to put all her weight on it, causing a twist to happen as she chased the ball. She fell to the ground, clamping to her right ankle. 
Pascale immediately stood up from her seat, her heart dropping to her stomach as she saw her daughter go down on the court. Lorenzo processed the moment for a few seconds before standing up as well, and Charles and Charlotte stayed seated, the woman's hands covering her face in shock. 
They watched the umpire climb down from his high chair and approach her, crouching down next to Y/N and asking her if she's okay. ''My ankle hurts a lot.'' She answered him, holding back tears. 
''You want to continue playing?'' The man already knew the answer would be no, but he was mandated to ask her. 
Y/N shook her head. ''No, I think I need a medic or something.'' 
The umpire nodded his head at her words and pulled out his walkie talkie, calling for a medic to enter the court. He received an answer on the other side and turned back to her. ''Can you walk, Y/N?'' 
The young girl tried putting pressure on her ankle, but a throbbing pain shot through her foot and she yelped. ''No, I can't.'' 
''Get a wheelchair as well, she can't walk properly.'' He spoke into the device, receiving a short 'understood' from the other side of the walkie talkie. 
Y/N could see the concerned looks on her family's faces, giving them a thumbs up to ease their worries. Her mother let out a deep sigh, relieved her daughter seemed at least okay on the surface. 
Eventually, two medics arrived with one of them holding the wheelchair in their hand. They unfolded it and carefully helped the girl get up from the ground. They sat her down in the chair and rolled her off the court while the audience gave her an applause, showing their appreciation for the match and her hard work. 
The Leclerc Family made their way towards the inside of the stadium, wanting to get to their youngest as soon as possible. ''It looked like it hurt a lot, did you see it twisting?'' Charlotte said, the moment replaying in her head. 
''Yeah, and she was trying so hard not to cry, I could just see it.'' Charles responded, holding onto his girlfriend's hand for some sort of support. 
''Maman, the medical center is there!'' Lorenzo redirected his mother as she almost went into the wrong hallway. Pascale quickly turned the right way, running on her motherly instincts. 
She knocked on the door, opening it before being given permission to actually enter the room. ''Oh, look at you.'' Y/N was laying down on the doctor's table, her ankle being inspected by one of the medics. 
Pascale embraced her as well as she could while her daughter laid down, caressing her face. ''Does it hurt a lot?'' She glanced at the ankle, seeing it already swelled up. 
Y/N shrugged her shoulders. ''It only hurts when I move it or stand on it.'' She answered, tears escaping her eyes. 
''Don't cry, Chérie! You're so strong, you're a brave girl.'' Her mother tried comforting her, wiping the tears away and kissing her cheek. 
The medic scratched their voice, gathering everyone's attention. ''It's 100% not broken, but it is sprained,'' they explained, ''I'm gonna tape it and then you're free to leave, but I advice you rest your ankle for the next week and don't strain it too much, cause then you'll have to go to the hospital.'' They finished off, grabbing the support tape from one of the cabinets. 
''Okay, thank you.'' Lorenzo weakly smiled, grabbing a chair and setting himself down next to the table. 
''I was doing so well and then of course I have to fall.'' Y/N exclaimed, radiating frustration. 
Her oldest brother grabbed her hand. ''It can happen to anyone, even the big players fall and get injured.'' 
''But it's embarrassing falling in front of that many people- I wanted to die right then and there.'' His sister argued, her hands covering her face as if she was reliving the moment. 
Pascale chuckled at her daughter's dramatics. ''There are worse things to be embarrassed about, Chérie.'' 
''Yes,'' Charlotte spoke up, ''remember when I had to make a Twitch account so he would open the door for me? Way more embarrassing.'' She said, gathering laughs from everyone. 
''Or when Charles wore that banana costume on a livestream!'' Lorenzo added. 
''And Arthur with his 18-hour screen time? You've got nothing to worry about.'' Charles chimed in, directing the focus to Arthur's embarrassing moments. 
Y/N's tears had stopped and laughed along with her family, appreciating their attempt at cheering her up and making her feel better about her fall. ''Ooh~ she's smiling again.'' Charles poked at her dimple, a giggle escaping her mouth because of it. 
''Remember when Charles-''
''She gets it, Enzo!'' 
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