#I'm not up the shows ass praising it for being amazing or anything either
sandy-shocks · 8 months
Y'know what. Everyone really made me think Hazbin Hotel was the worst most problematic show ever with how ppl were talking about it.
I watched it and it was nowhere near as bad as anyone was saying??? Its ok actually, if the pacing was better I'd almost call it good. I personally don't find a lot of the jokes funny either, just not my humor. The music at least is fucking fantastic.
The complaints about the artsyle and character designs kinda just remind me of the same arguments people had against Steven Universe ngl and that sort of thing is subjective anyway, a lot of it comes off as people complaining cause they already didn't like the show and have to shit on it more. Yeah sure everyone got that onceler look and I wish there was more variety but it's not the worst thing ever.
Yeah it's an adult cartoon that's a little cringe and handles some things not so great but most hate I've read about it wasn't even true or it's just people wanting to complain about everything cause they already decided the show was bad.
I will finish off saying the creator sucks ass and is a piece of shit so I pirated the show she's not getting any money outta me
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lila-went-missing · 7 months
I saw you wanted req's for Clarisse !! and I had a cute (well I thought it was cute) Hear me out !! You're Percy's older sister but you've been at camp for a few years so you and Clarisse have had more time to talk and get closer, sooo coincidentally once Percy came and after he and Clarisse had their fall out she finalized the relationship (not to be petty but just to get under his skin a little bit.. but also she didn't wanna do something to Percy and have you upset with her and ruin the progress y'all made.) But !! Percy only found out when you guys were eating at your table and Clarisse came by and didn't say anything to him, she kissed you but as she was walking away she muttered a half-assed apology to Percy. Bro's dumbfounded but you break the news to him, and as the loving brother he is and the fact you and Clarisse have known each other it's only fair he happy for you !! (You keep him safe from her.) SORRYYY this is so long but Clarisse makes me giggle, I hope you're having an amazing day !
I've been so excited to write this but I'm also such a procrastinator so sorry if this took a long time to come out. You're literally so sweet I hope you have an amazing day.
Warnings: Mentions of blood and wounds, it gets slightly suggestive once but nothing happens, cursing i think, I'm not going to lie to you this sucks especially the ending.
This took forever because I'm the medically expensive one in the family and I've been in and out of doctors offices for over a month now. This isn't proofread, I trust grammarly and move on. I love you all so much, enjoy my lovelies.
When the Waves Come In
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Being a forbidden kid was anything but easy. Monsters could smell you more than others. The gods hated you. Trouble and tragedy seemed to track you down wherever you went, and there was nothing you could do to stop it. The only perks? Having a cabin to yourself and being slightly more powerful than other demigods. If you were being honest, that wasn't really a fair trade.
Not to mention, the other demigods at Camp Half-Blood either hated or praised you. There was no in between. You were claimed only seven months after arriving at camp, this made a lot of unclaimed kids unhappy with you. Like it was your fault that Poseidon was kind of proud of you once? It's not like he's bothered to reach out since then.
Over the last three years of living at camp, you've made some decent friends. You got along pretty well with most of the Hephaestus kids, Beckendorf immediately taking a liking to you for your stubbornness. The Apollo kids liked you, they even let you help lead archery classes. But there was one person that you were closer with than anyone else. Clarisse. Your Clarisse.
You weren't friends. You were so much more than that. But at the same time, you weren't quite together either. It was very complicated. However, there was one thing you were both certain of, you like being near each other, and hated being separated. Oftentimes, she would sit at your table during meals, Chiron choosing to turn a blind eye. You would sneak her dessert every time she lost her privileges. You were her girl, that much, everyone knew.
When a new kid by the name Percy Jackson showed up at camp, you didn't think much of it. New kids arrived all the time, 90% of them never being claimed and getting left to rot by their godly parents in the Hermes cabin. It was sad, but it was the truth. You learned to live with it.
You assumed the same would happen to him, until you saw it. The horn that once belonged to the Minotaur. Grover claimed he had killed it with its own horn. Everyone believed it except Clarisse. You wanted to not believe it, but how else would he have the horn?
Of course, Clarisse being Clarisse, she had to prove that he was a fraud. The first time she did this, she was blasted by water into a wall, effectively shattering a mirror with the impact. She came to you, of course, a bruise forming over her stomach and chest. You were honestly surprised that she didn’t some internal bleeding deal going on.
“I just want him to own up to being a liar!” She ranted. “Is that too much to ask? I mean, he’s 12, he’s like 4’11, he has no muscle what so ever! How am I expected to believe that he, of all people, killed the Minotaur?” She paced back and forth over the floor of your cabin for what felt like an eternity.
“I mean, this kid shows up out of literally no where, and is getting all the glory in the world. Is everyone here really that blind? There’s no way he managed to actually kill it, yet he’s getting all the praise? How does that add up?”
You stood from your place on your bed, walking towards her and placing your hands on her shoulders. Your hands squeeze gently, trying to ground her.
“Breathe,” you whisper, “I know it sounds highly unlikely. I know you’re pissed, you have every right to be.” Honestly, if the only way you could ever get your father’s attention was through glory and winning fights, even then, seldom getting any acknowledgement whatsoever. You have to admit, you’d be pretty pissed in this situation too. I mean the only thing you could do to get anything, even an admittance that you exist, is immediately taken over by this random kid no one’s heard of? Yeah, she’s rightfully pissed.
“But I need you to breathe before you have a nervous breakdown, honey.” Your hands rub up and down her arms, feeling her muscles slowly relax.
“I wouldn’t have had a nervous breakdown.” She mutters.
“I know, but I might’ve.” Knowing her, the way she is behind closed doors, she most definitely would have. But you let her believe that she would be okay.
“It’s just not fair you know? He hasn’t done anything. Even if he did kill the Minotaur, there’s no way he wasn’t running purely on adrenaline and rage. He wouldn’t be able to do that again if he tried. He’s getting all of this praise, and for what? Existing? Being, not even a man, a boy?” Her voice is much much quieter this time, barely making it to a whisper. If it wasn’t for your proximity you probably wouldn’t have heard it.
“I know, I know, love.” You can’t stop yourself from wrapping your arms around her. “Just think, in a week or two, people will probably forget all about it. He’ll go back to being a regular 12 year old, nothing special.” Realistically, you know that sounds kind of bad, but what else are you supposed to say to her.
There was a part of you, no matter how small that part may be, that knew that wasn’t going to happen. Most demigods aren’t able to do something like that and live through it. But you knew he wasn’t like most demigods.
You knew he would get claimed, soon, most likely. From the moment you laid eyes on him it’s like you could feel it. What happened in the bathrooms only confirmed your suspicions. While you didn’t say anything to the girl in front of you, you knew who he was.
He was another forbidden kid. Not just a forbidden kid though, your brother. A son of Poseidon.
Capture the flag was the next day. From the moment you woke up you could feel the energy surging through the air. This was one of the most anticipated events of the summer. The only thing you really won was a party and bragging rights. I guess to camp full of the competitive people you’d ever meet, that was all you needed.
It was definitely all Clarisse needed. She loved to win and hated to lose, a trait she inherited from her father. And she’d be dammed if she was going lose another game of Capture the Flag.
That’s why you’re so confused when she tells you that she’s changing the plan. She never changes the plan, finding solace in a good strategy.
You understood more when she explained what she was doing. Revenge on the new kid for blasting her with toilet water. When you put it like that, it sounds logical. But knowing Clarisse, and knowing what you know, you can’t just go along with it.
“Clar, I really don’t think this is a good idea.” You both paced around each other in your cabin, similar to last night.
“Are you seriously telling me that what he did was okay?” Her voice raises with every word.
“No! I just- I have a bad feeling! I don’t want you to get hurt!”
“I won’t! I can handle myself, you know this!”
“I know! But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to worry about you!” Your heart beats out of your chest with every step you take towards each other.
“I can’t believe this! You really don’t think I can do this!” Before you can even formulate a response, she’s grabbing her stuff and walking out the door.
You follow her of course, yelling her name, but it’s no use. She doesn’t turn around. She doesn’t even pause in her steps. You watch her disappear behind the door of cabin five.
The door to cabin three shuts as you slide down it. Your head hits the wood as you lean back, sure to give you a headache later. You can’t find it in yourself to care though. A tear slips down your cheek. Then another. Then another.
You know it’s a bad idea. She will go after revenge. And she will get hurt. But you also know that there’s literally nothing you can say to her. You want to, but it’ll only make things worse. That's the thing about Clarisse, when she gets her mind set on something, there's no changing her mind. All you can do is patch her up afterwards.
The red team has kept the flag near the water ever since you were claimed. They made sure that you were never far from it, blasting anyone in the face if they got too close for comfort. You weren't going to lie, it was potentially one of your favorite things to do.
So, as per usual, you were patrolling the edge of the water. No one had really gotten close enough, which was very disappointing. Until the new kid ran out of the woods and immediately tripped and fell on his face. Your whole body straightens immediately, muscles tensing. You pull out your sword and move towards him. He probably doesn't want a fight but it's better safe than sorry.
He had a few cuts littering his arms and cheeks. His clothes were dirty and he was now covered in wet pebbles. You could tell that he was disoriented and panicked. You were about to approach him when one of your sort of girlfriend's brothers ran out of the woods after him. Miles. One of her sisters followed suit, Trinity, you think her name was. Dear Hades they're actually going through with it.
Clarisse comes barreling out of the woods after them. Before you can even think about jumping in the sound of metal on metal fills your ears. Swords and shields clash. A spear jabbed at his chest. Her spear. You wanted to get between them, help him, protect him. Even if he didn't know it yet, he was.
But you couldn't. Everything moved so fast you didn't have time to react before they were all rolling over the ground. The water fed off of your emotions, grabbing her siblings and ripping them away from the fight. But it was too late. You saw the spark come from in between them. You heard the wood snap. Half of the spear was in her hands, the other half in his as his body rolled with the momentum.
It felt like time froze for those few seconds. The water was still. The wind stopped blowing, birds stopped chirping. The air around you seemed to disappear. You couldn't breathe. All noises cut out as her guttural scream ripped through the air, lasting for what felt like an eternity.
She ran forward, grabbing the front of his armor and jerking him forward. The conch blew, the blue team ran across the river carrying the flag. She ran off into the woods, it didn't take long for you to follow behind her, grabbing the pieces of the spear as you went.
Before you fully made it away, you saw the trident above his head. That's the moment you realized that you should've placed bets. You would've made bank, but that's not really your concern right now.
You find her in her cabin, facing away from the door, sitting on the edge of her bed. If you look close enough you can see the way her shoulders shake. You place the pieces of her spear on a table near her bed before kneeling behind her. Your arms wrap around her front, pulling her in.
Her back rests against your front, her head tucking back into your neck. You feel the way her shoulders tremble and shake in your gentle hold. For a long time, she doesn't say anything. A few tears slip down your cheeks that you don't mention. You don't push her. It's very rare she lets anything like this happen. She feels like showing these kinds of emotions would make her weak. It didn't matter how many times you assured her otherwise. Sometimes you can't change a person's thoughts when they're the only thing that person has ever known.
After what feels like forever, she speaks. Her voice comes out shaky. It's the kind of soft you only hear late in the night after sneaking into her cabin.
"That spear- it was the only-." A sob escapes her throat and you can feel the way it moves through her whole body, consuming her completely.
"I know honey.." You whisper in her ear. Your arms subconsciously tighten around her muscular frame.
"It was the only proof that he could ever love me." You swear you can feel your heart shatter. You've never liked her dad, but even so, you knew how much that spear meant to her. Her fathers traits were very prominent in her from the moment she was born. Her anger issues kept her in trouble, never getting help. Never being accepted. Her father was the only hope she would ever have until she met you. But even then she was so terrified of losing you...
"It'll be okay.. I promise." Your words a hidden promise of protection.
You're not sure what happens that night but you know something changes. Her arms wrapped around you a little tighter. Her breaths came a little deeper, more relaxed. Your finger over more of her scars, tracing them with the delicacy that was only ever seen in the hands of the greatest artists. When you thought about it though, she was the only work of her art that would ever be worthy of such care.
When you wake the light hits the two of you in a new way. As if Apollo made Helios shine it on the two of you alone so he could write the greatest love hymns that would ever be seen by mankind.
Her siblings don't question your presence. They never do. Why would they when it's so rare the children of Ares are able to find such peace. So rare they can find such a level of acceptance within another person.
For a while you sit there and watch the golden light dance across her bronze skin. The way it shines around her face, the face you've kissed so many times. The face you long to kiss right now. You don't sneak out this morning, instead staying curled into her side. The beating of her heart threatening to lull you back into a peaceful slumber.
Then the conch blows for breakfast, causing her to stir. Her eyes flutter open, turning into pools of golden honey as the light swims in the sweet waters. A small smile creeps onto her lips as her eyes meet yours.
"Hi." You whisper. Your hand strokes over her cheek.
"Hi, baby." Her voice is as soft as the way she looks at you. Before you know it she's leaning forward and placing her lips on yours. It's the first time but it doesn't feel like that. It just feels... right. Something about it is so perfect. The way your lips fit together like long lost pieces of a puzzle.
"What was that for?" Your lips remain parted when you pull away. "I just, wanted to kiss you." She mutters in reply. A blush covers the expanse of her cheeks. You never thought you'd see her so flustered. "Can you do it again? Kiss me again?" She smiles and nods at your words before leaning in and pressing her lips back against yours.
They're soft and warm as they slide against yours. It feels like coming home after a long day of training. Your favorite person right in front of you with open arms.
When she pulls away, she's smiling wider than you've ever seen her. "I really should have done that a lot sooner." You can't help but laugh at her words. "I've only been waiting for four years!"
"Why don't we make up for that?" She leans forward, resting her hand on her waist and pulling your body against hers. A chuckle leaves your throat.
"Maybe later, right now, I really want breakfast." You peck her lips once more before rolling out of bed. "Come on!"
It's not long before you're both dressed and making your way to the dining pavilion. As much as you would like to sit with her, she's already on thin ice with Chiron. You take your time getting your food and burning it, not wanting to be separated until absolutely necessary. Eventually though, you have to part ways and join your newly-claimed brother at the Poseidon table.
"I'm surprised you're not more banged up if I'm being honest." You say as you take your seat. There's not a single scratch on him.
"Annabeth kind of shoved me into the water, next thing I know everything is healed." He answers, you can tell he's nervous knowing your connection with Clarisse.
"Perks of being Poseidon's kid, that and our cabin is a lot less crowded." He laughs lightly at your words.
"You're telling me! It's nice not sleeping on the floor." The both of you go quiet for a while, eating in comfortable silence. The breeze is cool against your skin, a nice reminder of the weather barrier. When you look up, Percy is looking behind you with pure fear in his eyes. You expect to be greeted by a monster when you turn, instead you're greeted by your girlfriend.
You can't help but chuckle at the look on Percy's face. You really can't help but laugh at his face when she leans down and presses a kiss against your cheek. "I'll see in training later, right babe?"
"Wouldn't miss it." You kiss her jaw before she turns and jogs off towards the arena.
"She- you-" He looks utterly dumbfounded as what he just witnessed. "What just happened?"
"She's my girlfriend, Percy."
His mouth drops open with the most surprised look you've ever seen. "Oh."
"Is that an issue?" You don't really care if it is, but you ask anyway. "No, no I just, didn't take her as the type to really date anyone." He answers.
"Most people don't, I'll do my best to keep her from pulverizing you." A laugh escapes you before you take your leave.
Life didn't seem too bad.You had a new brother, you were dating the girl you'd been in love with for years. You might even be able to convince her to leave him alone. You'll get her spear fixed as a surprise birthday gift.
You can feel everyone's surprised eyes on you as you walk out. There's no doubt the entire camp knows by now, and there's no doubt that a billion rumors will be floating around by dinner time. But there's a part of that just, can't find it in you to care. How can you when you have everything you've wanted right there in front of you.
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kisses4lao · 11 months
Can you do Kung Lao with a breeding kink?? Cause I feel like he would’ve been told as a kid to have a lot of kids so that the great Kung Lao legacy doesn’t die-
Anon I am madly in love with you we're getting married
No but UHHH general NSFW hcs with Kung Lao bc you didn't give me a plot to work with(guys give me plots or just ask for hcs idc)
Tw/cw: AFAB reader, pure horniness, a lot of sort of vanilla but also kinky stuff at the same time
Not proofread but are we surprised
He ABSOLUTELY has a breeding kink. I don't even think it's because he was told from a young age he has to carry on the Kung Lao legacy, he's just super into it
Like yeah, he definitely wants kids and doesn't want to disappoint his elders by not carrying the bloodline, but he'd do it just for shits
Like bro literally loves cuming inside, he's so obsessed with how your walls hug him in and how your pussy looks when he pulls out, leaking everywhere. Depending on the night, he'd either finger it back inside you, skip aftercare and cockwarm you, or eat you out. He's into it all
He's very obsessed with getting you pregnant with multiple kids. He'd be such an amazing dad and would train all of your kids equally, but he would have his first born son but the next Kung Lao, as per tradition.
I feel as though he'd also be into pregnant sex. He's definitely a lot more passionate and gentle than he would be if you werent carrying his kid(not saying that he isn't passionate and gentle normally). Hed be so in love with you and the fact that you're carrying his baby and would give you literally anything you want. A certain pregnancy craving? He's on it. You're having pain somewhere? He's got pain meds and he's ready to give you a massage. And you bet your ass he'd eat you out for days.
Hear me out on this: blood kink.
Am I projecting? Mayhaps. I'm sorry seeing a man like drenched in blood UGGGGGHHHHG
okay but he like
Definitely has a blood kink
Not in the traditional way tho
Like if you have a cut or something and you start bleeding he's not gonna pop a boner
I'm saying he's hardcore into period sex
No okay he isn't going to fuck you when he finds out you're on your period(unless you want him to)
He's gonna take care of you. He'd absolutely buy you tampons/pads and menstrual cramp pain relievers. You'd text him and say you're on your period and 30 minutes later he'd show up with a basket full of pads, pain relievers, your favorite ice cream, chocolate, and a teddy bear. Every. Single. Month.
If you were to ask him to he'd be on his knees in MILLISECONDS to eat you out. He'd take you anyway you want him to. On the couch, against the wall, he'd fuck you in the Shaolin temple if you asked.
Overall he's an incredibly sweet lover. He can be cocky at times but he'd let you put him in his place. He definitely loves giving and receiving praise, he'll slap your ass if you asked him to but he doesn't degrade you. You're too important to him and he loves you too much to hurt your feelings, even if you'd want him to
He also prefers giving oral. Most of the time he'd rather eat you out than eat the dinner you made for him
He does like blowjobs tho
He just overall likes being close to you and is the KING of aftercare. He's so gentle and he's so sweet about it. We love him
A/n: got my boyfriend into Mortal Kombat. His favorite character is Kung Lao because he has a cool hat. He calls Kung Lao hat guy and when I told them about Raiden he started calling him pointy hat guy. They lost his shit when I said they were friends
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n3ptoonz · 7 months
hellooo it's okay if you choose not to write this!! but like im going thru it rn & was thinking how would the mk men be with someone who thrives off of being validated? i'm thinking raiden, kung lao, smoke, but anyone else you want too! kinda like some fluffy pick me up content :(
ofc i can do this, seems easy enough and i hope you're doing alright anon <3 if not at the moment, this feeling won't last forever!
mk1 hcs: how raiden, kung lao, smoke, and rain give praise/validation to their s/o
no warnings just fluff, more bullet points than usual since i'm doing four characters (and writing for them har har har) i use praise and validation interchangeably here if that's okay
hope this is good!
raiden is almost always giving you praise and validation for just about anything
your skill, how well you cook, if you don't cook how well you help him out, to even how well your cleaning is
a swift "wow, you're amazing" "do i tell you i love you enough?" "how did you do that? impressive!" are in order whenever he deems fit (literally all the time)
don't let him find out you're down about something, because you're not leaving this house until he sees that smile
he holds you close more often and whispers cute things to you. some jokes, some things are more personal/targeted comments of validation
"you do know that i love you, right?" "you're the best thing to happen to me." "whatever has you down, we're in this together."
don't be surprised when you wake up one day and there's baskets full of freshly picked fruit on the dining table too. he hates to see you frown, so he does everything in his power to hear your laughter again
Kung Lao
as much as he loves receiving validation and being told he's the best at any given moment, he loves giving it too
for him it's usually on occasions where he really means every single word he's saying. like if you were to finally get a move you've been trying for like a week, he's your number one cheerleader
"i saw that out there, you're doing so well!" "shit, where'd you learn that from?! teach me!" "i am so proud of you"
if you're down, he's dropping everything to be by your side, if he can. whatever plagues your mind is an enemy of his now
he holds your hand(s) and is surprisingly very patient with you. well, is it really surprising when he professes his love for you every chance he gets?
"i'm here for you, love" "whenever you're ready, i'm always listening" "do i need to beat anybody's ass? just say the word."
he would also bring fruit (yes, he stole raiden's idea) and offer to train with you more for comfort or to tease you to take your mind off things (code word for endless flirting)
when it comes to tomas, contrary to the popular belief of him being a smug thug that beats up old ladies, he's from shy boy city. population: him
on both ends he doesn't know how to react/isn't that good at giving praise. he'll either stumble over his words or do something else to show you he cares. it's really only when it comes to you cause he has to be confident around everybody else
he'll give an enthusiastic thumbs up from across the room, walk past you and whisper "great job!", or wait until it's just you two in the room so he can pepper your face with kisses (i need him so bad)
but hold up...you're feeling down? nah, that simply won't do. his shyness is gone and he's a little too ready to bring someone's head as a treasure if someone hurt you
"are you alright? i've got your back." "i would do anything for you" "i love you so much, don't forget that."
he would try his best efforts to spend more time with you and do more things around the house. hell, if he really had it his way you would never lift a finger ever again
rain is a man of few words. the way he operates is he doesn't really feel the need to keep saying the same thing over and over again, but that changed with you
now it wasn't a huge change, but he definitely had no opposition to letting you know when he noticed you, and he knows you'd do the same if not more
"i like what you did there, keep it up" "how did i get so lucky?" "you make me great at what i do"
he finds out you don't feel too hot? prepare to know what royalty feels like, because that's how he's going to treat you. technically you have a walking water-cooler at all times, so now you're definitely never doing anything yourself again
"i've got it taken care of, don't you worry about a thing" "your wish is my command." "if someone did something to you, they will regret it. i promise."
behind that calm and cool demeanor he was lowkey freaking out because he doesn't like seeing you down. he'd offer to make all types of natural medicines or potions, and when you tell him you just need him around, he's fine with putting work off until you feel better
a/n: i found out a few weeks ago charles from rdr and rain mk1 share the same va. i KNEW he sounded familiar mm mm mm
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mncxbe · 8 months
Imagine Hirotsu x fem reader x Mori swf and nsfw what do you think of this relationship how would it work what fo you think. Let's say reader works for ADA
omg ok that's actually interesting. i didn't think of this combination before?? two dilfs i'm drooling.
I gotta start by saying that the only way I see this working is if Mori and Hirotsu actually share their time with you. like I don't see them in a relationship? I feel like the dynamic between them just doesn't allow it. BUT y'all got an arrangement set. with very clear boundaries because otherwise both of them would be kinda posessive over you. so for example you spend a week with Mori, one with Hirotsu why does this lowkey sound like shared custody help
ღೀ๋࣭ ⭑sfw stuff
for Mori, he'd take you out on the fanciest dates and spoil you rotten. I don't see him being a big fan of cuddling but he does let you sit on his lap. you'd mostly meet during evenings when your schedules allow it. but because Mori is Mori I really think he'd be into this relationship mostly for the sex suff.
now Hirotsu he's a whole 'nother deal. he's the type of man who picks you up after work and brings you flowers, loves to listen to you talk about your day– what was good and bad, every little detail really. he also enjoys those late night talks and I see him discussing poetry with you (random hc but I spoke my truth). if you sleep over he makes you breakfast. he's also the one who checks up on you more often– just little texts or calls during the day to make sure you're alright
ღೀ๋࣭ ⭑nsfw 𝒄𝒘: mentions of knife/ breath play and degradation
oh good lord. your sex life with Mori would be interesting to say the least. I strongly believe that he'd be more focused on his own pleasure than yours. for him sex is a sort of stress relief. I see him either heavily degrading or praising you– no way in between. Mori would be hyperaware of your reactions that's why I think he'd prefer positions where he can see your face. despite being a bit of a sadist he respects your boundaries: if you say you don't wanna do smth that thing is completely off the table. partially because he values your opinion and partially because he doesn't want you to leave him and run off with Hirotsu. I see Mori being into knife play and breath control play.
but Hirotsu... sweet man. he's a service dom who'd do anything to get you to cum. hear me out he sometimes smokes during sex (or after). he likes it when you're face down ass up for lack of better words cuz he doesn't really like looking you in the eyes. yes, he does have deep feelings for you but he's still not comfortable showing you his vulnerable side. plus he's in love with your plush hips and thighs– squeezing them oh so tightly when he feels your gummy walls clamping down on him. the aftercare would be absolutely amazing too. god forbid he ever calls you a bad name in bed tho or makes you uncomfortable in any way. sex with him is all about your pleasure and comfort♡
I really don't think they would mind the fact that you work for the ADA, it's just a small detail. neither of them would want to discuss work matters anyway. for them the time spent with you is too precious to be wasted discussing such trivial matters.
if the three of you ever go out together the atmosphere would be a bit tense? uncomfortable? silly? they've known each other for such a long time and interacting like they aren't boss and emplyee would be a bit strange for them.
that's all i had to say on this♡ not proofread so sorry for any mistakes ღwuah
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hitomisuzuya · 2 years
Hello, happy valentine's day to you!! Your writing is really amazing, people writing for genshin women are so rare idk why 😭
It's the same Ning, Lisa and Signora x tired reader anon from earlier btw. I'm sorry but I'm down bad for these 3 women like mommies 😩😩
Very self indulgent request here so it's fine if u reject, can I have foursome with them and fem reader? Completely up to you how you do it, if not foursome then I don't mind threesome with any 2 of them either. Thank you, hope you have a good today and be sure to rest! <3
a/n: There is no need for you to apologize for being self indulgent, dear. My writing is 10000000% self indulgent lol I chose a threesome with Ningguang and Lisa. Content is too few and far between for Genshin women. Come out, come out, wherever you are, I know you guys are out there. 😊 I put some extra spice in it for you to make up for the wait.
Ningguang x fem!reader x Lisa Threesome. Smut. Praise
Feeling Ningguang nibble on your lower lip, you moaned against her mouth. She took the opportunity to push her tongue into your mouth, stroking your hip. You were so lost in her kiss that you barely heard Lisa chuckle softly behind you. Nor did you realize that you were using Ningguang as leverage to push yourself back against the vibrator Lisa pumping into in your soaking cunt.
"You are so eager tonight, cutie," Lisa was pleased that you were. You always were when you are making love with them.
A trail of saliva connected your tongue and Ningguag's together, making you blush when you pulled away, moaning. "It feels so good, Miss Lisa!" You could feel your orgasm approaching. Little did you know it wouldn't be your only one that night.
When you felt you couldn't hold yourself up anymore, Ningguang curled her legs under her, resting your head in her lap when you slumped forward. Your moans were starting to sound shameless. Lisa groped your ass as you buried your face in Ningguag's lap, wagging the tip of the vibrator against your throbbing clit.
Ningguang stroked your hair in encouragement. She wanted you to be as loud you wanted. "I'm cumming," you groaned lewdly, a little bit of drool trickling down onto Ningguag's thigh. The vibrating toy felt so good inside of you, buzzing intensly against your most sensitive parts. Lisa always enjoyed using the highest setting.
It was like Ningguang read your mind as you slid your body down a little, shaking from your orgasm. She spread her legs for you so your mouth could latch onto her clit, swirling your tongue. Bracing her hands on the bed, her back arched with pleasure, a honeyed moan sounded sweet in your ears, making you wish you could taste sound.
You worshipped her pussy, your eyes darting over to Lisa as she crawled in front of you to enjoy the show between you and Ningguang, blushing as she licked the toy clean. Before she could start stroking and fingering herself, you beat her to the punch, eager to make them feel good.
"You are so hardworking, cutie," Lisa praised as you pumped two fingers inside of her. She moaned when you hooked your fingers snugly against her G-spot.
Both of their moans were starting to were starting rise in pitch, becoming more consistent. If you could, you wanted to make them both cum at the same time.
To Ningguang, there wasn't enough Mora in the world that could buy anything that was better than the way you made her feel when you so eager to please her. She was going to do well in assuring that your second orgasm of the night would be just as strong as your first.
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hihimissamericanbi · 9 months
celine you're brillant all of these are amazing HOW CAN I CHOOSE
but hmmm ok i'm going to say:
Make your fuckboi jealous at the club. regulus making either james or barty jealous?
Maybe time for some suffocating roommates to lovers tension solved via a stubborn ass game. ROSEKILLERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR or maybe pandora x barty (do they have a ship name? idk) OR lily x barty x evan could be fun
Alrighty crow boy let's see what we can do here. This gets p explicit by the end so... oops?
Jealous fuckboi was fleshed out in a previous ask, BUT using your prompt, I'd say in this case Regulus is at pandora's birthday party. He had JUST gotten brutally dumped by barty, like, that day or something. Really really raw, fresh wounds. Barty is a dick but he's the skittles' dick even with all the shit he pulls so he is also at the party, already all over someone else. Regulus is both furious and heartbroken (remember, he is a sad wet cat on the inside). Enter: James motherfucking Potter, tits out, eyes only for Regulus. "Where's your boyfriend Reggie?" "Oh you mean that asshat over there with his tongue down some guy's throat?" James is like 😈😈😈😈😈 fuck yes reggie is FINALLY single it's JAMIE TIME or something equally cringe inside his head. So he just completely destroys Regulus with some smoking hot sexy banter, lays it on real thick, and soon flirting becomes dancing and dancing becomes making out and holy shit James is so fucking hot I can't believe he's touching me like this meanwhile James is like wanted you for so long let's show him how pretty you look bent over for someone else and James spins Regulus around and bends him over so his ass is in the air as James grinds up against it.
It barely passes for "dancing"
And when he hauls Regulus back up he whispers in his ear from behind, look baby he's watching, all for you. He's the dumbest fuck on the planet for letting me get my hands on you. I'm going to ruin you for him and for anyone else.
Praise kink sex in the club bathroom ensues.
Ok ok so for roommate plus tension-filled game I'm going to take lily×rosekiller bc I am not super familiar with rosekiller as a ship BUT I have seen the little sprinklings of throwing Lily in there with them and I LOVE POLY SHIPS so let's go.
Rosekiller established. Lily is their roommate, who they met through Pandora. It's really important that the vibes from the get go is ANYONE CAN HIT IT for all three of them. Pan bi queer whatever they identify as it's basically Hot People Are Hot (aka same sexuality as us irl tbh). So there's a lot of rosekiller just LEERING at Lily shamelessly and vice versa. It's not just rosekiller being extra handsy with each other when she's around or "accidentally" leaving the door open that one time or being intentionally loud when they know she's home. So finally they are stuck home one night together because Lily's plans got canceled and rosekiller are like oh no 😈 play a game with us? 😊
I'm going to make them play strip never have I ever. So the real tension/sexiness of the story is in the stripping, and the leering getting more and more out of control, and the completely out of pocket comments about each other's bodies. And it's extra fun because we have a mix of genders and bodies going on here (Trans Evan? Trans Evan.) But yeah I love this set up because no matter what body the reader has chances are they can find some body parts to relate to in this story and those parts are going to get specifically called out and praised and told it's hot.
The sex finally happens when Evan is the first one to be totally totally naked and his cock is wet and swollen and peaking out from his folds and Lily is STARING and blushing and so turned on and Barty is like have you ever sucked a cock like Evan's before and Lily motherfucking Evans is actually SHY and she shakes her head and barty is like mm it's the fucking best and Evan is so sweet, you'll never taste anything like him, would you like to try a bite? Here I'll show you how he likes it.
And then they are off to the races. There will be lots of "kissing the taste" of one another into each other's mouths and a lot of praise/dirty talk in the third person; ie. talking about one partner to the other partner like the first partner isn't even there.
Tl;Dr: languid body appreciation/praise smut for a mix of genders
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ctrlchar · 2 years
Hello! I've seen your HCs and I absolutely love the fact that you write for Kyuma, too!
Since you made a Karube and Chishiya NSFW alphabet one, would it be possible to make one for Kyuma too? Although, I'm also a bit curious how the SFW alphabet HCs would look like for Kyuma.
Thank you for your time! I love your writing!
Thank you!! I absolutely love writing for Kyuma. And I was actually just thinking about writing a sfw alphabet for Kyuma 🫶
Kyuma NSFW alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He’s not like gonna over do it but he will make sure you are okay and will hold you close after. He’s not really one to talk much during or after but he will ask if you’re okay and if there’s anything he can get you
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On himself he doesn’t have a specific body part but he definitely loves his voice. He loves how smooth is voice is and the fact that he can sing well. And also the fact that he can tell you so many things, ranging from sweet nothings to telling you how pretty you look choking on his cock
On his partner is definitely their tits,he loves sucking on them when in missionary as well as leaving dark hickeys on them
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
This man will come ANYWHERE and I mean anywhere.
Face,stomach,tits,ass,back if you can name it he can cum on it but his personal favorite is either your tits or your stomach but it really just depends on what position you’re in
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Since he’ll be back stage getting ready to preform and you’ll be in the audience (assuming you attended the show) sometimes he’ll just get himself off before he goes on stage into the bathroom thinking about you
there’s been a few times where he hasn’t had time to do this so he’s went on stage with a noticeable hard on
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
A little more then average, I think he 100% gets bitches but he’s very specific as to who he fucks.
Doesn’t search anything up that he doesn’t know unless it’s obviously dangerous. He would much rather try it out and see where things go
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
This man loves 69. He enjoys giving and receiving so this position is perfect for him
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s not serious but he won’t go out of his way to make any jokes. But if something funny does happen he’s not gonna be like a statue, he’ll let out a little laugh
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Keeps himself cleanly shaven
Not a speck of hair on his lower region,he prefers this because he thinks it makes himself look sharper/cleaner
He naturally grows a happy trail but he keeps it shaved
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He knows when to be intimate as well as how but he also knows when to just say ‘fuck intimacy’ and do whatever he wants. On special occasions he will make the bedroom much more romantic but he’ll make sure to take you out on a date first before getting into the sexual aspect
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Doesn’t do it that often,just usually before his shows if you’re not around
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
praise, he loves telling you how pretty/handsome you look and how amazing your doing. There’s nothing more in this world that he loves more then telling you how much he loves you and how good you’re being for him
Choking- Although he wouldn’t degrade you he would definitely be down to choke you,especially in missionary or reverse cow girl
Hairpulling-He wouldn’t want you to yank at his hair but tangling your fingers in his hair and pulling it a little while he’s going down on you really gets him going
Marking-Please leave hickeys all over this man’s neck and chest,or better yet scratches on his back
Food-All he wants is for you to give him head while he has whipped cream on his cock
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Doesn’t have one,he’ll settle for anything as long as there’s enough time and you guys won’t get caught
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He goes absolutely feral when you wear revealing clothes,he won’t show it but he loves it nonetheless. Especially when you’re wearing clothes that really show off your tits
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He would never degrade you,he thinks you are equal to him and would never do anything to make you feel otherwise…but with a lot of convincing and reassuring he will do it
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He’s pretty good at giving. And he doesn’t have a preference as to giving or receiving;he likes both equally
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
His personal preference is slow and sensual,he wants to take his time with you so you get the most pleasure. But on the rare chance he’s mad he will fuck you simply to get himself off
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
As said above he likes to take his time with you but he’s also down for a quick fuck in the bathroom or something
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s always down to try anything once because if either of you don’t like it then he’ll just not do it again. He’s fine with taking risks as well since he is a nudist and people see him naked. His only concern is that he doesn’t want people seeing YOU naked
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
About 3 rounds,how long depends on how fast/rough he goes
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t own any for himself but the thought has crossed his mind one or two times. The only time he’ll get toys for you is if you ask because he thinks knows he can get you off himself
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s not going to go out of his way to tease you but if he’s extra needy then sometimes he’ll whisper things into your ear
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
If he’s being more submissive in bed he is definitely much more louder then if he’s dominant,but he will be so loud if you pull his hair no matter if he’s on top or bottom
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He’s a switch,but most of the time he’s a soft dom but every once in a while he loves receiving. There’s something about just sitting there while you use him that really gets him going
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
It’s about 5.5-6.0’ and about average width and length although I think he is slightly more long then he is wide
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Doesn’t have that high of a sex drive,he usually only has sex 2-3 times a week. Since he’s a nudist he’s learned how to control his body therefore he knows how to handle not having sex all the time
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He stays up for about 10 minutes, usually just to make sure you are okay before he’s out like a light
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rubyventing · 2 months
Exhibit A. Husband is finally emptying the cat litter, and it only took me breaking down and crying for him to finally get around to setting an alarm to remind himself. He emptied it tonight, and expected praise for it. I've been doing it for months, having asthma attacks, trying to remind him to do it… and all it took for him to finally put an effort in was me breaking down and sobbing. Amazing. /s.
Exhibit B. I spent two hours making supper tonight. Baked some treats for him to bring to work for his coworkers. And I ended up having to do all the cleanup, put the food away, load the dishwasher, wipe down all the counters, sweep the floor where crumbs got dropped, etc. Not an ounce of help from him.
Exhibit C. ( fair warning, this one's a little gross) I keep telling him not to let our two cats into the craft room. There's a lot of things in there that could hurt them if they ingested it, things they could hurt themselves on, etc. There's a reason we keep it all behind a closed door. Well, he let one of the cats in there with him and didn't pay any attention to him. So, our boy, Beanie, ate a piece of a rubber glove. He's okay, don't worry. He threw it right back up… along with a bunch of partially digested food, directly onto our door mat… So, at 11pm, when I should be settling into try to sleep, instead I'm hunched over the bathtub, furiously trying to scrub cat puke out of our rug while my husband just goes, "Oh, well, wasn't my fault. shrugs Thought I put them up high enough", and rolls over to go to sleep. And to think, he wants to talk about having kids… I can't even trust him to look after either of our cats, and he thinks I'd trust him with the well-being of a tiny human? Absolutely not. PS: Don't worry about him trying to baby trap me. I have no intention of having his children, and am on a form of birth control he can't tamper with.
Exhibit D. He leaves his clothes everywhere. Not 24 hours after me begging him to, please, clean up after himself, I have to pick up mildewing towels… He leaves his socks on the living room for me to pick up, his dirty underwear on the bathroom floor, etc. And not only that, but (also going to be a little gross), he'll "trust a fart" at work and then bring home his literally shit-stained pants for me to scrub the actual shit out of off… or will blow out the crotch of his pants and just toss them at me to sew back up for him.
This is not an exhaustive list.
The disrespect he continuously showed me during the time we had to share a home with his mom and, yes, it was just as terrible as you'd think. When he and his mom kept letting my older cat outside against my wishes (usually when I was asleep in the mornings) and called me dramatic when I protested and was anxious about her…. Which culminated in the neighborhood dog treeing her ( thank god, it wasn't anything worse) and my disabled ass having to go out, in 40f weather, at 6 am, to climb a ladder, drag her down, and get horribly scratched up by her all the way back home, because she was afraid.
The fact he once threw his phone across the room because it wouldn't charge. Or, when he couldn't find something he was looking for, started stomping around, throwing things and, when I just looked at him in fear, he snapped, "Don't look at me like that! It's just gonna piss me off more!" ( SA TW) The fact he uses the threat of sexual assault to get me to listen to him. I have a history of pretty awful sexual abuse… and he has repeatedly used that against me. "If you don't stay in bed and go to sleep, I'm going to get you worked up and leave you hanging". AKA, touch me sexually without my consent, then him rolling over and going to sleep.
I don't feel safe with him. I don't feel connected to him. Every time I look at him, I feel like I care less and less about what happens to our relationship. I still love him, I know I do, but there's so many issues. We've both talked about marriage counseling, but I don't know if these issues can be fixed, there's so many. And I don't know if I want it fixed, or if I just want it to end. I don't like when he touches me. He doesn't appreciate me. He talks down to me like a child, talks over me, criticizes me. He lets his mom shit talk me freely, and even took part in shit-talking me… god, the amount of times I would wake up in the morning, when we were all sharing a home, and hear them saying genuinely awful things about me in the other room. And then crying, cleaning myself up, and going about my day, pretending I didn't hear them.
I'm so tired. I'm so done. Marriage isn't supposed to be like this.
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New Year, New Me. Literally.
I don't really know how to start this, this is my first time blogging, but here goes nothing.
I am your average fuck up. Diagnosed with ADHD as a child then with Autism Spectrum Disorder as an adult, I was your typical genius burnout. All the skills, no motivation. Allow me to shed some light on what that looks like for those who don't know. My case was a bit of both nature and nurture. My mother was a narcissist who divorced my father, a pedophile, when I was 2. Mom got custody after a long court case due to my being kidnapped and brought across state lines by my dad. A lot went down. Not gonna go into detail but you can make your assumptions fairly.
My mom resented me a lot and never really gave me attention as a child unless one of two things happened: I completed an amazing achievement in public, or I got in trouble. So naturally I went out of my way to receive praise from my parent, who would either respond by accrediting herself for my accomplishments, or beat the everloving shit out of me for my "behavior" and blaming my father's genes. Losing the motivation to be anything other than a speck on the wall, I quit trying. Graduated early just to go to college so i could get away from my family, lost my religion, made some really shitty choices that lead to getting r***d twice, and overall fucking up my life in countless ways. Dropped out of college, got in a car accident hoping i would kill myself, and eventually moved to a different state.
Now i'm grown, 24, and married with a kid. I love my family, but I am incapable of feeling real happiness. I think i'm trans, but can't ever show that to anyone without extreme ridicule, judgement and despair. I feel extremely dysphoric everytime i look in the mirror. I've hated myself for a long time, but this hatred has only just now been separated from the general loathing into something i can identify, but even then can't solve.
On the bright side, i've changed my name, phone number, address, even field of work. Just to get away from my shitty ass home town family. I have no idea who I really am, and I'm one of the countless people who feel the same way. I need help, but can't reach out to anyone who actually knows me because I'm afraid of letting others in. Fuck my old life. maybe the new me will figure out how to be happy. I committed identity suicide and got away with it. let's just see how this new year goes.
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At The Club
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Request from anon
Prompts: “The only way you're getting off is on my thigh.” & “I'm not going to touch you unless you beg.”
Summary: Bucky has you ride yourself on his thigh at the club.
Word Count: 945
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, minors DNI, public, thigh riding, sir!kink, praise!kink, mention of being high and drunk, cursing, language, mention of bodily fluids.
Authors Note: Sorry if there are mistakes! Enjoy loves <3
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Credit @ pedropcl for the wonderful gif
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The thumping of the bass in the crowded club had your ears ringing. The alcohol in your system made you that much more touchy with your boyfriend as your hands roamed the entirety of him as the two of you sat at the dark VIP table.
The short dress you were wearing gave Bucky the access he needed for his hand to be placed inside your thigh. His thumb teasing the skin close to your core.
The couple of friends you had arrived with were occupying the dancefloor as they danced the night away, not paying attention to you and Bucky getting handsy with one another.
Out of nowhere, his strength lifted you onto him to straddle his jean-clad thigh. The feel of the rough material against the flimsy thong covering your core had you groan out on his ear, much to his amusement as the darkness of the club masked his smirk.
His lips were touching the shell of your ear. The breath of him fanning the side of your face had goosebumps and tingles travel down your spine.
“Since you seem so needy, kitten, why don’t you ride my thigh? Get the relief you so desperately crave, baby girl.”
You may have been a bit drunk, but your sanity was still present. “He-here? Won’t people see?” Eyes were dilated at his sinful proposal as you looked around.
“Don’t worry, doll. People are either too drunk or too high even to pay attention.”
He was right. People were too lost in their own word to pay attention, and besides, the constant pressure on your clit given by his thigh only increased your need to feel more.
Your hand sought out his to bring it down south into your panties, so he could touch you like only he knew how to, but that wasn’t part of his plan. His arms went behind him to rest on the back of the round sofa you two were sat at.
“No, no. The only way you’re getting off is on my thigh.”
Fuck. This man would be the death of you one of these days; you swear by it.
Wanting to feel some form of pleasure, you began with a steady pace over his jeans. The friction created by each drag of yourself on him felt amazing on your throbbing clit. It was even more enhanced with the liquor running through your veins and the atmosphere of the club: the colorful flashing lights now and again, the music, the powerful bass, and the darkness.
Fuck, this was so hot and exhilarating. To ride his thigh like the needed whore you were for everyone to see if they wanted.
You were quick to nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck. Moans and mewls were sounded against it as you were floating on cloud nine.
He wanted to watch as you fell apart before him. So he brought your face into his eyesight again before his arms returned to their place where they rested just a second ago.
“I want to watch you, kitten. Don’t hide from me. Holy fuck, you’re so beautiful like this, baby.”
The bite of his bottom lip indicated that he was enjoying his private show to the fullest. His needy little girl getting herself off on him in public. He looked so hot as he sat and watched you grind on him, like the dominant and powerful man he was.
“Please, Bucky. Please just touch me.” You begged as your hands played with the hair at the back of his neck. You just needed to feel his hands on you. If it was your breasts, your hips, grabbing your ass, or around your throat, it didn’t matter. All you just needed was his hands on you in some type of way.
“No. I’m not going to touch you unless you beg for me, sweet girl.”
He would let you touch him. Have your hands all over him if that’s what you desired. But him touching you? Not a chance. You would have to be good and do it all on your own until he felt like you deserved his touch. Until then, he would just watch and enjoy this little intimate show you were putting on for him.
The rapid pace of you riding his thigh had your orgasm just around the corner. But you needed his touch to let go. So you had no other choice than to beg for him.
“Please, Bucky. Please just touch me. Anything. Anywhere. I just need to feel your hands on me. Please, Sir.”
That what he needed to hear, his hands took a possessive grip on your thigh, increasing the pace of you on him, as the word Sir left your lips. A groan emitted from him at the name he had learned to love escaping from you.
“Cum for me. Now on my thigh, and then I’ll take you home to fuck your brains out.”
That was the only thing you needed, his words and his touch, to let yourself go on his jeans. You spasm on top of him as you came on his thigh in the crowded club. Your clit was throbbing, and it felt so sensitive but still good as you kept on riding him to extend the high. Moans and whimpers were heard only by him as the music was much too loud around.
You collapsed on top of him after having used up all your energy. His hand was caressing your back. A sign of praise that you did so well. “Good job, baby. C'mon. Let’s get you home, kitten. I’ll take care of you now as I promised.”
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Credit @ firefly-graphics for the wonderful divider
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rizubaby · 3 years
Polyamory | Mondo, Leon, Shuichi & Rantaro.
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genre ; nsfw headcanons.
request ; some NSFW headcanons for Mondo & Leon and Shuichi & Rantaro in a polyamorous relationship with the reader.
tags ; gn!reader, boyfriend(s) experience, polyamory, mentions of jealousy/slight competition, rough sex, praising, degradation, mentions of voyeurism, mentions of sex toys, vulgar language.
note ; since the request didn't specify, I went with a gender neutral reader to make it inclusive for all. Hope that's ok! Also, AHHH I had so much fun writing this!! I immediately got some inspiration for Mondo and Leon, so I couldn't wait to start writing! In any case, I did my very best and I hope you like it. ♡
This is an 18+ post. Minors dni.
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Mondo and Leon
Honestly, being in a polyamorous relationship with these two is so chaotic omg
I mean, they love each other A LOT, but there's some unspoken rivalry between the two of them
They love you most of all, so they'll do anything to get your love and affection
It just so happens that these two can get a little jealous fairly easily, even of each other (guys, you're boyfriends. Come ON)
Both of them are show-offs, especially Leon. So when you spend some quality time with him or show him some love he'll tease the hell out of Mondo, and it pisses him off so much lmao (because he wants some love too!)
This happens a lot, mind you, but it almost always ends up with you guys having sex again lol
Even so, you're very close and in a wonderful and loving relationship
Leon's love language is quality time (as you might've guessed), and Mondo's is definitely physical touch. The guy is all over you every chance he gets
He likes slapping your ass the most hehe
Oh, and the sex is GREAT. You have nothing to complain about in that regard let me tell you-
While you do have sex just one on one with either one of them, you definitely have threesomes the most, duh
They're both very rough when they want to be, and it is so hot, but they also balance each other out wonderfully
When Leon's slowly making his way inside you (which can be quite painful sometimes), Mondo's always hushing you and giving you soft kisses all over to soothe you
Or when Mondo's mercilessly ramming into you from behind while he's pulling your hair, Leon's underneath you either playing with your nipples or caressing your stomach and planting hickeys everywhere
Like I said, b a l a n c e
They love penetrating you both at once, though it doesn't happen very often (since they're like,, literally ripping you in half)
Ooooh, blowjobs too! Imagine sucking one off while you're stroking the other, you're all hot messes by the end of it
They're both very lust-filled individuals, so there's usually not a ton of foreplay before the main course
Funnily enough, the slight competition these two have doesn't translate to bedroom activities, as they're too focused on making you feel good and giving you tons of orgasms (which usually ends with them accidentally overstimulating you lol)
Leon likes to watch a lot too; while Mondo's eating you out or fucking you hard, he likes to stroke himself and watch as you drown in the feeling of pure extacy
Seriously, the faces and sounds you make is enough to make the both of them cum instantly
He likes to get himself so worked up, so when it's finally his turn he can go all out and it feels fucking amazing
Mondo loooooooves making out with you. Yeah, it's that simple
The feeling of your soft lips on his, your tongue, the soft whimpers you let out while you're kissing, fuck
When making love with you, he'll drunkily plant sloppy kisses all over you and cover your entire body in hickeys
Lots of biting and dirty talk too
"F-Fuck, you feel so damn good baby... You ready to cum for me?"
Like seriously, you'll get weak to your knees in an instant
Also, Leon likes to cum on your face or chest area the most, while Mondo prefers cumming inside :)
Mondo is actually really good at aftercare, he's so caring and gentle (especially after some wild ass sex)
He takes good care of you and asks you every 2 seconds what you want/need
Leon likes to lay there for a little bit and recover for a bit next to you, gently caressing your face and praising you
When everybody has rested for a bit, you'll shower or bathe together (and probably fall asleep on the couch afterwards)
Rantaro and Shuichi
Such good boyfriends, awe
The amount of sappy shit these two do and say on the daily is almost overwhelming
They're like, so in love with you and with each other,, I'm soft
Shuichi is the type to take care of you a lot and helps you out with everything, be it housework, cooking (oh, you love cooking together!) or anything else
Rantaro is the type of guy to show up randomly after work with flowers for the both of you, he's so sweet
Their love languages are definitely acts of service and quality time, respectively
They both are very big on words of affirmation too; they want you to feel loved and appreciated
Just like Mondo and Leon, they balance each other out amazingly, it's literally heaven on earth
Shuichi is very much a switch (we know this), and Rantaro is such a great soft dom
When it comes to sex, all you really do is have threesomes because you all enjoy it the most with all three of you and it wouldn't feel as good with one of you not present
Sex is often very romantic and sensual, but there's plenty of room for rough fucking as well
Shuichi definitely loves to praise you and be praised, his words are so kind and loving
"I love you so much sweetheart, you look so beautiful like this..."
Rantaro loves praising too, but when he's in the mood for some really hardcore sex, he really gets off on degrading you (but like, in a sexy way, not a mean way)
"Who are my little naughty sluts, hm~?"
Rantaro has a really broad spectrum of kinks, he's into a lot of things
Whatever you're into, he's ready to go
He owns a few toys, so if you're comfortable with that he'll add some extra spice in the mix every now and then
(So watch out for being tied up or having a vibrator stimulate you until the batteries run out)
Though the sex on it's own with these two is already fucking incredible
Shuichi is such a pleaser. He'll do anything for you; eat you out, caress you, kiss you, edge you, etc
Overstimulating you is secretly something they both love to do, so be prepared for that
again, the SOUNDS THESE TWO MAKE-- *faints*
Rantaro's raspy grunts and Shuichi's soft moans are so fucking good together, my god
You always always ALWAYS have at least three orgasms when you have sex with these two, because they just love seeing you writhe and squirm afterwards
Rantaro loves cumming inside your mouth. God he's so naughty we love to see it
Shuichi doesn't really mind where he cums, the sight of you enjoying his seed anywhere is already enough for him and makes him weak to his knees
Aftercare is so wonderful with these two, omg
You'll all be snuggled up against each other and kissing each other lovingly after another intense lovemaking session
They'll keep telling you how much they love you and that you did very well, you mean so so much to them
Rantaro usually takes care of you and Shuichi after a particularly rough session, getting some towels and a damp cloth for any scratches/bruises/etc.
I mean, those rings are bound to leave some marks, especially when he's been very rough
He'll get you some water too (because hydration is important!) and then come back to cuddle up next to you again, slowly drifting asleep in each other's arms.
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c4-weeb · 4 years
Obey me boy head cannons!
Skater!Mc x the demon boys + undateables!
Alright so background! Human mc had invited one of the boys to go to a skating rink with her in the human world, since she is one of the main racers and a very frequent attendee at the place since she was 10. She knows the regular skaters and owners pretty well. Shes held with high respect there and is pretty talented. She has skate races and a whole team of great skaters, so what happens when one day she invites one of the boys to go on a date/ support her during a competitive roller derby? Also please do keep in mind I'm taking inspiration off the monster high roller derby cause that race was pretty cool and difficult to do so make it more modernized and human. You know... no swinging axes or kraken's trying to grab you as you skate. Though in reality that sounds like something Diavolo would put together for devildom roller derby's...
When he heard you beg him to come support you for your first race back in the human world he was a little taken aback. A roller derby? Him? I mean he wasn't going to be the loudest but he did find the thought of watching them succeed and wanting his praise amusing nonetheless....
....in reality he missed the Mc dearly and would appreciate the time with them, but he'd never say so out loud.
When you looked up to him from the stands he smirked at you, the pressure was on... that smirk was the one of judgement and "let's see how you do" which wracked your nerves with enough anxiety that it helped fuel the fire to make sure you succeeded.
When the Mc took off, being shoved by people bigger than her on each side, he was surprised when you fell back and the two idiots collided and she hopped over with ease and sped towards the front with amazing speed.
When The Mc and their team won, she came speeding to him and hugged him from behind and thanked him.
Later he took you out to eat in congratulations, the smile on your face from getting praise and food? All the stress from the day was relieved by that small gesture.
"I dont know why I thought I had finally found out everything I could about you, yet you just keep surprising me...."
When the you asked for his support during a casual race at your local skating rink, with just your team mates going against eachother in a regular speed skate with a few obstacles, he wasnt so interested, saying he wants money in return for his support, when in reality he would have went anyways. But when you told him that since it was a casual race, people could bet on the racers, he agreed so fast and even begged to be summoned right then and there.
Expect him to be screaming at the top of his lungs for you to win
Isnt against calling you baby this loud in public
May or may not have tried climbing the fence when you got pushed
Definitely bet on you, and a huge sum of money too. So much faith 😭❤
Once you've won expect him to come flying at you, poor baby forgot you where on skates tho so you'd end up falling backwards to your friends amusement of your cuddly demon.
Tried threatening the owners to do another race so he could get money and failed
Sulked till you dragged him by the hand to skate in the neon lights since most people left it was just you two
Later he would drag you to either go to bet on races with him to gain more money or go to shower you in gifts, really depended on how well you could convince him to not go gambling, which had a 50/50 success rate.
"If I'm not going to get more money I might as well shower you in what I have, make you the prettiest gem for the whole world to see!" "Mammon you only won 200 dollars not a mil-" "sh, sh, shhhhh, shhh, no arguing! The Great Mammon is going to treat his treasure right tonight, ya' hear!?"
Now getting this otaku outta his room was an absolute struggle. So like a cat trapping their preh, you had to summon him to your house and put a blindfold on him for a special surprise.
Dragged his unsocial ass to the car and road down to the skate rink and took off his blind fold once you both got inside.
It took a lot of coaxing, but you finally got him to calm down enough to get a pair of skates.
If your skater friends said hi to him he'd hide by your arm like a scared 5 year old
The jealousy he felt of everyone in the room was unbelievable, because the poor boy has no balance for skating. On wheels or ice, his body just refuses.
You offered to help him learn and the poor boys face was fuming red, thankfully the neon lights and darkness hid it well.
He held onto your hand for balance throughout the whole date, only stopping to eat some pizza and play some arcade games.
After a few hours you headed back to your house to binge some Starwars, wanting to watch something different with him.....which eventually led to the both of you getting bored and going back to the new ruri-chan movie you guys binged countless amount of times on the phone together.
"H-hey! Hold on you're going t-too fast! No now you're so close I-....um... ack everyone can see us...so many people... but its worth it to show that your mine!"
Now Satan isnt much of a skater, nor a loud supporter, but with enough coaxing you finally got him to at least try and relax with you, doing a nice small couple's night at the skate rink
Really wanted to try human customs with you so there was little resistance
He would hold their hand as you'd skate
Even think of skating away from him and he will chase after you
This man's rage in his bones makes him a natural speed skater
Will tickle you when he catches you, starts a very one sided tickle war tho
If you wanna sit down, it's going to be in his lap, no rejections.
Will find it adorable if your friends make fun of how blushy you're getting as you hide in his chest
"Come now kitten, dont run away or I'm going to tickle you so hard that your face will hurt too much to smile at anyone else but me"
This sweet baby was already dragging you to your room to glamor you up before the race.
Honey no need to say anything, he will make you the most gorgeous skater just tell him the vibes you wanna give off and he will hit the nail straight on the head and match your aesthetic.
Best expect victory photos.
Will record your victory and show it off to the group chat with the brothers.
Absolutely head over heels for you, hanging off your body in a hug and then going for a really close skate together
Might try to convince you to have some celebratory seggs but will 100% be making it known how much you excited him.
"Sweetheart look at all the likes our photos are getting! Everyone's congratulating you! Awe look at how viral my baby is! That was a VERY thrilling experience watching you, and you do need to take care of that body....shall we take this home and undress you so I can congratulate you the right way~♡?"
Immediately agreed when you brought it up that you wanted to bring him to the skate rink, someplace you enjoyed going.
He knew skating was like a work out but was worried about finding skates his size there so he brought his own customized skates.
You better have snacks cause baby is gonna be starving.
Thankfully since you also work there and know the owners, you where allowed to hop over and take his order, putting it on your tab. 4 pizzas 2 Turkey legs 7 hotdogs and a pint of water (remember to stay hydrated)
If you bumped into a few of your friends and he WILL get along with them. He wants to be apart of your life, all of it, so he'll make it a point to get along with everyone in it for your sake.
If you ever look like you're going to fall he will be so close behind you it would be like slipping and falling back onto a brick wall who grabs you before you hit the floor.
If you fall forward he will grab your shirt but try not to choke you in the process
(If you do choke poor baby with be hugging you apologizing profusely)
You two try racing eachother but no matter what you dont win cause hes just too fast
Finds you challenging him over and over endearing and adorable.
"You're so adorable when you're chasing after me trying to win, but I'm hungry now...can we go eat again?"
Will complain once you ask him to go skating for date night in the human world
Wont stop till he finds out it has a sunroof along with the neon lights so he can look at the stars while skating with you.
Will only skate for an hour or two then passes out on your lap
Will not help at all when you fall, just laughs cause he is probably the reason you fell in the first place.
When hes skating he will take your hand in his the whole time and sorta lean on your shoulder while skating from behind you.
You two will stop periodically to sit at the small felt covered benches in the rink to look up at the stars (may or may not fall asleep on your shoulder so you're stuck there with him sleeping for 20 minutes)
You will be the last ones out
Must grab some food for Beel cause belphie promised to bring him home food.
Skating (more like you dragging him by the hand while hes in skates)back to your place and looking at the stars together at like 3am
Wont go back till he can officially cuddle you till the morning and leaves at 11am
"Hey look...theres Ursa major...*yawn* come on let's sit down again, I'm tired..."
Luke (only as siblings you take him skating)
Doesnt know how to skate
You end up teaching him and hes the happiest little boy ever.
If you take him to a race he'll be all worried that you got a scratch and starts to get protective over you when the person who pushed you comes near
Definitely eating cotton candy
Playing claw machines and you win him a stuffed piggy and he holds it near and dear to his heart cause it's from you
"Mc! Mc! Look I'm doing it! I'm skating! Sir oinkers and me are skating together! Thank you so much haha!"
Happily joins to cheer you on during your races everytime. Got a race? Simeon will be there.
If you dont win he will comfort you and make the best of the situation by taking you to the food bar till it turns to a free skate again.
If you're injured he will pamper you and be ready with his first aid. Little angel kisses on every scrap and bruise.
So many forehead kisses of encouragement and praise 🥺😭
Can speed skate, so if you want to practice he'll help but if you want to relax he'll do that too.
Inlines? Regular skates? No matter what hes great at them.
Somehow he has great luck and every stuffie you showed interest in or every candy or prize there was that you would even look at, he would win on the first try.
"Dont worry! I'll carry it all. You just relax alright? You got pretty bruised from that fall."
Getting this man to stop working and go on a date will need a ton of patience, even Lord Diavolo has to convince him the little d's will do their jobs right while hes away.
Will take care of every scrape and bruise you get.
Man has glowsticks prepared to cheer you on
When it turns back to a free skate he will try his best to impress you and teach you little tricks he's picked up in his many years.
You try to convince him to eat some of the food there and he will politely decline and proceed to take you out to a nice fancy, but quaint restaurant.
"You were really quick to dodge them back there, yet you still got a few bruises, truly amazing for humans to get to that speed and dodge so fast. You're really a fascinating one arent you?"
Lord Diavolo
This man.... he made SIGNS
WILL be hollering when you win
The loudest in the stands
Glowsticks, glowing necklaces, bracelets, man is even wearing a glowing necklace around his head for you, glowing head to toe
So happy and proud 🥺😭❤
Definitely brought barbatos to help hold up the glittery signs him and the little d's made
Barbatos will leave with the signs after congratulating you and leaving you two to your date.
He will be a little off balanced when first skating cause the man went straight for the inlines 😂
Will be smiling the whole time, nothing can or will ruin it.
Absolutely in love with the skate rink because of you and even wants to add a few to the devildom so they can hold tournaments like the one you where in
Can get sad if he cant get you a stuffed animal while you're in the bathroom so he summons Barbatos again to help him while you're away.
Sends Barbatos away so you wont know he helped him get the prizes
Ends up getting you 6 stuffies and a phone case that doesnt fit your phone but it's the thought that counts right?
You win him a medium sized dragon from the claw machine and he sleeps with it every night and loves it like it's your guy's kid.
If he meets your friends he will find out just how much you've missed him as you get embarrassed, makes a mental note to see you once a week after that encounter.
Will eat 2 Turkey legs as you eat a slice of pizza and share a pitcher of soda with him
(He makes a mess of his face so you clean it off for him)
Will not want to leave and go back to the devildom so he'll insist on staying the rest of the night and walks you home
Will. NOT. LEAVEEEE! Master of excuses for why he should stay.
"But I dont want to leave! Theres still so much to do!" "Can I at least see your house?" "I wont leave until I see you're safe at home!" "Please can I stay the night, I miss having you wake up in my arms." "I want to see the morning sun rise with you before I go back"
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honeytama · 4 years
Emergency Contact
Spinner (Shuichi Iguchi) X Fem!Reader
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A/N: This was so fun to write! I’m loving the idea of phone sex right now, but also the idea of subby Spinner. So why not both? Here’s another fic about my favorite! Tagged: @knifeewifee​
Summary: Spinner phone calls his sweet girlfriend late one night to update her on his trip. The next morning, he gets a surprise visit.
Warnings: Smut (18+), established romantic relationship and pet names, cussing, praise kink, JOI (jerk off instructions), masturbation, oral (giving), riding
Word Count: 4.3k
Spinner lays against a plush comforter on the bed of a private hotel room with a throw blanket wrapped around his sore legs soothing him to relax after a long day of fighting. Although, the bed still feels less warm without his most favorite person in the world there with him. His favorite person even compared to the man that inspired him to fight for a greater cause; the entire reason he was away from you right now.
He sticks his neck out every day for his comrades and the people around him so that they’ll eventually have a life better than the one dealt to them. And you’re on his mind the entire way through. He slings his arm over his face, resisting the urge to call you and risk distracting him from the League’s current mission.
Spinner lays thinking about how your body would feel against him, how you would probably be eating room service dessert with him right now, and then seducing him with whipped cream upon your lips enough to get him fucking your supple body into the memory foam mattress. He could even imagine you ordering a breakfast spread the morning after; knowing you so well.
These thoughts that flood his head and warm his face convince him to dig out his cell phone from his sweatpants’ pocket. He taps to your contact and calls, hoping you would pick up soon. There isn't any time difference, right?
You sit at your desk working on an assignment for your job, your face leaning in your palm as you click through tens of slides. Honestly, you didn't have to be working that late into the night, but it felt better to have a task to distract yourself from your best friend and lover is away. Within the time you’ve been an item, this incident has only come up a couple times, so it's been difficult to understand the empty feeling you experience in bed each night passing.
Suddenly, your phone starts to buzz against the hardwood of the desk. Picking your hand up from your computer mouse, you flip the phone over to check the contact. Your eyes widen and your shoulders perk up to the name written across the screen. You immediately hit the answer button and lift it to your ear.
“Hi, love,” a smile beaming across your face. “Are you alright?” your excited expression slightly falters when you realize he might be calling as an emergency. Maybe he’s hurt?
“Yeah, yes, I’m just fine, sweetie, hey,” he responds quickly to ease your nerves. “I just wanted to call and catch up while I can. I miss you so much, Y/N.” His voice dancing through the speaker directly into your ear makes him feel closer than he actually is. It’s lower than usual, so probably a mix of the microphone filtering and exhaustion from a long day. Either way, the vibrations of his gruff tone send waves of satisfaction down your spine.
“It feels so good to hear your voice, babe.” you lower your voice to a comforting whisper. “So, what’s up, how’s everything going?’ You move from your desk chair and shut off your computer, deciding to move all of your attention to him.
“It‘s been a lot of work, but everyone here is putting in their best effort,” you hear him say as you climb into your shared bed to rest against the mountain of throw pillows stacked across the headboard. Spinner feels his throat tighten recognizing the sound of the rustling sheets beneath your body. His attention being interrupted by the thought of watching you crawl across the mattress in those mini pajama shorts you usually wear to bed. The cups of your ass showing proudly to him as you sway your hips to tease him before you lay close together. “Actually, speaking of them,” he continues. “We were put up in a hotel for the night and I actually got a suite to myself. Could you believe it, baby?” he laughs softly.
You position yourself snugly into your usual side of the bed. It feels more comfortable to leave his space open, especially when you can still smell his scent on the pillows and favorite blanket beside you. “Oh my god, the League of Villains gets to spend a night in a swanky hotel! That’s so nice, love. I hope you’re enjoying it, I wish I could be there with you,” you gush.
“I know, it would be so amazing if you could come along with me. But, I don't want you to get hurt over my job. That would kill me,” as always, you hear the compassion in his voice that comes whenever he talks about protecting you from his actions.
“I understand, cutie, it’s okay,” you smile. “But, you know I am strong enough to take on some of the people you fight, even without huge muscles like yours,” you tease, your subconscious pushing you to change the subject to something more erotic. You silently hope you could ease his tensions about his dangerous lifestyle. Being alone gives you way more time to wonder about what will happen once he returns, but sometimes it’s even more fun to be impatient.
“C'mon,” he groans. “Don’t say it like that, sweetheart,” laughing as his hand runs through his loose hair. “I still have a few more days out here without you. And, uh, tonight’s the only night I have privacy… It’ll be the only time I’ll get to, ya know…”
“What, I totally wasn’t coming onto you? I wasn’t trying anything, I swear. I was just complimenting the talent of my hard-working boyfriend,” you tease, waiting to pull your favorite reaction from him.
“I definitely wouldn't mind having you come onto me right now,” your touch starved boyfriend says in a low voice, slightly embarrassed by his forwardness. Since being experienced before you, an ounce of attention towards his hormonal brain sends him wanting loads more.
“You would love it if I came onto your face, huh, love?” you breathe out, a wide grin holding residence on your face.
“Holy shit, yes baby,” he chokes out. His empty hand is already roaming down his abdomen in anticipation.
“Or, my slick easily running down my thighs onto you after both of your cocks stretch me to my limit…” you tantalize, testing the waters for how far he wanted to go.
A low, long groan sounds into your ear. Spinner slowly rocks his hips upward in frustration, his palm finally reaching the top of his prominent bulge.
“If you’re wearing it, pull your tank off, Shuichi,” you gently command.
“Shi-,” he attempts to pull his top off with one hand, but the action taunts him when he realizes to pull it off with both. Removing his hand from his pants, he pulls the tank over his head and shucks it to the corner of the room. The second his attention is back on you, he turns his phone to the speaker to set it on his pillow. Both hands are fully free now. “Love, what are you wearing right now?”
“One of your extra tanks and some soft teeny shorts. Why?” acting oblivious to the actual meaning of his question.
“God, those shorts, I might have been thinking you- in them,” he breathes out. “Could I see? Send a pic, or we could video call. Fuck, anything,” he groans impatiently.
You smile to yourself as he admits to being needy, and it only encourages you to brave up and push into the mood more. “If you’re a good boy, I’ll send you whatever you’d like. Right now you’re just going to listen to my voice and follow exactly what I say for you to do. Deal?” You drop your voice into a sultry tone.
“Deal. I’d do anything,” Shuichi whines.
“Ok,” you pull away from the phone to take deep breaths before continuing. “Relax and lay back.
Are you comfortable?”
“With one hand, massage your hard-on over your pants. And with your other… pretend it’s mine as you trail over your stomach,” you instruct sensually.
Spinner follows your words carefully as he grinds his palm into his groin. His fingers wrap roughly around the circumference of the prominent outline in his pants trying to add friction to his prick that rests underneath layers. His other palm slides against his abdomen to lightly caress the muscle beneath it.
Imagining him in such a position, you pull your hand to one of your breasts and roll a nipple between your fingers. The thin material of the tank top is the only thing stopping you from feeling the soft skin of your chest. You set the phone down on the bed on the speaker, and continue your ministrations. “My hand is running against each of your abs, my fingers tracing the intricate grooves made by your scales. You have the hottest body, Shuichi,” you moan into the phone as you begin to pull your shorts down your legs.
“Mmm,” he moans involuntarily. “Ah- tell me, are you- touching yourself, too?”
“You’ll find out eventually,” your tease happily. “Tonight’s about you, and I'm sure you're following my instructions to the letter. Right? Because if not, remember, you won’t be getting any proof of how wet my pussy is tonight.”
“Shit, when you talk like that, I- I can’t- I can’t handle it, Y/N,” he whimpers.
“Well, I really want to see how long you can last, Spinner,” you say pulling your top over your head. “So, you can take your cocks out, now.” He groans as he quickly tugs his sweatpants down his thighs. Both weeping pricks springing free from against the right waistband. Precum clings to his pants creating thin, sticky ropes of a clear liquid that make a mess of his lower stomach. “I'm sure they kinda hurt from throbbing against your pants, aching for some relief. Would you like some relief, sweetie?
“Yea-yes, Y/N,” he stutters.“Please, let me touch myself.”
“Hmm, you may, but just one. Don’t dare try to wrap your fist around both of them.” your voice is low. You lay in bed in only your underwear and quietly pull them to the side to give your clit some relief of its own.
“Ahh, Y/N,” Shuichi moans while stroking his thick cock languidly, tossing glances at his other cock leaking precum against his pubis. “You would give me head if you were here right? You know I can’t stand the teasing when we’re face to face. This feels so- so different. God, you’re so- ah- hot.”
Both of you, especially Spinner, are usually shy about sexual advances in person, so trying this new way of sending sexy messages felt so good. “Mmm, Shuichi,” you breathe out. Your fingers lacing through your slicked folds while you listen to the clicking of each of his jerks through the phone. “Just for that, go ahead and start stroking both together.” You hear him spit into his palm as he attempts to push both throbbing pricks together into one steady hand.
The late-night and the emptiness of both of your rooms are only filled with each other’s moans and pining words calling for each other’s bodies. Your hands move together as your eyes shut to deepen the illusion of his presence.
“I’m- close, I’m gonna,” Spinner grunts out.
Your eyes shoot open. “Wait! I have something for you,” snapping out of your sultry voice as if in an emergency. “Give me one sec.” You pick up your phone from the bed and angle the camera towards your body before sending it off as a text.
Spinner fumbles around with his phone, lacking to be grossed out by his own saliva covered hand as he opens your message. “Ohh,” he grunts. The photo showed the position you’d been pleasuring yourself in; legs spread wide showing off your dripping cunt and fingers resting on your clit. “Fuck! You- you look so gorgeous. God, please let me cum!”
“Go ahead, baby. I wish my fingers were you right now,“ you offer.
“Fuuu- uhh. I'm coming, I'm-” his voice catches before he let out a stream of muffled moans. Both of his cocks shoot ropes of his load onto his abdomen, emptying him until he’s completely spent. Spinner takes deep guttural breaths before letting out a sigh of relief.
“How was that?” you ask nervously, you decide not to go for your own orgasm.
“That was great, I had no clue you could do that! Did you learn that from that one otome game?” he says, genuinely curious.
You laugh and cover your hand with your face in exhaustion. “I’m glad you liked it, but now I’m getting sleepy. I’m gonna get some rest, Shuichi.”
“No problem, you're the best, ya know,” he smiles, exhausted. ”Goodnight, sleep well,” he says lovingly.
“Goodnight,” you smile.
Ending the call, your next action would either be the best decision or one you’d regret. You scroll through your contacts before calling your mutual friend, who also was away on the same mission. The phone rings against your ear as you wait, but it picks up only a few seconds later.
“Hey, sorry if I woke you up, I need the hotel information of where you all are staying. I need Spinner’s room number, too,” you request.
“Aw, do you want to come and visit him? So cute! Fuck off, don’t call me this late again, Y/N.”
You walked down the sidewalk of a city a few hours away from your home in one of your boyfriend’s tee’s, leggings, and a tote clutched to your side. It’s early in the morning, you’d caught the train around 7am and prepared a plan while sitting alone in the carriage. You finally made it to the entrance of the hotel with your cell phone in your hand to double-check the room number you’d easily convinced Twice to send you. Walking through the lobby, your shoes echo off the marble floor. You softly say “good morning” to the concierge before walking to the elevators at the back of the room and tapping the up button.
Your stomach turns while you walk down the hallway of his floor. What if he's bothered by you being there? What if the plan doesn’t work out? Either way, he responds, you had at least planned for a sweet day date with him away from his team. With a hopeful expression, you knock on his suite door and shift your feet on the hallway carpet waiting for him to respond.
The clicking of locks opening behind the door elevates your mood before the door is swung open. Your boyfriend in pajamas grins wildly as he pounces on you for a hug. “Y/N!” he exclaims, pressing his snout down into your shoulder. You squeeze him close to your body with both arms thrown around his back, surprised at his forwardness. “What are you doing here! Oh, uh, haha, come inside.” You follow him into the living area part of the suite, closing the door behind you.
“Honestly, I wanted to see you in person after our call from last night,” you admit. “So, I got Twice to share the information with me, I hope that’s ok. I know you don’t want Tomura to find out, but I couldn’t help myself,” you explain.
“No, no, I- I like that you came to me, that’s the nicest thing ever, babe,” Spinner says, pulling your hand into the sleeping area. “But, check this room out! I had a whole queen bed to myself, flat-screen TV…, and a desk!”
You watch him swing his arms around the room to show you as much as he could before he had to check out later that afternoon. His excitement for things he’s passionate about always made you love him more. You lean into his side and place a kiss to the side of his snout. He halts his show-and-tell before turning to look into your eyes, a smile growing on his face. His cheeks are blushing.
“You stole a kiss from me?” He questions. “You know what happens when you do that,” Spinner turns on his fake villainous voice before taking your chin in his hand. And then, starts to tickle your neck.
“Shuichi! Ah, no!” You walk backward into the edge of the bed trying to escape his grasp. You fall over onto the soft mattress when his hands roam to your sides and your thighs, continuing his attack. Always being careful with his sharp nails. “Haha ah! C’mon, Mr. Villain! I promise- I won’t steal another!”
Now, his body is hovering above yours, his long, strong arms holding your body like a vice. He stops to stare at your pretty face that's laughing and smiling because of him.
You stare back while locking eyes with his. Wanting to make the move you’d traveled there for, you rush to the front of his snout and lock your lips with his. Tracing the precise shape of his jaw with your fingers. Your bodies come together, noses nuzzled against the others’.
His strength helps pull you both up toward the middle of the bed. Once reaching a more comfortable spot, you use your own strength to push him onto his back. You straddle your legs over his hips and lean down to kiss his neck. Pressing your hot lips against his skin, you let your tongue slip out before sucking the spot he usually hides under a scarf. You whisper sweetly, “I told you I was stronger than you thought, handsome. How would you feel for me to use you like a toy?” Lifting your head, you watch his blown out eyes in anticipation.
Sunlight pours into the room in rays from the large windows at the side of the room while thin curtains give some amount of privacy. Luckily, you were on a high floor. His brown eyes show amber flecks as the sun hits them. He searches your expression for any sign of a lie or joke. “You want to have sex?” he asks, oblivious.
“I want you to fuck me, love… if you’d like that of course" you whisper.
He can’t believe the love of his life just traveled several hours to do something so sinful with his body. His eyes darken a shade in arousal, hoping you’ll dominate his every move, just as you’d done the night before. “Shit, yes. I need you-”
You raise your shirt over your head to throw it over your shoulder before reaching for the edge of his own. Spinner raises his arms above his head and lets you pull it off of his torso. You kiss his nose before sliding down his body eagerly, taking the waistband of his pants with you. Kissing the lines leading down from his Apollo’s belt, you close your eyes in comfort. When you finally open them again, a flutter of your fingers moves his cocks until they’re hard and straining against your hand.
“Please, suck me. I need your tongue, you’re so good,” he stammers. His index finger is pinched between his teeth as you lick up the full length of his sleek shaft. Once you bring your mouth to his tip, the swirl of your tongue against his hole makes him squirm against the sheets. “Ah, so sensitive,” he whimpers.
You lift your mouth from his dripping prick and smile upwards at his blushing face. “So, you don’t want me to blow you, babe?,” you tease as you stroke him slowly in one hand.
“No, no, no keep going!” Spinner yelps trying to sway his hips in your moving hand for friction.
Your head dips back down to the cock in your hand and you wet your lips before taking an amount of his thick length in your mouth. The taste of his bittersweet precum grazing your palate. He groans as you continue in a bobbing motion reminding you of the night before. Your inner thighs rub together to give friction to your hidden cunt.
You continue to bob your head up and down, pressing your tongue against his shaft. His moans motivate you to take both of his cock tips between your lips; you’re still learning how to completely pleasure both of his members equally. You drag your tongue back and forth along his weeping tips in a swiping motion and watch his reaction from underneath your lashes. The size of his eyes and raised brow make you giggle against him; it gives you even more encouragement to keep going. Giving a kiss on the inner part of his muscular thigh, you sit up and pull your leggings off.
Your boyfriend does a double-take when he realizes you're not wearing anything underneath. “Baby, you’re gonna kill me,” he throws his head back against the pillow. You giggle and climb back up his body while Shuichi’s hands pull your hips into his lap to straddle him again. He rocks your body back and forth easily making your slit slide along the length of his shaft. The ridge before his cock tip hitting your clit with every turn.
“Ooh,” you repeat with every time his hard tip skims your engorged pearl. “I wanna ride your cock, babe,” you moan above him. Spinner’s face flushes as he nods and picks your hips up from his body. He ogles your arousal covering the entirety of his cock before allowing you to take it in your small hand to line it up with your entrance. His focused gaze switches from watching you prod your hole to the lewd expression on your face. Your lip being held between your teeth, you lower yourself onto his cockhead. “Ahh,” you gasp. Your chest quickly rises at the sudden development. The built-up arousal causes your body to fall onto his dick in full. You both groan at the abrupt stretch and tightness of your drenched sleeve wrapped around him.
“Y/N, you’re so beautiful. How am I so lucky?” he gushes. You smile down at him and start your back and forth movements, holding onto his broad shoulders for guidance.
Shuichi caresses your thighs as you ride him sensually. You reach down and run your fingers through his hair as you moan. You continue to roll your hips as he closes his eyes and presses his forehead to yours, "Enjoy yourself. Take me all you want.” Spinner groans at your slow movements; the nails of his forefingers sinking into your ass like lead as he tries to thrust up into you impatiently. You put your entire weight into him as you press his chest down into the mattress; you forbid him from moving without your permission. “You make me feel- ah- So. Fucking. Good,” he grunts with every smack of your ass against his thighs as you bounce on his dick. His other cock lies beneath your spread thigh; it gains pleasure from the fiction caused by you bouncing and grinding.
You breathe heavily above him. The stretch you feel from his textured cock is heavenly, but once he reaches to poke into your cervix it’s difficult to control your rhythm. “Oh fuck! Right there!” The feeling makes you fall from your posture above him to his level. Your arms circle his neck as your chests are pressed together to continue. The curved tip of his cock slides repeatedly into the soft, ridged spot inside of you as he thrusts upwards into your body now. Forgetting about your assertion about taking control, he pistons his hips forward from the mattress into your sopping cunt over and over again; he’s only trying to get you to your climax now. The feeling of your pretty little hole tightening tells him your close to coming undone.
“Fuck, yes, just like that! Please, a little more,” you groan into his shoulder. You whine after each of his thrusts into his neck. Your words of praise becoming mush as he plows through your body.
“Fuck, I can feel you-. You’re all mine, ugh, you’re pussy is all mine, huh?,” he grunts into your ear. “Cum on my cock. I want it, baby, please- Give it to me!” he says in rhythm to each one of his thrusts as he holds your hips down into his groin.
A large knot in your stomach tightens abruptly and your throat catches before you feel the snap coming. His words encourage your body to let go as your face the orgasm you had denied yourself the night before. You let out a flow of whines and “yes’s” riding your high on his pulsating prick. The next moment, you watch as Spinner’s snout turns upwards and his eyes roll back into his head as he unloads thick strings of warm cum into your cunt. Your exhausted walls unable to give him more before his slippery cock slides out; it lands on his abdomen with a smack in a pool of cum from his other cock.
Shuichi holds your hips above him as you both come down from your highs. His fingertips gently sliding over the indentations from his nails on your ass cheeks and thighs. You place a long kiss on his snout and cheek before throwing yourself to his side on the bed. You both let out deep sighs in pleasure as you both turn to look at one another in awe.
“So,” you laugh. “I planned a cute breakfast date out on the town, but this feels so nice,” you say, smiling.
“A date, with me?” You giggle and nod. His face is flushed, but he responds to you in the same amount of contentment, “I still want to experience the room service, so let’s clean up and I’ll order whatever you want.”
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joachimnapoleon · 5 years
On the Murat/Lannes relationship
Napoleonic history is a tangled web. In the relatively short amount of time (three years-ish) since it first ensnared me, I've lost count of all the narratives/anecdotes/random tidbits I've come across in one source that have ended up being contradicted in another. I feel better about not always knowing what to believe when I see professional historians tripping over the facts themselves--like Michael Broers, in the first volume of his overall amazing trilogy-in-progress on Napoleon, referring to the story about Eugène de Beauharnais asking Napoleon for his father's sword back, as a myth "fabricated by Eugène and Hortense, after Napoleon's fall," when Napoleon himself recounted the story on Saint Helena. The truth is, this subject is just so vast it's impossible to get everything right 100% of the time.
And it doesn't help that a lot of what has come down over the years and become "common knowledge" on the subject often derives from memoirs written to push certain agendas, to fashion narratives, and to defend (and destroy) reputations.
Napoleon's marshals grabbed my interest right off the bat--Murat in particular--and I grabbed up every book I could find early on, with zero idea of which ones were credible or outdated. And some of them were old--the first Murat biography I read (by Atteridge) was from before all eight volumes of his available correspondence had even been published. The first book on the marshals I read was from 1934 (by Macdonell); the next (by Delderfield) was from the 60s. They were all good introductory reading but left me with a lot of ideas/assumptions that I ended up abandoning later on as I delved more into the primary sources.
One of these is the "Murat and Lannes hated each other" narrative.
I can't say beyond a shadow of a doubt that Laure Junot's infamous memoirs are entirely to blame, but I'm sure they definitely contributed to mainstreaming this particular narrative (among others). The Duchess d'Abrantès despised both Joachim and Caroline Murat, and devoted ample space in her memoirs to making them look as heinous (and universally disliked) as possible. The professional rivalry between Lannes and Murat--which legitimately did exist, at least early on--was blown out of proportion, and future historians gleefully piggybacked on it because drama sells books. And so we end up with excerpts like this in Delderfeld's Napoleon's Marshals:
The two future marshals, who already detested one another, were laid side by side in the hospital and Lannes must have taken full advantage of the fact that he could insult his rival with impunity, for Murat's jaw had been shattered by a pistol shot and his face was swathed in bandages. [2002 edition, page 51]
Again, I don't deny there was an early professional rivalry between the two, deliberately exacerbated by Napoleon, who delighted in this sort of thing. Marbot, who served under Lannes, relates the following:
General Bonaparte, when on his way to assume the command of the Army of Italy in 1796, took as his senior aide-de-camp Murat, whom he had just promoted to colonel, and for whom he had a great liking. Having, however, in the first actions noticed the military capacity, zeal, and courage of Lannes... he granted to that officer an equally large share of his esteem and friendship, thus exciting Murat's jealousy. When the two colonels had become generals of brigade, Bonaparte was accustomed, on critical occasions, to entrust to Murat the direction of the cavalry charges and put Lannes in command of the reserve of the grenadiers. Both did splendidly, and the army had nothing but praise for either. But between these gallant officers there grew up a rivalry which, if the truth must be told, was not at all displeasing to the commander-in-chief, as tending to stimulate their zeal and their desire of distinction. He would extol before Murat the achievements of General Lannes, and enlarge in Lannes' presence on the merits of Murat. [Memoirs of the Baron de Marbot, 1903, page 336]
From this early rivalry, we are led to believe that Lannes and Murat hated each other unhappily ever after. As "proof" of this we are given the occasional heat-of-the-moment blowup during later campaigns.
But the narrative starts to melt away when you look at their personal correspondence.
When I first started diving into Murat's correspondence after my obsession took hold, I was fairly shocked when I read some of the letters between him and Lannes and saw so many marks of affection--and frequent use of the informal tu, used between close friends and intimates, instead of the formal vous. I’ve seen this spun, in order to uphold the Lannes Hated Murat™ narrative, as Lannes just doing it to nettle Murat by being blatantly disrespectful or some such nonsense. I don’t buy that take, personally.
Some of the letters/excerpts (with translations following each):
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"I see with pleasure that Blücher and the Duke of Weimar will not escape you. Be sure that you will never have as much glory as I want for you and that I love you a thousand times more than you love me. I will never cease to seize every circumstance of giving you new proofs of it. A thousand and thousand times your friend."
Excerpt in Lannes' own hand from a letter to Murat dated 1 December 1806:
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"I give you my word, my dear friend, that the soldier is in the greatest misery, make sure that food is sent to us from Warsaw. Your best friend, Lannes."
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"I pray you, my dear Duke, tell me if the Emperor must come soon to Warsaw. If I can get in a carriage, I count on going in two days to the capital, unless you think we're making a movement; in this latter case, I will be obliged to you to let me know it. You can't have an idea of what I've suffered. The Emperor gave me much grief, on the subject of what was found in Stettin, I will tell you all that when I see you. Farewell, my good friend, I love you with all my heart."
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"The rumor runs here, my dear Murat, that you are coming with the Emperor, the governor himself assures me of it, I will be obliged to you to let me know if this is true. I'm writing to His Majesty to request his orders. You must have suffered much this campaign, my dear Murat, I have no need to tell you that I've shared all your fatigues. I would have been happier to  be with you. Farewell, my dear Murat, give me your news and believe me for life your best friend."
In July of 1808, recovering from a severe illness that struck him in Spain, Murat went to "take the cure" in Barèges. He spent a few days there with Lannes and Ney, and was able to share the news with them that Napoleon had just made him the King of Naples. He writes the following letter to Lannes while in Barèges:
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"I'm sending you, my dear marshal, a letter from the Emperor; read it and send it back to me. You will learn this good news with pleasure, and I am sure that you will be delighted with the advice that His Majesty gives you to hurry and drink the waters. If you want to write him, send the letter immediately; I will send it by the return of his courier. Farewell, love always your good friend."
After their brief stay at Barèges, Murat accompanies Lannes to Lannes' chateau near Lectoure, and stays as his guest, to finish his recuperation through the end of July. Murat, months later in Naples, writes to his friend to express his gratitude for Lannes' care of him during his illness (this one's a bit hard to read, sorry):
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"My dear Duke, it has been a long time since I left you, I was glad to see your journey, I am persuaded that you were and are happy, I believe you are happy myself, since you are with the Emperor. Never leave him, it is only with him that there is happiness, I am no longer happy since I left him. You are persuaded of my friendship, but wanting to give you a recent proof of it, I just wrote to His Majesty to beg him to permit me to send you my Order of the Two Sicilies, it will acquire a new merit, worn by you. You are going to leave, you are going to fight again, and me, I will make wishes for your success. Was the Emperor Alexander friendly? And the Grand Duke? Did you conclude anything? You must tell me. Farewell, my dear Duke, love always your friend who will never forget your recent proofs of attachment. All yours; I kiss your children."
So in summary: I believe that Murat & Lannes were professional rivals early in their careers, but that their rivalry has been blown way out of proportion because drama makes good copy, and I'm pretty firmly convinced that they were a good deal closer than has commonly been believed/written. At any rate, I'm glad to be able to show another side of their relationship that hasn't gotten nearly as much attention as Lannes referring to Murat as an ass and a strutting rooster or whatever it was in Laure Junot's memoirs. If you've made it this far, thanks for reading; this ended up being a good deal longer than I originally envisioned it.
[All the letters above come from Volumes 4-7 of Lettres Et Documents Pour Servir À l'Histoire de Joachim Murat, except for the 18 July 1808 letter, which is from Albert Lumbroso’s Correspondance de Joachim Murat. I take full blame for any flaws in the translations, which are entirely my own.]
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I have never done a matchup before so bear with me. I'm a (minor) 5'4" aro/ace African American girl with short dark curly hair and purple glasses. My personality type is ISFP and my Hogwarts house is Hufflepuff [fuck what pottermore says I am and forever will be a hufflepuff >:(] I'm more of a "mom friend" in my group of buddies and absolutely adore giving physical affection. My hobbies include listening to music, reading fanfiction, and watching tiktoks. I like sweet and savory foods, comedy, and other people being happy. However I dislike bullies, spicy food, and scraping metal noises. I have a hard time expressing my negative emotions with other people so I usually cover it with a nonchalant attitude or funny jokes. When it comes to people being rude to me or my friends I'm blunt and sarcastic. While I don't like bragging, when I do so I usually do it out of a want for validation and a confidence boost. Uhhh lemme know if you need anything else???? Keep doing what you do and make sure you take breaks 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Haha, don’t worry! Sometimes my writing is incoherent and somehow, I figure what’s going on, so I’m sure I’ll be able to manage this XD
ALsO, I am so sorry this took so long T^T
Life and literally everything got in the way and I’ve only had time to finish it off now…I tried to make it longer to make up for it, but it’s still not that long
ashdfklashdlf, I’m just so sorry, but now that it’s here, I hope you enjoy it!
I match you with…Kaminari Denki!
  -    You guys will definitely hit it off as friends. You’re both friendly and funny and will get along so well :)
  -    He’ll be the one to ask you out, and it’ll come pretty suddenly. He wouldn’t really hide the fact that he has a crush, but no one ever knows when he’s going to act on them, since he tries to hit on so many girls.
  -    He’ll just suddenly one day be like:
  -    “Hey, um, ya wanna go out with me?”
  -    No context.
  -    You won’t even be on the topic of dating or anything like that. Just…boom.
  -     If you show any signs of being taken aback, he’ll probably go into an explanation of why he likes you. It’ll probably be really sweet, and he’ll have so many reason.
  -    He’ll think that your curly hair is adorable, and loves seeing it bounce around whenever you walk. He’ll love playing with it as well when you’re cuddling. He’ll twirl his fingers with the grain (is that what it’s called with hair?!) of your hair absentmindedly if he can.
  -    He’ll probably convince you at least once to straighten it and will absolutely gush at how pretty you look.
  -    YAS, Hufflepuff buddies (you can’t convince me he isn’t a Hufflepuff).
  -    He definitely needs someone like a mum to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid and reckless. You gotta make sure you slap some sense into him when he’s being impulsive XD
  -    He is literally the king of physical affection and absolutely craves it. Nearly at all times, he’ll have some part of him on you. Whether it be an arm around your waist or a hand on your shoulder, he’ll always be near you.
  -    That sounds kinda creepy, but it’s just how he is, okay?
  -    He’ll definitely sit with you, cuddling, of course, while you watch some random-ass tiktoks on his for you page, because he watches the weirdest things. Don’t comment, though, the guy probably doesn’t even realise it’s weird.
  -    You two will definitely spend hours listening to music while you study, read, cuddle, or literally anything. Kaminari can vibe to any music, so he honestly doesn’t mind what genre/s you listen to.
  -    With my limited understanding of MBTI’s, I’m pretty sure that Kaminari is an ENFP, and I’m fairly certain that ISFP’s and them can get along really well. While ENFP’s look for meaningful connections with people, ISFP’s are more in the moment, and that can help the ENFP be more grounded.
  -    He’ll take you out on street food dates, and he’ll buy all the sweet and savory foods you point at. Though, don’t expect to get any gifts from him in the next month. Whenever he goes out with you, he can’t help but treat you and will end up blowing all his money in one outing XD
  -    He thinks he’s the pinnacle of comedy and will be constantly be cracking jokes. He’ll often laugh at his own, and his snort/laugh will probably be funny that the actual joke.
  -    But in all seriousness, he loves comedy as well, and will absolutely watch shows late into the night. If there’s any live shows nearby, he’ll probably book tickets without telling you and surprising you with them like, two days before the show XD
  -    You two will have so many times when your stomachs are on the verge of exploding from laughing so hard for so long. It’ll definitely get to the point at least once where you have to get icepacks/heat packs because the pain gets too much, but Kaminari will still be giggling all the way through.
  -    He’ll really admire how much you care about other people and want to see them happy. He really looks up to that and will always want to be like you.
  -    Kaminari probably covers his hurt with jokes and the such as well, so it’s good to have someone with you that knows how and when people do that. You’re both a people person, so it’ll help to have someone like you with things like emotions. You’ll definitely bond over that trait, and it’ll help bring you guys closer, probably.
  -    He won’t be pushy with your feelings, and he knows you won’t be either.
  -    Bruh, this guy hates bullies as well, and though he may not be the best with words and will struggle in a physical fight, he’ll stand up to any that even consider picking on you.
  -    He’ll find it hilarious how blunt and sarcastic you are, such a dramatic change from how you are normally, and he’ll have to hold back a snort whenever you say something particularly dry to the rude person. He’ll absolutely congratulate you afterwards and you guys will laugh about it later on.
  -    You literally don’t need to even think about asking for validation and support. This guy will already be all over you, and when he notices you doing something even slightly good, he’ll be showering you with love and praise.
  -    Though, he’s also a validation seeker, so you may need to do the same for him XD
  -    I actually headcanon Kaminari to have a minor form of anxiety, so he’d understand what it’s like to have low confidence-levels. He’ll be really good when trying to give you confidence boosts as well, since he can literally see everything amazing and beautiful about you. He’ll find it easy to pick them out and bring it to the light when you most need it.
  -    He’s still an attention whore, though, so you better be giving him praise and love as well.
  -     You guys are basically known as the couple that are literally all over each other, but everyone is secretly jealous of your intimacy and ability to get along well.
A quote I think your relationship would match:
“I will keep on loving you until eternity comes to make me love you more.” ~ Munia Khan
I hope you like this matchup~
//Requests are CLOSED! (but they should be opening back up soon since I’ve finally climbed out of the slump and mostly back on top of things! :D)
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