#I'm not sure if I should tag this as warrior cats because it's not a WC project but. idk
boilingrain · 1 year
There’s something silly to me about Bluestar x Yellowfang
It’s just “yeah Firestar’s moms should date”
Old women with tragic backstories and the very orange boy they separately adopted
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redneaththedogwood · 8 months
Hi! Call me Red.
I am a queer young adult artist with a passion for making stories! My pronouns are he/they/it.
Red 'Neath the Dogwood is a feline centric xenofiction world building project that is inspired by the blogs @/barrenclan, @/bonefall, @/trinitywc, and @/cathedralcomic, as well as published works such as Warrior Cats, Ratha's Creature, Guardians of Ga'Hoole, and Watership Down. Other influences may show through, particularly the horror aspects present in media such as The Magnus Archives and Old Gods of Appalachia.
My goal with R'NtD is to create compelling groups with their own religious beliefs, food cultures, and a unifying language. The overarching story has not been decided yet, and while I flesh that out I will focus on characterizing the groups and who resides in them, along with creating unique roles and government systems for each.
This blog is a passion project and it is mostly just me working on it, with language help from my good friend @elkpaws.
Things To Know
Red 'Neath the Dogwood will not be a project for children and will include serious discussion of topics ranging from mental health, cultism, oppressive structures, and more. If these topics upset you, that is absolutely okay! This project will likely not be for you.
You are not bothering me with like spam or reblog spam! I appreciate the love and engagement :)
I ADORE seeing people talk and reply in tags and replies, it makes my day!!
I love asks! I will read them all!!! I might not get to all of them if I ever get super popular, but as a smaller work I will do my best to answer.
Please do not ping me on other people's work. It feels very rude!
The main theme I want to portray with Red 'Neath the Dogwood is generational differences, finding one's sense of self, and what drives people to fall into fascist ideas. GROWTH, CHANGE, and PROGRESS, for better or worse.
This will likely be a story that follows many characters and will grow to reflect that, with different "arcs" and offshoot tales about characters within the three groups present. I will do my best to tag for organization's sake, but be warned that I am forgetful and might lose posts.
I will also try to remember to tag for triggering or otherwise upsetting subject matter, but if I miss something send me an ask and I'll take care of it as best I can.
Closing Thoughts
For now I believe this covers everything I can think of, and as this project grows I will likely rewrite this pinned post to reflect those changes. In future I hope to have several original tags set up for this blog, including things specific to food, culture, and character posts.
Thank you for taking the time to read this! I hope I can make this blog worthwhile.
Ask Status: Open
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loudclan-clangen · 7 months
Hey there!
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Checking out Loudclan? That's great! Thanks so much!
Loudclan was originally planned to be drawn as I played the game like most other clangen blogs... Then I got frustrated about how slow it was moving and played ahead. Just a little bit, nothing to worry about, only about 1000 moons. So this blog should be running for A WHILE. I also take pretty big liberties with the designs and events. I think it's more interesting that way! Also it's been several real life months since I started playing and some things I just... forgot. Or lost. Either way, it's fun to stretch my creative skills.
As for the mechanics of the blog:
General Content Warnings Include:
Death, Animal Death, (Cat Death specifically), Death in Childbirth, Violence, Murder, Illness, Gore, Grooming, Abuse, Bad Parenting, Cheating, Affairs, Drama, Cursing, Language, Dirty Jokes, ECT. (if i missed something please let me know)
Updates are not going to be on a consistent schedule... ever. I'm a college student. I just don't have the time or energy.
The style is going to vary wildly. It's been years since I've consistently drawn cats and I wasn't ever really happy with the way I did it back then anyway. Come along for the ride with me! I'm just as surprised by what my hands create as you guys!
Loudclan is set in a fictional location that is based on South Central Alaska. A group of rogues fled up the mountains to get away from the deep snows of the valleys at the beginning of a particularly harsh winter. The clan follows three "Leaders" in the form of the Leader, the Lead Healer, and the Lead Mediator. These leaders will each pass their position on to their oldest heir, the closest related member of their direct family. Issues regarding what happens when two cats have similar claims have yet to be sorted out by the clan, and may never be fully decided... *insert mysterious foreshadowing sounds*
If you are interested in more of a deep dive into the lore check out this post: Lore, or anything tagged #loudclanlore .
Want to see a list of all of the Loudclan cats? Go here: Allegiances.
Asks are welcome! I will do my best to answer them quickly and efficiently! I am happy to talk about characters, art, process, gameplay, pretty much anything. (I probably won't be showing sprites though, just because I've played ahead so far and a not insignificant amount of them are just... gone. Lost to the ether. Sacrificed so that my laptop could keep running the game.) All asks are tagged #loudclanasks .
Also fanart/writing/edits are more than welcome! You guys are so cool and talented and I am honored that you would want to make something based on my dumb little pixel cats. Referencing or imitating my style/designs/layout is absolutely allowed, just make sure to mention me so I don't miss them! All fan contributions are tagged #loudclanfan .
I will never complain about anyone "blowing up my notifications" or spam liking. I think it's so neat to see people go through the blog liking as they go. Don't worry about it. I enjoy seeing you enjoy my work!
A little bit about me, you can call me "D"! I use any pronouns, I'm pretty ambivalent about them but the majority of people use she/her for me and I'm fine with that. I'm 20, I live most of the time in Alaska and part time on a ranch in Texas and I'm working on my BA in Elementary Education. I started reading Warriors in 2nd Grade and stopped in 6th Grade but the brain worms never die. If you know me in real life no you don't: It took me all of high school to kill the furry allegations I'm not going through that again. Oh, and my main blog is @restinginpiecesofpizza but warning, there's spoilers for Owlstar's family tree for like 8 generations posted on there.
If you think Loudclan's cool and want to help me out consider checking out my RedBubble!
Anyway, thanks for checking out my blog! I hope you enjoy!
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bonefall · 1 year
I feel like I missed an important bit- what's the deal with Sharpclaw and SkyClan's brand of Thistle Law? I've been looking thru tags but I can't find any detailed info, would love to know more esp. since Sharpclaw was a character I loved as a kid
Sure! Summary and then some links.
BB!SkyClan, this is VERY important, does not have Thistle Law. Not until they reach the Lake. Their political overton window is COMPLETELY different from Forest Four, more centered around the "Fulfillment" of something called Spiderstar's Plan.
Spiderstar's Plan = That SkyClan would live apart, surviving in any way they could, until The Rats could be dealt with.
So Sharpclaw can be considered more like a "Traditionalist," if you had to compare it to Forest Four politics. He believes that it's time to cut ties with the behaviors that kept them alive during a time of great 'humiliation.' Kittypets and Daylight Warriors can't be trusted because their full loyalty is not to the continuation of SkyClan, they live with a paw still in "the past."
Leafstar wants her viewpoints challenged and to not live in an echo chamber, but she disagrees that this is even a problem. It makes no sense to her-- they do nothing but contribute. Daylight Warriors are paws that never take more than they give. They don't steal. They bring useful goods and toys. There's no point to isolating ourselves?
She should have done something the minute he started truly undermining her, but she didn't. It burns a hole in him that she "doesn't listen" to him (truth: his ideas suck and make no sense), that he's not the one calling the shots, and he starts to envy the power she has when she's so nonchalant about the "Future of SkyClan."
In BB!AVoS, Darktail EXPLOITS these negative feelings.
This is to display his Modus Operandi as a villain; divide and conquer. He finds dissatisfaction within factions and drives a wedge between groups, breaking off who he can and using them to destroy the rest. He's going to do this when he gets to the Lake, too.
I'm SICK of evil hordes of instant martians that every foreign villain can order from ACME corp to threaten the Clans. So in BB, The Kin has VERY. VERY. VERY few non-Clanborn cats. Darktail's first expansion is from SkyClan.
It wasn't a horde of evil barbarians that attacked SkyClan that night; It was Sharpclaw and his supporters, spitting a point at Leafstar about how her "reliance" on Daylight Warriors had left her weak, and that it was time for a change.
Sharpclaw meets his end that night, trying to convince Hawkwing to join him. Then, the SkyClan oaktree that houses a slumbering Brokenstar falls directly on top of him, pulling down the entire rockface of the gorge and giving the cats a chance to escape.
(RIP Sharpclaw)
RATS RATS: here are the rats.
Post on Sharpclaw
Darktail and Sharpclaw
On Leafstar
Bunch of stuff on Skypelt
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bardic-inspo · 21 days
Writer Interview
Playing some catch up on tags. Tagged by the wonderful @pursuitseternal, @marlowethebard, @nyx-knox, @honeybee-bard, @snowfolly,
and @paganwitchisis holy shit thank you all!!
Not sure who all in my circles has done this already, but gonna tag @wilteddreamsofbaldursgate, @astarionancuntnin, @pinkberrytea, @locallegume, @thedreamlessnights,
@ladymdc, and @carooosa if you see this and would like to do it! No worries if not!
When did you start writing?
Around 13/14 years old, doing warrior cats roleplay on proboards forums. Roleplay isn't really my speed anymore, but it eventually bridged me into more traditional narrative writing and then fanfic later. Fallout 4 was the first fandom I really wrote fanfic for.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I really love intricate long-running plots with slow-burn pay off, and used to write more in that vein, but got pretty burnt out on it. It felt like it would take so long to get to those big moments I pictured the whole time, by the time I arrived to them, they felt played out in my head. Trying to strike a happy medium now by writing (relatively) shorter and more focused fic/storylines that still pack a punch, but maybe have fewer branches.
Otherwise my genre/theme preferences are generally the same with writing vs. reading and are pretty broad.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
Not a writer, but I've been told at various times there is a poetical element in a lot of my writing, even in just the sentence structure or how I tend to pace my prose. That makes a lot of sense to me, since I wrote a lot of poetry before getting into writing a lot of prose.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I used too many tricks on my brain to jump start creativity (yummy beverage, cozy blanket, favorite candle when writing) and now my brain often demands all of these things be in place to do any writing 😬I can sometimes get away without all of them. Usually, I'm writing in my office, which is a pretty blue color with some gold picture frames and often a soothing space. But, I do work from home in there at times, too, and on workdays I can't make myself do creative things in the same spot I sat in working all day. Then, I'll be at my dining table or sitting on my couch, usually with headphones because I have a hard time concentrating with other noise around me.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Self care. I mean, making sure I've got sleep/food/hygiene etc. squared away where they should be, even if it means taking a break from the page. Most of the time when I'm trying hard to write and it's just not jiving, it's because I've neglected one of those things, and the words always come easier once I've addressed them.
Playing the game again. Listening to character music. Chatting with friends who love the character, too.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Yes! A lot of them became apparent to me only after switching fandoms and realizing I was writing about a lot of similar themes. Grief is a big one. Characters who've experienced both a lack of love and a loss of it. Characters who fall in love again or in spite of that loss. The main ships I've written for all feature characters who either loved someone else first or, in Astarion's case, have gone through the forced motions of romance.
Battle couples is another big one. Bisexual battle couples. 🥰
What is your reason for writing?
It's always felt like something I needed to do to feel whole. Not necessarily the sharing the writing or posting it part, or getting a reaction about it, but doing it at all, even just a little. Even if it's just for me. I feel more me when writing is at least a small part of my life. More free. It's my creative outlet.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I adore any comment. I'm borrowing this from someone else's interview post, but I too am a slut for praise. In all honesty though, just knowing I'm not writing into some void or vacuum can be so powerful. Even just a heart emoji comment makes my spirits soar.
The ones that go full red string and corkboard about the plot or characters, or quote what parts stick out to them always stick with me. It lets me know I'm hitting the mark with what I'm trying to convey.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I want them to know I'm still good for it even if it takes me a long time.💜That's the biggest thing to me right now. I'm not able to pour it out so quickly as others can. But I hope they know it'll be a good time when I do eventually post.
And also that I'm just some lady. I'm just another human bean. Wanting to share and enjoy stories with other human beans, and connect with a sense of community through those stories.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Visceral/punchy action scenes, vivid descriptions, setting tone, and portraying character personalities.
How do you feel about your own writing?
My feelings about it change with the tides. Right now, I'm a bit glum, and I think that's because I haven't had much to share or post lately, even though I've been doing lots of writing that isn't ready to be shared yet. On the other hand, I'm having the most fun with it that I've had in a very long time, and that element feels great.
I'm grateful for what I've done, incredibly blessed to have made friends and found community through writing, and ever-striving to find the happy medium of productivity and creativity.
When you write, are you influenced by what others enjoy might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
It's mostly what I'd like hehe. And I'm happy about that. I am often inspired to try things based on what I see in fandom, but if I don't enjoy it, too, I won't pursue it further.
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cuubism · 1 month
13 books
What’s up readers?! How about a little show and tell? Answer these 13 questions, tag 13 lucky readers and if you’re feeling extra bookish add a shelfie! Let’s Go!
Tagged by @softest-punk. whoops. this is from April 😅
1) The Last book I read:
I've been rereading Narnia and I recently finished book 3, almost finished book 4 too. It's honestly delightful. I hadn't read them since I was 10. I've got portal fantasies spinning in my mind now though. Prince Caspian was giving me thoughts. There's a universe where there will be a Dreamling portal fantasy, if I get to it.
2) A book I recommend:
A recent read I really enjoyed was Journey by Moonlight by Antal Szerb. It kinda called me out on all my worst impulses though.
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
Entire Stormlight Archive series. It fed my poor, starving, "needs excessive levels of enrichment" brain. I'm on the last one, I don't know what I'll do when I finish the series. Wait for the next one? Goddammit.
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
I don't reread books that often, other than Narnia I guess, but with that one it's been so long it's not really rereading anymore. I don't have a huge amount of time for reading so I'm more often reading new things.
5) A book on my TBR:
Recently I've been thinking that I want to read more Borges... I even had a dream about it last night 😂 wherein I was back in university taking a class on South American literature, except the class was in Spanish and I don't speak Spanish so really not sure what that was trying to tell me.
6) A book I’ve put down:
I dropped Wolf Hall halfway through although I'm hoping my brain will come back to it. I just got kind of mired in it and lost track of what was happening like 15 times 😂 maybe audiobook-while-doing-manual-labor wasn't the medium for this one... though the audiobook narration is great.
7) A book on my wish list:
I've been moving around at least every few years since college so I'm not really "collecting" books atm and don't have a wishlist of ones to own... The closest thing would be like niche media studies books from university that are barely in print that I want copies of XD considering how often I'm looking it up I should track down a copy of Jerome Christensen's book on studio authorship which was actually foundational to my conception of the systems and structures that mold storytelling, especially in the US.
8) A favorite book from childhood:
I was a Warrior Cats kid 😎
9) A book you would give to a friend:
Normally if I'm trying to pawn a book off on someone else it's because it's super cursed and I want them to experience it too 😂 an example: this published Obama & Biden fanfiction that I actually own
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one of my weirder possessions to be sure
10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own:
There are many, but the one I'll always keep is my signed copy of Night Sky With Exit Wounds, even though it took me like 7 years to read it, because I'm slow at reading sometimes.
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11) A nonfiction book you own:
They are mostly all media studies--a great one is Listening In by Susan Douglas which is a history of radio in the US.
12) What are you currently reading:
I always have a ton of books laying around the house that I'm "currently reading." When I remember they're there. Primarily right now it's Rhythm of War (Stormlight Archive 4) and House of Leaves. And Narnia of course.
13) What are you planning on reading next?
I should probably finish The Tatami Galaxy which I started a while back and then forgot about 😂 it's just sitting there neglected. More generally want to read all the random books I already own so I don't have to lug them all with me the next time I move.
woof, this thing is actually so long no wonder it took me 4 months to fill out. tagging @magnusbae, @arialerendeair, @beatnikfreakiswriting if you even want to do this many questions 😂
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20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged on this by @unexpectedstormy ! I wasn't sure whether I was supposed to respond like it was a chain or make my own post, so I just went for it
1. How many works do you have on A03?
Two. There will be more coming, because Blood Drops on Roses is just arc one of this story, and there's a lot of snippets for Prologue floating around.
Blood Drops on Roses: Linked Universe
BDOR Prologue: The Yiga and The Sheikah
2. What's your total A03 word count?
51,493 words since mid-August, when I finally got an account XD I've been a lurker for YEARS ya'll.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Linked Universe only, so far.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
See above XD I hope to get enough fics out there that I can sort my work like that, but for now it's just those two.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, I respond as soon as I can, they are like crack to me. Maybe because I'm new to sharing my work or something, but I would die for each and every one of you that leaves even as much as a <3
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
NONE OF MY FICS ARE FINISHED YET AAAAAAAAAA. Arc 1's ending is going to be pretty angsty though.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hm, I see that this questionnaire is not meant for me. There is a Prologue section "The Trap" that I'll be putting out soon through, its ending is pretty sweet I would say.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet. I am afraid that it's gonna happen, but so far everyone has been so nice, so I hope not D:
9. Do you write smut?
Nah. Don't really read it either. Just not my thing.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I mean unless you count LU as a crossover between all the Link's respective fandoms, no
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Gosh I hope not. How does one steal a fic?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. If I ever get good enough at Spanish, I would like to take a crack at translating my own fic once its all published, but it would probably be laughably terrible. Eh, practice is practice.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet. Hey @needfantasticstories, I think Clippy Wind and Pug Sky need to go on some adventures together, don't you?
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Tbh I don't really ship. I do think Malon/Time and Legend/Ravio are cute though. I'm just not really interested in exploring the romantic side of stories, even in published literature.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Geez I hope that I finish all of Arc 2 at this point. But I may be too early into the game to answer this.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Heck if I know. I had someone say in my comment section that they liked how I characterize people, so we'll go with that.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I write too much and probably in too much detail. Sometimes it would be better to say "They crossed the bridge and set up camp" but nooooooooooo lets add 7,000 words to this already bloated fic.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Italics. I was about to whip out my decade of Latin for part of this fic, but I decided against it because I'm pretentious but not that pretentious. Also because I still don't understand word order at ALL.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Now that I'm thinking about it, I think I have some fanfic from the dog series of Warrior Cats lurking somewhere that I wrote when I was like 12. Survivors, or something? I should probably go delete it, I'm sure it's trash. I'm scared to even look, it probably hasn't seen the light of day since I wrote it.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Well I've only got one big fic out right now so let's go with BDOR
@needfantasticstories and @somer-writes I'm kicking this your way.
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grantaire-lover-69 · 5 months
This is a sort of serious post, and by that I mean pretty damn serious. But lately, someone has been tagging me in NSFW pictures. Not in the "This u?" way, but in the "Look at this" way. Now I understand that there might be a misunderstanding, considering most of my posts are of the NSFW nature, but I'm going to make one thing clear. I'm uncomfortable with actual pornography and sexual things in general. My posts are just me saying things I thought about that character, I'm not actually saying what I want. If anything I would have been terrified to meet the characters because they're men and I'm especially anxious around men considering my history of abuse.
Now I've got two separate messages to two other people who will also remain anonymous, because unlike them, I actually respect boundaries and think before I do shit:
. To the person that made a smutfic about Me and Grantaire in my dms, I have no problem with writing smut, although you could have asked me before writing that. Especially because you don't know my age and just assumed I was around his age. Which I'm not. I'm a minor, and I'm not even at the age of consent in my current location (which is the state of Texas, at the moment). I get that I post mostly about him but it's mostly joking or right after my period, but you still could have asked me if I was okay with you writing that. I would have probably said yes.
. To the person that keeps sending titty pics in the server after multiple adults told you to stop(not the warrior cats server, a different ones, although if ur reading this u should also stop). Seriously stop, I'm pretty sure I can tell you bra size at this point by how many times you've flashed people. The only reason why you haven't been banned is because you're friends with the owner. But just STOP and THINK, there are minors like me on the server. I'm personally uncomfortable and so are others, we haven't spoken up because we don't wanna get banned. I have nothing against tits it's just that I don't want to go on the server, expecting to see fanart of my favorite fandom JUST TO SEE YOUR FUCKING BOOBS.
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Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @zeldamacgregor thank you so much!
1.How many works do you have on ao3?
One hundred and seven.
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Sanctuary and Stargate SG-1.
4. Top five by kudos
Commute - 87 (SG-1, Sam/Jack)
In-between - 72 (SG-1, Sam/Jack)
One Snowy Day - 66 (SG-1, Sam/Jack)
Two Kinds of Sparks - 62 (SG-1, Sam/Jack)
One Rainy Day - 60 (SG-1, Sam/Jack)
There is a definite pattern here.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Except when someone was being a jerk to me, I ignored them once or twice.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, man, I have no idea. The Last of the Tau'ri was pretty bleak and angsty, especially since I was evil enough to make it a one-shot.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
No clue on this one either, 'happy' ending aren't my strong suit.
Happiness is an emotion, not a state of being.
I have sweet endings, but I'm not sure I have 'happy' ones? I can't answer this question in any way that satisfies me.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Other than the one idiot that was correcting me on their version canon, nope.
9. Do you write smut?
No. I can't say I ever won't, but at the moment I'm not in a headspace where I feel comfortable doing it.
Let's just say if I want that in my fics, I'm probably going to have to ask someone else in the fandom to right that chapter or an accompanying scene fic for me. 😂
10. Craziest crossover?
Ohhh, I have no idea, I don't think I've gone insane yet.
My upcoming Encanto + Sanctuary is going to take the cake for the moment.
One that actually exists? Howl's Moving Castle + Sanctuary.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sort of got two in the works. 😉
And started one with @tina-mairin-goldstein but I haven't committed as fully as I should. (In my defense, I haven't seen the season of Supernatural it would take place in and Hannibal is....not my favorite thing).
14. All time favorite ship?
Helen/John from Sanctuary.
(I can feel the respect the Sanctuary community has for me draining away, especially when my most popular Sanctuary fic is Teslen.😂)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I'm determined to finish all of the SG-1 and Sanctuary ones!
The ones I won't finish, I have actively chosen not to finish. I quit writing Fantastic Beasts and I have no plans to further associate myself with/in the fandom.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Foreshadowing and emotions, I think.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fluff is also hard because from my view it doesn't seem fluffy, but that's just perspective of author, I suppose.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I'd do it more if I had more confidence in being able to do it correctly.
For now, I just sprinkle in a couple words.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Warriors cats before I knew what fanfiction was, Fantastic Beasts once I did.
20. Favorite fic you've written so far?
Enigmatic Confections and The Abnormal X-File. Can't choose between.
No pressure tagging: @tinknevertalks, @chartreuseian, @theleotorrio, @ladyelysandra, @romanaisalive
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warriors-hearts · 6 months
About the AU
So what is Warrior Cats x Kingdom Hearts AU is about?
Well its about Kingdom Hearts but the characters are kitties, following the sames rules as in Warrior Cats such as clans, warrior code, starclan, etc... Why? Idk I love both universe so much so I decided to mix both!
Just a little reminder; this AU uses my OCs, so its kinda an AU of an AU? But it's not driving too far from the games, except that KH4 don't exist in the AU (at least for now)
Also there will be some; canon x canon, oc x canon and oc x oc ships, so don't even complain about that, you have been warned. If you have any problems with it, keep it to yourself.
!!Besides some warnings!!: This AU is pretty much realistic injuries wise, such as death, blood etc... If you're familiar with Warrior Cats you know they don't spare gruesome details about character's death. *ahem* Tigerstar *ahem*
So if you're pretty much sensible to this I'll be using the tags: #blood, #gore or #death, so make sure to block it in your settings! :)
It should be all you need to know ig, rules for submissions/ask box and characters designs are under the cut!
Have a great time on this blog! I hope you'll enjoy it! :DD
~Submissions and ask box rules~
Be respectful, this is the primordial rule.
Do not submit nor ask NSFW stuff, theses are cats. Weirdo.
No out of AU shipping, except if it's characters that don't have any have fun on this one.
Do not cry because X isnt shipped with X or is shipped with X.
NO proshipping stuff, Imma spare you searching this (inc€st, p€d0philia, @_buse). Forbidden relationship doesn't count (Medecine cat having mate, half-clan relation, etc).
I'm pretty much open on jokes don't worry, I can differenciate a joke from sarcasm and seriousness.
I don't mind headcanons, just don't be wild with that.
I'm ok with designs alteration when doing fanart! :))
Fanarts will be tagged with #fanart.
Fanfics will be tagged with #fanfics.
Ask will be tagged with #ask[character] or #ask if it's for me.
Asking my friend's OCs will be allowed if she's okay with it, such as fanarts but not fanfics, I'm not sure she will be comfortable with that.
~General rules~
Don't steal the AU and claiming it as yours (designs, story and OCs), I'll find your adress and drop a piano on your head.
You can @ this account when doing fanart that you posted on your blog so I can reblog it! :D If you don't want to @ please at least make sure to credit me.
Don't kin my OCs nor my friend's, that make us hella uncomfortable.
You can use the designs if you want, but please make sure to credit me!
If you have some concerns or anything else don't be afraid to contact me.
~Designs list~
None made atm, working on it!
Idk if I should make a google sheet to list them or doing a big ass list here... idk. Lemme know.
I wish I could post them on Toyhouse so I could just post all art and more infos on them, but I've tried and they don't want bc they keep deleting them :sob: idk how to pass their radar. :(
This blog is owned by @wolfaartmation
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blankfairy · 5 months
thank you sm for the tag @thenn!! this was really fun!
1. How many works do you have on ao3 (or masterlist)? twelve total published!! but a hell of a lot more rotting in my google drive and three-ring binders haha
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? 23,456 including my fics from my nsfw account. (i can't believe it's all sequential??)
3. What fandoms do you write for? currently, resident evil and house of the dragon. in the past i've written for overwatch, fortnite, and warrior cats. i'd love to do some silent hill stuff, too!
4. Top five fics by kudos in his nature (nsfw) — 265 kudos afterglow (nsfw) — 212 kudos thunderclan's smallest warrior — 74 kudos a taste of home — 47 kudos i'd be lying if i said i wasn't wishing for an untimely death or demise — 45 kudos two of these are warrior cats fics from YEARS ago too :sob:
5. Do you respond to comments? ofc!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? all my fics are one-shots,, but.... published... this is how a girl becomes holy? and then my two wip longfics, folie a deux and all things devour are bound to have unhappy endings.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? afterglow probably?? just because it's just two dudes having fun. being silly. i generally quite enjoy angst, so...
8. Do you get hate on fics? luckily not! but i don't post a lot, either. i did get banned from a discord roleplay server once because of a fic i wrote tho lol
9. Do you write smut? yup!! i have an ao3 account specifically for it.
10. Craziest crossover? house of the dragon and resident evil, maybe? it's not 'legally' a crossover but i'm just asoiaf-ifying the umbrella corporation and the weskers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? no, but i did have someone steal some ocs back on quotev, years ago.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? nope!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? naur ...
14. All time favorite ship? canon/canon or oc/canon? let's see,, c/c, serrenedy (leon s. kennedy x luis serra). i mean, with a ship name like that, who can resist? i'd say willsker (william birkin x albert wesker) but. um. i've got other uses for william birkin. i also love weskennedy (albert wesker x leon s. kennedy) for. other reasons. oc/canon, i'm definitely biased but finn x will LMAOO not that they're good together or all that compatible but they're both awful and should never date anyone ever except for each other. exception being that time finn married larys strong in asoiaf and they were also perfectly awful for each other.
15. What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? not saying, crossing my fingers, doubting its completion will only bring that to fruition!!
16. What are your writing strengths? my partner tells me he likes my dialogue and that it feels realistic, and i like to think that i'm good with descriptions, setting scenes, etc. there's a particular action scene in my resident evil longfic that i'm very proud of, and lots of visceral descriptions of gore that i think are done really well!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? i'm not sure,, i definitely procrastinate a lot, and i'm really bad at taking criticism. trying to do better but i'm just so sensitive akjbsdkjbfksdj
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? i mean, sure!! i'm a little iffy sometimes because translators can be whacky, but i'll either around, check reddit, etc. little phrases i don't mind. usually i just put the phrase in italics and mention them saying it in said language.
19. First fandom you wrote in? it was either warrior cats or supernatural! i think it was maybe even a supernatural/elder scrolls crossover? i remember toiling away in my digital art class, writing in the tiniest text i could because i was embarrassed haha
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? of the ones published? woof. um. i honestly have no idea. that's like picking a favorite child lol.
tagging: anyone who wants to do it!! i get embarrassed tagging people :sob: i don't want to be annoying
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tameila · 10 months
Was kindly tagged by @belphegor1982 to participate in this 20 questions for writers trend! thanks for the tag! 💕 tags for anyone who sees this and wants to take a whack at it. tag me in your responses, if you do!
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 10 works on ao3 with plenty of little one-shots posted here on tumblr and at least triple that many WIPs lmao
What's your total AO3 word count?
My current ao3 word count is 165,375 words. TSAR is responsible for, like, 70% of that word count.
What fandoms do you write for?
On ao3, I've only posted for Critical Role, and I do not foresee that changing, but who knows! Before Critical Role, I never really saw myself as a writer that posted on public forums, and it's not as if I haven't entertained and dabbled in other fandoms.
Overall, including collaborative writing/roleplaying, I have written for Warriors (yes, the cat books), Bleach, Naruto, Hetalia (im sorry you have to learn this about me), Glee, Dragon Age, and Digimon.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Sun Always Rises (550 kudos), multichaptered modern AU Pikelan
give my regards to soul and romance (186 kudos), one-shot based in @jabletown's rejoice AU, Pikelan with Dadlan and Pike & Kaylie bonding
le petit encore (145 kudos), my mediocre TSAR 'verse smut fic. every time it gets another kudos i am pushed closer and closer to continuing my smut WIPs because i swear!! i promise!! i can write better smut!...but i am rather proud of this piece because it was my first serious foray into the world of smut and i gotta recognize my own hustle lol
As Easy as Riding a Bicycle (113 kudos), modern AU/college-aged Pikelan, Pike's bike gets stolen and she turns to a dating app to try and find it and finds love instead. super love this piece. everyone should read it and give it more kudos so it can be my third most kudo'd piece teehee
TLC is a Two-Way Street (104 kudos), TSAR 'verse, Pikelan, Pike looks after Scanlan while he is sick
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, yes, yes! Even as I free myself from the shackles of needing that validation and feeling discouraged if I don't reach some arbitrary number of engagement, I cannot deny that comments are inspiration and writing fuel. So, when I get a comment, I think it's the least that I can do to respond, even if it's just to say thanks.
I am definitely guilty of sitting on comments that make me particularly happy for weeks on end before actually remembering to respond tho
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
the things we know and the things we wish they knew, which was my first CR fanfic and written in response to ep 85 iykyk
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mean, it's gotta be The Sun Always Rises
Do you get hate on fics?
No, thankfully not!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
As mentioned previously, I only really have one serious smut fic, though I have written a couple other bits and bobs....and maybe I have a couple WIPs that may or may not see the light of day. I'm not sure what kinds of smut there are...but I guess I would describe my approach to smut as 'I am a sex-repulsed asexual and idk what's really going on here but I'm here to express closeness and intimacy and love in this strange new world' lol
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
If we're talking crossovers in the sense that characters from two separate fictional stories meet and interact, I have written in roleplays back in middle school like that but never explored the concept in fanfic.
If crossovers also includes taking the concept of one fictional media and inserting the characters of another into it (e.g., Hogwarts AU or HDM AU) then I've definitely written and have plans for various fanfics like that. I don't think that I have any that I would consider "crazy", but I do think my brief notes and writings for a OTGW-inspired Nygmobblepot/Riddlebird fic were v inspired.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of and hopefully not! Very little gets posted in the Pikelan fandom that I don't see, so I like to think I'd be hard to pull a fast one on
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet, but I would love to see The Sun Always Rises translated into other languages someday!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've entertained a couple co-written fics that have unfortunately never gotten off the ground much, but I'm not closed off to the idea. I see it as being quite similar to roleplaying!
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Oof. As a lifetime shipper, that's a tough question. I never truly let go of a ship, even after I've moved on from a fandom, but there are definitely some that are far more enduring in my heart than others.
Of course, if we're going off of writing alone than it's Pikelan. Writing TSAR got me through some of the hardest years of my life and, despite what's become of them and what I'm forced to endure by continuing to engage in the fandom space, they're special to me in a way that a lot of other ships can never be, no matter how much I love 'em.
Also, in the case of writing, FenHawke. selfishly, of course, Fenris with my Hawke. I love writing for them, and I consider the pieces that I've written for them to be amongst my best. They're the Dragon Age ship for me.
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
.....[shamefully hangs head] A-Side and B-Side, the sequels to TSAR. I'm gonna keep writing them for as long as I am able but, if there ever comes a day that I post an update and get zero engagement, then I think I'll just have to move on. but! if even one person keeps coming along for the ride, then I'll stick to 'em. I just don't know if there's anyone who loves my writing enough to stick around for, like, another 5 years lol
The other big one is Vex's Delivery Service...which is exactly what it sounds like. A Kiki's Delivery Service inspired AU but it's about Vex. though truly, it's a thinly veiled excuse to write about domestic Pikelan is what it is. I have the whole thing planned out. I just can't ever seem to get it off the ground and, at this point, with the way I'm halfway out of the CR fandom, I don't think I ever will.
What are your writing strengths?
I have been extremely lucky to have been complimented on multiple facets of my writing over the years. However, I think what I pride in myself the most is my ability to let each scene breathe and take its time. It means that I take forever to write and nothing's ever short, but I don't think I would like writing quite as much if I wasn't allowed to let each moment have its breathing space.
What are your writing weaknesses?
It's a bit of an oddball pick maybe, but it's something that I feel like I have to own up to as a notorious modern AU writer:
People say that modern AUs are uninspired and boring, especially when you're taking characters out of a magical fictional world just to put them into our world and....the rumor's are true. I just don't get that into the lore of a fictional universe to ever feel comfortable writing in it. I do just find it easier to write everyone as humans in a modern-esque society. Now, I will stand by the fact that part of the fun of modern AUs is taking these magical characters and interpreting into a modern space (I often do the opposite with modern era characters into a fantasy world of my own design), but I just want to fully own up to the fact that...yes, I am too lazy to research the intricacies of canon in order to write a proper canon compliant/adjacent fic.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it has it's place.
For me, if it's a language that the POV character understands/that the reader should understand alongside the POV character, then there's no reason to write it in that language. Simply include a dialogue tag to explain what language the character was speaking in. and I say this mostly from a logistical/ease of reading standpoint. Having to scroll down to the bottom of a fic or switch to a separate tab with the translations interrupts the flow of reading.
If, however, the language is included, untranslated, to reflect the POV character's own lack of knowledge of the language then that makes more sense. because you, as the reader, are meant to keep reading at the same level of understanding as the POV character and there's no pressure to be rushing for a translation just to make sure you're not missing an important line of dialogue.
but of course, as with most things, it's writer's choice!
First fandom you wrote for?
Warriors, probably...maybe Hamtaro. I definitely read fanfic for it and had my little daydream musings, but I don't think I wrote anything down.
Favorite fic you've ever written?
Oooh, we talkin' fic fic? That's long gone, and it's up in the air which of those many early fandoms that it was for.
If we're talking that's readily available on ao3, then my first was the things we know and the things we wish they knew. though, I was writing and posting Dragon Age one-shots on tumblr before that one.
Coming back because, for some reason, I misread this question as what was the first fic I'd ever written lol. Obviously, the answer to favorite is The Sun Always Rises.
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lordofryoshimacoast · 2 years
Kid Icarus
sometimes I'm a little scared to interact with Kid Icarus on tumblr because I started with Kid Icarus ONCE.
And that lead to cropped p*rn of Dark Pit.
I don't wanna go through that mental pain again, I have no idea who to follow when it comes to kiu, for Fma I just followed meme blogs. For warrior cats I just followed mainly character accounts.
But I have no clue where the hell to start with kiu man, like. Do I start with fanfiction, art, headcanons?
I'm not sure if I should just stalk the tag and figure out how everyone acts before doing something that embarrasses myself.
also the ships scare me SOMETIMES- don't even ask why I just get confused easily. //Also hhhh yeah- I don't understand the appeal of Pit x Dark Pit to some people but you do you I guess//
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troutfur · 2 years
🌊River - Theories for the new series (or SE!)
(Ask game here! Continue sending them in, I'll be here all week.)
OK! Here's my Official predictions for A Starless Clan. Bookmark this so we can check back in in like 2 years and see just how wrong or right I was.
Nightheart and Sunbeam will explode and it will be glorious
More of a hope than a prediction because I can see them staying together, unfortunately, but with the way their relationship is developing I fail to see how that's a more interesting path than them falling out. Their relationship is built on an unsteady ground of wallowing in their self pity and finding comfort in each other in hopes it solves all their issues rather than going out and confronting them.
I've said before I ship them but it's in the same way I could be considered to "ship" all those ships I suggested on the secret half-sibling reveal prompt I submitted to the Warrior Cats Rarepair Collection. I do care on some level about the romantic chemistry of the characters involved and I don't want to read about an entirely bad romance. But the main event is not the relationship, it's the moment it all breaks down and we see the emotional fallout.
Tigerstar done fucked up big time
Leaving aside the morality of interventionist politics like this, I don't see an universe in which this was a good move politically. Like, I get the guy's intentions even if I think he should really learn to take no for an answer. But with dissent among his clan brewing and governing over a population not only sure to resent foreign rule but carrying generational trauma regarding the last Tigerstar...
Like, even if Berryheart doesn't use this as an opportunity to pull some shenanigans and RiverClan remains well behaved, this whole operation's explicit goal is to strengthen a faction on the border. You can NOT tell me this doesn't end with a rebuilt RiverClan being a constant thorn on ShadowClan's side. It simply wasn't politically very wise.
The trauma conga line just doesn't stop for poor Frostpaw
We all see it coming don't we? Girlie needs a rest already but she's been cursed to live in interesting times. For her sake I'm half hoping she bails on the medicine cat position. My only concern in that situation would be Mothwing either ascending to leadership or also falling dead. In which case I can see a very reluctant Frostpaw doing her best to try and refuse continuing.
I know people hate the trend of medicine cats never wanting the job but look. It's kinda fucked up that kids as young as equivalent age 12 get to decide to swear themselves to celibacy is it not? And it's specially fucked up StarClan constantly pressures them into it.
I for one have enormous amounts of sympathy for them and even very personal empathy as someone. I used to be so devoutly Catholic my family was only half-joking about me growing up to become a priest. I know if I could've decided about it at that age I would've made the worst decision of my life.
Graypaw and Mistpaw are not becoming fully developed characters
I'm holding out hope and celebrating every crumb we get because I'm the sibling dynamics guy and I need to have things to hold on to. But being realistic for a second I'm not seeing this one. It was a damn miracle they showed as much as they did in Sky, and I think my luck may be running thin. I think fanworks will have to do it for me. Very recently I noticed the Frostpaw & Graypaw & Mistpaw tag got canonized on Ao3 and I'll read those meager two fanfics there are about them and maybe I'll write some of my own. My realistic hope at this point is that the Erins give me something to work with.
The murder mystery is going to be solved very stupidly
Sorry for being a downer about this, fellas, but so far I can't piece out a sensible way for this one to resolve and I'm getting a feeling the writing team is winging it. I could still be proven wrong, perhaps the next books are going to reveal information that will make it click. But if by the fourth one the solution still eludes me as much, I think I'll have to give up any hopes it will resolve satisfactorily.
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bonefall · 2 years
Do you have any thoughts on accessories and such in the clans? It's fairly common for OCs to sport a sprig of something here and there, but to my knowledge it's not too common in canon...but with weaving and such, I feel like it would certainly be possible. I'm not sure how clan cats would feel about neck accessories (too close to kittypet collars?), but I feel like tails and ears at least would be fair game. Maybe even to reflect status?
In canon they don't wear anything, and imo they should wear a lot more.
Personally I love having OCs with all sorts of funky woven accessories, especially for the chest and hips. I love a good set of ear piercings but belts and harnesses are super underrated; it seems so much more fun to me for a warrior to be carrying around the prey they've caught so far just by strapping it right to the belt. Or even lugging around travel rations.
Personally I also like designing collars and necklaces. I think about it like a collar is frowned upon because it's human-made, and usually jingles with a bell or tag making for a poorer hunter. Clanmade necklaces are quiet.
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alollinglaughingcat · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 18 times in 2022
7 posts created (39%)
11 posts reblogged (61%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 18 of my posts in 2022
#rb - 7 posts
#reblog - 7 posts
#burning thistles - 5 posts
#my art - 4 posts
#burning thistles au - 4 posts
#warrior cats - 4 posts
#warrior cats au - 3 posts
#random - 3 posts
#cats - 3 posts
#warriors - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#like yessss love ur evil girlfriend and her dad so much that they do good but only for you. everyone else can die but they'd protect you
My Top Posts in 2022:
From a Chinese Reader
Hello Lolling,
  My name is Tong. I am a Chinese reader of "Warriors". I love your "Burning Thistles" so much that I want to let all other Chinese readers read it!
  However, Many Chinese readers don't have the ability to visit foreign websites because of Chinese policies. Also, it is difficult for them to read English articles. Therefore, I would like to ask if you could allow me to repost and translate "Burning Thistles" on Lofter and Tieba, two of the most prominent Chinese websites where Chinese readers post fan fiction.  I will indicate the original author with the article. I'm look forward to receiving your early reply. Thank you!
of course you may @tongkitten !!! please make sure to credit myself AND @firealder2005 , my co-author, as well!!
8 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
im too proud of this to NOT post it here dream smp songs and statistics babey
DSMP Songs Playlist Organized by Character Link
as of 8/12/2022, the playlist has 473 songs, ~443 of which are directly songs about or based on the Dream SMP and its characters/players
The characters with the most songs about them are as follows: #1 Wilbur: 85  #2 Tommy: 60 #3 Techno: 55 #4 Tubbo: 40 #5 Dream: 35 (+1 if including DreamXD) #6 Ranboo: 34 #7 Niki: 22 #8 Quackity: 22 #9 Karl: 21 #10 Philza: 20 (+2 if including Mumza)
(Niki is placed higher than Quackity on account of the unaccounted L’Manburg anthem/L’Manburg-based songs which indirectly or semi-directly include her)
The order and entire count for the DSMP songs is as follows: L'Manburg (27)  Miscellaneous Dream SMP (25) Sleepy Bois Incorporated (6) TommyInnit (22) Tommy & Wilbur Duets (8) Tommy & Dream Duets (4) Dream (23) Dream & Techno Duets (6) DreamXD (1*+1^) WilburSoot (L'Manbur (8) - Vilbur (18) - Ghostbur (20) - Revivebur (15)) (61) Technoblade (29) Techno & Tommy Duets (4) The Syndicate (6) Ranboo & Dream Duets (1) Ranboo (18) Ranboo & Tommy Duets (1) Ranboo & Tubbo Duets (5) Tubbo (21) Tubbo & Tommy Duets (7) Jschlatt (7) Schlatt & Wilbur Duets (3) Schlatt & Quackity Duets (1) Quackity (11) / Las Nevadas (4) (15) Quackity & Wilbur Duets (3) Charlie Slimecicle (3) Philza (10) / Mumza (2) (12) Karl Jacobs (15) Karlnapity (1) The Tales of the SMP (5)  CaptainPuffy (5) BadBoyHalo (2) / & Skeppy (2) (4*) The Eggpire (5) / Red Banquet (2) (7*) (**11) Awesamedude (6) / Sam Nook (1) (7) Eret (9) Niki Nihachu (13) Niki & Jack Duets (1)  Fundy (9)  GeorgeNotFound (13) George & Sapnap Duets (1) Sapnap (6) Sapnap & Tubbo Duets (1) Hannahxxrose (3) FoolishGamers (6) Purpled (2) Purpled & Punz Duets (1) Other Characters (Punz, Ponk, Jack Manifold, ConnorEatsPants, Aimsey, BoomerNA, etc.) (6) Musicals (4) / Albums (2) (6) Origins SMP (4) Additional/Related Songs (MCC, Manhunt, Lovejoy, GNF OF, etc.) (26)
31 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
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fuck you *warrior cat-ifies ur gay lego monkies*
i dont know why they were so easy to turn into warrior cats. truly it should not have been this easy. and yet... i already have an entire fucking plotline in my brain, ugh
blame this line: “Have you been running around with OTHER MENTORS?!” (vid linked)
yep! it’s Lego Monkie Kid but as Warrior Cats! i feel like their warrior names are pretty self explanatory lmao (Monkey King + Sun Wukong; shadow monkey + Six-Eared Macaque). but wait, you scream, MKpaw???? thats not a warrior name!!!
simpletons. in this AU, the legendary clans are distant history, long forgotten tales told to kits. so then why do they have warrior names? because Wukong (Monkeysun) and Macaque (Shadowear) were both born into the clans, and remain one of the few survivors of it. MK is a kittypet (or stray cat) who is enraptured by the tales of clancats that his friend-slash-father-figure Tang tells him. said stories involve a certain “long-tailed cat” named Monkeysun, the warrior who “stole the stars” and “lived forever.”
yep! Monkeysun stole the stars. Literally. Because in LMK everything is literal. Well, literal-ish. By stars, I mean the powers of StarClan granting lives. That’s how Monkeysun gained immortality in this AU - instead of stealing peaches, wine, and pills, he broke the Moonpool and granted himself a million lives. of course, this meant leaders could no longer gain their nine lives, and, understandably, many cats were upset, so of course, using what power they had left, the leader of StarClan (the Jade Emperor) buried Monkeypaw (he was an apprentice at the time) underneath the earth, in the tunnels, where he would roam and starve forever until all of his lives were gone.
course, that didnt happen, and Monkeypaw was freed to journey alongside the monk Tripitaki, who would be like a guardian cat or Sisters equivalent I suppose, and he and the other gang would partake in a journey to the west/sundrown place to find Buddha (a Rock or Midnight equivalent figure). why do the take the journey in this AU? honestly idk lmao.
anyway! what about Shadowear?? well, Monkeysun (who earns that name from Tripitaki) kills him when Shadowear attempts to kill Tripitaki, but! Even tho the power of the stars are gone, the Dark Forest still lurks, and the Lady Bone Demon (prob called Bonestar, formerly Bonelily or smthn) uses her powers to give Shadowear a life, resurrecting him, so long as he follows her rules...
similarly, the Mayor is able to possess cats like Ashfur, and wants to grant the power to his Lady but he needs to free her first, which is Shadowear’s purpose (it’ll have something to do with the Moonpool probably)
so flash forward to the present and MK finds Monkeysun’s stick (bcus of COURSE its a stick in this au lmao) and becomes his apprentice, training in the way of the warriors. Mei, ofc, joins him, and Pigsy is against it, while Tang is in awe. And Sandy’s supportive but wary with his own dark history (coughgangcatcoughBloodClancough). also yep Pigsy, Tang, and Sandy are still reincarnations, and Mei has the “dragon” ancestry still (the Samadhi fire stuff i dont have figured out yet, though it might be some magic Moonpool stuff instead maybe - oh also Nezha is the guardian of the Moonpool now, and maybe Chang’e is the guardian of the Moonstone? and DBK lives in the mountains and therefore guards the Tribe’s magic cave thing?)
also here’s some warrior names that wouldnt technically be canon to this au:
Pigsy -> Pigflower (why flower? because he cooks, and flowers are like herbs)
Pigsy’s first life/Zhu Bajie -> Boarbelly (bcus he eats people)
Sandy -> Bluesand (do i need to explain this one? not sure what JTTW Sandy/Sha Wujing’s name would be tho)
Tang -> Goldenshine or Brightshine or similar (once again not sure what his OG/Tripitaki’s name would be - maybe Goldensun to parallel Monkeysun?)
Mei -> Dragonblaze (”but Dragon isn’t-” FINE, Lizardblaze)
Ao Lie/White Horse Dragon -> ...Whitehorse? or Whiteflash
Demon Bull King -> Bullfang
Princess Iron Fan -> Windstorm, Windstream, Windbreeze, Breezestorm, etc.
Red Son -> Redflame
Nezha -> Ringfire, Lotusfire or Lotusheart
34 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
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See the full post
46 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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i fucking love Terry and i will fistfight anyone who looks at him mean
465 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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