#megh lore
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bardic-inspo · 1 month ago
It's my cake day! 🎉🥳
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amoremagnificentbastard · 3 months ago
💌 Post 4 pictures from Pinterest that describe your OC. Send this to 3 other blogs to keep the chain going! ~ a friend
I love you I love you I love you I LOVE YOU SO MUCH--
Here you go. Four pictures for Diana.
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electricshoebox · 8 months ago
Unsolicited Lore Dump
That is such a fun title for a meme.
Thanks to @bardic-inspo for the tag!
Do you make your bed? Nope. It's just extra time I'd have to budget for in the day and I'll just undo it again after a whole day of not getting to appreciate that it looks nice, so... nah. I'll make it if company's coming.
Favorite number? Always liked 4. No idea why.
What's your job? I've been a phlebotomist with a plasma donation company for many years, and also did a lot related to training and managing training requirements. Around 3 years ago, my company created a position I was the first to step into where I travel between ~10 different locations across 4 states and help improve their training departments, keep them compliant with standards and regulatory (government/legal) requirements, and develop their training supervisors. I also lead a core group that trains supervisors using a class I got to create. It's a big mix of things I love: traveling, helping people build confidence in their skills, and creating.
If you could go back to school would you? I just don't think I could, mentally. Not to get personal, but I drove myself to a bad mental breakdown in college. There were a lot more factors than just school itself, but still. There are things I wish I could get a degree in, but I don't think I should try, at least right now. Maybe some day!
Can you parallel park? I'm not great at it, but I have to do it more often where I live now, so I'm getting better. I have a backup cam now and that helps a lot.
Do you think aliens are real? I think it's highly probable, but not in the mainstream, Hollywood, little green men way. I think statistically the universe is so vast, there has to be life somewhere. But I think it's likely so far beyond anything we could comprehend, and so deeply different from the entirety of human experience, that we'd be highly unlikely to be able to make contact or meaningfully communicate. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good alien story/game/movie!
Can you drive a manual car? Nope. I barely understand cars as it is, I'll stick with automatic.
What's your guilty pleasure? I try really hard not to feel guilty about my pleasures, but I guess I have to echo Megh a bit and say fanfiction, just because it's still something I'm not comfortable being open about unless I know the person understands fandom or shares an interest. But honestly, college kinda destroyed my love of reading, and fanfiction is really what brought it back. It's such a joy to see the stories others come up with, and it's so fun to explore worlds I love through writing.
Tattoos? I don't have any but I want them very badly! I know at least 3 I want for sure. One is handwriting from my mom and my two best friends using song lyrics that are important to me and connected to each for me. Two, a shared tattoo with one of my best friends/roommate to do with our cat. Three, a Watership Down tattoo that incorporates "All the world will be your enemy... but first they must catch you."
Favorite color? Purple, and slate blue. Very fond of teals and deep pinks as well.
Favorite types of music? I've started to joke that music is my love language. I love so many genres. I always come back to alternative, though. Very fond of indie rock as well, and folk. But you can still get me with a good pop song.
Do you like puzzles? LOVE puzzles. I don't have a lot of room to do them where I currently live, and I also go through them too fast to make buying them often worth it, but I could do them for hours.
Any phobias? I have unfortunately discovered I am very afraid of roaches. I can typically handle bugs okay, but those absolutely terrify me. I'm also pretty uncomfortable with heights. Not so bad I can't look out a window a few floors up, but definitely can't look over the edge if I'm on a rooftop or super high balcony or something.
Favorite childhood sport? I'm not sure if this is asking my favorite childhood sport to play or just sports I enjoyed as a kid. For the former, I was not a player of sports, but I did love to swim, and I loved playground games. For the latter, I grew up going to baseball games with my dad and I do have a lot of fond memories of that.
Do you talk to yourself? Oh for sure. I do it the most when I'm trying to work out a conversation in a scene I'm writing (so I just have it with myself out loud and see where it goes) or if I have a scene idea I want to try feeling out in conversation. But I'm not above having little therapy talks with myself when I'm alone, if I need to. Oh, and I'm also a big conversation practicer if something I need to talk to someone about is making me anxious.
What movies do you adore? Oh man, how much time do you have? Definitely the Mummy (Brendan Fraser version), and the Matrix (just the first one, but that one was incredibly formative). The LotR trilogy is always going to be very important to me. Song of the Sea and the Secret of Kells are both deeply beloved for me. And then the Lion in Winter (Katharine Hepburn version). Probably the most influential dialogue-writing inspiration movie for me of all time.
Coffee or tea? Iced tea. Unsweetened. I basically have to have one every morning or I will die. (Okay fine I won't die but I'll get a migraine and be very unhappy about it.)
First thing you wanted to be growing up? I genuinely can't remember what was first because I wanted to do like 7,000 things. I wanted to be an author very early on, but also a singer and a figure skater and a gymnast and an artist and I could go on. Writing has probably been the most consistent thing, though.
Tagging (no pressure): @amanita-jack, @lioness-calanthe, @galaxy-starheart, @mercurymiscellany, and @molliehaswords
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frostahesmegabite · 3 years ago
How would he react, if he were transported into a "Steampunk" or "Cyberpunk" universe? 🤔 (I'll let you choose between the two.)
[ Good question @jacobdcheshyre! Thankfully with WoW and the Mechagon patch we had, I pretty much got to have that Steampunk sort of vibe for a little bit with the whole scrap yard piping everywhere sort of bit. Albeit, I know that's not 100%, but it gave me a good feel for how excited Mega would be! Needless to say, he walked away from that expansion with several new weapons designs and ideas as well gadgets and a new-found sense of purpose and inspiration. So, for a quick IC post, I'm gonna roll out with Cyberpunk. Now, forewarning, my knowledge here is limited, not out of lack of caring, just never got much time to explore it and my knowledge comes pretty much from Cyberpunk 2077 game, so I'm gonna essentially adapt him for that sort of lore/canon. ] A blinding flash of light and colors occurs! This isn't right! They're not only offensive to the eyes, but each sudden shift comes with a smash of concussive energy as if being hit by a sudden wash of air from an arriving hurricane. The largest problem isn't that it isn't just one, but a reoccurrence whose frequency is picking up in rapidity while being accompanied with the sudden shift of falling! Meghes begins to flip and roll, losing any track of what's up and down and he screams out into the cascade of colors! "Turn tha fuckin machine off! Bring me back!" Panic wasn't setting it, it was already there and was choking him out as he couldn't stabilize due to the turbulence and lack of identification on what was up or down, left or right! Bam! Bam! Bambam! BamBamBam! BAMBAMBAMBAM! Each forceful blow sent him flying in a whole new direction and he'd suddenly vomit, near ready to lose consciousness from it. Then... it settles and a bright light nearly blinds him, forcing his hands up just for him to realize that it's the Sun! Thank the Light! Maybe that was a bit to early though as he realizes he's still in freefall. This he can handle now that he has direction and he quickly flips around, gaining his bearing just to realize this sure as fuck isn't Azeroth anymore! As he flies down towards the ground, smooth towers of steel and glass stab up at the morning sky as if they were pointing up at his point of entry! He tries to scream, asking where the hell he's at but at this speed, words at lost and someone might as well have a leafblower pointed at his mouth. Around this moment is where reality kicks in and he sees the ground coming up -fast- and he casts a Feather Spell! Nothing. Panic sets in and he tries again. Still. Nothing. His mouth opens to scream but it sounds more akin to a blarglglgh! than actual vocabulary. He begins to slap himself, patting himself down for anything, mana crystals? All gone. No recharge. What the fuck?! His hands get to his vest, feeling around. Magical items all gone. Gold damn it! His hands go to his belt buckle, every goblin hand one and thank what the hell ever was watching over him, his belt was still there! His fingers twist off the buckle and he's given a small remote that's palmed and he hits the bright red button upon it, instantly activating his set of rocket boots so he can slow his descent! This wasn't going to save him, there wasn't enough fuel for that, but he had to slow down for the next part or he'd surely just fall to his death! With a few stalling blasts, the device in his hand begins to go off with alarms, warning to a low fuel source and with his other hand, he goes to his work vest and jerks on a rip cord! His clothing explodes out the back (thankfully not out of his ass!) and Goblin Glider's wings extend to the left and right above him as the boots propel him forward as opposed to down, helping to offer leverage so he can steer and glide down properly! Mega would need to thank Maxwell for that. Now though that this emergency was coming to a standstill, he begins to look around, trying to figure out just where the fuck he's at. "Tha hell did that Portal Machine take me..." Mega's body shakes from the adrenaline spike, but he maintains a grip as he soars overhead some mile up off the ground. His red eyes look
over the ground, trying to figure out who the hell built all of this! Was it Goblins? No. Not enough pollution or explosions, at least not here anyways. Gnomes? Maybe... but they tended to favor underground facilities and this certainly wasn't that either! Slowly, people come into better view and the site of vehicles and street vendors and people come into view and the signs! Oh all the signs! So many colors and advertisements! If it wasn't for all the humans plastered and shoved into all of them, he'd swear this was some kind of Goblin City centered entirely on Commerce and Trade, but that's when it hits him. This is nothing but Humans and Humans weren't like this... At least... not back on the Azeroth he knew. He needed time to process this, but with all the new sights and sounds, it was hard to do, even from way up here! "Where the fuck did that portal put me?!" He screams out, a new type of concern coming to mind now as he begins to look for a place to land. There's fucking people everywhere and while he's not familiar with what type of vehicles he's seeing, he sure as hell knows a road (Thanks Kezan!) when he sees one and he makes sure to steer clear from the Highway and the massive metal boxes going gold knows how fast! He starts to scan quickly, there! Trash bags! A heap of crap and junk on the ground, perfect! He begins to steer his glider into an Alleyway, bringing himself in and slowing his assent along the way until his feet touch down and he's left running. He plants his feet and pulls back against the Glider, using it as a counterweight to bring him to a skidding stop just before his crash pad of foul smelling trash! Phew! Mega didn't care about the Glider anymore at this point, nope! It was spent and he'd begin to rush towards the Alleyway entrance, hiding behind a dumpster to scan the area around him. "Well... smells like trash and shit here but... these humans." He pauses, seeing a human walk by with a set of massive mechanical arms that look like they could pulverize stone! But, they move so smoothly! They surpass anything he ever saw with Naturasu's prosthetics or anything the Gnomes or even Draenei came up with! These things moved as if they were essentially organic, but they weren't! Something in Mega's brain breaks in that moment and any fear or concern he has, suddenly floods out of him and is replaced by pure unadulterated excitement and he rushes into the street, scaring the every living fuck out of someone who thought he was some kind of overgrown rat or lab experiment until they see him dressed and moving with purpose! Megahes runs into the crowd and ocean of people, awe and amazement clear on his face as he gets way to close to several people with clear prosthetics and even some of them with weapons right there on their hips or backs! And some of their suits! Mega was in heaven! So many new things to explore! So much to try to take back... [For the sake of this already being -massive-, I'm gonna OoC cut in here and say that I think it's very fair that Megahes would probably have mental orgasms as he learned about everything and while he would try to find a way home, he'd also be working to try to learn as much about all of this that he can so he can take these ideas and designs home as well. Even if he wouldn't ever get back home, his apartment, home or where ever the hell he ended up staying would end up stuffed with nearly every schematic and idea design he could think of to take back. ]
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ansuz-mannaz · 7 years ago
mazdá or ma(n)zdá, the God of Genius; the norse rune mannaz, greek métis and vedic medhá
Mazdá or more accurately Ma(n)zdá (with a nasal “a;”) is the Avestan word for “Genius, Creativity, Vision and Wisdom.” The seer/prophet Zarathushtra proclaimed Mazdá to be THE Ahúrá; the superb FORCE or the POWER SUPREME of the the worlds.
“ahúrá” is the same as “aesir,” or the chief gods of pre-christian Norse/Scandinavian religion. “ahúrá” comes from the root “ahú” meaning a powerful, superb FORCE/being. “aesir” also comes from Old.Norse. “as” “god,” powerful being. The sanskrit “asúrá” comes from the same root and has the same original meaning. Although in the later Vedic and post Vedic Sanskrit “asúrá” is the dsignation for “demonic beings of great power and cunning;” in the early books of the Rig veda, asúrá appears as a superb, powerful being/force of great intelligence. Hence, consistent with the Norse aesir and the Avestan ahúrá.
The seer/prophet Zarathushtra teaches that Mazdá/Ma(n)zdá or ” wisdom, vision, benevolent genius, mental/spiritual abilities” is the “ahúrá par excellence, ” “ahúrá maximus,” or Mazdá Ahúrá in Avestan speech. The meaning of Mazdá or Ma(n)zdá is the SAME as the Norse/Viking rune mannaz, Greek métis and the Vedic medhá.
Mazdá is BOTH substantive and adjective. “Mazdá” (grammatically feminine) means “skill/craft via powers of mind/spirit, ingenuity and wisdom”. “Mén-dá,” literally means “putting mind/spirit into work, hence “wise/brilliant.”
See Yasna 28.4, second half of the first line (mén gairä vóhü dadä hathrá man.ang.há,) Yasna 31.5, second half of the second line (mén-chá daidyái,) Yasna 44.8, second line (mén daidyái,) Yasna 45.1, third line (ma(n)z.dáwng.hö.düm,) Yasna 53.5 second line (mén-chá-í mánz.daz.düm.)
The Old.Church.Slavic. madru “wise, sage,” Lithuanian “mandras” “wide-awake,” Old German. munter “awake, lively, alert;” all come from the same original root namely: “alert and effective in mind/spirit.
We also encounter “medhira,” described in Rigveda 8.6.10 as the “insight into the truth/essence of things.” Compare Greek.mantis, lit. “one who divines, a seer, prophet, Lithuanian mintis, “thought, idea.” Compare Yasna 45.4, fifth line and the 17th name of Mazdá in Hormazd Yasht “ALL VISION.”
There seem to be an ancient aryan root mogh-/megh-or mezh “power of mind/spirit to realize/manifest. Originally Russian “muzh” referred to “mind, power of thinking.” Compare Old.Church.Slavic. mogo “to be able,” mosti “power, force;” Old English mæg, Old.Norse. mega, German. mögen, Gothic. magan “to be able,” “may” “make it happen.”
Also compare Russian: may = мoчь (moch), мoжeт, (mozhet), мoгy (magu)
Ukrainian: may = мoгти (mohty), можу – мoжeт (Mozhu – mozhet) might = мiг (mih)
Polish: may = móc (muts), mo��u (mozhu).
I should add that persian “mozhde” as suggested by Dr. Mehrdad Farahmand is a cognate, and suggests the realization/happening of something awesome.
The idea behind “Mazdá” is THINKING, ENVISIONING, EFFECTING, and MAKING THINGS HAPPEN. See the most sacred Manthra, Yasna 27.13, second half of the second line; where effective deeds/actions, workmanship in existence are Mazdá’s. “Shyaö.tha.na.nám” refers to the action of manifesting through “speñtá mainyü” or the auspicious spirit of Mazdá.
Mazd-Yasná or the traditional name of the Zoroastrian faith is therefore, the ADORATION OF or YEARNING FOR Mazdá; the POWERS, ABILITIES OF MIND/SPIRIT IN INFLUENCING EVENTS AND PRODUCING MARVELS.
Among the Pre-Christian Vikings; Mannaz was the rune reserved for the genius and the visionary. Mannaz was the ability to divine, see, and predict; to generate effects with the will-power; to shape destiny and the future with the eye of “mind/spirit,” with the powers of mind, with wisdom, genius and intelligence.
For the ancient Vikings; Mannaz was the rune of human consciousness in its journey toward becoming a “GOD-MAN.” Mannaz was the rune that revealed our role as the conscious co-creators of reality, fashioners of destiny and the future.
In the runic lore, “Mannaz” is closely related to “ansuz,” the rune of speech dedicated to the “aesirs;” Avestan “ahúrá,” Vedic asúrá.
Mannaz was the rune of the limitless potentials and the new horizons through the endless powers of mind/spirit, wit, passion and will power.
In Greek Mythology, Métis (Μῆτις, “wisdom,” “skill,” or “craft”) was of the Titans, her name connoted “amazing know-how” and was equated with the magical powers of Prometheus as with the “royal mètis ” of Zeus.
Métis was the embodiment of “prudence”, “wisdom” or “wise counsel.” In ancient Greece, the word mètis was also the ordinary Greek word for a quality that combined “wisdom and awesome skill” together.
The prophetic Orphic tradition, enthroned Mètis side by side with Eros as primal cosmogenic forces. Plato declared Poros, Πόρος or “plenty” to be the child of Mètis or “creative ingenuity.”
In the Vedas, the feminine Medhá means: “will, thought, power of mind/spirit to realize;” i. 18, 6; ii. 34, 7; iv. 33, 10; v. 27, 4; 43, 13; vii. 104, 6; viii. 6, 10; 52, 9; ix. 9, 9; 26, 3; 32, 6; 65, 16; 107, 25; x. 91, 8.
There is a Medhá Sukthá which appears in the Máháráyáná Upanishád and in the Rig and the Atharvá Vedás. Medhá Sukthá is an ode to the capacity of thinking, creative ingenuity, realization and wisdom.
The masculine medhá has been translated commonly as “sacrifice;” e.g ashvá medhá/horse sacrifice and póurúshá medhá or sacrifice of the primeval being.
Yet, the real meaning seem NOT to be “sacrifice,” but rather “wise measure, smart plan or clever course of action intended to obtain the result, an intelligent formula; an effective course of action to accomplish.
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bardic-inspo · 5 months ago
Sorry I've been a bit scarce in this space. Been traveling again! And covering a co-worker's maternity leave (which is much less fun 🥲). Will be back at my BG3 brainrot soon. 💜
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bardic-inspo · 4 months ago
What will you steal from my room?
This is so fun, thanks for the tag @calico-heart! Currently in my office at home so we'll use this room! What are you all snagging?
*This one was a gift from the incredibly kind and talented @electricshoebox 💜 Tagging in turn if you want to do this: @electricshoebox, @tragedybunny, @elinorbard, @nomamonster,
@nyx-knox, @honeybee-bard, @amoremagnificentbastard, and @pinkberrytea 💜
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bardic-inspo · 1 month ago
My most stereotypical 'you're from that state' trait is I love cheese omg I LOVE cheese cheese is an inherent moral good I FUCKING LOVE CHEESE
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bardic-inspo · 4 months ago
I really don't like magic the gathering but Mr. Megh always wants me to play so occasionally I humor him and he saw me looking at the Astarion the Decadent card and now he's building a new deck around it so I'll play it with him more I love this man 🥹
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bardic-inspo · 3 months ago
Some people have normal mantras me I mutter "my truest love, know no shame" and "I was made to pass through fire" over and over until I feel like an actual (loveable) dragon
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bardic-inspo · 5 months ago
Y'all ever have a rough day and just open up an old save to smooch Astarion repeatedly 💋
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bardic-inspo · 5 months ago
Writer Interview
Playing some catch up on tags. Tagged by the wonderful @pursuitseternal, @marlowethebard, @nyx-knox, @honeybee-bard, @snowfolly,
and @paganwitchisis holy shit thank you all!!
Not sure who all in my circles has done this already, but gonna tag @wilteddreamsofbaldursgate, @astarionancuntnin, @pinkberrytea, @locallegume, @thedreamlessnights,
@ladymdc, and @carooosa if you see this and would like to do it! No worries if not!
When did you start writing?
Around 13/14 years old, doing warrior cats roleplay on proboards forums. Roleplay isn't really my speed anymore, but it eventually bridged me into more traditional narrative writing and then fanfic later. Fallout 4 was the first fandom I really wrote fanfic for.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I really love intricate long-running plots with slow-burn pay off, and used to write more in that vein, but got pretty burnt out on it. It felt like it would take so long to get to those big moments I pictured the whole time, by the time I arrived to them, they felt played out in my head. Trying to strike a happy medium now by writing (relatively) shorter and more focused fic/storylines that still pack a punch, but maybe have fewer branches.
Otherwise my genre/theme preferences are generally the same with writing vs. reading and are pretty broad.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
Not a writer, but I've been told at various times there is a poetical element in a lot of my writing, even in just the sentence structure or how I tend to pace my prose. That makes a lot of sense to me, since I wrote a lot of poetry before getting into writing a lot of prose.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I used too many tricks on my brain to jump start creativity (yummy beverage, cozy blanket, favorite candle when writing) and now my brain often demands all of these things be in place to do any writing 😬I can sometimes get away without all of them. Usually, I'm writing in my office, which is a pretty blue color with some gold picture frames and often a soothing space. But, I do work from home in there at times, too, and on workdays I can't make myself do creative things in the same spot I sat in working all day. Then, I'll be at my dining table or sitting on my couch, usually with headphones because I have a hard time concentrating with other noise around me.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Self care. I mean, making sure I've got sleep/food/hygiene etc. squared away where they should be, even if it means taking a break from the page. Most of the time when I'm trying hard to write and it's just not jiving, it's because I've neglected one of those things, and the words always come easier once I've addressed them.
Playing the game again. Listening to character music. Chatting with friends who love the character, too.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Yes! A lot of them became apparent to me only after switching fandoms and realizing I was writing about a lot of similar themes. Grief is a big one. Characters who've experienced both a lack of love and a loss of it. Characters who fall in love again or in spite of that loss. The main ships I've written for all feature characters who either loved someone else first or, in Astarion's case, have gone through the forced motions of romance.
Battle couples is another big one. Bisexual battle couples. 🥰
What is your reason for writing?
It's always felt like something I needed to do to feel whole. Not necessarily the sharing the writing or posting it part, or getting a reaction about it, but doing it at all, even just a little. Even if it's just for me. I feel more me when writing is at least a small part of my life. More free. It's my creative outlet.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I adore any comment. I'm borrowing this from someone else's interview post, but I too am a slut for praise. In all honesty though, just knowing I'm not writing into some void or vacuum can be so powerful. Even just a heart emoji comment makes my spirits soar.
The ones that go full red string and corkboard about the plot or characters, or quote what parts stick out to them always stick with me. It lets me know I'm hitting the mark with what I'm trying to convey.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I want them to know I'm still good for it even if it takes me a long time.💜That's the biggest thing to me right now. I'm not able to pour it out so quickly as others can. But I hope they know it'll be a good time when I do eventually post.
And also that I'm just some lady. I'm just another human bean. Wanting to share and enjoy stories with other human beans, and connect with a sense of community through those stories.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Visceral/punchy action scenes, vivid descriptions, setting tone, and portraying character personalities.
How do you feel about your own writing?
My feelings about it change with the tides. Right now, I'm a bit glum, and I think that's because I haven't had much to share or post lately, even though I've been doing lots of writing that isn't ready to be shared yet. On the other hand, I'm having the most fun with it that I've had in a very long time, and that element feels great.
I'm grateful for what I've done, incredibly blessed to have made friends and found community through writing, and ever-striving to find the happy medium of productivity and creativity.
When you write, are you influenced by what others enjoy might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
It's mostly what I'd like hehe. And I'm happy about that. I am often inspired to try things based on what I see in fandom, but if I don't enjoy it, too, I won't pursue it further.
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bardic-inspo · 3 months ago
I predict my activity there will be sporadic as the Twitter style format was never my favorite, but I am on bsky if there's any friends over there that wanna connect. 💜
I'm meghetti.bsky.social
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bardic-inspo · 3 months ago
Still experimenting but have maybe uncovered a nightshade/bell pepper intolerance 😶
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bardic-inspo · 5 months ago
Get to know me meme
Tagged by the ever lovely @electricshoebox💜
Three ships
Astarion/Tav (or Durge)
I am an enjoyer of all shades of Astarion and there's so many angles to take these ships, especially post game. He's such a juicy and layered character and I love exploring all those angles and how he interacts with a character like Durge, or similar, who has their own darkness to reckon with and needs support, too. Currently writing fics for both spawn and ascended Astarion and I don't see myself quitting the brainrot anytime soon.
MacCready/Sole Survivor (+Deacon!)
The first ship that I truly wrote fic for. I wouldn't be the same as a person or a writer without these characters. It sometimes amazes me how little romance there actually is in these games, but the characters and dynamics alone were just begging to be explored and sprouted so, so much fic out of me. "I never really thought of us that way" my ass. 🤭
Solas x Lavellan
God I can't believe it's been 10 years of this 😆 But as a tragedy enjoyer, the poeticism of this ship was just too perfect to resist. Getting back on my bs in time for the new game to (finally!) come out!
First ship
Oh gosh, probably something like Graystripe x Silverstream from Warrior Cats!
Last song
Last movie
Deadpool 3! It was a fun time!
Currently Reading
Aside from playing catch up on some fics I've been following for a long time...
I absolutely guzzled down By Proxy by @alcetryx in one sitting last night and I'm so feral about it. I have to properly keysmash in their comment box still but I gotta wait until I have some free time because thumb typing is insufficient and I have so much to say about this fic. Incredible slow burn post game with A!A and Tav all wound up in some juicy political intrigue. Their dynamic is so sweet and sexy and the pining and self denial is on a nuclear level.
Next up for new fics on my TBR list are @vixstarria's Bloodbang Chronicles and No Good Deeds by Garnett (who is a discord friend but I don't think they're on Tumblr!)
Currently watching
Currently in between shows/nothing atm, but looking forward to Vox Machina season 3!
Tagging in turn @coffeeebomb, @astarionancuntnin, @nyx-knox, @sniickerdoodles, @locallegume,
@marlowethebard , @brain-rot-central , @scrytpe , and @elinorbard if you'd like to do this 💜
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