#I'm not SAYING it's an omen but
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chipped-chimera · 10 months ago
Okay no, no I gotta reblog this properly because okay:
These horses belonged to the military.
According to scripture: The White Horse was representative of Conquest, aka "... the act of military subjugation of an enemy by force of arms". The horse is covered in blood.
The black horse represents famine.
Now consider the situation in Gaza.
Anyway, free Palestine.
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which is definitely not an omen
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hansoeii · 1 year ago
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hyperbali · 7 months ago
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Well this feels a little foreboding
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mumblers-lobby · 2 months ago
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We don't know that guy.
Before anyone starts whining, go donate to the fund OUR community started for actual SA victims. Shut up and put a dollar on the jar. Thanks, Good Night.
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kezhke88 · 1 year ago
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How much do we love Crowley standing behind Aziraphale when he's chatting to people like he's some sort of unofficial bodyguard
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thebibliosphere · 2 years ago
Not to keep reliving trauma on main, but I'm getting weird deja vu from where my health was a few years ago and where it's at now. And most of it is revolving around Good Omens.
In May of 2019, we genuinely thought I was dying because I was dying. My organs were in the process of shutting down because my red blood cells were prematurely self-destructing and damaging my kidneys in the process, and I was rapidly coming to terms with the fact that I might not survive much longer. I'd fought the good fight, and I'd lost. Mostly due to medical neglect. And I was mad about a lot of things, but do you know what I remember from the traumatic blur I'm left with?
"I'm going to be so pissed if I die before Good Omens comes out."
I'd waited 20+ years at that point for something like a tv adaptation of Good Omens. Ever since I was a child and my dad read the book to me, and I fell in love with it. And here I was, mere weeks away from the TV release and on the verge of death.
Then like a miracle, a miracle that hinged on human compassion and a doctor being willing to listen to me, I was saved. Dragged back from the jaws of death by a relentless hematology department that refused to give up on me and ultimately saved my life. And a week later, I got to watch Good Omens propped up in my own bed, still weak, still ill, with my heart stuttering in my chest every time I laughed. And I remember thinking, "I did it. I got to see it."
That it's now it's 2023 and my health has tanked again. My organs are rebelling against me and no one seems to know why. But yet again, a few weeks before Good Omens is set to release, I find a doctor who listens to me and is doing all he can to help. Striving with the grim kind of determination that can only come from a place of compassion and care. Like my world is worth saving, and not just his.
Which is rather fitting, I think.
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bilaudad · 6 months ago
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wing stuff!
experimenting with a more cartoon style, idk what i'm doing loll
tagging: @goodomensafterdark <3
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1941-crowley-slut · 1 year ago
I hope everyone realizes that aside from Crowley not being in heaven, Aziraphale will also not have anything else he likes.
There are no books in heaven. There's no tea or hot chocolate, no music, no crêpes or sushi. So not only does he lose the love of his life and has to operate without him, but he also isn't allowed any of his comfort things, all while I'm sure the angels are hostile against him (even if they pretend otherwise).
Aziraphale has nothing.
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year ago
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worst way to start my new year, thanks. i have a lot of things to say about these companies but i'm tired and just keeping it focused to the pin side of things for this one. do not ever buy pins from these companies, literally ALL of them are stolen from small artists like me. if you want to buy enamel pins, check out etsy, and artist's personal websites and shops! (though even Etsy has some bootleg pins that ship straight from china, so tread carefully…)
Every pin I've designed is, thus far, EXCLUSIVE to my etsy. if you find it anywhere else, it's been ripped off! and once these stupid bootlegs pop up, it's basically a never ending game of whack-a-mole trying to get them all taken down...
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trashmammal-7 · 2 years ago
Thinking about how Crowley was wearing his sunglasses during the kiss. Thinking about how it was not romantic, but rather desperate and angry. Thinking about how it was probably their first kiss ever, for both of them. Thinking about Aziraphale grasping at Crowley's back. Thinking about the moment during the kiss where Crowley seems to try and pull Aziraphale even closer. Thinking about how Aziraphale most definitely wanted to kiss back but didn't. Thinking about how Aziraphale could interpret it as Crowley tempting him. Thinking about how it was the most human way Crowley could possibly convey what he was feeling. Thinking about how it was awkward and went on for too long. Thinking about Aziraphale pressing his fingers against his lips afterwards. Thinking abou-
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alexpression · 2 years ago
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fearandhatred · 1 year ago
"little demonic miracle of my own" yeah yeah but "lift home?" obliterated. instant kill
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"You know, I could hunker down at your place. Slither over and watch you eat cake." ⁠ —Crowley to Aziraphale in the Good Omens Lockdown special
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hg-aneh · 2 years ago
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I think it was about time I introduced tumblr to my book Crowley... who eventually became a walking love letter to Latino culture lmao
(You can think of him as a Book Crowley who spent way too much time in south america)
Language wise, he's an amalgamation of all latin american spanish dialects (+pt-br) so,, have fun translating some of the things he's saying
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allysketches · 1 year ago
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getting that season 3 angst possibilities out of my system... the usual fluff will be returning soon 🥹
lyrics are from 'neptune' by sleeping at last, give it a listen for the full heartbreak experience 🥺✌️
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yamisnuffles · 2 years ago
Sick and twisted, really, that season 2 opens with Aziraphale telling Crowley that the creation he loves won't last and then ending with him telling him nothing lasts when he bares his heart again.
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