#I'm not Kasaron
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riflebrass · 2 years ago
15 Questions; 5 People
Tagged by @vio-starclad
1. Named after anyone?
2. Last time you cried?
I tear up from time to time but I can't remember the last time I outright cried. Probably around the time my grandpa died. I feel like I must have at least once in the last 7 years though.
3. Have kids?
Not yet
4. Use sarcasm a lot?
Depends on your definition of "a lot" but probably.
5. First thing you notice about people?
Overall aesthetic I guess? That's vague but I just notice The Person. (answer stolen from Vio it's a good answer)
6. Eye color?
My teacher used to tell me my eyes were brown because I was so full of crap.
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
Happy ending, and not just the ones offered by the ladies at the massage parlor. Speaking of which need to find me a woman who will watch scary movies with me ending with a happy ending.
8. Special talents?
Nothing really comes to mind. Around my normie friends I know a lot about guns, but as far as I'm concerned a talent is skill rather than simple knowledge.
I dunno I guess I'm a decent cook.
9. Where were you born?
Burger King. No really. The hospital I was born in got torn down when I was about 5 and now it's a BK.
10. Hobbies?
Guns, video games (usually involving guns). I've been toying around with 3D printing but haven't gotten to where I can print a useable thing yet. I have a guitar I've been meaning to try and learn. I took a couple classes in high school. I have trouble with chords because my hands are massive though.
11. Pets?
My roommate has a couple cats. I'm insistent that they are HIS cats and HIS responsibility but we live under the same roof and I still do my fair share of annoying them for funzies so it counts.
12. What sports do you/have you played?
I played soccer 2nd-4th grade.
13. Height?
between 6'1 and 6'6 depending on what convenience store I was leaving.
14. Favorite subject in school?
In middle school I liked science. I was fascinated learning how stuff worked. In high school not so much because math got involved and that was the achilles horse of my entire family.
15. Dream job?
When I was a kid I wanted to be a scientist, back before I realized there was more than one branch of science. Realistically? I dunno. I never expected to make it this far and never had any aspirations.
So now to tag 5 people. @fresnel149 @nosvertu @utah-mountain-drifter @inkandguns @kasaron
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alfonsohegao · 2 years ago
By the way, I am responsible for getting your account suspended on Twitter. That was me #OneDayCloser
Y'see, here's the thing, buttercup. I'm a a robot who believes pretty fucking strongly that words mean dogshit.
So, you're gonna have to front some proof.
Since you've proven yourself to be both incompetent, and incapable of anything beyond the impotent, repetitive ramblings of a terminal headwound casualty, I'll take that proof up-front, with screencaps.
As for "one day closer", you don't even have a tumblr account anymore, your SISSY HYNPO PORN MAIN BLOG was [Redacted] for violating the Tumblr ToS.
Which, fucking hilarious, that is.
Putting aside that your hashtag is apparently mostly used for pregnant mothers, and the only mention I've ever seen of it being used for gun related shit is with you; which underscores the whole headwound thing I mentioned before.
You show me one thing you can manage to do in real life, that isn't, well, being a useless prat, regarding your oh so nonexistant #OneDayCloser, and I'll wear a anime girl avatar in VRChat for a whole weekend, and fucking stream it on Twitch.
How's that for incentive, eh? Right up your weird fucking alley.
Wait, horrible phrasing. You probably do have a weird fucking alley.
Not that I'm judging, mind you.
What was I saying again?
Oh right, money, mouth, virtual anime tiddies.
You don't manage to do it, I want you to take your hashtag, and your weird obsessive mental disorder and shove both so far up your own ass it'll end up featured on chubbyemu.
And when you don't, because you are so mentally broken, and so psychologically incapable of comprehending a loss that if it was a fucking .jpeg, you'd miss it; I'm going to clown you. Incessantly.
You get a week. I don't give a fuck about your timetable, cancel the appointment at the nail salon and do something of value, and prove you did it.
Put up, or shut up. Preferably both.
Either way, get the fuck off my blog.
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ijaws · 5 years ago
Seeing as how you're probably one of the most outspoken and rational individuals on this website when it comes to personal defense and guns, what is your take on this? (If you didn't already know.)
TLDR version is that they're going to make it a felony to train yourself and OTHERS in the use of firearms, bombs, and so on in a 'Paramilitaty' fashion. They add the whole, "For use in Civil Disorder," to try and make it justified, but I thought that we already had anti-terrorist task forces that monitor for potential terrorist groups already...
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Why would they need to establish a law like this for anything other than the oppression of the general public?
Besides, the right to form Militia's is protected under the 2nd Amendment. So, I decided to do a quick search to see what the government determines what a Militia and Paramilitary Force is.
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So Militia's are only legal and constitutional if the government sanctions them? If they don't then it is considered a Paramilitary? Sounds very shady to me. What is to stop people from reporting Gun-Clubs and so on as Paramilitary Forces? If I were to train with a group of friends, I am comitting a felony. Etc. It just seems very shady.
Personally, I think that we are getting closer and closer to a civil war... The people in Virginia, from how I'm seeing this, would be 100% Justified in taking up arms against the Virginia State Government and cleaning house. Not murdering everyone, but forcibly removing these individuals from office, striking down this proposal, and prompting an election for new leadership.
"They were elected. That's what the people want."
It doesn't matter what people want. Violations of the Bill of Rights should be handled with extreme prejudice, and I personally think these are one of those cases. Even if it hasn't been voted on yet, the suggestion of any sort of legislation like this should be grounds for removal of office.
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prolifeproliberty · 5 years ago
Hey, can you check out @Kasaron 's blog? I'm having a discussion about abortion with him, but I don't have enough knowledge on the history of Pro-life Legislation to answer him on his concerns about Government overreach and Victim-blaming the women getting abortions and stuff. IDK if you actually "take requests" like this, but hes always respectful during debates and stuff
Any time someone uses libertarianism to argue for legalized abortion, my response is to ask them what laws, if any, the government should pass/keep/enforce. If they’re okay with banning the murder of born children but not with banning abortion, then we know the issue is really that they don’t see the preborn as human. 
If they’re full-on anarchists, then you’re not really debating abortion, you’re debating political philosophy.
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kalashni-cola · 7 months ago
Yeah definitely. Past month I've been getting a bit bored of just listening to music for 14 hours a day while I've been driving so I've been listening to podcasts, and YouTube interviews from Peterson, Carlson, Piers Morgan, Joe Rogan snippets from the View, other Left leaning media etc. So a broad stroke of every facet of media, social media/Reddit.
Saying the country is in a bad spot is putting it lightly anymore. It's just been compounding decades of bad decisions on top of one another. Social media has definitely exacerbated the decline, especially after covid.
Hell I'm about halfway through RFK jr's Rogan interview and it's even more damaging to Reagan fucking up the vaccines situation in this country. And faucis disregard for safety of vaccines. Understand that it's really hard to listen to RFK jr because he sounds like a cheese grater but from what he's done in life doesn't sound too bad even if myself and others have given him shit for eating a dog or having a worm in the brain lol
I digress tho. Regardless of outcome, we're here now with two shitty people running for the US presidency and one just guaranteed his outcome I believe. And we'll learn about his VP choice in the coming days.
I honestly don't think it will be the last attempt. @kasaron I'm willing to bet on a second assassination attempt in the next 4 months if not after the election.
Well, shit.
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black-in-kansas · 5 years ago
Well, thegreenpea blocked me. Not surprised. I'm not changing my mind though. They've said before how the system is corrupt and that black mem are mistreated by police, so I have no idea how the think someone like me is to protect themselves if I cant rely on the police. Oh well. How often you end up blocked @kasaron ?
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dotsz · 6 years ago
First off, I'm sorry you're getting less than polite asks from supposed 2a supporters. To be fair, we've been getting bashed for years, but incivility doesn't win over opponents. Beyond wanting to end "gun violence" I doubt you have much interest in guns or the laws concerning them. However, if you have any questions, send me a msg and I'll be glad to try to help you. Normally, I send ppl toward kasaron, because he's both knowledgeable and patient, but I realize that's just passing the buck.
i’ll admit i haven’t been very interested in guns in the past, mostly due to the fact that they are weapons and i’ve always felt uncomfortable around the subject. i’m trying to get myself educated on them though, looking at what’s been happening, and i do my best to do my research and fact check; so i do have an interest in the laws concerning them, and to end gun violence, i need to know them in the first place. i do know that i can get things wrong though, so if i unintentionally spread misinformation i’ll gladly accept criticism! just not when people come into my inbox and tell me i’m wrong without ever actually saying what i did wrong.
thanks for the offer! :) i might take you up on it, but i also don’t want to take up your time having to answer my questions if i can google it myself. i’ll def keep to my plan of researching gun laws and getting more knowledgeable on the subject
thanks for the polite ask!!
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vavuska · 2 years ago
Don't interact with Kasaron. He has values and beliefs that aline with white supremacists and the xenophobic alt-right. They will only line and distort the truth.
Ok, thank you for this advice. I won't feed alt-right trolls. They are just human garbage.
Unfortunately, I have received more hate and shit because of my repost than the original creator. I'm not sure if it is because I am a girl or not.
However, I am glad to have at least a person who shows any kindness. Have a nice day. ❤️
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thewolvenangel · 7 years ago
Random question: where do you consider yourself, politically? I'm not sure where I'm at but the stuff you and some other ppl I follow is really eye opening - like seeing discussion/critique of antifa action basically doesn't exist in my current circles. I've always felt a little iffy about the "extreme left" but any time I try to talk to my friends about it they just double down or get defensive so... anyways! Dig ur blog a lot. x3
No problem on random questions, I definitely dig them! You got any questions about me or for me feel free to ask, I am always happy to answer and discuss! :D 
Sadly, in my experience, I find that Tumblr is one of the WORST places to discuss things at all... and not just in the political sense. In many cases that I have seen and experienced is that there are no proper discussions, rather just a childish sense of: “I’m right, you’re wrong, that’s the end of it.” 
To Tumblr rhetoric is an afterthought or just completely dead; and the notion of being wrong on something (an idea, thought, opinion, etc) is considered to be sacrilegious to their very identity and being. Vis a vis, personal responsibility and the chance to grow and learn is severely damaged by this mindset. 
Communication and the open and respectable passing around of ideas and thoughts are crucial for the advancement of society and the betterment of man as a whole. 
But I digress. 
Where I stand politically is difficult to answer... Because if you ask my leftist friends they would tell you I am more right. You ask my right friends and they would tell you I am more left than them. So I suppose that makes me a centrist? 
But honestly, I avoid applying such labels to myself as I feel it “boxes” me in. If I were to say I am right-wing then that applies that I must follow every single thought and opinion of the right (let's say as an example their opinion of governing morality and freedom/property rights I do not necessarily agree with) and I don’t. Same as if I were to claim that I was leftist I don’t agree with everything they go for. (Such as anti-gun laws and abortion.) 
My line of thought is education, investigation and concluding my own thoughts and opinions from gathering information from both sides. If one side has something or is vying for something I deem morally or economically right then I agree with them. If one side is doing or saying/spreading stupid shit I call them out on it and disagree. Long story short: I just don’t take sides. 
And yes there are gray areas to both sides, and having a sort of “wishy-washy attitude” many would say is imprudent and even hindering. But I don’t feel I am back and forth because I hold steady to my opinions and I have firm ones at that. I am just willing to look and consider it from all angles, is all. And importantly, consider if I am wrong. 
I will be the first to say as well that I am not as knowledgeable as I should be in certain areas, and I - like any other person - can be and have been wrong before! But I am willing to learn, I am willing to see another side, and I am willing to the research necessary to have a cohesive and factual sense of the situation. 
With that said my opinion on Antifa is that I find them hypocritical, ignorant and self-entitled at the very LEAST. I find them and the movement entirely abhorrent. Antifa has shown time and again that they have become the very thing they claim to be fighting against. At their core, they are vying for a totalitarian regime in which there are no open discussions and that violence is acceptable against those who do not fit their line of thinking and do not follow what they deem is “correct”. (Fascism is loosely defined as “ Fascism is a form of government which is a type of one-party dictatorship. Fascists are against democracy. They work for a totalitarian one-party state.” Which all I have to say to that is: If the boot fits.)
The very worst part is they do it under the guise of having the “moral high-ground.” And while on that high-ground they do not care who they harm along the way, whose lives they destroy, and what other moral injustices they commit to obtaining what they want. Their stance on free speech is disgusting and is ideal for their totalitarian line of thinking and governing; silencing anyone who may oppose them with at the least labeling one as a “nazi” or worst resulting in physical violence or destroying livelihoods. They do not care even if one of their own has been harmed in the chaos, deeming it “par for the course” and a “small sacrifice for the greater enemy.” 
I find them as abhorrent as I would an ACTUAL white supremacist/nazi. To me, there is no difference between the two; as both are hateful, ignorant, violent, and unwilling to change or compromise and will brainwash and destroy and put down anyone and do whatever it takes to fulfill their goals and regime. 
And you wanna know the saddest part? Antifa in the last couple of years has caused MORE damage and violence than the KKK / Neo Nazis have in the last several. You wanna know why? Because every sensible and average Joe agrees that these groups are bad and DESPICABLE. These groups are the MINORITY population, and we as humans are more than willing to agree that these racist and extreme thoughts are abhorrent. And it when it comes to action we are willing to stand against it, when and if it were to occur. 
But Antifa? They use their so called moral high-ground and justice to their advantage BECAUSE majority of the population knows Nazis are disgusting. So they cut the cloth as if you are not with them, you are against them, and thus you HAVE to be a Nazi supporter by default. They use fear mongering and manipulation to paint themselves and their movement in this sparkling glitter-toned light when in actuality they are just as terrible as the people and groups they claim to oppose.
That's the basic of it, I don’t really have time right now to sit down and share more. But I want to say I am proud of you for branching out and looking for more view points, and I hope that I was able to help in some way!If you’d like more blogs to follow and look through, or more people to discuss with I would recommend my partner @earthmindheartsky who is even more politically inclined than I am. 
And I couldn’t recommend @kasaron enough as he is not only a level headed and kind man, but he is very intelligent and knowledgeable and always open for discussions! Not to mention he is a big fuckin nerd who likes/does DnD, who also does wicked cool mech and computer stuff AND sometimes even art! He also reblogs many cute kitties; seriously, half of my cat pictures come from him! He is a real cool guy, even if not for discussion I’d suggest following him anyway!
Thanks so much for the question again, and I am glad you enjoy my blog! Honestly, I just sort of fuck around on here and reblog whatever, and I do my best to keep some politics off of it because it's not something I really discuss unless asked about it. But the way things have been going the past couple of years... It's hard not to. And I feel more and more like I have an obligation to spread more information as I find it, and you are a shining example that it was indeed the right thing to do! I hope you have a stellar day, and if you happen to have any more questions or want to keep the convo going feel free! 
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black-in-kansas · 6 years ago
I'm going to ask my boss to change my title from Maintenance Technician to Technomancer. Your thoughts @kasaron
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black-in-kansas · 5 years ago
I'm waiting for LEDs to be added to the sign @kasaron
the weird thing about Tumblr is the way you can’t tell if the garbage posts are being made by 11 year old kids, 54 year old retired ex-cops, the marketing department of a major corporation, or Russian spies.
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firstdegreeliberty · 6 years ago
Gun-related posts I've made that have no pornographic or sexual nature have been flagged as "explicit" as well. I'm actually in agreement with @kasaron now.
Everyone to staff: fix it
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jakemoomoocow · 5 years ago
@kasaron no, you are one of my favorite sources to read on tumblr. If you split your attention or move then I'm losing a good portion of my wall. Yes, what I'm is selfish but I'm okay with that.
"Most people live in neighbourhoods and building complexes with guards" so no one needs a gun
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Just for the sake of comparison, here are the self-defense methods this guy proposed earlier in the thread.
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Notice how a dog and a baseball bat are the only ones remotely likely to really stop a determined intruder, and they both “kill little kids”.
I know anti-gun folks are stereotypically out of touch, but, uh…
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black-in-kansas · 6 years ago
@kasaron need to have one to get the motivation to make a custom huh? I'm starting to sort and redo my wardrobe to. Most my cloths don't fit because of weight loss.
How's the clothing setup going?
Decent, but I feel like it’s too peicemeal right now. A major issue for me is that I cannot seem to find suitable pants that actually function as, well, pants. But the general fit is pretty good and I’ve been experimenting with stuff. I definitely am switching my patrol cap with a baseball cap, and I’m still leaning heavily on picking up an oni mask for winter wear, since unless I have one, I likely won’t ever finish the one I wanna finish, cause my brain is stupid. 
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