#I'm more active on Twitter and Discord nowadays
ardenssolis · 10 months
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Name — Shi
Pronouns — she/her or they/them
Preferred comms — Discord buuut I don't like giving my Discord out unless we've been interacting and talking for a while nowadays, so I am trapped in the hell known as IM until then. Honestly, though, I have a tendency to get into writing or doing other things and forget anyone talked to me sometimes either way so--- 😭
Name of muse — Ozymandias
Experience in RP — I've been rping since I was a kid back in forever ago before I even really knew what rping was. It all started on a chat site and I wasn't sure what was going on but I liked it LMFAO. I think it was probably about middle school-ish time for me. 6th grade I guess??? So a while.
Best experiences — AAAAA many! I think some of my best experiences rping was when I was doing things with my friends on Twitter and Deviantart. They always inspired me to draw and we were constantly designing characters / joining art rp groups back then which helped me improve drastically. Ughugh I miss doing things like that sometimes.
Pet peeves / dealbreakers — Godmodding. The quickest way to make me drop a thread is making Ozy do something or saying he did something without consulting with me. That's a pretty big dealbreaker for me as I've been put in really uncomfortable situations as a result of people doing this. Also instantly coming at me with ship ideas is a bit of a put off if we like...have literally done one thing / I barely even know you. I had that happen day one of me making Ozy and it almost made me want to leave before I even did anything. Only time I will shake you around and be like, "yeah let's gooooo!" is if we've known one another a long time / I'm comfortable enough to do that.
Muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — That depends. I love writing things where it's deeply discussion based over beliefs, philosophies, and the like. Emotionally charged threads too since that gets my muse really going, but it doesn't need to quite be angst so IDK AAAAAA. Fluff is okay sometimes, although Ozy isn't exactly 'fluffy' most of the time and it's a 50/50 with him and his fickle moods. Smut is nice to write every now and then too because there can be a lot of characterization in intimate moments like this. I don't think I have any kind of definite preference when I think about it -rubs chin-
Plot or memes — Memes usually (or just throwing unprompted stuff in my inbox)! My attention span is absolutely terrible. I like plotting but I have a tendency to slowly lose interest if it goes on for a while as I like getting the barebones as to what we're going to do, have some discussion, then jumping straight into making a thread. Discussing things as we go along and have things already started is just more fascinating for me.
Long or short replies — I loooove long replies, but those tend to be done at a slower pace unless the muse is really gripping me by the throat. I remember the days when I wasn't working and I could get through like ten threads a day or something but thinking about that now has me like, "how did I even do this?" So a nice mixture of short and long is nice! That way I can pick and choose what I feel like replying to that day.
Best time to write — In the weeee hours of the night mainly -- and with music! ////
Are you like your muse — Not even remotely amg. Ozy's too much of everything. He's loud, he's arrogant, and his confidence levels are off the charts on a good day whereas I prefer to be left to my devices, avoiding conversation or faking it till I make it with people, and then dying when I get home because boy was that too much extroverted activity for me FKJSDFHKSDFDS
Tagged by: @lobiita (thank you turbo!)
Tagging: Take it!
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Rules, Info, and FAQ
1. No NSFW asks. This account is run by a minor and is followed primarily by minors. 2. I reserve the right to not publish headcanons that make me uncomfortable. This very rarely happens, but if I find an ask too dark or suggestive it will be trashed. 3. For a look at the kind of people we do not welcome, please see here.
This is really all you need, but for more info please keep reading under the cut.
1. Characters are tagged as "#[name] [source]" [ex. #suitcase ii] 2. There are also tags such as #headcanons or #not a headcanon 3. For the sake of simplicity headcanons that reference a whole team will just be tagged as "#[team name]" [ex. #bright lights] 4. As of now, all object shows are allowed. The name is simply for nostalgia, since it started off as just an II blog. Feel free to submit from any show! 5. For info regarding the collective of pet/family headcanons, please see the "if you're new" section.
-Are mod applications open? Nope, just me, sorry!
-Who are you? I'm YPA [he/she. It stands for Yang pet anon, and I was as long time anon on this account before eventually gaining ownership sometime in mid 2021. For my main account, feel free to take a peek at @y3esy!
-Why hasn't my headcanon been posted? a] I deleted it [hasn't happened yet] b] tumblr messed something up c] I simply haven't gotten around to it
-What's your favorite object show? I used to be very into Inanimate Insanity [hence my name], but now I tend to spend my days rewatching ATCOE for the most part.
-YPA, where have you BEEN!! It's hard to say nowadays. My interest in object shows is still very prevalent, but I get easily distracted and overwhelmed. I'm much more active on my twitter and discord, @y3esy and @cylinderlightyaoi.
-Is there anywhere ELSE I can find you? Of course! I run an OSC hangout server where you can share headcanons without having to submit them first. Sound interesting? Check it out here.
Admin Shep retirement post
How the blog looked originally
Uploaded 6/21/24
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lywnx · 1 year
hello!!!! I'm thinking of starting commissions and was wondering if you have any advice? I don't want to do anything super serious yet, my skill isn't good enough yet, but I figure for 7 bucks someone somewhere may want something I'm willing to draw.. idk you do comms and your art is very pretty so I figure you'd be a good person to ask
AWW thank you!! this is gonna be a bit long sooooo!! more under the cut!!
the first thing is to not undercharge your work. some artists start by selling their work for 1usd, 2usd and think this might make others more interested bc its cheap right? but thts not how it works. the price you put is how much your comm is WORTH. when i first came back to instagram (with NO following) my prices were $10 for a bust, $15 for a halfbody and $25 for a fullbody. keep in mind i worked faster back then but my quality wasnt the same that it is today. so generally u should aim for similar prices, this way youre not losing too much and not underselling yourself. even if it doesnt take long to draw, people are still paying for ur knowledge and time. doesnt matter if u take 20 mins or 3 hours. n its likely to get peoples attention too, since a $15 piece might be better in quality than a $1 piece right? once youve got a stable income, you can start by upping your prices. i always like to tell people to keep a difference between prices since each piece is very different. a fullbody by me costs $95 today, for the fact the composition takes a bit to create, its a more complex piece, etc. so dont go with 15 - 20 - 25. try to go with 10 increments at the very LEAST. 'oh but i am not getting as much comms anymore!!' ur working less for more money. now ur taking ONE $40 commission instead of 3 $15 commissions. another thing is, giving how all social medias are not fit for artists right now, things will be a bit harder. when i first started i had access to twitter and instagram algorithm wasnt so bad. nowadays, differnt story. but do NOT let this stop you. take advantage from all sites available to you, promote your art everywhere. a good tip is to be present online. interact with your public, others, share their works, create a community. this is what matters the most. this is what will get you far. i also reccomend discord serves tons (u can join mine! its on my carrd), as u can reach even more people. try to keep ur social media as active possible. but also REMEMBER TO TAKE BREAKS. ur mental health is also important and burnout is something serious. no matter how hard this can be, u got this. remember, that artist that gets $300 in a comm also had to start somewhere. u can do this.
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koi-star-vera · 5 months
Ngl, I'm really just the most active on discord (koivera_flames), twitter (Koivera1) and Wattpad (Chaotic_Nights) than anywhere else, I really love to be more active in other places but it's either a place I have bad memories in or I really don't know what to do in there
All I ever do nowadays is look around, speak out thoughts, roleplay, chat with friends (on discord but I'm never in big/public servers, they frighten me) and write stuff on wattpad though it does seem like not much since it takes a while to write. Currently writing that one oneshot request I have on my spr oneshots book that's quite angsty (1x / reader platonic) in a somewhat consistent but slow manner, I hope I don't mess this up because I've had uh shortcomings with some oneshots and the last 1x / reader platonic angst I ever wrote had the messiest ending I didn't desire for it so, I'm hoping that I'll do better with this one.
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auspicious-voice · 10 months
A Post about the Future of AUSPICIOUS VOICE
Hi, I thought of making this post as I've been going to making changes to what I'd like to do with this project in the future.
If you're interested, read more under the cut. Nothing too bad and all, I promise. It'll be split into sections, and this might be the last time I'll address this for now.
Change in Vocalsynth-related Activities
As I've had a more sporadic schedule with uploading UTAU media, I've been developing more non-vsynth related interests that I find to be more enjoyable than just using plain old UTAU. It's been helping me branch out of UTAU quite a bit, really.
I've already stated in a previous post that I wouldn't be uploading covers every week and that I would upload whenever I can (on a sporadic basis), but now I've decided that starting next year (2024), I would like to make the effort to upload something once in a while - if I have the energy for it. At best I could be uploading something once a month, but I don't know. Making covers takes a lot of energy out of me nowadays and it is isn't really fun just working on them non-stop. The me from 5 years ago would've had more time and energy to pump out more covers, but I just can't really afford having that taking up so much of my time now.
Much like my recent uploads, if I were to upload a new cover next year, it will most likely be complete with art and a PV to go along with it. I've been practicing simple mograph using Alight Motion and After Effects in my free time, so maybe that'll be an advantage :)
Anniversary Uploads
The tradition of making video uploads celebrating my UTAUs' anniversaries will still be up and about, and I have plans for Maria and Mario's 9th and 10th anniversaries, especially the latter. The only anniversary I missed was in 2018, when it was 3 years since Maria and Mario were released to the public.
They might just be simple PVs at this point, but what I'd like to do is try to update Maria and Mario's fullbody artwork for their 9th anniversary, and maybe special designs for anniversary purposes. I've been meaning to make a retrospective post, but that'll come before their 10th anniversary.
And after their 10th anniversary, I will still upload anniversary covers because at that point that might the only UTAU-related thing I'll ever upload LOL.
Community Activity
When I was really active in the UTAU community, much of my community interaction was through Twitter. I don't use Twitter anymore for the sake of my wellbeing, and with that my interactions with the community significantly decreased over time. I only talk to a select number of people in the community at this point, mostly on Discord. Any inquiries about this project are to be sent to my e-mail, preferably over DMs.
Of course when it comes to YouTube and BiliBili uploads, I try to heart and reply to peoples' comments - while I am not able to reply to all comments, I appreciate them nonetheless. So my community activity is pretty much minimal at this point, and you'll probably just catch me working on animatics, OC projects, and other kinds of things that I enjoy doing apart from UTAU - if you're into that kind of thing that is.
UTAU as a Hobby
This one's a doozy, I guess.
Truth be told, I'm falling out of UTAU for the past couple of months. It's not that I find it boring - from making voicebanks to covers - it's just that I don't have the time and energy to use it anymore. In fact, it's more like a waste of my time when I could be working on other passion projects. When I first started out in 2014, I couldn't imagine myself falling out of the hobby anytime soon, but that's becoming even more of a reality.
Well, UTAU will end up being a smaller hobby of mine because my love for vocalsynths still goes strong - in terms of songs that is. I find myself finding new producers whose works I actually enjoy listening to instead of just hopping on cover and voicebank usage bandwagons because that's the Hot New Thing going around. I'll probably be that one person who just compiles a playlist of vocalsynth songs I like and then listen to them like there's no tomorrow. Maybe some cover inspiration will come out of that, or something.
As for new hobbies and interests that I've picked up... Keyboards is one small hobby that I'm interested in! I have my own custom keyboard that I modded but I'll have to lube the switches in the future. And new interests are mostly mecha/robot related, but to be fair the first media I ever consumed had to do SOMETHING with mecha, so it did...come full circle.
So with that being said, with old hobbies of mine becoming either irrelevant or something I'd like to indulge in (but not as much), the new interests and hobbies that I've picked up are something I'm more invested in. 2023 has been a pretty weird year in a good way, I guess.
Project Plans
No, I won't be shelving this project next year. It will still be alive and well, it's just that the activity on this project will be smaller than ever.
Voicebank Development and Status
I won't be quitting voicebank development just yet; Maria and Mario's DiffSinger voicebanks are currently in development for God knows how long, but I've been working on them at my own pace and my free time. I think it is safe to say that once I release these voicebanks, I'll be done with voicebank development once and for all, only working on small maintenance updates if I have to. Much like making covers, making voicebanks takes a lot of time and energy to devote to.
I want to make Maria and Mario's DiffSinger voicebanks sound good, and so far I'm about halfway done with recording Mario's dataset as of writing this post. Maria's dataset progress will start next year, hopefully. I'll try and figure out the whole multispeaker schtick but GOD Colab does hate me.
Maria and Mario will still be available for download, and I don't think I will discontinue them anytime soon. I would love to see them being used in all sorts of audiovisual work even when I'm not actively working on this project.
New Voicebanks...?
As Maria and Mario are the only UTAUs associated with this project, I don't have any plans adding new UTAUs. When I first started this project in 2014, it was all about Maria and Mario and how much I wanted to make lots of song covers with them - mostly the songs that I loved.
I did have plans for adding in new UTAUs for this project, but that won't be the case anymore. Devoting my time and energy to two UTAUs is already enough.
Site Updates
I won't be updating this site as much from this point, simple as that. I'm satisfied with the way this site looks, so no needless site revamping!!
The only times I will post here are when I upload a new cover, so no fan content promos and all, unfortunately.
Signing Off
So this will be my last post about the future of AUSPICIOUS VOICE. It'll be a smaller project compared to my other ones, and once I'm finished with Maria and Mario's DiffSinger voicebanks, they'll be the last voicebanks I'll ever release for them. Cover uploads will come by once in a while (or once a month if I feel like it), and this site will see very few updates. Also anniversary uploads are still a thing, and my interactions with the community are still at a minimum. And Maria and Mario are still available for download. :)
With that being said, UTAU's one hell of a ride, but I'm at that point where I'm devoting my time towards other things that are worth my time and energy. Out with UTAU (for like the most part), and in with OCs, animatics, and other bits of media I like doing best!
See you later,
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risaonda · 1 year
so hi! if ur seeing this that means my queue is actually officially empty and this is the last thing that's gonna post. i am ditching tumblr so fast because simply put i do not enjoy using it anymore and it actually like actively makes me mad being on here nowadays, and i decided i'd rather just like. use my time to do literally anything else lol
i know i have that other post up but i'm turning notifications off for tumblr bc i'm sick of getting daily (and multiple throughout the day as well) notifications of bots following me ^_^ so i will just put my discord here now since i won't actually see any messages: my venus wenus of course#6436 (i never updated my username and as of me writing this that still works so TEEHEE) feel free to add me on there :^)
as for other places i've ended up using twitter a bit more of all things? it will never be x to me sorry. still not on there a lot but i'm there more than i am here so lol i'm petalblast over there. i probably won't ever post art there tho so my instagram risa.onda would be a good place to keep up with that instead (of course it's entirely at the mercy of. me making art, i'm working on getting back into the groove)
THAT SAID...i thought abt it and my story/oc sideblog here (url of @petalblast as Well) i'll probably still use to post story/oc specific stuff for the sake of keeping it all in a place together but again, that's at the mercy of me making any of that. i'd prefer to be on here as little as possible at this point so whenever it does come up i'll most likely just drop a post and then dip out again. but i definitely do want to go back to working on that so who knows, maybe i'll hit a burst of inspiration and have a lot to post in the future
this blog will still be up of course but it just probably won't post anything from this point on. rip to a legend, absolute ride and i love u all hope to keep in touch, hopefully everything everywhere gets better at some point or at least stops absolutely barrelling down the hill at the speed of light bc i know i'm not the only one so so tired LOL. sorry this was so much more text than i expected to write anyway byeeeeeee <3
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So, I'm still trying to figure out what to do with this page, but I feel it may be best for me to migrate here rather than using the MagicalGirloftheDay account a lot on Twitter. It's very odd that nowadays Tumblr for me is fairly quiet, but my Twitter and Discord experiences lately in the magical girl community have been really parasocial? Thankfully, my DM's are only open to followers on there, but with 7K+ followers in comparison to the 133 here it's a lot more peaceful. To anyone who does follow my page there, it was down last week due to this kind of behavior (ie me trying to make things work with friends/followers, but it doesn't :/)
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I think messaging for submissions and such is fine, but people being upset when I can't talk to them, sending me their medical information unprompted, begging me to talk to them, etc, was/is the typical experience on Twitter. Last week I decided to distance myself from someone who has done these things, as it's too much stress to have friends who are followers that seem to expect me to available to their emotional needs 24/7. The entire incident spiraled, and due to it happening during ACEN weekend it took me until Saturday morning to try and calm down. Telling people you muted them, get angry, etc (esp bigger accounts on their social media) as if it's their responsibility is beyond toxic. This was also someone I continously had issues with, but I think the other stuff along with the recent messages made me opp out of the entire friendship. ACEN was supposed to be relaxing, and dealing with someone else's expectations honestly ruined the trip for me.
Anyway, I'm stating this to say that when this if the page does become more active to not do these things. Do not beg me to message you. Do not dm requests for money, and then do it under the guise of mental illness. Do not flood my account every 30 seconds because I'm not responding, as I'm nearly 30 years old, I work regularly, and am not always near my phone. Do not also do the "um, actually" magical girl fandom stuff Twitter is infamous for, where you come to correct me on stuff I'm correct about, either. This is not how you curate friendships or acquaintanceships, and I'm not so sure why people think this will get them into anyone's social graces instead of being blocked.
Please... just be normal and not dm big accounts on Twitter and Discord weird shit/guilt trip messages. Even when making friends not tied to the Twitter mg space, it seems the more demanding ones always end up in my Discord space to carry the behavior there as well. I guess I'm too patient with people and need to remove people the first time they do these things instead of talking things out, as it's ruining my mental health.
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appocalipse · 2 years
About thr less and less fandom interaction
In general the fandom slows down after a few months of the release of a show or season, so it's normal that fics will get less notes or the amount of fics that are written goes down significantly, because the initial hype is slowly dying. Which is sad to see, people nowadays (at least I'm guilty of it) can't hold their attention onto one thing for a longer period of time. It's also due to that we are constantly getting new stuff because of streaming. Netflix and co, come up with new stuff every month that is good so it's easy to get roped into other stuff and lose focus on that one thing.
I've been here since 2019 (not on this blog but I had another before) and basically in 2020/21 and even in the beginning of this year the ST fandom was not very active, there were less fanfics or interactions (from my perspective as I was also in other fandoms). In 2020 there was a short time during the pandemic that was pretty active, because most people had to stay home, rediscover the show etc. I found many new blogs during that time that are still around, but in those two years there were times, where they were barely online because there was no new content really.
Plus like others said, fandom nowadays is so much more spread out on different sites. For example many people here also use Discord, they have their groups there. Then we have tiktok, which no thank you for me because the takes I've seen give me a headache. Reddit is also huge, like twitter, tumblr and various fanfiction sites to publish your stuff. Sometimes I wish we could have less places, to have a tighter community.
Tumblr is my fav site despite the glaring issues we have on here, I def think due to the new labels some content gets lost because not everyone has them on but I like the vibe here more than on twitter or tiktok.
Also in terms of fics, we just had promptober/smutober a lot of stuff was posted this month, I think it's natural people wanting to get a break, recharge for 12 days of Christmas for example.
A year from now we will even have less content, until the new season starts and depending on the end of the show the fandom will slowly die out over time, as sadly as it is.
You've said it all! I agree with everything. Sadly, the fandom will probably start dying down, especially after the final season. </3
I'll be here for as long as I can, though. I love tumblr, l love the vibe as you said and for me, it's the best place to post fics and interact with the community. I think the only thing we can do for now is enjoy the time we have left, make it count, reblog, leave comments, interact…
Also, the anon earlier was saying that the interaction was dying down in all fandoms, I think, not only for ST. I have no idea why, though 🥺 I'm hoping it'll get better as we approach Christmas, seeing as people will probably have a little more time to read/write.
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sinoftheabyss · 2 years
Hey, everyone, this is your Local Demon Lord, SiN, here with some life updates and places you can find me more actively, especially with my 22nd birthday just around the corner.
Life has been weird. I've gotten into a lot of series that I enjoy immensely, one particular standout being Bofuri. I also got super into hololive, and Ina has been my oshi since her debut. Also very fond of Fauna, Zeta, Risu, Korone, Fubuki, Towa, and Chloe.
Anyway, as for IRL, stuff, I got my driver's license and a part-time job, and I'm honestly surprised I'm surviving right now, but I'm also in a better place mentally. I've got two TTRPG groups, one of which meets every Wednesday, and I have a lot of fun with them. While I'm a bit more… shy online nowadays than I was as a teenager, I do still have some folks online that I talk to often. Offline, I'm also working to deal with my anxiety and depression, not to mention being autistic.
As for where you can find me, I'm primarily active on my Discord account (SiN#8279) or my Twitter (handle Shiny_Shinigami), so if you search me out, you'll probably find me. It's not hard to figure out if it's me or not, since both my Twitter and my Discord have something Manticore-related at the moment.
Anyway, yeah, just wanted to catch people up to speed while I go back to being primarily inactive on this account. Hope to see any old mutuals around the Web. Stay safe, guys, because I sure am.
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Rating: T (swear words, Ichi's a pervert) Relationships: Ichi/Homura (or Homura/Ichi, rather :P) Characters: Ichi and Homura Summary: Ichimatsu catches a bad fever, and Homura takes care of him.
I should’ve uploaded this here hours ago orz
This is my super last-minute entry for @jallematsu‘s Bottom Ichimatsu zine!! (contains NSFW and BLmatsu) I was told SFW entries were allowed despite the R-18 rating, so I decided to write up a quick something for it. Something incredibly self-indulgent and sappy, might I add =///w///= (seriously though this has to be one of the most self-indulgent things I’ve ever written thus far for the Ososan fandom hhhh I love domestic Ichimura fluff ♥ I should write more next time)
Many thanks to @hypercatt for being my beta for this fic!! Your comments made me really happy huhuhu ;///v///;
Please enjoy, and tell me what you think!! ( ; ▽ ; )/
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bscully · 2 years
Hi! First of all, I wanted to say I really enjoy your analysis of Berserk. Secondly, I wanted to ask, do you engage at all with the Berserk fandom outside of Tumblr? Personally I have found that I can only stomach discussions about Berserk on Tumblr or with friends irl. The takes and humor (constant jokes about SA, specifically at the expense of victims) on Reddit and Discord, for instance, are so rancid. Is SK.net any better, or is it more or less the same as the subreddits? I'm just trying to figure out if there are any online spaces with Berserk discussion that's similarly nuanced to what you see on Tumblr.
Hey there thank you for the ask,
In the beginning I mostly interacted with people here on tumblr. Then the pornban happened and the fandom was really quiet for a while. Nowadays I'm very active on twitter, a rather cozy and welcoming community (also lgbta friendly, from what ive seen) actually formed around my account @/HandOfSchnoz over time. I don't like those SA or Donovan jokes either, majority of them happen at the expense of victims tbh. AFAIK r/Berserk Reddit and official r/Berserk Discord are partially moderated by members of SK.net. You just gotta look at what kind of atmosphere is being accepted/nurtured there and snoop around a little to figure out why I am not active on any of these communities. I was "dogpiled" once by their admins (read: members of SK.net) for doing a mistake on reddit, and they made fun of a particular article too (I wrote it in 2019 and the chapters to come actually solidified it even more). I am not the only one this has happened to, either. These communities are too busy making fun of any new theories and enjoy making fun of the people who come up with them. There is an extreme bias because of this. Also shows how little they actually understand of Miura's work. I entered the fandom in 2017 and I feel like I understood more in this brief time than these communities as collective did in the +10 years they existed.
Nuanced discussion may actually get you in trouble on SK.net. Then again A) I don't have heard good things from it based on hearsay and B) members of their community haven't treated me kindly either, so I am biased. Before I do a recommendation, you should go see for yourself (but brace yourself at the same time, since there is usually a true story to rumors)
There might be other Discord communities that seem to be good, such as the Berserk n Chill server. I only was briefly active on it, but I remember reading some good convos on there. If you're having problems connecting with the right fans, throw yourself out there and make your own community!
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thealexchen · 3 years
Do you have any tips for dealing with online hate? I know I shouldn’t let it get to me, but I got called an abuse apologist for liking chloe by someone with a pretty big following and it’s been messing with me a lot. I don’t condone Chloe’s coping mechanisms and I know she’s made a lot of mistakes, but I don’t think she’s irredeemable and I feel like it’s really unfair and cruel to call people who relate to her abuse apologists…
Wow, yeah. I’m really sorry to hear that happened to you. I don’t have a ton of advice because I fortunately have not received any severe hate messages, but here are some habits I learned that have improved my overall experience on social media:
Be clear and curate your experience: You’re not obligated to take anyone’s shit. If you expressed to this person your intentions and told them what you told me (you don’t condone her behavior, it’s cruel to call someone an abuse apologist, etc.) and they still won’t listen, that’s their problem, not yours. It’s perfectly alright to unfollow, block, and move on. And you don’t even have to block people who are actively harassing you; there’s no rules for unfollowing or blocking and you can shape your content consumption in any way you like.
Remember it’s fiction: Fiction and media are powerful, influential tools that can change lives and start meaningful discussions, but at the end of the day all these stories are just ideas hatched by people. Characters, and their stories and behavior, aren’t real and aren’t affected by any audience member’s opinion of them. They are also not always reflective of the author’s perspective or intentions. Fictional characters do not have the same psychological impact as real abusive people. Similarly, liking imperfect characters doesn't mean you're a bad person, problematic, or an abuse apologist. Flaws and mistakes are what make characters interesting, nuanced, realistic, and even likable. There’s no such thing as a perfect, unproblematic person or character, and it’s all a part of what makes us human.
Don’t take it personally: If this person’s accusations aren’t just limited to you, it’s likely they don’t actually have a problem with you but are just looking to start drama with anyone who disagrees with them, and their followers just reinforce an echo chamber. Those kinds of people are especially unproductive because they don’t care about the harm they create, only clout.
Changing platforms: Whatever social media site this hate is occurring on, you’re also not obligated to stay there. I’m on Tumblr because it’s long past its prime and has become a (shockingly) chill place where I can just blog about my interests and chat with others. I used to be more active on Reddit, but I got tired of the LiS2 hate and joined Discord. Even then, I’ve been through my fair share of bad servers and nowadays I’m only active in about 3-4 small, private servers where I know everyone. I have no plans to join Twitter, Instagram, or Tiktok because they seem way too big, overwhelming, and time-consuming. I honestly don't believe I'm missing out on anything. We all have limited free time, and you never have to sacrifice any of it on people or social media that make you unhappy.
I hope this helps! Have a great day! ❤️
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themsource · 2 years
You're still active! I was worried because you hadn't posted in a while. Anyways, I was wondering if you did character asks? I first discovered farm!sans through one of your stories back in 2019 and have loved him ever since! I was wondering how he'd react to a partner coming out as trans?
Yeah I mostly interact on Twitter or keep to a small circle on Discord nowadays, but I'm still around. I'm happy I could introduce him to you ^^ Saejun is a bean who doesn't get enough love. I don't mind doing a character ask.
Now depending on if you discovered him via my fic SIH...I'm afraid I won't be able to answer using that version of him (or any of the skeles really). I started that story with way less knowledge than I have now and I have headcannons that have changed since then. So I'll answer using a current generalization of how I picture our beloved farmer.
Saejun sat across from you silently, his phalanges interlaced and propping up his chin as he swirled a bit of wheat between his teeth.
You had been anxious when you'd come over that morning. Never had you thought you'd make such a revelation about yourself, Trans! So many struggles and confusing moments of your life had suddenly made sence; how odd you felt in specifically gendered clothing, the way you winced everytime you looked in the mirror and felt a bizarre wave of wrongness with certin parts of your figure. It had been a mind blowing revelation, liberating.
But what had quickly put a dampener on the wonderful discovery was realizing that you'd have to tell people. Coming out was never easy. You had friends and loved ones whose told you all sorts of coming out stories, and not one didn't seem to come without at least one major issue.
Yours you felt was going to be your boyfriend of six months; Saejun.
You hadn't been together long in your opinon and were still getting to know each other, to throw something like this at him felt like too much too soon. In truth you didn't have a choice though. You'd already told the important people in your life and he was the only one left. If he didn't find out from you he'd find out another way or through someone else eventually. And that was the last thing you wanted. You thought you might acturally be starting to love him. You really didn't want to take any chances that might ruin this.
It got more awkward the longer the quiet stretched between you, the white of his eyelights intently focused on you as he seemed to think. After another moment that felt like nearly an hour he huffed and leaned back in his chair, one hand sliding into a pants pocket and the other scratching at his skull beneath his strawed brim.
"so, trans huh? okay den."
You stared at him.
"That's...all you have to say?" You asked slowly. Your eyebrows lifted as he shrugged nonchalantly and grinned.
"was i suppose to ask somethin' else darlin'?"
Well that was...unexpected? Anticlimactic? Aside from being speechless you were confused, honestly having pictured him mildly uncomfortable or even put off.
"Um, we've only been together a few months. You're not upset at this sudden change? Not annoyed that you're not getting what you expected coming into this?"
Saejun's sockets widened and his brows lifted, his bit of wheat bobbing as he considered you.
"truth be told, i don't see why it doggun matters. or if it's really any of my business."
You gaped at him. "B-because you're my boyfriend! And—this is very important to me! It matters—"
Saejun held a hand up silencing you. Very slowly he leaned forward and planted his elbows on the tabletop as he took one of your hands in his to cradle it.
"let me ask you somethin' darlin'. is being trans going to make you dislike my brother's buttercake?"
"...no?" You blinked.
"and, are ya gonna stop likeing my k-stew special? want me to quit drinking sesame oil, or suddenly stop kissing me? start disliking holding my hand?"
"What, no—I mean the oil really isn't healthy but...no I wouldn't do any of that." You couldn't resist the blush that flared across your cheeks. "I really like you Saejun. A whole lot."
His grin lifted at the corners. "same here sugar, hell o' lot. so why should i care 'bout any of this, when you'll still be you? why be upset or anything huh?"
"I...won't be..." You couldn't find the words aa you stared down at where your hands locked. His argument had dashed any worry you had been harboring and at the same time the anxiety was still there.
"hey," he tilted your chin up. "i don' give a damn 'bout what body you have. i care about your mind, your soul. and if anyone else does den they're damn fools, just means more love for me."
Tears pooled in your eyes and ran dowm your cheeks as you chuckled at his words. He may have said that last part lightly, but there was no missing the seriousness or conviction in his words.
Yeah, you deffinetly loved this monster.
With no hesitation whatsoever he pushed to his feet and walked around to you. Still holding your hand he guided you to your feet and pulled you into his arms.
"i care for you darlin', ain't nothing 'bout no narrowed human concept of gender or anything else changing dat. you want a dress or slacks i'll pick dem up for you myself."
You pulled back and frowned.
"Narrowed human concept?"
Saejun scratched the side of his cheek. "well now, der's plenty evidence your human brains do weird chemically stuff all the time, constantly growing and all o' dat. so the usual arguments of what's what is just this side of stupid in my book."
He smirked, his sockets lidding as he leaned down to press his teeth to the shell of your ear. "'sides, i'm a skeleton remember? our bits don' take to one shape like most others, we can make it work."
A flare of furious red flooded your face. You were nowhere close to that part of your relationship yet, and as always he had to flirt in such a way just to rile you.
"Saejun, I'm coming out sex repulsed."
"eh? k, soulplay is a thing—"
"OMG SHUT UP!" you cried as you batted his shoulder. Saejun broke into a booming laugh that crinkled his sockets and brought an adorable dimple to his cheek that you didn't know he had.
Saejun slipped his arms around your waist and pressed his forehead to yours. A green tint adorning his bony cheeks as he hummed happily.
"don' matter what you come out as darlin'. not you or anyone else. you keep on learning yourself and don't worry 'bout a thing, cuz i ain't going no where."
Slowly he leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips, a light buzzing of magic pleasently dancing across your skin in a fleeting touch before pulling back with a sigh. "just be you, sugar."
You were going to marry him if it was the last thing you ever did.
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demonic-citrus · 2 years
You have missed your existence here, it has been lonely ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ there are rats from your absence
((My bad lol, I'm more active on Twitter n Discord nowadays. It's more fun in there
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dreamenby · 2 years
I don't think you're active anymore, I don't even know if you'll ever see this but it's Fletcher, or at least that's what I used to go by. It's been a long time, I know, and it's probably useless now but we never really got any closure and it has been bugging me these past couple years. It would be pointless to explain exactly what happened and why I had to break up with you when I did, especially since we're both at such different stages of life now. However let me say this, you're my fondest memory when it comes to my ex partners and I genuinely miss our friendship and the way we worked together. I also think things would be much different if we met at a different time. That time was just...not a good point of my life. In fact it was the worst point of my life and I didn't know how to tell you about everything that was going on. I thought you deserved better and that's why I left. I know you messaged me a while later when we briefly talked again but I never read that message and I do regret it. I wish I read it and tried to fix things but yet again, I thought you deserved better. In hindsight, it was selfish of me to make such a decision alone, without ever asking you for your thoughts. I had good intentions but that doesn't matter, I ended up hurting both of us and for that I apologize. I sincerely hope your life is going great and I want you to know you'll always be in my heart. Even if you'll never read this, it was much needed to say everything and I'm sorry for not saying it earlier.
it’s been months since you sent this, and i’m not sure if you’ll ever see that i replied, but it doesn’t feel right to me to just leave this in my inbox to dust.
i haven’t been on this blog for ages now, i don’t even remember the last time i logged into tumblr in general. a post about tumblr on twitter lead me here and that’s how i found your message.
fletcher, i do have to say, you did hurt me a lot back then. i was in a really vulnerable state in my life, but so were you, and yeah maybe if we had met in a different time it could’ve gone differently. i still remember the piercing pain of the initial breakup, but more vividly i remember seeing a post on one of your friends’ page with a screenshot of you talking about having met someone new and having plans to meet them and how happy you were. and this was a couple of weeks (?) after you broke up with me due to your mental health.
i felt betrayed at the time, but maybe it did also help me to get over you because instead of being sad i could now just be angry. i don’t hold any grudges against you; obviously i don’t know the whole story either and maybe i misinterpreted it all. but the experience as a whole taught me a lot about what i wanted and needed from a relationship and how i maybe wasn’t ready for it at the time.
i do have many fond memories with you from when we met and miss our friendship and the way it worked, and i genuinely hope you’re living your best life and doing well nowadays 🧡
(if you ever happen to find this and want to talk more, i’m active on discord — nin#2608)
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ciaran-archive · 3 years
I wanna thank you for that post about how people in fandom overestimate the impact and reach of fandom -- like, I've been getting increasingly anxious about how mainstream fandom is and all the policing of self-expression and the imposition of "acceptability" that seems to be creating and how, whenever horrible harassment in fandom is talked about by people not in fandom, they treat it really dismissively, but I'm now realising... most people probably just don't know the full extent of it.
Like that fear I have of interacting with people in fandom nowadays b/c of toxic discourse and my particular sensitivity to it b/c of PTSD... it's not that people are dismissive of that, it's just that these are social dynamics that are super obvious to me, and COMPLETELY incomprehensible and irrelevant to anyone who isn't in fandom. I'm not making a mountain out of a molehill when I'm not understood, we're just talking from super different viewpoints.
That may not seem like a big realisation but one of my big problems has been feeling like I have no allies in my "own" spaces within fandom, and having become super active in fandom originally b/c I felt very alienated from non-fandom spaces in the first place. Like, those weren't people who were ever gonna respect my feelings, so I embraced the stereotype of a weird loner. Realising that it's not malicious exclusion is pretty big for me.
[re this post]
im glad i could help!! that was a very sarcastic post, not really meant to help anyone so much as dunk on an annoying take i see far too fucking much of, but im still glad it alleviated some of your anxiety.
fwiw, it is hard to find your own people (in fandom or out of it). here are some things that i’ve done that help with that - not always, not even for very long, but enough that it’s worth doing.
make stuff!! making stuff is the easiest way of planting a flag over the things you like and drawing people to you. you can link your social media in the notes of your fic/art/meta, and thus draw people into talking to you. 
have a continuous presence on social media. figure out where your fandom is active (usually twitter :/) and make an account and just. talk about the things you like. make threads. follow people who seem friendly. decide what you want to say, and say it, and encourage other people who are making the things you want to see.
if you have money, commission fanart and fanfiction! often when you commission an artist, especially on twitter, they let you post whatever you commissioned from them, which draws that activity to your account. use it to plug your fic or content like it.
discord servers!!! they’re my most preferred way of doing fandom. finding like 10-20 people who are into kind of the same stuff and chill (take a risk! moderating takes energy but it’s worth it for a space that’s fun to inhabit) is worth more than 500 twitter followers.  (the way i did this in my last fandom was by joining a server for a ship i wasn’t into, and being dragged by the mod and her friend into making a more general fandom server, and when that blew up i dragged all the people i liked into my own server and invited more people i liked. you don’t have to go through such lengths, but joining other people’s servers and figuring out what kind of space you want to create by elimination and emulation is useful)
find fandom events and participate in them - a lot of big bang servers let you join as a cheerleader/beta reader if you can’t write or draw, and that’s a nice way to just talk to people.
understand that 90% of your interactions are going to go nowhere, and make your peace with temporary relationships and low-effort talking that fizzles out quickly. don’t invest in people who are clearly uninterested in you.
develop a firm sense of boundaries, what you’ll allow, and stick to that. don’t compromise on your boundaries, because you have to keep yourself safe first and foremost. a relationship with someone who violates your boundaries can be worse than no relationship at all.
another thing: fandom is more mainstream now than it used to be. that doesn’t mean it’s actually mainstream - fandom as a whole has a certain cultural weight, but our tastes as an audience rarely affect the kind of content that gets made - in fact, the most effect it has is on the kinds of articles that are written about the media being made. the attitudes of fandom are loosely monitored by some news companies, but that actually makes very little difference. the idea of fandom is more mainstream than fandom itself, and that’s going to be the case for a while. at least, as long the self-expression and sexuality of queer and neurodivergent people are marginalized, fandom will be too. corporate media hates anything that can’t be monetized, and fandom is always going to be made up primarily of people who just don’t have the spending money to be a demographic worth targeting specifically.
not only that, but most corporate efforts to cater to fandom fall hilariously short because rich people are really bad at understanding that you can’t just throw nostalgia and money together and create a good story. this is evident over and over. 
but overall you’re right - most people outside of fandom just don’t get what’s going on, and explaining the particulars to them is incredibly difficult and often not worth it. that’s the case with most subcultures! imagine someone explaining 90s grunge scene drama to you now. the mutual unintelligibility of culture is fascinating and hilarious, and worth embracing. it can be frustrating and isolating and embarrassing, but that’s the case for anything that people put so much passion and time and love into, and it’s not a bad thing. 
i hope that helps!! good luck.
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